
Do demographic characteristics make a difference to burnout among Hong Kong secondary school teachers?

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This study aims to investigate the relationship between teachers' demographic variables and burnout in Hong Kong using the Maslach Burnout Inventory. It is found that when compared with the North American normative data, Hong Kong teachers scored in the average range of burnout in emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment while they scored in the low range of burnout in depersonalization. Gender differences were found in all three burnout syndromes, and teachers who were younger, unmarried, without religious beliefs, less experienced, without finishing professional training and of junior rank were more consistently burned out. Whereas age was the strongest predictor for emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, teachers' rank is the best predictor for personal accomplishment. However, the effect of demographic characteristics of teachers on burnout is not that salient.

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... (Laughlin 1984) [15] and Manthei and Gilmore (1996) [18] reported that teachers having low levels of job experience and encounter more occupational stress as compared to their highly experienced co-workers. Lau et al. (2005) [14] revealed that young teachers experience more job-related stress. Furthermore it was found that younger and comparatively fresh employees in the occupation reported greater levels of job stress. ...
... (Laughlin 1984) [15] and Manthei and Gilmore (1996) [18] reported that teachers having low levels of job experience and encounter more occupational stress as compared to their highly experienced co-workers. Lau et al. (2005) [14] revealed that young teachers experience more job-related stress. Furthermore it was found that younger and comparatively fresh employees in the occupation reported greater levels of job stress. ...
... The result is in accordance to the findings of the investigations conducted by Laughlin (1984) [15] and Manthei and Gilmore (1996) [18] which reported that teachers having low levels of job experience encounter more occupational stress as compared to their highly experienced co-workers. Lau et al. (2005) [14] revealed that young teachers experience more job-related stress. Furthermore it was found that younger and comparatively fresh employees in the occupation reported greater levels of job stress. ...
... It may also be accompanied by frustration and tension that may lead one to rejection of further sacrifices and taking responsibilities to the recipients of service (Cordes & Dougherty, 1993). In other words, it may result in "feeling drained and tired" (Lau et al., 2005). The second component, depersonalization, stands for dehumanization, in which recipients of service -students in teachers' case-begin to lose their animate qualities through service providers' lens, and to be perceived as mere objects. ...
... Within a more concise framework, burnout can be studied at three levels; individual, organizational, and transactional (Chang, 2009;Durr et al., 2014). Among the individual factors that may predict the level of burnout; gender, age, and amount of teaching experience have frequently been counted (Anderson & Iwanicki, 1984;Demirel & Cephe, 2015;Fontana & Abouserie, 1993;Lau et al., 2005;Payne & Furnham, 1987). Anderson and Iwanicki (1984) support the effect of gender on the level of burnout one may feel in their study, which revealed that males got higher scores than females on all the three subscales of burnout. ...
... Thus, their study signals an interactional effect of experience on burnout. Lau et al. (2005) also provide support for these findings. Their study showed that younger and less experienced teachers obtained a higher score on all the subscales of burnout. ...
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Serious consequences of teachers’ experienced burnout have repeatedly been reported. Thus, it is important to identify teachers’ level of burnout and underlying factors. Accordingly, the current study aims to investigate the level of burnout English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers in Türkiye may feel, and if four factors (age, gender, length of teaching experience, and type of school) predict their level of burnout. To that end, a quantitative orientation was adopted. Through convenience sampling 132 EFL teachers working in different regions of Türkiye voluntarily took part in the research. They were asked to fill out Maslach’s Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey, and to provide some demographic information. Three separate scores for each participant were obtained through three subscales in the 22-item Likert-type inventory; emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal achievement. Multiple regression analysis and a full-factorial ANOVA were conducted to reveal any possible effects of the four factors on the perceived burnout of the participants. The results revealed that majority of EFL teachers experience diminished personal accomplishment at a high level. Among the four variables, age was the most reliable precursor of burnout; however, the only statistically significant interaction was with depersonalization. The results suggest that EFL teachers need to see more concrete outcomes of their professional effort to improve their sense of personal accomplishment. In addition, as teachers get older, they may be engaged in activities that help them refresh their professional enthusiasm to prevent depersonalization.
... Research conducted to identify the predictors of burnout among teachers has recognized demographic variables as predictors of burnout. Accordingly, Lau et al. (2005) report that year of service, gender and age among others predict burnout syndrome among teachers. Similarly, indicated that demographic variables such as such as age, teaching experience, educational background, predict the experience of burnout among teachers. ...
... The findings suggest that demographic variables such as age (old age), gender (being male) and many years of experience predict burnout syndrome among primary school teachers in Dire Dawa Administration. The findings are consistent with previous studies (Lau et al., 2005;Al-Asadi et al., 2018;Shaheen and Mahmood, 2018). Burnout is prevalent among male primary school teachers who have at least 11 years of work experience. ...
... Besides, Al-Asadi et al. (2018) found that age, sex, and marital status as significant predictors of burnout among teachers. Moreover, Lau et al. (2005) found that teachers' gender, job experience, educational qualification, and teachers' age as significant predictors of burnout experience among teachers. While in an earlier study Shaheen and Mahmood (2016) confirmed that gender and educational qualification have a significant influence on burnout while age showed a non-significant relationship with burnout. ...
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The study aimed to assess the level of professional burnout and the effect of demographic variables among primary school teachers in Dire Dawa town. A cross-sectional survey research design on data collected using teacher burnout scale from 211 teachers was conducted. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. It was revealed that primary school teachers in the administration experience high professional burnout and male older teachers with many years of service experience burnout. Educational qualification showed no relationship with the experience of burnout. Teachers’ gender is correlated with career satisfaction and coping with job stress while experience is correlated with perceived administrative support and attitude toward students. Moreover, the change in burnout experience of primary school teachers could be explained by socio-demographic variables. Thus, it was recommended that school leaders should introduce urgent interventions to help teachers cope with their job stress and burnout.
... China's cultural context, social and educational conditions add specific demands to this group and contribute to shape a unique burnout profile of Chinese teachers. For example, Confucian beliefs, the traditional Chinese education philosophy, expects teachers to be not only knowledge providers, but also role models, authority figures, or even parents to the students (Cortazzi and Jin, 1997;Lau et al., 2005;Zhang and Zhu, 2008). Such a high and sometimes unrealistic expectation makes teachers vulnerable to burnout (Luk et al., 2010). ...
... Sample sizes varied across the 67 studies from N = 86 to N = 1,831. With five exceptions of large sample size (N > 1,000) (Lau et al., 2005;Pan et al., 2010;Zhang et al., 2014;Zhong and Ling, 2014), all studies employed small and/or convenient samples. , 1996); mBI = maslach Burnout Inventory (maslach et al., 1996); BQPsT = Burnout Questionnaire in Primary and secondary Teachers ; mBI-gs-16 = mBI-general survey revised version (li and shi, 2003); mBI-es-29 = mBI-es revised version (Wang and Xu, 2004); mBI-es-21 = mBI-es revised version (Wang et al., 2003); mBI-es-15 = mBI-es revised version (li and Wang, 2009); cmBI = chinese maslach Burnout Inventory (li and Wu, 2005); JBos-T = Job-Burnout scale for middle school Teachers (Wang et al., 2005); sTBI-6 = socio-contextual Teacher Burnout Inventory reduced version (Pietarinen et al., 2013); ee = emotional exhaustion; DP = depersonalization; Pa = reduced personal accomplishment; cY = cynicism; IB = intellectual burnout; Total score = Burnout is calculates as a total score. ...
... The role responsibility for Chinese teachers is different from that of western culture. Traditionally, the role of Chinese teacher is deeply influenced by Confucian beliefs, which holds the expectations that teachers are not only knowledge providers, but also role models, authority figures, or even parents to the students (Cortazzi and Jin, 1997;Lau et al., 2005;Zhang and Zhu, 2008). As a saying goes, 'a teacher a day, a parent forever' (yiri weishi, zhongsheng weifu), Chinese teachers are expected to take a parent role to some extent and care about students in every aspect of their life. ...
The antecedents and outcomes of teacher burnout have received increasing research attention in China over the last three decades, as burnout becomes a serious issue for a large workgroup of 1.6 million teachers in Chinese education system. However, there has been no comprehensive review to synthesize the literature in this area, limiting our understanding on how burnout is experienced in this specific culture context. In this paper, using job demands-resources (JD-R) model as a theoretical framework, we conduct an integrative literature review on teacher burnout in China, which includes 67 studies published from 1995 to the present. We review on the job demands, job resources, personal resources as the antecedents of burnout, and also on the outcomes of burnout. Our review indicates that teachers in China experience unique job demands because of specific cultural context. Moreover, we summarize how proactive and avoidant coping contribute differently to the mechanism of burnout development among Chinese teachers. Third, drawing from the recent extension of the JD-R model, we build a conceptualized framework to suggest future avenues for teacher burnout research in China, including examining job demands, job resources, and personal resources under specific cultural context, further investigating the role of coping strategies in the JD-R model, and conducting more research on intervention.
... When time passes feeling unhappiness, dissatisfaction about the job accomplishment lead to inability coping with their job and the suffered one evaluates himself, gets aware of the burnout. The main dimensions of job burnout considered as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment [29]. ...
... Demerouti and colleagues (2001) considered that burnout may be found in any occupational context and seen both within and outside the human services [30]. While in the beginning the theoretical concept development of burnout, it principally discussed work associated factors, however recent researchers consider that environmental and individual factors also have an effect on burn out syndrome [29][30][31][32]. ...
... According to some studies causes of burnout with a focus on the work environment indicating role stressors, organizational structures, and job characteristics. Particularly, what is stressful for one may not be stressful for another [29]. ...
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The business environment has becoming exceptionally unsteady and competitive recently. Information technology advancements and ever changing customer preferences has played a substantial role in an increase of the significance of highly productive, committed and loyal employees. These changes bring both advantages and challenges need to be addressed. The more challenges accelerate, the more issues come up to solve in timely manner. For any organizations, not only taking care of the customers but also employees of the organization should be treated equally taking a better care about their psychological and physical health as well as creating a healthy work environment. The objective of the current research is to study correlations of workload, job burnout and organizational commitment in the case of nurses working in the Health Center of Selenge aimag, Mongolia. According to the results, an increase of mental workload nurses by one unit results in job burnout increases by 0.578 (beta) unit and leads to the decrease of the organizational commitment by 0.437 (beta) unit. Moreover, one-unit increase of job burnout leads to decrease of the organizational commitment by 0.301 (beta) unit.
... Many dimensions of teacher life influence the phenomenon: time pressure, classroom disciplinary issues, low student motivation, society's general underevaluation of work involving children and its deprecation toward historically female professions, work overload, relationships with students and colleagues, high-intensity work environment, long working hours, role ambiguity, and pressure and criticisms from administration, parents, and the community (Chan, 2010;Dunham, 1992;Farber, 2000;Hastings & Bham, 2003;Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2017;Slick, 1997;Travers & Cooper, 1996;Yankelevich et al., 2012). Characteristics that make teachers most susceptible to burnout include idealism, less professional experience, lack of emotional support from administration and peers, having low levels of self-esteem and self-concept, and teachers with low levels of self-efficacy (Betoret, 2006;Chan, 2010;Farber, 2000;Friedman & Farber, 1992;Lau et al., 2005;Nagy, 2017). ...
... However, numerous characteristics of individual teachers have been associated with teacher resiliency. For example, hardiness, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, and pedagogical selfconcept and purpose in life (Chan, 2003(Chan, , 2005(Chan, , 2010Lau, et al., 2005). Teachers who exhibit these characteristics experience lower incidences of burnout. ...
... Researchers have documented the effects of teacher burnout and its impact on students for decades. In this article, we focus on the use of Adlerian play therapy (AdPT) techniques to foster teacher resiliency, hardiness, self-efficacy, emotional intelligence, pedagogical self-concept, and purpose in life (Chan, 2003(Chan, , 2005(Chan, , 2010Lau, et al., 2005). Pivoting a few hours of the school counselor's week toward improving teacher burnout can have an exponential impact on students' social-emotional well-being and academic performance in the classroom. ...
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Students’ achievement is positively correlated with teacher encouragement. This article focuses on the use of Adlerian group play therapy principles and techniques to foster teacher resiliency and reduce burnout. A review of the factors impacting teacher burnout, a description of the practice of Adlerian group play therapy, and the benefits of play techniques with adults will be provided. A case applying Adlerian group play therapy principles and techniques with teachers for the purpose of combating teacher burnout and fostering resilience will be presented and discussed, including considerations for implementation within a school setting. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2021 APA, all rights reserved)
... Takođe, rezultati nekih istraživanja (npr. Lau, Yuen & Chan, 2005;Shaheen & Mahmood, 2017) govore da nastavnici koji nisu u braku pokazuju viši stepen sagorijevanja od nastavnika koji su u braku. ...
... Pored toga, utvrđeno je da su mlađi nastavnici skloniji emocionalnoj iscrpljenosti i depersonalizaciji (npr. Antoniou, Polichroni & Vlachakis, 2006;Birne, 1991;Lau, Yuen & Chan, 2005). Pretpostavlja se da je ova reakcija povezana sa poteškoćama mladih nastavnika u aktiviranju odgovarajućih strategija suočavanja s ciljem smanjenja profesionalnog stresa nametnutog teškoćama njihovog posla (Birne, 1991). ...
... Konačno, rezultati nekih studija (npr. Lau, Yuen & Chan, 2005;Shaheen & Mahmood, 2017) govore da nastavnici koji nisu u braku doživljavaju veći nivo emocionalne iscrpljenosti i depersonalizacije od nastavnika koji su u braku. Sami su i naporno rade kako bi stekli određenu poziciju u profesiji. ...
... Αντικρουόμενες είναι οι έρευνες που συσχετίζουν την επαγγελματική εξουθένωση με το φύλο καθώς σε αρκετές μελέτες οι γυναίκες παρουσιάζουν υψηλότερες τιμές επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης (Antoniou et al., 2006;Antoniou et al., 2013;Kantas, 2001;Papastylianou, 1997) ενώ σε άλλες έρευνες οι άντρες φαίνεται να είναι πιο επιρρεπείς στο εν λόγω σύνδρομο (Αντωνίου & Ντάλλα, 2010;Bibou-Nakou et al., 1999;Burke & Greenglass, 1993). Έχει, επίσης, διαπιστωθεί ότι οι γυναίκες βιώνουν υψηλότερα επίπεδα συναισθηματικής εξάντλησης (Burke & Greenglass, 1993;Lau et al., 2005;Sari, 2004) ενώ στους άντρες παρατηρούνται υψηλότερα επίπεδα αποπροσωποποίησης (Αντωνίου & Ντάλλα, 2010;Burke & Greenglass, 1993;Κάμτσιος & Λώλης, 2016;Lau et al., 2005;Sari, 2004). Μελέτες αναφέρουν επίσης ότι οι νεότεροι σε ηλικία και οι νεοεισερχόμενοι στο επάγγελμα εκπαιδευτικοί βιώνουν υψηλότερα επίπεδα επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης (Antoniou et al., 2006;Friedman, 2000;Friedman & Farber, 1992) παρουσιάζοντας υψηλότερες τιμές στην συναισθηματική εξάντληση (Byrne, 1991) και αποπροσωποποίηση σε σχέση με τους μεγαλύτερους σε ηλικία εκπαιδευτικούς (Kamtsios, 2018;Κάμτσιος & Λώλης, 2016) καθώς επίσης και χαμηλότερα επίπεδα προσωπικής επίτευξης (Βασιλόπουλος, 2012). ...
... Αντικρουόμενες είναι οι έρευνες που συσχετίζουν την επαγγελματική εξουθένωση με το φύλο καθώς σε αρκετές μελέτες οι γυναίκες παρουσιάζουν υψηλότερες τιμές επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης (Antoniou et al., 2006;Antoniou et al., 2013;Kantas, 2001;Papastylianou, 1997) ενώ σε άλλες έρευνες οι άντρες φαίνεται να είναι πιο επιρρεπείς στο εν λόγω σύνδρομο (Αντωνίου & Ντάλλα, 2010;Bibou-Nakou et al., 1999;Burke & Greenglass, 1993). Έχει, επίσης, διαπιστωθεί ότι οι γυναίκες βιώνουν υψηλότερα επίπεδα συναισθηματικής εξάντλησης (Burke & Greenglass, 1993;Lau et al., 2005;Sari, 2004) ενώ στους άντρες παρατηρούνται υψηλότερα επίπεδα αποπροσωποποίησης (Αντωνίου & Ντάλλα, 2010;Burke & Greenglass, 1993;Κάμτσιος & Λώλης, 2016;Lau et al., 2005;Sari, 2004). Μελέτες αναφέρουν επίσης ότι οι νεότεροι σε ηλικία και οι νεοεισερχόμενοι στο επάγγελμα εκπαιδευτικοί βιώνουν υψηλότερα επίπεδα επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης (Antoniou et al., 2006;Friedman, 2000;Friedman & Farber, 1992) παρουσιάζοντας υψηλότερες τιμές στην συναισθηματική εξάντληση (Byrne, 1991) και αποπροσωποποίηση σε σχέση με τους μεγαλύτερους σε ηλικία εκπαιδευτικούς (Kamtsios, 2018;Κάμτσιος & Λώλης, 2016) καθώς επίσης και χαμηλότερα επίπεδα προσωπικής επίτευξης (Βασιλόπουλος, 2012). ...
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Σκοπός της έρευνας ήταν η μελέτη της επίδρασης των στρεσογόνων παραγόντων στην επαγγελματική εξουθένωση των εκπαιδευτικών καθώς επίσης και η πιθανή σχέση ανάμεσα στην ανθεκτικότητα και στην επαγγελματική εξουθένωση. Ταυτόχρονα, οι στρεσογόνοι παράγοντες στο επάγγελμα του εκπαιδευτικού, η επαγγελματική εξουθένωση και η ανθεκτικότητα εξετάζονται σε συνάρτηση με δημογραφικά χαρακτηριστικά. Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν 844 εκπαιδευτικοί από την πρωτοβάθμια και δευτεροβάθμια εκπαίδευση της Κύπρου και Ελλάδας. Οι συμμετέχοντες συμπλήρωσαν τα παρακάτω ερωτηματολόγια: (1) Ερωτηματολόγιο Επαγγελματικής Εξουθένωσης, (2) The Greek Hardiness Resilience Gauge και (3) Ερωτηματολόγιο Πηγών Επαγγελματικής Έντασης. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας καταδεικνύουν ότι τα υψηλά επίπεδα επαγγελματικής εξουθένωσης σχετίζονται με χαμηλά επίπεδα ανθεκτικότητας και ότι οι τρεις διαστάσεις της ανθεκτικότητας (πρόκληση, δέσμευση, έλεγχος) μειώνουν την επιρροή των στρεσογόνων παραγόντων στην επαγγελματική εξουθένωση. Αναδείχθηκαν, επίσης, διαφορές στις μεταβλητές της μελέτης λόγω της επιρροής συγκεκριμένων δημογραφικών χαρακτηριστικών. Τα αποτελέσματα της μελέτης συζητώνται στο πλαίσιο της σύγχρονης βιβλιογραφίας.
... perceived administrative support). While gender as a source factor may appeal to intuition, findings from previous studies seem to be inconclusive (Fraschini and Park 2021;Lau, Yuen, and Chan 2005;Prasojo et al. 2020). For instance, Prasojo et al. (2020) reported no significant gender difference in the three dimensions of burnout among Indonesian high school teachers. ...
... A lack of gender difference in burnout among preschool teachers in China was also reported in Li et al.'s (2020) study. However, Fraschini and Park's (2021) Q study indicated that the teachers who reported greater difficulties in maintaining work-life balances were mostly female teachers in their forties, whereas male teachers were detected to experience higher levels of emotional exhaustion (Bibou-Nakou, Stogiannidou, and Kiosseoglou 1999) or depersonalisation (Lau, Yuen, and Chan 2005). Possible reasons for these mixed findings may be different cohorts of teachers (e.g. ...
Amidst the recent positive psychology trend, teacher resilience has captured increasing scholarly attention, while burnout remains a significant, negative construct in teachers’ emotional spectrum. Research on burnout and resilience among teachers teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) is especially scant. In this study, we explored the psychological profiles of 40 EFL teachers in terms of their experience of burnout and resilience. Q methodology was first employed to collect data from 40 high school EFL teachers, the findings of which were complemented by interviews with nine of the participants. The findings showed three main profiles of the teachers: resilient with person-environment equilibrium and a sense of accomplishment, goal-oriented with tenacity and signs of burnout, and emotionally sensitive and burned out with small likelihood to bounce back. Based on this novel attempt to delve into the co-presence of various degrees of burnout and resilience among teachers, implications for teachers and school administrators are finally discussed.
... Nevertheless, there is no consensus on the mechanisms of how teaching experience affects burnout. Some of the studies indicate that teaching experience is negatively associated with teacher burnout (Lau et al., 2005;Mo, 1991), but others identify a positive relationship with them (Rowan, 1994;Sünbül, 2003). Therefore, one of the aims of the present study is to test tsang et al. 137 the relationship between teaching experience and teacher burnout in order to advance our understandings of the relationship. ...
... Therefore, the present study would like to test the relationship to fill the research gap. According to the literature, there are contradictory findings about the relationship between teaching experience and teacher burnout: some studies suggest negative relationships (Lau et al., 2005;Mo, 1991), but others show positive relationships (Rowan, 1994;Sünbül, 2003). Based on the perspective of teachers' life cycle (Fessler & Christense, 1992;Huberman, 1989;Li & Wang, 2012;Sikes, 1985), the study proves evidence to support the negative relationship between teaching experience and teacher burnout. ...
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Burnout is a common syndrome among teachers across the globe in the recent two decades. Although teacher burnout may be related to years of teaching experiences and emotional labor (surface acting, deep acting, and expression of naturally felt emotions), there is no consensus on the mechanisms of how teaching experience affects burnout. Thus, the study aims to examine how teaching experience and emotional labor are associated with teacher burnout. By surveying 417 teachers in China, the study finds that teaching burnout is negative associated with teaching experiences and the expression of naturally felt emotions, while positively associated with surface acting. Moreover, a further analysis suggests surface acting and the expression of naturally felt emotions are mediating roles in the relationship between teacher burnout and teaching experiences respectively.
... Inconsistent results have been reported when looking at stress within the teaching population. For example, several studies indicate that early career teachers are at high risk of experiencing stress and burnout and that this is rising both within Australia and internationally (De Nobile & McCormick, 2010;Lau et al., 2005;Plunkett & Dyson, 2011). However other researchers argue that the risk for burnout does not differ according to experience (Chan et al., 2010;Chang, 2013). ...
... The variations in stress and burnout among groups of Australian teachers were explored. Results supported previous literature suggesting that early career teachers and those working within primary schools are at greatest risk of difficulties (e.g., Lau et al., 2005;Timms et al., 2006) but contradicted other evidence (Abel & Sewell, 1999) by suggesting that teachers in rural and remote areas experienced higher levels of stress and burnout than urban-based teachers. ...
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Concerns regarding high rates of teacher stress and burnout are present globally. Yet there is limited current data regarding the severity of stress, or the role of intrapersonal and environmental factors in relation to teacher stress and burnout within the Australian context. The present study, conducted over an 18-month period, prior to the COVID pandemic, surveyed 749 Australian teachers to explore their experience of work-related stress and burnout; differences in stress and burnout across different demographic groups within the profession; as well as the contributing role of intrapersonal and environmental factors, particularly, emotion regulation, subjective well-being, and workload. Results showed over half of the sample reported being very or extremely stressed and were considering leaving the profession, with early career teachers, primary teachers, and teachers working in rural and remote areas reporting the highest stress and burnout levels. Conditional process analyses highlighted the importance of emotion regulation, workload and subjective well-being in the development of teacher stress and some forms of burnout. Implications for educational practice are discussed.
... For what concerns demographical variables linked to burnout risk, its association with age and work experience is quite controversial. According to some studies, older teachers are often more exhausted than younger ones (Klusmann et al., 2008;Santavirta et al., 2000), but many others also found younger teachers reporting a higher level of emotional exhaustion than older ones (e.g., Saloviita & Pakarinen, 2021;Antoniou et al., 2006;Brunsting, Sreckovic, & Lane, 2014;Lau et al., 2005). In a recent study on Canadian workers (Marchand, Blanc, & Beauregard, 2018), age followed a nonlinear relationship with emotional exhaustion, while it was linearly related to depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. ...
... First of all, multiple comparison analysis showed that during the first Covid-19 lockdown, younger teachers experienced more emotional exhaustion compared to the middle age group. This is quite an interesting finding, considering that literature is still controversial in this regard, and it is consistent with many previous studies (e.g., Saloviita & Pakarinen, 2021;Antoniou et al., 2006;Brunsting, Sreckovic, & Lane, 2014;Lau et al., 2005). As argued by Saloviita & Pakarinen (2021), older teachers tend to typically have longer work experience and better routines than their younger colleagues, which could possibly imply that they are better adapted to the teaching profession and consequently cope with the stress more efficiently even during the pandemic. ...
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Italy has been severely affected by the initial spread of Covid-19. To mitigate the pressure on the national health system, the government established several measures promoting social distancing. The suspension of teaching in attendance forced teachers to embrace telework, posing unprecedented challenges, such as implementing ICT in daily professional activities. Previous research underlined teachers' widespread resistance toward ICT and high computer anxiety, which could be exacerbated by age. Moreover, teaching is associated with several negative outcomes, such as burnout, that can be boosted by a negative work-family balance, impacting teachers' well-being. During the first lockdown, 244 Italian teachers aged 32 to 66 (m: 50.73; sd: 7.93; 80.6% females) answered an online survey measuring psychosocial and ICT-related measures. We performed a full SEM analysis confirming that computer anxiety and work-family balance are positively associated with burnout and the negative impact of burnout on well-being dimensions. Also, results from univariate ANOVA showed differences in teachers' attitudes toward ICT and computer anxiety according to age.
... Moreover, we controlled for gender and teaching experience in our analyses because both could have had a significant impact on the changes in burnout. Findings regarding gender in the context of burnout are still inconclusive and assume that they depend greatly on the specific burnout component (Lau et al., 2005;Grayson and Alvarez, 2008;Fernet et al., 2012). However, with regard to using digital media, male teachers seem to be better prepared (e.g., Gebhardt et al., 2019) and this could have significantly affected the job demand 'distance teaching' and consequently the changes in burnout. ...
... However, with regard to using digital media, male teachers seem to be better prepared (e.g., Gebhardt et al., 2019) and this could have significantly affected the job demand 'distance teaching' and consequently the changes in burnout. Regarding teaching experience and its relation to burnout, findings are rather unclear as well with studies reporting higher burnout rates in more experienced and older teachers (e.g., Klusmann et al., 2008) and others in the opposite (e.g., Lau et al., 2005;Antoniou et al., 2006) but here again, we assume that teaching experience could have affected changes in burnout through teachers' readiness for teaching with digital media. As we wanted to control for such possible effects, we included gender as well as teaching experience as covariates. ...
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Although the reciprocal relationship of teacher burnout and teacher self-efficacy (TSE) is well documented, the literature still lacks studies investigating their (latent) changes and interrelations of change over time. By applying a latent change regression model in our study, we aimed to contribute to this research gap by examining changes in burnout and their relations to changes in TSE during the COVID-19 pandemic—a very challenging time for teachers. As the implementation of digital learning material played a major role during the pandemic, we were also interested if attitudes and self-efficacy toward e-Learning were related to changes in burnout and TSE. Our sample consisted of 92 German in-service teachers who completed a questionnaire twice during the 2019–2020 school year. Our main findings are that the burnout components depersonalization and lack of accomplishment significantly increased from the pre- to post-COVID-19 outbreak, whereas emotional exhaustion did not. Changes in burnout were negatively correlated to changes in TSE, but we found little evidence for relations of change in burnout and TSE with variables concerning e-Learning. Our findings indicate that the challenge was not the work overload but rather a lack of resources. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
... Prior research recommended that growing teachers' care might be a useful strategy for avoiding student burnout (Russell et al., 1987). Lau et al., (2005) also keen out that burned-out teachers and students may affect each other, lessening satisfaction because students may have the same feelings and expectations of burnout (Lau et al., 2005). Nevertheless, no empirical proposal about the impact of social support on burnout among technical-vocational students was found. ...
... Prior research recommended that growing teachers' care might be a useful strategy for avoiding student burnout (Russell et al., 1987). Lau et al., (2005) also keen out that burned-out teachers and students may affect each other, lessening satisfaction because students may have the same feelings and expectations of burnout (Lau et al., 2005). Nevertheless, no empirical proposal about the impact of social support on burnout among technical-vocational students was found. ...
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For this present study, COR and SCT theory was used firstly to examine the factors related to academic burnout meanwhile, secondly, this research also attempts to examine the factors related to academic self-efficacy and Finally, to identify the relationship between academic self-efficacy academic burnout in Khulna city, Bangladesh. For this present study data was collected via both E-mail and self-administrative questionnaire from 272 university students. From the research findings and analysis, it was found out that all the p-values for all the variables were found to be less than 0.05, an indication that was statistically significant for all variables especially. The relationship between Academic self-efficacy and Academic Burnout is (?=.506, Sig. =0 .00) which was statistically significant and all the results are supported by the previous studies.
... In contrast, Khan, Rasli, Yusoff, and Ahmad (2015) work on university employees and found that both male and female employees felt the same level of emotional exhaustion. Some research studies indicate significant gender differences based on burnout (Lau, Yuen, & Chan, 2005), while some studies found no correlation between gender and burnout (F. Khan, et al., 2018;Taleghani, Ashouri, & Saburi, 2017). ...
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The level of burn out dimensions among banking sector employees is determined using demographic variables such as gender, experience, age and marital status. For this purpose, the data was collected from banking employees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, by using a closed-ended questionnaire. After the data was proven to be normally distributed, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were used to test hypotheses. According to the findings, the level of burnout dimensions differs significantly bases on demographic variables, i.e. females, employees who are 36 to 40 years old, married and 6 to 10-year experience are found to have a significantly higher level of emotional exhaustion and disengagement as compared to the other employees. Moreover, the study provides implications, limitations and recommendations for further studies.
... Job burnout is a prevalent mental health issue in the workplace and has increasingly become a pressing concern for organizations. Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion and is a result of prolonged and continuous stress (Lau & et al, 2005). It is a problem that can affect individuals in various professions. ...
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Overwork is a prominent contributor to workplace stress, job burnout, and turnover in contemporary times. Additionally, it adversely affects workers' emotional and physical health, increasing the likelihood of burnout, accidents, lowered job satisfaction, and subpar job performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate how nurses' workloads in hospitals affected their feelings of burnout and their intentions to quit. Employing random sampling, the study was carried out among the staff of a private hospital in Ulaanbaatar. The NASA Task Load Index (NASA-TLX), created by NASA's Ames Research Centre in 2008, was used in the study to evaluate workload levels. The Bergen Burnout Inventory (BBI), created by Feldt et al. in 2014, was used by the researchers to quantify burnout. To capture participants' intents to leave their current jobs, the study also included a measure of intention to leave work created by Hasselhorn et al. in 2003. The statistical studies for the study included factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation models (SEMs), and data from 129 nurses were obtained. The study's conclusions showed that nurses' workload had a favourable relationship with job burnout and a favourable effect on their intention to leave their current position. Furthermore, higher job burnout was a factor in nurses' increased intention to quit their jobs. The study also found that the association between workload and intention to leave was moderated by job burnout.
... These results contrast with Bhardwaj's (2014) findings, where no significant difference in burnout was observed between male and female secondary school teachers. Interestingly, some studies have reported that males experience higher levels of burnout than females (Al-Asadi et al., 2018;Lau et al., 2005). For instance, Al-Asadi et al. revealed that primary school male teachers experienced higher levels of burnout than females in Iraq. ...
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Globally, the issue of burnout persists among educators, giving rise to feelings of anxiety and depression. The implications of burnout on teachers' health are significant, posing a risk to both their physical and mental well-being. This study examined burnout among Senior High School (SHS) teachers in Ghana, with a specific focus on investigating the potential influence of gender, educational qualification, and teaching experience on burnout levels. The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey design, employing the census method to involve all 520 teachers from the chosen public Senior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis. The data collection instrument used in this study was an adapted version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators’ Survey. Inferential statistics, specifically, Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA), was used to analyse the research hypotheses. The study revealed that there were significant differences in burnout among teachers based on their gender, educational qualification, and teaching experience. In light of our findings, we recommend that Senior High Schools prioritise the enhancement of their counseling services. Specifically, we suggest organising gender-specific seminars and workshops to empower both male and female teachers. These initiatives should focus on promoting coping strategies that are attuned to gender-related nuances and reinforcing their individual masculine and feminine identities.
... There is conflicting evidence about the relationship between years of experience as a teaching professional and stress and burnout. A number of studies demonstrate that early career teachers are at greater risk of experiencing stress and burnout than their more experienced colleagues (Goddard et al., 2006;Lau et al., 2005;Plunkett and Dyson, 2011). In a recent study of teacher stress and burnout in Australia, Carroll et al. (2022) determined that being new to the profession was significantly associated with greater reported stress. ...
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There is growing evidence that the complex and demanding nature of school leadership subjects many professionals in leadership positions to work-related strain and risk of mental health problems. This study analyses 16,460 survey responses from Government School leaders in general education settings, completed between 2011-2020, from the Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing survey. Over the 10-year period, almost one-third of Australian school leaders frequently experienced symptoms of burnout, and almost one in eight frequently experienced stress. Logistic regression indicated that female school leaders are at higher risk of burnout, while males are more likely to experience higher levels of stress. It was also determined that elementary school leaders were more likely to experience frequent stress or burnout than secondary school leaders, and early career leaders were more likely to experience higher levels of stress and burnout than leaders with more than 5 years' experience. The analysis demonstrates that a large proportion of Australian school leaders are at risk of suffering from mental health problems and that urgent action is required to provide adequate support, reduce work-related risks, and promote healthy, sustainable work roles.
... Finalmente, respecto de variables de identificación de los profesores, diversas investigaciones reportan que el género condicionaría distintas perspectivas para valorar la satisfacción y el malestar docente. Se sugiere que las mujeres presentarían una mayor tendencia hacia el agotamiento emocional a diferencia de los hombres, cuya tendencia sería hacia la despersonalización (Durán et al., 2005;Lau et al., 2005). Sin embargo, la evidencia no es concluyente. ...
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Los estudios sobre trabajo, salud y bienestar en profesores son escasos, fragmentados y más bien recientes. Esto es particularmente preocupante, considerando que diversas investigaciones han confirmado la alta prevalencia de trastornos de salud física y mental en profesores, respecto de otros oficios y profesiones (UNESCO, 2005; Valdivia et al, 2003). Respecto de la salud mental y el malestar psicológico en el trabajo docente, existen notables confusiones conceptuales respecto de trastornos psiquiátricos, estrés laboral y burnout. Lo anterior explica por qué el mayor programa de investigación, actualmente en curso, sobre trabajo y salud en profesores, llamado EUROTEACH, utiliza el constructo de “bienestar/salud” para referirse a las condiciones de salud física, mental y de bienestar o malestar psicológico (Verhoeven et al., 2003; Rasku y Kinnunen, 2003).
... Job burnout is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, frustration, anger, criticism, ineffectiveness, and failure (Kanchanapa & Karnsomdee, 2019). Job burnout is a persistent and chronic state of mental fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and discouragement that arises from prolonged exposure to chronic job stress (Lau & et al, 2005). This phenomenon can be observed across various occupations and is characterized by a sense of overwhelming exhaustion, reduced motivation, and a negative outlook toward work. ...
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Maintaining and improving the quality of nursing care is a critical issue in the healthcare system, and the shortage of healthcare workers is a significant challenge faced by many countries worldwide. The shortage of healthcare workers can have a severe impact on the healthcare system, leading to decreased quality of care, increased patient wait times, and lower patient satisfaction. It can also lead to higher rates of burnout and stress, low job satisfaction, and intention to leave their job among healthcare workers who are overworked and have limited resources. The current study aims to explore the correlations between job burnout, job satisfaction, and intention to leave. The survey employed random sampling to gather data from employees of a private hospital in Ulaanbaatar. A total of 217 employees participated in the study, and for verification and testing the proposed hypothesis in the study, we conducted various statistical analyses inclusive of factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structural equation models (SEMs). The study's findings revealed a significant negative effect of job burnout on healthcare workers' job satisfaction, as well as a positive effect on their intention to leave their current position. Furthermore, the study findings indicate that there is a negative relationship between job satisfaction and employee's intention to leave their jobs. In other words, a decrease in job satisfaction correlates with an increase in the likelihood of employees seeking alternative employment opportunities. Additionally, the results revealed that job satisfaction plays a mediating role in the connection between job burnout and the intention to leave. Our study highlights the negative impact of job burnout on job satisfaction and its positive impact on the intention to leave. Additionally, it emphasizes the important mediating role of job satisfaction in this relationship. These findings provide empirical evidence for the importance of addressing job burnout and promoting job satisfaction to reduce the intention to leave among employees in clinics.
... Job Burnout is a prevalent and negative phenomenon in the workplace that results from chronic job stress and is observed across all occupations [16]. Lau & et al, [17] suggest that long-term and continuous stress leads to mental fatigue or discouragement. Job burnout is characterized by three main symptoms: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and often a decrease in personal accomplishments [18]. ...
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Workplace bullying can have severe negative consequences on individuals' physical and mental health, as well as their job satisfaction and performance. By understanding the causes and consequences of workplace bullying, organizations can develop effective prevention and intervention strategies to create a healthier and more positive work environment. This study investigated the impact of workplace bullying on job burnout and job satisfaction, as well as the mediating effect of job burnout on the relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction. The study was conducted using a sample of 72 employees from one organization in Mongolia. Data was collected through a self-administered survey questionnaire and analyzed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method. In this study, we utilized the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ-R) developed by Einarsen, Hoel, and Notelaers (2009) to measure workplace stress, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) developed by Maslach and Jackson (1981) to measure burnout, and the job satisfaction questionnaire developed by MacDonald and Maclntyre (1997) to measure job satisfaction. The results revealed a positive correlation between workplace bullying and job burnout, indicating that an increase in the levels of bullying is associated with an increase in job burnout. Additionally, both types of bullying (leadership-related and colleague-related) were found to have a negative effect on job satisfaction. Job burnout was also found to have a negative correlation with job satisfaction, meaning that as job burnout increases, job satisfaction tends to decrease. Furthermore, the study found that job burnout fully mediates the relationship between workplace bullying (both leadership-related and colleague-related) and job satisfaction. This suggests that job burnout plays an important role in shaping the relationship between workplace bullying and job satisfaction.
... for example, a number of studies have reported a negative association between both age (e.g. antoniou, polychroni, & Vlachakis, 2006;de nobile & mccormick, 2007;lau, yuen, & chan, 2005) and tenure (laughlin, 1984;mahmood, nudrat, & Zahoor, 2013;manthei & cilmore, 1996) with job stress. further, while there has been little empirical evidence of the direct association between age and tenure with fairness, Brienza and Bobocel (2017) find that younger employees are more sensitive to fairness-related work conditions, suggesting a potential positive association between age and perceived fairness. ...
... Literature suggests four variables that may have significant interactions with occupational stress: gender, age, experience in the job and position (Lau, Yuen & Chan, 2005;Antoniou, Polychroni & Vlachakis 2006). Demographic variables that are proven to relate to someone's job stressor relationships include gender, age, marital status, job tenure, job title, and hierarchical level (Dua, 1994;Murphy, 1995), concerning the relationship between age and occupational stress, the ability to handle the stress associated with job and organization was found to increase with age and experience (Sager, 1990). ...
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The study investigated how some home support variables (home companionship support, home financial support and home physical exercise) affect the well-being of children with cerebral palsy in selected children’s homes in Oyo State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research designs of correlational and ex-post-facto types were employed for the study. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 153 participants for the study. They comprised 61 male and 92 female children with cerebral palsy whose ages range from 5 to 20 years and above. A single questionnaire tagged “Home Support and Cerebral Palsy Children’s Well-being Questionnaire (HASCPCWQ)” was used to collect data for the study. Four hypotheses were tested in the study at a 0.05 level of significance, using Multiple Regression and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. There was a significant relationship between each of the home support variables and well-being of children with cerebral palsy in selected children’s homes in Oyo State as follow: home companionship support and well-being (r = .575, N 153, p< .05), home financial support and well-being (r = .672, N = 153, p< .05) and home physical exercise and well-being (r = .359, N = 153, p< .05). There was a joint significant effect of home support variables (home companionship support, home financial support and home physical exercise) on the well-being of children with cerebral palsy .
... As an example, Lau, Yuen, and Chan (2005) stated that men scored higher on depersonalization while women were higher in emotional exhaustion and reduced sense of accomplishment. Then, younger teachers were reported to be more burned out than their older colleagues. ...
... Previous studies cited younger age [62,63], and lack of job security as the predisposing factors associated with teachers' burnout, however, the role of gender remains unclear in literature [64][65][66][67]. ...
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Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, teleworking affected the mental well-being of nearly all strata of the population. Teachers, who were employed to teach online courses during lockdown have been psychologically distressed. The primary aim of the current study was to estimate the prevalence and differences in the Burnout Syndrome (BOS) symptomatology in the light of gender, work position, teaching role, and subject taught. As a secondary aim, differences in perceived wellbeing were estimated through the contribution of individual factors. Methods: An online cross-sectional survey was conducted from February - May 2021 to recruit a total of 361 teachers from all Italian regions. The Work-Life Balance scale, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and an ad-hoc questionnaire with items on perceived physical well-being and perceived impact and difficulty in remote work were utilized. Predictors associated with burnout and its subscales were examined using linear regression analyses. Results: Burnout, measured as the co-existence of high emotional exhaustion (EE), high depersonalization (DP), and low personal accomplishment (PA) was revealed in 16.9% of teachers, while high EE, high DP, and low PA were respectively measured in 35.2%, 13.2% and 35.2% of the sample. Variables, such as gender, work position, teaching role, and subject taught were all significant for group differences in perceived well-being or BOS dimensions among teachers. Discussion: Our findings suggest that the implementation of occupational health programs and workplace health promotion programs for improving the mental well-being of teachers. In particular, a higher caution must be needed for implementing critical institutional changes, such as the wide and rapid adoption of telecommuting.
... Here opposite results were obtained: young people with the least work experience have the highest total score on the three subscales, as well as that a negative relation was found between age and total score. Also, secondary school teachers in Hong Kong who were younger, unmarried, without religious beliefs, less experienced, without finishing professional training, and the junior rank was more consistently burned out (Lau et al., 2005). Although working period and age-related effects were commonly reported, here it was found that people working for a long time and are older have lower scores than those who work fewer years and that the highest scores on all three subscales and the total score were found in the group with four or less few years of work experience. ...
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Burnout is commonly measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), which consists of three subscales measuring emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment, and cynicism. We adapted the scale and then explored and confirmed the three dimensions on the Indonesian version named The Maslach-Trisni Burnout Inventory (M-TBI) with an exploratory analysis followed by Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) from 822 workforces. The sensitivity for different job characteristics and demographic factors was established with analyses of variance and based on percentile scores of the subscales, three categories for burnout tendency were proposed. The scores on the three subscales were compared with those of Western countries. There are similar scores for emotional exhaustion and cynicism, but the sample score for personal accomplishment tends to be lower than the western countries. It can be concluded that the M-TBI scale is a reliable, sensitive, and efficient tool to measure the burnout tendency in the workforce in Indonesia.
... According to Lau et al. (2005), age is associated with emotional exhaustion, where greater age is associated with lower emotional exhaustion scores. Therefore, age was used as a control variable. ...
Drawing on conservation of resources theory, this study aims to extend the work on individual differences in the relationship between upward social comparison sensitivity and emotional exhaustion in a sample of teachers by examining the interaction effects of self-esteem and gender differences. A total of 681 teachers completed a self-reported questionnaire including the Upward Social Comparison Sensitivity Scale, the Self-Esteem Scale, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES) subscale. The results based on a moderated moderation model indicated that: (1) Upward social comparison sensitivity was positively correlated with emotional exhaustion; (2) self-esteem moderated the relationship between upward social comparative sensitivity and emotional exhaustion; and (3) there was a significant gender difference in self-esteem that moderated the relationship between upward social comparative sensitivity and emotional exhaustion. These findings contribute to the understanding of how upward social comparison sensitivity predicts teachers’ emotional exhaustion and provide practical insights for prevention and intervention programs to protect teachers’ mental health in school settings.
... Occupational stress is typically shaped by several variables (Grobler et al., 2002;Schulze & Steyn, 2007) and associated with unpleasant emotions which include but are not limited to anger, depression, and tension (Steyn & Kamper, 2006), occasioned physical and interpersonal demands (Brunsting et al., 2014;Conley & You, 2017;Kyriacou & Chien, 2004). Among special needs teachers, occupational stress is associated with school organisational structures and/or administrative support given to teachers (Adeniyi, 2007;Adeniyi et al., 2010;Alekhina & Silantyeva, 2014;Ingersoll, 2001) as well as personal factors (Antoniou et al., 2006;Lau et al., 2005), including age, experience, and sex (Antoniou et al., 2006;Eichinger, 2000;Ghani et al., 2014;Holmlund-Rytkönen & Strandvik, 2005). For instance, Eichinger and colleagues (1991) and Ushasree and colleagues (1995) found higher levels of stress among male SNE teachers, whereas some studies (e.g., Brownell & Smith, 1992;Eichinger, 2000;Singer, 1993) reported higher levels of occupational stress among female SNE teachers. ...
We assessed the association between personality traits, sex, and occupational stress among special needs education teachers. A total of 472 special needs education teachers from Southwest Nigeria were participants (female = 39.2%; age range 23 to 58 years, special education school = 23). A logistic regression analysis indicated that the teachers with higher levels of extraversion and openness had the highest likelihood of occupational stress, and male teachers had a greater likelihood of occupational stress as compared to female teachers. Our findings were contrary to expectation as teachers with higher levels of extraversion and openness tend to have a lower likelihood for occupational stress and female teachers to have a higher likelihood for occupational stress. These findings suggest gendered resilience in females in patriarchal Nigeria.
... The teachers' demographic information included gender, age, educational attainment, and professional level, as well as whether the teacher was a head teacher and whether the teacher held an administrative position. The features of the school (educational stage and educational quality) where the teachers work were also collected and controlled for because this information may influence teacher burnout, e.g., [7,54]. Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the variables used in this study. ...
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The literature suggests that teacher burnout is influenced by the market and hierarchy cultures of school management and teachers' emotional labor strategies of surface and deep acting. However, studies have suggested that school management cultures and emotional labor strategies may not function independently based on the emotional labor theory. Nevertheless, the literature has paid less attention to the relationship between the school management cultures, emotional labor, and teacher burnout. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the three variables in China via an online questionnaire survey. After surveying 425 kindergarten, primary and secondary teachers who participated in a professional development program organized by a public university in Beijing, the study found that teacher burnout was positively related to market culture but negatively related to hierarchy culture. Moreover, the impact of the market culture was fully mediated by surface acting while the impact of hierarchy culture was partially mediated by surface acting and deep acting.
... The teachers' demographic information included gender, age, educational attainment, and professional level, as well as whether the teacher was a head teacher and whether the teacher held an administrative position. The features of the school (educational stage and educational quality) where the teachers work were also collected and controlled for because this information may influence teacher burnout, e.g., [7,54]. Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the variables used in this study. ...
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The literature suggests that teacher burnout is influenced by the market and hierarchy cultures of school management and teachers’ emotional labor strategies of surface and deep acting. However, studies have suggested that school management cultures and emotional labor strategies may not function independently based on the emotional labor theory. Nevertheless, the literature has paid less attention to the relationship between the school management cultures, emotional labor, and teacher burnout. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the three variables in China via an online questionnaire survey. After surveying 425 kindergarten, primary and secondary teachers who participated in a professional development program organized by a public university in Beijing, the study found that teacher burnout was positively related to market culture but negatively related to hierarchy culture. Moreover, the impact of the market culture was fully mediated by surface acting while the impact of hierarchy culture was partially mediated by surface acting and deep acting.
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Teachers who have day-to-day relations with students are exposed to mistreatment by students; therefore, they are daily exposed to social stress, which affects their moods. The purpose of the research was to identify the most perceived student-related social stressors (SSS) contributing to the social stress of school teachers in elementary and high schools. Moreover, to explore their relationship to the positive and negative teachers' affect. An online survey was employed for data collection by using publicly available addresses of elementary and high schools in Slovenia. The results show that the most often perceived SSS are disliked students and disproportionate student expectations in both elementary and high schools; a statistically significant relationship between SSS and teachers' affect was found. The principals of elementary and high schools should pay attention to maximizing teachers' competencies to improve their classroom management and enable the teachers to learn about cognitive strategies for moderating mood effects on judgements about social events.
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This research study explores the difference in coping mechanism adopted by Govt and Pvt school teachers.It,s a part of Masters dissertation
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Workplace bullying can result in serious consequences for both employees and employers. Unfortunately, despite the guarantee of safe employment, workplace harassment, violations of employment rights, and bullying continue to occur within organizations. This study investigated the relationships and pathways between workplace bullying and job burnout in insurance company employees. The study consisted of 189 employees. The data were collected using a sociodemographic data questionnaire, the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised, and Maslach Burnout Inventory Scale. The model was tested using path analysis techniques within structural equation modeling. The analysis results demonstrated a strong positive correlation between workplace bullying and job burnout. The study revealed that assigning underperforming or impossible tasks, setting unachievable goals, and excessive workloads are indicators of workplace bullying. Hostile acts such as spreading rumors, speaking maliciously, ignoring someone intentionally, and teasing someone also contributed to diminished personal achievements and underperformance. Intimidation tactics, such as recalling mistakes or domineering behavior, also led to job burnout. The study's findings suggest that employers should be aware of workplace bullying's harmful effects and take measures to prevent it from occurring to protect their employees' well-being and organizational success.
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هدفت الدراسة الحالية إلى المقارنة ما بين أهم المشكالت التدريسية التي واجهت معلمو مادة الدراسات االجتماعية في مراحل التعليم االبتدائية والثانوية بمدارس دولة الكويت خالل 3 عقود من السنوات. وتكونت عينة البحث العشوائية من 237 معلما ومعلمة من المدارس االبتدائية والثانوية بدولة الكويت طبقت عليها أداة االستبانة ثم تم معالجة االستجابات إحصائيا. أفادت نتائج الدراسة بأن أهم هذه المشكالت قد تمحورت حول الضغوطات النفسية وأعباء اإلدارة المدرسية أكثر من األعباء المتعلقة بصلب العمل التدريسي للمعلم والمتمثلة بأعباء المنهج والتدريس وتقويم نمو التالميذ. أبرزت النتائج عدم وجود فروق دالة إحصائيا بين المعلمين في جميع محاور هذه المشكالت سواء على أساس متغير سنوات الخبرة أو متغير المرحلة الدراسية. كذلك لم توجد فروق دالة احصائيا بين المعلمين في ضوء متغير الجنس أغلب تلك المحاور فيما عدا في محور أعباء التدريس والذي تبين فيه أن الذكور أبدوا معاناتهم منه أكثر من اإلناث. وبمقارنة نتائجها بدراسة سابقة للباحث قبل أكثر من 3 عقود تبين أن معاناة المعلمين من هذه المشكالت لم تتغير بالرغم من مرور تلك الفترة الطويلة مما دعا الباحث ألن يستنتج أن الجهات المسئولة لم تعمل بما يكفل التخفيف من حدتها، بل لوحظ أن مشكالت الضغوطات النفسية قد ازدادت أكثر في حدتها عن ذي قبل حيث كان الفرق دال إحصائيا عند مستوى 05.0 .وقدمت الدراسة مجموعة من التوصيات التي رؤي بمناسبتها للتقليل من معاناة المعلمين والتي من أهمها تشكيل اللجان المختصة لتقديم المقترحات المناسبة بشأنها.
Data collected from 97 educators provide preliminary support for the psychometric integrity of an experimental self‐report instrument designed to operationalize emotional intelligence (EI) specifically for educators, the Scale of Emotional Functioning: Educators, or SEF:ED. Data analyses relied in part on results from an exploratory factor analysis, which provided evidence for a three‐factor solution, and additional correlational analyses (e.g., item‐scale correlations). Reliability estimates (i.e., split‐half reliability correlations) for the SEF:ED Emotional Awareness, Emotional Management, and Interpersonal Relations subscales are .86, .80, and .71, respectively. Correlation coefficients (i.e., Pearson r ) between the SEF:ED composites and the Profile of Emotional Competence composites (PEC) range from .35 to .72, providing evidence for concurrent validity of the SEF:ED. Finally, correlation coefficients between SEF:ED and the Maslach Burnout Inventory for Educators (MBI‐ES) range from −.21 to .59 and provide limited evidence of its ability to predict an important work site characteristic, that is, burnout. Once the SEF:ED was completed, descriptive statistics were obtained for EI and burnout and show relatively similar means/standard deviations across various demographics (e.g., gender, educator degree, years in service, and classroom setting—general vs. special education). Limitations of the study and implications for application of the SEF:ED are discussed.
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This study represents the first attempt to explore teachers’ burnout experience during one of the most critical phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in Iran. The main goals were to estimate the prevalence of burnout in Iranian men and women teachers and analyse the association of sociodemographic variables on burnout levels. A total of 125 Iranian teachers participated in this study. Results suggest that Iranian teachers perceive high levels of burnout during the COVID-19 pandemic, with 24% of participants reporting high levels of overall burnout. Furthermore, 32% of the sample reported high levels of physical fatigue, 24.8% high levels of cognitive weariness, and 17.6% high levels of emotional exhaustion, suggesting that a considerable number of Iranian teachers are already struggling to deal with their job-related stressors. Significant differences were found for sex, with men reporting higher exhaustion than women. No significant differences were found between other sociodemographic characteristics and burnout. We analyse the results from a cultural perspective and discuss its implications for future research and psychological interventions in schools. Future studies explore how school contextual variables can mediate or moderate the effect of sociodemographic characteristics on teachers’ burnout. Intervention programmes should consider local schools’ characteristics and be sensitive to teachers’ individual needs and consider the added weight of the pandemic to teachers’ daily job-related stressors.
The study aims at finding the relationship between occupational stress and demographic variables (gender, age, marital status, qualification, experience, rank and income). A descriptive survey was used in the study. Questionnaire was the main instrument used to gather the data for this study. A total of 384 police officers were randomly selected from the four area command of the police in Niger state, with a staff strength of 11,750 (2017). The results showed that majority of the police officers were moderately and highly stressed with male officers’ workers recording the highest level of occupational stress compared to their female counterparts. The study further indicated that, there is evidence of significant relationship between occupational stress and demographic variables (gender, age, marital status, qualification, experience, rank, and income). It is recommended that employers should take note and take the necessary measures to ameliorate occupational stress differences since individuals differ in their response to stressful situations.
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Bu araştırmada öğretmenlerin değişime yönelik tutumları ile tükenmişlikleri arasındaki ilişkide öz yeterliklerinin aracılık role sahip olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Ayrıca öğretmenlerin tükenmişlik düzeyini yordayan değişkenlerin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Araştırmaya Türkiye’de koronavirüs salgını devam ederken uzaktan eğitim sürecinde görev yapmaya devam eden 274 öğretmen katılmıştır. Veri toplamak amacıyla Öğretmen Özyeterlik Ölçeği, Maslach Tükenmişlik Envanteri ve Öğretmenlerin Değişime Yönelik Tutum Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde bağımsız örneklem t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA), Pearson Momentler Çarpımı Korelasyon analizi ve aracılığa yönelik olarak SPSS 22.0 programında PROCESS makrosu kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonucunda öğretmenlerin öz yeterliklerinin değişime yönelik tutumları ile tükenmişliğin duygusal tükenmişlik ve kişisel başarı alt boyutları arasındaki ilişkide tam aracılık rolüne sahip olduğu sonucu elde edilmiştir. Regresyon analizi cinsiyet ve kıdem değişkenlerinin tükenmişliğin kişisel başarı alt boyutunun anlamlı yordayıcıları olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca tükenmişliğin alt boyutları olan duygusal tükenmişlik ve duyarsızlaşma ile öz yeterlik arasında negatif yönlü; kişisel başarı ile öz yeterlik arasında ise pozitif yönlü bir ilişki bulunduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Son olarak öğretmenlerin öz yeterlikleri ile değişime yönelik tutumları arasında pozitif ilişki bulunduğu görülmüştür. Araştırma bulguları öğretmenlerin öz yeterliğinin tükenmişliğe karşı olumlu bir özellik olduğunu vurgulamakta ve öz yeterliklerinin geliştirilmesine yönelik uygulamaların faydalı olacağına işaret etmektedir.
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Education in any society does not depend so much on any one else as on the teacher. Importance and key position of the teacher in an educational system is recognized by everyone. The teacher is the most important factor for improvement in higher education. Today the teachers are greatly responsible for the student's future. Therefore the teacher should be physically and mentally strong so that they can achieve their objectives successfully. A teacher needs to use a lot of energy in his daily chores in the classroom coupled with his personal and family commitments. This trend which is a routine for a teacher forwards a lot of stress to the teacher. More than ever before work is not seen as the root of infinite satisfaction and fulfillment, but rather a source of stress, discontentment and humiliation. The continuous and different ways of stress lead to burnout and make the medical representative as hopeless. It leads to higher absenteeism and grater turnover. The institution must provide more attention to prevent teacher’s burnout. Otherwise the institutions will losses its reputation and quality education.
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As condições de trabalho desgastantes, a intensificação do ritmo de trabalho, o aumento de atribuições, as cobranças e ameaças de desemprego favorecem adoecimento de professores, com destaque para transtornos mentais, como o Burnout. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de caracterizar a prevalência de Burnout em professores do ensino fundamental, de salas com a inserção de alunos com deficiência. Amostra composta por 42 professores de segunda a quinta série, em salas com alunos com deficiência de escolas públicas municipais de um município do interior de São Paulo. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica dos professores e o Inventário da Síndrome de Burnout – ISB. Os resultados revelaram que a idade média foi de 42 anos, todos do gênero feminino, a maioria casada, com carga horária de trabalho semanal de até 30 horas e com média de 23 alunos por sala. Identificada prevalência de Burnout em 21,4% das professoras e, observou-se que 38% apresentaram distanciamento emocional, 31% exaustão emocional, 9,5% desumanização e realização pessoal. Os dados revelaram a necessidade de medidas de prevenção e manutenção da saúde dos professores, bem como para evitar impactos na aprendizagem dos alunos.
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In this research, a hypothetical model developed based on the literature was tested to explain the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between teachers' prosocial behavior levels and professional burnout levels. The working group of the research consists of 601 teachers, 409 of whom are women and 192 of whom are men, who work in the center and district schools affiliated to the Kars Provincial Directorate of National Education in the 2020-2021 academic year. Prosocial Tendencies Measure, Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educator Form, Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire-Short Form and Demographic Information Form prepared by the researcher were used to collect data in the research. SPSS and AMOS package programs were used for data analysis and Structural Equation Modeling was referred to. According to the difference statistics conducted within the scope of the research, the average scores obtained by male participants from the depersonalization sub-dimension of professional burnout and the public prosocial behavior sub-dimension of prosocial behavior differed significantly from the scores obtained by female from these measurements. On the other hand, the average scores obtained by female participants from the internal and external satisfaction sub-dimensions of job satisfaction differed significantly from the average scores obtained by male participants from this measurement. It was determined that the mean scores of the participants in the sub-dimensions of prosocial behavior, complaint prosocial behavior and anonymous prosocial behavior differed statistically significantly in favor of single participants according to their marital status, but there was no significant difference in terms of marital status in other areas. According to the model revealed and tested, it was determined that job satisfaction has a mediating role in the relationship between prosocial behavior and professional burnout. It has been suggested that prosocial behavior has an indirect effect on professional burnout through job satisfaction. The findings were discussed within the framework of the literature, and various suggestions were presented to researchers and practitioners.
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Bu araştırmada halk eğitimi merkezi müdürlerinin tükenmişlik düzeyleri ile iş yaşam dengeleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni, Türkiye genelinde görev yapan 992 halk eğitimi merkezi müdürüdür. Örneklem alma yoluna gidilmemiş ve neticede 335 halk eğitim merkezi müdürünün araştırmaya gönüllü olarak katılımı ile araştırma yürütülmüştür. Araştırma verileri Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği ve İş Yaşam Dengesi Ölçeği ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde standart sapma, aritmetik ortalama, Pearson korelasyon katsayısı ve çok değişkenli regresyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda Halk Eğitimi Merkezi müdürlerinin tükenmişlik düzeyleri ile iş yaşam dengesi düzeyleri arasında negatif yönde yüksek düzeyde anlamlı ilişki belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada tükenmişliğin genelinin iş yaşam dengesi düzeyinin genelini anlamlı düzeyde ve negatif yönde yordadığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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This study examines burnout syndrome, feelings of isolation, and sense of belonging in a sample of accounting tutors enrolled in e-learning and b-learning modalities before and after COVID-19 disruption. The study also includes several sociodemographic and labour variables to better understand the three dimensions. The participants were tutors enrolled in two accounting courses at higher education during the academic years 2019–2020 and 2020–2021. Our results do not show high levels of tutor burnout syndrome, neither before COVID-19 disruption nor after COVID-19 disruption. Findings also reveal that the isolation perception of accounting tutors is not high in both periods, while the sense of belonging of the teaching community is high in both periods. The evidence also suggests some variations in dimension scores according to sociodemographic and labour variables, but the evidence should be interpreted with caution due to the sample size. Despite this limitation, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that evaluates burnout, feelings of isolation, and sense of belonging in a tutor collective in e-learning and b-learning before and after COVID-19 disruption.
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The goal of the current study was to determine if resilience varies between people with different demographic and socioeconomic status and to investigate to what extent do these variations remain when personality traits are taken into account. These relations were explored on a sample of 1444 employed residents of Serbia, 805 (55,7%) of which were female. These constituted a subsample of the geographical cluster sample of 2023 participants of the Study of diversity of family and job relations in Serbia. Participants were asked to complete the PORPOS battery, a compilation of short scales and marker questions created for this study. Data used in the current study included the short scales measuring resilience and the Big Five personality traits, and participants’ responses on question about their education, gender, partner status, family income, age and also data on the type of settlement they live in (urban or rural settlements). Results showed that mean values of resilience were different for males and females (t=2.136, p=.033), and for people from rural and urban areas, with people from rural areas achieving somewhat higher average scores (t=4.209, p<.001). All of the basic personality traits save for Agreeableness were found to be correlated with Resilience with correlations ranging from -.447 with Neuroticism, which was the highest absolute value) to .118 with Openness to experience. Hierarchical regression analyses showed personality traits to be much more influential predictors of resilience than the examined demographic properties, although these two types of predictors explained different parts of variance of resilience. It can be concluded that the studies demographic properties and resilience independently contribute to explaining the variance of resilience in the studied population. Keywords: resilience, gender, basic personality traits, demographic properties.
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The main goal of this study is to examine the predictive power of personal factors of employee burnout at work. The personality traits were postulated using the Five-factor personality model by Costa and McCrae, while the burnout syndrome was identified based on Christina Maslach’s model and includes the indicators of emotional exhaustion. Social and demographic characteristics include: gender, age, number of children in the family, degree of formal education and marital status. The survey was done on a geographic cluster sample of 2023 inhabitants of Serbia, and for the purpose of this paper, a portion of the sample includes the employed people (N = 1282). The age range is between 18 and 63 years (AS = 37.99; SD = 10.96), while the gender sample is unevenly distributed (57.1% of the sample are female). The PORPOS test battery was created, which is a purposefully designed instrument consisting of 389 items grouped in several scales and used to asses a larger number of constructs for the purpose of the project 179002, aimed at assessing the modalities of balancing family and job roles. Hierarchical Regression Analysis was conducted in order to examine the basic hypothesis of the study. The results have shown that education, Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience are important correlates of burnout, but not the marital status of the respondents. Accordingly, the level of formal education of the respondents was introduced in the first step of the regression analysis, while the abovementioned personality traits were introduced in the second step of the analysis. Education has proven to be a statistically significant predictor of burnout (ß = - .11; p <.01), but its predictive power was lost in the second step of the analysis (ß = -.036; p = .175). With regards to personality traits, Neuroticism is the best predictor of burnout (ß=.257; p<.001), followed by Extraversion (ß=-.198; p<.001) and Conscientiousness (ß=-.140; p<.05). The findings of this study are in accordance with the previous empirical evidence on the correlation between personality traits and burnout. The contribution of the socio-demographic characteristics to the development of the burnout syndrome requires additional research. Key words:personality traits, the Five-factor personality model, socio-demographic characteristics, Burnout Syndrome, Employed residents of Serbia, PORPOS test battery
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تمثل الهدف الرئيس لهذا البحث في التعرف على أثر ادمان العمل على الاحتراق الوظيفى بالتطبيق على عينه قدرها 285 مفردة من أعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة كفر الشيخ ، وتم جمع البيانات الأولية للدراسة من خلال قائمة استقصاء وزعت على مفردات العينة عن طريق الزيارة القصيرة ، ووصلت نسبة الردود 88% ، وأمكن تحليل البيانات التى تم جمعها عن طريق أسلوب تحليل الارتباط البسيط ، وأسلوب تحليل الانحدار المتعدد. وأظهرت نتائج البحث أن 9.8% من التباين فى الاحتراق الوظيفى يرجع إلى إدمان العمل ، وأن هناك تأثير معنوى لجميع أبعاد إدمان العمل على جميع أبعاد الاحتراق الوظيفى ، ماعدا بعد العمل بشكل إجبارى فلم تبين النتائج وجود تأثير معنوى له على بعد الاستنزاف العاطفى
This study was conducted to measure the burnout in University teachers' by means of gender and age as demographic variables. The sample (n=404) was taken from public Universities of KPK. A questionnaire was designed keeping in view "Maslach Burnout Inventory" and adapted according to the context of the study. Validity and reliability of the instrument was ensured appropriately. After analysis substantial difference was noted on the basis of gender and age of teachers' and found different levels of burnout. Recommendations were made accordingly.
Teachers in urban schools experience stress and burnout at levels that significantly impact their mental health and occupational functioning, and contribute to alarming rates of attrition. The current mixed-methods study employed a sample of 162 predominantly White and female urban teachers in the United States to examine the role of personal and contextual factors, and responses to situational challenges, in predicting burnout. Results revealed that multiple personal factors and responses to situational challenges predicted burnout. Notably, higher levels of professional and social-emotional support predicted lower levels of burnout across multiple dimensions, while internal locus of control and digestive responses to situational challenges, respectively, predicted higher levels of Personal Accomplishment and Emotional Exhaustion. Implications include further avenues of research and suggestions for supports which function as teacher resources in the mitigation of burnout and promotion of wellbeing for urban teachers.
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It has been almost twenty years since the term "burnout" first appeared in the psychological literature. The phenomenon that was portrayed in those early articles had not been entirely unknown, but had been rarely acknowledged or even openly discussed. In some occupations, it was almost a taboo topic, because it was considered tantamount to admitting that at times professionals can (and do) act "unprofessionally." The reaction of many people was to deny that such a phenomenon existed, or, if it did exist, to attribute it to a very small (but clearly mentally disturbed) minority. This response made it difficult, at first, for any work on burnout to be taken seriously. However, after the initial articles were published, there was a major shift in opinion. Professionals in the human services gave substantial support to both the validity of the phenomenon and its significance as an occupational hazard. Once burnout was acknowledged as a legitimate issue, it began to attract the attention of various researchers. Our knowledge and understanding of burnout have grown dramatically since that shaky beginning. Burnout is now recognized as an important social problem. There has been much discussion and debate about the phenomenon, its causes and consequences. As these ideas about burnout have proliferated, so have the number of empirical research studies to test these ideas. We can now begin to speak of a "body of work" about burnout, much of which is reviewed and cited within the current volume. This work is now viewed as a legitimate and worthy enterprise that has the potential to yield both scholarly gains and practical solutions. What I would like to do in this chapter is give a personal perspective on the concept of burnout. Having been one of the early "pioneers" in this field, I have the advantage of a long-term viewpoint that covers the twenty years from the birth of burnout to its present proliferation. Furthermore, because my research was among the earliest, it has had an impact on the development of the field. In particular, my definition of burnout, and my measure to assess it (Maslach Burnout Inventory; MBI) have been adopted by many researchers and have thus influenced subsequent theorizing and research. My work has also been the point of departure for various critiques. Thus, for better or for worse, my perspective on burnout has played a part in framing the field, and so it seemed appropriate to articulate that viewpoint within this volume. In presenting this perspective, however, I do not intend to simply give a summary statement of ideas that I have discussed elsewhere. Rather, I want to provide a retrospective review and analysis of why those ideas developed in the ways that they did. Looking back on my work, with the hindsight of twenty years, I can see more clearly how my research path was shaped by both choice and chance. The shape of that path has had some impact on what questions have been asked about burnout (and what have not), as well as on the manner in which 2 answers have been sought. A better understanding of the characteristics of that path will, I think, provide some insights into our current state of knowledge and debate about burnout. In some sense, this retrospective review marks a return to my research roots. The reexamination of my initial thinking about burnout, and an analysis of how that has developed and changed over the years, has led me to renew my focus on the core concept of social relationships. I find it appropriately symbolic that this return to my research roots occurred within the context of a return to my ancestral roots. The 1990 burnout conference that inspired this rethinking took place in southern Poland, from which each of my paternal grandparents, Michael Maslach and Anna Pszczolkowska, emigrated to the United States in the early 1900s. Thus, my travel to Krakow had great significance for me, at both personal and professional levels.
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This research examines the construct validity of Schaufeli, Leiter, Maslach, and Jackson's (1996) general burnout measure, the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS). Whereas burnout is traditionally defined and measured in terms of a phenomenon occurring among workers who work with people, the MBI-GS is intended for use outside the human services. The authors first address the internal validity of the MBI-GS using data from two Dutch samples (179 software engineers and 284 university staff members). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the distinction among the three subscales of the MBI-GS was retained. To examine external validity, these subscales were then related to selected work characteristics. Based on conservation of resources theory, differential patterns of effects were predicted among the correlates and the three burnout subscales. Expectations were largely supported, suggesting that the meaning of the three subscales is quite different. These results largely replicate findings obtained in similar studies on the validity of the contactual version of the MBI.
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Burnout is a unique type of stress syndrome, characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and diminished personal accomplishment. Although burnout has been shown to be potentially very costly in the helping professions, such as nursing, education, and social work, little work has been done thus far to establish its generalizability to industry. This article reviews the literature on burnout and provides a conceptual framework designed to improve the understanding of burnout. Propositions are presented that are aimed at clarifying the dynamics of burnout, including determinants of and interrelationships among the three burnout components.
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In this article, causal relations among three dimensions of burnout, as measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory, were examined. Three causal models were examined using data from five earlier published longitudinal studies. Models were fitted using structural equation modelling (SEM) with multi-group analysis. In the best fitting model, personal accomplishment synchronously influenced depersonalization and depersonalization on its turn synchronously influenced emotional exhaustion. Practical implications of this model for the prevention of burnout were suggested.
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A scale designed to assess various aspects of the burnout syndrome was administered to a wide range of human services professionals. Three subscales emerged from the data analysis: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment. Various psychometric analyses showed that the scale has both high reliability and validity as a measure of burnout. Since the publication of this article in 1981, more extensive research was done on the MBI, which resulted in some modifications of the original measure. The present article has been re-edited to reflect those modifications. However, it does not include other new additions (which are contained in the MBI Manual distributed by the publisher, Mind Garden).
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In this study we examined the effects of job-related stressful events and social support on burnout among teachers. We conducted a mail survey of a random sample of public school teachers in Iowa. Consistent with findings in previous research, teacher characteristics such as age, sex, and grade level taught were predictive of burnout. We also found that the number of stressful events experienced and social support were predictive of teacher burnout. Some evidence of the stress-moderating role of social support was also found. Teachers who reported that they had supportive supervisors and indicated that they received positive feedback concerning their skills and abilities from others were less vulnerable to burnout. We discuss the implications of these findings for programs aimed at preventing teacher burnout. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
A three-part self-report questionnaire, which incorporated portions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, was used to assess the degree of burnout among 111 instructors of moderately retarded children, 133 teachers of mildly retarded students and 218 regular educators. Contrary to expectations, teachers of nonretarded students reported significantly fewer and weaker feelings of success and competence accompanied by more frequent and stronger impersonal attitudes toward their students. Demographic variables were found to be significant but weak predictors of teacher burnout. The teachers also reported a low incidence of chronic or serious health problems. Comparisons were presented between regular and special educators in addition to suggestions for stress reduction.
This longitudinal study investigated the prevalence and antecedents of burnout in a large sample of school psychologists from a Southeastern state. Approximately 40% of the school psychologists reported high levels of emotional exhaustion, 10% reported depersonalization reactions, and 19% reported a reduced sense of personal accomplishment at Time 1. Cross-sectional regression analyses suggested that personality variables (e.g., extraversion, agreeableness) related to burnout reports over and above stressful occupational events and demographic variables. Furthermore, a multidimensional model of burnout was supported in that there were differential correlates of the burnout dimensions. For example, Emotional Exhaustion scores and Depersonalization scores were more strongly associated with stressful occupational experiences than Reduced Personal Accomplishment scores. The longitudinal data demonstrated the transactional nature of the relationship between burnout and stressful occupational experiences suggesting that not only may stressful occupational experiences predispose individuals to experience burnout, but also that high burnout levels may predispose individuals to experience additional occupational stress. Finally, moderate to high levels of stability were demonstrated for burnout reports over the 7-month time interval, indicating that many school psychologists are chronically stressed on the job.
This study utilized stepwise multiple regression analysis to examine the relationship between motivational factors and teacher perceived burnout when controlling for the background variables of age, sex, level of teaching, and years of teaching experience. Motivational factors consisted of teacher perceived security, social, esteem, autonomy, and self-actualization need deficiencies. Teacher perceived burnout was examined in terms of the frequency and intensity of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Generally, the higher level self-actualization and esteem need deficiencies explained a significant amount of the variance in burnout among teachers.
Teachers’ attributions of responsibility for their occupational stress provide a conceptual framework for investigation of this phenomenon. Teachers attribute responsibility for their occupational stress to entities increasingly ‘distant’ from themselves. The association of occupational stress with job satisfaction is investigated in terms of this framework and some significant differences for biographical variables are reported.
A questionnaire survey of 710 Maltese primary schoolteachers revealed that the level of teacher stress, job satisfaction and career commitment was constituted differently in some of the teacher demographic subgroups. A principal components analysis of the stress ratings of 20 items covering various aspects of the teacher's work environment yielded four factors described in terms of ‘pupil misbehaviour’, ‘time/ resource difficulties’, ‘professional recognition needs’ and ‘poor relationships’. Teacher sex and ability‐group taught interacted significantly with the stress factors. Results also showed that teachers who reported greater stress were less satisfied with their job and less committed to choose a teaching career were they to start life over again. Moreover, the association between the general measure of job stress and the stress due to each of the four stress factors was strongest for ‘pupil misbehaviour’ and ‘time/resource difficulties’. Of the four factors, ‘professional recognition needs’ had the strongest inverse relationship with job satisfaction and career commitment.
This paper reviews studies on teacher stress and burnout conducted over the past decade. The range of studies considered indicates that this topic is now of major international concern. Such studies have led to a much clearer understanding of teacher stress and burnout. Priority now could usefully be given to exploring how such understanding can foster the reduction of stress levels in schools.
This cross-cultural study examines the extent to which burnout exists among both Victorian high school teachers and North American teachers in public and separate school systems. The findings reveal that teachers are coping fairly well with job-related demands, and are not experiencing unduly high levels of burnout. However Australian teachers recorded a higher than normal level of burnout as a consequence of lack of job recognition and perceived limited career prospects. The implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed in terms of the Australian government school systems.
The present study investigated the association between self‐reported teacher stress and three response correlates of teacher stress: job satisfaction, absenteeism and intention to leave teaching. The study took the form of a questionnaire survey involving a sample of 218 teachers in 16 medium‐sized mixed comprehensive schools in England. The results indicated that self‐reported teacher stress was negatively associated with job satisfaction (r = —.27; p<.01), and positively associated with intention to leave teaching (r = .18; p<.01), as predicted. The association between self‐reported teacher stress and frequency of absences failed to reach significance, but for total days absent the association was significant and in the predicted direction, positive (rho = .12; p<.05). The relationship between particular sources of stress and the three response correlates was also investigated, as were biographical differences and the effects of biographical characteristics in moderating these relationships.
Conducted regression analyses to investigate which work stressors, attitudinal and demographic variables predicted the reported emotional distress (anxiety, depression, and physical symptoms) and burnout (emotional exhaustion, use of depersonalization, and feelings of personal accomplishment) of music and math teachers working in secondary schools. 107 secondary school teachers completed a 4-part questionnaire that obtained biographical data, assessed work stressors, general health, and behaviors and attitudes of teachers. Results showed that music teachers gave significantly more problematic responses defining the variables which predicted emotional distress and burnout than math teachers. Also, music teachers were substantially more distressed and burnt out than math teachers. These and other results are discussed in terms of their implications for well-being of teachers who may feel marginalized within the teaching system. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Despite much empirical research linking the construct of teacher burnout to other variables for various professional groups, findings have not been summarized into one conceptual framework that can be replicated and tested statistically. This chapter addresses these construct validity issues by modeling the nomological network of teacher burnout as reflected in the international literature. The first purpose of this chapter is to review the burnout literature as it bears on the teaching profession worldwide. In particular, its international coverage represents research relative to at least 5 regions:Africa, the Middle East, Australasia, Europe, and North America as well as the British West Indies. The second purpose is to establish, on the basis of this review, a salient nomological network of teacher burnout that can be modeled and tested statistically. First, a brief description of early theoretical perspectives that have been linked historically to the concept of burnout are discussed. Second, a review of the empirical literature and a schematic summary of the findings is provided. Last is a report of findings from a recent test of this model for Canadian elementary, intermediate, and secondary teachers is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
The primary intent of the study was to investigate the impact of particular background variables on three dimensions of burnout (Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization, Personal Accomplishment) for elementary (n = 98), intermediate (n = 163), secondary (n = 162), and university (n = 219) educators. Using setwise multiple regression procedures, these variables (gender, age, marital/family status, type of student taught) were effects-coded and interpreted within an analysis of variance framework. A secondary purpose of the study was to delineate factors which educators perceive as contributing most to feelings of work-related stress. While findings revealed gender, age, and type of student taught to be the most salient, their influence varied with teaching level and specific burnout facet under study. Organizational factors related to the administration of educational institutions ranked high as a substantial contributor to feelings of stress by educators at all levels of the academic system.
A total of 750 teachers from 16 government and non-government schools from areas of contrasted socio-economic status (SES) responded to a questionnaire designed to investigate associations between selected aspects of burnout among teachers working in secondary schools in Victoria, Australia. By comparing high and low burnout groups on biographic, psychological and work pattern variables, differences between teachers experiencing high and low levels of burnout were identified. Multiple regression analyses assessed the relative importance of these variables in accounting for the variance in each of the three burnout subscales. School type was related to perceptions of stress and burnout. Higher levels of burnout were associated with poorer physical health, higher rates of absenteeism, lower self-confidence and more frequent use of regressive coping strategies. Teachers classified as experiencing high levels of burnout attributed most of the stress in their lives to teaching and reported low levels of career commitment and satisfaction. Further, teachers who recorded high levels of burnout were characterised by lower levels of the personality disposition of hardiness, lower levels of social support, higher levels of role stress and more custodial pupil control ideologies than their low-burnout counterparts. Psychological variables were found to be more significant predictors of burnout than biographical variables.
Sex differences in levels of experienced psychological burnout, and in antecedents and consequences, were examined among teachers and department heads. Male teachers reported greater burnout and less job satisfaction than did female teachers. Although male department heads scored significantly higher on psychological burnout, there were no sex differences on measures of satisfaction and emotional well-being. The findings are explained in terms of sex differences in levels of social support.
S ummary Despite a growing body of research on teacher stress and development of stress‐management programmes, studies come almost exclusively from just a few industrialised nations and the applicability of their recommendations for teacher training in developing regions is difficult to ascertain. The present study helps to redress this imbalance, and reports on data from 444 secondary school teachers in Barbados using a 36‐item self‐report instrument. Individual item means indicated that difficulties associated with classroom instructional and management demands were perceived by the majority of teachers to be the most stressful aspects of their work. On the other hand, factor analysis and ANOVA computations revealed that problems associated with time management most clearly differentiated between teachers when compared on the basis of sex, qualifications, and years of experience. Findings are discussed generally with reference to the existing international literature, and more specifically in terms of living and working conditions in the West Indies.
The tripartite components of burnout and eight coping strategies were assessed in a sample of 415 Chinese secondary school teachers in Hong Kong. While emotional exhaustion and depersonalisation were relatively undifferentiated among these teachers, a reduced sense of accomplishment as a distinct component of burnout was generally reported. The findings that avoidant coping strategies were consistently related to all three aspects of burnout suggested that teachers employing escape-avoidance to cope with stressors might be more prone to burnout. Implications for promoting certain patterns of coping to combat burnout were discussed.
The study reports an investigation of stress levels, gender and personality dimensions in a sample of school teachers. The Professional Life Stress Scale (PLSS) was used to assess teachers' stress levels and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) was used to define their personality dimensions (Extroversion-Introversion, Neuroticism-High Psychoticism-Low Psychoticism). The study sample consisted of 95 teachers, 51 females and 44 males. Results revealed that the majority of teachers sampled, 72.6 per cent, were experiencing moderate levels of stress, and 23.2 per cent serious levels. T-test results showed no significant difference between male and female teachers in stress levels. Correlation analysis between stress level and personality dimensions revealed significant positive correlation between stress and psychoticism. A significant negative correlation emerged between stress and extroversion, and a significant positive correlation between stress and neuroticism. A multiple regression analysis revealed that extroversion and neuroticism were the best predictors of stress levels. Overall, the results therefore indicated that personality dimensions appear to contribute more to stress levels than do the variables of either age or gender.
Teacher Job-related Stress, Coping Strategies and Burnout
  • P S Y Lau
  • M T Yuen
  • E. K. P. Hui
  • D. W. Russell