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Temporal Variation in Venom Yield of the Australian Funnel-Web Spider Atrax sutherlandi (Hexathelidae: Atracinae)


Abstract and Figures

Temporal variation in the venom yield of spiders is a relatively poorly understood phenomenon. We investigated temporal variation in venom yield of the Australian funnel-web spider Atrax sutherlandi Gray 2010 (Hexathelidae: Atracinae). The venom yield of spiders collected and milked in winter was 62.9% higher than those collected and milked in autumn, despite all undergoing acclimatization (45 days in darkness at 10°C and 100%RH) before milking. Our findings highlight the potential effects of seasonality on spider venoms and lay the groundwork for future studies to investigate the evolutionary and ecological correlates of this phenomenon further.
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Temporal Variation in Venom Yield of the Australian Funnel-Web Spider Atrax
sutherlandi (Hexathelidae: Atracinae)
Author(s): Mark K. L. Wong , James D. Woodman and David M. Rowell
Source: Arachnology, 17(1):7-9.
Published By: British Arachnological Society
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Arachnology (2016) 17 (1), 7–9 7
Temporal variation in venom yield of the
Australian funnel-web spider Atrax sutherlandi
(Hexathelidae: Atracinae)
Mark K. L. Wong
Research School of Biology,
College of Medicine, Biology and Environment,
Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
James D. Woodman
Australian Plague Locust Commission,
Australian Government Department of Agriculture,
GPO Box 858,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
David M. Rowell
Research School of Biology,
College of Medicine, Biology and Environment,
Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Temporal variation in the venom yield of spiders is a relatively
poorly understood phenomenon. We investigated temporal
variation in venom yield of the Australian funnel-web spider
Atrax sutherlandi Gray 2010 (Hexathelidae: Atracinae). The
venom yield of spiders collected and milked in winter was
62.9% higher than those collected and milked in autumn, despite
all undergoing acclimatization (45 days in darkness at 10°C and
100%RH) before milking. Our ndings highlight the potential
effects of seasonality on spider venoms and lay the groundwork
for future studies to investigate the evolutionary and ecological
correlates of this phenomenon further.
Intraspecic variation in the quantity of arachnid venoms
(i.e. venom yield) may be associated with ontogenic, sexual,
diet and temporal factors (de Oliveira et al. 1999; Herzig,
Ward & dos Santos 2004; Herzig 2010). Of these, data on
temporal variation in venom yield is the least well docu-
mented, and generally based on anecdotal evidence from
opportunistic observation (e.g. Bücherl 1953; Wiener 1956;
Wiener 1959; Schenberg & Pereira-Lima 1966) with little
discussion of underlying ecological and biological mecha-
The neurotoxic venoms of the Australian funnel-web
spiders (Hexathelidae: Atracinae) have been subject to
extensive toxicological research, with the majority of
work focusing on the notorious Sydney funnel-web Atrax
robustus. The venom yield of this species has been observed
to vary signicantly by season, with the highest yield
reported in spring (Wiener 1959). The present study focused
on a recently described species of the genus, Atrax suth-
erlandi Gray, 2010, which is distributed across temperate
forests in most of south-eastern New South Wales. This
fossorial spider constructs permanent silk-lined burrows (c.
10–30 cm deep) in the soil beneath fallen logs and rocks.
Females appear rarely to leave the immediate vicinity of
their burrows (pers. obs.), in contrast to the vagrant males,
which have been collected from pitfall traps and temporary
refuges built under rocks in summer months (unpublished
data). During winter, the spiders appear largely inactive and
retreat deeper into their burrows (pers. obs.). In this study,
we investigate temporal variation in venom yield of A. suth-
erlandi by comparing the venom yield of spiders collected
and milked in two different seasons.
In 2014, adult females were collected from Tallaganda
forest (35°15′S–36°15′S 149°28′E–149°37′E) in two sepa-
rate batches: 23 specimens on 2 April (mid-autumn) and 22
specimens on 2 July (mid-winter). Only large spiders from
well-established burrows were collected to avoid including
pre-reproductive males (which cannot be distinguished
from females on external morphology alone). Following
collection, the spiders were housed individually in 70 ml
plastic specimen jars at 10°C and 100% RH in constant
darkness for 45 days, in preparation for venom milking. The
dark setup was intended to approximate light availability
within a burrow in the eld, and also acclimatize all spiders
to the same conditions. Spiders were fed successfully once
every three days with a medium-sized (~15 mm) Tenebrio
molitor larva for the rst 39 days, but not fed in the last six,
to allow replenishment of venom reserves in the absence of
prey capture prior to milking. No individuals moulted while
in captivity.
After the 45-day acclimatization period, venom was
milked from each specimen in a 5-minute sitting daily
(between 0900 and 1600 hrs) over three consecutive days
(autumn batch milked 17–19 May; winter batch milked
16–18 August). Pilot tests showed this regimen depleted
the venom stores of 97% of subjects. During each sitting,
the spider was repeatedly provoked by touching its front
legs with metal forceps, causing it to produce venom on
the tips of its fangs, which was milked via capillary action
using a 32 mm (5 µL) microcapillary tube (Model: P1799,
Drummond Scientic, USA). The tubes were photographed
with a digital microscope (Model: P-400Rv, Nikon, Japan)
immediately after every sitting, and the length (mm) of each
tube occupied by venom was measured and converted to
volume (µL) via image analysis using the software ImageJ
(Abràmoff, Magalhães & Ram 2004). The absolute yield
(Ya) of each spider was the total venom quantity collected
over the three-day period.
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS 22.0
(IBM Corporation 2013). To derive a size-corrected measure
of yield, carapace width (CW) of each specimen was meas-
ured as an indicator of body size (Hagstrum 1971), then Ya
was regressed against CW, CW2 and CW3 and the resultant
coefcients of determination (r2) were scrutinized to deter-
mine the dimension of body size (i.e. width, surface area or
volume) that was most strongly associated with yield. This
measurement was then utilized for subsequent correction of
absolute yield for body size, and comparison of size-cor-
rected yield between the autumn and winter batches.
8 Temporal variation in venom yield of Atrax
Among CW, CW2 and CW3, CW3 showed the strongest
relationship with absolute yield (Ya) (r2 = 0.407, p < 0.0001)
(Fig. 1). Size-corrected yield (Ys) was calculated using the
equation: Ys (µL mm-3) = Ya (µL) / CW3 (mm3)
There was no signicant difference (p = 0.634) in the
mean size (CW) of spiders between the batches from autumn
(6.76 ± 0.94 mm) and winter (6.71 ± 1.00 mm). However,
there was a signicant difference in the mean size-corrected
yield (Ys) of autumn (0.0447 ± 0.023 µL mm-3) and winter
(0.0728 ± 0.0259 µL mm-3) batches, t (47) = -3.44, p =
0.001, d = -1.15 (Fig. 2).
In our assessment of the relationship between venom
yield and body size in A. sutherlandi, we found absolute
yield to be most strongly associated with the volumetric
dimension of body size (indicated by CW3). This may be
explained by the changing volume of the venom glands
with overall body size inuencing venom production and
venom-holding capacity (Herzig, Ward & dos Santos 2004).
Similar relationships have been demonstrated in other
spiders including A. robustus (e.g. Wiener 1959; Vapenik
& Nentwig 2000). The linearity of the relationship between
venom yield and overall body size (Fig. 1) is consistent
with results from other mygalomorphs (Herzig 2010) but
contrasts with exponential modelling reported for araneo-
morphs (e.g. Malli, Vapeli & Nentwig 1993; Herzig, Ward
& dos Santos 2004). Herzig (2010) attributed such disparity
in size-yield relationships between the infraorders to differ-
ences in (i) venom gland morphology, whereby mygalo-
morph venom glands are restricted to the basal part of the
chelicerae compared to araneomorph venom glands that
extend into the prosoma (Foelix 2011), and (ii) moulting,
whereby unlike adult mygalomorphs that may increase
venom yield with moulting and growth, araneomorphs
generally do not moult after reaching adulthood (Foelix
2011, but see exceptions in Kuntner et al. 2012). Hence, the
exponential increase in their venom yield may have devel-
oped to ensure that the spiders reach high levels of venom
production after their nal moult as subadults.
Despite undergoing a 45-day acclimatization period
prior to milking, the mean venom yield from A. sutherlandi
spiders collected and milked in winter was 62.9% greater
than that of spiders collected and milked in autumn (Fig.
2). This nding presents evidence for intraspecic temporal
variation in venom yield for a second species of Australian
funnel-web spider, in addition to seasonal variation in
venom yield previously reported in A. robustus (Wiener
1959). The magnitude of temporal increase in A. suther-
landi venom yield is also noteworthy; in comparison, the
maximum difference between yields of two seasons in A.
robustus was 45%, between spring and autumn (Wiener
1959). Apart from the Atracinae, temporal effects have also
been observed in the venom yield of araneomorphs such as
the theridiid Latrodectus hasseltii, and ctenids Phoneutria
fera and Phoneutria nigriventer (Bücherl 1953; Wiener
1956; Schenberg & Pereira-Lima 1966). While it is possible
that temporal variation may occur in the venom production
of other spiders, considering how infrequently such varia-
tion is reported, further investigation is required to substan-
tiate and qualify this phenomenon in nature.
In addition to being scarce, most accounts on temporal
variation in spider venom yield are derived from incidental
observations made during pharmacological or biochemical
studies (e.g. Schenberg & Pereira-Lima 1966). Hence, the
evolutionary and ecological underpinnings for such varia-
tion remain unknown. While it may be intuitive to attribute
the observed variation in A. sutherlandi venom yield to
plastic responses to seasonality, a common precursor to
seasonal polyphenism is the perception of seasonal climatic
changes (Azel 2002). However, the acclimatization period
(45 days) and controlled microclimatic conditions (temper-
ature, humidity, darkness) used are likely to have precluded
the spiders from detecting any climatic shifts following
collection from the eld. Nevertheless, since the batches
were collected in mid-autumn and mid-winter, we are unable
to reject the possibility that the spiders had already adjusted
their venom production in response to perceived climatic
changes before capture, and maintained these adjustments
throughout the acclimatization period.
The observed temporal variation in venom yield is not
likely to be an artefact of yield differences at the initial time
of capture, since a 45-day period is almost certainly suf-
cient for complete regeneration of venom stores to maximal
capacity; Perret (1977) reported that, in other mygalo-
morphs, regeneration of 50% of original venom supply is
achieved within 2–3 days. Furthermore, we observed that,
during feeding in the laboratory, like other mygalomorphs,
A. sutherlandi from both batches primarily immobilized the
relatively soft-bodied T. molitor larva by physical manip-
ulation (mashing) with their strong chelicerae, as opposed
to relying on fang-piercing alone (Wigger, Kuhn-Nentwig
& Nentwig 2002). It is thus possible that venom reserves
were well conserved during predation over the 45 days; see
discussion on the venom optimization hypothesis (Wigger,
Kuhn-Nentwig & Nentwig 2002; Morgenstern & King
2013). In addition, even if some venom was utilized for
prey submission during the 45-day period, this should not
Fig. 1: Relationship between absolute yield (Ya) and carapace volume
(CW3), which showed the strongest relationship with absolute yield
(r2 = 0.407).
M. K. L. Wong, J. D. Woodman & D. M. Rowell 9
have affected the observed temporal variation in yield, since
the feeding and milking were performed at the same time
intervals in both batches.
Perret (1977) also observed the occurrence of moulting
in his mygalomorphs to vary with season. Although venom
yield of A. robustus and Coremiocnemis tropix have been
shown to decrease prior to moulting (Wiener 1959; Herzig
2010), none of the A. sutherlandi used in our study moulted
during the 45 day acclimatization period nor in the 30 days
following milking (after which the spiders were preserved
for size measurement). Furthermore, as adult araneomorphs
generally do not moult, seasonal variation in moulting is
unlikely to account for temporal variation in venom yield of
Latrodectus and Phoneutria (Bücherl 1953; Wiener 1956;
Schenberg & Pereira-Lima 1966).
It is unclear why such a large disparity (62.9%) exists
between venom yields of A. sutherlandi milked in winter
compared to autumn. One explanation may be that the
spiders possess mechanisms to increase venom accumula-
tion during winter as a means of capitalizing on their relative
inactivity (pers. obs.) in preparation for increased feeding in
the coming spring – potentially on prey items that are more
difcult to immobilize compared to T. molitor. For example,
the remains of formicids and coleopterans have been found
at A. sutherlandi burrow entrances on many occasions (pers.
obs.). We propose that future longitudinal comparisons of
venom yield and metabolic expenditure as well as prey type
and consumption quantity across the seasons would appro-
priately test this postulation. Indeed, the Atracinae would be
ideal study candidates for such pursuit, given the relative
ease of venom collection and their extensive (>15 years)
lifespans (King, Tedford & Maggio 2002; Morgenstern &
King 2013).
This study was supported by the following grants
awarded to the rst author: The National Geographic Soci-
ety’s Young Explorer’s Grant (9633-14), The Australasian
Wildlife Management’s Student Travel Award, and The
Australian Wildlife Society’s University Student Grant.
The authors would also like to thank the two anonymous
reviewers for their comments on the manuscript.
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Fig. 2: Temporal variation in venom yields for A. sutherlandi collected and
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the winter batch was 62.9% higher than that of the autumn batch.
... Variation in the venom amount delivered and the composition observed within and between species (Atkinson and Wright, 1992;Arbuckle, 2017;Dutertre et al., 2014) can be affected by multiple factors. Some sources of this variation which can work synergistically and/or independently are: seasonality (variations in temperature and microhabitat conditions; Wong et al., 2016); sex (male and female lifestyles; Binford, 2001aBinford, , 2001bHerzig, 2010;Wilson, 2016;Santana et al., 2017;Zobel-Thropp et al., 2018;Herzig et al., 2020b); type and size of prey (Kuhn-Nentwig et al., 2004;Barlow et al., 2009;Morgenstern and King, 2013;Nelsen et al., 2014); and age (selection pressures affect the availability of prey over development; Herzig, 2010;Cooper et al., 2015;Arbuckle, 2017). Depending on the stimulus spiders are experiencing, behaviour can trigger changes in spider responses, and the way they use venom (e.g. defense or predation; Schendel et al., 2019). ...
... Differences in venom properties have been found in funnel-web spiders collected during different seasons. For example, in the funnel-web spider Atrax sutherlandi, specimens collected during winter showed a higher venom yield than those collected in autumn, although venom composition was not investigated (Keegan et al., 1960;Wong et al., 2016). However, venom yield and venom composition are not mutually exclusive and changes in both are possible (Morgenstern and King, 2013;Schendel et al., 2019). ...
Full-text available
Mygalomorph venom properties and active components, which have importance in medicine, agronomy, ven-omics, ecology and evolution, have been widely studied, but only a small fraction have been characterised. Several studies have shown inter-individual variation in the composition of venom peptides based on ontogeny, sexual dimorphism, season and diet. However, intra-individual variation in venom composition, which could play a key role in the evolution, diversification and function of toxins, is poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate significant intra-and inter-individual variation in venom composition in the Australian funnel-web spider Hadronyche valida, highlighting that individuals show different venom profiles over time. Fourteen (four juvenile and ten adult females) funnel-web spiders, maintained under the same environmental conditions and diet, were milked a total of four times, one month apart. We then used reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry to generate venom fingerprints containing the retention time and molecular weights of the different toxin components in the venom. Across all individuals, we documented a combined total of 83 individual venom components. Only 20% of these components were shared between individuals. Individuals showed variation in the composition of venom peptides, with some components consistently present over time, while others were only present at specific times. When individuals were grouped using the Jaccard clustering index and Kernel Principal Component Analysis, spiders formed two distinct clusters, most likely due to their origin or time of collection. This study contributes to the understanding of variation in venom composition at different levels (intra-individual, and intra-and inter-specific) and considers some of the mechanisms of selection that may contribute to venom diversification within arachnids. In addition, inter-specific variation in venom composition can be highly useful as a chemotaxonomic marker to identify funnel-web species.
... Multiple extrinsic (environment, diet, density) and intrinsic (genes, physiology) factors also directly or indirectly affect behaviour, which can in turn affect the use, function and composition of venom [2]. To date, seasonality [15], sexual dimorphism [16][17][18][19], age [20], ontogeny [21,22], geographical origin [23], genetics [24], and environmental conditions [25] have been studied independently to understand their effects on the variation in venom composition. However, intrinsic and extrinsic factors interact, affecting physiological and behavioural processes that can vary at a species-specific level [26]. ...
Full-text available
Australian funnel-web spiders are iconic species, characterized as being the most venomous spiders in the world. They are also valued for the therapeutics and natural bioinsecticides potentially hidden in their venom molecules. Although numerous biochemical and molecular structural approaches have tried to determine the factors driving venom complexity , these approaches have not considered behaviour, physiology and environmental conditions collectively, which can play a role in the evolution, complexity, and function of venom components in funnel-webs. This study used a novel interdisciplinary approach to understand the relationships between different behaviours (assessed in different ecological contexts) and morphophysiological variables (body condition, heart rate) that may affect venom composition in four species of Australian funnel-web spiders. We tested defensiveness, huddling behaviour, frequency of climbing, and activity for all species in three ecological contexts: i) predation using both indirect (puff of air) and direct (prodding) stimuli; ii) conspe-cific tolerance; and iii) exploration of a new territory. We also assessed morphophysiological variables and venom composition of all species. For Hadronyche valida, the expression of some venom components was associated with heart rate and defensiveness during the pre-dation context. However, we did not find any associations between behavioural traits and morphophysiological variables in the other species, suggesting that particular associations may be species-specific. When we assessed differences between species, we found that the species separated out based on the venom profiles, while activity and heart rate are likely more affected by individual responses and microhabitat conditions. This study demonstrates how behavioural and morphophysiological traits are correlated with venom composition and contributes to a broader understanding of the function and evolution of venoms in funnel-web spiders.
... Venom production and composition, and their associated costs, are known to be affected by different extrinsic factors, including diet, habitat, climate (Boevé et al., 1995;Cooper et al., 2015), season (Atkinson & Walker, 1985), niche specialization (Bergmüller & Tab orsky, 2010;Michalko et al., 2017;Michalko & Pekar, 2014), and predation risk (Gangur et al., 2017). For example, in the funnel-web spider, Atrax sutherlandi, the venom yield from spiders collected in winter, is higher than that collected in autumn, suggesting temporal variation in venom production within the species (Wong et al., 2016). ...
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Spiders are useful models for testing different hypotheses and methodologies relating to animal personality and behavioral syndromes because they show a range of behavioral types and unique physiological traits (e.g., silk and venom) that are not observed in many other animals. These characteristics allow for a unique understanding of how physiology, behavioral plasticity, and personality interact across different contexts to affect spider's individual fitness and survival. However, the relative effect of extrinsic factors on physiological traits (silk, venom, and neurohormones) that play an important role in spider survival, and which may impact personality, has received less attention. The goal of this review is to explore how the environment, experience, ontogeny, and physiology interact to affect spider personality types across different contexts. We highlight physiological traits, such as neurohormones, and unique spider biochemical weapons, namely silks and venoms, to explore how the use of these traits might, or might not, be constrained or limited by particular behavioral types. We argue that, to develop a comprehensive understanding of the flexibility and persistence of specific behavioral types in spiders, it is necessary to incorporate these underlying mechanisms into a synthesized whole, alongside other extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Few studies have explored the mechanisms driving the expression of personality in spiders, and what effects extrinsic and intrinsic factors (and their interactions) have on the expression of personalities. Physiological traits, particularly venom and silk, may play an important role in the expression of personalities and/or behavioral flexibility in spiders
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Nephila are known for the greatest degrees of sexual size dimorphism among orb weaving spiders (Araneoidea) and thus among terrestrial animals. However, a meaningful quantification of the dimorphism is lacking and the proximate developmental mechanisms of female gigantism are poorly understood, being attributed solely to female delayed maturation. Here we show that females in the giant wood spider Nephila pilipes (Fabricius 1793) become giants through facultative post-maturity molting, a phenomenon resulting in female carapaces on average 4.27 times longer than males' (ranging from 3 to 6.4 times), and female mass averaging 125 times the male's (ranging from 28 to 502 times). Although the small males follow a typical developmental pathway and reach maturity with their final molt, the females mature at varying sizes and instars and then continue to grow by molting the entire exoskeleton except their genitals. The newly discovered phenomenon of additional, single-sex, adult, non-genital molting may represent a critical developmental adaptation that facilitates female gigantism in Nephila as a response to fecundity selection.
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The demand for spider venom increases along with the growing popularity of venoms-based research. A deeper understanding of factors that influence the venom yield in spiders would therefore be of interest to both commercial venom suppliers and research facilities. The present study addresses the influence of several factors on the venom yield by systematically analyzing the data obtained from 1773 electrical milkings of the Australian theraphosid spider Coremiocnemis tropix. Gender and ontogenesis were found to cause a major effect on the venom yield, as adult female C. tropix yielded significantly more venom than adult males. During ontogenesis, the venom yield increased with increasing size of the spiders. Furthermore, a significant reduction in the venom yield during the 50-day time interval preceding a molt was found. On the other hand, extended milking intervals (up to 449 days) and different states of nutrition (as an indication of how well the spider was fed) did not significantly affect the venom yield. Overall, the present findings suggest that venom production in spiders is carefully balanced between the demand for venom and the energy costs associated with its production. It can therefore be concluded that, in line with the venom optimization hypothesis, venom is a precious resource for spiders, which have implemented control mechanisms to ensure economical venom production and usage.
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The venom production of the free hunting neotropic spider Cupiennius salei was tested under different breeding conditions. Three groups kept at different temperatures (17, 21 and 25 degrees C) showed that venom production remained stable within this temperature range, only at a temperature of 15 degrees C the spiders stopped feeding and venom synthesis. Hunger periods do not have a direct effect on the released venom quantity. Two groups of spiders--the first group after a four and the second after an eight weeks hunger period--were compared and no difference in venom production was found. Such long fasting periods are a natural situation for spiders. In this case Cupiennius salei reduces its body weight but not venom supply. This means that body weight is a parameter only of short-term fitness which changes with the actual living conditions (temperature, feeding intervals) of each individual. Long-term fitness is best described by the prosoma length, which was formed during the juvenile growth of each spider and is rather invariable in adulthood. It was shown that the quantity of released venom is better correlated with the length of the prosoma than with the weight of the animal. This means that venom production is mostly an indicator of long-term fitness.
The Australian funnel-web spiders of the subfamily Atracinae are revised. The Atracinae are divided into three genera-Atrax O.P.-Cambridge with three species (two new), Hadronyche L. Koch with 31 species (18 new), and Illawarra n.gen. with one new species. Hadronyche is divided into four species groups-the lamingtonensis, adelaidensis, infensa and cerberea groups. Fourteen previously described species are redescribed or diagnosed. Twenty one new species are described: Atrax Sutherlandi n.sp., A. yorkmainorum n.sp., Illawarra wisharti n.sp., Hadronyche alpina n.sp., H. emmalizae n.sp., H. marracoonda n.sp., H. monaro n.sp., H. tambo n.sp., H. nimoola n.sp., H. mascordi n.sp., H. jensenae n.sp., H. orana n.sp., H. lynabrae n.sp., H. kaputarensis n.sp., H. levittgreggae n.sp., H. macquariensis n.sp., H. walked n.sp., H. raveni n.sp., H. lamingtonensis n.sp., H. annachristiae n.sp. and H. monteithi n.sp. Two species described from Melanesia, H. hirsuta Rainbow and Styphlopis insularis Rainbow, are regarded as nomen dubia.
1.1. Aphonopelma chalcodes and Dugesiella hentzi tarantulas were successively milked at different intervals and the venoms were analyzed quantitatively.2.2. Multiple successive milkings at defined intervals resulted in relatively constant venom yields.3.3. The amount of venom regenerated was relative to the time interval between successive milkings.4.4. Regeneration of the analyzed venom constituents was not completely uniform: proteins, free amino acids and toxicity reached more or less the same levels as fresh venom, but hyaluronidase was resynthe-sized at a considerably slower rate.5.5. Seasonal variations in the speed of venom regeneration were observed.6.6. The similarity of tarantula venom regeneration to those of snake venoms is discussed.
Animal venoms are complex chemical mixtures that typically contain hundreds of proteins and non-proteinaceous compounds, resulting in a potent weapon for prey immobilization and predator deterrence. However, because venoms are protein-rich, they come with a high metabolic price tag. The metabolic cost of venom is sufficiently high to result in secondary loss of venom whenever its use becomes non-essential to survival of the animal. The high metabolic cost of venom leads to the prediction that venomous animals may have evolved strategies for minimizing venom expenditure. Indeed, various behaviors have been identified that appear consistent with frugality of venom use. This has led to formulation of the "venom optimization hypothesis" (Wigger et al. (2002) Toxicon 40, 749-752), also known as "venom metering", which postulates that venom is metabolically expensive and therefore used frugally through behavioral control. Here, we review the available data concerning economy of venom use by animals with either ancient or more recently evolved venom systems. We conclude that the convergent nature of the evidence in multiple taxa strongly suggests the existence of evolutionary pressures favoring frugal use of venom. However, there remains an unresolved dichotomy between this economy of venom use and the lavish biochemical complexity of venom, which includes a high degree of functional redundancy. We discuss the evidence for biochemical optimization of venom as a means of resolving this conundrum.
The mean carapace width (logarithm) shows a linear relationship to stadium for 8 families and 14 species of spiders. Laboratory data from the literature for 4 families and 8 species are plotted to illustrate the point. The rate of increase in mean carapace width shows a linear relationship to sample date for field-collected Tarentula kochi Keyserling, although the slope changes between stadia VI and VII and stadia IX and X (3 regression equations). The carapace width of T. kochi increases 0.15 and 0.32 mm per stadium between stadia I through VI and VII through XII, respectively. The duration of a stadium was calculated by dividing the increase in carapace width between molts by the slope of the regression equation. The calculated duration of stadia I through VI, VII through IX and X through XII was 27.3, 29.6, and 56.1 days per stadium, respectively, for T. kochi in the field. When a 4°C warmer mean microclimate temperature was considered, the duration of stadia I through VI, VII through IX, and X through XII was 29, 35.6, and 55 days per stadium respectively, as predicted from laboratory-rearing data. In addition, regression equations of weight against carapace width for T. kochi and Aptostichus atomarius Simon were similar. The regression equation of weight to carapace width is very useful in relating mean weight of spiders in the field to stadium or size.
Insect pests decimate a significant proportion of the world's food supply and transmit a number of deadly human diseases. These arthropods are generally controlled by spraying broadspectrum chemical insecticides. However, the emergence of insecticide-resistant insect populations, as well as increasing disquiet about the environmental and human health risks associated with certain agrochemicals, has stimulated the search for new arthropod-control strategies. Since the primary role of spider venoms is to kill or immobilize arthropod prey, it is not surprising that spider venoms have proved to be rich sources of insecticidal compounds. In this review we examine the function and three-dimensional structure of four families of novel insecticidal neurotoxins that have been isolated from the venom of Australian funnel-web spiders. Although all of these toxins are members of the inhibitor cystine-knot family, they have proved to be structural chameleons, with the three-dimensional fold often providing few clues about toxin function. However, significant progress is being made in identifying the targets and mapping the bioactive surfaces of these peptides. In addition to being useful lead compounds for insecticide design, these neurotoxins should provide valuable tools for the pharmacological and structural characterization of insecticide targets.
In order to investigate intraspecific differences in Loxosceles intermedia spider venom we compared some biological properties of male and female venoms. Females produced higher amounts of venom than males. Furthermore, female venom presented more potent dermonecrotic and complement-dependent activities than male venom. Interestingly, the F35 toxin, a dermonecrotic and complement-dependent haemolytic factor, was also present in greater amounts in female venom, as demonstrated by ELISA. Therefore, the higher production and increased toxicity of venom in female specimens as compared to males may contribute to the variability observed in the severity of envenoming caused by L. intermedia spiders.