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About Passwords


Abstract and Figures

In our age of cyber war and cyber crime, it is critically important to select and use "good" passwords to protect user accounts. A well-known general rule says that passwords should contain a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. In this paper I will show mathematically that this rule is a misbelief Instead of this, the length is the significantly important attribute. Then I will analyse the most common password structures and give an estimation on the time requirements of brute force attacks. (Un)fortunately there are a lot of password lists originating from a lot of intrusions and data thefts to analyse, and we have the incredible results of the latest brute force experiments. On the basis of these calculations we can state that passwords can give us strong protection if we apply some simple rules, unless the password encoding algorithm of the operating system is too weak It is worth the time and energy for mathematicians to develop stronger hash functions and OS manufacturers to apply them, but this is not discussed here, and nor is how password using habits have changed.
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Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
About Passwords
András Keszthelyi
Óbuda University, Károly Keleti Faculty of Economics, Institute of Organisation
and Management, Népszínház u. 8, H-1081 Budapest, Hungary
Abstract: In our age of cyber war and cyber crime, it is critically important to select and
use “good” passwords to protect user accounts. A well-known general rule says that
passwords should contain a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. In this paper I
will show mathematically that this rule is a misbelief. Instead of this, the length is the
significantly important attribute. Then I will analyse the most common password structures
and give an estimation on the time requirements of brute force attacks. (Un)fortunately
there are a lot of password lists originating from a lot of intrusions and data thefts to
analyse, and we have the incredible results of the latest brute force experiments. On the
basis of these calculations we can state that passwords can give us strong protection if we
apply some simple rules, unless the password encoding algorithm of the operating system is
too weak. It is worth the time and energy for mathematicians to develop stronger hash
functions and OS manufacturers to apply them, but this is not discussed here, and nor is
how password using habits have changed.
Keywords: password; user authentication; password cracking; brute force attack; good
1 Introduction
Latest news: Twitter was cracked at the beginning of February, 2013. In this data
breach, the attacker(s) got access to the shadow passwords of about 250,000 users.
Bob Lord, director of Information Security at Twitter said, “Make sure you use a
strong password at least 10 (but more is better) characters and a mixture of
upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols... For more information about
making your Twitter and other Internet accounts more secure, read our Help
Center documentation or the FTC’s guide on passwords.” [1] At this point we
have a really good occasion to think over what we know, sometimes incorrerctly,
about the use of passwords and the attributes of a really good password.
It is a fact that nobody can reach a 100% security level in any field of life,
especially not in IT. In our digital age, data security is very important (Google
returns 13 million hints) in general, and in user authentication in particular.
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
“Passwords are a very poor authentication method. It is widely estimated that the
majority of security breaches as much as 80 percent are attributable to persons
picking “weak” passwords that are easy to guess or to stolen passwords that are
compromised because of poor password protection practices. The method survives
because it is still generally cheaper than the alternatives.” [2] As we shall see,
passwords are not a “very poor” authentication method if used correctly. At least
not poorer than a lost or stolen cellphone, token, etc.
The number of password-protected accounts an average user has is bigger than
one would think at first glance, and it is increasing. According to Symantec, 44%
of users have more than 20 password-protected accounts. [3] “The average user
has 6.5 passwords, each of which is shared across 3.9 different sites. Each user has
about 25 accounts (...) and types an average of 8 passwords per day.” [36]
As passwords will not disappear in the future, it is worth the time and energy to
learn how to use them correctly and efficiently and to understand why some well-
known rules and words of advice are misapprehensions, not to say “urban
legends”, such as a “good” password looks like W@fK41#a&2s?.
2 Background
2.1 How to Get Somebody's Password
To store passwords in plaintext form is a serious security flaw. If anyone, anyhow
can get access to the file plaintext passwords are stored in s/he will be able to
personalize any of the regular users with the utmost ease. To avoid that, in most
cases and in most systems the hash of the plaintext passwords are stored instead of
the plaintext ones. Hash functions are one-way functions, which means that it is
easy to calculate the hash of a plaintext password but it is impossible to calculate
the plaintext password from the hash. These hashes are called shadow passwords.
“Because the stored passwords cannot be deciphered, they are completely safe,
even if the entire password file is (accidentally or maliciously) disclosed.”
Denning said in 1982. [4] In those times perhaps there were no computational
capacities which would have been enough to do brute force attacks against shadow
There are two different kinds of possibilities to get other users' password, stealing
and guessing. To steal a password one can use any tools which are adequate to the
circumstances. From hidden cameras to hardware keyloggers and trojan horse
programs, there are a lot of possibilities, of which social hacking is not the worst:
“Ninety per cent of office workers at London's Waterloo Station gave away their
computer password for a cheap pen, compared with 65 per cent last year.” [6].
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
The other possibility is to guess the password. The simplest cases are when the
password is a “default” one (e.g. password, asdfgh) or is in close connection with
the login name (login login12) or with the user's person (date of birth). A
Frenchman even succeeded in breaking into Barack Obama's twitter account in
2010 (and there are other examples as well): “Cousteix managed to break into the
accounts by searching information that is most commonly used for passwords,
such as birth dates or pet names, on social networking sites. He lives with his
parents and has no college degree, and has not had any special computer training.”
“In 2008, the then-unemployed man was using Skype (...) when he dialed a
random number and then entered the code "123456" (…) Although he didn't
realize what he had done, the man was granted access to the French central bank's
debt service.” [10]
2.2 Some of the Latest Bigger Password Thefts
2009, Hotmail. The list of stolen passwords initially contained 10,028 entries.
After cleaning up the list, 9,843 valid passwords remained, of which 8,931 (90%)
were unique. The most common password was: 123456. [13]
2009, Rockyou. In December, 2009 32 million passwords were revealed by a
successful SQL injection attack. The passwords were stored in cleartext in the
database, which is a serious case of carelessness. “The data provides a unique
glimpse into the way that users select passwords and an opportunity to evaluate
the true strength of these as a security mechanism. In the past, password studies
have focused mostly on surveys. Never before has there been such a high volume
of real-world passwords to examine.” [14]
“About 30% of users chose passwords whose length is equal or below six
characters. Moreover, almost 60% of users chose their passwords from a limited
set of alpha-numeric characters. Nearly 50% of users used names, slang words,
dictionary words or trivial passwords (consecutive digits, adjacent keyboard keys,
and so on). The most common password among account owners is
“123456”. [14]
2011, China. At the end of the year, about 100 million plaintext passwords were
revealed from different Chinese websites. The passwords were stored as plain text
in this case, too. Some interesting results of analysing the data are: “(1) users
might choose less secure passwords for their convenience and ease of
memorization, though their primary concern is online security; (2) for the same
reasons, password reuse is common, as users tend to use the same passwords for
multiple online accounts; and (3) passwords usually contain common words, or
personal information, such as birthdays and family member names.” [15]
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
2012, Yahoo. In the summer a list of 450,000 usernames and plaintext passwords
were revealed. Once again: plaintext passwords. According to [16], the top 10
passwords were: 123456, password, welcome, ninja, abc123, 123456789,
12345678, sunshine, princess, qwerty. The top 10 base words were: password,
welcome, qwerty, monkey, jesus, love, money, freedom, ninja, writer.
2012, Philips. Only 400 real life shadow passwords were stolen. A researcher tried
to crack these with an interesting result. He used John the Ripper to crack the
passwords. The number of successfully found passwords shot up, then stabilized,
and then remained steady. The first 25% of the passwords fell in 3 seconds; first
half of them were found in 50 minutes; and only 53% in total after two hours. [37]
2012, LinkedIn. The data of 6,5 million users were stolen.
2.3 A Functional Approach to Password Usage
There are theoretical approaches based on entropy, but now let us prefer the
practical point of view. We can state as axioms that a password must be not only
hard to guess (for intruders) but easy to remember (for users). At first glance one
would think that these two requirements are opposite to each other. A survey in
2010 points out the facm that users know this clearly, at least in theory, see Table
1. [38] In practice there may be problems.
Table 1
Which of the following are the most important factors when selecting a new password?
Mark all that apply
Easy to remember 46%
Short and easy to enter 8%
Fun or interesting 9%
Strength (i.e. hard to guess) 71%
Other, please specify 7%
What are the possible ways to guess someone else's password? There are four
traditional methods to do that guessing.
The case of default passwords; these may be factory default ones (wifi, switch), or
those of a lazy system administrator or user: password, asdfgh, 123456, etc. See,
e.g. the case of the French bank, mentioned above. [10]
The case of connection between the login name and password: there is a a formal
or a logical or a personal connection between login name and password, For
example, login login19, or romeo juliet, or Obama president. See for
example the intrusion into Obama's Twitter account above. [7]
The dictionary attack: the attacker collects possible, frequently used passwords
into a list and a program tries them one by one at a slower speed (online) or at a
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
higher speed (offline, when shadow passwords are stolen somehow). There are
quite a lot of real-life passwords out there that can be obtained easily; see the
above mentioned examples and others. This method is useful especially when the
attacker wants to crack as many accounts as s/he can among a lot of people there
always will be enough who use simple passwords.
The brute force attack: when the attacker applies a program to try all the possible
character combinations as passwords.
In short, a “good” password is one when none of the mentioned cracking methods
would be successful, or at least not in a reasonable time period.
The ease of remembering our passwords is also not a simple problem. According
to the publicly known offline cracking speeds (below) we have to remember quite
long passwords. There are techniques which can help you to generate passwords
which are easy, or at least easier, to memorize. “The third folk belief is that
random passwords are better than those based on mnemonic phrases. However,
each appeared to be just as strong as the other. So this belief is debunked. The
fourth folk belief is that passwords based on mnemonic phrases are harder to
remember than naively selected passwords. However, each appeared to be just as
easy to remember as the other. So this belief is debunked.“ [20]
3 Discussion
In this part I am going to point out that some of the widely applied rules are false;
first of all, that a strong password ought to contain all kind of characters and must
be totally meaningless, perhaps a sequence of random characters. Second, HP
published a password generation method that gives a false feeling of security; its
weakness is apparent not just today, but it must have been considered as a security
risk even when it was published ten years ago.
3.1 The Basic Character Set Examples
The most important rule nearly everywhere is that passwords must contain all
kinds of characters: lower and upper case letters, digits and punctuation marks, or
other special characters. This, by itself, is simply not true.
First, let us see two theoretical examples from higher education. “A password
based on only small letters, capital letters or numbers has a small key-space. This
makes it more easy for brute-force, just because it limits the possibilities.” [21]
József Ködmön, associate professor at the University of Debrecen, Hungary,
whose research field is cryptography and data security, says that the ideally good
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
password does not contain any meaningful words or expressions and should
contain different kind of letters, digits and special characters. [22]
Some examples from the practical life follow. First of all, see Bob Lord's post on
Twitter blog, cited above, in the introduction. [1]
The Gmail recommendation: “Use a password with a mix of letters, numbers, and
symbols. There are only 26^8 possible permutations for an 8-character password
that uses just lowercase letters, while there are 94^8 possible permutations for an
8-character password that uses a combination of mixed-case letters, numbers, and
symbols. That's over 6 quadrillion more possible variations for a mixed password,
which makes it that much harder for anyone to guess or crack.” [23]
Google Password Help says: “Tips for creating a secure password: Include
punctuation marks and/or numbers. Mix capital and lowercase letters. Include
similar looking substitutions, such as the number zero for the letter 'O' or '$' for the
letter 'S'. Create a unique acronym. Include phonetic replacements, such as 'Luv 2
Laf' for 'Love to Laugh'.” [24]
The Federal Trade Commission (referenced by Bob Lord in Twitter blog) says:
“Make your password at least 10 to 12 characters long, and use a mix of letters,
numbers, and special characters”. [25]
Twitter: “When you set up your account, be sure to choose a strong password (at
least 10 characters that include upper and lower case characters, numbers, and
symbols).” [26]
Why is this rule not true? If an attacker could manage the crack with one of the
first three guessing methods, the structure of the password would not be
interesting, or in other words, the user was careless. So let us suppose the case of a
brute force attack. In this case we can be sure that the attacker will find the
password if s/he has enough time. This means that we must take into
consideration the number of the different character combinations that the attacker
must try in order to find the real password and the speed s/he can provide for the
If one increases the number of the elements in the basic character set, the number
of all the possible combinations can be calculated by a power function (xa, where x
is the number of the possible characters and a is the length of the password).
Instead of this we can increase the length of our password, which means that the
number of the combinations will be determined by an exponential function (ax). It
is well known that exponential functions shoot up significantly quicker than power
functions. So length is more important than the basic character set.
It seems that people usually do not apply the rule of the mixed character set, and it
is not as if it was generally known that the length is the more important parameter.
See the password structure analyses below.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
3.2 Method Recommended by HP
In 2003, HP published and recommended a password generating method to
produce different passwords for different sites based on a single and simple
password provided by the user. A small program concatenates the single password
and the site name, then calculates the MD5 hash value, converts it into ASCII by
base64 and truncates that to 12 characters. “1. The algorithm cannot be inverted to
discover the user password even if the site name is known. 2. The algorithm is a
standard, meaning any implementation must produce the same output for a given
input. 3. It is highly unlikely that two different inputs will produce the same
output. ... In this example, the unguessable password is qwerty.” [27] The software
utility can be downloaded from HP
even today.
At first glance it is a big idea; the user can select one easy-to-remember basic
word as the password, while the result is different, long and random-like
passwords for each account. It is marvelous, as long as nobody knows that the user
uses this method. But what if the attacker can get some foreknowledge about the
user's password generating method, e.g. s/he catches a glimpse of the generator
program on the user's screen? In this case, the attacker's situation becomes very
comfortable: it is enough to use a short list of basic (pass)words, because the
password generating algorithm is known and pretty simple.
3.3 Initials of Poems or Long Sentences
A frequently recommended method is to select a part of one of your favourite
poems and use the initials of the words or those of the lines as a password.
Ködmön also advises this, with some additions. [22] also
recommends this method, with the extension of adding some complexity by
changing some of the letters to upper case ones and inserting some digits [28] or
using similar looking substitutes (zero and o, numeric one and letter l etc.). [24]
Using this method to generate your own passwords, you should prefer your own
sentences to classical poems. Having so many electronic libraries it would not take
a huge amount of energy to create a list of possible passwords from initials of the
best-known poems. Another method [28] suggests: Start with a sentence or two
about ten words total, e.g. “Long and complex passwords are safest. I keep mine
secret.” Using the first letter of every word, turn your sentences into an acronym:
“lacpasikms” (10 chars). Add complexity, make only the letters in the first half of
the alphabet uppercase: “LACpAsIKMs”. Add length with numbers:
“LACpAs56IKMs”. Add more length with punctuation and/or symbols:
“?LACpAsIKMs)”. This looks like a 14-character-long random password (~1027
combinations). It can be done, but I think that most people would not like a
password generating method consisting of so many steps.
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
3.4 Random Words with Mnemonic Technique
According to another piece of advice, you ought to select some, e.g. four, words
randomly, concatenate them to a single password string and use some mnemonic
technique to memorize it. For example, let the four words be 'correct', 'horse',
'battery' and 'staple'. The password would be 'correcthorsebatterystaple'; then try to
imagine as if a horse said to you, “that is a battery staple” and then you answered
“that's correct”. [29] runs a password generator (built and maintained by
Afterlight Web Development) on this basis. The default settings are: four words, a
minimum length of 15 characters, the separator is the hyphen, append a random
single digit at the end. Considering that the basic dictionary contains 10,000
(English) words, we can calculate the number of possible password combinations:
1017, the same as about the possible combinations of an 8.7-character-long,
random-like password. Using some different separators or changing the initials to
uppercase would give us a result of about 4*1020, and this is the same as the
number of the possible password combinations of a 10.5-character-long random
string. These results do not seem to be very good, seeing the time we would need
to crack such passwords.
3.5 Resources Needed to Crack a Password
The difficulty of guessing simply means: how much time would be needed to
crack a password? In such a case, “resource” has a complex meaning: the
hardware, software and/or any kind of background knowledge, included but not
limited to, possessing the shadow passwords. Every piece of background
information about the password(s) to be cracked may help the attacker a lot,
perhaps too much.
There exist two very different possibilities to crack passwords: we can speak about
online and offline password cracking. Online cracking means that the attacker tries
to log in to the system using the username s/he wants to crack and tries different
passwords. In this case, if the system is run properly, s/he has the possibility of a
very limited number of tries and/or time. Any system that has been properly set up
will not let you try an unlimited number of passwords, especially not at high
speed. This means that an attacker can try a few dozen or a maximum of a few
hundred passwords per second.
Offline cracking means that the attacker could somehow manage to get the
shadow password(s) and tries to crack them using his/her own resources, of which
the computational speed depends on only the hardware-software configuration
s/he has.
Let us see the methods an attacker can use against our personal passwords (or
those of our company) and their time consumptions.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
3.5.1 Default Passwords
Default password mean not only factory default ones (e.g. in some wifi
equipment) but those of the lazy system administrators and users. For example:
password, password01, asdfgh, 123456, secret, letmein, etc. Use 'top password' in
Google for more examples. Every attacker will try the most common passwords as
the first step; see e.g. the case of the intrusion into the French bank mentioned
above. [10] Using these generic easy-to-guess passwords is an invitation to being
hacked, as if you left the starter key in the door of your car. These need only an
infinitesimal amount of time.
3.5.2 Logical or Literal Connection
Another common error users may commit is when they select a password that is in
connection with the login name or the person. So, the well known rule is, do not
use a password such as your birthdate, the names of your children, your phone
number, etc. In general, do not use anything that is in connection with your
person, especially if this is a public data element. See the case of Obama's Twitter
account mentioned above [7], and many other similar ones.
Also, never use passwords that are simple derivations of your login name, e.g. bob
bob12, bob bob!bob etc. These simple derivations can easily be generated.
These kind of passwords, or at least a carefully selected subset of them, may be
used even in an online attack. Using these kind of passwords is also serious
carelessness. These also need only an infinitesimal amount of time, too.
3.5.3 Simple Dictionary Attack
The next step of the attacker is the simple dictionary attack. S/he collects the most
probable passwords into a list, called a dictionary, and then applies a software tool
to check them one by one. This means that it is highly recommended not to use
any dictionary words, or more generally, do not use any words or expressions for
which Google would return any results (and also do not use a word you entered
into Google previously).
A dictionary attack is always applied before the full brute force attack, simply due
to the fact that even the largest dictionaries will contain far fewer words than a
brute force attack must try. In the case of a system that is run normally, a
traditional dictionary attack cannot be used online, because there must be some
time delay between the failed login attempts, and too many failed attempts will
trigger a security alert for the system administrator.
An offline dictionary attack needs little time, as a dictionary contains only a very
limited number of words compared to the brute force attack.
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
3.5.4 Brute Force Attack
The brute force attack means that a program will try all the mathematically
possible character combinations.
This kind of attack may be performed only in offline mode, i.e. when the attacker
has succeeded in getting the shadow password(s). In this case we can be sure that
the password will be revealed, and the only question is this: How much time
would it need? In other words: How many tries can be performed in a second and
how many combinations has to be tried?
In 2009 commercial products were available that claimed the ability to test up to
2,800,000,000 NTLM passwords per second on a standard desktop computer
using a high-end graphics processor. [30]
At the Passwords^12 Conference in Oslo at the end of 2012, Jeremi Gosney
demonstrated extreme cracking speeds with a Virtual OpenCL (VCL) that was
running the HashCat password cracking program across five servers equipped
with 25 AMD Radeon GPUs and communicating at 10 Gbps over Infiniband
switched fabric. He could provide an unbelievable 348 billion tries/sec (NTLM
password hashes), which means that a 14 character long WinXP password, for
example, could be cracked just in six minutes (see Table 2).
Table 2
Gosney's cracking speed
algorythm tries/sec
NTLM 348 billion
MD5 180 billion
SHA1 63 billion
LM 20 billion
bcrypt (05) 71,000
sha512crypt 364,000
Gosney's team was at a point where their implementation of HashCat on VCL
could be scaled up to supporting even 128 AMD GPUs. [18] [19]
So this means that the last tool, brute force cracking, can work at a cracking speed
of between some thousands and 350 billion tries per sec, depending on the
resources the attacker has and the hash function the system uses to calculate the
shadow passwords.
3.5.5 Advanced Dictionary Attack
Because brute force attacks may need huge amounts of resources, attackers may
want to reduce their efforts, of course. On the other hand, users may want more
secure passwords, or at least passwords they think are more secure, without using
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
random strings. There are some well-known methods to do that, so attackers
knowing these methods may be able to take advantage of them to optimize their
cracking efforts. This results in a method somewhere between the traditional
dictionary and brute force attacks, and this could be called as an advanced
dictionary attack.
An old, well-known trick is to use similar looking substitutions in the original
plain text of the selected password, e.g. password p@ssw0rd. This method is so
well known that it has its own name (“leet”) as an alternative alphabet. Because it
is so well known we must suppose an attacker would try this. This method was
used in empirical research as well, “...for each word from a dictionary file
make common number substitutions, such a 1 for I, 5 for S etc.” [20] So
converting a simple password to leet alphabet does not seem to be a good idea.
There may be other password generating habits, and analysing password structures
may help attackers a lot. (Un)fortunately, a very large number of passwords has
been revealed (of which I referenced some cases above), so would-be attackers
have more than enough ammunition to determine the most common password
structures. And we, as well, can do some analyses on revealed passwords to see if
there are typical password structures or not, and, if yes, what the most common
password structures are.
As described above [14], was cracked in 2009 and about 32 million
passwords were made public. I downloaded the list of unique passwords [31] to do
some structure analyses. The list contained 14,344,391 unique passwords. There is
no formal proof, of course, that this list (or any list) is really the original password
list. Only the system administrator could have confirmed the originality of the
password list, and only if nobody had changed their passwords between the theft
and the sysadmin's confirmation. However, it is said to be a real password list and
it looks something like that. After some cleaning, i.e. removing lines which
seemed to be converting errors (too long lines containing html codes), 14,342,415
items remained, of which the length of 1,789 items is longer than 32 characters. It
is not impossible to apply such long passwords, especially if one uses a password
manager or copy-and-paste.
Some elementary statistical data follows in Table 3, while Figure 1 shows the
most common password lengths.
Table 3 password statistics
average password length 8.74%
length <8 characters 33.00%
8 <= length <= 12 characters 59.90%
length >12 characters 7.10%
length >=10 characters 31.03%
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
The minimum password length is 1. The average password length is 8.7, which
might have been just enough in 2009 but is surely not enough today. One third of
the passwords were not long enough even at that time. On the other hand, another
one third of the passwords had quite a good length of at least 10 characters.
Figure 1
Most common password lengths
I performed some pattern analyses to determine the most common password
structures. The character groups I searched for are these: lower case letters, upper
case letters, digits, punctuation marks, space, other or special characters.
In the first step, I converted the original passwords, substituting their individual
characters according to table 4. So “aaaaa00” means 5 lower case letters and 2 digits at
the end, e.g.
Table 4
Character substituting
original substituted
a-z a
0-9 0
.,_!?/:;"'- .
space _
others @
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
Some detailed statistics follow in Table 5. More than one quarter of the passwords
consist of lower case letters only. Passwords consisting of only uppercase letters
or punctuation marks or others are not preferred; their proportion is less than 2%.
Table 5 password statistics
contains only:
lowercase letters 26.00%
digits 16.40%
uppercase letters 1.60%
punc. &/or spec. 0.04%
contains space 0.48%
contains at least one:
uppercase 9.31%
digit 68.08%
punct. or spec. 6.62%
lower+digit 42.36%
lower+upper+digit & none other 2.67%
lower+upper+digit+punc/speci 0.03%
More than one quarter of the passwords consist of only lower case letters. Digits
are preferred to uppercase letters or others; two third of the passwords contain
digits while only about 16% of them contain uppercase letter(s) or punctuation
mark(s) or other special character(s). This means that most people do not follow
the general false rule of passwords, that a password must contain all kind of
character types.
Table 6 contains the first 20 of the most common password structure patterns and
their lengths. These patterns represent more than the half of the whole set
(51.52%). 8 patterns out of the 20 are longer than 8 characters. It seems interesting
that these patterns consist of only lower case letters, digits or lower case letters
and appended digits. No capital letters, no punctuation marks or special characters.
Table 6 password statistics, most common password structures
structure % length
aaaaaaaa 4.80 8
aaaaaa 4.19 6
aaaaaaa 4.08 7
aaaaaaaaa 3.60 9
0000000 3.40 7
0000000000 3.33 10
00000000 2.99 8
aaaaaa00 2.93 8
aaaaaaaaaa 2.91 10
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
000000 2.72 6
000000000 2.14 9
aaaaa00 2.04 7
aaaaaaa00 1.91 9
aaaaaaaaaaa 1.87 11
aaaa0000 1.64 8
aaaa00 1.50 6
aaaaaaaa00 1.49 10
aaaaaa0 1.35 7
aaaaaaa0 1.32 8
aaaaaaaaaaaa 1.32 12
total 51.53
Some common passwords of those that consist of only lower case letters are:
password (what a surprise!), iloveyou, princess, sunshine, football, superman,
zorro, zzzzzzz. Common given names also appear in the list, e.g. michelle,
jennifer, etc.
For an attacker it might be a winning strategy to perform a traditional dictionary
attack first, applying a word list of 6-12-character-long common lower case words
(e.g. monkey, qwerty, nicole, soccer, peanutbutter, sonyericsson, heartbreaker).
This would find a lot of the simple passwords among nearly one third (30.06%) of
the whole password set. In the second step, s/he would try a word list of six-
character-long words with an appended two-digit number (soccer12, summer07,
nicole12, etc.).
A brute force attack against shadow passwords ought to be designed like this: in
the first step s/he would attack against the 6-10-digit-long numeric passwords.
With a cracking speed of one billion tries per second, one would need about ten
seconds to finish them (14.59% of the whole password set, nearly every seventh
account). Then pattern 'aaaa00' would fall in 0.05 sec and pattern 'aaaa0000' in
4.57 sec (1.5%, 1.64%, respectively).
Then passwords of 'aaaaa00', 'aaaaa00' patterns would need about 32 more
seconds (4.97%). At this point, our would-be cracker would need far less than a
minute to crack more than one fifth of the accounts (22.69%).
Then pattern 'aaaaaaa00' would follow (a bit more than 13 minutes, 1.91%), then
the lower case passwords of 6-9 characters in length ought to follow; and they
would capitulate in about 1.5 hours (an additional 16.67% of the accounts).
This means that far less than 2 hours would be enough to crack nearly four-tenth’s
(39.37%) of the whole unique password set (more than five and a half million).
This seems to be quite effective; there is a chance that the theft of the shadow
passwords has not been discovered yet. Longer and/or complicated passwords
would need far more time to crack, e.g. the passwords consisting of ten lower case
characters would need 1.6 days.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
The efficiency of a brute force attack seems to be characterized by a logarithmic-
shaped function curve. It shoots up suddenly (with the weakest passwords) then
stabilizes (see the Philips case above). As Ducklin says in [37]: don't be at the
left hand side of the graph.”
Supposing that people's password selecting habits change slowly in general, I
would say that an attacker could build up quite an efficient cracking strategy by
cracking about 40% of the passwords in less than 2 hours.
You can find a much more detailed structure analysis method in [32]. One may be
interested in that, especially if s/he wanted to design a very efficient and scalable
password cracking software in general.
As for us, we are interested in generating passwords hard to crack, so we need to
know the most common structure patterns included in table 6 to avoid them.
3.6 How to Create a Good Password
As “good” passwords must be both easy-to-remember and hard-to-guess, we can
formulate some basic rules and methods to help us create “good” passwords. First
of all, as you may know best what kind of things you can memorize, use your own
method, but keep in mind the possible approaches an attacker might use against
your password. Never think that it cannot happen to you. Below some tips follow
based on what we have seen above.
3.6.1 Possible Methods
Use a combination of words and some extensions, like's tip
above, but use your own method to create your password, a method that is
convenient for you and not known to others. Keep in mind that the length of the
password is more important than the basic character set it uses, and the structure
itself need not be too complicated. For example, as we know, Shakespeare was
born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon, so let us combine these together: Shakes-
peare1was5born6in4Avon. 29 characters long (30, if the dot is part of the
password), not a common structure and easier to remember than's password.
You may also use meaningless words of non-existing languages that sound great
at least to you. Drioliano_rodiatenno! 22 chars.
Prefer foreign, and not English, languages when selecting basic words.
Dictionary-based attacks are language dependent. If you have a national keyboard
use rare national characters, too, but test it before.
Try some keyboard patterns (but not 'asdfgh' or others like that, of course).
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
3.6.2 Minimal Password Length
What is a reasonable length for a password in general? You can calculate it easily.
Supposing that you have a good enough password which could only be cracked by
brute force, calculate the number of possible combinations (the number of
characters in the basic character set lifted up onto the power of the length), then
divide that number by the supposed cracking speed (measured in tries/sec), then
by (60*60*24*365) and you will have the result in years. The bigger the result, the
better security you have. Keeping in mind Gosney's results, let the hypothetical
cracking speed be 1012 tries/sec. Because we can never know... let's multiply it by
one thousand and calculate with a value of 1015 tries/sec.
For example, see our second example, Drioliano_rodiatenno!. Lower case letters,
upper case letters and some others, no digits; the basic character set consists of
about 60 characters. As 6022~1039, 1039/1015/( 60*60*24*365)~1019, so there are
about 1039 possibilities to try, which would need about 1019 years. This looks quite
good, especially considering the fact that our Universe is supposed to be ~1010
years old. And it seems to be not too hard to memorize. A similar password, only
12 characters long, would give us a result of about 70 years. So I suggest that
never use shorter passwords and keep in mind: though unbelievable, Gosney's
cracking speed is the latest public result only.
And do not think it needs too much time to enter such a long password. It needs
less time than to unlock your front door, which is a user authentication on the
basis the user, i.e. you, has something. You may live in a district where nobody
locks their front doors. A computer network is not a world like that.
We suppose at this point that the system for which we use this password is run
properly and uses a reasonable hash function to store passwords.
Additional rules of changing your password regularly, etc., must be taken care of,
3.6.3 Roundabouts, Bypasses
What we discussed above is about how to guess someone else's password or, on
the other hand, how to make that too hard. But beware of many kinds of bypasses.
You may have the best password in all the world and that will do nothing for you
if an attacker, can for example apply a hardware keylogger into the back of your
computer (3 secs to install and remove), a small webcam into the ceiling, a trojan
horse program into your system, some social hacking, or anything else. See for
example the “case study” of the Bastard Operator and the Bank Manager. [32]
There is an unimaginably large set of bypasses, so be careful.
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica Vol. 10, No. 6, 2013
3.7 Using and Forcing Good Passwords
In private life it is in our own interest to have strong enough passwords.
In business life it is in our own enterprise's interest. Businesses, first of all, ought
to have clear rules, and then make employees keep them. Since any rule is worth
only as much as it is kept, businesses should do regular checks. Passwords that the
sysadmin can crack with the company’s own resources, which are perhaps very
restricted, are really too weak. Online attacks, of course, must be recognized and
stopped in time.
We all must keep in mind, especially after Gosney [18] [19] and unlike Denning
[4], that if you want security, you have to use physical, administrative and
algorithmic protection in parallel. Each chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
3.8 Teaching is Very Important
In our information age it is very important for us to teach not only theoretical
material but good practical examples as well. Both the amount of data stored in
computers and our dependency on these data increase day by day, so IT security is
one of the most important fields in private as well as in business life. As
passwords are, and will remain, the first and most important authentication
method, we have to concentrate not least on this field.
I, as a teacher, have to draw attention to the fact that the problem shown and
discussed above is not simply the problem of only the IT sector, but rather that of
education as well. This is not only because passwords are also widely used in
education (scholar information systems, e-learning systems, etc.) but because even
teenage children may be in danger when they do not know what they are doing
when they select their passwords (to log in to gmail, Facebook, etc.). The next
generation should also learn the theoretical background. If not, they will not know
how passwords work and why it is necessary to select strong passwords or, better
to say, what strong passwords are. Students' and children's attention cannot be
drawn to such problems too early. If we investigate students' skills and knowledge
in the fields of computer sciences here in Hungary or in a wider area, in Central
Europe, we find an alarming situation. [34] [35] I, personally, do not think that the
situation in the other parts of the world would be significantly better or especially
We have to teach our children how to select a reasonably good password and we
have at least to try to teach our students that, too. This is not an easy job. A lot of
people, unfortunately, prefer laziness to security.
“Results indicate that, in general, users do not vary the complexity of passwords
depending on the nature of the site (bank account vs. instant messenger) or change
their passwords on any regular basis if it is not required by the site. Users report
A. Keszthelyi About Passwords
using lower case letters, numbers or digits, personally meaningful numbers and
personally meaningful words when creating passwords, despite the fact that they
realize that these methods may not be the most secure.” [33]
The China case cited above and many others show that the human factor is the
weakest link in the chain of security. This can be developed only by education, by
which we can save not only the enterprise property but the privacy of our young
children, too.
The most frequent rule of password selection, i.e. that a password must contain
lower case and upper case letters, digits and punctuation marks or other special
characters, is not true. The length of passwords is a significantly more important
factor than the basic character set. Also, any foreknowledge can highly improve
the efficiency of a password cracking attack; so it is recommended not to use
typical password patterns and/or generating methods. Really good passwords do
exist, and can protect your accounts well. Users are advised to learn what hash
function their operating system uses to calculate the shadow passwords. If the
hash function is weak, that itself will be a security risk, beyond the users' scope.
To improve our security level in general, it is important to teach not only the basic
rules but their background as well.
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... containing about 32 million passwords that shows that passwords containing only 6-9 lower case letters were 17.3%, and six lower case letters followed by two digits were nearly 3%. [3] Knowing the most common password structures dictionary based attacks can be optimized. ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
It has always been an important security issue to prevent unauthorized access to our resources and it becomes more and more important as we go along in the digital era. Both possession based and biometric methods has been evolving fast and many experts say that the knowledge based methods, passwords, are not secure enough. In the present paper I prove that passwords in alone can be safe enough providing a publicly known case that shows that serious problems may occur if so-called experts give false advice to average users.
... containing about 32 million passwords that shows that passwords containing only 6-9 lower case letters were 17.3%, and six lower case letters followed by two digits were nearly 3%. [3] Knowing the most common password structures dictionary based attacks can be optimized. ...
Conference Paper
It has always been an important security issue to prevent unauthorized access to our resources and it becomes more and more important as we go along in the digital era. Both possession based and biometric methods has been evolving fast and many experts say that the knowledge based methods, passwords, are not secure enough. In the present paper I prove that passwords in alone can be safe enough providing a publicly known case that shows that serious problems may occur if so-called experts give false advice to average users.
... Or, if so, their password usage habits are less secure. Therefore, we consider it important to bring them close to and introduce the nature of security risks, to emphasize the importance of information and system protection, and to make them aware of the significant role of the human factor in the information security [11,12]. As part of this, we also introduce the technical solutions and the process of password breaking using multimedia support. ...
... While there is more and better security software available (antivirus, spam-filters, encryption, etc.), the user still remains the weakest link in online security [1]. The first scientific studies on this matter mostly focused only on examining password usage and password quality and strength [2][3][4][5][6][7]. But the problem regarding password security represents only a small portion of human online risky behavior. ...
... While there is more and better security software available (antivirus, spam-filters, encryption, etc.), the user still remains the weakest link in online security [1]. The first scientific studies on this matter mostly focused only on examining password usage and password quality and strength [2][3][4][5][6][7]. But the problem regarding password security represents only a small portion of human online risky behavior. ...
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This study is based on previous results obtained with the validated Users' Information Security Awareness Questionnaire (UISAQ) and its main critiques concerning length and international usage. The aim was to develop a new international short version of the UISAQ, Behavioral-cognitive internet security questionnaire (BCISQ, Velki & Šolić, 2018). Authors gathered information on risky behavior and security awareness among 250 Croatian students and 225 German adults using the same instrument translated to German. The BCISQ consisted of 2 subscales with a total of 10 items. Model fit for both groups (Croatian and German) was tested using the Software program R. For both groups, the analyses did not confirm a two-factor structure. Due to large covariances between the measurement errors of the last two questions on the cognitive scale it is recommended to split this scale into two separate subscales, risk and importance. The resulting three-factor model shows a good fit for the Croatian (CFI=0.97, TLI=0.96, RMSEA=0.04, SRMR=0.04, χ 2 =46.61) and the German sample (CFI=0.93, TLI=0.90, RMSEA=0.05, SRMR=0.05, χ 2 =51.44). Future studies should try to further develop the third subscale (risk) of the BCISQ as well as to test the BCISQ in other cultures and languages.
... Vagy ha igen, jelszóhasználati szokásaik kevéssé biztonságosak; sok esetben a kényelmi szempontok érvényesülnek a biztonsági szempontokkal szemben. 6 Ezért fontosnak tartjuk, hogy közel vigyük hozzájuk és minél szemléletesebben mutassuk be a biztonsági kockázatok mibenlétét, az információ-és rendszervédelem jelentőségét, és tudatosítsuk bennük az emberi oldal, az egyéni jelszókezelés meghatározó voltát (Keszthelyi 2013, Keszthelyi és Kadëna 2016. Ennek részeként a kurzus keretében multimédiás támogatással a jelszófeltörés technikai megoldásait és menetét is megismertetjük velük. ...
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A tanulmányban ismertetett kutatás fő célja az informatikai biztonsági kurzus hatásának vizsgálata a hallgatók szokásaira, attitűdjére és mindennapi információbiztonsági tudatosságára, valamint az alkalmazott oktatási módszerek elemzése és fejlesztése. Az oktatás során a hallgatók egy csoportja videofelvételeket nézett, amelyek jelszavak visszafejthetőségét mutatták be megfelelő programok használatával. A másik csoportban ki is próbálhatták ezeket a programokat, tesztelhették akár saját jelszavaik feltörhetőségét is. A kurzust megelőzően és azt követően felvett online kérdőíves felmérés a hallgatók személyes életében is megjelenő hatást az egyéni jelszó- és eszközhasználat vizsgálatával igyekezett feltárni. A válaszokban tükröződő gyakorlatok biztonságos, illetve biztonsági kockázatnak kitett voltuk alapján kerültek pontozásra. Az elemzés eredményei azt mutatták, hogy a programhasználattal kiegészített, a hallgatói aktivitást facilitáló módszernek szignifikánsan nagyobb hatása volt a hallgatók információbiztonsági attitűdjére, gyakorlatára és tudatosságára, mint a videóval támogatott oktatási módszernek.
... This work that one word only may be used once it limits our number of combinations. If someone boosts the Items numbers in the basic character set, the number of all the combinations can be calculated through the power function (x a , When x is the number of characters possible, it is the length of the password) [7]. Instead of this application can increase the length password of our work, which means that determined of the combinations number would be by an exponential function (a x ). ...
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Benefit Due to the pressing demand for safe storage in public areas, Increase the number of people applying these services in substantial life, such as the Holy shrines, Institutions, Airports and building office, In view of the traditional methods of the lockers to save a package, which relies on regular keys that can be stolen or lost, the higher cost is also used specifically for one user only, This work to solve problems from regular keys and gives a dynamically works multiple usages at the different times, includes electronic locks depends on, a password that create by a user with a lower cost, flexible and easiness, the idea of splitting the password into two parts gives a strong protection in this application, the simulation using some of the electronic parts of the Arduino device to design a dynamic automated digital security system to Apply for Multi cabinet's lockers. It can accept multi-users each period of time while there are some of the cabinets are empty, The cabinet will only unlock if the password matches, and will be erased from the memory automatically to use again; otherwise, the alarm is on.
Full-text available
An analysis of programming knowledge of Hungarian and Slovakian students was made using a web based Informatics Test. After the evaluation of the test results were found some significant differences in programming knowledge of the students from different countries, but does not depend on the different way of teaching. In the following statistical analysis Levene's test, T-test and Z-test was used. The monitoring was held on the p=5% significancy level throughout the analysis. Underlying causes are discussed. Survey results are traced back to differences in the educational systems of the two countries.
Full-text available
An analysis of Information Technology knowledge of Hungarian and Romanian students was made with the help of a self developed web based Informatics Test. The goal of this research is an analysis of the Computer Science knowledge level of Hungarian and Romanian students attending a Science course or a Mathematics-Informatics course. Analysed was how effectively can students from different grades answer questions dealing with different subjects. After having evaluated the test results correctness of the original presumption emerged. Significance level was 5% through the analysis. It was found significant divergence in knowledge of Hungarian students and Romanian students attending a science course (Profil Real) and a Mathematics-Informatics course. Romanian students attending a science course and a Mathematics-Informatics course scored higher in programming than their Hungarian counterparts specialized in Informatics in the 11 th grade. After the calculating values of the partial correlation we have got same results by subjects too. After the evaluation a final conclusion can be made: Romanian students of the Real Profile have the same or more practice in programming than Hungarian students specialized in Informatics, though the latters have the same or higher Computer Science knowledge level. Unfortunately, Hungarian teachers concentrate on word processing and spreadsheet calculation and teach programming just for the students specialized in Informatics, although algorithm thinking would be important for every student before finishing secondary school.
This study investigated the common password generation practices of online users. Three hundred and fifteen undergraduate and graduate students completed a survey querying (1) the types and number of different password protected accounts maintained; (2) actual practices used in generating, storing and using passwords; (3) practices believed they should use in generating and storing passwords; and (4) general demographic information. Results indicate that, in general, users do not vary the complexity of passwords depending on the nature of the site (bank account vs. instant messenger) or change their passwords on any regular basis if it is not required by the site. Users report using lower case letters, numbers or digits, personally meaningful numbers and personally meaningful words when creating passwords, despite the fact that they realize that these methods may not be the most secure.
Conference Paper
We report the results of a large scale study of password use and password re-use habits. The study involved half a mil- lion users over a three month period. A client component on users' machines recorded a variety of password strength, usage and frequency metrics. This allows us to measure or estimate such quantities as the average number of pass- words and average number of accounts each user has, how many passwords she types per day, how often passwords are shared among sites, and how often they are forgotten. We get extremely detailed data on password strength, the types and lengths of passwords chosen, and how they vary by site. The data is the flrst large scale study of its kind, and yields numerous other insights into the r^ole the passwords play in users' online experience.
Primer Authentication of Identity, Project Health Design ELSI Team
  • Reid Cushman
Cushman, Reid: Primer Authentication of Identity, Project Health Design ELSI Team, University of Miami, 2007, p. 2 [4] Denning, Dorothy: Cryptography and Data Security Office workers give away passwords for a cheap pen, The Register Rafael: Frenchman convicted for hacking Obama http
  • Kevin Haley
Haley, Kevin: Password Survey Results, Symantec Official Blog, 26 Mar. 2010, [4] Denning, Dorothy: Cryptography and Data Security, Addison-Wesley, 1982, p. 162 [6] Leyden, John: Office workers give away passwords for a cheap pen, The Register, away_passwords/, 18 April 2003 [7] Mesquita, Rafael: Frenchman convicted for hacking Obama http://www. boston. com/business/technology/articles/2010/06/25/frenchman_ convic ted_ for_hacking_twitter/, 25 June 2010
Bank of France's Accidental Hacker Acquitted
  • Ben Weitzenkorn
Weitzenkorn, Ben: Bank of France's Accidental Hacker Acquitted,, 21 Sep. 2012
Statistics from 10,000 leaked Hotmail passwords, Acunetix Web Application Security
  • Bogdan Calin
Calin, Bogdan: Statistics from 10,000 leaked Hotmail passwords, Acunetix Web Application Security, from-10000-leaked-hotmail-passwords/, 6 Oct. 2009
Statistics of "450.000 leaked Yahoo accounts
  • Anders Nilsson
Nilsson, Anders: Statistics of "450.000 leaked Yahoo accounts",, 13 July 2012