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Butterflies and their contribution in ecosystem: A review



Butterflies play vital role in the ecosystem, there is co-evolutionary relationship between butterflies and plants, their lives are interlinked. Butterflies are also called flying flower, displaying its beauty. These insects enhance the aesthetic value of the environments by their exquisite wing colors. Butterflies are the wild indicators of the ecosystem; these insects tell us everything about the healthier ecosystem. These are effective pollinators, butterflies visit the flower to eat nectar and this is mutually beneficial relationship. Some species of butterflies migrate over long distance; carry pollen to be shared across plants which are far apart from one another. This migration of pollens induces genetic variation in plants species and give a better chance at survival against different disease. These insects also provide food for other organisms, for example; birds, reptiles amphibians and also acts as biological pest control. But the population of these insects decline rapidly due to human activities, habitat destruction, uses of pesticides and unawareness of people about the importance of flying flowers.
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2016; 4(2): 115-118
E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2016; 4(2): 115-118
© 2016 JEZS
Received: 22-01-2016
Accepted: 24-02-2016
Mobeen Ghazanfar
Department of Zoology,
University of Gujrat, Hafiz
Hayat Campus, Gujrat,
Muhammad Faheem Malik
Department of Zoology,
University of Gujrat, Hafiz
Hayat Campus, Gujrat, Pakistan
Mubashar Hussain
Department of Zoology,
University of Gujrat, Hafiz
Hayat Campus, Gujrat,
Razia Iqbal
Department of Zoology,
University of Gujrat, Hafiz
Hayat Campus, Gujrat, Pakistan
Misbah Younas
Department of Zoology,
University of Gujrat, Hafiz
Hayat Campus, Gujrat, Pakistan
Mobeen Ghazanfar
Department of Zoology,
University of Gujrat, Hafiz
Hayat Campus, Gujrat,
Butterflies and their contribution in ecosystem:
A review
Mobeen Ghazanfar, Muhammad Faheem Malik, Mubashar Hussain,
Razia Iqbal, Misbah Younas
Butterflies play vital role in the ecosystem, there is co-evolutionary relationship between butterflies and
plants, their lives are interlinked. Butterflies are also called flying flower, displaying its beauty. These
insects enhance the aesthetic value of the environments by their exquisite wing colors. Butterflies are the
wild indicators of the ecosystem; these insects tell us everything about the healthier ecosystem. These are
effective pollinators, butterflies visit the flower to eat nectar and this is mutually beneficial relationship.
Some species of butterflies migrate over long distance; carry pollen to be shared across plants which are
far apart from one another. This migration of pollens induces genetic variation in plants species and give
a better chance at survival against different disease. These insects also provide food for other organisms,
for example; birds, reptiles amphibians and also acts as biological pest control. But the population of
these insects decline rapidly due to human activities, habitat destruction, uses of pesticides and
unawareness of people about the importance of flying flowers.
Keywords: Butterflies, ecological indicators, pollinators, flying flower, nectar eater
The butterfly is a diverse insect, found in many colours and sizes. Worldwide, there are more
than 28,000 species of butterflies, with about 80 percent in tropical regions. Butterflies require
food in liquid form [40]. Their survival depends on nectar that is produced in flowers and also
extra-ripe fruits. The butterfly plays an important role in ecosystems, acting as a pollinator, a
food source and an indicator of the ecosystem's well being. Butterflies play a big role in
pollinating flowers that open during the day.
Butterflies tend to favor big, colorful flowers that have a landing platform and gather pollen on
their long, thin legs as they sip nectar from a flower [41]. Butterflies are sensitive to climate
change, such as pollination and habitat loss, and cause them to be more responsive. Therefore,
an abundance of butterflies usually indicates a healthier ecosystem.
Many butterfly species migrate over long distances as many as 3,000 miles. These migrations
allow for pollination across long distances and have increased human interest in the species
[42]. Butterflies contribute to ecosystem restoration because they supply pollination and a
source of food. Increased butterfly populations may indicate an increase in plant diversity and
other pollinator groups within restored areas.
Butterflies are attractive addition to flower garden and more important insect than most people
realize. As a wildlife indicator, butterflies tell us almost everything we need to know about the
health of an ecosystem Dobson, 2012 [1].
Swengel demonstrated that in ecosystem, plant and animal species live in sites with similar
combinations of soil, topography, climate and geography. Some types of vegetation must be
required for Butterfly species existence. Butterflies living in particular place have particular
habitat requirements. An interesting part of studying, localized butterflies is learning to find
out the microhabitats they require. In ecosystem natural events either favor or reduce butterfly
population’s characteristics of microhabitats occurring in that ecosystem [2].
Review of Literature
Co-Evolution of Butterflies and Plants
In plant reproductive phenology, general flowering reported from West Malaysia, it might be
expected that there is co- evolution between plants and pollinators demonstrated by Asthon et
al [3]. Ehrlich demonstrates that butterflies herbivorous organisms’ coevolved with plants [4].
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
Ehrlich and Raven [5] developed model for the co-evolution of
plants and butterflies and summarized the host plant
information for the butterflies. Feeny and Gilbert described
that Co-evolution involve adaptive radiation of plants that
have evolved relative chemical protection from herbivores,
followed by adaptive radiation on these plant groups of
herbivores able to get around their defenses [6, 7]. Feltwell point
out that the lives of plants and butterflies are exceptionally
interlinked [8].
Heliconius butterflies are herbivores in simple food webs
consist of coevolved Host specific parasitoids and larval host
plants. Some butterflies pass plant poisons to the next trophic
level which has many evolutionary and ecological effects at
the food web level [9-13].
According to Webb, Pollination is the process in which pollens
are transferred from male parts of flower to female parts of
flower and reproduce sexually even over large areas. Nectar
produced from flower contains nutritious vitamins, lipids, sugar,
amino acid etc. which is important food source for pollinators.
Butterflies are also pollinators and visit the flower to eat nectar;
tiny scales on the butterfly bodies brush against anthers and
pollen adhere to scales. Now the butterfly visit to another flower,
the pollen which attach to its scales brush in to the flower’s
stigma. These insects are attractive and interesting [14].
Baker demonstrates that nectar of many flowers, at which
adult Lepidoptera feed, contains significant concentrations of a
wide range of amino acids, which must contribute to its
nutritional value [15]. American Heliconius butterflies enrich
their nectar diet by collecting pollen grains, mixing them with
nectar in the coils of the haustellum and ingesting the amino
acids that diffuse from pollen grains [7]. Amino acids ingested
are of major significance in adult maintenance and
reproductive capacity [10]. Breeden demonstrates that the
butterfly proboscis adapted for reaching nectar at the base of
long tubed flowers. Different species vary greatly in proboscis
length. Butterflies are diurnal and some smaller skippers
(Hesperiidae), are only capable of using shallow blossoms like
Melaleuca sieberi (Myrtaceae), in which the nectar is easily
accessible [16]. Butterflies with longer proboscides can use the
long, narrowly tubular blossoms of such genera as Pimelea
(Thymelaeaceae) and Calytrixt (Myrtaceae), in which the
nectar are deeply concealed in the Calytrix flower type.
In Sarawak, Malaysia, (Momose) Butterfly pollinated flowers
are tubular and brush likes shapes. Butterfly pollinated flowers
of family Leguminosae, Verbenaceae and Rubiaceae were
odorless and orange in color when fresh, but they remained in
inflorescence, turn reddish even after pollination and this
phenomenon was common in tubular flowers like Ixora spp.,
Rubiaceae and brush flowers like Bauhinia spp. Leguminosae
Genetic Variation in Plant Species
Kearney point out that butterflies collect nectar from plant
species, which induce genetic variation in the plants. Some
butterfly species migrate over long distance and share pollens
across plants which are far away from one another. This helps
plants to recover against disease and gives them a better
chance at survival [18].
Reduce Pollution
Some species of butterfly help to reduce the air pollution.
These species decrease the carbon dioxide in the air. The host
plants of monarch butterflies and caterpillars absorb carbon
dioxide and reduce the amount of air pollution. The
caterpillars eat host plant and grow back bigger and better so,
it can absorb more carbon dioxide [19].
Ecological Indicators of Healthier Ecosystem
In 1988 Landres and Simberlof demonstrated that Indicator
species indicate the physical and chemical changes in the
environment, or the abundance of other species through
changes in their own abundance [20, 21]. These indicators are
known as ecological indicators [22] and main goal of indicators
is to measure the complex system without missing important
information [23]. In many regions of the world Lepidoptera are
accepted as the ecological indicators of the ecosystem health
[24-27]. Butterflies have clear taxonomy their biology and life
history are well defined [28, 29]. Physiological tolerances;
habitat, temperature, light requirements have been quantified
[30, 31] and correlations with changes in ecosystem conditions
have been determined by Bowman [32].
Ehrlich, 1984; Oostermeijer and van Swaay 1998 described
that Butterflies have high reproductive rates and are at low
trophic level due to this, they response quickly to
environmental stress. Many butterflies specialize on a specific
plant species for oviposition or feeding [26, 33]. Butterflies tend
to be easy to find and measure. In a particular habitat if
butterfly is endangered then the plants, insects and vertebrates
live in that habitat are also at risk. Therefore endangered
butterflies serve as barometer of natural conditions in that
habitat [34].
According to Dobson, 2012, in the last ten years 72% butterfly
and moth species have declined. Butterflies react quickly to
minor changes in the environment, providing an alarming
signal for other reductions in wildlife and making them good
indicator of biodiversity. So, they are best monitored group of
insects in the world [1]. Some butterfly species are very
sensitive to even light disturbance of natural forest. These
species of butterflies are good indicators for natural forest [19].
Provide Food for Other Organisms
Butterflies provide food for number of animals such as birds,
reptiles, amphibians etc. and caterpillars provide an occasional
meal for scorpions and ants. Eggs of some flies and wasps live
as parasites inside catterpillar’s body and feed on it. If
populations of butterfly diminish, then population of birds,
mice and other animals that rely on them as food source will
also reduce. This loss will collapse the entire ecosystem [19].
Stephen Dickie, explains: "Birds plan their whole breeding
season around when caterpillars will be most abundant. If
butterflies and caterpillar are depleted then there will be less
food for developing chicks" [1].
Some butterfly larvae feed on harmful insect for example
Hoverfly larvae are Predators of aphids [33] so, caterpillars are
also use as biological pest control.
A Flying Flower and Magic
Feltwell demonstrates that adults and larvae of butterflies are
closely associated with plants; their beautiful and delicate
wing colors enhance the aesthetic value of environment [8].
In 2013 Kumar explain that butterfly is a living flower,
displaying its beauty wherever it goes. The bright colors of
wings stand out against the blue sky and green foliage,
attracting its mates. The bright colors prevent some potential
predators by suggesting bad taste or poison. Before the start of
winter, fragile Monarch butterfly migrate up to 2, 000 miles,
Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
and form colonies in Mexico and part of California. When
spring arrives they head north and east, lying eggs before they
die. Though butterflies make the trip only once, they magically
know where to go. Metamorphosis is magic in nature; a
beautiful butterfly emerges fully formed from a chrysalis that
was spun from a crawling caterpillar. The butterfly begins life
as an egg that hatch in to larva or caterpillar which grows and
pupa stage chrysalis [35].
Habitat Destruction
Human activities destroy the butterfly habitats. Global climate
fluctuation also affects the butterfly habitats. Governmental
policy on forestry, farming and road planning has great effect
on the abundance and distribution of butterflies [36].
The distribution and abundance of butterflies decline due to
the habitat destruction [37]. The use of pesticides on arable
crops has profound harmful effects on farmland wildlife [38]
but its impact on butterflies is unknown. The use of
insecticides has little evidence for the reduction in numbers
[39]. The use of Herbicides with chemical fertilizers and
drainage reduce the butterfly number indirectly by changing
the unimproved grassland in to improved pasture. Thomas
explained that mostly butterfly rich farmland habitat is
unimproved grassland. So, herbicides reduce the butterfly
population [30].
In 1984 Rands and Sothern examined the butterfly numbers on
two plots of arable farmland in southern England. The field
edge of one plot was unsprayed with herbicides, fungicides
and insecticides while other plot field was fully sprayed.
Unsprayed and sprayed transect sections were paired up
according to adjacent field boundary habitat type. On
unsprayed plot 868 butterflies were recorded and 297 on the
sprayed plot. In survey section 17 species of butterfly were
recorded out of which 13 species of butterfly abundant on
unsprayed field. Butterfly species were less able to breed in
sprayed field. So, use of herbicides on cereal crops reduces the
butterfly number [39].
Butterflies maintain the ecosystem by acting as pollinator,
prey, biological pest control, induce genetic variation in plants,
and enhance environmental beauty, reduce the level of carbon
dioxide in air. But butterfly population is decline rapidly and it
is suggest that greater emphasis should be placed on
management of habitat and better integration of protected areas.
Ecologist use butterflies as model organisms to study the
impact of climate change, habitat loss.
Never capture a butterfly. Encourage people to leave
butterflies to fly free. We must admire their beauty. We should
aware, the other peoples about the importance of butterflies
and other insects. There should be introductory course about
the protection and conservation of ecosystem and wildlife at
school level.
A great way to help these insects survive is to eat organic
foods, avoid the use of herbicides landscaping, and cultivate
milkweed and other nectar plants in garden. These insects need
our help and we need their invaluable contributions to save
entire ecosystems.
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... They act as indicators of the health of environment, anthropogenic disturbance and habitat quality. (Ghazanfar et al., 2016;Kocher and William, 2000; Thomas et al., 2004) [12,22,40] . Their sensitivity makes them quick to respond to the changes in landscape and local vegetation or broadly changes in environment or in ecosystem. ...
... They act as indicators of the health of environment, anthropogenic disturbance and habitat quality. (Ghazanfar et al., 2016;Kocher and William, 2000; Thomas et al., 2004) [12,22,40] . Their sensitivity makes them quick to respond to the changes in landscape and local vegetation or broadly changes in environment or in ecosystem. ...
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The present study deals with the butterfly diversity of Kaziranga National Orchid and Biodiversity Park, Golaghat district, Assam, India which was a survey-based study of five consecutive days from 6 th to 10 th February, 2024. The study recoded 72 butterfly species belonging to 52 genera and six families namely Papilionidae (6 species), Nymphalidae (32 species), Pieridae (17 species), Lycaenidae (10 species), Riodinidae (2 species) and Hesperiidae (5 species). Nymphalidae was the family with 45.91% of total recoded butterfly species, followed by Pieridae (31.54%), Lycaenidae (11.58%), Papilionidae (5.39%), Riodinidae (3.19%) and Hesperiidae (2.40%). Based on the sightings of the butterfly species, 70.86% were found under the very common category, 19.96% under common category, 5.99% under fairly common category and 3.19% under uncommon category. Seventeen species of the recorded butterflies are legally protected under different Schedules as per the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972. Values of the studied diversity indices such as Shannon's index (H'=3.88) showed the species richness of the butterfly community was high, Pielou's evenness index (J'=0.91) depicted that the recoded butterfly species were evenly distributed in the community, Simpson's index (Ds=0.02) indicated that a high proportion of species abundance persisted in the community. The present study can be considered as a significant taxonomical as well as ecological work which aims to contribute to the development of biodiversity restoration plans, habitat management and conservation of butterfly fauna in Kaziranga National Orchid and Biodiversity Park.
... The higher number of individuals of a species or more than one species denotes their dominance in that area. If the species uses resources all over daytime, it is mostly encountered and signifies its presence (Ghazanfar et al., 2016). The study justified the fact that species coexist as per their ecological needs and some species populations are more dominant over other species depending on the time of the day. ...
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The same ecological niche cannot support two species in a similar habitat. To avoid negative interactions, species tend to adapt to several biological phenomena and resource utilization patterns. The temperature also has an effect on the presence and distribution of various insect communities in any ecosystem. Butterfly species utilize similar habitat types or even microhabitats, with their other co-species and share the same daytime if the resources are plentiful. However, they follow a certain ecological temporal distribution pattern byusing differentintervals in the same time frame toavoid interspecific competition. The present study aimed to examine the occurrence of common and uncommon kinds of butterflies throughout the day in a small habitat at Jolkol, Serampore, West Bengal, using the Modified Pollard Walk Method and the brief study period evaluated any butterfly species' shifting patterns to determine how best to use available resources during the period. The study revealed a pattern in the presence of different butterfly species throughout time, enabling co-species to share resources from the same environment.
... However, they have largely been ignored by conservation biologists and policymakers as well. Hence butterflies play a vital role in the ecosystem and the co -evolutionary relationship between them and plants as well as their lives are interlinked (Ghazanfar et al, 2016). Butterflies provide many vital economically important services within terrestrial ecosystems (such as nutrient recycling, soil formation, food resources, and pollination). ...
... (Patel 1993). Butterflies form an important node in the food-web and provide ecosystem services in the form of pollinators and prey species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, etc. (Ghazanfar et al. 2016) and are valuable flagship species for aesthetic and cultural reasons (Ferris and Humphrey 1999). About 30 percent of reported butterflies in India are found in Garhwal Himalaya, ACR is part of it. ...
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The present study is an attempt to characterize the significance of different micro-habitats in the context of habitat quality, complex food-web within and surrounding environs of the Asan Conservation reserve wetland in outer Himalayan tract. The unceasing nutrient-rich water flow supports vegetation growth and the occurrence of biological elements at different trophic levels of the food chain supply. A mix of swamp-marsh, shallow and deep water, floating, and terrestrial vegetation make it a good environmental setup to meet various life-cycle needs of the migratory and resident birds. Four dominant biotic groups: primary producers and consumers at different trophic levels such as butterflies, amphibians, and birds were studied. We used two-season IRS LISS IV satellite data of 2016 for characterizing the micro-habitat of the wetland. The analyses of water quality for pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, and total soil organic content indicates that these are within permissible limits for the survival of larvae, prey, and predators species to complete their lifecycle. The unique ecological setup formed by the permanent source of flowing and stagnant water, natural and semi-natural vegetation, the mosaic of tree-grassland-marsh-swamp land, seasonal crops, prey species, etc. and the presence of peripheral vegetation are some of the ecological niceties and reasons for attracting a large number of migratory birds. Habitat used by birds, amphibians, and butterflies in the core wetland and adjacent ecosystems were characterized. We recommend adaptive scientific management for maintaining ‘Hemi marsh’ in the ratio of 60:40 between the water and vegetation, controlling water pollution and eutrophication, and fixing of dredging policy after thorough studies on the soil benthic fauna before and after desilting.
... Butterflies are good indicators of climatic, seasonal, and ecological changes and help formulate conservation strategies. Butterflies play a key role in the ecosystem, and coevolutionary relationship between them and plants as their lives are interlinked (Ghazanfar et al., 2016). They are well adapted to ...
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The butterflies are a vital ecosystem component, acting as pollinators, food sources, and good indicators of ecological changes. The present study mainly focuses on identifying butterfly species and their diversity in India?s Bhagalpur district of Bihar. During the survey, 48 butterfly species were recorded. Among these, 19 species were recorded for the first time from Bihar. The surrounding rural areas had rich butterfly diversity comprising 48 species belonging to 5 families compared to the town area, where only 32 species were recorded. A maximum of 16 species were recorded from the nymphalidae family (33.33%). The most abundant species in the target area were Ariadne ariadne, Danaus chrysippus, Euploea core, Junonia almana, Junonia iphita, Leptosia nina nina, Lerodea eufala, Melanitis leda ismene, Papilio demoleus demoleus, and Ypthima huebneri. However, a few species, such as Cigaritis vulcanus, Curetis acuta, Iambrix salsala, and Spialia galba, were rarely found. Maximum diversity was observed in winter, whereas minimum diversity was observed in summer.. KEYWORDS :Butterfly, Diversity, New Records, Nymphalidae
... Hence, it is evident that the conservation of Rhopalocera is a significant requirement for overall regional conservation efforts. In addition, Rhopalocera reduces pollution and also serves as a bioindicator, a source of nutrition for secondary consumers (Ghazanfar et al. 2016). ...
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Ilhamdi ML, Idrus AA, Santoso D, Hadiprayitno G, Syazali M, Hariadi I. 2023. Species richness and dispersion patterns of Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) in the Nuraksa Forest Park, Lombok, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 25: 62-70. Butterflies play an important role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and pollinators. This study aims to analyze the species richness and dispersion patterns of butterflies from the Rhopalocera suborder in this area. The field survey was carried out from January to July 2023. The sampling site was divided into six areas. Specimens that were successfully collected using a hand net were identified at the Biological Laboratory of Mataram University. During this survey, 1576 specimens of Rhopalocera were recorded. This number consists of 47 species. Several species, such as Junonia atlites Linnaeus, 1763, Junonia almana Linnaeus, 1758, Danaus genutia Cramer, 1779, Hypolimnas misippus Linnaeus, 1764, and Amathusia phidippus Linnaeus, 1763 were found to be new records in the Nuraksa Forest Park area. The habitat types with the highest number of species are the utilization block and the traditional block, with 47 species. The habitat type with the lowest number of species is a special block with only 15 species. However, the highest species richness was found in the protection block, with an R-value of 8.09. The most dominant species is Leptosia nina Fabricius, 1793, and the least dominant is A. phidippus. Each species depicted a varying distribution in the six habitat types. According to the analysis results, it was found that the dispersion pattern of all Rhopalocera species is clustered. The research results themselves contribute to conservation and ecotourism efforts.
... The results of other studies that are similar to the findings of this study also found that Nymphalidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, and Papilionidae are groups of butterflies that commonly visit flowers [10]. The dependence of pollinating butterflies on flowers is not solely on the liquid component of the flower, nectar, but also on the solid component in the form of flower pollen grains which are known to contain various kinds of amino acids [11]. ...
... Worldwide there are more than 28,000 species of butterflies, with about 80 percent found in tropical regions (Robbins and Oplar, 1997;Ghazanfar et al. 2016) while Silsby (2001) described about 6000 species of dragonflies and Schorr and Paulson (2014) documented both the dragonflies and damselflies, about 5,952 species and subspecies of Odonata belonging to 652 genera worldwide (Saikia et al, 2016;Kalkman et al., 2020), in all over the world. Later Mitra and Subramanian recorded 499 and 463 species respectively (Mitra. ...
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Butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies are indeed important for ecosystem productivity, playing roles in pollination and insect control, contributing to a balanced and thriving ecosystem. Their presence showcases the health and abundance of the ecosystem. Biodiversity protection and conservation are indeed essential aspects of both national and international agendas, as they contribute significantly to the sustainable development of regions and countries. Biodiversity ensures the health and stability of ecosystems, provides ecosystem services crucial for human survival and well-being, and supports various industries such as agriculture, fisheries, and tourism. Lepidoptera and Odonata assemblage along with Kalyani Lake Park of Nadia district in West Bengal has been investigated. The dragonflies, damselflies and butterflies species were studied from August 2021 to September 2023. In this survey 25 species of dragonflies, 10 species of damselflies and 75 species of Butterflies were recorded. Among the odonate species, Libelluidae and Coenagrionidae were the dominant families with maximum number of species being 23 and 08 respectively. In the case of butterflies, Nymphalidae was the dominant family with 27 species while others have fewer representatives. Relative abundance and diversity indices were calculated for all species group. However, in the case of the urban forest area, the observed high anthropogenic disturbances create significant biotic pressure on the Kalyani Lake Park. Given the significance of understanding the insect diversity in this study area, a detailed list of recorded Odonata and Lepidoptera from the study would provide valuable insights into the specific species present, their distribution, and their potential interactions with the environment.
Butterflies are declining globally, mainly due to expansion and abandonment of agricultural land. Quantifying the relative importance of agricultural land-use types for butterflies is essential to conservation planning in agricultural landscapes, where land-use changes frequently occur. Here, we surveyed species richness, abundance, and composition in natural lands (wetland and forest), agricultural land, and abandoned agricultural land in two topographic settings (hillslope and lowland) in Hokkaido, northern Japan. The species richness and abundance of open-land butterflies tended to be the highest in agricultural lands in both topographic settings. Although those of communities were lowest in natural lands, such areas had unique species compositions. Topography can be an important factor explaining the variation in species richness and abundance among abandoned agricultural lands. In hillslope areas, abundance of open-land butterflies was lower in abandoned agricultural lands than in active ones. In lowland areas, however, species richness and abundance of abandoned agricultural lands were comparable to those of active ones in both communities and functional groups. Our results suggest that both topography and land-use type have significant effects on butterfly community composition in agricultural landscapes.
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The butterfly community at a revegetated riparian site on the lower Colorado River near Parker, Arizona, was compared to that found in a reference riparian site. Data indicated that the herbaceous plant community, which was lacking at the revegetated site, was important to several butterfly taxa. An index using butterfly sensitivity to habitat change (species classified into risk groups) and number of taxa was developed to monitor revegetation projects and to determine restoration effectiveness.
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Habitat selection by butterflies is examined by comparing the relative number of adults recorded in woodland rides with the overall level of direct shade, measured by hemispherical photography. Species that are typical of open grassland habitats were largely confined to the least shaded rides whilst other species were most abundant in either partially or heavily shaded rides. Overall, a far greater number of species occurred in the least shaded rides and only a few species actually preferred heavily shaded conditions. The apparent shade preferences of two species, Leptidea sinapis and Aphantopus hyperantus, were confirmed by local changes in their distribution over a period of several years when rides became increasingly shaded. Habitat selection by L. sinapis was also related to the abundance of certain resources, such as nectar sources and larval foodplants.The major factors which determine the level of direct shade in woodland rides (tree height, ride width and orientation) are discussed, and conclusions are drawn about the importance of ride management to the conservation of butterflies in woodland habitats.
Although the uses and merits of terrestrial insects as indicators have been extensively discussed, there is a lack of clear definition, goal directedness and hypothesis testing in studies in the field. In an attempt to redress some of these issues and outline an approach for further studies, three categories of terrestrial insect indicators, corresponding to differences in their application, are proposed, i.e. environmental, ecological and biodiversity indicators. The procedures in terrestrial insect bioindicator studies should start with a clear definition of the study objectives and proposed use of the bioindicator, as well as with a consideration of the scale at which the study is to be carried out. Bioindication studies are conducted at a variety of spatial and temporal scales within the contest of earth-system processes, but the objectives of the study will largely determine the scale at which it would be optimally conducted. There is a tendency for studies to be conducted below their space-time scaling functions, giving them apparent predictability. The selection of potential indicator taxa or groups is then based on a priori suitability criteria, the identification of predictive relationships between the indicator and environmental variables and, most importantly, the development and testing of hypotheses according to the correlative patterns found. Finally, recommendations for the use of the indicator in monitoring should be made. Although advocating rigorous, long-term protocols to identify indicators may presently be questionable in the face of the urgency with which conservation decisions have to be made, this approach is critical if bioindicators are to be used with any measurable degree of confidence.
Plant and animal species have been used for decades as indicators of air and water quality and agricultural and range conditions. Increasingly, vertebrates are used to assess population trends and habitat quality for other species. In this paper we review the conceptual bases, assumptions, and published guidelines for selection and use of vertebrates as ecological indicators. We conclude that an absence of precise definitions and procedures, confounded criteria used to select species, and discordance with ecological literature severely weaken the effectiveness and credibility of using vertebrates as ecological indicators. In many cases the use of ecological indicator species is inappropriate, but when necessary, the following recommendations will make their use more rigorous: (1) clearly state assessment goals, (2) use indicators only when other assessment options are unavailable, (3) choose indicator species by explicitly defined criteria that are in accord with assessment goals, (4) include all species that fulfill stated selection criteria (5) know the biology of the indicator in detail, and treat the indicator as a formal estimator in conceptual and statistical models, (6) identify and define sources of subjectivity when selecting monitoring and intetpreting indicator species, (7) submit assessment design, methods of data collection and statistical analysis, interpretations, and recommendations to peer review and (8) direct research at developing an overall strategy for monitoring wildlife that accounts for natural variability in population attributes and incorporates concepts from landscape ecology.