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Temperature sensing up to 1300°C using suspended-core microstructured optical fibers

Optica Publishing Group
Optics Express

Abstract and Figures

We demonstrate a new approach to high temperature sensing using femtosecond laser ablation gratings within silica suspended-core microstructured optical fibers. The simple geometry of the suspended-core fiber allows for femtosecond laser processing directly through the fiber cladding. Pure silica glass is used, allowing the sensor to be used up to temperatures as high as 1300°C while still allowing the fibre to be spliced to conventional fiber. The sensor can also be wavelength division multiplexed, with three sensors in a single fiber demonstrated.
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Temperature sensing up to 1300°C using
suspended-core microstructured optical fibers
Stephen C. Warren-Smith,1,2,* Linh Viet Nguyen,1 Catherine Lang,1 Heike Ebendorff-
Heidepriem,1,4 and Tanya M. Monro1,3,4
1Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing (IPAS) and School of Physical Sciences, The University of Adelaide,
Adelaide 5005, Australia
2Currently with Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (IPHT Jena), Albert-Einstein-Straße 9, 07745 Jena,
3University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia
4ARC Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale Biophotonics, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
Abstract: We demonstrate a new approach to high temperature sensing
using femtosecond laser ablation gratings within silica suspended-core
microstructured optical fibers. The simple geometry of the suspended-core
fiber allows for femtosecond laser processing directly through the fiber
cladding. Pure silica glass is used, allowing the sensor to be used up to
temperatures as high as 1300°C while still allowing the fibre to be spliced to
conventional fiber. The sensor can also be wavelength division multiplexed,
with three sensors in a single fiber demonstrated.
©2016 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (060.2370) Fiber optics sensors; (060.3735) Fiber Bragg gratings; (060.4005)
Microstructured fibers; (280.6780) Temperature.
References and Links
1. B. Culshaw, “Optical fiber sensor technologies: opportunities and-perhaps-pitfalls,” J. Lightwave Technol. 22(1),
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14. S. C. Warren-Smith, R. Kostecki, L. V. Nguyen, and T. M. Monro, “Fabrication, splicing, Bragg grating writing,
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Received 1 Dec 2015; revised 27 Jan 2016; accepted 28 Jan 2016; published 12 Feb 2016
© 2016 OSA
22 Feb 2016 | Vol. 24, No. 4 | DOI:10.1364/OE.24.003714 | OPTICS EXPRESS 3714
1. Introduction
Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) are well known for their use in sensing physical parameters such
as temperature, strain, and pressure [1, 2]. An attractive feature is that FBGs with different
pitches can be written at different points along the length of the optical fiber, with each FBG
producing a discrete narrowband reflection that can be wavelength division multiplexed.
Depending on the particular design and application, FBG sensors also offer high accuracy and
precision, high speed interrogation, and reflection mode operation.
Fiber Bragg gratings fabricated with the traditional technique of ultra-violet (UV)
inscription in photosensitive silica-based fibers have a maximum operating temperature limit
of approximately 500°C due to thermal annealing out of the refractive index modifications
above this temperature [2, 3]. Developing grating-based sensors that can measure high
temperatures, such as 1000°C and beyond, is an area of active research. Sapphire crystal
fibers with femto-second laser written Bragg gratings are perhaps the leading technology with
sensing up to 1900°C demonstrated [4, 5]. However, such fibres are highly multimode with
broad Bragg reflections. It is also not possible to splice sapphire crystal fibers to conventional
silica fiber. For applications up to 1300°C a number of fabrication techniques have been
developed to inscribe gratings in silica-based fibers, such as chiral gratings [6], regenerated
fiber Bragg gratings [7, 8], and femto-second laser written gratings [9, 10].
Chiral gratings are fabricated by rotating and translating an elliptical core fiber through a
short heat zone [6]. These fibers have been demonstrated as temperature sensors up to 1000°C
and are commercially available. Alternatively, regenerated fiber Bragg gratings are fabricated
by thermally annealing a “seed” grating, such as a standard type I UV inscribed grating. These
gratings have been shown to survive to temperatures up to 1100°C [8]. In one particular
example a regenerated FBG was shown to survive up to 1295°C, however the fiber itself was
shown to become extremely brittle after reaching such temperatures [7]. It should also be
noted that the fabrication of such gratings requires treating the fiber with high pressure
hydrogen for time periods on the order of 24 hours and gratings prepared in this manner have
poorer reflectivity compared to the seed gratings [8].
A promising approach to fabricate optical fiber temperature sensors up to temperatures the
order of 1300°C is the use of undoped single-material (e.g. pure fused silica) optical fibers,
such as microstructured optical fibers, which avoid the potential for dopant diffusion at high
temperatures [9]. To create an FBG in an undoped fiber requires techniques that do not rely
on glass photosensitivity. To create a high temperature stable grating a technique known as
femtosecond laser ablation can be used where by using sufficiently short duration pulses,
multiphoton absorption can lead to ionization of electrons and the physical removal (ablation)
of material [11, 12]. However, a particular challenge of microstructured optical fibers is that
the complex cross section distorts and scatters the inscription beam [11].
In this paper we demonstrate the inscription of fiber Bragg gratings on the core of pure-
silica suspended-core microstructured optical fibers (SCFs) using femtosecond laser ablation.
The simple geometry of the SCF (three large holes) allows the direct writing of FBGs as the
focused femtosecond laser beam is not significantly distorted when passing through the fiber
cladding. We demonstrate that these can survive up to 1300°C and can be wavelength
division multiplexed. Here we present three sensing elements operating in a single device.
2. Sensor fabrication
The optical fiber used was silica (Suprasil F300, Heraeus) suspended-core microstructured
optical fiber [13], with an outer diameter of 160 µm [Fig. 1(a)] and a core diameter of
approximately 10 µm [Fig. 1(b)]. These fibers were then spliced to standard FC/APC
connectorized single-mode fiber (SMF28) using an arc splicer (Fujikura FSM-100P) and the
same technique previously determined for exposed-core microstructured optical fiber (MOF)
[14]. That is, standard SMF-SMF splicer settings but with reduced arc current (12.5 mA
Received 1 Dec 2015; revised 27 Jan 2016; accepted 28 Jan 2016; published 12 Feb 2016
© 2016 OSA
22 Feb 2016 | Vol. 24, No. 4 | DOI:10.1364/OE.24.003714 | OPTICS EXPRESS 3715
compared to 16.5 mA), increased arc duration (3.0 s compared to 2.0 s), and manual
Fig. 1. Scanning electron images (SEMs) of the suspended-core fiber with a femtosecond laser
ablation grating. (a) The fiber cross section. (b, c) magnified images of (a).
Bragg gratings were written into the SCFs by adapting a technique previously developed
for exposed-core MOFs [14, 15]. That is, the FBGs were written by focusing 800 nm
femtosecond laser (Hurricane Ti:sapphire) pulses using a 50X long working distance
microscope objective onto the core of the fiber. A repetition rate of 100 Hz was used and the
SCF was translated to yield second order Bragg reflections at the desired wavelength (e.g.
1550 nm). In comparison to the exposed-core MOF, for the SCF the fs laser pulses must
traverse across the fiber cladding and thus some distortion of the pulses was expected. This
can be seen in Figs. 1(b) and 1(c), where the ablation points overlap. However, there was
sufficient periodicity in the gratings that were formed in order to measure a defined Bragg
reflection, as will be seen in the proceeding sections. In addition, there were several technical
considerations that were introduced by using the enclosed structure. Firstly, the pulse energy
required was greater: 400 nJ pulses were used compared to 200-250 nJ for open structures. It
was also difficult to determine the location of the optical fiber core and thus a visible laser
was coupled to the spliced single-mode fiber so that scattering from the ablation spots could
be observed as a confirmation of the femto-second laser focusing position.
3. High temperature sensing
To test the operating temperature limit of the sensors a fiber as prepared in Sec. 2 was first
packaged within a silica tube (approx. 2 mm outer diameter (OD)) for physical protection.
The packaged sensor was then inserted into the graphite resistance furnace of a silica optical
fiber draw tower. The length of the microstructured optical fiber was sufficiently long such
that the spliced single-mode fiber was located well outside of the heat zone of the furnace.
The particular grating used had a pitch of 1080 nm and a length of 20 mm. The resulting
reflected spectrum at room temperature is shown in Fig. 2(a), measured using an Optical
Sensor Interrogator (OSI, National Instruments PXIe-4844). The reflected spectrum shows a
peak reflectivity at 1556 nm, a full-width at half maximum of 48 pm, and a peak reflectivity
greater than 30 dB above the background. The reflected spectrum shows peaks from higher
order modes, as expected, however the fundamental mode reflectivity was approximately 8.5
dB above that of the higher order modes (at room temperature) and can further be improved
by using SMF with a better mode field match to the fundamental mode of the SCF.
To measure the temperature experienced at the grating a B-type thermocouple was located
at the top point of the 20 mm long grating, noting that the spliced connection (i.e. the light
path) was directed through the top of the furnace. The furnace set-point was initially set at
850°C and at this temperature the location of the grating was adjusted so that the top point of
the grating was at the hottest point within the furnace. The furnace was then increased in
temperature in steps of 50°C and then held for five minutes. The spectra recorded at several
points are shown in Figs. 2(b)-2(f). The results in Fig. 2 show the expected shift to longer
wavelengths at higher temperatures. In addition, the reflected spectrum was found to be stable
for the duration of the hold time (5 minutes) up to 1300°C. Once the temperature was
increased beyond this temperature (1350°C) the grating was found to decrease in reflectivity
Received 1 Dec 2015; revised 27 Jan 2016; accepted 28 Jan 2016; published 12 Feb 2016
© 2016 OSA
22 Feb 2016 | Vol. 24, No. 4 | DOI:10.1364/OE.24.003714 | OPTICS EXPRESS 3716
rapidly. The peak reflectivity reduced by 2.0 dB in the first 5 minutes and 8.6 dB after one
hour, in addition to a change in the spectral shape [Fig. 2(f)]. The grating did not recover after
returning to room temperature, indicating permanent damage to the sensor. The temperature at
which the sensor failed (between 1300°C and 1350°C) lies significantly above the annealing
point of fused silica (1100°C [16]), but also well below the softening point (1600°C [16]). At
a temperature of 1300°C fused silica (F300) glass has viscosity of 109.87 Pa.s (calculated using
Eq. (2) in [13]), which is close to the dilatometric softening temperature (1010 Pa.s) [17]. This
is the temperature at which a sample (e.g. a glass rod) with an external load will no longer
expand in length for increasing temperature due to sample dilation and deformation. This
implies that deformation happens on the micron-scale and thus micron-scaled holes such as
those created by femto-second ablation can (at least partially) collapse, destroying the grating.
Fig. 2. Reflected spectra measured from the SCF Bragg grating at increasing temperatures
within a silica fiber draw tower. The spectra shown are at temperatures (a) 20°C, (b) 500°C, (c)
1000°C, (d) 1200°C, (e) 1300°C, and (f) 1350°C. For temperatures of 400°C and above the
temperature was recorded with a co-located B-type thermocouple.
This experiment has successfully demonstrated the ability of femtosecond laser ablation
gratings in suspended-core microstructured optical fibers to measure temperature up to
1300°C. A limitation of this experiment is that the furnace used has a short hot zone that
varies by approximately 100°C over the length of the grating (20 mm) at 1300°C [13]. This
leads to the broadening of the reflected spectrum that can be seen in Fig. 2 and a reduction in
the maximum reflectivity. Experiments using either a furnace with a more even temperature
distribution or by using gratings of shorter length will allow the performance limits of these
devices to be explored more fully.
4. Calibration and multiplexed sensing
The results in Fig. 2 are insufficient to form a calibration curve due to the uneven temperature
distribution of the silica draw tower furnace used for these tests. In order to create a
calibration curve a second sensor was inserted centrally into a tube furnace (ModuTemp) and
a K-type thermocouple was located at the center of the Bragg grating. The temperature of the
tube furnace was raised to 1000°C and held there for several hours until both the
thermocouple and the FBG showed stable readings, at which point the temperature profile of
the furnace was deemed stable. The temperature was then reduced in steps of 100°C and held
for at least one hour to ensure the furnace temperature was stable before a spectrum was
recorded. The shift in the position of the fundamental mode reflection relative to room
temperature is shown in Fig. 3. A quadratic function was used to form the calibration curve
due to the nonlinear thermo-optic response of the sensor. This is likely due to a combination
of the silica thermo-optic coefficient and the mode confinement within the suspended-core
[11]. Note that the calibration curve is valid for a particular set of parameters such as fiber
Received 1 Dec 2015; revised 27 Jan 2016; accepted 28 Jan 2016; published 12 Feb 2016
© 2016 OSA
22 Feb 2016 | Vol. 24, No. 4 | DOI:10.1364/OE.24.003714 | OPTICS EXPRESS 3717
geometry, material, and grating structure. In the following experiment we have assumed the
impact of grating pitch, and thus the Bragg wavelength, to be negligible for this proof-of-
concept demonstration. This is an approximation as material and waveguide dispersion will
cause a slight change to the calibration curve at different wavelengths.
Fig. 3. Calibration curve measured using a SCF Bragg grating in a tube furnace. The shift in
temperature (ΔT) and shift in wavelength (Δλ) are relative to values at room temperature. The
quadratic fit was set to zero at the origin.
A wavelength division multiplexed sensor was fabricated by writing three physically
separated gratings into a suspended-core fiber using the same technique described in Sec. 2.
In this case the gratings were made 10 mm long and three different pitches were used (Λ =
1055.7 nm, 1069.6 nm, 1083.5 nm). The gap between the gratings was 25 mm and 17 mm,
respectively. The fiber was then spliced to conventional single mode fiber and packaged
within a 2.0 mm OD silica tube. The packaged sensor was inserted into a soft glass fiber draw
tower (graphite induction furnace), with the spliced connection passed through the bottom of
the furnace. The reflected spectrum recorded at room temperature is shown in Fig. 4(a). Note
that the lower grating had the strongest reflection, indicating optical loss across the gratings.
Fig. 4. (a) Reflected spectrum from the multiplexed sensor at room temperature. *Indicates the
peaks that were tracked. (b) Change in temperature recorded by the FBGs, corresponding to the
peaks indicated in (a) and calibrated using the results in Fig. 3.
Prior to the experiment we determined which reflections corresponded to each grating by
locally heating the gratings separately and observing which reflection peaks shift in
wavelength, which is indicated by the colored bands in Fig. 4(a). For the temperature sensing
experiment only the fundamental mode reflections were tracked, which are indicated with
asterisks. The furnace set-point was then raised in steps of 100°C up to 800°C and, using the
calibration shown in Fig. 3, the results are shown in Fig. 4(b). Note that the temperatures
measured by the gratings (up to 525°C) were less than 800°C because the furnace’s
thermocouple is located in a different physical location (within the susceptor) compared to the
FBG sensor (center line of the susceptor). The measured difference of approximately 275°C
between the susceptor’s center line (FBG sensor) and the furnace’s thermocouple agrees with
measurements we have previously made using a thermocouple within a silica tube at the
center line of the susceptor.
Received 1 Dec 2015; revised 27 Jan 2016; accepted 28 Jan 2016; published 12 Feb 2016
© 2016 OSA
22 Feb 2016 | Vol. 24, No. 4 | DOI:10.1364/OE.24.003714 | OPTICS EXPRESS 3718
While the maximum temperature tested in this particular experiment was only 525°C, the
results of Fig. 4 demonstrate that a suspended-core microstructured optical fiber femtosecond
laser ablation temperature sensor can be successfully multiplexed with up to three elements.
5. Discussion and conclusions
We have demonstrated temperature sensing up to 1300°C using femtosecond laser ablation
gratings within silica suspended-core microstructured optical fiber. This relatively simple
fiber geometry has been used as the femtosecond laser beam is not significantly distorted
when passing through the cladding structure. The use of silica glass allows for direct splicing
to conventional single-mode fiber, thus easy integration with commercial interrogators, and
provides the possibility of long length sensors due to low propagation loss. The maximum
operating temperature of the sensor was found to lie between 1300°C and 1350°C. Further
research needs to be conducted to determine the exact maximum operating temperature limit
of the sensor. The long term stability of the sensor at these temperatures also needs to be
investigated further as the current study was limited to five minute intervals for each
temperature measured.
Wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) sensing has been demonstrated, with three
temperature sensing elements shown here. One limitation in the number of WDM sensors is
the multi-mode nature of the suspended-core fiber used for this work, leading to several peak
reflections per grating. The wavelength separation of the gratings must be large enough to
accommodate the modes (approximately 12 nm) plus the shift over the desired wavelength
range (14 nm for 1000°C). For an interrogator bandwidth of 80 nm this limits the number of
sensors to three. The multiplexing capability can be improved through further designing the
suspended-core MOF to reduce the number of propagating modes. The most obvious way of
doing this is by reducing the core diameter. Improvements in the grating inscription process,
such as the use of optimized laser pulse energy and filling the MOF air hole with near index-
matching liquid to allow the writing beam to focus better in the core region, should also help
reduce the optical loss observed in our multiplexed sensing experiment.
An additional parameter that requires further optimization is the grating length. Profiling
of short-length furnaces, such as in fiber drawing towers, would benefit from better spatial
resolution than can be achieved using the 10-20 mm gratings used here. To reduce grating
length whilst maintaining reflectivity a stronger index modulation is required. One way to
achieve this could be to, again, reduce the core diameter in order to increase the overlap of the
propagating modes with the ablation points. However, careful design optimization is required
as smaller core diameters may lead to increased FBG inscription and splicing difficulty.
The authors acknowledge Ben Johnston from Macquarie University for assistance in using the
femtosecond laser facility at Macquarie University and Alastair Dowler, Peter Henry, Roman
Kostecki, and Anthony Leggatt from the University of Adelaide for their contribution to the
silica fiber fabrication. This work was performed in part at the OptoFab node of the
Australian National Fabrication Facility utilizing Commonwealth, and South Australian and
New South Wales State Government funding. Stephen Warren-Smith and Linh Nguyen
acknowledge the support of a Photonics Catalyst Grant supported by the South Australian
State Government and SJ Cheesman (Port Pirie, South Australia). Stephen Warren-Smith and
Catherine Lang acknowledge the support of a Denis Harwood Innovation Grant. Stephen
Warren-Smith is currently supported by the European Commission through the Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7), PIIF-GA-2013-623248. Tanya Monro acknowledges the
support of an ARC Georgina Sweet Laureate Fellowship.
Received 1 Dec 2015; revised 27 Jan 2016; accepted 28 Jan 2016; published 12 Feb 2016
© 2016 OSA
22 Feb 2016 | Vol. 24, No. 4 | DOI:10.1364/OE.24.003714 | OPTICS EXPRESS 3719
... The presence of air hole layers within the PCF cladding induced strong scattering and distortion of the incident femtosecond laser beam, impeding the formation of a type II grating. To address this challenge, Warren-Smith et al. [22] successfully fabricated type II FBGs in pure-silica suspended-core PCFs, which exhibited stability at temperatures up to 1300°C. Furthermore, researchers at Shenzhen University developed an inscription method for PCFs employing a phase mask and an infrared femtosecond laser. ...
This study reports the fabrication of an 4th-order line-by-line Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBG) array using femtosecond laser inscription within a highly multimode coreless optical fiber, with a particular focus on achieving substantial multiplexing capabilities. An ultra-fast annealing procedure is employed, resulting in an impressive enhancement of the FBG sensor's fringe visibility by approximately 13 dB, signifying a notable improvement of approximately ~4 dB. This substantial enhancement contributes to the long-term stability and performance of the multiplexed FBG array in extreme temperature conditions. The systematic fabrication approach employed for the multiplexed FBG array guarantees a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for each individual FBG within the array. This FBG array is intended for extreme temperature applications, addressing limitations associated with traditional FBGs based on doped optical fibers, including SNR degradation and temperature-induced fringe drift. Testing at temperatures up to 1120°C demonstrates the FBG array's stability without fluctuations in readings. Furthermore, it endures seven heat cycles, spanning from 500°C to 1120°C, over 60 hours, exhibiting outstanding thermal stability. This highly multiplexed FBG array with an ultra-fast annealing approach holds promise for extreme temperature environments, such as steelmaking, where precise and reliable distributed temperature monitoring is imperative.
... Femtosecond laser is a powerful tool to inscribe FBGs in various MOFs, and the fabricated FBGs can operate at a high temperature [12][13][14][15][16][17]. For example, Chen et al. fabricated an FBG in a dual side-hole fiber (DSHF) by using the femtosecond laser phase mask method and realized pressure sensing at a high temperature of 800°C [14]. ...
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We demonstrate a novel, to the best of our knowledge, high-temperature pressure sensor based on a highly birefringent fiber Bragg grating (Hi-Bi FBG) fabricated in a dual side-hole fiber (DSHF). The Hi-Bi FBG is generated by a femtosecond laser directly written sawtooth structure in the DSHF cladding along the fiber core through the slow axis (i.e., the direction perpendicular to the dual-hole axis). The sawtooth structure serves as an in-fiber stressor and also generates Bragg resonance due to its periodicity. The DSHF was etched by hydrofluoric acid to increase its pressure sensitivity, and the diameter of two air holes was enlarged from 38.2 to 49.6 µm. A Hi-Bi FBG with a birefringence of up to 1.8 × 10⁻³ was successfully created in the etched DSHF. Two distinct reflection peaks could be observed by using a commercial FBG interrogator. Moreover, pressure measurement from 0 to 3 MPa at a high temperature of 700°C was conducted by monitoring the birefringence-induced peak splits and achieved a high-pressure sensitivity of −21.2 pm/MPa. The discrimination of the temperature and pressure could be realized by simultaneously measuring the Bragg wavelength shifts and peak splits. Furthermore, a wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) Hi-Bi FBG array was also constructed in the DSHF and was used for quasi-distributed high-pressure sensing up to 3 MPa. As such, the proposed femtosecond laser-inscribed Hi-Bi FBG is a promising tool for high-temperature pressure sensing in harsh environments, such as aerospace vehicles, nuclear reactors, and petrochemical industries.
... 3 Using the fs-IR approach, gratings have also been written in solid core pure silica photonic crystal and microstructured fibers. [8][9][10] When fs-IR or fs-vis sources are used, the nonlinear nature of the index change process can create FBGs that are stable up to the glass transition temperature tG of the host waveguide material, making them suitable for high temperature sensing applications. 11 These qualities make this process very attractive for creating sensors that can operate in extreme environments of high temperature or in the presence of high levels of ionizing radiation. ...
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The technique of femtosecond laser-induced inscription of fiber Bragg gratings creates a structure in the optical fiber that can be used effectively as a sensor especially when deployed in harsh environments. Depending on the optical fiber chosen and the inscription parameters that are used, devices can be made that are suitable for sensing applications involving high temperature, pressure, ionizing radiation, and strain. Such devices are appropriate for aerospace or energy production applications where there is a need for components, instrumentation, and controls that can function in harsh environments. This paper will present a review of some of the more recent developments in this field.
... In addition, femtosecond laser technology has been used for fiber optic microstructure fabrication, including in FBGs [90]. This manufacturing process allows FBG sensors to operate at very high temperatures (even 1300 • C [91]). ...
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Structural health monitoring is currently a crucial measure for the analysis of structural safety. As a structural asset management approach, it can provide a cost-effective measure and has been used successfully in a variety of structures. In recent years, the development of fiber optic sensing technology and vision sensing technology has led to further advances in structural health monitoring. This paper focuses on the basic principles, recent advances, and current status of applications of these two sensing technologies. It provides the reader with a broad review of the literature. It introduces the advantages, limitations, and future directions of these two sensing technologies. In addition, the main contribution of this paper is that the integration of fiber optic sensing technology and vision sensing technology is discussed. This paper demonstrates the feasibility and application potential of this integration by citing numerous examples. The conclusions show that this new integrated sensing technology can effectively utilize the advantages of both fields.
... In this paper, we report the results obtained for a functionalized microstructured suspended core optical fiber (SCF) with a nanocomposite material based on an efficient functionalization process that we already demonstrated [35]. This particular optical fiber structure was already investigated for its sensing abilities [40]- [42]. The nanocomposite material is made of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles producing a strong magneto-optical response, embedded in a SiO2 sol-gel matrix. ...
A functionalized microstructured silica-based optical fiber, displaying significant magneto-optical effects in the C-band telecommunication wavelength (1530-1565 nm) has been developed by adding a sol-gel layer doped with magnetic nanoparticles around its pure silica core. The fiber was subjected to X-rays at room temperature up to a total ionizing dose (TID) of 500 kGy(SiO <sub xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">2</sub> ) – 50 Mrad – at a dose rate of 9.5 Gy(SiO <sub xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">2</sub> )/s. The magneto-optical responses of the functionalized fiber under a rotating permanent NeFeB magnet were investigated prior, during and after the irradiation using a dedicated setup. The results show that magneto-optical properties of the sample remain unaffected by such radiation constraints, keeping the same promising performances than the not-irradiated sample. An additional passive measurement was conducted with an even greater TID of 2.5 MGy, at same dose rate, giving identical results. This work demonstrates the radiation resistance of such a functionalization process in order to develop magneto-optically sensitive optical fibers able to be implemented in harsh environments such as the ones encountered in fusion-devoted facilities or nuclear power plants.
Optical fiber pressure sensing is of significant interest for industrial process monitoring and acoustic sensing. However, the direct detection of pressure changes along an optical fiber with minimal crosstalk is a significant challenge due to the low stress-optic coefficient of glass and interferences from temperature, bending, and strain. Here we demonstrate that deep learning combined with microstructured optical fiber specklegram sensing is an effective approach to overcoming environmental crosstalk for the challenging application of pressure sensing. Specklegrams created from multimode interference are inherently sensitive to both the measurand of interest and other environmental perturbations. By employing a deep neural network, namely a multi-layer perceptron, we show that the environmental crosstalk of the specklegram based pressure sensor can be mitigated. Furthermore, we demonstrate the practical implementation of the machine learning based pressure sensor where we need to continuously update the model. We show that the network can learn and reject environmental disturbances and predict pressure values correctly through continuous training updates. This technique approaches the instrument error of our calibration pressure gauge, with an error below 3 kPa over a range of 1 MPa.
The propagation of coherent light in multimode optical fibers results in a speckled output that is both complex and sensitive to environmental effects. These properties can be a powerful tool for sensing, as small perturbations lead to significant changes in the output of the fiber. However, the mechanism to encode spatially resolved sensing information into the speckle pattern and the ability to extract this information are thus far unclear. In this paper, we demonstrate that spatially dependent mode coupling is crucial to achieving spatially resolved measurements. We leverage machine learning to quantitatively extract the spatially resolved sensing information from three fiber types with dramatically different characteristics and demonstrate that the fiber with the highest degree of spatially dependent mode coupling provides the greatest accuracy.
The propagation of coherent light in multimode optical fibers results in complex light patterns known as speckle. This effect has historically made understanding and controlling the light transport in these fibers extremely difficult, with successes such as imaging still being restricted to special cases. This complexity can also be a powerful tool for sensing environmental parameters, as small perturbations lead to significant changes in the output of the fiber. Until now, the ability to use speckle patterns for longitudinally resolved sensing has remained unclear, with previous studies limited to the classification of fiber bending positions and thus lacking quantification. In this paper, we demonstrate that random longitudinal variations which are usually regarded as a significantly detrimental property are crucial to achieving spatially resolved measurements. The mode coupling induced by such variations break the longitudinal symmetry of the fiber causing the fiber's output to become dependent on the longitudinal position of such a perturbation. In this work we use machine learning to quantitatively extract this spatial information and compare three fiber types with dramatically different mode coupling and sensitivity characteristics. We show that sapphire crystal fiber, which supports a high degree of mode coupling due to significant diameter inhomogeneities, provides the greatest accuracy. These findings have far-reaching implications for the broader optics and photonics research community in the study of complex light propagation and offers exciting opportunities for the development of new and innovative sensing technologies.
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This paper reports on a new kind of temperature sensor operating over an extremely large temperature range at high monitoring speeds. The sensor utilizes fiber Bragg gratings inscribed into multimode single crystalline Sapphire fibers, basically providing temperature control via an optical reflection signal. The gratings operate up to 1900 °C, which is the highest temperature determined using Bragg grating so far, and allow signal processing with a temperature resolution better than ±2 K. The sensor uniquely provides fast dynamic temperature monitoring at an unprecedented rate of 20 Hz. Overall, fiber Bragg grating inside Sapphire fibers provide a new base for precise high-temperature measurement with key advantages such as signal multiplexing, large temperature bandwidth and insensitivity to electromagnetic fields.
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Femtosecond laser written Bragg gratings have been written in exposed-core microstructured optical fibers with core diameters ranging from 2.7 µm to 12.5 µm and can be spliced to conventional single mode fiber. Writing a Bragg grating on an open core fiber allows for real-time refractive index based sensing, with a view to multiplexed biosensing. Smaller core fibers are shown both experimentally and theoretically to provide a higher sensitivity. A 7.5 µm core diameter fiber is shown to provide a good compromise between sensitivity and practicality and was used for monitoring the deposition of polyelectrolyte layers, an important first step in developing a biosensor.
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Bragg gratings have been written in exposed-core microstructured optical fibers for the first time using a femtosecond laser. Second and third order gratings have been written and both show strong reflectivity at 1550 nm, with bandwidths as narrow as 60 pm. Due to the penetration of the guided field outside the fiber the Bragg reflections are sensitive to the external refractive index. As different modes have different sensitivities to refractive index but the same temperature sensitivity the sensor can provide temperature-compensated refractive index measurements. Since these Bragg gratings have been formed by physical ablation, these devices can also be used for high temperature sensing, demonstrated here up to 800°C. The fibers have been spliced to single mode fiber for improved handling and integration with commercial interrogation units.
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The efficient and accurate fabrication of Microstructured optical fibers (MOFs) requires a practical understanding of the ‘draw process’ beyond what is achievable by trial and error, which requires the ability to predict the experimental drawing parameters needed to produce the desired final geometry. Our results show that the Fitt et al. fluid-mechanics model for describing the draw process of a single axisymmetric capillary fiber provides practical insights when applied to more complex multi-hole symmetric and asymmetric MOF geometries. By establishing a method to relate the multi-hole MOF geometry to a capillary and understanding how material temperature varies with the draw tower temperature profile, it was found that analytical equations given by the Fitt model could be used to predict the parameters necessary for the chosen structure. We show how this model provides a practical framework that contributes to the efficient and accurate fabrication of the desired MOF geometries by predicting suitable fiber draw conditions.
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This paper reviews high temperature sensing applications based on fiber Bragg gratings fabricated by use of femtosecond laser. Type II fiber Bragg gratings fabricated in the silica fiber can sustain up to 1200 °C while that fabricated in the sapphire fiber have the good thermal stability up to 1745 °C.
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The paper describes the implementation of fiber Bragg gratings inscribed by femtosecond laser pulses with a wavelength of 400 nm. The use of a Talbot interferometer for the inscription process makes multiplexing practicable. We demonstrate the functionality of a three-grating multiplexing sensor and the temperature stability up to 1200 °C for a single first-order Bragg grating.
Twisting and microforming an optical fibre provides it with unique chiral properties that are useful for polarization control, harsh-environment sensing and dense multichannel coupling to photonic integrated circuits.
Since the discovery of photosensitivity in optical fibers there has been great interest in the fabrication of Bragg gratings within the core of a fiber. The ability to inscribe intracore Bragg gratings in these photosensitive fibers has revolutionized the field of telecommunications and optical fiber based sensor technology. Over the last few years, the number of researchers investigating fundamental, as well as application aspects of these gratings has increased dramatically. This article reviews the technology of Bragg gratings in optical fibers. It introduces the phenomenon of photosensitivity in optical fibers, examines the properties of Bragg gratings, and presents some of the important developments in devices and applications. The most common fabrication techniques interferometric, phase mask, and point by point are examined in detail with reference to the advantages and the disadvantages in utilizing them for inscribing Bragg gratings. Reflectivity, bandwidth, temperature, and strain sensitivity of the Bragg reflectors are examined and novel and special Bragg grating structures such as chirped gratings, blazed gratings, phase-shifted gratings, and superimposed multiple gratings are discussed. A formalism for calculating the spectral response of Bragg grating structures is described. Finally, devices and applications for telecommunication and fiber-optic sensors are described, and the impact of this technology on the future of the above areas is discussed. © 1997 American Institute of Physics. S0034-67489701312-9
The current status of optical fiber sensors is reviewed. The optical fiber sensors have certain advantages that include immunity to electromagnetic interference, lightweight, small size, high sensitivity, large bandwidth, and ease in implementing multiplexed or distributed sensors. Strain, temperature and pressure are the most widely studied measurands and the fiber grating sensor represents the most widely studied technology for optical fiber sensors. Fiber-optic gyroscopes and fiber-optic current sensors are good examples of rather mature and commercialized optical fiber sensor technologies. In this paper, among the various fiber-optic sensor technologies, especially, technologies such as fiber grating sensors, fiber-optic gyroscopes, and fiber-optic current sensors are discussed with emphasis on the principles and current status. Today, some success has been found in the commercialization of optical fiber sensors. However, in various fields they still suffer from competition with other mature sensor technologies. However, new ideas are being continuously developed and tested not only for the traditional measurands but also for new applications.  2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
We report on temperature sensors based on regenerated fiber Bragg gratings (RFBGs) for measurements up to 1100. The annealing process required to regenerate such gratings makes the optical fiber too delicate, thus making an adequate packaging necessary. Prior to the grating regeneration the optical fiber is protected with a ceramic tube which in turn is shielded with a thick metal casing. We have performed a thorough characterization of the thermo-optical response of both packaged and unpackaged RFBG sensors placing especial attention on possible residual hysteresis after several temperature cycling tests. The response and recovery times of packaged sensors were found to be, respectively, ~9 s and ~ 22 s.