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A new Lower Triassic ichthyopterygian assemblage from Fossil Hill, Nevada

Taylor & Francis

Abstract and Figures

We report a new ichthyopterygian assemblage from Lower Triassic horizons of the Prida Formation at Fossil Hill in central Nevada. Although fragmentary, the specimens collected so far document a diverse fauna. One partial jaw exhibits isodont dentition with blunt tipped, mesiodistally compressed crowns and striated enamel. These features are shared with the Early Triassic genus Utatsusaurus known from coeval deposits in Japan and British Columbia. An additional specimen exhibits a different dentition characterized by relatively small, rounded posterior teeth resembling other Early Triassic ichthyopterygians, particularly Grippia. This Nevada assemblage marks a southward latitudinal extension for Early Triassic ichthyopterygians along the eastern margin of Panthalassa and indicates repeated trans-hemispheric dispersal events in Early Triassic ichthyopterygians.
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A new Lower Triassic ichthyopterygian
assemblage from Fossil Hill, Nevada
Neil P. Kelley
, Ryosuke Motani
, Patrick Embree
Michael J. Orchard
Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian, Washington,
District of Columbia, United States
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Davis, Davis, California,
United States
Orangevale, California, United States
Natural Resources Canada–Geological Survey of Canada, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
We report a new ichthyopterygian assemblage from Lower Triassic horizons of the
Prida Formation at Fossil Hill in central Nevada. Although fragmentary, the
specimens collected so far document a diverse fauna. One partial jaw exhibits
isodont dentition with blunt tipped, mesiodistally compressed crowns and striated
enamel. These features are shared with the Early Triassic genus Utatsusaurus known
from coeval deposits in Japan and British Columbia. An additional specimen
exhibits a different dentition characterized by relatively small, rounded posterior
teeth resembling other Early Triassic ichthyopterygians, particularly Grippia. This
Nevada assemblage marks a southward latitudinal extension for Early Triassic
ichthyopterygians along the eastern margin of Panthalassa and indicates repeated
trans-hemispheric dispersal events in Early Triassic ichthyopter ygians.
Subjects Evolutionary studies, Paleontology
Keywords Triassic, Ichthyosaur, Ichthyopterygia, Marine reptile, Nevada
Ichthyosaurs were among the most enduring and successful Mesozoic marine reptile
groups, appearing in the Early Triassic and persisting some 150 million years until their
extinction in the Late Cretaceous (McGowan & Motani, 2003). The fossil record of early
ichthyopterygians (the clade comprising ichthyosaurs and close relatives) includes a
variety of morphologically disparate taxa from widespread localities in Asia, North
America and the Arctic. Most of these assemblages are broadly contemporaneous, all
being late Spathian (late Early Triassic) in age. Recent discoveries in China (Ji et al., 2014;
Motani et al., 2015) have extended this record earlier into the Spathian and have shed new
light on the phylogenetic and biogeographic origins of the clade. However, the rapid early
diversification and trans-hemispheric dispersal histor y of ichthyopterygians during the
Early Triassic remains poorly understood.
Nevada has been an important source of Triassic marine reptile fossils since the 19
Century producing abundant and well-preserved Middle Triassic (Leidy, 1868; Merriam,
1905; Merriam, 1908; Merr iam, 1910; Sander, Rieppel & Bucher, 1994; Sander, Rieppel &
Bucher, 1997; Fro
bisch, Sander & Rieppel, 2006; Fro
bisch et al., 2013) and Late Triassic
How to cite this article Kelley et al. (2016), A ne w Lower Triassic ichthyopterygian assemblage from Fossil Hill, Nevada. PeerJ 4:e1626;
DOI 10.7717/peerj.1626
Submitted 23 October 2015
Accepted 5 January 2016
Published 26 January 2016
Corresponding author
Neil P. Kelley,
Academic editor
Andrew Farke
Additional Information and
Declarations can be found on
page 12
DOI 10.7717/peerj.1626
2016 Kelley et al.
Distributed under
Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0
(Camp, 1976; Camp, 1980) ichthyopterygian and sauropterygian fossils. Notably, Early
Century field work led by John Merriam and Annie Alexander at the Fossil Hill locality
in the Humboldt Range produced several specimens of the ichthyosaur Cymbospondylus
(Merriam, 1908)–previously described by Leidy (1868) on the basis of fragmentary remains–
as well as the type specimens of Omphalosaurus nevadanus (Merriam, 1906)andPhalarodon
fraasi (Merriam, 1910). Later work by Camp (1976); Camp (1980); Sander, Rieppel & Bucher
(1994); Sander, Rieppel & Bucher (1997) and Schmitz et al. (2004) and others illuminated rich
Middle and Late Triassic marine reptile assemblages preserved in Nevada.
In contrast, knowledge of Early Triassic marine reptile fossils in this region is scant.
The only published Early Triassic marine reptile occurrence from Nevada is based on a
partial jaw referred to the enigmatic genus Omphalosaurus and described as a second
species, O. nettarhynchus (Mazin & Bucher, 1987). This specimen was collected from the
Spathian-aged informally designated “lower member” of the Prida Formation in the
Humboldt Range, which sits immediately below the well-known Fossil Hill Member of the
Prida Formation, famous for its rich marine reptile assemblage including the
aforementioned Cymbospondylus, Phalarodon, and Omphalosaurus nevadanus.
Fragmentary, float-derived remains of Early Triassic ichthyopterygians have been reported
from Spathian horizons in southeastern Idaho (Massare & Callaway, 1994; Scheyer et al.,
2014) roughly 500 km to the northeast of the Fossil Hill locality. Even further to the east,
the early sauropterygian Corosaurus alcovensis (Case, 1936) is known from the Alcova
limestone in Wyoming whose Early Triassic age was recently confirmed (Lovelace &
Doebbert, 2015).
Here, we report a new Early Triassic ichthyopterygian assemblage from the lower
member of the Prida Formation at the Fossil Hill Locality. These fossils are Spathian
(Lower Triassic) in age based on co-occuring conodont and ammonoid faunas and sit
stratigraphically below the diverse Middle Triassic marine reptile assemblage from the
Fossil Hill Member of the Prida Formation. These occurrences extend the southward
latitudinal range of early ichthyopterygians in North America and demonstrate that early
in their evolutionary history, multiple ichthyopterygian taxa quickly dispersed around or
across wide expanses of ocean and ranged from sub-tropical to hig h temperate waters on
the eastern margin of northern Panthalassa.
Institutional Abbreviations
USNM, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington,
D.C., U.S.A.
Geological and stratigraphic setting
The new fossils reported here were collected from multiple horizons within the unnamed
lower member of the Prida Formation of the Star Peak Group at Fossil Hill, on the eastern
flank of the Humboldt Range in Pershing County, Nevada (Fig. 1). The Star Peak Group
consists of a sequence of syndepositionally deformed carbonate-dominated units
deposited on what was then the western shelf of North America (Nichols & Silberling, 1977;
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10 m
Koipato Group
Fossil Hill Member
Upper Member
Lower Member
Star Peak Group
Prida Formation
Lower Triassic
Middle T
Spathian Stage
Anisian Stage
Ladinian Stage
Mostly covered.
Biostratigraphic b
ies approximate.
Inferred horizon of USNM 559349
Distinctive ‘oncoid’/sponge horizon
USNM 559350
Small faults
may exaggerate
Location of conodont samples
Figure 1 Summarized stratigraphy and regional map. (A) Stratigraphy of the Triassic Prida Formation near Fossil Hill in the Humboldt Range,
Nevada indicating horizons of specimens USNM 559349 and 559350 and conodont samples. (B) Regional map, modified from Silberling (1962).
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Wyld, 2000). In the study area, the lower member of the Prida Formation forms the base of
the Star Peak Group and sits unconformably atop the Permian/Lower Triassic aged Koipato
Group volcanics (Wyld, 2000).
The lower member of the Prida Formation transitions from siliciclastic sand and
conglomerate layers near the contact with the underlying Koipato Group to dark-grey
limestone above with intermittent microbialite, conglomerate and chert-dominated beds.
The presence of conglomerates and microbialites indicate relatively shallow conditions with
a general trend towards deeper water facies characteristicof the overlying FossilHill Member
(Wyld, 2000). Gastropods and bivalves are abundant in lower layers whereas conodonts and
ammonoids are found locally within middle and upper layers of the lower member.
Scattered vertebrate fossils occur in multiple horizons within the lower member (Fig. 1),
but are most abundant in the middle carbonate layers where they are associated with the
conodont Triassospathodus symmetricus (Orchard, 1995) and the ammonoid Prohungarites
gutstadti (Guex et al., 2010) indicating a late Spathian age (Subcolumbites ammonoid
biozone). These fossils were collected by the landowner and co-author Patrick Embree, who
donated the material to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
Systematic paleontology
Ichthyopterygia (Owen, 1840).
cf. Utatsusaurus (Shikama, Kamei & Murata, 1978 ).
Diagnosis. Teeth smaller than marginal dentition present on pterygoid; squamosal not
entirely eliminated from supratemporal fenestra by supratemporal; interclavicle
cruciform; dorsal margin of external naris formed entirely by nasal; prefrontal shelf
prominent; transverse flange of the pterygoid well defined and anterolaterally projecting;
supratemporal terrace present; tooth implantation subthecodont, with both dental groove
and shallow socket; tooth crowns of middle to posteriorly placed teeth distomesially
compressed; humerus as wide proximally as distally; humerus longer than wide; ulnar
facet of humerus as wide as radial facet; no more than five phalanges in any digit; posterior
dorsal vertebrae cylindrical in outline (from Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson, 2013a; after
Motani, 1999; McGowan & Motani, 2003).
Referred specimen. USNM 559349 Partial mandible including teeth. (Fig. 2).
Locality. Fossil Hill, Humboldt Range, Pershing County, Nevada.
Horizon and age. Found as surface float within an outcrop of Lower Triassic (upper
Spathian) lower member of Prida Formation, Star Peak Group. Based on location and
matrix lithology this jaw is inferred to derive from horizon FH1–7 (Fig. 1), which is
Spathian based on the occurrence of the ammonoid Prohungar ites gutstadi (i.e.
Subcolumbites Zone of Guex et al. (2010)) and conodonts Triassospathodus symmetricus
(Orchard, 1995) and Neostrachanognathus sp. extracted from the matrix.
Description. USNM 559349 is a partial mandible measuring 82 mm long. The jaw
fragment preser ves portions of the dentary, surangular and splenial. The surfaces of the
dentary and surangular are heavily striated and the orientation of these striations differs
between the bones. The suture between the dentary and surangular is long and straight,
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extending across the entire preserved portion of the jaw. In places this suture is indistinct
but can be traced by the contrasting surface striation patterns of the dentary and
surangular. The splenial can be observed at the broken anterior edge of the fossil where it
comprises the medial and ventral portion of the jaw where a thin projection wraps
underneath the surangular. A row of irregular weathered depressions follows the
approximate course of the suture between the surangular and dentary but it is not clear if
these represent natural foramina or are simply artifacts of weathering. Judging from the
arrangement of the bones, the fragment likely represents a central-posterior portion of the
left mandibular ramus anterior to the coronoid process.
Thirteen lower teeth are present, along with an additional poorly preserved isolated
tooth between the tenth and eleventh in-place teeth, which may be either a disarticulated
upper or lower tooth. The teeth are set within alveoli along a continuous groove. No
distinct bony septa between alveoli are visible but may be present at the bottom of the
dental groove, being concealed in matrix that is very difficult to remove through
mechanical preparation. The roots of some teeth are clearly expanded at the base and
exhibit plications that are coarser than crown striation. The most anterior tooth is
completely exposed anteriorly, revealing its root structure inside the dental groove. It is
seen there that the root ceases its expansion once inside the groove, and teeth are
Figure 2 Specimen USNM 559349, partial ichthyopterygian jaw cf. Utatsusaurus. (A) Complete
specimen, in labial view, anterior to the left. Squares on scale bar equal 5 mm. (B) Magnified view of
anterior dentition, squares on scale bar equal 1 mm.
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embedded to both the labial wall and the base of the groove. A narrow gap emerges
between the lingual wall and the root toward the dentigerous margin. Tooth implantation
is likely subthecodont (sensu Motani, 1997a), although histological study is necessary to
firmly establish this. The root cross-section is much wider than long, as reported for
Utatsusaurus hataii (Motani, 1996).
Teeth are isodont and conical with striated crowns. Tooth roots are extensively
exposed above the alveolar margin such that they account for half or more of the exposed
height of each tooth. Tooth crowns are distinguished from these exposed roots by a
distinct margin, with most crowns slightly constricted at their base. Some crowns exhibit
slightly higher convexity of their anterior surface relative to the posterior surface given
them a slightly recurved appearance. The teeth are also recurved lingually toward the tip,
as clearly seen in the most anterior tooth (Fig. 2B). This curvature closely resembles what
was described for Utatsusaurus hataii (Motani, 1996:Fig. 3; Cuthbertson, Russell &
Anderson, 2013a:Figs. 7C and 7D). The tips of the teeth are relatively blunt. Tooth crowns
are approximately 3.6 mm tall and 2 mm in mesiodistal diameter. Spacing between teeth
ranges from 3 mm to 6 mm, more widely spaced teeth may have replacement teeth
between them. One 10 mm gap along the tooth row likely represents at least one missing
tooth. Several teeth are broken, either at the root or the crown, revealing a pulp cavity
without evidence of infolding of the dentine.
Remarks. The tooth morphology observed in this specimen closely resembles that
described for Utatsusaurus hataii from the Lower Triassic Osawa For mation of
Kitakami, Japan (Sh ikama, Kamei & Murata, 1978). Most no tably, the t eet h curve
lingually and slig htly posteriorly toward the tip, which is a feature that is uniquely
known in Utatsusaur us among basal ichthyopterygians. Other shared features include:
isodont dentition, tal l exposed roots, blunt conical striated crow ns, a slightly constricted
base of some crowns, and an absence of infolding in the pulp cavity. Each of these
features is observed in the holotyp e of Utatsusaurus hataii (IGPS 959 41) (Mot ani, 1996)
and mos t are reported in a refe rred specimen (UH R 30691 ) (Cuthbertson, Russell &
Anderson, 2013a).NootherEarlyTriassicorlaterichthyopterygian exhibits this suite
of dental characters.
The teeth of this specimen do diverge from Utatsusaurus hataii in their much larger
size. The maximum tooth exposed height in this specimen is 11 mm, whereas the
maximum crown height and width are 4.5 mm and 2.3 mm respectively (Table 1),
compared with 3.3 mm, 1.7 mm and 0.9 mm for the same measurements of teeth in
the holotype of Utatsusaurus hataii (Motani, 1996). However, the holotype represents
a juvenile (Motani, 1997c), so the size difference may partly be explained as
ontogenetic variation. A referred specimen (UHR 30691) is somewhat larger than the
holotype, however, the teeth of this specimen are still considerably smaller than those
of USNM 559349. Despite this difference in size, the overall shape of the teeth in each
of these specimens is very similar. Motani (1996) reported crown shape index”
values–calculated as crown height divided by average basal diameter of the tooth crown
(Massare, 1987)–ranging between 0.9 and 3.1 with an average value of 1.9 in the type
specimen of Utatsusaurus hataii, while these values range from 1.3 to 2.3 with an
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average of 1.8 in USNM 559349. Likewise, the “crown ratio”–calculated as crown
height divided by total exposed tooth height–averages 0.51 in IGPS 95941 and 0.43 in
USNM 559349.
The overall arrangement of bones in the fragmentary mandible is con sistent with
that observed in the Utatsusaurus holotype (IGPS 94941) and the referred specimen
(UHR 30691), notably the long, strai g ht contact between the dentar y and surangul ar.
The suture between the surangular and dentary is well developed in IGPS 94941 but
indistinct in the larger UHR 30691 , possibly a consequence of differin g ontogenetic
stages, or differential weathe ring , between these two specimens. USNM 559349
approaches UHR 30691 in that the suture between the dentary and surangular is
somewha t obscured, but its a pproximate course can be traced by a contrast in bone
texture and an irregular row of weathered pits. This mi ght suggest a relatively mature
indivi dual, as has been proposed for IGPS 9494, but t his is highly speculative given the
incomplete nature of the materi al.
A partial skull from the Lower Triassic Vega Phroso Member of the Sulphur Mountain
Formation from British Columbia, Canada was referred to Utatsusaurus sp. by Nicholls &
Brinkman (1993), based largely on the presence of the same dental features detailed above.
The teeth of the British Columbia specimen are similar in size to those of the Nevada
specimen described here (Nicholls & Brinkman, 1993) and distinctly larger than those
found in the holotype of Utatsusaurus hataii from Japan (Motani, 1996). It is therefore
possible that these larger-toothed specimens from the eastern margin of Panthalassa
(Nevada, British Columbia) represent a form allied with but distinct from Utatsusaurus
hataii; however more complete material is needed before this can be confirmed. Recently,
Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson (2014) described another partial skull from the Vega
Phroso Member, which they also referred to Utatsusaurus sp., although they concluded
that the material originally referred to this genus by Nicholls & Brinkman (1993) was
Table 1 Summarized tooth measurements from USNM 559349 and USNM 559350. All measurements
in mm except for shape index and crown ratio, which are ratios.
Specimen Proxmial
width (mm)
height (mm)
width (mm)
height (mm)
Crown shape
Max. 4.2 11.1 2.3 4.5 2.3 0.51
Min. 2.5 6.4 1.9 2.7 1.3 0.39
Mean 3.2 8.5 2.1 3.6 1.8 0.43
Max. 1.6 2.5 2.1 1.7 2.1 0.88
Min. 1.0 1.8 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.61
Mean 1.4 2.2 1.6 1.5 1.4 0.69
Measured as mesio-distal width of the root at the jawline, following Motani (1996).
Measured as distance from tip of crown to jaw margin.
Measured as mesio-distal width of the crown at its widest point.
Base of crown is distinctive in USNM 559349 due to crown ornamentation; base of crown in USNM 559350 is less
distinct but can be approximated by slight basal constriction.
Calculated as crown height/crown width, following Massare (1987).
Calculated as crown height/exposed tooth height, following Motani (1996).
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non-diagnostic at the genus level. Unfortunately this recently described material lacks a
lower jaw or teeth and cannot be compared to USNM 559349.
Ichthyopterygia (Owen, 1840).
cf. Grippiidae (Wiman, 1929).
Definition. The last common ancestor of Grippia longirostris and Gulosaurus helmi, and
all its descendants (Ji et al., 2015).
Diagnosis. Maxilla with multiple tooth rows; posterior tooth crown rounded;
supratemporal-postorbital contact present; proximal manual phalanges not closely
packed proximo-distally (from Ji et al. (2015)).
Referred specimen. USNM 559350 Partial maxilla including teeth. (Fig. 3).
Locality. Fossil Hill, Humboldt Range, Pershing County, Nevada.
Horizon and Age. Collected from FH1-5 (Fig. 1) horizon which is Spathian in age
based on the occurrence of the ammonoid Prohungarites gutstadi (Guex et al., 2010) and
conodonts including Triassospathodus and Neostrachanognathus. This horizon is also
characterized by distinctive spherical structures originally interpreted as microbial (i.e.
oncoids’) but more recently suggested to represent sponge “reefs” (Brayard et al., 2011;
see further discussion below).
Description. USNM 559350 (Fig. 3) is a partial maxilla measuring 20 mm and bearing
five teeth exposed in medial view. The teeth are robust cones exhibiting a trend of
posteriorly increasing basal diameter, whereas the crown height remains constant giving
the posteriormost preserved tooth a distinctly rounded shape. There is a distinct
Figure 3 USNM 559350 Partial ichthyopterygian maxilla cf. Gr ippidia. (A) Partial maxilla in lingual
view, anterior to the left. Squares on scale bar equal 1 mm. White arrow indicates possible attachment
facet for tooth in second lingual tooth row. (B) Magnified view of dentition.
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constriction below the crown separating it from the root below, however the constriction
is very slight in the anteriormost tooth. The anteriormost crown height and width are
1.7 mm and 1.2 mm respectively; in the second posteriormost tooth, which is better
preserved than the posteriormost tooth, crown height and width are 1.3 mm and 2.1 mm.
The tooth enamel appears smooth and polished with little indication of striation;
however, this could be attributed to tooth wear. Faint plication is visible on some roots.
Although some teeth are abraded, none expose the pulp cavity clearly enough to
determine presence or absence of infolded dentine.
In medial view the teeth are attached to the lingual wall of the maxilla, representing
pleurodont tooth attachment. An expanded bone of attachment conceals the bases of the
two posteriormost teeth, suggesting subleurodont attachment, a modified form of
pleurodont attachment (Motani, 1997a), in at least the posterior region of the maxillary
tooth row. While only a single row of teeth is observed, a shallow depression on the lingual
margin of the tooth row immediately anterior to the second posteriormost tooth could
represent the attachment facet of a missing tooth. If this were the case it might possibly
represent a second row immediately lingual to the preserved teeth. Wide spacing between
the four anteriormost teeth would easily accommodate an additional offset tooth row as
observed in the maxillary dentition of Grippia (Motani, 1997b) and Gulosaurus
(Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson, 2013b).
Remarks. Among Early Triassic ichthyopterygians, small, robust teeth, similar to those
reported here, are typical of the posterior dentition of Grippia (Motani, 1997b). Rounded
teeth are also observed in the Early Triassic genus Chaohusaurus (Motani & You, 1998)
and, to a lesser extent, Gulosaurus (Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson, 2013b). Grippia was
previously reported from the Lower Triassic Vega Phroso Member of the Sulphur
Mountain Formation in British Columbia (Brinkman, Xijin & Nicholls, 1992 ). This
specimen was later redescribed as a distinct taxon, Gulosaurus helmi (Cuthbertson, Russell &
Anderson, 2013b) and found to be sister taxon to Grippia longirostris.Similarly,recentwork
by Ji et al. (2015), established a new clade Grippioidea including Grippia, Gulosaurus,
Utatsusaurus, and Parvinatator, Nicholls & Brinkman (1995) although the precise
relationships among these taxa varied somewhat depending on taxon and character
inclusion. The enigmatic marine reptile Omphalosaurus nettarhynchus (Mazin & Bucher,
1987), previously reported from Spathian lower member of the Prida Formation, also
possesses rounded dentition, but is distinct from this specimen by its much larger size and
in exhibiting a broad pavement of rounded teeth on the mandible.
Alternatively, this specimen may have some affinity with Chaohusaurus, an Early
Triassic ichthyopterygian from China in which some specimens also show distinctly
rounded posterior dentition (Motani & You, 1998). However the posterior teeth of
Chaohusaurus are generally smaller and more tightly packed than in USNM 559350,
averaging approximately ten teeth over 20 mm rather than the five teeth observed over the
same distance in this specimen. Chaohusaurus was previously regarded as a grippidian
partly on the basis of possessing multiple maxillary tooth rows and rounded posterior
dentition (Motani, 1999). However, more recent analyses (Cuthbertson, Russell &
Anderson, 2013b; Ji et al., 2015) do not support this placement.
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The crown shape index in USNM 559350 ranges from 1.0–2.1 and averages 1.4
( Table 1), similar to the average shape index reported for the maxillary dentition of
Grippia, 1.4 (Motani, 1997b) and Gulosaurus 1.64 (Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson,
2013b). Thus, the rounded dentition observed in USNM 559350 is strongly suggestive of
an affinity with some other Early Triassic ichthyopterygians but more precise placement
will require more complete skeletal material.
Despite the fragmentary nature of the remains described here, their resemblance with the
distinctive dentitions of other Early Triassic ichthyopterygians allows tentative
interpretations to be made. The presence of Utatsusaurus-like and Grippia or
Chaohusaurus-like forms suggests similarity with the Lower Triassic Vega-Phroso
assemblage from the Wapiti Lake region of British Columbia, from which Utatsusaurus
(Nicholls & Brinkman, 1993; Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson, 2014) and grippidians
(Brinkman, Xijin & Nicholls, 1992; Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson, 2013b) have also been
reported. However, the type locality of Utatsusaurus is in the Osawa Formation of Japan
(Shikama, Kamei & Murata, 1978), whereas the type localities of Grippia and
Chaohusaurus are in the Vikinghøgda Formation (= “Sticky Keep Formation of older
references) of Spitsbergen (Wiman, 1929; Wiman, 1933; Hounslow et al., 2008) and the
Nanlinghu Formation of Anhui Province, China (Young & Dong, 1972), respectively.
Thus, Early Triassic ichthyopterygian taxa were widely distributed around the margins of
northern Panthalassa (Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson, 2013b).
This broad distribution early in their evolutionary history, from numerous Late
Spathian (Subcolumbites Zone) localities of broadly coeval age (Scheyer et al., 2014 ), has
made it difficult to pinpoint the biogeographic origins of the group. However, recent work
in China has extended the biostratigraphic range of ichthyopterygians to the underlying
Procolumbites Zone (Motani et al., 2014; Ji et al., 2014). Furthermore, the occurrence of
diverse and endemic hupehsuchians, widely regarded as the ichthyopterygian sister-
group, and the plesiomorphic ichthyosauromorph Cartorhynchus (Motani et al., 2015)are
consistent with an origin of ichthyopterygians near the south China block in equatorial
western Panthalassa.
The inferred nearshore lifestyle of most Early Triassic ichthyopterygians has led others
to propose that these early marine reptiles dispersed along coastlines or across transient
epicontinental corridors (Cuthbertson, Russell & Anderson, 2013b). However, there is little
geological evidence for such corridors in the Early Triassic, which was a time of relatively
low global sea level (Miller et al., 2005). Furthermore the absence of Early Triassic
ichthyopterygian fossils in Western Tethys is surprising under this scenario. Conversely,
the biogeographic histories of other aquatic–and even terrestrial–reptile groups are
marked by occasional transoceanic dispersal events (Rocha et al., 2006; Ve
Brochu & Santos, 2007), and such events could explain the distribution of Early Triassic
ichthyopteryians on opposite shores of Panthalassa.
Brayard et al. (2009) identified trans-Panthalassan distribution patterns in Spathian
ammonoids, identifying similar ammonoid faunas in Nevada, Kitakami and British
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Columbia, which they attributed to oceanographic currents. The occurrence of some Early
Triassic marine reptile taxa (e.g. Utatsusaurus) on both the eastern and western margins of
of Panthalassa might reflect sporadic crossing of deep ocean basins by these lineages,
potentially facilitated by the same ocean currents that mediated transoceanic dispersals of
contemporaneous marine invertebrates (Fig. 4). The w ide distribution of Early Triassic
sauropterygians, including the South China Block (Jiang et al., 2014) and western margin
of North America (Storrs, 1991; Lovelace & Doebbert, 2015) on opposite shores of
Panthalassa indicates to a similar dispersal history in the early members of that marine
reptile clade. Isolated terranes such as South Kitakami, South Primoyre and Chulitna could
have served as stepping-stones for shallow marine taxa. Dispersal along coastlines around
the northern margins of Panthalassa remains an alternative scenario that could explain the
broad distribution of some Early Triassic ichthyopterygians, with pronounced global
150 200 250 30050 100
Other ichthyopterygia
Figure 4 Distribution of Early Triassic ichthyopterygians. Paleogeographic distribution of Early
Triassic ichthyopterygians, map modified from Brayard et al. (2009). Locality abbreviations as follows:
(B) British Columbia; (C) South China; (I) Idaho; (K) South Kitakami; (N) Nevada (present study,
highlighted in yellow); (S) Spitsbergen; (T) Timor. Arrows indicate inferred ammonoid dispersal routes
(Brayard et al., 2009).
Figure 5 Distinctive sedimentary structures associated with horizon of USNM 559350. Spherical
structures in FH1-5 that may represent microbial structures or sponges. This appears to be a widespread
and distinctive regional Lower Triassic facies associated with recovery from the end-Permian mass-
extinction. Vertebrate fossils also occur in this horizon including USNM 559350 described here.
Hammer for scale is approximately 30 cm in length.
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warmth in the Early Triassic mediating limiting climatic conditions at high latitudes (Sun
et al., 2012). However, the apparent absence of ichthyopterygian fossils from high latitudes
on the western margin of northern Panthalassa remains a puzzle under this scenario.
Intriguingly, the oldest marine reptile bearing horizons at Fossil Hill are associated with
a prominent limestone marker bed bearing distinctive spherical structures ~1–2 cm in
diameter (Fig. 5). We initially interpreted these structures as microbial ‘oncoids.
Widespread microbialite-dominated facies are characteristic of Lower Triassic strata
globally, including in the western United States (Pruss & Bottjer, 2004; Baud, Richoz &
Pruss, 2007), and are interpreted as a byproduct of the end-Permian mass extinction and
subsequent delayed biotic recovery of metazoan reefs (Pruss & Bottjer, 2004). A similar
association between the basal sauropterygian Corosaurus and stromatolites in the Lower
Triassic Alcova limestone has been reported previously (Storrs, 1991). More recently,
similar spheroidal structures from the Humboldt Range and other localities in western
North America have been interpreted as ‘transient sponge reefs’ (Brayard et al., 2011).
Thus, the diversification and dispersal of Early Triassic marine reptiles was apparently well
underway at the end of the Early Triassic (Scheyer et al., 2014 ) despite some lingering signs
of continued environmental stress preserved in the same strata. Future work at this new
locality, and elsewhere, may help to clarify the role that large-scale environmental changes
played in shaping the early evolutionary history of Mesozoic marine reptiles.
We thank Tetsuya Sato for assistance with preparation of USNM 559349. Torsten Scheyer,
Lars Schmitz, and Cheng Ji all provided helpful discussion. Reviewers Robin Cuthbertson
and Nadia Fro
bisch and the handling editor also provided critiques and suggestions that
greatly improved this paper.
The authors received no funding for this work.
Competing Interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Author Contributions
Neil P. Kelley conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, wrote the paper,
prepared figures and/or tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.
Ryosuke Motani conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, reviewed drafts of the
Patrick Embree conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments,
analyzed the data, contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools, prepared figures and/or
tables, reviewed drafts of the paper.
Kelley et al. (2016), PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.1626 12/16
Michael J. Orchard performed the experiments, analyzed the data, contributed reagents/
materials/analysis tools, w rote the paper, reviewed drafts of the paper.
Data Deposition
The following information was supplied regarding data availability:
All data associated w ith this paper is included in the manuscript and the Supplemental
Supplemental Information
Supplemental information for this article can be found online at
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Supplementary resource (1)

... The genus Chaohusaurus currently includes four species and is restricted to the Spathian (upper Olenekian, Lower Triassic) of China (Sander 2000;Chen et al. 2013;Motani et al. 2014Motani et al. , 2018Huang et al. 2019). Within Grippidia, Utatsusaurus has been found in the Spathian of Japan, the British Columbia and perhaps Nevada (Shikama et al. 1978;Nicholls and Brinkman 1993a;Motani et al. 1998;Cuthbertson et al. 2014;Kelley et al. 2016), Grippia has been reported from the Spathian of Spitsbergen (Mazin 1981), and Gulosaurus comes from the Spathian of the British Columbia (Cuthbertson et al. 2013). Finally, the age of Parvinatator from the British Columbia is contentious, ranging from the Olenekian (Lower Triassic) to the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) (Motani 1999). ...
... Finally, the age of Parvinatator from the British Columbia is contentious, ranging from the Olenekian (Lower Triassic) to the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) (Motani 1999). These data immediately raise a red flag: MBCN155 was found on Mallorca, corresponding to the westernmost edge of the Tethys sea during the Ladinian (Middle Triassic), whereas all other similar well-dated ichthyosauriforms have been reported around the western and eastern margins of Panthalassa during the Spathian (upper Olenekian, Lower Triassic) (Cuthbertson et al. 2013;Kelley et al. 2016) (Figure 6). Motani et al. (1996Motani et al. ( , 1998 posited that basal ichthyosauriforms had a somewhat anguilliform style of swimming, although tail propulsion was starting to gain importance as well (Sander 2000). ...
... Given the remarkable fact that basal ichthyosauriforms have been found in both margins of the Panthalassa ocean, Cuthbertson et al. (2013) hypothesised four possible dispersal routes during the latest Permian: the first two implied that these species would have had to circumnavigate Laurasia or Gondwana around the northern and southern margins, respectively, overcoming the latitudinal climatic gradients ( Figure 6). The third one, also suggested by Kelley et al. (2016), was that some of these species would have managed to cross the Panthalassa ocean (Figure 6), and the fourth option hinged upon their migrating through an epicontinental seaway traversing Laurasia during the latest Permian (Cuthbertson et al. 2013) (Figure 6). The first two options were dismissed due to the large diversity of environments that the basal ichthyosauriforms would have had to endure to reach the other side of the continents (Cuthbertson et al. 2013). ...
During the Triassic, many groups of predatory marine reptiles appeared and diversified. On Mallorca, fossils of marine reptiles have been found in Muschelkalk (Anisian–Ladinian) and Keuper (Carnian–Norian) facies. Here we describe an anterior caudal vertebra of a basal ichthyosauriform similar to Grippidia (Reptilia: Ichthyosauriformes) from the Ladinian carbonate ramps of the Muschelkalk of Mallorca, which fills a biogeographic gap for the group, hitherto only known from the eastern and western margins of Panthalassa. The most plausible hypothesis to explain the fact that the Mallorcan specimen is younger than all the other related species described so far is supported by a rather isolated condition of the carbonate ramps surrounding eastern Iberia during the Anisian, which might point to a relict character of the Mallorcan species, representing the youngest record of basal ichthyosauriforms to date. Moreover, an epiphysis of an indeterminate reptile and four vertebrae assigned to Nothosaurus sp. (Reptilia: Eosauropterygia) from the Keuper sabkhat provide a new record of the latter genus on Mallorca, which falls within its known distribution area. Therefore, the present work provides an exhaustive review of all the marine vertebrate fossils found so far in the Middle–Upper Triassic of Mallorca, some of them with remarkable palaeobiogeographical implications.
... These marine reptiles were among the first tetrapods that adapted to a secondary aquatic lifestyle. Ichthyosaurs appeared in different localities around the Northern Hemisphere in the late Early Triassic (Olenekian) and left an extensive global fossil record until their extinction in the late Cenomanian (Sander 2000;Fischer et al. 2016;Kelley et al. 2016). Early ichthyosaur evolution is generally seen as part of the rapid recovery of marine ecosystems in the Early Triassic (Scheyer et al. 2014;Motani et al. 2017;Moon and Stubbs 2020;Sander et al. 2021;Qiao et al. 2022). ...
Full-text available
Ichthyosaurs were a highly successful group of marine reptiles in the Mesozoic. The ichthyosaur radiation is part of the recovery from the Permian-Triassic mass extinction. In the Early Triassic, this group underwent extensive global radiation, filling ecological niches for the first time that were later occupied by various other lineages of marine amniotes. However, the evolution of body size in ichthyosaurs is not fully understood, as most large-bodied taxa originate from the Middle Triassic and later, and are mostly known from only a few specimens. In this study, we describe three articulated posterior dorsal vertebrae (IGPB R660) of the ichthyosaur Cymbospondylus sp. from the latest Olenekian Keyserlingites subrobustus zone of the Vikinghøgda Formation of the Agardhdalen area, eastern Spitsbergen, Svalbard. We numerically estimated the total body length of IGPB R660 from dorsal vertebral centrum length using a comparative dataset of other species of the genus and two different allometric analyses. This approach yields total length estimates of 7.5 m and 9.5 m for the individual, respectively, the highest for any unambiguous Early Triassic ichthyosaur find. Earlier, higher estimates of 11 m were based on taxonomically and stratigraphically inconclusive material but do not appear unreasonable based on evidence provided in this paper. Our study underscores both the rapid ecosystem recovery after a major mass extinction and extremely rapid increases in body size in ichthyosaurs after their adaptation to a secondarily aquatic lifestyle.
... Middle Spathian-aged ichthyopterygians have been found at many localities, including South China, British Columbia, western USA and Svalbard, suggesting that ichthyopterygians extended their geographical distribution throughout the Panthalassa during this period (Brinkman et al., 1992;Maxwell and Kear, 2013;Ji et al., 2015;Kelley et al., 2016). These fossil assemblages, including various taxa in the Osawa Formation, indicate that a complex marine ecosystem had been established by at least middle and late Spathian time. ...
A taxonomic revision of the ammonoid assemblage previously reported from the Osawa Formation at Akaushi in the Motoyoshi area, i.e., Columbites parisianus, Subcolumbites perrinismithi and Eophyllites cf. dieneri, leads to the conclusion that the fauna should be attributed to Hellenites tchernyschewiensis, H. inopinatus, Neocolumbites grammi, N. insignis, Procolumbites ussuriensis and P. subquadratus. In addition, this fauna also includes Deweveria kovalenkoi. Because these ammonoids are characteristic of the N. insignis Zone of South Primorye, Russian Far East, the lowest part of the Osawa Formation clearly correlates with the upper part of the lower Spathian (upper Olenekian, Lower Triassic), and the faunal similarity suggests that the South Kitakami Belt may have been located near South Primorye on the western side of the Panthalassa.
... Ammonoid biostratigraphic data were compiled after Ji et al. 7 for Chaohu (South China); Tongtherm et al. 5 for Phatthalung (Thailand); Zakharov et al. 20,22 and Shigeta and Kumagae 73 for South Primorye (Russia); Bando and Shimoyama 59 , Ehiro et al. 61 , Shigeta and Nakajima 29 , and Shigeta 60 for Kitakami (Northeast Japan); Hurum et al. 11 and Hansen et al. 12 for Svalbard (Norway); Guex et al. 56 and Brayard et al. 55 for the Western United States; Tozer 57 for British Columbia (Canada). Ichthyopterygian horizons are also compiled after Ji et al. 7 for Chaohu; Tongtherm et al. 4 for Phatthalung; Shikama et al. 32 for Kitakami; Maxwell and Kear 10 , Hurum et al. 11 , Hansen et al. 17 , Engelschiøn et al. 18 , and Ekeheien et al. 16 for Svalbard; Massare and Callaway 14 , Scheyer et al. 2 , Kelley et al. 15 , Smith et al. 3 for Western USA; Brinkman et al. 38 and Cuthbertson et al. 12,39 for British Columbia. Silhouettes indicate the occurrence of ichthyopterygian fossils. ...
Full-text available
Ichthyopterygia is a major clade of reptiles that colonized the ocean after the end-Permian mass extinction, with the oldest fossil records found in early Spathian substage (late Olenekian, late Early Triassic) strata in the western USA. Here, we describe reptilian remains found in situ in the early Spathian Neocolumbites insignis ammonoid zone of South Primorye in the Russian Far East. Specimen NSM PV 23854 comprises fragmentary axial elements exhibiting a combination of morphological characteristics typical of Ichthyopterygia. The cylindrical centra suggest that the specimen represents a basal ichthyopterygian, and its size is comparable to that of Utatsusaurus. Specimen NSM PV 24995 is represented by a single limb bone, which is tentatively identified as an ichthyopterygian humerus. With a body length of approximately 5 m estimated from the humeral length, NSM PV 24995 represents one of the largest specimens of early Spathian marine reptiles known to date. Such size variation among the earliest ichthyopterygians might suggest an explosive diversification in size immediately after the end-Permian mass extinction. Both vertebrae and humerus specimens exhibit an extremely cancellous inner structure, suggesting a high degree of aquatic adaptation in ichthyopterygians, despite their short history of evolution in the ocean.
... Chaohusaurus from the upper part of the lower Spathian (upper Olenekian) in South China is the oldest known ichthyopterygian (Ji et al., 2015). Fragments of ichthyopterygian skeletons have been reported from the upper part of the lower Spathian in South Primorye, Russian Far East (Nakajima et al., 2018), and middle Spathian-aged early ichthyopterygians have been found at many localities, including South China, Japan, British Columbia, western USA and Svalbard (Shikama et al., 1978;Brinkman et al., 1992;Maxwell and Kear, 2013;Ji et al., 2015;Kelley et al., 2016). Some undetermined remains of early ichthyopterygians were also described by Massare and Callaway (1994) and reported by Brayard et al. (2017) from different lower Spathian exposures in the western USA. ...
The age of the primitive ichthyopterygian Thaisaurus is more accurately defined due to the discovery of a new species of the ammonoid genus Marcouxia from beds about 2.4 m below the horizon from which the holotype of Thaisaurus chonglakmanii was collected in the Phukhaothong Dolomite Member of the Chaiburi Formation in the Phatthalung area, southern Thailand. The shell of Marcouxia chaiburiensis sp. nov. is characterized by a quadrate whorl section, an arched venter with a sub-acute keel-like elevation, and spiny tubercles on the ventrolateral shoulders as well as numerous regularly spaced, radial or slightly prorsiradiate ribs. Because the range of Marcouxia is limited to the Columbites parisianus Subzone of the lower Spathian (upper Olenekian, Lower Triassic) in the western USA, the age of Thaisaurus is likely constrained to the early Spathian, thus suggesting it is one of the oldest known ichthyopterygians.
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Marine conservation deposits (‘Konservat-Lagerstätten’) are characterized by their mode of fossil preservation, faunal composition and sedimentary facies. Here, we review these characteristics with respect to the famous conservation deposit of the Besano Formation (formerly Grenzbitumenzone; including the Anisian–Ladinian boundary), and the successively younger fossil-bearing units Cava inferiore, Cava superiore, Cassina beds and the Kalkschieferzone of Monte San Giorgio (Switzerland and Italy). We compare these units to a selection of important black shale-type Lagerstätten of the global Phanerozoic plus the Ediacaran in order to detect commonalities in their facies, genesis, and fossil content using principal component and hierarchical cluster analyses. Further, we put the Monte San Giorgio type Fossillagerstätten into the context of other comparable Triassic deposits worldwide based on their fossil content. The results of the principal component and cluster analyses allow a subdivision of the 45 analysed Lagerstätten into four groups, for which we suggest the use of the corresponding pioneering localities: Burgess type for the early Palaeozoic black shales, Monte San Giorgio type for the Triassic black shales, Holzmaden type for the pyrite-rich black shales and Solnhofen type for platy limestones.
The largely stagnant marine ecosystem following the Permian–Triassic mass extinction (PTME) was superseded by the appearance of marine reptiles. One of the most abundant Early Triassic (Spathian) marine reptile faunas occurs in the Nanzhang‐Yuan'an area of Hubei Province, South China, and provides remarkable information for understanding biotic recovery after the PTME. Situated on the north edge of the Middle Yangtze Platform in South China, the well‐exposed Zhangjiawan stratigraphic succession in Yuan'an County represents one of the most productive sections, yielding abundant marine reptiles. Intensive sampling of this section reveals a unique conodont community both before and during the emergence of the Nanzhang‐Yuan'an Fauna (NYF). Occurrences of Neostrachanognathus tahoensis below the NYF and deposition of ʻGreen Bean Rock (GBR)ʼ above the NYF restricted this fauna to the latest Early Triassic. Except for the coniform Neostrachanognathus , this conodont community consists of abundant Ellisoniidae characterized by ramiform P 1 elements. Foraminifers and fish found together with the conodont elements form other low‐level parts of the local food web. Other temporally coincident sections nearby, for example, the Yanduhe section of western Hubei Province, yield only rare conodonts. Hence, the unique conodont community from the Zhangjiawan section suggests that the Nanzhang‐Yuan'an area might be a “refuge area” for the Early Triassic marine ecosystem, or at least for the marine reptiles and the conodont communities. Although the direct connection between conodonts and marine reptiles is still uncertain, low‐level consumers—conodont animals‐played important roles in the food webs of NYF. The collision of the South China and North China blocks removed this “refuge area” and witnessed the disappearance of endemic Hupeisuchians.
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Morphology forms the most fundamental level of data in vertebrate palaeontology because it is through interpretations of morphology that taxa are identified, creating the basis for broad evolutionary and palaeobiological hypotheses. Assessing maturity is one of the most basic aspects of morphological interpretation and provides the means to study the evolution of ontogenetic changes, population structure and palaeoecology, life‐history strategies, and heterochrony along evolutionary lineages that would otherwise be lost to time. Saurian reptiles (the least‐inclusive clade containing Lepidosauria and Archosauria) have remained an incredibly diverse, numerous, and disparate clade through their ~260‐million‐year history. Because of the great disparity in this group, assessing maturity of saurian reptiles is difficult, fraught with methodological and terminological ambiguity. We compiled a novel database of literature, assembling >900 individual instances of saurian maturity assessment, to examine critically how saurian maturity has been diagnosed. We review the often inexact and inconsistent terminology used in saurian maturity assessment (e.g. ‘juvenile’, ‘mature’) and provide routes for better clarity and cross‐study coherence. We describe the various methods that have been used to assess maturity in every major saurian group, integrating data from both extant and extinct taxa to give a full account of the current state of the field and providing method‐specific pitfalls, best practices, and fruitful directions for future research. We recommend that a new standard subsection, ‘Ontogenetic Assessment’, be added to the Systematic Palaeontology portions of descriptive studies to provide explicit ontogenetic diagnoses with clear criteria. Because the utility of different ontogenetic criteria is highly subclade dependent among saurians, even for widely used methods (e.g. neurocentral suture fusion), we recommend that phylogenetic context, preferably in the form of a phylogenetic bracket, be used to justify the use of a maturity assessment method. Different methods should be used in conjunction as independent lines of evidence when assessing maturity, instead of an ontogenetic diagnosis resting entirely on a single criterion, which is common in the literature. Critically, there is a need for data from extant taxa with well‐represented growth series to be integrated with the fossil record to ground maturity assessments of extinct taxa in well‐constrained, empirically tested methods.
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A new taxon, Cymbospondylus duelferi sp. nov., is described from the late Anisian of the Fossil Hill Member of the Favret Formation of the Augusta Mountains, Pershing County, Nevada, USA. The holotype and only specimen consists of a fairly complete skull associated with articulated and disarticulated postcranial material. Body length reconstruction revealed a medium-sized individual with an estimated body length of 4.3 m. Dorsal vertebrae as well as the left humerus of this specimen are associated with three strings of articulated tail and posterior dorsal vertebrae, which are on average 68% smaller than the vertebrae of the medium-sized individual. Due to the small size of these vertebrae and their position within the trunk region, they most likely represent fetuses. Cymbospondylus duelferi sp. nov. provides the second-oldest evidence for viviparity in ichthyosaurs. In the course of this study, the skull morphology of C. petrinus and C. nichollsi was reviewed, resulting in revised character scorings for both. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrate a sister-taxon relationship of the new taxon with C. petrinus, which was found in the same stratigraphic unit, the Fossil Hill Member, that also crops out at the classical Fossil Hill locality in the Humboldt Range, where the member is part of the Prida Formation. Cymbospondylus duelferi sp. nov. shares a very similar skull morphology with C. petrinus and C. nichollsi, whereas the shoulder girdle morphology differs. Because there is no evidence for ontogenetic differences or sexual dimorphism in the new specimen, a third species of Cymbospondylus – neglecting the type species C. piscosus that is only known from five vertebrae – is recognized from the Fossil Hill Member. Further occurrences of the genus in the Lower and Middle Triassic of Svalbard (Boreal Ocean) and Europe (Tethys) point to a very fast radiation and dispersal of cymbospondylids during the Middle Triassic.
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ichthyosaur finds, and a number of new genera and species were described from this state. Based on a few vertebrae, Leidy (1868) erected a new Middle Triassic ichthyosaur genus, Cymbospondylys, with two species, C. petrinus and C. piscosus. The type material of C. petrinus came from the Prida Formation of the southern Humboldt Range, and that of C. piscosus from the Favret Formation of the New Pass Range. Much ichthyosaur material was collected by University of California field parties around the turn of the century (Merriam, 1902, 1905, 1906, 1908, 1910). Most of the finds again came from the Prida Formation of the southern Humboldt Range and overwhelmingly pertained to Cymbospondylus petrinus (Merriam, 1908). Additional ichthyosaur taxa based on the same collections from the Prida of the Humboldt Range are Cymbospondylus(?) natans Merriam, 1908, Omphalosaurus nevadanus Merriam, 1906, and Phalarodon fraasi Merriam, 1910. All three species are known from rare and scanty material only. Cymbospondylus(?) natans turned out to be a species of Mixosaurus (Sander and Bucher, 1990), while Phalarodon appears to be a junior synonym of Mixosaurus (Brinkman et al., 1992). Another species based on very fragmentary material, C. nevadanus, was described by Merriam (1908) from the Favret Formation of the New Pass Range. Together with the Late Triassic Shonisaurus (Camp, 1980), the Middle Triassic Cymbospondylus is the best known Triassic ichthyosaur. Both genera were large pelagic predators similar in their ecology to moder odontocetes (Massare, 1988). Characteristically, in Nevada these ichthyosaurs are found together with a rich ammonite fauna but few other vertebrate fossils.
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During the last decade, abundant ichthyopterygian material has been found from the Triassic of South China as well as the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of Europe and South America, significantly expanDing our knowledge of ichthyopterygian diversity through the Mesozoic. Previous phylogenetic hypotheses of the group no longer account for these extensive additions, necessitating a new phylogenetic framework for the entire Ichthyopterygia to enable evolutionary studies of the group. We present here a comprehensive phylogenetic hypothesis for Ichthyopterygia based on cladistic analysis of 163 characters coded for 59 ingroup and five outgroup taxa. The monophyly of Ichthyopterygia is strongly supported by a Bremer index value of 7. Five major groups of Ichthyopterygia during the Triassic, viz., Grippioidea, Cymbospondylidae, Mixosauridae, Shastasauridae, and Toretocnemidae, are well supported by Bremer index values between 3 and 5. Major clades that evolved in the Triassic, incluDing Merriamosauria, Euichthyosauria, and Parvipelvia, are also robustly supported, whereas most post-Triassic clades are very weakly supported with a Bremer index value of 1, with a few exceptions, such as Thunnosauria and Ophthalmosauridae. The traditional Shastasauridae is expanded to comprise six genera but excludes Callawayia, which is more closely related to Parvipelvia than to Shastasauridae. C. wolonggangensis is a shastasaurid but does not form a monophyletic clade with Callawayia neoscapularis or Guizhouichthyosaurus tangae as previously asserted. The new phylogenetic hypothesis is generally consistent with the stratigraphic occurrences of each taxon especially for the Triassic taxa.
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The Early Triassic marine deposits are distributed over a large area in the Western United State and are very rich in ammonoids. The detailed bed by bed study of their stratigraphic distribution allowed us to present a new very precise biochronological framework of the Spathian stage (Middle to Late Olenekian). Nineteen new ammonoid species belonging to the genera Pseudosvalbardiceras ?, Prohungarites, Silberlingeria, Bajarunia, Hemilecanites, Arctomeekoceras, Xenoceltites, Nordophiceratoides, Sibirites, Columbites, Hellenites and Svalbardiceras and eighteen new spathian ammonoid genera (Courtilloticeras, Yvesgalleticeras, Marcouxia, Jeanbesseiceras, Tapponnierites, Gaudemerites, Deweveria, Ceccaisculitoides, Coscaites, Eschericeratites, Carteria, Goricanites, Tardicolumbites, Cowboyiceras, Nordophiceratoides, Glabercolumbites) have been described in a recent preliminary report by Guex et al. (2005) on the basis of unpublished material collected in the western USA (Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California). In addition, one new genus (Rudolftruempyiceras) and four new species are also described in the present work. The precise stratigraphic description of the collected sections is given in the present Memoir and the stratigraphic distribution of 88 species belonging to 51 genera is established herein. Twenty-three new biochronological horizons are defined thanks to these new data. The Cowboy Pass section (Utah) records a very interesting terrestrial (red beds and very shallow water deposits) transition between the marine Late Smithian and the Earliest Spathian faunas. That worldwide short lived regression followed by a major transgression fits the model proposed by Guex et al. 2001 and Morard et al. 2003 for the Pliensbachian - Toarcian transition: major volcanic SO2 emissions generating a short but major cooling and glaciation associated with an important sea level fall and large scale emersions, followed by a warming inducing a transgressive episode with some anoxic deposits.
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Here we described a series of ammonoid specimens from the Early Triassic of Chaohu, South China and recognized the occurrence of Procolumbites for the first time in this area. The Procolumbites layer is about one meter above the first appearance of Chaohusaurus, indicating that the oldest Chaohusaurus is within the Procolumbites Zone of middle Spathian age. This new age constrain is significantly older than the previously suggested Subcolumbites Zone assignment (early late Spathian). To date, Chaohusaurus is the oldest known ichthyopterygian.
The Star Peak Group in and near the Sonoma Range one-degree quadrangle, northwestern Nevada, is redefined to include the mainly calcareous strata that overlie the predominantly volcanic rocks of the Koipato Group and in turn are overlain by the terrigenous clastic rocks of the Auld Lang Syne Group. The Star Peak Group ranges in age from late Spathian (latest Early Triassic) to late Karnian (middle Late Triassic), and it is as much as 1,200 m thick. Although the paleogeography of the group has been affected locally by post-Triassic low-angle faulting, widespread formational units within the Star Peak genetically relate all parts of its outcrop region and obviate the need to separate these rocks into different major structural blocks, as has been done in the past. In the older parts of the Star Peak Group, complex stratigraphic patterns among a variety of carbonate and terrigenous clastic rocks resulted from localized relative uplift, first early and then late in Middle Triassic time. Widespread diagenetic secondary dolomitization of calcareous rocks in the older part of the section further complicates the primary stratigraphic patterns. Following the earlier of these intra-Star Peak tectonic episodes, regionally uniform calcareous rocks of late Anisian age blanketed most of the outcrop area. These rocks contain a rich pelagic fauna and were evidently deposited below wave base. The more western of these rocks grade upward into dark cherty limestone which was deposited in basinal and slope environments concomitantly with uplift and erosion, during Ladinian time, in the central part of the Star Peak outcrop area. South and southeast of the uplifted area, subsidence and peritidal deposition took place followed by deposition of supratidal algal-laminate dolomite. This dolomite was deposited across the beveled uplift and correlates with platform-margin and basinal limestone farther west. Thereafter, lower Karnian platform limestone thickly blanketed the outcrop area and built regressively westward out over the basinal deposits. Following a widespread mid-Karnian break in deposition, local erosion, and deposition of terrigenous clastic rocks, platform carbonate rocks again blanketed the outcrop area during late Karnian time and extended an unknown distance westward, perhaps as far as the original site of the Sierran–eastern Klamath belt.
Utatsusaurus hataii, an Early Triassic ichthyosaur from Japan, is represented by exceptionally well preserved materials but is poorly known because of incomplete preparation Further preparation of the holotype and one of the paratype specimens has revealed nearly complete forefins that are pentadactyl with no more than five phalanges in any of the digits The first digit is not well developed, and the fifth distal carpal appears to be absent. The phalanges along the fin margin tend to be lunate; others are flattened cylinders. These findings indicate that the relationship of Utatsusaurus with other Early Triassic ichthyosaurs must be reconsidered.