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Electron spin resonance insight into broadband absorption of the Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br metamagnet

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AIP Advances

Abstract and Figures

Metamagnets, which exhibit a transition from a low-magnetization to a high-magnetization state induced by the applied magnetic field, have recently been highlighted as promising materials for controllable broadband absorption. Here we show results of a multifrequency electron spin resonance(ESR) investigation of the Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br planar metamagnet on the kagome lattice. Its mixed antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic phase is stabilized in a finite range of applied fields around 0.8 T at low temperatures and is characterized by enhanced microwave absorption. The absorption signal is non-resonant and its boundaries correspond to two critical fields that determine the mixed phase. With decreasing temperature these increase like the sublattice magnetization of the antiferromagnetic phase and show no frequency dependence between 100 and 480 GHz. On the contrary, we find that the critical fields depend on the magnetic-field sweeping direction. In particular, the higher critical field, which corresponds to the transition from the mixed to the ferromagnetic phase, shows a pronounced hysteresis effect, while such a hysteresis is absent for the lower critical field. The observed hysteresis is enhanced at lower temperatures, which suggests that thermal fluctuations play an important role in destabilizing the highly absorbing mixed phase.
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AIP ADVANCES 6, 056210 (2016)
Electron spin resonance insight into broadband
absorption of the Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br metamagnet
A. Zorko,1,aM. Gomilšek,1M. Pregelj,1M. Ozerov,2,bS. A. Zvyagin,2
A. Ozarowski,3V. Tsurkan,4,5 A. Loidl,4and O. Zaharko6
1Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova c. 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
2Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf,
01328 Dresden, Germany
3National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee,
Florida 32310, USA
4Experimental Physics V, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Institute
of Physics, University of Augsburg, D-86135 Augsburg, Germany
5Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Science of Moldova,
MD-2028 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
6Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging, Paul Scherrer Institute,
CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
(Presented 12 January 2016; received 6 November 2015; accepted 21 December 2015;
published online 3 March 2016)
Metamagnets, which exhibit a transition from a low-magnetization to a high-
magnetization state induced by the applied magnetic field, have recently been
highlighted as promising materials for controllable broadband absorption. Here we
show results of a multifrequency electron spin resonance (ESR) investigation of
the Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br planar metamagnet on the kagome lattice. Its mixed anti-
ferromagnetic/ferromagnetic phase is stabilized in a finite range of applied fields
around 0.8 T at low temperatures and is characterized by enhanced microwave
absorption. The absorption signal is non-resonant and its boundaries correspond to
two critical fields that determine the mixed phase. With decreasing temperature these
increase like the sublattice magnetization of the antiferromagnetic phase and show
no frequency dependence between 100 and 480 GHz. On the contrary, we find that
the critical fields depend on the magnetic-field sweeping direction. In particular,
the higher critical field, which corresponds to the transition from the mixed to the
ferromagnetic phase, shows a pronounced hysteresis eect, while such a hysteresis
is absent for the lower critical field. The observed hysteresis is enhanced at lower
temperatures, which suggests that thermal fluctuations play an important role in
destabilizing the highly absorbing mixed phase. C2016 Author(s). All article content,
except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Unported License. []
Broadband absorption of electromagnetic radiation that spans over several decades in fre-
quency is a material’s property that is highly praised in modern electronics. Its applications include
RF/microwave filtering,1optical signal processing,2,3electromagnetic interference shielding,4,5etc.
The common weakness of materials that are used nowadays is a rather narrow absorption range,
typically covering only a few decades in frequency.4Moreover, the absorption of these materials
is in general not controllable via external stimuli. In this respect, the recently discovered control-
lable broadband absorption in metamagnets is a very promising phenomenon that pledges novel
functionality of these materials.6
aAuthor to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic address:
bPresent address: FELIX Laboratory, Radboud University, 6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2158-3226/2016/6(5)/056210/6 6, 056210-1 ©Author(s) 2016
056210-2 Zorko et al. AIP Advances 6, 056210 (2016)
Metamagnets are magnetic materials that undergo a magnetic-field induced phase transition
from a state with low magnetization [typically an antiferromagnetic (AFM) state] into a state with
high magnetization [typically a ferromagnetic (FM) state].7Because of demagnetization fields, the
AFM-FM transition is often more complicated, as an intermediate mixed phase a phase where
both the AFM and FM phases coexist is stabilized in a finite field range.7,8Due to various possible
AFM-FM domain configurations8a broad excitation spectrum of the mixed phase is anticipated.
Indeed, it has been recently demonstrated that in the Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br planar metamagnet the
range of excitations, i.e. absorption, extends over at least ten decades in frequency (from 100 Hz to
a few hundreds of GHz).6Importantly, as the broadband absorption is limited to the mixed phase of
the material, it is thus controllable by the external magnetic field.6
The mineral francisite9Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br features two-dimensional pseudo-kagome layers
of Cu2+S=1/2 spins.10 These are coupled by competing nearest-neighbor FM and next-nearest
neighbor AFM exchange interactions within the layers, as well as by an additional, much weaker
AFM coupling between adjacent layers.11 In zero magnetic field the compound undergoes Néel
ordering at TN=27.4 K, where a canted, non-collinear ferrimagnetic spin arrangement within
individual layers alternates antiferromagnetically between neighboring layers.11 Such a complicated
order is a consequence of competing intralayer exchange interactions and is stabilized by magnetic
anisotropy of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya type.12 Magnetic fields perpendicular to the layers that
exceed 0.8 T (at TTN) induce FM order of neighboring layers.11 In a finite field range around
the mean transition field a mixed AFM/FM phase exists.6It is stabilized by the demagnetization
field of the FM component compensating for any increase of the external field and thus resulting
in a constant total internal magnetic field until a homogeneous FM order is established. Therefore,
its width is determined by the sample shape and is typically of the order of 0.1 T for plate-like
samples.6The mixed phase is characterized by strong absorption, as detected through an enhanced
imaginary part of the magnetic susceptibility in the kHz range (ac susceptibility measurements) and
in the GHz range (electron spin resonance measurement).6In order to further characterize the highly
absorbing mixed phase, to determine the dependence of the critical fields on the frequency, and
to study possible hysteresis eects, we performed a comprehensive electron spin resonance (ESR)
All measurements were performed on the same single crystal samples as the ones used in
our previous study.6A typical sample dimension was 3 ×2×0.2 mm3. The samples were grown
at 500–550C by a chemical-transport-reaction method with bromine as the transport agent, using
powders prepared by a solid-state reaction.
The ESR experiments were performed on custom-made transmission-type ESR spectrome-
ters14,15 at the High Magnetic Field Laboratory at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf,
Germany and at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, USA. The investiga-
tions were conducted in the temperature range 2.3 35 K and frequency range 100 480 GHz in
the Faraday configuration, with the applied magnetic field perpendicular to the kagome layers. The
standard field-modulation technique was used to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio.
A typical ESR spectrum recorded in the magnetically ordered state of Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br is
shown in the inset of Fig. 1. It consists of several components. At 240 GHz and 5 K a sharp signal is
centered around 0.8 T, while two much broader components are found at 1.8 T and 3.0 T, the latter
being by far the most dominant in intensity. With decreasing frequency the two broad components
shift to higher fields, while the position of the narrow component remains unchanged (Fig. 1).
Clearly, the origin of the narrow and the broad components is dierent, which is also indicated by
the dierent ESR signal phase of these components (inset in Fig. 1).
The broad ESR components represent FM resonance modes, which were studied before by Wang
et al.13 However, their study was limited to frequencies in the range 300 490 GHz, therefore, only the
056210-3 Zorko et al. AIP Advances 6, 056210 (2016)
FIG. 1. The frequency-field diagram of Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br showing various dierent modes (dierent symbols). Open
symbols represent measurements at 2 K published in Ref. 13, while solid symbols are new measurements performed at
5 K. The vertical dashed lines show the boundaries of the highly absorbing mixed phase characterized by a non-resonant
absorption mode. The solid lines go through the positions on the dominant FM resonance mode in both sets of branches. The
inset shows the derivative ESR absorption spectrum with three spectral components (arrows), as recorded at 240 GHz and
5 K.
modes where the frequency increases by increasing magnetic field could be detected. Our measure-
ments reveal new FM resonance branches at ν < 300 GHz. At these frequencies we observe one
dominant mode and additional weaker modes. This is similar to observations in Ref. 13, where four
dierent branches were observed at ν > 300 GHz, again one being by far the most dominant in
intensity. The multiple resonance modes can be due to dierent sublattices having slightly dierent
exchange anisotropies,13 or due to surface anisotropy of ferromagnets, which can cause additional
modes with slightly dierent energies.16
The main focus of this paper is on the sharp ESR component, which represents a non-resonant
absorption mode. There is no dependence of this mode on frequency, as found in the entire fre-
quency range (100 480 GHz) of our investigation (Figs. 2and 3). The critical fields B1and B2,
which we define as the lower and the higher borders of the absorption signal, respectively, exhibit
temperature dependence resembling that of an order parameter of the AFM phase (Fig. 3) and
coincide with the boundaries of the mixed AFM/FM phase of the investigated compound.6The
FIG. 2. A collection of non-resonant absorption spectra recorded at 20 K and at various frequencies. Each spectrum is oset
vertically by the valued of the corresponding frequency. The vertical lines show the lower B1and the upper B2critical fields,
corresponding the the boundaries of the highly absorbing mixed phase in Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br.
056210-4 Zorko et al. AIP Advances 6, 056210 (2016)
FIG. 3. The temperature dependence of the lower B1and the upper B2critical fields in Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br at two selected
frequencies behaving like an order parameter of the AFM phase. The solid lines are a guide to the eye.
absorption properties of this phase are notably dierent from the properties of the two neighboring
homogeneous phases and results in the observed non-resonant mode.
In order to better characterize the transition from the AFM into the mixed phase at B1and
from the mixed into the FM phase at B2we measured the non-resonant absorption signal upon
sweeping the magnetic field up and down. A pronounced hysteresis is found in the value of the
higher critical field B2, which depends significantly on the direction of the field sweep (Fig. 4).
Moreover, this hysteresis eect is strongly temperature dependent. It corresponds to a 2.0% increase
of B2in the sweep-up experiment compared to the sweep-down experiment at 20 K, while this
dierence increases to 5.5% at 5 K (Fig. 5). At this temperature the total field width of the mixed
phase is as much as 30% larger when increasing the field than when decreasing it. In contrast,
within experimental errorbars there is no hysteresis observed in the lower critical field B1(Fig. 4) at
either of the two temperatures.
Our ESR investigation of Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br thus confirms that the first-order transition from
the low-field AFM phase into the high-field FM state is spread over a range of applied fields,
which defines the mixed AFM/FM phase that is highly absorptive. Both boundaries shows an AFM
order-parameter-like temperature dependence. Any hysteresis eects are absent in the value of B1,
as expected on the border between the AFM phase and the mixed phase with the FM-phase fraction
FIG. 4. The frequency dependence of both critical fields at two temperatures (separated by the dashed line). The direction of
the field sweep in the experiments is indicated by vertical arrows.
056210-5 Zorko et al. AIP Advances 6, 056210 (2016)
FIG. 5. The hysteresis of the upper critical field between the mixed and the ferromagnetic phase for experimental field sweep
up and down at two selected temperatures. The horizontal lines indicate the average value.
being zero at this field. On the contrary, the transition from the mixed phase into the FM phase
at the critical field B2shows a hysteresis. Its presence is unlikely related to usual mechanisms
encountered in FM materials, where the hysteresis corresponds to changing domain structure in
multiple-domain ferromagnets or reorientation eects in single-domain ferromagnets. Moreover,
the width of the hysteresis is not proportional to the value of the magnetization in the FM phase,6as
the former increases with decreasing temperature much more profoundly. This experimental obser-
vation suggests that thermal fluctuations play an important role in destabilizing the mixed phase. At
higher temperatures, where these are more pronounced, the mixed phase is less stable to increasing
magnetic field, the history eect becomes less important and, consequently, the hysteresis in B2
tends to decrease.
In summary, we performed a systematic ESR study of the Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br metamagnet,
focusing on the non-resonant absorption that is associated with the mixed AFM/FM phase of this
material. Our multifrequency experiments have shown that the enhanced absorption in this phase
is frequency independent in the entire region of our investigation (100 - 480 GHz). Moreover, we
found that the phase boundary between the high-field FM phase and the mixed phase shows a
hysteresis eect, while the boundary between the mixed and the low-field AFM phase does not.
The hysteresis is suppressed by temperature, implying that thermal fluctuations may play a role in
eectively destabilizing the mixed phase. This should be considered in any future modeling of the
mixed phase of Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br and thus in the ultimate search of a microscopic mechanism of
enhanced absorption of metamagnets.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Slovenian Research Agency (Program No. P1-0125
and Project BI-US/14-15-039), the Swiss National Science Foundation (SCOPES project IZ73Z0_15
2734/1), and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Germany) and HLD at HZDR, member
of the European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL). NHMFL is supported by the NSF through the
cooperative agreement DMR-1157490, the State of Florida and the Department of Energy.
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... Mineral francisite [Cu 3 Bi(SeO 3 ) 2 O 2 X; X = Cl/Br] are recently in the focus of intensive research due to their scientific and technological utilities [9][10][11][12][13][14]. The presence of competing interactions, such as FM intralayer exchange and AFM interlayer coupling, makes the magnetic properties of francisites interesting. ...
... Namely, the mixed phase stabilized in vicinity of metamagnetic transition at B = 0.8 T below T N possesses an enhanced microwave absorption. This absorption is non-resonant showing no frequency dependence in the range 100-480 GHz [27]. ...
The kagome lattice of copper ions in francisite-type compounds is quite sensitive to external stimuli, being easily affected by temperature and magnetic field. The rare-earth ions inserted between buckled layers of transition metal add new dimension to magnetism in these systems. Neodymium francisites, Cu3Nd(SeO3)2O2X (X = Cl, Br), experience long range magnetic order at TN = 34 K (Cl) or 35.2 K (Br) and spin reorientation transition at TR = 4 K (Cl) or 4.6 K (Br) marked by sharp anomalies in magnetization M, specific heat Cp, and optical spectra. The spin reorientation of Cu²⁺ ions is due to d-f interaction of transition and rare-earth magnetic subsystems. Under action of modest external field B < 2 T both compounds exhibit metamagnetic phase transition, largely hysteretic in case of Cl compound at T < TR.
... Many research groups contributed to the studies of the microscopic magnetic structure of the synthetic francisites. These fruitful structural, electromagnetic, and optical studies combined with the theoretical calculations resulted in discoveries of some interesting features of the francisite-like compounds [49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61]. Thus, a structural transition was detected in Cu 3 Bi(SeO 3 ) 2 O 2 Cl, but surprisingly it was not observed in Cu 3 Bi(SeO 3 ) 2 O 2 Br. ...
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The problem of searching for low-dimensional magnetic systems has been a topical subject and has attracted attention of the chemistry and physics community for the last decade. In low-dimensional magnetic systems, magnetic ions are distributed anisotopically and form different groups such as dimers, chains, ladders, or planes. In 3D frameworks, the distances between magnetic ions are equal in all directions while in low-dimensional systems the distances within groups are different from those between groups. The main approach of searching for desired systems is a priori crystal chemical design expecting the needed distribution of transition metal ions in the resulting structure. One of the main concepts of this structural design is the incorporation of the p-element ions with stereochemically active electron pairs and ions acting as spacers in the composition. Transition metal selenite halides, substances that combine SeO32− groups and halide ions in the structure, seem to be a promising object of investigation. Up to now, there are 33 compounds that are structurally described, magnetically characterized, and empirically tested on different levels. The presented review will summarize structural peculiarities and observed magnetic properties of the known transition metal selenite halides. In addition, the known compounds will be analyzed as possible low-dimensional magnetic systems.
... While a few theoretical studies of this interesting magnetic behavior were reported recently [8,12], and a peculiar field-dependent microwave absorption over several decades in frequency was observed experimentally [13,14], one crucial aspect of kagome francisites re- mains unresolved. Millet et al. [9] speculated on the presence of a structural phase transition around 100 − 150 K for both Cl and Br compounds, and Miller et al. [11] indeed observed additional vibration frequencies below 115 K in the Cl compound, but they were unable to detect any clear signatures of this putative transition in a diffraction experiment. ...
Density-functional calculations of lattice dynamics and high-resolution synchrotron powder diffraction uncover antiferroelectric distortion in the kagome francisite Cu$_3$Bi(SeO$_3$)$_2$O$_2$Cl below 115K. Its Br-containing analogue is stable in the room-temperature crystal structure down to at least 10K, although the Br compound is on the verge of a similar antiferroelectric instability and reveals local displacements of Cu and Br atoms. The I-containing compound is stable in its room-temperature structure according to density-functional calculations. We show that the distortion involves cooperative displacements of Cu and Cl atoms, and originates from the optimization of interatomic distances for weakly bonded halogen atoms. The distortion introduces a tangible deformation of the kagome spin lattice and may be responsible for the reduced net magnetization of the Cl compound compared to the Br one. The polar structure of Cu$_3$Bi(SeO$_3$)$_2$O$_2$Cl is only slightly higher in energy than the non-polar antiferroelectric structure, but no convincing evidence of its formation could be obtained.
... The metamagnetic phase transition found in both compounds at T < T N is of practical significance since it is associated with broadband absorption of electromagnetic radiation that spans over several decades in frequency. This property is highly praised in modern electronics (Zorko et al. 2016 Springer Nature journal content, brought to you courtesy of Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH ("Springer Nature"). Springer Nature supports a reasonable amount of sharing of research papers by authors, subscribers and authorised users ("Users"), for smallscale personal, non-commercial use provided that all copyright, trade and service marks and other proprietary notices are maintained. ...
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The formation of long-range magnetic order at low temperatures was established in francisite—type compounds Cu3La(SeO3)2O2X (X = Br and Cl) through measurements of magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat and X-band electron spin resonance. The significantly enhanced critical index p = 1.0 ± 0.1 in Cu3La(SeO3)2Br and p = 0.8 ± 0.1 in Cu3La(SeO3)2Cl in the temperature dependence of the width of ESR signal evidence the reduced dimensionality of the kagome-type francisite’s magnetic subsystem. Under action of external magnetic field, the presumably non-collinear six-sublattices antiferromagnetic structure of these compounds experiences the first-order metamagnetic transformation. The B–T magnetic phase diagrams were established from the positions of singularities in temperature and field dependences of thermodynamic properties. Contrary to pristine mineral Cu3Bi(SeO3)2Cl, no signature of structural phase transition was detected.
The rare‐earth (RE) counterparts of francisite mineral Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl demonstrate strong interplay between d‐ and f‐magnetic subsystems and interesting magnetic properties, including multiferroicity. Here we present an optical spectroscopic study of a new member of the RE‐francisite family, dysprosium francisite, Cu3Dy(SeO3)2O2Cl. We use the inherent property of the Kramers degeneracy to be lifted by a magnetic field to study the magnetic and thermodynamic properties of the crystal. The splitting of the spectral lines corresponding to f–f transitions in the Dy3+ Kramers ion unambiguously points to the magnetic ordering of the crystal at a temperature of TN = 39 K. We have estimated the value of the single‐ion anisotropy of the Dy3+ ion, it dominates the magnetic anisotropy of the copper subsystem. The specific behavior of the spectral lines in the vicinity of TN clearly indicates low‐dimensional magnetism and the interaction between the magnetic and charge degrees of freedom in Cu3Dy(SeO3)2O2Cl, i.e., the multiferroicity, previously reported in the literature for Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
A study of Nd based cuprate francisite (NdCufr) is fascinating due to the presence of competing magnetic interactions in this geometrically frustrated layered compound, and Ni doping helps in tailoring these interactions. Here, Ni doped NdCufr is synthesized to compare its magnetic properties with pristine and Co doped NdCufr. Structural (x-ray diffraction, XRD), electronic (x-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy, XANES, and extended x-ray absorption fine structure, EXAFS), and magnetic (temperature dependent magnetization, M–T; field dependent magnetization, M–B) properties are investigated. The XRD, XANES, and EXAFS measurement data show a perfect crystal structure and confirm the merit of doping. A comprehensive comparison for examining the role of Co and Ni in modulation with ferromagnetic–antiferromagnetic interaction strength is presented. A crucial interplay of intra- and interlayer couplings, along with f–d interaction, effectively describes the tuning of Neel temperature (T N ) and M–B. Detailed processes of field induced metamagnetic transition around the spin-flip ordering field (B SF ), which is equal to that of the critical field (B C ) and doping induced ferromagnetism, are addressed considering the relative spin orientations of magnetic elements and energy level splitting schemes, respectively. It is found that the studied compound is magnetically superior to the compared compounds.
Optical spectroscopy of the f-f transitions in the non-Kramers Ho³⁺ ion was performed in a wide temperature range, from 4 K to room temperature, to study magnetic properties of the francisite-like holmium compound Cu3Ho(SeO3)2O2Cl. Despite the absence of symmetry doublets of the Ho³⁺ ion, its quasi-doublets were found, which are split in the exchange field acting on holmium ions in the magnetically ordered state of the crystal under study. From the splittings, the temperature of magnetic ordering was found, TN = 38 K. Two quasi-doublets of Ho³⁺ ion, namely, the ground and the first excited ones, with the energy gap 25 cm⁻¹, contribute to the low-temperature magnetism of Cu3Ho(SeO3)2O2Cl. The energy structure of crystal-field levels of the ground multiplet ⁵I8 of the holmium ion was investigated, and the contribution of the rare-earth ion to the heat capacity of Cu3Ho(SeO3)2O2Cl was calculated.
The synthesis of new geometrically frustrated layered systems has fueled experimental work and progress in building models of low-dimensional magnetism. Compounds with the structure of the francisite mineral, Cu 3 Bi(SeO 3 ) 2 O 2 Cl, are quasi-two-dimensional antiferromagnets with a kagome-type lattice. With the dominant ferromagnetic interaction in the layer and a weak interlayer antiferromagnetic bond, the main noncollinear state of francisite is easily destroyed by an external magnetic field, which opens the possibility of reversible switching between states with the minimum and maximum possible magnetization. In the region of metamagnetic transition, multiferroelectric effects and broadband absorption of electromagnetic waves are observed. The implantation of rare-earth ions R into the Bi position is accompanied by spin-reorientation phase transitions in Cu 3 R (SeO 3 ) 2 O 2 X compounds, where X = Cl, Br.
Specific heat C, thermal conductivity κ, dielectric permittivity ε, electric polarization P, and Raman scattering experiments are performed on Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2X (X=Br,Cl) single crystals. The Cl compound undergoes a structural phase transition at T*∼115K evident in C(T), ɛ(T), and κ(T) and accompanied by the appearance of unique phonon lines in Raman scattering. No evident structural changes are detected in the Br compound. At T<T*, a very weak polarization loop with a P∥c axis is observed in the Cl compound. Both compounds order antiferromagnetically at comparable temperatures TN∼25K marked by sharp λ-type singularities. For T<TN, an intensive mode of magnetic origin appears in both compounds. At the lowest temperatures, the energy of this mode is in good agreement with both the magnon excitation observed in infrared spectroscopy and the spin gap found recently in inelastic neutron scattering of the Cl compound.
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Anisotropic magnetic properties of a layered kagome-like system Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br have been studied by bulk magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurements as well as powder and single-crystal neutron diffraction. At TN=27.4 K the system develops an alternating antiferromagnetic order of (ab) layers, which individually exhibit canted ferrimagnetic moment arrangement, resulting from the competing ferro- and antiferro-magnetic intralayer exchange interactions. A magnetic field BC∼0.8 T applied along the c axis (perpendicular to the layers) triggers a metamagnetic transition, when every second layer flips, i.e., resulting in a ferrimagnetic structure. Significantly higher fields are required to rotate the ferromagnetic component towards the b axis (∼7 T) or towards the a axis (∼15 T). The estimates of the exchange coupling constants and features indicative of an XY character of this quasi-2D system are presented.
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Terahertz (THz) transmission spectra have been measured as function of temperature and magnetic field on single crystals of Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br. In the time-domain THz spectra without magnetic field, two resonance absorptions are observed below the magnetic ordering temperature T_N~27.4 K. The corresponding resonance frequencies increase with decreasing temperature and reach energies of 1.28 and 1.23 meV at 3.5 K. Multi-frequency electron spin resonance transmission spectra as a function of applied magnetic field show the field dependence of four magnetic resonance modes, which can be modeled as a ferromagnetic resonance including demagnetization and anisotropy effects.
Francisite is a new copper bismuth oxy-chloro selenite from Iron Monarch, South Australia. The new mineral occurs as radiating clusters of bright green bladed crystals up to 0.25 mm in length. The crystals are elongated along [010], and the principal forms are {100}, {011}, and {101}. Associated with francisite are barite, chlorargyrite, muscovite, native bismuth, naumannite, djurleite, and a number of poorly characterized selenides of Bi, Ag, and Cu. Francisite appears to have formed as a result of hydrothermal alteration of the selenide and sulfide minerals. The simplified formula is close to Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Cl. The mineral is transparent and has a pale green streak. The estimated Mohs hardness is 3-4, and Dcalc = 5.42 gm/cm3. The crystal structure and the results of single crystal studies and X-ray powder diffraction are reported. -after Authors
Materials with broad absorption bands are highly desirable for electromagnetic filtering and processing applications, especially if the absorption can be externally controlled. Here, a new class of broadband-absorption materials is introduced. Namely, layered metamagnets exhibit an electromagnetic excitation continuum in the magnetic-field-induced mixed ferro- and anti­ferromagnetic phase. Employing a series of complementary experimental techniques involving neutron scattering, muon spin relaxation, specific heat, ac and dc magnetization measurements, and electron magnetic resonance, a detailed magnetic phase diagram of Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2Br is determined and it is found that the excitations in the mixed phase extend over at least ten decades of frequency. The results, which reveal a new dynamical aspect of the mixed phase in metamagnets, open up a novel approach to controllable microwave filtering.
We investigate the antiferromagnetic canting instability of the spin-1/2 kagome ferromagnet, as realized in the layered cuprates Cu$_3$Bi(SeO$_3)_2$O$_2$X (X=Br, Cl, and I). While the local canting can be explained in terms of competing exchange interactions, the direction of the ferrimagnetic order parameter fluctuates strongly even at short distances on account of frustration which gives rise to an infinite ground state degeneracy at the classical level. In analogy with the kagome antiferromagnet, the accidental degeneracy is fully lifted only by non-linear 1/S corrections, rendering the selected uniform canted phase very fragile even for spins-1/2, as shown explicitly by coupled-cluster calculations. To account for the observed ordering, we show that the minimal description of these systems must include the microscopic Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions, which we obtain from density-functional band-structure calculations. The model explains all qualitative properties of the kagome francisites, including the detailed nature of the ground state and the anisotropic response under a magnetic field. The predicted magnon excitation spectrum and quantitative features of the magnetization process call for further experimental investigations of these compounds.
Synthetic analogues of francisite, a mineral of complex formula Cu3Bi(SeO3)2O2X with X = Cl, Br, I, have been obtained by solid state reaction. Contrary to the previous structure description, the framework can be better described as formed of copper(II)–oxygen layers linked together in the [001] direction by long bismuth–oxygen bonds. These layers are formed by a hexagonal network of [CuO4] square plane sharing apices whose geometry is reminiscent of a Kagomé type lattice. Preliminary magnetic susceptibility measurements performed on the X = Cl and Br compounds have revealed ferromagnetic-like behaviour below Tc ≈ 24 K. Linear birefringence and X-band Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) data are also presented.
This is a review of the physical properties of metamagnets. These are antiferromagnets which, upon the application of a magnetic field, can undergo first-order magnetic phase transitions to a state with a relatively large magnetic moment. The treatments of mean field theory describing these materials are reviewed, as are the treatments of more modern theories. The experimental properties of the known metamagnets are discussed, with emphasis on the variety of means by which the metamagnetic transitions have been observed and studied. For some materials, there have been studies of the tricritical behaviour, and a discussion of the experimental results of these studies is given, along with a comparison of the results with the present theory.
In antiferromagnetically coupled superlattices with perpendicular anisotropy an applied magnetic-bias field stabilizes specific multidomain states, so-called metamagnetic domains. A phenomenological theory developed in this paper allows to derive the equilibrium sizes of metamagnetic stripe and bubble domains as functions of the antiferromagnetic exchange, the magnetic-bias field, and the geometrical parameters of the multilayer. The magnetic-phase diagram includes three different types of metamagnetic domain states, namely, multidomains in the surface layer and in internal layers, also mixed multidomain states may arise. Experimental investigations have been carried out for a [Co/Pt]/Ru superlattice consisting of N=18 antiferromagnetically coupled ferromagnetic blocks with X=7,8,9 Co/Pt bilayers, each, and in another system with N=10 and X=5. Magnetization curves and magnetic-force-microscopy images for [Co/Pt]/Ru superlattices provide detailed information on the magnetization reversal during the metamagnetic reorientation.
A lightweight graphene foam composite with a density of 0.06 g/cm(3) is developed. It shows a EMI shielding effectiveness of 30 dB and specific shielding effectiveness of 500 dB·cm(3) /g, which surpasses the best values of metals and other carbon-based composites. In addition, the excellent flexibility of this foam composite gives it a stable EMI shielding performance under repeated bending.