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A review and survey of basicarpy, geocarpy, and amphicarpy in the African and Madagascan flora


Abstract and Figures

A review of amphicarpy, basicarpy and geocarpy is provided, and the definitions of these terms are clarified. Additional distinction is made between active and passive geocarpy. The literature on amphicarpy, basicarpy, and geocarpy is surveyed for reports of taxa displaying these trails and a survey detailing basically, amphicarpy, and geocarpy, in the African and Madagascan flora is presented. Amphicarpy, basicarpy, or geocarpy is reported for 21 families and 40 genera of angiosperms. Interestingly, a number of holoparasites are basicarpic or geocarpic, but other than a predominance of species that occur in habitats with unstable substrates, (arid or afroalpine), there appears to be little or no trend among the species listed that would enable the construction of a "profile" of features that would suggest that species or genera are predisposed toward being amphicarpic or geocarpic.
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. 92: 445–462. P
28 D
Volume 92
Number 4
of the
Nigel P. Barker
A review of amphicarpy, basicarpy, and geocarpy is provided, and the definitions of these terms are clarified.
Additional distinction is made between active and passive geocarpy. The literature on amphicarpy, basicarpy, and
geocarpy is surveyed for reports of taxa displaying these traits, and a survey detailing basicarpy, amphicarpy, and
geocarpy in the African and Madagascan flora is presented. Amphicarpy, basicarpy, or geocarpy is reported for 21
families and 40 genera of angiosperms. Interestingly, a number of holoparasites are basicarpic or geocarpic, but other
than a predominance of species that occur in habitats with unstable substrates (arid or afroalpine), there appears to be
little or no trend among the species listed that would enable the construction of a ‘‘profile’’ of features that would
suggest that species or genera are predisposed toward being amphicarpic or geocarpic.
Key words: African flora, amphicarpy, basicarpy, geocarpy, seed dispersal.
Geocarpy was defined by van der Pijl (1982: 94)
as ‘‘the burying near the mother plant of all dia-
spores . . . ,’’ a definition taken in turn from the
work of Zohary (1962). As such, this mechanism
results in seeds being dispersed short distances
I am deeply indebted to Henry Connor for extensive and constructive review of this manuscript, and for drawing
my attention to additional examples of plants with unusual reproductive strategies, as well as additional terminology.
Further advice and suggestions from the editor and an anonymous reviewer are also acknowledged. I would also like
to thank the following for their discussions and suggestions on amphicarpic and geocarpic African taxa: Sue Edwards
(National Herbarium, Ethiopia), John Manning (Compton Herbarium, Kirstenbosch), Graham Rowe (University of Cape
Town), Brian Schrire (Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew), Yashica Singh (Natal Herbarium, Durban), Dee Snijman (Compton
Herbarium, Kirstenbosch), Marc Sosef (Wageningen University, The Netherlands), Simon van Noort (Iziko Museums,
Cape Town). Anjanette Haller-Barker and Robert McKenzie are thanked for their careful proofreading of the manuscript.
I would like to acknowledge the Rhodes University Joint Research Council for providing funding for me to attend the
XIIIth AETFAT meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and to participate in the post-congress tour to the Bale Mountain
region, where I first observed the geocarpic Haplocarpha schimperi, which stimulated this investigation.
Molecular Ecology and Systematics Group, Department of Botany, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, 6140, South
from the parent plant. While this may be construed
as a method to ensure that the next generation have
a suitable habitat in which to germinate, it also
means that gene flow via the seed is extremely lim-
ited. This was considered by van der Pijl to be a
446 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
defensive strategy, and geocarpy was thus viewed
as one of a number of mechanisms that result in
atelechory, defined by van der Pijl (1982: 91) as
‘‘. . . the avoidance of too much of any dispersal
and the inhibitory mechanisms for obtaining this.’’
There appears to be some confusion in the lit-
erature differentiating what van der Pijl (1982) re-
ferred to as full geocarpy (where flowers, and sub-
sequently fruits, are formed underground) and a
second type of geocarpy (where the flowers are
borne above ground, but all the fruits subsequently
develop below the soil surface). Note, however, that
the definition of geocarpy given in the opening sen-
tence relies on the fact that all fruits must develop
underground, and thus the situations where plants
bear both aerial and subterranean fruits are not
covered by this definition. Instead, this latter strat-
egy is generally referred to as amphicarpy (Che-
plick, 1987, and references therein). Underground
flowering is perhaps better referred to as geoflory
and is rarely known, especially in the absence of
the production of aerial flowers as well. Somewhat
confusingly, Kaul et al. (2000: 40) used the term
amphicarpic to refer to plants that bear fruits from
flowers ‘‘which are ab initio underground’’ (with no
mention of the co-existence of aboveground flow-
ers), a different use of the term from van der Pijl
Amphicarpy was defined by Cheplick (1987) as
plants in which at least some fruits are produced
below the soil surface on specialized structures, in
addition to aerial fruits on the same plant. This
definition, if strictly applied, emphasizes where the
seed is produced. As noted by Cheplick (1994:
119), the term amphicarpic really means ‘‘having
two types of seed.’’ Amphicarpic species sensu
Cheplick thus produce aboveground and below-
ground (geoflorous) flowers. However, some species
that have been considered amphicarpic bury some
of their developing fruits following aerial flowering,
a completely different process, but with the same
result: subterranean and aerial seed set. Geocarpy
may thus occur as a component of amphicarpy. Am-
phicarpic plants have only some of their seed un-
derground, while other seeds develop and disperse
in the normal fashion above ground. Amphicarpy
appears to be usually found in plants from arid re-
gions that occupy a niche that is ephemeral or sus-
ceptible to stochastic disturbances (Manda´k, 1997,
and references therein).
Amphicarpy is also often associated with cleis-
togamy (self-fertilization in an enclosed flower), es-
pecially of the basal or underground flowers, and
heterodiaspory. The latter occurs as either or both
heterocarpy (multiple forms of fruit) and heteros-
permy (multiple forms of seed, also termed seed
heteromorphism by Imbert, 2002). To further com-
plicate matters, seeds (either homospermic or het-
erospermic) from the same plant may be a mix of
tachysporous (fast germinating) or bradysporous
(slow germinating).
One of the more complex combinations of these
strategies is found in the amphicarpic daisy Catan-
anche lutea L. This species has both aerial and
basal capitula. The aerial capitula are the ‘‘normal’’
daisy type, while the basal capitula are produced
and flower above the soil surface, set seed, and are
subsequently retracted 5–20 mm below the soil sur-
face by contractile roots. Aerial capitula produce
three different types of cypselae, and the subter-
ranean capitula two kinds. The two different sub-
terranean cypselae possess differing germination
rates (De Clavijo, 1995). All these strategies pro-
vide a range of options for seeds derived from a
single plant to survive and to reproduce in sto-
chastic environments (van der Pijl, 1982). Manda´k
(1997) provided a detailed review of seed hetero-
As might be apparent from the above, one prob-
lem encountered in researching this subject is that
the terminology available appears to be used in-
consistently. Some examples fail to draw the dis-
tinction between species that show both geoflory
and subsequent geocarpy (full geocarpy sensu van
der Pijl, which is almost always found in amphi-
carpic species) and species that have only above-
ground flowers, but which, through specialization
and growth of certain structures, bury the devel-
oping seed. Added to this distinction, the term bas-
icarpy has been used for those plants that flower
and fruit at ground level (van der Pijl, 1982). This
term could, however, apply to all plants that are
prostrate or trail along the ground, because it fol-
lows that all flowers will be produced at or close to
ground level, rendering this definition somewhat ir-
relevant. While basicarpy is a meaningful term, it
needs to be carefully defined to obviate the auto-
matic inclusion of plants such as those that are
prostrate. In an effort to clarify the confusion sur-
rounding the use of various terms, a summary of
these existing and newly created terms is presented
in Table 1, and is explained (and used in subse-
quent examples) below.
I use the term basicarpy exclusively for those
species that have flowers (including the ovary) at
or slightly above ground level at all times during
the flowering and fruiting cycle. I also use this term
to further subdivide the variably applied term am-
phicarpy. As noted above, if the definition of am-
phicarpy is to be strictly applied, then geoflory
Volume 92, Number 4
2005 447Barker
Basicarpy, Geocarpy & Amphicarpy
Table 1. Terminology to distinguish the different subtypes of amphicarpy and geocarpy.
Type Subtype Terminology
Subterranean fruiting from subterranean flowers full geocarpy sensu van
der Pijl (1982)
Subterranean fruiting from aboveground flowers aboveground flowering, subse-
quent burial by plant
active geocarpy
aboveground flowering, subse-
quent burial by environ-
passive geocarpy
aboveground flowering, with ova-
ry buried below ground, of-
ten associated with under-
ground storage organ
geophytic geocarpy
Fruiting at ground level basicarpy
Two different floral and fruiting structures, one
chasmogamous and aerial, the other often cleis-
togamous, usually at or below ground level
flowers and fruit produced
above ground level
aerial amphicarpy
flowers and fruit produced above
and below ground level
flowers and fruit produced above
and at ground level
must occur. Amphicarpic species, at least as inter-
preted by some workers such as Stopp (1958), com-
prise plants with two kinds of flowers: aerial and
basal (as opposed to subterranean). Often, the basal
flower is cleistogamous. Clearly, this syndrome of
aerial and basal flowers does not fit the definition
of amphicarpy sensu Cheplick (1987). I thus refer
to this kind of amphicarpy as amphi-basicarpy, in
order to distinguish it from amphicarpy as defined
by Cheplick (1987), which requires aerial and un-
derground flowers and fruits. There is an additional
variant of this, where the hidden (cleistogamous)
flowers are not basal, but produced elsewhere on
the plant. This is known to occur in some grasses,
where cleistogamous flowers (cleistogenes) are hid-
den in the leaf sheaths associated with the aerial
culms or aerial nodes (as opposed to a basal posi-
tion). This form of seed production is known as
cleistocarpy. This has been well studied in the aptly
named grass Amphicarpum purshii Kunth (see Che-
plick, 1994, for a summary). Other examples of
grasses with this reproductive strategy include Mi-
crolaena R. Br. (notably M. polynoda Hook. f. and
M. stipoides R. Br.; Connor & Matthews, 1977; Wat-
son & Dallwitz, 1992), Achnatherum Beauv. (in-
cluding the weedy A. caudatum (Trin.) S. W. L. Ja-
cobs & J. Everett (Caro & Sanchez, 1971; Watson
& Dallwitz, 1992), and some species of Nassella E.
Desv. and Stipa L. (Watson & Dallwitz, 1992). I use
the term aerial amphicarpy for this variant. Finally,
the category of amphicarpic plants where aerial and
subterranean fruits are produced, but where the
subterranean fruits originate from aerial flowers, is
termed here amphi-geocarpy.
The term geocarpy needs to be further refined,
and I have subdivided this category, deliberately
distinguishing between active, passive, and geo-
phytic geocarpy, as some of the records of geocarpy
given in this paper merit this distinction. In active
geocarpy the plant physically responds in an active
manner (by means of some form of growth or tro-
pism, usually of the peduncle) to bury the seed.
The classic example of this form of geocarpy is the
peanut, Arachis hypogaea L., but Kaul et al. (2000)
also cited Trifolium subterraneum L., Vigna subter-
ranea (L.) Verdc. (
Voandzeia subterranea (L.)
Thouars) and Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Ma-
re´ chal & Baudet (
Kerstingiella geocarpa Harms)
as additional examples. Interestingly, all these taxa
are of the family Leguminosae. In the Compositae,
the amphicarpic Catananche lutea (discussed
above) also shows active geocarpy in that the basal
capitula are retracted underground after flowering.
In contrast, I suggest the term passive geocarpy to
include those species in which seeds are not dis-
persed from the parent but that are nonetheless
buried while still attached to the parent plant. This
burial is, however, not a result of the plant’s actions,
but of the actions of the environment: deposition of
soil over the plant (or the infructescence) by the
action of wind or water.
Another type of geocarpy is that in which the
flower is produced above the ground, but the ovary
and subsequent fruit remain below ground level at
448 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
all times. I propose the term geophytic geocarpy for
plants that fit into this category, as many of the
species that adopt this strategy are geophytes. This
type of subterranean fruit retention is linked to the
retention of the ovary underground, as described in
several monocotyledons such as Colchicum L., Cro-
cus L., and Crinum L. (Burtt, 1970). However, in
the majority of the examples cited by Burtt, the
fruits are subsequently elevated above the soil sur-
face when ripe so as to ensure seed dispersal. The
retention of the ovary underground might be a strat-
egy to protect the developing seeds for as long as
possible prior to their dispersal (Burtt, 1970). The
geophytic geocarpy category as employed here is,
however, not restricted to geophytes.
This phenomenon is not widely reported, and the
numbers of known amphicarpic and geocarpic spe-
cies are low. Cheplick (1987) noted that amphicar-
py was found in 26 species from nine plant fami-
lies, and most frequently in the Leguminosae and
Poaceae. Prior to this, Zohary (1937) reported ap-
proximately 30 species of amphicarpic plants, and
this work highlighted the abundance of these spe-
cies from Palestine, and their association with de-
sert environments. Van der Pijl (1982) made ref-
erence to a number of taxa, but no clear number of
amphicarpic or geocarpic taxa was offered. Kaul et
al. (2000) cited 36 plant species that bear under-
ground, cleistogamous flowers. Lev-Yadun (2000:
289) expanded this number to ‘‘. . . about 50 am-
phicarpic species and 20 geocarpic species . . .’’
The term amphicarpic as used in this latter paper
refers to plants with both aerial and subterranean
flowers, which is what I term amphi-geocarpic. In
Israel, Lev-Yadun (2000) recorded eight amphicar-
pic species and eight geocarpic species out of a
total flora of approximately 2500 species. The flora
of Israel thus has a disproportionately high number
of amphi- and geocarpic species, and this is attri-
buted to the fact that these features are found more
frequently in annual species (Kaul et al., 2000),
and that the Israeli flora is rich in annuals (Shmida,
1981). Additional literature and internet searches
have unearthed reports and observations of several
additional taxa that are noted as either amphicarpic
or geocarpic.
Active geocarpy (as defined here) has been re-
ported in the Australian Tribulopis R. Br. (Zygo-
phyllaceae) by Keighery (1982), the Nepalese and
Himalayan Lignariella hinkuensis Kats. Arai, H.
Ohba & Al-Shehbaz (Brassicaceae) by Al-Shehbaz
et al. (2000), the Central Asian Taphrospermum
himalaicum (Hook. f. & Thomson) Al-Shehbaz,
Kats. Arai & H. Ohba (Brassicaceae) by Al-Sheh-
baz (2000) and Euploca hypogaea (Urb. & Ekman)
Diane & Hilger (Heliotropaceae) by Diane et al. (in
press). Kalin Arroyo (1981) listed Astragalus L.,
Trigonella L., Trifolium L., Arachis L. (mentioned
above), Tephrosia Pers., and Dolichos L. as having
species that are geocarpic.
In addition, Meney et al. (1990) reported an un-
usual form of amphicarpy in three species of the
dioecious Alexgeorgea Carlquist (Restionaceae),
where the female flowers are geoflorous and the
male flowers aerial. Halodule uninervis (Forssk.)
Asch. is a dioecious marine angiosperm seagrass
that has geoflorous (and submerged) female flowers,
and the fruits are released below the surface of ma-
rine sediments (Inglis, 2000). The family placement
of this genus is confusing, as IPNI, TROPICOS,
and the online Flora of North America variously
place it in the Cymodoceaceae, Zosteraceae, Na-
jadaceae, Hydrocharitaceae, and Potamogetona-
ceae. The first-mentioned family is the placement
used for the Flora of North America.
Bruhl (1994) reported on amphicarpy in the Cy-
peraceae, citing examples of amphicarpic species
in the genera Schoenoplectus (Rchb.) Palla and
Eleocharis R. Br. The South African Trianoptiles
Fenzl (comprising three species) is entirely amphi-
carpic (Bruhl, 1994; Haines & Lye, 1977). Note,
however, that all these Cyperaceae taxa show what
I termed here as amphi-basicarpy. Calvin˜o and Gal-
etto (2003) reported amphicarpy in Cryptantha cap-
ituliflora (Clos) Reiche, a high-altitude species of
Boraginaceae from the Andes. The legumes have a
number of amphicarpic genera; Kalin Arroyo
(1981), citing Rivals (1953), reported amphicarpy
from species of Vicia L., Amphicarpa S. Elliott ex
Nuttall, Vigna Savi, and Trifolium L., and Tindale
and Craven (1989) reported on amphicarpy in some
species of Glycine Willd. In addition, web searches
have revealed a number of other unpublished stud-
ies on amphicarpic species: Centrosema rotundifol-
ium Mart. ex Benth., a South American legume
(Mu¨ ller et al., 2001), Trifolium polymorphum Poir.
(Speroni & Izaguirre, 2003), and Schoenoplectus
hallii (A. Gray) S. G. Sm. (Cyperaceae; Beatty et
al., 2004). However, given the number of African
species that my research has revealed as being am-
phicarpic, basicarpic, or geocarpic, there are prob-
ably many more taxa that can be added to this list,
if they are adequately investigated.
Literature surveys, web searches, and personal
communications with a number of botanists result-
Volume 92, Number 4
2005 449Barker
Basicarpy, Geocarpy & Amphicarpy
ed in a list of over 50 African or Madagascan taxa
that are either amphicarpic, basicarpic, or geocar-
pic in some form. I have relied in particular on the
works by Stopp (1958) and Agnew and Hedberg
(1969) as starting points. It is quite possible that
many more species have been noted as being am-
phicarpic or geocarpic, but the likely sources of
such observations, notably flora treatments, are
generally not available in electronic formats, and
thus not searchable using modern computer-based
methods. The recent exception to this is Flora
Zambeziaca, launched in 2004,
, but this is not searchable for
anything other than taxon names, a limitation that
I hope will be addressed as technologies develop.
Agnew and Hedberg (1969: 215, 216) reported
seven afroalpine species as being ‘‘strongly geocar-
pic,’’ and listed a further twelve taxa that are ‘‘de-
positers’’ sensu Hylander (1929). Geocarpy in the
afroalpine environment is considered by Agnew
and Hedberg (1969) to be an adaptation to constant
solifluction (the disturbance of the soil by the often
daily cycle of freezing and thawing of soils at high
altitudes). The considerable number of geocarpic
taxa in both afroalpine and arid areas such as Israel
(Lev-Yadun, 2000) is intriguing. Arid and afroal-
pine regions are two very different habitats, but
both can comprise soils that are mobile. This makes
seedling establishment difficult, and the burial of
seeds may ensure reproductive success in such
I have only considered flowering plants in this
list, but it must be noted that Stopp (1958) included
some species of the aquatic fern genus Marsilea L.,
as well as a species of the lycophyte Isoetes stellen-
bossiensis A. V. Duthie. Table 2 lists angiosperm
species that have either or both been observed or
reported as geocarpic. The so-called ‘‘depositers’’
(sensu Agnew & Hedbeg, 1969), which simply re-
lease their seed at the base of the plant, have not
been included in this list, as I feel that deposition
is a general description that cannot readily be re-
searched, and that deposition could be a prelude
to further dispersal by means of specialist syn-
dromes. Furthermore, some species that could be
described as depositors may fit this description be-
cause they happen to be basicarpic. The distinction
is thus difficult to make.
Each of the families represented in Table 2 are
briefly discussed below, in alphabetical order. As
noted by Cheplick (1987), confirming or verifying
some of these reports is difficult, and I welcome
communications from botanists who may have ad-
ditional information or conflicting opinions.
Agnew and Hedberg (1969) cited Haplosciadium
abyssinicum Hochst., now known as Trachydium
abyssinicum (Hochst.) Hiern, as an alpine geocar-
pic species. However, I have been unable to obtain
any additional information on this species, and it
is included here on the basis of this initial report.
As noted above, fascinating examples of the di-
versity of amphicarpy may be found in members of
this family, but examples of amphicarpy or geocar-
py in African representatives of this family have
not been well documented. Agnew and Hedberg
(1969) reported geocarpy in Haplocarpha rueppellii
(Sch. Bip.) Beauverd, and I have independently ob-
served this in the field in the Bale Mountains, Ethi-
opia. While this species is obviously geocarpic, re-
flexing the short peduncle to force the capitulum
onto the ground, another species in the genus, Hap-
locarpha schimperi (Benth. & Hook.) Beauverd, is
even more strongly and obviously geocarpic. This
species, known only from the Ethiopian and Eri-
trean highlands, has capitula borne on short pe-
duncles. After flowering, these peduncles invert,
forcing the capitulum with the developing cypselae
into the soil (pers. obs.). Both species of Haplocar-
pha Less. prefer disturbed sites along streams and
drainage lines, and both occur in the afroalpine
zone, although H. schimperi is also quite wide-
spread at lower altitudes, even being found in damp
places in urban areas such as Addis Ababa (pers.
obs.). Thus, although Agnew and Hedberg (1969)
considered geocarpy to be an adaptation to soli-
fluction of afroalpine soils, it appears that H. schim-
peri can successfully reproduce in areas that are
not subject to solifluction, but that are, nonetheless,
A third species of Haplocarpha, H. nervosa
(Thunb.) P. Beauv., has also been observed both in
the field and greenhouse as being actively geocar-
pic (see Fig. 1), and this can also be noted from
herbarium specimens (e.g., S. Schonland 3014, R.
A. Dyer, 786, both at GRA). This morphologically
variable species is found in moist boggy habitats or
along stream banks in montane regions of the East-
ern Cape and Drakensberg of Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Haplocarpha nervosa in the south, and H. schimperi
and H. rueppellii in the north, may be examples of
afromontane disjunct sister taxa.
Arctotheca populifolia (Bergius) Norl. is also list-
ed in Table 2 as passively geocarpic. It inhabits
sandy beaches of the southern and eastern coastline
of Africa, and is one of the three main dune pio-
450 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
Table 2. African and Madagascan plants recorded as being amphicarpic or geocarpic. Where information is available, the nature of amphicarpy (as defined in Table 1) is described.
Family Taxon Form of reproduction Distribution Source
Apiaceae Trachydium abyssinicum (Hochst.) Hiern geocarpy (subtype un-
East Africa Agnew & Hedberg (1969), as Haploscia-
dium abyssinicum Hochst.
Asteraceae Arctotheca populifolia (Bergius) Norl. passive geocarpy Southern Africa Barker (pers. obs.)
Haplocarpha schimperi (Sch. Bip.) Beauverd active geocarpy African Mountain Chain, Ethio-
pia to Tanzania
Barker (pers. obs.); Barker 1899 (ETH,
Haplocarpha rueppellii Sch. Bip.) Beauverd active geocarpy African Mountain Chain, Ethio-
pia to Tanzania
Agnew & Hedberg (1969); Barker 1906
Haplocarpha nervosa (Thunb.) P. Beauv. active geocarpy South Africa, Zimbabwe Barker (pers. obs.); McKenzie 991
Balanophoraceae Mystropetalon polemannii Harv. basicarpy Western Cape, South Africa Kuijt (1969); Visser (1981)
Mystropetalon thomii Harv. basicarpy Western Cape, South Africa Kuijt (1969); Visser (1981)
Sarcophyte sanguinea Sparrm. basicarpy South Africa Kuijt (1969); Visser (1981)
Begoniaceae Begonia laporteifolia Warb. depositor (active geocarpy
reported by van der Pijl,
Tropical Africa van der Pijl (1982), as B. hypogaea
Winkler; M. Sosef, (pers. comm.)
Commelinaceae Commelina benghalensis L. amphi-geocarpy Central & East Africa, Mada-
Stopp (1958); Cheplick (1987); Kaul et
al. (2002)
Commelina forsskalaei Vahl amphi-geocarpy Central & East Africa Stopp (1958); Cheplick (1987)
Convolvulaceae Falkia repens L.f. active geocarpy S and SW Cape, South Africa van der Pijl (1982); Stopp (1958)
Nephrophyllum abyssinicum A. Rich. active geocarpy Ethiopia and Eritrea S. Edwards (pers. comm.)
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis humofructus Stent
Kedrostis psammophila Bruyns
active geocarpy
geophytic geocarpy
Southern Africa
Southern Africa
Stopp (1958)
Bruyns (1993)
Cyperaceae Bulbostylis humilis Kunth
Bulbostylis glaberrima Ku¨k.
Bulbostylis sp.
Scirpus lateriflorus J. F. Gmel.
Scirpus articulatus L.
East Africa
East Africa
East Africa
East Africa
East Africa
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Scirpus supinus L.
Scirpus praelongatus Poir.
Scirpus muricinux C. B. Clarke
Scirpus aberrans Cherm.
Scirpus perrieri Cherm.
Scirpus reductus Cherm.
Southern Africa
East Africa
East Africa
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Haines (1971)
Trianoptiles solitaria (C. B. Clarke) Levyns amphi-basicarpy Western Cape, South Africa Levyns (1943); Haines & Lye (1977)
Trianoptiles capensis Harv. amphi-basicarpy Western Cape, South Africa Levyns (1943); Haines & Lye (1977)
Trianoptiles stipitata Levyns amphi-basicarpy Western Cape, South Africa Levyns (1943)
Volume 92, Number 4
2005 451Barker
Basicarpy, Geocarpy & Amphicarpy
Table 2. Continued.
Family Taxon Form of reproduction Distribution Source
Cytinaceae Cytinus capensis Marloth
Cytinus sanguineus (Thunb.) Fourc.
Cytinus sp.
Western Cape, South Africa
Western Cape
Western Cape
Visser (1989)
Visser (1989)
Visser (1989)
Hydnoraceae Hydnora africana Thunb.
Hydnora esculenta Jumelle & H. Perrier
geophytic geocarpy
geophytic geocarpy
Cape to Swaziland
Pole Evans (1926)
Jumelle & Perrier (1912)
Hydnora johannis Becc. geophytic geocarpy South Africa to Arabia Musselman (1997), as H. abyssinica;
Musselman & Visser (1987)
Hydnora triceps Drege & E. Mey. geophytic geocarpy Namaqualand, South Africa Visser (1989)
Hypoxidaceae Empodium Salisb. (approx. 10 species) basicarpy Western, Central and Southern
D. Snijman (pers. comm.); Hilliard &
Burtt (1973)
Pauridia longituba M. E. Thompson geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa G. Rowe (pers. comm.)
Saniella occidentalis (Nel) B. L. Burtt basicarpy SW Cape, South Africa J. Manning & D. Snijman (pers. comm.);
Burtt (2000)
Iridaceae Babiana bainesii Baker geophytic geocarpy (possi-
bly basicarpy)
Central South Africa J. Manning (pers. comm.)
Babiana hypogaea Burch. geophytic geocarpy (possi-
bly basicarpy)
Central South Africa J. Manning (pers. comm.)
Duthiastrum linifolium (Phill.) M. P. de Vos geophytic geocarpy Central South Africa De Vos (1999a); J. Manning (pers.
Ixia acaulis Goldblatt & J. C. Manning geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa De Vos (1999b); J. Manning (pers.
Romulea stellata M. P. de Vos geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa J. Manning (pers. comm.)
Syringodea bifurcata M. P. de Vos geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958); De Vos (1983)
Syringodea concolor (Baker) M. P. de Vos geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958); De Vos (1983)
Syringodea derustensis M. P. de Vos geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958); De Vos (1983)
Syringodea flanaganii Baker geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958); De Vos (1983)
Syringodea longituba (Klatt) Kuntze geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958), as S. leipoldtii;DeVos
Syringodea pulchella Hook. f. geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958); De Vos (1983)
Syringodea saxatilis M. P. de Vos geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958); De Vos (1983)
Syringodea unifolia Goldblatt geophytic geocarpy Cape region, South Africa Stopp (1958); De Vos (1983)
Leguminosae Aeschynomene nematopoda Harms active geocarpy East Africa Stopp (1958); Gillett et al. (1971)
Amphicarpaea africana (Hook.f.) Harms amphi-geocarpy Tropical Africa B. Schrire (pers. comm.)
Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Mare´chal &
active geocarpy West and Central Africa Hepper (1963), as Kerstingiella geocar-
pa Harms
Tephrosia lupinifolia DC. amphi-geocarpy Tropical Africa Cheplick (1987), Gillett et al. (1971)
Trifolium subterraneum L. active geocarpy Cosmopolitan Stopp (1958); B. Schrire (pers. comm.)
Vicia amphicarpa Dorthes amphi-geocarpy Mediterranean North Africa Plitmann (1973), as Vicia sativa subsp.
amphicarpa (Dorth.) Ashers. & Graebn.
452 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
Table 2. Continued.
Family Taxon Form of reproduction Distribution Source
Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. active geocarpy West and Central Africa Hepper (1963), as Voandzeia subterranea
(L.) Thouars
Moraceae Ficus sur Forssk. geocarpy (occasional) Central-southern Africa Van Noort (pers. comm.); http://www.
Ficus trichoclada Baker geocarpy Madagascar Van Noort (pers. comm.); http://www.
Ficus vogeliana (Miq.) Miq. geocarpy Tropical Africa Van Noort (pers. comm.); http://www.
Poaceae Enneapogon desvauxii P. Beauv. amphi-basicarpy Namibia, Northern Cape of
South Africa
Stopp (1958)
Libyella cyrenaica Pamp. amphi-geocarpy Libya & Morocco Watson & Dallwitz (1992)
Polygonaceae Emex australis Steinh. amphi-geocarpy Cosmopolitan Stopp (1958)
Primulaceae Anagallis kingaensis Engl. active geocarpy Tropical Africa Taylor (1958); Stopp (1958)
Anagallis oligantha P. Taylor active geocarpy Tropical Africa Taylor (1958); Stopp (1958)
Ranunculaceae Ranunculus cryptanthus Milne-Redh. & Turrill possible active geocarpy East Africa Milne-Redhead & Turrill (1952); Agnew
& Hedberg (1969)
Ranunculus oreophytus Delile active geocarpy East Africa Milne-Redhead & Turrill (1952); Agnew
& Hedberg (1969)
Ranunculus stagnalis Hochst. ex A. Rich. possible active geocarpy East Africa Milne-Redhead & Turrill (1952); Agnew
Hedberg (1969)
Rubiaceae Galium ankaratrense Puff active geocarpy Madagascar Kiehn & Puff (1987)
Scrophulariaceae Limosella africana Gluck geocarpy (subtype un-
East Africa Agnew & Hedberg (1969)
Limosella capensis Thunb. geocarpy (subtype un-
South Africa Stopp (1958)
Limosella macrantha R. E. Fr. geocarpy (subtype un-
East Africa Agnew & Hedberg (1969)
Urticaceae Laportea ovalifolia (Schumach.) Chew amphi-geocarpy Tropical Africa Engler (1895); Rendle (1917); Cheplick
(1987), all as Fleurya podocarpa
Wedd. var. amphicarpa Engl.; Friis
Volume 92, Number 4
2005 453Barker
Basicarpy, Geocarpy & Amphicarpy
neers in this habitat. It has a rapid growth rate and
forms small nabkha dunes (hummocks of wind-
blown sand trapped by the leaves; Hesp & Mc-
Lachlan, 2000). The capitula are held more or less
erect and are obviously insect-pollinated. However,
following anthesis, the capitulum closes and the pe-
duncle relaxes such that it becomes procumbent.
Subsequent burial by the accumulation of wind-
blown sand occurs, and the seeds are either not
released from the infructescence, or are only re-
leased if it is damaged by subterranean herbivores.
The seeds are quite large, lack a well-developed
pappus, and are woolly (McKenzie et al., 2005, this
issue). This latter feature is possibly a water-reten-
tion mechanism, and these cypselae will germinate
in situ, close to the parent plant (Knevel, 2002;
Knevel et al., 2002).
Interestingly, these three species of Haplocarpha
and A. populifolia are from the predominantly Af-
rican subtribe Arctotidinae (tribe Arctotideae), and
it is tempting to infer a close phylogenetic relation-
ship of these species on the basis of this reproduc-
tive strategy. Results from preliminary molecular
systematic studies (Funk et al., 2004; McKenzie et
al., unpublished) suggest that Haplocarpha is high-
ly polyphyletic, but relationships within this tribe
are not yet fully resolved so this hypothesis awaits
In southern Africa, Sarcophyte sanguinea
Sparrm. parasitizes the roots of Acacia L. species.
This species is dioecious and relies on flies for pol-
lination, as the small flowers, produced at ground
level, smell of carrion. This species, which I con-
sider to be basicarpic, has compound fruits made
up of the fused ovaries, which ripen into a fleshy
mass. It is thought that these are animal-dispersed
(Kuijt, 1969). Mystropetalon Harv. is a monoecious
genus of two species from the southwestern Cape,
South Africa, and produces spike-like inflorescenc-
es slightly above ground level. Male flowers are ter-
minal to the female flowers on these spikes, and
the inflorescences are protogynous. The seeds pos-
sess an elaiosome and are ant-dispersed (Kuijt,
1969; Visser, 1981). As these spikes are produced
at ground level, these species are considered bas-
Van der Pijl (1982) reported geocarpy in Begonia
hypogaea Winkler (now known as B. laporteifolia
Warb.), an occupant of African rain forests. This
species grows near streams and produces a berry,
but that is all that appears to be known about this
species. However, M. Sosef (pers. comm.) considers
this species to merely hold its fruits close to the
ground, where they disintegrate, releasing the seeds
in the vicinity of the parent. This species should
thus be considered as a depositor sensu Agnew and
Hedberg (1969), but is listed here owing to its pre-
vious categorization as geocarpic.
Kaul et al. (2000) cited five species in this family
as having both cleistogamous underground flowers
and aboveground flowers (amphi-geocarpy). As with
many such species, the fruits from these two types
of flowers are dimorphic. Commelina benghalensis
L. is well studied in this regard (cf. Kaul et al.,
Nephrophyllum abyssinicum A. Rich. is a mem-
ber of the small tribe Dichondreae, the basal tribe
in the family (Austin, 1997). It is an actively geo-
carpic species that is found in the highlands of
Ethiopia and Eritrea, where it is recorded as oc-
curring in heavily grazed pastures, open ground,
and between crevices of rocks (Demissew & Austin,
1995). It is a prostrate herb, rooting at the nodes,
with axillary flowers. The fruit is a utricle that de-
velops underground from an elongating pedicel that
pushes it below the soil surface. There are also re-
ports of geocarpy within the closely related genus
Falkia L. f., another member of the tribe Dichon-
dreae, with species found in both Ethiopia and
southern Africa. Van der Pijl (1982) included the
southern African Falkia repens L. f. in his discus-
sion of geocarpy, but omitted further details. This
species was described by Stopp (1958, who cited it
as F. dichondroides Baker) as a prostrate plant, in
which the developing fruit is driven into the ground
(also noted by Meeuse & Welman, 2000). In this
species it was noted that the success of fruit burial
was dependent on the substrate conditions. Stopp
(1958) also considered Dichondra J. R. Forst. & G.
Forst. to be similar in this regard, but provided no
further discussion. Only the cosmopolitan Dichon-
dra micrantha Urb. is known from Southern and
East Africa (Verdourt, 1969; Austin, 1998; Meeuse
& Welman, 2000), but none of these works makes
any reference to fruit burial in this species. The
seed development and dispersal of all members of
the tribe Dichondreae are worthy of further inves-
454 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
Volume 92, Number 4
2005 455Barker
Basicarpy, Geocarpy & Amphicarpy
Figure 1. —A. Haplocarpha nervosa, showing capitulum on short peduncle, rosette growth form, and two reflexed
peduncles of developing geocarpic infructescences at 9 and 7 o’clock. —B. Hirsute form of H. nervosa in the field,
showing peduncle reflexing from the center of the rosette of leaves. —C. Details of reflexed peduncle and developing
geocarpic infructescence. (A & C photographed in cultivation at Rhodes University from McKenzie 991, GRA.)
Two geocarpic species are known from this fam-
ily. Stopp (1958) included Cucumis humofructus
Stent in his list of geocarpic taxa from southern
Africa, as the plant actively buries the fruit of this
species. However, as noted by van der Pijl (1982),
the burial of fruit in this instance may not be a
mechanism to ensure atelochory (lack of dispersal,
also termed antitelochory by workers such as Ellner
& Shmida, 1981) as the fruits are dispersed by
aardvarks, which seek out the fruit as a source of
water, and incidentally disperse the seeds far and
wide following passage through the animal’s gut
(Meeuse, 1958). Thus this species is actively geo-
carpic, but the animal dispersal agent ensures that
the seeds are widely dispersed, a situation that is
probably unusual in geocarpic taxa.
Kedrostis psammophila Bruyns is found in Na-
maqualand, South Africa, and is usually prostrate,
with separate male and female flowers. The female
flowers develop from underground stems, and the
ovary (and developing fruit) is retained below
ground at all times, while the perianth is produced
above ground (Bruyns, 1993). This species thus
falls into the geophytic geocarpy category. The
fruits are spherical, approximately 20 mm in di-
ameter, and have 8 to 10 seeds. The fruits are pos-
sibly dispersed by moles, but this has not been
observed or tested (Bruyns, 1993).
There have been several reports of amphicarpy
in the form of amphi-basicarpy in this family, which
appears to have the greatest number of amphicarpic
species in the African flora. Haines’s (1971) report
of amphicarpic taxa in East Africa probably only
scratches the surface of the actual number of spe-
cies in this family with this trait. A thorough in-
vestigation by cyperologists will probably find many
more such taxa. In the cases noted in Table 2, the
species possess aerial flowers as well as basal flow-
ers protected by the leaf sheaths. The basal flowers
usually produce larger seeds that may have a sim-
ilar or different surface ornamentation (Haines,
1971). The unusual Cape genus Trianoptiles Fenzl
has been studied quite extensively (Levyns, 1943;
Haines & Lye, 1977; Bruhl, 1994). The compara-
tively large number of reports of amphicarpic spe-
cies in this family might indicate that this strategy
is an adaptation to ephemerally moist environ-
This small family comprising the holoparasitic
genera Bdallophyton Eichler and Cytinus L. was
previously considered part of the Rafflesiaceae, but
Nickrent et al. (2004) demonstrated that these two
genera (as Cytinaceae) are related to the Malvales.
There are three African and at least one Madagas-
can species of Cytinus, as well as species from the
Mediterranean region (
). These species are ei-
ther monoecious (the European C. hypocistis L.) or
dioecious (C. capensis Marloth and C. sanguineus
(Thunb.) Fourc.), and like the Hydnoraceae, they
produce flowers from underground shoots and the
fruits are borne at ground level. They are thus con-
sidered to be basicarpic. The fruits contain ‘‘several
thousand’’ seeds (Visser, 1981: 63), which are
thought to be dispersed when the fruit dries and
cracks open, although Kuijt (1969) reported the
presence of an elaiosome, suggesting ant dispersal.
This family of holoparasites is thought to be a
Gondwanan relict. There are three species of Hyd-
nora Thunb. in Africa and one in Madagascar, all
of which live almost entirely below ground. The
fruit has been described by Musselman (1997: 17)
as ‘‘. . . a subterranean fleshy berry with a woody
pericarp; seeds numerous in a flesh-coloured pulp,
minute.’’ The African species produce hermaphro-
dite flowers, while the Madagascan H. esculenta Ju-
melle & H. Perrier is monoecious. Flowers are pre-
dominantly subterranean, opening at the surface. In
H. triceps Drege & E. Mey., the flowers open below
ground, and pollinating insects (blowflies) enter
through cracks in the soil (Visser, 1989). In H. af-
ricana Thunb. the flowers open above ground, and
attract dermestid beetles. Following pollination the
fruits mature below ground and are dispersed by
jackals, porcupines, and baboons (Pole Evans,
1926). They are also eaten by humans (Musselman,
1997; Musselman & Visser, 1989). Hydnora johan-
456 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
nis Becc. is the most widespread species, and its
fleshy fruits are large (10–15 cm) and completely
subterranean (Musselman & Venter, 1987). The
fruits of the Madagascan species have been docu-
mented as having a juicy, white pulp, with a sour
taste, being eaten by humans and lemurs (Jumelle
& Perrier, 1912;
These species thus best fit the category of geophytic
geocarpy, as the entire plant spends its life under-
ground. For more on this intriguing group see
Considerable confusion arose during my inves-
tigations into this family. The Hypoxidaceae (and
the Iridaceae) contain a number of species that
have subterranean ovaries (Burtt, 1970), suggesting
that these taxa would also be geocarpic. However,
consultation with experts in these families has re-
sulted in reports (published and unpublished ob-
servations) that suggest that the subterranean ovary
may often become aerial as the fruit ripens and
approaches dehiscence. Saniella occidentalis (Nel)
B. L. Burtt possesses basal or subterranean ovaries,
which are retained below ground when mature
(Burtt, 2000). In contrast, the closely related Em-
podium Salisb. (a genus of 8 to 10 species) has a
similar morphology (Hilliard & Burtt, 1973), but it
is not clear if all species are basicarpic or geocar-
pic. D. Snijman (pers. comm.) reports that in San-
iella occidentalis, Empodium plicatum Salisb., E.
namaquensis (Baker) M. F. Thompson, and E. flexile
M. F. Thompson ex Snijman, the mature fruit is
pushed from the soil by an extension of the pedicel.
This report for Saniella conflicts with Burtt’s (2000)
observations. Until clarity on the phenology of these
species has been obtained, these taxa may be best
considered as basicarpic, possibly even fitting with
Agnew and Hedberg’s (1969) depositor category.
Similarly, Rhodohypoxis rubella Nel bears its fruit
at or below ground level (basicarpic), while another
(undescribed) species from marshy habitats is de-
scribed as having fruit on an erect flower stalk that
bends over to deposit the fruit on the ground (Hil-
lard & Burtt, 1973).
Pauridia longituba M. E. Thompson is a small
geophyte that produces its flowers above ground
while retaining the ovary underground throughout
its life. These mature fruit capsules are thin-walled
and indehiscent, fragmenting irregularly to release
the seeds. A second species, P. minuta T. Durand
& Schinz, produces the flower entirely above
ground, but post-flowering the pedicel recurves and
releases the seeds at the base of the parent plant
(G. Rowe, pers. comm.). This species thus fits the
category of a depositor sensu Agnew and Hedberg
There are several taxa in this predominantly
southern African geophyte family that have evolved
flowers that retain the inferior ovary underground,
and as noted above, Burtt (1970) reported this mor-
phology for the European Crocus as well. In these
taxa, the long, tubular perianth is exserted above
ground, but developing fruits remain underground.
The taxa in which this occurs are all from the sub-
family Ixioideae, tribe Ixieae, suggesting that there
may be a phylogenetic predisposition for this pat-
tern of reproduction.
The genus Syringodea Hook. f. was first reported
by Stopp (1958) as fitting what he considered to be
the definition of basicarpy. The eight species in this
genus all flower above ground, with the ovary re-
tained underground, where it develops and is re-
tained, and thus falls in my subtype of geophytic
geocarpy. The fruit capsule in this genus is hygro-
chastic, and seed dispersal occurs when the cap-
sule opens in damp or wet conditions, or when the
capsule disintegrates with age. Burtt (1970) reit-
erated Stopp’s (1958) reports that in S. leipoldtii
(now known as S. longituba (Klatt) Kuntze) the up-
per part of the capsule emerges from the soil, where
the hygrochastic valves split when wetted and some
of the seeds are dispersed. The remaining seeds are
retained and will germinate in situ.
Like species of Syringodea, Duthiastrum linifol-
ium (Phill.) M. P. de Vos also possesses flowers with
subterranean bases, and according to J. Manning
(pers. comm.) the ovary and fruit remain buried.
Similarly, Ixia acaulis Goldblatt & J. C. Manning
has a buried ovary and is the only species in the
genus with this feature. J. Manning (pers. comm.)
also indicated that certain species of Tritonia Ker
Gawl. and Hesperantha Ker Gawl. may also have
this morphology, but details of these taxa have not
been included here as no clear indication of the
floral structure and the possible type of geocarpy
could be found in the literature.
Two species of Babiana Ker Gawl. exhibit either
geophytic geocarpy or basicarpy, the exact nature
of the position of the mature fruit being unclear.
This genus has several species that produce flowers
at or near ground level, and in the instance of the
two species listed in Table 2, J. Manning (pers.
Volume 92, Number 4
2005 457Barker
Basicarpy, Geocarpy & Amphicarpy
comm.) observed the presence of an underground
ovary (and developing fruit), which may be a mech-
anism to avoid seasonal temperature extremes, as
it takes several months for the fruit to mature.
Vigna subterranea (the bambara groundnut) and
Macrotyloma geocarpum are actively geocarpic le-
gumes from dry savanna areas of northern Came-
roon and central Africa (Hepper, 1963; Kalin Ar-
royo, 1981; van der Pijl, 1982). Both these species
produce aerial flowers but bury the developing
fruit. When first discovered, these species were un-
der limited cultivation as a food source for humans
(Hepper, 1963). Subsequently, V. subterranea has
become an important crop in many countries of
tropical Africa (Linnemann, 1993; Pasquet et al.,
1999), but M. geocarpum is disappearing from tra-
ditional food production (Pasquet et al., 2002).
From southern Africa, Stopp (1958) reported Tri-
folium subterraneum L. as being geocarpic. This
species originates from the Mediterranean region,
and Stopp (1958) considered it to be a neophyte in
the Cape region. Indeed, internet searches suggest
that this species is of agricultural value, and is cos-
mopolitan, but it is also listed as a weed by the
Global Compendium of Weeds (
). Few additional details
are provided by Stopp (1958) who noted that the
fruits are shallowly buried, but internet resources
(such as
) imply that the fruits
are actively buried.
Aeschynomene nematopoda Harms is a scandent
or trailing herb and is considered here to be ac-
tively geocarpic. This was first recorded by Stopp
(1958), who provided a quotation from Harms, com-
paring this plant to the peanut, Arachis hypogaea.
Gillett et al. (1971) noted in the Flora of Tropical
East Africa that the pods develop below the ground,
and suggested that herbarium specimens lack fruits
because they break off when the plant is removed
from the soil.
Vicia amphicarpa Dorthes from the Mediterra-
nean region of North Africa is amphicarpic (ac-
cording to Plitmann, 1973, as Vicia sativa subsp.
amphicarpa (Dorthes) Ashers. & Graebn.), and this
species is considered here to be amphi-geocarpic.
Tephrosia lupinifolia DC. has been reported by
Stopp (1958) as amphicarpic and is annual and in-
habits sandy regions. Gillett et al. (1971: 167–169)
illustrated and described this species as having
normal inflorescences as well as occasionally pro-
ducing axillary pseudoracemes near the base of the
stem. These push underground when growing in
sandy soil and bear small cleistogamous flowers.
The subterranean pods are indehiscent and usually
contain a single seed or sometimes two. This spe-
cies is thus amphi-geocarpic.
Amphicarpaea africana (Hook. f.) Harms is the
only African species of this small genus. The Amer-
ican species A. bracteata (L.) Fern is known as the
‘‘Hog Peanut.’’ It appears that this genus is also
amphi-geocarpic, but interestingly, Gillett et al.
(1971) made no mention of amphi-geocarpy in their
description of A. africana in the Flora of Tropical
East Africa.
The genus Ficus L. is large, and van der Pijl
(1982) noted that some (unlisted) species are geo-
carpic. Some species of Ficus sect. Sycomorus bear
syconia at or just below ground level on branchlets
produced from the trunk and lower branches. In
some species (listed in Table 2) these can become
geocarpic. Other species such as F. mauritiana
Lam., F. tiliifolia Baker, F. polyphlebia Baker, and
F. botryoides Baker may also be potentially geocar-
pic in this manner, but this is not the usual form
of fruiting (S. van Noort, pers. comm.), and the in-
clusion of this genus in a list of amphicarpic or
geocarpic taxa is thus tentative. Given the attractive
nature of the fruit, and the long life span of the
species, it is unlikely that this is a strategy to retain
seeds in the same location as the parent, but rather
to make them accessible to dispersal agents.
Cleistogamy is well known in the grasses (see
Campbell et al., 1983; Connor, 1987, for reviews)
and usually occurs as a variant of amphicarpy (I
list several examples of aerial amphicarpic grasses
above). Campbell et al. (1983) indicated that eight
species of cleistogamous grasses are known from
Africa, but these are not named. I have not been
able to find records of that many taxa. It is impor-
tant to note that cleistogamy does not equate to
geocarpy and that only two genera of grasses show
underground cleistogamy (i.e., are geoflorous).
Campbell et al. (1983) used Dobrenz and Beetle’s
(1966) term rhizanthogene for the underground
flowers borne on specialized rhizomes, and indi-
cated that there are eight species from four genera
that possess these.
Connor (1979) reported several grass species
that have cleistogenes—flowers at ground level en-
closed by leaf sheaths. This is the same syndrome
as reported in the Cyperaceae (above) and may be
458 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
considered as a borderline case of geocarpy: that
termed basicarpy by van der Pijl (1982) and amphi-
basicarpy here. This syndrome appears predomi-
nantly in New World grasses, and the majority of
the examples of aerial amphicarpy cited above are
taxa of the subfamily Pooideae. However, it is also
known from tribe Pappophoreae (subfamily Chlor-
idoideae), an Old World group, a southern African
example being Enneapogon desvauxii P. Beauv., an
amphi-basicarpic annual species found in the arid
western parts of southern Africa (Stopp, 1958, as
the synonym E. brachystachyus Stapf). In this spe-
cies, as is the general trend in amphicarpic grasses,
the basal flowers produce a seed that is consider-
ably larger than those from the aerial flowers. This
larger seed is not readily released, as the disinte-
gration of the leaf sheath is required to liberate it.
Amphi-geocarpy is also found in Libyella cyrenaica
Pamp., a monotypic genus of subfamily Pooideae.
This plant, described by Clayton and Renvoize
(1986) as a minute annual, grows in coastal sands
and possesses hidden cleistogenes in the leaf
sheaths as well as underground (Watson & Dallwitz,
Stopp (1958) cited Emex australis Steinh., a
weed of South African origin, as possessing aerial
and subterranean fruit. Surprisingly, given its de-
clared weed status in several countries, I could find
no mention of this seed heteromorphism on any
weed-related web site I visited. Its sister species,
Emex spinosa (L.) Campd., has also been docu-
mented as amphi-geocarpic, having both aerial and
subterranean seeds (Evenari et al., 1977). In this
species, the geocarpic seeds are approximately four
times the size of the aerial seed and have different
germination requirements (Weiss, 1980). It is thus
possible that E. australis has a similar amphi-geo-
carpic nature.
In a postscript, Stopp (1958) cited Taylor’s
(1958) work on tropical African Primulaceae in
which the actively geocarpic nature of Anagallis
kingaensis Engl. is first described. Stopp (1958)
stated that this is the first record of geocarpy in the
family, but that there are some basicarpic species
in Anagallis L. as well as Cyclamen L. and Lysi-
machia L. Taylor (1958) noted that in A. kingaensis,
the pedicel elongates, reflexes, and becomes buried
as the fruits ripen. Taylor (1958) noted that A. oli-
gantha P. Taylor is closely related to A. kingaensis
and made no mention of geocarpy in this species,
but Stopp (1958) considered it to be geocarpic.
Agnew and Hedberg (1969) listed three geocar-
pic species of Ranunculus L. (Table 2). However,
of these three species, only R. oreophytus Delile is
clearly described by Milne-Redhead and Turrill
(1952) as being actively geocarpic. In this species,
curvature of the pedicels buries the spherical heads
in the soil. The remaining two species listed in Ta-
ble 2 are described merely as having achenes in
spherical heads on reflexed pedicels, a behavior
they have in common with R. oreophytus, so it is
possible that these two species are also actively
Geocarpy has been reported in the Madagascan
Galium ankaratrense Puff by Kiehn and Puff
(1987). This species is found at high altitudes in
the Ankaratra mountains. It is cushion-forming and
grows in moist, sheltered places. After flowering,
the pedicels elongate up to 40 mm in length, push-
ing the developing fruits into the ground. The seeds
germinate under the mother plants, further adding
to the dense cushion growth form (Kiehn & Puff,
Two species of Limosella L. noted in Table 2 are
afroalpine species recorded by Agnew and Hedberg
(1969) as being geocarpic. The third species, L.
capensis, is listed as geocarpic by Stopp (1958).
Limosella comprises small aquatic plants, common-
ly known as mudworts. Some species of the genus
have widespread distributions, thought to be me-
diated by bird dispersal of the small seeds that
stick together along with mud to birds’ legs (Korn-
hall, 2004). To the best of my knowledge, this dis-
persal explanation has not been tested, but I have
observed the fruit of one of the southern African
taxa being produced both on the surface and be-
neath the mud of shallow temporary water bodies
(voucher Barker 1922, GRA). An accurate identi-
fication of this specimen to species level is not pos-
sible, and Hilliard and Burtt (1986) noted that a
taxonomic revision of the African species is need-
ed. The presence of geocarpy in other species of
Limosella needs to be investigated.
Little is known about Fleurya podocarpa var. am-
phicarpa, the amphicarpic status of which was first
Volume 92, Number 4
2005 459Barker
Basicarpy, Geocarpy & Amphicarpy
noted by Engler (1895) and again cited by Cheplick
(1987). This taxon is now known as Laportea oval-
ifolia (Schumach.) Chew, and Friis (1991: 89) in
Flora Zambesiaca merely noted that ‘‘geocarpic
fruits may occur,’’ while earlier, Rendle (1917) not-
ed that one specimen comprised fruits that seemed
to have been buried. These reports suggest that this
species may be amphi-geocarpic.
Cheplick (1994) listed four adaptive advantages
of amphi-geocarpy. These are the retention of off-
spring in suitable microhabitats (the mother site
theory sensu Zohary, 1937, 1962), and the protec-
tion of seeds from microenvironmental extremes,
fire, and herbivores or predators. Underground
fruits may thus be important in maintaining the
population in situ, unless they have specific adap-
tations for animal dispersal as noted, for example,
in Hydnora and Cucumis discussed above. Assum-
ing a lack of dispersal, the consequences of anti-
telochoric subterranean seed production include
the lack of genetic exchange between the cleistog-
amous flowers leading to inbreeding depression, the
high energy costs associated with the production of
larger underground reproductive structures, limited
dispersal, sibling competition among offspring, and
exposure to underground herbivores and seed pred-
ators (Cheplick, 1994). For species that are exclu-
sively geocarpic, these consequences (notably the
genetic ones) would be further exacerbated by the
lack of xenogamy. In light of these trade-offs, it
might be expected that an amphicarpic or geocarpic
strategy would only evolve under certain environ-
mental conditions: conditions that, if known, could
be used to predict the presence of amphicarpy, bas-
icarpy, or geocarpy.
While the known amphicarpic and geocarpic
taxa listed here are restricted to one continent (Af-
rica, including Madagascar), this list has added to
our knowledge of this unusual form of reproductive
biology. The limited numbers of species make it
difficult to draw any meaningful correlations with
habit or habitat that would support any predictions.
However, as noted above, species that bury their
seeds usually have flowers or inflorescences at or
near ground level. Thus species that are prostrate,
scandent, cushion-forming, or rosette-forming may
be candidates for geocarpy, and should be carefully
investigated for it. From my investigations, it is ap-
parent that some observations of geocarpy have
been accidental and depend on good field obser-
vations and thorough plant-collecting techniques.
Similarly, observations of amphi-basicarpy in caes-
pitose taxa such as sedges and grasses require care-
ful dissection of basal leaf and sheathing structures
to locate these well-hidden fruits and seeds. Even
herbaceous taxa that bear inflorescences from basal
or ground-level branches should be treated with
suspicion, and carefully examined and collected.
Those geophytic taxa with ovaries held at or below
ground level are obviously candidates for the geo-
phytic geocarpy category, but careful observation of
flower and fruiting phenology is required in order
to rule out active geocarpy.
The species in Table 2 are often found in either
arid areas where the substrate can be unstable, or
high-altitude afroalpine regions in damp to wet
habitats, also with potentially unstable soils. Thus
the hypothesis of a link between geocarpy and life
on unstable substrates, in either arid environments
(as noted by Zohary, 1962) or afroalpine soils sub-
ject to erosion or solifluction (noted by Agnew &
Hedberg, 1969) may have some merit. Ellner and
Shmida (1981) noted that basicarpy is common in
desert plants, and is often found in annual species
that have hygrochastic diaspores. Several taxa list-
ed here are found in arid regions, and some (no-
tably the legumes) appear to occupy regions of low
and strongly seasonal rainfall. Some of the Cyper-
aceae (e.g., Trianoptiles) occupy ephemerally wet
habitats, as do the examples of Rhodohypoxis and
Limosella noted here. The species of Haplocarpha
(Compositae) occupy damp to wet disturbed sites,
often along stream banks, which would be prone to
flooding and associated erosion. Burial of seeds to
avoid dispersal by runoff and associated erosion in
this environment would be advantageous, an aspect
also discussed in the context of flash floods in arid
regions by Ellner and Shmida (1981).
As intimated by Cheplick (1994), basicarpy and
geocarpy could limit seed-mediated gene flow, lead-
ing to increased isolation of populations, possibly
resulting in increased speciation rates. Conversely,
reduced gene flow between populations may result
in genetic drift, fixation of alleles, and inbreeding
depression, which could ultimately lead to local
population (and possibly species) extinctions. Giv-
en this unusual reproductive strategy, it is surpris-
ing that no population genetic studies on geocarpic
species (or comparing geocarpic and non-geocarpic
congeners) have been carried out.
An additional reproductive phenomenon appears
to be associated with some of the taxa in Table 2:
that of floral dimorphism and various forms of mon-
oecy. Species of Ficus (Moraceae) usually have
male and female flowers within a single syconium,
and in Haplocarpha (Compositae) the ray florets are
460 Annals of the
Missouri Botanical Garden
female, while disk florets are hermaphrodite, but
this system is not uncommon in the family. Several
of the holoparasitic species in Kedrostris (Cucur-
bitaceae), Laportea (Urticaceae), and Emex (Poly-
gonaceae) are also monoecious. However, the spe-
cies listed here have not been researched
exhaustively, so the co-occurrence of amphicarpy,
basicarpy, and geocarpy with monoecy could be co-
In summary, amphicarpy, basicarpy, and geocar-
py in all of their forms occur across a diverse range
of flowering plants, edaphic and climatic condi-
tions, and continents. In the context of the size of
the flora of Africa and Madagascar, correlating the
small number of amphicarpic, basicarpic, and geo-
carpic species listed here to environmental param-
eters provides very limited predictive power, but an
association with unstable substrates appears to be
a fairly common theme, and this biological enigma
deserves further study.
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... aerial, basal and subterranean) on the mother plants of the diaspores of angiosperm taxa. Basically, we greatly expanded/modified the diaspore classification schemes of Mandák (1997) and Barker (2005), sometimes using terminology that Zohary (1937Zohary ( , 1962, Ellner and Shmida (1981) and van der Pijl (1982) applied to diaspore dispersal. Seeds (diaspores) were first divided into two major categories (monomorphic and heteromorphic) called divisions and each Division into several successively lower hierarchical layers. ...
... (See Table 1 for definition of each of these three terms and of those mentioned in the following.) Barker's (2005) diaspore classification scheme deals only with basicarpy, geocarpy and amphicarpy. His scheme includes full geocarpy, with three subtypes, i.e. active geocarpy, geophytic geocarpy and passive geocarpy; and basicarpy, also with three subtypes, i.e. aerial amphicarpy, amphi-geocarpy and amphibasicarpy. ...
... His scheme includes full geocarpy, with three subtypes, i.e. active geocarpy, geophytic geocarpy and passive geocarpy; and basicarpy, also with three subtypes, i.e. aerial amphicarpy, amphi-geocarpy and amphibasicarpy. Note that all of the categories in Mandák's (1997) scheme fit under our Division II (Heteromorphic), whereas the scheme of Barker (2005) includes terms under both our Division I (e.g. Full geocarpy) and Division II (e.g. ...
Full-text available
Seed heteromorphism’ is a broadly- and loosely-defined term used to describe differences in size/mass, morphology, position on mother plants and ecological function (e.g. dispersal, dormancy/germination) of two or more seeds or other diaspores produced by an individual plant. The primary aim of this review paper was to characterize via an in-depth classification scheme the physical structural design (‘architecture’) of diaspore monomorphism and diaspore heteromorphism in angiosperms. The diaspore classification schemes of Mandák and Barker were expanded/modified, and in doing so some of the terminology that Zohary, Ellner and Shmida, and van der Pijl used for describing diaspore dispersal were incorporated into our system. Based on their (relative) size, morphology and position on the mother plant, diaspores of angiosperms were divided into two divisions and each of these into several successively lower hierarchical layers. Thus, our classification scheme, an earlier version of which was published in the second edition of ‘Seeds’ by Baskin and Baskin, includes not only heteromorphic but also monomorphic diaspores, the Division to which the diaspores of the vast majority of angiosperms belong. The scheme will be useful in describing the ecology, biogeography and evolution of seed heteromorphism in flowering plants.
... The statements in Table 2 are for species from very different plant families growing in a variety of habitats and suggest that limited dispersal is a taxonomically widespread life-history feature. For example, in the African and Madagascan flora, Barker (2005) reported amphicarpy, basicarpy, or geocarpy (see Table 3 for definitions) in 40 genera of angiosperms distributed among 20 families. ...
... Antitelechory applies to a system whereby dispersal is effectively hindered by diaspore placement at, near, or below the soil surface, or by specific morphological features (Ellner and Shmida, 1981). Amphicarpic, geocarpic, or basicarpic species (Table 3) show antitelechory (Ellner and Shmida, 1981;Cheplick, 1998;Barker, 2005). ...
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Many have noted limited seed dispersal of plants in diverse environments and attempted evolutionary explanations for it. Although philopatric (‘love of fatherland’) is used by zoologists to describe organisms that remain near their place of origin, philomatric (‘love of motherland’) is proposed as more appropriate for plants because seeds develop on the maternal parent, fecundity and dispersal are maternally influenced characteristics, and the term dovetails with the mother‐site hypothesis (MSH) for the evolution of restricted dispersal. Proximate reasons for philomatry include intrinsic drivers such as morphological features of diaspores and where on the maternal parent they are produced. Extrinsic drivers include local environmental conditions, surrounding vegetation, and ineffective dispersal agents. The MSH proposes that selection should favor philomatry in a population adapted to a particular habitat because offspring will likewise be adapted to that same habitat. Several studies show philomatry can mitigate distance‐dependent costs of dispersing into surrounding inhospitable areas. Undispersed diaspores can eliminate energetic costs of accessory structures or biochemicals needed by dispersible diaspores, but it is unclear whether these costs are significant to the evolution of philomatry. Disadvantages of limited dispersal are (a) inability to escape deteriorating habitat conditions, (b) inability to colonize new habitats, and (c) inbreeding among offspring. Heterocarpic species offset these disadvantages by producing dispersed plus undispersed diaspores. A conceptual framework is presented relating dispersal distance to the probability of seedling establishment. Future research should recognize dispersal as a covarying syndrome of multiple life history traits and focus on ecological selection agents that favor philomatry. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
... Following Baskin and Baskin's (2014) classification of amphicarpy, C. hypsipedos may be presenting amphicarpy sensu lato, a term applicable to species that produce both aerial flowers and fruits, and flowers near the soil surface or underground that yield subterranean fruits (i.e. "amphi-basicarpy" sensu Barker 2005). Currently, we know nearly 70 herbaceous species belonging to 13 families of angiosperms, all phylogenetically widespread, that display this condition (Zhang et al. 2020). ...
Two recent fieldwork expeditions to Peru and Ecuador resulted in the finding of two Carex species (C. hypsipedos and C. sanctae-marthae) previously known from a single collection each, and of uncertain morphological and systematic affinities. We performed phylogenetic analyses using barcode molecular markers and a detailed morphological comparison among the new specimens and the original collections. A BLAST search was used to obtain the preliminary infrageneric affinities of problematic samples. Phylogenetic results confirmed the adscription of these species to two sectional Carex groups: Carex sect. Racemosae (subg. Carex) for C. hypsipedos and Carex sect. Junciformes (subg. Psyllophorae) for C. sanctae-marthae. Morphological revision revealed unique traits in C. hypsipedos, especially geocarpy, here strikingly reported for the first time for the genus Carex. On the other hand, the careful comparison of the new materials of C. sanctae-marthae revealed unequivocal affinities with the type, confirming its identity as this species. Our work illustrated that for the understanding of poorly known groups, such as these two Neotropical Carex, integrative approaches combining basic biosystematics tools are still very necessary: field and herbaria surveys and DNA barcode.
... The early production of subterranean fruits and seeds has been called a "pessimistic" strategy in contrast to the optimistic one, i.e., later formation of aerial fruits [24]. It is shown that amphicarpy, like seed heteromorphism in a broad sense [25], is an adaptive strategy for plants living in harsh unpredictable environmental conditions, often in desert regions [26,27]. The amphicarpy was concluded to represent a bet-hedging strategy [4,10,28]. ...
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In the amphicarpic annual Gymnarrhena micrantha Desf. (Asteraceae), aerial and subterranean fruits differ in morphology, dispersal ability and germination behavior. The aim of our work was to study their structural features in relation to the eco-physiological properties, using light and scanning electron microscopes. Five fruit morphs were found, three of aerial achenes: ebracteate, bracteate and double bracteate ones, and two subterranean fruits with achenes, enveloped in involucral bracts, developed from (I) sessile or (II) not sessile different heads. This species shows divergent fruit differentiation, an increase in their diversity along several lines of morphological differentiation, which corresponds to a multiple seed dispersal and germination strategy. In addition to the already known distinctive features of subterranean achenes (larger size, undeveloped pappus, poor pubescence), they also differ in the simplified structure of the apical and basal achene regions, the absence of the corolla expanded base (cupula) and nectary, other cells parameters in the exotesta and endosperm, another form of the disproportionately developed embryo. The peculiarities of probably subterranean fruit II (seemingly originated through apomixis) extend to various color, pappus structure, sparse pubescence, and the ability of the fruit wall to delaminate. The lack of dense pubescence in the subterranean achenes is a key trait that could lead to increased water permeability of the fruit wall and affect germination rate. Possible adaptive significance of aerial achene structural features is discussed, including specialized corolla cupula, which may be an adaptation to dissemination by rainwater and ants.
... Farmers grow groundnut on flat seedbeds, on the tops of ridges, or just on the lower sides of these ridges. Earthing is an agronomic practice that is carried out by piling up soil to the base of the crop at pegging to ensure proper burial of gynophores to enhance optimum pod formation as groundnut is a geocarpic crop (Barker, 2005). ...
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Soil fertility constraints are among the major limitations for optimum groundnut production among smallholder farmers in Africa due to little or no external input to replenish nutrients lost at harvest. Unsustainable cultivation of soils without appropriate measures to maintain balance in nutrient trade, (input: export) exposes soil resources to gradual degradation thereby, making soils non-responsive to nutrient uptake in worst cases. In an attempt to investigate the response of groundnut to calcium and phosphorus, an experiment was conducted in a split-plot assigned in a randomized complete block design with four replications at Crop museum, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro in 2015. Two factors, including three groundnut genotypes (Mangaka, Masasi, and Pendo) as main plot and phosphorus and calcium at 0, 55 kg P/ha and 125 kg Ca/ha from diammonium phosphate (DAP) and Minjingu mazao, respectively, were used as subplot factors. Results from the study showed that the application of DAP had a significant (P< 0.05) effect on the number of nodules, net assimilation rate, pod harvest index (HI %), shelling percent, 100-kernel weight, and kernel yields. Mining mazao had a significant (P< 0.05) effect on leaf area index, crop biomass, crop growth rate, biological yield, and protein content. Fertilizer application had no significant effect oil content of groundnut.
... Amphicarpy is a rare phenomenon, the few species that follow this strategy (108 species reported in 2020; Zhang et al. 2020) are spread across phylogenetically distant families, such as Poaceae (e.g. Amphicarpum), Brassicaceae (Cardamine) or Fabaceae (Amphicarpa, Macrotyloma, Lathyrus or Vicia), where it seems to be particularly frequent (Barker 2005;Cheplick 1987;Imbert 2002;Zhang et al. 2020). The rarity of the strategy, which appears scattered in evolutionarily distant groups, and the fact that species with amphicarpic fruits are often isolated cases within their respective genera can be posited as evidence for adaptive convergence under particular environmental conditions (Zhang et al. 2020). ...
Aim Dispersal through space or time via dormancy is one of the primary processes whereby organisms can influence the environment they experience. In plants, strong evolutionary correlations are expected between the two kinds of dispersal because both are performed by the seeds and play comparable adaptive roles. In this paper, we investigated these evolutionary correlations using amphicarpic plants, which simultaneously produce aerial seeds with high spatial dispersal propensity and subterranean seeds that do not disperse. Methods We investigated the variation in dormancy and germination in aerial and subterranean seeds of two amphicarpic legumes (Vicia amphicarpa L. and Lathyrus amphicarpos L.) and two closely related homocarpic taxa (Vicia sativa L. and Lathyrus cicera L.) by estimating germination percentages following different combinations of dormancy breaking treatments (i.e., dry after-ripening, cold stratification and physical scarification). Important findings Our results showed complex interactions between spatial and temporal dispersal. Right after dispersal, aerial seeds were more dormant than their subterranean counterparts, but this trend reversed with after-ripening, as seeds developed physical dormancy. Seeds of homocarpic plants germinated at higher percentages than those of their amphicarpic congeners and lost dormancy homogeneously with after-ripening. Conversely, amphicarpic seeds exhibited varied dormancy strategies modulated by both physiological and physical dormancy, These are expected to increase variation in emergence timing, providing multiple levels of diversifying bet-hedging. This strategy might be adaptive under highly unpredictable conditions by enabling plants to rely on historically favorable sites in good seasons without preventing spatial and temporal migration.
... The fruits (utricles) of this species enclosed by two permanently attached bracteoles are the dispersal and germination units. Ceratocarpus arenarius is an amphibasicarpic species (sensu Barker 2005;Baskin et al. 2014) with polymorphic diaspores. Plants produce basicarps near the soil surface and a continuous series of morphologically distinct fruits from the lower to upper parts of the canopy (Lu et al. 2013;Gan et al. 2020). ...
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Aims We determined effects of soil from three habitats differing in physiochemical properties on transgenerational plasticity in diaspore production of the diaspore-polymorphic annual Ceratocarpus arenarius. Methods Production of three disapore morphs and size of F0 plants in a sand desert (S) were evaluated. F1 plants from morphs at soil surface (a) and middle (c) and upper (f) parts of canopy of F0 plants were grown in soil from S, salt desert (SD) and desert steppe (DS) and evaluated for diaspore production and plant size. Results Number of dispersal unit morphs for F0 plants in S was (f > c)> > a. Plants from all three morphs varied in size, mass and mass allocation. For F1 plants (compared to F0), a:(c + f) was the same or increased in S (poor soil) and decreased in DS (good soil); c:(a + f) increased in S and DS; and f:(a + c) decreased in S and DS. In SD, ratios for F1 plants from a and c were the same as those in S, but ratios for F1 plants from f were the same as those in S and DS. Conclusions Differences in soil physiochemistry caused flexibility in plant size, mass and mass allocation and proportion of diaspore morphs across generations.
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The production of flowers and fruit below ground (geoflory and geocarpy, respectively) is a paradoxical reproductive strategy that seemingly hinders pollination and dispersal. Though rare, these phenomena occur in 33 angiosperm families. Plants that flower and fruit entirely below ground are exceptionally unusual. Pinanga subterranea (Arecaceae), a species new to science from Borneo, is the first member of the palm family recorded to flower and fruit almost exclusively below ground. This raises many questions about its evolution, pollination and dispersal, which we discuss here. Strikingly, this remarkable species is widespread across western Borneo and valued by the local people for its edible fruits but has escaped the attention of scientists until now.
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The biological characterization of Trifolium polymorphum Poir., a promissory native forage is presented and taken as a model for its amphicarpy between both reproductive modes. Its esteemed productive and biological characteristics, as well as the good adaptation to climatic and edaphic conditions of the region, high persistency in the sward and plasticity are shown; in spite of its low vegetative production, the response to phosphoric fertilization is significantly high. Biological, organological, ecological and productive aspects are also described and discussed. The first of them derived from the reproductive double strategy which develops into high subterranean autogamic seed production, leading to genetical homogeneity of their offspring and the lower aereal seed production with a high impact on population dispersion. RESUMEN Se presenta la caracterización biológica de Trifolium polymorphum Poir., promisoria forrajera nativa, con características productivas y biológicas valiosas como modelo por su anficarpia entre ambos modos reproductivos. Tiene buena adaptación a las condiciones climáticas y edáficas de la región, alta persistencia en el tapiz, gran plasticidad y, aunque es baja la producción vegetativa, responde en forma significativa a la fertilización con fósforo. Se describen y discuten aspectos biológicos, organológicos, ecológicos y productivos. Los primeros derivados de la doble estrategia reproductiva, que tiene como consecuencia la abundante produc-ción de semillas subterráneas en forma autógama y conduce a la homogeneidad genética de sus descendientes y la menor producción de semillas aéreas, pero con fuerte impacto en la dispersión de las poblaciones.
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Amphicarpy is a particular reproduction mechanism by which a plant can produce both above-ground and below-ground seeds and thus has the potential to contribute to an enhanced persistence of a plant population. It can be found in a range of tropical legumes, e.g. in several Centrosema species. The balance between above-and below-ground seed production is evidently influenced by environment and management factors but these influences are not well known. In the case of perennial tropical legumes, in addition to seed production shifts the allocation of resources affects also the production of tuberous roots as storage organs. A research project in El Tigre, Eastern Venezuela, investigates the extent to which resource allocation is influenced by five management (= environmental stress) factors: plant density, associated grass, fertilization, cutting intensity, and fire. The species chosen for this research is Centrosema rotundifolium, a perennial, moderately productive legume which because of its amphicarpy-based persistence and its adaptation to sandy and acid, low-fertility soils has a potential as pasture plant and for soil conservation on sandy savanna soils of the dry-subhumid tropics
Emex spinosa (L.) Campd. var. minor (Polygonaceae) is an annual amphiearpic desert plant with telechoric, aerial and atelechoric subterranean propagules. The aerial propagules are spiny, small and light, the subterranean ones are large, smooth and heavy. One plant carries few subterranean but many aerial propagules. The optimal germination temperature of the intact non leached aerial propagules is 20°C, light inhibits their germination but even at the optimal temperature in darkness germination percentage is very low. Pre-treatment of the aerial propagules by leaching or alternating temperatures during germination increase the germination percentage considerably. The leachate contains germination inhibitors. The germination percentage of the intact subterranean propagules is under all germination conditions tested, much lower than that of their aerial counterparts. The leachate of the subterranean propagules does not contain a germination inhibitor. Cutting open the aerial or subterranean propagules at their micropylar tip, opening the perianth and the coat of the achene brings about full germination at a temperature range from 10 to 30°C in light and darkness. The R-FR reversible photomechanism is present in both types of propagules. After 6 years the subterranean propagules were still a 100% viable, the aerial ones 85—90%. Seedlings derived from subterranean propagules are larger, develop faster and are more drought resistant than their “aerial” counterparts. The “subterranean” seedlings reach the first flowering cycle i. e. the one producing subterranean propagules only slightly earlier than the “aerial” seedlings, but flower much earlier in their second cycle which produces aerial propagules. Irrigated plants develop fewer, smaller and lighter aerial and fewer or none subterranean propagules in comparison with non irrigated plants. The ecological implications of these facts in connection with field observations on the behaviour of the plant in situ are discussed.
Several members of the Zygophyllaceae in Western Australia have been observed to be geocarpic. These form a natural group within the family and should be recognised as constituting a separate genus, Tribulopis. No previous record of geocarpy is known for the family.