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Current status and advancement of biopesticides: Microbial and botanical pesticides


Abstract and Figures

Biopesticides are considered to be the best alternative to synthetic pesticides that are highly effective, target specific and reduce environmental risks. These factors led to its application in pest management program instead of chemical pesticides throughout the world. Biopesticides are derived from animals, plants and other natural materials such as fungi, bacteria, algae, viruses, nematodes and protozoa. The advance research and development in the field of biopesticide applications greatly reduce the environmental pollution caused by the chemical synthetic insecticides residues and promotes sustainable development of agriculture. Since the advent of biopesticides, a large number of products have been registered and released, some of which have played a leading role in the agro-market. The development of biopesticide has prompted to replace the chemical pesticide in pest management. The current status and advancement of biopesticides focusing mainly on improving action spectra, replacing of chemical pesticides, its role in integrated pest management, proper application of botanical and semiochemical in pest management have been discussed in this review.
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2016; 4(2): 241-246
E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2016; 4(2): 241-246
© 2016 JEZS
Received: 25-01-2016
Accepted: 28-02-2016
Muhammad Nawaz
College of Plant Science and
Technology, Huazhong
Agricultural University,
Wuhan 430070, China.
Juma Ibrahim Mabubu
College of Plant Science and
Technology, Huazhong
Agricultural University,
Wuhan 430070, China.
Hongxia Hua
College of Plant Science and
Technology, Huazhong
Agricultural University,
Wuhan 430070, China.
Muhammad Nawaz
College of Plant Science and
Technology, Huazhong
Agricultural University,
Wuhan 430070, China.
Current status and advancement of biopesticides:
Microbial and botanical pesticides
Muhammad Nawaz, Juma Ibrahim Mabubu, Hongxia Hua
Biopesticides are considered to be the best alternative to synthetic pesticides that are highly effective,
target specific and reduce environmental risks. These factors led to its application in pest management
program instead of chemical pesticides throughout the world. Biopesticides are derived from animals,
plants and other natural materials such as fungi, bacteria, algae, viruses, nematodes and protozoa. The
advance research and development in the field of biopesticide applications greatly reduce the
environmental pollution caused by the chemical synthetic insecticides residues and promotes sustainable
development of agriculture. Since the advent of biopesticides, a large number of products have been
registered and released, some of which have played a leading role in the agro-market. The development
of biopesticide has prompted to replace the chemical pesticide in pest management. The current status
and advancement of biopesticides focusing mainly on improving action spectra, replacing of chemical
pesticides, its role in integrated pest management, proper application of botanical and semiochemical in
pest management have been discussed in this review.
Keywords: Biopesticides, IPM, Semiochemical, Microbial pesticides, Botanical pesticides,
The global population will grow to 10.12 billion by 2100
. In order to fulfill the food demand
of growing population; higher and advance productive agricultural materials are required
The highest yield of crops is based on the improved variety, the appropriate pest and disease
management, and recommended fertilization. Proper pest management is an important factor
for healthy and high yielding crop that can provide food to the increasing population. The
adequate pest management is pivotal need for today to produce maximum food for increasing
population from less
. The multiple approaches that would be suitable in organic farming
reduce the human and environmental exposure to synthetic chemical pesticides, and may also
reduce the overall costs of pesticide applications. To date, only 15% of natural enemies of
insect pests have been identified. In all successful biocontrol programs; most important
parasitoids are Hymenoptera and predators (Neuroptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera). Globally
more than 125 species of natural enemies are commercially available for biological control
programs such as Trichogramma spp.; Encarsia formosa Gahan, and Phytoseiulus persimilis
Athias- Henriot
. Although, chemical pesticides play a vital role in insect pest management,
however, they have accelerated land, air and water contamination. Similarly, they have been
the main cause of insect resistance as well as adverse impacts on natural enemies and humans
[4, 5]
. Due to these factors, farmers adopted biopesticides which are environmentally friendly
and reduced frequently application of synthetic insecticides for pest management
Nowadays, a lot of biopesticides have been developed from microorganisms (bacteria, fungi,
viruses, etc.), plant, animal derived products (pheromones, hormones, insect-specific toxins,
etc.) and genetically modified organisms and used worldwide for insect pest management
[7, 8]
This review summarizes the current development and improvement of all aspects related to
biopesticides in insect pest management including spectra improvement, challenges and role of
biopesticides in integrated pest management.
Current status of biopesticides
In this case the current status of different categories of biopesticides such as microbial
pesticides based on microorganisms, botanical pesticides derived from plants, semiochemicals
will be discussed.
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
Microbial biopesticides
So far, in the global agriculture system the most widely used
pesticides have synthetic origin such as halogenated,
carbamate and organophosphorus compounds. Excessive use
led to the creation of new strains of pests resistant to synthetic
insecticides. The resistance development often related to
receptors modification that involved the mechanisms and
targets of action
[9, 10]
. Due to the results of resistance,
researchers have synthesized many new organic molecules
with this target of action, having adverse effect on the non-
target organisms. Acute or chronic poisoning caused by
pesticides is a problem in many countries in the world,
especially in developing countries
[10, 11]
. Biopesticides derived
from fungi, bacteria, algae, viruses, nematodes and protozoa
and also some other compounds produced directly from these
microbes such as metabolites are main microbial pest control
. Up to now, there are more than 3000 kinds of
microbes that cause diseases in insects. Some biopesticides are
given in Table 1. However, a lot of research should be
conducted to find remaining undiscovered or unidentified
microorganisms that are useful in insect pest management.
Over 100 bacteria have been identified as insect pathogens,
among which Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) has got the
maximum importance as microbial control agent. So far, more
than 1000 insect species viruses have been isolated such as
nuclear polyhedrosis virus (NPV) infested 525 insects
worldwide. Over 800 species of entomopathogenic fungi and
1000 species of protozoa pathogenic have been described and
identified. The two major groups of entomopathogenic
nematodes are Steinernema (55 species) and Heterorhabditis
(12 species)
Table 1: Some important biopesticides list and their references
Target insects
Common name and
Entomopathogenic viruses
Helicoverpa zea: corn earworm,
tomato fruitworm, tobacco budworm,
Helioth virescens
Corn earworm NPV
Helicoverpa armigera,
cotton bollworm, pod borer
Cotton bollworm NPV
Plutella xylostella Diamond back moth GV
Anticarsia gemmatalis
Velvetbean caterpillar, NPV
[18, 19]
Alfalfa looper NPV
Buzura suppressaria Tea moth (BuzuNPV)
Entomopathogenic bacteria
Bacillus thuringiensis sub-
species kurstakia
[20, 21]
B. thuringiensis sub-species
Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae
B. thuringiensis sub-species
Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Popillia
Paenibacillus popilliae
Entomopathogenic fungi
Hemiptera Aschersonia aleyrodis
[25, 26]
Coleoptera (Scarabaeidae) Beauveria brongniartii
Hemiptera, Thysanoptera
Conidiobolus thromboides
Lecanicillium longisporum
[29, 30]
Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera,
Metarhizium anisopliae
sensu lato
[25, 31]
Lepidoptera Nomuraea rileyi
Positive aspects of Microbial pesticides
Generally, the beneficial characteristics of microbial
insecticides are given below as described by Jindal
The bioactive agents are basically non-toxic and non-
pathogenic to non-target organisms, communities and
They have narrow area of toxic action, mostly specific to
a single group or species of insect pests and do not
directly affect beneficial insects (predators, parasites,
parasitoids, pollinators) in treated areas.
They can be used in combination with synthetic chemical
insecticides because in most cases the microbial product is
not deactivated.
Their residues have no adverse effects on humans or other
animals, therefore, microbial insecticides can be used in
near harvesting time.
Sometime, the pathogenic microorganisms can become
established in a pest population or its habitat and provide
control pest generation to generations or season after
They improve the root and plant growth by encouraging
the beneficial soil microflora and also increase yield.
Main challenges to microbial pesticides
The rapid biopesticide success is due to its effectiveness and
safety as compared to chemical insecticides. Still, there are a
lot of challenges facing to microbial pesticides to replace
chemical pesticides in the future.
The utilization of microbial pesticides in IPM model
requires high scientific study such as systematic surveys
on properties, mode of action, pathogenicity, etc.
Ecological studies are necessary on the dynamics of
diseases in insect populations because the environmental
factors play a vital role in disease outbreaks to control the
In order to improve mass production technologies;
contamination should be reduced with the improvement of
formulation potency and increase in shelf-life of microbial
Dry formulations should be commercially focused than
the liquid formulations with the improvement of slow
speed with which microbial pathogens kill their host.
Genetic and biotechnological tools would lead to the
production of strains with improved pathogenesis and
Due to narrow specificity mostly forces biopesticide
application with common conventional insecticides.
However, this practice can also lead to incompatibility
problems such as inhibition or death of the living
All aspects study should be done especially; persistence,
resistance, dispersal potential, the range of non-target
organisms affected directly and/or indirectly in order to
solve the problem of regarding the regulatory and
Baculoviruses biopesticide importance and future aspects
Baculovirus biopesticide has many advantages as a tool in the
insect pest management program, including the highly
specificity, no adverse effect on vertebrates and plants and
ease of genetic manipulation. However, the baculovirus, like
other biopesticides have some difficulties for commercial use,
such as the current requirements for killing speed, short field
stability, high production costs, and biological control agents
. The wild type baculoviruses have slow killing rate that
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
reduce their practical application. To overcome this problem
multi strategy has been developed to use the recombinant
DNA technology to enhance their killing action including the
insertion of genes encoding insect hormones or enzymes, or
insect specific toxins
. However, only the expression of
juvenile hormone esterase showed a significant improvement
in insecticidal activity of the parent wild-type baculovirus
Because of juvenile hormone esterase regulates juvenile
hormone, its overexpression the hormone concentrations were
decreased and leads to prevent insect feeding and pupation
Short half-life in the hemolymph of juvenile hormone esterase
is a serious restriction to the effective use of recombinant
baculovirus to express this enzyme. Still, many efforts have
been made to improve in vivo stability, making it more
. Anticarsia gemmatalis is a very important
soybean insect pest in Brazil, before an IPM program
implementation, frequent insecticide were applied for their
control and AgMNPV used to threaten about 2000 hectares of
soybeans treatment area increased to two million ha by 2002-
. The application of AgMNPV to control A.
gemmatalis in Brazil was a very successful program has been
considered as the most important in the world
. The codling
moth, Cydia pomonella is well known pest of fruits such as
apple, pears and walnuts throughout the world
. In 1964, the
isolation of the C. pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) provided a
highly effective pathogen for control of important insect pests
worldwide that are responsible for huge economic loss every
. Cotton Bollworm, H. armigera is the resistant noctuid
species to a wide range of insecticides
[43, 44]
resistance to
transgenic Bt cotton as well
[45, 46]
. It has also been found that
the combination of HaMNPV with endosulfan has provided
significant results
[47, 48, 49]
. In China HaSNPV is one of the
most important commercial baculovirus. Many NPVs are used
on over 100,000 ha annually
. Nowadays, the commercial
baculoviruses production is occur in vivo, using the
baculovirus in the open field and collecting infected larvae
(dead) or reared larvae feed with baculovirus contaminated
food in the laboratory
Botanical biopesticides
Botanical pesticides derived from some parts or whole plants
having ability of insect killing, sterilization, weed control and
plant growth regulating activities. The application of botanical
pesticides for the crop and stored products protection from
insect pests has been become a part of traditional agriculture
for generations. The development of biopesticides has
promoted the modernization of agriculture and will, no doubt,
and gradually replace chemical pesticides. A large number of
products have been released, some of which have played a
leading role in the market. Over 6000 plant species have been
identified that possessing insecticidal properties. In insect pest
management, a number of plant products derived from neem,
custard apple, tobacco, pyrethrum, etc. have been used as safer
. Botanical pesticides have environmentally
friendly characteristics such as volatile nature, low
environmental risk compared to current synthetic pesticides.
Due to minimal residual activity; predation, parasitism, and the
number of pollination insects would affect smaller and
compatible with IPM programs
. Azadirachtin compounds
derived from the neem tree is sold under various trade names,
can use on several food crops and ornamental plants for
controlling whitefly, thrips, scale and other pests
[53, 54]
. Some
important botanical biopesticides are shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Some plant products used as biopesticides
Plant product used
as biopesticide
Target pests
Limonene and
Fleas, aphids and mites, also kill fire ants,
several types of flies, paper wasps and house
Neem A variety of sucking and chewing insect
Pyrethrum /
Ants, aphids, roaches, fleas, flies, and ticks
Leaf-feeding insects, such as aphids, certain
beetles (asparagus beetle, bean leaf beetle,
Colorado potato beetle, cucumber beetle, flea
beetle, strawberry leaf beetle, and others) and
caterpillars, as well as fleas and lice on
Caterpillars (European corn borer, corn
earworm, and others) and thrips
Squash bugs, harlequin bugs, thrips,
caterpillars, leaf hoppers, and stink bugs
A number of problems have been encountered while
commercializing the botanical pesticides such as quality
control and product standardization. As synthetic pesticides,
the improper and excessive use of botanical pesticides may
also develop pest resistance. The phytotoxicity is also a matter
of botanical pesticides such as neem oil based is often
phytotoxic to tomato, brinjal and ornamental plants at high oil
levels. Although plant extracts are considered to be relatively
safe to humans, still, this is not yet confirmed for all plant
species such as Aconitum spp. and Ricinus communis have
notoriously high toxicity to man and Tephrosia vogelii having
well-known adverse effects against fish
From the 1970's to 1980's in the last century, about 1000 kind
of insect’s pheromones were identified and discovered. The
first experiment that involved pheromones for pest control was
conducted in 1980's. Since then, a lot of pheromones have
been identified and used in pest management programs. More
than 30 target species have been controlled successfully by sex
pheromones. Based on the use of these semiochemicals,
producers rely on the deployment of air permeation to attract
and kill techniques for pest control
[57, 58]
Current research has found that herbivore-induced plant
volatiles from arthropod herbivores interaction. Then it has
synthesized and used in slow release dispensers to attract
predators and parasitoids. Under field conditions, they lead to
a high capture of natural enemies. It is worth noting that
application of compounds such as jasmonic acid to plants can
also induce the production of a natural blend of HIPVs. The
results of this study indicate that the application of synthetic
HIPVs crops may attract - direct and indirect effects that can
protect crops from pests such as sodium alginate as a
biological control to attract natural enemies and the natural
enemies of aphids
[59, 60]
Semiochemicals improvement and development
For improvement of semiochemicals, understanding the
mechanisms of communication systems of insects,
behavior and mating systems among target insects and
non-target organisms is important. At the same time the
effects of different meteorological and physiochemical
characteristics of insects and plants should be understood.
Proper protection and controlled release formulations
should be developed to prolong its efficacy after their
application on crop and reduce its rapid photodegradable.
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
The best successes of semiochemicals have been
achieved where large, contiguous areas have been treated
with these compounds. Farmers should be used a very
proper insect control methodology to get best result from
semiochemical application.
Cost of registration, size of the potential market and
product’s price are very important for development.
Therefore should be improved.
Replacement of chemical pesticides to biopesticides
Chemical pesticides play an important role in the green
revolution, which can realize high yield varieties and the most
effective pest management tool. Synthetic pesticides are very
effective, affordable and rapid in action in the case of the pest
populations reached to economic threshold levels (ETLs).
Problems such as pest resistance development, resurgence,
pesticide residues in the food commodities and environmental
effects to non-target organisms and direct hazards to human
beings have evolved due to repeated and excessive use of
pesticides. Many species of insects and mites have developed
resistance to different groups of pesticides
[59, 60]
Environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides is
biopesticides. The development and improvement of
biopesticides are based on the negative effects of chemical
pesticides. More than 3000 tons/year biopesticide is produced
in the worldwide; its market share is only 2.5%. The rapid
increasing rate of biopesticides is due to its target specificity
and ecologically friendly
Role of biopesticides in IPM
Crop protection has relied basically on synthetic chemical
pesticides in past, but their availability is now declining as a
result of new laws and legislations and the evolution in the
process of insect resistance. Therefore, it is necessary to
replace the pest management strategy. Biopesticide is the best
alternative to synthetic chemical pesticides based on living
micro-organisms or natural products. Biopesticides include a
broad array of microbial pesticides, biochemicals derived from
microorganisms and other natural sources, and processes
involving the genetic modification of plants to express genes
encoding insecticidal toxins
. Biopesticides have
demonstrated the potential of pest management and used
worldwide. In the European Union, there are new
opportunities for development of biological pesticides in
combination with integrated pest management, ecological
science and post genomic technologies
. In this regard, the
use of biopesticides and bio-agents has assumed significance
as an important component of IPM due to their economic
viability and eco-friendly nature instead of chemical synthetic
. Biopesticide application as a component of IPM
programs can play important role in overcoming disadvantage
of chemical insecticides that have some important
characteristics such as biodegradable and self- perpetuating,
less harmful on beneficial pests, mostly host specific and less
shelf life
. Baculovirus biopesticides are an alternative to
chemical pesticides in integrated pest management; however,
they have a wide range of difficulties for commercial uses
such as slow killing, short life time, high production costs and
current laws and regulations of biological control agents
To overcome many problems of wild-type baculoviruses,
many strategies have been developed to improve their killing
action by recombinant DNA technology, including the
insertion of genes encoding insect hormones or enzymes, or
insect-specific toxins
Improvement in action spectra of biopesticides
Biopesticide is commercially available for a single main pest
that reduce their market value due to their formulations, e.g,
the fungus Verticillium lecanii) against cereal aphids
. Some biopesticides are highly targeted specific hence
generally concern as a disadvantage because accessible
biopesticide markets are smaller than those for products with
broad spectrum activity
. Some biopesticides are only
effective in specific stages of pests to reduce their population
below threshold level
. In addition, some of the pesticides
have important advantages in favor of their application in
modern legislation, such as new behavioral modes of action,
which enable them to overcome the increased resistance to
conventional pesticides with valuable tools as well as to reduce
the impact on non-target organisms
. It must also be pay
attention to a number of biological pesticide has relatively
wide range of activities (such as Bacillus thuringiensis and
active bioextracts from natural products such as azadirachtin),
which encourages their widespread application and market size
. In the development of biological pesticide, it is important
to overcome the problem of improper preparation or
formulations, low shelf life, slow pest control and the highest
market costs as well as other marketing registration related
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... The generalists control a wider range of pests whereas the specialists act against a particular pest. More than 3000 microbes have been recognized to cause diseases in insects implicating two major groups of nematodes (Steinernema; 55 species and Heterorhabditis; 12 species), more than 100 bacteria, 800 fungi, 1000 protozoa, and 1000 viruses (Sparks et al., 1999;Dowds and Peters, 2002;Casadevall, 2007;Mills and Kean, 2010;Ravensberg, 2011;Lewis and Clarke, 2012;Singh et al., 2015;Nawaz et al., 2016;Marche et al., 2018;Ruiu, 2018). Specific examples are Bacillus thuringiensis, Paenibacillus (bacteria), HearNPV (Baculovirus), Metarhizium anisopliae, Verticillium (fungi), Heterorhabditis, Steinernema (nematodes), Nosema, Vairimorpha (protozoa), Chlorella, Anabaena (microalgae; Costa et al., 2019). ...
... Specific examples are Bacillus thuringiensis, Paenibacillus (bacteria), HearNPV (Baculovirus), Metarhizium anisopliae, Verticillium (fungi), Heterorhabditis, Steinernema (nematodes), Nosema, Vairimorpha (protozoa), Chlorella, Anabaena (microalgae; Costa et al., 2019). This category of biopesticides has the advantages of specificity (non-pathogenic to non-target), synergisms (can be used alongside synthetic pesticides), eco-friendliness (their residue has no negative impact on the ecosystem or ecoreceptors), permanent effects (the microorganism becomes an integral component of the insect population or its habitat exhibiting the inhibitory effects) and growth improvement to plants (Nawaz et al., 2016). However, our understanding of microbial pesticides is hampered by challenges such as detailed scientific research, ecological study, and massproduction technologies (Haase et al., 2015). ...
... The current status and advancement of biopesticides focusing mainly on improving action spectra, replacing chemical pesticides, its role in integrated pest management are the main factors of biopesticides [5]. ...
An experiment was conducted in the field, Department of Entomology, RVSKVV, College of Agriculture, Gwalior (M.P.) in Kharif- 2018 and 2019.Efficacy of biopesticides against whitefly on okra. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with eight treatments. Biopesticides used in the experiments were Beauveria bassiana @ 0.5 kg/ha, Verticillium lecanii@ 1.0 kg/ha, Neem oil 5% @ 2.5 litre, Neem leaf extract 5% @ 25 kg/ha, NSKE 5% @ 25 kg/ha, Garlic clove extract 5% @ 25 kg/ha and Panchgavya 3% @15 litre/ha. All the biopesticides treatments were found significantly effective in reducing the population of whitefly over control untreated plots (11.73 whiteflies/six leaves). Among the biopesticides treatments, NSKE 5% (4.67 whiteflies/six leaves)found most effective in reducing the whitefly population followed by neem oil 5%(4.88 whiteflies/six leaves), V. lecanii (5.20 whiteflies/six leaves), neem leaf extract 5% (5.49 whiteflies/six leaves) and garlic clove extract 5% (5.68 whiteflies/six leaves). Whereas, panchgavya 3% (8.59 whiteflies/six leaves) was found least effective in both the years. Data computed on per cent reduction in whitefly population indicate that 26.8 to 60.2% population may be reduced by spraying of different biopesticides. The highest fruit yield (119.56 q/ha) was recorded in NSKE 5% followed by B. bassiana and neem oil 5%. Whereas, minimum fruit yield was recorded in panchgavya 3% in both the years. The highest net profit (27,128 Rs/ha) was obtained from the plots treated with B. bassiana followed by NSKE 5% (25,938 Rs/ha) and maximum benefit ratio in the B. bassiana (1:14.13) followed by V. lecanii (1:8.36), NSKE 5% (1:8:11) and garlic clove extract 5% (1:6.78).
... The current status and advancement of biopesticides focusing mainly on improving action spectra, replacing chemical pesticides, its role in integrated pest management are the main factors of biopesticides" [5]. ...
An experiment was conducted in the field, Department of Entomology, RVSKVV, College of Agriculture, Gwalior (M.P.) in Kharif- 2018 and 2019.Efficacy of biopesticides against jassid on okra. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with eight treatments. Biopesticides used in the experiments were Beauveria bassiana @ 0.5 kg/ha, Vertilicillium lecanii @ 1.0 kg/ha, Neem oil 5% @ 2.5 litre, Neem leaf extract 5% @ 25 kg/ha, NSKE 5% @ 25 kg/ha, Garlic clove extract 5% @ 25 kg/ha and Panchgavya 3% @15 litre/ha. All the biopesticides treatments were found significantly effective in reducing the population of jassid over control (untreated) plots. The biopesticides treatments, NSKE 5% were found most effective in reducing the jassid population followed by neem oil 5%, V. lecanii, neem leaf extract 5% and garlic clove extract 5%. Whereas, panchgavya 3% was found least effective in both the years. The highest fruit yield (119.56 q/ha) was recorded in NSKE 5% followed by B. bassiana and neem oil 5%. Whereas, minimum fruit yield was recorded in panchgavya 3% in both years. The highest net profit (27,128 Rs/ha) was obtained from the plots treated with B. bassiana followed by NSKE 5% (25,938 Rs/ha) and maximum benefit ratio in the B. bassiana (1:14.13) followed by V. lecanii (1:8.36), NSKE 5% (1:8:11) and garlic clove extract 5% (1:6.78).
... Over 100 bacteria identified as insect pathogens, B. thuringiensis has got maximum importance as a microbial biocontrol agent (Muhammad et al, 2016). B. thuringiensis is a Gram positive, rod shaped, facultative aerobic, spore-forming saprophytic soil bacteria which constitutes 95% of all commercial bio-insecticides, due to its high specificity, safety and effectiveness in the control of wide spectrum of human disease vectors and agriculture-pests. ...
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Bacillus turingiensis (Berliner) is a Gram positive, rod shaped and spore forming bacterium, which produces crystal proteins (proteinaceous inclusions), called δ δ δ δ δ-endotoxins, that have insecticidal action. The present investigation was carried out to isolate B. thuringiensis from soil, leaf, compost, leaf litter, diseased larvae and rhizosphere samples collected from the various locations in the states of Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra. A total of 300 samples were collected and isolation of the B. thuringiensis strains was carried out. The presence of crystalline inclusions in Bacilli like colonies was observed in 49 samples collected from the state of Uttarakhand, eight samples from Himachal Pradesh, six samples from Kerala, four samples from Karnataka and three samples from Maharashtra. Totally, 70 isolates showed milky white colonies with circular shape and colonies produced serrated margin similar to that of the reference strain HD1. Gram staining revealed that all the 70 isolates were rod-shaped, gram-positive bacteria, which were appeared to be blue or violet in colour under the Phase contrast microscope. Among the 70 isolates, 67 (97.74%) isolates showed bipyramidal type of crystal and the remaining three isolates such as, Bt-21, Bt-37 and Bt-278 showed square, elliptical and spherical crystal shape, respectively. The present study has established the diversity and richness of B. thuringiensis like isolates in soil and leaf samples collected from five selected states of India.
... Agricultural crops have always been plagued by numerous pests such as fungi, weeds and insects, causing a dramatic drop in the yield of the plants (1). The use of chemicals is highly effective for the control of these pests, but their adverse effects not only affect a wide variety of hosts, but also negatively impact the environment and farming systems. ...
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Root rot caused by the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum is the number one cause of pea plant (P. sativum L.) death. There are many potential advantages to using rhizobacteria, endophytic bacteria and phyllospheric bacteria for managing plant diseases and promoting plant growth. This study investigated the potentiality of consortium species of bacteria to suppress root rot disease and their ability to promote the growth of pea plants compared with their individual and control plants. A total of 55 phyllospheric bacteria were isolated from mango flower and Bacillus sp. LBF- 02, Bacillus sp. LBF- 03 and Bacillus sp. LBF- 05 showed the most potent antimicrobial activity against root rot pathogens in a dual culture assay. Identification of phyllobacterial strain LBF- 01, LBF- 03 and LBF-05 were done by 16S rDNA sequence analysis using 704f forward primer (50-AGATTTTCCGACGGCAGGTT-30) and 907r reverse primer (50-CCGTCAATTCMTTTRAGTTT-30) with the PCR conditions. Their ability to solubilize phosphate, produce ammonia, siderophore and indole acetic acid, as well as produce extracellular enzymes in vitro was excellent. The results of a greenhouse study found that pea seed treated with consortium isolate significantly increased high germination rates and vigour indexes, as well as shoot and root length, fresh and dry weights, as compared with seed treated with single isolate and control. The defense enzyme activities in consortium treated pots were higher than those in individual and control pots. The plants treated with consortium exhibited higher levels of chlorophyll and carotenoids content in their leaves compared to the untreated control and single treated plants. A significant variation in the chemical profile of pea plants was found (F7,16 ? 2.598; P ? 0.048) resulting from different treatments (T1-T8). After evaluating a variety of growth and microbiological parameters, it was concluded that inoculation with the microbial consortium contributed to raising healthy and vigorously growing pea seedlings in greenhouse conditions, which is applicable in the field in future for sustainable farming.
Soybean is attacked by multiple plant-parasitic nematodes and the major ones are soybean cyst nematode (SCN) and root-knot nematodes. Our previous study reported that 2 weeks growth of mung bean and its soil incorporation markedly reduced SCN density in soil via hatching stimulation by mung bean residue. This study aimed: i ) to evaluate whether incorporation of mung bean in combination with N fertiliser decreased the density of Meloidogyne incognita , which attacks both soybean and mung bean; and ii ) to determine the direct effect of ammonium solutions on M. incognita J2 and hatching. The results showed that after the growth period of mung bean for 2 weeks and 4 weeks of its incorporation, the density of M. incognita was significantly reduced by 54 and 72% in the mung bean treatment with and without N fertiliser (140 mg N (kg soil) ⁻¹ ), respectively, compared with the control. Soil urease activity was significantly higher in the mung bean with N fertiliser than in the control. Meloidogyne incognita second-stage juveniles were less mobile in NH 4 Cl solutions with 100-250 mg N l ⁻¹ than in 0 mg N l ⁻¹ . Moreover, NH 4 Cl solutions with 140 mg N l ⁻¹ and 250 mg N l ⁻¹ significantly inhibited the hatching of M. incognita . This study demonstrated that 2 weeks growth of mung bean may be a potential trap crop for M. incognita and N metabolism might be involved to a certain extent in the suppression of M. incognita .
Crop production has been pressurizing to produce high quantity and quality food to meet the demands of the increasing population in limited land resources. The underutilized vegetables have already been cultivated, but their market value and production are low. The IPM tactics are available for several major crops through developing IPM strategy and planning are still lacking in minor crops due to their lesser importance. However, these crops contain various nutrients and pharmaceutical properties that are not available in major crops. Various insect pests from order Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Diptera are attacking these crops, and the use of chemical insecticides may provide good results, but they are not cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Therefore, studies on the life history of pests, their bioagents, and manipulation of cropping practices that are detrimental to pests encourage the activity of bioagents to provide control effectively with durability and economics.KeywordsBioagentsChemical InsecticidesEnvironmental FriendlyIPMPestSucking, etc.
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The Hypocreales, Beauveria bassiana , Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato, Isaria fumosorosea and I. farinosus , Lecanicillium spp., and Nomuraea rileyi , have become important insect control agents in recent times and consequently subjects of much scientific study and development. Mass production of infective stages is important for obtaining sufficient quantities of infective stages for field studies of these fungi. Conidial production on agar media in Petri dishes is generally insufficient for such purposes. There are several methods for mass production, involving solid substrate fermentation for aerial conidia, and liquid fermentation for blastospores or microcycle conidia, and for a novel structure, evidently specific to Metarhizium spp., the microsclerotium. This chapter presents basic techniques for all these procedures, techniques that should allow any laboratory to produce hypocrealean fungi for their use, as well as provide a theoretical basis to adapt mass production to local requirements and devise technical improvements.
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Various agricultural products like rice, sorghum and wheat and agrowastes namely refuse raw potatoes and refuse raw bananas were evaluated for mass scale cultivation of entomopathogenic fungus Nomuraea rileyi. Among the grains, rice (5.53 × 107spore/g) supported the maximum spore production of fungus followed by refuse raw bananas (4.2 × 107spores/g) and sorghum (4.01 × 107spores/g) on the 11th day after inoculation of spore suspension. whereas, wheat (3.55 x 107spores/g) and refuse potato chips (3.1 × 107spores/g) supported less spore load than other substrates on the 11th day and on the 15th day after inoculation of spore suspension respectively. According to the references based on N. rileyi, use of raw banana as dry chips form for cultivation of fungus was carried out for the first time in this study. This study suggests alternative nutrient sources for mass scale cultivation of fungus and that the biotechnological potential of agro refuses could be employed in biopesticide development.
Manuka beetles (Pyronota sp.; Scarabaeidae) are serious and persistent pests of dairy pastures on Cape Foulwind, Westport. When a selection of scarab-active fungal isolates were tested against 3 rd instar larvae of two Pyronota species, a locally sourced Beauveria brongniartii (F636) isolate consistently achieved the fastest and highest levels of larval mortality. Topical application of F636 caused an average of 80% larval mortality 6 weeks post-treatment. Mortality was shown to be dose rate dependent for both Pyronota species. When treatments were applied by incorporating rice grains colonised by the fungus into soil, simulating field application, F636 again produced the fastest and highest levels of larval mortalities, averaging 70% 6 weeks post-application. Mortalities of both Pyronota species reached 100% after 8 weeks when the assay medium was a grey sand based soil (ex Cape Foulwind). Isolate F636 shows promise as a biological control agent for this pest and field trials have been carried out in the autumn of 2010.
Biological control, particularly by entomopathogenic fungi is important for reducing the population density of pests in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. The compatibility of entomopathogenic fungi with crop production techniques such as the use of insecticides is needed to understand, which may inhibit to a smaller or larger extent the development and reproduction of pathogen. The efficacy of microbial control agent could be enhanced by applying them in conjunction with reduced rates of insecticides. The interaction between these control agents could be additive, synergistic or antagonistic. Synergistic interactions would enhance the effectiveness of the microbial control agent while reducing the adverse effects of pesticides. In this review, we will describe the compatibility of entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana and botanical insecticide, neem.
Juvenile hormone (JH) is a key hormone in regulation of the insect’s life cycle. This role is carefully regulated in insects to successfully develop. Conversely, this careful regulation of JH titer opens a window of attack where a recombinant baculovirus expressing an appropriate protein(s) could disrupt the fine balance in JH titer and consequently the insect life cycle. Juvenile hormone esterase (JHE), a member of the carboxylesterase family (EC, contributes to the rapid decline in the JH titer. Therefore, if JHE was introduced prematurely into insect larvae, the enzyme should induce physiological and morphological anti-JH effects by degrading JH at a time when JH biosynthesis is active. Recombinant baculoviruses with JHE proteins represent valuable technology that may has great potential for effective integration into pest-management system. Such a demonstration would indicate that JHE, as a novel anti-JH agent, may be potentially useful for insect control and may represent a major step toward a more sustainable agriculture.
Very few bacteria are available against soil-inhabiting pests because only highly co-evolved or unique pathogenic bacteria seems to be able to overcome the defenses of soil-dwelling pests. The bacteria that are available are almost exclusively used against white grubs, larvae of beetles in the family Scarabaeidae. This chapter concentrates on scarab-active and tipulid-active strains of Bacillus thuringiensis; Paenibacillus popilliae , and P. lentimorbus which cause milky disease in scarab larvae; and strains of Serratia entomophila and S. proteamaculans which cause amber disease in scarab larvae. The chapter describes methods of isolation, identification, in vivo and in vitro propagation, laboratory and greenhouse bioassays, and preservation for these pathogens.