
Migration routes of the South Brazilian rain forest

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... In the South Brazilian Grassland region, we often find landscapes where mosaics of forest and grassland physiognomies are intermingled, forming continuous or abrupt transitions and ecotones with manifold spatial and vertical structures. Early on naturalists have been emphatic about describing these mosaics and the associated process of forest expansion over the grasslands under the prevailing moist climate and soil types: Grasslands were considered relicts of a previous drier and colder climate now subject to substitution by forests (Lindman 1900;Rambo 1956), and not as unnatural ecosystems resultant from deforestation, as previously thought (Gautreau 2010). In the more recent past, a number of studies using different approaches including palaeoecological, soil carbon isotope, and satellite image analyses have confirmed the hypothesis of forest expansion over grasslands as a widespread phenomenon in this region (Behling 2002;Behling et al. 2004;Oliveira and Pillar 2004; S. C. Müller (*) Laboratório de Ecologia Vegetal (LEVEG), Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil e-mail: ...
... These ecotones are strongly influenced by a cool-moist element (Oliveira-Filho et al. 2013;Rezende et al. 2016), related to Andean and Austral-Antarctic lineages (Rambo 1951a(Rambo , 1953, with a great number of species restricted to this region. These biogeographic elements coexist with an 'old mountain flora' (Rambo 1953) that migrated from previously established forests from the surrounding landscape (Rambo 1961;Oliveira-Filho et al. 2013 (Fig. 16.1a), the mosaics form a transitional zone between forests, grasslands and savannas (Overbeck et al. 2022). Vegetation patterns of this region are influenced by woody species of the Cerrado flora. ...
... In the South Brazilian Grassland region, historical increases in precipitation and temperature have enabled the expansion of forests from the northern tropical forests, including elements of both moist forests and seasonal forests, as well as from the Araucaria forests. Initially, this expansion occurred along river valleys and subsequently spread over the grasslands that were once the predominant vegetation type (Rambo 1951b(Rambo , 1956Behling et al. 2004). Currently, similar to other grassy ecosystems in Brazil, grasslands in the region occur in what we consider an "uncertainty climate zone" (Overbeck et al. , 2022. ...
Mosaics of forest and grassland are frequent in South Brazilian landscapes, both in the highlands of the Atlantic Forest and southward into the Pampa regions. The grasslands are relicts of a previous drier and colder climate and are currently subject to woody encroachment and forest expansion. These processes are dynamic and observed mosaic patterns result from a complex interplay of environmental, biogeographic, landscape, and anthropogenic drivers. Thus, the composition and abundance of woody species in the grassland portion of the mosaics vary across spatial and temporal scales. Grazing and fire disturbances over the grasslands are important determinants, filtering out many woody species without traits and strategies that enable them to establish and grow in grasslands under certain disturbance regimes. In the absence of or under low disturbance regimes, the expansion of forests over the grasslands occurs gradually from the boundaries and often by nurse plants facilitation. Nurse plants are trees or shrubs that initially establish safe sites in grasslands and then facilitate the subsequent colonization of tree species by attracting animal dispersers, improving microenvironmental conditions, and promoting the formation of forest patches within grasslands. Moreover, particularly in the highlands, forest-grassland mosaics are considered a domesticated landscape where pre-Columbian societies contributed to the expansion of Araucaria forests. In this chapter, we present the main patterns, discuss the mechanisms and drivers behind the processes, and propose a mechanistic model to synthesize patterns and processes of woody encroachment and tree expansion in forest-grassland mosaics in the South Brazilian Grassland region.
... In Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost subtropical State of Brazil, temperature and moisture gradients, as well as cold winter temperatures and sporadic frosts, influence the distribution of epiphytic bromeliads (Winkler 1980(Winkler , 1982. Their distribution also responds to the topography, vegetation types and migration routes of floristic elements from the tropical forest and Chacoan domain, as well as to historical biogeographic events (Rambo 1961;Winkler 1980). In the central portion of Rio Grande do Sul, the tank bromeliads Aechmea, Billbergia, Edmundoa, Nidularium, Vriesea and Wittrockia occur mainly in the Atlantic Forest regions in the far east and, especially, the north of the coastal plain (Rambo 1950;Winkler 1980Winkler , 1982. ...
... These results align with the studies Martinelli et al. (2008) and Fontoura et al. (2012) performed in a broad area of the Atlantic Forest domain. In Rio Grande do Sul, the northern coastal plain, with its proximity to the southern Brazilian plateau of the Serra Geral, has a more maritime climate that attenuates the temperature range and increases the air moisture and the frequency of rainfall, as suggested by Rambo (1950Rambo ( , 1961 and Kamino et al. (2019). Consequently, the epiphytic bromeliad assemblages in the northern coastal plain, as in the entire Atlantic rainforest, are mainly those that thrive in maritime climates, where the sea breeze supplies consistent air moisture, as specified by Rambo (1950). ...
... In the westernmost region, we found the essentially atmospheric bromeliads adapted to relatively dry environments. These extreme epiphytic bromeliads, as mentioned by Gomes et al. (2019), are Tillandsia species distributed from the drier Chacoan domain (Winkler 1980;Gomes et al. 2019), extending eastwards to Rio Grande do Sul from the parklands of Argentina across the enclosed and moister deciduous seasonal forest of the upper Paran a-Uruguay River basins (Rambo 1961;Winkler 1980). In our floristic survey, we recorded the following Tillandsiaxerophytic species: T. bandensis, T. duratii, T. loliacea, T. pohliana, T. streptocarpa and T. tricholepis. ...
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Metacommunity ecology investigates how drivers of regional and local scales cause compositional variation in a network of communities potentially linked by dispersal. We examined the metacommunity structure of epiphytic bromeliad assemblages along a coastal‐inland gradient in a subtropical geographic corridor extending from the Atlantic coast to near the Uruguay River, in the central depression of Rio Grande do Sul State, in southernmost Brazil. We surveyed floristic and environmental data on a sequence of 71 testimonial hills. We used elements of metacommunity structure to identify metacommunity patterns (i.e. random, checkerboard, nested, Clementsian, Gleasonian, evenly spaced and quasi‐structured). We ran a canonical correspondence analysis to evaluate how coastal‐inland gradient influenced species distribution. Finally, we employed variation partitioning to determine archetype‐based metacommunity structuring processes (i.e. species sorting, neutral dynamics, patch dynamics and mass effects). We found that temperature‐ and moisture‐based gradients generated environmental heterogeneity that established species filtering, determining the formation of cohesive groups of epiphytic bromeliads with coincidentally occurring boundaries (i.e. quasi‐Clementsian structure). As a result, we identified four metacommunity structures embedded along the coastal‐inland gradient: In the eastern and east‐central metacommunities, species distributions were idiosyncratic due to individual species' responses to environmental gradients (i.e. quasi‐Gleasonian structure), and in the western and west‐central metacommunities, we observed Clementsian and Gleasonian structures, respectively. Habitat heterogeneity and dispersal sufficiency (i.e. species sorting archetype) were the foremost drivers establishing metacommunity structures. Ultimately, and surprisingly, in the east‐central metacommunity, we detected source‐sink dynamics among the testimonial hills (i.e. mass effects archetype). Our findings suggest that epiphytic bromeliad assemblages are linked to a gradient‐driven pattern with moderate heterogeneity (i.e. low turnover) and identify four embedded metacommunity structures. Moreover, they indicate that the species sorting archetype best represents the processes of establishing metacommunity structures.
... ARTIGO ISSN 1980-4849 (on-line) / 1679-2343 (print) O Rio Grande do Sul está sob influência de dois importantes corredores de migração de espécies: o corredor da encosta atlântica ao leste, citada por Rambo (1961) como a "Porta de Torres", que contorna a serra pelas partes mais baixas, e ao noroeste, provindo da região do Alto Uruguai, o corredor estacional, que segue ao sudeste acompanhando o leito do Rio Jacuí (Mattei et al. 2007, Rambo 1961 Por meio do levantamento da flora arbórea de remanescentes florestais na proximidade do Lago Tarumã no município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e posteriores análises fitogeográficas, este estudo objetivou, principalmente, conhecer a riqueza e a origem das espécies arbóreas desta área, de acordo com os principais corredores de migração descritos. Buscou-se, também, evidenciar a importância da conservação da área, devido ao seu valor ecológico relacionado à riqueza de espécies vegetais que servem de abrigo e alimento à fauna e outros organismos, pela melhoria das condições da qualidade da água e do ar proporcionados, e pelo valor psicoespiritual, trazendo bem-estar à população humana que dela se utiliza como forma de lazer. ...
... ARTIGO ISSN 1980-4849 (on-line) / 1679-2343 (print) O Rio Grande do Sul está sob influência de dois importantes corredores de migração de espécies: o corredor da encosta atlântica ao leste, citada por Rambo (1961) como a "Porta de Torres", que contorna a serra pelas partes mais baixas, e ao noroeste, provindo da região do Alto Uruguai, o corredor estacional, que segue ao sudeste acompanhando o leito do Rio Jacuí (Mattei et al. 2007, Rambo 1961 Por meio do levantamento da flora arbórea de remanescentes florestais na proximidade do Lago Tarumã no município de Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, e posteriores análises fitogeográficas, este estudo objetivou, principalmente, conhecer a riqueza e a origem das espécies arbóreas desta área, de acordo com os principais corredores de migração descritos. Buscou-se, também, evidenciar a importância da conservação da área, devido ao seu valor ecológico relacionado à riqueza de espécies vegetais que servem de abrigo e alimento à fauna e outros organismos, pela melhoria das condições da qualidade da água e do ar proporcionados, e pelo valor psicoespiritual, trazendo bem-estar à população humana que dela se utiliza como forma de lazer. ...
... A rota de migração das espécies (Fig. 3) foi estabelecida por meio da comparação de suas distribuições geográficas, obtidas em bibliografia especializada (Reitz et al. 1978, Reitz et al. 1983, Sobral et al. 2013, com as rotas de migração conhecidas para o estado (Rambo 1961, Mattei et al. 2007 Provavelmente, a expressiva riqueza encontrada neste trabalho, além de estar relacionada às espécies arbóreas exóticas cultivadas, é devido ao fato de a área de estudo se encontrar em uma região que está sob influência de diferentes corredores de migração. A maioria das espécies encontradas é de ampla distribuição no estado (24%), tendo este mesmo padrão sido observado também por Jarenkow & Waechter (2001), Jurinitz & Jarenkow (2003) e Grings & Brack (2009). ...
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This paper describes a tree component survey of forest remnants in the vicinities of Lake Tarumã and also shows the results of a phytogeographical analysis on the origin of the species surveyed at Viamão municipality, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. The studied region is situated near the urban center of the municipality and has small forest remnants. The survey was conducted by the “walking” method, with monthly collections being performed from 2008 to 2010. We identified 112 species from 40 families, of which 16 species are exotic and two are included in the red list of threatened plant species from Rio Grande do Sul. Most species are widely distributed in the state; followed by the ones that occur in the surroundings of the meridional plateau, being originated either in seasonal or Atlantic forest regions; which in turn are followed by species of exclusively Atlantic origin. Our results corroborate those of other studies in the state and emphasize the importance of the Atlantic corridor to the local floristic composition. The study area also shows high species richness, which thus highlights the extreme importance of preserving this site.
... Ecological data Small to tall herbs generally with rhizomes in grassland, humid areas, or swamps, but there are species in dry and sandy soils or forest and bog margins (Rambo 1956a; Souza and Lorenzi 2012). Common in Rio Grande do Sul in general (Rambo 1954Rambo , 1956aRambo , b, 1961). ...
... Common in open environments , forming typical associations in grassland areas (Boldrini et al. 2008; Souza and Lorenzi 2012). Abundant in Rio Grande do Sul and in its coastal plain (Rambo 1954Rambo , 1961). Typha L. Figs. 20, 21 Oblate spheroidal to spheroidal, radially symmetric, heteropolar. ...
... (EV); 51–53 Urticaceae 1 (obl): 1°–3° pl; 54–55 Urticaceae 2 (obl): 1°–2° pl; 56–57 Cucurbitaceae: 1°–2° pl. PV polar view, EV equatorial view, obl oblique, pl planes arboreal groups in the coastal plain, preparing the soil for expansion of the Atlantic rain forest (Rambo 1951Rambo , 1954Rambo , 1961 Marchiori 1997; Souza and Lorenzi 2012). ...
This paper describes pollen grains of three gymnosperms and 31 angiosperms preserved in one Quaternary sedimentary profile of a paleolagoon, Hermenegildo Beach (33°42′S–53°18′W), in the extreme southern coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. We present these data as taxonomic references for paleoenvironmental studies in this region. The profile was collected directly from the vertical slope over an interval covering the last conventional 2600 years, as determined by radiocarbon dating. Chemical processing of the samples was performed according to standard methodology, using HCl, HF, KOH, and acetolysis, and analyses were performed on light microscopy. The pollen material was found during the counts of 300 pollen grains in each sample, controlled by saturation curves. Descriptions and illustrations are included, along with ecological data from the original organisms. The high taxonomic diversity found in this study will enhance subsequent plant successional studies, which are essential to paleoenvironmental reconstructions of the coastal plain of southern Brazil.
... A tropicalidade das florestas de encosta, manifestada pela presença de um número relativamente elevado de espécies e gêneros, levou Rambo (1951Rambo ( , 1961 a apontar a Mata Atlântica, pelo leste, e a Mata das Bacias dos Rios Paraná-Uruguai, pelo oeste, como os dois principais corredores de imigração de espécies tropicais que se estendem até o Rio Grande do Sul. As condições climáticas do planalto, no sul do Brasil, impedem a transposição de espécies de ambos os contingentes, suscetíveis ao frio, de um lado para o outro. ...
... As encostas do Planalto Sul-Brasileiro, principalmente na face meridional, mostram-se como áreas privilegiadas para o desenvolvimento de estudos ecológicos e fitogeográficos, por se constituírem no local de encontro e interpenetração de dois contingentes tropicais, o oeste, caracteristicamente mesófilo ou estacional (interior) e o leste, higrófilo ou pluvial (atlântico). Para Rambo (1961), o contingente oeste seria mais importante, tanto em riqueza específica quanto em amplitude geográfica, e portanto, geologicamente mais antigo. ...
... As espécies amostradas que possuem ampla distribuição, foram tratadas como uma categoria distinta. Para o enquadramento das espécies nestas categorias, foram consultados diversos trabalhos sobre flora e/ou vegetação do sul do Brasil (Klein 1961, 1972, 1983, Rambo 1961, Reitz et al. 1983. ...
... A Porta de Torres constitui uma estreita região de planícies e encostas influenciadas pela proximidade do Oceano Atlântico, que conferem temperaturas amenas no inverno e precipitações abundantes ao longo do ano. Estas condições favorecem a extensão meridional da Floresta Atlântica brasileira e, associadas a essa formação, uma flora tropical relativamente rica para latitudes tipicamente subtropicais (Rambo, 1961;Waechter, 2002). ...
... Como caracteres adaptativos convergentes nesses grupos aparecem estruturas e mecanismos para a captação e a retenção de água e matéria orgânica, uma resposta para um substrato (fustes e copas das árvores) onde esses recursos são facilmente perdidos para o chão da floresta. Para garantir a colonização de copas descontínuas, as unidades de dispersão (esporos, frutos ou sementes) são geralmente pequenas e numerosas, podendo ser transportadas pelo vento ou por diversos animais voadores (Benzing, 1987;Gentry & Dodson, 1987 O primeiro trabalho que proporciona uma lista representativa de espécies epifíticas para a região que mais ou menos compreende a Bacia do Tramandaí foi o de Rambo (1961), onde o autor distingue entre espécies amplas e outras restritas às duas correntes migratórias, uma oriental e outra ocidental. Excluindo as espécies restritas à corrente ocidental (florestas estacionais interiores), pode se deduzir um total de 256 espécies para a região atlântica do extremo norte do Rio Grande do Sul. ...
... O estudo evidenciou um total de 241 espécies nativas no extremo--norte (29-30°S) da planície costeira e uma forte redução da riqueza epifítica no sentido norte-sul. Assim como o estudo de Rambo (1961), o inventário de Waechter (1992) evidenciou a grande riqueza epifítica concentrada na família Orchidaceae, que apresentou mais da metade (51,9%) das espécies no extremo-norte. Nenhuma dessas espécies foi observada no extremo-sul (33-34°S) da planície costeira, onde ocorrem oito famílias e apenas 15 espécies de epífitos vasculares (Waechter 1992;1998a). ...
... Falkenberg and Voltolini 1995;Leite 2002;Roderjan et al. 2002;Spichiger et al. 1995), the formation of species blends through main migration routes (e.g. Leite 2002;Rambo 1951aRambo , 1953Rambo , 1961Smith 1962;Waechter 2002;Waechter and Jarenkow 2003) Interglacial cycles (e.g. Behling 1995;Behling et al. 2005;Pillar 2007, 2008;Behling and Negrelle 2001;de Oliveira et al. 2005;Negrelle 1998;Quadros and Pillar 2002;Stefenon et al. 2008). ...
... Besides, it is not unusual to observe mass killings of particular tree populations in certain areas struck by exceptionally harsh frosts (Klein 1984;Rambo 1980). It was then no surprise that tree species richness in the region showed the worldwide pattern of decreasing richness with declining minimum temperatures and actual evapotranspiration (Rambo 1961;Smith 1962;Waechter and Jarenkow 2003). The latter, in particular, is one of the best correlated variables with the primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems (Currie et al. 2004). ...
... After all this strong body of evidence, it is surprising that most descriptions of the forest expansion during the Holocene are focused in species migrations from both tropical rain and seasonal forests ('warm-moist' and 'warm-seasonal' species) and give little to no attention to the migration of 'cool-moist' or 'montane' species. Rambo (1953) mentioned that there was an 'old mountain flora' with species of Myrceugenia, Myrcia, Siphoneugena, Solanum, Ocotea, Agarista, Miconia, Clethra, Symplocos, Ilex, Symphyopappus, Piptocarpha, Leandra and Tibouchina and later described forest expansion on subtropical highlands as essential part of a further advance of previously established forests on surrounding lowlands and valleys (Rambo 1961). Smith (1962), on the other hand, sought for disrupted Andean connections that were recently pointed out by Gonçalves and Souza (2013) for the upper montane flora of eastern Araucaria forests. ...
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Aims: We analyse here the variations in species composition and richness and the geographic ranges of the tree species occurring in South American subtropical Atlantic and Pampean forests. Our goals were to assess (i) the floristic consistency of usual classifications based on vegetation physiognomy, climate and elevation; (ii) the leading role of temperature-related variables on the variations in species composition and richness; (iii) the predominance of species with tropical–subtropical ranges, possibly as a result of forest expansion over grasslands after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); (iv) the restriction of most subtropical endemics to stressful habitats as a possible result of past forest refuges during the LGM. Methods: The region was defined by the Tropic of Capricorn to the north, the Rio de la Plata to the south, the Atlantic shoreline to the east and the catchment areas of the upper Paraná and Uruguay Rivers to the west. Multivariate analyses, multiple regression modelling and variance partition analyses were performed on a database containing 63 994 occurrence records of 1555 tree species in 491 forest sites and 48 environmental variables. All species were also classified according to their known geographic range. Important Findings: A main differentiation in species composition and richness was observed between the eastern windward coastlands (rain and cloud forests) and western leeward hinterlands (Araucaria and semi-deciduous forests). Pre-defined forest types on both sides were consistent with variations in tree species composition, which were significantly related to both environmental variables and spatial proximity, with extremes of low temperature playing a chief role. Tree species richness declined substantially towards the south and also from rain to seasonal forests and towards the highland summits and sandy shores. Species richness was significantly correlated with both minimum temperature and actual evapotranspiration. About 91% of the subtropical flora is shared with the much richer tropical flora, probably extracting species that can cope with frost outbreaks. The 145 subtropical endemics were not concentrated in harsher habitats.
... (c) perfil de nitossolo vermelho, em corte (extração de saibro), onde verifica-se horizonte A pedregoso; (d) na região nordeste da área de estudo, é comum a presença de matacões de vulcanitos da fácies Caxias da Formação Serra Geral, devido à delgada espessura dos cambissolos húmicos que se desenvolvem a partir dessas. (Teixeira et al., 1986;Brasil, 2004;Brasil, 2012 A Floresta Estacional Decidual é composta de espécies tropicais originárias da rota de migração oeste (Rambo, 1961;Grings & Brack, 2009), provenientes das bacias dos rios Paraná-Uruguai, com 50% ou mais dos indivíduos arbóreos perdendo as folhas no inverno (Brasil, 2012). Predominam nesta formação espécies da família Fabaceae, destacando-se na ARIE a presença de angico-vermelho (Parapiptadenia rigida), a grápia (Apuleia leiocarpa), angico-branco (Albizia edwallii), rabo-de-bugio (Lonchocarpus nitidus), farinha-seca (Machaerium stipitatum), timbaúva (Enterolobium contortisiliquum), corticeira-da-serra (Erythrina falcata), cabreúva (Myrocarpus frondosus), entre outras. ...
... Já a Floresta Estacional Semidecidual também apresenta espécies da rota migratória oeste, com 20 a 50% dos indivíduos arbóreos perdendo as folhas no inverno (Brasil, 2012;Molz et al., 2016). Porém já ocorre maior presença de espécies do corredor migratório leste (Rambo, 1950;Rambo, 1961;Molz, 2004;Molz et al. 2016;Konrath & Mondim, 2007 do Sul, 2014;Brasil, 2022). Alguns registros de espécies foram comunicação pessoal do Biólogo Martin Molz. ...
Technical Report
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We sought to involve the local community in the process of building the management plan for a protected area, through non-formal environmental education, in order to overcome the trauma caused by the creation of the area. We identified 08 communities covering 5,761 ha. We held 05 pre-workshop meetings to prepare the MP, in 05 locations, from 07 to 11 August 2023. We chose 02 representatives from each community and another 10 were selected by public notice, totalling 41. The workshop took place from 25 to 29 September 2023 in Sapiranga. We used participatory methodologies to integrate the technical team with the representatives and the representatives with each other, organise demands and hierarchise decision-making levels. ICMBio Federal Normative Instruction 07/2017 was followed to build a strategic management plan. All elements of the plan were decided by consensus.
... In fact, the Torres region harbors to the largest concentration of Atlantic rainforest elements in RS; these elements become scarcer moving south and westward toward the lowlands of the coastal plain and the neighboring low areas due to the decrease in temperature and humidity. Therefore, the Torres region hosts the highest concentration of Atlantic rainforest s. str. in RS (Rambo, 1950(Rambo, , 1951(Rambo, , 1954(Rambo, , 1960(Rambo, , 1961(Rambo, , 2015Klein, 1961Klein, , 1975Veloso, 1962). ...
... For this last glacial stage, taxa of the Atlantic rainforest s. str. (Cecropia and I. pseudobuxus) in the Pirataba profile (Figs. 2 and 3) allow us to assume the possible incipient migration of tropical species from the extreme Brazilian coastal plain through the narrow area of Porta de Torres (Rambo, 1950(Rambo, , 1951(Rambo, , 1961Baptista, 1964). This probably occurred in a previous milder phase within the last glacial stage, as recorded in oceanic sediments in southern RS by Vicalvi (1977), Lorscheitter (1983), and Lorscheitter and Romero (1985). ...
In the northernmost of Rio Grande do Sul coastal plain, southern Brazil, the first comparative palynological study of the sedimentary profiles of two present-day Atlantic rainforests was conducted in Torres municipality: Pirataba forest (29°15′ S, 49°51′ W), 17 km from the coastline, and Faxinal forest (29°21′ S, 49°45′ W), 2 km from the coastline. Ten radiocarbon dates and additional grain influx diagrams allowed for a more accurate analysis. The results suggested that regional and local events affected the northern coastal plain vegetation. The inner coastal plain of the Pirataba site was characterized by a cold, dry regional climate and a small number of pioneer forest species at the end of the last glacial stage (24,000–10,000 bp); a regionally variable temperature increase with slightly humid and dry phases in the early/mid-Holocene (10,000–6700 bp); and regional high temperature and humidity, and expanding Atlantic rainforests, in the mid-Holocene (6700 bp onwards). Near the coastline in the Faxinal site, the following were detected: marine transgression and damage to herbaceous marsh plants, and elevated temperature in the mid-Holocene (7000–6700 bp); regional marine regression, gradual soil desalination and scarce herbaceous marsh in the mid/late Holocene (6700–3500 bp); and regional high temperature and humidity, with forest expansion over the desalinated herbaceous marsh in the late Holocene (3500 bp onwards). The Pirataba and Faxinal forests expanded because of the high temperatures, an even greater increase in regional rainfall, and improved soil conditions at the end of the late Holocene (1500 bp onwards). The hydrosere occurring due to a water reservoir in Faxinal highlights the importance of preserving the lacustrine bodies of the region as generators of coastal forests.
... Some glacial refuges were probably located in the mountains of Southeastern Brazil (Klein, 1975;Ab'Saber, 1977;Gentry;, and several Atlantic taxa evolved there, in speciation processes followed by dispersal events when the climatic conditions became warmer and moister (Rambo, 1954(Rambo, , 1961Fowlie, 1981;. The patterns of distribution including richness center in the areas between São Paulo and Bahia states could be attributed to these events and are found, besides Acianthera, in a number of genera (Reitz, 1953;Aragão, 1967;Mayo, 1984;Chautems, 1988;Baumgratz, 1989/90;Lima et al., 1997;Leme, 2000;Sylvestre & Windisch, 2003). ...
... Some areas, as SPS, MSS, and BAR, are needing more studies. The gradient showed by de ordination can be attributed to the climatic variation from North to South latitudes (Rambo, 1954(Rambo, , 1961 (0) * -Acianthera cryptoceras and A. bidentula was treated as single species in this matrix. ...
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This thesis presents a series of studies on Acianthera (Orchidaceae). The first chapter presents synonyms, lectotypes, new tranferences, and comments on species of Acianthera. The second chapter is an analyses of the vegetative architecture of 23 Acianthera species plus a morphometric analyses of ten species. The third chapter is a taxonomic revision of this genus to the "flora ilustrada do Rio Grande do Sul". And the fourth and last chapter is an analyses of the biogeography of Acianthera to the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil and neigborhoods.
... Segundo Rambo (1954aRambo ( , 1961 ...
... A diminuição da diversidade de Piper em outros tipos de floresta já era esperada, mesmo com a extensão geográfica muito superior das florestas interiores, por lhes faltar as característica das matas pluviais. Essa diminuição também confirma a Porta de Torres como a principal rota de entrada para diversos outros táxons que fazem parte do Elemento Neotropical Atlântico (Rambo 1961, Waechter 2002 últimas evidenciadas no oligotrofismo, alagamento e anoxia das matas turfosas (Waechter 1980), e na pobreza geral de nutrientes (oligotrofia), xerofitismo, deficiência hídrica e de micronutrientes presentes nas matas arenosas (Dillenburg 1986). As restrições climáticas atuantes são as baixas temperaturas ocorrentes na floresta com araucária, e a estação desfavorável (seca) das florestas sazonais. ...
... Com relação à abundância dos diferentes contingentes fitogeográficos, registrou-se, para as espécies que existem em toda área florestal do Estado (EAD), 791 indivíduos (66%), seguidas por espécies limitadas ao extremo Noroeste (rios Paraná-Alto Uruguai -BPU), com 337 indivíduos (28%), e das espécies limitadas à ala Leste do Estado (Torres até Santa Maria -ATL), com 68 indivíduos (6%). A ocorrência de Aiouea saligna, Ficus cestrifolia, Guapira opposita, Mollinedia schottiana, Ocotea silvestris, Pachystroma longifolium e da palmeira Euterpe edulis (além de algumas espécies arbustivas), corrobora a teoria que pressupõe o influxo da rota migratória do elemento arbóreo da Floresta Ombrófila Densa para a região central do Rio Grande do Sul (Rambo, 1961; Klein, 1984). A ocorrência de Escallonia bifida (arbusto) e de Quillaja brasiliensis, por sua vez, representa o influxo da Floresta Ombrófila Mista (Klein, 1984). ...
... Por sua vez, Campomanesia xanthocarpa, em consonância com Marchiori & Sobral (1997), apresentou maior abundância na encosta superior, em sítios úmidos. A família Fabaceae, por sua vez, é representada por elevada riqueza de espécies que se irradiam , no Rio Grande do Sul, pela rota de migração dos rios Paraná e Uruguai (Rambo, 1961;, Jarenkow & Waechter, 2001 ), sendo menos representadas no lado Leste da região central. No presente estudo, destacam-se Inga marginata e Myrocarpus frondosus. ...
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A pesquisa avalia a influencia das rotas migratorias do elemento arboreo na floristica de um remanescenteda Floresta Estacional Subtropical em morro testemunho da regiao central do estado do Rio Grande doSul. A amostra consiste de transectos continuos, quinze unidades amostrais de 10 x 50m, complementadapelo metodo do caminhamento aleatorio. Na analise da vertente usaram-se as categorias topo, encosta-superior,meia-encosta, encosta-inferior e base, examinando-se, nestas, os processos geomorfologicos atuantes.Nas unidades amostrais registraram-se as arvores com circunferencia a altura do peito igual ou maior a15,7cm, medido a 1,30m do nivel do solo. Na analise da dissimilaridade usou-se o coeficiente de aglomeracao(distância binaria) e o agrupamento hierarquico (UPGMA). Obteve-se 1.196 arvores, 68 especies, 56generos e 30 familias botânicas. Observou-se o predominio de individuos e especies ocorrentes em toda aarea florestal do Estado, seguido por especies limitadas ao extremo Noroeste (rios Parana-Alto Uruguai) epor especies limitadas a ala Leste (Torres ate Santa Maria). Todavia, constatou-se uma diferenca derepresentatividade do contingente fitogeografico entre os segmentos de posicao do relevo. Conclui-se que omorro possui heterogeneidade espacial que condiciona a floristica e o contingente fitogeografico. A vegetacaoarborea do Morro do Botucarai representa, para a Floresta Estacional Subtropical, uma diluicao daFloresta do Alto Uruguai, enriquecida com elementos da Floresta Ombrofila Densa e, sobretudo, da FlorestaOmbrofila Mista.
... The south of Brazil (i.e., states of Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul) has been recognized for its flora, which includes species of tropical and temperate origins (Durigon & Waechter 2011). It is a convergence area of different floristic elements and, notably, the southern distribution limit of several tropical species (Rambo 1961). Three biomes can be identified, with different extents over the area (IBGE 2004): the Atlantic Rainforest, distributed across the three states; the Cerrado (Brazilian savannah), represented by only a small area in northeastern Paraná; and the Pampa, which in Brazil is restricted to Rio Grande do Sul, covering the state's southern half. ...
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Recent studies have contributed to a better understanding of the circumscription of some genera of Malpighiaceae and the overall diversity of the family in Brazilian tropical ecosystems. In southern Brazil, however, this important group of lianas and shrubs still has not been fully categorized. The present study provides identification keys based on floral and fruit morphology for the 23 genera reported from southern Brazil. The importance of the number of styles and the position and shape of the stigmas for the recognition of genera was confirmed. Illustrations of morphological characteristics used in the keys and notes about taxonomy, species richness and distribution are provided. It should be noted that the occurrence of some Malpighiaceae genera that are represented by only one species in the southern region, such as Bronwenia, Camarea and Heladena, are not yet cited in the Flora do Brasil 2020 database. A total of 95 species were confirmed and documented by voucher specimens. Banisteriopsis pseudojanusia, Heteropterys dusenii and Peixotoa catarinensis, occur exclusively in southern Brazil and are classified as “Critically Endangered”, “Vulnerable” and “Endangered” in the Brazilian Red List, respectively.
... The latter are related to Andean and Austral-Antarctic lineages (e.g. Rambo 1951a;Rambo 1951b;Rambo 1953;Rambo 1961;Leite 2002;Waechter 2002) and probably remnants of a southern Gondwanan land connection (Sanmart ın & Ronquist 2004). These temperate lineages also called 'Gondwanan survivors' (Kooyman et al. 2014) are cold-adapted and currently are mainly distributed in the highlands of the southern Atlantic Forest (Rambo 1951a;Rambo 1953;Gonc ßalves & Souza 2014). ...
Elevation gradients are drivers of species diversity, and, recently, studies have considered the evolu- tionary process in shaping community assembly patterns. Patterns of plant species richness across elevational gra- dients have been studied in different parts of the Atlantic Forest; however, little is known about plant phylogenetic diversity patterns. Thus, we aimed to analyse the phylogenetic diversity of angiosperm trees along an elevation gradient in southern Brazilian Plateau, in the subtropical portion of the Atlantic Forest. We expected a decrease in phylogenetic diversity along the elevation gradient, from lowlands towards to highlands, where species may be evolutionary closely related as many tropical lineages are not capable to inhabit colder con- ditions. We also investigated the distribution of phylogenetic clades along the elevation gradient through princi- pal coordinates of phylogenetic structure. Data were obtained from 28 phytosociological surveys distributed across different elevation levels, ranging from 40 to 975 m. We found a negative association between phyloge- netic diversity and the elevation gradient. The representativeness of families Myrtaceae and Lauraceae increased with elevation, while most of the families decreased in species richness and are replaced by temperate families such as Winteraceae (Drimys) in higher elevations. The decrease in phylogenetic diversity with increasing eleva- tion may be linked to niche conservatism of tropical lineages that retain their historical climatic niches and thus many species are not capable to inhabit colder environments. Most tropical clades are restricted to lower eleva- tions; however, Myrtaceae and Lauraceae probably evolved tolerance to colder temperatures during glacial cycles. Furthermore, the probably long-term climate stability in lowlands than highland areas may have pro- moted the co-occurrence of distantly related species, resulting in higher phylogenetic diversity. Finally, we observed how historical imprints and current environmental conditions shape the phylogenetic diversity of angiosperm tree species in subtropical Atlantic Forest.
... As Florestas Estacionais do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul não apresentam uma flora arbórea peculiar com gênese em sua própria paisagem e sim de espécies imigrantes de outros contingentes florísticos (RAMBO, 1956). O contingente de caráter arbóreo da floresta irradiou-se por duas rotas migratórias: uma a partir da bacia fluvial do Paraná, entrando pelo Alto Uruguai; e outra a partir da floresta costeira de Santa Catarina, entrando no estado pela estreita Porta de Torres entre a Serra Geral e o Oceano (RAMBO, 1961). ...
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Este trabalho objetivou caracterizar uma população de Ocotea silvestris, em uma Floresta Estacional na Serra Geral do Sul do Brasil. Esta espécie possui uma distribuição geográfica nas regiões Sudeste e Sul do Brasil. A população estudada está localizada em um remanescente florestal, situado no topo do Morro do Elefante. Foi realizado um inventário com amostragem sistemática, através do método de parcelas, com dimensões de 20 m x 50 m, perfazendo uma área de 0,8 ha. Foram mensuradas as variáveis diâmetro à altura do peito e a altura total. Realizaram-se as análises das estruturas diamétrica e hipsométrica; regressão não linear entre o grau de esbeltez e a circunferência à altura do peito; e regressão linear entre diâmetro à altura do peito e a altura total, para avaliação do design mecânico. A população de O. silvestris foi caracterizada por 35 árvores, presente em todas as parcelas, obtendo uma área basal de 1,24 m² ha-1. Os resultados permitem diagnosticar que os indivíduos desta população concentram-se nas classes iniciais e medianas, e decrescem em número nas classes superiores, com o aumento da competição. O grau de esbeltez foi elevado nos indivíduos de menor circunferência, quando a competição é intensa. Nos indivíduos que alcançam maiores dimensões, sobrevivendo à competição pela ocupação do dossel, o grau de esbeltez diminui. A espécie apresentou design mecânico entre similaridade elástica e de stress constante, o que denota a necessidade de investimento em crescimento diamétrico para sustentar o peso da copa nos indivíduos de grandes dimensões, frente às intempéries, advindas de fortes ventos que incidem sobre o remanescente florestal. Palavras-chave: Canela-ferrugem. Demografia. Fitogeografia. Alometria. Espécie ameaçada.
... Nos levantamentos realizados na Área de Proteção Ambiental Fazendas Guajuviras foram feitas visitas rápidas, devido à falta de segurança no local, que denota certo perigo, priorizando os pontos dos estudos já realizados de acordo com a bibliografi a levantada (SOBRINHO, 2005;FORNECK et al., 2013). Cada espécie foi classifi cada conforme o seu contingente fi togeográfi co, que se baseou na consulta de bibliografi a (RAMBO, 1950;RAMBO, 1961;KLEIN, 1983;JARENKOW, 1994;JARENKOW, WAECHTER, 2001;BRACK, 2002;BUDKE, 2006;SOBRAL et al., 2006) Foram relacionadas às espécies encontradas em levantamentos realizados no município por meio de revisão bibliográfi ca (artigos, dissertações, teses, trabalhos particulares e não publicados). Também foi avaliada a similaridade entre os fragmentos em questão, a partir do índice de similaridade de Jaccard, que utiliza a presença e a ausência de espécies nessas áreas para analisar quão similares elas são entre si. ...
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A escrita da apresentação desta obra fundamentou-se nos conteúdos que os(as) autores(as) explicitaram nas introduções de seus capítulos. Estes, por sua vez, compõem Canoas - múltiplos olhares: sociedade, memória e meio ambiente, percorrendo diferentes caminhos no desafio de compreender esta cidade multifacetada, a partir de pesquisas que buscaram responder a questões sobre temas emergentes que ainda não foram sufi cientemente abordados, no que tange a estudos sobre o município que, em 2019, completa 80 anos.1 A obra divide-se em três partes, a saber: (1) sociedade, urbanização e trabalho, (2) memória e identidades e (3) meio ambiente, economia e impactos ambientais, com capítulos que são ordenados articulando ideias que buscam captar a cidade nas suas tramas, suas marcas de historicidade e problemas referentes ao seu processo de urbanização.
... In general, the Mata Atlântica biome encompasses mainly forest vegetations, including rain forests and seasonal forests. Its floristic composition is highly influenced by tropical forest taxa that have migrated along two different routes: the western one formed by the seasonal forests of the Paraná and Uruguay River basins, and an eastern route comprising the rain forests of the Atlantic mountain slopes (Rambo 1961). These tropical-like forests that border the eastern and western parts of northern Rio Grande do Sul are segregated by a mosaic-like landscape of highland grasslands and forests characterized by the presence of temperate taxa, such as Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) ...
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Most studies concerning climbing plants have focused on lianas, forest ecosystems, and tropical regions. Thus, the majority of existing information is not relevant to all climbing plants (lianas and vines) or all ecoregions of the world (forested and non-forested). We provide an update on floristic and distributional data available for climbing plants in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, which is located within subtropical and temperate zones and includes a variety of forest and non-forest vegetation types. A total of 448 climbing plant species were confirmed and documented by voucher specimens, revealing a diversity similar to that registered for trees in the state (533). The significant contribution of climbing species to the regional flora, the differences in floristic composition and species richness among the state’s eight vegetation types, and the high number of endangered species found in this extratropical region reveal the requirement to expand studies of climbing plants to include environments beyond tropical forests. Furthermore, the importance of herbaceous climbing species in subtropical and temperate floras demonstrates that they should be included in ecological studies of climbing plants, and that future analyses could detect unique or divergent patterns between herbaceous and woody climbers.
... Species were categorized according to their phytogeographic history (migration routes to southern Brazil -Jarenkow & Waechter 2001) and were thus classified into four groups: Atlantic corridor (ATL), Paraná and Uruguai river basins (BPU), araucaria forests (ARA) and widely distributed (EAD). Categorization and species classification mainly follow Rambo (1951;1961), Jarenkow & Waechter (2001), Budke et al. (2004), Lindenmaier & Budke (2006), Sühs et al. (2010) and Sühs & Budke (2011). ...
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Upper montane ecosystems in Brazil are little known, and their structural and functional aspects poorly understood. Our goals were to describe tree species diversity and community structure, and to characterize tree species in relation to their ecological traits, phytogeographic history and conservation status in an upper montane araucaria forest remnant. A total of 26 species belonging to 18 families were found in a 1-hectare permanent plot. The tree community mainly comprised trees with diameters of less than 20 cm and heights of between 6.5 and 9.5 m. Drimys angustifolia and Myrceugeniaregnelliana had the highest importance values. Most species were shade tolerant while most individuals were pioneers. Most species and individuals presented zoophily and zoochory. Most sampled species and individuals were related to araucaria forests. Seven species are threatened to some degree while one species, Crinodendron brasiliensis, besides threatened, is also endemic to the region. The presence of endemic and endangered species demonstrates that the studied area serves important conservation purposes. Furthermore, the present study demonstrates the important role that upper montane regions have for conservation and describes the structural patterns of still poorly studied habitats, reinforcing the importance such systems have in maintaining species diversity at high elevations.
... Approximately 90% of the species sampled in the studied region have a broad geographical distribution (South America and Tropical America), occurring in different forest formations. These species belong to a flora with connections by the route Paraná-Uruguay rivers (Rambo 1961) and constitute relicts from an ancient flora widely distributed and fragmented with vicariant events, mainly the development of a savannah corridor during the Cenozoic era (Ponce et al., 2002;Morrone, 2006;Arana et al., 2013Arana et al., , 2016. ...
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The richness of ferns and lycophytes associated with the semi-deciduous forests of southern Brazil remains poorly known. Addressing this situation, the richness of lycophytes and ferns in 11 semi-deciduous Forest remnants, located in the northwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, is presented. In total, four species of lycophytes (two families and two genera) and 88 species of ferns (15 families and 44 genera) were recorded. The most diverse families were Pteridaceae and Polypodiaceae, with 18 and 17 species respectively; Asplenium (10 spp.) was the most diverse genus. Among the recorded species, only Dicksonia sellowiana is cited in the Brazilian List of Threatened Plant Species. Most of the surveyed species have a broad distribution, occurring in South America (44.6%) and Tropical America (32.6%). The surveyed remnants showed intermediate species richness in relation to other areas previously studied in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, except for Parque Estadual do Turvo, where 81 species were recorded. The floristic similarity analysis shows that the Parque Estadual do Turvo is the most dissimilar area, presenting a high number (28) of exclusive species. The observed high value of the cophenetic correlation coefficient (0.968), indicate a small distortion between the similarity matrix and multidimensional space shown in the dendrogram. The present study constitutes an important contribution to the knowledge of the richness of ferns and lycophytes occurring in semi-deciduous forests in southern Brazil.
... A maioria dos estudos realizados em florestas de restingas destaca, de maneira mais ou menos detalhada, a importância florística ou fisionômica do componente epifítico vascular (Hertel, 1959;Reitz, 1961;Baptista et ai., 1979;Lindeman et ai., 1975;Waechter, 1985Waechter, , 1990. Para o litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, um número relativamente grande de espécies epifíticas foi citado por Rambo (1954Rambo ( , 1961, que chama a atenção para a origem tropical e a diluição latitudinal desta categoria ecológica. ...
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A phytosociological survey of vascular epiphytes was performed in a sand-dune forest (restinga) of northeastern Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. A total of 60 host trees (phorophytes) were sampled according to the point-centered quarter method, including trees with at least 10cm of diameter at breast height. The recorded vascular epiphytes belong to 8 families, 20 genera and 31 species, the Orchidaceae and Bromeliaceae being the most diversified. Several additional species were recorded in the whole forest stand with ca. one hectare. Frequency values of vascular epiphytes formed a gradually decreasing sequence of species, the most important being Microgramma vacciniifolia (Polypodiaceae) and Tillandsia eêrenthos (Bromeliaceae). The Shannon index of diversity was estimated (H'= 2,990), using frequency on individual phorophytes as a measure of quantitative participation (pi). The number of vascular epiphytes on individual phorophytes ranged from 4 to 16 species, showing a polymodal distribution and a highest modal value of 8 species.
... Two of them present several important genetic differences, such as genome size (Yotoko et al., 2011) and organellar inheritance (Muschner et al., 2006). The Passiflora species have been used to explain the origin of existing forests in the temperate zone in southern Brazil (Rambo, 1961), and they are related to the biogeography of this region . ...
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The Tropical Niche Conservatism hypothesis is one of the most relevant theories to explain why tropical diversity is high, although the mechanisms underlying this hypothesis require further clarification. A possible research avenue to address the underlying mechanisms includes determining population-level processes associated with such a hypothesis, in particular by trying to identify how adaptation may occur in extreme niche conditions at the edges of species ranges. However, the determinants of molecular diversity at the edges of geographical distributions of tropical taxa are still poorly known. Here we assessed which environmental variables determine diversity in nuclear and plastid genetic markers for populations of four Passiflora species in the southern limit of their geographical distributions. Climatic factors can drive genetic diversity, and their importance varies according to the marker. The primary predictors are variables representing higher temperatures during cold periods of the year and higher precipitation during dry periods. We concluded that, although these species are present in colder areas at the edge of their range, Tropical Niche Conservatism acts as a restraining force on genetic diversity in southern populations of Passiflora.
... The plant migrations triggered by the Quaternary climate oscillations, combined with the nonuniform landscape composition, may have contributed to the diversification of the evolutionary lineages of the P. integrifolia complex. This dynamic also underlies the diversification and range expansion of other Petunia species [21] and of the genus as a whole [24], and mirrors that of other plant species from the same region [31,102,103], in line with the theory of Andean components in the southern Brazilian flora [104]. The differentiation between habitats and the stability found in niche modelling analysis reinforce the idea that there are four genetic lineages: P. integrifolia, P. depauperata, P. bajeensis, and P. inflata + P. interior. ...
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Background The classification of closely related plants is not straightforward. These morphologically similar taxa frequently maintain their inter-hybridization potential and share ancestral polymorphisms as a consequence of their recent divergence. Under the biological species concept, they may thus not be considered separate species. The Petunia integrifolia complex is especially interesting because, in addition to the features mentioned above, its taxa share a pollinator, and their geographical ranges show multiple overlaps. Here, we combined plastid genome sequences, nuclear microsatellites, AFLP markers, ecological niche modelling, and bioregions analysis to investigate the genetic variability between the different taxa of the P. integrifolia complex in a comprehensive sample covering the entire geographical range of the complex. Results Results from molecular markers did not fully align with the current taxonomic classification. Niche modelling and bioregions analyses revealed that taxa were associated with different ecological constraints, indicating that the habitat plays an important role in preserving species boundaries. For three taxa, our analyses showed a mostly conserved, non-overlapping geographical distribution over time. However, for two taxa, niche modelling found an overlapping distribution over time; these taxa were also associated with the same bioregions. Conclusions cpDNA markers were better able to discriminate between Petunia taxa than SSRs and AFLPs. Overall, our results suggest that the P. integrifolia complex represents a continuum of individuals from distant and historically isolated populations, which share some morphological traits, but are established in four different evolutionary lineages. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12862-017-1084-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... Para o estado, as informações sobre a distribuição das espécies de Cactaceae se concentram nas epifíticas e encontram-se dispersas em levantamentos florísticos gerais, como os de Rambo (1954;1956b;1956c;1961), Lindman et al. (1975, Brack et al. (1985), e, estudos fitossociológicos e florísticos com epífitos vasculares, como os de Waechter (1986;1998), Gonçalves & Waechter (2003) e Rogalski & Zanin (2003) e Giongo & Waechter (2004). O único trabalho envolvendo padrões de distribuição é com Cactaceae epifíticas de Bauer & Waechter (2011) De acordo com dados apresentados na lista das espécies ameaçadas do Rio Grande do Sul, as Cactaceae deste estado, estão sendo severamente ameaçadas pela expansão da atividade antrópica, provocando a destruição dos habitats naturais. ...
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Recent studies have shown that an increasing number of native species are threatened with extinction. Caryophyllales, worldwide, include 18 families and about 8.600 species. The order is monophyletic; usually the plants are herbaceous with monoclamid flowers. The species considered in this study belong to the families Amaranthaceae, Cactaceae, Hologaraceae, Phytolaccaceae and Polygonaceae included in the List of endangered species of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, in accordance with State Decree 52.109/2014. The information is based on experts of the corresponding families, data in Specieslink and specialized bibliography. The threatened Amaranthaceae are represented by 26 taxa, distributed in the 11 physiographic regions, with the wealth center concentrated in the " Depressão Central " with 15 species, and the poorest region in the " Encosta Superior do Nordeste " , with four species. Cactaceae are more commonly found in two regions, the " Campanha " and the " Serra do Sudeste " , with respectively 35 and 24 species; the smallest number is located in the " Alto Uruguai " and the " Litoral " regions, with three taxa each. Halogaraceae present only Laurembergia tetrandra (Schott) Kanitz found in the regions " Depressão Central " , " Encosta do Sudeste " and " Litoral ". Polygonaceae include Coccoloba argentinensis Speg., occurring in the regions " Alto Uruguai " and " Missões ". Phytolaccaceae have two species Microtea scabrida Urban inhabiting the region of " Alto Uruguai " and " Depressão Central " and Seguieria langsdorffii Moq, found in the " Depressão Central ". The greatest floristic similarity of the order is 57% for the species that occur in the " Campanha " and " Serra do Sudeste " , with 28 species common to both regions. Caryophyllales present five patterns of geographic distribution ranging from very large to very restricted. Resumo Estudos recentes têm demonstrado que um número crescente de espécies nativas está ameaçado de desaparecimento. As Caryophyllales, em nível mundial, incluem 18 famílias e cerca de 8.600 espécies. A ordem é monofilética; são plantas geralmente herbáceas com flores monoclamídeas. O objetivo do estudo, foi avaliar a distribuição geográfica das espécies ameaçadas da ordem Caryophyllales no Rio Grande do Sul. As espécies consideradas neste trabalho pertencem às famílias Amaranthaceae,
... Por tal motivo, a aparentemente elevada riqueza de espécies também pode ser explicada por esta característica, onde matas do norte avançam em direção ao sul acompanhando rios, morros e vales, levando consigo sua fauna e, simultaneamente, vegetação graminosa do sul avança pelos interflúvios carregando a fauna de ambientes mais temperados. Trabalhos realizados com outros grupos de animais e, inclusive, plantas, reforçam esta afirmação (Grela, 2004;Nores et al., 2005;Rambo, 1961). ...
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For the first time the mammalian fauna of the Pampas from Uruguay and southern Brazil was considered as a whole, despite political borders. The study area comprises the Uruguayan territory and the Pampa biome in Brazil. Information on species distribution in the study area was obtained from different sources and a geographical distribution map was elaborated for each species. Information was obtained from scientific collections and literature. In general, 3,480 registers were considered (1,800 from Uruguay and 1,680 from Brazil), totaling 1,231 different localities (712 in Uruguay and 519 in Brazil). One hundred fifthteen species were identified (73 from Uruguay and 110 from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), being five of them endemic species and seven almost distributed exclusively in the study area. The small mammals (rodents, bats and marsupials) conform 73% of the registered genera found and almost 77% of the total number of species. The localities, registers and species richness are concentrated near research institutions and protected areas. A substitution between northern forestal species and southern open areas species are clear. This work intended to collaborate with essential information in order to elaborate conservation politics that consider the entire region, independent of the countries that compose it.
... No final do século XIX, Lindman (1906) concluiu que a vegetação campestre do Estado seria proveniente de um clima outrora mais seco. Posteriormente, Rambo (1956Rambo ( , 1961 e Klein (1975) complementaram as hipóteses de Lindman, sugerindo por evidências fitogeográficas que os Campos foram os primeiros tipos vegetais a se estabelecer nesta região do Brasil e, que a P R O V A S presença atual da grande diversidade de táxons florestais seria decorrente de um segundo momento quando houve mudanças no clima para condições mais úmidas. ...
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A vegetação da região da campanha no Rio Grande do Sul é composta por formações campestres com raras e esparsas ocorrências de florestas de galeria. Uma importante questão discutida entre os botânicos é se no decorrer do Holoceno a paisagem, da região da campanha teve sempre predomínio de vegetação campestre como nos dias atuais ou se ocorreram formações florestais. Estudos palinológicos podem contribuir de maneira significativa para o entendimento desta questão. A análise preliminar da zona transicional entre as florestas e campos no Rio Grande do Sul, permite concluir que no Holoceno superior (3.000 anos A.P.) os elementos campestres dominaram o espectro polínico sobre os demais elementos pertencentes a outros tipos de formações. Significativo intercâmbio deu-se apenas dentro do mesmo hábito campestre, às vezes com prevalência de Poaceae e Baccharis (campos secos); outras vezes de Cyperaceae (campos úmidos).
... Atlantic Rainforests are essentially coastal ecosystems influenced by orographic rainfall along the Atlantic slopes of the Serra Geral mountain range. This formation occurs along the entire coastal region in Santa Catarina and extends to northeast Rio Grande do Sul, where it reaches its southern limit (Rambo, 1961). Seasonal dry forests are mostly inland formations, subjected to greater temperature than precipitation variations along the year. ...
... Phytogeographical characterization of Rio Grande do Sul (Rambo, 1961) demonstrated that the only two migration paths to the southern edge of the Atlantic Forest were from the west (basins of the Paran a and Uruguay rivers) and east (Atlantic). According to Rambo, plants found at the southern edge of the Atlantic Forest are not adapted to a tropical climate and should therefore have occupied this region prior to the arrival of tropical species. ...
The Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest is one of the most diverse and threatened ecoregions on the planet and displays high levels of endemism. Despite several population analyses and phylogeographical studies, the origins of its species richness and the evolutionary processes that gave rise to this diversification remain poorly understood, especially at the southern edge of the Atlantic Forest. Passiflora actinia is an indigenous species from the southern Atlantic Forest and, as such, was influenced by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. In this study, we investigated the effects of past climate changes on the genetic diversity of P. actinia, using nuclear and plastid markers. We subsequently suggest strategies for the preservation of this species in particular and the whole ecoregion in general. We employed phylogeographical methods and combined these results with past, present and future ensemble niche models. Genetic variability in P. actinia was similar to that of other species with similar geographical distributions, and geographical structuring was not observed based on either type of genetic marker. Diversification in P. actinia was dated to the Pleistocene, suggesting that climate changes could have influenced the distribution of genetic diversity in this species. Our results predicted that suitable P. actinia habitat will persist in the highlands but will be reduced in the lowlands, especially with higher greenhouse gas concentrations. Conservation efforts should focus on populations with unique genetic units and populations from areas with greater climatic instability. Habitat loss due to deforestation in the Atlantic Forest constitutes a major risk to this species, especially to small populations or those with low diversity indices.
... The presence of extensive grasslands under a climate that apparently is adequate for the development of forests had puzzled the fi rst European explorers and naturalists who traveled in the region and has been debated by ecologists for decades (Lindman 1906 ;Walter 1967 ;Eriksen 1978 ;Box 1986 ) . Phytogeographical evidence, palaeoclimatic records, and data on origin of soil organic matter suggest that the grasslands are relicts of cooler and dryer glacial and postglacial phases that preceded the present-day climate, and are not the result of modern forest destruction by man (Rambo 1957(Rambo , 1961Klein 1975 ;Martin et al. 1993 ;Behling 2002 ) . Palaeoecological data from sites presently covered with Araucaria forests con fi rm forest expansion from refugia in deep valleys and riverine areas over Campos is a recent process, which had already been suggested by Hueck ( 1966 ) who studied form and shape of gallery forests. ...
The southernmost part of Brazil is characterized by extended grasslands-the southern Campos. In some parts of the region, these grasslands occur in close contact with different forest types of the Atlantic forest biome or riparian forests, forming mosaics. Otherwise, they form large and continuous areas toward south and southwest, where they reach the Pampa grassland of Uruguay and Argentina. Throughout this region, forest expansion and/or shrub encroachment can be observed and have been related both to site conditions (abiotic variables and disturbance regimes) and climatic changes. We know today, based on studies of pollen records from peat profiles, that expansion of woody vegetation throughout the past centuries was driven by changes in the climatic conditions towards a climate increasingly favorable for forest development, and evidence exists that this process is halted or at least slowed down as consequence of land use and disturbances. Current vegetation dynamics in forest-grassland ecotones thus likely are linked both to climatic changes (on the regional scale) and vegetation management and/or disturbance regime (on the local scale). © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York. All rights are reserved.
... The presence of extensive grasslands under a climate that apparently is adequate for the development of forests had puzzled the fi rst European explorers and naturalists who traveled in the region and has been debated by ecologists for decades (Lindman 1906 ;Walter 1967 ;Eriksen 1978 ;Box 1986 ) . Phytogeographical evidence, palaeoclimatic records, and data on origin of soil organic matter suggest that the grasslands are relicts of cooler and dryer glacial and postglacial phases that preceded the present-day climate, and are not the result of modern forest destruction by man (Rambo 1957(Rambo , 1961Klein 1975 ;Martin et al. 1993 ;Behling 2002 ) . Palaeoecological data from sites presently covered with Araucaria forests con fi rm forest expansion from refugia in deep valleys and riverine areas over Campos is a recent process, which had already been suggested by Hueck ( 1966 ) who studied form and shape of gallery forests. ...
... In early papers, mostly floristic surveys of particular areas or regions, the species of Sinningia were cited as Corytholoma or Rechsteineria (e.g. Rambo 1961). Subsequently a few publications reported new occurrences for the state (Silveira 1992;Ferreira & Chautems 2012;Ferreira et al. 2013;Ferreira et al. 2014b) and proposed three new species with restricted geographic ranges (Chautems 1991;Buzatto & Singer 2012;Ferreira et al. 2014a). ...
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The genus Sinningia belongs to the Neotropical tribe Gesnerieae, subtribe Ligeriinae, presently consisting of only three genera, Paliavana, Sinnigia and Vanhouttea. These genera were separated from a larger concept of tribe Gloxinieae based on phylogenetic studies with molecular data. In Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, 12 species and one natural hybrid of Sinningia have been recorded. Species of Sinningia in this area are erect or ascending herbs or subshrubs arising from underground or partially exposed tubers. They grow in very distinct ecological conditions, from water-saturated marshes to dry grasslands or shrublands, but most often in rupicolous or epiphytic habitats commonly associated with forest environments. In this review we provide an identification key to the species level and morphological descriptions and illustrations, comments on taxonomic aspects, distributional maps and IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria for all twelve species. Additionally, we designate lectotypes for S. allagophylla and S. sellovii and consider the recently described S. lutea as a synonym of the highly variable S. allagophylla.
... A similaridade florística entre o presente estudo e o realizado por Cestaro et al. (1986) em Muitos Capões foi de somente 14,81%, valor que evidencia poucas espécies em comum entre as sinúsias herbáceas terrícolas amostradas. Essa diferença pode estar relacionada à distância entre os locais, que embora situados na mesma formação vegetal, são áreas distintas, sob influência de contingentes florísticos diferentes, o pluvial ou atlântico no Itaimbezinho e o estacional ou paranaense em Muitos Capões (Cabrera & Willink 1980, Rambo 1961. Já o pequeno número de espécies em comum (somente seis ou 12%) com o encontrado por Rambo (1956a), pode ter se dado pelo impacto de ações humanas e naturais, atuais e pretéritas, e embora este autor tenha trabalhado em área mais ampla, 25 espécies não constam em seu levantamento. ...
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A sinúsia herbácea terrícola é apontada como um importante parâmetro indicador do grau de conservação florestal, pois geralmente responde a distúrbios de forma distinta das espécies arbóreas. O presente estudo foi realizado no Parque Nacional de Aparados da Serra, Cambará do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, com o objetivo de descrever a florística, a estrutura e o espectro biológico da sinúsia herbácea, tomando-a como indicador do grau de conservação. O levantamento foi realizado em 30 unidades amostrais, nas quais anotamos a presença das espécies herbáceas terrícolas e sua respectiva cobertura. A florística foi complementada com coletas de espécies nos arredores das unidades amostrais. Inventariamos 31 espécies, 28 Angiospermae e três Pteridophyta, com a ocorrência de 26 dessas nas unidades amostrais. A alta cobertura e frequência de Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Benth., respectivamente com 98% e 93,33%, seguida de Coccocypselum reitzii L. B. Sm. et Downs, com 66% e 100%, as destacaram na fisionomia e na estrutura da sinúsia. A diversidade específica (H’) foi de 2,639 (nats) e a equabilidade (J’) de 0,810. A forma de vida mais frequente foi a hemicriptófita. Os resultados apontam uma sinúsia herbácea rica e densa, mas alterada por distúrbios naturais e antrópicos, e dentre estes, estão principalmente os provocados pelo gado, que deve ser removido da área florestal da Unidade de Conservação.
... Also, the northwestern Amazon forests, for example, those located in Colombia and Ecuador, account for a large proportion of passion-vine species diversity existing in the Neotropics (Ulmer & MacDougal 2004, Perez et al. 2007. From a dispersalist biogeographical perspective, it has been a tradition to accept that extant RS forests originate from the southward migration of tropical ones located in more northern latitudes, subsequent to the pioneer work of Balduino Rambo (1950) on this subject (e.g., Rambo 1951, 1956, 1961, Mondin & Baptista 1996, Ritter & Waechter 2004, Lorenz-Lenke et al. 2005, Mader et al. 2009). Whether or not this hypothesis will hold true is open to debate. ...
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Panbiogeographical analysis of passion vines at their southern limit of distribution in the Neotropics). The origin of the extant flora of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) in Brazil has long been debated. Spatial distributions of passion vines (Passifloraceae) have been used to support the corresponding hypotheses, subsequent to the pioneer studies of Balduino Rambo. Using a panbiogeographical analysis based on literature data and herbarium material, we mapped the spatial distributions of the 15 species of passion vine that occur naturally in RS, taking into account a broader geographical range (southern South America). None of these passion-vine species has its distribution entirely within the RS political borders. The escarpments of the Serra do Mar (circa -30 o S latitude), which coincides with the southern limit of the Paraná biogeographic subregion, was identified as the southern limit for the existence of important diversity of passion vines in the Neotropics. The generalized tracks obtained were associated with different panbiogeographic provinces, indicating a mixed history for the RS passion-vine flora. Two main biotic components were identified: first, species with a northern occurrence, from east of the Andes to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest; second, species typically found in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. A continuous, U-shaped curve formed by the generalized tracks suggested that the RS area is an extant, southern transition zone, which in conjunction with the Chaco province maintains Amazonian and Atlantic populations of these plants in contact. A node located in the northeast region, roughly on the border between the Pampa province and Paraná subregion, and where three provinces of the latter converge, indicated the existence of greater diversity and endemism of passion-vine species in that part of the state. On a preliminary basis, the consequences of the variation in passion-vine spatial distributions for the herbivores, specifically heliconian butterflies, associated with these plants are also discussed. RESUMO: (Análise panbiogeográfica de passifloráceas no limite sul de distribuição neotropical). A origem da flora existente no estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brasil, vem sendo debatida há tempo. A distribuição espacial dos maracujás (Passifloraceae) tem sido usada em suporte das hipóteses correspondentes, desde o trabalho pioneiro de Balduino Rambo a respeito. Com base em uma análise panbiogeográfica, calcada em dados da literatura e material depositado em herbários, avaliamos neste estudo a variação na distribuição geográfica das 15 espécies de maracujás com ocorrência natural no RS, levando-se em consideração uma maior área de abrangência (sul da América do Sul). Nenhuma das espécies teve a área de distribuição localizada por completo dentro da área física do estado. As escarpas da Serra do Mar, que coincidem com o limite sul da região biogeográfica do Paraná (cerca de -30
... Os trabalhos pioneiros de caracterização fitogeográfica do Rio Grande do Sul feitos por Rambo (1956;1961) demonstraram que os dois únicos corredores de migração de espécies tropicais existentes no Rio Grande do Sul ocorrem pelo oeste (bacias dos rios Paraná e Uruguai) e pelo leste (Atlântico). Esses corredores se interpenetram nas encostas e base do Planalto Sul-Brasileiro, sendo essas áreas privilegiadas para o desenvolvimento de estudos ecológicos e fitogeográficos (JARENKOW; WAECHTER, 2001). ...
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O presente estudo verificou a influência dos contingentes florísticos sobre a composição e estrutura de uma sinúsia florestal na região central do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado no município de Sinimbu, em uma floresta decidual, onde foram demarcadas 100 unidades amostrais contíguas, totalizando 1 ha. Todos os indivíduos com diâmetro à altura do peito ≥ 4,8 cm foram amostrados e identificados. As famílias com maior riqueza específica foram Myrtaceae (18), Fabaceae (16) e Euphorbiaceae (10). A maior parte das espécies e dos indivíduos amostrados é de ampla distribuição geográfica. Uma elevada proporção das espécies pertenceu ao contingente das florestas estacionais, entretanto, este apresentou baixo número de indivíduos. O contingente Atlântico apresentou, além de um baixo número de indivíduos, também baixa riqueza. A comunidade apresentou três estratos de altura, todos com predominância de plantas de ampla distribuição geográfica. Palavras-chave: Fitogeografia; flora; unidade de conservação; vale do Rio Pardo. Abstract Floristic-geographic relationships in a forest structure at the central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This work studied the influence of floristic contingents on the composition and structure of a forest in the central region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study was carried out in the County of Sinimbu, in a deciduous forest, where 100 contiguous sampling units that totaled 1 ha were established. All individuals with DBH ≥ 4,8 cm were identified and measured. The richest families were Myrtaceae (18), Fabaceae (16) and Euphorbiaceae with 10 species. Most of the species surveyed are widely distributed across southern Brazilian vegetation formations. A large proportion of species belonged to the western seasonal contingent, although it has had contributed with few individuals. The eastern wet contingent presented both, low percentage of species and individuals. The community showed three height layers, all of them showing dominance of wide geographical distribution species.
... O conhecimento sobre cactáceas epifíticas no Rio Grande do Sul encontra-se principalmente em levantamentos florísticos, fitossociológicos e estudos com epífitos vasculares. Dentre estes estão os trabalhos de Rambo (1951;1954b;1956a;1956b;1961) sobre as florestas no Rio Grande do Sul, Brack et al. (1985) e Rogalski & Zanin (2003), sobre a mata pluvial do Alto Uruguai, Waechter (1986;1998) e Gonçalves & Waechter (2003) sobre epífitos vasculares na Planície Costeira, e Giongo & Waechter (2004) sobre epífitos na Depressão Central. A literatura cita 20 espécies atualmente válidas de cactáceas epifíticas nativas para o Estado. ...
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A taxonomic study of epiphytic Cactaceae in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, was carried out. The survey presents identification keys, illustrations, ecological and taxonomical observations, geographic distribution, and flowering and fruiting periods of the species. A total of six genera and 13 species were found, two being common accidental epiphytes, Cereus alacriportanus Pfeiff. and Opuntia monacantha Haw., and 11 true or selective epiphytes, Epiphyllum phyllanthus (L.) Haw., Hatiora rosea (Lagerh.) Barthlott, Lepismium cruciforme (Vell.) Miq., L. houlletianum (Lem.) Barthlott, L. lumbricoides (Lem.) Barthlott, L. warmingianum (K. Schum.) Barthlott, Rhipsalis campos-portoana Loefgr., R.cereuscula Haw., R. floccosa Salm-Dyck ex Pfeiff., R. paradoxa (Salm-Dyck ex Pfeiff.) Salm-Dyck and R.teres (Vell.) Steud. One species, R. campos-portoana, is referred for the first time for Rio Grande do Sul State.
... Os dois principais grupos, oriental e ocidental, e os subgrupos definidos pelos aspectos geomorfológicos, diferem do padrão encontrado por Mondin & Baptista (1996), que encontraram para a tribo Mutisieae uma unidade planáltica e uma pampeana, coincidindo com as unidades biogeográficas propostas por Cabrera & Willink (1980). O padrão apresentado por Mikania provavelmente deve-se ao fato de ser gênero predominantemente florestal e tropical, tendo suas espécies migrado principalmente pelo nordeste e pelo noroeste do Estado e daí para o sul (Rambo 1961). Além disso, a análise de Mondin & Baptista (1996) considerou diversas áreas extra-brasileiras não incluídas no presente estudo. ...
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The geographical distribution of the 39 species of Mikania Willd. native in Rio Grande do Sul was studied at two scales: a state-regional scale, using physiographic regions as units, and an american-continental scale, considering politic-geographic regions as units. Specific richness and distribution amplitude were obtained directly from presence and absence matrixes, relating species and regions. The state-regional matrix was also analysed by two multivariate methods, a cluster analysis and a principal coordinate analysis, using the complement of the Jaccard coefficient as a measure of dissimilarity. At the state-regional scale, the richest regions were the Coastal Plain and the Central Depression, whereas at the american-continental scale, most of the South Riograndean species were also found in Southeastern Brazil and Southern South America. The multivariate analysis evidenced two main groups in Rio Grande do Sul, one eastern and another western. Within each of these groups, two subgroups related to climatic and geological features were evidenced. The distribution patterns of Mikania confirm the tropical character of the genus, and the main migration routes described for the southern Brazilian vascular flora.
... Myrtaceae is considered a family with high richness in all forests in southern Brazil (Jurinitz & Jarenkow 2003;Budke et al. 2004;Giehl & Jarenkow 2008). For the family Fabaceae, in the seasonal forest along the upper Uruguay River, the richness and abundance of individuals are attributed mainly to the geographical location, which coincides with the entrance corridor of seasonal (tropical dry) species in Rio Grande do Sul, as opposed to the Atlantic corridor species, which occur in the rain forest (tropical humid) region to the east (Rambo 1961;Jarenkow & Waechter 2001). This intermediate position on the gradient of east-west continentality in South America (Oliveira-Filho et al. 2006), with some climatic and geographic variables that resemble those of more humid forests, allowed the occurrence of species from tropical moist environments, such as Ocotea odorifera, Calyptranthes grandifolia, Cordiera concolor, Myrciaria floribunda and Zanthoxylum caribaeum between subtropical seasonal forests in the region of the upper Uruguay River. ...
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This study aimed to analyze relationships among the structure of the tree component, edaphic variables and canopy discontinuity along a toposequence in a seasonal upland (hillside) forest in southern Brazil. Soil and vegetation were sampled in 25 plots of 20 × 20 m each. We described the vegetation in terms of structure, richness and diversity, as well as by species distribution patterns. We evaluated canopy continuity, determined sloping and calculated spatial coordinates. We applied partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA) to determine whether species distribution correlated with environmental and spatial variables. We identified 1201 individuals belonging to 76 species within 30 families. The species with highest density and frequency were Gymnanthes concolor Spreng., Calyptranthes tricona D.Legrand, Eugenia moraviana O.Berg and Trichilia claussenii DC. The pCCAs indicated significant correlations with environmental and spatial variables. Sand content, boron content and soil density collectively explained 36.17% of the species matrix variation (total inertia), whereas the spatial variables x, y and xy2 collectively explained 14.27%. The interaction between environmental and spatial variables explained nearly 4.5%. However, 45.05% remained unexplained, attributed to stochastic variation or unmeasured variables. Terrain morphology and canopy discontinuity had no apparent influence on richness, and changes in species distribution were correlated with sloping, which affects soil features and determines the directional distribution of some species.
... A província Atlântica possui vegetação florestal de características predominantemente tropicais, estendendo-se essencialmente pelo litoral norte do Estado, enquanto que a província Pampeana, no litoral centro-sul, é dominada por vegetação campestre, de caráter subtropical (Cabrera & Willink, 1973; Waechter, 1985). Entretanto, dada a sua história geológica recente, a maior parte da fauna e a flora da Planície Costeira do RS não foi originada em processos de especiação local e, portanto, provém de regiões mais antigas (Rambo, 1950Rambo, , 1954Rambo, , 1961 Waechter, 1985). Além dos elementos dominantes, originários das províncias Atlântica e Pampeana, pode-se encontrar componentes patagônicos, andinos, chaquenhos e holárticos (Rambo, 1954; Reitz, 1961; Waechter, 1985; Morrone, 2001). ...
The southern region of Brazil is characterized by the dominance of extended grasslands. However, the landscape also contains different types of forests, such as Araucaria forests in the Atlantic Forest domain and Seasonal forests in the Pampa domain. This chapter addresses different elements of these forests in the South Brazilian grassland region. Based on a database of 139 forest sites with a total number of 675 tree species, all located in grassland-dominated landscapes, we analyzed the influence of current environmental and historical drivers on tree species richness and forest community composition. Our results show that only current environmental drivers, such as temperature seasonality, influence tree species richness, whereas both current environmental and historical drivers influence community composition. Further, we present examples of ecosystem functioning and services of these forests regarding water balance, carbon stocks, and soil productivity. Finally, we show landscape-level changes of forest cover. Across the region, forest cover increased in the last 35 years. However, this was driven by Seasonal forests in the Pampa region, while the Araucaria forests in the Atlantic forest region decreased in cover. We consider that the implementation of actions to restore mosaics of forests and grasslands in landscapes that were degraded is urgent. Despite their biological importance by harboring many floristic elements from different biogeographical affinities, the South Brazilian grassland region, including its forests, remains neglected in terms of biodiversity conservation.
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The aims of this study were to identify floristic assemblages for alluvial forests in the Atlantic Forest and Pampa regions in Brazil, assess the level of floristic similarity between assemblages, and determine environmental gradients and indicator species for these assemblages. Surveys carried out in alluvial forests in the Atlantic Forest and Pampa regions were selected, based on which a presence/absence matrix was built for tree species. A cluster analysis was performed to verify the existence of species assemblages. Floristic similarity was determined by means of the Sorensen Distance measure, from which a dendrogram was developed. The floristic matrix was ordinated by means of NMDS. A PCA was performed with climatic data from areas to determine environmental gradients. An assessment of indicator species was carried out afterwards. Two groups of areas not related to the separation of the regions became visible from the dendrogram and were corroborated by NMDS. Temperature, rainfall and altitude gradients were synthesized by the PCA. Gymnanthes klotzschiana and Andira fraxinifolia were the most relevant species, respectively, in the Paraná-Uruguay and Atlantic assemblages. Alluvial forests were gradually separated in two floristic assemblages associated with river basins and migration routes, while especially influenced by tropicality and altitude gradients.
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The epiphytic Orchidaceae in a seasonal deciduous forest located at the Centro Tabor, 29° 37' 30" Se 53° 47' 30" W, Itaara, Serra Geral of the Rio Grande do Sul State were listed. In this research 18 species in eight genera were found: Bulbophyllum, Capanemia, Cyrtopodium, Gomesa, Isochilus, Lophia ris, Oncidium, Pleurothallis and Sophronitis.
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O estado de degradação dos remanescentes florestais do oeste catarinense repercute em um número reduzido de áreas conservadas que possibilitem estudos sobre estrutura comunitária florestal, a fim de criar aporte teórico para eventuais estratégias de conservação, manejo e restauração ecossistêmica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever a estrutura de um remanescente de Floresta Estacional Decidual Submontana, no município de São João do Oeste - SC. Para o inventário foram demarcadas 102 unidades amostrais de 10 × 10 m, dispostas em uma grade contínua de 6 × 17 parcelas, nas quais foram amostradas todas as plantas da sinúsia arborescente-arbórea com PAP ≥ 15 cm. Ocorreram 1441,18 árvores vivas e 93,14 plantas mortas em pé/ha. As 79 espécies encontradas pertencem a 61 gêneros distribuídos em 33 famílias, sendo os maiores IVIs de Sorocea bonplandii, Nectandra megapotamica, Inga marginata, Ocotea diospyrifolia e Trichilia claussenii. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H’) foi de 3,21 e o índice de equabilidade de Pielou (J’) foi de 0,735. A estrutura vertical da vegetação amostrada foi dividida em arvoretas (2-11 m), dossel (12-17 m) e emergentes (18-25 m). O remanescente florestal estudado constitui um importante ecossistema de referência para futuras estratégias de conservação, manejo e restauração de florestas na região.
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The genus Baccharis L. comprises more than 500 species distributed in 15 sections, among them the section Caulopterae DC. This section has useful plants in the folk medicine and honey production, and it is phytophysionomically significant to the South Brazilian fields in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. These plants are well known as carqueja by the native people. The aim of this work was to study the genus Baccharis L. section Caulopterae DC. (Asteraceae) with emphasis on the species occurring in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Information about taxonomy, biogeography, floristic surveys, commercialization, germination, pollen viability, chromosome number and isozyme characterization were obtained from bibliographic reviews, herbaria research, field observations and laboratory essays. Historical and taxonomical review of Rio Grande do Sul species, taxonomic key, morphological descriptions, phenology, folk names and geographic distribution are presented. There are around 20 species in the State. The analysis of geographic distribution revealed the presence of two major floristic areas to this taxon in the State, and the existence of two main distribution patterns. The floristic survey revealed the occurrence of nine species in São Lourenço do Sul County. The interviews with folk medicinal plant sellers showed the recognition of two kinds of carqueja. The germination results established the light and temperature requirements and the interaction between light and temperature during the germination process. The essays of pollen viability revealed a high percentage of viable pollen for most of the species. The chromosome number of Baccharis riograndensis is 2n=18, a similar value for most Baccharidinae species. The isozyme patterns distinguished the evaluated species, but the group analysis based on these data produced morphological inconsistent groups.
For the current study, 10 plots measuring 20×50 meters were created in the city of Frederico Westphalen, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. All plants within these plots with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of ≥ 5 cm were identified, resulting in a total of 1,461 plants per hectare. The floristic composition revealed 79 species belonging to 31 families and 69 genera. The Fabaceae was the richest family in this study, having 14 species. Other families which presented a great number of species were the Myrtaceae (8), Meliaceae (6), Euphorbiaceae (5), Sapindaceae (5), Rutaceae (4) and Salicaceae (4). The species with the greatest importance values (IV) were the Gymnanthes concolor, Nectandra megapotamica, Trichilia claussenii and Chrysophyllum marginatum. The Shannon Diversity index and the Pielou Equability index were 3.49 nats. ind. -1 and 0.79, respectively. A Twinspan classification analysis indicated three floristic subgroups in the forest patch. From these three groups, one was physionomically distinct because of its lower canopy and the predominance of tree fern species. The other two ones were characterized by tree species such as the Trichilia claussenii and Gymnanthes concolor, which are responsible for the large physiognomic group that characterized advanced secondary succession forests.
The purpose of this study is the floristic characterization of forest fragments in Gravataí River Basin, offering to provide a frame the of soil, hydric resource, and regional biodiversity conservation. A total of 10 forest fragments were analyzed, resulting in a list of 249 species, with 164 genera distributed in 70 families. The predominance of large distribution woody elements and from the floristic contingent of the Paraná-Uruguay River Basin coming from the Deciduous Seasonal Forest were verified, also having species from the Atlantic Forest. The presence of some species belonging to the threatened taxa of the Rio Grande do Sul was also registered. Several appropriate species are indicated for rehabilitation of gallery forests.
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Resumo O artigo tem por objetivo caracterizar e diagnosticar os principais problemas, no ponto de vista ambiental, do município de Arroio do Meio, da região do Vale do Taquari, visando o planejamento de desenvolvimento sustentável. Palavras chave: desenvolvimento sustentável, problemas ambientais, vale do Taquari Abstract This article describes and diagnoses the essential problems , in the environment aspect, in Arroio do Meio city, in the Vale of Taquari district, in view of a plan of sustainable development..
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For the current study, 10 plots measuring 20x50 meters were created in the city of Frederico Westphalen, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. All plants within these plots with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of ≥ 5 cm were identified, resulting in a total of 1,461 plants per hectare. The floristic composition revealed 79 species belonging to 31 families and 69 genera. The Fabaceae was the richest family in this study, having 14 species. Other families which presented a great number of species were the Myrtaceae (8), Meliaceae (6), Euphorbiaceae (5), Sapindaceae (5), Rutaceae (4) and Salicaceae (4). The species with the greatest importance values (IV) were the Gymnanthes concolor, Nectandra megapotamica, Trichilia claussenii and Chrysophyllum marginatum. The Shannon Diversity index and the Pielou Equability index were 3.49 nats. ind.-1 and 0.79, respectively. A Twinspan classification analysis indicated three floristic subgroups in the forest patch. From these three groups, one was physionomically distinct because of its lower canopy and the predominance of tree fern species. The other two ones were characterized by tree species such as the Trichilia claussenii and Gymnanthes concolor, which are responsible for the large physiognomic group that characterized advanced secondary succession forests.
QuestionsHow do climbing species richness and composition change between subtropical and temperate areas of southern South America? How do growth form (lianas and vines) and climbing mechanisms change between subtropical and temperate areas of southern South America? How much of the diversity of species and traits of the extratropical climbing flora is derived from taxa shared with the tropical region?LocationSubtropical (23–30° S) and temperate (>30° S) areas of South America.Methods An extensive literature search was carried out in the main databases concerning the flora of southern South America. Climbing species occurrence in subtropical and temperate areas and climbing traits were retrieved. Differences in the frequencies of both growth forms and climbing mechanisms between areas were evaluated using chi-square analyses. Trait frequencies in subtropical and temperate floras were analysed with and without considering species shared with the tropical region.ResultsClimbing species richness decreased from subtropical to temperate areas, and there were changes in the taxonomic composition. The frequency of growth forms and climbing mechanisms differed between subtropical and temperate areas. Herbaceous vines accounted for 85% of temperate-exclusive species. Twiners contributed less to climber richness in the temperate area, while tendril-bearers and leaf-climbers became more important; root-climbers were only found in temperate forests. Species shared with the tropical region increase the number of liana species in both subtropical and temperate floras, but alter the frequencies of climbing mechanisms in the subtropical flora only.Conclusions Results call for a re-evaluation of the importance that is given to climbers in regions outside the tropics. Vines must be included in models of distribution and abundance of climbers in order to gain a better understanding of climbing plant ecology. The association between climbing mechanisms and the success of climbing plant species in different ecosystems must be further investigated.
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A taxonomic survey of terrestrial Orchidaceae from the northern coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul was carried out. This region lies between the steep slopes of the Serra Geral and the Atlantic Ocean (29°10'S; 30°00'S). The study area has a moist subtropical Cfa-type climate. Mean annual temperatures vary from 17.5 to 20.0 °C, and precipitation varies from 1,200 to 1,700 mm. The natural vegetation is closely associated with small-scale topographic variation, which in turn affects soil drainage. It has been greatly reduced and modified by human activities. A total of 42 species belonging to 24 genera were identified based on the literature, herbarium specimens and extensive collecting throughout the study area. Two species are cited for the first time in Rio Grande do Sul. Many genera (17) were represented by a single species, while only one genus (Habenaria) had a relatively high number of species (8). Results include a new taxonomic combination, identification keys for genera and species, taxonomic and ecological observations, and citation of herbarium vouchers.
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Foram realizados levantamentos mensais em duas localidades no Município, fragmento da Vila Faguense e do Santuário de Schoenstatt, os quais distam entre si em 1.500 m, entre março de 2005 e abril de 2006. Em 140 horas de amostragem foram registrados 3.123 indivíduos distribuídos em 169 espécies. Nymphalidae foi a família mais amostrada com aproximadamente 53% das espécies registradas. Nove espécies ainda não haviam sido registradas para o Estado. O índice de Diversidade de Shannon-Wiener foi maior no fragmento da Vila Faguense, local menos perturbado. Os índices de dominância de Simpson e Berger-Parker foram mais representativos no Santuário de Schoenstatt, com maior número de espécies abundantes. Foram registradas em Frederico Westphalen 126 (74,55%) espécies acidentais, 25 acessórias (14,80%) e 18 constantes (10,65%).
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