
Effect of homoeopathic drugs on cotton plants

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Detailed study to investigate the effects of Homoeopathic drugs on growth of cotton plants was initiated at Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, (ICAR), Mumbai. In the present paper promising results of preliminary experiments have been discussed. The results revealed that electrically neutral and pure distilled water develops internal electrical charges as soon as few drops of homoeopathic medicines are added into it. Different drugs as well as different potencies (dilutions) of same drug produce different electrical charges. Further experiments proved that such medicated water containing drugs in highest potency influence the genetic processes of cotton plants in a big way. It can accelerate germination process, can shorten the cultivation period, can enhance the yield and quality of cotton crop and also makes it possible to grow during off-season.

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... Other works confirm that the homeopathy is able to promote change in biology of plants, as exposed by Panda et al. (2013), where the potentised homeopathic Arsenicum album e Baryta carbonica increased in chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and chlorophyll total. Cotton plants treated with homeophatic drugs suffering influence in their genetic process, as acceleration of the germinative process, shortening cultivation period, increase in yeald and quality of product (Gangar, 2007). ...
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The use of homeopathic formulations on plants may cause changes in plant metabolism and result in disease control by inducing resistance. This work aimed to study the physiological responses of tomato plants infected with nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) and treated with highly diluted preparations of Thuya occidentalis, a homeopathic remedy. The different treatments included T. occidentalis 6CH, 24CH, and 50CH (Centesimal Hahnemanian), a water control (with nematode and without treatment), and an absolute control (no treatment and no nematode). The assay was conducted in a greenhouse using a randomized block design with four replications. Gas exchange parameters were measured at specific times before and after nematode inoculation. Photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration, leaf internal CO2 concentration, and leaf temperature were measured at various photosynthetic photon flux densities. No significant difference was found in the different gas exchange specific measure parameters between the treatments. Untreated infected plants showed an increase in net photosynthesis and in the carboxylation capacity, as shown by the light response curve. Treatment with T. occidentalis 24CH inhibited the increase in CO2 fixation in tomato plants inoculated with M. incognita, leading to a similar behavior as healthy plants, independently of the photon density.
Research study on effects of homoeopathic drugs on plants was initiated at Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) at Mumbai. Investigation of water medicated with homoeopathic drugs indicated that D.C. voltages develop as soon as drugs are added in electrically neutral distilled water. Preliminary experiments on effects of this medicated water on plants gave very encouraging results. Further research study demonstrated that it was possible to manage and/or control genetic processes like germination, flowering etc with the help of this medicated water. Since genetic processes originate from activity of genes, it was concluded that activity of genes can be controlled by use of appropriate drugs. That way experiments proved that genetic activity can be started, increased, decreased or stopped by use of drugs. Present study investigates electronic properties of this medicated water. Experiments carried out under this study reveal that such medicated water emits electro-magnetic waves oscillating at very high frequencies in the range of GHz. Measurements of spectrums of these signals with the help of Spectrum Analyzer indicated that each of the drug produced different spectrum of waves. Even different potency of same drug also produced different spectrum. It can be concluded that these waves in turn influence activity of corresponding gene to bring about changes in processes originating from that specific gene.
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