
Les faunes marines du Carbonifère des Asturies (Espagne)

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... La localidad de Entrago (Teverga, Asturias; Fig. 1) es también una localidad clásica descrita por Delépine (1943). Está situada en la carretera AS-228, aproximadamente en el km 27,400, coordenadas 43º 10' 20'', 6º 9' 29'', Sierra de la Sobia, en la ladera del monte que se sitúa justo encima del pueblo. ...
... Discusión. La disposición reticulada de las huellas vasculares hace que se incluya la especie en el género Tiramnia y no en Martinia en el que había sido incluida por Delépine (1943) y en Delépine y Llopis Lladó (1956). ...
... Por su forma y dimensiones se parece a A. curvilateralis chavezae Sutherland y Harlow, 1973 pero las dos especies se diferencian porque la americana tiene las costillas de los flancos simples, excepto las que se bifurcan a partir de las que limitan el surco medio. Delépine (1943) describió Spirifer rockymontanus var. hispanicus, nov. ...
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Resumen: Se describen las características de la Formación Valdeteja y de las dos localidades estudiadas: Latores (SO Oviedo, Asturias) y Entrago (Teverga, Asturias), de edad Bashkiriense superior. Se analiza su historia, su importancia, las especies descritas y aquellas que tienen en Latores o Entrago su localidad tipo. Muchos de los órdenes de braquiópodos han sido estudiados en trabajos previos y en este se aborda el estudio de los espiriféridos, de los que se describen 16 especies, una de las cuales, Alphachoristites (Prochoristites) marcosi, es nueva. Algunos de los taxones descritos amplían sus rangos estratigráficos conocidos. Además, se analizan las características paleoecológicas y las relaciones paleobiogeográficas de estas asociaciones de braquiópodos.Palabras clave: Braquiópodos, espiriféridos, Formación Valdeteja, Bashkiriense superior, Zona Cantábrica, N España.Abstract: The characteristics of the Valdeteja Formation are described with special emphasis on the two fossiliferous localities of Latores (Oviedo, Asturias) and Entrago (Teverga, Asturias) dealt with in this paper. The history, significance and previously described species (several of them with its type locality either at Latores or Entrago) of these palaeontological sites are analyzed. In fact, most of brachiopod orders of these localities have been previously studied, but this is not the case of the Spiriferida studied here. Sixteen species are described, one of them –Alphachoristites (Prochoristites) marcosi– is new. The stratigraphical ranges of some described taxa are extended. Finally, the palaeoecology and palaeobiogeographical affinities of these brachiopod assemblages are analyzed.Keywords: Brachiopods, spiriferids, Valdeteja Formation, upper Bashkirian, Cantabrian Zone, N Spain.
... , 1986). This locality was first described by DELEPINE (1928DELEPINE ( , 1943, who studied fusulinids from the upper limestones, but did not mention the presence of corals. GINKEL (1965) broadly described the section along the Sella River, extended the list of fusulinids, and revised some of those previously described by DELEPINE (op. ...
... , 1986). This locality was first described by DELEPINE (1928DELEPINE ( , 1943, who studied fusulinids from the upper limestones, but did not mention the presence of corals. GINKEL (1965) broadly described the section along the Sella River, extended the list of fusulinids, and revised some of those previously described by DELEPINE (op. ...
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Solitary dissepimented rugose corals occur in muddy limestones and marls at Ribadesella quarry (Lower Mos-covian, Eastern Asturias, NW Spain). Diversity is low and most corals belong to the families Aulophyllidae and Cyathopsidae. Geyerophyllidae, which are dominant in most Moscovian coral localities from the Eastern Cantabrian Mountains, are scarce in this outcrop. The taxonomic features of this assemblage are described in detail. These corals inhabited soft-bottom environments, probably below the wave-base, and periodically subject to notable water movements. They developed diverse adaptations to these conditions, and many of them were able to change their growth direction several times. Additionally, they provided a substratum for development of bryozoans, auloporoids and chaetetids, which also grew on brachiopod shells. Most specimens are covered by algal crusts con-taining up to three kinds of algae; borings and other kinds of postmortem disturbances are not common.
... The species composition of the ammonoid assemblages of the Verkhnyaya Kardailovka Section is typical of the South Urals, but is different from the assemblages of Western Europe (Bisat 1924;1928;1930;1932;Dorlodot and Delépine 1930;Delépine 1943;Moore 1946;Currie 1954;Horn 1960;Kullmann 1961;Yates 1962;Wagner-Gentis 1963;Ruzhencev and Bogoslovskaya 1971;Riley 1987;Korn 1988;1997;Tisley 2002, Kullmann et al. 2008 and others), North Africa (Delépine and Menchikoff 1937;Delépine, 1941;Korn et al. 1999;2006, and others) and North America (Miller and Furnish 1940;Miller and Youngquist 1948;Miller et al. 1952;Gordon 1965;McCaleb et al. 1964;Manger 1979;Saunders 1973;Saunders et al. 1977;Rambottom and Saunders 1989;Meeks et al. 1997;Meeks and Manger 1999;Saunders and Work 1999;Titus 1999Titus , 2000Titus and Manger 2001, and others), although the generic composition is similar. ...
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A uniquely complete carbonate sequence spanning a large portion of the Viséan and the entire Serpukhovian is exposed on the Ural River, opposite the village of Verkhnyaya Kardailovka (South Urals, Bashkortostan, Russia). The Upper Viséan and Serpukhovian beds in this section are composed of deep-water carbonates containing ammonoids, conodonts, ostracodes and foraminifers. The section is well-sampled, measured, its lithology is now described, and a sedimentary environment near the seaward end of a carbonate platform and deep shelf is suggested. Abundant fossils allow the recognition of four successive ammonoid and four successive conodont zones, which allow reliable correlations of the regional Serpukhovian stages outside the South Urals, although the type section of the Serpukhovian in the Moscow Basin is in the shallow-water facies. The base of the Serpukhovian in the Moscow Basin and in the South Urals is defined by the first appearance datum (FAD) of the conodont Lochriea ziegleri. This level coincides with the base of the Kosogorskian in the Urals, correlates with the entry of the foraminifer "Millerella" tortula near the base of the Tarusian in the Moscow Basin and is close to the earliest occurrences of Dombarites paratectus and Cravenoceras at the base of the Uralopronorites-Cravenoceras Genozone and of the latter genus at the base of the British E1 Zone. Because of its accessibility, abundant fossils, and its well studied lithology, the Verkhnyaya Kardailovka Section is an excellent candidate for the GSSP of the Viséan-Serpukhovian boundary.
... In Spain, Barrois (1882) first described Isogramma davidsoni, which was originally assigned to Aulacorhynchus , from the Moscovian–Kasimovian successions of the Asturias areas, northern Spain. Later, Delépine (1943, p. 74) reported this species from the Westphalian D (Moscovian ) of the same area. Since then, I. davidsoni and its variate forms have been frequently reported from the Moscovian and Kasimovian successions of the Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain (Appendix). ...
Isogramma manchoukuoensis from the Upper Carboniferous of northeast China is redefined based on re-examination of the type specimens. Isogramma specimens from the Middle Permian of northeastern Japan are reassigned to I. aff. paotechowensis. A new family, Schizopleuroniidae, is proposed to include Schizopleuronia, but excludes Megapleuronia, which belongs to the Megapleuroniidae Liao, 1983. The family Isogrammidae is considered to be a transitional group in the eichwaldid-isogrammid-schizopleuronid evolutionary lineage within the Dictyonellida. A review of the global distribution of Isogramma species reveals that the genus has a total of 56 species ranging from the Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) to the Lopingian (Late Permian). Isogramma diversified rapidly after its origination in the middle Viséan and its species diversity remained high throughout the Mississippian. The genus possibly suffered a severe mid-Carboniferous boundary mass extinction, with no Early Carboniferous species surviving this event. Bashkirian Isogramma species show low diversity, followed by a global recovery in the Moscovian. During the latest Carboniferous Isogramma became highly diversified again. At the Carboniferous–Permian (C/P) transition Isogramma underwent another dramatic diversity drop, followed by several stepwise declines in diversity during the Early–Middle Permian. The Wuchiapingian I. sinosa is the last Isogramma species.
... Estos materiales están en contacto con el Mesozoico, representado por algunas formaciones del Cretácico, y el Cenozoico, representado por rocas y sedimentos del Paleógeno y del Holoceno. La descripción que se hace a continuación se basa en los trabajos de Barrois, 1882; Adaro y Junquera, 1916; Delepine, 1928; García-Ramos, 1971; Méndez-Bedia, 1976; Sánchez de la Torre et al., 1983; García-Alcalde, 1992; Gutiérrez Claverol y Torres Alonso, 1995 . De muro a techo, las formaciones paleozoicas que constituyen el sustrato son: Grupo Rañeces (Devónico inferior): constituido por las calizas, dolomías, margas y pizarras de las Formaciones Nieva, La Ladrona y Aguión. ...
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Resumen: La morfología meandriforme que adopta el río Nora entre la localidad de Lugones y su desembocadura en el río Nalón (Asturias) constituye un rasgo geomorfológico característico del paisaje de la zona que cobra especial relevancia en el tramo situado entre las localidades de San Pedro de Nora y Priañes, el cual fue declarado recientemente Lugar de Interés Comunitario por el Principado de Asturias. Por otra parte, también se ha desarrollado un importante relieve kárstico, manifestado por la red de galerías y túneles excavados por el arroyo Cueves antes de su desembocadura en el río Nora. Este trabajo describe las características geomorfológicas del sistema fluvial y kárstico. Finalmente, desde el punto de vista del Patrimonio Geológico, el espectacular desarrollo de los meandros conjuntamente con el singular desarrollo del karst constituye el motivo principal para proponer que esta zona sea declarada como Punto de Interés Geológico. Palabras clave: morfología meandriforme, río Nora, geomorfología kárstica, Lugar de Interés Comunitario, arroyo Cueves, Punto de Interés Geológico. Abstract: The meandering morphology shown by the Nora River between Lugones and its mouth in the Nalón River (Asturias, NW Iberian Peninsula) constitutes a particular feature of the landscape in this area, recently declared a Place of Communitary Interest by the Asturias Autonomous Government. This area is also remarkable due to the development of a karstic landscape, in which endokarstic features (galleries and caves) excavated by the Cueves stream, play an important role in the geomorphological evolution of the area. Both groups of geomorphological features are described in this work. Finally, from the Geological Heritage point of view, the spectacular meandering channels, together with the singular development of the karst, are the main reasons to propose this zone to be declared a Geological Site.
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Los procesos morfogenéticos constituyen el foco de interés preferente de la geomorfología actual, sin embargo, estos se hallan claramente condicionados por el marco morfoestructural en el que están insertos. Este artículo analiza las características litoestratigráficas, la evolución geológica y la disposición estructural de un macizo calcáreo de la alta montaña cantábrica, el Macizo Occidental de los Picos de Europa. Además, se identifican las principales unidades morfoestructurales que lo componen a partir de una profunda revisión bibliográfica y del trabajo de campo desarrollado en el área. Los resultados de esta investigación evidencian, mediante la puesta en relación de los rasgos de este armazón con los procesos que interactúan sobre él, el modo en que los estudios de geomorfología estructural, actualmente en retroceso, resultan vitales para comprender los procesos, morfologías y depósitos asociados en este macizo y, por extensión, en el conjunto de los Picos de Europa. Abstract Nowadays geomorphological community is mainly interested in morphogenetic processes. However, those processes are clearly conditioned by the morphostructural framework they are part of. This article examines the lithostratigraphic features, geological evolution and structural disposition of a high mountain massif in the Cantabrian Mountains, the Western Massif of the Picos de Europa, identifying its main morphostructural units through a deep bibliographical review and the fieldwork conducted in the area. The results highlight the way in which, the studies of structural geomorphology, currently in retreat, are important to understand the processes, morphologies and deposits in this massif and, thus, in the Picos de Europa as a whole.
Свита Сан Эмилиано (карбон, пенсильваний, северная Испания) представлена чередованием морских и континентельных отложений, содержащих остатки морских и континентальных ископаемых организмов. Фузулиноидные фораминиферы, встреченные в кровле этой свиты (пачка Вилламанин), указывают на возраст верхней части зоны Profusulinella. Фораминиферы вышележащей зоны Fusulinella, в частности виды рода Fusulinella, отсутствуют. Здесь часто встречаются виды родов Profusulinella, Eoschubertella и Pseudostaffella. Представители рода Aljutovella местами многочисленны. Несмотря на то, что здесь иногда встречаются экземпляры Profusulinella с муральными порами в стенке, что может свидетельствовать о каширском возрасте пород, этот фузулиноидный комплекс в целом определяет поздневерейский возраст. В общем данная фауна фузулиноидей вместе с другими фоссилиями, такими как брахиоподы и остатки растений, позволяет коррелировать верхи верейского горизонта Восточной Европы с вестфалом Б Западной Европы.
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Ten species of Carboniferous brachiopods of the orders Productida and Orthotetida are described. The material occurs in Santiago Ixtaltepec, considered as one of the most important regions where Paleozoic rocks of Mexico are exposed. Ozora sp., Tolmatchoffia keokuk and Marginatia sp. were found in rocks from the Santiago Formation (APS-1), meanwhile the other taxa were collected in different strata from the Ixtaltepec Formation (API-2, API-5, API-6 and API-7). The record of the genera Ozora and Marginatia and the species Tolmatchoffia keokuk corroborate the Tournaisian-Visean age for the Lower Member of the Santiago Formation. The presence of Productus concinnus at API-2 level of the Ixtaltepec Formation places it in at least Visean age. Antiquatonia sp., Orthotetes mixteca, Derbyia sp. and ?Schuchertella sp. were found in previously dated Pennsylvanian strata. The fossil associations and the lithology allowed to relate each level where brachiopods were found with an intertidal, subtidal or peri-reef paleoenvironment. The presence of typical taxa from the Tournaisian of the Mid-Continent (United States) in the Santiago Ixtaltepec region suggests that there was a marine connection that joined both areas at least since the Early Mississippian. The occurrence of Productus concinnus in the Ixtaltepec Formation (API-2) confirms that Europe and Santiago Ixtaltepec region were linked during the Middle Mississippian. Antiquatonia, Orthotetes, Derbyia and Schuchertella are considered as cosmopolite genera whose presence in localities from the Mid-Continent is very common. © 2018, Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia. All rights reserved.
Silicified kirkbyoid ostracodes from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) bear a striking resemblance to those of the Carnic Alps (Austria and Italy). The Spanish ostracodes come from the upper part of the Cuera Limestones (Bashkirian-upper Moscovian), which are exposed along the Playa de la Huelga section (Ponga Nappe) in the coastal area of eastern Asturias, northern Spain. These fossils were collected from upper Moscovian limestones deposited in an outer-platform environment. Most of the material from the Carnic Alps was obtained from the Nassfeld Pass area (eastern Carnic Alps), near the Austrian-Italian border, in limestones of the Kasimovian-Gzhelian Auernig Group and the Lower Permian Rattendorf Group. The several Auernig Group limestones that contain silicified ostracodes were deposited in a shallow-marine environment. Despite the differences in age (according to fusulinids and conodonts), these kirkbyoids are very similar and in some cases identical. Coronakirkbya pramolla new species and Kirkbya carniacantabrica new species occur in both areas. Two other pairs of species, Coronakirkbya krejcigrafi Becker, 1978, and Coronakirkbya carina new species, and Aurikirkbya cf. beckeri (Kozur, 1990) and Aurikirkbya carinthica new species, show close affinities, though they are considered to be different species. Most of the species described herein are either very rare or absent in other regions. The close paleobiogeographic relationships between the Cantabrian Mountains and the Carnic Alps, documented previously only by brachiopods, are confirmed.
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A refined subdivision, based on fusulinids, of the Moscovian stage in southwestern Darvaz is proposed. Seven local zones, three in the Lower Moscovian substage and four in the Upper Moscovian substage were established, based on investigations of three stratigraphic sections. The zones were correlated with those of the Eastern European and Middle Asian stratigraphic schemes. One hundred and forty-three species and subspecies, which belong to 29 genera and 13 families of fusulinids, were identified in the Middle Carboniferous of Darvaz. Among them, one genus (Undatafusulina) and 16 species, i.e. Taitzehoella compacta, Ovatella, panjensis, Aljutovella darvasica, Undatafusulina asiatica, Citronites panjensis, C. reticulatus, Beedeina darvasica, B. dutkevichi, Putrella admiranda, Hemifusulina orientalis, Fusulinella (Moellerites) subundulata, F. (M.) jucunda, F. (M.) orientalis, F. (Fusulinella) crassitectoria, F. (F.) bogushi, and F. (F.) pamirensis are new.
A major new ammonoid-bearing sequence is described from the Worston Shale Group, which spans the late Tournaisian (early Chadian) to mid-Viséan (early Asbian) interval in the Craven Basin of north-west England. The faunas are referable to the Fascipericyclus-Ammonellipsites (FA), Bollandites- Bollandoceras (BB) and lower part of the Beyrichoceras Zone (Bl) ammonoid zones. Particularly significant are the early Viséan assemblages from the FA Zone, which are the most diverse known, apart from faunas described previously from the northern Urals of the former Soviet Union. The described assemblages comprise: Ammonellipsites clitheroensis sp. nov., Beyrichoceras aff. obtusum, Beyrichoceratoides inflatus sp. nov., B. sp. aff. komiorum, B. sp. 1, B. sp. 2, Bollandites varions sp. nov., Bo.? sp., Bollandoceras hodderense Bol. micronotum, Bol. sp. 1, Bol. sp. 2, Dimorphoceras leagramense sp. nov., Dzhaprakoceras bellmanense sp. nov., D. catena sp. nov., D. deflexion, D. cf. djaprakense, D. flexum sp. nov., D. hispanicum, D. levis sp. nov., D. paracatena sp. nov., D. subglobosum, D. undulatum sp. nov., D. westheadi sp. nov., Economismoceras planum sp. nov., Helicocyclus divergent sp. nov., Merocanites cf. applanatus, M. quadrilobus sp. nov., Michiganites sp., Nomismoceras rotiforme, Parahammatocyclus chaigleyensis gen. et sp. nov. and Rotopericyclus postremus sp. nov. Existing suprageneric classification is modified; the new superfamily Girtyocerataceae is erected together with two new subfamilies: the Ammonellipsitinae and Pericyclinae. Several genera are reclassified, including Beyrichoceras, transferred from the Anthracoceratidae to the Girtyoceratidae, and Bollandites, transferred from the Muensteroceratidae to the Pericyclinae.
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The time interval between the Emsian (Early Devonian) and the end of the Permian is characterized by the rapid evolution of the Ammonoidea, and this evolution is reflected by the establishment of a detailed biostratigraphical scheme. Ammonoids are, together with the conodonts, the most important stratigraphical tools for this interval. The present time resolution in terms of ammonoid biostratigraphy is highest in the Devonian (one zone has a mean of 0.9 Ma) and in the Carboniferous (about 1 Ma), while the subdivision of the Permian is much coarser (about 2.5 Ma per ammonoid zone on average).
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A section through the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) Genicera (= Alba) Formation, subdivided in ascending order into the Gorgera, the Lavandera and the Canalon Member, in the southern Cantabrian Mountains was measured and sampled for stratigraphical and biofacies analyses. 29 limestone samples were processed with formic acid, 11 of which yielded abundant silicified foraminiferal faunas. Additionally, studies on taphonomy, stratigraphy, microfacies and accompanying macrofauna were carried out. The foraminiferal fauna is subdivided into two groups with different abundance patterns. The first group always shows a comparable low abundance (individual taxa rarely exceed 10% of the whole fauna), whereas the second group frequently shows high abundance (individual taxa rarely constitute less than 10% of the whole fauna , but may constitute up to 70%). Based on abundance patterns and taxonomy, two faunal associations can be distinguished, named after their occurrence within the members of the Genicera Formation as "Gorgera Association" and "Canalon Association", respectively. The Gorgera Association consists of a) high abundance patterns of Trochammima mehli and Rectoseptatournayella pyriformis; b) low abundance patterns of Thurammina spp., Tolypammina cyclops, T. irregularis, Hyperammina kahlleitensis, H. stabilis, Reophax northviewensis, Foraminifera aff. Moravammina? constricta. The Canalon Association is characterized by a) high abundance patterns of Hyperammina rockfordensis, H. sp. A, Kunklerina kunklerensis and Ammobaculites gracilis; b) low abundance patterns of Thurammina spp., Ammodiscus siliceus, Tolypammina cyclops, T. irregularis, Tolypammina spp., Hyperammina aperta, H. kahlleitensis, H. stabilis, Reophax northviewensis and Trochammina mehli. With the exception of Rectoseptatournayella pyriformis, Ammobaculites gracilis and perhaps Foraminifera aff. Moravammina mehli, all species cover the entire stratigraphical range of the studied section. Hence, evolutionary influence on the formation of the respective associations is rather small. Taphonomic influence on the formation of the foraminiferal associations, either by postmortem transport or by diagenetic alteration, also fails to explain the recognized associations. The study of the accompanying fauna, microfacies and regional geology shows palaeobathymetry to be the main or only palaeoenvironmental factor that changed significantly throughout that part of the studied section which yielded the foraminiferal associations. As the succession of the Genicera Formation is interpreted to reflect a continuous sealevel rise, it is assumed that benthic faunas shifted with time through different bathymetrical zones and had to cope with the depth-related change of palaeoenvironmental parameters like oxygen concentration, temperature and availability of food. The proposed palaeobathymetrical hypothesis is compared with a contemporaneous model for the Deseret Basin of the western United States.
The cosmopolitan genus Kozlowskia is frequently found in the Pennsylvanian of the Can- tabrian Mountains, where numerous species have been described or cited from the Bashkirian to the Kasimovian. In studying the productids from the Bashkirian/Moscovian boundary we have rec- ognized seven distinct species, which are described and discussed in this paper. Some of them are already known, Kozlowskia bediae, K. barroisi, K. cf. postsetosa; one is new, K. latorensis sp. nov., and three others are probably also new but left for the moment in open nomenclature, Kozlowskia sp. 1, Kozlowskia sp. 2 and Kozlowskia sp. 3. The studied specimens come from carbonate rocks in the upper part of the Valdeteja Formation and from the limestones of the San Emiliano Formation, late Bashkirian in age; and from the Cuera Limestones of late Bashkirian/early Moscovian age. The systematic position at family level of the genus Kozlowskia and the Tribe Kozlowskiini are discussed. K. latorensis sp. nov. is distinguished from other species of the same genus by its small size, rounded outline, deep corpus cavity, strongly curved profile with a large trail with low and wide folds in its an- terior part, and absence of a median sulcus. These Cantabrian species are the oldest known in Europe.
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The Lower Carboniferous bivalves of the Vegamián and Genicera formations are described, followed by a brief discussion on palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical aspects. The black shales of the Vegamián Fm. (Tournaisian) yield a peculiar association of euchondriid taxa (Euchondria wagneri sp. nov., Eu. cf. losseni, Eu. cf. bilstonensis, and euchondriids under open nomenclature) and Chaenocardia? carbonifera. This association displays Central-European Kulm-type character, but other typical taxa from the German Kulm are missing in this environment, especially the posidoniids, actinopteriids and pterinopectinids. The light coloured sediments of the Genicera (or Alba) Fm. yield bivalves in slightly greater diversity which include rare palaeotaxodonts, parallelodontids, euchondriids, Limatulina?, Chaenocardia, large Posidonia- or Posidoniella-like forms, posidoniids, Chaenocardiola, and possibly edmondiids; members of the heteroconchs are missing. Los Lamelibranquios del Carbonífero Inferior (Formaciones Vegamián y Genicera) se describen y se comentan en cuanto a sus aspectos paleoambientales y paleogeográficos. Las pizarras negras de la Formación Vegamián (Tournaisiense) contienen una asociación peculiar de euchondriidos (Euchondria wagneri sp. nov., Eu. cf. losseni, Eu. cf. bilstonensis, e euchondriidos en nomenclatura abierta) y Chaenocardia? carbonifera. Esta asociación muestra un aspecto típico del Kulm centroeuropeo, pero algunos taxones típicos del Kulm alemán faltan en este ambiente, sobre todo los posidoniidos, actinopteriidos y pterinopectinidos. Los sedimentos de colores claros y rojos de la Formación Genicera (o Alba) contienen una fauna mas variada de lamelibranquios con algunos palaeotaxodontos, parallelodontidos, euchondriidos, Limatulina?, Chaenocardia, grandes formas parecidas a Posidonia o Posidoniella, posidoniidos, Chaenocardiola, y posiblemente también edmondiidos; faltan las heteroconchas.
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A new ostracod found in the Mississippian of the Cantabrian Mountains shows ornamental features similar to Criboconcha Cooper, hitherto known from Mississippian and Pennsylvanian strata of different parts of the world (especially from the U.S.A.). However, some features of this ostracod are very different from the typical characteristcs of the Healdiidae and support bairdiocyproidean affinities. The new genus Pseudocriboconcha (type species Pseudocriboconcha prinsi sp. nov.) is proposed. This species is distinguishedby distinct pits on the lateral surface; a posterior ridge ending in dorsal and ventral spines; a rounded rim parallel to the borders of each valve; and a spine on this rim, above the anterior end and directed dorsally or anterodorsally.
Silicified kirkbyoid ostracodes from the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) bear a striking resemblance to those of the Carnic Alps (Austria and Italy). The Spanish ostracodes come from the upper part of the Cuera Limestones (Bashkirian-upper Moscovian), which are exposed along the Playa de la Huelga section (Ponga Nappe) in the coastal area of eastern Asturias, northern Spain. These fossils were collected from upper Moscovian limestones deposited in an outer-platform environment. Most of the material from the Carnic Alps was obtained from the Nassfeld Pass area (eastern Carnic Alps), near the Austrian-Italian border, in limestones of the Kasimovian-Gzhelian Auernig Group and the Lower Permian Rattendorf Group. The several Auernig Group limestones that contain silicified ostracodes were deposited in a shallow-marine environment. Despite the differences in age (according to fusulinids and conodonts), these kirkbyoids are very similar and in some cases identical. Coronakirkbya pramolla new species and Kirkbya carniacantabrica new species occur in both areas. Two other pairs of species, Coronakirkbya krejcigrafi Becker, 1978, and Coronakirkbya carina new species, and Aurikirkbya cf. beckeri (Kozur, 1990) and Aurikirkbya carinthica new species, show close affinities, though they are considered to be different species. Most of the species described herein are either very rare or absent in other regions. The close paleobiogeographic relationships between the Cantabrian Mountains and the Carnic Alps, documented previously only by brachiopods, are confirmed.
An overview is given of the species belonging to the family Rugosochonetidae known from the Carboniferous of the Cantabrian Mts. Their distribution is compared with other occurrences in Eurasia and elsewhere. Subfamily and generic assignments are discussed in some detail. Comments on palaeogeographic and palaeoecological aspects of the rugosochonetid faunas are presented.
Part I.—Following a brief comparison of the British and Franco-Belgian developments, the variable facies-development in the synclinal belts as traced through Armorica, the Central Massif and the Montagne Noire Pyrenean region, is discussed. Further south, the development in the Asturias is related to the Moscovian province, while the faunas of the North African outcrops are shown to be related to those of North America. Part II.—A synthesis of the data for the repeated advances and retreats of the seas from the Mediterranean region across the Massifs of West Europe is given. Similar movements also took place in Asturias and North Africa, and it is concluded that the major Massifs delineated in Caledonian and Pre-Cambrian times, have operated as positive units from early Devonian times onwards.
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MarquÌnez, J. and L. Adrados, 2000. The geology and the relief of Picos de Europa. Naturalia Cantabricae 1: 3-19. Abstract: The geology and relief of the Picos de Europa, considered from the general perspective of the geological units and history of the Cantabrian Margin, contribute significantly to the landscape interpretation and the biogeography in this unit, throwing some light upon the human activity in these mountains. This work also includes a simple synthesis of knowledge on mining, stratigraphy and Variscan and Alpine tectonics, which have conditioned the bases of the present-day relief. Finally, a description is made of the traces of erosion during the Quaternary Era in the Picos de Europa region, mainly referring to the last great glaciar phase, that took place during the Pleistocene stage, fluvial dynamics, slope evolution processes and the main characteristics of the karst system.
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The ammonoids from the Early Carboniferous (Mississippian) Dalle à Merocanites of Timimoun (Gourara, Algeria) are described. The following new ammonoid taxa are introduced: subfamily Hammatocyclinae n. subfam., Hammatocyclus pollex n. sp., Hammatocyclus corrugatus n. sp., Neopericyclus arenosus n. sp., Ammonellipsites pareyni n. sp., Ammonellipsites menchikoffi n. sp., Ammonellipsites conradae n. sp., Muensteroceras fabrei n. sp., Eurites commutatus n. sp., Eurites pondus n. sp., subfamily Trimorphoceratinae n. subfam., Trimorphoceras n. gen., Trimorphoceras crassilens n. sp., Trimorphoceras absolutum n. sp., Trimorphoceras molestum n. sp., Obturgites n. gen., Obturgites polysarcus n. sp., Obturgites oligosarcus n. sp., Dzhaprakoceras dzhazairense n. sp., and Merocanites merocanites n. sp. These species occur in one very prolific horizon and can be attributed to the North African Ammonellipsites -Merocanites Assemblage (Fascipericyclus -Ammonellipsites Genus Zone; Late Tournaisian to Early Viséan). They represent one of the most diverse ammonoid faunas known from this time interval. (© 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
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[ES] Dentro de los sedimentos carbonáticos del Kasimoviense del norte de los Picos de Europa se han distinguido tres litologías distintas, asociadas cada una de ellas a microbiofacies muy características: - Calizas masivas con algas tubulares y corales solitarios de pequeño tamaño. - Calizas tableadas y margocalizas bioclásticas con corales solitarios con disepimentos. - Margas con diversidad de algas y corales solitarios sin disepimentos.OceSe analizan e interpretan las diferentes facies y su distribución en el área estudiada. [EN] Carbonate sediments with algae and corals are abundant in the Kasimovian sequence from Northern Picos de Europa. The lithology is very variable and it is possible to find conglomerate, sandstone, marl, limestone, etc. Within the carbonates we distinguish three different facies with algae and corals: - Massive limestone with abundant tubular algae which construct tabular frameworks. They are associated to little horn corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, and foraminifera. - Stratified and marly limestone with abundant corals (Geyeronaotia, Bothrophyllum), oncoids and fragments of bryozoans, brachiopods, fusulinids, echinoderms, and pelecypods, frequently encrusted by Girvanella filaments. - Mar1 with a rich coral fauna (Asserculinia, Lophophyllidiurn, Lophocarinophyllum, Bradyphyllum, etc.), abundant (Donetzella, Epimastopora, Hikococodium. Archaeolithophyllum, etc.). Bryozoans, brachiopods, gastropods, pelecypods and foraminifera are common too. These facies are irregularly distributed in the different studied outcrops. In Covadonga dominate the stratified limestones and massive lirnestones. In Gamonedo dominate marls and it is possible to find marly limestones too. In Berodia, Arenas and Oceño marly limestones abound; marls and massive limestones are not rare. In Puentellés the stratigraphical succession is almost totally composed by massive limestones. This evidence suggests that the paleogeography (and tectonic was very complicated in the studied area during the Kasimovian. There was a double control of facies: Tectonic and geographic. During the tarios con disepimentos. Lower Kasimovian the tectonic movement were stronger than in the Middle and Upper Kasimovian. In addition the stratigraphic sequence mentos. suggests that the coast was in Gamonedo, Berodia, Arenas and Oceño nearer than in Puentellés and Covadonga. Peer reviewed
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