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Contingency checking and self-directed behaviors in giant manta rays: Do elasmobranchs have self-awareness?



Elaborate cognitive skills arose independently in different taxonomic groups. Self-recognition is conventionally identified by the understanding that one’s own mirror reflection does not represent another individual but oneself, which has never been proven in any elasmobranch species to date. Manta rays have a high encephalization quotient, similar to those species that have passed the mirror self-recognition test, and possess the largest brain of all fish species. In this study, mirror exposure experiments were conducted on two captive giant manta rays to document their response to their mirror image. The manta rays did not show signs of social interaction with their mirror image. However, frequent unusual and repetitive movements in front of the mirror suggested contingency checking; in addition, unusual self-directed behaviors could be identified when the manta rays were exposed to the mirror. The present study shows evidence for behavioral responses to a mirror that are prerequisite of self-awareness and which has been used to confirm self-recognition in apes.
1 23
Journal of Ethology
ISSN 0289-0771
J Ethol
DOI 10.1007/s10164-016-0462-z
Contingency checking and self-directed
behaviors in giant manta rays: Do
elasmobranchs have self-awareness?
Csilla Ari & Dominic P.D’Agostino
1 23
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Contingency checking and self-directed behaviors in giant manta
rays: Do elasmobranchs have self-awareness?
Csilla Ari
Dominic P. D’Agostino
Received: 30 November 2015 / Accepted: 20 February 2016
ÓJapan Ethological Society and Springer Japan 2016
Abstract Elaborate cognitive skills arose independently in
different taxonomic groups. Self-recognition is conven-
tionally identified by the understanding that one’s own
mirror reflection does not represent another individual but
oneself, which has never been proven in any elasmobranch
species to date. Manta rays have a high encephalization
quotient, similar to those species that have passed the mirror
self-recognition test, and possess the largest brain of all fish
species. In this study, mirror exposure experiments were
conducted on two captive giant manta rays to document their
response to their mirror image. The manta rays did not show
signs of social interaction with their mirror image. However,
frequent unusual and repetitive movements in front of the
mirror suggested contingency checking; in addition, unusual
self-directed behaviors could be identified when the manta
rays were exposed to the mirror. The present study shows
evidence for behavioral responses to a mirror that are pre-
requisite of self-awareness and which has been used to
confirm self-recognition in apes.
Keywords Self-recognition Mirror test Comparative
cognition Mobulidae Cognition
Animal cognition is the process by which animals acquire,
process, store and act on information gathered from the
environment (Shettleworth 2010; Brown 2014). Con-
sciousness includes sentience, intelligence and self-
awareness (Brown 2014), or, in other words, awareness of
internal and external stimuli, having a sense of self and
some understanding of one’s place in the world (Chandroo
et al. 2004; Bekoff and Sherman 2004; Brown 2014).
Animal consciousness has been a long-time interest and
a debated field among cognitive ethologists (Heyes 1994,
1998; Povinelli et al. 1997). The mirror self-recognition
(MSR) test initially developed by Gallup (1970) is con-
sidered to be a reliable behavioral index to show an ani-
mal’s ability for self-recognition/self-awareness (SA;
Platek and Levin 2004; Prior et al. 2008). Recognizing
oneself in a mirror is a rare capacity among animals (Reiss
and Marino 2001), while no species of fish has so far
passed this test. There has been only one report on self-
recognition in fish using chemosensory recognition
¨nken et al. 2009). However, studies conducted on
other fish species reported that the response to their mirror
images differed from responses to conspecifics (Verbeek
et al. 2007; Desjardins and Fernald 2010; Suddendorf and
Butler 2013; Balzarini et al. 2014). The only nonhuman
species which demonstrated MSR are the great apes (i.e.,
chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes,Pan paniscus; orangutans,
Pongo pygmaeus; gorilla, Gorilla gorilla), asian elephants
(Elephas maximus), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops trunca-
tus) and a non-mammal species, the magpie (Pica pica)
(Gallup 1970; Amsterdam 1972; Lethmate and Ducker
1973; Povinelli et al. 1993; Miles 1994; Patterson and
Cohn 1994; Walraven et al. 1995; Prior et al. 2008).
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s10164-016-0462-z) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
&Csilla Ari
Hyperbaric Biomedical Research Laboratory, Department of
Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, Morsani College
of Medicine, University of South Florida, 12901 Bruce B.
Downs Blvd., MDC 8, Tampa, FL 33612, USA
Foundation for the Oceans of the Future, Budapest, Hungary
Manta Pacific Research Foundation, Kona, HI, USA
J Ethol
DOI 10.1007/s10164-016-0462-z
Author's personal copy
Those species that passed the MSR test to date share
common characteristics, such as large, complex and highly
foliated brain, complex social behavior, cooperative and
empathic behavior. The largest brain of all fish species is
possessed by manta rays with high encephalization quotient
and highly foliated cerebellum (Ari 2009,2011), they often
form large feeding aggregations suggesting complex social
system, and are often referred to as being intelligent; therefore,
manta rays may beconsidered the most likely candidates from
any fish species to pass the MSRtest. The universal use of this
test has attracted controversy, because it is biased for vision,
but not other sensory modalities. Although it has been sug-
gested that olfactory recognition using chemical cues is more
appropriate for fish (Thu
¨nken et al. 2009;Brown2014), this
might not be the case for Mobulids. Manta rays have excep-
tionally large optic tectum and telencephalon among elas-
mobranchs, and the high importance of vision during their
foraging activity has also been recently described (Ari 2009,
2011;AriandCorreia2008), which further supports the
possibility that evaluating their self-awareness based on the
MSR test is likely a suitable technique.
The definitive test of MSR is the mark test focusing the
animal’s behaviors on the newly marked area of their body
when exposed to a mirror (Sarko et al. 2002). However,
similarly to marine mammals, fish species also have the
disadvantage that they are not able to touch the marked
area of their body; therefore, it is more challenging to
evaluate their behavioral response. Exploratory and social
behavior can be observed at first when animals are exposed
to a mirror, which stage is followed by contingency
checking when the animals engage in highly repetitive or
unusual movements to understand their own image. In the
next stage, the animals might show self-directed behavior
(e.g., dolphins blowing bubbles, chimpanzee picking teeth;
Gallup 1970; Reiss 2012; Sarko et al. 2002; de Veer and
van den Bos 1999), before the mark test would be initiated.
Mirror exposure experiments were conducted on two
captive giant manta rays to document their responses to
their mirror image in order to predict whether they would
be a candidate for the mark test and whether they use a
mirror to understand their own image. The present study
shows evidence for manta rays’ contingency checking and
self-directed behavior when exposed to a mirror, which are
the prerequisites of self-awareness.
Materials and methods
Two giant manta ray specimens were exposed to a mirror at
the Atlantis Aquarium, Bahamas, in March 2012 during a
16-day period. The first subject (M1) was a mature male
Manta birostris (estimated disc width 4.2 m) which had
been living in the exhibit for over 2 years, while the second
subject (M2) was a female (estimated disc width 3.3 m)
that had been at the Aquarium for 1 year. This individual’s
taxonomical classification is uncertain to date, because her
characteristics almost completely fulfill the criteria for M.
birostris, except for a white mouth region, brownish back
coloration and the lack of large white shoulder bars.
The two manta rays showed similar responses through-
out the study, and therefore their data were merged in most
cases during the representation of the results, unless there
was significant difference between their behaviors, in
which case their data are presented separately.
Apparatus and procedure
The observation area (OA) was selected to be the widest
area in the tank that was free of underwater decoration
obstacles, where the animals were able to turn and
maneuver comfortably when necessary (Fig. 1). The two
manta rays’ behavior was documented in a rectangular area
of the tank (OA) that was approximately 10 m wide, 15 m
long and 5.5 m deep, where the mirror was considered
visible to the manta rays (Fig. 1).
Three experimental conditions were tested: (1) mirror
placed in the water (MI); (2) control conditions when the
mirror was either removed completely (MO), or (3) a
mirror-sized, non-reflective white board was placed in the
water (WB). Seven trials were performed in each experi-
mental condition during 16 days. Each trial was conducted
between feeding times and lasted for 10 min. The test was
performed with a 0.9 m 91.5 m mirror which was tem-
porarily installed in a horizontal orientation on the side of
Fig. 1 The observation area (OA, rectangle) of the tank is presented,
where the mirror was considered visible to the manta rays, from
dorsal view. The elongated tank continues on both sides for
approximately 55 and 35 m (Mmirror, polygon location of the
underwater camera, circle location of the camera outside the tank)
J Ethol
Author's personal copy
the tank in the manta rays’ regular swimming path, *1m
below water level. The placement of the mirror was made
to ensure that the manta rays would have a frequent and
predictable visual image of their reflection, and thus the
potential to exhibit a behavioral response. The white board
condition was achieved by reversing the mirror to the white
surface facing the pool. The duration of the experimental
sessions was between 10 and 50 min per day. The manta
rays’ behavior was video-recorded and viewed by two
independent analysts. Observations during the study were
recorded from inside the tank using a Canon S100 camera
with Fisheye Fix S100 underwater housing and from out-
side the tank by using an Olympus FE360 camera.
The reported variables were determined as the total time
spent in the observation area, number of cephalic fin
movements and circling behavior in the observation area. A
continuous record of the manta ray’s behavior during each
condition was also created for the total duration of the
sessions, and the total time spent in the observation area
was presented for every 10 min interval. The time of
occurrence of specific behaviors, its onset (from a counter
on the videotape), its duration and any additional com-
ments were noted. The analysis of the video recordings
were done by the independent observers.
Behavioral categories were identified, using the MSR
test reported on bottlenose dolphins by Reiss and Marino
(2001) and modified to manta ray specific behaviors, which
are described in Table 1. Social behaviors (S) were defined
when the animals were closely following, chasing or
touching each other inside the OA. Surfacing behavior
(when the animals swam up breaking the water surface)
was considered to be feeding related behavior (F) inde-
pendently of whether or not the mouth or cephalic lobes
were open. Contingency checking behaviors (when the
animal is testing to see whether, when it moves, the image
also moves, CC) included performing unusual or repetitive
body movements in front of the mirror while visually ori-
ented to it (e.g., circling in front of the mirror, repetitive
cephalic fin movements or bubble blowing in front of the
mirror). Self-directed behavior (SD) occurs when a subject
uses a mirror to investigate parts of its body that would not
be visible without the mirror while visually oriented to the
mirror. Based on this definition which has been used in
previous studies on dolphins, when a posture or movement
exposing the ventral side to the mirror otherwise not visible
to the animal could be observed, while the manta ray was
visually oriented to the mirror, this behavior was identified
as SD, while it could also be classified as CC. Other
behaviors (O) that were unusual but not strictly classifiable
included sudden speed or swimming direction change,
stopping or twitching of fins.
Coding was done by two coders (C.A. and D.D.) who
independently scored the same ten sessions. The coding of
C.A. was considered the standard which was to be achieved
by D.D. Coding was considered reliable when the sequence
and duration of specific behaviors coded by C.A. and D.D.
was of the same (duration could differ by a few seconds).
Statistical comparisons were made using an unpaired
ttest ±standard error (SEM) with GraphPad Prism 6.
The manta rays spent 67.88 % of the total observation time
in the OA when the mirror was in the tank, while they spent
18.54 % of the time in the OA when the mirror was not in
the tank. Overall, the manta rays spent 265 % more time in
the OA when the mirror was in compared to when the
mirror was out of the tank (unpaired ttest, P=0.0001,
t=4.086, n=28; Fig. 2a). They also spent significantly
more time in the OA than when WB was presented to them
(unpaired ttest, P=0.0066, t=2.826, n=28). The time
the manta rays spent in the OA was not significantly dif-
ferent between the specimens, except when the white board
was present (unpaired ttest, MI: P=0.384, t=0.879,
n=28; MO: P=0.12, t=1.586, n=20). In that con-
dition, M2 spent more time in the OA compared to M1
(unpaired ttest, WB: P=0.0002, t=4.282, n=15).
The average duration of time spent at the mirror was
also measured for every subsequent 10-min interval. Dur-
ing the first 10 min, the manta rays spent 549 % more time
at the mirror, which decreased during the 2–4th sessions.
Table 1 Description of behavioral categories used during the study
Behavioral category Abbreviation Definition/examples
Social S Closely following, chasing or touching each other
Feeding related F Surfacing behavior
Contingency checking CC Unusual or repetitive behavior while visually oriented to the mirror, e.g., circling in front of the
mirror, repetitive cephalic fin movement, bubble blowing
Self-directed SD Posture or movement exposing the ventral side/a body part to the mirror that otherwise would not
be visible without the mirror while visually oriented to the mirror
Other behaviors not strictly
O Sudden change in swimming speed or direction, body twitching
J Ethol
Author's personal copy
Following the 4th session, the time increased again by
more than 1400 % within the period of the 5th session
which was significantly higher in the 4–5th sessions than in
the control conditions (unpaired ttest, 40 min MI/MO:
P=0.018, t=3.244, n=4; 50 min MI/MO:
P=0.0297, t=2.641, n=5; Fig. 2b).
During the time spent at the mirror, their cephalic fin
movements were frequent, and they opened their cephalic
fins significantly more often when the mirror was in the
tank, compared to when the mirror was removed (unpaired
ttest, MI/MO: P\0.0001, t=5.954, n=19; MI/WB:
P\0.0001, t=4.677, n=19; Fig. 3a). They also closed
their cephalic fins more often when the mirror was in the
tank, compared to when the mirror was removed (unpaired
ttest, MI/MO: P\0.0001, t=6.142, n=18; MI/WB:
P\0.0001, t=5.363, n=18; Fig. 3a).
The manta rays showed significantly higher frequency
of other repetitive behavior, such as circling at the mirror
when the mirror was placed in the tank compared to either
control conditions (unpaired ttest, MI/MO: P=0.0006,
t=3.776, n=19; MI/WB: P=0.0012, t=3.51,
n=19, Fig. 3b).
No aggressive displays by any of the specimens were
seen towards the mirror. Social/sexual behaviors remained
at a low frequency throughout the study with following
each other at four occasions and touching each other by
their cephalic fins two times. No rapid coloration changes
were observed and the white markings on the back and
head of the animals did not intensify in response to the
mirror on either of the specimens (Fig. 4a, b), as previously
reported to occur during feeding, intense social interaction
and in response to the presence of a new individual (Ari
Feeding-related (MI:14; MO:3; WB:2), mirror-directed,
self-directed, and other unusual behaviors together (MI:22;
MO:2; WB:3) were more frequent when the mirror was
present compared to when the mirror was absent (unpaired
ttest, P=0.0294, t=2.539, n=6) or when the white
board was present (unpaired ttest, P=0.0251, t=2.631,
n=6; Table 2). Speed change was divided into unusually
slow or fast swimming and stopping/stationing behaviors.
More frequent slow swimming (MI:7; MO:0; WB:1) and
even more frequent fast swimming (MI:17; MO:3; WB:0)
could be observed when the mirror was present. Swimming
up and surfacing behaviors happened more often when the
mirror was present (MI:20; MO:4; WB:5).
Some contingency checking (CC) and SD behaviors
were exclusively present when the mirror was in the tank,
which included body turns into a vertical direction,
exposing the ventral side of the body to the mirror while
visually oriented to it (MI:3; MO:0; WB:0) and bubble
blowing (MI:2; MO:0; WB:0) in front of the mirror, while
other, repetitive behaviors were more frequent, such as
cephalic fin movements and circling (Fig. 3). Figure 4and
Movies 1–5 of the Electronic Supplementary Material
show some of the behaviors observed with and without the
These spontaneous CC and SD behaviors could be
observed in both individuals except exposing the ventral
side and bubble blowing which was performed by only one
of them (M2).
The present study provides a qualitative and quantitative
description of two manta rays’ behavioral responses in
front of a mirror by employing protocols adapted from
primate and bottlenose dolphin MSR studies. Similar to
that observed in primate studies, the manta rays showed
Fig. 2 a The manta rays (Manta birostris) spent significantly more
time in the observation area when the mirror was placed in the water
compared to control conditions. bDuring the first 10-min session, the
manta rays spent 549 % more time at the mirror than without the
mirror. The time spent in the OA was significantly more in the 3rd,
5th and 6th 10-min sessions when the mirror was present, compared
to control conditions. MI mirror in the tank, MO mirror out of the
tank, WB white board in the tank, *P\0.05; **P\0.005;
J Ethol
Author's personal copy
exploratory, contingency checking and self-directed
behavior when exposed to the mirror. Intelligence is often
defined as behavioral flexibility, by abilities such as rea-
soning, planning, learning from past experiences and
applying this knowledge to solve problems in novel con-
texts (Brown 2014). To assess the intelligence (cognitive
complexity) of an animal, since it is difficult to measure
mental states or feelings, subjective behavioral responses
that imply consciousness are measured instead (Dawkins
2001; Brown 2014).
The presented data show that the manta rays gave
selective attention to the mirror by displaying significantly
more repetitive movements than in control conditions and
several unusual contingency checking behaviors exclu-
sively at the mirror. The manta rays’ white markings on
their back and head did not change; it was recently
described that the white markings rapidly increase in
intensity when a ray meets a new individual (Ari 2014).
Therefore, we can speculate that the animals did not per-
ceive their mirror image as a new individual, suggesting
that the observed behaviors in the OA were not part of
social behaviors towards the mirror. Aggressive behavior
directed specifically toward the mirror could not be
Social behaviors between the animals remained at
extremely low frequency during exposure to the mirror
which is similar to what was found with bottlenose dol-
phins (Reiss and Marino 2001). Gallup (1970) and Povi-
nelli et al. (1993) also showed that, in chimpanzees, social
responsiveness declines and contingency checking increa-
ses over time of exposure to the mirror.
Cephalic fin movements, especially on the side that was
facing the mirror, increased greatly in frequency, which
might suggest that manta rays used their cephalic fin
movements for contingency checking (testing to see whe-
ther when it moves, the image also moves). It is also
possible that the cephalic fin movements are helping the
exploration of new objects, so their role is not exclusively
channeling plankton into their mouth during foraging.
Bubble blowing behavior was never observed other than
during MI condition, suggesting that bubble blowing while
staying visually oriented to the mirror was possibly con-
tingency checking.
Among other marine species, in killer whales (Orcinus
orca) and false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens; Del-
four and Marten 2001) the response to an applied mark on
their body is likely not the only proof of SA, especially if
indeed many levels of self-consciousness exist. An African
Grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) was described as
exhibiting mirror mediated object discrimination in an
earlier study (Pepperberg et al. 1995), while all monkey
species so far tested (Anderson 1986; Itakura 1987) have
been shown to exhibit mirror- guided behavior (i.e., using
the mirror to guide a part of their body towards hidden
food; Sarko et al. 2002), but no compelling evidence was
found in these species for CC and/or SD responses. In
humans and great apes, CC behaviors are represented as
repetitive head or hand motions (Povinelli et al. 1993),
while in dolphins CC behaviors usually involved head or
body cocking, repetitive horizontal and vertical head
movements, and head circling (Reiss and Marino 2001;
Marino et al. 1994). In dolphins, SD behavior was repre-
sented as unusual neck stretching, body flexing and bubble
blowing (Reiss and Marino 2001; Marino et al. 1994), a
behavior which resembles manta rays exposing their ven-
tral surface to the mirror and bubble blowing in front of the
mirror. Contrary to studies of chimpanzees reported by
Gallup (1970) and others, the manta rays showed a
decrease in the amount of time at the mirror after the first
two sessions, but after the 4th session it dramatically
increased. This trend was similar to that observed in bot-
tlenose dolphins (Sarko et al. 2002). In apes, SD behavior
in response to a mirror has been taken as evidence of self-
recognition (Prior et al. 2008); therefore, the recorded
observations on manta rays possibly show their ability to
self-awareness. However, to further confirm this
Fig. 3 The frequency of repetitive behaviors: acephalic fin move-
ments and bcircling in front of the mirror was significantly higher
when the mirror was present compared to control conditions. MI
mirror in the tank, MO mirror out of the tank, WB white board in the
tank, **P\0.005; ***P\0.0005
J Ethol
Author's personal copy
possibility, a MSR mark test might need to be completed
and more animals will need to be tested. Although the full
MSR test could not be completed due to technical diffi-
culties, previous studies suggest that those individuals that
showed mark-directed behavior were the same that had
shown a high interest in the standard mirror exploration test
(Prior et al. 2008).
Primates, cetaceans and elasmobranchs all possess
elaborated brains which show a dispersed morphological
convergence that may also be linked to cognitive conver-
gence. Social intelligence is also believed to be an expla-
nation for the evolution of the primate brain (Whiten and
Byrne 1997). The brain of elasmobranchs has analogous
structures and functions similar to other vertebrates; for
example, the telencephalic dorsal pallium in fish, which is
greatly enlarged in Mobulids (Ari 2011), is considered to
be homologous to the tetrapod hippocampus, amygdala and
neocortex (Broglio et al. 2011; Demski 2013; Brown
Fig. 4 a,bManta rays swim in front of the mirror; c,dDisplaying
the ventral side to the mirror while staying visually oriented;
esurfacing behavior; fopening of cephalic fin in front of the mirror;
g,hBubble blowing behavior in front of the mirror while displaying
the ventral side and staying visually oriented (Mthe location of the
mirror, large arrows point to bubbles)
J Ethol
Author's personal copy
2014). Those species with elaborated brains that have
passed the MSR test to date, have large, complex and
highly foliated brains, complex social behaviors, coopera-
tive behaviors and the ability to empathize (Reiss 2012;
Plotnik et al. 2006). If manta rays are entering the small
group of species with self-awareness, we might speculate
that they also share the same common characteristics and
are able to perform complex social understandings, coop-
erative and empathic behaviors.
Self-recognition is also essential for the ability to use
one’s own experience to predict the behavior of con-
specifics (Prior et al. 2008) which might be a unique ability
for an elasmobranchs species. However, these findings
should be interpreted with caution because of the small
sample size and because the MSR test might demonstrate
only a specific level of consciousness (Panksepp 2005;
Brown 2014).
Studies on fish intelligence are largely restricted to bony
fishes, while we have very little knowledge about the
cognitive abilities of sharks and rays (Brown 2014).
Therefore, these results on manta ray cognition are aimed
at stimulating new research directions. In addition, the
perception of an animal’s cognitive abilities and intelli-
gence influences the views and drives decisions about
captive animal welfare and wildlife conservation. There-
fore, our hope is that a greater understanding of manta
rays’ cognitive abilities will support the rationale for pro-
tective legislation in the future.
This paper presents the first analysis of manta rays’
behavioral response to a mirror, including the description
of their contingency checking and self-directed behaviors
which can serve as a basis for similar studies with manta
rays and other elasmobranchs in the future. Further studies
are needed to assess whether the mirror-induced, self-di-
rected behavior is atypical or frequent in manta rays and
whether manta rays are the first elasmobranch species to
exhibit self-awareness, which would imply their potential
for an ability to higher order brain function, and sophisti-
cated cognitive and social skills.
Acknowledgments This study was funded by the Save Our Seas
Foundation. We are very grateful to Michelle Liu, Dave Wert and the
staff of the Aquarium for the possibility and logistical support to
conduct this research at the Atlantis Aquarium, Bahamas. The Divers
Alert Network Europe and Dr. Huntington Potter provided essential
support. The observations during this study were in compliance with
all ethical standards and were approved by the Kerzner Marine
Foundation and the Atlantis Aquarium, Bahamas. We thank three
anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful comments on the
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Table 2 Summarized
frequencies of feeding-related
and other behaviors
Feeding-related Speed change Stopping Direction change
Slow Fast Up Down
M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2
MI5 9 161071171310
MO1 2 00 21001 300
WB2 0 01 00003 200
Unpaired ttest, MI/MO: P=0.0294, t=2.539, n=6; MI/WB: P=0.0251, t=2.631, n=6
MI mirror in the tank, MO mirror out of the tank, WB white board in the tank, M1 Manta1, M2 Manta2
J Ethol
Author's personal copy
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J Ethol
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... A final way sufficient mirror exposure can be confirmed is through the emergence of contingent body movements, which includes repetitive or unusual body movements only witnessed when the animal is in front of a mirror. These movements are believed to reflect animals testing the contingency between their body movements and their mirror reflection, suggesting an understanding of how a mirror works (Delfour & Marten, 2001, Cammaerts & Cammaerts, 2015, Ari & D'Agostino, 2016, Morrison & Reiss, 2018. Prior et al. (2008) gave European magpies 150 min of mirror exposure. ...
... In another study reporting unusual behaviour in the presence of a mirror, Ari and D'Agostino (2016) presented manta rays with either a mirror, no mirror, or a whiteboard. The manta rays spent 265 % more time in the mirror condition compared to the control condition, and displayed little social or sexual behaviour to their reflection, suggesting that they did not perceive the reflection to be a conspecific, but rather themselves. ...
... Most of these species have relatively complex social behaviour, which supports the potential connection between sociability and complex cognitive traits. A positive response to MSR testing has been recorded in some great apes (Gallup Jr., 1970;Suarez & Gallup Jr., 1981;Gallup Jr. & Anderson, 2020), elephants (Plotnik et al., 2006), dolphins (Reiss & Marino, 2001), horses (Baragli et al., 2021), magpies (Prior et al., 2008) and Indian house crows (Buniyaadi et al., 2020), with mixed results for manta rays (Ari & D'Agostino, 2016), cleaner wrasse (Khoda et al., 2019) and Adélie penguins (Dastidar et al., 2022). These animals were assessed using the mark test (Gallup Jr., 1970), in which the subject is required to react to a mark placed on its body that is only visible when seen in its reflection in a mirror. ...
Self-recognition is the ability of an animal to identify itself when observing its reflected image. Although many species have been tested, self-recognition has only been confirmed conclusively in a few taxa. We presented five Rosy-faced lovebirds, Agapornis roseicollis, with their own image using a mirror and applied the mark test, attaching a black sticker to each bird’s throat. We evaluated the potential tactile effect of the mark by attaching a transparent sticker to the bird’s throat. The results were analysed using Generalised Linear Mixed Models, which showed that four of five birds touched the black mark more than the transparent mark. There was no evidence that the birds could see the mark without the assistance of the mirror. The results of the study provide encouraging evidence that Agapornis roseicollis is able to recognise itself in a mirror and is the first parrot species to pass the mark test.
... In this categorization, the state of confusion between the mirror and the environment is notably expressed by social responses towards the mirror as well as attempts to pass through the mirror, a type of behavior also frequently noted during initial mirror encounters amongst animals (e.g., Pickering and Duverge 1992;Kusayama et al. 2000), and which some species will persist exhibiting irrespective of their experience with mirrors. On the first level of self-awareness, the individual understands the difference between the reflection and the environment and observes the contingency between its own movements and the reflection which on the second level is followed by an understanding of the connection between the proprioceptive experience of the movement and the reflected image (as seen in contingency checking behaviors, which have also been observed in nonhuman species Povinelli et al. 1993;Ari and D'Agostino 2016;Vanhooland et al. 2020)). An alternative approach to investigate these levels of mirror understanding seen in the non-human animal literature has been to look at a species' ability to use a mirror to locate, e.g., food (Anderson 1986;Pepperberg et al. 1995;Broom et al. 2009;Medina et al. 2011) or conspecifics (Itakura 1987). ...
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Mirror self-recognition (MSR) assessed by the Mark Test has been the staple test for the study of animal self-awareness. When tested in this paradigm, corvid species return discrepant results, with only the Eurasian magpies and the Indian house crow successfully passing the test so far, whereas multiple other corvid species fail. The lack of replicability of these positive results and the large divergence in applied methodologies calls into question whether the observed differences are in fact phylogenetic or methodological, and, if so, which factors facilitate the expression of MSR in some corvids. In this study, we (1) present new results on the self-recognition abilities of common ravens, (2) replicate results of azure-winged magpies, and (3) compare the mirror responses and performances in the mark test of these two corvid species with a third corvid species: carrion crows, previously tested following the same experimental procedure. Our results show interspecies differences in the approach of and the response to the mirror during the mirror exposure phase of the experiment as well as in the subsequent mark test. However, the performances of these species in the Mark Test do not provide any evidence for their ability of self-recognition. Our results add to the ongoing discussion about the convergent evolution of MSR and we advocate for consistent methodologies and procedures in comparing this ability across species to advance this discussion.
... The mark test (Gallup 1970), which purports to establish self-awareness, has biased mirror reactions in an anthropocentric way, thus distracting attention from what other reactions might indicate (Broom 2010;de Waal 2019). Many animals appear to see a conspecific in the mirror (Kusayama et al. 2000), including fish, who tend to react aggressively (Josi & Frommen 2021) and others perform self directed actions in front of it (Broom 2014;Ari & D'Agostino 2016). ...
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The chondrichthyan lineage diverged from the osteichthyan line 440 million years ago, resulting in a vast evolutionary gulf between modern elasmobranchs and other vertebrates. Though this has supported the assumption that sharks are ancient, dangerous, and binary-minded, the few ethological studies done have noted intelligent actions including social exchanges. Yet their behaviour remains little known. On seeing that Carcharhinus melanopterus displayed complex actions during incidental meetings, a long-term ethological study of the species was carried out using artificial aggregations, at several sites in the fringe lagoon of Mo’orea Island, French Polynesia. Short and long-term behaviour was recorded in 473 individuals, including an ethogram, roaming patterns, social interactions, and cognition. C. melanopterus is considered sedentary, yet the home range could also be viewed as a place to pause between travels, for most individuals left for long periods. The study community and its visitors travelled in correlation with the lunar phase, in groups of up to six individuals, socializing with conspecifics encountered along the way, and displaying fluid social dynamics. C. melanopterus was highly alert to danger yet prone to investigate novel objects, a combination that generated a variety of tactics to remain hidden while investigating the environment. Basic to this was the use of the visual limit for escape or to screen their presence, indicating an awareness of being present and observable. Using their other senses, they could focus their attention on events beyond visual range and made swift decisions to act as circumstances unfolded. In their non-territorial, non-hierarchical society, any shark could lead, but it was usually the same ones that did so. Therefore, unusual individuals had a significant effect on events through social learning, suggesting the potential for culture. Actions in a variety of situations suggested complex cognition, and individuals displayed both positive and negative subjective states including playfulness.
... The assumption of this test is that selfdirected behavior in front of a mirror constitutes evidence of mirror self-recognition (MSR). Studies investigating MSR in great apes (Anderson & Gallup, 2015), dolphins (Tursiops truncatus, Reiss & Marino, 2001), elephants (Elephas maximus, Plotnik et al., 2006), horses (Equus ferus caballus, Baragli et al., 2021), cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus, Kohda et al., 2019), and manta rays (Cephalopterus manta, Ari & D'agostino, 2016) have made claims on the existence of self-recognition in these species. However, some of these claims have been criticized based on a number of methodological limitations (de Waal, 2019;Gallup & Anderson, 2020, 2022. ...
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Large-brained birds, such as corvids and parrots, tend to fail tests for self-recognition (mirror self-recognition [MSR]), but the limited positive evidence for MSR in these species has been questioned due to methodological limitations. In the present study, we aimed to investigate MSR in ravens by performing three mirror tests: a mirror exposure test, a mirror preference test, and a mark test. Across all three tests, the ravens' behavior was not consistent with MSR. Three out of six ravens infrequently interacted with the mirror and the nonmirror surfaces. Two birds explored the mirror and occasionally displayed contingent behaviors. Finally, the ravens made very few social displays toward the mirror, suggesting that at this stage they did not treat their reflection as a conspecific. These findings, along with the current evidence available, raise further questions on the validity of relying on one test to establish self-recognition and call for the development of methods beyond mirror tests to explore self-recognition in nonhuman animals. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
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Finfishes are caught from the wild for food, feed (often in the form of fishmeal and oil) and bait. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), between 74 and 83 million tonnes (averaging 77 million tonnes) were caught annually in 2000–2019. Although fishes are now widely recognised as sentient beings, capture is still quantified as biomass rather than number of individuals (in contrast to wild-caught marine mammals and crocodiles; and farmed mammals and birds). Here, we estimate global numbers of wild-caught finfishes using FAO capture production (landing) tonnages (2000–2019 data) and estimates of mean individual weight at capture, based on internet-sourced capture and market weights. We estimate that between 1,100 and 2,200 billion (1.1–2.2 × 10 ¹² ), or 1.1–2.2 trillion, wild finfishes were caught annually, on average, during 2000–2019. Anchoveta ( Engraulis ringens ) comprised 28%, by estimate midpoint. Estimated numbers in 2019, totalling 980–1,900 billion, were lower due to reduced anchoveta landings, but still represented 87.5% of vertebrate numbers killed for food or feed, as obtained or estimated from FAO data. These figures exclude unrecorded capture such as illegal fishing, discards and ghost fishing. Estimated finfish numbers used for reduction to fishmeal and oil represented 56% of the total 2010 estimate (1,000–1,900 billion), by midpoint. It is recommended that the FAO reports fish capture numbers. The welfare of wild-caught fishes, which is generally very poor during and after capture, should be addressed as part of sustainable utilisation of aquatic resources.
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All brain processes that generate behaviour, apart from reflexes, operate with information that is in an “activated” state. This activated information, which is known as working memory (WM), is generated by the effect of attentional processes on incoming information or information previously stored in short-term or long-term memory (STM or LTM). Information in WM tends to remain the focus of attention; and WM, attention and STM together enable information to be available to mental processes and the behaviours that follow on from them. WM and attention underpin all flexible mental processes, such as solving problems, making choices, preparing for opportunities or threats that could be nearby, or simply finding the way home. Neither WM nor attention are necessarily conscious, and both may have evolved long before consciousness. WM and attention, with similar properties, are possessed by humans, archerfish, and other vertebrates; jumping spiders, honey bees, and other arthropods; and members of other clades, whose last common ancestor (LCA) is believed to have lived more than 600 million years ago. It has been reported that very similar genes control the development of vertebrate and arthropod brains, and were likely inherited from their LCA. Genes that control brain development are conserved because brains generate adaptive behaviour. However, the neural processes that generate behaviour operate with the activated information in WM, so WM and attention must have existed prior to the evolution of brains. It is proposed that WM and attention are widespread amongst animal species because they are phylogenetically conserved mechanisms that are essential to all mental processing, and were inherited from the LCA of vertebrates, arthropods, and some other animal clades.
In The Ultimate Betrayal: Is There Happy Meat?, Bohanec (2013) proposed that farmed animals raised humanely may experience betrayal when slaughtered. I argue based on personal experience that humans often betray trust relationships with farmed animals. Using published scientific literature, I find that typical farmed animals (mammals) and farmed fishes are both cognitively capable of a rudimentary experience of betrayal. However, the manner in which fishes are typically maintained does not present opportunities for human-fish trust relationships to develop. Eating farmed fishes presents fewer ethical implications than eating cows, at least in some cases.
Empirical evidence suggests that fishes, as a whole, are emotional and possess intelligence comparable to that of mammals. Furthermore, although data are sparse, recent studies suggest that representatives from the two major “fish” taxa—bony fish (e.g., groupers and cleaner wrasses) and cartilaginous fish (e.g., giant mantas)—may possess self-awareness and a theory of mind. These capacities indicate that a fish could be capable of the emotion of betrayal. Modern, small-scale aquaculture operations present preconditions in which betrayal might be felt by a fish.
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The behaviour of animals towards their mirror image (“mirror test”) is routinely used as a proxy to measure aggression levels, especially in fish. The lack of evidence for visual self-recognition in fish supports this method. However, recent work points towards different hormonal and gene expression responses when fish are exposed either to conspecific opponents or to their mirror image, urging for validation of this widespread method. Here, we test the predictive value of mirror tests in three sympatric cichlid species from Lake Tanganyika: the cooperative breeder Neolamprologus pulcher, the polygamous shell brooder Telmatochromis vittatus and the monogamous, biparental piscivore Lepidiolamprologus elongatus. In particular, we compare differences in restrained and overt aggression levels for individuals of each species when confronted with a mirror or a live conspecific. The three species differed in response to the two contest situations. While in N. pulcher both aggressive responses were correlated between the mirror test and the live opponent fight, there was no such relationship in T. vittatus and L. elongatus. Thus, the mirror test appears to be a suitable surrogate for intraspecific aggression in N. pulcher, while aggression against a mirror image has limited predictive value for intraspecific aggression in the other two species. These results underline the importance of validating the mirror test’s predictive value in a study species before drawing conclusions from mirror tests about aggressiveness under natural, social conditions.
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Changes of body coloration have not been described in manta rays (genus Manta) so far; therefore, their natural body coloration is used to distinguish species and their ventral spot markings are used to identify individuals worldwide to estimate their population size or seasonal migration. The present study describes the first evidence of rapid coloration changes of manta rays based on observations of captive individuals. Body coloration changes were observed most intensely on the dorsal surface and on the head, which occurred within minutes prior to feeding and during intense social interactions. The coloration intensity drastically changed for the white markings of the shoulder bars, the chevron-shaped marking on the back, the dorsal side of fin tips, the area around the eyes, the upper margin of mouth, and the inner side of cephalic fins. Three out of five of the captive specimens have been identified as a putative third manta ray species, and detailed description about their rapid coloration changes is provided. The present observational study confirms the ability of manta rays to rapidly change body coloration during exposure to certain environmental stimuli. Understanding the dynamics of these rapid coloration changes is essential for accurate species identification and to perhaps gain insight into more advanced forms of communication. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, ●●, ●●–●●.
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Fish are one of the most highly utilised vertebrate taxa by humans; they are harvested from wild stocks as part of global fishing industries, grown under intensive aquaculture conditions, are the most common pet and are widely used for scientific research. But fish are seldom afforded the same level of compassion or welfare as warm-blooded vertebrates. Part of the problem is the large gap between people's perception of fish intelligence and the scientific reality. This is an important issue because public perception guides government policy. The perception of an animal's intelligence often drives our decision whether or not to include them in our moral circle. From a welfare perspective, most researchers would suggest that if an animal is sentient, then it can most likely suffer and should therefore be offered some form of formal protection. There has been a debate about fish welfare for decades which centres on the question of whether they are sentient or conscious. The implications for affording the same level of protection to fish as other vertebrates are great, not least because of fishing-related industries. Here, I review the current state of knowledge of fish cognition starting with their sensory perception and moving on to cognition. The review reveals that fish perception and cognitive abilities often match or exceed other vertebrates. A review of the evidence for pain perception strongly suggests that fish experience pain in a manner similar to the rest of the vertebrates. Although scientists cannot provide a definitive answer on the level of consciousness for any non-human vertebrate, the extensive evidence of fish behavioural and cognitive sophistication and pain perception suggests that best practice would be to lend fish the same level of protection as any other vertebrate.
Self-Awareness in Animals and Humans, a collection of original articles on self-awareness in monkeys, apes, humans, and other species, focuses on controversies about how to measure self-awareness, which species are capable of self-awareness and which are not, and why. Several chapters focus on the controversial question of whether gorillas, like other great apes and human infants, are capable of mirror self-recognition (MSR) or whether they are anomalously unable to do so. Other chapters focus on whether macaque monkeys are capable of MSR. The focus of the chapters is both comparative and developmental: several contributors explore the value of frameworks from human developmental psychology for comparative studies. This dual focus - comparative and developmental - reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the volume, which brings together biological anthropologists, comparative and developmental psychologists, and cognitive scientists from Japan, France, Spain, Hungary, New Zealand, Scotland and the United States.
Since the BBS article in which Premack and Woodruff (1978) asked “Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?,” it has been repeatedly claimed that there is observational and experimental evidence that apes have mental state concepts, such as “want” and “know.” Unlike research on the development of theory of mind in childhood, however, no substantial progress has been made through this work with nonhuman primates. A survey of empirical studies of imitation, self-recognition, social relationships, deception, role-taking, and perspective-taking suggests that in every case where nonhuman primate behavior has been interpreted as a sign of theory of mind, it could instead have occurred by chance or as a product of nonmentalistic processes such as associative learning or inferences based on nonmental categories. Arguments to the effect that, in spite of this, the theory of mind hypothesis should be accepted because it is more parsimonious than alternatives or because it is supported by convergent evidence are not compelling. Such arguments are based on unsupportable assumptions about the role of parsimony in science and either ignore the requirement that convergent evidence proceed from independent assumptions, or fail to show that it supports the theory of mind hypothesis over nonmentalist alternatives. Progress in research on theory of mind requires experimental procedures that can distinguish the theory of mind hypothesis from nonmentalist alternatives. A procedure that may have this potential is proposed. It uses conditional discrimination training and transfer tests to determine whether chimpanzees have the concept “see.” Commentators are invited to identify flaws in the procedure and to suggest alternatives.
Two Grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) were tested on various types of mirror use: mirror image stimulation, mirror-mediated object discrimination, and a simple form of mirror-mediated spatial locating. During exposure to a mirror, neither bird clearly demonstrated self-exploratory behavior but responded instead in ways similar to those of marmosets, monkeys, dolphins, extremely young children (< 18 months), and to the initial responses of orangutans and young chimpanzees. The parrots' behavior was not a consequence of an inability to process mirrored information, because in subsequent tasks they used mirrors to discriminate among exemplars and to locate hidden objects; these birds are the first nonmammalian subjects to exhibit all these behavior patterns. Their behavior on all the tasks can be compared to that of humans, great apes, dolphins, monkeys, and Asian elephants.
Three interrelated pallial areas mediate behaviors reflective of the cognitive and emotional aspects of the teleost mind. The dorsocentral area (Dc) has specific associations with both of the other pallial areas and projects to major lower sensorimotor centers. While Dc generally functions as an output or modulatory component of the pallium, it probably also has integrative features important for certain behaviors. The dorsolateral region (Dl) has dorsal (Dld) and ventral (Dlv) divisions. In association with the dorsal part of Dc, Dld processes visual information via a 'tectal loop' which is hypertrophied in certain coral reef species. The region also receives afferents related to other modalities. Functionally, Dld resembles the tetrapod sensory neocortex. Anatomical and behavioral data (i.e. involvement in spatial and temporal learning) strongly suggest that Dlv is homologous to the tetrapod hippocampus. The dorsal part of the dorsomedial area (Dmd) processes acoustic, lateral line, gustatory, and multimodal information. It has reciprocal connections with Dld such that the Dmd and Dld together can be considered the teleost nonolfactory 'sensory pallium'. Behavioral studies indicate that Dmd creates the 'fear' necessary for defense/escape and avoidance behaviors and controls several components of species-typical sexual and aggressive behavior (responsiveness, behavioral sequencing, and aspects of social cognition). While the functional results generally support the anatomical evidence that Dmd is homologous to the tetrapod amygdala, a case can also be made that Dmd has 'sensory neocortex-like' features. Understanding the interrelationships of Dl, Dmd, and Dc seems a necessary 'next step' in the identification of the neural processes responsible for mental experiences such as those of a unified sensory experience (Umwelt) or of feelings of discomfort versus well- being. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.