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Implementation of DDS chirp signal generator on FPGA

  • KARI(korea aerospace research institute
Implementation of DDS Chirp Signal Generator on
Heein Yang
Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Ajou University
Suwon, Korea
Sang-Burm Ryu, Hyun-Chul Lee, Sang-Gyu
Lee, and Sang-Soon Yong
Department of Payload Development
Korea Aerospace Research Institute
Daejeon, Korea
{sbryu11, hlee, sglee, ssyong}
Jae-Hyun Kim
Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Ajou University
Suwon, Korea
Abstract— Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an active sensor
that is widely used such as military purpose, land observation,
and etc. The main characteristics of SAR system are as follow.
First, as SAR uses microwave, it can be operated regardless of
the weather and day-night conditions. SAR system uses the signal
called chirp to acquire large bandwidth then it provides high-
resolution images. The conventional analog type chirp generator
of SAR system occupies large amount of space and weight. To
implement chirp generator in small satellites, implementation of
chirp generator on FPGA will be discussed in this paper.
Keywords—Chirp signal; FPGA; synthetic aperture radar;
direct digital synthesizer; chirp generator)
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an active sensor platform
that uses the microwave of 1-1000mm wave length to observe
land surface. Different from optical sensor which uses sun light
for its illumination source, SAR sensor can acquire the high-
resolution target image regardless of the weather condition and
day-night condition. SAR system is usually loaded on flight
vehicle such as satellite or aerial vehicle and as it moves along
the flight path it transmits and receives microwave to perform
its mission. When evaluating the performance of radar system,
the resolution is a dominant factor. Resolution means the
capability of a detecting system to distinguish between two
adjacent targets. The resolution of SAR image depends on the
transmit signal characteristics. Commonly, radar system
transmits pulse-train type microwave signal, and larger the
bandwidth of signal and narrower the pulse width, sensor gets
higher resolution. However, there are limitations on designing
the system, hence SAR system adopts the signal called chirp.
The chirp is a kind of frequency modulation signals and the
instantaneous frequency of chirp increases or decreases as the
time increases. The characteristic of chirp is that it can enlarge
the bandwidth then consequently it can acquire higher
resolution than non-modulated signal. By the reason that SAR
system needs large bandwidth to acquire high-resolution, it
adopts chirp signal.
When designing the signal generator of space-borne SAR
systems, the size, weight, space, and etc. of payload are
considered to be as smaller as possible. Usually analog chirp
signal generator is equipped with heavy and large components
such as workstation, analog signal generator, and etc. To
minimize the size and weight of SAR payload, various digital
chirp generators are introduced in [1]-[4]. Compared to analog
chirp generators, digital types are free from work station which
occupies large portion in chirp generator system. In this paper,
implementation of chirp generator on FPGA (field
programmable gate array) will be discussed. First, the
characteristics of chirp signal will be explained, then the types
of digital chirp generator will follow.
A. Definition of Chirp Signal
Resolution is an important factor of radar performance
evaluation and (1) indicates the resolution of radar systems
/2rc B
Where c and B mean the speed of light (m/s) and the
bandwidth of signal (Hz) respectively. Smaller the value r,
higher the performance of resolution, imaging radar systems
such as SAR are aiming to provide large bandwidth. However,
if the bandwidth of radar signal is large, the signal power also
get larger, then the system needs more power and size so the
SAR system use chirp signal. Chirp signal is a kind of linear
frequency modulation (LFM), and the frequency of signal
increases and decreases according to time. The equation of
chirp signal is in (2),
exp 2
t rect A j Kt
 (2)
Where T is pulse duration of rectangular waveform, A and K
are amplitude of signal and chirp rate respectively. The
polynomial inside the exponential term in (2) indicates the
phase component of signal and can be presented as (3).
When expressing the phase of signal in frequency term, the
derivative form of (3) is used and expressed as (4).
Sin ROM Chirp Pulse
Time integration Time integration
Figure 1. Functional block of DDS chirp generator
Phase to
(Sin ROM)
Converter Filter
Phase Accumulator
Figure 2. Structure of DDS chirp generator
I data
Q data
Figure 3. I and Q data generation in DDS chirp generator
 
(4) indicates that frequency of chirp signal varies linearly as
the time increases. By doing so, chirp signal can acquire the
bandwidth of Kt.
B. Types of Chirp Generator
Commonly there are two types of digital chirp generator
(CG): memory-based type and direct digital synthesizer (DDS)
type [5]. Memory-based CG save the chirp waveform in
advance and loads the saved signal. As this type loads already
saved waveform, the signal generator is quite easy and the
accuracy of signal is relatively higher than DDS type CGs.
However, when it needs to load the signal different from saved
signal, the configuration of CG is complicated. The
characteristics chirp signal such as PRI (pulse repetition
frequency) and PRF (pulse repetition frequency) vary when the
detection modes of SAR change, but when it is needed to
provide all the types of signal, memory-based CG requires
large amount of memory. When memory-based CG is
implemented space-borne SAR system, it occupies large space
in payload and it means the hardware characteristics of
memory-based CG are not suitable for space-borne SAR
especially for small satellites. Also, the memory components
are easily broken in space orbit and the electric components are
limited in space mission.
DDS type CG is introduced to overcome the weak points of
memory-based CG. DDS CG separates the whole waveform
little by little and then loads the stored fraction of waveform
according to the clock frequency. The system structure of DDS
type CG is depicted in Figure 1 [4]. The constant source
generates the chirp rate K then CG integrates it with time, then
the frequency component is expressed same as (4) in frequency
accumulator. Time-integrated component is integrated again,
then it becomes the phase which is expressed as (3). Finally
CG system loads the amplitude of pulse in Sin ROM according
to the signal phase. Due to the fact this system needs less
memory than memory-based CG, the hardware size can be
smaller. Moreover the signal configuration is a lot easier than
memory-based CG. Table 1 show the comparison between
analog type CG and digital CG.
C. Structure of DDS Chirp Signal Generator
The structure block diagram of DDS chirp generator is
presented in Figure 2. As the signal pass through frequency
register and phase register, sample index is counted with clock
frequency. Phase accumulator output makes linear ramp
function increasing with time. Next, there is phase to amplitude
converter called Sin ROM. Each phase component in phase
accumulator output is converted into signal amplitude then the
output signal shapes sine function. To utilize the chirp signal,
Sin ROM signal is processed in D/A converter. Sine pulse
shape signal is digitized with clock frequency.
Chirp signal (2) can be expressed with sinusoidal function
as below using Euler’s formula.
 
sin cos
t rect A Kt j Kt
 (5)
In (4), there are real part and imaginary part terms. Sine and
cosine terms present real and imaginary parts respectively and
System requirements Analog type Digital type
FM noise Low Low
Frequency response High Very high
Linearity Good Very good
System complexity Low High
Digital compatibility Impossible Possible
Figure 4. Pulse output of chirp generator (I data, Q data, and phase of chirp signal)
System requirements Specification
Bandwidth 10 MHz
Pulse width 30 us
Reference clock 100 MHz
Length of phase accumulator 16-bit
Chirp rate 0.3 MHz/us
I and Q data generation in DDS chirp generator
each term is called I and Q data respectively. Figure 4 shows I
and Q data generation in DDS chirp generator. Output in
Figure 3 is drawn out in chirp pulse output of Figure 3. Two
chirp pulse output pass through LPF (low-pass filter) to get rid
of harmonic components. To modulate the signal from
baseband, LO (local oscillator) oscillates the signal. Then, on
of the filtered signals is modulated by 90° with phase shifter.
This process separates I and Q data. Finally, HPA (high-power
amplifier) amplifies I and Q data respectively. With a series of
signal processing, chirp signal can be made with DDS chirp
Chapters above explain about the definition of chirp signal
and signal generation using DDS chirp generator. In this
chapter, characteristics of FPGA and performance of FPGA
based chirp generator will be drawn out.
A. Characteristics of FPGA
FPGA is acronym of field programmable gate array and it
has high-speed processing capability. Moreover with the help
of light weight and small size, it is widely used in many areas.
We adopted FPGA to minimize the system size that will be
used in small satellite (< 100kg) because payload in small
satellite is limited by around 25-35kg. Also, it can be driven
with lower power and switching speed is faster.
B. Simulation Output of Chirp Generator
Chirp pulse output and system development requirements
are presented in Figure 4 and Table 2 respectively. Bandwidth
of signal is set to 10MHz and with (1) resolution using this
chirp generator is 15m then it is suitable value for SAR system.
Signal on top indicates the I data of chirp pulse. As the I data is
defined with sine function, the signal shape is similar to sine
graph. The frequency of signal decreases from starts to center
and increases again. If the frequency of chirp increases
according to time, it is called up-chirp and in opposite case, it is
called down-chirp. The signal in Figure 4 is called down and
up-chirp. As the instantaneous frequency increases, there are
some aliasing but if the oversampling rate is set 1.2, this
problem would disappear. Signal in middle indicates Q data of
chirp pulse and it also has a shape of cosine wave. The bottom
graph in Figure 4 presents the phase of chirp signal. Phase
component of chirp is expressed as quadratic term following
(3) and this figure shows that the FPGA-base DDS chirp
generator has high linearity.
C. FPGA-based Chirp Generator
To realize the DDS chirp pulse, chirp signal is implemented
on FPGA board. Altera DE2-115 board is used and realized
using Verilog language. Output from FPGA is presented in
Figure 5. Also in FPGA output, aliasing can be seen in both I
and Q data. Instantaneous frequency is decreasing and
increasing linearly and when inspecting the signal from the
center, it is shown that signal is symmetric so that there is no
phase lagging error in this chirp signal.
In this paper, the characteristics, the waveform of FPGA-
based chirp signal generator, and development of chirp
generator are explained. First, to realize the DDS chirp signal,
simulation is done on Simulink. Then using Verilog with
Altera DE2-115 board, we drive the FPGA platform and
implemented with DDS type signal generator utilizing tuning-
word LUT (look up table) and phase LUT. In case of analog
type chirp generator, it needs waveform generator and
workstation however FPGA-based has light weight and small
size so that it is suitable for to be implemented to small satellite.
In the respect of signal characteristics, FPGA-based DDS chirp
signal has high linearity. Only baseband characteristic is
examined in this paper, so further research will be verification
of FPGA-based chirp generator in RF stage. Also, there are
some error truncation error and insufficiency of Sin ROM
memory due to the lack of bit number. The method to realize
and verify the chirp pulse in RF stage is needed. Next, error
occurred when using DDS method is needed to be checked to
compensate it to be used in actual SAR system.
This research was supported by NSL (National Space Lab)
program through the National Research Foundation of Korea
funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology
(2012-0009092) and KARI (Korean Aerospace Research
Institute) though the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future
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... Versatile chirp sine generator on fixed-point FPGA FMCW signal for radars is often generated using the FPGA and the maximal frequency of the signal is tens of GHz [7]. The generation is explained in [8,9]. Some other papers focus on FPGA versatile chirp and sine signal generators [8,10], nevertheless the chirp signal is also only linear. ...
... The generation is explained in [8,9]. Some other papers focus on FPGA versatile chirp and sine signal generators [8,10], nevertheless the chirp signal is also only linear. ...
... There are several FPGA sine generators, some are described in the literature [8,9,11,12] and some are commercially available, for instance, the NCO IP Core [13] from Intel (former Altera), or DDS [14] from Xilinx. Some of them put an emphasis on the generation speed or maximal frequency of the generated signal, whereas other on spectral purity and maximal resolution. ...
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This paper deals with a logarithmic and a linear chirp sine generation on a fixed-point FPGA mainly for vibration testing, nevertheless, the generator can also be used in other areas. A basic overview of the logarithmic chirp sine signal is provided. Then, methods of software signal generation as well as different hardware platforms are briefly described and their pros and cons are mentioned. A DDS generator on FPGA needs the phase difference between samples as an input. This generation for the logarithm chirp sine signal is presented, and its resolution, errors and limitations on fixed-point arithmetic are revealed. Our implementation runs on Compact RIO 9067, uses 32-bit fixed-point and is able to generate linear and logarithm chirp signals from 10 Hz to 7 kHz with a minimum chirp speed of 1 oct/min.
... Al-Safi et al [5] proposed the Modulated signals using Xilinx Vivado and Zedboard.FFT analysis is carried out for the sine signal and the synthesis report is tabulated. Many researchers proposed sine wave generation on FPGA [6]- [8]. ...
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This paper describes the novel approach to generate the trigonometric function sine wave with different amplitudes and different frequencies. The proposed design is synthesized using Xilinx ISE 14.7 using Verilog HDL programming language and simulated using the modelsim simulator. The sine wave generation is targeted on the high performance Zynq 7-series Zedoard FPGA (7020) which has a capability of programming language (PL) and processing system (PS). Generation of sine wave is carried out using Xilinx IP Core (DDS) approach with simulation, and synthesis. Zed board works on 28nm technology. Hardware device utilization summary of the design is analyzed along with the timing values. The power report of the design is extracted using the X power analyzer. Power analysis is compared with Micro wind software and X-power analyzer.
... In the following studies, the development is shown using FPGA. In [9], an in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) chirp signal generator was developed using a Cyclone IV FPGA utilizing the direct digital synthesis (DDS) technique to generate the I/Q chirp signal. To reduce the ROM usage for storing the signal data, a first quadrant DDS compression was proposed using Altera Stratix IV FPGA [10]. ...
... We leverage Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) [32], a digital signal processing method to generate chirp signals. Compared to other analog frequency synthesis [26] or voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) [29] based approaches, DDS is immune to both frequency and amplitude drifts and thus has been widely adopted for chirp signal generation in a radar system, e.g., frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radars [21,22] and synthetic aperture radars (SAR) [18,37]. ...
LoRaWAN has emerged as an appealing technology to connect IoT devices but it functions without explicit coordination among transmitters, which can lead to many packet collisions as the network scales. State-of-the-art work proposes various approaches to deal with these collisions, but most functions only in high signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) conditions and thus does not scale to many scenarios where weak receptions are easily buried by stronger receptions from nearby transmitters. In this paper, we take a fresh look at LoRa's physical layer, revealing that its underlying linear chirp modulation fundamentally limits the capacity and scalability of concurrentLoRa transmissions. We show that by replacing linear chirps with their non-linear counterparts, we can boost the capacity of concurrent LoRa transmissions and empower the LoRa receiver to successfully receive weak transmissions in the presence of strong colliding signals. Such a non-linear chirp design further enables the receiver to demodulate fully aligned collision symbols - a case where none of the existing approaches can deal with. We implement these ideas in a holistic LoRaWAN stack based on the USRP N210 software-defined radio platform. Our head-to-head comparison with two state-of-the-art research systems and a standard LoRaWAN baseline demonstrates that CurvingLoRa improves the network throughput by 1.6-7.6x while simultaneously sacrificing neither power efficiency nor noise resilience. An open-source dataset and code will be made available before publication.
Conference Paper
The electronics and telecommunications industries are constantly growing. The growth of the electronics and telecommunications industries poses new challenges for researchers and industrialists. One of these challenges is to generate the signal with the required bandwidth over a period of time that is used in various fields, especially radar systems. In short, to improve radar range resolution while achieving good SNR, it is necessary to reduce the signal width and increase the peak power. But there are cases such as Phased array radars that use solar cells and millimeter wave radars where the peak power cannot be increased, in which case the pulse compression technique is suggested as a solution. According to a common definition, pulse compression is a process performed on a wide pulse to turn it into a narrow pulse. In this paper, an attempt has been made to implement the signal compression steps in a practical way using FPGA. In order to achieve a signal with the possibility of better detection in the receiver, in this study, in addition to frequency modulation (Chirp signal), using a suitable architecture, amplitude modulation is performed on the generated signal (Chirplet signal). Simply put, if the chirp signal is designed in such a way that in addition to the frequency changes, the signal amplitude also changes over time, we get a model of the signal called the Chirplet. The main advantage of using the Chirplet signal is the reduction of unwanted frequencies entering the system due to the sudden avoidance of increasing and decreasing the initial and final sides of the signal. This ultimately makes it possible to detect the return signal with higher quality and accuracy. The FPGA under review is from the Spartan 6 xc6slx9 family. The simulation results show the production of compressed signal with the desired quality so that the ISLR and PSLR parameters for the final generated signal are obtained −7.5 and −14.5 respectively. In summary, according to the results of the simulations, it can be concluded that from a radar point of view, the Chirplet output has a better quality than the Chirp.
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The ever-expanding growth of the electronics and communications industries present new challenges for researchers. One of these challenges is the generation of the required bandwidth signal over a specific time frame that is used in a variety of contexts, particularly radar systems. To improve the range resolution in the radar along with better SNR, it is necessary to reduce the signal bandwidth and increase the peak power. There are some restrictions for narrowband signals like power limitation, pulse shaping, and the production of unwanted harmonics. So as a solution pulse compression techniques are suggested. Pulse compression is a process that modulating the transmitted pulse to achieve a wideband signal and then at the receiver, the received signal correlates with the transmitted pulse to achieve narrowband representations of data. Chirp is the most common signal used in pulse compression. The chirp signal is produced using linear frequency modulation. In this study, we attempted to add an amplitude modulation to the chirp signal and evaluate its performance by implementation on FPGA. The outcome signal is called chirplet and simulation will show that it enhance target detection and image quality in imaging radars like SAR.
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This paper presents the development of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) system that uses circularly polarized (CP) wave to reduce the Faraday rotation effect. SAR is an active sensor that uses microwave to detect the target in remote area. It is usually employed of moving vehicles such as aerial vehicle or satellite. Due to the relatively long wavelength (1-1000mm) of microwave compared to visible light, SAR sensor can penerate the clouds and can be operated in all-weather conditions. Also as it is an active sensor, it can be ...
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The backscattering from man-made point targets like passive corner reflectors and active transponders is often used as a radiometric calibration standard for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) calibration. As new systems emerge and the demand for more accurate systems increases, it becomes necessary to better understand the effects of real or imperfect targets on the radiometric calibration results. Therefore, a point target SAR simulator is presented which models the complete external radiometric calibration process. It incorporates a number of target properties like frequency response, transponder internal calibration strategies, noise, and interference signals, and it takes the instrument SAR mode settings into consideration. Thereby, the relevant target backscatter variation as observed in the processed SAR image with respect to an ideal or any other target can be determined. The simulation results are relevant during the design process of a new target as well as during the actual calibration of a SAR system. Based on these point target simulations, correction coefficients can be stated for each target and SAR mode, therefore decreasing the remaining radiometric point target uncertainties. The quantitative examples in this paper show that these corrections can influence the absolute radiometric calibration by more than 1 dB.
Described by Einstein as “the most important event in physics since Newton's time,” the discovery by James Clerk Maxwell that a vast array of phenomena could be united by four elegant formulas remains one of the greatest successes of modern physics. This book, based on the third originally published in 1891, presents the original work which underpins the electronic revolution in the 20th century and which inspired both Lorentz’s theories on the electron and Einstein's theory of relativity. Volume II covers magnetism and electromagnetism.
This paper is concerned with the evaluation and tabulation of certain integrals of the type I(mu , nu ; lambda ) = int0∞ Jmu(at) Jnu(bt) e-ct tlambdadt. In part I of this paper, a formula is derived for the integrals in terms of an integral of a hypergeometric function. This new integral is evaluated in the particular cases which are of most frequent use in mathematical physics. By means of these results, approximate expansions are obtained for cases in which the ratio b/a is small or in which b ~= a and c/a is small. In part II, recurrence relations are developed between integrals with integral values of the parameters mu , nu and lambda . Tables are given by means of which I(0, 0; 1), I(0, 1; 1), I(1, 0; 1), I(1, 1; 1), I(0, 0; 0), I(1, 0; 0), I(0, 1; 0), I(1, 1; 0), I(0, 1; -1), I(1, 0; -1) and I(1, 1; -1) may be evaluated for 0
In spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR), a single-polarization on-transmit offers twice the swath width compared to full polarization. This is linked to SAR system design issues, and, without getting into the technical details deserving by themselves a full paper, we can just mention the swath characteristics of ALOS PALSAR (the Advanced Land Observing Satellite, Phased Array L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar), reducing from 70 km for the dual-pol mode to 30 km for the full polarization mode. The reduced coverage in the full polarization mode has a harmful impact on the revisit time, which is always a major drive for the Earth-observing community. The options chosen up to now for dual-pol system designs (or single-polarization on-transmit) rely on a linear polarization on-transmit [either horizontal (H) or vertical (V)], with two orthogonal polarizations on-receive. Souyris and Raney in earlier papers proposed more pertinent alternatives for the selection of the transmit polarization leading to a better characterization of the scattering mechanisms. In this paper, the analysis is pursued in more depth by including the effect of the ionosphere on the wave propagation and extending the applications to polarimetric interferometry SAR (PolInSAR). A compact mode is developed where the transmit polarization is circular, whereas the only constraint on the two receiving polarizations is independence. Indeed, the choice of the polarizations of the two receive channels does not matter, as any polarization on-receive can be synthesized from these two measurements. This is, however, not the case for the unique transmit polarization. At a low frequency, where the ionosphere has a significant effect, the circular transmit polarization is the only sensible option, as it provides an effective constant polarization as seen by the scattering surface. This is an essential condition for a meaningful multitemporal analysis. Both the polarimetric SAR applications and the PolInSAR appl- - ications in the context of this compact polarimetry (CP) mode are explored. A pseudocovariance matrix can be reconstructed following Souyris' proposed approach for distributed targets and is shown to be very similar to the full polarimetric (FP) covariance matrix. The reconstruction of the cross-polarized Sigma0 is shown to be reliable and to have very low sensitivity to Faraday rotation. A PolInSAR vegetation height inversion for P-band is presented and applied to the CP data with a level of performance that is similar to the one derived from FP (a 1.2-m root-mean-square height error on the ONERA Airborne radar (RAMSES) data over the Landes Forest). A procedure is developed to correct for the ionospheric effects for the PolInSAR acquisition in the FP or CP mode and is assessed on the data simulated from an airborne acquisition. The results demonstrate that the technique is efficient and robust. The calibration of CP data is identified as an important challenge to be solved, and some clues are provided to address the problem.