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A New Resource to Aid in the Identification and Management of Aquaculture Production Hazards


Abstract and Figures

Each year, the aquaculture industry experiences significant economic losses as a result of pathogens that cause disease, pests that render product unmarketable, operational mishaps, adverse weather events, and closures of harvest areas due to the presence of organisms with the potential to cause human illness. Collectively, we refer to these as aquaculture production hazards, which present considerable risk to operations. Massive loss of farmed product and human illness caused from ingestion of unknowingly contaminated product both adversely impact profitability, trade, and public perception. The ability of professionals to assist farmers is often limited by a lack of farm-level monitoring, record keeping, and farmer knowledge of hazards and hazard management strategies. Frequently, the causes of mortality events remain unknown or are identified when it is too late to prevent, control, correct or mitigate. Often, key pieces of information are missing from requests to identify and correct the hazard, limiting the response from extension and aquatic animal health professionals. To respond to this problem, a group of extension professionals from universities and industry associations across the northeastern U.S., together with researchers, aquatic animal health professionals, and industry members developed a publication, the Northeast Aquaculture Management Guide that identifies strategies to address aquaculture production hazards. The manual includes science-based information about major production hazards facing farmers, including: predators, diseases, parasites, organisms that have the potential to cause aquatic animal illness and human illness (e.g. toxic algae), biofouling, spread of invasive species, and other operational and environmental hazards. The manual also includes guidelines for environmental monitoring, evaluation and sampling of stocks, record-keeping procedures, and state-by-state contact information for whom to call when a problem occurs. The manual incorporates best management practices and biosecurity measures developed through research and outreach efforts. Improved knowledge of hazards associated with aquaculture production is the first step towards developing or improving risk management strategies. Use of appropriate farm monitoring protocols and record keeping will help aquatic animal health professionals respond better and more efficiently to illness or mortality events. If the causes of such events are identified quickly and definitively, future losses may be minimized or prevented, leading to increased production and profitability. The potential for realized economic benefits is significant; operators who plan proactively to minimize production hazards may have a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
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... There are three stages of the invertebrate production cycle with differing biosecurity needs: hatchery, nursery, and grow-out (105). Hatchery phases typically occur on shore in facilities that intake and treat seawater for controlled spawning and rearing of larval organisms. ...
... For broodstock and juvenile nursery culture in flow-through systems, filtration to 1 µm is not practical. Recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) hatcheries can provide secure water quality and reduce the volume of replacement water required (110), and these qualities make RAS production an effective choice for shellfish seed hatcheries (27,29,105,111). However, depletion of calcium in recirculated water due to shell formation may require calcium supplementation (27). ...
... A nursery phase often follows the hatchery phase, allowing animals to acclimate to the natural ambient water before being moved to their grow-out location. The ambient sea or estuarine water is a potential source of pathogens (105,106), and monitoring for pathogens of local concern is a good practice, especially when seasonal or water quality conditions indicate a higher possibility of disease occurrence (16). An active surveillance effort for known problematic pathogens will improve nursery phase biosecurity. ...
Technical Report
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Background: Aquaculture is the farming of water-based organisms, including shellfish, shrimp, salmon, and seaweed, among others. Currently, 21% of U.S. fisheries landings come from aquaculture, and the industry is expected to expand significantly in the coming decade. It will likely involve a range of participants, from small independent business owners to large, well established corporations. As for any industry that relies on natural resources, the health and safety of both cultured and wild organisms are major concerns. This document summarizes guidance and best practices for disease management and biosecurity for marine aquaculture in the United States, including a report from a July 2022 workshop on best practices for disease management in marine aquaculture. This review relied upon peer-reviewed science, the observations and experience of aquaculture practitioners, and current regulations and policies, both domestic and international. Specifically, this document provides information supporting NOAA Fisheries’ assessments of Aquaculture Opportunity Areas in the Gulf of Mexico and Southern California. Key Points: Biosecurity includes plans and actions to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases within a culture facility. • A biosecurity plan for an aquaculture facility is a critical tool for preventing and managing disease. It requires good knowledge of the cultured organisms and the facility’s operations to accurately identify hazards and actions to prevent and mitigate those hazards. • There are common features for disease management and biosecurity for shellfish, finfish, and seaweed/macroalgae. These include appropriate stock selection, incoming water quality and security, quarantine, disinfection and decontamination, health and pathogen surveillance, and environmental monitoring. • Each aquaculture sector (shellfish, finfish, and seaweed/macroalgae) has biosecurity needs specific to the type of cultured organism. • The Aquaculture Opportunity Areas of the Gulf of Mexico and Southern California have region-specific issues that can affect biosecurity, including hurricanes, petroleum pollution, harmful algal blooms, wildfires, and pesticides.
... for growth by up to 49 percent in laboratory experiments (González et al., 2012). Aquaculturists are commonly advised to look for signs of disease when reductions in growth rate occur under otherwise normal conditions (Getchis, 2014), but reductions in growth are more challenging to detect in wild populations, which are not monitored as closely. Many seafood products have higher value at larger sizes, so lost growth, in addition to reduced yield, also means reduced value. ...
Infectious marine diseases have profound impacts on fisheries and aquaculture through their effects on growth, fecundity, mortality, and marketability. Economic losses have motivated research to minimize the negative impacts of disease on these industries. However, this relationship is reciprocal, as fishing and aquaculture can shape disease transmission. The effects of fisheries and aquaculture on disease are scale dependent, with different outcomes at the population, metapopulation, community, and ecosystem levels. Management approaches are limited in fisheries, and intense in aquaculture, sometimes with undesirable impacts on wild species. Management needs can be particularly intense in hatcheries, where stocks are sensitive and kept at high densities. Increased interest in microbiome–disease interactions are opening up new opportunities to manage marine diseases in aquaculture. Solutions for marine diseases in fisheries and aquaculture may ultimately improve human health by reducing exposure to pathogens and increasing nutrient quality, but could negatively impact human health through exposure to antibiotics and other chemicals used to treat parasites.
... Таблица 1. Категоризация в зависимост от нивото на бактериално замърсяване [5,6,8] ...
Conference Paper
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Analysis of the best practices in the treatment of bivalves: A detailed analysis of the best practices in respect of one of the leading sectors in the field of aquaculture production, namely-the process of purification of bivalve organisms before submitting them to the consumer is made in the presented paper. The relevant regulations, which determine the legal framework and set performance criteria in terms of food safety are discusses. In the retrospective aspect of the early twentieth century to the present are covered the various technological options, based on the use of various reagents and phenomena with a germicidal effect. The trends in design, development and subsequent operation of the various wastewater treatment systems for bivalves were tracked. ВЪВЕДЕНИЕ В последните години се наблюдават трайни тенденции в увеличаване на добива от двучерупчести от различни видове в световен мащаб, както чрез директен улов от колонии, развиващи се диво състояние, така и от отглеждани в изкуствено създадени условия аквакултури. По данни на FAO (Организация по прехрана и земеделие към ООН) добитите количества варират от 10,7 млн. тона през 1999 до 14 млн. тона през 2006 г. С оглед на специфичния начин на хранене [4] на този тип организми (чрез филтриране на водата) и хабитатите, които обитават [1, 2, 3], възниква възможност за натрупване на токсини и замърсявания от микробиологичен и/или бактериален характер в тях. Освен това някои от видовете традиционно се консумират в сурово състояние (напр. стриди) и/или след почти незначително термично въздействие (разл. видове миди). Това ги прави потенциално опасни от гледна точка на безопасност на храните и налага въвеждането на подходящи мерки за предотвратяване и редуциране на гореизложените рискови за здравето на консуматорите фактори [7, 8]. Целта на настоящата разработка е да анализират добрите практики в областта на пречистване на двучерупчестите с оглед намаляване и предотвратяване на потенциалните опасности за здравето и живота на консуматорите. За изпълнението на така дефинираната цел е необходимо да се решат следните задачи: запознаване с нормативните изисквания в областа на пускането на пазара на двучерупчести организми, предназначени за консумация; запознаване с развитието на технологиите в областта на пречистване на двучерупчести; запознаване с видовото разнообразие, устройството и принципа на действие на пречиствателните системи за пречистване на двучерупчести организми. ИЗЛОЖЕНИЕ Нормативни изисквания-понастоящем основните нормативни документи в тази област са Регламент (ЕС) № 853/2004 от 29.04.2004 г., имащ отношение към определяне на специфичните хигиенни правила за организиране на официален контрол върху продукти от животински произход, предназначени за консумация от човека и Регламент (ЕС) № 2073/2005 от 15.11.2005 г. относно микробиологичните критерии за хранителни продукти. Чрез тези два регламента са дефинирани и изискванията за производството и пускането на пазара на живи двучерупчести мекотели. Посочените регламенти са пряко приложими от съответните оторизирани компетентни органи в страните-членки на ЕС.
... However, it is known that other microorganisms can cause numerous diseases some of which result in major outbreaks in macroalgae crops worldwide (Correa 1996, Largo 2002, Gachon et al. 2010). Bacteria, endophytes and fungi have been identified in northeastern U.S.A. as potentially problematic for in-sea culture (Getchis 2014). Many recent reports describe disease outbreaks in the Philippines, Malaysia, Zanzibar (Kappaphycus alvarezii, Eucheuma denticulatum) and in Japan, China and South Korea. ...
... However, it is known that other microorganisms can cause numerous diseases some of which result in major outbreaks in macroalgae crops worldwide (Correa 1996, Largo 2002, Gachon et al. 2010). Bacteria, endophytes and fungi have been identified in northeastern U.S.A. as potentially problematic for in-sea culture (Getchis 2014). Many recent reports describe disease outbreaks in the Philippines, Malaysia, Zanzibar (Kappaphycus alvarezii, Eucheuma denticulatum) and in Japan, China and South Korea. ...
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Large-scale seaweed cultivation has been instrumental in globalizing the seaweed industry since the 1950s. The domestication of seaweed cultivars (begun in the 1940s) ended the reliance on natural cycles of raw material availability for some species, with efforts driven by consumer demands that far exceeded the available supplies. Currently, seaweed cultivation is unrivaled in mariculture with 94% of annual seaweed biomass utilized globally being derived from cultivated sources. In the last decade, research has confirmed seaweeds as rich sources of potentially valuable, health-promoting, compounds. . Most existing seaweed cultivars and current cultivation techniques have been developed for producing commoditized biomass, and may not necessarily be optimized for the production of valuable bioactive compounds. The future of the seaweed industry will include the development of high value markets for functional foods, cosmeceuticals, nutraceuticals, and pharmaceuticals. Entry into these markets will require a level of standardization, efficacy, and traceability that has not previously been demanded of seaweed products. Both internal concentrations and composition of bioactive compounds can fluctuate seasonally, geographically, bathymetrically and according to genetic variability even within individual species, especially where life history stages can be important. History shows that successful expansion of seaweed products into new markets requires the cultivation of domesticated seaweed cultivars. Demands of an evolving new industry based upon efficacy and standardization will require the selection of improved cultivars, the domestication of new species, and a refinement of existing cultivation techniques to improve quality control and traceability of products.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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A lexandrium fundyense, a dinoflagellate that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning, has been implicated in recent years in the mortality of caged salmon in the Bay of Fundy. As part of a recently funded Department of Fisheries and Oceans Aquaculture Colla-borative Research and Development Program (ACRDP) project historical data concerning the abundance of Alexandrium is being examined to quantify the spatial and temporal characteristics of the Alexandrium blooms. The abundance of A. fundyense has been monitored at weekly to monthly intervals since 1987 at four locations in the Bay of Fundy. The date at which Alexandrium has first appeared in samples has varied from day of year 105 to 179. The median date of first appearance has been day 135 in the offshore and 145 in the inshore. The null hypothesis that the date of first appearance varied randomly over the years could not be rejected (alpha=0.05) by a two-sided runs test. The median date of maximum cell abundance occurs earliest inshore (~day 200 = mid-July, station 17) and later offshore (~day 230 = mid-August, station 16). The annual maximum concentration of A. fundyense has varied by about three orders of magnitude and the mean has varied by about one order of magnitude. The duration of Alexandrium blooms has ranged from 42 to 205 days with a median duration of 112 days. The temporal character of the Alexandrium bloom also varied with the number of abundance pulses varying from 1 to 3 per year. A lexandrium fundyense, un dinoflagellé causant une intoxication par phycotoxine paralysante, a été impliqué dans les dernières années dans la mortalité de saumons élevés en cage dans la baie de Fundy. Au titre d 'un projet ré-cemment financé dans le cadre du Programme coopératif de recherche-développement en aquaculture (PCRDA) du ministère des Pêches et des Océans, nous avons examiné des données historiques sur l'abondance d'Alexandrium en vue de quantifier les caractéristiques spatiales et temporelles des poussées de ce dinoflagellé. L 'abondance d'A. fun-dyense est contrôlée à intervalles hebdomadaires ou mensuels depuis 1987 à quatre endroits dans cette baie. La date à laquelle Alexandrium se manifeste pour la première fois dans les échantillons varie entre les jours 105 et 179 de l'année, alors que la date médiane de la première manifestation est le jour 135 dans les eaux hauturières et le jour 145 dans les eaux côtières. L'hypothèse nulle à l'effet que la date de la première manifestation varie au hasard au fil des ans n'a pu être rejetée (alpha = 0,05), selon les résultats d'un test bilatéral. La date médiane d'abondance maximale de cellules est plus tôt dans les eaux côtières (~jour 200 = mi-juillet, station 17) et plus tard dans les eaux hauturières (~jour 230 = mi-août, station 16). La concentration annuelle maximale d'A. fundyense varie par environ trois ordres de grandeur, alors que la concentration moyenne varie par un ordre de grandeur environ. La durée des poussées d 'Alexan-drium varie de 42 à 205 jours, la durée médiane se situant à 112 jours. Le caractère temporel des poussées d 'Alexan-drium varie aussi, le nombre de poussées pléthoriques variant entre une à trois par année.
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Gracilaria culture handbook for New England is an introduction to Gracilaria tikvahiae aquaculture in New England for production of sea vegetables and for nutrient bioextraction.