
Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France: Avant-propos

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... Kinematic analysis demonstrates the coexistence of both extensional and compressional deformation in different areas of the Middle Atlas with a common NE-SW sinistral strike slip component (Gomez et al. 1996). Compressional features dominate in the Folded Middle Atlas, while extension occurs in the Causse contemporaneously with the widespread Quaternary alkaline volcanic activity (Harmand and Moukadiri 1986;Gomez et al. 1996;Martin 1981). ...
... The monogenetic MAVP comprises about one hundred well preserved small volcanic vents (mainly scoria cones, spatter cones and maars), dispersed across ca. 960 km 2 (El Azzouzi et al. 2010;Harmand and Moukadiri 1986;Martin 1981). However, the estimated volume of the MAVP is rather low (20 km 3 ) because of the limited thickness (usually 20-30 m) of the lava flow pile (El Azzouzi et al. 2010). ...
... sinistral NE-SW trending strike-slip faults (Ramdani et Tadili, 1990). The model recommended by Harmand and Moukadiri (1986), inserts the volcanic activity in local extensional zones induced by the remobilization of sinistral strike-slip faults, in a general compressive tectonic regime. ...
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The Quaternary Middle Atlas Volcanic Province is the largest and youngest volcanic field in Morocco. It hosts a hundred of well-preserved strombolian cones and maars which emitted numerous mafic pyroclastic deposits and lava flows covering a surface of ca. 960 km 2. The 2.27 Ma Aguelmane Sidi Ali monogenetic scoria cone was emplaced in a tectonic basin of the same name on the southern edge of the Bou-Anguer-Aïn-Nokra syncline in the eastern folded part of the Middle Atlas. Aguelmane Sidi Ali scoria cone was formed by a short-lived eruption of days to weeks. The eruptive dynamic recorded in the volcanic deposits suggested that the eruption started with an initial explosive activity that produced pyroclastic deposits of Strombolian type. Following this initial phase and as the cone grew, the eruption changed to a Hawaiian lava-fountain style. Volcanic activity emplaced agglutinate lava spatter near the vent in addition to lava flows with abundant inflation features such as tumuli and pressure-ridges. The continuous flow of significant lava volume provided significant pressure on the southern flank that breached the scoria cone. Subsequently, the eruption became more stable, and changed to a second regular Strombolian activity, rebuilding a new cone and leading to a volcano of 0.02 km 3. Aguelmane Sidi Ali history illustrates volcanological setting where tectonics and volcanism are intimately interrelated. Understanding this interaction is necessary for recognizing the relationship between tectonics, deformation processes and magma transport through the lithosphere.
... La Meseta centrale est séparée du bloc côtier, à l'ouest, par la zone de cisaillement ouest mesetienne (WMSZ). Elle est limitée au sud par la zone de failles de Tizi n'Test (TnTF) et à l'Est par le Moyen Atlas (Piqué et al. 1981). L'évolution géodynamique de cette zone a commencé, à la limite du Dévonien-Carbonifère, par le développement des bassins (Sidi Bettache et Azrou Khénifra) au niveau de l'ancienne plate forme (Cailleux, 1974;Michard, 1976;Bouabdelli, 1989). ...
... La déformation hercynienne a structuré le Maroc central en plusieurs unités anticlinoriales et synclinoriales de direction générale NE-SW, séparées par de mégafailles (Termier, 1936;Cailleux, 1974;Michard, 1976;Piqué et al. 1981;Bouabdelli, 1989), dont celle de Smaala-Oulmès (SOFZ) (Fig.6). ...
... Cette unité est constituée de roches peu ou pas métamorphiques (Ordovicien et Silurien) ainsi que des granites (Tiflet et Rabat) (Charlot et al. 1973 ;Piqué, 1979 ;El Hassani, 1990;Tahiri, 1991, Tahiri et al. 2010). Figure 6.Unités structurales du Maroc central (Michard, 1976 (Termier, 1936 ;Piqué et al. 1981 ;Faik, 1988 ;Habibi, 1988 ;Bouabdelli, 1989 ;Fadli, 1990 ;Tahiri, 1991 ;Lazreq, 1983: Cattanéo et al. 1993). ...
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The El Hammam fluorite deposit is located in the Palaeozoic basement of the central Morocco. The deposit extension development requires the establishment of its structural model. Structural surveys have permitted to distinguish three types of fluorite structures: the first oriented N40E is carried by the main faults; the second developed between the previous structures have N55E to N60E and N70E to N75E as main directions, they correspond respectively to Riedels fractures (SR1 and SR2); the third type, less frequent, is E-W trend tension gashs. Structural analysis of major faults provide a cinematic expressed by (a) reverse faults during the hercynian major folding phase (shortening NW-SE); (b) a normal dextral motion related to transtensive setting under a regional ENE-WSW shortening, and (c) evolved to normal motion under extensive regime linked both to relaxation or a regime change. Therefore, fluorite mineralizations successively deposited are mainly controlled by these tectonic events according to the following chronology: (i) the transtensional event is responsible for host-rock brecciation (B1) and the spate calcite crystallization; (ii) a second hydraulic brecciation (B2) of the calcite is accompanied by the placing of the economic green fluorite; (iii) during a re-opening of previous structures, the banded fluorite (purple or white) locally economic took place. The continuum of extension event gives rise to a late sulphides mineralization (galena, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and pyrite), quartz and chalcedony. It should be noted that the late silicification has corroded a part of the fluorite according to the exploitation sites. Late faults N130E to N140E (designated Fy in situ) post mineralization were noted. he set of these structures defines a mega-shear zone over (NE-SW) about 8 km of width and more than 10 km of length. Such results offer perspectives of extension and open possibilities for regional fluorite exploration. Otherwise, they also incite to the valorization of the potential in sulphides and tin oxides expressed in this district.
... En effet, depuis les premiers travaux dans l"Anti-Atlas, il ressort que le Groupe de Ouarzazate présente plus d"affinités géologiques avec sa couverture transgressive cambrienne, bien que les premières faunes cambriennes ne soient développées que vers le sommet de la première méga-séquence, carbonatée, de cette couverture, cela explique les tentatives de regroupement de ces séries intermédiaires dans un Cambrien basal (Choubert, 1943 ;1948), puis dans un Précambrien supérieur-Infracambrien (Choubert, 1952 ;, synonyme du terme actuel de Protérozoïque terminal. Régionalement, le contact entre le Groupe de Ouarzazate et la couverture sédimentaire est globalement décrit comme une faible discordance, localement angulaire comme dans le Kerdous (Hassenforder, 1987), ou de ravinement dans le Jbel Saghro (Benziane et al., 1983), ou même comme passage progressif dans l"Anti-Atlas occidental (Piqué et al., 1999 ;Soulaimani et al., 2003). ...
... terminal -Paléozoïque inférieur À la fin de la phase majeure de rifting enregistrée par le complexe volcano-sédimentaire du Groupe de Ouarzazate (PIII) à l"Édiacarien supérieur ( Soulaimani et al., 2003) s"opère un soulèvement de grande longueur d"onde enregistré dans l"Anti-Atlas central par une surface d"érosion et une discordance angulaire au sommet du Groupe de Ouarzazate à dominance volcanique. Il en résulte un flux terrigène grossier important qui assure le comblement des bassins fluvio- lacustres du Groupe de Ouarzazate en domaine plus distal dans l"Anti-Atlas occidental (Kerdous et Tagragra d"Akka). ...
... Cette tectonique de blocs montre qu"à cette époque le domaine de l"Anti-Atlas est affecté par une extension généralisée responsable d"une topographie en blocs soulevés (ex. : boutonnière d"Iguerda) bordés par des domaines affaissés, le tout est scellé par les dépôts transgressifs adoudouniens (Soulaimani et al., 2003). C'est donc dans un paysage à fort relief et sans cesse soumis à l'érosion, que les émissions pyroclastiques à dominante rhyolitique du Groupe de Ouarzazate, se mettent en place entre 575 et 550 Ma. ...
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... Recently, the evolutionary history of primitive radiolitid rudists in the late Aptian-Albian, especially the development of celluloprismatic structure, was addressed by the description of Archaeoradiolites Fenerci-Masse, Masse, Arias and Vilas, 2006, of early late Aptian age. The foremost genus in the late late Aptian-Albian was Eoradiolites Douvillé, 1909, and other genera, namely Sphaerulites Lamarck, 1819and Praeradiolites Douvillé, 1902, are only Late Cretaceous radiolitids (Fenerci-Masse et al., 2006;Masse et al., 2007). ...
... Family Radiolitidae d'Orbigny, 1847 Genus Eoradiolites Douvillé, 1909 Eoradiolites cf. gilgitensis (Douvillé, 1926b) Material.-Single ...
... Inwardly inclined growth laminae, as well as salient and flattened anterior and posterior bands in its right valve, are some of the diagnostic features of the genus Eoradiolites ( Figure 3B, C) (e.g. Douvillé, 1909Douvillé, , 1910Masse et al., 2007;Pons et al., 2010). The foliated outer shell habit of the Hokkaido Eoradiolites is also recognized in some other Eoradiolites species, such as E. jumillensis Masse et al., 2007 from Spain and certain E. gilgitensis specimens from the Teheran region, Iran (Figure 3A, B). ...
A radiolitid rudist, Eoradiolites cf. gilgitensis is described from a late early to late Aptian shallowmarine limestone block in the lower part of the Yezo Group, central Hokkaido, northern Japan. The Hokkaido Eoradiolites is characterized by a compact (non-cellular) outer shell layer, as seen in E. gilgitensis (from Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India), E. griesbachi (from Afghanistan), and E. ngariensis (from western Tibet in China), which are all located in the Southwest Asian region of the northern Tethyan margin. This is one of the earliest records in the world of primitive radiolitids with a radiolitiform myocardinal arrangement. This finding demonstrates that radiolitids had already expanded to the western Pacific at an early evolutionary stage, and that a faunal connection between the northwestern Pacific region and Southwest Asia existed at least in the late Aptian.
... Where preserved, the outer shell layer is very thin, around 0.5 mm. Inner characters, as described by Douvillé (1904), are well visible on the commissural view: PT is larger and more prominent than AT; PM is a prominent lamella parallel to the posterior margin; AM is large and located on an inward inclined platform; AT is prolonged ventrally in a septum separating the MC cavity from the PC which includes the CT socket; pallial canals are developed at the anterior, ventral and posterior sides of the valve; they are polygonal in section, arranged alternate in up to four concentric rows, and diminishing in size from the inner part to the outer margin. The RV is very short, 11 mm, gyropleuriform, its anterior-posterior diameter measures 30 mm, and presents a curved ligament furrow at the outer surface. ...
... Mitrocaprina vidaliDouvillé, 1904. Pobla de Segur. ...
... 23. Mitrocaprina vidaliDouvillé, 1904. Pobla de Segur. ...
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The revision of the 323 register numbers of rudist bivalves in the Vidal Collection, kept at the Museu de Geologia de Barcelona (MCNB), allowed the identification and re-figuration of thirty-three holotype or syntype specimens corresponding to twenty species established by Vidal. Among them, thirteen are considered as valid species, four resulted to be synonymous with other senior species, and three (one not figured) do not display enough characters to be properly identified. The four syntypes of Hippurites castroi, currently attributed to genus Hippuritella, have not been localised, nor the other two specimens subsequently figured by the author. Similarly, three of the four syntypes of Hippurites maestrei, type species of Hippuritella, have not been localised. Contrarily, the specimens described as Sphaerulites posae but not figured, were localised. On the other hand, twelve specimens, syntypes or figured as new species by other authors (Matheron and Douvillé), have also been identified and are re-figured; most of them are part of the specimens that were sectioned for study and then returned to Vidal. In addition, other seventeen specimens figured by Douvillé have been identified and are documented; most of them also being part of a sectioned specimen.
... They illustrated funnels ("entonnoirs") and discs that were thought to represent terminal caps as in the living thalli of Acetabularia (see photomicrographs in Berger, 2006). The fossil remains consisting of several superposed and imbricated umbels led L. and J. Morellet (1918) to revise this assumption and to provide a modern and synthetic view of the generic concept, which was not formalized until Bassoullet et al. (1978) sixty years later. ...
... In their early contribution, L. and J. Morellet (1918) introduced a new species, Clypeina helvetica, adding it to the two species already known from Cenozoic strata, i.e. C. marginiporella (Michelin, 1845) and C. digitata (Parker & Jones, 1860). However, there was still no record of a Mesozoic representative of the genus Clypeina until the description of Clypeina jurassica Favre, 1927, from uppermost Jurassic Purbeckian strata (Favre and Richard, 1927;p. ...
... There were many revisions of the generic diagnosis of Clypeina (see Rezak, 1957;Elliott, 1968;Bassoullet et al., 1978). The last one by the "French Group Studying Fossil Algae" (Bassoullet et al., 1978) takes into account the observation of J. and L. Morellet (1918) who found pores on the cap (top) of the algal thallus corresponding to the mark of a terminal tuft of sterile "hairs". It also incorporates an opinion since J. and L. Morellet (1918; p. 104, § "4°") report the occurrence of tubes with rows of pores, i.e. verticils of sterile laterals. ...
The fossil genus Clypeina (Michelin, 1845) comprises some 40 species. We describe Clypeina tibanai, a new species from ? upper Albian–Cenomanian strata of the Potiguar Basin, Brazil, characterised by closely set verticils of tubular, bended laterals. It is compared with Clypeina hanabataensis Yabe & Toyama, 1949, a Late Jurassic species, and with Pseudoactinoporella fragilis (Conrad, 1970), an Early Cretaceous taxon. The new species belongs to a short list of green algae found in the young South Atlantic oceanic corridor, an assemblage defining a phycological paleobioprovince discrete from that of the Tethyan realm.
... Stephenson (1938, p. 2) noted that the Kansas material reported by Logan as R. maximus "appears mainly to belong to Durania." Miller (1968, p. 37) reassigned the Kansas specimens to Durania (Douvillé 1908) without supporting comments, and changed the gender of the species name from maximus (male) to maxima (female). Durania is a cosmopolitan genus, occurring throughout the Tethyan region, including New Mexico (Hook and Cobban 2013), Texas and Puerto Rico (Donovan 1992), France (Douvillé 1908), Egypt (El-Shazly 2011) and Saudi Arabia (Gili et al. 1995). ...
... Miller (1968, p. 37) reassigned the Kansas specimens to Durania (Douvillé 1908) without supporting comments, and changed the gender of the species name from maximus (male) to maxima (female). Durania is a cosmopolitan genus, occurring throughout the Tethyan region, including New Mexico (Hook and Cobban 2013), Texas and Puerto Rico (Donovan 1992), France (Douvillé 1908), Egypt (El-Shazly 2011) and Saudi Arabia (Gili et al. 1995). See Cobban et al. (1985) for a summary of the distribution of Durania in the Western Interior. ...
... Con anterioridad a ello, el icnogénero Daedalus había sido reportado en los horizontes inferiores de las "Capas Intermedias", abundando especialmente al norte de Navalpino (Martín Escorza, 1977), en una sección localizada unos 9 km al oeste del yacimiento estudiado. Estos niveles contienen esencialmente Daedalus halli (Rouault, 1850), una icnoespecie que se registra profusamente en el Morro del Águila en una posición estratigráfica más elevada que la de Navalpino. No obstante, en la sección estudiada es el tramo con D. desglandi el que constituye los horizontes monoicnoespecíficos, siendo su extraordinaria abundancia la que determina la singularidad del yacimiento paleoicnolológico de Fontanarejo. ...
... El icnogénero Daedalus Rouault fue descrito originalmente, de manera conjunta con Vexillum y Humilis, como parte de un grupo de fósiles vegetales conservados en la Arenisca Armoricana de Bretaña y Normandía (Rouault, 1850). Posteriormente, su autor estableció la sinonimia entre los tres géneros y sus respectivas especies, proponiendo a Vexillum como nombre prioritario (Rouault, 1883). ...
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Se presenta el hallazgo de un gran afloramiento cuarcítico situado al este de Fontanarejo (Ciudad Real), afectado por una intensa bioturbación a cargo del productor de Daedalus desglandi (Rouault). La localidad se sitúa en los niveles inferiores de las “Capas Intermedias” (Arenigiense inferior) y el icnofósil corresponde a una excavación vertical con conexiones convexas, con desarrollo helicoidal hacia el interior, que se inicia desde un punto situado inicialmente en la interfase agua-sedimento, en un ambiente marino muy somero. La mayoría de los ejemplares observados son secciones transversales de D. desglandi conservados como epirelieves, que alcanzan la increíble densidad de 250-275 ejemplares/m2, en un área que podría alcanzar los 12000 m2. La magnitud de esta asociación icnoespecífica, tan masiva, convierte a la localidad en un referente único a nivel mundial del registro icnológico paleozoico, y promueve nuestra propuesta para que sea inventariada en la lista de los Lugares Geológicos Españoles de interés internacional.
... La secuencia jurásica del Alto Atlas es, en su gran mayoría, una serie calcárea y margosa que llega a alcanzar hasta los 5.000 m de potencia (Teixell et al., 2003 y referencias allí incluidas). Los depósitos jurásicos se depositan en una etapa extensional o transtensiva localizada entre un estadio de rifting anterior (Triásico a Lías inferior) y la inversión generalizada de las cuencas a partir del Cretácico superior hasta la actualidad, con un estado intermedio dominado por diapirísmo, intrusiones magmáticas y posiblemente un régimen transtensivo o transpresivo (Mattauer et al., 1977; Laville y Piqué, 1992; Frizon de Lamotte et al., 2008). Torres-López et al. (2014 señalan la existencia de una remagnetización cretácica que afecta a la serie jurásica en el Alto Atlas marroquí a partir de un estudio paleomagnético en uno de los sectores más estudiados del Alto Atlas, el corte de Imilchil.Así mismo, Moussaid et al. (2014) describen una remagnetización de la misma edad en las capas rojas jurásicas de una zona del margen norte de la cordillera (sinclinal de Aït-Attab). ...
... La Cordillera del Atlas es una cadena montañosa intracontinental (Mattauer et al., 1977) que exhibe dos ramas principales: el Alto Atlas, con dirección dominante tendente a E-O y el Atlas Medio, alineado aproximadamente en dirección NE-SO (Laville y Piqué, 1992, Frizon de Lamotte et al., 2000 ). Se extiende a lo largo de más de 2000 km y alcanza su máxima elevación al oeste (Jbel Toubkhal) con 4165 m. ...
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W e p r e s e n t t h e p r e li m i n a r y r e s u l t s o f a p a l e o m a g n e t i c s t u d y , i n M e s o z o i c s e d i m e n t s o f t h e M i d e l t - E r r a c h i d i a t r a n s e c t i n t h e M o r o c c a n H i g h A t l a s . T h e N a t u r a l R e m a n e n t M a g n e t i z a t i o n i s d o m i n a t e d b y a r e m a g n e t i z a t i o n w i t h a v e r y s t a b l e b e h a v i o r a n d s y s t e m a t i c n o r m a l p o l a r i t y , p r e v i o u s l y o b s e r v e d i n a w e s t w a r d r e g i o n o f t h e C e n t r a l H i g h A t l a s . U s i n g t h e s m a l l c i r c l e i n t e r s e c t i o n m e t h o d w e h a v e c a l c u l a t e d t h e d i r e c t i o n o f t h i s s e c o n d a r y m a g n e t i z a t i o n ( D = 3 3 6 . 7 ° , I = 3 0 . 6 ° ) . C o m p a r i n g t h i s d i r e c t i o n w i t h t h e G l o b a l A p p a r e n t P o l a r W a n d e r P a t h ( A P W P ) i n A f r i c a n c o o r d i n a t e s f o r N o r t h e r n A f r i c a w e c a n a s s i g n a C e n o m a n i a n a g e ( a b o u t 1 0 0 M . a . ) t o t h i s r e m a g n e t i z a t i o n , s i m il a r t o t h a t o b t a i n e d i n o t h e r r e g i o n s o f t h e C e n t r a l H i g h A t l a s . T h i s w o r k e n h a n c e s t h e h y p o t h e s i s t h a t t h e r e i s a w i d e s p r e a d r e m a g n e t i z a t i o n i n t h e M o r o c c a n H i g h A t l a s . K e y - w o r d s : R e m a g n e t i z a t i o n , H i g h A t l a s , S C I m e t h o d , p a l e o m a g n e t i s m , C r e t a c e o u s .
... Discusión: Douvillé (1908) describió el género Durania para las formas de Sauvagesia cornupastoris (des Moulins, 1827) desprovistas de cresta ligamentaria. La especie D. arnaudi se caracteriza por la forma de las costillas, la banda anterior costulada, y la edad (Oviedo-García, 2005). ...
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A biostratigraphic and systematic study on the upper Cenomanian-lower Turonian (Picofrentes Formation) outcrops of the Santamera and Riofrío del Llano area (Guadalajara, Spain) is presented. The following taxa have been identified: the brachiopod Phaseolina phaseolina (Valenciennes in and the echinoids Tetragramma variolare (Brongniart, 1822), Holaster sp., Hemiaster bufo Desor, 1847, Hemiaster sp., Mecaster cf. scutiger (Forbes in Sharpe, 1849) and Mecaster palpebratus (Loriol, 1888). The sedimentary facies and the fossil assemblages identified correspond to a neritic-coastal palaeoenvironment. Resumen: Se ha realizado un estudio bioestratigráfíco y sistemático de los materiales y fósiles del Ce-nomaniense superior-Turoniense inferior (Formación Picofrentes) en el área de Santamera y Riofrío del Llano, al norte de Guadalajara, España. Se han identificado los siguientes fósiles: el braquiópodo Pha-seolina phaseolina (Valenciennes in Lamarck, 1819); los bivalvos Chlamys cf. guerangeri (Farge in los equinoideos Tetragramma variolare (Brongniart, 1822), Holaster sp., Hemiaster bufo Desor, 1847, Hemiaster sp., Mecaster cf. scutiger (For-bes in Sharpe, 1849) y Mecaster palpebratus (Loriol, 1888). Las facies y las asociaciones identificadas revelan que estos materiales corresponden a paleomedios nerítico-litorales.
... cit.) esmenta i figura el conjunt de foraminífers que es troba associat als rudistes dels voltants del municipi de Bocairent, citant les espècies Hellenocyclina beotica Reichel, 1949, Siderolites calcitrapoides Lamarck, 1801, Orbitoides media (d'Archiac, 1837, Orbitoides tissoti Schlumberger, 1902, Orbitoides apiculata Schlumberger, 1902 Soleno meris aff. ogormani (Douvillé, 1924) i Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck, 1816). També esmenta la presència de miliòlids i rotàlids, però sense precisar les espècies. ...
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Larger foraminifera and associated fauna from the Maastrichtian of the southern valencian Prebaetic sector (E Iberian Peninsula) The benthic foraminiferal assemblage and the associated fauna found in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Serra de la Solana, Valencia (Spain) have been revised. The study has allowed us to confirm the presence of the foraminiferal species Hellenocyclina beotica Reichel, Siderolites aff. calcitrapoides Lamarck, Orbitoides apiculata Schlumberger, Orbitoides gensacicus (Leymerie) and Omphalocyclus macroporus (Lamarck), as stated by previous authors. In addition, the revision has permitted to identify some other species, never cited before in Serra de la Solana and neighbour regions in Iberian Peninsula, such as Fissoelphidium operculiferum Smout and Selimina cf. spinalis Inan and two different morphotypes of rotaliids that we have left in open nomenclature, namely, Rotaliidae indet. sp. 1 and Rotaliidae indet. sp. 2. The rudists and echinoid found associated to these benthic foraminifera have been also revised. The rudist species found are Hippurites radiosus Des Moulins, Hippurites cornucopiae Defrance, Hippurites cf. lamarcki Douvillé, and Apricardia sp., the two latter cited in Serra de la Solana for the first time. The echinoid assemblage is composed of the species Pygopyrina darderi (Lambert), Linthia payeni (Coquand) and Hemipneustes striatoradiatus (Leske). The whole assemblage, typical of shallow-water platform environments, is Upper Maastrichtian in age and shows some differences in respect other contemporaneous asseblages from other paleogeographical areas.
... Laterally, these two vomer rami contact the palatines. The palatines are separated medially by the pterygoids and thus, do not meet in the midline ( Figure 3B), differing from B. lucasi (Williston, 1903;Schumacher et al., 2013), Liopleurodon ferox Sauvage, 1873(Noè, 2001 and probably K. queenslandicus (McHenry, 2009). The exposed ventral surface of the palatine is lateromedially narrow. ...
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A new fossil MP111209-1 found in the Barremian beds of Sáchica, a town near Villa de Leiva representing the more complete skeleton found in the region is described here. After a detailed study of its morphological characteristics, it is evident that the new specimen represents a new genus and species of brachauchenine pliosaurid from Central Colombia that we named Sachicasaurus vitae gen. et sp. nov. Sachicasaurus is a large brachauchenine (almost 10 m in length) characterized by the following combination of characters: skull exceeding two meters in length, transverse constriction in the rostrum, caniniform teeth present, pineal foramen in a very advanced position, palatines separated in the midline by the pterygoids, very short mandibular symphysis (bearing four teeth positions), reduced number of mandibular teeth (less than 20), slender hyoid bones, 12 cervical vertebrae, cervical centra showing ventral foramina, single rib facet in all cervical centra, at least 40 pre-caudal vertebrae, and ilium with a long posterior projection. Although it is difficult to clearly establish the phylogenetic position of Sachicasaurus viate within Brachaucheninae due to its combination of primitive and derived features, the morphological comparisons and the cladistic analysis show an evident phylogenetic proximity of Sachicasaurus to the Aptian-Albian genus Kronosaurus.
... Where the Dekkar formations have been investigated in the eastern High Atlas (Haddoumi, 1998;Haddoumi et al., 1998), the Lower Cretaceous strata are exclusively continental (Feist et al., 1999). The gypsum-bearing marls and the 3 to 4 m-thick limestones described at Anoual from the Dekkar 2 Fm (Fig. 15.1) closely resemble the marine layers of the Marginal Folds (Fig. 15.2), but the ostracods sampled at Anoual are lacustrine. ...
Stratigraphic, sedimentologic, and micropaleontologic studies have been undertaken on the “Infra-Cenomanian” continental red beds (= Dekkar Group) located on the northern side of the Moroccan eastern High Atlas. Rich charophyte assemblages containing Sphaerochara magna, Ascidiella stellata, Hemiclavator sp. A, Globator trochiliscoides, Atopochara trivolvis, At. triquetra, and Flabellochara harrisii indicate a late Barremian age for the lower part of the series. Within the continental deposits we have discovered in the Middle Member of the Dekkar 2 Formation limestones and marls containing echinoderms, dasycladacean algae and foraminifera (miliolids, Ammobaculites sp., Choffatella decipiens). The existence of two littoral to lagoonal-marine intercalations within the continental sedimentation reveals marine transgressive events during the late Barremian–?early Aptian. The lateral extension of these marine sediments allows the erection of paleogeographic boundaries that define a « Marginal Folds Gulf » characterized mainly by restricted marine paleoenvironments. This E-W directed gulf is a relatively long depression, a few tens of kilometers wide and one hundred kilometers long, developed in an area which is now at the foot of the eastern High Atlas. The infilling deposits is dominantly controlled by the distance from the North High Atlas Fault. The gulf terminated westward and probably opened northeastward into the Tethyan domain. This narrow gulf was separated from both the Tethyan Gulf known in the Central Middle Atlas during the Aptian and the coeval Atlantic Gulf located on the northern side of the Marrakech and Central High Atlas. Thus, the « Marginal Folds Gulf » is a new paleogeographic feature that documents marine incursions within the Jurassic–Early Cretaceous continental areas of the NW Africa.
... Loftusia external views 1-2 -Loftusia elongate Cox, 1937; 3 -Loftusia morgani Douvillé, 1904; 4 -Abnormal forms; 5 -Mixed Loftusia individuals; 6 -Loftusia persica Brady, 1869, including silicified and burrowed initial part, equatorial section, specimen no. 12.3; 7 -Loftusia cf. ...
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The Maastrichtian sediments of northern Iraq are rich in larger benthic foraminifera. Among them, the genus Loftusia is well-known one because of its significant palaeogeographic distribution across the Mediterranean and Middle East. In this study, observations of abnormal test shapes, species recognition criteria and endoskeleton characteristics of Loftusia are discussed, based on the new material from north-eastern Iraq. The following species of Loftusia are described: Loftusia elongata Cox, L. persica Brady, Loftusia morgani Douvillé, L. anatolica Meriç, L. matsumarui Meriç and Görmüs, L. minor B Cox, L. ketini B Meriç and L. kahtaensis Meriç, Loftusia minor A Cox, L. oktayi Meriç and L. baykali Meriç. The predominant species are Loftusia elongata, L. morgani and L. baykali. Skewed abnormal individuals and epidermal parts of the endoskeleton structure are also interesting aspects to note. Quantitative data obtained for Loftusia allow us to better understand and interpret species identification criteria, abnormal occurrences and the endoskeleton structure.
... The Healthy Hill Formation overlies the Chapelton Formation (Mitchell, 2013;2016). It 809 comprises a pink-coloured foraminiferal grainstone which contains large miliolids including 810 ...
The island of Jamaica forms the northern extent of the Nicaraguan Rise, an elongate linear tectonic feature stretching as far as Honduras and Nicaragua to the south. Uplift and subaerial exposure of Jamaica during the Neogene has made the island rare within the Caribbean region, as it is the only area where rocks of the Nicaraguan Rise are exposed on land. Biostratigraphic dating and palaeoenvironmental interpretations using larger benthic foraminifera, supplemented by planktonic foraminifera, nannopalaeontology and palynology of outcrop, well and corehole samples has enabled the creation of a regional relative sea-level curve through identification of several depositional sequences. This study recognises ten unconformity-bounded transgressive-regressive sequences which record a complete cycle of relative sea level rise and fall. Sequences are recognised in the Early to ‘Middle’ Cretaceous (EKTR1), Coniacian-Santonian (STR1), Campanian (CTR1), Maastrichtian (MTR1-2), Paleocene-Early Eocene (PETR1), Eocene (YTR1-3) and Late Eocene-Oligocene (WTR1). These transgressive-regressive cycles represent second to fourth order sequences, although most tie with globally recognised third order sequences. Comparisons of the Jamaican relative sea-level curve with other published global mean sea-level curves show that local tectonics exerts a strong control on the deposition of sedimentary sequences in Jamaica. Large unconformities (duration >1 Ma) are related to significant regional tectonic events, with minor overprint of a global eustatic signal, while smaller unconformities (duration <1 Ma) are produced by global eustatic trends. The relatively low rates of relative sea-level rise calculated from the regional relative sea-level curve indicate that carbonate production rates were able to keep pace with the rate of relative sea-level rise accounting for the thick successions of Maastrichtian carbonates and those of the Yellow and White Limestone Groups. Carbonate platform drowning within the White Limestone Group during the Oligocene to Miocene is attributed to environmental deterioration given the low rates of relative sea-level rise.
... ) bulgular ile cinsin paleocoğrafyası, Tetis'in batısına kadar uzatılmıştır (Dilley, 1971;Meriç ve Mojab, 1977;Fleury vd., 1990;Meriç, 1991). Bu çalışmalara ek olarak Loftusia türlerinin sistematiğini (Brady, 1869;Douvillé, 1904;Kühn, 1929;Cox, 1937;Henson, 1948;Meriç, 1965aMeriç, -b, 1967Meriç, , 1974Meriç, , 1979Al Omari ve Sadek, 1976;El-Asa'ad, 1989;Avşar, 1991;Meriç ve Avşar, 1992), zaman içinde değişimi ile tür tanımlarının tarihçesini (Cox, 1937;Al-Omari ve Sadek, 1976;Meriç ve Mojab, 1977) konu alan çalışmalar da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada farklı bir yaklaşımla Loftusia türlerinin paleocoğrafik dağılımı, levha tektoniği kuramının yeni görüşleri doğrultusunda sunulması amaçlanmıştır. ...
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ABSTRACT This study includes paleogeographical re-evaluation of various Loftusia species known to exist mainly in the Middle East Countries (Late Cretaceous-Maastrichtian) in the lights of plate tectonic theory. Besides, it also discusses similarities and differences of various species in the small plates of the two giant continents in place and time. In taking the species variety and their abundance in the various platforms into the consideration, salinity and temperature, on the another hand, living near the equator, affected the abundance and size of Loftusia species. Smaller forms occurred at the end of the Late Maastrictian and the stratigraphical range of the Loftusia species in Turkey is from Middle to Upper Maastrichtian. In addition, it is also thought that tiny ophiolitic rock fragments within the Loftusia tests were related to the ophiolitic movements and substrate features during the Late Maastrichtian.
... ) bulgular ile cinsin paleocoğrafyası, Tetis'in batısına kadar uzatılmıştır (Dilley, 1971;Meriç ve Mojab, 1977;Fleury vd., 1990;Meriç, 1991). Bu çalışmalara ek olarak Loftusia türlerinin sistematiğini (Brady, 1869;Douvillé, 1904;Kühn, 1929;Cox, 1937;Henson, 1948;Meriç, 1965aMeriç, -b, 1967Meriç, , 1974Meriç, , 1979Al Omari ve Sadek, 1976;El-Asa'ad, 1989;Avşar, 1991;Meriç ve Avşar, 1992), zaman içinde değişimi ile tür tanımlarının tarihçesini (Cox, 1937;Al-Omari ve Sadek, 1976;Meriç ve Mojab, 1977) konu alan çalışmalar da bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada farklı bir yaklaşımla Loftusia türlerinin paleocoğrafik dağılımı, levha tektoniği kuramının yeni görüşleri doğrultusunda sunulması amaçlanmıştır. ...
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ÖZ Bu çalışmada, çoğunlukla Ortadoğu ülkelerinden tanımlanan Loftusia türlerinin Maastrihtiyen (Geç Kretase) Tetis Okyanusu’ndaki paleocoğrafik yayılımı, levha tektoniği kuramı ışığında yeniden değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca, Gondvana ve Lavrasya süper kıtalarının plakacıklarında sığ platformlarda yaşayan türlerin zaman ve mekan içindeki benzerlik ve farklılıkları da tartışılmıştır. Arap paltformu kökenli Loftusia’ ların farklı platformlardaki tür çeşitliliği ile bolluğu değerlendirildiğinde, ekvator kuşağına yakınlığın, dolayısı ile tuzluluk ve sıcaklığın, Loftusia’ ların kavkı iriliğine ve yaşam bolluğuna etki ettiği görülür. Geç Maastrihtiyen sonlarına doğru, Loftusia boyutlarında bir küçülme de gözlenmekte olup, Türkiye’deki Loftusia’ ların yaş aralıkları Orta-Üst Maastrihtiyen’dir. Bunlara ek olarak, Üst Maastrihtiyen Loftusia kavkılarındaki ofiyolitli kırıntılı gerecin, Orta-Geç Maastrihtiyen’deki ofiyolit yerleşimleriyle ilişkili olduğu, zemin özelliklerinden kaynaklandığı sonucu da ortaya konmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Loftusia, Maastrihtiyen, Paleocoğrafya, Tetis. ABSTRACT This study includes paleogeographical re-evaluation of various Loftusia species known to exist mainly in the Middle East Countries (Late Cretaceous-Maastrichtian) in the lights of plate tectonic theory. Besides, it also discusses similarities and differences of various species in the small plates of the two giant continents in place and time. In taking the species variety and their abundance in the various platforms into the consideration, salinity and temperature, on the another hand, living near the equator, affected the abundance and size of Loftusia species. Smaller forms occurred at the end of the Late Maastrictian and the stratigraphical range of the Loftusia species in Turkey is from Middle to Upper Maastrichtian. In addition, it is also thought that tiny ophiolitic rock fragments within the Loftusia tests were related to the ophiolitic movements and substrate features during the Late Maastrichtian.
... In addition, a lesser part of the displacement of Africa occurred along a left-lateral transcurrent fault, a possible secondary plate boundary, which now constitutes the southern border of the High Atlas. The formation of the Early Jurassic Basins along the Atlasic System (AS, Fig. 2) must be ascribed to oblique rifting as suggested by Mattauer et al. (1977). The Jurassic basin of the Middle Atlas in particular , represents the oblique connection between the two shear zones corresponding to the SIS and the AS (Fig. 2).To the north of the SIS, the main plate boundary, the Iberian Peninsula was eastward trailed in the wake of the displacement of Africa. ...
... LP, located at an altitude of 1197 m above sea level., is a maar lake formed by a phreatomagmatic eruption about 6 ka ago (Camus et al. 1993) and represents the youngest volcanic activity in the Massif Central. LP has a maximum depth of 92 m and a surface area of 0.44 km 2 . ...
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The primary goal of this study was to apply an innovative analytical method based on a gas membrane sensor (GMS) to quantify the concentrations of CO 2 and CH 4 gas in water columns from volcanic lakes. For this purpose, dissolved CO 2 and CH 4 from the Monticchio Grande and Piccolo (Mt Vulture, Italy) and Pavin (Massif Central, France) lakes, characterized by depths of 35, 38 and 92 m, respectively, were measured using two different approaches: GMS and SH (single hose), the latter being an independent conventional method. The CO 2 and CH 4 concentrations recorded via the GMS and SH techniques were within the analytical errors of the two methods. These test measurements demonstrated that the GMS method can be successfully used to produce highly accurate in situ measurements of dissolved gas composition along the vertical profiles of lakes.
... The Aït Attab and Ouaouizaght basins are located in the northern border of the central High Atlas, that forms part of the alpine Atlasic belt. It is an intraplate belt (Michard, 1976;Mattauer et al. 1977), resulting from inversion of extensional and strike-slip basins (Laville, 1985;Fedan, 1988). Both basins are filled with terrigenous deposits, silts and sandstones, with less frequent marly marine limestones, Upper Jurassic to Lower Creataceous in age. ...
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An integrated magneto-lithological study of the modern sediments from four lakes in the Black Sea Littoral Zone (Romania) was carried out. The lakes under attention are characterised as fluvio-marine lymans (i.e., Taşaul, Techirghiol and Mangalia) and as littoral lagoons (i.e., Siutghiol). Based on the magnetic susceptibility (MS; k) measurements and on the lithological analyses (SIL – mineral-siliciclastic fraction; CAR – carbonates; TOM – total organic matter content), the areal distribution of each parameter has been investigated in the above-mentioned lakes. Following the location of the littoral lakes from North to South, the Taşaul Lake case is firstly discussed. The highest k values (up to 490.97x10E-06 SI) were recorded on the sediments sampled in the north-western extremity, in the Casimcea river solid discharge area. This is followed up by the influence zone of the green schists quarries from Sibioara (SW of the lake), in which the bottom sediments showed MS values up to 214.47x10E-06 SI. The lowest k values (e.g., 22.83x10E-06 SI) cover the central–south-eastern part of the lake, i.e. where the organic-rich sediments prevail. As regards the Techirghiol Lake, the highest k values (up to 206.38x10E-06 SI) and SIL contents (up to 76.8%) follow up the banks of the two southern arms of the lake, the sediments being predominantly siliciclastic, often visibly sandy. The significance of the ancient water streams which supplied the lyman should be also considered. The dominantly organic sediments are mainly placed in the central-northern area, where zones of maximum TOM contents and of minimum MS values are recorded. A strong positive correlation is revealed for SIL vs k, and a strong negative one for [TOM+CAR] vs k. In the Siutghiol Lake case, a possible anthropogenic impact of the Poarta Albă – Năvodari Canal construction works is inferred from the recent sediments sampled in the northern area, with MS values reaching 403.44x10E-06 SI. High k values (up to 949.19x10E-06 SI) were also recorded on the samples collected from the NW-W area, where the input of the high border could be responsible for this magnetic regime, but a presumable anthropogenic impact caused by the Ovidiu village vicinity must not be neglected. The last littoral lake investigated is the Mangalia Lake. The SIL and MS maps are very well correlated: the k values are increasing upstream to downstream, along with the enrichment of the sediments in siliciclastic material and the decreasing of the organic substance contents. The present integrated magnetic susceptibility and lithological study of the four littoral lakes adds up the enviromagnetic data bank carried out for deltaic and lagoonal lakes during 35 years.
... Description : cette espèce de grande taille (denture préarticulaire pouvant atteindre près de 10 cm) est caractérisée par des dents ornées de rides rayonnant à partir d'une zone centrale rugueuse et déprimée. Un préarticulaire bien préservé présente trois rangées de dents Discussion : cette forme bien caractéristique a été initialement rangée par Coquand (1859Coquand ( , 1860 dans le genre Gyrodus, puis dans le genre Cosmodus par Sauvage (1879Sauvage ( , 1880b. Ce taxon doit en fait être rattaché au genre Coelodus (Priem, 1912 ;Kriwet, 2005). ...
M. François Guillocheau, Univ. Rennes (Président) Mme Angela D. Buscalioni, Univ. Madrid (Rapporteur) M. Jean-Claude Rage, MNHN, Paris (Rapporteur) M. Jean-Michel Mazin, Univ. Lyon 1 (Examinateur) M. Henri Cappetta, Univ. Montpellier 2 (Co-directeur de thèse) M. Didier Néraudeau, Univ. Rennes 1 (Directeur de thèse)
... -ainsi que celles de DouviLLé (1931) et de LeCointre (1934 -se comparent très bien avec les exemples actuels de biocénoses des bernard-l'hermite actuels (WiLLiams & mCDermott, 2004). Aucun reste de Paguridae fossile ou de Diogenidae fossile du Miocène tourangeaux n'est connu dans la bibliographie. ...
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Hermit crab fossils are known in the literature from the Miocene shelly sands of Touraine. In 1997, three specimens identified as Paguroidea propodi were discovered in the La Sonneterie quarry (Channay-sur-Lathan, Indre-et-Loire, France). New descriptions of these fossils make it possible to relate them to the families Paguridae (Paguridae indet.) and Diogenidae (Paguristes gagnaisoni nov. sp.). These hermit crabs complete the list of decapods crustaceans from the Miocene basin of Savigné-sur-Lathan/Noyant-sous-le-Lude.
... In dorsal view, the suture between the dentaries fused only at the level of the first and second alveoli, and continues up to the third alveolus without fusion ( Fig. 4.1). Between the fourth and sixth alveoli, the medial bar widens and the union between both dentaries is characterized by the presence of asymmetrical posteromedially oriented grooves, which interfinger but lack the "heart-shaped depression" (Fig. 4.1) seen in Liopleurodon ferox Sauvage, 1873(Noè, 2001. The labial margins of the symphysis in buccal view have no wavelets, and they widen almost imperceptibly at the fourth alveolus, which is the largest (Fig. 4.1-2). ...
Pliosaurus patagonicus sp. nov., from the middle Tithonian, Vaca Muerta Formation, Neuquen Province, Argentina, is described on an autapomorphic trait -i.e., the distance between the posterior functional alveolus and coronoid eminence (300 mm) equivalent to the last fourteen alveoli- and a unique combination of characters: short and robust mandibular symphysis with six pairs of functional alveoli; in lateral view the dorsoventral height is almost constant along the symphysis; low coronoid eminence and mandibular rami almost straight. As in other species of Pliosaurus genus the new taxon has trihedral teeth but the typical lateral expansion of the mandibular symphysis is missing. This new record reinforces the hypothesis of a trend toward the shortening of the mandibular symphysis observed in late Kimmeridgian-Tithonian species from the northern hemisphere. The presence of the macropredator Pliosaurus patagonicus sp. nov. in a protected marine environment close to the coast may be interpreted as the result of predatory and/or reproductive behaviors.
... At that time, one of the defenders of the theory of glacial transportation was Gabriel de Mortillet (1821Mortillet ( -1898, who published various notes on the subject (e.g. Mortillet 1866). Basing his arguments on field analysis of the stones used in the monuments of the region of Carnac and Locmariaquer, d'Ault du Mesnil (1866b, 1868) came out in favour of the local sourcing of the majority of the materials. ...
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The period between the middle of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century saw the birth and consolidation of prehistory and archaeology as scientific disciplines. Discussions of method and theory were posed; the antiquity of humankind was demonstrated; stratigraphic and chrono-typological sequences were settled. This process was initially linked to the natural and geological sciences. In France the names of J. Boucher de Perthes, E. Lartet, A. de Lapparent, E. Piette, E. Cartailhac, G. de Mortillet, L. Capitan and H. Breuil appeared; their role in the development of research frameworks at the national, European and international scales is well known, and they have been the subject of detailed studies in the historiography of geology and/or archaeology. However, the name of one of the most influential characters of the period seems to have been forgotten. This paper attempts to reassess the scientific standing and explore the personal life of Geoffroy d’Ault du Mesnil (1842–1921) through first-hand analysis of a variety of sources. The paper analyses the origins of his interdisciplinary approach to science, how he came to be a leading expert on the Quaternary terraces of the valley of the Somme and his key role in research on, and the preservation of, France's prehistoric heritage. This ultimately permits a renewed understanding of d’Ault du Mesnil's contribution to the scientific development of geology and prehistory, in addition to demonstrating how the wider social, economic and political context of the time shaped his own scientific personality.
... In this regard, the Galve sub-basin was structured into several half-grabens linked with synsedimentary ENE-WSW normal listric faulting, which controlled the evolution of accommodation. These tilt-block systems were confined by the Miravete master fault, a steep NNW-SSE normal transfer fault that effectively compartmentalized the sub-basin into an eastern foot-wall side, and a western, hanging-wall side (Soria 1997;Simón et al. 1998;Vennin and Aurell 2001;Liesa et al. 2006) (Fig. 2). This fault substantially controlled the differences in sedimentary thicknesses and facies architecture between the two sides (Simón et al. 1998;Bover-Arnal et al. 2010). ...
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Sequence stratigraphy is now the most widely used method for the stratigraphic analysis of sedimentary basins at both seismic and out- crop scales. By interpreting the shifts in depositional trends due to changes in accommodation and sediment supply from analysis of facies successions, the method models the relationships between facies evolution and the stratal geometries and stacking patterns of sedimentary bodies on a basin-wide scale. Although sequence stratigraphy was developed for industrial purposes in siliciclastic systems, its applica- bility to carbonate sedimentary successions has been widely demonstrated (e.g., Hunt and Tucker 1993; Schlager 2005; Catuneanu 2006; Catuneanu et al. 2009). From all the sequence stratigraphic approaches proposed in the lit- erature (see Catuneanu et al. 2009 for a summary), the four systems tract-based method (involving identification of Transgressive Systems Tract, Highstand Systems Tract, Forced Regressive Wedge Systems Tract and Lowstand Prograding Wedge Systems Tract; see Hunt and Tucker 1992) is certainly the most complicated to apply to carbonate- dominated successions at outcrop-scale. First, the nature of such suc- cessions frequently hampers sequence stratigraphic studies. Diagnostic elements such as stratal terminations, stacking patterns, and bounding surfaces are often difficult to recognize or are not preserved because of either low or high rates of sediment production and accumulation, ero- sion, amalgamation of surfaces, or poor exposure conditions. Furthermore, in the case of the ‘four-systems-tract’ sequence sensu Hunt and Tucker (1992), deposition during base-level fall may gener- ate a forced regressive deposit that lacks a diagnostic stratal architecture and is bounded by two conformable surfaces: the Basal Surface of Forced Regression (below) and the marine Correlative Conformity of the sequence boundary (above). The Basal Surface of Forced Regression marks the onset of base-level fall at the shoreline, while the Correlative Conformity corresponds to the maximum basinward exten- sion of the subaerial unconformity and, hence, to the lowest relative sea level. Although these two ‘sequence stratigraphic’ surfaces can often be recognized on seismic lines, their conformable nature makes their identi- fication in outcrop difficult. This peculiarity may explain the scarcity of well-documented case studies of four systems tract-based sequences in outcrop-scale carbonate systems. However, this is not the case for the Aptian carbonate succession cropping out in the western Maestrat Basin (Galve sub-basin). Exceptional exposure and preservation of platform-to-basin stratal architecture permits the tracing of five stratigraphic surfaces with sequence stratigraphic significance: a Basal Surface of Forced Regression (BSFR), a Subaerial Unconformity (SU), a Correlative Conformity (CC), a Transgressive Surface (TS) and a Maximum Flooding Surface (MFS). These ‘sequence stratigraphic’ surfaces bound five differentiated systems tracts belonging to two distinct depositional sequences: the Highstand Systems Tract (HST) and Forced Regressive Wedge Systems Tract (FRWST) of Depositional Sequence A; and the Lowstand Prograding Wedge Systems Tract (LPWST), Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) and Highstand Systems Tract (HST) of Depositional Sequence B. Accordingly, the localities that will be visited show that the four systems tracts, and the surfaces that sepa- rate them, can indeed be well documented at the outcrop. The main objective of this field trip is thus to provide an outcrop- scale example of a four systems tract-based sequence stratigraphic analysis that may serve as a model for both industry and academe for the application of the ‘four-systems-tract’ method to carbonate-domi- nated successions. Additional goals are to examine in detail the archi- tecture of the sedimentary bodies, the facies heterogeneity and the preserved carbonate producers, principally corals and rudist bivalves. The epeiric sedimentary expression of the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a), which is represented by coral rubble deposits encrusted by Lithocodium aggregatum Elliott will be also visited.
Fifty-one fossil shark teeth including Hexanchiformes, Echinorhiniformes, Squaliformes, and Lamniformes are described from two localities in Nishichirashinai and Omagari formations of the Yezo Group in Nakagawa Town, Hokkaido, Japan. They include the first occurrence of Protosqualus from northwestern Pacific and suggest the onset of the adaptation to deep-water environment of the Squaliformes in this region by early Campanian. Different sedimentary settings of the two localities may have caused different taxonomic compositions. Co-existence of Hexanchiformes and Lamniformes is also known in a contemporaneous Japanese fauna and those of southern high latitudes, and suggests effects of paleogeographic settings to the global distribution of Upper Cretaceous neoselachian taxa.
We are describing a small assemblage of marine hybodont sharks from the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian) carbonate rocks of the Jaisalmer Basin, North-western India. The assemblage is represented by both cuspidate and crushing dental remains of the genus Planohybodus and Strophodus (previously Asteracanthus), respectively. This is the first record of Planohybodus sp., Strophodus magnus, Strophodus medius and Strophodus indicus sp. nov. from the Jurassic of India or any other Gondwanan continent. This is the most diverse Jurassic marine chondrichthyan faunal record from the Jaisalmer Basin to date. This chondrichthyan faunal record from the Bathonian of India has close affinity to the European forms. This study reveals a much wider paleogeographic distribution of hybodont sharks and corroborates their cosmopolitan presence in the Mesozoic seas. The discovery of a new species, Strophodus indicus sp. nov. from India demonstrates a greater diversity in the genus Strophodus.
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Recent discovery of a previously unknown outcrop in the vicinity of the Zengővárkony lime-kilns (Mecsek Mountains, Hun-gary) provided a few identifiable upper Oxfordian brachiopods that exhibit a truly Mediterranean (Tethyan) character. Dating of the outcrop is based on a rich ammonite fauna: Benetticeras benettii; Trimarginites ex gr. trimarginatus; Orthosphinctes (Orthosphinctes) ex gr. tiziani clearly indicate the Late Oxfordian. The brachiopod fauna indicates a deep-water marine environment and well-oxygenated sea floor. Nucleata bouei and Pygope catulloi are recorded for the first time from the Mecsek Mountains. A pathologic specimen of Pygope catulloi is also recognized. Its ventral valve was injured in an early developmental stage that caused deformation of the left side, which was overgrown by the healthy right side and created an asymmetric adult shell shape. Cause of the injury is unclear but it provides further evidence for subsequent healing of brachiopods after being injured. This is the first description and illustration of Oxfordian brachiopods from the Mecsek Mountains, Hungary. The occurrence of Tethyan originating pygopid brachiopods in the Oxfordian strengthens earlier observations that from the Bathonian/Callovian Tethyan influence became overwhelming in the Mecsek Mountains fauna. Pygope catulloi strengthens records from Algeria that pygopid brachiopods may have occurred very early on the periphery of the Western Tethys.
Carbonate-hosted Mn deposits are widespread in North Africa with most of the Mn ores being hosted by Mesozoic dolomitic formations of the Moroccan Atlasic system. The Bou Arfa Mn(-Fe) deposit described herein is located in the eastern High Atlas, close to the North Atlasic Front, and has accounted for the production of ∼2 Mt of ore grading from 33 to 82% Mn. The mineralization occurs within Sinemurian flat-lying dolostones as stratabound and karst-filling (veins, lenses, pockets). This mineralization is characterized by the extensive presence of pyrolusite, and minor concentrations of manganite, hausmannite, goethite and hematite. Previous studies suggested that the Bou Arfa Mn-bearing mineralization has a strictly synsedimentary origin, but the intense dolomitization and the occurrence of Mn oxides instead of Mn carbonates question this model. New petrographical, mineralogical and geochemical data show that three dolomitization phases accompanied the ore formation. The early synsedimentary dolomitization was not responsible for strong Mn enrichments, whereas a second dolomitization took place with the formation of hausmannite and manganite during early diagenesis. The precipitation mechanism involves circulation of dissolved Mn²⁺ in pore waters, and then precipitation under diagenetic suboxic and alkaline conditions. The scarcity of Mn carbonates is likely due to competitiveness of dissolved carbonates species that have favored dolomite precipitation in the early stage. Presence of saddle dolomite in a subsequent alteration stage, crystallography of the Fe oxides, and evolution of δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O reflect burial diagenesis and fluid mixing in the carbonate host rock. These conditions have enabled the transformation of the primary ore into pyrolusite, when diagenetically-derived hydrothermal fluids have generated vein-filling ore. The position of the Bou Arfa site above a paleohigh formed during Atlas rifting, the presence of a faulted zone and the dolomitization of the Sinemurian series have delimited the extension of this diagenetic Mn deposit, which is in some points similar to MVT deposits of North Africa. Weathering is poorly recorded in the Bou Arfa Mn ores due to the stability of the ore-forming minerals under subaerial conditions in relation to the most recent periods of exposure of the High Atlas building.
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The Boutillier Collection, which is housed at the University of Caen Normandy (France), is one of the few palaeontological collections built up in Normandy during the 19th century to be still preserved, at least in part. This article presents a first biography of Louis Boutillier and details the historical context in which his collection was built up. A first review of the Mesozoic vertebrates kept in this collection is proposed. Alongside a set of pieces from renowned foreign sites such as Lyme Regis in England, Holzmaden in Germany or Sunderland in the United States, this inventory highlights several French regional faunal ensembles, some of which come from formations that are today inaccessible. The specimens in the Boutillier collection come in particular from the Upper Muschelkalk (Upper Anisian/Ladinian) limestones of the Lunéville area in Lorraine or Oberbronn in Alsace, the Lower Toarcian Argiles à Poissons of La Caine, the Callovo-Oxfordian formations of the Calvados coast, the Kimmeridgian Marnes et Calcaires à Nanogyra virgula of Alligny-Cosne, the Kimmeridgian clays of Le Havre region, the Upper Jurassic formations of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the Albian formations of Eastern France and the Upper Cretaceous Chalk of Normandy and the Paris region. Among the most remarkable pieces that have been found in the collection is one of the vertebrae of the “Alligny Megalosaurus”, discovered by the physician and naturalist Charles Roussel de Vauzème and reported by Paul Gervais in 1848, which turned out to belong to a colymbosaurine plesiosaur. It was also rediscovered one of the first remains of pterosaurs found in France. This specimen, found by Louis Boutillier himself in the Kimmeridgian of the Le Havre region, was first reported by Gustave Lennier in a book published in 1868. -- Résumé -- La collection Boutillier conservée à l'Université de Caen Normandie (France) fait partie des rares collections paléontologiques consti-tuées en Normandie au XIX e siècle à avoir été sauvegardées, tout au moins en partie, jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Cet article présente une pre-mière biographie de Louis Boutillier et détaille le contexte historique dans lequel sa collection fut constituée. Une première revue des vertébrés mésozoïques qu'elle contient est proposée. A côté d'un ensemble de pièces provenant de sites étrangers réputés comme Lyme Regis en Angleterre, Holzmaden en Allemagne ou Sunderland aux Etats-Unis, cet inventaire met en évidence plusieurs ensembles fau-niques régionaux français, dont certains proviennent de formations aujourd'hui difficiles d'accès, voire inaccessibles. Les spécimens de la collection Boutillier proviennent notamment des calcaires du Muschelkalk supérieur (Anisien supérieur/Ladinien) de la région de Lunéville en Lorraine ou d'Oberbronn en Alsace, des Argiles à Poissons du Toarcien inférieur de La Caine, des formations cal-lovo-oxfordiennes des côtes du Calvados, des Marnes et Calcaires à Nanogyra virgula du Kimméridgien d'Alligny-Cosne, des argiles kimméridgiennes de la région du Havre, des formations du Jurassique supérieur de Boulogne-sur-Mer, des formations albiennes de l'est de la France et de la craie du Crétacé supérieur de Normandie et de la région parisienne. Parmi les pièces les plus remarquables qui ont pu être retrouvées est à signaler une des vertèbres du « mégalosaure d'Alligny », découvertes par le médecin et naturaliste Charles Roussel de Vauzème et signalées par Paul Gervais en 1848, qui s'avèrent appartenir à un plésiosaure colymbosaurine. A été également redécouvert un des premiers restes de ptérosaures trouvés en France, identifiable de manière incontestable. Ce spécimen, trouvé par Louis Boutillier en personne dans le Kimméridgien de la région du Havre, fut signalé pour la première fois par Gustave Lennier dans un ouvrage publié en 1868.
We present a new tectonic map focused upon the extensional style accompanying the formation of the Tyrrhenian back‐arc basin. Our basin‐wide analysis synthetizes the interpretation of vintage multichannel and single channel seismic profiles, integrated with modern seismic images and P‐wave velocity models, and with high resolution morpho‐bathymetric data. Four distinct evolutionary phases of the Tyrrhenian back‐arc basin opening are further constrained, redefining the initial opening to Langhian/Serravallian time. Listric and planar normal faults and their conjugates bound a series of horst and graben, half‐graben and triangular basins. Distribution of extensional faults, active throughout the basin since Middle Miocene, allows us to define an arrangement of faults in the northern / central Tyrrhenian mainly related to a pure shear which evolved to a simple shear opening. At depth, faults accommodate over a Ductile‐Brittle Transitional zone cut by a low‐angle detachment fault. In the southern Tyrrhenian, normal, inverse and transcurrent faults appear to be related to a large shear zone located along the continental margin of the northern Sicily. Extensional style variation throughout the back‐arc basin combined with wide‐angle seismic velocity models allow to explore the relationships between shallow deformation, faults distribution throughout the basin, and crustal‐scale processes as thinning and exhumation.
PART I A total of 34 species, assigned to 19 genera belonging to the suborders Phylloceratina, Lytoceratina and Ammonitina are described. One species is new. Nine are from the Upper Turonian, three from the Santonian (of which one is already present in the Coniacian), one from the Lower Campanian, 20 from the Upper Campanian and one from the Lower Maastrichtian.
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La région NNE d'Achemmach se situe à 40 km environ au SSW de la ville de Meknès et à 6 km au NE de la mine d'El Hammam. Elle fait partie du massif paléozoïque du Maroc central. Géologiquement, le secteur est formé de deux ensembles paléozoïques : (i) Un ensemble méta-sédimentaire composé de 2 unités : l'une calcaire et shisto-gréseuse d'âge Viséen moyen-supérieur et l'autre flyschoïde d'âge Viséen supérieur-Namurien, et (ii) un ensemble magmatique matérialisé par des roches volcaniques (basaltes en coussins), des roches hypo-volcaniques (dolérites) et des roches plutoniques (gabbros à olivine). Structuralement, les terrains du Viséen-Namurien de la région NNE d'Achemmach sont affectés par l'évènement majeur namuro-westphalien de l'orogenèse hercynienne (raccourcissement NW-SE). Celui ci est responsable d'un plissement synchisteux d'orientation générale NE-SW à NNE-SSW, de cisaillements NE-SW d'ampleur régionale, du développement de failles NE-SW à NNE-SSW subparallèles à la schistosité et de failles N130 à N150 à jeu senestre. Une campagne géophysique par magnétisme du champ total a été réalisée sur ce secteur. Le recoupement des données de cette campagne avec les données géologiques montre: i) une anomalie bien marquée à l'ouest du secteur, qui coïncide avec l'affleurement des roches basiques et des pélites verdâtres encaissantes. Celle-ci pourrait être originaire soit d'une richesse des roches basiques (gabbros, laves basiques et les dolérites)en minéraux magnétiques (magnétite),soit d'une différence de susceptibilité magnétique entre les différents faciès, soit encore d'un corps magnétique 440 perturbateur non affleurant à la surface ; et ii) une anomalie à l'est, de moindre extension, et qui coïncide globalement avec la zone de cisaillement NE-SW mettant en contact les flyschs du Viséen supérieur-Namurien à l'est et la série calcaire et gréso-pélitique à volcanisme du Viséen moyen-supérieur à l'ouest. Cet axe anomalique pourait être dû à une grande différence de susceptibilité magnétique entre les formations en contact. Cependant l'expression de l'anomalie uniquement dans la partie sud de la zone de cisaillement mais pas dans sa partie nord, fait penser à une source autre que la différence de susceptibilité magnétique telle qu'une concentration de minéraux magnétiques (pyrrhotite, magnétite…). Abstract The Achemmach mining field is about 40 km from the SSW of the city of Meknes and 6 km NE of the El Hammam mine. Our study area is located in the NNE of this mining zone. It is in the Paleozoic massif of the Central Morocco. Geologically, the area is made up of two Paleozoic groups: (i) A metasedimentary set which is composed of two units: limestone and shally-sandstone of the Upper Middle ages and the other flyshoid of the Upper Visean-Namurian ages, and (ii) a magmatic set that ismaterialized by volcanic rocks (pillow basalt), hypo-volcanic rocks (dolerite) and plutonicrocks (olivine gabbros). Structurally, the Visean-Namurian formations of the NNE region of Achemmach are affected by the major Namuro-Westphalian event 441 of hercynian orogenesis, characterized by NW-SE shortening.This event is responsible for a general NE-SW to NNE-SSW folding, NE-SW shearat regional-scale, development of NE-SW to NNE-SSW subparallel to schistosity and N130 to N150sinistral faults. A geophysical survey by ground-based magnetism of the total field was carried out on this area. Cross-referencing of geophysical and geological data showed: i) a well-defined anomaly to the west of the area, which coincides with the outcrop of basic rocks and surrounding greenish pelites. This could be either from a richness of basic rocks (gabbros, basic lava and dolerites) in magnetic minerals (magnetite),or from a difference in magnetic susceptibility between the different facies, or from a disturbing magnetic body not flush at the surface; and ii) an anomaly to the east, of lesser extent, which generally coincides with the NE-SW shear zone bringing together the flysches of the Upper Visean-Namurien to the east and the limestone and sandstone volcano series of the Middle Upper Visean to the west. This anomalous axis could be due to a large difference in magnetic susceptibility between superimposed formations. However, the expression of the anomaly only in the southern part of the shear zone but not in its northern part suggests a source other than the difference in magnetic susceptibilitysuch as a concentration of magnetic minerals (pyrrhotite, magnetite...). I. Introduction De toutes les méthodes géophysiques utilisées en exploration minière, la prospection magnétique et surement la plus usuelle. Le succès de la grande «popularité» de son utilisation est attribué à son coût peu élevé. De plus c'est une méthode aux applications très variées allant de la cartographie géologique à la prospection de gisements. Qu'elle soit aéroportée ou au sol, la méthode magnétique comme toutes les méthodes géophysiques suit des principes physiques et requiert des corrections et des traitements appropriés après sa mise en oeuvre. La prospection magnétique est une méthode géophysique fondée sur l'interprétation des anomalies du champ magnétique terrestre décelant la présence dans le sous-sol de roches ou de substances plus ou moins aimantées comparées au champ magnétique total, qui est au Maroc de l'ordre de 40000 nanotesla. L'utilisation de cette méthode en prospection minière est réservée aux substances ferromagnétiques contenues dans les roches qui sont constitués en majeure partie de la magnétite ou de pyrrhotite. Depuis la découverte en 1984 du gisement polymétallique de Hajjar dans le massif des Guemmassa (Felenc et al., 1989) à Pb, Zn, et Cu, l'attention
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The tectonic and microtectonic study that we carried out in the Tazekka massif allowed us to highlight on the one hand the chronology of the paleostress of constraints, and on the other hand their relations with the mineralizing phases. Thus, the paleostress of constraints begin with an extensive N30 to N50 period of middle-upper ordovician age, and NW-SE of viseo-namurian age. They are characterized by normal synsedimentary faults successively oriented N120 to N150 and N30 to N50. The tectonic regime becomes compressive orientated NW-SE to Westphalian-Stephanian, synchronous with hydrothermal vein mineralization (Sb, iron SiO2) localized on sinistral strike slip faults N170 to N00. The state of constraints becomes compressive with the axis σ 1 horizontal and oriented NNW-SSE and the axis σ 2 is also horizontal and oriented ENE-WSW of stephanian age, permian with triassic lower-middle probable, with permutation σ 1-σ 2 with Stéphanien-Permian. This stress field is synchronous with a low temperature hydrothermal vein mineralization (PbS, FeS 2 , CuFeS 2 , BaSO 4 , Pb-(Ag), SiO 2) successively located on N150 to N160 dextral strike slip faults with sometimes a reverse composing; and strike-thrust sinistral N10 to N40. However, at each saccadic of the game mineralization of the base undergo remobilization and recrystallization; the most important of which is the Triassic, post-Bathonian and ante-Barremianage and the Vallesian, characterized by barytic and lead-zinciferous mineralizations that settle in the discordant Triassic-Liassic cover.
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This thesis includes the main results of the analyses on the texture, architecture and systematics performed on orbitolinoideans (Superfamily Orbitolinoidea), a group of complex, imperforate larger foraminifera that characterised the shallow-platform carbonate deposits in successive Global Community Maturation Cycles (GCMC) from the Lower Cretaceous to Paleogene times. Using a unified nomenclature, all the genera previously included in the Superfamilies Orbitolinoidea Martin, 1890, and Coskinolinoidea Moullade, 1965, sensu Kaminski et al. (2014), have been redefined, resulting on the establishment of 33 valid genera, four are considered synonyms of existing genera, and other four have been removed from Superfamily Orbitolinoidea. New data on systematics is presented: Superfamily Coskinolinoidea is considered as a synonym of Orbitolinoidea, as they share the same characters for their definition. Families Orbitolinidae Martin, 1890, and Coskinolinidae Moullade, 1965, are accepted, and the new family Fallotellidae (Type-genus: Fallotella Mangin, 1954) is created comprising the forms with exoskeleton with alcoves (only beams). The use of the presence of a simple or complex megalosphaeric embryo as a tool to divide the Family Orbitolinidae into two subfamilies (Orbitolininae and Coskinolininae) is no longer valid, as different degrees of complexity in the embryonic apparatus have been observed in both Families Orbitolinidae and Fallotellidae.
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This paper presents insufficiently or previously unknown Jurassic ammonites from 21 localities and sections of the Western and Central Balkan Mts (Bulgaria). The total stratigraphical range of the studied fauna corresponds to a broad interval, from the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) to the Callovian (Middle Jurassic), with emphasis on the ammonites from the Bajocian-Callovian interval. These ammonites belong to 36 species and 23 genera that are affiliated to 12 ammonite families: Polymorphitidae, Acanthopleuroceratidae, Amaltheidae, Hildoceratidae, Graphoceratidae, Strigoceratidae, Sonniniidae, Stephanoceratidae, Oppeliidae, Tulitidae, Parkinsoniidae, and Perisphinctidae. Of them, 13 species have been left in open nomenclature. This account comprises both newly recorded ammonite taxa and redefined ammonite species from older collections. The new evidence also includes the upper Bathonian species Siemiradzkia mangoldi sp. n., which was recorded from southeastern France as well. Although being represented mainly by single specimens, often with no other supporting material, the newly discovered taxa have high stratigraphical significance, being both valuable additions to well-known Bulgarian ammonite zonal associations and new indications of ammonite successions that have quite poorly been identified in Bulgaria to date. In this regard, they are useful for better dating of the sedimentary successions in Bulgaria and are valuable for the purposes of correlation outside Bulgaria.
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A new species Thaumaglossa oliversum sp. nov. from Sumatra is described, illustrated and compared with similar species. The following new nomenclatural acts are proposed: Thaumaglossa anthrenoides (Pic, 1918) (= Cryptorhopalum atrum Pic, 1936 comb. nov., syn. nov.); Attagenus similaris Mulsant et Rey, 1868 (= Telopes posticalis var. brunneonotatus Pic, 1894 syn. nov.); Attagenus brunnescens (Pic, 1904) (= Attagenus fossor Zhantiev, 2005 syn. nov.); Attagenus subelongatus (Pic, 1929) stat. nov.; Hemirhopalum testaceipes Pic, 1936 (= Hemirhopalum elongatum Pic, 1942 syn. nov.); Hemirhopalum longipenne Pic, 1916 (= Hemirhopalum laticolle Pic, 1927 syn. nov.); Cryptorhopalum curtum (Pic, 1942) comb. nov. (from Hemirhopalum); Cryptorhopalum rusticolle Pic, 1927 (= Cryptorhopalum rufobrunneum Pic, 1942 syn. nov., Cryptorhopalum quadrisignatum Pic, 1942 syn. nov., Cryptorhopalum grandjeani Pic, 1942 syn. nov); Cryptorhopalum laticolle Pic, 1927 (= Cryptorhopalum vagesignatum Pic, 1942 syn. nov.); Cryptorhopalum trifasciatum Pic, 1927 (= Cryptorhopalum cuespani Herrmann, Háva & Kadej, 2015 syn. nov.). Lectotypes here designated for: Cryptorhopalum baeri Pic, 1916; Cryptorhopalum callanganum Pic, 1927; Cryptorhopalum corumbanum Pic, 1923; Cryptorhopalum rugosipenne Pic, 1916; Cryptorhopalum hirsutum Pic, 1927; Cryptorhopalum presuturale Pic, 1929; Cryptorhopalum rufobrunneum Pic, 1942; Cryptorhopalum minor Pic, 1942; Cryptorhopalum nitidissimum Pic, 1916. The following species are newly recorded: Cryptorhopalum bolivianum Pic, 1916 (Brazil, Paraguay); Cryptorhopalum gounellei Pic, 1916 (Peru); Cryptorhopalum hirsutum Pic, 1927 (Paraguay); Cryptorhopalum brunnescente Pic, 1916 (St. Lucia); Cryptorhopalum rufum Pic, 1942 (Costa Rica); Cryptorhopalum rufipenne Pic, 1916 (Panama); Cryptorhopalum rufonotatum Pic, 1916 (Brazil); Cryptorhopalum diehli Pic, 1954 (Bolivia); Cryptorhopalum curtum (Pic, 1942) (Brazil, Peru). All mentioned species is firstly illustrated.
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On the occasion of the centenary of the kill during the First World War of the French geologist Robert Douvillé (1881-1914) a short review about his life and work is presented to pay homage. Despite his early death his work was very important for the knowledge of the Betic Cordillera and the am-monoid and microfossil paleontology. Douvillé presented his splendid PhD about the Subbetic in 1906 in the Paris University. In his Thesis he analyzed the regional geology of a region to the south of Jaén in which the previous knowledge was very scarce or nonexistent. He interpreted the tectonic structure , recognizing, for the first time, the existence of allochthonous nappes. His important discoveries about the stratigraphy, paleontology and tectonic of these areas were the important foundation for later research. Robert Dou-villé was also a great paleontologist specialized mainly in the study of am-monoids, lepydocyclines and nummulites, describing new genera and species, mainly from France, but also from other parts of Europe, America and Africa
Technical Report
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Llistat Bibliografia Naturalística de les Balears, M-O
Part 2 completes the description of the regular echinoids of the British Jurassic. Members of the orders Phymosomatoida, Salenioida, Stomopneustoida and Arbacioida are covered, with 25 genera and 44 species described in detail and one further species left in open nomenclature. Three new genera are erected (Cunidentechinus, Wrightechinus and Pseudomilnia) and two new species (Stomechinus phillipsii and Trochotiara aalensis). The stratigraphical distribution of the entire fauna of Jurassic regular echinoids is summarized.
Conference Paper
The aim of the paper is to present an undisputable evidence that the Medvednica Mt. ophiolites, as a part of the northernmost Dinarides, were extruded and exposed to dry land weathering during Early Cretaceous and subsequently covered by Late Cretaceous transgressive formations. The evidence consists of the undisturbed profile of Ni-weathering crust on the ultramafics, and transgressive series which starts with basal monomictic conglomerate with ophiolitic clasts in the red-brown limonitic matrix with rudists. So, they were not able to be a part of the spreading Cretaceous-Paleogene Vardar ocean, as has been recently proposed by a back-arc basin model (Pami?, 2002; Pami? et al., 2002).
A new record of carbon isotopes, nannofossil biostratigraphy, gamma-ray and Fe content variations is presented for the upper Campanian of the Adda-3 core, Danish Central Graben, North Sea. The studied interval provides a revision of previously assigned late Coniacian to early Santonian ages. New biostratigraphic data indicate a late Campanian age for the 60 m thick studied interval. The Late Campanian Event (LCE) is well recorded by a 1.5‰ negative excursion in the bulk δ ¹³ C, along with two stepwise pre-excursion negative shifts (defining the pre-LCE). The amplitude of the LCE appears higher in the North Sea than in other areas as seen from the correlation to Germany, the UK and France. This correlation allows identification of a new 0.4‰ negative excursion (defined as the conica event). Fe and gamma-ray variations are used to calibrate the record with cyclostratigraphy. Fourteen 405 kyr cycles identified in the upper Campanian of Adda-3 can be correlated to North Germany. The compilation of previous results from North Germany and correlation to Adda-3 shows that the Boreal upper Campanian spans a total of 17 cycles each of 405 kyr; that is, 6.885 myr. The duration of the LCE is estimated to be c . 1 myr at Adda-3 and in North Germany. Supplementary materials: Calibration of the HH-XRF data is available at .
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The Contourite Depositional Systems (CDS) in the Gulf of Cádiz and on the West Iberian margin preserve a unique archive of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) variability over the past 5.3 Ma. These CDS have been recently drilled in several places during the IODP Expedition 339. These drill sites now offer a new window to the internal Pliocene and Quaternary architecture of the CDS. In this study, we use downhole and core Gamma Ray (GR) data acquired from 5 sites drilled in the CDS along the middle slope and 1 site drilled in the deeper setting of the lower slope, out of the MOW path. The GR data primarily tracks the clay content in the sediment and is the expression of sediment supply and, for sites drilled in the CDS, of the bottom current processes. Both appear astronomically controlled as shown by spectral analysis performed on the GR data. Results also reveal that the GR log patterns correlate well across the sites over the last 1.4 My. Several GR horizons corresponding to drops in GR values were identified, most of which fit with coarse-grained deposits observed in cores and interpreted as contourite beds. The GR horizons are interpreted as isochronous horizons, providing a regional scale chronostratigraphic framework for the CDS depositional records with an accuracy of ~ 20 ky. We further assess the spatial and temporal variability of the CDS hiatuses at the regional scale.
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The south Pyrenean locality Collades de Basturs provides extensive and well exposed outcrops of Santonian rocks displaying a succession of shelf marls and shallow-water limestones, with sandy calcarenites locally, and ending with deep-water marls. Lateral changes of facies are evident. Requienid, monopleurid, caprotinid, radiolitid, hippuritid and plagioptychid rudists are abundant there, but important differences are noticed on the composition of the rudist associations, and even the morphology of single species, among the different facies.
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Rudists are common fossils in transgressive Upper Cretaceous deposits in three localities placed in northwestern part of Croatia. Their appearances coincide with the beginning of a transgressive sequence through floatstones-thickets. Within the rudist community, Vaccinites Fischer 1887, Hippurites Lamarck 1801 and Hippuritella Douvillé 1908 could be differentiated according to their general or generic morphological elements. The age of deposits was obtained from the Sr-isotope composition of the rudist shells as well as the micro-and nannofossil community from sediments overlying the rudists-bearing sediments at the Donje Orešje and Brašljevica localities. According to this data the age of the transgressive sediments are determined as Early Campanian. Morphological elements (ligamental ridge, pillars, inner diameter, length of the contour around the inner margin of the outer shell layer, and the ratio between this length and the distance between the sutures of the pillars) from the transverse shell sections permit possible definition of different species within the family Hippuritidae, Gray 1848. Transverse shell sections of analyzed Vaccinites, Hippurites and Hippuritella specimens show different values of measured morphological elements as well as their ratios which, subjected to cluster analysis (Ward's and Unweighted pair-group methods), represent grounds for possible taxonomic determination of the species Vaccinites cornuvaccinum (Bronn 1831) at all localities; V. giganteus (d'Hombres-Firmas 1838) and V. vesiculosus (Woodward 1855) at Brašljevica and Donje Orešje; as well as Hippurites vidali Matheron 1880 and Hippuritella lapeirousei (Goldfuss 1840) at Donje Orešje.
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