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Biologic agents in juvenile spondyloarthropathies


Abstract and Figures

The juvenile spondyloarthropathies (JSpA) are a group of related rheumatic diseases characterized by involvement of peripheral large joints, axial joints, and entheses (enthesitis) that begin in the early years of life (prior to 16th birthday). The nomenclature and concept of spondyloarthropathies has changed during the last few decades. Although there is not any specific classification of JSpA, diseases under the spondyloarthropathy nomenclature umbrella in the younger patients include: the seronegative enthesitis and arthropathy (SEA) syndrome, juvenile ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease-associated arthritis. Moreover, the ILAR criteria for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis includes two categories closely related to spondyloarthritis: Enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. We review the pathophysiology and the use of biological agents in JSpA. JSpA are idiopathic inflammatory diseases driven by an altered balance in the proinflammatory cytokines. There is ample evidence on the role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-17 in the physiopathology of these entities. Several non-biologic and biologic agents have been used with conflicting results in the treatment of these complex diseases. The efficacy and safety of anti-TNF agents, such as etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab, have been analysed in controlled and uncontrolled trials, usually showing satisfactory outcomes. Other biologic agents, such as abatacept, tocilizumab and rituximab, have been insufficiently studied and their role in the therapy of SpA is uncertain. Interleukin-17-blocking agents are promising alternatives for the treatment of JSpA patients in the near future. Recommendations for the treatment of patients with JSpA have recently been proposed and are discussed in the present review.
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R E V I E W Open Access
Biologic agents in juvenile
María Martha Katsicas
and Ricardo Russo
The juvenile spondyloarthropathies (JSpA) are a group of related rheumatic diseases characterized by involvement
of peripheral large joints, axial joints, and entheses (enthesitis) that begin in the early years of life (prior to 16
The nomenclature and concept of spondyloarthropathies has changed during the last few decades. Although there is
not any specific classification of JSpA, diseases under the spondyloarthropathy nomenclature umbrella in the younger
patients include: the seronegative enthesitis and arthropathy (SEA) syndrome, juvenile ankylosing spondylitis, reactive
arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease-associated arthritis. Moreover, the ILAR criteria for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
includes two categories closely related to spondyloarthritis: Enthesitis-related arthritis and psoriatic arthritis.
We review the pathophysiology and the use of biological agents in JSpA. JSpA are idiopathic inflammatory diseases
driven by an altered balance in the proinflammatory cytokines. There is ample evidence on the role of tumor necrosis
factor (TNF) and interleukin-17 in the physiopathology of these entities. Several non-biologic and biologic agents have
been used with conflicting results in the treatment of these complex diseases. The efficacy and safety of anti-TNF agents,
such as etanercept, infliximab and adalimumab, have been analysed in controlled and uncontrolled trials, usually
showing satisfactory outcomes. Other biologic agents, such as abatacept, tocilizumab and rituximab, have been
insufficiently studied and their role in the therapy of SpA is uncertain. Interleukin-17-blocking agents are promising
alternatives for the treatment of JSpA patients in the near future. Recommendations for the treatment of patients with
JSpA have recently been proposed and are discussed in the present review.
Keywords: Biologic agents, Juvenile, Spondyloarthropaties
The juvenile spondyloarthropathies (JSpA) are a group
of related rheumatic diseases characterized by involve-
ment of peripheral large joints, sacroiliitis / spondylitis
and enthesitis that begin in the early years of life (prior
to 16
birthday) [1]. Spondyloarthropathies are strongly
associated with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
B27. The nomenclature and concept of spondyloar-
thropathies has changed during the last several
decades. The classification criteria defined by the
European Spondylarthropathy Study Group (ESSG)
marked an important milestone in the common nomen-
clature for these diseases [2]. Diseases under the spondy-
loarthropathy nomenclature umbrella in the younger
patients include: the seronegative enthesitis and arthropa-
thy (SEA) syndrome, juvenile ankylosing spondylitis (JAS),
reactive arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease-
associated arthritis. Enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) and
psoriatic arthritis (PsA) are categories of juvenile idio-
pathic arthritis (JIA) according to the ILAR classification.
The definition of ERA includes children with arthritis and
enthesitis, or arthritis plus other features associated with
spondyloarthropathy [37]. ESSG criteria were developed
for adult population and subsequently validated in chil-
dren. ERA and psoriatic arthritis patients according to
ILAR- might fulfill ESSG criteria [38]. ERA represents
nearly 1520 % of patients with JIA in cohort studies, but
it does differ in different parts of the world [8, 9]. Figure 1
Probably differences in prevalence could be related with:
ethnicity, environment and different microbiological epi-
demiologies. JSpA are pathogenetically different from
other types of JIA [10].
JSpA can be divided into classified and unclassified.
Classified diseases includes those that fulfill criteria, but
* Correspondence:
Service of Immunology & Rheumatology, Hospital de Pediatría Juan P.
Garrahan, Combate de los Pozos 1881, 1245 Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Katsicas and Russo Pediatric Rheumatology (2016) 14:17
DOI 10.1186/s12969-016-0076-6
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
others with peripheral arthritis and presence of HLA-
B27 are often considered as unclassified JSpA. Usually
those patients with positive HLA-B27 will develop axial
involvement later.
JSpA is a group of several conditions, the course of
which depends partially upon the presence or absence of
the HLA-B27 allele, which predisposes the patient to-
wards a chronic, progressive axial involvement (includ-
ing sacroiliitis) and final fulfillment of the ankylosing
spondylitis (AS) (modified New York) criteria [11].
Other risk factors for development of sacroiliitis include
number of active joints (multiple joints involvement)
and entheses, hip arthritis, and elevated erythrocyte sedi-
mentation rate (ESR) at disease onset [12, 13]. The de-
velopment and severity of AS would be linked to certain
variables such as: poor efficacy of NSAIDs, elevated
erythrocyte sedimentation rate, limitation in range of
motion of the lumbar spine, oligoarthritis (defined as
four or fewer affected joints), isolated hip arthritis, dac-
tylitis, and onset before the 16
birthday [1416].
The beginning of treatment for JSpA includes NSAIDs
and physiotherapy, but this therapy may not be effective
in a large proportion of patients who will require
disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). The
purpose of this paper is to review the pathogenesis and
role of biologic therapy in JSpA.
Pathophysiology of spondyloarthropathies
Different pathogenetic mechanisms have been proposed
for the SpA.
The strong association between SpA and HLA-B27
suggests that a genetically determined mechanism is in-
volved in its pathophysiology. The role of HLA-B27 in
the pathogenesis of spondyloarthropathies has been
extensively studied. The tendency of HLA-B27 heavy
chains to misfold in the endoplasmic reticulum would
lead to an unfolded protein response and inappropri-
ate cytokine secretion. This hypothesis and the
demonstration of the association between some innate
immunity-related genes or cluster of genes (such as
interleukin IL-1 or ARTS-1 gene [also known as
Endoplasmic Reticulum Aminopeptidase or ERAP-1])
with AS support the concept of SpA being a disease
with both autoimmune and autoinflammatory mecha-
nisms [17, 18] (Fig. 2). The spondyloarthropathies are
a polygenic disease in which polymorphisms in genes
related to the innate immune system are involved:
CARD9,TNF receptor family member 1A,TNF recep-
tor superfamily 15 (TNFSF15), IL-1 (IL1A,ILR2), IL-
23/IL-17 (IL-23R), signal transducer and activator of
transcription 3 (STAT3) [19].
Molecular mimicry between arthritogenic bacteria and
certain domains of the HLA-B27 molecule has been pro-
posed as another probable pathogenic mechanism [20].
An alternative hypothesis focuses on the presentation of
certain arthritogenic peptides in the HLA-B27 pocket to
the lymphocyte bound CD4 molecule. In this model,
CD4+ T cells recognize these bacterial peptides and pro-
duce high levels of interferon (INF) γand other cytokines
which act on macrophages. The relationship between
HLA- B27 and CD8 + T cells would elicit cross-reactivity
between HLA and certain microbial epitopes [21].
Certain cytokines appear to have a prominent role in
the pathophysiology of SpA. TNF-α, a potent pro-
inflammatory cytokine that shows a pivotal role in
inflammatory arthritis [20, 22], has been linked to the in-
flammation of sacroiliac joints in early AS [23]. Higher
serum TNF-receptor (TNFR) 1 and TNFR2 levels have
Fig. 1 Historical Juvenile Spondyloarthropathy Concept. References: JAS: Juvenile Ankylosing spondylitis; PsA: Psoriatic arthritis; ReA: Recative
arthritis; IBD:inflammatory bowel disease. SEAS:Seronegative enthesitis and arthritis syndrome; ERA (ILAR Criteria) Enthesitis_related arthritis:
arthritis and enthesitis or arthritis or enthesitis with at least two of the following: sacroiliac joint tenderness and/or inflammatory spinal pain;
presence of HLA-B27, family history in at least one first-degree relative with medically confirmed HLA-B27 associated disease, anterior uveitis that
is usually associated with pain, redness, or photophobia, onset of arthritis in a boy after 6 years of age. Exclusions: psoriasis confirmed by a derma-
tologist in at least one first- degree relative, presence of systemic arthritis
Katsicas and Russo Pediatric Rheumatology (2016) 14:17 Page 2 of 8
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been reported in patients with AS and RA. Serum
TNFR1 has been proposed as an inflammatory marker
in AS since its serum levels drop in patients on anti-
TNF treatment [24].
Recent evidence has implicated the Th23-17 axis in
the pathogenesis of SpA [25]. Misfolded HLA-B27 re-
sults in the production of IL-23 which induces Th17
cells to release the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17
[26]. This cytokine can stimulate different cell types, in-
cluding synovial fibroblasts, macrophages, and synovial
lining cells to produce pro-inflammatory cytokines (such
as TNFαand IL-6, Receptor Activator for Nuclear Factor
κB Ligand (RANKL), and granulocyte-macrophage
colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF), which can increase
osteoclast numbers and enhance their activity. Several
studies have explored the relationship between IL-17
and IL-23 in SpA [2730]. Elevated levels of IL-17 in
synovial fluid have been also described in 43 patients
with ERA by Agarwal et al. [31]. Biologic fluid IL-17
levels were similar in children with ERA and adults with
SpA and its concentration was higher in the synovial
fluid than in the serum. This study also analyzed the
production of IL6, IL8, Matrix Metalloproteinase
(MMP)-1, MMP-3 and tissue inhibitor of metallopro-
teinases (TIMP) in supernatants from cultures of fibro-
blasts derived from synovial cells that were stimulated
with IL-17 and TNFα. The results suggest that levels
of synovial IL-17 in ERA correlate with disease activ-
ity, possibly due to locally induced MMP production
by fibroblasts. Synovial fluid IL-17 correlated with
number of swollen joints (r= 0,35; p= 0,05) and num-
ber of tender joints (r= 0.46; p= 0.01); no correlation
was found with erythrocyte sedimentation rate [31].
Finally, experimental studies have shown that serum
IL-6 levels are elevated in adult patients with AS and
PsA [32]. Although these conditions are not pediatric,
these studies are the unique evidence of the relation-
ship between IL-6 levels and disease activity in SpA.
In addition, IL-6 was expressed in biopsies of sacro-
iliac joints from patients with AS, especially in those
with recent-onset disease [33].
Biologic agents in JSpA
Over the last decade, biologic agents have demonstrated
an impressive beneficial effect on the inflammatory
features of several rheumatic inflammatory diseases,
including the SpA. Most strikingly, TNF inhibitors have
demonstrated a dramatic impact on the symptoms and
disease course of adult patients with SpA [34]. However,
TNF inhibitors may not be effective for the suppression
of new bone and syndesmophyte formation [35, 36]. As
Fig. 2 Interactions between genes products and cytokines. References: ERAP1: endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidasa. UPR : unfolded protein.
The misfolding HLA-B27 mechanism in the endoplasmic reticulum, up regulate the UPR. Higher levels of UPR generates an inappropriate genes
activation that perpetuate the inflammatory state
Katsicas and Russo Pediatric Rheumatology (2016) 14:17 Page 3 of 8
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pathogenic clues are being elucidated, new therapeutic
targets will appear on the horizon.
Experience in pediatric cohorts
Anti-TNF agents
Uncontrolled and controlled studies have demonstrated
TNF inhibition is effective for children with JSpA, either
classified as ERA according to the ILAR criteria, JAS ac-
cording to the New York criteria, or JSpA according to
EESG criteria.
Henrickson et al. reported sustained efficacy of etaner-
cept in a cohort of pediatric patients with ERA over
2 years [37]. This study showed reduction in (mean):
morning stiffness (baseline: 175 m; last visit: 0 min); ac-
tive joint count (8; 0.3) and ESR (64 mm/h; 33 mm/h).
Additionally, Tse et al. reported improvement in 10
children with JSpA on etanercept or infliximab followed
for 1 year [38]. In another retrospective study, 20
patients with JSpA showed good response to TNF inhib-
ition (either etanercept (ETN), infliximab or adalimu-
mab) when they had been refractory to NSAIDs [39]. In
this study remission was achieved in 70 % of patients at
6 months after onset of anti-TNF therapy. During this
study, other efficacy variables were evaluated such as
spinal pain, hip pain and nocturnal awakening. All of
them showed improvement. Otten et al. also assessed
the effectiveness and safety of TNF-blocking agents in
children with ERA. All patients with ERA in whom a
biologic agent was initiated between 1999 and 2010 were
selected from the Dutch Arthritis and Biologicals in
Children registry. Twenty-two patients with ERA were
included. Anti-TNF treatment was effective and safe.
However, a sustained diseasefree state could not be
achieved, and no patient could successfully discontinue
the TNF-inhibiting therapy [40].
Horneff et al. demonstrated a significant superiority of
adalimumab compared with placebo in the treatment of
JAS in a double-blind controlled study [41]. An open-
label study provided evidence that ETN at 0.8 mg/kg
once weekly was effective and well tolerated in pediatric
patients with ERA over 12 weeks of treatment. Primary
endpoint was the percentage of subjects achieving ACR
30 response criteria [42]. Effectiveness of ETN was also
evaluated with the following variables: tender entheseal
score, back pain, and nocturnal back pain. ETN was well
tolerated in this pediatric population for up to 12 weeks.
ACR 30 was achieved by 88,6 % of subjects. Limitations
in this trial included its open label design and the retrieval
of a placebo-control group from a historical database.
Burgos Vargas et al. have also showed that adalimumab
(ADA) reduced the signs and symptoms at week 12 in pa-
tients with ERA, while safety and efficacy were sustained
up to 52 weeks [43]. Likewise, Hugle et al., in an observa-
tional study showed early clinical remission in 13/16
(83 %) patients. Children on anti-TNF treatment (ETN or
infliximab) had sustained response except for those who
had hip disease [44].
Recently, Horneff et al. have published the first phase
III randomized, double-blind study to assess the efficacy
and safety of ETN therapy in children with ERA. In this
study the proportion of patients who achieved ACR
pediatric 30, 50, 70, 90, and 100 response rates at week
24 were 93, 93, 80, 56 and 54 % respectively during the
initial open-label phase. At week 48, there was a 35 %
reduction in the relapse risk in the treated patients dur-
ing the double-blind phase [45].
Although anti-TNF therapy is considered safe, increased
risk of tuberculosis has been widely accepted. A prelimin-
ary screening to detect latent or tuberculosis infection
should be considered previous to start of treatment [46].
The musculoskeletal involvement of histoplasmosis and
other fungal infections should also kept in mind.
Table 1 shows different studies on the use of anti-
TNFαagents in patients with JSpA.
Other biologic agents (non TNFαblockers)
Several agents that have been effective in patients with
JIA have not been specifically studied in patients with
JSpA. Different studies about non TNFαblockers have
been developed in adult patients with SpA and are dis-
cussed below.
Abatacept did not prove useful in AS in a 24 week,
prospective, openlabel, pilot study involving 30 patients
with active AS divided into two groups: TNF-inhibitor
naive and TNF-inhibitor refractory. Response was evalu-
ated with Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International
Society (ASAS) criteria. ASAS40 was reached by 13 %
and 0 % of patients respectively [47]
Tocilizumab (TCZ) showed no benefit in clinical out-
comes in 99 AS patients compared with placebo in a 12-
week randomized trial. Response was evaluated with
ASAS20 [48]. Response rates were 37.3 % and 27.5 % in
TCZ and placebo arms respectively (p= 0.28) [49]. Only
a decrease in C-reactive protein levels was observed as a
beneficial indicator. Despite the association between in-
creased serum IL-6 levels and disease activity in patients
with AS reported in previous studies, IL-6 blockade did
not correlate with clinical effectiveness in clinical prac-
tice. However, TCZ was beneficial in AS patients in
small case studies [50, 51].
Song et al. demostrated that rituximab (RTX) did not
seem to be effective in patients with AS that had not
responded to anti-TNFαagents, but it had significant ef-
ficacy in anti-TNF-naïve patients in an open-label, phase
II clinical trial [52].
The efficacy and safety of Secukinumab (an anti-IL17A
monoclonal antibody with proven efficacy in psoriasis), was
tested in a double -blindtrial in adult patients with AS.
Katsicas and Russo Pediatric Rheumatology (2016) 14:17 Page 4 of 8
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Primary outcome was ASAS20 at 16 weeks. Sixty percent
of patients achieved improvement which was sustained up
to 52 weeks [53].
Recommendations for the treatment of JSpA
There are currently no specific recommendations for the
treatment of JSpA. Available recommendations address
the JIA group as a whole despite ERA being a distinct
category. On the other hand, recommendations for adult
patients with SpA have been developed and might be ap-
plicable to patients with JSpA.
The ASAS recommends the use of TNF blockers for pa-
tients with high disease activity despite conventional treat-
ment, which includes non-steroid anti-inflammatories and
glucocorticoids, and DMARDs such as methotrex-
ate (MTX) and/or sulfazalazine for adult patients with
SpA [54]. AS patients have demonstrated poor response
to conventional DMARDs, and it is recommended that
TNFαinhibitors be used as first line therapy for patients
with axial disease [54]. There are no data showing that
traditional DMARDs are effective in the axial disease of
SpA [55]. Roychowdhury et al. did not show any signifi-
cant improvement in disease activity as measured by the
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BAS-
DAI) and CRP in AS patients receiving methotrexate as
compared to patients in the placebo group [56]. Other
studies have showed sulfasalazine is ineffective in axial dis-
ease. A multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
showed that sulfasalazine is only effective in peripheral
arthritis [57]. Recently, the American College of Rheuma-
tology (ACR) has elaborated recommendation for the
treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis that could be used
for patients below 18 years of age [58].
Important differences exist in how spondyloarthritis
begins and progresses in children and adults, supporting
the need for pediatric-specific recommendations. As pre-
viously shown, there is evidence that TNFαinhibitors
are beneficial in JSpA, consistent with results from
Table 1 Anti-TNFαin JSpA
Source Drug JSpA patients (n) Study duration Outcome
Study design
Henrickson [37] ETNERCEPT 8 24 months improvement
INFLIXIMAB 8 12 months improvement Open-label
Sulpice [39] 20 (23 treatments)
ETANERCEPT 19 12 months improvement Retrospective
Otten [40] 22 (24 treatments)
INFLIXIMAB 2 24 months improvement Multicenter
Horneff [41] ADALIMUMAB 17 6 months improvement Double-Blind
Horneff [42] ETANERCEPT 122 3 months improvement Open-label
Burgos Vargas [43] ADALIMUMAB 46 12 months improvement Double-Blind
Hugle B [44] INFLIXIMAB 10 84 months Open-label
ETANERCEPT 6 improvement Observational
Horneff G [45] ETANERCEPT 41 12 months improvement Double-Blind
Placebo- controlled
Outcome measures observed were different: morning stiffness, active joints count, tender enthesal count, ESR, ACRped 30/50/70/90, inactive disease, ASAS 20/40,
Improvement was defined according to each author's criteria as decrease in morning stiffness, active joints, tender enthesal count and ESR, improvement in
functional capacity (CHAQ and/or BASFI). Also tools used in improvement assessment were ACR ped, BASDAI, JADAS 10, ASAS. inactive disease and remission
Katsicas and Russo Pediatric Rheumatology (2016) 14:17 Page 5 of 8
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multiple adult SpA trials. Moreover, both peripheral
arthritis and enthesitis, two important therapeutic tar-
gets in JSpA, appear to be responsive to TNFαinhibition
The ACR recommendations for the treatment of JIA
do not address JSpA as a distinct category, but provide a
dedicated strategy for children with sacroiliitis. It is rec-
ommended to use a TNFαinhibitor early for patients
with axial involvement who exhibit radiographic damage
(defined as erosions or joint space narrowing), and mod-
erate or high disease activity (meeting one or two of the
following: erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) or C-
reactive protein greater than twice upper limit of nor-
mal, physician global assessment of overall disease activ-
ity 7 of 10 or patient/parent global assessment of
overall well-being 4 of 10) [60]. The treatment of
enthesitis was omitted from the 2011 recommendations
due to the lack of sufficient supporting evidence. Ac-
cording to these recommendations, in the presence of
low disease activity and lack of radiographic damage,
TNFαinhibitors should be used only after MTX or
Sulfasalazine have proven ineffective for at least
3 months. In patients with active peripheral arthritis but
no active sacroiliitis, treatment with anti-TNF therapy is
recommended only after a 3 to 6 months-long MTX
treatment has proven to be ineffective [60].
Several drawbacks actually limit the acquisition and
use of sound evidence for the development of specific
recommendations for the treatment of JSpA. Specific
disease outcome measures have not been usually used in
therapeutic trials performed in a pediatric population.
Moreover, assessment of enthesitis has seldom been in-
cluded. The Juvenile Spondyloarthtris Disease Activity
Index still needs to be prospectively validated in a large
international cohorts [61]. Also, the design of prospect-
ive trials should include more homogeneous cohorts,
larger sample size, longer observation periods, controlled
use of concomitant medications, and probably inclusion
of patients with early disease. Also, clear definitions of
active/inactive disease, flare, and remission in JSpA are
The spondyloarthropathies are a diverse group of arthriti-
des, classically involving large joints of the lower extrem-
ities, axial joints and entheses. There is evidence for a
pathogenetic role of pro-inflammatory cytokines, espe-
cially TNF-α, in the pathogenesis of JSpA. IL-1, IL-6, and
IL-17 may also play a meaningful pahogenetic role.
Anti-TNF agents have proven to be effective and safe
for the treatment of JSpA in uncontrolled and controlled
trials. Other biologic agents have not been formally
tested in JSpA, but could be useful in particular cases.
There are currently no treatment recommendations
for JSpA. Evidence does favor the early use of anti-TNF
agents in patients with JSpA with active axial involve-
ment or MTX-refractivity. In the coming years, a deeper
understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms involved
in JSpA may provide scientific evidence for other effect-
ive therapies, such as IL-17 inhibitors.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Both authors have contributed in: conception, design, and revising it
critically before publication. Both authors read and approved the final
Received: 28 September 2015 Accepted: 7 March 2016
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... The nomenclature and concept of spondyloarthropathies has changed over the past few decades. Though there is no any specific classification of juvenile spondyloarthropathies, diseases related to the nomenclature of spondyloarthropathies in young patients involve: the seronegative enthesitis and arthropathy, juvenile ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease-associated arthritis [47]. ...
... Katsikas et al. provide data on the pathogenetic role of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially TNF-α, in the pathogenesis of juvenile spondyloarthropathies. Besides, authors suggest that interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-17 (IL-17) also play a significant pathogenetic role in these diseases [47]. ...
Reactive arthritis is an aseptic inflammatory arthritis that is associated with intestinal, urogenital, and nasopharyngeal infections, and represents a systemic clinical presentation of these infections. Reactive arthritis among children still remains an issue in pediatric rheumatology. The variety of the clinical manifestations makes it difficult to diagnose and detect reactive arthritis. Moreover, there is a risk that reactive arthritis without a proper treatment can lead to chronic destructive joint diseases. As the articles’ analysis has shown, this topic in pediatrics has been neglected over the past 10 years. Thus, the paper presents data on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnosis of this disease, as well as recommendations for further studies.
... The nomenclature and concept of spondyloarthropathies has changed over the past few decades. Though there is no any specific classification of juvenile spondyloarthropathies, diseases related to the nomenclature of spondyloarthropathies in young patients involve: the seronegative enthesitis and arthropathy, juvenile ankylosing spondylitis, reactive arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease-associated arthritis [47]. ...
... Katsikas et al. provide data on the pathogenetic role of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially TNF-α, in the pathogenesis of juvenile spondyloarthropathies. Besides, authors suggest that interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interleukin-17 (IL-17) also play a significant pathogenetic role in these diseases [47]. ...
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Reactive arthritis is an aseptic inflammatory arthritis that is associated with intestinal, urogenital, and nasopharyngeal infections, and represents a systemic clinical presentation of these infections. Reactive arthritis among children still remains an issue in pediatric rheumatology. The variety of the clinical manifestations makes it difficult to diagnose and detect reactive arthritis. Moreover, there is a risk that reactive arthritis without a proper treatment can lead to chronic destructive joint diseases. As the articles' analysis has shown, this topic in pediatrics has been neglected over the past 10 years. Thus, the paper presents data on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and diagnosis of this disease, as well as recommendations for further studies.
... Recently, treatment recommendations for JIA patients have been published by the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and it is recommended not to use methotrexate as a monotherapy for children with sacroiliitis [6]. In recent years, anti TNF agents have demonstrated an impressive efficacy on ERA [22]. Sustained efficacy of etanercept over 2 years has been reported in ERA patients [23]. ...
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Objective: Enthesitis-related arthritis is a subtype of juvenile idiopathic arthritis category, characterized by enthesitis, arthritis, and the risk of axial involvement. We aimed to summarize the demographics, clinical, and laboratory findings of enthesitis-related arthritis patients and to identify the distinguishing features of enthesitis-related arthritis patients with HLA B27 positive compared to the patients who were HLA B27 negative. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study included patients with Enthesitis-related arthritis who followed up between 2015 and 2018. Demographical, clinical, and laboratory data were retrospectively reviewed from the patient files and computerized medical charts. Results: A total of 72 patients diagnosed with enthesitis-related arthritis were included in the study. The male/female ratio was 2.1/1. Fifty-three (73%) of them presented with peripheral arthritis. The most commonly affected joint was knee (81.1%), followed by the ankle (43%), hips (32%), and wrist (5%). HLA B27 was positive in 36 (50%) patients. During follow-up, the number of patients who developed enthesitis-related arthritis -associated uveitis was 8 (11.1%). During follow-up, 56 patients with inflammatory back pain and/or sacroiliac tenderness underwent spinal MRI. Ten (17.8%) patients had only thoracal and/or lumbar involvement, 18 (32%) had only sacroiliitis, and 9 (16%) patients had both of them on spinal MRI. In comparison with HLA-B27-negative children, HLA-B27-positive patients were more likely to have enthesitis (16 (44.4%) vs 8 (22.2%), p=0.046), MRI proven sacroiliitis (19 (52.7%) vs 8 (22.2%), p=0.031), MRI proven spinal involvement (13 (36.1%) vs 6 (16.6%), p=0.031), and uveitis (8 (100%) vs 0(0%), p=0.014). During follow up, 65/72 (90.2 %) of them needed disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARD), and 51/72 (70.8%) needed anti-tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) therapy. Conclusion: We found that patients who were HLA-B27- positive had significantly more enthesitis, MRI-proven sacroiliitis, MRI-proven spinal involvement, and acute anterior uveitis, in comparison to patients who were HLA B27 negative. It is crucial to carefully assess those patients with concern for enthesitis-related arthritis to determine the expected prognosis and make therapeutic decisions appropriately.
... Tocilizumab, a humanized antihuman IL-6 receptor antibody that inhibits IL-6 activity, is already an effective treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis and other rheumatological diseases (68)(69)(70). As IL-6 levels were elevated in many patients with PIMS, a targeted approach was conducted in several patients. ...
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Globally, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), appeared to have a milder clinical course in children compared to adults. As severe forms of COVID-19 in adults included an aberrant systemic immune response, children with chronic systemic inflammatory diseases were cautiously followed. No evidence for a specific susceptibility was identified in this pediatric population. European and US Pediatricians started to notice cases of myocarditis, sharing some features with toxic shock syndrome, Kawasaki disease, and macrophage activation syndrome in otherwise healthy patients. Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) and Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS) have designated this new entity in the US and Europe, respectively. The spectrum of severity ranged from standard hospitalization to pediatric intensive care unit management. Most patients had a clinical history of exposure to COVID-19 patients and/or SARS-COV2 biological diagnosis. Clinical presentations include fever, cardiac involvement, gastro-intestinal symptoms, mucocutaneous manifestations, hematological features, or other organ dysfunctions. The temporal association between the pandemic peaks and outbreaks of PIMS seems to be in favor of a post-infectious, immune-mediated mechanism. Thus, SARS-CoV2 can rarely be associated with severe systemic inflammatory manifestations in previously healthy children differently from adults highlighting the specific need for COVID-19 research in the pediatric population.
... The standard dose of the drug is 3-6 mg/kg/4-8 weeks (maximum dose 200 mg). It is indicated for the treatment of various pediatric inflammatory disorders such as JIA, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, plaque psoriasis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and uveitis etc. 1,13,23,[34][35][36] Additionally, the frequency of severe and opportunistic infections were unremarkable in studies among patients treated with infliximab. However, allergic reactions during the intravenous (IV) infusion of infliximab appear to be slightly more common compared to other TNF blockers. ...
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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common rheumatic disease in childhood. The disease is divided in different subtypes based on main clinical features and disease course. Emergence of biological agents targeting specific pro-inflammatory cytokines responsible for the disease pathogenesis represents the revolution in the JIA treatment. Discovery and widespread usage of biological agents have led to significant improvement in JIA patients' treatment, with evidently increased functionality and decreased disease sequel. Increased risk of infections remains the main discussion topic for years. Despite the slightly increased frequency of upper respiratory tract infections reported in some studies, the general safety of drugs is acceptable with rare reports of severe adverse effects (SAEs). Tuberculosis (TBC) represents the important threat in regions with increased TBC prevalence. Therefore, routine screening for TBC should not be neglected when prescribing and during the follow-up of biological treatment. Malignancy represents a hypothetical complication that sometimes causes hesitations for physicians and patients in its prescription and usage. On the other hand, current reports from the literature do not support the increased risk for malignancy among JIA patients treated with biological agents. A multidisciplinary approach including a pediatric rheumatologist and an infectious disease specialist is mandatory in the follow- up of JIA patients. Although the efficacy and safety of biological agents have been proven in different studies, there is still a need for long-term, multicentric evaluation providing relevant data.
... The spondyloarthritis (SpA) is a group of heterogeneous, immune-mediated, inflammatory arthritic diseases commonly affecting sacroiliac joints, spine, entheses and peripheral joints. This frequently occurring chronic rheumatic diseases (SpA) is known to have a strong association with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA-B27) [1,2] . According to The Assessment in SpondyloArthritis International Society (ASAS) criteria, SpA is classified as axial (nr-axial and axial) and peripheral SpA. ...
Objectives: To compare the demographic and clinical characteristics of juvenile onset refractory spondyloarthritis (JOSpA) with a group of adult-onset refractory spondyloarthritis (AOSpA) patients. Methods: In this real-life, cross-sectional study, a total of 215 SpA patients (refractory to two NSAIDs and/or DMARDs) were enrolled following ASAS classification criteria from a rheumatology center in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Based on age, the patients were divided into JOSpA group and AOSpA group for analysis. The patients’ demographics, quality of life, laboratory and clinical characteristics were compared and analyzed between the two groups using chisquare and independent sample t-test. Results: Among 215 patients, 57 (53 males, 4 females) were in JOSpA group, and 158 (126 males, 32 females) were in AOSpA group. Most patients were male in both groups (P=0.02). The mean age at diagnosis for JOSpA and AOSpA were 27.68±9.5 and 40.28±10 years respectively (P=0.00), and mean age at onset of disease in JOSpA and AOSpA were 12.33±3.62 and 29.58±96.5 years respectively. The mean disease duration was 15.36±9.3 months in JOSpA compared to 10.70±7.1 months in AOSpA group (P=0.00). Sixteen (28.1%) JOSpA and 9 (5.7%) AOSpA patients were undernourished, (P=0.00). On the contrary, obesity was more prevalent in AOSpA patients (41.1%) than those in JOSpA patients (21.1%) (P=0.00). There were significant differences in mean haemoglobin (11.38±1.7 and 10.94±1.3 g/dl) (P=0.05) and mean serum creatinine (0.94±0.2 and 0.86±0.2 mg/dl) (P=0.03) levels in AOSpA and JOSpA groups respectively. HLA-B27 was done in 20 JOSpA and 61 AOSpA patients. Among them, 19 (95%) were positive in JOSpA and 55 (90.16%) were positive in AOSpA groups. Similarly, hips involvement was higher in JOSpA group 19 (33.3%) compared to the AOSpA group 21 (13.3%) (P=0.004). Significant differences were observed in mean disease activity parameters, patient global assessment (PGA) (7.86±1.2 vs 7.38±1.4, P=0.02), ASDAS-CRP (4.60±0.8 vs 4.33±0.9, P=0.05), and ASDAS-ESR (4.49±0.8 vs 4.17±1.0, P=0.02) in JOSpA and AOSpA groups respectively. The modified Stoke AS Spinal Score (mSASSS) in AOSpA group was higher (24.18±17.22) than that of JOSpA group (17.10±9.6) (P=0.00). Conclusions: In JOSpA patients, under nutrition, hip involvement, longer disease duration, uveitis, PGA, low Hb level and ASDAS-ESR disease activity scores were higher. On the contrary in AOSpA group, male gender, married subjects, obesity, higher creatinine level and mSASSS scores were higher. J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2020; 38(2): 79-85
Background: Currently, there are 9 states across the United States that do not have a pediatric rheumatologist, including the state of Montana. Patients in these states are often cared for by outreach clinics staffed by pediatric rheumatology (PR) providers from other states or looked after by in-state adult rheumatologists or in-state primary care providers. Methods: Using a web-based survey, we determined barriers and potential solutions to PR referrals from referring providers (including primary care providers and subspecialists) in Montana state. Results: Eighty-five Montana referring providers responded, with 44% being pediatric physicians and 33% being family medicine physicians. Other respondents were adult rheumatologists, pediatric and family medicine advanced practice providers, orthopedic surgeons, and pediatric subspecialists. Eighty-five percent of providers had previously referred a patient to PR. Referring providers rated difficulty referring MT patients to PR as 27 (on a linear numeric scale of 0-100, with 0 being very difficult) and noted lack of access to local pediatric rheumatologist as the most significant barrier to referral. The top patient barrier as perceived by 95% of providers was travel time. Potential solutions to improve care included presence of local pediatric rheumatologist with 50 miles, development of algorithms for common PR complaints, and outreach clinics. Conclusion: Referring providers in Montana report difficulty in referring to PR, with lack of access and travel time being key barriers. Improving access through expanding local PR workforce and increasing access through outreach clinics may help reduce these barriers.
Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is a blanket term encompassing entities such as enthesitis-related arthritis, nonradiographic axial SpA, and ankylosing spondylitis. These diseases share many clinical features, including a predilection for inflammation of the entheses and the sacroiliac joints. The nomenclature is based on the evolution of the classification of the disease and the age of the patient. SpA has a prevalence of approximately 1% of the population of the United States, with 10% to 20% of patients experiencing the onset during childhood. Children with onset of arthritis before age 16 years are classified as having juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Children with enthesitis and/or sacroiliitis are further classified as belonging to the enthesitis-related arthritis subtype of juvenile idiopathic arthritis. The initial manifestations can be subtle and will usually include a peripheral pattern of arthritis and enthesitis. It may take several years for axial disease to develop in children. Except for an association with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA-B27) serotype, there are no laboratory markers for the disease, and the radiographic findings are often negative. A careful clinical evaluation for evidence of inflammation in the entheses and the joints and a search for comorbidities are required. Magnetic resonance imaging facilitates the early detection of sacroiliitis, an important feature that may be clinically silent. Because recent studies indicate that earlier introduction of therapy can help achieve better outcomes, rapid identification and treatment of children with SpA is essential.
Unter dem Begriff juvenile Spondyloarthritis wird eine Gruppe entzündlicher Krankheiten von Achsenskelett und peripheren Gelenken zusammengefasst, denen bestimmte Merkmale, wenn auch in wechselnder Häufigkeit, gemein sind. Diese Merkmale umfassen z. B. eine Entzündung der Gelenke des Achsenskeletts und/oder der peripheren Gelenke mit Arthritis, Enthesitis oder Daktylitis. Typisch ist eine Assoziation zu HLA B27 oder eine positive Familienanamnese für Spondylarthritis, Psoriasisarthritis, chronisch-entzündliche Darmerkrankungen und bestimmte extraartikuläre Manifestationen. Nach klinischen und radiologischen Kriterien werden verschiedene Krankheitsbilder unterschieden. In der ILAR-Klassifikation der juvenilen idiopathischen Arthritis werden Kinder und Jugendliche mit Spondylarthritis je nach bestehenden Merkmalen als Enthesitis-assoziierte Arthritis, Psoriasisarthritis oder undifferenzierte Arthritis kategorisiert, da auch die Psoriasisarthritis zu den Spondyloarthritiden gezählt wird.
Résumé Objectif : une meilleure connaissance du parcours de soins des patients atteints d’arthrite juvénile idiopathique (AJI) est nécessaire. L’objectif de cette étude était de décrire et d’analyser la période écoulée entre l’apparition des symptômes et la première consultation en rhumatologie pédiatrique (RP) ainsi que le parcours de soins d’enfants présentant une AJI incidente dans deux centres de compétence français. Méthodes : entre octobre 2009 et octobre 2017, les nouveaux patients atteints d’AJI ont été inclus dans la cohorte des arthrites juvéniles idiopathiques de l’Observatoire Auvergne-Loire. Nous avons collecté les données relatives au parcours de soins, à l’apparition des symptômes et aux résultats biologiques et cliniques de la première évaluation dans le service de RP. Résultats : Au total 111 enfants ont été inclus. Le délai médian avant la première consultation de RP était de 3,3 mois [intervalle interquartile (IQR) 1,3-10,7] et présentait une différence significative selon le sous-type d’AJI. Après exclusion des cas d’AJI systémique, la survenue des symptômes à un âge plus avancé et la présence d’une enthésite ou de douleurs articulaires ont été associées de manière significative à un délai plus long avant la première consultation de RP ; à l’inverse, la présence de gonflement articulaire ou de boiterie et des anomalies de la VS ou de la CRP ont été associées à un délai plus court. Le nombre médian de praticiens consultés était de 3 [IQR 3-4]. Les enfants avaient été adressés à un centre de RP par un orthopédiste dans 64 % des cas, un pédiatre dans 50 % des cas, un urgentiste dans 27 % des cas et un médecin généraliste dans 25 % des cas. Même si l’AJI non systémique n’est pas une urgence, 45 % des enfants ont été orientés vers un service d’urgences. Conclusion : bien que court par comparaison avec d’autres pays, le délai jusqu’à la première consultation de RP reste trop long. Les rhumatologues pédiatres doivent proposer une formation élémentaire sur l’AJI aux médecins de premier recours et organiser un accès direct rapide à un service de RP pour chaque suspicion d’AJI.
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Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of etanercept (ETN) in paediatric subjects with extended oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (eoJIA), enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA), or psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Methods CLIPPER is an ongoing, Phase 3b, open-label, multicentre study; the 12-week (Part 1) data are reported here. Subjects with eoJIA (2–17 years), ERA (12–17 years), or PsA (12–17 years) received ETN 0.8 mg/kg once weekly (maximum 50 mg). Primary endpoint was the percentage of subjects achieving JIA American College of Rheumatology (ACR) 30 criteria at week 12; secondary outcomes included JIA ACR 50/70/90 and inactive disease. Results 122/127 (96.1%) subjects completed the study (mean age 11.7 years). JIA ACR 30 (95% CI) was achieved by 88.6% (81.6% to 93.6%) of subjects overall; 89.7% (78.8% to 96.1%) with eoJIA, 83.3% (67.2% to 93.6%) with ERA and 93.1% (77.2% to 99.2%) with PsA. For eoJIA, ERA, or PsA categories, the ORs of ETN vs the historical placebo data were 26.2, 15.1 and 40.7, respectively. Overall JIA ACR 50, 70, 90 and inactive disease were achieved by 81.1, 61.5, 29.8 and 12.1%, respectively. Treatment-emergent adverse events (AEs), infections, and serious AEs, were reported in 45 (35.4%), 58 (45.7%), and 4 (3.1%), subjects, respectively. Serious AEs were one case each of abdominal pain, bronchopneumonia, gastroenteritis and pyelocystitis. One subject reported herpes zoster and another varicella. No differences in safety were observed across the JIA categories. Conclusions ETN treatment for 12 weeks was effective and well tolerated in paediatric subjects with eoJIA, ERA and PsA, with no unexpected safety findings.
Background Secukinumab is an anti–interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody that has been shown to control the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis in a phase 2 trial. We conducted two phase 3 trials of secukinumab in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis. Methods In two double-blind trials, we randomly assigned patients to receive secukinumab or placebo. In MEASURE 1, a total of 371 patients received intravenous secukinumab (10 mg per kilogram of body weight) or matched placebo at weeks 0, 2, and 4, followed by subcutaneous secukinumab (150 mg or 75 mg) or matched placebo every 4 weeks starting at week 8. In MEASURE 2, a total of 219 patients received subcutaneous secukinumab (150 mg or 75 mg) or matched placebo at baseline; at weeks 1, 2, and 3; and every 4 weeks starting at week 4. At week 16, patients in the placebo group were randomly reassigned to subcutaneous secukinumab at a dose of 150 mg or 75 mg. The primary end point was the proportion of patients with at least 20% improvement in Assessment of Spondyloarthritis International Society (ASAS20) response criteria at week 16. Results In MEASURE 1, the ASAS20 response rates at week 16 were 61%, 60%, and 29% for subcutaneous secukinumab at doses of 150 mg and 75 mg and for placebo, respectively (P<0.001 for both comparisons with placebo); in MEASURE 2, the rates were 61%, 41%, and 28% for subcutaneous secukinumab at doses of 150 mg and 75 mg and for placebo, respectively (P<0.001 for the 150-mg dose and P=0.10 for the 75-mg dose). The significant improvements were sustained through 52 weeks. Infections, including candidiasis, were more common with secukinumab than with placebo during the placebo-controlled period of MEASURE 1. During the entire treatment period, pooled exposure-adjusted incidence rates of grade 3 or 4 neutropenia, candida infections, and Crohn’s disease were 0.7, 0.9, and 0.7 cases per 100 patient-years, respectively, in secukinumab-treated patients. Conclusions Secukinumab at a subcutaneous dose of 150 mg, with either subcutaneous or intravenous loading, provided significant reductions in the signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis at week 16. Secukinumab at a subcutaneous dose of 75 mg resulted in significant improvement only with a higher intravenous loading dose. (Funded by Novartis Pharma; numbers, NCT01358175 and NCT01649375.)
Objective: To provide evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and nonradiographic axial spondyloarthritis (SpA). Methods: A core group led the development of the recommendations, starting with the treatment questions. A literature review group conducted systematic literature reviews of studies that addressed 57 specific treatment questions, based on searches conducted in OVID Medline (1946-2014), PubMed (1966-2014), and the Cochrane Library. We assessed the quality of evidence using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) method. A separate voting group reviewed the evidence and voted on recommendations for each question using the GRADE framework. Results: In patients with active AS, the strong recommendations included use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), use of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) when activity persists despite NSAID treatment, not to use systemic glucocorticoids, use of physical therapy, and use of hip arthroplasty for patients with advanced hip arthritis. Among the conditional recommendations was that no particular TNFi was preferred except in patients with concomitant inflammatory bowel disease or recurrent iritis, in whom TNFi monoclonal antibodies should be used. In patients with active nonradiographic axial SpA despite treatment with NSAIDs, we conditionally recommend treatment with TNFi. Other recommendations for patients with nonradiographic axial SpA were based on indirect evidence and were the same as for patients with AS. Conclusion: These recommendations provide guidance for the management of common clinical questions in AS and nonradiographic axial SpA. Additional research on optimal medication management over time, disease monitoring, and preventive care is needed to help establish best practices in these areas.