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A case of I-cell disease (mucolipidosis II) presenting with short femurs on prenatal ultrasound and profound diaphyseal cloaking



A 28-year-old G3 P1 SAB1 female with no prior health concerns was found to have a foetus with short femurs on prenatal ultrasound following an abnormal maternal serum screen result. Fluid obtained by amniocentesis revealed an elevated α-fetoprotein level with absence of an acetylcholinesterase band and normal male karyotype (46,XY). Follow-up ultrasound 3 weeks later again demonstrated short femur lengths, but no other abnormalities. At birth, the child was noted to have multiple dysmorphic features, including short humeri and femurs, coarse facial features, retrognathia and yellowish hypertrophic gums in addition to hyperbilirubinaemia and thrombocytopenia. Radiological studies demonstrated bony demineralization with profound diaphyseal cloaking in the long bones. Genetic testing diagnosed I-cell disease.
19 October 2015
06 February 2016
15 February 2016
Cite this article as:
Capobres T, Sabharwal G, Griffith B. A case of I-cell disease (mucolipidosis II) presenting with short femurs on prenatal ultrasound and
profound diaphyseal cloaking. BJR Case Rep 2016; 2: 20150420.
A case of I-cell disease (mucolipidosis II) presenting
with short femurs on prenatal ultrasound and profound
diaphyseal cloaking
Department of Radiology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
Address correspondence to: Dr Thomas Capobres
A 28-year-old G3 P1 SAB1 female with no prior health concerns was found to have a foetus with short femurs on
prenatal ultrasound following an abnormal maternal serum screen result. Fluid obtained by amniocentesis revealed
an elevated
-fetoprotein level with absence of an acetylcholinesterase band and normal male karyotype (46,XY).
Follow-up ultrasound 3 weeks later again demonstrated short femur lengths, but no other abnormalities. At birth,
the child was noted to have multiple dysmorphic features, including short humeri and femurs, coarse facial features,
retrognathia and yellowish hypertrophic gums in addition to hyperbilirubinaemia and thrombocytopenia.
Radiological studies demonstrated bony demineralization with profound diaphyseal cloaking in the long bones.
Genetic testing diagnosed I-cell disease.
Mucolipidosis II (I-cell disease) is a lysosomal storage dis-
order caused by deficiency of N-acetylglucosamine-1-
phosphotransferase. Nearly all lysosomal hydrolases are
elevated in the plasma and body fluids of affected individ-
uals because of the failure of targeting lysosomal acid
hydrolases to the lysosomes. It is characterized by the
presence of cytoplasmic inclusions in cultured fibroblasts
(I-cell phenotype).
There is a significant amount of var-
iability in the disorder in terms of age of onset, tissue/
organ involvement and radiological findings.
Despite the
heterogeneous manifestations, the disorder typically
presents between 6 and 12 months of age with clinical
symptoms that include marked growth deficiency, coarse
facial features, severe skeletal abnormalities, developmen-
tal delay and gingival hyperplasia.
The presenting
radiological findings at that time are often of severe dys-
ostosis multiplex, although these findings vary depending
on the stage at which they are found.
Recognizing the potential prenatal and early postnatal
findings of I-cell disease allows earlier diagnosis. Given
the universally fatal prognosis, early diagnosis is crucial in
helping affected families plan and cope with the outcome.
We present a case with both prenatal and early postnatal
findings of the disease.
Clinical presentation
A 28-year-old G3 P1 SAB1 female with no prior health
concerns was found to have an abnormal integrated mater-
nal serum screen indicating a 1 : 7 risk for trisomy 18. Foe-
tal ultrasound at 19 weeks gestation revealed short femurs
(< 2.5%) and an otherwise normal examination. A multi-
disciplinary approach was taken, including a genetics con-
sult. The family history was notable for one nephew with
weak bones. The patient and her husband reported that
they were of Yemeni ancestry and distantly related. A rec-
ommended amniocentesis was performed, which showed
-fetoprotein at 2.26 MoM and absence of an
acetylcholinesterase band. Chromosome analysis revealed
a normal male karyotype (46,XY). Follow-up ultrasound at
22 weeks gestation again demonstrated short femurs, mea-
suring 3.5 cm (< 2.5%) (Figure 1). Biparietal diameter, head
and abdominal circumference measured between the 39th
and 55th percentiles. The patient chose to forgo further fol-
low-up with genetics, and the remainder of the pregnancy
was otherwise uneventful.
The baby was born by C-section at 37 4/7 weeks gestation
owing to foetal decelerations. Upon delivery, the infant was
found to have hoarse cry, weak reflexes and low tone. Mul-
tiple dysmorphic features were discovered, including short
humeri and femurs; bowed lower legs; narrow chest; large
ear lobes; retrognathia; yellowish hypertrophic gums and a
BJR|case reports
© 2016 The Authors. Published by the British Institute of Radiology. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are
low, flat palate; hypertrichosis of the bilateral temporal region;
and light hair colour that was atypical for his ethnic background.
He exhibited diffuse patchy ecchymoses on the trunk and persis-
tent thrombocytopenia as well as hyperbilirubinaemia. Echocar-
diogram showed a small atrial septal defect and a large patent
ductus arteriosis. The infant also experienced respiratory dis-
tress, requiring continuous positive airway pressure ventilation.
Investigations/imaging findings
Radiological investigation at that time revealed the following:
diffuse demineralization of bony structures (Figure 2)
profound diaphyseal cloaking of the long bones
(Figures 2 and 3)
relatively short humeri and femora (Figure 2)
poorly formed and irregular appearing proximal
humeral and femoral metaphyses (Figures 2 and 3)
thickened and poorly formed clavicles (Figure 2)
thickened and shortened ribs with an abnormally
increased cardiothoracic ratio (Figure 2)
poorly formed iliac bones with flattening of the
acetabular roofs (Figure 4)
unusual bowing of the distal ulna and radius with
metaphyseal cupping (Figure 3)
thickening of the proximal phalanges and
minimal narrowing at the proximal aspect of the
metacarpal bones.
Genetics service was consulted. Tests revealed elevated levels of
multiple plasma and leukocyte lysosomal hydrolases, consistent
with a diagnosis of I-cell disease. GNPTAB gene analysis
revealed homozygous c.376_379delTTAG deletion mutations.
This deleterious mutation has not been reported previously in
individuals with I-cell disease.
The patient was eventually discharged to the care of hospice
and passed away at 5 weeks of age. Additional information
regarding the case was limited as an autopsy was declined
by the family.
However, the parents did follow-up with genetics several
months later for future family planning. When the wife became
pregnant again later that year, chorionic villous sampling was
obtained at 10 weeks gestational age and sent to test for
I-cell disease. Uridine diphosphate-N-acetylglucoseamine-1-
phosphotransferase enzyme activity was low, consistent with
I-cell disease. Soon after obtaining these results, the family
Figure 1. Prenatal ultrasound at 22 6/7 weeks gestational age
demonstrates short femurs measuring 3.5 cm (< 2.5%).
Figure 2. Skeletal survey demonstrates diffuse demineraliza-
tion of bony structures and relatively short humeri and femora.
Figure 3. The humerus demonstrates poorly formed and irreg-
ular appearing proximal metaphyses and profound diaphyseal
cloaking. The forearm demonstrates unusual bowing of the
distal ulna and radius with metaphyseal cupping.
BJR| case reports Capobres et al
2 of 4 BJR Case Rep;2:20150420
chose to terminate the pregnancy at 15 weeks. Chorionic vil-
lous testing was again obtained during a fifth pregnancy, and
testing revealed that this child was neither affected nor a carrier
of the abnormal GNPTAB gene. This child was born at full
term without any health concerns.
I-cell disease is a rare lysosomal storage disorder that typically
remains undiagnosed until later in the first year of life, as facial
features coarsen, growth failure becomes increasingly apparent
and the Hurler-like clinical picture develops.
It is caused by
mutations in the GNPTAB gene, located on chromosome 12,
and inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. In the appro-
priate clinical setting, such as when a family history of the
disorder is known, foetal I-cell disease can be suggested sono-
graphically by the demonstration of abnormally shortened
long bones and intrauterine growth retardation.
Other sono-
graphic features that have been described in the literature
include periosteal cloaking of the femora and humeri and tran-
sient maxillary defects.
In our case, the only abnormality
found on prenatal ultrasound was bilateral short femora
(< 2.5%). No other signs of intrauterine growth retardation or
additional sonographic abnormalities were present. In the
absence of a known family history, prenatal diagnosis of I-cell
disease remains difficult as many other conditions can present
with similar findings.
The postnatal features of I-cell disease are more classic and have
been better characterized in the literature. A study of nine cases
of the disease by Lemaitre et al
in 1978 discussed the specific
radiological features of the disorder and distinguished I-cell dis-
ease from other storage disorders.
In their study, the authors divided the radiological manifestation
of I-cell disease into two groupsStage A, an early stage; and
Stage B, a late stage.
Stage A includes the neonatal period and
the first 2 months after birth, while Stage B starts after the age of
4 months.
The early stage is typically characterized by a storage osteopathy
with bone structural and modelling abnormalities, stippling of
the epiphyses and elements of a storage disorder.
These signs
evolve during the intermediate stage with disappearance of the
bone structural abnormalities and the signs of a storage disease
becoming more pronounced.
In the late stage, the skeletal man-
ifestations are of an early and severe dyostosis multiplex.
late stage findings, while apparent at 46 months, continue to
become more obvious as the patient grows older.
Despite the early stage findings described, I-cell disease typi-
cally goes undiagnosed until later in the first year of life. In the
study by Lemaitre et al,
seven of the nine cases were diagnosed
after the neonatal period. More recently, David-Vizcarra et al
attempted to better define the natural history and early osteo-
dystrophic features of I-cell disease. They described neonatal
radiographic findings in 15 cases of I-cell disease that were
similar to those seen in neonatal hyperparathyroidism.
studies have also presented cases manifesting similar radio-
graphic findings with markedly elevated alkaline phosphatase
and parathyroid hormone levels as well as normal serum cal-
cium levels suggesting severe secondary hyperparathyroidism.
However, the aetiology of severe secondary hyperparathyroid-
ism in I-cell disease is unclear.
In their study, David-Vizcarra
et al
concluded by emphasizing the need for further studies
regarding the pathophysiology of osteodystrophy in I-cell dis-
ease and the need for more definitive characterization of the
early clinical manifestations.
Our case demonstrates many of the features described in the
early stage of the disease, including diffuse bony demineraliza-
tion, shortened long bones with periosteal apposition, poorly
formed metaphyses with cupping, thickened and shortened ribs
and clavicles, flattened acetabular roofs and rectangular meta-
carpals with coning of the proximal ends. However, it is the dra-
matic degree of periosteal apposition, or diaphyseal cloaking,
seen in the long bones that sets this case apart from previously
reported cases.
Diaphyseal cloaking is thought to be due to increased remodel-
ling of the bone. It is typically unilamellar, although it has been
described in some cases as general periostitis. In earlier studies,
it has been described as a poorly defined contour or a double
outline image. In addition, it is typically seen in the diaphyseal
region of the bones.
In the current case, the degree of cloaking was more dramatic
than in previously reported cases of I-cell disease. In addition,
the cloaking did not have the appearance of simple periosteal
apposition, but demonstrated a more solid appearance. Adding
to the uniqueness of the case, the cloaking was not confined to
the diaphyses but rather extended to the metaphyseal regions.
Another unique aspect of our case is the persistent thrombocy-
topenia, which has not been previously described in reported
cases of I-cell disease presenting in the neonatal period. Could
this also relate to the marked degree of periosteal cloaking in our
patient? Subperiosteal haemorrhage, as seen in cases of infantile
scurvy, can appear similar to diaphyseal cloaking, although in
the former case this appearance is not confined only to the
diaphyseal regions.
Perhaps the dramatic degree of periosteal
cloaking in our case represents excessive subperiosteal new bone
Figure 4. The pelvis demonstrates poorly formed iliac bones
with flattening of the acetabular roofs and irregular appearing
proximal femoral metaphyses with periosteal cloaking.
Case re port: A case of I-cell disease with characteristic f indin gs on pre natal U S BJR| case reports
3 of 4 BJR Case Rep;2:20150420
formation in the setting of subperiosteal haemorrhage either in
addition to, or even as opposed to, sequelae of secondary hyper-
parathyroidism. Unfortunately, an autopsy was not performed
on our patient. Future studies with note of any associated
thrombocytopenia as well as pathologic correlation are needed
to investigate this hypothesis.
Given the universally fatal prognosis of I-cell disease, early
diagnosis is crucial in helping affected families cope with the
outcome. While prenatal sonographic features of the disorder
are non-specific, recognizing them in the appropriate clinical
setting is paramount in making the diagnosis. When the prena-
tal diagnosis is not made, radiologists can play an important
role in suggesting the possible diagnosis. We have presented a
case with prenatal short femurs and dramatic neonatal osteo-
dystrophic features. In addition to supporting the classically
defined radiological manifestations of early I-cell disease, we
also offer a unique hypothesis that early stage finding of
diaphyseal cloaking could also relate to subperiosteal haemor-
rhage. Further studies are needed to better understand the
pathophysiology behind the characteristic early osteodystrophy
seen in I-cell disease. Larger case series are also necessary to
fully characterize the early manifestations of the disease. With
continued work in these areas, earlier diagnosis of this univer-
sally fatal disease may be possible.
1. I-cell disease is a rare lysosomal storage disorder that
typically goes undiagnosed until later in the first
year of life, as facial features coarsen, growth failure
becomes increasingly apparent and a Hurler-like clinical
picture develops.
2. Findings on prenatal ultrasound are variable but may
include abnormally shortened long bones, intrauterine
growth retardation, periosteal cloaking of the femora and
humeri, and transient maxillary defects.
3. The early stage from the neonatal period through
2 months after birth is typically characterized by storage
osteopathy with bone structural and modelling
abnormalities, stippling of the epiphyses and
elements of a storage disorder. The late stage starts
after the age of 4 months and is typically characterized
by skeletal manifestations of an early and severe
dyostosis multiplex.
4. The pathophysiology of the early osteodystrophy seen in
I-cell disease is currently poorly understood. Better
defining the early clinical and radiological manifestations
is key to achieving earlier diagnosis of this universally
fatal disease.
Despite exhaustive efforts undertaken by the researchers to con-
tact the family of the deceased patient, they could not be
reached, and thus informed consent could not be obtained.
However, the case report has been sufficiently anonymized so as
to prevent harm to the patient's family as confirmed by
Dr Ezhuthachan, Head of Neonatology at Henry Ford Hospital.
1. Lemaitre L, Remy J, Farriaux JP, Dhondt JL,
Walbaum R. Radiological signs of
mucolipidosis II or I-cell disease. A study of
nine cases. Pediatr Radiol 1978; 7: 97105.
2. Aynaci FM, Cakir E, Aynaci O. A case of
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5. Hochman JA, Treem WR, Dougherty F,
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6. Babcock DS, Bove KE, Hug G, Dignan PS,
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BJR| case reports Capobres et al
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... Сообщения о пренатальной диагностике МЛ IIA/B редки и обычно основаны на выявлении таких ультразвуковых признаков, как водянка плода, системная скелетная дисплазия (ССД) или замедление роста [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Приводим описание собственного случая пренатальной диагностики МЛ IIA/B, манифестировавшего как точечная хондродисплазия во II триместре беременности. ...
... У плода отмечается задержка роста, укорочение длинных трубчатых костей (обычно бедренной кости), ризомелия, микромелия, переломы, водянка плода, гиперэхогенный фокус в сердце, транзиторный дефект верхней челюсти, маловодие или многоводие. В сыворотке крови беременной во II триместре беременности возможно увеличение концентрации альфа-фетопротеина свыше 2 МоМ и уменьшение концентрации хорионического гонадотропина до 0,14 МоМ [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]10]. ...
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II / у плода II триместра. При ультразвуковом иссле-довании в 20 нед гестации у плода было выявлено замедление роста, уплощенный профиль лица, многоводие, преждевременное созревание плацен-ты. При патолого-анатомическом исследовании абортированного плода обнаружена задержка внутриутробного развития, укорочение нижних конечностей, выраженные лицевые дизморфии. На рентгенограмме отмечалось значительное укороче-ние длинных трубчатых костей, склероз основания черепа, сниженная минерализация костей лицевого черепа, кальцификаты в телах позвонков шейного и крестцового отделов позвоночника, проксималь-ных эпифизах левой плечевой и бедренных костей, пяточной и таранной костях. При микроскопи-ческом исследовании плаценты обнаружены блед-но окрашенные ворсины с диффузно выраженной вакуолизацией клеток синцитиотрофобласта, клеток Гофбауэра-Кащенко и вневорсинчатого трофобласта, очаговое обызвествление базальных мембран ворсин в виде линейных депозитов. При молекулярно-генетическом исследовании выявлено компаундное гетерозиготное носительство му-Àäðåñ äëÿ êîððåñïîíäåíöèè: 220053, Ìèíñê, óë. Îðëîâñêàÿ, 66. Ðåñïóáëèêàíñêèé íàó÷íî-ïðàêòè÷åñêèé öåíòð «Ìàòü è äèòÿ». Ãóñèíà Àñÿ Àëåêñàíäðîâíà.
... Stage A included the first 2 months after birth, was typically characterized by storage osteopathy with bone structural and modelling abnormalities, stippling of the epiphyses and components of a storage disorder while Stage B started after the age of 4 months. In our case it was Stage A of the disease based on radiological findings which included metacarpal pointing, bullet-shaped phalanx, oar shaped ribs, and iliac flaring 13 . ...
... Deficiency of the enzyme N-acetylglucosaminyl-1phosphotransferase is the fundamental cause of the mucolipidosis, and the differential diagnosis with other LSD's is based on the age of occurrence, clinical symptoms and severity [6]. The frequency of the mucolipidosis types II and III is estimated at 1 : 422,000 [34]. ...
A wide spectrum of genetic causes may lead to non‐immune hydrops fetalis (NIHF), and a thorough phenotypic and genetic evaluation are essential to determine the underlying etiology, optimally manage these pregnancies, and inform discussions about anticipated prognosis. In this review, we outline the known genetic etiologies of NIHF by fetal organ system affected, and provide a systematic approach to the evaluation of NIHF. Some of the underlying genetic disorders are associated with characteristic phenotypic features that may be seen on prenatal ultrasound, such as hepatomegaly with lysosomal storage disorders, hyperechoic kidneys with congenital nephrosis, or pulmonary valve stenosis with RASopathies. However, this is not always the case, and the approach to evaluation must include prenatal ultrasound findings as well as genetic testing and many other factors. Genetic testing that has been utilized for NIHF ranges from standard chromosomal microarray or karyotype to gene panels and broad approaches such as whole exome sequencing. Family and obstetric history, as well as pathology examination, can yield additional clues that are helpful in establishing a diagnosis. A systematic approach to evaluation can guide a more targeted approach to genetic evaluation, diagnosis, and management of NIHF.
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Mucolipidosis II (ML II) or inclusion cell disease (I-cell disease) is a rarely occurring autosomal recessive lysosomal enzyme-targeting disease. This disease is usually found to occur in individuals aged between 6 and 12 months, with a clinical phenotype resembling that of Hurler syndrome and radiological findings resembling those of dysostosis multiplex. However, we encountered a rare case of an infant with ML II who presented with prenatal skeletal dysplasia and typical clinical features of severe secondary hyperparathyroidism at birth. A female infant was born at 37(+1) weeks of gestation with a birth weight of 1,690 g (<3rd percentile). Prenatal ultrasonographic findings revealed intrauterine growth retardation and skeletal dysplasia. At birth, the patient had characteristic features of ML II, and skeletal radiographs revealed dysostosis multiplex, similar to rickets. In addition, the patient had high levels of alkaline phosphatase and parathyroid hormone, consistent with severe secondary neonatal hyperparathyroidism. The activities of β-D-hexosaminidase and α-N-acetylglucosaminidase were moderately decreased in the leukocytes but were 5- to 10-fold higher in the plasma. Examination of a placental biopsy specimen showed foamy vacuolar changes in trophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts. The diagnosis of ML II was confirmed via GNPTAB genetic testing, which revealed compound heterozygosity of c.3091C>T (p.Arg1031X) and c.3456_3459dupCAAC (p.Ile1154GlnfsX3), the latter being a novel mutation. The infant was treated with vitamin D supplements but expired because of asphyxia at the age of 2 months.
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Background. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is necessary for the formation of collagen, reducing free radicals, and aiding in iron absorption. SCURVY, a disease of dietary ascorbic acid deficiency, is uncommon today. It still exists in high risk groups including economically disadvantaged populations with poor nutrition. The incidence of SCURVY in the pediatric population is very low. Cases Report. Here we report two cases of SCURVY revealed by subperiosteal hematoma in children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay. Conclusion. SCURVY is extremely rare in children. Musculoskeletal manifestations are prominent in pediatric SCURVY. Multiple subperiosteal hematomas are an important indicator for diagnosis.
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Case report. In this paper, a patient with mucolipidosis II (I-cell disease) is described. The initial findings were microcephaly and metopic craniosynostosis. He had coarse facial features and dysostosis multiplex. The first child in his family had died with severe bone pathology at 5 months of age. Conclusion. The case is presented to emphasize that craniosynostosis may be the first symptom in mucolipidosis II.
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Unlabelled: Mucolipidosis II (ML II or I-cell disease ) (OMIM 252500) is an autosomal recessive lysosomal enzyme targeting disorder that usually presents between 6 and 12 months of age with a clinical phenotype resembling Hurler syndrome and a radiological picture of dysostosis multiplex. When ML II is severe enough to be detected in the newborn period, the radiological changes have been described as similar to hyperparathyroidism or rickets. The biological basis of these findings has not been explored and few biochemical measurements have been recorded. We describe three unrelated infants with ML II who had radiological features of intrauterine hyperparathyroidism and biochemical findings consistent with severe secondary neonatal hyperparathyroidism (marked elevation of serum parathyroid hormone and alkaline phosphatase levels). The vitamin D metabolites were not substantially different from normal and repeatedly normal calcium concentrations excluded vitamin D deficiency rickets and neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism secondary to calcium-sensing receptor gene mutations (OMIM 239200). The pathogenesis of severe hyperparathyroidism in the fetus and newborn with ML II is unexplained. We hypothesize that the enzyme targeting defect of ML II interferes with transplacental calcium transport leading to a calcium starved fetus and activation of the parathyroid response to maintain extracellular calcium concentrations within the normal range. Conclusion: Newborns with mucolipidosis II can present with radiological and biochemical signs of hyperparathyroidism. Awareness of this phenomenon may help in avoiding diagnostic pitfalls and establishing a proper diagnosis and therapy.
To assess the natural history and impact of the secondary bone disease observed in patients with mucolipidosis (ML) II and III. Affected children and adults were ascertained from clinical genetics units around Australia and New Zealand. Diagnoses were confirmed by the National Referral Laboratory in Adelaide. The study encompassed all patients ascertained between 1975 and 2005. Data focussing on biochemical parameters at diagnosis, and longitudinal radiographic findings were sought for each patient. Where feasible, patients underwent clinical review and examination. Examinations included skeletal survey, bone densitometry, and measurement of serum and urine markers of bone metabolism. In a subset of patients, functional assessment using the Pediatric Evaluation and Disability Inventory (PEDI) and molecular analysis of GNPTAB were performed. Twenty-five patients with mucolipidosis were ascertained over a 30-year period. Morbidity and functional outcomes on living patients were described. Serum calcium and phosphate were normal. All, but one patient, had normal alkaline phosphatase. Serum osteocalcin and urine deoxypyridinoline/creatinine were elevated. Two radiological patterns were observed (i) transient neonatal hyperparathyroidism in infants with ML II and (ii) progressive osteodystrophy in patients with ML intermediate and ML III. Molecular analyses of GNPTAB in nine subjects are reported. ML is characterised by a progressive bone and mineral disorder which we describe as the 'osteodystrophy of mucolipidosis'. The clinical and radiographic features of this osteodystrophy are consistent with a syndrome of 'pseudohyperparathyroidism'. Much of the progressive skeletal and joint pathology is attributable to this bone disorder.
Nine cases of mucolipidosis II are presented with illustrations and a discussion of specific radiologic features: these distinguish Mucolipidosis II from other storage diseases.
Twelve cases of Mucolipidosis II (I-cell disease) with a wide range of severity of skeletal involvement were studied. Pathological findings in two cases provided helpful information in understanding the radiographic features of dysostosis multiplex. Inhibition of the growth plate cartilage calcification and rickets-like lesions were observed in the metaphyses. Enhanced subperiosteal remodelling and paratrabecular fibrosis were also evident in the diaphyses. High levels of parathormone were found in one case. This finding supports the hypothesis that bone lesions may be secondary, at least in part, to damage in such viscera as the kidney and/or the liver and that they are mediated by vitamin D and parathormone.
A pregnant woman whose previous child had a diagnosis of I-cell disease was referred for evaluation of the fetus. Fluid obtained by amniocentesis and maternal serum showed abnormally increased levels of lysosomal enzymes suggesting that the fetus had I-cell disease. Sonography at 18 weeks showed abnormally short femurs and intrauterine growth retardation. The pregnancy was electively terminated at 19 weeks' gestation and the diagnosis was confirmed. Radiographs of the fetus demonstrated that the bony dysplasia is present early in fetal life with diffuse decrease in bone mineralization, a coarse, lacy, trabecular pattern, overall shortening and under-modelling of the long bones, subperiosteal bone deficiency in the diaphysis giving the appearance of periosteal new bone, hypoplasia of the anterior superior aspect of the upper lumbar vertebral bodies, broad ribs, abnormal pelvis with squared iliac wings and flattened acetabular roofs, and a small irregular calcaneal ossification center. There was good correlation between the radiographic findings and the microscopic findings in the bones. We observed deficient endosteal bone formation, small epiphyses, and poorly developed intervertebral discs. We speculate that this indicates impaired production of extra-cellular matrix by several different types of specialized mesenchymal cells. Abnormalities of transport of glycoproteins other than lysosomal enzymes or excess of extracellular acid hydrolases may be involved in the pathogenesis.