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Enriching Web Applications with Collaboration Support Using Dependency Injection


Abstract and Figures

Web-based collaboration tools such as Google Docs are pervasive in our daily lives since they have proven to efficiently support joint work of distributed teams. Nevertheless, the development of web-based groupware systems is a time-consuming and costly task because developers either have to become familiar with specific groupware libraries or are asked to re-implement concurrency control services (i.e. document synchronization, conflict resolution). Therefore, we propose a dependency injection mechanism using declarative annotations to incorporate concurrency control services into web applications. Instead of adopting comprehensive libraries or implementing application-specific components, synchronization capabilities are integrated in a lightweight and rapid fashion. To validate the approach, we enriched the widely-adopted Knockout framework with dependency injection facilities and transformed two Knockout-based applications into collaborative ones.
System architecture and minimal dependency injection example and incorporating all those modifications in a dedicated OT data model. The associated Knockout Adapter links the OT model with the View-Model (VM), i.e. VM changes are propagated to the OT model and vice versa. To introduce the workflow enriching Knockout applications with concurrency control support, we use a minimal example where multiple users can simultaneously edit a list of tasks. Figure 1(b) depicts an excerpt of an HTML page representing the Knockout UI. The main HTML elements are the input element to enter the task name, a button to add the new task and a list showing all tasks accompanied by a delete button. Additionally, Knockout-specific data-bind expressions establish data-bindings to the VM. Our UI enhancements, highlighted using bold text, are limited to the replacement of the original Knockout VM (encapsulated in the <!-/-> tags) with our "knockoutadapter.js" script. This script contains the generic sync adapter as well as the parser logic which allows to locate and eventually to replace DI annotations with the actual source code carrying out the synchronization. Moreover, the script imports an applicationspecific configuration to specify the file name of the VM, the VM elements that should be excluded from the sync, etc. The VM associated to the HTML view is illustrated in Figure 1(c) whereas changes to the original VM are reflected once again in bold text. The complete set of DI annotations encompasses @Session, @Class and @Sync annotations which are always accommodated in comments to prevent JavaScript errors. The @Session annotation enables session management by exploiting the Session-ID argument (e.g. "MySession"). The @Sync annotation specifies the model that should by synchronized among all clients. In our example, the input property and the tasks array are part of the sync model. Note that Knockout VMs can comprise three types of observable objects
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Enriching Web Applications with Collaboration
Support Using Dependency Injection
Matthias Heinrich1,FranzJosefGr¨uneberger1,
Thomas Springer2,andMartinGaedke
1SAP Research, Germany
2Dresden University of Technology, Germany
3Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Abstract. Web-based collaboration tools such as Google Docs are per-
vasive in our daily lives since they have proven to efficiently support
joint work of distributed teams. Nevertheless, the development of web-
based groupware systems is a time-consuming and costly task because
developers either have to become familiar with specific groupware li-
braries or are asked to re-implement concurrency control services (i.e.
document synchronization, conflict resolution). Therefore, we propose
a dependency injection mechanism using declarative annotations to in-
corporate concurrency control services into web applications. Instead
of adopting comprehensive libraries or implementing application-specific
components, synchronization capabilities are integrated in a lightweight
and rapid fashion. To validate the approach, we enriched the widely-
adopted Knockout framework with dependency injection facilities and
transformed two Knockout-based applications into collaborative ones.
1 Introduction
In the course of the Web 2.0 movement, numerous collaborative web applications
such as Google Docs or EtherPad have emerged and were rapidly adopted. In
contrast to single-user web applications, the development of collaborative web
applications requires additional services such as document synchronization and
conflict resolution. While the document synchronization is in charge of recon-
ciling all documents copies, the conflict resolution mechanism handles conflicts
emerging when multiple users simultaneously change the very same document
artifacts. To incorporate concurrency control services (i.e. document synchro-
nization, conflict resolution), developers either have to learn new Application
Programming Interfaces (APIs) or are asked to implement the required func-
tionality themselves. Both traditional approaches are time-consuming and costly.
Therefore, we propose to annotate existing single-user applications with depen-
dency injection tags which can, in contrast to traditional approaches, consider-
ably ease the task of integrating groupware-specific features. Thus, the groupware
development efficiency can eventually be increased.
M. Brambilla, T. Tokuda, and R. Tolksdorf (Eds.): ICWE 2012, LNCS 7387, pp. 473–476, 2012.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
474 M. Heinrich et al.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses related work.
Section 3 describes the system architecture, the workflow to inject collaboration
services as well as the demo applications and Section 4 exhibits conclusions.
2 Related Work
In this section, we expose a number of approaches promising to rapidly integrate
concurrency control services in web applications.
The generic transformation approach [1] aims to enhance existing single-user
web applications with shared editing capabilities exploiting the so-called Generic
Collaboration Infrastructure (GCI). The GCI allows recording, propagating and
replaying arbitrary Document Object Model (DOM) manipulations among all
sites. In contrast to our approach, the GCI cannot synchronize web applications
leveraging a separate JavaScript data model (e.g. Knockout-based applications).
Apache Wave [2] is a full-fledged collaboration framework facilitating con-
currency control and allowing to either create extensions or client applications.
While extensions are defined adopting a specific XML syntax, client applications
are built using a Java or Python API. Therefore, Apache Wave is dedicated to
develop widgets or applications from scratch rather than enriching existing ones.
ShareJS [3] and OpenCoWeb [4] are two JavaScript libraries supplying concur-
rency control services. Including document objects in the synchronization pro-
cedure requires various API calls (e.g. object registration, value propagation or
callback implementation). In comparison to our compact dependency injection
syntax, the libraries expose a verbose binding language entailing cumbersome
3 System Architecture and Demonstration
Dependency Injection (DI) has proven to be an efficient means to eliminate
boilerplate code and thus, it has been adopted in numerous development toolkits
(e.g. the Java Enterprise Edition 6 or the Eclipse e4 framework). We leverage DI
in order to furnish a lightweight integration approach capable of speeding up the
incorporation of concurrency control services in web applications. In this section,
we present the devised collaboration architecture and the enhanced Knockout1
framework [5] which has been enriched with DI facilities.
The system architecture materializing the approach of concurrency control
injection is depicted in Figure 1(a). The shown sync server connects numerous
clients and provides a sync service that is based on the prevalent concurrency
control algorithm called Operational Transformation (OT) [6]. All clients exhibit
a stack encompassing Knockout components (the UI and the View-Model) as well
as synchronization components (the Knockout Adapter and the OT Engine). The
OT Engine is in charge of sending out local changes, receiving remote changes
1We chose to enrich the Knockout framework because of its massive developer adop-
tion (e.g. Knockout 2 reached 110 000 downloads in 3 months).
Enriching Web Applications with Collaboration Support 475
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) )
Fig. 1. System architecture and minimal dependency injection example
and incorporating all those modifications in a dedicated OT data model. The
associated Knockout Adapter links the OT model with the View-Model (VM),
i.e. VM changes are propagated to the OT model and vice versa.
To introduce the workflow enriching Knockout applications with concurrency
control support, we use a minimal example where multiple users can simulta-
neously edit a list of tasks. Figure 1(b) depicts an excerpt of an HTML page
representing the Knockout UI. The main HTML elements are the input element
to enter the task name, a button to add the new task and a list showing all tasks
accompanied by a delete button. Additionally, Knockout-specific data-bind ex-
pressions establish data-bindings to the VM. Our UI enhancements, highlighted
using bold text, are limited to the replacement of the original Knockout VM (en-
capsulated in the <!-- /--> tags) with our ”knockoutadapter.js” script. This
script contains the generic sync adapter as well as the parser logic which allows
to locate and eventually to replace DI annotations with the actual source code
carrying out the synchronization. Moreover, the script imports an application-
specific configuration to specify the file name of the VM, the VM elements that
should be excluded from the sync, etc. The VM associated to the HTML view is
illustrated in Figure 1(c) whereas changes to the original VM are reflected once
again in bold text. The complete set of DI annotations encompasses @Session,
@Class and @Sync annotations which are always accommodated in comments
to prevent JavaScript errors. The @Session annotation enables session manage-
ment by exploiting the Session-ID argument (e.g. ”MySession”). The @Sync
annotation specifies the model that should by synchronized among all clients.
In our example, the input property and the tasks array are part of the sync
model. Note that Knockout VMs can comprise three types of observable objects
476 M. Heinrich et al.
(properties, computed properties and arrays) which all supply a notification
mechanism capable of informing subscribers about changes. This notification
mechanism is exploited to record local changes which are eventually propagated.
Besides recording changes, remote edits have to be replayed locally. Therefore,
the last annotation @Class marks object constructors allowing the sync mecha-
nism to re-create objects (e.g. a Task) using the appropriate constructor function.
To validate our approach, we implemented the proposed architecture on top of
the OT platform SAP Gravity [7] and the widely-adopted Knockout framework.
In the validation we included two Knockout-based to-do applications. While
TodoMVC [8] is a ready-for-use single-user application, our MyTodoApp was
developed from scratch. Both applications were enhanced with DI annotations
injecting concurrency control services and eventually could support collaborative
work. The results are exposed on our demo page http://vsr.informatik.tu-
In this paper, we presented an approach to add concurrency control support by
means of dependency injection. In contrast to adopting verbose programming
libraries, the proposed approach exposes an easy-to-learn and compact syntax.
Thus developers are empowered to efficiently program new collaborative appli-
cations or to rapidly migrate existing single-user applications to collaborative
applications. Even though the Knockout framework was exclusively enriched
with dependency injection facilities, the approach could be transferred to other
JavaScript libraries exhibiting a separation of the view and the data model.
Moreover, we noted that besides concurrency control, workspace awareness is
another essential collaboration service exposing what other users are doing in
the shared space. Thus, injecting awareness services is a challenging research
question we will try to tackle in future work.
1. Heinrich, M., Lehmann, F., Springer, T., Gaedke, M.: Exploiting single-user web
applications for shared editing: a generic transformation approach. In: WWW, pp.
1057–1066 (2012)
2. Apache Software Foundation: Apache Wave (2011),
3. Gentle, J.: ShareJS – Concurrent editing in your app. (2012),
4. The Dojo Foundation: OpenCoWeb Framework (2012),
5. Sanderson, S.: Knockout: Home (2012),
6. Ellis, C.A., Gibbs, S.J.: Concurrency Control in Groupware Systems. In: SIGMOD
Conference, pp. 399–407 (1989)
7. Rickayzen, A.: Simple way to model processes in the Web (2011),
8. Osmani, A., Boushley, A., Sorhus, S.: TodoMVC (2012),
In the previous chapter, we discussed the internal architecture and integration aspects of mashups, distinguishing between data, logic, UI, and hybrid mashups in function of where integration occurs in the application stack. In this chapter, we take a more applicative and special-purpose perspective on mashups and discuss some prominent examples of more advanced, focused types of mashups. Specifically, we look into multiuser mashups (such as process mashups), mobile mashups, telco mashups, and what is commonly known as (or our interpretation of) enterprise mashups. Technically, all these types of mashups build on top of the basic types we introduced in the previous chapter and can be seen as extensions thereof. The goal of this chapter is to illustrate how mashups can be tailored to specific application requirements or execution environments, adding additional value to the mere technical capability of integrating various resources accessible over the Web.
A unique feature of mashup composition practices is their potential as a means for empowering end users, that is, laypeople not necessarily experts in programming but with a good knowledge in a given domain, to reuse resources and develop in a short time own, new full-fledged Web applications. One reason behind the emergence of mashups was indeed the desire of end users to construct applications responding to their situational needs, thus accommodating the long tail of requirements not fulfilled by common existing applications. This chapter discusses the liaison that exists between mashup composition practices and End-User Development (EUD), that is, the principles and techniques for the design of tools that can enable nonprofessional software developers to create own software artifacts. In particular, the chapter analyzes the main ingredients that can promote the EUD of mashups: first of all, lightweight development processes promoting user-driven innovation processes, but also tools that can support end users by means of composition paradigms that abstract from technical details, open and elastic architectures that can be customized to the peculiarities of the usage domain, and mechanisms to assist the users while discovering components and/or defining the component integration logic.
Conference Paper
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Near real-time shared editing of documents in the Web browser has become popular for many applications like text writing, drawing, sketching and others. These applications require protocols for exchanging messages among user agents and for resolving editing conflicts. The available frameworks mostly rely on operational transformation approaches and often expose drawbacks like failing to scale, restriction to linear data structures and client-server architectures. In this paper we present Yjs, a lightweight open-source JavaScript framework that can be used for collaborative editing of arbitrary data types in peer-to-peer settings. The framework is based on a new operational transformation-like approach and supports communication protocols like XMPP and WebRTC. From an engineering perspective Yjs is easy to integrate into Web applications. Evaluations show that it has a favorable runtime complexity.
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In this paper, we present a concept for developing applications that allow users to work synchronously together while being able to use asynchronous features, such as work resumption from any point in time. Therefore, we formulate abstract requirements for a protocol realizing the introduced approach. Furthermore, an architecture for deployment is outlined. We show three different applications - all realizing the proposed method. An evaluation summarizes the drawbacks and advantages of the approach. The introduced concept should show up a practical solution especially to sufficiently store collaboration processes. By proving the combination of synchronous and asynchronous features into one application to fulfill basic user needs, it could be an efficient way for applications realizing two working modes, which mostly have been addressed separately in previous solutions.
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In the light of the Web 2.0 movement, web-based collaboration tools such as Google Docs have become mainstream and in the meantime serve millions of users. Apart from established collaborative web applications, numerous web editors lack multi-user support even though they are suitable for collaborative work. Enhancing these single-user editors with shared editing capabilities is a costly endeavor since the implementation of a collaboration infrastructure (accommodating conflict resolution, document synchronization, etc.) is required. In this paper, we present a generic transformation approach capable of converting single-user web editors into multi-user editors. Since our approach only requires the configuration of a generic collaboration infrastructure (GCI), the effort to inject shared editing support is significantly reduced in contrast to conventional implementation approaches neglecting reuse. We also report on experimental results of a user study showing that converted editors meet user requirements with respect to software and collaboration qualities. Moreover, we define the characteristics that editors must adhere to in order to leverage the GCI.
Conference Paper
Groupware systems are computer-based systems that support two or more users engaged in a common task, and that provide an interface to a shared environment. These systems frequently require fine-granularity sharing of data and fast response times. This paper distinguishes real-time groupware systems from other multi-user systems and discusses their concurrency control requirements. An algorithm for concurrency control in real-time groupware systems is then presented. The advantages of this algorithm are its simplicity of use and its responsiveness: users can operate directly on the data without obtaining locks. The algorithm must know some semantics of the operations. However the algorithm's overall structure is independent of the semantic information, allowing the algorithm to be adapted to many situations. An example application of the algorithm to group text editing is given, along with a sketch of its proof of correctness in this particular case. We note that the behavior desired in many of these systems is non-serializable.
Simple way to model processes in the Web
  • A Rickayzen
Rickayzen, A.: Simple way to model processes in the Web (2011),
ShareJS - Concurrent editing in your app
  • J Gentle
Gentle, J.: ShareJS -Concurrent editing in your app. (2012),
  • A Osmani
  • A Boushley
  • S Sorhus
Osmani, A., Boushley, A., Sorhus, S.: TodoMVC (2012),