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Odonate Nymphs: Generalist Predators and Their Potential in the Management of Dengue Mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)


Abstract and Figures

Background: Dengue is amongst the most serious mosquito-borne infectious disease with hot spots in tropical and subtropical parts of the world. Unfortunately, no licensed vaccine for the disease is currently available in medicine markets. The only option available is the management of dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae). Method: Predatory potential of five odonate nymphs namely Anax parthenope, Bradinopyga geminate, Ischnura forcipata, Rhinocypha quadrimaculata, and Orthetrum sabina were evaluated against the 4(th) instar larvae of the dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti, under laboratory conditions. The consumption of the mosquito larvae was evaluated at three water volume levels viz., 1 liter, 2 liter and 3 liter. Results: The number of Ae. aegypti larvae consumed varied significantly among the five species, and at different levels of water volume (P< 0.01). However, the interaction between odonate nymphs and the water volumes was statistically non-significant (P> 0.05). Ischnura forcipata consumed the highest number of Ae. aegypti larvae (n=56) followed by A. parthenope (n=47) and B. geminate (n=46). The number of larvae consumed was decreased with increasing search area or water volume, and the highest predation was observed at 1-liter water volume. Conclusion: The odonate nymphs could be a good source of biological agents for the management of the mosquitoes at larval stages.
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J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2016, 10(2): 253258 W Akram and HA Ali-Khan: Odonate Nymphs:
Published Online: January 05, 2016
Short Communication
Odonate Nymphs: Generalist Predators and their Potential in the
Management of Dengue Mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Waseem Akram 1,*Hafiz Azhar Ali-Khan 2
1Department of Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
2Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
(Received 18 Nov 2013; accepted 15 Nov 2014)
Background: Dengue is amongst the most serious mosquito-borne infectious disease with hot spots in tropical and
subtropical parts of the world. Unfortunately, no licensed vaccine for the disease is currently available in medicine
markets. The only option available is the management of dengue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Diptera:
Method: Predatory potential of five odonate nymphs namely Anax parthenope,Bradinopyga geminate,Ischnura
forcipata,Rhinocypha quadrimaculata, and Orthetrum sabina were evaluated against the 4th instar larvae of the den-
gue vector mosquito, Aedes aegypti, under laboratory conditions. The consumption of the mosquito larvae was eval-
uated at three water volume levels viz., 1 liter, 2 liter and 3 liter.
Results: The number of Ae. aegypti larvae consumed varied significantly among the five species, and at different
levels of water volume (P< 0.01). However, the interaction between odonate nymphs and the water volumes was
statistically non-significant (P> 0.05). Ischnura forcipata consumed the highest number of Ae. aegypti larvae (n=56)
followed by A. parthenope (n=47) and B. geminate (n=46). The number of larvae consumed was decreased with in-
creasing search area or water volume, and the highest predation was observed at 1-liter water volume.
Conclusion: The odonate nymphs could be a good source of biological agents for the management of the mosquitoes
at larval stages.
Keywords: Biological control, Dragonflies, Damselflies, Mosquitoes, Dengue vectors
Dengue is amongst the most serious mos-
quito-borne infectious disease with hot spots
in tropical and subtropical parts of the world.
Unfortunately, no licensed vaccine for the
disease is currently available in medicine mar-
kets (Kovendan et al. 2012). The only option
available is the management of the mosqui-
to, Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae), which
is a vector of deadly diseases like dengue
fever, chikungunya and yellow fever (Khan
and Akram 2013). Different chemical measures
such as indoor residual sprays, larviciding,
insecticide treated bed nets and fogging are
prioritized for the management of dengue
mosquitoes worldwide (Zia et al. 2012), how-
ever, these measures are linked with serious
environmental concerns like the development
of insecticide resistance and environmental
pollution (Bilal et al. 2012). Moreover, recent
reports on the development of insecticide
resistance in different mosquito species in-
cluding dengue vector mosquitoes (Khan et
al. 2011, Rathore et al. 2013) stress the need
to explore alternate measures. Naturally, oc-
curring aquatic predators have been assumed
a significant ecological factor in regulating
different mosquito species. For example, the
predators such as amphibians (Ohba et al.
2010), copepods (Marten and Reid 2007),
crustaceans (Su and Mulla 2002), odonates
(Mandal et al. 2008), water bugs (Aditya et al.
2004), wolf spiders (Futami et al. 2008) and
*Corresponding author: Dr Hafiz Azhar Ali-Khan,
J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2016, 10(2): 253258 W Akram and HA Ali-Khan: Odonate Nymphs:
Published Online: January 05, 2016
backswimmers (Rodriguez-Castro et al. 2006)
have shown their tendency to feed on and
regulate different mosquito species in aquat-
ic habitats like ponds and paddy fields
(Kweka et al. 2011).
Of these stated predators, odonates
(Insecta: Odonata) have been explored less
for their predatory potential both in the
Asian and world perspective (Mandal et al.
2008). To the best of authors’ knowledge,
aquatic predators, particularly odonate nymphs
have not been explored to much extent
against mosquitoes in Pakistan. The odonate
nymphs usually co-exist with many mosquito
species immatures, and their long nymphal
stage (1 year or more) and competitive pred-
atory ability (Corbet 1980), offer a good op-
portunity to use them as biological agents.
Therefore, the present study focused on
the comparative evaluation of predatory po-
tential of the different odonate nymphs
against the larvae of Ae. aegypti. The results
presented provide a baseline for the field ex-
periments, and possibility to include these
predators in environment friendly manage-
ment plans for the mosquito control.
Materials and Methods
A field collected population of Ae.
aegypti from Lahore (31° 32 59 N; 74° 20′
37 E) was reared under laboratory conditions
(25± 2oC, 65± 5% RH) as described previ-
ously (Khan et al. 2011). Briefly, the mos-
quito larvae and adults were collected from
artificial containers and natural habitats and
reared in the laboratory by standard rearing
procedures. The larvae were reared in steel
trays approximately 3 inch deep and fed on
Tetramin (artificial diet) until the adults
emerged. Early-instar naiads/nymphs of five
odonate species (Insecta: Odonata) namely
Anax parthenope (Family Aeshnidae), Bra-
dinopyga geminate (Libellulidae), Ischnura
forcipata (Coenagrionidae), Rhinocypha quad-
rimaculata (Chlorocyphidae), and Orthetrum
sabina (Libellulidae) were collected from
ponds and rice fields by using aquatic dip
nets. The nymphs were identified by fol-
lowing Fraser (1933), Anjum (1997) and
Nesemann et al. (2011), and were kept in
distilled water under the laboratory condi-
tions. Before predation experiments, the
nymphs were provided Chironomid larvae
for feeding.
A feeding bioassay was performed by
following the methodology of Mandal et al.
(2008) with some modifications. Before
starting the experiment, the nymphs were
starved for a period of 6 hours. A single
nymph of each odonate species was intro-
duced into water bowl (4-liter capacity)
containing distilled water and one hundred
4th instar larvae of Ae. aegypti. The con-
sumption rate of the nymphs was evaluated
at three different water levels viz., 1 liter, 2
liter and 3 liter, and the number of mosquito
larvae consumed was noted after 24 h of the
introduction of the nymphs into the bowl.
The experiment was replicated at six differ-
ent times, using the new nymphs and mos-
quito larvae.
All the data on consumption rate by the
odonate nymphs at three different water lev-
els were analyzed by 2-way analysis of vari-
ance using the software Statistix 8.1v (Ana-
lytical software 2005) and means were com-
pared with the least significant difference
test. P< 0.005 was considered signifant.
The number of Ae. aegypti larvae con-
sumed varied significantly among the five
species of odonate nymphs (F= 144.30, df=
4, 75, P<0.001 ), and at different levels of
water volume (F= 18.32, df= 2, 75, P< 0.001).
However, the interaction between odonate
nymphs and the water volumes was statisti-
cally non-significant (F= 0.32, df= 8, 75, P=
J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2016, 10(2): 253258 W Akram and HA Ali-Khan: Odonate Nymphs:
Published Online: January 05, 2016
0.96). Ischnura forcipata consumed the high-
est amount of Ae. aegypti larvae (55.89)
followed by A. parthenope (47.22) and B.
geminate (46.06) (Fig. 1). The number of
larvae consumed by different odonate spe-
cies was decreased with increasing search
area or water volume. The highest consump-
tion of the larvae was observed at 1 liter
water volume (46.90) followed by 2 liter
(44.56) and 3 liter (42.27) volumes (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1. Rate of consumption of 4th instar Aedes aegypti larvae by different odonate nymphs
Fig. 2. Cumulative effect of different different water volumes on the consumption rate of 4th instar Aedes aegypti
larvae by different odonate nymphs
J Arthropod-Borne Dis, June 2016, 10(2): 253258 W Akram and HA Ali-Khan: Odonate Nymphs:
Published Online: January 05, 2016
In the present study, predatory potential
of five different odonate nymphs has been
evaluated. The predator-prey relationship
could have a significant impact in an ecosys-
tem by affecting population dynamics and
energy flow through food webs. Predators
could affect prey populations directly through
preyconsumption (Khan et al. 2012).The only
mosquito species, which have been investi-
gated in the present study, is Ae. aegypti.
Recently this species along with Ae.
albopictus played havoc in different parts of
Pakistan. To manage these pests different
measures have been adopted with the major
focus on chemical control. Resultantly, oc-
currence of field evolved resistance in mos-
quitoes and other public health pests have
been reported which stressed the need to ex-
plore alternate management tools (Khan et
al. 2011, Khan et al. 2013).
In the present study, predatory potential
of five different odonate nymphs has been
evaluated. The results showed that the nymphs
were able to consume Ae. aegypti voracious-
ly, however, increasing the volume of water
had a negative effect on the consumption
rate, perhaps due to the evasion tactics of the
mosquito larvae (Bhattacharjee et al. 2009).
Since Ae. aegypti mosquitoes usually lay
eggs and complete immature stages in small
water volumes (Vezzani et al. 2005), the find-
ings of the study are of worth importance.
Previously, some researchers have evaluated
the potential of odonate species against dif-
ferent mosquito species (Mandal et al. 2008,
Kweka et al. 2011) but such studies are rare
in Pakistan. Our results are in agreement with
those of Mandal et al. (2008) who evaluated
different species of odonates against Cx.
quinquefasciatus and found that I. forcipata
was the most voracious feeder of the mos-
quito larvae. They further reported that the
volume of the water had a negative impact
on predation efficiency.
The negative effect of increasing water
volume has also observed with hemipteran
bug species (Saha et al. 2008) and lar-
vivorous fish species (Ghosh et al. 2005,
Bhattacharjee et al. 2009). With increasing
water volume, the aquatic predators possibly
required more time to search, capture and
ultimately consume the mosquito larvae
(Ghosh et al. 2006). In Myanmar (Sebastian
et al. 1990) and India (Mandal et al. 2008)
the augmentative releases of different odonate
species have regulated Ae. aegypti and Cx.
quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, respectively. The
lengthened developmental time of odonate
nymphs (i.e. 1 year or more from egg to
adult) and predation ability (Corbet 1980)
provide an opportunity to use these predators
in the management plans designed for Ae.
Keeping in view the high consumption
rate of the larvae per 24 h, these predators
could be assumed to feed on a good number
of Ae. aegypti larvae during their long nym-
phal stage. Although the species used in the
present study varied in their consumption
rate, all of the species could be considered
for inclusion in the management plan. How-
ever, there is a need to explore the predatory
potential of the species in the field and in
different ecological zones.
The authors declare that there is no con-
flict of interests.
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... Os adultos são terrestres/aéreos, responsáveis pela dispersão e reprodução através da postura dos ovos na vegetação ao redor do corpo d'água ou diretamente na água, enquanto as ninfas, também chamadas de náiades, representam o estádio aquático (SUBRAMANIAN, 2015). O período de vida das libélulas varia de acordo com a espécie, sendo que o estádio ninfal é o de maior duração, podendo durar de dois meses até dois anos, enquanto que os insetos adultos tendem a viver de três a seis meses (RAMÍREZ, 2010; JUNIOR-ERTHAL, 2011).Em relação ao seu hábito alimentar, são considerados predadores altamente eficientes, uma vez que são aptos de consumirem até 14% do seu peso, consumindo desde mosquitos, moscas, besouros, vespas, abelhas, pernilongos e até mesmo outras libélulas(GULLAN & CRANSTON, 2012).As ninfas de libélulas se alimentam preferencialmente de invertebrados aquáticos encontrados em seus habitats naturais, incluindo estádios larvais do A. aegypti e mesmo na fase adulta esses insetos continuam sendo predadores das larvas do mosquito, conforme descrito na literatura(MURUNGAN et al., 2015;WETERINGS et al., 2015;AKRAM;ALI- KHAN, 2016;SAMANMALI et al., 2018; CARVALHO et al., 2020). ...
... Os adultos são terrestres/aéreos, responsáveis pela dispersão e reprodução através da postura dos ovos na vegetação ao redor do corpo d'água ou diretamente na água, enquanto as ninfas, também chamadas de náiades, representam o estádio aquático (SUBRAMANIAN, 2015). O período de vida das libélulas varia de acordo com a espécie, sendo que o estádio ninfal é o de maior duração, podendo durar de dois meses até dois anos, enquanto que os insetos adultos tendem a viver de três a seis meses (RAMÍREZ, 2010; JUNIOR-ERTHAL, 2011).Em relação ao seu hábito alimentar, são considerados predadores altamente eficientes, uma vez que são aptos de consumirem até 14% do seu peso, consumindo desde mosquitos, moscas, besouros, vespas, abelhas, pernilongos e até mesmo outras libélulas(GULLAN & CRANSTON, 2012).As ninfas de libélulas se alimentam preferencialmente de invertebrados aquáticos encontrados em seus habitats naturais, incluindo estádios larvais do A. aegypti e mesmo na fase adulta esses insetos continuam sendo predadores das larvas do mosquito, conforme descrito na literatura(MURUNGAN et al., 2015;WETERINGS et al., 2015;AKRAM;ALI- KHAN, 2016;SAMANMALI et al., 2018; CARVALHO et al., 2020). ...
... Freshwater fish (Cyprinidae and Poeciliidae), salamander larvae (Ambystomatidae), dragonfly larvae (Aeshnidae), and backswimmers (Notonectidae) are effective predators of mosquito larvae (Russell et al., 2022). In particular, dragonfly larvae are often found to be efficient predators (Akram and Ali-Khan, 2016;Kumar et al., 2008;Ramlee et al., 2022), and the Great Lakes coastal wetlands provide benthic habitat for dragonflies, among other macroinvertebrates of the order Odonata (Angradi et al., 2017). Fish are among the largest predators of mosquitoes, and predator size has been shown to correlate with ingestion rate (Peters, 1983). ...
... A. parthenope, P. flavescens, and I. senegalensis are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics. The nymphs of these species live in a variety of freshwater and brackish waters, including lakes, bogs, seepages, rivers, and springs (Akram and Ali-Khan, 2016;Cao et al., 2018). In this study it was observed that many adult dragonflies laid their eggs in shrimp ponds during the period from June to October each year, which indicated that dragonfly nymphs were indeed adaptable to the environment of the shrimp culture water. ...
... In the case of macroinvertebrates, they play an important role in maintaining equilibrium in aquatic environments (Ramírez and Gutiérrez-Fonseca, 2014). As a result, several researchers have analyzed the efficiency of odonates as biological control agents in several ecosystems (Akram and Ali-Khan, 2016). These insects are also important for ecosystem trophic networks, as they are part of the diet of birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians (Abdul, 2017). ...
Full-text available
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Odonate larvae play an important role in macroinvertebrate trophic networks and are excellent indicators of wetland quality. However, despite their ecological importance, research on odonates and how they interact with their environment is scarce. This study aims to assess macroinvertebrate composition as a determinant of larval abundance in Miathyria marcella (Odonata: Anizoptera: Libellulidae). METHODS: In total, 29 samples were collected from six wetlands with different types of hydrological influence using standardized invertebrate sampling techniques in Atlántico, a department located in northern Colombia. Standardized invertebrate sampling techniques were used at 29 sampling points. Obtained data were used to analyze invertebrate abundance and a non-parametric multidimensional scaling analysis was applied. In addition, a correlation analysis was conducted between macroinvertebrate composition and Miathyria marcella larval abundance. FINDINGS: A total of 2586 larvae and 12925 individual macroinvertebrates were collected, distributed across 25 orders and 58 families. The most abundant orders were Neotaenioglossa (26 percent), Odonata (15 percent) Calanoida (10 percent) and Diptera (8 percent). Heatmap and scaling analysis indicated different macroinvertebrate compositions in the sampled wetlands. It was found a high positive correlation between Miathyria marcella and the orders Odonata (R 2 = 0.84, p-value ≤ 0.05), Coleoptera (R 2 = 0.52, p-value ≤ 0.05), Basommatophora (R 2 = 0.60, p-value ≤ 0.05), and Hemiptera (R 2 = 0.50, p-value ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the abundance of Miathyria marcella responds to the accompanying macroinvertebrates, the composition of which depends on the type of hydrological influence. Assessment approaches that focus on the relationships between macroinvertebrate taxa are important conservation tools for biodiversity assessment. Results from this study will serve as a baseline to propose monitoring and follow-up strategies for environmental sustainability in wetlands in this region.
... Due to predatory role against mosquito larvae, they have gained attention for their use in ecofriendly control of mosquitoes (Mitra, 2006). To the best of author knowledge, very few studies have been conducted on the predatory ability of odonate nymphs against mosquito larvae (Mandal et al., 2008;Akram and Ali-Khan, 2016). During the present study, the predatory ability of one species of damselfly (order Odonata, sub order Zygoptera) i.e., Ischnura elegans (Vander Linden, 1820) and five species of dragonfly (order Odonata, sub order Anisoptera) i.e., Trithemis aurora (Burmeister, 1839), Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798), Libellula fulva (Muller, 1764), Sympetrum decoloratum (Selys, 1884) and Crocothemis servilia (Drury, 1770) were studied against Culex quinquefasciatus larvae under laboratory conditions during the day and night times. ...
Ilahi et al.: The role of odonate nymphs in ecofriendly control of mosquitoes and sensitivity of odonate nymphs to inorganic nutrient pollutants-6171-APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 17(3): 6171-6188. Abstract. During the present research, the predatory efficiency of nymphs of six coexisting odonate species i.e., I. elegans, T. aurora, P. flavescens, L. fulva, S. decoloratum and C. servilia was studied by using the 3 rd instar larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus as prey. Among the odonate species, there was observed variation in the daily feeding rate. The highest number of mosquito larvae was ingested by the P. flavescens nymph (47.0 ± 5.1 mosquito larvae/day). The predation performance of the odonate nymph was also compared between the day and night times. The feeding rate of nymphs of most odonate species was significantly higher during the daytime as compared to night-time (P ≤ 0.05). During the present research, feeing rates of odonate nymphs on Cx. quinquefasciatus 3 rd instar larvae were also studied under varied condition of prey and predator density and water volume. Feeding rate of nymphs of each odonate species was positively correlated with increase in predator and prey density but was negatively correlated with increase in water volume. During the present research, odonate nymphs i.e., I. elegans, T. aurora and P. flavescens were exposed to various concentration of NH4 + and NO3-in the laboratory for seven days. Nymph of P. flavescens species was found least sensitive to both, NH4 + and NO3-. From the findings of the present research it was concluded that P. flavescens species is more efficient predator of Cx. quinquefasciatus 3 rd instar larvae and is highly resistant to increasing water level of NH4 + and NO3.
... In the case of macroinvertebrates, they play an important role in maintaining equilibrium in aquatic environments (Ramírez and Gutiérrez-Fonseca, 2014). As a result, several researchers have analyzed the efficiency of odonates as biological control agents in several ecosystems (Akram and Ali-Khan, 2016). These insects are also important for ecosystem trophic networks, as they are part of the diet of birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians (Abdul, 2017). ...
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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Odonate larvae play an important role in macroinvertebrate trophic networks and are excellent indicators of wetland quality. However, despite their ecological importance, research on odonates and how they interact with their environment is scarce. This study aims to assess macroinvertebrate composition as a determinant of larval abundance in Miathyria marcella (Odonata: Anizoptera: Libellulidae). METHODS: In total, 29 samples were collected from six wetlands with different types of hydrological influence using standardized invertebrate sampling techniques in Atlántico, a department located in northern Colombia. Standardized invertebrate sampling techniques were used at 29 sampling points. Obtained data were used to analyze invertebrate abundance and a non-parametric multidimensional scaling analysis was applied. In addition, a correlation analysis was conducted between macroinvertebrate composition and Miathyria marcella larval abundance. FINDINGS: A total of 2586 larvae and 12925 individual macroinvertebrates were collected, distributed across 25 orders and 58 families. The most abundant orders were Neotaenioglossa (26 percent), Odonata (15 percent) Calanoida (10 percent) and Diptera (8 percent). Heatmap and scaling analysis indicated different macroinvertebrate compositions in the sampled wetlands. It was found a high positive correlation between Miathyria marcella and the orders Odonata (R 2 = 0.84, p-value ≤ 0.05), Coleoptera (R 2 = 0.52, p-value ≤ 0.05), Basommatophora (R 2 = 0.60, p-value ≤ 0.05), and Hemiptera (R 2 = 0.50, p-value ≤ 0.05). CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the abundance of Miathyria marcella responds to the accompanying macroinvertebrates, the composition of which depends on the type of hydrological influence. Assessment approaches that focus on the relationships between macroinvertebrate taxa are important conservation tools for biodiversity assessment. Results from this study will serve as a baseline to propose monitoring and follow-up strategies for environmental sustainability in wetlands in this region.
... Strategies for the biological control of mosquito vectors should aim to reduce mosquitoborne disease incidence while preserving biodiversity and preventing toxic effects on ecosystems (Becker et al., 2010). Studies have demonstrated successful control of Ae. aegypti using a variety of natural predators, including fish (Pamplona et al., 2004;Cavalcanti et al., 2007;Becker et al., 2010), amphibians (Blum et al., 1997), shrimp (Coelho et al., 2017), copepods (Marten and Reid, 2007), odonates (Fincke et al., 1997;Akram and Ali-Khan, 2016), and other aquatic invertebrate species (Becker et al., 2010;Bellamy and Alto, 2018). Predators can exert these effects either directly via prey reduction from consumption (e.g. ...
Biological control is one of the methods available for control of Aedes aegypti populations. We used experimental microcosms to evaluate the effects of actual predation and predation risk by dragonfly larvae (Odonata) on larval development, adult longevity, and adult size of Ae. aegypti . We used six treatments: control, removal, variable density cues (Cues VD), fixed density cues (Cues FD), variable density predator (Predator VD), and fixed density predator (Predator FD) ( n = 5 each). Predator treatments received one dragonfly larva. Cue treatments were composed of crushed Ae. aegypti larvae released into the microcosm. For the FD treatments, we maintained a larval density of 200 individuals. The average mortality of Ae. aegypti larvae in the Predator VD treatment was used as the standard mortality for the other treatments. Mosquitoes from the Predator VD and Cues VD treatments developed faster, and adults were larger and had greater longevity compared to all other treatments, likely due to the higher food availability from larval density reduction. High larval density negatively affected larval developmental time, adult size, and longevity. Males were less sensitive to density-dependent effects. Results from this study suggest that the presence of predators may lead to the emergence of adult mosquitoes with greater fitness, causing an overall positive effect on Ae. aegypti population growth rates.
... The mean larval predation of the most aggressive predator, notonectids, was highest at 1L volume of water. A previous study also documented that the number of consumed larvae decreased with increasing search area or water volume, and the highest predation was observed at 1L water volume [465,466]. Increasing the volume of water had a negative effect on the predation rate, perhaps due to the evasion tactics of the mosquito larvae [247,440,467]. ...
... Various studies have reported the mosquitocidal potential of plant n-hexane extracts against mosquito vectors (Kamaraj et al., 2009;Cheah et al., 2013). Similarly reports on the bio-control efficacy of different species of odonate nymphs Akram and Ali-Khan, 2016) and on the dytiscid beetles Culler and Lamp, 2009) against mosquitoes are also available. However, such reports on these plants and predator species are limited. ...
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The present study aims to evaluate the efficacy of n-hexane extracts of two medicinal plants, Artemisia scoparia and Anisomeles indica against larvae, pupae and adults of Culex quinquefasciatus. The study also evaluated the predatory effects of the diving beetle, Agabus cybister, against various instar larvae of Cx. quinquefasciatus. Bioassay of whole-plant extracts was performed following WHO methods, with slight modifications. LC 50 values for A. scoparia and A. indica against early fourth instar larvae were 360.4 and 971.1 ppm, respectively. LC 50 values for pupae were 1665 and 2838 ppm for A. scoparia and A. indica extracts, respectively. Percent knockdown after 1 h exposure was 49.0 for A. scoparia. KDT 50 and KDT 90 values for A. scoparia were 69.7 and 763.5 min, respectively. LC 50 values for A. scoparia and A. indica against adult mosquitoes were 0.266 and 3.364 per cent respectively. A linear relationship was found between extract concentration and mosquitocidal activity. Regarding predatory control, it was found that during a 12-hour laboratory study, A. cybister consumed 10 exposed larvae. Under field conditions, introduction of predator decreased the larval density from 141.7 to 71 in 15 days. In conclusion, these plants and predator may be useful in controlling mosquito populations in an eco-friendly way.
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The risks of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus nuisance and vector‐borne diseases are rising and the adverse effects of broad‐spectrum insecticide application have promoted species‐specific techniques, such as sterile insect technique (SIT) and other genetic strategies, as contenders in their control operations. When specific vector suppression is proposed, potential effects on predators and wider ecosystem are some of the first stakeholder questions. These are not the only Aedes vectors of human diseases, but are those for which SIT and genetic strategies are of most interest. They vary ecologically and in habitat origin, but both have behaviorally human‐adapted forms with expanding ranges. The aquatic life stages are where predation is strongest due to greater resource predictability and limited escape opportunity. These vectors' anthropic forms usually use ephemeral water bodies and man‐made containers as larval habitats; predators that occur in these are mobile, opportunistic and generalist. No literature indicates that any predator depends on larvae of either species. As adults, foraging theory predicts these mosquitoes are of low profitability to predators. Energy expended hunting and consuming will mostly outweigh their energetic benefit. Moreover, as adult biomass is mobile and largely disaggregated, any predator is likely to be a generalist and opportunist. This work, which summarizes much of the literature currently available on the predators of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus, indicates it is highly unlikely that any predator species depends on them. Species‐specific vector control to reduce nuisance and disease is thus likely to be of negligible or limited impact on nontarget predators. © 2022 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.
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Journal of Threatened Taxa JoTT Abstract: The order Odonata is one of the most widely studied groups among insects from the oriental region. They colonize in both stagnant and running water bodies of wide water quality. Hitherto, the existing literature on the Odonata contained numerous publications with coloured figures of adults, helpful for identification. Identification key with figures on larval stages, using their coloration as distinguishing characters are largely missing. The current work attempts to provide an identification key to aquatic larvae of the most common families of Zygoptera, Anisoptera and Anisozygoptera with colour illustrations. The specimens were collected from Nepal and India (northern part). Each family is represented by several examples to demonstrate the range of morphological variability. This key helps determination of aquatic larvae Odonata up to family level without enormous efforts in field and laboratory.
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Abstract The outbreaks of mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae), have created problems to cotton crops in South Asia in the recent years. To control this menace, predatory potential of Chrysoperla carnea and Cryptolaemus montrouzieri larvae were investigated under laboratory conditions (27 ± 5° C and 65 ± 5% RH). The experiments were conducted in no choice (only first, second, or third instar larvae of mealybug were offered at a time) and choice (first, second, and third instar larvae were offered simultaneously) feeding tests. Both predators had high consumption rates, with C. montrouzeiri being the most voracious feeder. In the no choice feeding tests, third instar larvae of C. montrouzeiri devoured the highest mean number of first instar P. solenopsis (439.38) In the choice feeding tests, a similar number of first instar nymphs (410) were consumed. In both feeding tests, C. carnea devoured relatively fewer numbers of P. solenopsis than C. montrouzeiri. Manly's preference index suggested that the both predators preferred first instar nymphs of P. solenopsis over second or third instar nymphs. Furthermore, studies on developmental rate and fecundity revealed that first instar nymphs of P. solenopsis significantly reduced development time but increased the fecundity of both predators.
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The house fly, Musca domestica L., is one of the major pests in dairy operations that has developed resistance to a number of insecticides with different modes of action. Adult house fly populations from six dairies in Punjab, Pakistan were evaluated for resistance to insecticides with novel modes of action (abamectin, emamectin benzoate, fipronil, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, and spinosad). Significant levels of resistance to most of the insecticides tested were observed in the present study. For avermectins at LC50 level, the resistance ratios were in the range of 38.40 to 94.44-fold for abamectin and 13.16 to 36.30-fold for emamectin benzoate. Fipronil LC50 resistance ratios exceeded 10-fold in three house fly populations, while all the populations had >10-fold resistance ratios for imidacloprid. Indoxacarb and spinosad had the lowest resistance ratios that ranged from 3.02 to 7.12-fold for indoxacarb and 2.91 to 9.0-fold for spinosad. As the resistance to fipronil, indoxacarb, and spinosad are emerging, therefore these chemicals should be used cautiously in management programs to retain the efficacy for longer times.
Abstract Recent floods drastically increased the burden of disease, in particular the incidence of malaria, in the southern districts of the Punjab province in Pakistan. Control of malaria vector mosquitoes in these districts requires the adoption of an appropriate evidence-based policy on the use of pesticides, and having the latest information on the insecticide resistance status of malaria vector mosquitoes is essential for designing effective disease prevention policy. Using World Health Organization (WHO) test kits, the present study utilized papers impregnated with DDT, malathion, deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and permethrin, to determine the insecticide susceptibility/resistance status of malaria vector mosquitoes in four flood-affected districts. The test results showed that both Anopheles stephensi and Anopheles culicifacies remained resistant to DDT and malathion. Tests with three commonly used pyrethroids, permethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and deltamethrin, detected resistance in the majority of cases, but in a number of localities mortalities with these three pyrethroids ranged from 80-97% and were therefore placed under verification-required status. This status indicates the presence of susceptible individuals in these populations. These results suggest that if appropriate resistance management strategies are applied in these areas, then the development of high levels of resistance can still be prevented or slowed. This study forms an important evidence base for the strategic planning of vector control in the four flood-affected districts.
A pilot field study, involving periodic augmentative release of predatory larvae of a dragonfly, Crocothemis servilia (Drury), to suppress a mosquito, Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), was conducted during the rainy season in Yangon (Rangoon). More than 90% of pre-adult A. aegypti occurred in domestic water-storage containers. Evaluations of larval and adult numbers of A. aegypti were made half-monthly three times before, and seven times after, treatment began. Four laboratory-reared, three-week-old C. servilia larvae were placed in each major source of A. aegypti larvae immediately after the third evaluation and then monthly for three successive months. Such treatment reduced the larval population of A. aegypti to a very low level in two to three weeks and suppressed it progressively until the trial ended; the adult population was greatly reduced after about six weeks and was progressively diminished thereafter until the trial ended. The trial's success was ascribed to: the virtual confinement of pre-adult stages of the target mosquito to containers accessible to control operators; the behaviour, growth rate, survival and ready availability of the chosen species of dragonfly; and the awareness and enthusiastic participation of local householders.