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Mitogenome analysis reveals a complex phylogeographic relationship within the wild tiger population of Thailand


Abstract and Figures

We present the first study of the complete mitogenome of wild tigers Panthera tigris in Thailand. Thailand has been recognised as one of the most important countries within the geographic range of P. tigris and is home to 2 subspecies: Indochinese P. t. corbetti in the north and Malayan P. t. jacksoni in the south. We obtained samples from wild tigers in a large forest complex in northern Thailand (Western Forest Complex, WEFCOM) and from locally confiscated individuals in southern Thailand close to the border with Malaysia. Our results support the occurrence of both Indochinese and Malayan tigers in Thailand and reveal complex phylogeographic patterns of the wild tiger population in Southeast Asia.
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Endang Species Res
Vol. 30: 125–131, 2016
doi: 10.3354/esr00729 Published May 12
Morphological and genetic studies of wild tigers
Panthera tigris have resulted in the designation of
6 extant subspecies: Amur P. t. altaica, Bengal P. t.
tigris, South China P. t. amoyensis, Sumatran P. t.
sumatrae, Indochinese P. t. corbetti and Malayan P. t.
jacksoni (Ma´zak 1981, Luo et al. 2004). Thailand is
one of 7 countries situated within the geographic
range of tigers and contains sufficient habitat to sup-
port 2 source sites and up to 250 tigers (DNP 2010,
Walston et al. 2010). The majority of tigers in Thai-
land are of the subspecies P. t. corbetti, and P. t. jack-
soni occurs in the south of the country separated by
the Isthmus of Kra (Luo et al. 2004). Most of the
remaining tiger habitat in Thailand is within the
Western Forest Complex (WEFCOM), a World Her-
itage Site which covers an area of approximately
© The authors 2016. Open Access under Creative Commons by
Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are un -
restricted. Authors and original publication must be credited.
Publisher: Inter-Research ·
*Corresponding author:
Mitogenome analysis reveals a complex
phylogeographic relationship within the
wild tiger population of Thailand
Waradee Buddhakosai1, Worata Klinsawat2, Olutolani Smith3,4,
Manakorn Sukmak5, Nongnid Kaolim6, Somphot Duangchantrasiri7,
Achara Simcharoen7, Boripat Siriaroonrat8, Worawidh Wajjwalku1,6,*
1Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Genetic Engineering, Graduate School, Kasetsart University, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
2Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
3Division of Biology, Silwood Park, Imperial College London, Ascot, Berks SL5 7PY, UK
4Panthera, 8 West 40th St, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10018, USA
5Department of Farm Resources and Production Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Thailand
6Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen, Nakhon Pathom 73140,
7Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
8Zoological Park Organization, Dusit, Bangkok 10300,Thailand
ABSTRACT: We present the first study of the complete mitogenome of wild tigers Panthera tigris
in Thailand. Thailand has been recognised as one of the most important countries within the geo-
graphic range of P. tigris and is home to 2 subspecies: Indochinese P. t. corbetti in the north and
Malayan P. t. jacksoni in the south. We obtained samples from wild tigers in a large forest complex
in northern Thailand (Western Forest Complex, WEFCOM) and from locally confiscated individu-
als in southern Thailand close to the border with Malaysia. Our results support the occurrence of
both Indochinese and Malayan tigers in Thailand and reveal complex phylogeographic patterns
of the wild tiger population in Southeast Asia.
KEY WORDS: mtDNA · Panthera tigris corbetti · Panthera tigris jacksoni · Western Forest
Complex · WEFCOM · Large cats · Phylogenetics
Endang Species Res 30: 125– 131, 2016
18 000 km2(Simcharoen et al. 2007). However,
despite government protection under the Wild Ani-
mal Reservation and Protection Act B.E.2535 (1992)
of Thailand, the tiger population here is still declin-
ing due to habitat loss and human persecution.
Due to the critical importance of regions such as
WEFCOM to tiger conservation in Thailand, National
Park staff have been monitoring the population
through regular camera trap studies, and they have
also begun to collect non-invasive samples (faeces
and hair) for genetic analysis. Recent genetic studies
of mitochondrial DNA variation in the WEFCOM
population and in southern Thailand (unpubl. data)
have revealed the presence of 2 new haplotypes that
have not been previously reported. One haplotype
(GenBank Accession No. KC879297) was discovered
in tiger samples from WEFCOM, and the other
(KC879296), which was detected in an individual
from southern Thailand, represents a new haplotype
of P. t. jacksoni.
Here we describe a new study as an extension of
this work, to characterize the complete mitogenome
of tigers from WEFCOM and southern Thailand, and
to demonstrate the phylogenetic relationship be -
tween these haplotypes and tigers in other popula-
tions. The results of this and subsequent genetic
studies will act as the basis for a national genetic
database, which could be used for both research and
forensic applications in Thailand.
Primer design
Most of the primers used in this study were newly
designed from the alignment of cymt (GenBank
DQ151150) and F2 numt sequences (GenBank
DQ151151) (Kim et al. 2006). Primers originally de-
veloped for Ursidae (Delisle & Strobeck 2002) were
used to amplify the region between the 2 ends of F2
numt (ATP6 − ND5). Full details of the primers used
are given in Table S1 in the Supplement, at www. int-
res. com/ articles/ suppl/n030 p125_ supp. pdf.
Samples and DNA extraction
Hair samples (n = 3) were collected from WEFCOM
during field surveys by National Park staff in 2009.
These 3 samples shared the same haplotype based on
aligned sequences from ND6, Cyt b and the control
region; we therefore chose only 1 sample for further
analysis (ID = WEFCOM). Three muscle samples
were also obtained from 3 tiger carcasses confiscated
by police from poachers in Narathiwat province,
southern Thailand, in 2009. One sample was obtained
from each individual, and 1 sample (ID = Ti2) was
identified as a new haplotype using the aligned se-
quences from ND6, Cyt b and the control region. This
sample was therefore chosen for subsequent analysis.
A map of Thailand showing the sampling sites is
shown in Fig. S1 in the Supplement at www. int-res.
com/ articles/ suppl/ n030 p125_ supp. pdf.
DNA extractions were performed following a mod-
ified method of Carter & Milton (1993). Briefly, the
hair or muscle was cut into small pieces, digested in
lysis buffer, and incubated overnight at 56°C. The
supernatant was then collected and mixed with silica
diatom. After shaking and centrifugation, the result-
ant pellet was washed with washing buffer. The
pellet was then dried and DNA eluted with elution
PCR conditions
Each DNA template was amplified with a single-
direction PCR prior to specific fragment amplifica-
tion. PCRs were performed in a 20 µl reaction volume
containing 10 µl of 2× Phusion buffer (Finnzymes),
200 µM dNTP, 0.25 µl of each 1 µM reverse primer,
0.2 µl of Phusion High-fidelity DNA polymerase
(Finnzymes), 2 µl of DNA template (diluted to 5 ng
µl−1), and the relevant amount of purified water. PCR
cycling conditions were as follows: a pre-denatura-
tion step at 98°C for 3 min, then 35 cycles of 98°C for
30 s, annealing at 58°C for 30 s, extension at 72°C for
2 min, then 72°C for 5 min. The higher denaturation
temperature of 98°C is recommended for this high-
fidelity Taq enzyme.
The second round of PCR was performed in 50 µl
volumes containing 25 µl of 2× buffer, 200 µM dNTP,
0.1 µl of each of 10 µM forward and reverse primer,
0.5 µl of Phusion High-fidelity DNA polymerase
(Finnzymes), 1 µl of the PCR product from the first
round of single-direction PCR and purified water.
PCR was performed for 40 cycles under similar con-
ditions to those described above, apart from reducing
the extension time to 1 min. PCR products were puri-
fied using the silica diatom method as described
above (Carter & Milton 1993) and sequenced in
either forward or reverse directions. This 2-step PCR
protocol was repeated twice for each mitochondrial
region except the control region, which was repeated
3 times.
Buddhakosai et al.: Phylogeographic relationship of wild tigers in Thailand 127
Data analysis
Amplified mtDNA fragments were assembled
into complete mtDNA sequences using BioEdit
(Hall 1999). Haplotypes identified in this study
were then analysed jointly with haplotypes of
4078 bp of concatenated sequence from extant
tiger subspecies (Luo et al. 2004); see Fig. 1. Three
felid species related to tigers, viz. snow leopard
Panthera uncia (GenBank NC_010638), leopard P.
pardus (GenBank EF551002) and clouded leopard
Neofelis nebulosa (GenBank DQ257669), were
used as outgroups in the analysis (Table S2 in the
Supplement). Phylogenetic relationships between
the 2 tiger samples in this study and published P.
tigris haplotypes were assessed using neighbour-
joining (NJ), maximum parsimony (MP), maximum
likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference. The
Bayesian information criterion implemented in
jModelTest v2.1.4 (Posada 2008) was used to select
the best-fit substitution model for ML and Bayesian
analysis. The Hasegawa-Kishino-Yano model +
gamma distribution (base = [0.3250 0.2911 0.1338],
nst = 2, tratio = 20.6989, rates = gamma, shape =
0.1520, ncat = 4, pinvar = 0) was selected as the
best-fit model. Using these model parameters,
Bayesian inference was executed in MrBayes
v3.2.5 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003, Ronquist et
al. 2012) for 2 000 000 generations with trees sam-
pled every 100 generations and the first 25% gen-
erations discarded as burn-in. NJ, MP and ML
analyses were performed in PAUP* v4a142 (Swof-
ford 2002) with 2000 repetitions for MP and NJ,
and 100 repetitions for ML. Heuristic search with
random additions of taxa and tree-bisection-recon-
nection branch swapping was employed. Trees
were then viewed and manually annotated with
FigTree v1.4.2. The median-joining phylogenetic
network was computed using Network
(Bandelt et al. 1999) to analyse the relationship
between tiger haplotypes from this study and
those from Luo et al. (2004).
Longer sequences of 10 140 bp (excluding the
control region and the fragment between positions
7399 and 12 707) were also evaluated following
alignment of complete mtDNA sequences from
Zhang et al. (2011), Kitpipit et al. (2012) and Sun et
al. (2015). The Tamura-Nei model + gamma distri-
bution (base = [0.3243, 0.2612, 0.1509] nst = 6, rates
= gamma, shape = 0.1280, ncat = 4, pinvar = 0) was
the optimal model. A similar method to that
described above was used to construct the tree (see
Fig. 2).
The size of the complete mitogenome in the
WEFCOM and Ti2 individuals (GenBank KJ508412
and KJ508413) was 16 954 and 17 008 bp, respec-
tively (Table S3 in the Supplement). The difference
in mitogenome size between this and other studies
was mainly due to variation in the tandem repeats
TACACACG and TATACACG in the repetitive
sequence box 3 of the control region (Fig. S2 in the
Supplement). Thirty variable sites were identified in
the whole mitogenome excluding the control region
(21 C/T and 9 A/G nucleotide substitutions), and
there were 22 new variable sites (11 in WEFCOM
and 11 in Ti2) when comparing our results to other
studies (Luo et al. 2004, Driscoll et al. 2009, Zhang et
al. 2011, Kitpipit et al. 2012, Mondol et al. 2013, Sun
et al. 2015, Xue et al. 2015) (see Table S4 in the Sup-
plement). The WEFCOM haplotype carried 1 Pan-
thera tigris altaica-specific single nucleotide poly-
morphism (SNP; 14711A) as described by Luo et al.
(2004), whereas Ti2 contained no subspecies-specific
In each sample, we found 2 distinct sequences with
numt contamination in the region of COX2ATP6.
No heteroplasmy was found in either sequence. The
first sequence (amplicon 9.1) generated from primers
described for Ursidae (Delisle & Strobeck 2002) con-
tained an F2 numt sequence from the COX1 to COX2
gene as found in the report by Zhang et al. (2011) and
could not be assembled with the flanking fragments.
The second sequence (amplicon 9.2), amplified by
the newly designed primers in this study, contained
F2 numt contamination in the COX2 to ATP8 genes,
similar to the results of Kitpipit et al. (2012) (see
Table S1 and Figs. S3 & S4 in the Supplement), and
perfectly assembled to the adjacent fragments. The
last domain of sequences covering part of the ATP6
gene also differed (Figs. S3 & S4). We therefore
excluded the mitochondrial fragment between posi-
tions 7399 and 12 707 (based on the WEFCOM
mitogenome) from further analysis as it may have
contained additional numt sequences.
Results from the MP, NJ and ML trees and the
Bayesian inference analyses on 4078 bp of con -
catenated mtDNA indicate that the WEFCOM
haplotype is nearly equidistant to the fixed haplotype
of P. t. altaica (8 different nucleotides) and a haplo -
group consisting of all reported P. t. corbetti mtDNA
haplotypes (9 different nucleotides; Fig. 1A). The
high Bayesian posterior probability and bootstrap
support of this monophyletic cluster suggests a
recent common ancestor of tigers now distributed in
Endang Species Res 30: 125– 131, 2016
Fig. 1. Phylogeny of mtDNA haplotypes of extant tiger Panthera tigris subspecies based on 4078 bp of concatenated sequences
following Luo et al. (2004). (A) Results from maximum parsimony (MP), neighbour-joining (NJ), maximum likelihood (ML) and
Bayesian analyses were similar, so only the MP tree is shown here. The numbers above each branch represent the statistical
support in percentages for the MP, NJ, ML, and Bayesian analyses, respectively. Dashes represent statistical support values
<50. The numbers below each branch represent the number of changes. (B) The median-joining network demonstrates the
evolutionary relationship between our 2 samples and previous reports (Luo et al. 2004). Each circle represents a haplotype, and
the marks on each branch indicate mutation points. Circle size is not proportional to the haplotype frequency. Both the MP phy-
logenetic tree and the median- joining network support an additional Indochinese haplotype (WEFCOM), which evolved from a
common ancestor between P. t. altaica and P. t. corbetti. The new Malayan haplotype (Ti2) descended from the same historic
ancestor as P. t. jacksoni
Buddhakosai et al.: Phylogeographic relationship of wild tigers in Thailand
Indochina and Far Eastern regions of Asia, and sub-
stantial population genetic substructure within
Indochinese tigers. The southern haplotype, Ti2,
clustered with JAX1 and JAX2 haplotypes and
formed a monophyletic group within the Malayan
tiger subspecies P. t. jacksoni. These results were
supported by the median-joining network analysis
and suggested a complex phylogeographic pattern
within P. t. corbetti in that the WEFCOM haplotype is
different from other P. t. corbetti haplotypes, and that
the Ti2 haplotype belongs to P. t. jacksoni (Fig. 1B).
The analysis of the longer mtDNA sequence
showed that the WEFCOM haplotype appears to be
more closely related to P. t. altaica than to other P. t.
corbetti haplotypes with high statistical support in all
algorithms. However, the number of changes from
the WEFCOM haplotype to the haplogroup of P. t.
altaica (15 nucleotides) is larger than that to the
haplo group of P. t. corbetti (13 nucleotides; Fig. 2).
This result further indicates a close and complex
relationship between the 2 subspecies. All analyses
using the MP, ML and Bayesian approaches con -
sistently supported the finding that the lineage of
P. t. jacksoni diverged earlier than the splitting of P. t.
corbetti and P. t. altaica.
Tiger populations with a sufficient number of
breeding individuals to support the wider landscape
are currently thought to occur in only 8 countries,
including Thailand (Goodrich et al. 2015). Therefore,
it is vitally important to understand the dynamics of
the wild tiger population in Thailand. In the present
study, we provide the first report of the complete
mitogenome of the Malayan tiger and of novel haplo-
types in the wild Indochinese tiger population in
Thailand. We also demonstrate the phylogenetic
relationship of these 2 subspecies to other tiger pop-
ulations in Asia.
The results of our phylogenetic analyses are in
agreement with the subspecies classification previ-
ously described (Luo et al. 2004), but indicate phylo-
genetic differences between the WEFCOM haplo-
type and other Panthera tigris corbetti haplotypes
found across Asia. We found that the WEFCOM
haplotype contained the 14711A SNP of P. t. altaica,
a common SNP shared among P. t. altaica and P. t .
corbetti (15756C), and no subspecies-specific SNPs
described for P. t. corbetti (Luo et al. 2004). Our
results suggest that the WEFCOM haplotype is
Fig. 2. Maximum parsimony (MP) phylogenetic tree based on 10 140 bp of mitochondrial sequence (Zhang et al. 2011, Kitpipit
et al. 2012, Sun et al. 2014) excluding the control region (CR) and the numt-contaminated fragments. The numbers above each
branch represent the bootstrap values for the MP, neighbour-joining, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses, respec-
tively. Dashes represent bootstrap values <50. The number below each branch represents the number of changes. The
placement of the WEFCOM haplotype was consistent in all methods with high statistical support
Endang Species Res 30: 125– 131, 2016
closely related to P. t. altaica and that there may be
more complex genetic structure in Indochinese tigers
than previously thought. As expected, the Ti2 haplo-
type sampled in southern Thailand formed a mono -
phyletic group with JAX haplotypes and indicates
that P. t. jacksoni diverged from a common Indo -
chinese ancestor earlier than the divergence between
P. t. corbetti and P. t. altaica.
A recent genetic study of tigers in the Sunda region
suggests that the tiger subspecies now found in much
of southeast Asia and the Russian Far East (P. t. cor-
betti, P. t. jacksoni and P. t. altaica) most likely
evolved from a common ancestor in a second wave of
expansion and divergence from P. t. amoyensis in
China (Xue et al. 2015). Amur tigers (P. t. altaica) and
Indochinese tigers (P. t. corbetti) have also been
shown to be sister taxa separated by only a few mito-
chondrial steps. The close phylogenetic relationship
between 1 wild P. t. altaica (GenBank KF297576)
from China (Sun et al. 2015) and the WEFCOM indi-
vidual in this study provides further support for a
recent common ancestor for these 2 haplotypes, and
hints at further local Indochinese substructure. Thus,
tiger populations in northern Thailand may contain
some of the haplotypes present in the ancestral pop-
ulation when tigers expanded out of China and into
Russia and mainland Asia. Thailand is now the only
country in the region with a reasonable population of
P. t. corbetti tigers, as they have largely been poached
from other neighbouring countries such as China,
Laos and Cambodia. Thus, the existence of new hap-
lotypes in Thailand also highlights its critical geo-
graphic position between the populations of P. t .
altaica in the Russian Far East and P. t. jacksoni in
The discovery of 2 distinct sequences containing
numt in this study is notable, as it suggests the pres-
ence of additional numt in multiple fragments, as has
been reported in species such as the domestic cat,
human and chimpanzee (Lopez et al. 1994, 1996,
Tourmen et al. 2002, Antunes et al. 2007, Hazkani-
Covo & Graur 2007). Therefore, future studies
involving the complete mitochondrial genome of
tigers must take care to check for confounding
sequences between the 2 ends of F2 numt, which
should be excluded from any downstream phylo -
genetic analysis.
Here, we have provided an account of the com-
plete mitogenome of Panthera tigris corbetti and P. t .
jacksoni, and have provided further information on
the phylogenetic relationship between these 2 tiger
subspecies in Thailand. Our results also provide evi-
dence for the close relationship between P. t. altaica
and P. t. corbetti, and support the importance of
WEFCOM to the Asian tiger population.
Acknowledgements. We acknowledge the Graduate School,
Kasetsart University, Thailand, for supporting this project.
We are also grateful to all the project collaborators in the
Zoological Park Organization under the Royal Patronage of
His Majesty the King, the Department of National Parks,
Wildlife and Plant Conservation and associated field re -
searchers who provided the samples. We also thank
Anyalak Wachirachaikarn and Phasit Charoenkwan for
their advice on the bioinformatics analysis.
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Editorial responsibility: Mike Bruford,
Cardiff, UK
Submitted: December 11, 2014; Accepted: March 17, 2016
Proofs received from author(s): April 25, 2016
... The samples were analysed by typing single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in four mtDNA regions (ND2, COI, ND6, and CytB), which have been shown to be diagnostic of the various tiger subspecies by previous studies (Luo et al. 2004;Driscoll et al. 2009;Sun et al. 2015;Wilting et al. 2015;Xue et al. 2015;Buddhakosai et al. 2016). The used PCR primers are shown in Table 3. ...
... PCR reactions were performed in a 25 ml volume of 1× PCR Buffer (QIAGEN), 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM of each primer, 0.2 mM dNTPs, 1 mg/ml BSA, 2 units of HotStarTaq DNA Polymerase (QIAGEN), and 2 ml of DNA extract. The PCR cycling protocol follows Xue et al. (2015), except that we used 95°C in the initial denaturation, and 55 additional cycles after the touch- We compared the obtained genetic profiles to those reported in previous studies (Luo et al. 2004;Driscoll et al. 2009;Sun et al. 2015;Wilting et al. 2015;Xue et al. 2015;Buddhakosai et al. 2016). The sequences were aligned in the program MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016), using the ClustalW algorithm (Higgins et al. 1994), and a table of the variable positions was compiled. ...
... One of these is, in fact, identical to the haplotype formed by TIG1, 2, 4, 5, and 6. Based on genetic variation of modern tiger populations, northern Indochina and southern China have been proposed as the centre of origin of the Pleistocene radiation of tigers (Luo et al. 2004;Buddhakosai et al. 2016). It is therefore possible that populations in this area still retain some ancestral haplotypes that have since become fixed in the Bengal tiger. ...
We describe a specimen of the extinct Javan tiger Panthera tigris sondaica in the Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS (FMNH) in Helsinki, Finland. This specimen has not previously been described in the literature. It consists of the complete skeleton of a subadult individual collected in the nineteenth century, supposedly in Java. We confirmed the specimen's identity as a Javan tiger with a DNA analysis, an identification which was supported by a morphological examination. In addition to this Javan tiger specimen, we also subjected a few other old, wild-caught tiger specimens in the collections of the FMNH to DNA analysis. Notable results of these analyses were the identification of two twentieth-century flat skin specimens of the South China tiger P. t. amoyensis, which still survives in captivity but is extinct in the wild, and a probable Malayan tiger P. t. jacksoni skull specimen. Results of a DNA analysis of one further nineteenth-century specimen, a mounted skin of a juvenile, were inconclusive beyond establishing that it originates from the Sunda Islands; however, certain features of this specimen's pelage suggest that it, too, may be a Javan tiger.
Mitochondrial DNA has been heavily utilized in phylogeography studies for several decades. However, underlying patterns of demography and phylogeography may be misrepresented due to coalescence stochasticity, selection, variation in mutation rates, and cultural hitchhiking (linkage of genetic variation to culturally transmitted traits affecting fitness). Cultural hitchhiking has been suggested as an explanation for low genetic diversity in species with strong social structures, counteracting even high mobility, abundance and limited barriers to dispersal. One such species is the sperm whale, which shows very limited phylogeographic structure and low mtDNA diversity despite a worldwide distribution and large population. Here, we use analyses of 175 globally distributed mitogenomes and three nuclear genomes to evaluate hypotheses of a population bottleneck/expansion versus a selective sweep due to cultural‐hitchhiking or selection on mtDNA as the mechanism contributing to low worldwide mitochondrial diversity in sperm whales. In contrast to mtDNA control region (CR) data, mitogenome haplotypes are largely ocean‐specific, with only one of 80 shared between the Atlantic and Pacific. Demographic analyses of nuclear genomes suggest low mtDNA diversity is consistent with a global reduction in population size that ended approximately 125,000 years ago, correlated with the Eemian interglacial. Phylogeographic analysis suggests that extant sperm whales descend from maternal lineages endemic to the Pacific during the period of reduced abundance, and have subsequently colonized the Atlantic several times. Results highlight the apparent impact of past climate change, and suggest selection and hitchhiking are not the sole processes responsible for low mtDNA diversity in this highly social species. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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The Bali (Panthera tigris balica) and Javan (P. t. sondaica) tigers are recognized as distinct tiger subspecies that went extinct in the 1940s and 1980s, respectively. Yet their genetic ancestry and taxonomic status remain controversial. Following ancient DNA procedures, we generated concatenated 1750bp mtDNA sequences from 23 museum samples including 11 voucher specimens from Java and Bali and compared these to diagnostic mtDNA sequences from 122 specimens of living tiger subspecies and the extinct Caspian tiger. The results revealed a close genetic affinity of the 3 groups from the Sunda Islands (Bali, Javan, and Sumatran tigers P. t. sumatrae). Bali and Javan mtDNA haplotypes differ from Sumatran haplotypes by 1-2 nucleotides, and the 3 island populations define a monophyletic assemblage distinctive and equidistant from other mainland subspecies. Despite this close phylogenetic relationship, no mtDNA haplotype was shared between Sumatran and Javan/Bali tigers, indicating litter or no matrilineal gene flow among the islands after they were colonized. The close phylogenetic relationship among Sunda tiger subspecies suggests either recent colonization across the islands, or else a once continuous tiger population that had subsequently isolated into different island subspecies. This supports the hypothesis that the Sumatran tiger is the closest living relative to the extinct Javan and Bali tigers. © The American Genetic Association 2015. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
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India is home to approximately 60 per cent of the world’s remaining wild tigers, a species that has declined in the last few centuries to occupy less than 7 per cent of its former geographical range. While Indian tiger numbers have somewhat stabilized in recent years, they remain low and populations are highly fragmented. Therefore, the application of evidence-based demographic and genetic management to enhance the remaining populations is a priority. In this context, and using genetic data from historical and modern tigers, we investigated anthropogenic impacts on genetic variation in Indian tigers using mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers. We found a very high number of historical mitochondrial DNA variants, 93 per cent of which are not detected in modern populations. Population differentiation was higher in modern tigers. Simulations incorporating historical data support population decline, and suggest high population structure in extant populations. Decreased connectivity and habitat loss as a result of ongoing fragmentation in the Indian subcontinent has therefore resulted in a loss of genetic variants and increased genetic differentiation among tiger populations. These results highlight that anthropogenic fragmentation and species-specific demographic processes can interact to alter the partitioning of genetic variation over very short time scales. We conclude that ongoing strategies to maximize the size of some tiger populations, at the expense of losing others, is an inadequate conservation strategy, as it could result in a loss of genetic diversity that may be of adaptive significance for this emblematic species.
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We used capture-recapture analyses to esti-mate the density of a tiger Panthera tigris population in the tropical forests of Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand, from photographic capture histories of 15 distinct individuals. The closure test results (z 5 0.39, P 5 0.65) provided some evidence in support of the demographic closure assumption. Fit of eight plausible closed models to the data indicated more support for model M h , which incorporates individual heterogeneity in capture probabil-ities. This model generated an average capture probability ^ p 5 0.42 and an abundance estimate of b Nð b SE½ b NŠÞ 5 19 (9.65) tigers. The sampled area of b AðWÞð b SE½ b AðWÞŠÞ 5 477.2 (58.24) km 2 yielded a density estimate of b Dð b SE½ b DŠÞ 5 3.98 (0.51) tigers per 100 km 2 . Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary could therefore hold 113 tigers and the entire Western Forest Complex c. 720 tigers. Although based on field protocols that constrained us to use sub-optimal analyses, this estimated tiger density is comparable to tiger densities in Indian reserves that support moderate prey abundances. However, tiger densities in well-protected Indian reserves with high prey abundances are three times higher. If given adequate protection we believe that the Western Forest Complex of Thailand could potentially harbour .2,000 wild tigers, highlight-ing its importance for global tiger conservation. The monitoring approaches we recommend here would be useful for managing this tiger population.
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Since its introduction in 2001, MrBayes has grown in popularity as a software package for Bayesian phylogenetic inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. With this note, we announce the release of version 3.2, a major upgrade to the latest official release presented in 2003. The new version provides convergence diagnostics and allows multiple analyses to be run in parallel with convergence progress monitored on the fly. The introduction of new proposals and automatic optimization of tuning parameters has improved convergence for many problems. The new version also sports significantly faster likelihood calculations through streaming single-instruction-multiple-data extensions (SSE) and support of the BEAGLE library, allowing likelihood calculations to be delegated to graphics processing units (GPUs) on compatible hardware. Speedup factors range from around 2 with SSE code to more than 50 with BEAGLE for codon problems. Checkpointing across all models allows long runs to be completed even when an analysis is prematurely terminated. New models include relaxed clocks, dating, model averaging across time-reversible substitution models, and support for hard, negative, and partial (backbone) tree constraints. Inference of species trees from gene trees is supported by full incorporation of the Bayesian estimation of species trees (BEST) algorithms. Marginal model likelihoods for Bayes factor tests can be estimated accurately across the entire model space using the stepping stone method. The new version provides more output options than previously, including samples of ancestral states, site rates, site d(N)/d(S) rations, branch rates, and node dates. A wide range of statistics on tree parameters can also be output for visualization in FigTree and compatible software.
NOTE - An erratum is available at This adds an additional author and also corrects miss-classification of samples. The complete mitochondrial genomes of five tiger samples from three subspecies (P. t. sumatrae, P. t. altica, and P. t. tigris) were successfully obtained by using 26 specifically designed Panthera-specific primer sets. The genome organization and gene arrangement of the five tiger samples were similar to each other; however polymorphic tandem repeat sequences were observed in the control region (CR). This led to a difference in the genome lengths obtained from these five samples with an average size of 16,994 bp for the five tiger mitochondrial genomes. The nucleotide base composition was on average as follows: A, 31.8%; T, 27.0%; C, 26.6%; G, 14.6% and exhibited compositional asymmetry. Most of tiger mitochondrial genome characteristics are similar to those of other common vertebrate species; however, some distinctive features were observed in the CR. First, the repetitive sequence 2 (RS 2) contained two repeat units of 80 bp and the first 15 bp of what would be the third repeat motif. The repetitive sequence 3 (RS 3) contained 47–50 repeat motifs of a shorter 8 bp (ACGTAYAC)n. Second, length heteroplasmy polycystosine (poly-C) stretches was observed at the end of the HV I locus in all tiger samples.
— We studied sequence variation in 16S rDNA in 204 individuals from 37 populations of the land snail Candidula unifasciata (Poiret 1801) across the core species range in France, Switzerland, and Germany. Phylogeographic, nested clade, and coalescence analyses were used to elucidate the species evolutionary history. The study revealed the presence of two major evolutionary lineages that evolved in separate refuges in southeast France as result of previous fragmentation during the Pleistocene. Applying a recent extension of the nested clade analysis (Templeton 2001), we inferred that range expansions along river valleys in independent corridors to the north led eventually to a secondary contact zone of the major clades around the Geneva Basin. There is evidence supporting the idea that the formation of the secondary contact zone and the colonization of Germany might be postglacial events. The phylogeographic history inferred for C. unifasciata differs from general biogeographic patterns of postglacial colonization previously identified for other taxa, and it might represent a common model for species with restricted dispersal.
Abstract In this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) was sequenced, using muscle tissue obtained from a male wild tiger. The total length of the mitochondrial genome is 16,996 bp. The genome structure of this tiger is in accordance with other Siberian tigers and it contains 12S rRNA gene, 16S rRNA gene, 22 tRNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, and 1 control region.