
The Role of Spatial Attention in Tactile Short-Term Memory

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Short-term memory (STM) encompasses cognitive functions for the storage, maintenance, and mental manipulation of information that is no longer present in the sensory environment. Selective attention, on the other hand, relates to functions that modulate the processing of sensory events during encoding. We review evidence from a series of three tactile memory experiments using electroencephalography and discuss our observations in the context of research on tactile perceptual attention and visual STM. Striking similarities across the domains of STM and perception indicate that the central executive system for tactile STM relies on control mechanisms that accomplish attentional selection during somatosensory encoding. Our findings support the view that STM emerges when attention is directed to the representation of sensory signals stored in modality-specific brain areas.

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... Short-term memory is defined as memory over a short time interval while long-term memory refers to the retention of information for a prolonged period of time. Long-term memory is developed due to periodic repetition of information [2]. The normal learning process depends on neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, dopamine, and 5HT which activate the hippocampus (new learning) and amygdala (fear and emotional memories) and other brain areas such as the primary sensory cortex, visual cortex, and auditory cortex [3]. ...
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Dementia and related conditions disturb the ability to perform routine life activities prohibiting a person from making appropriate decisions. Seeds of Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanatus have been investigated extensively for various pharmacological properties; hence, considering the presence of bioactive compounds, it was assumed that these seed extracts may support the functioning of the central nervous system. Thus, the present study was designed to investigate the short-term and long-term memory-enhancing effects of C. melo and C. lanatus seed extracts in mice by the Morris water maze (spatial learning and memory), stationary rod test, and passive avoidance tests (fear-motivated tests). Ethanol extract of both seeds were prepared by standard procedure and given to animals in the doses of 50 mg/kg, 100 mg/kg, and 200 mg/kg. The results were compared to standard drugs diazepam and imipramine given in the doses of 3 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg, respectively. Extracts of both the seeds were found to possess significant memory and cognition-enhancing effects in mice when tested by passive avoidance, stationary rod, and water maze tests. Results demonstrate memory and cognition-enhancing effects of these extracts which may be due to the presence of bioactive compounds in these seeds.
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Participants memorized briefly presented sets of digits, a subset of which had to be accessed as input for arithmetic tasks (the active set), whereas another subset had to be remembered independently of the concurrent task (the passive set). Latencies for arithmetic operations were a function of the setsize of active but not passive sets. Object-switch costs were observed when successive operations were applied to different digits within an active set. Participants took 2 s to encode a passive set so that it did not affect processing latencies (Experiment 2). The results support a model distinguishing 3 states of representations in working memory: the activated part of long-term memory, a capacity limited region of direct access, and a focus of attention.
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This chapter discusses a neurological implementation of a model that allows for concurrent activation of multiple representations that are distinct from activated areas of long-term memory, which may be domain-specific and involve activations associated with integrated objects arising from the binding of several different sensory features. Rather than referring to a focus of attention, their argument builds on the Desimone and Duncan biased-competition model in which the relative activation of these different representations influences activation elsewhere in the brain and consequently influences action.
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In many common situations such as driving an automobile it is advantageous to attend concurrently to events at different locations (e.g., the car in front, the pedestrian to the side). While spatial attention can be divided effectively between separate locations, studies investigating attention to nonspatial features have often reported a “global effect”, whereby items having the attended feature may be preferentially processed throughout the entire visual field. These findings suggest that spatial and feature-based attention may at times act in direct opposition: spatially divided foci of attention cannot be truly independent if feature attention is spatially global and thereby affects all foci equally. In two experiments, human observers attended concurrently to one of two overlapping fields of dots of different colors presented in both the left and right visual fields. When the same color or two different colors were attended on the two sides, deviant targets were detected accurately, and visual-cortical potentials elicited by attended dots were enhanced. However, when the attended color on one side matched the ignored color on the opposite side, attentional modulation of cortical potentials was abolished. This loss of feature selectivity could be attributed to enhanced processing of unattended items that shared the color of the attended items in the opposite field. Thus, while it is possible to attend to two different colors at the same time, this ability is fundamentally constrained by spatially global feature enhancement in early visual-cortical areas, which is obligatory and persists even when it explicitly conflicts with task demands.
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Neural processes associated with two aspects of visual-spatial attention were investigated with event-related potential (ERPs): those that direct spatial attention to a given point in space and those that modulate the processing of sensory input after attention has been directed. The subjects were 6- to 9-year-old children (51 boys and 35 girls). An arrow cue directed attention from the central to peripheral visual field; targets were then flashed in the attended or ignored visual field 600 msec after the cue. The directing of attention to the left vs. right visual field was associated with hemispheric differences in slow potentials prior to the presentation of the targets. The earliest potential, which started about 200 msec after the cue and was negative over the hemisphere contralateral to the direction of attention, was greatest over the parietal area and appeared to reflect processes directing attention per se. The last potential, which peaked 60 msec after the target and was positive over the hemisphere contralateral to the direction of attention, was greatest over the occipital-parietal region. It appeared to reflect the modulation of cortical excitability in the regions receiving input from the relevant and irrelevant visual fields. The effects of spatial attention on P1, N1, and P3 ERP components following the targets replicated previous results. Boys appeared more aroused (as indicated by CNVs) and reflected faster and greater selective processing (as indicated by reaction time, and N1-P1 latency and amplitude) than girls.
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Keeping track of multiple moving objects is an essential ability of visual perception. However, the mechanisms underlying this ability are not well understood. We instructed human observers to track five or seven independent randomly moving target objects amid identical nontargets and recorded steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) elicited by these stimuli. Visual processing of moving targets, as assessed by SSVEP amplitudes, was continuously facilitated relative to the processing of identical but irrelevant nontargets. The cortical sources of this enhancement were located to areas including early visual cortex V1-V3 and motion-sensitive area MT, suggesting that the sustained multifocal attentional enhancement during multiple object tracking already operates at hierarchically early stages of visual processing. Consistent with this interpretation, the magnitude of attentional facilitation during tracking in a single trial predicted the speed of target identification at the end of the trial. Together, these findings demonstrate that attention can flexibly and dynamically facilitate the processing of multiple independent object locations in early visual areas and thereby allow for tracking of these objects.
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Orienting attention to locations in mnemonic representations engages processes that functionally and anatomically overlap the neural circuitry guiding prospective shifts of spatial attention. The attention-based rehearsal account predicts that the requirement to withdraw attention from a memorized location impairs memory accuracy. In a dual-task study, we simultaneously presented retro-cues and pre-cues to guide spatial attention in short-term memory (STM) and perception, respectively. The spatial direction of each cue was independent of the other. The locations indicated by the combined cues could be compatible (same hand) or incompatible (opposite hands). Incompatible directional cues decreased lateralized activity in brain potentials evoked by visual cues, indicating interference in the generation of prospective attention shifts. The detection of external stimuli at the prospectively cued location was impaired when the memorized location was part of the perceptually ignored hand. The disruption of attention-based rehearsal by means of incompatible pre-cues reduced memory accuracy and affected encoding of tactile test stimuli at the retrospectively cued hand. These findings highlight the functional significance of spatial attention for spatial STM. The bidirectional interactions between both tasks demonstrate that spatial attention is a shared neural resource of a capacity-limited system that regulates information processing in internal and external stimulus representations.
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We used electrophysiological methods to track the deployment of visual spatial attention while observers were engaged in concurrent central attentional processing, using a variant of the attentional blink paradigm. Two visual targets (T1, T2) were presented at a stimulus onset asynchrony of either 200ms or 800ms. T1 was a white digit among white letters presented on a dark background using rapid serial visual presentation at fixation. T2 was another digit that was presented to the left or right of fixation simultaneously with a distractor digit in the opposite visual field, each followed by a pattern mask. In each T2 display, one digit was red and one was green. Half of the subjects reported the red digit and ignored the green one, whereas the other half reported the green digit and ignored the red one. T1 and T2 were reported in one block of trials, and only T2 in another block (order counterbalanced across subjects). Accuracy of report of T2 was lower at short SOA than at long SOA when both T1 and T2 were reported, but was similar across SOA when only T2 was reported. The electrophysiological results focused on the N2pc component, which was used as an index of the locus of spatial attention. N2pc was reduced in amplitude when subjects reported T1, and particularly so at the short SOA. The results suggest that attention to T1 interfered with the deployment of visual spatial attention to T2.
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Recent studies have shown that selective attention is of considerable importance for encoding task-relevant items into visual short-term memory (VSTM) according to our behavioral goals. However, it is not known whether top-down attentional biases can continue to operate during the maintenance period of VSTM. We used ERPs to investigate this question across two experiments. Specifically, we tested whether orienting attention to a given spatial location within a VSTM representation resulted in modulation of the contralateral delay activity (CDA), a lateralized ERP marker of VSTM maintenance generated when participants selectively encode memory items from one hemifield. In both experiments, retrospective cues during the maintenance period could predict a specific item (spatial retrocue) or multiple items (neutral retrocue) that would be probed at the end of the memory delay. Our results revealed that VSTM performance is significantly improved by orienting attention to the location of a task-relevant item. The behavioral benefit was accompanied by modulation of neural activity involved in VSTM maintenance. Spatial retrocues reduced the magnitude of the CDA, consistent with a reduction in memory load. Our results provide direct evidence that top-down control modulates neural activity associated with maintenance in VSTM, biasing competition in favor of the task-relevant information.
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Visual short-term memory (VSTM) is limited in capacity. Therefore, it is important to encode only visual information that is most likely to be relevant to behaviour. Here we asked which aspects of selective biasing of VSTM encoding predict subsequent memory-based performance. We measured EEG during a selective VSTM encoding task, in which we varied parametrically the memory load and the precision of recall required to compare a remembered item to a subsequent probe item. On half the trials, a spatial cue indicated that participants only needed to encode items from one hemifield. We observed a typical sequence of markers of anticipatory spatial attention: early attention directing negativity (EDAN), anterior attention directing negativity (ADAN), late directing attention positivity (LDAP); as well as of VSTM maintenance: contralateral delay activity (CDA). We found that individual differences in preparatory brain activity (EDAN/ADAN) predicted cue-related changes in recall accuracy, indexed by memory-probe discrimination sensitivity (d'). Importantly, our parametric manipulation of memory-probe similarity also allowed us to model the behavioural data for each participant, providing estimates for the quality of the memory representation and the probability that an item could be retrieved. We found that selective encoding primarily increased the probability of accurate memory recall; that ERP markers of preparatory attention predicted the cue-related changes in recall probability.
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Sustained attention to a body location results in enhanced processing of tactile stimuli presented at that location compared to another unattended location. In this paper, we review studies investigating the neural correlates of sustained spatial attention in touch. These studies consistently show that activity within modality-specific somatosensory areas (SI and SII) is modulated by sustained tactile-spatial attention. Recent evidence suggests that these somatosensory areas may be recruited as part of a larger cortical network,also including higher-level multimodal regions involved in spatial selection across modalities. We discuss, in turn, the following multimodal effects in sustained tactile-spatial attention tasks. First, cross-modal attentional links between touch and vision, reflected in enhanced processing of task-irrelevant visual stimuli at tactually attended locations, are mediated by common (multimodal) representations of external space. Second, vision of the body modulates activity underlying sustained tactile-spatial attention, facilitating attentional modulation of tactile processing in between-hand (when hands are sufficiently far apart) and impairing attentional modulation in within-hand selection tasks. Finally, body posture influences mechanisms of sustained tactile-spatial attention, relying, at least partly, on remapping of tactile stimuli in external, visually defined, spatial coordinates. Taken together, the findings reviewed in this paper indicate that sustained spatial attention in touch is subserved by both modality-specific and multimodal mechanisms. The interplay between these mechanisms allows flexible and efficient spatial selection within and across sensory modalities.
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Is the spatial selection of visual objects fully under the control of top-down factors such as current tasks sets? In his admirably clear and systematic review (Theeuwes, 2010), Jan Theeuwes claims that the selection of visual objects is determined solely by bottom-up mechanisms that are independent of observers' selection intentions, and that top-down control only comes into play at later stages of attentional processing. His argument starts with the assumption that visual information is initially processed in a parallel and feedforward fashion, and that this early stage is entirely stimulus-driven. That much is not contentious — in fact, many models of visual processing and attentional selectivity assume the existence of an early fast feedforward sweep that is essentially non-selective. Theeuwes' central and controversial claim concerns the factors that drive the subsequent attentional selection of visual objects. He argues that this selection is determined by bottom-up salience maps that are computed during the initial parallel visual processing stage. Crucially, this salience-driven attentional object selection cannot be prevented or even modulated by top-down task set. Top-down factors can only influence what happens after an object has been selected; for example, attention can be rapidly disengaged from objects that do not possess currently task-relevant attributes. But intentional factors have no role whatsoever in the attentional selection of visual objects. It is unusual to define a psychological concept (bottom-up visual selection) by applying a negative criterion (the absence of intentional modulation). As a result, there is a surprisingly wide range of cases that appear to meet this criterion. For example, Theeuwes considers phenomena such as intertrial feature priming or memory-driven attentional capture to be instances of bottom-up selection, even though here the selection of visual objects is not determined by their salience. Such an extension of the concept of bottom-up selection
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Although in traditional attention research the focus of visual spatial attention has been considered as indivisible, many studies in the last 15 years have claimed the contrary. These studies suggest that humans can direct their attention simultaneously to multiple noncontiguous regions of the visual field upon mere instruction. The notion that spatial attention can easily be split is counterintuitive in the light of current neurocognitive models of attention. We examined studies on divided attention against 4 methodological criteria that should be satisfied in order to convincingly demonstrate divided attention, and we found no studies in the current literature that pass this test. On the basis of current theories of attention, we argue that dividing attention may not be easily achievable by naive human observers and that, instead, it is a skill that may be acquired only through training.
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Previous studies of visual search in humans using event-related potentials (ERPs) have revealed an ERP component called ‘N2pc’ (180–280 ms) that reflects the focusing of attention onto potential target items in the search array. The present study was designed to localize the neuroanatomical sources of this component by means of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) recordings, which provide greater spatial precision than ERP recordings. MEG recordings were obtained with an array of 148 magnetometers from six normal adult subjects, one of whom was tested in multiple sessions so that both single-subject and group analyses could be performed. Source localization procedures revealed that the N2pc is composed of two distinct neural responses, an early parietal source (180–200 ms) and a later occipito-temporal source (220–240 ms). These findings are consistent with the proposal that parietal areas are used to initiate a shift of attention within a visual search array and that the focusing of attention is implemented by extrastriate areas of the occipital and inferior temporal cortex.
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It is well-established that attention can select stimuli for preferential processing on the basis of non-spatial features such as color, orientation, or direction of motion. Evidence is mixed, however, as to whether feature-selective attention acts by increasing the signal strength of to-be-attended features irrespective of their spatial locations or whether it acts by guiding the spotlight of spatial attention to locations containing the relevant feature. To address this question, we designed a task in which feature-selective attention could not be mediated by spatial selection. Participants observed a display of intermingled dots of two colors, which rapidly and unpredictably changed positions, with the task of detecting brief intervals of reduced luminance of 20% of the dots of one or the other color. Both behavioral indices and electrophysiological measures of steady-state visual evoked potentials showed selectively enhanced processing of the attended-color items. The results demonstrate that feature-selective attention produces a sensory gain enhancement at early levels of the visual cortex that occurs without mediation by spatial attention.
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Despite nearly a century of electrophysiological studies recording extracranially from humans and intracranially from monkeys, the neural generators of nearly all human event-related potentials (ERPs) have not been definitively localized. We recorded an attention-related ERP component, known as the N2pc, simultaneously with intracranial spikes and local field potentials (LFPs) in macaques to test the hypothesis that an attentional-control structure, the frontal eye field (FEF), contributed to the generation of the macaque homologue of the N2pc (m-N2pc). While macaques performed a difficult visual search task, the search target was selected earliest by spikes from single FEF neurons, later by FEF LFPs, and latest by the m-N2pc. This neurochronometric comparison provides an empirical bridge connecting macaque and human experiments and a step toward localizing the neural generator of this important attention-related ERP component.
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Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to a bias against overt and covert attentional orienting toward previously attended locations. According to the reorienting hypothesis, IOR is generated when attention is withdrawn from the attended location and is prevented from "returning" to it. The present study investigated whether maintenance of attention at the cued location could affect the inhibition of oculomotor orienting to it. To preclude disengagement of attention, we asked participants to maintain the cued location in working memory. Maintenance of visuospatial information in memory has been shown to be accomplished through a sustained shift of spatial attention to a memorized location. Our results show that oculomotor IOR occurs at a particular location even when that location is kept in working memory (Experiment 1). Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mere act of maintenance of a location in working memory produces oculomotor inhibition similar to IOR (Experiments 2 and 3). We conclude that the oculomotor system is used for coding and maintaining locations in spatial working memory. In addition, we demonstrate that endogenous attention associated with maintenance of a location in working memory can be dissociated from the attention needed for execution of a saccadic eye movement.
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Our ability to focus attention on task-relevant information and ignore distractions is reflected by differential enhancement and suppression of neural activity in sensory cortex (i.e., top-down modulation). Such selective, goal-directed modulation of activity may be intimately related to memory, such that the focus of attention biases the likelihood of successfully maintaining relevant information by limiting interference from irrelevant stimuli. Despite recent studies elucidating the mechanistic overlap between attention and memory, the relationship between top-down modulation of visual processing during working memory (WM) encoding, and subsequent recognition performance has not yet been established. Here, we provide neurophysiological evidence in healthy, young adults that top-down modulation of early visual processing (< 200 ms from stimulus onset) is intimately related to subsequent WM performance, such that the likelihood of successfully remembering relevant information is associated with limiting interference from irrelevant stimuli. The consequences of a failure to ignore distractors on recognition performance was replicated for two types of feature-based memory, motion direction and color. Moreover, attention to irrelevant stimuli was reflected neurally during the WM maintenance period as an increased memory load. These results suggest that neural enhancement of relevant information is not the primary determinant of high-level performance, but rather optimal WM performance is dependent on effectively filtering irrelevant information through neural suppression to prevent overloading a limited memory capacity.
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Recent studies have suggested that the location of tactile stimuli is automatically recoded from anatomical into external coordinates, independent of the task requirements. However, research has mainly involved the two hands, which may not be representative for the whole body because they are excessively used for the visually guided manipulation of objects and tools. We recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) while participants received tactile stimuli to the hands and feet, but attended only one limb. The hands were placed near the feet either in an uncrossed or a crossed posture, thus varying the spatial distance of each hand from each foot. Centro-parietal ERPs 100-140 msec poststimulus were more positive when stimulating the anatomically same-side hand while attending a foot. They were also more positive when the Euclidean distance between the stimulated hand and the attended foot was small rather than large. When a foot was stimulated and a hand attended, a similar modulation of foot ERPs was observed for the right foot. To assess the spatial distance between two limbs in space, the external location of both must be known. The present ERP results therefore suggest that not only the hands but also other body parts are remapped into external coordinates. The use of both anatomical and external coordinates may facilitate the control of actions toward tactile events and the choice of the most suitable effector.
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The identification of targets in visual search arrays may be improved by suppressing competing information from the surrounding distractor items. The present study provided evidence that this hypothetical filtering process has a neural correlate, the "N2pc" component of the event-related potential waveform. The N2pc was observed when a target item was surrounded by competing distractor items but was absent when the array could be rejected as a nontarget on the basis of simple feature information. In addition, the N2pc was eliminated when filtering was discouraged by removing the distractor items, making the distractors relevant, or making all items within an array identical. Combined with previous topographic analyses, these results suggest that attentional filtering occurs in occipital cortex under the control of feedback from higher cortical regions after a preliminary feature-based analysis of the stimulus array.
For decades, the fundamental processes underlying memory and attention have been understood within an "information processing" framework in which information passes from one processing stage to another, leading eventually to a response. More recently, however, the attempt to build a general theoretical framework for information processing has been largely supplanted in favor of two more recent approaches: mathematical models of processing and direct investigations of brain function. This book reconciles theoretical conflicts in the literature to present an important, analytical update of the traditional information-processing approach by modifying it to incorporate the last few decades of research on memory, attention, and brain functioning. Throughout, the book cogently considers and ultimately refutes recent challenges to the fundamental assumption of the existence of special short-term memory and selective attention faculties. It also draws a key distinction between memory processes operating inside and outside of the focus of attention. The book hopes to foster an understanding of how memory and attention operate together, and how both functions are produced by brain processes.
Our representation of the visual world can be modulated by spatially specifi c attentional biases that depend fl exibly on task goals. We compared searching for task-relevant features in perceived versus remembered objects. When searching perceptual input, selected task-relevant and suppressed task-irrelevant features elicited contrasting spatiotopic ERP effects, despite them being perceptually identical. This was also true when participants searched a memory array, suggesting that memory had retained the spatial organization of the original perceptual input and that this representation could be modulated in a spatially specifi c fashion. However, task-relevant selection and task-irrelevant suppression effects were of the opposite polarity when searching remembered compared to perceived objects. We suggest that this surprising result stems from the nature of feature-and object-based representations when stored in visual short-term memory. When stored, features are integrated into objects, meaning that the spatially specifi c selection mechanisms must operate upon objects rather than specifi c feature-level representations.
In an initial processing step, sensory events are encoded in modality specific representations in the brain but seem to be automatically remapped into a supra-modal, presumably visual-external frame of reference. To test whether there is a sensitive phase in the first years of life during which visual input is crucial for the acquisition of this remapping process, we tested a single case of a congenitally blind man whose sight was restored after the age of two years. HS performed a tactile temporal order judgment task (TOJ) which required judging the temporal order of two tactile stimuli, one presented to each index finger. In addition, a visual–tactile cross-modal congruency task was run, in which spatially congruent and spatially incongruent visual distractor stimuli were presented together with tactile stimuli. The tactile stimuli had to be localized. Both tasks were performed with an uncrossed and a crossed hand posture. Similar to congenitally blind individuals HS did not show a crossing effect in the tactile TOJ task suggesting an anatomical rather than visual-external coding of touch. In the visual–tactile task, however, external remapping of touch was observed though incomplete compared to sighted controls. These data support the hypothesis of a sensitive phase for the acquisition of an automatic use of visual–spatial representations for coding tactile input. Nonetheless, these representations seem to be acquired to some extent after the end of congenital blindness but seem to be recruited only in the context of visual stimuli and are used with a reduced efficiency.
Working memory is often conceptualized as storage buffers that retain information briefly, rehearsal processes that refresh the buffers, and executive processes that manipulate the contents of the buffers. We review evidence about the brain mechanisms that may underlie storage and rehearsal in working memory. We hypothesize that storage is mediated by the same brain structures that process perceptual information and that rehearsal en-gages a network of brain areas that also controls attention to external stimuli. KEYWORDS—working memory; neuroimaging; storage; rehearsal Multiply 68 Â 7 in your head. How did you perform this task? You might have first multi-plied 8 Â 7, noted that the answer is 56, carried the 5, multi-plied 6 Â 7 to yield 42, added the carried 5 to get 47, and then answered 476. Working memory is engaged by this task and others that require the brief storage and manipulation of infor-mation in the service of some goal. Working memory is a system that can store a small amount of information briefly, keeping that information quickly accessible and available for transfor-mation by rules and strategies, while updating it frequently. Without working memory, people would not be able to reason, solve problems, speak and understand language, and engage in other activities associated with intelligent life.
Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded during a selective attention task involving weak or strong electrical stimuli delivered to the index fingers of the left and right hands. In an attend weak condition, subjects were asked to count the number of weak stimuli (targets) interspersed amongst strong stimuli (standards) delivered to a designated hand, whilst ignoring a similar set of stimuli delivered to the other hand. In an attend strong condition, subjects were asked to count the number of strong targets interspersed amongst weak stimuli. In both conditions, targets and standards occurred with probabilities of .10 and .40 respectively on each hand. Counting weak targets was found to be more difficult than counting strong targets. The latency of the earliest significant effect of selective attention on ERPs to standards was dependent on stimulus intensity: N80 in the case of weak standards, P105 for strong standards. There was no evidence of a later prolonged negative shift in attended standard ERPs. Rather, an enhanced N150 component post-centrally was followed by a prolonged positive shift of attended standard ERPs. This Late positive shift had a similar scalp distribution to the late positive component elicited by attended target stimuli.
The somatosensory evoked potential negative components in the 100–150-ms range were studied under conditions where attention was directed either toward or away from the probe stimulus. An N120 component, not sensitive to spatial attention, appeared in all conditions, including the no-task condition. Its distribution was consistent with an origin in the second somatic area. A later N140 response, not recorded in neutral conditions, was highly sensitive to spatial attention and reached its maximum to stimulation of the attended hand; its behavior was consistent with that of a processing negativity. The N140 was bilaterally distributed, but the hemisphere contralateral to stimulation appeared to be involved earlier than the ipsilateral one. Although the exogenous N120 may be influenced by somatosensory awareness and perhaps tactile recognition, the N140 appears linked to the spatial components of attention and results from the activation of several areas in both hemispheres.
Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) changes associated with selective attention were investigated. In 16 subjects, SEPs were recorded from five locations while they counted electrical stimuli to one of four randomly stimulated fingers. Sequential SEP events measured included peaks P30 (positivity at 30 msec). P45, N60, P100. N140. P190. N230, P400. Counting was associated with greater P45, P100. P190, N230, and P400 amplitudes; effects were not attributable to eye or tongue activity. Analyses designed to reveal changes associated with two conceptualized “channels” (finger class, hand) showed that the P45, P100, and P190 amplitude increases involved both channels. The P400 effect was limited to the target finger. Channel effects for N60 and N140 amplitudes resulted from decreases localized to the unattended element of one channel, suggesting “inhibition.” Latency effects involved mainly the hand channel; counted hand latencies were shorter for P30, P45, P100 and P190. The findings indicate modifications of both early and late electrocortical events with selective attention, and that changes can be of several kinds. They support the view that attention proceeds in more than one stage.
Traditional studies of spatial attention consider only a single sensory modality at a time (e.g. just vision, or just audition). In daily life, however, our spatial attention often has to be coordinated across several modalities. This is a non-trivial problem, given that each modality initially codes space in entirely different ways. In the last five years, there has been a spate of studies on crossmodal attention. These have demonstrated numerous crossmodal links in spatial attention, such that attending to a particular location in one modality tends to produce corresponding shifts of attention in other modalities. The spatial coordinates of these crossmodal links illustrate that the internal representation of external space depends on extensive crossmodal integration. Recent neuroscience studies are discussed that suggest possible brain mechanisms for the crossmodal links in spatial attention.
The focus of attention can be flexibly altered in mnemonic representations of past sensory events. We investigated the neural mechanisms of selection in tactile STM by applying vibrotactile sample stimuli of different intensities to both hands, followed by a symmetrically shaped visual retro-cue. The retro-cue indicated whether the weak or strong sample was relevant for subsequent comparison with a single tactile test stimulus. Locations of tactile stimuli were randomized, and the required response did not depend upon the spatial relation between cued sample and test stimulus. Selection between spatially segregated items in tactile STM was mirrored in lateralized activity following visual retro-cues (N2pc) and influenced encoding of task-irrelevant tactile probe stimuli (N140). Our findings support four major conclusions. First, retrospective selection results in transient shifts of spatial attention. Second, retrospective selection is functionally dissociable from attention-based rehearsal of locations. Third, selection mechanisms are linked across processing stages, as attention shifts in STM influence encoding of sensory signals. Fourth, selection in tactile STM recruits attentional control mechanisms that are, at least partially, supramodal.
Selective attention, the ability to focus our cognitive resources on information relevant to our goals, influences working memory (WM) performance. Indeed, attention and working memory are increasingly viewed as overlapping constructs. Here, we review recent evidence from human neurophysiological studies demonstrating that top-down modulation serves as a common neural mechanism underlying these two cognitive operations. The core features include activity modulation in stimulus-selective sensory cortices with concurrent engagement of prefrontal and parietal control regions that function as sources of top-down signals. Notably, top-down modulation is engaged during both stimulus-present and stimulus-absent stages of WM tasks; that is, expectation of an ensuing stimulus to be remembered, selection and encoding of stimuli, maintenance of relevant information in mind and memory retrieval.
I present an account of the origins and development of the multicomponent approach to working memory, making a distinction between the overall theoretical framework, which has remained relatively stable, and the attempts to build more specific models within this framework. I follow this with a brief discussion of alternative models and their relationship to the framework. I conclude with speculations on further developments and a comment on the value of attempting to apply models and theories beyond the laboratory studies on which they are typically based.
According to the attention-based rehearsal hypothesis, maintenance of spatial information is mediated by covert orienting towards memorized locations. In a somatosensory memory task, participants simultaneously received bilateral pairs of mechanical sample pulses. For each hand, sample stimuli were randomly assigned to one of three locations (fingers). A subsequent visual retro-cue determined whether the left or right hand sample was to be memorized. The retro-cue elicited lateralized activity reflecting the location of the relevant sample stimulus. Sensory processing during the retention period was probed by task-irrelevant pulses randomized to locations at the cued and uncued hand. The somatosensory N140 was enhanced for probes delivered to the cued hand, relative to uncued. Probes presented shortly after the retro-cue showed greatest attentional modulations. This suggests that transient contributions from retrospective selection overlapped with the sustained effect of attention-based rehearsal. In conclusion, focal attention shifts within tactile mnemonic content occurred after retro-cues and guided sensory processing during retention.
This review focuses on covert attention and how it alters early vision. I explain why attention is considered a selective process, the constructs of covert attention, spatial endogenous and exogenous attention, and feature-based attention. I explain how in the last 25 years research on attention has characterized the effects of covert attention on spatial filters and how attention influences the selection of stimuli of interest. This review includes the effects of spatial attention on discriminability and appearance in tasks mediated by contrast sensitivity and spatial resolution; the effects of feature-based attention on basic visual processes, and a comparison of the effects of spatial and feature-based attention. The emphasis of this review is on psychophysical studies, but relevant electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies and models regarding how and where neuronal responses are modulated are also discussed.
Humans tend to create and maintain internal representations of the environment that help guiding actions during the everyday activities. Previous studies have shown that the oculomotor system is involved in coding and maintenance of locations in visual-spatial working memory. In these studies selection of the relevant location for maintenance in working memory took place on the screen (selecting the location of a dot presented on the screen). The present study extended these findings by showing that the oculomotor system also codes selection of location from an internal memory representation. Participants first memorized two locations and after a retention interval selected one location for further maintenance. The results show that saccade trajectories deviated away from the ultimately remembered location. Furthermore, selection of the location from the memorized representation produced sustained oculomotor preparation to it. The results show that oculomotor system is very flexible and plays an active role for coding and maintaining information selected within internal memory representations.
It is now established that attention influences working memory (WM) at multiple processing stages. This liaison between attention and WM poses several interesting empirical questions. Notably, does attention impact WM via its influences on early perceptual processing? If so, what are the critical factors at play in this attention-perception-WM interaction. I review recent data from our laboratory utilizing a variety of techniques (electroencephalography (EEG), functional MRI (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)), stimuli (features and complex objects), novel experimental paradigms, and research populations (younger and older adults), which converge to support the conclusion that top-down modulation of visual cortical activity at early perceptual processing stages (100-200 ms after stimulus onset) impacts subsequent WM performance. Factors that affect attentional control at this stage include cognitive load, task practice, perceptual training, and aging. These developments highlight the complex and dynamic relationships among perception, attention, and memory.
Mechanisms underlying pure tactile attentional selection were investigated. Tactile imperative stimuli were preceded by symbolic tactile cues directing attention to the left or right (directional cues), or to both hands (non-directional cues). Comparison of ERP waveforms on directional and non-directional cue trials showed that attentional modulations at N140 and P200 components reflect mainly enhancement of stimuli at the attended, while longer latency modulations reflect mainly suppression of processing of stimuli at the unattended location. This pattern of results differs from analogous studies involving other modalities suggesting that different mechanisms underlie pure tactile attention. Furthermore, ERP waveforms on non-directional cue trials were enhanced in comparison to directional cue trials at the P100 component and at longer latencies, indicating that tactile attentional mechanisms may differ when attending to one compared to multiple locations.
Localizing tactile events in external space is required for essential functions such as orienting, haptic exploration, and goal-directed action in peripersonal space. In order to map somatosensory input into a spatiotopic representation, information about skin location must be integrated with proprioceptive information about body posture. We investigated the neural bases of this tactile remapping mechanism in humans by disrupting neural activity in the putative human homolog of the monkey ventral intraparietal area (hVIP), within the right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC), which is thought to house external spatial representations. Participants judged the elevation of touches on their (unseen) forearm relative to touches on their face. Arm posture was passively changed along the vertical axis, so that elevation judgments required the use of an external reference frame. Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the rPPC significantly impaired performance compared to a control site (vertex). Crucially, proprioceptive judgments of arm elevation or tactile localization on the skin remained unaffected by rPPC TMS. This selective disruption of tactile remapping suggests a distinct computational process dissociable from pure proprioceptive and somatosensory localization. Furthermore, this finding highlights the causal role of human PPC, putatively VIP, in remapping touch into external space.
We measured electroencephalographic activity during visual search of a target object among objects available to perception or among objects held in visual short-term memory (VSTM). For perceptual search, a single shape was shown first (pre-cue) followed by a search-array, and the task was to decide whether the pre-cue was or was not in the search-array. For search of VSTM, a search-array was shown first followed by a single shape (post-cue), and the task was to decide whether the post-cue was or was not in the previously displayed search-array. We focused on early lateralized electrical brain activity over posterior and temporal areas time-locked to search-arrays in pre-cue trials and to post-cues in post-cue trials. In Experiment 1, search-arrays were composed of two lateralized shapes, displayed in the upper/lower two quadrants of the monitor. In Experiment 2, search-arrays were composed of four shapes, displayed at the corners of an imaginary square centered on fixation. In pre-cue trials, we observed an N2pc of about equal amplitude and latency for search-arrays composed of two or four shapes. In post-cue trials, we observed N2pc-like activity with search-arrays composed of two shapes, that was however substantially attenuated with search-arrays composed of four shapes. For many aspects, attending to a perceptual object was functionally and neurally analogous to attending to an object held in VSTM, suggesting that spatial selective attention biases search of objects during both ongoing perception and retention.
To investigate whether the mechanisms underlying endogenous tactile spatial attention differ under pure tactile compared to mixed modality conditions event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded to bilateral tactile and visual cues and tactile imperative stimuli. In the cue-stimulus interval the anterior directing attention negativity (ADAN) was present contralateral to the side of the attentional shift. Importantly, under pure tactile conditions this component persisted until imperative stimulus onset, while it diminished under intermodal conditions. Furthermore, post-tactile stimulus onset attentional modulations were present for the P100 component and later latencies under intermodal conditions. In contrast, under pure tactile conditions attentional modulations only emerged for the N140 component and later latencies. It is suggested that mechanisms underlying attentional orienting and selection are not entirely supramodal but depend in part on the modalities involved.
Recent studies have revealed that the internal representations that we construct from the environment and maintain in visual short-term memory (VSTM) to guide behavior are highly flexible and can be selectively modulated according to our task goals and expectations. In the current study, we conducted two experiments to compare and contrast neural mechanisms of selective attention related to searching for target items within perceptual versus VSTM representations. We used event-related potentials to investigate whether searching for relevant target items from within VSTM representations involves spatially specific biasing of neural activity in a manner analogous to that which occurs during visual search for target items in perceptual arrays. The results, replicated across the two experiments, revealed that selection of a target object within a search array maintained in VSTM proceeds through a similar mechanism as that in the perceptual domain. In line with previous results, N2pc potentials were obtained when targets were identified within a perceptual visual-search array. Interestingly, equivalent N2pcs, with similar time courses and scalp distributions, were also elicited when target items were identified within a VSTM representation. The findings reinforce the notion of highly flexible VSTM representations that can be modulated according to task goals and suggest a large degree of overlap in the spatially specific neural mechanisms of target selection across the perceptual and VSTM domains.
Many everyday situations require combining complex sensory signals about the external world with ongoing goals and expectations. Here I examine the role of attention in this process and consider the underlying neural substrates. First, mechanisms of spatial attention in the visual modality are reviewed, emphasising the involvement of fronto-parietal cortex. Spatial attention takes into account endogenous factors, e.g., information about behavioural relevance, as well as signals arising from the external world (stimulus-driven control). Stimulus-driven control is thought to take place automatically and independently from endogenous factors. However, recent findings demonstrate that endogenous and stimulus-driven mechanisms co-operate, jointly contributing for the selection of the relevant spatial location. Next, I will turn to studies of multisensory spatial attention. These have shown that attention control in fronto-parietal cortex operates supramodally. Supramodal control exerts top-down influences onto sensory-specific areas, enhancing the processing of stimuli at the attended location irrespective of modality. Unlike unimodal visual attention, but in line with traditional views of multisensory integration, multisensory attention can operate in a fully automatic manner regardless of relevance and task-set. I discuss these findings in relation to functional/anatomical pathways that may mediate multisensory attention control, highlighting possible links between spatial attention and multisensory integration of space.
This paper reviews the recent findings on working memory, attention and eye movements. We discuss the research that shows that many phenomena related to visual attention taking place when selecting relevant information from the environment are similar to processes needed to keep information active in working memory. We discuss new data that show that when retrieving information from working memory, people may allocate visual spatial attention to the empty location in space that used to contain the information that has to be retrieved. Moreover, we show that maintaining a location in working memory not only may involve attention rehearsal, but might also recruit the oculomotor system. Recent findings seem to suggest that remembering a location may involve attention-based rehearsal in higher brain areas, while at the same time there is inhibition of specific motor programs at lower brain areas. We discuss the possibility that working memory functions do not reside at a special area in the brain, but emerge from the selective recruitment of brain areas that are typically involved in spatial attention and motor control.
The present study systematically examined the role of attention in maintenance of spatial representations in working memory as proposed by the attention-based rehearsal hypothesis [Awh, E., Jonides, J., & Reuter-Lorenz, P. A. (1998). Rehearsal in spatial working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology--Human Perception and Performance, 24(3), 780-790]. Three main issues were examined. First, Experiments 1-3 demonstrated that inhibition and not facilitation of visual processing is often observed at the memorized location during the retention interval. This inhibition was caused by keeping a location in memory and not by the exogenous nature of the memory cue. Second, Experiment 4 showed that inhibition of the memorized location does not lead to any significant impairment in memory accuracy. Finally, Experiment 5 connected current results to the previous findings and demonstrated facilitation of processing at the memorized location. Importantly, facilitation of processing did not lead to more accurate memory performance. The present results challenge the functional role of attention in maintenance of spatial working memory representations.
Working memory (WM) involves maintaining information in an on-line state. One emerging view is that information in WM is maintained via sensory recruitment, such that information is stored via sustained activity in the sensory areas that encode the to-be-remembered information. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, we observed that key sensory regions such as primary visual cortex (V1) showed little evidence of sustained increases in mean activation during a WM delay period, though such amplitude increases have typically been used to determine whether a region is involved in on-line maintenance. However, a multivoxel pattern analysis of delay-period activity revealed a sustained pattern of activation in V1 that represented only the intentionally stored feature of a multifeature object. Moreover, the pattern of delay activity was qualitatively similar to that observed during the discrimination of sensory stimuli, suggesting that WM representations in V1 are reasonable "copies" of those evoked during pure sensory processing.
Several recent studies have provided support for the view that tactile stimuli/events are remapped into an abstract spatial frame of reference beyond the initial somatotopic representation present in the primary somatosensory cortex. Here, we demonstrate for the first time that the extent to which this remapping of tactile stimuli takes place is dependent upon the particular demands imposed by the task that participants have to perform. Participants in the present study responded to either the elevation (up vs. down) or to the anatomical location (finger vs. thumb) of vibrotactile targets presented to one hand, while trying to ignore distractors presented simultaneously to the other hand. The magnitude and direction of the target-distractor congruency effect was measured as participants adopted one of two different postures with each hand (palm-up or palm-down). When the participants used footpedal responses (toe vs. heel; Experiment 1), congruency effects were determined by the relative elevation of the stimuli in external coordinates (same vs. different elevation), regardless of whether the relevant response feature was defined externally or anatomically. Even when participants responded verbally (Experiment 2), the influence of the relative elevation of the stimuli in external space, albeit attenuated, was still observed. However, when the task involved responding with the stimulated finger (four-alternative forced choice; Experiment 3), congruency effects were virtually eliminated. These findings support the view that tactile events can be remapped according to an abstract frame of reference resulting from multisensory integration, but that the frame of reference that is used while performing a particular task may depend to a large extent on the nature of the task demands.
1. Cerebral potentials evoked by random sequences of electrical stimuli to four fingers were recorded in intact man performing selective attention tasks. Eye movements and other artifacts were excluded from the averaged traces. Different finger stimuli were designated as targets to be mentally counted in alternate runs of each experiment. The high mean random rate of stimuli (150/min) fully involved the processing capacities of the subject. Vigilance changes or differential expectancy effects were excluded by the reciprocal random design with four different sensory channels. Task‐related enhancements of somatosensory evoked potentials (s.e.p.) components were estimated by comparison with the s.e.p.s to physically identical finger stimuli recorded in runs when the subject attended signals in the opposite hand. The experimental design avoided subject's fatigue. 2. The primary s.e.p. components N 20 and P 45 were not significantly influenced and this excluded centrifugal gating of the corticipetal signals as a mechanism. 3. The earliest task‐related changes in s.e.p. occurred 55‐135 msec (mean 77·7 msec) after the target finger stimuli. In most cases the negative N 140 component was markedly enhanced both for target signals and for non‐targets in the adjacent finger of the same hand. However, in several subjects the targets elicited a positive P 100 component instead. Both N 104 and P 100 were larger at the contralateral parietal focus than ipsilaterally. They were definitely smaller at the vertex and frontal scalp locations. 4. Enhancements of N 140 were not observed in similar random four‐finger experiments carried out at a 4 times slower mean rate, but they occurred in a bisensory paradigm with finger shocks and acoustic clicks at that slower rate. 5. A large positive P 400 component was only elicited by target stimuli. Its voltage was maximum over the parietal region and was equal on both sides. 6. At least three categories of components can be differentiated in the cortical s.e.p. on the basis of their time domains (roughly 18‐70 msec, 70 to 200‐250 msec and over 200 msec after the finger stimuli), cerebral hemispheres topography and cognitive parameters. Verbal instructions defining specific perceptual tasks can to a large extent switch on and off the components of the second and third categories when the processing resources of motivated subjects are fully committed in a well designed forced paced paradigm. In certain individuals physiological evidence for a different ‘stimulus set’ processing of target ( P 100 ) and non‐target ( N 140 ) signals was documented for the first time.
In scalp recordings, stimulation of the median nerve evokes a number of long-latency (40-300 msec) somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) whose neural origins are unknown. We attempted to infer the generators of these potentials by comparing them with SEPs recorded from the cortical surface or from within the brain. SEPs recorded from contralateral sensorimotor cortex can be characterized as "precentral," "postcentral," or "pericentral." The scalp-recorded P45, N60 and P100 potentials appear to correspond to the pericentral P50, N90 and P190 potentials and are probably generated mainly in contralateral area 1 of somatosensory cortex. The scalp-recorded N70-P70 appear to correspond to the precentral and postcentral N80-P80 and are generated mainly in contralateral area 3b of somatosensory cortex. The scalp-recorded N120-P120 appear to correspond to the intracranial N100-P100 and are probably generated bilaterally in the second somatosensory areas. N140 and P190 (the "vertex potentials") are probably generated bilaterally in the frontal lobes, including orbito-frontal, lateral and mesial (supplementary motor area) cortex. The supplementary sensory area probably generates long-latency SEPs, but preliminary recordings have yet to confirm this assumption. Most of the proposed correspondences are speculative because the different conditions under which scalp and intracranial recordings are obtained make comparison difficult. Human recordings using chronically implanted cortical surface electrodes, and monkey studies of SEPs which appear to be analogs of the human potentials, should provide better answers regarding the precise generators of human long-latency SEPs.
A relationship has consistently been found between measures of working memory and reading comprehension. Four hypotheses for this relationship were tested in 3 experiments. In the first 2 experiments, a moving window procedure was used to present the operation-word and reading span tasks. High- and low-span subjects did not differentially trade off time on the elements of the tasks and the to-be-remembered word. Furthermore, the correlation between span and comprehension was undiminished when the viewing times were partialed out. Experiment 3 compared a traditional experimenter-paced simple word-span and a subject-paced span in their relationship with comprehension. The experimenter-paced word-span correlated with comprehension but the subject-paced span did not. The results of all 3 experiments support a general capacity explanation for the relationship between working memory and comprehension.
Somatosensory evoked potential (SEP) changes associated with selective attention were investigated. In 16 subjects, SEPs were recorded from five locations while they counted electrical stimuli to one of four randomly stimulated fingers. Sequential SEP events measured included peaks P30 (positivity at 30 msec), P45, N60, P100, N140, P190, N230, P400. Counting was associated with greater P45, P100, P190, N230, and P400 amplitudes; effects were not attributable to eye or tongue activity. Analyses designed to reveal changes associated with two conceptualized 'channels' (finger class, hand) showed that the P45, P100, and P190 amplitude increases involved both channels. The P400 effect was limited to the target finger. Channel effects for N60 and N140 amplitudes resulted from decreases localized to the unattended element of one channel, suggesting 'inhibition'. Latency effects involved mainly the hand channel; counted hand latencies were shorter for P30, P45, P100 and P190. The findings indicate modifications of both early and late electrocortical events with selective attention, and that changes can be of several kinds. They support the view that attention proceeds in more than one stage.