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Relationship between soil water retention model parameters and structure stability



Studying and modeling the effects of soil properties and management on soil structure, a basic property of soil health, is vital for the development of effective soil and water conservation practices. Contribution of soil intrinsic properties and extrinsic conditions on structure stability was inferred in quantitative terms from changes in the water retention curves at near saturation (low matric potential, 0-50 cm, macropores > 60 µm) that were obtained by the high energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) method. The S-shaped water retention curves were characterized by the modified van Genuchten model that provided: (i) the model parameters α and n, which represent the location of the inflection point and the steepness of the water retention curve, respectively; and (ii) the soil structure index, SI=VDP/MS, where VDP is the volume of drainable pores, and MS is the modal suction. Model parameters, claculated y soil-HEMC model, were related to soil properties and hence soil water retention properties were linked to measured field characteristics. Soil SI increased exponentially with increase in α and decrease in n, while the relationship between SI and α/n was linear. An improved description of the water retention and its link to pore- and apparent aggregate size distribution, by using the model parameters α and n, can assist in (i) the selection of management practices for obtaining the most suitable type of soil structure depending on the desired soil function, and (ii) apply model parameters in soil-crop models for predicting the effects of changes in soil structure on soil hydraulic properties, erosion potential and crop yield.
International Congress on “Soil Sciences in International Years of Soils
Relationship between soil water retention model parameters
and structure stability
Amrakh Mamedov1*, G.J.Levy 2, I.Ekberli3, C.Gülser 3, I.Gümüş4,and Ü.Çetin 4
1 Institute of Soil Science & Agrochemistry, and Institute of Botany, ANAS, Baku,
1 Institute of Soil, Water and Environmental Sciences, ARO, The Volcani center, Bet
Dagan, Israel
3Ondokuz Mayis University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science &
Plant Nutrition, Samsun, Turkey
4Selcuk University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil Science and Plant
Nutrition, Konya, Turkey
*Corresponding author:
Key words: aggregate stability, structure stability, pore size, water retention, stability
Soil structure is a basic property of soil fertility, quality and hence soil health. The
formation of soil aggregates and structure is the result of biotic and abiotic factors and
their interaction. It is important for understanding the influence of structural condition
on the rhizosphere water-nutrient regime and crop yield, and also surface runoff
generation and soil erosion. Thus, studying the effects of soil properties and
management practices on soil structure is vital for the development of effective soil
and water conservation, and predictive modeling tools in order to avoid risks of soil
deterioration. Tillage, soil compaction, crop rotation and amendment application can
alter pore size distribution (PSD), and subsequently affect physical and chemical
properties of soils, and nutrients availability. Furthermore, plant growth associated
with activities of soil biota interacts with environmental variables such as dry-wet and
freeze-thaw cycles to modify soil structure. The ability to study soil structure
dynamics and affecting mechanisms thereon are complicated by the (i) magnitude of
temporal variability which in itself is affected considerably by the spatial location and
growing season, (ii) effects of management practices, and (iii) difficulties involved in
relating results from laboratory measurements to real field behavior (Kay and Angers,
2002; Strudley et al, 2008; Mamedov and Levy, 2013).
The difficulty to quantify the impact of soil properties and conditions, coupled with
management practices, on soil structure stability, either by empirical or by conceptual
models, has been widely recognized. Characterization of soil aggregate stability has
commonly been used to portray structure stability, although aggregates are not
necessarily a suitable proxy of soil structure. This complexity is also associated with
a variety of physical and physicochemical mechanisms involved in soil aggregates
breakdown by water (Levy and Mamedov, 2013). Several aggregate stability
methods, utilizing diverse primary breakdown mechanisms (e.g. wet sieving, drop
Article book
test, application of ultrasonic energy, etc.), are used for establishing an index of soil
structure, which makes comparison between treatments difficult. A recent method, the
modified high energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) method (Pierson and Mulla,
1989; Levy and Mamedov, 2002) is sensitive and capable of detecting even small
changes in aggregate and structure stability of a range of soils from arid and humid
zones (e.g. review paper by Mamedov and Levy, 2013).
Resistance of soil structure to changes induced by management practices largely
depends on soil genesis and properties (Mamedov et al., 2010). Structure and
aggregate stability can be inferred from changes in the soil water retention curve even
at the low end of the matric potential (e.g., as employed by the HEMC method).
Changes in the model parameters used to describe the water retention curve are
considered to be related to changes in the PSD, and therefore in aggregate (particle)
size distribution; thus, they may characterize the contribution of aggregates size to
soil structure condition. If model parameters can be related to measured soil
properties, then soil water retention curves can be derived also from easily measured
field data (Lipiec et al., 2007; Mamedov and Levy, 2013). The objectives of the
current study were to (i) characterize structure stability indices of semi-arid soils
using the HEMC method, and (ii) examine the relationship between these soil
structure stability indices and the water retention model parameters.
Materials and Methods
An arry of samples from semi-arid cultivated soil (Azerbaijan, Israel, Turkey, USA)
varying in type and exyrinsic conditions were used: (i) three soil varying in texture
and treated with two biosolid amanedments (composted manure and sweage sludge);
(ii) long term cutivated soils (~100 samples) varying in texture from loamy sand to
clay; (iii) clay soil treated with fresh and composted poultry litter, and zeolite under
corn production, and (iv) loam soil (rhizosphere and bulk) used under various wheat
types. Soil water retention, modified van Genuchten model parameters and structure
stability indices were determined using a modified version of the HEMC method and
soil-HEMC model (Pierson and Mulla, 1989; Levy and Mamedov, 2002; Mamedov
and Levy, 2013). In this method, 15 g macroaggregates (0.5-1 mm) are placed in a
funnel with a fritted disc (pore size 20-40 µm) which is wetted from the bottom in a
controlled manner (slow ~2 or fast ~100 mm h-1), with a peristaltic pump, and then a
water retention curve at high energies of matric potential (0 to 50 cm H2O),
corresponding to drainable pores (> 60 µm), is performed using small steps (1-2 cm).
Soil structure stability is expressed in terms of a structural index (SI) defined as the
ratio of volume of drainable pores (VDP) to modal suction (MS). Soil-HEMC model
(Mamedov and Levy, 2013), which enables an accurate fit of the water retention
curves (ψ, 0 to 50 cm) for a wide variety of soils (R2>0.99), was used to calculate
structural indices (VDP, MS) and model parameters (α and n) by the following
equations (Pierson and Mulla, 1989):
 
CBψAψψ) (α1 )θ(θθ θ2
 
B2Aψ)ψ) (αψ(1n/ψ) 1)(αn1(ψ) (α1)θ(θdψdθnn
International Congress on “Soil Sciences in International Years of Soils
where, θr and θs are the residual and saturated water content, respectively; α (cm-1)
and n represent the location of the inflection point and the steepness of the S-shaped
water retention curve; A, B and C are the coefficients.
Results and Discussion
Changes in soil structure following aggregate breakdown by wetting, generally,
results in the shift of the wetting curve to the left resulting from formation of a larger
number of aggregates or particles of smaller sizes (leading to smaller inter-aggregate
pores) than the original ones. Semi-arid soils, known to have weak aggregates, were
found to be sensitive to aggregate breakdown by fast wetting (i.e., slaking); with the
effect being more pronounced in the soil with low clay content (Fig.1).
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Water content, θ (g/g)
Matric potential, - ψ (cm)
Loam WR 2 mm/h
Loam WR 100 mm/h
Clay WR 2 mm/h
Clay WR 100 mm/h
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Water content, θ (g/g)
Manure compost
Sewage sludge
Fig. 1. Soil water retentiaon as affected by
texture and wetting rate (WR)
Fig. 2. Loam soil water retentiaon as affected
by composted manure and sewage sludge
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
Water content, θ (g/g)
Bulk soil
Rhizosphere soil
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Water content, θ (g/g)
Poultry litter + Zeolite
Fig. 3. Loam soil (rhizosphere and bulk
soil) water retentiaon as affected by
Fig. 4. Clay soil water retentiaon as
affected by poultry litter and zeolite
Differences in the water retention curves between the less stable and stable soil
aggregates (originating from differences in soil type or extrinsic conditions) were
mostly in the matric potential range of 0 to -12 cm, and smaller in the range of 12 to -
Article book
50 cm corresponding to differences in macro-, meso-, and micropores (>250; 60-250
m) (Figs. 1-4). Aggregates’ breakdown is reflected by a decrease in SI and α or α/n
and by an increase in n. The SI of soil increased exponentially with increase in water
retention model parameters α and a decrease in n (Figs. 5 and 6). Furthermore the
relationship between the SI and α/n could be considered as linear, yet of different
properies (Figs. 7-9). In the coarser textured loam, aggregate resistance to slaking was
attained mainly by the presence of the coarser fraction of organic matter (e.g., plant
roots and fungal hyphae), whereas in the clay soil it was obtained by the high clay
content. The rhizosphere soil is directly influenced by the root, plant residues,
root secretions and symbiotic associated microorganisms (e.g. mycorrhizal fungi).
Poultry litter and zeolite application increased or enhanced soil water retention;
treating soil with composted manure and sewage sludge coated bridge between soil
clay platelets, and analogous to the effect of hydrophobic humic substances, they
improved structure stability and aggregate resistance to slaking by water (Mamedov
and Levy, 2013).
R2 = 0.79
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
a (1/cm)
SI (1/cm)
R2 = 0.61
510 15 20 25
SI (1/cm)
Fig. 5. SI as a function of α for soils treated with
composted manure and sewage sludge
Fig. 6. SI as a function of n for soils
treated with composted manure and
sewage sludge
R2 = 0.80
0 0.005 0.01 0.015
a/n (1/cm)
SI (1/cm)
R2 = 0.92
0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015
a/n (1/cm)
SI (1/cm)
Fig. 7. SI as a function of α/n for soils treated
with composted manure and sewage sludge
Fig. 8. SI as a function of α/n for long
term cultivated soils varying in texture
from sandy to clay
International Congress on “Soil Sciences in International Years of Soils
R2 = 0.7
R2 = 0.87
0 0.005 0.01
a/n (1/cm)
SI (1/cm)
bulk and rhizosphere
poultry litter and zeolite
Linear (poultry litter
and zeolite)
Fig. 9. SI as a function of α/n for () loam
used under wheat varieties () clay treated
with poultry litter and zeolite
The paper presents results obtained from studies, in which the HEMC method
was employed to characterize soil structure stability in terms of changes in macro
pore size distribution obtained from water retention curves at near saturation (ψ, 0 to -
50 cm). Research data reporting a wide range of changes in PSD, and structure
stability indices of semiarid soils widely varying in intrinsic properties and
management histories were used and relationship between SI and model parameters α
and n were established. The results indicate that pore and aggregate size distribution
of cultivated semi-arid soils can be strongly influenced by agricultural management,
but the resilience of the structure largely depends on soil type and properties. It is
postulated that description of the water retention by soil-HEMC model and linking
model parameters to soil structural index and thus pore- and aggregate size
distribution, may help to select proper management practices for obtaining the most
suitable type of aggregation depending on the desired soil function or soil type.
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Soil structure serves as one of the most important soil physical properties influencing on water retention, aeration, plant growth as well as environmental conditions. In the current study, the effect of four land-use types on some soil structural stability indices including high-energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) at both fast and slow wetting modes, volume of the drainable pores (VDP), structural index (SI), stability ratio (SR), fractal dimensions (D) and mean weight diameter (MWD) was investigated. Jiroft County, is located in southeastern part of Kerman Province, Iran (28ο 40׳ N, 57ο 44׳ E) and characterized by soils generally high in sand and low in organic matter (OM) was selected as the study area. Land-use types included disturbed and undisturbed rangelands, protected natural forest and an artificial forest plantation. The HEMC results showed that in the slow wetting mode, undisturbed rangeland (49.6%) and protected natural forest (42.6%) indicated the highest and lowest values for near-saturated water contents, respectively. However, in fast wetting modes no significant differences was observed in case of near-saturated water content between undisturbed rangeland and disturbed rangeland and artificial forest plantation land-uses. Furthermore, the near-saturated water contents in the protected natural forest did not changed for both fast and slow wetting modes. The lowest MWD (0.05 mm) and the highest fractal dimension values (2.97) were observed for protected natural forest. The lowest values for VDP, VDP ratio (VDPR), and SI were found for undisturbed rangeland and disturbed rangeland, with the highest values obtained for protected natural forest. No significant differences were found among the land-use types in terms of SR. Furthermore, soil water retention was also low in the land use types with low aggregate formation agents like clay, OM, and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE). Among the HEMC indices, near-saturated water content and soil water retention only indicated the structural condition. While other HEMC indices such as VDP, SI, SiR, and VDPR did not show the differences between structural and textural characteristics. This study revealed that, techniques such as measuring MWD and fractal dimension may better show the status of the soil aggregates in the studied region.
The soil‐water characteristic curve (SWCC) is a key input to many hydrological and water‐quality models that simulate water movement and solute transport in the vadose zone. Over the past four decades a considerable number of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have been developed to predict SWCC. The goal of this study was to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of 30 PTFs, 11 discrete functions and 19 continuous functions. The SWCC predicted by different PTFs was statistically compared to SWCC measured for 2046 United States soils. The performance of each function was evaluated for soils of different textural classes and at four matric potentials: −4, −10, −33 and − 1,500 kPa. The results showed that for point PTFs, the PTF developed by Adhikary et al. (2008), was the best function to predict SWCC in very fine soils, whereas the PTF developed by Fooladmand (2011), showed the best performance in fine, medium fine, medium and coarse soils. For continuous PTFs, the PTF developed by Saxton et al. (1986), showed the best performance in very fine soil; the PTF developed by Cosby et al. (1984), showed the best performance in fine soil; the PTF developed by Rawls and Brakensiek (1985) showed the best performance in medium fine soil; and the PTF of Zacharias and Wessolek (2007), showed the best performance in medium and coarse soils. With respect to matric potentials, the PTFs of Gupta and Larson (1979), Dashtaki et al. (2010), and Hua et al. (2011), were the best performing point PTFs to predict SWCC at −4, −10, −33 and − 1,500 KPa, respectively. The continuous PTFs developed by Mayr and Jarvis (1999), Rosetta SSC (Schaap et al. 2001), Cosby et al. (1984), and Al Majou et al. (2007), showed the best performance to predict SWCC at −4, −10, −33 and − 1,500 kPa, respectively. The results of this study may be useful to hydrologic modelling as it identifies the most accurate PTF for each soil textural class and across the matric potential ranges. Highlights • Performances of 30 pedotransfer functions of SWCCs were evaluated using soil database from the USA. • The pedotransfer functions were classified into 11 point functions and 19 continuous functions. • The pedotransfer functions were evaluated at five soil texture classes and four matric potentials • Best‐performing pedotransfer functions were identified for each texture class and matric potential.
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Soil moisture (SM) data play an important role in agriculture, hydrology, and climate sciences. In this study, we examined the spatial-temporal variability of soil moisture using Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite measurements for Poland from a five-year period (2010–2014). SMOS L2 v. 551 datasets (latitudinal rectangle 1600 × 840 km, centered in Poland) averaged for quarterly (three months corresponding to winter, spring, summer, and autumn) and yearly values were used. The results were analysed with the use of classical statistics and geostatistics (using semivariograms) to acquire information about the nature of anisotropy and the lengths and directions of spatial dependences. The minimum (close to zero) and maximum soil moisture values covered the 0.5 m3 m−3 range. In particular quarters, average soil moisture did not exceed 0.2 m3 m−3 and did not drop below 0.12 m3 m−3; the corresponding values in the study years were 0.171 m3 m−3 and 0.128 m3 m−3. The highest variability of SM occurred generally in winter (coefficient of variation, CV, up to 40%) and the lowest value was recorded in spring (around 23%). The average CV for all years was 32%. The quarterly maximum (max) soil moisture contents were well positively correlated with the average soil moisture contents (R2 = 0.63). Most of the soil moisture distributions (histograms) were close to normal distribution and asymmetric data were transformed with the square root to facilitate geostatistical analysis. Isotropic and anisotropic empirical semivariograms were constructed and the theoretical exponential models were well fitted (R2 > 0.9). In general, the structural dependence of the semivariance was strong and moderate. The nugget (C0) values slightly deceased with increasing soil moisture while the sills (C0 + C) increased. The effective ranges of spatial dependence (A) were between 1° and 4° (110–440 km of linear distance). Generally, the ranges were greater for drier than moist soils. Anisotropy of the SM distribution exhibited different orientation with predominance from north-west to south-east in winter and spring and changed for from north-east to south-west or from north to south in the other seasons. The fractal dimension values showed that the distribution of the soil moisture pattern was less diverse (smoother) in the winter and spring, compared to that in the summer and autumn. The soil moisture maps showed occurrence of wet areas (soil moisture > 0.25 m3 m−3) in the north-eastern, south-eastern and western parts and dry areas (soil moisture < 0.05 m3 m−3) mainly in the central part (oriented towards the south) of Poland. The spatial distribution of SM was attributed to soil texture patterns and associated with water holding capacity and permeability. The results will help undertake appropriate steps to minimize susceptibility to drought and flooding in different regions of Poland.
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The original high energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) technique for measuring aggregate stability is shown to have limitations for use with weakly aggregated soils. Improvements were made to expand the applicability of the technique to weakly aggregated soils and reduce its subjectivity to operator bias. The destructive force used to break down the aggregates was controlled by wetting aggregates 1.0 to 0.5 mm in diameter under suction on a sintered glass plate. The improved method facilitates the measurement od differences in stability of weakly aggregated soils subject to long-term differences in cropping and management history. In contrast, the original method was inappropriate for these weakly aggregated soils due to improper wetting rates and high variability resulting from operator subjectivity. -from Authors
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A new and relatively simple equation for the soil-water content-pressure head curve is described. The particular form of the equation enables one to derive closed-form analytical expressions for the relative hydraulic conductivity, when substituted in the predictive conductivity models of N. T. Burdine or Y. Mualem. The resulting expressions contain three independent parameters which may be obtained by fitting the proposed soil-water retention model to experimental data. Results obtained with the closed-form analytical expressions based on the Mualem theory are compared with observed hydraulic conductivity data for five soils with a wide range of hydraulic properties.
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Soil tillage practices can affect soil hydraulic properties and processes dynamically in space and time with consequent and coupled effects on chemical movement and plant growth. This literature review addresses the quantitative effects of soil tillage and associated management (e.g., crop residues) on the temporal and spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties. Our review includes incidental management effects, such as soil compaction, and natural sources of variability, such as topography. Despite limited research on space–time predictions, many studies have addressed management effects on soil hydraulic properties and processes relevant to improved understanding of the sources of variability and their interactions in space and time. Whether examined explicitly or implicitly, the literature includes studies of interactions between treatments, such as tillage and residue management. No-tillage (NT) treatments have been compared with various tillage practices under a range of conditions with mixed results. The trend, if any, is for NT to increase macropore connectivity while generating inconsistent responses in total porosity and soil bulk density compared with conventional tillage practices. This corresponds to a general increase in ponded or near-zero tension infiltration rates and saturated hydraulic conductivities. Similarly, controlled equipment traffic may have significant effects on soil compaction and related hydraulic properties on some soils, but on others, landscape and temporal variability overwhelm wheel-track effects. Spatial and temporal variability often overshadows specific management effects, and several authors have recognized this in their analyses and interpretations. Differences in temporal variability depend on spatial locations between rows, within fields at different landscape positions, and between sites with different climates and dominant soil types. Most tillage practices have pronounced effects on soil hydraulic properties immediately following tillage application, but these effects can diminish rapidly. Long-term effects on the order of a decade or more can appear less pronounced and are sometimes impossible to distinguish from natural and unaccounted management-induced variability. New standards for experimental classification are essential for isolating and subsequently generalizing space–time responses. Accordingly, enhanced methods of field measurement and data collection combined with explicit spatio-temporal modeling and parameter estimation should provide quantitative predictions of soil hydraulic behavior due to tillage and related agricultural management.
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Adding anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) to soils stabilizes existing aggregates and improves bonding between and aggregation of soil particles. However, the dependence of PAM efficacy as an aggregate stabilizing agent with soils having different clay mineralogy has not been studied. Sixteen soil samples (loam or clay) with predominantly smectitic, illitic, or kaolinitic clay mineralogy were studied. We measured aggregate sensitivity to slaking in soils that were untreated or treated with an anionic high-molecular-weight PAM using the high energy moisture characteristic (HEMC) method and deionized water. The index for aggregate susceptibility to slaking, termed stability ratio (SR), was obtained from quantifying differences in the water retention curves at a matric potential range of 0 to -5.0 J kg-1 for the treatments studied. For the untreated soils, the SR ranged widely from 0.24 to 0.80 and generally SR of kaolinitic > illitic > smectitic soils. The SR of PAM-treated aggregates exhibited a narrow range from 0.70 to 0.94. The efficiency of PAM in improving aggregate and structural stability relative to untreated soils ranged from 1.01 to 3.90 and the relative SR of kaolinitic < illitic < smectitic samples. These results suggest that the less stable the aggregates the greater the effectiveness of PAM in increasing aggregates stability (i.e., smectitic vs. kaolinitic samples). The effectiveness of PAM in improving structure and aggregate stability was directly related to clay activity and to soil conditions affecting PAM adsorption (e.g., electrolyte resources, pH, and exchangeable cations) to the soil particles and inversely to the inherent aggregate stability.
Past attempts to use aggregate stability to predict soil susceptibility to seal formation indices (final infiltration rate and runoff) have yielded inconsistent results. We hypothesized that determining aggregate stability in a method in which a controlled wetting process was used to break aggregates will correlate well with seal formation indices, as the latter strongly depend on rate of aggregate wetting. We studied aggregate stability from soils varying in clay content, and exchangeable Na percentage (ESP), using the high-energy-moisture-charactcristics (HEMC) method. Aggregate stability indices were correlated with previously published seal formation data for the same soils. Aggregates were placed in a funnel equipped with a fritted disk, and wetted either fast (100 mm h-1) or slow (2 mm h-1), using a peristaltic pump. Thereafter, the aggregates were subjected to a stepwise increase in metric potential up to 5.0 J kg-1, to obtain a moisture retention curve, which served as the base for calculations of stability parameters. Aggregate stability correlated with clay content, but not with soil organic matter. Aggregate stability and sodicity correlated only in clay soils. Generally, poor correlation (R < 0.5) was obtained between aggregate stability and seal formation and runoff data, irrespective of soil ESP, when infiltration and runoff measurements were carried out on fast-wetted soils. Conversely, aggregate stability significantly correlated (R > 0.70) with seal formation and runoff data from slow wetted soils for samples having ESP of <6.6. Our results suggest that aggregate stability determined with the HEMC method could serve as a predictor for soil susceptibility for seal formation only under the aforementioned specific conditions.
Aggregate size distribution and pore structure affect many soil functions and root growth. The aggregate structure is associated with soil genesis and management practices applied. In this study the effects of various size ranges of aggregates (<0.25, 0.25–0.5, 0.5–1, 1–3, 3–5, and 5–10 mm) and undisturbed soil from the plough layer (0–15 cm) of two types of soils (Haplic Phaeozem and Eutric Fluvisol) of the same silty loam textural group on water retention curves (WRC) and pore size distribution (PSD) were assessed. A greater bulk density and lower humus content characterized the Eutric Fluvisol as compared to the Haplic Phaeozem. The WRC was determined using standard Richards chambers in drying process and expressed as the degree of saturation. Equivalent PSD was derived from the WRC. Resin impregnated sections from the layer of 0–8 cm showed that the Eutric Fluvisol, compared with the Haplic Phaeozem, had coarser pores and aggregates. The degree of saturation in beds of aggregates <0.25, 0.25–0.5 and 0.5–1 mm compared to beds of aggregates 1–3, 3–5 and 5–10 mm was greater at higher values of pressure head for both soils, and for undisturbed soil it was greater for the Haplic Phaeozem than for the Eutric Fluvisol at lower values of pressure head. The inverse relationship was true at higher values of pressure head. The derivative curves of PSD showed that the beds of aggregates and undisturbed soils exhibited multi-peak PSD. The pore radius peaks within the textural (primary) pore system were more defined in beds of aggregates <0.25 mm than in beds of coarser aggregates, whereas in the case of the structural and macropore peaks it was often the reverse. Greater magnitude and narrower shape of the peaks in the undisturbed Haplic Phaeozem compared to the Eutric Fluvisol indicated a more heterogeneous nature of the pore system in the former. The PSD data are discussed in relation to aggregate size distribution and stability of the soil aggregates. The results of this study can be helpful in predicting storage and transmission functions of surface aggregated soils.
High energy moisture characteristics: linking between some soil processes and structure stability
  • A I Mamedov
  • G J Levy
Mamedov A.I. and G.J. Levy. 2013. High energy moisture characteristics: linking between some soil processes and structure stability. In: S. Logsdon, M. Berli, and R. Horn, (eds). Quantifying and Modeling Soil Structure Dynamics: Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling. Trans-disciplinary Research, Synthesis, Modeling and Applications. SSSA, Inc. Madison, WI USA 3: 41-74.