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Late recurrent cutaneous breast angiosarcoma in an elderly woman: A case report

  • Histopathology

Abstract and Figures

Breast angiosarcomas are malignant tumours of the vascular endothelium that arise frequently following radiation therapy. Their clinical and radiological aspects are highly heterogeneous. The current study reports an unusual case, never previously reported, of a late recurrent breast angiosarcoma occurring in an 83-year old female patient 11 years after a breast-conserving surgery followed by radiation therapy for an invasive ductal carcinoma, and 5 years after her initial angiosarcoma excision. The first physician to examine the patient noted a palpable mass near the scar and, following ultrasonography, described the breast lesion as suggestive of an abscess, despite the previous history of neoplasia. Typically, recurrences of breast angiosarcoma occur within the first postsurgical year. The present patient remains alive at 25 months after her last surgical treatment, and no evidence of any local or distant disease is observable.
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Abstract. Breast angiosarcomas are malignant tumours of the
vascular endothelium that arise frequently following radiation
therapy. Their clinical and radiological aspects are highly
heterogeneous. The current study reports an unusual case,
never previously reported, of a late recurrent breast angiosar‑
coma occurring in an 83‑year old female patient 11 years after
a breast‑conserving surgery followed by radiation therapy
for an invasive ductal carcinoma, and 5 years after her initial
angiosarcoma excision. The rst physician to examine the
patient noted a palpable mass near the scar and, following
ultrasonography, described the breast lesion as suggestive of
an abscess, despite the previous history of neoplasia. Typically,
recurrences of breast angiosarcoma occur withi n the rst post
surgical year. The present patient remains alive at 25 months
after her last surgical treatment, and no evidence of any local
or distant disease is observable.
Breast angiosarcoma (BA) is a rare malignant endothelial
tumour (1,2). This tumour may be distinguished into primary
and secondary forms; the overall yearly incidences are
reported in the literature as 0.002‑0.05% and 0.01‑0.02%,
respectively (1). The aetiology of primary BA, typically occur
ring in women <40 years of age, remains unknown (2). These
neoplasms present as a growing, palpable mass that arises in
the non‑irradiated breast parenchyma, with rare skin involve
ment (3). Secondary BA may occur more frequently after the
fourth decade of life, particularly in patients who have already
been treated with radiation therapy following breast‑conserving
surgery (2‑5). It presents as painless, multifocal skin changes
that may be neglected or misdiagnosed, or as a breast lump (3).
Postoperative chronic lymphoedema is also indicated as a
potential causal factor for the development of angiosarcoma in
the breast and in the upper extremities, where it is known as
Stewart‑Treves syndrome (2). BA generally arises 3‑12 years
after the initial surgical and radiation therapies (6). Recurrences
are rare >2 years after surgery, and their predominant character
istics are clinical and imaging heterogeneity (1,5).
The current study presents an unusual ca se of non‑metastatic
late recurrent BA in an elderly woman with atypical clinical
features, including a long time interval between the first
and second occurrences of angiosarcoma, and a 25‑month
disease‑free survival period.
Case report
An 83‑year‑old female, exhibiting a supercial, palpable pain
less lump in the left breast that had appeared ~1 month prior,
was admitted to the General Surgery Unit of the University
Hospital of Messina (Messina, Italy) in January 2013. Her
history included hypertension, gastritis and osteoarthritis.
In 2002, the patient had undergone a left superoexternal
quadrantectomy with synchronous ipsilateral axillary lymph
node dissection for an invasive ductal carcinoma. The lymph
nodes did not appear to be involved despite the presence of
palpable nodes in the axilla, and the patient also developed
slight postoperative lymphoedema. She was then assigned
to receive adjuvant radiotherapy in association with a
5‑year hormone‑therapy schedule, consisting of tamoxifen
(20 mg/day). Whole breast irradiation was performed at a dose
of 50 Gy in 25 fractions (200 cGy/fraction), plus a boost of
10 Gy (200 cGy/fraction) on the breast bed, between May and
June of 2002.
In 2008, the patient underwent a Madden mastectomy for a
secondary angiosarcoma (7). The anatomopathological exami
nation of the latter indicated a cutaneous, well‑differentiated
angiosarcoma of 15 mm in its largest diameter, with moder
ately atypical spindle cells delimiting thin vascular spaces;
the tissue also exhibited frequent mitoses, a moderate (30%)
MIB‑1 labelling index (LI), and an intense immunoreaction to
endothelial markers, including cluster of differentiation (CD)31
and CD34. No adjuvant treatment was performed following the
last surgical procedure, in accordance with the recommenda‑
tion of the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (8).
When assessed in January 2013, the patient presented
a cutaneous mass in the upper‑inner quadrant of the breast,
Late recurrent cutaneous breast angiosarcoma
in an elderly woman: A case report
Department of Human Pathology, University Hospital of Messina, Messina 98125, Italy
Received March 9, 2015; Accepted January 12, 2016
DOI: 10.3892/ol.2016.4389
Correspondence to: Professor Fausto Fama', Department of Human
Pathology, University Hospital of Messina, 1 Via Consolare Valeria,
Messina 98125, Italy
Key wo rds: breast, angiosarcoma, radiotherapy, recurrence
~25 mm in diameter, surrounded by a hyperaemic area, with
no other systemic symptoms or abnormal clinical ndings
(Fig. 1). An ultrasound scan (Esaote MyLab 25; Esaote
SpA, Genoa, Italy) of the breast conrmed a circumscribed
hypo‑anechoic oval nodule (~22 mm in diameter) located in
the left upper‑inner breast quadrant, with an irregular vascular
pattern observed on colour Doppler, and a posterior acoustic
increase (Fig. 2). A previous practitioner had considered this
finding to be suggestive of an abscess, despite the history
Figure 6. Intense and homogeneous cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for CD34
antibody (immunoperoxidase + Mayer's haemalum counterstain; magnica
ti on, x16 0).
Figure 1. Cutaneous painless lump in the superomedial quadrant of the left
breast surrounded by a hyperaemic area.
Figure 2. Hypo‑anechoic oval nodule (22 mm in largest diameter) with pos‑
terior acoustic enhancement.
Figure 3. Rich network of thin reddish vessels (arrow) lined with atypical
endothelial cells, in the context of breast glandular stroma (hematoxylin
eosin staining; magnication, x200).
Figure 4. Tumour cell proliferation was high. MI B‑1 labelling index, >80%
(immunoperoxidase + Mayer's haemalum counterstain; magnication, x160).
Figure 5. Intense and homogeneous cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for CD31
antibody (immunoperoxidase + Mayer's haemalum counterstain; magnica
ti on, x16 0).
of neoplasia in the patient. Following ne‑needle aspiration
cytology, performed by means of a 25‑gauge needle, a mesen‑
chymal neoplasm was suspected; however, these ndings were
inconclusive and did not allow the conrmation of a diagnosis.
Routine laboratory investigations yielded normal results,
with the exception of an elevated C‑reactive protein level
of 1.9 mg/dl (normal range, 0‑0.5 mg/dl). Standard thorax
radiography did not reveal any parenchymal lesions or pleural
effusions. Values for the tumour markers carcinoembryonic
antigen, carbohydrate antigen (CA)15‑3 and CA125 were in
the normal ranges.
Based on these ndings, the patient was subjected to a
superomedial second‑look excision. The tumour was highly
vascularised, and the estimated blood loss was ~50 ml. An
aspirative drain was placed locally. Grossly, the surgical spec
imen measured 55x28x25 mm and appeared as a cutaneous,
greyish, nodular lesion (25 mm in its greatest diameter).
Histological examination of the specimen was conducted
as follows. Formalin‑xed and parafn‑embedded specimens
were cut into 4 µm‑thick serial sections and mounted on
silane‑coated glass slides. Following de‑waxing in xylene
and re‑hydration in graded ethanol, antigen retrieval was
performed by heating slides in 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 6.0)
in a microwave oven for 3 x 5 min. For the immunohisto
chemical study, sections were incubated in a moist chamber
with 0.1% H2O2 in methanol to block intrinsic peroxidase
activity, and then with normal sheep serum to prevent
nonspecic adherence of serum proteins. Subsequently, the
slides were incubated with the following primary antibodies:
Mouse monoclonal anti‑human vimentin (#GA630; Clone V9;
Dako, Glostrup, Denmark; dilution, 1:100), CD34 (#GA632;
Clone QBEnd 10; Dako; 1:50), CD31 (#GA610; Clone JC70A;
Dako; 1:50) and Ki‑67 (#GA626; Clone MIB‑1; Dako; 1:75).
The slides were then incubated with sheep anti‑mouse IgG
antiserum (#ab6808; Abcam, Cambridge, UK; 1:25) and
mouse anti‑horseradish peroxidase‑antiperoxidase complexes
(LSAB 2 System‑HRP; #K0672; Dako; 1:25) for 30 min each
at room temperature. For the demonstration of peroxidase
activity the sections were incubated in dark ness for 10 min with
3‑3'‑diaminobenzidine tetra hydrochloride (Sigma‑Aldrich,
St. Louis, MO, USA). Nuclear counterstaining was conducted
with Mayer's haemalum. Negative controls included omission
of the primary antiserum and replacement of the primary
antiserum with phosphate‑buffered saline solution (pH 7.4) or
normal horse serum; in each of these conditions, no staining
was evident. Histological sections of capillary haemangi
omas/haemangioblastomas were utilized as positive controls
for CD34 and CD31.
The microscopic appearance following hematoxylin‑eosin
routine staining was consistent with recurrent BA. The tumour
exhibited a pseudo‑papillary architecture constituted by a
vascular core surrounded by spindle‑ or oval‑shaped cells,
with frequent mitoses, and signica nt inlt ration of the super
cial and deep dermis (Fig. 3). An increa sed rat e of neoplastic
cell proliferation was revealed by the high MIB‑1 LI (>80%;
Fig. 4). On immunostaining, the evident cytoplasmic immu
noreactivity for CD31 and CD34 conrmed the endothelial
nature of the proliferating cells (Figs. 5 and 6), and the immu
nopositivity for vimentin further supported the mesenchymal
origin. Surgical margins were unaffected and clear.
The patient's in‑hospital stay was uneventful, the drainage
was removed, and she was discharged on the third postoperative
day. No complementary t reatment was prescribed. At 25 months
post‑surgery, the patient was well and free of any clinical local
recurrence or distant metastases. In the follow‑up period,
locoregional ultrasound examination ndings were normal,
and whole‑body scintigraphy and brain‑thoracoabdominal
computed tomography scans (LightSpeed VCT; GE Health
care, Fairfield, CT, USA) did not reveal any recurrence or
metastatic lesions.
Informed consent for the current report was obtained from
the patient.
Angiosarcomas represent <2% of all soft tissue sarcomas (1,5).
BAs are rare neoplasms that develop from the endothelial lining
of the blood vessels (1‑3). These tumours are considered as
primary in the absence of known risk factors and, with an uncer
tain aetiology, they affect typically women aged <40 years (1,2).
Secondary BAs generally occur in elderly patients
subsequent to adjuvant external‑beam radiation therapy
performed with a breast‑conserving surgery, with or without
lymphoedema (5). The rst case of BA following conserva
tive surgery in association with radiation was reported in
1987 (9). A number of reports indicate that, following the
initial surgical and radiation therapies, the interval of latency
for the onset of an angiosarcoma is 3‑12 years (1,5,6).
These tumours are inltrative, non‑capsulated, cutaneous,
soft‑tissue sarcomas (2). Their incidence has been rising over
the past 30 years (3). Histologically, they are characterised
by high cellularity, consisting of pleomorphic endothelial
cells, spindle‑shaped, rounded or oval‑shaped, arranged in
loose or cohesive clusters or sheets, or sometimes as single
cel ls with a sca nty pale blue cytoplasm (6). BAs are cla ssied
according to Donnel's Classication (10). Well‑differentiated
tumours include open anastomosing vascular sinusoids,
with a single layer of abnormal endothelial cells that exhibit
hyperchromatic nuclei and few mitoses (2). In increasingly
aggressive disease, classied as a moderately differentiated
angiosarcoma, the vascular channels are less clearly dened,
and are associated with small foci of spindle‑shaped cells,
which are multilayered or arranged in pseudopapillary
structures with several mitoses (6). The poorly differentiated
variety exhibits malignant endothelial cells organised in
continuous sheets, generally with epithelioid features, blood
lakes and necrosis (2).
Immunohistochemistry is useful to conrm the diagnosis
of BA (2,6,10). Typically, the tumors are positive for endothelial
markers, including CD31, CD34, von Willebrand factor and
vascular endothelial growth factor (2). The pathological differ‑
ential diagnosis of this tumour includes phyllodes sarcoma,
stromal sarcoma, benign hemangioma, myoepithelioma
bromatosis, brosarcoma, liposarcoma, metaplastic carci
noma, squamous cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features
and high‑grade mammary carcinoma (3). The diagnosis of
secondary BA is predominantly clinical at rst observation,
yet its appearance is highly variable in form (5,6). In the litera‑
ture, these tumours have been described as a palpable masses,
which may be painful or painless, or as an erythematous area
or even as a lipoma (1,3,11). A ne‑needle aspiration biopsy is
highly recommended (2,6).
A wide‑margin surgical excision represents the treatment of
choice (2,5,12); supplementary radiotherapy boost is typically
avoided in cases of radiation‑associated BA (2). Generally, BAs
are localised and the tumour recurrences are most frequent
within 1 year from surgical treatment (5,12). Affected or
unclear surgical margins and large tumour size are considered
poor prognostic factors (2,5). Due to the increase in comple
mentary radiotherapy following breast conservative treatment,
great attention to skin alterations is recommended during
the follow‑up period in order to allow the early detection of
secondary lesions (1,5). Biopsies must be encouraged, and radio
logical results should be analysed by breast surgery specialists.
In conclusion, the current study reports a case of BA in
an elderly woman which recurred twice, 11 years after a
breast‑conserving surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy, and
5 years after the patient's rst angiosarcoma excision. To the
best of our knowledge, this has not previously been reported
in the literature. Clinicians should be aware of this unusual
occurrence and of any possible misdiagnosis.
The authors wish to thank Dr Giuseppe Campisi, a member of
the surgical team at the University Hospital of Messina.
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... Second locations occur in the lungs, liver, bone and skin. Involvement of axillary lymph nodes is rare [13][14][15][16]. ...
Full-text available
Background: Primary breast angiosarcoma is defined as malignant proliferation showing endothelial differentiation. It is a very rare tumour (0.05% of primary mammary cancers), whose diagnosis can be difficult. Case presentation: We report the observation of a patient with no previous history, aged 27 years. The clinical examination finds a right breast discreetly increased in volume. The trucut biopsy was in favour of a lactating tubular adenoma. However, an immunohistochemical complement was requested. An absence of pancytokeratin labelling contrasted with strong expression of CD31, CD34 (endothelial markers) are described. The proliferation index (Ki67) was estimated at 30%. This led to the conclusion that the phenotypic aspect is related to a vascular proliferation that evokes an angiosarcoma. After a multidisciplinary assessment, the patient benefited from an enlarged excision of the tumour. The histopathological examination of the surgical specimen found an infiltrating mesenchymal proliferation made of vessels of variable sizes anastomosed to vascular slits with lesional limits. The immunohistochemical examination on the surgical specimen showed to the same phenotypic profile on biopsy. The final diagnosis was a high-grade mammary angiosarcoma of incomplete excision. The patient refused any additional surgical management; external radiotherapy and close supervision were prescribed. After eight months of evolution, no local or remote recurrence was reported. Conclusion: Primary breast angiosarcoma is a mesenchymal malignant tumour of rare vascular origin. Our observation is peculiar by the absence of any prior radiotherapy, its clinical presentation, its morpho-phenotypic characteristics, its management and its evolutive aspects.
Full-text available
Angiosarcoma of the breast can be divided into primary and secondary. The objective was to determine clinicopathologic factors associated with breast angiosarcoma and to compare primary versus secondary angiosarcoma. Breast angiosarcoma cases at Mayo Clinic from 1960 to 2008 were identified. Clinicopathologic factors were reviewed. Characteristics of primary and secondary angiosarcoma were compared. Twenty-seven cases of primary angiosarcoma and 14 cases of secondary angiosarcoma were identified. The median age of primary angiosarcoma patients was lower than that of secondary angiosarcoma--43 years versus 73 years (P < 0.0001). Primary angiosarcoma more frequently presented with a mass, whereas secondary angiosarcoma presented with a rash (P < 0.0001). Median time from radiation to secondary angiosarcoma diagnosis was 6.8 years. Median tumor size was 7.0 cm for primary angiosarcoma and 5.0 cm for secondary angiosarcoma (P = 0.7). Tumors were high grade in 33% of primary angiosarcoma and 82% of secondary angiosarcoma (P = 0.02). Five-year survival for primary and secondary angiosarcoma was 46% and 69%, respectively (P = 0.8). Primary angiosarcoma occurs in younger patients than secondary and more frequently presents with a mass. Mastectomy is the mainstay of treatment for breast angiosarcoma. Breast angiosarcoma is a rare malignancy with poor long-term prognosis.
21504 Background: Angiosarcoma (AS) of the breast accounts for fewer than 1% of all malignant breast neoplasms and can be primary or secondary. Primary AS usually occurs in younger women, primarily involves the breast parenchyma. Secondary AS in the breast could be as a result of persistent lymph edema following radical mastectomy and lymph node dissection, so called Stewart-Treves syndrome and in more recent years following breast conserving therapy for primary breast cancer. We report our institutional experience of angiosarcomas of the breast that were diagnosed and treated between 1996 and 2007. Methods: This study is a retrospective review of patients with a diagnosis of angiosarcoma of the breast. All female patients with a diagnosis of angiosarcoma of the breast were identified from the pathology data-base. Their hospital records were retrieved to gather information on treatment, tumor response, failure and survival. Results: Of 2,500 breast cancers diagnosed at our institute during the study perio...
Cutaneous angiosarcoma without edema of the scalp and face mostly occurs in elderly patients. It has a poor prognosis because of metastasis even at an early stage. We studied the clinical aspects, including treatment, of 9 cases of angiosarcoma diagnosed at our university hospital between April 1991 and March 2003. The male to female ratio was 8:1 at the time of diagnosis, the patients ranged in age from 60 to 77 years (mean 68.7). The tumors were mostly located on the scalp. At the first visit, all patients had reddish-violet macules and 8 had maculonodules. All were treated with interleukin-2 and wide electron beam irradiation; only 2 cases underwent surgery. At the time of this report, 3 patients were still alive. Of the 18 cases who have been treated at our university hospital since 1980, the average survival time of 17 cases was 23.6 months (range 1 to 120 months). One patient was excluded from analysis because treatment was only recently initiated. The cumulative 5-year survival rate was 14.1%. The cumulative 5-year survival rate of the 8 patients since 1980 who were treated with interleukin-2 injections and wide electron beam irradiation without surgery was 18.8%. This is similar to reports of those treated with surgery at other institutions. Accordingly, we conclude that surgical treatment for this type of angiosarcoma is not needed.
BACKGROUND Angiosarcoma arising in the irradiated breast after breast-conserving therapy is being reported with increasing frequency. As more women undergo breast-conserving therapy, the incidence can be expected to increase. Surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation oncologists will be faced with difficult management decisions for this aggressive disease.METHODSA comprehensive review of all English-language reports of angiosarcomas after breast-conserving therapy was performed. Approximately 100 cases were reviewed for treatment details and outcome analysis was performed.RESULTSSurgical excision is associated with very high rates of disease recurrence (55 of 75 patients with at least 1 year of follow-up; 73%). Local disease recurrences in the tumor bed or along the mastectomy scar are a component of almost all recurrences (96%). Distant metastases develop simultaneously or shortly after local recurrences. Hyperfractionated radiotherapy has successfully prevented local disease recurrences in a limited number of patients.CONCLUSIONS Angiosarcoma after breast-conserving therapy is increasingly diagnosed in a small but significant portion of breast carcinoma survivors. The aggressive nature of this disease demands further investigation of adjuvant therapy to prevent recurrence of disease after surgery. Cancer 2003;97:1832–40. © 2003 American Cancer Society.DOI 10.1002/cncr.11277
Angiosarcomas are rare soft-tissue sarcomas of endothelial cell origin that have a poor prognosis. They can arise anywhere in the body, most commonly presenting as cutaneous disease in elderly white men, involving the head and neck and particularly the scalp. They can be caused by therapeutic radiation or chronic lymphoedema and hence secondary breast angiosarcomas are an important subgroup. Recent work has sought to establish the molecular biology of angiosarcomas and identify specific targets for treatment. Interest is now focused on trials of vascular-targeted drugs, which are showing promise in the control of angiosarcomas. In this review we discuss angiosarcoma and its current management, with a focus on clinical trials investigating the treatment of advanced disease.
Angiosarcoma is a rare subtype of sarcoma that usually arises after radiation therapy for primary breast cancer. Primary sarcomas of the breast are rare entities and account for less than 1% of all malignant breast neoplasms. We examine our institutional experience with angiosarcomas of the breast that were diagnosed and treated between 1996 and 2007. To conduct a retrospective review, all female patients with a diagnosis of angiosarcoma of the breast were identified from our pathology database. Their hospital records were retrieved to gather information on treatment, tumor response, failure, and survival. A total of 8 patients were identified who had a histologically confirmed diagnosis of angiosarcoma of the breast. Median age was 70.3 years at diagnosis (range, 35.6-85.7 years). Seven (87%) patients had a history of prior radiation to the breast, whereas 1 (13%) had primary angiosarcoma. The median overall survival was 37.4 months (8.7-92.8 months) and relapse-free survival was 17.9 months (2.5-69.4 months). Even though angiosarcomas are rare neoplasms, they are increasingly recognized as the result of more breast-conserving therapy. High clinical suspicion and MRI may contribute to early diagnosis but a biopsy is always necessary to confirm it. These tumors tend to behave aggressively and require a multidisciplinary approach to improve the outcome.
We are reporting a localised skin angiosarcoma of the breast. As far as we can tell this is only the fourth time this condition has been published. The tumour appeared 6 years after a conservative lumpectomy with removal of lymphatics and follow-up radiotherapy had been carried out for an adenocarcinoma of the breast. This tumour was characterised by the presence of several round blue-coloured nodules in the skin with some inflammation surrounding them. The glandular tissue underneath was normal, as was the opposite breast, and there was no spread. The patient was pyrexial and a syndrome of inflammation persisted until the tumour had been removed by a simple mastectomy. We have discussed the clinical and histological aspects of this case and compared them with those found in the literature. Differential diagnosis with in particular Stewart-Treves syndrome has been emphasized. The treatment consists in wide excision and sometimes followed by radiotherapy or chemotherapy. The prognosis is very poor, survival never having been more than 22 months. Finally the role of irradiation in the causation of this tumour has been discussed. (Our patient is alive after 2 years without any sign of a recurrence).
Vascular tumors of the breast, with the exception of perilobular hemangiomas, are generally considered to be malignant. The pathologic and clinical features of 40 patients with angiosarcoma of the breast and 12 with other vascular tumors of the breast were reviewed. Three general histologic patterns of growth were identified among the angiosarcomas and were found to correlate closely with prognosis. Whereas 10 of the 13 patients in histologic Group I were alive and free of disease with an average follow-up of nearly 6 years, only two of 16 Group III patients were free of disease, and 14 have died. The six Group II patients had a survival similar to those in Group I. In this series the disease-free survival at 3 years was 41% and at 5 years 33%, much better than that reported in previous reviews of mammary angiosarcoma. The data also indicated that adjuvant chemotherapy, specifically actinomycin D, is effective in some and possibly all patients with angiosarcoma of the breast. The 12 other vascular lesions had distinctly different morphologic features, a benign clinical course, and should probably not be viewed as angiosarcomas. However, total excision of all vascular lesions of the breast is essential in order to determine both the diagnosis and the appropriate therapy.