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Correlation of the Cambrian Evolutionary Radiation: geochronology, evolutionary stasis of earliest Cambrian (Terreneuvian) small shelly fossil (SSF) taxa, and chronostratigraphic significance

Cambridge University Press
Geological Magazine


Early faunas with Watsonella crosbyi with or without Aldanella spp. have been equated with the Siberian Tommotian Stage (uppermost Terreneuvian) and used to define a proposed Cambrian Stage 2 base. Much earlier Terreneuvian occurrences are now shown by recovery of these micromolluscs below the I’ carbon excursion in the Siberian ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ Stage and comparable δ 13 C excursions in the middle Meishucunian (China) and middle Chapel Island Formation (Avalonia). This δ 13 C excursion, a reliable Stage 2 marker, lies in a c . 10 Ma interval in the Cambrian Radiation in which long-ranged small shelly fossil taxa provide limited biostratigraphic resolution.
Geol. Mag. 153 (4), 2016, pp. 750–756. c
Cambridge University Press 2016 750
Correlation of the Cambrian Evolutionary Radiation:
geochronology, evolutionary stasis of earliest Cambrian
(Terreneuvian) small shelly fossil (SSF) taxa, and
chronostratigraphic significance
New York State Museum, 222 Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12230, USA
Department of Palaeobiology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Box 50007, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden
(Received 22 September 2015; accepted 2 December 2015; first published online 1 February 2016)
Early faunas with Watsonella crosbyi with or without Aldan-
ella spp. have been equated with the Siberian Tommotian
Stage (uppermost Terreneuvian) and used to define a pro-
posed Cambrian Stage 2 base. Much earlier Terreneuvian
occurrences are now shown by recovery of these micromol-
luscs below the I’ carbon excursion in the Siberian ‘Nemakit-
Daldynian’ Stage and comparable δ13C excursions in the
middle Meishucunian (China) and middle Chapel Island
Formation (Avalonia). This δ13 C excursion, a reliable Stage 2
marker, lies in a c. 10 Ma interval in the Cambrian Radiation
in which long-ranged small shelly fossil taxa provide limited
biostratigraphic resolution.
Keywords: Cambrian Evolutionary Radiation, Terreneuvian,
Tommotian, Meishucunian, Siberia.
1. Introduction
The Terreneuvian, the earliest and longest Cambrian epoch,
lasted over 20 Ma (e.g. Landing et al.1998,2007)and
spanned the three stages of the Cambrian Evolutionary Ra-
diation (CER) (Landing et al.1989,2013; Landing 1992;
Zhu et al.2008). CER stage 1 (terminal Ediacaran earli-
est Cambrian) featured increasingly diverse biomineralized
metazoans and soft-bodied animals that produced deep, be-
haviourally complex burrows (e.g. Geyer & Uchman, 1995;
Zhuravlev et al.2012). The Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary
global stratotype section and point (GSSP) lies in CER stage
1attheTrichophycus pedum Assemblage Zone base (ich-
nofossils) in eastern Newfoundland (Narbonne et al.1987;
Landing, 1992,1994; Brasier, Cowie & Taylor, 1994;see
T. pedum Assemblage Zone of Landing et al.2013;Fig. 1).
This report focuses on CER stage 2 with the radiation
and likely intertidal origin of many biomineralized metazo-
ans, such as molluscs, hyoliths and tommotiids (Landing &
Westrop, 2004). CER stage 3 featured the offshore diver-
sification of mineralized trilobites and was a ‘non-event’ in
peritidal communities, where trilobite remains are sparse and
the mollusc-hyolith-linguloid assemblages from CER stage
Author for correspondence:
2 persisted (Landing et al. 1989,2013; Landing & Westrop,
The Terreneuvian includes the Fortunian Stage and a later
Stage 2 (the Laolinian Stage of Landing et al. 2013;Fig. 1).
The Siberian Tommotian Stage with diverse SSFs (small
shelly fossils) is latest Terreneuvian in age (Ogg, Ogg &
Gradstein, 2008) but, as concluded here, the earliest appear-
ances of key ‘Tommotian-aspect’ SSF taxa are older (by c.
5 Ma) and referable to the latest Fortunian early Age 2.
2. Early correlations of Terreneuvian micromollusc-rich
CER stage 2 featured the FAD (first (actually ‘lowest’) ap-
pearance datum) of the micromolluscs Watsonella crosbyi
(e.g. discussed in Landing et al.1989,2013; often reported
as Heraultipegma sibirica in Siberia and H. varensalensis
in South China) and Aldanella attleborensis (i.e. A. yangji-
aheensis in South China). The FADs of these two forms have
been regarded as Tommotian and global correlation aids (e.g.
Steiner et al.2007;Liet al. 2011; Demidenko & Parkhaev,
2014). The W. crosbyi and A. attleborensis FADs have been
used to correlate the Tommotian and middle Meishucunian
Stage of South China (e.g. Brasier, 1989; Khomentovsky &
Karlova, 1993; Steiner et al.2007,2011; Devaere et al.2013;
taxonomy of both forms in Landing, 1988; Landing et al.
1989,2013; Parkhaev & Karlova, 2011; Parkhaev, Karlova
& Rozanov, 2011).
This correlation seemed justifiable as the very lowest Cam-
brian has low diversity biotas with the triradiate tubes of Ana-
barites trisulcatus and pseudoconodont elements of Proto-
hertzina anabarica in the lower ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ Stage
and lower Meishucunian. Overlying strata have early mol-
luscs as Purella, other monoplacophoran-like forms, and
coelosclerotophorans in the upper ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ and
lower middle Meishucunian (Fig. 1). ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’
and ‘Manykayan’ are essentially synonymous, Siberian low-
est Cambrian stage names (e.g. Missarzhevsky, 1989;Brasier
et al. 1994b; Zhuravlev & Riding, 2001, tab. 1.1). Most
Russian reports regard ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ as terminal
Proterozoic (e.g. Rozanov, Khomentovsky & Shabanov,
2008). ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ and ‘Manykayan’ are impre-
cisely defined units without type sections or formally defined
bases. ‘Nemakit-Daldyn’ and ‘Manykay’, first used for
Figure 1. Lower Cambrian correlation. Avalonian carbon isotope stratigraphy (Brasier, Anderson & Corfield, 1992) and bio- and
lithostratigraphy (Landing et al. 2013); Fosters Point Formation thickness increased four-fold for figure; carbon isotope stratigraphy of
Lena–Aldan river region (Kirschvink et al. 1991;Brasier et al. 1994a,b), Bol’shaya Kuonamka (Kouchinsky et al.2001) and Selinde
(Kouchinsky et al. 2005); coeval Siberian and Avalonian stratigraphic units and isotope excursions aligned; South China Platform
succession (Li et al. 2009). Fm Formation; Mbr Member; M.L. Mystery Lake Member; T. Trichophycus;W. Watsonella.
Siberian zones: N.–Nochoroicyathus sunnaginicus;D. r. Dokidocyathus regularis;D. lenaicus Dokidocyathus lenaicus;P.
Profallotaspis jakutensis;R. Repinaella;D. a. Delgadella anabara;J. Judomia. Modified from Landing et al. (2013,fig.
5); addition of Heraultia and Ary-Mas-Yuryuakh sections and deletion of several Siberian and Chinese sections. Laolinian Stage,
Lenaldanian Series and Zhurinskyan Stage proposals (Landing et al. 2013), submitted to Cambrian Subcommission in 2013, follow
Remane et al.(1996) guidelines.
lithostratigraphic units, cannot designate chronostratigraphic
units (e.g. Salvador, 1994). Without an appropriate stage-
level name, a so-called ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ Stage is used
herein for the Siberian lowest Cambrian (Fig. 1).
Emphasis on Watsonella crosbyi and Aldanella attleboren-
sis in correlation led to proposal of an A. attleborensis FAD
as a guide for global Tommotian correlation or a Cambrian
Stage 2 base (Rozanov, Khomentovsky & Shabanov, 2008;
Parkhaev, Karlova & Rozanov, 2011; Devaere et al. 2013;
Demidenko & Parkhaev, 2014). A W. crosbyi FAD was also
argued as a potential (e.g. Li et al.2011; Steiner et al.2011)
or ‘preferred’ Stage 2 base (Peng & Babcock, 2011).
3. Tommotian concepts
The Tommotian Stage stratotype base is the base of the
Nochoroicyathus sunnaginicus Zone (archaeocyathans) at
‘Dvortsy’ on the Aldan River, SE Siberia (Rozanov & Mis-
sarzhevsky, 1966;Fig. 1). Another ‘Tommotian concept’ re-
garded all diverse lowest Cambrian SSF assemblages with or
without archaeocyathans, and which are possibly older than
the Tommotian stratotype, as Tommotian (e.g. Rozanov et al.
1969). The ‘Tommotian Stage’ was equated to an ‘evolution-
ary event’ (Rozanov & Zhuravlev, 1992).
The ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’–Tommotian contact in SE
Siberia is a change from lower sparsely fossiliferous Yudoma
Formation dolostone with karstic or extensional fissures and
channels. Glauconitic remanié sedimentary deposits with
the lowest Tommotian fossils fill these depressions and are
overlain by reddish and green, siliciclastic and calcareous
mudstones (e.g. Khomentovsky, Val’kov & Karlova, 1990;
Fig. 1). A sub-Tommotian hiatus in SE Siberia (Landing in
Narbonne et al.1987; Moczydłowska & Vidal, 1988)has
been considered to be short (Khomentovsky & Karlova,
1993), but the abrupt appearance of over 174 named taxa,
as well as high-level groups such as archaeocyathans and
brachiopods, without a record of their earlier diversification
suggests a long hiatus (Landing, 1994).
4. The Tommotian and carbon isotope stratigraphy
Development of a Siberian terminal Precambrian lower
Cambrian carbon isotope stratigraphy (Magaritz, Holser &
Kirschvink, 1986; Magaritz et al.1991; Kirschvink et al.
1991;Brasier et al. 1994a,b) allowed evaluation of the dura-
tion of the pre-Tommotian hiatus in SE Siberia, and its rela-
tionship to an ‘evolutionary event.’ An important extension
of this work was Knoll et al.’s ( 1995b) synthesis of lowest
Cambrian biostratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy on
the NW Anabar Uplift.
Knoll et al. (1995b)recognized a sub-Tommotian inter-
val in the Medvezhya Formation at the Kotuikan (Kotujkan,
herein) River section (Fig. 1) that had earlier been considered
sub-Tommotian biostratigraphically by A.K. Val’kov and V.V.
Missarzhevsky (e.g. Khomentovsky & Karlova, 2002). This
interval has a strong δ13C positive excursion (I’) distinct
from the negative excursion of the lowest Tommotian. Pos-
itive excursions in the underlying Manykay Formation were
compared to the I and Z excursions in the sub-Tommotian
Yudoma Formation in SE Siberia (Knoll et al. 1995b;Fig. 1).
The diverse, ‘Tommotian’ SSFs in the Medvezhya Forma-
tion at Kotujkan River of Rozanov et al.(1969, exposures
M 418–419, units 13–16) were therefore shown to be pre-
Tommotian (Knoll et al. 1995b; also Parkhaev & Karlova,
2011;Fig. 1), and must be referred to the upper ‘Nemakit-
Daldynian’. Knoll et al. (1995b,fig. 2) concluded this ‘pre-
viously unknown’ interval showed an earlier, more staggered
appearance of ‘Tommotian’ SSFs, and that the local FADs of
supposed Tommotian ‘index’ SSFs did not offer unambigu-
ous Tommotian correlations.
Knoll et al.’s (1995b) report did not seem to alter Cambrian
biostratigraphic practices. Aldanella attleborensis, with a
sub-Tommotian FAD at Kotujkan River (Knoll et al. 1995b),
was later proposed as a guide to the Tommotian base, to Tom-
motian equivalents globally and a Stage 2 base (Rozanov,
Khomentovsky & Shabanov, 2008; Parkhaev & Karlova,
2011; Parkhaev et al.2011; Rozanov et al. 2011; Demidenko
& Parkhaev, 2014). The A. attleborensis FAD lies below the I’
carbon excursion peak and just above the sequence boundary
under the Medvezhya Formation on Kotujkan River (Knoll
et al. 1995b). These data mean that the known lowest Siberian
range of the species is likely truncated, sub-Tommotian and
inappropriate for defining a Stage 2 base.
Knoll et al. (1995b)noted that the presence of archae-
ocyathans indicates a Tommotian or younger age. Landing
et al. (1987, 2013) complemented this by concluding that
(a)rchaeocyathans, lingulate (b)rachiopods and (h)yolithid
hyoliths (‘abh taxa’) do not occur below the Tommotian or
globally below Tommotian-equivalent successions. Bimem-
brate tommotiids (e.g. Camenella kozlowskii) appear just
above the I’ excursion peak (Knoll et al. 1995b)andtheir
lowest occurrence may be a correlation aid to the upper
‘Nemakit-Daldynian’, although the Russian literature gener-
ally assigns their oldest occurrences to the Tommotian (e.g.
Missarzhevsky, 1989; Khomentovsky & Karlova, 1993). Ar-
chaeocyathans show habitat limitations in the Tommotian to
tropical shelves, but genera and species of bimembrate tom-
motiids, lingulates, hyoliths and micromolluscs allow inter-
continental correlation with their tropical Siberia cool-water
Avalonia range and are not limited to archaeocyathan-bearing
facies (e.g. Landing, 1988; Landing et al. 1989; Landing &
Westrop, 2004).
5. Revised correlation of Terreneuvian
micromollusc-rich assemblages
An alternative interpretation emphasizes a pre-Tommotian
appearance of early assemblages with Watsonella crosbyi
with or without Aldanella attleborensis (e.g. Landing, 1988;
Landing et al.1989,2013). Indeed, correlations of lower
Tommotian and middle Meishucunian faunas with the two
species are problematical as this means that very dissimilar
assemblages are regarded as coeval. Middle Meishucunian
faunas with W. crosbyi and A. attleborensis lack any ‘abh
taxa’ species, although ‘abh taxa’ appear in similar carbonate
platform facies in the higher lower Cambrian strata of South
China (e.g. Zhang, 2003). Another problem with many cor-
relations based on W. crosbyi and A. attleborensis FADs is
that these taxa have diachronous ranges that are often brack-
eted by stratigraphic breaks of unknown duration (e.g. SE
Siberia) or are lithofacies-associated, with the two species
appearing with marine shoaling in Avalonia (Landing et al.
1989,2013; Landing, 2004).
In South China, diverse micromolluscs with Watsonella
crosbyi and rare Aldanella specimens appear above local
unconformities in the middle Meishucunian strata and with
a change from a phosphatic or dolomitic into an overlying
more calcareous unit (e.g. Zhongyicun and Dahai members;
e.g. Landing, 1994;Yanget al. 2014;Fig. 1). This middle
Meishucunian fauna disappears upwards at an unconformity
or a change to poorly fossiliferous sedimentary deposits (e.g.
Steiner et al.2007;Yanget al. 2014;Fig. 1), which means the
upper W. crosbyi and Aldanella ranges are truncated and do
not show the long Avalonian biostratigraphic ranges where
both taxa extend into Atdabanian-equivalent rock (Landing
et al. 1989,2013;Fig. 1).
Other successions with Watsonella crosby have been cor-
related with the Tommotian. Esakova & Zhegallo (1996)re-
ported five Tommotian faunal zones, with a W. crosbyi Zone at
their top, from the Bayan Gol Formation of Mongolia. How-
ever, most of Esakova & Zhegallo’s (1996, fig. 3 range chart)
‘Tommotian’ taxa from the upper Bayan Gol Formation (their
W. crosbyi Zone; 31 named species with 14 described only
from the Bayan Gol) have ranges limited to the lower–middle
Meishucunian and upper ‘Manykayan-Nemakit-Daldynian’
strata, and no ‘abh’ taxa occur. The exception was W. crosbyi,
reported as W. sibirica from one section, with a supposed
Tommotian FAD as then known. Demidenko & Parkhaev
(2014) referred the upper Bayan Gol Formation to the Tom-
motian based on the occurrence of W. crosbyi with the mono-
placophoran Bemella jakutica, although Knoll et al. (1995b)
reported B. jakutica below the I’ excursion. Lapworthella tor-
tuosa was cited as a Tommotian index for the upper Bayan
Gol. However, Esakova & Zhegallo’s (1996) specimens lack
the granulose transverse growth ridges of L. tortuosa, while
elongate, non-granulose sclerites (i.e. L. ludvigseni)thatre-
semble L. tortuosas have sub-Tommotian FADs in Avalonia
and possibly in the middle Meishucunian. (Landing (1984,
p. 1394; Maloof et al. 2010, fig. A3) noted Jaing’s (1982,
pl. 18) illustrations of L. tortuosa-like specimens from Dahai
Member localities, while Qian & Bengtson (1989, p. 145)
and Li et al.(2007) questioned these middle Meishucunian
The Watsonella crosbyi-bearing faunas of the Heraultia
Limestone in France were regarded as Tommotian (Devaere
et al.2013;Fig. 1). The Heraultia Limestone shows litho-
facies control of its 25 known taxa, with W. crosbyi present
in limestone, not dolostone. Heraultia faunas include taxa
mostly limited to the lower–middle Meishucunian strata
(Devaere et al.2013), and no ‘abh taxa’ are present. The
presence of W. crosbyi provided the basis for a Tommotian-
equivalency, and a sub-Tommotian recovery of W. crosbyi
Figure 2. Ary-Mas-Yuryakh section (70°08.5ʹN, 114°00ʹE, left bank of Kotuj River upstream from mouth of Ary-Mas-Yuryakh
Creek), northern Siberia. Upper Manykay Formation (Koril Member, thrombolithic boundstones) overlain at sequence boundary by
Medvezhya Formation limestone. Lower horizon with Aldanella crassa (90 conchs), middle with A. attleborensis (80 conchs), and
upper with Watsonella crosbyi (7 specimens) and A. attleborensis (10 conchs).
(this report) would remove any certainty for a Tommotian
correlation of the Heraultia and Bayan Gol faunas.
6. Ary-Mas-Yuryakh
Rozanov et al.(1969, section M 410) described the lithology
and biota of the Ary-Mas-Yuryakh section (Fig. 2), which
is located 14 km SSW of Knoll et al.’s (1995b) Kotujkan
River section, northern Siberia. Kotujkan River and Ary-
Mas-Yuryakh have similar, supposedly ‘Tommotian’ SSFs in
the lower Medvezhya Formation, and lack ‘abh taxa’ (faunas
in Rozanov et al.1969;Knoll et al. 1995b,fig. 2). The sec-
tions are almost identical, with the Medvezhya’s base a se-
quence boundary on Kotujkan River (Knoll et al. 1995b,
fig. 1) and Ary-Mas-Yuryakh (Landing, 1994). Our new data
show the strong I’ excursion at both Kotujkan River and
Ary-Mas-Yuryuakh (Knoll et al. 1995b; this report) and sub-
Tommotian Watsonella crosbyi and Aldanella attleborensis
FADs at Ary-Mas-Yuryakh (Figs 1,2).
7. Conclusions
The I’ excusion in the ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ above the Wat -
sonella crosbyi and Aldanella attleborensis FADs (Knoll
et al. 1995b; this report) is critical in lowest Cambrian
correlation. Carbon isotope stratigraphy has long supported
correlation of the upper ‘Nemakit-Daldynian’ I’ excursion
and middle Meishucunian L4 excursion (also P3 excursion,
although the Zhujiang carbon isotope excursion (ZHUCE)
may include several excursions) (Knoll et al. 1995b;Kauf-
man et al.1996; Zhu, Li & Zhang, 2001;Liet al.2009).
Samples through the W. crosbyi Zone in SE Newfoundland
show increasingly positive δ13C values (Brasier, Anderson &
Corfield, 1992) that suggest the I’ excursion (Landing et al.
2013;Fig. 1). Finally, the Bayan Gol Formation and Heraultia
Limestone faunas with W. crosbyi are best regarded as pre-
Tommotian. The Bayan Gol’s δ13 C succession suggests cor-
relation of its F excursion or, pending further study, its D and
E excursions, with L4 and I’ (Brasier, Dorjnamjaa & Lindsay,
1996;Brasieret al.1996; Landing et al.2013).
The earliest SSF assemblages with Watsonella crosbyi
with or without Aldanella attleborensis are demonstrably pre-
Tommotian as earlier proposed (Landing, 1988,1992,1994,
1996; Landing et al.1989,2013) and occur worldwide (east-
ern Newfoundland, southern New Brunswick, South China,
NW Siberia, Mongolia and France.) Assemblages with di-
verse micromolluscs, orthothecid hyoliths, W. crosbyi and
Aldanella spp. appear to bracket a time of relative evolution-
ary stasis for many metazoans. Landing & Westrop (2004;
also Landing et al.1989) showed that once benthic genera
and species appeared, they persisted through much of the
Avalonian lower Cambrian strata (i.e. W. crosbyi–top Ca-
menella baltica zones; Fig. 1). Geochronologic data suggest
these early occurrences of W. crosbyi and A. attleborensis at
c. 530 Ma (Landing et al.2013), and their persistence into
Atdabanian-equivalent strata younger than c. 520 Ma in Ava-
lonia (e.g. Landing et al.1998). A duration of SSF elements
of c. 10 Ma of these assemblages emphasizes the suggestion
of Knoll et al. (1995b, p. 1142) that SSFs are not ‘robust
markers’ for recognition and correlation of the Tommotian.
A 530–529 Ma volcanic ash date on the upper Kessy-
usa Formation in northern Siberia was assigned to the lower
Tommotian Nochoroicyathus sunnaginicus Zone (Kaufman
et al.2012). Earlier, Missarzhevsky (1989) referred the upper
Kessyusa Formation to the N. sunniginicus Zone. However,
archaeocyathans and Tommotian ‘abh taxa’ do not appear
in the upper Kessyusa, and its fauna (Missarzhevsky, 1989;
Knoll et al. 1995a, table 2; Rogov et al. 2015,fig. 2j) includes
Watsonella crosbyi and other taxa that are not necessarily
Tommotian as they appear below the I’ carbon excursion
peak at Kotujkan River and Ary-Mas-Yuryakh. Only Came-
nella kozlowskii (discussed above) from the upper Kessuysa
(Missarzhevsky, 1989) suggests correlation as high as the
upper I’ excursion.
The strong positive δ13C values of the upper Kessyusa
Formation (Knoll et al. 1995a; Kaufman et al.2012;A.
Kouchinsky, unpubl. data from Khorbusuonka) do not occur
in the lower Tommotian stratotype and argue against a Tom-
motian correlation. The positive carbon isotope excursions in
the upper Kessyusa of Knoll et al. (1995a)correlate best into
the Medvezhya (Figs 1,2;alsoKnoll et al. 1995b; Kaufman
et al.1996)andlowerEmyaksin(Fig. 1; Kouchinsky et al.
2001) formations of the Anabar uplift, and are older than the
lowest Tommotian’s negative shift (Kirschvink et al.1991;
Knoll et al. 1995b; Kouchinsky et al.2001,2007). A a 530–
529 Ma date on Watsonella crosbyi-bearing assemblages of
the upper Kessuya Formation is therefore biostratigraphic-
ally and geochemically pre-Tommotian, and older than an
estimated Tommotian base of c. 525.5 Ma (Maloof et al.
The earliest biotas with Watsonella crosbyi may pre-date
530 Ma. Moczydłowska (1991, p. 35) reported Aldanella
attleborensis,A. crassa and Anabarella sp., which occur
elsewhere with W. crosbyi, from the Asteridium tornatum-
Comasphaeridium velvetum Zone (acritarchs) in Poland
(SSF taxonomy in Landing, 1988; Parkhaev & Karlova,
2011). This very early Cambrian occurrence emphasizes that
SSF FADs without non-biostratigraphic brackets should not
define Cambrian stage bases. Landing et al.(2013) proposed
that the globally correlatable L4-I’ carbon isotope excursion,
with a lower bracket provided by the W. crosbyi and/or A.
attleborensis FADs, best defines a Stage 2 GSSP base. How-
ever, the A. attleborensis FAD is only a few metres above
the sequence boundary at Kotujkan River and, at a change
into more calcareous lower Medvezhya Formation facies (A.
Kouchinsky, unpub. data), is in the lowest Cambrian Polish
acritarch succession. These biostratigraphically problemat-
ical A. attleborensis FADs suggest that a sub-Tommotian-
equivalent horizon based on a W. crosbyi FAD b e l o w t h e
L4-I’ excursion or, perhaps preferably, on the L4-I’ excur-
sion peak above a W. crosbyi FAD, may provide more robust
definitions of a Stage 2/Laolinian Stage basal GSSP horizon.
Acknowledgements. K. Ziegler (University of California,
Los Angeles) provided carbon isotope analyses.
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... The early Cambrian encompasses the major phase of the Cambrian explosion; however, the temporal calibration of stratigraphic and paleontological records throughout this interval suffers from large uncertainty, limiting our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of this event and its relationship to paleoenvironmental changes (Bowyer et al., 2022a;Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016;Maloof et al., 2010a;Zhu et al., 2019). The Yangtze Gorges area of the South China Block (Fig. 1) preserves a stratigraphic succession that encompasses the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, and has been studied for more than one century. ...
... The Yangtze Gorges area of the South China Block (Fig. 1) preserves a stratigraphic succession that encompasses the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition, and has been studied for more than one century. Nevertheless, integrating the lower Cambrian succession of the Yangtze Gorges area with records from other successions via carbonate carbon isotopic and/or small skeletal fossil occurrence data remains controversial (Bowyer et al., 2022a;Guo et al., 2014;Lan et al., 2017;Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016;Steiner et al., 2020;Zhu et al., 2003). This uncertainty stems from (1) difficulties in correlation between carbonate carbon isotopic profiles of the Yanjiahe Formation ( Fig. 2; Ahn and Zhu, 2017;Ishikawa et al., 2008;Jiang et al., 2012;Steiner et al., 2020) and global trends recorded throughout the Fortunian Stage of the lower Cambrian (Bowyer et al., 2022a;Maloof et al., 2010a), and (2) the inconsistency in subdivision of small skeletal fossil zonation in the Yanjiahe Formation (Guo et al., 2014;Steiner et al., 2020). ...
... This correlation is corroborated by the fossils preserved in the lower-middle part of Yanjiahe Formation including an Asteridium-Heliosphaeridium-Comasphaeridium acritarch assemblage (Ahn and Zhu, 2017;Dong et al., 2009) and representative fossils of the Anabarites trisulcatus-Protohertzina anabarica small skeletal fossil zone (Guo et al., 2014;Steiner et al., 2020). The Yanjiahe positive δ 13 C carb excursion has been correlated to the ZHUCE (Zhujiaqing positive carbon isotope excursion; Ishikawa et al., 2008), a chemostratigraphic marker for lower Cambrian Stage 2 due to an association with the W. crosbyi zone (Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016;Zhu et al., 2019). However, the Yanjiahe positive δ 13 C carb excursion immediately follows the BACE-equivalent Yanjiahe negative δ 13 C carb excursion (Fig. 5). ...
The Terreneuvian Series of the early Cambrian records the first major diversification phase of the canonical Cambrian explosion. However, a paucity of precise radio-isotopic ages for key stratigraphic horizons has resulted in a poor temporal calibration of fossil lowest occurrences and corresponding rates of evolution throughout the Terreneuvian. Here we present integrated SIMS and CA-ID-TIMS U-Pb analyses on zircons from the basal Shuijingtuo Formation in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China. The dating results provide a depositional age of 526.43 ± 0.54 Ma for the basal Shuijingtuo Formation, and compiled detrital zircon U-Pb dates from the Ediacaran-Cambrian transitional strata in the Yangtze Gorges area indicate their local provenances. The new high-precision date provides a minimum age constraint on the ZHUCE and Lowest Occurrences (LO) of Watsonella crosbyi and Aldanella attleborensis in South China, and allows correlation of ZHUCE with either 5.5p or 5p/I′ in Siberia and Morocco. We construct two models of the Ediacaran-Cambrian transitional timescale based on the two alternative correlations of the ZHUCE. The first model correlates the ZHUCE with 5.5p and yields significantly diachronous LOs of W. crosbyi and A. attleborensis between the Siberian Platform and South China. In contrast, the second and our preferred model equates ZHUCE with 5p/I′ and implies relatively synchronous LOs of W. crosbyi and A. attleborensis between the Siberian Platform and South China. In the preferred model, the couplet of ZHUCE/5p/I′ and LOs of W. crosbyi and A. attleborensis serves as a reliable combination to bracket the base of Cambrian Stage 2.
... In this interpretation, the longdiscussed hiatus at the base of the Pestrotsvet Formation, marked by the karstic caverns at the top of the Ust'-Yudoma Formation in some sections and attributed to the local subaerial exposure of the territory , covers the interval corresponding to carbon isotope excursion 6p. This excursion probably occurs in the lowermost Pestrotsvet Formation in the Selinde River section (herein named "I'n") (Kouchinsky et al., 2005;Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016). ...
... Third, above excursion I', there is another prominent positive excursion I'a-I'b in the Emyaksin Formation (Eastern Anabar Uplift) and Kugda-Yuryakh Formation (Western Anabar Uplift). Above this excursion, the carbon isotope values show variations similar to those in the Pestrotsvet Formation (Aldan River sections) and Krasnyi Porog Formation (Igarka Uplift) (Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016;Kouchinsky et al., 2017). ...
—The Precambrian–Cambrian transition is one of the most fundamental evolutionary turnovers in the Earth’s history. However, in many cases precise identification and correlation of this crucial boundary in lithologically contrasting sections is complicated, even if the whole spectrum of biostratigraphic and chemostratigraphic methods is applied. The Precambrian–Cambrian transitional strata of the Igarka Uplift (Sukharikha Formation) perfectly illustrate this problem. This unit has arguably one of the most detailed carbonate carbon isotope curves for this time interval (at least within the Siberian Platform). However, an extremely poor paleontological record previously reported from the Sukharikha Formation makes identification of major stratigraphic boundaries highly debatable. We present a detailed study of the Sukharikha and overlying Krasnyi Porog formations in three sections (Sukharikha River, Kulyumbe River, and Khantaisko-Sukhotungusskaya-1 well). Our chemostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data provide a correlation basis for these sections and identify the Cambrian boundary in terms of both the International Chronostratigraphic Chart and General Stratigraphic Scale of Russia. We show that lithologic boundaries and levels of the local first appearance of Tommotian small skeletal fossils are diachronous within the Igarka paleobasin. The latter is putatively caused by paleoecology of the early Cambrian biota and by taphonomic factors. Our data specify the location of the Tommotian Stage (sensu lato)/Cambrian Stage 2 boundary in other key Precambrian–Cambrian transitional sections of the Siberian Platform.
... Problematical base of Miaolingian discussed inLanding et al., 2023c. Terreneuvian-Series 2 boundary undefined by International Stratigraphic Commission; herein provisionally set within the range of known trilobites at CARE-Siberian IV carbon isotope excursion(Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016). Key abbreviations: Fm., Formation; Fos. ...
Beranek et al.'s (2023) U-Pb detrital zircon work strengthens the Peribaltic, not Perigondwanan, model for the early evolution of Avalo-nia, the largest exotic terrane in the Acadian-Caledonian orogen of NE North America and western Europe. However, their synthesis blurs evidence of the timing of the Ediacaran "Avalonian orogeny" and overlooks the contrasting evidence for the tectonic regimes of the "Avalonian orogen" and overlying terminal Ediacaran-Ordovician sedimentary-rock dominated cover sequence. This results from their mistakenly showing conformity in SE Newfoundland between the Avalonian basement and much younger (middle Lower Cambrian) Random Formation quartz arenite of the cover sequence.
... 2.4 Myr cyclicity were related to the Earth-Mars resonance (Hinnov, 2013;Laskar et al., 2004;Zhang et al., 2022a). Although the possibility that (Zhu et al., 2019;Yang et al., 2022), gamma-ray (GR) and neutron porosity (np) signals in API and % units respectively, and synchronous early Cambrian global events as shown by the δ 13 C of carbonates (Zhu et al., 2019), sea-level fluctuations (Haq and Schutter, 2008), and major biological events (Guo et al., 2021;Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016;Zhu et al., 2019). The 526.2 ± 4.1 Ma age is from U-Pb dating by secondary ion mass spectrometry of zircon from an ash layer at the interface of the Zhujiajing and Shiyantou formations in the Xiaotan section, Yunnan Province . ...
... Only the top of the C. baltica Zone, which is the upper Fosters Point Formation ("Foster Point" [sic] in Álvaro et al., 2023) and uppermost Ads 3, ranges into lowest Series 2 (Fig. 1). This correlation is based on microfossils and a strong negative δ 13 C excursion used to indicate correlation into strata with the lowest Moroccan and Siberian trilobites at ca. 519 Ma (Landing and Kouchinsky, 2016;Landing et al., 2021). The Fosters Point Formation must be "lowered" in Álvaro et al.'s (2023) figure 2 by ∼10 m.y. ...
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Avalonia, the largest terrane of the Appalachian–Caledonian orogen, is best defined by a terminal Ediacaran–Ordovician sedimentary rock-dominated cover sequence (e.g., Rast et al., 1976) unconformable on a largely Mesoproterozoic–early Neoproterozoic basement (e.g., Murphy et al., 2018). Our concerns with Álvaro et al.’s (2022) depositional synthesis of this cover sequence include: 1) use of a rift/half graben model in a small part of Avalonia (Caledonian Highlands, southern New Brunswick) although a strike-slip regime is supported by regional study of North American–European Avalonia; 2) limiting Avalonia to a small New Brunswick area (Álvaro et al., 2022, figs. 9A, B) that must be extended N and well SW and NE of Saint John and beyond the Caledonian Highlands; 3) placing a major rift fault in a uniform sedimentary blanket that extends 20 km NW from the Highlands to include the New River belt; 4) ≥ 10 Ma errors in litho-, bio-, and chronostratigraphic correlations; 5) dividing Avalonia into tiny “terranes” despite a regional cover sequence with thin units (<10 m) and sequence boundaries showing Avalonia was a ribbon microcontinent; and 6) errors in reporting minor to major depositional features.
... They are a chimaera composed of conchs of the common orthothecid hyolith "Ladatheca" cylindrica with some apertures containing invaginated Coleoloides tubes. Correlation of the uppermost Fosters Point Formation (Fig. 1) shows the chimaeras are older than the lowest Siberian trilobites 25 . However, the lowest occurrence of trilobites is very diachronous, and they have a probable early Terreneuvian origin 26 , a proposal supported by Bayesian analysis of trilobite evolution 27 . ...
... They are a chimaera composed of conchs of the common orthothecid hyolith "Ladatheca" cylindrica with some apertures containing invaginated Coleoloides tubes. Correlation of the uppermost Fosters Point Formation (Fig. 1) shows the chimaeras are older than the lowest Siberian trilobites 25 . However, the lowest occurrence of trilobites is very diachronous, and they have a probable early Terreneuvian origin 26 , a proposal supported by Bayesian analysis of trilobite evolution 27 . ...
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Earth's oldest cephalpods remain Late Cambrian in age. They appeared at the dawn of the Great Ordovician Diversification Interval as early nektic carnivores along with conodonts. A recent report of purported "cephalopods" 30 m.y. older in the Early Cambrian of eastern Newfoundland proves to be incorrect, as the tubular fossils are readily referable to septate shells of a common orthothecid hyolith.
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High-precision U-Pb zircon ages on SE Newfoundland tuffs now bracket the Avalonian Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary. Upper Lower Cambrian Brigus Formation tuffs yield depositional ages of 507.91 ± 0.07 Ma ( Callavia broeggeri Zone) and 507.67 ± 0.08 Ma and 507.21 ± 0.13 Ma ( Morocconus-Condylopyge eli Assemblage interval). Lower Middle Cambrian Chamberlain’s Brook Formation tuffs have depositional ages of 506.34 ± 0.21 Ma ( Kiskinella cristata Zone) and 506.25 ± 0.07 Ma ( Eccaparadoxides bennetti Zone). The composite unconformity separating the Brigus and Chamberlain’s Brook formations is constrained between these ages. An Avalonian Lower–Middle Cambrian boundary between 507.2 ± 0.1 and 506.3 ± 0.2 Ma is consistent with maximum depositional age constraints from southwest Laurentia, which indicate an age for the base of the Miaolingian Series, as locally interpreted, of ≤ 506.6 ± 0.3 Ma. The Miaolingian Series’ base is interpreted as correlative within ≤ 0.3 ± 0.3 Ma between Cambrian palaeocontinents, although its exact synchrony is questionable due to taxonomic problems with a possible Oryctocephalus indicus -plexus, invariable dysoxic lithofacies control of O. indicus and diachronous occurrence of O. indicus in temporally distinct δ ¹³ C chemozones in South China and SW Laurentia. The lowest occurrence of O. indicus assemblages is linked to onlap (epeirogenic or eustatic) of dysoxic facies. A united Avalonia is shown by late Early Cambrian volcanics in SW New Brunswick; Cape Breton Island; SE Newfoundland; and the Wrekin area, England. The new U-Pb ages revise Avalonian geological evolution as they show rapid epeirogenic changes through depositional sequences 4a–6.
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Exhaustive similarities in terminal Ediacaran–Ordovician cover sequences between tectonic inliers in the Appalachian–Caledonian (A–C) orogen define the Avalonian terrane from coastal northeast North America through southern Britain to Belgium. However, Barr et al. effectively block inclusion of the Mira belt (Mb) in Avalonia by masking a long-documented trans-Avalonian succession under locally defined lithostratigraphic names that prove to be confusing homonyms of themselves. Earlier revisions of Mira belt stratigraphy allow assignment of the Mira belt to a precise location in the Avalonian strike-slip regime—on the marginal–inner platform transition just as the northern Antigonish Highlands and southeast Burin Peninsula. The Mira belt is a tectonic inlier not a “terrane” in the A–C orogen.
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Some small shelly fossils are important index fossils for global stratigraphic subdivisions and correlations of the Cambrian Terreneuvian. The first appearance datum (FAD) of the cosmopolitan mollusk Aldanella attleborensis has been suggested as one of the potential markers for defining the base of Cambrian Stage 2. Aldanella fossils were uncommon in South China, and if occurring, were often described as Aldanella yanjiaheensis, A. attleborensis, or indeterminate species in the literature, while A. yanjiaheensis was often taken as a junior synonym of A. attleborensis. Nevertheless, a detailed taxonomic revision of A. yanjiaheensis based on material from its type locality awaits to be made. In this study, we systematically re-evaluated A. yanjiaheensis based on the numerous specimens collected from the base of Member 5 of the Yanjiahe Formation in the Three Gorges area, western Hubei Province of South China. Detailed taxonomic comparison further substantiates that A. yanjiaheensis is a junior synonym of A. attleborensis, signifying its strong potential for a global correlation across paleocontinents. Morphological parameter analyses indicate that the length and width of shell tube of A. attleborensis shows allometric growth. The nearly cosmopolitan distribution and characteristic morphology of A. attleborensis indicate that it can play a significant role in the subdivision and correlation of Cambrian Stage 2. The co-occurrence of A. attleborensis and Watsonella crosbyi from the base of Member 5 of the Yanjiahe Formation corroborates that Member 5 belongs to Cambrian Stage 2.
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Recovery of ontogenetically fused sclerites from Lapworthella schodackensis (Lochman) suggests that many sclerites occurred in close juxtaposition and probably formed a multiplated external integument. Lapworthellids are apparently tommotiids that produced only high plates. The Lapworthellidae (emended, includes 'Kelanellidae'), Sunnaginiidae (new), and 'Order Mitrosagophora" (=Tommotiidae (emended) and Tannuolinidae) are characterized by differences in skeleton construction and comprise the Order Tommotiida. Both the Tommotiida and the Machaeridia had multiunit, external skeletons but little evidence suggests that these groups are related or 'sister' groups. Lapworthella schodackensis (Lochman) from the Taconic allochthon, eastern New York, is closely similar to and possible conspecific with approximately coeval nodose forms from the Avalanian and Baltic platforms ( (Lapworthella cornu (Wiman, 1903)) and Siberian Platform (Lapworthella dentata Missarzhevsky, 1969). Lapworthella ludvigseni n.sp. is from the sub-trilobitic Lower Cambrian of the Avalonian Platform.-from Author
Conference Paper
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Well-preserved strata of the Khorbusuonka Group in the Olenek Uplift, arctic Siberia provide important sedimentologic, chemostratigraphic, and radiometric constraints on the demise of the Earth’s earliest metazoans and the subsequent Cambrian Explosion. Ediacara fossils in bituminous limestone of the Khatyspyt Formation occur as three dimensional casts and as carbonaceous compressions, whereas the earliest small shelly fossil of Cambrian aspect (Anabarites trisulcatus Zone) are preserved in dolomite of the overlying Turkut Formation. The upper reaches of Turkut Formation are variably truncated and overlain by the Kessyusa Group, a new stratigraphic subdivision including widespread diamictite in the Tas-Yurakh Formation, which is interbedded with tuff breccia dated at ca. 543 Ma, as well as mixed siliciclastic and carbonate of the Syhargalakh and Mattia formations. Small shelly fossils in the lower reaches of the Mattia Formation include elements of the Purella antiqua Zone, which is overlain with fossils of the basal Tommotian Nochoriocyathus sunnaginicus Zone only a few meters higher. High resolution sampling and carbon isotope analysis of Mattia Formation carbonates define a positive excursion up to +5‰ associated with 87Sr/86Sr compositions as low as 0.70818. A white clay layer collected from near the top of the Mattia Formation interpreted as a volcanic ash yielded abundant euhedral zircons, which were measured by both LA-ICP-MS and TIMS techniques. U-Pb dates determined by both methods suggest an age around 529-530 Ma for the sample. These results suggests that the base of the Tommotian Stage of the Cambrian Period is some 4-5 million years older than previously estimated. Furthermore, the new age constraint coupled with biostratigraphic and isotopic data from the same succession indicate that the fuse for the Cambrian Explosion may have been several million years shorter, burning for perhaps 9 to 10 million years after ignition following a potential glacial episode near the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary.
Lower Cambrian deposits are found throughout the Soviet Union and Mongolia (Fig. 1). They occur over the entire Siberian Platform, much of the East European Platform, and widely in the fold belts bordering the southern Siberian Platform (the Altay-Sayan Fold Belt, Mongolia—Okhotsk Fold Belt), Kazakhstan, Central Asia, and the Urals. In most cases, they are conformably underlain by Vendian rocks. The most important sections containing Early Cambrian fossils are in Siberia, Figure 1 Tectonic scheme of the USSR and nearby territories [modified from Yanshin et al. (1984)]. (1, 2) Ancient cratons including framing mobile belts: (1) Laurasian affinity; (2) “Pacific” affinity. (3) The main regions of Cambrian sedimentation: (a) Baltic Syneclise of the East European Platform, (b) Lena-Aldan area of the Siberian Platform, (c) Altay-Sayan Fold Belt, (d) western Mongolia, (e) Maly Karatau (south Kazakhstan), (f) South Urals, (g) central Kazakhstan, (h) Transbaikalian, (i) Far East, (j) Kolyma Basin. the East European Platform and Kazakhstan in the USSR, and in western Mongolia. The key region for the Cambrian stages adopted in the USSR is the Siberian Platform.
Distribution of small shelly fossils (SSF) in the Tommotian and upper Nemakit-Daldynian stages is revised in all main reference sections of the Siberian platform, particularly in its eastern facies zone. Correlation of coeval sections between each other and with the stratotype section of the transitional facies zone is substantiated in the northern and southeastern parts of the platform. As is shown, boundary between the indicated subdivisions is synchronous, marked by an extremely sharp change in abundance and diversity of SSF assemblages immediately above it. This fact and appearance of macrofaunal remains (archaeocyathids, brachiopods) imply that the Tommotian Stage exemplifies one of the most important phases in evolution of skeletal fauna. The boundary is also marked by a sharp negative excursion in the δ13C curve. The obtained data on the lower boundary of the Tommotian Stage and its isotopic characteristic enable its global correlation and allow it to be accepted the lower boundary of the Cambrian System. The correlation method based on SSF assemblages and applied to different-facies Tommotian sequences is modified. It is important to analyze all local fossil assemblages and occurrence levels of younger taxa when substantiating boundaries of stratigraphic units instead of a limited number of guide species. Only this method enables recognition of age analogues of the Tommotian Stage subdivisions in the eastern and transitional zones.