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New Technology and the Prevention of Violence and Conflict



Amid unprecedented growth in access to information communication technologies (ICTs), particularly in the developing world, how can international actors, governments, and civil society organizations leverage ICTs and the data they generate to more effectively prevent violence and conflict? New research shows that there is huge potential for innovative technologies to inform conflict prevention efforts, particularly when technology is used to help information flow horizontally between citizens and when it is integrated into existing civil society initiatives.1 However, new technologies are not a panacea for preventing and reducing violence and conflict. In fact, failure to consider the possible knock-on effects of applying a specific technology can lead to fatal outcomes in violent settings. In addition, employing new technologies for conflict prevention can produce very different results depending on the context in which they are applied and whether or not those using the technology take that context into account. This is particularly true in light of the dramatic changes underway in the landscapes of violence and conflict on a global level. As such, instead of focusing on supply-driven technical fixes, those undertaking prevention initiatives should let the context inform what kind of technology is needed and what kind of approach will work best.
There are now 6 billion cell phone subscrip-
tions in the world, and one third of the world’s
population is online (ITU 2012). These num-
bers are growing rapidly, particularly in the
developing world, and they demonstrate an
unparalleled level of global interconnectiv-
ity. The diffusion of cell phones and the Inter-
net have brought dramatic cultural, social,
economic, and political changes in societies
around the world. For example, much has
been said about the role of social media in
the eruption of the so-called Arab Spring, but
factors such as the massive increase in the
number of mobile devices with cameras and
the greater accessibility of the Internet, with
its ability to reach millions of people world-
wide, have been just as important.
This global interconnectivity is also pro-
ducing an unprecedented volume of data.
With 12 million text messages (SMS) sent per
minute and 2 billion YouTube pages viewed
per day (ITU 2010), the amount and variety of
data produced is a phenomenon of historical
significance. It is estimated that we now pro-
duce more data every year than in all previ-
ous years combined (O’Reilly 2012).
It is with these trends in mind—the increas-
ingly rapid global interconnectivity, the grow-
ing access to mobile devices globally, and the
generation of an unprecedented quantity of
Mancini, F and O’Reilly, M 2013 New Technology and the Prevention
of Violence and Conict.
Stability: International Journal of Security &
2(3): 55, pp. 1-9, DOI:
New Technology and the Prevention of
Violence and Conict
Francesco Mancini* and Marie O’Reilly
* Senior Director of Research, International
Peace Institute, New York, United States
Associate Editor, International Peace Institute,
New York, United States
Amid unprecedented growth in access to information communication technologies (ICTs),
particularly in the developing world, how can international actors, governments, and civil
society organizations leverage ICTs and the data they generate to more eectively prevent
violence and conict? New research shows that there is huge potential for innovative tech-
nologies to inform conict prevention eorts, particularly when technology is used to help
information ow horizontally between citizens and when it is integrated into existing civil
society initiatives.1 However, new technologies are not a panacea for preventing and reduc-
ing violence and conict. In fact, failure to consider the possible knock-on eects of apply-
ing a specic technology can lead to fatal outcomes in violent settings. In addition, employ-
ing new technologies for conict prevention can produce very dierent results depending on
the context in which they are applied and whether or not those using the technology take
that context into account. This is particularly true in light of the dramatic changes under-
way in the landscapes of violence and conict on a global level. As such, instead of focus-
ing on supply-driven technical xes, those undertaking prevention initiatives should let the
context inform what kind of technology is needed and what kind of approach will work best.
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of Violence and Conict
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data—that the International Peace Institute
(IPI), with the support and partnership of the
United Nations Development Programme’s
Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery
and the United States Agency for Interna-
tional Development’s Office of Conflict Man-
agement and Mitigation, launched a project
to investigate the potential role of new ICTs
in conflict prevention. The project benefited
from the inputs and insights of a small group
of experts from academia, think tanks, the
private sector, and the field.
The resulting report, New Technology
and the Prevention of Violence and Conict,
whose findings we are sharing in this article,
explored the ways in which ICTs and the data
they generate can assist international actors,
governments, and civil society organizations
to more effectively prevent violence and con-
flict.2 It examined the contributions that cell
phones, social media, crowdsourcing, crisis
mapping, blogging, and big data analytics
can make to short-term efforts to forestall
crises and to long-term initiatives to address
the root causes of violence. Five case stud-
ies by independent experts assessed the use
of such tools in a variety of regions (Africa,
Asia, Latin America) experiencing different
types of violence (criminal violence, election-
related violence, armed conflict, short-term
crisis) in different political contexts (restric-
tive and collaborative governments).
This approach may be particularly useful
for informing policy in light of the dramatic
changes underway in the landscapes of vio-
lence. At a global level, the contexts in which
armed conflict and collective violence take
place are changing significantly, as is the
nature of conflict and violence. The num-
ber of interstate and civil wars has declined
worldwide, and these conflicts produce fewer
battle-related deaths. On the other hand,
violence linked to local disputes, organized
crime, and political repression is far more
pronounced (World Bank 2011). Overall, the
case studies demonstrated that employing
new technologies for conflict prevention can
produce very different results depending on
the context in which they are applied, and
whether or not those using the technology
take that context into account.
Learning from Dierent Contexts
Before identifying cross-cutting recommen-
dations for the more effective use of new
ICTs in conflict prevention, it is worth high-
lighting the lessons learned from different
contexts and tools.
Criminal violence. In the context of crim-
inal violence and citizen insecurity in Latin
America—a region with significant Internet
and mobile technology use—government
agencies and police forces are successfully
using digital platforms to help reduce homi-
cidal violence through improved surveillance
and intelligence. In Brazil, for example, the
online Infocrim system that collects crime
data in a central database and generates real-
time maps is credited with helping to reduce
homicide rates from 12,800 in 1999 to 7,200
in 2005. The use of innovative technologies
for violence prevention among civil society
actors is also widespread, largely in the form
of horizontal citizen-to-citizen interventions.
In light of self-censored reporting on violence
in the mainstream press in Colombia and
Mexico, for example, citizen-reporting sys-
tems and popular blogs now publish infor-
mation on the drug wars that is not available
elsewhere. Some also advocate pro-peace
messages and sustain networks among activ-
ists. However, many of these engaged citizens
are doing so at considerable risk and personal
cost. Drug cartels have also proven adept at
infiltrating networks and using individu-
als’ personal information to exact retribu-
tion, which can be fatal. Thus, while a rapid
growth in ICT use for violence prevention is
apparent in Latin America, it is partly due to
these risks that its use remains mixed at both
governmental and societal levels.
Election-related violence. As the richest
country in East Africa and one with recent
outbreaks of election-related violence, Kenya
is an interesting example of a country where
national institutions have pioneered the use
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of innovative ICT for conflict prevention as
technology penetration rates increase. Yet,
despite many innovative applications of
new technologies to early-warning initia-
tives in particular, there is a persistent gap
between warning and response in Kenya.
Kenya’s national conflict early-warning sys-
tem connects to the regional system known
as CEWARN. This tool allows information col-
lected partly using digital devices to make its
way up from the local to the state and regional
levels. But when response is not forthcom-
ing, nonstate actors at the community level
cannot access the information to close the
warning-response gap. In addition, top-down
approaches in Kenya have sometimes lacked
transparency and accountability. This has led
to suspicion on the part of those giving over
their information, reducing the credibility of
the data and the effectiveness of the under-
taking. At the same time, the choice of tech-
nology used for prevention activities some-
times appears to be supply-driven as opposed
to demand-driven. One conflict-prevention
initiative in Kenya introduced outdated tech-
nology (high-frequency radios) to a popula-
tion that could not make use of it and in a
way that led to biased reporting. Yet many
web- and SMS-based platforms in Kenya are
making valuable contributions to early warn-
ing using crowdsourcing and GIS mapping. It
appears the most successful have strong local
input, effective partnerships, and horizontal
sharing of information.
Violent crisis. A gloomier assessment
emerged from the analysis of new technol-
ogy’s role in violent riots that broke out in
Kyrgyzstan in 2010. In a context where the
government restricted the use of new tech-
nology, ICTs appeared to do little to facili-
tate a response from local authorities or
international actors. On the contrary, the
government elected to shut down some
mobile networks. At the community level,
actors using mobile phones and Internet
websites did foster group action, but these
technologies were predominantly used to
help mobilize violent mobs, issue threats
to the opposing community, and propa-
gate conflict narratives. The Kyrgyz case also
highlighted the diaspora’s use of ICTs in an
otherwise restrictive context—an audience
that is mostly ignored by donor initiatives.
While the government was able to block
some websites and communication flows,
it was largely unable to censor the voices
of the diaspora abroad, whose message was
carried to the domestic population over the
Internet. Thus, using ICTs, the diaspora was
able to provide the Uzbek minority with
information about the conflict that the
Kyrgyz-dominated government and media
would not make public. The Kyrgyz case was
illustrative of both pernicious uses of ICTs
during conflict, particularly in a situation
where government accountability is lack-
ing, and avenues for ICT to empower out-
side actors to influence the situation. Once
again, understanding the local context in
which violence is taking place appeared to
be paramount for effective employment of
new technologies for conflict prevention.
Armed conict. In the crisis context of
Sudan and South Sudan, it was clear that
innovative technologies could only enhance
crisis response if they produced actionable
data. While there was little evidence that
technology contributed to short-term con-
flict prevention in the projects reviewed,
there were indications that ICT could play a
valuable role in preventing conflict emerging
from ongoing localized disputes. However,
Sudan and South Sudan’s positions as least
developed countries demonstrated that it is
not just the type of technology used in a con-
flict-prevention intervention that matters, it
is also the user’s familiarity with the technol-
ogy introduced. In a context with very little
ICT infrastructure, paper-based monitoring
of elections proved far more fruitful than the
SMS-based Sudan Vote Monitor, for example.
Adding ICT elements to prevention efforts
worked best when bolstering existing local
capacities, or when combining digital tech-
nologies with analog technologies, like radio,
that were already widely in use.
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Big data. In a variety of contexts, much
has been made of the potential for big data
analytics to inform development strategies,
but it also has significant potential for pre-
venting violence and conflict. Big data can
be used to identify patterns and signatures
associated with conflict—and those associ-
ated with peace—presenting huge opportu-
nities for better-informed efforts to prevent
violence and conflict. It could serve descrip-
tive, predictive, and diagnostic functions for
conflict prevention. Indeed, law-enforce-
ment agencies are already searching for pat-
terns in data from 911 calls, closed-circuit
cameras, and crime reports in an attempt to
stop crime before it happens. And academics
and civil society actors are predicting social
unrest and riots by tracking food prices and
correlating their patterns with previous
events. Nonetheless, there are significant
hurdles to overcome before big data can
begin to systematically and reliably inform
conflict prevention. Privacy, access, and use
remain key concerns for all actors looking
to leverage big data for different ends (Croll
2012). But in conflict settings—where indi-
viduals face higher risks to their personal
security—getting the balance right in terms
of who has access to what data for what pur-
pose is critical. Conflict settings also produce
unique analytical challenges for big data. For
example, if unequal access to technology in
a society mirrors the conflict cleavages, prob-
lems with the representativeness of the data
take on a whole new dimension, which could
serve to exacerbate the situation.
How-To Guide: Leveraging New
Technology for the Prevention of
Violence and Conict
The diversity and changing nature of conflict
settings strongly suggest that those seeking
to prevent conflict and save lives need to
adapt their strategies to the context at hand.
For example, the types of technology that
link civil, governmental, and regional early-
warning efforts in a relatively stable setting,
such as Kenya, may have limited impact in
an environment where governments act
precisely to restrict such information flows,
as happened in Kyrgyzstan. Similarly, the
tools and approaches used in a context of
entrenched criminal violence, in which ano-
nymity seems critical for incentivizing citi-
zen use of ICT for violence prevention, are
unlikely to have the same effect in a situation
of election-related violence, in which the vet-
ting of the information is essential to avoid
politicization and false reporting.
For policy purposes, when applying new
technologies to violence- and conflict-pre-
vention efforts, it may therefore be more
helpful to think in terms of the conflict con-
text rather than frameworks suggesting that
responses are ‘generational.’3 Such ambitious
theories may lead policymakers astray rather
than inform them about how to operate in
different socioeconomic, demographic, and
political contexts. In reality, actors in conflict
settings rarely move linearly from one gener-
ation of tools to another. ‘Older’ proprietary
technology is often used in conjunction with
‘new’ open-source technologies. Top-down
tools cohabit with bottom-up approaches.
That said, the lessons emerging from these
case studies, the insights of the experts
involved in the project, and the analyses
of the authors suggest a number of steps
that those using innovative ICTs can take to
strengthen their voice and action in order to
more effectively prevent violence and con-
flict. Together, they can be taken as a how-to
guide for international organizations, gov-
ernments, and civil society actors embarking
on prevention initiatives that seek to lever-
age new technologies.
1. Even if you crowdsource your
hammer, not every problem is a nail
Assuming there is a technical fix for what is
an inherently political problem is a danger-
ous path, no matter what technology is at
hand. New technologies have the potential
to make huge contributions to violence- and
conflict-prevention efforts, but they are no
panacea for holistic solutions. In particular,
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when trying to integrate operational preven-
tion (targeting a crisis at hand) and struc-
tural prevention (addressing root causes of
conflict), new technologies should be accom-
panied by more traditional tools, such as
preventive diplomacy, governance reforms,
and economic initiatives. They may comple-
ment these other elements of prevention—
for example, by increasing citizen participa-
tion in governance reforms—but should not
replace them.
In other words, new technologies make up
one more tool in the toolbox of preventive
action. As such, international organizations
and governments should examine all the tools
at their disposal when designing prevention
initiatives, not just technological tools. Civil
society organizations should also not be blink-
ered by their particular thematic focus or pet
projects. Sometimes applying new technolo-
gies simply may not work. All actors should
think politically as well as technically.
2. Consider the context
Before embarking on any prevention ini-
tiative that seeks to apply innovative tech-
nologies, actors should step back and assess
whether their investment will generate the
desired results. First, the socioeconomic
setting—from technology penetration and
use to literacy levels—should be thoroughly
examined to see whether technology can
have a positive impact and to select the tech-
nology that will be appropriate. Users in one
community may be well equipped to adopt
a new technology and integrate it into their
existing initiatives, while others may not
have the means, know-how, or inclination to
do so. Keep in mind that not every culture
or group will have the same enthusiasm for
embracing new technologies. Demographics,
rural versus urban contexts, gender consid-
erations, and generational factors will also
play an important role. In addition, some-
times ‘old’ technologies (or no technology)
may be more appropriate and effective. In
fact, many local-level projects appeared to
work best when they combined old and new
technologies—for example, by augmenting
existing analog early-warning systems with
digital components—and accompanied them
with training and capacity building.
With this in mind, international organiza-
tions and governments should make needs
assessments and feasibility studies standard
practice to prevent the supply of technol-
ogy from outstripping the demand.4 Civil
society organizations are generally closer to
the ground and should have a better under-
standing of the context. However, very often
they have no tools or resources for thorough
assessments. They should include needs
assessments or conflict and peace assess-
ments that incorporate technological tools
in their proposals when seeking funding
from donors.
3. Do no harm
Failure to consider the possible knock-on
effects of applying a specific technology can
lead to fatal outcomes in violent settings.
Spoilers—whether in criminal gangs, rebel
groups, or government agencies—can also lev-
erage new technologies and the information
they provide to incite violence, promote con-
flict, and perpetrate crimes. As the case stud-
ies demonstrated, restrictive governments
can use information and communication
technologies to prevent information from
getting to one group in society and identify
members of a dissenting group. Criminals
and drug lords can use personal information
obtained from websites to eliminate individ-
uals that present a threat to their activities.
As such, human input, political awareness,
and a conflict-sensitive approach remain
vital from the conception of an initiative
until long after its completion. Identifying
the possible spoilers, conducting a cost-ben-
efit analysis that incorporates levels of risk,
developing mechanisms to mitigate risks,
and creating contingency plans should be
fundamental components of project design
and implementation. Every actor seeking
to apply new technologies to prevention
initiatives should apply conflict-sensitive
Mancini and O’Reilly: New Technology and the Prevention
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approaches and be aware of possible nega-
tive and knock-on effects emerging from
their use of specific technologies.
4. Integrate local input throughout, and
don’t reinvent the wheel
Once a project is underway, continual input
from the local beneficiaries is vital to any
attempt to use technology to support pre-
vention efforts. The case studies show that
interventions designed almost exclusively in
a top-down manner are set up to fail. Exam-
ples abound where an absence of consulta-
tion with and involvement of the affected
communities meant there was a lack of buy-
in from those who were supposed to ben-
efit, project financing was unsustainable, or
the credibility of the information collected
was questionable. In addition, insufficient
awareness of or collaboration with existing
initiatives can lead to a multiplicity of tech-
nological platforms and initiatives, as seen
in Kenya. This can undermine the impact
of prevention efforts, particularly when it
means information does not get to the actors
with the greatest ability to respond. In gen-
eral, the application of new technological
tools to prevention efforts at the local level
works best when integrated into existing
civil society initiatives.
5. Use technology to help information
ow horizontally more than vertically
Perhaps the most significant innovation
created by advances in technology is the
empowerment of individuals to participate
in conflict-prevention initiatives in their own
communities and societies. Governments
and international actors have been collecting
data and using technological tools to inform
and implement policy and action for a long
time. But since these tended to be large-
scale, complex, and expensive endeavors,
they remained the reserve of those in power.
Today, citizens with mobile phones, cameras,
videos, and Internet access can contribute
greatly to early warning by ‘getting the word
out’ to a larger audience. International civil
society groups and advocacy groups also
draw on this digital deluge—along with other
data-driven evidence and satellite images—to
pressure international actors and Western
governments to respond.
However, this technology-driven infor-
mation overload does not always facilitate
timely or appropriate action. In fact, politi-
cal decision-making processes at the inter-
national level remain largely disconnected
from early warning and conflict-prevention
mechanisms. Reams of digital evidence can
contribute greatly to postconflict justice
and accountability mechanisms. But when it
comes to prevention, the international warn-
ing-response gap persists even if information
about violence and mass atrocities abounds
(O’Reilly 2013).
To close the gap, citizens in conflict settings
can use digital technologies to more easily
inform themselves and those who are better
placed to respond more quickly at the local
level. This information, spread horizontally,
can be used to put pressure on local decision
makers much more effectively than it can at
the international level. For the prevention of
violent crime, the example of Latin America
showed how horizontal citizen-to-citizen ICT
initiatives are the most dynamic and prom-
ising. Over the long term, citizens can also
use digital tools and platforms to incentivize
positive change in their communities and
societies. In other words, it seems that new
technologies have greater potential neither
in ‘top-down’ nor ‘bottom-up’ mechanisms,
but for ‘bottom-bottom’ approaches.
Ultimately, facilitating the horizontal
spread of ICT use for conflict prevention can
help to connect more ‘warners’ and ‘respond-
ers’ more quickly, and contribute to commu-
nities’ resilience in the long term. As such,
international organizations should consider
supporting the emergence of spontaneous
micro-initiatives, provide funding to develop
local capacity, improve connectivity among
different initiatives, and help the sharing
of best practices. Civil society organizations
should identify and reward skilled individu-
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als and groups in local communities who can
adopt new technologies for preventing vio-
lence and conflict.
6. Establish consensus regarding ownership,
use, and sharing of information
Community participation alone may not
always be enough to prevent a conflict, par-
ticularly when it comes to large-scale col-
lective violence and war. New technologies
make it possible for international organiza-
tions and government agencies to acquire
more information and more granular
information to inform prevention efforts—
whether this data is voluntarily given in the
form of citizen reporting, harvested from the
data deluge online, or collected using new
surveillance technologies.
But much more work is needed to identify
the levels of trust, transparency, and control
that individuals, businesses, and govern-
ments are willing to accept when it comes to
sharing data via digital technologies in a con-
text of violence and conflict. As evidenced
in Kenya, suspicion and distrust of national
police and security establishments may have
contributed to communities’ reluctance to
share information for early warning with the
National Steering Committee. In the Latin
America case, it was clear that citizens were
more likely to report crime if they felt con-
fident they could do so anonymously. And
in Sudan, there were indications that when
communities understand what their infor-
mation is going to be used for, they may be
more willing to participate.
International organizations, governments,
and civil society actors should establish con-
sensus around questions of privacy, access,
and use of digital data in any given initiative.
This will make prevention efforts more legiti-
mate in the eyes of affected communities,
and ultimately more effective.
7. Foster partnerships for better results
Partnerships will be essential for the effec-
tive application of new technologies for
preventive ends. There are indications that
prevention initiatives that drew on the
complementary strengths of international
donors, governments, the private sector,
and civil society proved more effective.
Indeed, in some contexts donors may need
to sacrifice visibility for the sake of effec-
tiveness. This is particularly true when the
use of new technologies to gather data in a
politically charged context is seen as exter-
nal meddling or even spying, which can de-
legitimize and undermine the endeavor, if
not kill the initiative completely. The need
for partnership in the realm of big data is
particularly acute given the array of actors
involved in extracting actionable informa-
tion from the data deluge—private com-
panies that hold the data, academics and
technical experts who can analyze it, civil
society actors who can put it in context, and
governments and international bodies that
can regulate its use and incentivize coop-
eration. International organizations and
governments are well placed to foster such
partnerships and should invest in doing so
for more promising results.
At this early stage in the consideration of
new technology’s role in preventing violence
and conflict, it is only possible to sketch out
very tentative conclusions. The application
of new technologies to conflict-prevention
efforts has yet to show robust results. Most
of the analysis points to the potential rather
than the current reality, although there have
been some significant, positive indicators
at the local level in particular. Continued,
extensive research and systematic evaluation
are needed for a deeper understanding of the
realities as well as the possibilities.
Yet, many ‘traditional’ conflict-prevention
initiatives also aren’t producing the out-
comes desired. With or without new technol-
ogy, this is particularly true when it comes
to bridging the gulf between warning and
response. Beyond examining the provision of
warning or identification of conflict drivers,
further research into technology’s impact on
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response could be the most helpful for the
field of prevention as a whole. This could
include assessing how ICT can be used to
generate incentives for action, which seems
to be more promising at a localized level,
and to link decision-making processes with
early-warning and conflict-prevention mech-
anisms. And given the huge pools of data
that now need to be analyzed for actionable
information, governments and international
actors also need to invest heavily in analyti-
cal capabilities at local, national, and interna-
tional levels.
There is a real risk that applying new tools
to a system that already struggles to meet
its goals may not get much further than a
Band-Aid effect. But the increased horizontal
spread of new technologies across societies
has the potential to revolutionize these tra-
ditional systems by making more informa-
tion available to more people. This not only
makes it harder not to do something when
violence or conflict appears imminent, it
also makes response more likely because it
empowers local actors—who are closer to the
crisis—and creates incentives to take action.
Given the frequent paralysis at national and
international levels when it comes to taking
action to prevent conflict, this ‘bottom-bot-
tom’ approach may be even more important
in the short term than the ‘bottom-up’ tac-
tic of raising voices to national and interna-
tional levels.
In the long run, however, the most effec-
tive approach to using new technologies for
conflict prevention may well be the approach
needed in prevention more broadly: one that
successfully balances both grassroots, decen-
tralized efforts and the more rationalized
and coordinated activities of governments
and international organizations.
1 This article is based on the following
report: Mancini, F (ed.) 2013. New Tech-
nology and the Prevention of Violence and
Conict. New York: International Peace
2 The present article is a condensed version
of the introduction and conclusion of
this report (Mancini 2013).
3 For an explanation of the ‘generational’
approach to technology in early warning
and response, see the chapter on big data
in Mancini 2013. See also Meier 2009.
4 For more on assessment tools for donors
and international organizations, and the
necessity of integrating a culture of anal-
ysis and contextualization, see Slotin et al
Croll, A 2012 Big Data is Our Generation’s
Civil Rights Issue, and We Don’t Know It.
In: Big Data Now. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly
International Telecommunication Union
2010 The World in 2010: ICT Facts and
Figures. Available at
International Telecommunication Union
2012 ITU World Telecommunication/ICT
Indicators Database 2012. Available at
Mancini, F (ed.) 2013 New Technology and
the Prevention of Violence and Conict.
New York, NY: International Peace Insti-
Meier, P 2009 Fourth- Generation Early Warn-
ing Systems. Conict Early Warning and
Response. March 6. Available at http://ear-
O’Reilly, M 2013 In Syria, to End Mass Atroci-
ties, World Watching Is Not Enough. The
Global Observatory. August 12. Avail-
able at
O’Reilly, M 2012 Robert Kirkpatrick, Director
of UN Global Pulse, on the Value of Big
Data. The Global Observatory. November
5. Available at www.theglobalobserva-
Mancini and O’Reilly: New Technology and the Prevention
of Violence and Conict
Art. 55, page 9 of 9
Slotin, J, Wyeth, V, and Romita, P 2010
Power, Politics, and Change: How Interna-
tional Actors Assess Local Context. New
York: International Peace Institute.
World Bank 2011 World Development Report
2011: Conict, Security, and Development.
Washington, DC: The World Bank.
How to cite this article: Mancini, F and O’Reilly, M 2013 New Technology and the Prevention of
Violence and Conict.
Stability: International Journal of Security & Development,
2(3): 55, pp. 1-9,
Published: 29 October 2013
Copyright: © 2013 The Author(s). This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY 3.0), which permits unrestricted use,
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Stability: International Journal of Security & Development
is a
peer-reviewed open access journal published by Ubiquity Press OPEN ACCESS
... Mapping is also increasingly used to document human rights abuses (Mancini 2013). For example, the Voix des Kivus used SMS input from trusted reporters to document abuses in the eastern DRC (Ushahidi 2011). ...
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The Oxford Handbook of Peacebuilding, Statebuilding, and Peace Formation offers an authoritative and comprehensive overview of peacebuilding, statebuilding, and peace formation. With contributions from over thirty distinguished and leading scholars, the Handbook provides a timely, engaging, and critical overview of conceptual foundations, political implications, and tensions at the global, regional, and local levels. It examines the key policies, practices, examples, and discourses underlining various segments of peacebuilding, statebuilding, and peace formation both as discursive formulations and as policy practices. Organized around four major thematic sections, the Handbook offers a state-of-the-art synthesis of the most pressing contemporary peace and conflict issues and charts new pathways for responding to transnational insecurities.
... In Chinese societal logic, relationality, an emotional fusion, serves as the top priority in the process of decision-making of the Chinese government. Jørgensen and Wong (2016) And from that time on, mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives (Mancini, 2013). With regard to a report released by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), by the end of 2012, there were already more than six billion cell phone subscriptions all over the world, and about one-third of the global population is online. ...
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This paper aims at analyzing the influence of Huawei’s 5G debate on Sino-European relationships. Constructivism is applied as the major theoretical approach in this thesis. My research findings indicate that the “distrust” in the bilateral relationship is caused by several factors, such as the doubts of certain EU member states over china’s political economic system, internal divisions among the European Union. Further, the research also reflects that though objective changes are expected to gradually reduce subjective obstacles, the latter remains difficult to eliminate. Finally, certain possible improvements to future Sino-European relations are proposed based on the analysis.
... Proponents of material semiotics have long argued that the epistemological concern with knowledge production cannot meaningfully be separated from ontological concerns with the enactment of reality, 1 Peacebuilding is an ill-defined term, yet it is commonly used to refer to external support to domestic processes that aim at preventing the occurrence or recurrence of armed conflict ( Barnett et al. 2007 ). In this article, we include under the broad umbrella of peacebuilding activities such as conflict analysis and prediction, conflict early warning, peace mediation and dialogue efforts, peacekeeping operations, efforts strengthening public security and to maintain ceasefires, and efforts to promote reconciliation and political change (compare to Mross, Fiedler, and Grävingholt 2022 ). 2 In the context of efforts to prevent and manage violent conflict, digital technologies have been commonly understood as web-based information and communication technologies ( Mancini 2013 ). and normative concerns with what is good or right to do ( Law 2009 , 155). ...
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Recent years have seen the acceleration of data- and evidence-based approaches in support of peace processes, creating a renewed confidence that conflicts can be predicted, known, and resolved, based on objective information about the world. However, new technologies employed by conflict parties, stakeholders, and those who aim to make or build peace have also made peace processes less ascertainable, intelligible, and predictable. Technology can thus create both more certainty and uncertainty in (and about) peace processes. This forum article presents a first collaborative attempt to explore how the use of technology by conflict parties and peacebuilding actors influences these dynamics. We examine various fields of engagement, ranging from conflict prevention to peace mediation, peacekeeping, and longer-term peacebuilding. Our discussion engages with a variety of related activities, including predictive analysis and foresight, conflict analysis, cease-fire monitoring, early warning and early action, and problem-solving and trust-building dialogues. We suggest approaching un-certainty as a spectrum between uncertainty and certainty that can be studied across epistemic, ontological, and normative dimensions, thus inviting further academic research and policy reflection. The article is coauthored by scholars and current or former practitioners and underlines the necessity, benefits, and feasibility of research–practice exchanges on this topic.
The digital transformation creates significant opportunities and risks for humanitarian action. Current approaches to humanitarian innovation-related issues are too often driven by considerations of competition and relevance, relegating the fundamental humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence to afterthoughts. By reasserting the place and role of these principles in humanitarian decision-making processes, this article argues that it is possible to better understand the political and ethical dimensions of the digital transformation, reverse counterproductive practices, and ultimately better mitigate the negative impact that technologies can have on the safety and dignity of people affected by humanitarian crises, and on principled humanitarian action.
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The purpose of the article is to determine the role of co-financing technologies (crowdfunding, fundraising) under the conditions of war and post-war reconstruction. The basis of the study is the case analysis of international support to Ukraine to counter Russian aggression. The central issue of the article is to clarify the acceptability, effectiveness, as well as problems of applying co-financing technologies to solve the problems caused by the war. The existing global experience of using co-financing technologies during wars was studied, the peculiarities of the Ukrainian case were revealed. The advantages, problems and risks of using crowdfunding and fundraising during a full-scale war are identified. The motivation of the public of other states to co-finance the solution or mitigation of the problems caused by Russia’s aggression on the territory of Ukraine is ascertained. The research is based on the analysis of projects supporting Ukraine and Ukrainians during the days of the Russian aggression on leading crowdfunding platforms, as well as through fundraising. Crowdfunding and fundraising are considered as forms of remote involvement, elements of digital action repertoires, which are used by the democratic public from all over the world (and in the case of Ukraine, also by government institutions) to convey their position on war and mitigate its consequences. It is concluded that modern technologies of cofinancing enable remote involvement of citizens of different states in international conflicts and humanitarian crises caused by these conflicts and wars. The dependence of the use of crowdfunding and fundraising technologies on the type of political regime and the characteristics of political culture of the dominant part of the population is proven.
While significant advancements have been made in recent years on the African continent in tackling security threats, there are needed improvements to capacities among other challenges. In spite of unprecedented growth and efforts towards establishing peace, the devastating impact caused by previous and ongoing unrest serves as a catalyst for chronic instability. Several African countries have seen an upsurge in political violence and polarization, while others are in a state of limbo. Violent extremism has also increased. By creating conditions to formalize collaboration between innovators, peace scholars, and other stakeholders, a peace innovation (PI) approach and agenda can provide new solutions to complex conflict problems that are user- and needs-driven, ethically reasoned, and that fundamentally understand and respond to a deep consideration of local dynamics to ensure social and economic impact. There is also a strong need for a greater emphasis on the inclusion of civil society, especially youth and women, in order to have a comprehensive approach. Linking these groups is the essence of PI best practice, re-conceptualizing what constitutes the limits of innovation research, re-examining research networks by merging scholarly, economic, and social value, and signalling globally that innovation actors and scholars can be peace builders. Such concerns tie into larger tensions between universality and particularity, and between self and other, that cannot be avoided by those who seek a less violent, more just world. Scholars need to provide methodological, theoretical, and practical guidance to innovators as they operationalize their products.
The entire globe is heated and faces immense annihilations that no single country can vouch to be truly free from. Though, conflict is an intrinsic and inevitable part of human existence, the nature and volatility of conflict experienced in Nigeria brought with it a quantum of warning signs which predominantly is not noticed or ignored. This study examines the Nigerian security sector as regards the disregard for available early warning signs of conflict in the polity which ordinarily form a whole ‘Early Warning System’ (EWS) of Conflict. The study employed historical method of analyzing data generated from both primary and secondary sources. A hundred key informants were systematically stratified and interviewed in each of six geopolitical zone of the country making total of 600 respondents while simple percentage frequency count and other statistical tools were used to analyze the derivatives in order to consolidate the mixed methodology. Findings show that significant early warning signs (EWS) precede most conflicts unawares and when the conflict signs are visible, we are not enlightened or informed to respond correspondingly let alone taking preventive actions. Also, government is complacent in the direction of conflict prevention policies and advocacy etc. The author therefore recommended an apt conflict prevention and management model which, if mainstreamed, would network all the security architectures hence, enhance security in the nation by fully engaging all the security operatives. It will ensure citizens’ rights and privileges while dignifying the nation in the international scene.
The international architecture of peacebuilding and statebuilding is currently responding to a shift from 'analogue' to 'digital' approaches in international relations. This is affecting conflict management, intervention, peacebuilding, and the all-important role of civil society. This Element analyses the potential that these new digital forms of international relations offer for the reform of peace praxis – namely, the enhancement of critical agency across networks and scales, the expansion of claims for rights and the mitigation of obstacles posed by sovereignty, locality, and territoriality. The Element also addresses the parallel limitations of digital technologies in terms of political emancipation related to subaltern claims, the risk of co-optation by historical and analogue power structures, institutions, and actors. We conclude that though aspects of emerging digital approaches to making peace are promising, they cannot yet bypass or resolve older, analogue conflict dynamics revolving around power-relations, territorialism, and state formation.
Election Related Violence (ERV) constitutes one of the major challenges facing democracies around the world and is mostly common among developing countries with young democracies, these countries are often left with debilitating effects from ERV. While there are many dimensions of ERV, this quantitative study explores the health, education and security perspectives of ERV. A total of 500 questionnaires were administered and 287 questionnaires were received, female participants constituted the minority (32%) while participants within the age bracket of 31-40 made up over a third (38%) of the respondents, furthermore, majority (38%) of the respondents possessed a Bachelor’s degree while a strong majority of the respondents (76%) were senior civil servants between the grade levels of seven to fourteen. Over a third (40%) of the respondents agreed that various types of trauma were the most common health challenges of those who experienced ERV. Another majority (60%) of the respondents believe that the absence of viable political education among the masses was largely responsible for ERV. Over a third (40%) of the respondents opined that the security lapses from security agents was one of the key factors responsible for ERV. The results drawn from the study indicated that ERV in Nigeria may have been amplified by poor voter education among the masses and shortfalls in the provision of adequate security structure employed for the purpose of the peaceful conduct of elections, the study also showed that there was a dearth of adequate health policies that would have helped address the attendant health related aftereffects of ERV. This study provides insights on the health, education and security perspectives of ERV. This could help in creating a deeper understanding of the ERV phenomenon as well as the development of strategies and policies that could lead to the effective control of ERV in areas where it is prevalent.
Cities are the drivers of innovation, growth, and change, and are rapidly expanding, especially in Africa. Cape Town is one of those cities, with high urbanization rates and persisting crime levels. There is a need to design ‘smart’ ways of growth which includes facilitating a safe and secure city for citizens. This study focuses on smart city initiatives in Cape Town, placing citizens at the center of the development process. Crowdsourcing techniques are utilized to develop a smart mobile application prototype that focuses on enhancing community engagement, resilience and increased perceived feelings of safety and security for citizens. The study uses a Design Science Research method with Cape Town citizens as the main stakeholders, to propose an artifact based on their wishes and needs with regards to safety and security in the city.
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International Journal of Security & Development is a peer-reviewed open access journal
  • Stability
Stability: International Journal of Security & Development is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by Ubiquity Press OPEN ACCESS
Big Data is Our Generation's Civil Rights Issue, and We Don't Know It In: Big Data Now. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media. International Telecommunication Union 2010 The World in 2010: ICT Facts and Figures
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International Telecommunication Union 2010 The World in 2010: ICT Facts and Figures. Available at ict/material/FactsFigures2010.pdf. International Telecommunication Union 2012 ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database
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Croll, A 2012 Big Data is Our Generation's Civil Rights Issue, and We Don't Know It. In: Big Data Now. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media. International Telecommunication Union 2010 The World in 2010: ICT Facts and Figures. Available at ict/material/FactsFigures2010.pdf. International Telecommunication Union 2012 ITU World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database 2012. Available at
World Watching Is Not Enough. The Global Observatory
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O'Reilly, M 2013 In Syria, to End Mass Atrocities, World Watching Is Not Enough. The Global Observatory. August 12. Available at analysis/557-syria-end-mass-atrocitiesworld-watching-not-enough.html.
Director of UN Global Pulse, on the Value of Big Data. The Global Observatory
  • M O'reilly
  • Robert Kirkpatrick
O'Reilly, M 2012 Robert Kirkpatrick, Director of UN Global Pulse, on the Value of Big Data. The Global Observatory. November 5. Available at
How International Actors Assess Local Context. New York: International Peace Institute
  • J Slotin
  • V Wyeth
  • Romita
  • Politics Power
Slotin, J, Wyeth, V, and Romita, P 2010 Power, Politics, and Change: How International Actors Assess Local Context. New York: International Peace Institute. World Bank 2011 World Development Report 2011: Conflict, Security, and Development. Washington, DC: The World Bank.