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New Miocene Icarops material (Microchiroptera: Mystacinidae) from Australia, with a revised diagnosis of the genus

New Miocene Icarops material (Microchiroptera: Mystacinidae) from
Australia, with a revised diagnosis of the genus
HAND, S.l., ARCHER, M. & GODTHELP, H., 2001:12:20. New Miocene lcarops material
(Microchiroptera: Mystacinidae) from Australia, with a revised diagnosis of the genus. Memoirs
of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 25,139-146. ISSN 0810-8889
New fossil material referable to Icarops paradox Hand et al., 1998 is described from the early
Miocene Judith's Horizontalis Site in the Riversleigh World Heritage Property of northwestern
Queensland. Fused dentaries contain the partial lower dentition of I. paradox. The diagnosis of
the genus Icarops is revised. The new material confirms the identity of Icarops species as
mystacinids and enables re-examination of interrelationships between extinct and extant members
of this Gondwanan bat family.
S.J: Hand, M. Archer* & H. Godthelp, School of Biological Science, University of New South
Wales, New South Wales, 2052; * also Australian Museum, 6-8 College St, Sydney, New South
Wales, 2000. Received ]4 December 2000
Keywords: Mystacinidae, Icarops, Mystacina, bat, lower dentition, Miocene, Riversleigh
QMF refers to specimens held in the fossil
collections of the Queensland Museum, Brisbane.
OrderCIllROPTERAB1wnenbach, 1779
Suborder MICROCIllROPTERA Dobson, 1875
Superfamily NocmIoNoIDEA Van Va1en,
Family MYSTACINIDAE (Gray, 1843)
Icarops Hand et al., 1998
Type species. Icarops breviceps Hand, Murray,
Megirian, Archer & Godthelp, 1998
Revised diagnosis. Species of Icarops differ from
Mystacina species in the following combination
of features: It width and length approximately equal
(i.e. not especially wide); p 4 less than half MI
length, with two roots oriented longitudinally or
only slightly obliquely with respect to the
toothrow; all cusps of lower molars including
entoconids taller and more distinct, with MI-2
talonid wider than trigonid.
Other species. Icarops aenae Hand et al., 1998;
Icarops paradox Hand et al., 1998
THE FIRST pre-Pleistocene record for the
Mystacinidae and first record of this bat family
from outside New Zealand were reported by Hand
et al. ( 1998) from Miocene sediments in Australia.
Three species of the new mystacinid genus
Icarops were described: Icarops breviceps from
the middle Miocene Bullock Creek deposit of the
Northern Territory; I. aenae from the early
Miocene Wayne's Wok deposit, D Site Plateau,
Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland; and I.
paradox from the early Miocene Neville's Garden
Site, D Site Plateau, Riversleigh. The Australian
mystacinids were described mainly on the basis
of dentaries; only I. breviceps was represented
also by teeth: an M2 and MJ preserved in the
Additional mystacinid material has since been
collected from another early Miocene deposit on
Riversleigh 's D Site Plateau, Judith 's Horizontalis
Site. This material includes a mandible with fused
dentaries containing the partial lower dentition
for a small species of Icarops. Based on
comparisons of size and alveolar patterns, the new
material is referable to I. paradox. Icarops paradox
is one of 44 species of fossil microchiropterans
recorded from Riversleigh's Oligo-Miocene and
Pliocene limestone deposits (Archer et al. 1994,
Hand 1999).
In this paper, the new Icarops material is
described and the diagnosis of the genus revised.
Taxonomy and dental terminology follows Miller
(1907) and Hand et al. (1998). Stratigraphic
nomenclature for the Riversleigh region follows
Archer et al. (1994) and Creaser (1997). The prefix
Icarops paradox (Fig. lA-D)
Holotype. QMF20808, partial mandible preserving
fragments of left and right dentaries with alveoli
forLI"C, andP.,andRC1,P,4andM,.
Type localitY~ Neville's Garden Site, D Site
Plateau, Riversleigh World Heritage Property,
Lawn Hill National Park, northwestern
Queensland (Archer et al. 1994).
Revised diagnosis. Smaller than I. breviceps and
I. aenae, and with P 2 larger and P 4 more
transversely oriented than in I. aenae (Hand et al.
1998). Additionally, it differs from I. breviceps in
MJ being less reduced (with trigonid and talonid
of subequal width).
Description. The left and right dentaries of
QMF31561 are completely fused, with no sign of
the symphysis, and meet at an angle of
approximately 45°. The mandible's anterior
margin, in lateral profile, is receding ventrally,
rounded and without a chin process. A ventral
mandibular shelf extends posteriorly to the
alveolus for the anterior root of P 4. A small but
deep invagination in the shelf's posteroventral
face marks the attachment point for the digastric
muscle/s (in the holotype of I. paradox,
QMF20808, the site for attachment of the digastric
muscles was not clear). The deI!tary decreases in
depth only slightly from P 2 to below the posterior
root of MJ. The ascending ramus, condyle and
angular process are not preserved.
Unlike other Icarops specimens (including the
holotype of I. paradox), there is no mental foramen
beneath P 2 nor further posteriorly. There is,
however, a small, dorsally directed foramen below
and between the alveoli forC1 and 11. This foramen
appears to be homologous with that found in this
region in other Icarops specimens. The incisor
alveolar region is well preserved and contained a
single pair of incisors. The canine alveolus is large
and oval. The single alveolus for Pis smaller than
the canine alveolus. As in the holotype, there is
New material. QMF31561, a partial, fused
mandible with left dentary preserving C1 and MI-3
and alveoli for I1 and p 24' and right dentary with
broken p 4' MI-3 and associated RIl.
Locality, age and lithology. Judith's Horizontalis
Site, D Site Plateau, Riversleigh (see Creaser 1997),
a freshwater limestone deposit interpreted as early
Miocene, based on stratigraphy and contained
local fauna {Archer et al. 1994: Creaser 1997).
Associated fauna. Other vertebrates recovered so
far from the Judith 's Horizontalis Site include:
frogs, lizards, turtles, passerine birds, bandicoots,
a marsupial mole, yalkaparidontid, burramyid
possum, balbarid kangaroo, carnivorous
kangaroo, and a megadermatid bat (A. Gillespie,
pers. comm. ).
evidence of crowding of teeth with overlapping
of the alveoli. Most of the crown ofP 4 is broken
offbut it has two roots oriented slightly obliquely
with respect to the toothrow; the anterior alveolus
is significantly smaller than the posterior one and
displaced towards the buccal margin of the
toothrow. The anterior alveolus for MI is also
slightly buccally displaced.
The lower dental formula is 11' CI' P 2.4' M123.
The alveoli for the canines (but not the mciso"rs;
contra Hand et at. 1998) are ventrally displaced
with respect to the toothrow. The margins of the
canine alveoli are smooth and complete. The
posterior alveolus of P 4 is compressed by the
anteriorly inclined alveolus for the anterior root
ofMI. The posterior alveolus for MI is larger than
the anterior one.
RI1 was found within the jaw but was removed
during preparation of the mandible. It is relatively
large, and deeply and evenly trifid. The crown is
not markedly extended backwards; its width and
length are approximately equal.
Cl is simple in form; its posterior base has a
small, rounded median cusp, marked by a small
notch for the anterior edge of P 2. The basal
cingulum is almost complete except at its most
anterolingual point; its anterolingual edge has a
distinct convexity just above the level of the
incisors; here the cingulum is broken and
connected to a short crest on the lower part of the
Most of the crown ofRP 4 is missing; the roots
remain. Judging from its alveoli and remaining
crown, P 4 was longer than P 2 and less than half
the length ofMJ .Its two roots are oriented slightly
obliquely with respect to the toothrow; the
anterior alveolus is smaller than the posterior one
and is close to the buccal margin of the dentary.
MI has two roots and five distinct cusps, the
hypoconulid being a small cingular cusp.
Although individualised, the cusps appear
relatively low and inclined rather than tall and
upright. The trigonid is conspicuously narrower,
but approximately the same length as the talonid.
The protoconid and hypoconid are the dominant
cusps in height and volume, but they are not
massive. The protoconid is only just taller than
the hypoconid which is taller than the metaconid;
the entoconid and paraconid are subequal in
height; all are much taller than the hypoconulid.
The protoconid shows conspicuously more wear
than the other cusps. The paracristid is just longer
than the metacristid; the protoconid contributions
to the paracristid and metacristid are longer than
the paraconid and metaconid contributions; the
metaconid and protoconid contributions of the
metacristid are more equal and meet at a more acute
angle. The cristid obliqua, in occlusal view, is
AAP Memoir 2
Fig. l.lcaropsparadox Hand, Murray, Megirian, Archer & Godthelp, 1998. QMF31561, from the early
Miocene Judith's Horizontalis Site, Riversleigh World Heritage Property, Lawn Hill National Park, northwestern
Queensland. A, lateral view; B, oblique occlusal view; C, stereopair, occlusal view. Scale bar indicates 2 mrn. v=
ventral mandibular shelf.
uncurved and contacts the trigonid at a point between the hypoconid and entoconid. A pre-
directly below the junction of the components of entocristid, straight and steeply dipping, links the
the metacristid. In lateral view there is an inflexion entoconid to the trigonid at the base of the
along the cristid obliqua close to the trigonid. The metaconid (making an angle with the metaconid
hypocristid extends from the hypoconid directly of just less than 900). The angle between the para-
to the entoconid, almost perpendicular to the axis and metacristids is relatively broad, at
of the toothrow, isolating the small hypoconulid approximately 750. The cristid obliqua and
and thereby exhibiting the myotodont condition paracristid are almost parallel to each other. There
(Menu & Sige 1971 ). The greatly bowed inflexion is a uniform, non-sinuous, continuous anterior,
in the hypocristid occurs approximately midway buccal and posterior cingulum, terminated at its
posterolingual end well short of the hypoconulid
providing a notch for the anterior cingulum of
MrArelatively strong but short lingual cingulum
occurs at the base of the trigonid.
M2 is described insofar as it differs from MI.
M2 is narrower and shorter in length but taller
than MI. The trigonid and talonid are wider but
slightly shorter, the protoconid is taller (and not
as worn) but the hypoconid is of similar size, and
the metaconid and protoconid contributions of
the metacristid are more equal and meet at a more
acute angle. The angle made between the
paracristid and metacristid is approximately 600.
The short lingual cingulum at the base of the
trigonidisweakerinM (andM ).
M3 is described insofar as it differs from M1-r
It is a slightly narrower, shorter tooth. The trigonid
is similar in width to the talonid, and the talonid is
longer than the trigonid. The protoconid is the
tallest and most massive cusp, the paracristid is
longer than the metacristid, the protoconid
contribution to the paracristid being particularly
long. All cusps are present, including the
Measurements. Maximum dentary depth (below
alveolus for PJ 1.30 mm, CI-M3length 5.65 mm,
MI-31ength 3.83 mm.
Comparisons with other mystacinids. Icarops
paradox differs from the Australian Miocene I.
breviceps and I. aenae in being smaller, with M}
less reduced (with trigonid and talonid of subequaJ
width) than in at least I. breviceps; p 21arger and p 4
more transversely oriented than in I. aenae. As in
other Icarops species, the area of attachment for
digastric muscle(s) appears to be well developed
in this specimen of I. paradox (see Hand et al.
1998). Unlike the holotype QMF20808 (and an other
extinct and extant bats examined), QMF31561 has
no mental foramen; the condition is interpreted to
be an aberrant condition in this individual.
Icarops paradox and New Zealand's
Quaternary Mystacina species (i.e., M.
tuberculata and the recently extinct M. robusta )
share the following dental and mandibular
features: a fused dentary symphysis; a single trifid
lower incisor; CI with posterior heel and
posterobasal cusp; and myotodont lower molars.
Icarops paradox differs from Mystacina species
in the following features: II width and length
approximately equal (i.e. not especially wide); far
less massive canine with shorter heel, less
developed posterobasal cusp and better
developed buccal cingulum; p 41ess than half MI
length with its two roots oriented slightly
obliquely to the toothrow; all cusps of lower
Comparisons with noctilionoids. Icarops species
share with South America 's noctilionids a deep
and robust dentary with tall ascending ramus (as
in I. breviceps) and fused dentary symphysis, a
single pair of lower incisors, two anterior
premolars, and myotodont lower molars (Hand et
al. 1998). However, noctilonids differ strikingly
from Icarops (and Mystacina) species in having
M2 with extremely wide talonid, wall-like pre-
entocristid and cristid obliqua extending to the
lingual margin of the crown, more obliquely
oriented P 4' and small, lingually displaced P .The
new Icarops paradox material additionally Jiffers
in its C1 with posterobasal cusp, and the single
lower incisor being trifid rather than bifid.
The speciose bat family Phyllostomidae
exhibits an enormous range of dental
morphologies which reflects a great variety of
diets (including blood, nectar, fruit, flesh and
insects) making phyllostomids much more difficult
to characterise than other bat groups. However,
Icarops species appear to differ from
phyllostomids (and mormoopids ) in the following
combination of features: reduction of the lower
incisors to one pair, fusion of dentary symphysis,
molars, including entoconids, taller and more
distinct, MI-2 talonid wider than trigonid.
Comparisons with molossids. Icarops species
share with many molossids (Hand et al. 1998): a
deep and robust dentary with mental foramen
occurring beneath p 2; a single pair of lower
incisors; two anterior premolars overlapping so
that their roots are oblique in the toothrow; general
appearance of MI and M2, notably myotodonty,
talonid wider than trigonid, tall hypoconid,
paraconid development similar to metaconid (i.e.
without strong reduction; except in the molossid
Cheiromeles torquatus), cristid obliqua complete
(Sige 1985, p. 170-1). Additional dental features
now found to be similar to molossids include C(
being simple in form without a long heel, and p 4
being smaller than MI.
Dental features of Icarops paradox now known
to differ from molossids include: a trifid rather than
bifid single incisor; CI with posterobasal cusp; p 2
less reduced than in most molossids (although in
molossids it is double-rooted even when very
reduced e.g. molossines, cheiromeles etc.); no
sinuous buccal cingulum in MI-J' talonid not much
wider than trigonid, without pronounced buccal
bulging of the protoconid and hypoconid; less
hypsodont. Also unlike Icarops species, many
molossids (e.g. Cheiromeles) have nyctalodont
or submyotodont lower molars, and in
Cheiromeles and many molossines MJ is more
t\AP Mernoi
relatively large p 2 with small p 4' and myotodont
lower molars. Icarops species share with many
phyllostomids and mormoopids trifid rather than
bifid lower incisors.
Comparisons with nataloids s. I. Natalids,
thyropterids, furipterids and myzopodids are
grouped together here in the superfamily
Nataloidea following Simmons (1998). Also
grouped here are the kerivoulines (species of
Kerivoula and Phoniscus) which are generally
included in either the Natalidae or Vespertilionidae.
All taxa lack a fused dentary symphysis, retain
two or more pairs of lower incisors, and tend to
have lower molars with talonid wider than trigonid.
The lower canine is generally exceptionally
slender with a subterete shaft. Most have
nyctalodont lower molars but kerivoulines have
myotodont molars like Icarops species.
Similarities to the new Icarops paradox material
include: the presence of trifid incisors (although
lower than the metaconid. The talonid ofM3 may
be greatly or little reduced.
Comparisons with vespertilionids. Vesper-
tilionids lack a fused dentary symphysis, retain
two or more pairs of lower incisors, and tend to
have lower molars with talonid wider than trigonid.
Most groups are dominated by taxa with
nyctalodont lower molars but some ( e.g. Myotis,
Plecotus, Scoteanax, Chalinolobus) have
myotodont molars like Icarops species.
Similarities with the new Icarops paradox material
include: trifid lower incisors; p 2 and p 4 relatively
small and with p 2 singly rooted. No vespertilionids
have reduced the lower incisors to one pair, nor
have a fused dentary or an extended heel on C,.
they retain three pairs); p 2 and p 4 being relatively
small; and p 2 singly rooted.
Comparisons with rhinolophoids. Icarops
species differ from rhinolophoids in their fused
dentary symphysis, single pair of lower incisors
and in their talonid morphology. Three pairs of
lower incisors are retained by nycteridids and two
by megadermatids and hipposideriQs; these are
commonly trifid. In rhinolophoids p 2 is small, p 3 is
retained by rhinolophids and some archaic
hipposiderids, the talonid of the lower molars
tends to be rather low, narrow and short and
displays the nyctalodont pattern.
Comparisons with emballonuroids. Three pairs
of lower incisors are retained by Emballonura
and New World emballonuroid taxa, and two pairs
by Taphozous and Saccolaimus; these are
typically trifid and the outer incisor is sometimes
separated from the canine by a small gap. The
molars are usually but not always nyctalodont,
and the paraconid is reduced and conspicuously
Comparisons with extinct bat families
( archaeonycteridids, palaeochiropterygids and
hassianycteridids). The most archaic of early and
middle Eocene bats are referred to a number of
extinct families and lack most of the derived
features that distinguish bats of modern families
(see Russell & Sige 1970, Russell et al. 1973, Smith
& Storch 1981, Habersetzer & Storch 1987,
Simmons & Geisler 1998). Icarops species differ
from these early bats as follows. In
archaeonycteridids, palaeochiropterygids and
hassianycteridids (including species of
Archaeonycteris, Ageina, Australonycteris,
Icaronycteris, Palaeochiropteryx, Cecilio-
nycteris, Matthesia, Stehlinia and Hassia-
nycteris), unlike species of Icarops, the dentary
symphysis is not fused, at least two pairs of lower
incisors are present, p 3 is retained, the trigonid
cusps of the lower molars are typically much taller
than the talonid cusps, the talonid is unreduced
and hypoconulid more buccally situated, and all
cusps are more individualised. The lower molars
of most of these archaic bats exhibit the
nyctalodont pattern ( or pre-nyctalodont pattern
with the hypoconulid more buccally situated) but
some palaeochiropterygids ( e.g. in the genera
Palaeochiropteryx and Stehlinia; see Sige 1997
on the reassignment of Stehlinia to this family)
exhibit the myotodont pattern. In Icarops species
the toothrow is relatively much shorter
(foreshortened) than in archaic bats.
Comparisons of the lower dentition of Icarops
paradox with those of other microchiropterans
confirm its identity as a member of the family
Mystacinidae. Icarops paradox and New
Zealand's Quaternary Mystacina tuberculata and
M. robusta share a unique combination of dental
and dentary features including a fused dentary
symphysis; presence of a single trifid incisor; CI
with posterior heel and posterobasal cusps; an<1
The new material also enables further
examination of the relationships within this
Australasian bat family. Hand et al. (1998)
suggested, on the basis of the fossil material then
known, that Icarops species were probably
plesiomorphic with respect to Quaternary
mystacinids, i.e. M. tuberculata and M. robusta.
Study of more of the lower dentition supports
this hypothesis. Icarops paradox differs from
Mystacina species in: ~ width and length being
approximately equal; L. far less massive with
shorter heel, less developed posterobasal cusps
and better developed buccal cingulum; P 41ess than
half Mi length with its two roots oriented slightly
obliquely to the toothrow; all cusps of lower
molars, including entoconids, taller and more
distinct, M talonid wider than trigonid. All of
these dentalteatures appear to be less specialised
than in New Zealand's Mystacina species,
although some ( e.g. loss of two pairs of lower
incisors, fused dentary symphysis) are more
derived than found in other microchiropteran
families including, for example, rhinolophoids,
emballonuroids, vespertilionids, archaeo-
nycteridids, palaeochiropterygids and hassia-
The relationships of mystacinids to other
families of bats are less clear. Mystacina
tuberculata, a semi-terrestrial microchiropteran
endemic to New Zealand, is the sole surviving
member of the Mystacinidae. The oldest record
of the family in New Zealand is 18,000 years bp
(Mystacina spp.) from Hermit's Cave, near
Charleston, South Island, NZ (Worthy &
Holdaway 1994). Mystacina was interpreted by
Pierson et al. ( 1986), on the basis ofimmunological
distance, to be a member of the South American
superfamily Noctilionoidea, evidently dispersing
from South America to New Zealand some 35
million years ago. Subsequently, Simmons ( 1996)
found. using a 'total evidence' approach in which
morphological, reproductive, behavioural, DNA
and other data are included in a single data set,
that mystacinids are probably basal to a large
group of bats including the cosmopolitan
Vespertilionidae, Molossidae and South American
Nataloidea, implying that ancestral mystacinids
diverged from other bats at least 55 million years
ago. DNA-DNA hybridisation studies by Kirsch
et al. (1998) confirmed the affinity of Mystacina
with noctilionoids as suggested by earlier
serological studies (contra Simmons 1996) but
suggested separation from its South American
relatives occurred between 54 and 66 million years
ago. DNA sequencing studies (Kennedy et al.
1999) also indicate a mystacinid-noctilionoid
relationship, but differ from other molecular results
in placement of Mystacina within the superfamily
closer to phyllostomids and mormoopids; they
calculate the time of divergence of Mystacina from
other bat taxa to be anywhere from 45 to 68 million
years ago.
Hershkovitz (1972) and Pierson (1986) have
argued for a Southern Hemisphere origin for the
world's extant bat radiation on the basis of
distributions of endemic bat families. Sige ( 1991 )
proposed that modern bat groups evolved from
isolated immigrant archaic groups in the Southern
Hemisphere in the early Eocene. The oldest bat in
the Southern Hemisphere is a 55-million-year-old
archaeonycteridid from Australia (Hand et al.
1994), to which the much younger and more
derived mystacinids bear little resemblance. The
oldest fossil bats in South America are a late
Oligocene Brazilian molossid and middle Miocene
Colombian taxa, including the phyllostomids
Notonycteris magdalenensis and Tonatia sp., a
glossophagine, phyllostomine and Noctilio
albiventris (Czaplewski 1997).
Isolated teeth of mystacinids (yet to be
described) have now been recovered from late
Oligocene deposits at Riversleigh (and possibly
South Australia) confirming that the family
Mystacinidae was represented in Australia at least
25 million years ago. It survived here until at least
12 million years ago, occurring in middle Miocene
deposits at Bullock Creek, Northern Territory, but
had disappeared from at least the Riversleigh area
by 3-5 million years ago as evidenced by their
absence from the early Pliocene Rackham's Roost
deposit (Archer et al. 1994). The decline and,
ultimately, extinction of this lineage in Australia
may reflect the intense drying of Australia since
the late Miocene which resulted in the replacement
ofwet forests by open woodlands and grasslands
over much of the continent. The sole surviving
member of the mystacinid lineage is now restricted
to New Zealand's endemic Gondwanan-type
forests dominated by Nothofagus, Podocarpus,
Dacrydium and kauri trees (Daniel & Williams
Hand et al. (1998) have argued that the
presence of plesiomorphic mystacinids in the
Australian Tertiary record (the only pre-
Pleistocene record for mystacinids) most
parsimoniously suggests that Australia was the
immediate source of New Zealand's Quaternary
mystacinids. New Zealand separated from the rest
of Gondwana 80-90 million years ago (Fleming
1979), long before the world's first bats had
evolved. Australia, Antarctica and South America
were connected as the last fragments ofGondwana
until about 35 million years ago (Veevers 1991),
throughout the period when most modern bat
lineages first appeared in the fossil record (Sige
1991, Simmons 1996, 1998). The southern
supercontinent possibly shared a number of bat
families, but precisely when and where the curious
mystacinids originated is yet to be discovered.
Work at Riversleigh has been supported by
the Australian Research Council, Department of
the Environment, Sport and Territories, National
Estate Programme Grants (Queensland),
Queensland National Parks and Wildlife Service,
the Australian Geographic Society, Linnean
Society of New South Wales. ICI. Oueensland
AAP Memoir :
Museum, University of New South Wales and the
Australian Museum. Thanks to Anna Gillespie for
preparation of this and other Riversleigh fossil
bat specimens. The following people kindly
provided access to comparative specimens in their
institutions: A. Tennyson of the Museum of New
Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, T. Ennis and S.
Ingleby of the Australian Museum, D. Kitchener
of the Western Australian Museum, P. Jenkins of
the British Museum (Natural History), S. Van Dyck
of the Queensland Museum, N.B. Simmons and
W. Fuchs (American Museum of Natural History).
We thank Jenni Bramrnall and Galea McGregor,
University of New South Wales, for the SEM
photographs. G. Storch and N. J. Czaplewski
critically reviewed a draft of this manuscript.
ARCHER, M., HAND, S.I. & GODTHELP, H., 1994.
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CREASER, P., 1997. Oligocene-Miocene sediments of
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Kay, R.F., Madden, R.H., Cifelli, R.L. & Flynn, 1.1.
(eds), Vertebratepaleontology in the Neotropics: the
Miocene fauna of La Venta, Colombia. Smithsonian
Institution Press, Washington.
DANIEL, M. I. & WILLIAMS, G.R., 1984. A survey
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of New Zealand bats. New Zealand Journal of
Ecology 7,9-25.
FLEMING, C.A.1979.171e Geological History of New
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Auckland, 141p.
Klassiflkation und funktione!le Fliigelmorphologie
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... These old lineages, known as relict species, have genes and traits that have survived from deep timescales and tell a tale of resilience (and luck) in the face of regime shifts and faunal turnover. These taxa may have survived previous major extinction events, and researchers can study them to understand how species may continue to survive in the face of the current extinction crisis (Habel and Assmann 2010). Relict species may also represent the only living relatives of fossil taxa, allowing systematists to place fossil taxa correctly in a tree. ...
... It is a New Zealand endemic and the sole extant representative of an entire family that was once more widespread. The fossil record of mystacinids includes the bat genus Icarops from the Oligocene and Miocene of Australia (Hand et al. 2001), but the family also includes Mystacina robusta, a species that went extinct in historic times (Daniel 1990). Even with molecular tools, researchers have had difficulties resolving the sister taxon of Mystacinidae, likely a result of deep, rapid radiations that created short internal branches with conflicting phylogenetic signal (Kennedy et al. 1999). ...
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Taxonomy—the description, naming, and classification of organisms—and systematics—the study of the evolutionary relationships of organisms—are both crucial components in conservation, providing a necessary framework for any conservation initiative. With more than 200 new bat species identified or raised from synonymy in the past decade and additional taxa described monthly, the Age of Discovery is ongoing for bats. New taxonomic and systematic discoveries clarify the status of populations, and the recognition of distinct species and lineages allows appropriate conservation strategies to be crafted, increasing the likelihood of recovery. In addition to identifying species and specimens, taxonomists care for vouchers, provide species lists for localities, and communicate taxonomic ideas to non-experts, especially through descriptions, keys, and field guides. Taxonomists can also provide conservation planning tools such as inventory data, estimates of extinction risk and extinction rate, and information for defining protected areas. Despite the importance of taxonomy, a lack of financial and institutional support impedes the training and employment of taxonomists and such factors need to be overcome. Taxonomic and systematic discoveries, especially those involving cryptic species and unrecognized diversity, are rapidly increasing with the advent of modern genetics. Researchers must be cautious to argue from multiple lines of evidence when naming new species and be clear about the species concept they employ, as these have wide ranging impacts beyond taxonomy. Creating new ties between taxonomists and non-experts will be crucial in conservation of a diverse range of organisms in increasingly fragile landscapes.
... The endemic New Zealand family Mystacinidae presently consists of only one surviving species (another species is recently extinct), but Hand ( Hand et al., , 2001Hand et al., , 2005Hand et al., , 2007) described three fossil species of an extinct genus Icarops from the Early Miocene, and an indeterminate mystacinid from the Late Oligocene of Australia, plus at least one mystacinid from the Early Miocene of New Zealand. ...
... The endemic New Zealand family Mystacinidae presently consists of only one surviving species (another species is recently extinct), but Hand (Hand et al., , 2001(Hand et al., , 2005(Hand et al., , 2007 described three fossil species of an extinct genus Icarops from the Early Miocene, and an indeterminate mystacinid from the Late Oligocene of Australia, plus at least one mystacinid from the Early Miocene of New Zealand. ...
Bats (Chiroptera) are generally considered to be monophyletic based on morphological and molecular data (Simmons, 1998; Gunnell and Simmons, 2005; Teeling et al., 2005), but the relationships among the families, especially extinct families, are not well resolved (Simmons and Geisler, 1998; Gunnell and Simmons, 2005). Recent molecular phylogenetic work suggests that one group of bats, the Noctilionoidea, consists of a monophyletic clade including at least the families Mystacinidae, Mormoopidae, Noctilionidae and Phyllostomidae (Pierson et al., 1986; Kirsch et al., 1998; Kennedy et al., 1999; Van Den Bussche and Hoofer, 2000; Teeling et al., 2003; Hutcheon and Kirsch, 2004), and probably also the families Thyropteridae, Furipteridae and Myzopodidae (Hoofer et al., 2003; Van Den Bussche and Hoofer, 2004; Teeling et al., 2005; Miller-Butterworth et al., 2007), although Hoofer et al. (2003) explicitly excluded Myzopodidae. Gunnell and Simmons (2005) found morphological data supporting a more restricted Noctilionoidea composed of the first four families, Mystacinidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae and Mormoopidae, but which is sister to a clade composed of Myzopodidae, Thyropteridae, Furipteridae and Natalidae. Early fossils of noctilionoid bats are scarce; reviewed below are some pre-Pleistocene records of noctilionoids and putative noctilionoids as fossils. The oldest Paleogene bat fossils known from South America are two isolated teeth from the Early Eocene of Chubut, Argentina, that could potentially represent a noctilionoid (Tejedor et al., 2005, 2009), but the specimens are actually insufficient to realize the phylogenetic affinities of the taxon they exemplify. A possible ?bat represented by a single broken tooth of uncertain but possibly Eocene age from Santa Rosa, Peru, has a dental character rather similar to one that is unique to noctilionids, but this specimen, too, is unsubstantial (Czaplewski and Campbell, 2004).
... From Riversleigh's Oligocene to Pliocene fossil deposits c.57 bat species have been identified (Table 1) Hand et al. 2001 and several taxa yet to be assigned to family. ...
Extensive mammal surveys were carried out between 1998 and 2004 in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area and the Boodjamullah National Park in north-western Queensland. Thirty eight native mammal species were detected including a species (Spectacled Hare Wallaby) not recorded in the area for more than 80 years; the tally included 14 species of marsupial and 14 species of bat. Small terrestrial mammals were scarce and not detected each year. Six feral mammal species were also found. The relatively low density and diversity of small terrestrial mammals in the study area is similar to that reported elsewhere northern Australia (e.g. Woinarski et al. 2001.) and may be consistent with a pattern of general decline of native mammals in this region (Burbidge and McKenzie 1989, Kutt et al. 2005).
... The AARs also suggest that the disjunct geographic distribution of the Noctilionidae, where the sister group of the Mystacinidae is restricted to New Zealand, whereas the remaining lineages are confined mostly to the Neotropics (due to the unresolved phylogenetic relationship of the Myzopodidae, this family was excluded from the superfamily Noctilionidae in the present study), resulted from a continental extinction event and a series of dispersal events from Asia to South America via North America approximately 48 Ma (Fig. 4a,b; Tables 1, S6 and S7). The continental extinction scenario for the Mystacinidae is supported by the continental fossil record (Hand et al., 2001). The provenance of the remaining tropical noctilionoids is ambiguous (node 16 in Fig. 4), but the time frame of the dispersal events between Northern and Southern America during the Middle Eocene coincides with the expansion and contraction of megathermal plants that occurred from the Late Palaeocene to the Middle Eocene (Morley, 2007), as well as the uplift of the Panama isthmus during the Middle Eocene (Scotese, 2001). ...
Bats are a unique mammalian group, which belong to one of the largest and most diverse mammalian radiations, but their early diversification is still poorly understood, and conflicting hypotheses have emerged regarding their biogeographic history. Understanding their diversification is crucial for untangling the enigmatic evolutionary history of bats. In this study, we elucidated the rate of diversification and the biogeographic history of extant bat lineages using genus-level chronograms. The results suggest that a rapid adaptive radiation persisted from the emergence of crown bats until the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum, whereas there was a major deceleration in diversification around 35–49 Ma. There was a positive association between changes in the palaeotemperature and the net diversification rate until 35 Ma, which suggests that the palaeotemperature may have played an important role in the regulation of ecological opportunities. By contrast, there were unexpectedly higher diversification rates around 25–35 Ma during a period characterized by intense and long-lasting global cooling, which implies that intrinsic innovations or adaptations may have released some lineages from the intense selective pressures associated with these severe conditions. Our reconstruction of the ancestral distribution suggests an Asian origin for bats, thereby indicating that the current panglobal but disjunct distribution pattern of extant bats may be related to events involving seriate cross-continental dispersal and local extinction, as well as the influence of geological events and the expansion and contraction of megathermal rainforests during the Tertiary.
... The complex speleothem and cave deposits on Godthelp's Hill were described as tufa lying unconformably on unfossiliferous alluvial sediments by Megirian (1992). The WW Site deposits include complex flowstones and detrital fills with a diverse vertebrate fauna similar in age to Zone B local faunas from sites on Godthelp's Hill, approximately 200 m to the north-west, including mystacinid, megadermatid and hipposiderid bats (Hand et al., 1998(Hand et al., , 2001. ...
... The complex speleothem and cave deposits on Godthelp's Hill were described as tufa lying unconformably on unfossiliferous alluvial sediments by Megirian (1992). The WW Site deposits include complex flowstones and detrital fills with a diverse vertebrate fauna similar in age to Zone B local faunas from sites on Godthelp's Hill, approximately 200 m to the north-west, including mystacinid, megadermatid and hipposiderid bats (Hand et al., 1998(Hand et al., , 2001. ...
... The mystacinid fossils appear to represent at least two new species, but the remains are insufficient to refer them to Mystacina, Icarops or a new genus. Each species exhibits a mixture of what we interpret (Hand et al., 1998(Hand et al., , 2001(Hand et al., , 2005(Hand et al., , 2009) to be relatively plesiomorphic features, such as typically found in species of Icarops, and more-derived features, such as in species of Mystacina. As in other mystacinids, their humeral morphology shows evidence of locking mechanisms at the shoulder and restricted movement at the elbow, suggesting the capacity for relatively fast, direct flight. ...
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New Zealand’s first pre-Pleistocene mystacinid bat fossils have been recovered from early Miocene sediments of the Manuherikia Group near St. Bathans, Central Otago. Mystacinidae, which belongs to the Gondwanan bat superfamily Noctilionoidea, is the only living mammalian family endemic to New Zealand, although its distribution included Australia in at least the Oligo-Miocene. The only member of the family definitely surviving is the peculiar walking bat Mystacina tuberculata. The St. Bathans mystacinid fossils consist of isolated teeth and postcranial fragments that appear to represent two new taxa of similar size and functional morphology (dental and wing) to Quaternary mystacinids. They suggest an Australasian mystacinid radiation now numbering at least eight species: four from New Zealand and four from Australia. The St. Bathans fossils demonstrate that mystacinids have been in New Zealand for at least 19–16 Ma and signal the longest fossil record for an endemic lineage of island bats anywhere in the world. They add to the list of endemic vertebrate lineages present in Zealandia by the early Miocene, including leiopelmatid frogs, sphenodontids, acanthisittid wrens, adzebills, moa, and kiwi.
Advances in morphological and molecular methods continue to uncover new information on the origin and evolution of bats. Presenting some of the most remarkable discoveries and research involving living and fossil bats, this book explores their evolutionary history from a range of perspectives. Phylogenetic studies based on both molecular and morphological data have established a framework of evolutionary relationships that provides a context for understanding many aspects of bat biology and diversification. In addition to detailed studies of the relationships and diversification of bats, the topics covered include the mechanisms and evolution of powered flight, evolution and enhancement of echolocation, feeding ecology, population genetic structure, ontogeny and growth of facial form, functional morphology and evolution of body size. The book also examines the fossil history of bats from their beginnings over 50 million years ago to their diversification into one of the most globally wide-spread orders of mammals living today.
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Aspects of the results of studies of the fossil-rich Cainozoic deposits of Riversleigh, northwestern Queensland, are reviewed. A summary of five selected Riversleigh faunas representing the primary periods of the region's Cainozoic history is provided. Faunal and environmental changes over the last 25 000 000 years in the Riversleigh region are identified and changes in Australia's rainforest mammal communities over the same period are discussed. Evidence for the origin of Australia's modern mammal groups from ancestors now known to have lived in the Tertiary rainforests of northern Australia is reviewed. The evidence for correlating Riversleigh local faunas with faunal assemblages in the rest of Australia and the world is reviewed. -from Authors
The Eocene fossil record of bats (Chiroptera) includes four genera known from relatively complete skeletons: lcaronycteris, Archaeonycteris, Hassianycteris, and Palaeochiropteryx. Phylogenetic relationships of these taxa to each other and to extant lineages of bats were investigated in a parsimony analysis of 195 morphological characters, 12 rDNA restriction site characters, and one character based on the number of R-1 tandem repeats in the mtDNA d-loop region. Results indicate that lcaronycteris, Archaeonycteris, Hassianycteris, and Palaeochiropteryx represent a series of consecutive sister-taxa to extant microchiropteran bats. This conclusion stands in contrast to previous suggestions that these fossil forms represent either a primitive grade ancestral to both Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera (e.g., Eochiroptera) or a separate clade within Microchiroptera (e.g., Palaeochiropterygoidea). A new higher-level classification is proposed to better reflect hypothesized relationships among Eocene fossil bats and extant taxa. Critical features of this classification include restriction of Microchiroptera to the smallest clade that includes all extant bats that use sophisticated echolocation (Emballonuridae + Yinochiroptera + Yangochiroptera), and formal recognition of two more inclusive clades that encompass Microchiroptera plus the four fossil genera. Comparisons of results of separate phylogenetic analyses including and subsequently excluding the fossil taxa indicate that inclusion of the fossils changes the results in two ways: (1) altering perceived relationships among extant forms at a few poorly supported nodes; and (2) reducing perceived support for some nodes near the base of the tree. Inclusion of the fossils affects some character polarities (hence slightly changing tree topology), and also changes the levels at which transformations appear to apply (hence altering perceived support for some clades). Results of an additional phylogenetic analysis in which soft-tissue and molecular characters were excluded from consideration indicate that these characters are critical for determination of relationships among extant lineages. Our phytogeny provides a basis for evaluating previous hypotheses on the evolution of flight, echolocation, and foraging strategies. We propose that flight evolved before echolocation, and that the first bats used vision for orientation in their arboreal/aerial environment. The evolution of flight was followed by the origin of low-duty-cycle laryngeal echolocation in early members of the microchiropteran lineage. This system was most likely simple at first, permitting orientation and obstacle detection but not detection or tracking of airborne prey. Owing to the mechanical coupling of ventilation and flight, the energy costs of echolocation to flying bats were relatively low. In contrast, the benefits of aerial insectivory were substantial, and a more sophisticated low-duty-cycle echolocation system capable of detecting, tracking, and assessing airborne prey subsequently evolved rapidly. The need for an increasingly derived auditory system, together with limits on body size imposed by the mechanics of flight, echolocation, and prey capture, may have resulted in reduction and simplification of the visual system as echolocation became increasingly important. Our analysis confirms previous suggestions that Icaronycteris, Archaeonycteris, Hassianycteris, and Palaeochiropteryx used echolocation. Foraging strategies of these forms were reconstructed based on postcranial osteology and wing form, cochlear size, and stomach contents. In the context of our phylogeny, we suggest that foraging behavior in the microchiropteran lineage evolved in a series of steps: (1) gleaning food objects during short flights from a perch using vision for orientation and obstacle detection; prey detection by passive means, including vision and/or listening for prey-generated sounds (no known examples in fossil record); (2) gleaning stationary prey from a perch using echolocation and vision for orientation and obstacle detection; prey detection by passive means (Icaronycteris, Archaeonycteris); (3) perch hunting for both stationary and flying prey using echolocation and vision for orientation and obstacle detection; prey detection and tracking using echolocation for flying prey and passive means for stationary prey (no known example, although Icaronycteris and/or Archaeonycteris may have done this at times); (4) combined perch hunting and continuous aerial hawking using echolocation and vision for orientation and obstacle detection; prey detection and tracking using echolocation for flying prey and passive means for stationary prey; calcar-supported uropatagium used for prey capture (common ancestor of Hassianycteris and Palaeochiropteryx; retained in Palaeochiropteryx); (5) exclusive reliance on continuous aerial hawking using echolocation and vision for orientation and obstacle detection; prey detection and tracking using echolocation (Hassianycteris; common ancestor of Microchiroptera). The transition to using echolocation to detect and track prey would have been difficult in cluttered envionments owing to interference produced by multiple returning echoes. We therefore propose that this transition occurred in bats that foraged in forest gaps and along the edges of lakes and rivers in situations where potential perch sites were adjacent to relatively clutter-free open spaces. Aerial hawking using echolocation to detect, track, and evalute prey was apparently the primitive foraging strategy for Microchiroptera. This implies that gleaning, passive prey detection, and perch hunting among extant microchiropterans are secondarily derived specializations rather than retentions of primitive habits. Each of these habits has apparently evolved multiple times. The evolution of continuous aerial hawking may have been the "key innovation" responsible for the burst of diversification in microchiropteran bats that occurred during the Eocene. Fossils referable to six major extant lineages are known from Middle-Late Eocene deposits, and reconstruction of ghost lineages leads to the conclusion that at least seven more extant lineages were minimally present by the end of the Eocene.
We carried out DNA-hybridization comparisons among representatives of the major groups of Chiroptera to determine the phylogenetic position of the New Zealand short-tailed bat, Mystacina tuberculata. All analyses confirmed the noctilionoid affinity of this species suggested by an earlier serological study, with support from taxon jackknifing and at bootstrap levels of 98% or higher. However, a specific association with Noctilio was not found in more than 13% of the bootstrapped trees. The most precise of the thermal-stability indices employed (Tm, the median melting temperature of hybridized sequences) demonstrated a sister-group relationship of Mystacina to all noctilionoids, with Noctilio the first branch within Noctilionoidea but separated from the Mystacina lineage by a very short internode. Our determination of the timing of the divergence of Mystacina from noctilionoids is 54 myrbp. This estimate is based on independent indications that extant bat lineages began to diversify in the latest Cretaceous and is much earlier than the tentative estimate of 35 myrbp inferred from serology. Even if the diversification of all living bats occurred as early as 83 myrbp, as some authors have suggested, separation of Mystacinidae—on that basis, at 66 myrbp—could not have taken place soon enough for this taxon to be isolated on New Zealand before New Zealand separated from the rest of Gondwanaland. However, any of these dates would allow for the distribution of the noctilionoid–mystacinid common ancestor in South America, Australia, and Antarctica before the final sundering of Australia from Antarctica and for the divergence of Mystacinidae as a possible result of that event. This hypothesis is supported by the presence of fossil mystacinids in early and mid-Miocene deposits at Bullock Creek and Riversleigh, Queensland, showing that Mystacinidae had been resident in Australia from at least 25–20 myrbp. The most obvious scenario explaining the presence of Mystacinidae in New Zealand is therefore fortuitous dispersal from Australia across the Tasman Sea.
The neotectonic supercycle of earth history started 320 million years ago with the initial coalescence of the continents in Pangea. Final coalescence took place 230 Ma ago at the same time as rift valleys induced incipient breakup that became actual from 160 Ma with the start of seafloor spreading in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The current phase of seafloor spreading is marked by the growth lines of magnetic anomalies, from which reconstructions of the continents during the past 160 Ma are accurately determinable by eliminating the dated parts of the seafloor. Many small terranes or fragments are not so well constrained. Palaeolatitude is less precisely determined by continental indicators of magnetic inclination. All this physical evidence provides a unique solution for continental reconstruction since 320 Ma. Less definite evidence provided by biota and geological facies has to be accommodated within this physical framework. Before the coalescence of Pangea (> 320 Ma) the constraints are reversed. This paleotectonic phase lacks preserved seafloor spreading so that continental palaeomagnetism, biota and geological facies are the only indicators. The changing configuration of Australia and its neighbours in the eastern Gondwanaland province of Pangea - India, Antarctica, Lord Howe Rise-New Zealand Plateau - is detailed through seven stages from the midJurassic breakup of Pangea