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An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal SOCIAL MEDIA: A NEW EMERGING TOOL FOR LIBRARIES



With the advent of modern forms of technologies, particularly the internet technology the way to acquire information has changed drastically. The Web 2. 0 has helped the libraries to transform its physical context to the digital environment. In an extension to this traditional role librarians have become some of the earliest adopters of social media in order to connect with their user. Presently Librarians have adopted social media tools as a part of Library2.0 movement to connect with their users. Social media is one such a user - friendly communication tool through which the libraries can promote its resources and services to its users with the help of different application tools such as Twitter, Facebook, blogs, YouTube, MySpace etc. Social media enables in participatory creation of knowledge and information sharing in simple and convenient ways. So the purpose of this study is to discuss about the concept and different tools of social media and how it will act as a beneficial tool to the libraries to the present day user community.
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
Junior Executive- Knowledge Management
National Institute of Securities Markets
Sector- 17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai, India
Miss Nandita Barman
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,
Dibrugarh, Assam, India
With the advent of modern forms of technologies, particularly the internet technology the way to
acquire information has changed drastically. The Web 2. 0 has helped the libraries to transform its
physical context to the digital environment. In an extension to this traditional role librarians have
become some of the earliest adopters of social media in order to connect with their user. Presently
Librarians have adopted social media tools as a part of Library2.0 movement to connect with their
users. Social media is one such a user - friendly communication tool through which the libraries can
promote its resources and services to its users with the help of different application tools such as
Twitter, Facebook, blogs, YouTube, MySpace etc. Social media enables in participatory creation of
knowledge and information sharing in simple and convenient ways. So the purpose of this study is to
discuss about the concept and different tools of social media and how it will act as a beneficial tool
to the libraries to the present day user community.
Key Words: Social Media, Web 2.0, Library 2.0, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs.
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
The evaluation of modern forms of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
specially the Internet and World Wide Web has been able to influence every aspect of the society
where its impact on libraries are also not an exception to this. The Web 2.0 has enabled the libraries
to transform its physical form to the digital environment. It has been able to transform the whole
world into a small globe and present a new form of communication mostly with the involvement of
social media and its tools. In present times the librarian and library professionals are trying to adopt
social media and its tools as a part of library 2.0 movement to connect themselves with their users for
providing library services. Social Media helps to create a connection and collaboration tool to access,
update and relevant information in a very easy and convenient way among its user community.
Objectives of the study are as follows:
1. To discuss the concept of social media as an emerging tool for libraries.
2. To discuss the different types of social media tools.
3. To discuss the role of social media as a beneficial tools for libraries.
4. To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of social media in libraries.
Literature Review:
In the mid 2000, a study in USA showed that the most of the library directors and general public of
United States of America did not think that libraries had a role in social media (De Rosa et al., 2007).
But gradually with more technological innovations Libraries found it advantageous when they wished
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
to communicate with their peers, to answer user’s enquiries, thus providing answers more efficiently.
Many Studies are done on use of Social Media tools in libraries. Among them one of the studies was
done by Kim & Abbas and they found that librarians were often more interested in the library’s social
media applications than students (Kim and Abbas, 2010). Another study which was done by Chu and
Du shows how use of social media by the library has now become mainstream. In this survey of
libraries in Asia, North America and Europe, 71% were found to be using social media tools with a
further 13% saying they planned to use them. Facebook and Twitter were the most commonly used
tools (Chu & Du, 2012). A recent study has done by Gauntner, W. shows that libraries are primarily
using Twitter and Facebook to market the library with content generated to promote library news and
information; they are less used for linking to external sources or for sharing content (Gauntner, W.
What is Social Media?
Social Media are computer mediated tools that allow people to create, share or exchange information,
ideas, thoughts and pictures/videos in virtual communities. Social media depends on mobile and web
based technologies to create highly interactive platforms through which individual and communities
can share, create, discuss and modify user generated context. They introduce substantial and
persuasive changes to communications between businesses, organizations, communities and
individuals. Social media is defined as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the
ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of
user-generated content. (Kaplan A M. & Haenlein M., 2010)".
Social Media Tools:
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
In digital library environment different Social media tools help librarian to share information with
patrons and students in the easiest way. With the hundreds of social media tools available today, it is
not surprising that people find it difficult to manage their social media accounts. Here are some social
media tools that can assist librarians to manage numerous social networks and help them to share
information with users to meet their information needs.
1. Facebook: The world’s largest social network, with more than 1.32 billion monthly active
users. Librarian can interact with the users and ask them about their needs. Here group
communication also can be possible.
2. Twitter: In present world Twitter is one of the most popular social networking tools. It is a
free microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called
tweets. Librarian can frequently update about daily activities of his/her library and also can
share his/her experience with his/her peers as well as users.
3. MySpace: Another social networking tool which is equally popular like facebook. Libraries
have taken advantage of this site to post, calendar, custom catalog search tools, and blog
features to improve their presence
4. LinkedIn: At present Linkdein is the most famous social media tool that used by the
professional of different field. Librarians can also use this tool to share and find information
among its patrons
5. Blog: Blogs are a powerful social media tool that can use by the librarian to promote library
collecetion and service. Librarian can post messages; share information on a particular subject
or issue, and user can also contribute to that content.
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
6. Ning: Librarian can use this Social Networking tool to share information with many people at
a time and also to get connected with students, colleagues, library associations etc
7. SlideShare: This Social Media tool encourages faculty, staff, and students to share their
slideshow presentations for the greater community. It's a great way to disseminate information
and librarians can take advantage of it.
8. Wikipedia: It is a free, open content online encyclopedia created through the collaborative
effort of a community of users. Librarian can use this tool to share their knowledge by editing,
or simply point library patrons in the right direction.
9. Flickr: Librarians can use this tool to share and distribute new images of library collections.
Cover page of new arrivals of both books and journals can be disseminated to users via Flickr.
Librarian can share photo collection of workshops, seminar, conference and many different
programmes that are organized in campus.
10. YouTube: With the help of this social media tools librarian can share information with their
user by sharing library video, library orientation video, events or any other video of library
11. Second Life: On Second Life, librarian can create a virtual library with streamed media,
discussions, classes, and more.
12. Pinterest: Pinterest is a free website where user can upload, save, sort, and manage images
and other media content. Pinterest acts as a personalized media platform. Users can browse
the content of others on the main page.It can be used to promote general library collections,
digital and archive special collections and information literacy and also to set up of online
repositories for students etc.
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
13. Library Thing: A tool that enriches the library OPAC. This social cataloging network is
great for librarians, and they can catalog along with more than 200 other libraries around the
world. Librarians can utilize this to send a list of current publications to users.
Social Media as a Beneficial tools for Library:
In present days context social media plays a very significant role in prompting open access to
information and knowledge among users. The important features of social media and its tools are that
it allows users to search, connect, share, disseminate and filter information as per their requirement
and needs. The use of social media by different library and information organization are not only
helps them to stay relevant and update for the potential library users but it also help as an extending
library services for a particular library. With the implication of Web 2.0 in library environment it
helped in building a network centre in delivering different information process through these social
networking tools for promoting and marketing library services and programs. On the other hand it
also acts as a medium of entertainment and amusement for users in spending their leisure times.
Therefore we can say that social media enables us in a participatory creation of knowledge and
information sharing in a convenient way for a modern library.
In this virtual environment, libraries are also trying to participate and stay connected to users with the
help of different social media tools for marketing of library information resources and service. Just a
decade ago, social media was seen by many as having little relevance for use in a professional
context by librarians. But in recent years there has been a major change in attitudes. Social media is
now widely used by librarians to fulfill a variety of objectives. According to a survey conducted by
Taylor & Francis Group over 70% of libraries are using social media tools, and 60% have had a
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
social media account for three years or longer. 30% of librarians are posting at least daily. Librarians
are mainly use this social media tools to promote their services and resources.
By using the social media in libraries some of the opportunities are obtained such as, low cost, ability
to take the library service to users in their preferred spaces, building a sense of community between
the library and its users, supporting the co development of collection etc., help to keep librarians
updated on recent development. Social Medial tools can be used to reach library users, to publicize
events, services and news etc., to connect with other library professionals etc.
Roles of Librarians:
This Social media tools offers libraries and librarians the opportunity to be more proactive in their
outreach to their users. Librarians have to expand their role in the creation, use and dissemination of
information by engaging these Social media as a central medium for communicating with library
users and also provide services to fulfill their information need. Librarian should act as an active
participant of the social space and be able to recognize the needs of the users of the library
communities and to give solutions by offering information, links to the websites that are relevant to
their information needs; and even direct offers of help. To links to library catalogue, research guides,
calendar of events, news and other services of the library, Librarian can connect their Social
Networking tools with their library websites.
In their mission to connect with library users Librarian should perform roles like information broker,
information facilitator, Innovative Manager, Effective collaborator, Policy maker, Knowledge
Educator, Expert Web navigator etc.
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
Social medial tools help libraries to connect with their users faster, easier and more accessible to a
wider population than it’s ever been before. The advantages of using social media are as follows:
1. It helps in facilitating an effective communication link between library and users.
2. It helps in promoting library services and resources so that library users can keep themselves
3. It facilitates open source of communication leading to enhanced information discovery and
delivery among users.
4. Financially the costs of using social media are perceived to be low as maximum tools are
open source.
5. It increases engagement and interactions with library users.
6. It able to inter connect with other library professionals from other institutions by exchanging
information and resources.
7. Social media gives libraries the opportunity to engage their current online audiences and
simultaneously build an interactive web community.
8. It helps gather quick feedback to enhance user services.
9. It helps to in building collaboration through collection development and constructing
knowledge repository for different user groups.
10. It also acts as a source of entertainment and provides amusement for the user.
Social media provides two way communications which helps to create dynamic libraries that are
constantly evolving in tandem with their user’s changing needs and expectations.
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
Every coin has two sides same way uses of social media in libraries has also got some disadvantages.
Some of the disadvantages of using social media in libraries are as follows:
1. Due to lack of awareness most of the library professionals and users do not know its proper
2. Social media can require considerable time commitment from library staff.
3. The irregularity for the reliable power supply is another cause.
4. External factors such as Internet connectivity, technological infrastructure and government
restrictions on the use of social media may restrict access.
5. Copyright issues can be also a hurdle to maintain its standards.
Social media plays very dynamic roles in today’s modern society. Social media is the new form of
communication in 21st century. It helps to establish a cordial relationship between the library
professional and users by providing them a platform where they can access, share, retrieve,
disseminate and filter information and resources. Social media is also seen as an effective outreach
tool, helping librarians promote the work of their faculty and connect more deeply with the broader
library community. Recently there seems to have been a shift from using social media as the voice of
the institution to being the voice of a librarian within the institution. This ‘humanization’ of libraries
using social media is seen by some as key to utilizing social media effectively (Gauntner W., 2014).
So from the above discussion we can conclude by saying that social media act as an emerging tool for
libraries in present day context.
An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal
(Peer Reviewed & Opened Access Indexed)
Web: Email:
Impact Factor : 2.142 (IIJIF)
Vol. 1, Issue-III
Jan. 2016
1. Chu, Samuel Kai-Wah & Du, Helen S. (2012). Social Networking tools for academic libraries. Journal of
Librarianship and Information Science, 45(1), 64-75.
2. De Rosa C. et al. (2007). Sharing, privacy and trust in our networked world: A report to the OCLC membership.
3. Ezeani, Chinwe Nwogo & Igwesi, Uzoamaka. (2012). Using Social Media for Dynamic Library Service
Delivery: The Nigeria Experience. Library Philosophy and Practice.
4. Gauntner Witte, G. (2014). Content Generation and Social Network Interaction within Academic Library
Facebook Pages. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 26 (2), 89-100.
5. Kaplan Andreas M. & Haenlein Michael. (2010). "Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of
social media". Business Horizons, 53 (1), 61.
6. Kim, Y.M. & Abbas, J. (2010). Adoption of library 2.0 functionalities by academic libraries and users: A
knowledge management perspective. The journal of Academic Librarianship, 36(3), 211-218.
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This paper examines how Nigerian Libraries can leverage on social networking and social media skills to provide dynamic library services in the face of dwindling economic problems in Nigeria. The unprecedented technological advancement of the 21st century, no doubt has impacted on library services globally and in Nigeria in particular. The social media hype has gradually crept into the library profession- with social sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, YouTube, Library Thing, Ning; it has become evident that our services will need to change to meet the growing needs of our end users. Libraries in Nigeria have been challenged like never before to render more proactive and more value added services to meet the ever changing needs of our patrons. This paper is therefore, an attempt to examine the present scenario in library services delivery with these new and emerging technologies. Challenges faced by Nigerian libraries in the use of these social media are investigated and possible solutions proffered.
Full-text available
The concept of Social Media is top of the agenda for many business executives today. Decision makers, as well as consultants, try to identify ways in which firms can make profitable use of applications such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Second Life, and Twitter. Yet despite this interest, there seems to be very limited understanding of what the term “Social Media” exactly means; this article intends to provide some clarification. We begin by describing the concept of Social Media, and discuss how it differs from related concepts such as Web 2.0 and User Generated Content. Based on this definition, we then provide a classification of Social Media which groups applications currently subsumed under the generalized term into more specific categories by characteristic: collaborative projects, blogs, content communities, social networking sites, virtual game worlds, and virtual social worlds. Finally, we present 10 pieces of advice for companies which decide to utilize Social Media.
The use of Facebook to share resources and engage patrons continues to gain acceptance within academic libraries. While many studies have analyzed the types of content academic libraries share on Facebook, there has not yet been a full examination of how this content is generated. This article examined the posting methods, the user responses, and the types of organizations followed on 28 academic library Facebook pages. User response was found to be inversely related to the popularity of a posting method. Pages from a library's home institution and from other libraries were the two types of sites most frequently followed.
This study investigates the adoption of Library 2.0 functionalities by academic libraries and users through a knowledge management perspective. Based on randomly selected 230 academic library Web sites and 184 users, the authors found RSS and blogs are widely adopted by academic libraries while users widely utilized the bookmark function.