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Kopia, India's First Glassmaking Site: Dating and Chemical Analysis



Kopia, which was long considered to have been a center for glass manufacturing, was excavated by Alok K. Kanungo from 2004 to 2006 in order to learn more about the history, development, and technology of glass production in India - and especially to establish some framework for dating the evolution of that production. Twenty accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and radiocarbon dates, processed independently by three laboratories, were obtained. The dates range from 656 ± 134 B.C. to A.D. 153 ± 96 (calibrated) in one locality and to 2100 ± 90 B.P. (uncalibrated) in another locality. Chemical analyses of representative finds place them among glasses found - and probably made - in India. Strontium isotope analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that they were made in India. Reh and riverine sands are suggested as probable batch materials to account for the compositions.
VOLUME 51 2009
Copyright © 2009 by The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY 14830-2253
Alok K. Kanungo and Robert H. Brill
Kopia, India’s First Glassmaking Site:
Dating and Chemical Analysis
THE EARLIEST glass finds in India come
from Bhagwanpura in the northern state
of Haryana. They are dated to the period
of Painted Gray Ware (PGW) and the late Harap-
pan culture, about 1200 B.C.1 Later on, glass
is reported from almost all of the PGW sites
(about 1200–600 B.C.), but until now none of
the glass-yielding layers has been dated by radio-
metric techniques. Hence, our understanding of
the evolution of glassmaking in India and its
chronology has been uncertain and the dating
of specific finds has been, at best, only approx-
imate. Occasional references suggest that glass
imports—and possibly glassmaking technology
—were brought into southern India by well-
developed Indo-Roman trade in the first and sec-
ond centuries A.D., and that a glass industry was
established at Arikamedu on the Tamil Nadu
coast. From there, early glass products are pre-
sumed to have reached other parts of India.
This assumption is still held by many because
the history of glass in India has not been thor-
oughly re-examined since M. G. Dikshit’s land-
mark work, History of Indian Glass, was pub-
lished in 1969,2 despite the fact that much glass
has been discovered since that time.
More than 210 sites in India have provided
evidence of glass in different cultural horizons,
and 37 of them are claimed to be glassmaking
or glassworking sites.3 However, based on cur-
rent interpretations of the available data, the
dates of most of the glass-yielding sites are un-
convincing, as are the relationships of the glass
finds to the dated materials. Earlier archeolog-
ical investigations in India have focused on other
matters and neglected the dating. It is highly
like ly that from the Northern Black Polished
Ware (NBPW) period (about 600 B.C.) onward,
there were many regional centers of glass pro-
duction in India.
Recently, two glass beads dating to 1730 B.C.
(one from a stratigraphic context and the other
Kopia, India’s First Glassmaking Site:
Dating and Chemical Analysis
Alok K. Kanungo and Robert H. Brill
Acknowledgments. We are indebted to a number of scholars
for the excavation at Kopia and for obtaining the radiocarbon
dates. The late Dr. S. P. Gupta, director of the Centre for the
Study of History, Archaeology and Palaeoenvironment, New
Delhi, and Prof. V. N. Misra, former director of Deccan College,
were sources of constant encouragement and help. Dr. Rakesh
Tewari, director of the Uttar Pradesh State Archaeology Depart-
ment, Lucknow, extended all the logistical help for the excava-
tion. We are grateful to Prof. Peter Bellwood, secretary-general
of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA), for making
the IPPA–Arizona dating scheme available. We also thank those
who provided the dating for the Kopia site: G. V. Ravi Prasad;
K. Dutta of the Institute of Physics AMS Facility, Bhubaneswar;
M. G. Yadava of the Radiocarbon Lab, Physical Research Lab-
oratory, Ahmedabad; and G. W. L. Hodgins of the NSF Arizona
AMS Facility, University of Arizona. A. K. Kanungo is grateful
for financial support provided by the 2005 Rakow Grant for
Glass Research from The Corning Museum of Glass, and he
thanks the staff of the museum for many helpful suggestions and
contributions. Shana Wilson assisted with the handling of our
analytical data and the plotting of the graphs.
1. Jagat Pati Joshi, Excavation at Bhagwanpura, 1975–76
and Other Explorations & Excavations, 1975–81 in Haryana,
Jammu & Kashmir, and Punjab, Memoirs of the Archaeological
Survey of India, no. 89, New Delhi: the survey, 1993, p. 117.
2. Moreshwar Gangadhar Dikshit, History of Indian Glass,
Bombay: University of Bombay, 1969.
3. Alok Kumar Kanungo, Glass Beads in Ancient India: An
Ethnoarchaeological Approach, British Archaeological Reports
International Series, no. 1242, Oxford: John and Erica Hedges
Ltd., 2004, pp. 88–91; idem, “Glass Beads in Ancient India and
Furnace-Wound Beads at Purdalpur: An Ethnoarchaeological
Approach,” Asian Perspectives (University of Hawaii Press), v.
43, no. 1, Spring 2004, pp. 123–150, esp. p. 123.
a surface find) were found at Harappa,4 and
seven were uncovered in a late Harappan buri-
al, reportedly of the second millennium B.C., at
Sanauli, Uttar Pradesh.5 One of the authors (A.
K. Kanungo) has documented eight glass beads
from Chalcolithic Balathal, dating to the mid-
third millennium B.C.6 However, none of the
beads from either site has been scientifically an-
alyzed, and those from Sanauli have not been
scientifically dated. (We note that, in the past, al-
though small finds have been identified as glass,
they have sometimes turned out to be faience or
other materials, or made from minerals.) Al-
though the beads at Balathal were found in a
Chalcolithic level, they could have intruded from
the overlying Early Historic deposit. This same
possibility applies to Ahar, where a few glass
beads were found in the Chalcolithic level but
the excavator believed that these could have mi-
grated from pits in Early Historic deposits.7
Against this background, excavations at Ko-
pia are being conducted with four objectives: (1)
to obtain precise dating for the manufacture of
the glass by radiometric methods, (2) to apply
that knowledge toward defining a more accurate
chronological framework for the general evolu-
tion of glass in India, (3) to learn more about the
origins of the Kopia glass, and (4) to investigate
the technology of glass manufacture at Kopia.
In addition, we hope eventually to shed light on
glassmaking relationships that probably existed
between the subcontinent and the Indus Valley
The Kopia Site
Kopia (26°52´ N, 83°4´45 ˝ E, Fig. 1), located
in the Sant Kabir Nagar district of Uttar Pra-
desh, extends over an area of about one square
kilometer, and it rises about 10 meters above
the surrounding ground level. On the basis of
surface finds, it was long believed to have been
a major glass manufacturing center of the fifth
century B.C.8 The site was well fortified and sur-
rounded by a moat. There is a substantial area
of occupation outside the fortification as well.
Most of the evidence of glass production was
found outside the fortification, toward the north-
ern end of the mound. This part of the deposit
is within 250 meters of the fortification, but it
is about seven meters lower than the fortified
area. Thus, it is possible that material from the
fortified area was also found in these outer de-
The Excavations
In three seasons of excavations at the site
(2004–2006),9 26 trenches, each of which mea-
sured five square meters, were excavated, either
fully or in quadrants, covering a total area of
418.75 square meters. Eight of these trenches
lay in the center of the mound, inside the forti-
fication, and three were located on the western
boundary of the fortification. Combined, they
are designated as Locality I. All of the remaining
4. Jonathan Mark Kenoyer, personal communication with
A. K. Kanungo.
5. Dharamvir V. Sharma, Kishan Chand Nauriyal, and Vel-
lore Nandagopal Prabhakar, “Excavations at Sanauli, 2005–06:
A Harappan Necropolis in the Upper Ganga-Yamuna Doab,”
Puratattva (New Delhi), v. 36, 2005–2006, pp. 166–179, esp.
p. 174.
6. Virendra Nath Misra, “Balathal: A Chalcolithic Settlement
in Mewar, Rajasthan, India: Results of First Three Seasons’ Ex-
cavation,” South Asian Studies (Cambridge University), v. 13,
1997, pp. 251–273.
7. Hasmukh Dhirajlal Sankalia, S. B. Deo, and Z. D. Ansari,
Excavations at Ahar (1961–62), Pune: Deccan College, 1969, p.
8. A. Fuhrer, The Monumental Antiquities and Inscriptions
in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh, v. 2, New Delhi:
Archaeological Survey of India, 1891; P. Roy and Y. P. Varsh-
ney, “Ancient Kopia Glass,” The Glass Industry, v. 34, 1953,
pp. 366–392; Dikshit [note 2], p. 39; S. N. Sen and Mamata
Chaudhuri, Ancient Glass and India, New Delhi: Indian Na-
tional Science Academy, 1985, pp. 64–65; B. B. Lal, “Glass Tech-
nology in Early India,” in Archaeometry of Glass: Proceedings
of the Archaeometry Session of the XIVth International Con-
gress on Glass, ed. H. C. Bharadwaj, Calcutta: Indian Ceramic
Society, 1987, pp. 44–56, esp. p. 45; Abdugani A. Abdurazakov,
“Indian and Central Asian Connections: A Study Based on
Chemical Analyses of Glasses,” in ibid., pp. 37–43.
9. The results of these excavations are published in A. K. Ka-
nungo and V. N. Misra, “Excavation at Kopia: A Preliminary
Report,” Puratattva, v. 34, 2003–2004, pp. 116–126; A. K.
Kanungo and V. S. Shinde, “Excavation at Kopia 2005: A Pre-
liminary Report,” Puratattva, v. 35, 2004–2005, pp. 126–134;
and A. K. Kanungo, “Excavation at Kopia 2006: A Preliminary
Report,” Puratattva, v. 36, 2005–2006, pp. 103–111.
trenches were situated in Locality II, which lies
toward the north and outside the fortification.
On the basis of information from previous
surface exploration and initial trial trenches, the
central part of the mound was selected for ob-
taining the cultural sequence and information
about important structures. The northern slope
was selected for information about the work-
ing-class habitation, and the northwestern slope
was used for investigating the glass technology.
The Glass Finds and Glass Furnace
The finds from the excavation leave no doubt
that Kopia was a manufacturing center for glass,
and its entire economy appears to have been
based on glassmaking and glassworking. The
cul tural sequence revealed by the excavation
shows that the site was occupied from the Fine
Gray Ware (FGW; 700–600 B.C.) and NBPW
periods through the Mauryan (300 B.C.) and
FIG. 1. Map showing Kopia (center, unmarked) and immediate surroundings.
Sunga-Kushana (200 B.C.–A.D. 100) periods,
and into the Gupta period (about A.D. 400–
600). Although we have no firm dates for the
Gupta-period deposit, the cultural materials,
such as seals and terra-cotta figurines, give am-
ple evidence of a Gupta-period occupation. In
Locality I, glass is found in large quantities in
Mauryan levels, while excavation in the pre-
Mauryan NBPW level was limited to the index
trench. In the industrial area near the northern
end of the mound, the layer yielding glass and
evidence of its production—including the re-
mains of a glass furnace—is dated to the Sunga-
Kushana period (Fig. 2).
Innumerable pieces of glass, glass slag, tu-
yères, and crucible fragments with molten glass
attached were found in Trench AWX32, where
a furnace was exposed (Figs. 3–6). This is the
earliest glass furnace found in India, and it rais-
es several questions: What glass production
technology was used at Kopia? Were there any
furnaces earlier than this one? Where did the
raw materials come from? For whom was such
a large quantity of glass produced? Who con-
trolled its production? When and how did the
production technologies develop (i.e., were they
borrowed or indigenous)? What were Kopia’s
interactions with other settlements? These ques-
tions, although unanswered for the present,
will be explored further in the final excavation
It is important to note that, throughout Lo-
cality I, the central part of the site, there is evi-
dence of burning and the destruction of struc-
tures between Layers 2 and 3. These could have
been caused either by accidental fire or by an
invasion. The height of the fortification seems
to have been raised after the burning. The char-
coal from the burning has been assigned a ra-
diocarbon date of 207 B.C. ± 189. Moreover,
there is a distinct cultural phase between the
NBPW and Sunga-Kushana periods, in the form
of a predominant red ware of the Mauryan pe-
We have 20 accelerator mass spectrometry
(AMS) and radiocarbon dates for the site. The
detailed data will be included in our final report.
The dates were determined by three laborato-
ries: 10 by the Institute of Physics, Bhubanes-
war; seven by the Physical Research Laborato-
ry, Ah medabad; and three by the University of
FIG. 2. Remains of furnace in Locality II.
Arizona. The dates obtained by these three lab-
oratories are remarkably close—indeed, almost
identical—which testifies to the inherent reli-
ability of the AMS and radiocarbon methods.
All of the dates were obtained from charcoal
samples that came from seven trenches in all
parts of the mound. Three of these samples are
stratigraphically inconsistent and should be ig-
nored. The remaining 17 samples can be treated
as valid for the entire site. Six are from Sunga-
Kushana layers, six from Mauryan layers, and
five from NBPW layers.
The earliest date obtained, from Locality I, is
656 B.C. ± 134 (calibrated). It came from the
FIG. 3. Glass found with furnace.
FIG. 4. Broken tuyères found with furnace.
FIG. 5. Crucible pieces found in furnace.
FIG. 6. Reconstruction of crucible shown in Figure 5.
Haphazard grooves as
grips to hold clay coating
Thick clay coating to
resist high temperature
index trench, while the latest date, A.D. 153 ±
96 (calibrated), came from an adjacent trench.
In Locality II, the glassmaking area, the dates
are from only the lowest layer. These show the
beginning of the habitation in the northern and
northwestern ends of the mound at 1930 B.P. ±
70 and 2100 B.P. ± 90 (both uncalibrated) re-
spectively. The furnace is dated to 1960 B.P. ±
Both the excavated finds and the radiocarbon
dates suggest that glass production in Locality II
started much later than the beginning of occu-
pa tion. It may be that glassmaking was intro-
duced during the Sunga-Kushana period, after
the burning and destruction of the site around
200 B.C.
The radiocarbon dating of the Kopia site, con-
sidered along with the nature of the glass finds,
begins to bring into focus a dating framework
that might be applied to other sites in India
where similar glass finds have been uncovered.
Thus, we might now be in a position to recon-
sider the chronology of glassmaking throughout
Furthermore, the Kopia glass operations dem-
onstrate that India had mastered certain impor-
tant aspects of glassmaking even before there
was contact with Rome. Indo-Roman trade con-
tacts date to the first and second centuries A.D.
Kopia lay along the southern Silk Route, and
that part of India experienced little or no con-
tact with Rome. There is, in fact, little evidence
of early glass manufacturing elsewhere on that
part of the Silk Route—and as yet no evidence
of production on a scale comparable to that in
Kopia. There is no clear evidence for the making
of glass vessels at Arikamedu. For example, the
pillar-molded bowls found there arrived through
later trade. Glass at Kopia was made in the same
copper red, green, and blue colors that have been
excavated at other sites, but Kopia also produced
yellow, black, brown, light blue, orange, and
white glass, some in transparent shades. All of
FIG. 7. Drawn tubes for beads (?) in Locality II.
FIG. 8. Glass beads in Locality II.
the beads found at Arikamedu are of the drawn,
typically Indo-Pacific shape, while those uncov-
ered at Kopia include drawn, collared, and seg-
mented beads. In addition, several of them are
wound (Figs. 7 and 8). In addition, Kopia has
yielded a number of glass bangles in various col-
ors (Fig. 9) and a neck fragment of a bottle dat-
ing to the first century A.D. This makes the glass-
working at Kopia unique in India. The largest
chunk of glass found in India was also produced
at Kopia. It weighs 60 pounds, and it is now in
the Lucknow Museum.
Glass and glass beads from Arikamedu may
have played a role in sea trade, but as far as
overland and hinterland trading of glass artifacts
is concerned, it seems that Kopia, located on the
southern Silk Route, may have been an impor-
tant center for glass production and trade from
at least the third century B.C. onward.
Much of the previous research on glass found
in India concludes (solely on the basis of mor-
phology) that the glass had been brought in by
trade from Arikamedu. (For example, consider
the glass from Candraketugarh in Kolkata.10)
But now the excavation and radiocarbon dat-
ing of the glassmaking operations at Kopia raise
the need for reconsideration—and perhaps a re-
vision—of that simplistic point of view. Chem-
ical analyses shed further light not only on the
Kopia glasses but also on their relationships
with glass es excavated elsewhere in India. The
whole picture of Indian glass and glassmaking
has changed.
This report presents a summary of our find-
ings for a group of 16 samples of glass from
Kopia that were analyzed in 2006. Analyses of
samples from the excavations that followed are
under way. Brief sample descriptions are given
at the end of this report. Tables of the complete
data will be included in a future publication and
in A. K. Kanungo’s excavation report.
Sample nos.:
8420–25, 27–29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 40, 41:
glasses (16)
9710, 11: riverine sands (2)
9754: described as reh, but primarily quartz
and other minerals (1)
FIG. 9. Glass bangles in Localities I and II.
10. Sharmi Chakraborty, “Candraketugarh: A Cultural and
Archaeological Study (500 B.C. to 500 A.D.),” Ph.D. diss.,
Deccan College, Pune, 2000.
I. 8421, 24, 25, 27–29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37,
40, 41: Na2O:CaO:SiO2 (high Al2O3, low
CaO) (13 glasses).
II. 8420, 22, 23: K2O:SiO2 (three glasses).
Sands and reh (three samples).
Analyses performed:
Quantitative analyses by inductively coupled
plasma spectroscopy and semi-quantitative
analyses by emission spectrography, X-ray
diffraction of batch materials, and stron tium
isotope analyses of representative glasses.
Mean Compositions:
I. Soda-Limes (n=13) II. Potash-Silica (n=3)
SiO2*d 65.52 70.18 74.84 2.82 4.0 79.22 81.30 83.38 1.26 1.6
Na2O* 13.35 15.45 17.55 1.27 8.2 0.26 0.51 0.75 0.15 29.4
CaO* 1.47 2.78 4.10 0.80 28.8 1.74 2.19 2.63 0.27 12.3
K2O* 2.26 2.99 3.72 0.44 14.7 11.08 12.86 14.65 1.08 8.40
MgO* 0.85 1.56 2.27 0.43 27.6 0.31 0.40 0.49 0.06 15
Al2O3* 4.29 5.29 6.30 0.61 11.5 1.93 1.95 1.97 0.01 0.51
Fe2O3* 1.01 1.74 2.47 0.44 25.3 0.49 0.79 1.09 0.18 22.8
/SiO2 0.075
Two Riverine Sands from Near Kopia
CMG 9710 CMG 9711
SiO2 83.32 85.52
Na2O 0.73 1.16
CaO 0.28 0.64
K2O 2.11 1.87
MgO 0.73 0.65
Al2O3 8.36 7.39
Fe2O3 3.74 2.23
TiO2 0.49 0.30
/SiO2 0.100 0.0864
The data for this group of samples produced
interesting and important findings. Two dis-
tinctly different families of chemical composi-
tions were found. The first contains 13 soda-
lime glasses having relatively low lime contents
(= or < about 4% CaO) and high alumina con-
tents (~ 4.5%–6.5% Al2O3). This is a family of
compositions that we recognize from our earlier
studies and that we associate with glasses found
in India.11
The other family is the potash-silica composi-
tion. We know that glasses of this type are found
throughout East Asia and Southeast Asia, and
as far west as India. We believe that such glass-
es may have been made at more than one loca-
tion within that region, and that beads and
bracelets in particular (but possibly also some
vessel glass) were widely traded there.12 Occa-
sionally, we have found potash-silica beads from
sites farther west, but we suspect that they were
imported from India. For example, our glass no.
5530, from Jenné-Jeno in Mali,13 has this type
of composition. Our no. 5522, from that same
site, could be a bead of the other Indian type,
the low-lime, high-alumina glass.
These two families of glasses, which typify
glass found—and probably made—in India,
match the mean values reported here for the Ko-
pia glasses, as well as the Kopia points plotted
in Figures 10–14. Four of the graphs are those
we routinely plot for soda-limes. In addition, we
have included a graph that clearly illustrates the
difference between the low-lime, high-alumina
Indian glass and Roman and Hellenistic natron-
based soda-limes (Fig. 11). The ellipse in that
graph encloses some examples of Indian glasses
from our 1987 publication.14 Although they are
not identical to the Kopia glasses, the deviations
may perhaps be explained by the fact that the
glasses came from different sites in India and
that they could be of different dates. Nonethe-
less, the two groups of data are consistent with
the existence of that Indian family of low-lime,
high-alumina soda-lime glasses. The alumina/
silica ratio for the Kopia soda-limes is about
2.50–2.75 times greater than for the more than
400 Roman and Hellenistic glasses in the graph.
These groups of glasses are distinctly different
from each other, and they must have been made
from different types of batch materials.
The other graphs also make it apparent that
there are differences—including some color dif-
ferences—among the Kopia glasses of the soda-
lime type. In addition, the samples may be of
somewhat different dates.
It has become apparent that, in general, an-
cient black glasses (which normally are actually
very dark amber) frequently contain unusually
high levels of alumina and iron. The most fa-
miliar examples of these glasses are bangles and
bracelets found in India,15 in Southeast Asia, and
occasionally in the West at places such as Sar-
dis.16 We wonder if the glasses with such high
alumina may have been colored with iron slags
—or, possibly, if obsidian was used as a source
of silica.
One of the graphs shows the correlation of
iron and alumina. Since the straight line of this
11. Robert H. Brill, “Chemical Analyses of Some Early In-
dian Glasses,” in Archaeometry of Glass [note 8], pp. 1–25.
12. Robert H. Brill, “Scientific Investigations of Ancient
Asian Glass,” in UNESCO Maritime Route of Silk Roads. Re-
port, Nara Symposium ’91, Nara, Japan: The Nara Interna-
tional Foundation, 1993, pp. 70–79; idem, “Scientific Research
in Early Asian Glass,” Proceedings of the XVIIth International
Congress on Glass, v. 1, Invited Lectures, Beijing: Chinese Ce-
ramic Society, 1995, pp. 270–279; R. H. Brill, P. M. Fenn, and
D. E. Lange, “Chemical Analyses of Some Asian Glasses,” ibid.,
v. 6, pp. 463–468; Robert H. Brill, “Opening Remarks and Set-
ting the Stage,” in Study on Ancient Glass along the Silk Road,
ed. Gan Fuxi and Robert H. Brill, Shanghai: Fudan Press, 2008,
pp. 30–47; Robert H. Brill and Hiroshi Shirahata, “The Second
Kazuo Yamasaki TC-17 Lecture on Asian Glass: Recent Lead-
Isotope Analyses of Some Asian Glasses,” in Study on Ancient
Glass along the Silk Road, in press; Robert H. Brill, Chemical
Analyses of Early Glasses, Corning: The Corning Mu seum of
Glass, 1999, v. 1, Catalogue of Samples, pp. 150–176, and v. 2,
Tables of Analyses, pp. 358–362 and 364–367.
13. R. H. Brill, “Chemical Analysis of Some Glasses from
Jenné-Jeno,” in Excavations at Jenné-Jeno, Hambarketolo, and
Kaniana (Inland Niger Delta, Mali): The 1981 Season, ed. S. K.
McIntosh, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994, chap.
5, pp. 252–256, and fig. 38.
14. Brill [note 11].
15. Ibid.
16. Brill, Chemical Analyses [note 12], v. 1, p. 67, and v. 2,
p. 110.
FIG. 10. Lime vs. soda for Kopia glasses.
FIG. 11. Alumina vs. lime for Kopia glasses compared
with Roman and Hellenistic glasses.
% Na2O*
5 10 15 20
% CaO*
Kopia glasses (n=16)
° = Soda-lime (13)
= Potash-silica (3)
Ellipse indicates nine glasses
from other sites in India.
% CaO*
0 1 2 3 94 105 116 127 13
% Al2O3*
8 14
Kopia soda-lime glasses
compared with Roman and
Hellenistic natron-based glasses
= Kopia (n=13)
° = Roman (n=384)
+ = Hellenistic (n=47)
Ellipse indicates nine glasses
from other sites in India.
FIG. 12. Magnesia vs. potash for Kopia glasses.
FIG. 13. Alumina vs. silica for Kopia glasses.
% K2O*
5 10 15
% MgO*
AKopia.sta Kopia glasses (n=16)
° = Soda-lime (13)
= Potash-silica (3)
Ellipse indicates nine glasses
from other sites in India.
Kopia glasses (n=16)
° = Soda-lime (13)
= Potash-silica (3)
Ellipse indicates nine glasses
from other sites in India.
% Al2O3*
60 65 70 75 80 85 90
% SiO2*
plot passes through the origin, it appears that
all of the iron in these glasses was introduced
with the ingredient that introduced the alumi-
na—which is not surprising if one assumes that
the ingredient that introduced the alumina into
the Indian soda-limes was the same as that used
for making the potash-silica glasses. Presuma-
bly, that ingredient would have been a sand. Of
course, this may be coincidental, but it is worth
remembering as one explores further the possi-
bility of relationships between these two families
of glasses.
The three potash-silica glasses from Kopia are
similar to potash-silica glasses from elsewhere
in India in that most of them contain slightly
greater levels of lime than some glasses in the
same family excavated in Southeast Asia and
East Asia. The latter contain slightly less than, or
slightly more than, 1.0% CaO. While we regard
the potash-silica glasses as a single chemical fam-
ily, we do see it as a broad chemical type, and
we believe that there are distinctions among the
individual glasses that are related to the use of
somewhat different sources of local batch in-
gredients or to differences in dates of manufac-
Two samples of sands (perhaps they should
be called sandy soils) were collected by A. K.
Kanungo from riverbanks near the site of his
excavation. They are CMG nos. 9710 and 9711.
Their major and minor components are listed
on page 18. The alumina/silica ratios for these
two sands average about 0.093, as compared
with 0.075 for the 13 Kopia soda-lime glasses.
Thus the glasses are somewhat “cleaner” in alu-
mina than the sands. Nevertheless, the alumina
in the sands comes close to accounting for the
high alumina contents of the glasses.
The results of the analysis of the sample of reh
were disappointing in that the sample proved to
be primarily silica, as established by both chem-
ical analysis and X-ray diffraction. The diffrac-
tion work, performed by Erika Stapleton of Cor-
ning Incorporated, showed that the predom inant
phase by far was alpha-quartz, although minor
phases of bernalite, lepidolite, and mica were
FIG. 14. Iron vs. alumina for Kopia glasses.
% Fe2O3*
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
% Al2O3*
Kopia glasses (n=16)
° = Soda-lime (13)
= Potash-silica (3)
Ellipse indicates nine glasses
from other sites in India.
% Fe2O3* = 0.025 + 0.33* (% Al2O3*)
also present. Only a minor amount of thermo-
natrite (a form of hydrated sodium carbonate)
was found. Hence, we conclude that the sample
was more contaminated with soil than the other
samples of reh and of oos that we had analyzed
The histogram (Fig. 15) shows strontium iso-
tope ratios measured for 271 samples of glasses,
Egyptian blues, Chinese purples, and probable
batch materials.18 These analyses were performed
by Prof. Paul D. Fullagar of the University of
North Carolina.
All of the materials from India—including
13 glasses, three minerals, and a crucible shard
from Kopia—have high strontium isotope ratios
that are entirely different from those character-
izing glasses from more westerly sources and
from East Asia. This offers further evidence for
the existence of an “Indian family” of glass com-
positions. It is also consistent with the likelihood
that those glasses (including all but one of the
Ko pia soda-limes) were made in India. The high
87Sr /
86Sr ratios are not only different from those
of “Western” glasses, but the Indian glasses and
minerals also conform to the high values ex-
pected for minerals from that part of Uttar Pra-
The histogram shows that the data for about
130 Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Hellenistic, Ro-
man, and Islamic glasses (and related materials)
fall at the far left side of the graph. The glasses
are all natron-based or plant-ash soda-limes.
They are enclosed well inside the first two bars,
along with medieval European stained glass win-
dows. (The stained glass windows lie mainly in
the second bar from the left and are thereby dis-
tinguishable from the soda-limes.)
Twelve of the soda-limes from Kopia form a
tightly coherent isotopic group having high ra-
tios. Only one glass from Kopia lies within the
17. Ibid., v. 1, p. 212, and v. 2, p. 481.
18. Robert H. Brill and Paul D. Fullagar, “Strontium-Isotope
Analyses of Some Historical Glasses and Related Materials: A
Progress Report,” Annales de l’Association Internationale pour
l’Histoire du Verre, v. 17, Antwerp, 2006 (in press).
FIG. 15. Histogram showing distribution of strontium isotope ratios
for various types of glasses.
No. of Objects
0.69 0.7 0.72 0.73 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.780.71
87 Sr /
86 Sr
“Western” glasses
(Egyptian, Roman, Islamic, etc.)
Stained glasses
India a
Kopia a
Kopia b
India b
India sands
“Western” glasses bar and thus may be consid-
ered an import—but not one from the West be-
cause it is one of the three potash-silica glasses
from Kopia. On the basis of the strontium iso-
tope value of this single sample, one would con-
clude that the potash-silica glasses recovered
from the glass furnace site were not produced
locally. However, that requires further consider-
ation. Among the two dozen potash-silica glass-
es for which we have strontium isotope data,
only one other piece has such a low ratio: no.
6421, a large bracelet with a triangular cross
sec tion, from Lang Vac in Vietnam.
I (R. H. Brill) am very pleased by the pros-
pect of continuing our collaboration with Dr.
Kanungo on this extremely important glass site
in India.
2005 Excavation, Fortified Area
8420. Small, flat fragment with curved edge.
Aqua. Crizzled surface. Level 12, reg. no. 513.
8421. Flattened circular “counter”(?). Light
green, turbid. Lightly weathered. Level 4, reg.
no. 375.
8422. Section of bangle, flattened cross sec-
tion. Transparent light blue, with reddish sur-
face in places. Little or no weathering. Level 5,
reg. no. 387.
8423. Bead fragment, indefinite shape. Light
green, turbid. Lightly weathered. Level 11, reg.
no. 493.
8424. Section of bangle, half-round cross
section (d. ~ 6 cm). Black. Little or no weath-
ering. Level 6/7, reg. no. 558.
8427. Bottle rim with top of neck (?). O.D.
6 cm. Green. Lightly weathered. Level 2, reg.
no. 51.
8429. Small nugget of cullet. Brownish
amber. Little or no weathering. Level 3/4, reg.
no. 546.
8430. Small nugget of cullet with refractory
adhering. Green, turbid. Little weathering.
Level 1, reg. no. 286.
2005 Excavation, Glass Area
8431. Section of large bangle, rounded tri-
angular cross section. Black. Little weathering,
but matte surface. I.D. 4 cm, Alt. 7 mm, W.
(base) 9 mm. Level 1/2, reg. no. 571.
2004 Excavation, Fortified Area
8432. Small barrel-shaped bead. D. 6 mm,
L. 1.5 mm. Opaque light green. Lightly weath-
ered. Level 1, reg. no. 29.
8433. Section of bangle. I.D. 7 cm. Blue,
turbid; very seedy. Little or no weathering.
Level 1, reg. no. 145.
8434. Section of bangle. I.D. 6 cm. Yellow-
ish(?) green; very seedy. Little or no weather-
ing. Level 1, reg. no. 117.
8435. Section of bangle. I.D. 7 cm. Black
(very dark amber). Little or no weathering.
Level 1, reg. no. 18.
8436. Section of bangle, chipped and
possibly deformed by fire. Black. Little or no
weathering. Level 1, reg. no. 122.
8437. Section of bangle, flat cross section.
I.D. 7.5 cm. Black. Little or no weathering.
Level 2, reg. no. 176.
8438. Small piece of cane or bangle. Light
blue, turbid. Light to moderate weathering.
Level 2, reg. no. 176.
8439. Small piece of cullet. Pale green, with
patch of refractory attached. Lightly weathered.
Reg. no. 46.
2004 Excavation, Glass Area
8425. Tube with bore and slight bulge, many
drawn-out bubbles. Nearly colorless. Little or
no weathering. Level 3, reg. no. 131.
8426. Tube with bore and knot, many
drawn-out bubbles. Black. Little weathering.
Level 1, reg. no. 109.
8428. Nugget of cullet. Green, slightly tur-
bid, with few patches of red material fused onto
surface. Little weathering. Level 1, reg. no. 193.
8440. Fragment of cylindrical bead. D. 1.0
cm. Colorless. Lightly weathered. Level 1, reg.
no. 149.
8441. Bead, roughly cylindrical, with small,
thin, narrowed tip. D. 9.5 mm, L. 1.6 mm (ex-
cluding drawn tip), widest perforation 4 mm.
Pale greenish aqua, turbid. Lightly weathered.
Level 1, reg. no. 153.
8442. Small, thin, narrow tube. Light blue,
turbid. Lightly weathered. Level 1, reg. no. 150.
8443. Bead waster. Small cylindrical piece
attached to smaller hollow bead. Apparently
formed from one tube that did not separate.
Pale yellowish aqua. Lightly weathered. Level
3, reg. no. 148.
8444. Small lump of slaglike waste consisting
of bubbly green glass fused to refractory mate-
rial or soil. Level 2, reg. no. 209.
8445. Glass removed from folded rim (or
edge?) of crucible. Surface find, but dated to
the first or second century A.D. Terra-cotta
fabric is soft and has a more or less uniform
brownish red color throughout. Fragment
arrived broken in mail (March 18, 2006), but
its dimensions must have been ~ 6.5 cm along
curved rim x ~ 5.1 cm in width x ~ 3.5 cm
maximum thickness. Wall thickness ~ 4–6 mm
throughout. Apparent curvature of original
vessel ~ 28 cm. Four radial mold marks or
decoration located near edge. Glass fills the
otherwise hollow space inside the folded terra-
cotta. Sample is of very pale greenish glass.
Little or no weathering, but heavy internal
8446. As above, sample of body of crucible,
brownish red coarse ware.
... The earliest imported glass found in India dates to the period of Painted Gray Culture about 12th century BC from Bhagwanpura in the Nothern state of Haryana [13]. Kopia was India's first glass-making site dating to the 5th century BC and unearthed Indian made glasses-plant ash high alumina soda glass (v-Na-Al) and potash glass [13]. ...
... The earliest imported glass found in India dates to the period of Painted Gray Culture about 12th century BC from Bhagwanpura in the Nothern state of Haryana [13]. Kopia was India's first glass-making site dating to the 5th century BC and unearthed Indian made glasses-plant ash high alumina soda glass (v-Na-Al) and potash glass [13]. Arikamedu, as one of the most famous archaeological sites located on the southeastern coast of India, is considered to be a glass-working centre from 200 BC to AD 200 and is well-known for its drawing technique for the Indo-Pacific glass bead [14]. ...
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Monochrome drawn beads were widely circulated in South and Southeast Asia as early as the second century BC. This article aims to identify the glass beads unearthed from different sites in China and discuss their possible sources. Twenty-seven mineral soda alumina (m-Na-Al) glass and eighty-seven potash glass beads unearthed in different provinces in China were analysed by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. The trace element analysis through Multivariate Kernel Density Estimation and Maximum Mean Discrepancy indicates the silica sources of m-Na-Al glass and most of the potash glass unearthed from Guangxi are identical. They were presumably produced somewhere in northeastern India or Southeast Asia and exported through the Maritime Silk Road. The silica sources of m-Na-Al glass in Henan and the rest of the potash glasses are geologically close. They were likely produced in southern India or Sri Lanka and exported through the North and Southwest Silk Roads. Future research on isotopic analysis will reveal more information about primary/secondary glass production in China, South and Southeast Asia.
... From the beginning of occupation at Khao Sam Kaeo, unworked glass was imported in bulk from North India, where the primary production of glass from raw materials probably began sometime around the mid-first millennium BCE. The high-alumina, high-uranium soda glass from Khao Sam Kaeo is identical to that produced at specialized primary glass production sites such as Kopia (Dussubieux and Kanungo 2013;Kanungo and Brill 2009), and probably at early urban sites such as Kausambi , both in northern India. Because of the unique trace element pattern, there is no other possible source for the Khao Sam Kaeo high-alumina glass that makes up half of the samples analyzed from the site and probably a much greater fraction of the actual glass found during excavation and on the surface. ...
... The last two last samples are beads from Myanmar and were found at two sites, Htan Ta Pin and Htan Bo in the Samon valley, and are dated from the mid-late 1st millennium BCE (Dussubieux and Pryce 2016). The presence of crucible sherds lined with greenish glass as well as raw glass fragments with a m-Na-Al 3 composition at the north Indian site of Kopia (Dussubieux and Kanungo 2013) strongly point to local glass production; however, Sr isotope analysis both of Kopia's m-Na-Al glass and of nearby raw material show two different signatures (Kanungo and Brill 2009;Brill and Stapleton 2012;. ...
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In India, the organization of the ancient glass industries that produced, starting around the mid-1st millennium BCE, huge quantities of small drawn beads that were traded both locally and all over the Indian Ocean and beyond, is poorly known. Elemental compositions conducted on glass beads found in India and on Indian beads found elsewhere show a great variability that could be linked in some cases to different production regions (Northern, Southern, and Western India). However, a more precise provenance attribution and the identification of regionally distinct production centers was not possible without additional research. Ethno-historical references show that glass was often produced from one single ingredient, called reh. We collected raw material samples from selected regions within the subcontinent. This paper reports on both the elemental compositions of these raw material samples obtained using laser ablation—inductively coupled plasma—mass spectrometry and their isotopic compositions including Pb, Sr, and Nd. The results were compared to elemental and isotopic data available for known Indian glass artifacts recovered from sites within and outside India. Our results show that some regions within India are more likely than others to have been the loci of glass production in ancient times.
... There was a rapid growth in glass-making technology during the late bronze age in Egypt and western Asia. The development of glasses in India has begun in 1730BC [2]; the first site in India to manufacture the glasses was in Kopia, Uttar Pradesh between 700BC and 200AD [3]. The Indian glasses in this period differed significantly in chemical composition when compared to Roman and Chinese glasses [4]. ...
Thermoluminescence (TL) materials are well known for a very large number of applications in various fields such as medical research, in vivo dosimetry, environmental dosimetry, personal dosimetry, etc. There are several TL materials available in the market such as fluoride, borate, phosphate, silicate, borosilicate glasses, etc. The TL properties of materials change with the doping of rare-earth and transition impurities in different hosts which are useful for different applications. These doped TL materials can be prepared by different techniques such as, the melt-quenching technique, combustion method, sol–gel method, and others. Radiations such as γ-rays, X-rays, β-rays, photon beam, electron beam, neutron beam, etc., can be used to irradiate these TL materials. In the present state of research, interest is being raised to develop new thermoluminescent materials for various applications in the field of material science and radiation therapy for in vivo dosimetry in view of the rise in the number of cancer patients across the globe. In the last few years, borate and phosphate-based TL dosimeters got more attention in radiation dosimetry. So, this review deals with the recent developments and advancements in borate- and phosphate-based TL materials for in vivo dosimetry.
... From the first century ce onwards, use of magnifying glasses increased, and quality lenses were made from glass throughout the Roman empire [18][19][20][21]. In India, development of glass technology began in 1700 bce [22]. In ancient China, glass making had a later start during the Warring States period (475-220 bce). ...
... Moreover, two glass samples from Yunnan identified as type II natron glass may reveal another transmission route. Kopia, India, is believed to have been a major glass manufacturing centre of the fifth century BC which discovered Mediterranean natron glass (Kanungo and Brill 2009), and we suggest that this glass trade could further extend to Southern China through the Southwest Silk Road. A small piece of a glass tube (Fig. 7) was unearthed from Heimajing site in Yunnan dating to the Late Warring States period to the Han Dynasty, typologically corresponding to the Hellenistic period (Yunnan institute of cultural relics and Archaeology 2013). ...
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Lead-barium glass, which appeared during the Mid-Late Warring States period (475–221 BC) in China, is considered to be a purely Chinese invention due to the unique presence of high barium. However, lead-barium glass was rarely referred to in contemporary Chinese literature and disappeared after the Han Dynasty (202 BC–AD 220). In this paper, 49 samples excavated from five provinces in China have been analysed by LA-ICP-MS for trace element composition. We offer a piece of code to perform multivariate kernel density estimation on four variables in a tetrahedron plot, and then we used maximum mean discrepancy and hypothesis testing for cluster analysis. The results suggest that lead-barium glass was a secondary product made by mixing Chinese lead and barium minerals with imported natron glass, and the Syro-Palestinian coast was the possible source region for the raw glass used to produce lead-barium glass.
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Since mid-second millennium BCE, glass bangles have been an item of mass consumption throughout South Asia. The archaeological community has spent considerable time and energy reconstructing ancient cities with evidence of glass making and/or glass working workshops and has formulated many hypotheses. The functional use of the kiln and the ways that different kinds of glass products, including bangle were produced is still shrouded in uncertainty. Jointless bangles have been considered as auspicious and they dominate the archaeological bangle assemblages. At times, glass bangles are used as one of the criteria to hypothesise ancient demographics. Their usage patterns of glass bangles and their relation to socio-cultural milieu, continuously create more broken pieces than intact bangles in cultural deposit. The fact that glass bangles are given as offerings in lieu of wellbeing and that broken bangles are recycled present challenges for any archaeological reconstructions and inferences. Notwithstanding these challenges, examination of the traditional jointless bangle production centre in western Uttar Pradesh facilitates a more insightful understanding of the nature of meaningful socialistic and technocratic affordances constitutive to bangles. This paper records ethnographically the production cycle and the functional use of bangles. The evolution of bangle making furnaces is also discussed.
The glass bangle in South Asia is a widely distributed artefact with recognized spatio-temporal variation. Often considered only as an addendum to widely traded glass beads, it remains an understudied class of archaeologically recovered glass objects. This paper argues there is much to be learnt from the historicity of glass bangles beyond the present debate that has dwelled on their ‘antiquity’. Towards this end, the paper provides a review of the techniques by which bangles were produced in South Asia. It argues that markedly different sociologies of artisan-group organization, scale of production, patron-craftsmen relations, and workshop location including itinerant production, distinguish the two major techniques, namely: the ‘Khalbut’ and the ‘two-mandrel’ methods. Building on this discussion, the paper provides a short archaeological history of the glass bangle up to the early medieval Period. It highlights the historically specific nature of marked patterns of regional, typological and chemical variation each indicating shifts in glass bangle production, use and valuation.
Naturally available materials including plant leaves and seeds, stones, animal horns and bones were modified and utilized from the early times as ornaments. Beads of various semi-precious stones were used in Tamil Nadu from the Iron Age, and they might have been introduced in the earlier Neolithic period. The Iron Age-early historic megalithic burials have beads and objects made of semi-precious stones, such as carnelian, quartz and other materials, placed as offerings for the dead. Glass beads and objects were perhaps widely introduced in the early historic period in South India with the development of long-distance trade, and strangely, they have not been found in the megalithic burials so far, and the excavated burials have mainly produced stone beads. In the later medieval period, glass bangles were used extensively and Valayalkarars specializing in glass bangle trade became a socially important community. Glass bangles became symbols of women, marginalized communities and even certain social groups. This chapter seeks to present a survey on the use of glass beads and glass ornaments from a cultural perspective, based on archaeological and textual sources.
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Today glass beads are a major product of India from at least three different locations, using altogether different techniques. Each production process leaves behind debitage unique to its individual manufacturing process. Archaeologically, it is imperative to identifY and record the production techniques of glass bead manufacture and to identify the various specifIc waste products rather than merely speaking of beads and production centers on the basis of statistics. There have been a number of studies on Indo-Pacific bead production, but few on other methods. An ancient and important technique of bead manufacture, used even today, is the "furnace-winding" technique. Beads produced by this technique have been found in large numbers at various archaeological sites. This paper discusses the details of beads and bead waste produced by the furnace-winding technique and the specific criteria of production. It also uses the results of a detailed ethnographic analysis at a manufacturing village, Purdalpur, to understand the production and dispersal mechanisms. An understanding of these mechanisms allows us to formulate certain criteria that can be used to draw better inferences about archaeological sites in which bead debitage has been found. KEYWORDS: Banaras Beads Limited, debitage, furnace-wound beads, India, Purdalpur.