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Embedded system for fall detection using body-worn accelerometer and depth sensor

The 8
IEEE International Conference on Intel ligent Data Acquisition and Advan ced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications, 2015
Embedded System for Fall Detection Using
Body-worn Accelerometer and Depth Sensor
Michal Kepski
, Bogdan Kwolek
Interdisciplinary Centre for Computational Modelling, University of Rzeszow, 35-959 Rzeszow, Poland,
Department of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, 30-059 Krakow, Poland,
Abstract— This paper presents an embedded system for
fall detection using accelerometric data and depth maps. A
real-time processing of motion data and depth maps is realized
on a low-cost PandaBoard platform. In order to achieve
detection of human falls with low computational cost the system
performs a depth-based inferring about the fall event when
person’s movement is above some preset threshold. The
performance of the system has been evaluated on our publicly
available dataset consisting of synchronized depth maps and
motion data. To investigate the detection accuracy in depth
maps from different camera views the image sequences were
simultaneously recorded by two Kinect sensors, where one
of them was placed in the front of the scene, whereas the
second one was located on the ceiling. The motion data were
acquired by a body-worn accelerometer and transmitted
wirelessly to the processing unit, responsible for both
synchronization and recording or processing of the data.
Keywords—Embedded Systems, Assistive Technologies,
Fall Detection.
I. I
Falls are a well-known cause of morbidity from injury
and mortality in the elderly. They are the leading reason
of injury-related hospitalisation in persons aged 65 years
and over and account for significant fraction of all hospital
admissions in this age-group [1]. Even falls that do not
lead to physical injuries can result in the so called post-
fall syndrome, which typically manifests itself in a loss of
confidence, wobble, tentativeness with resultant loss of
mobility and independence. The reason for this is that the
elderly fear of lying after the fall on the floor in solitude
and without help for a long time [2]. Therefore, falls
should be detected as early as possible. In consequence,
the development of low cost and reliable fall detection
system has received considerable attention in recent years
[3]. Thanks to automatic fall detection, the system can
issue an alert without needing to press the emergency
button. As a result, the injured person can be delivered to
a hospital in order to receive timely medical care.
Fall detection methods can be divided into two major
groups depending on how the information is acquired,
that is, methods using vision sensors and methods based
on non-visual sensors. The main limitation of systems
based on typical RGB cameras [4] is that they cannot
achieve satisfactory fall detection accuracy in poor
illumination conditions. Besides the privacy issues, the
lack of depth information may lead to poor fall detection
performance. Moreover, typically such systems have
considerable computational demands. In the second
groups of the fall detectors the inertial sensors are used
most frequently. Usually, they use a body-worn
accelerometer and a threshold based algorithm to
examine if a person’s movement is above some preset
threshold [5]. However, as demonstrated in [6], such
systems generate a large number of false alarms, which in
turn lead to frustration of the seniors. Recently, Kinect's
depth camera has been proposed to be utilized in fall
detection systems [7, 8]. In the discussed work it has also
been demonstrated that the depth maps are sufficient to
detect the person being monitored. Since the Kinect uses
infrared light sensors to illuminate the viewed scene and
an infrared camera to observe them in invisible light, the
fall detection can be done any time. A recent survey on
the use of Kinect in fall detection systems can be found in
[9]. Although these solutions are promising, they still
have insufficient accuracy of fall detection as well as
generate too large number of false alarms [10].
In this work we present an embedded system for fall
detection on the basis of accelerometric data and depth
maps. We show how motion data and depth maps are
processed in real-time on a low-cost PandaBoard
platform to achieve reliable fall detection. To attain the
fall detection with low computational cost the system
performs depth map-based inferring about the fall event
only when person’s movement is above some preset
threshold. The detection accuracy has been evaluated on
our publicly available dataset consisting of synchronized
depth maps and motion data. In order to investigate the
detection accuracy in depth maps from different camera
views the image sequences were simultaneously recorded
by two Kinect sensors, where one of them was placed in
the front of the scene, whereas the second one was
mounted on the ceiling. The motion data were acquired
by a body-worn accelerometer and transmitted wirelessly
to the processing unit, responsible for both
synchronization and recording of the data.
In this Section we discuss algorithms for person
detection in depth map sequences. In the below
Subsection we explain how person is detected in depth
images acquired by a Kinect facing the scene, whereas in
subsequent Subsection we describe a method for person
detection in depth maps acquired by a Kinect mounted on
the ceiling, i.e. providing the top view of the scene.
A. Person Detection in Frontal Depth Maps
The frontal maps were acquired by a static Kinect that
was placed at the height of 1 m from the floor. The
person has been detected through differencing the current
depth image from a depth reference image. The depth
reference image represents the scene depth and it is
accommodated on-line to reflect the scene changes. Each
pixel in the depth reference map is a temporal median of
the fifteen depth pixels. For each depth pixel a fifteen
element circular buffer is utilized to store continuously
the acquired depth values. Every fifteen depth map
acquired by the Kinect is stored in the depth circular
buffers. In practical terms this means that for Kinect
sensor acquiring the images at 30 Hz, the depth reference
image is entirely refreshed in 7.5 seconds. The person can
be delineated with 30 fps through differencing the current
depth image from the depth reference image
accommodated in such a way. Figure 1. demonstrates
delineation of the person in an example depth image.
Fig. 1. Person extraction in frontal depth maps. Depth reference
image (left), current image (middle), image with the extracted
person (right).
B. Person Detection in Overhead Depth Maps
The observation area for an overhead Kinect mounted
on the height of 2.6 m is about 5.5 m
. In order to
increase the field of observation we utilized a homemade
pan-tilt head to rotate the Kinect sensor. Thanks to the
use of such a pan-tilt head the field of the covered view is
far larger and in effect the Kinect can observe a typical
room. During the person movement the controller rotates
the camera in order to keep his/her in the central part of
the image. The person is detected in real-time on the basis
of depth region growing [11]. The person’s position is
expressed as the centroid of the delineated area. The
algorithm detects the floor with low computational cost in
order to decrease the number of pixels that can be
potentially included into the person blob. Figure 2
demonstrates the extracted person blob by the discussed
algorithm together with the corresponding depth map.
Fig. 2. Person extraction in overhead depth maps, the extracted
blob (left) and the corresponding depth map (right).
At the beginning of this Section we discuss two modes
of work of the system. Afterwards, we outline the
steering of the pan-tilt head. Finally, we shortly overview
the PandaBoard.
A. Modes of Operation of the System
The system detects falls on the basis of motion data
from a body-worn accelerometer and features, which are
extracted on the basis of depth map sequences. There are
two modes of work of the system. In the first one the
system utilizes acceleration data to signal a potential fall
event. Such a fall hypothesis is then validated on the basis
of features extracted from depth maps. The final decision
about the fall is taken on the basis of features describing
both lying pose and features reflecting body movements
in map sequences. In order to reduce the computational
costs the person is not detected frame-by-frame but
instead a circular buffer is utilized to hold a collection of
the preceding depth maps. In case of the potential fall, the
stored frames are utilized to detect a person and then to
calculate both static and dynamic features. Thanks to such
an approach the fall can be detected reliably with low
computational cost. In the second operation mode the
system detects the person in each frame to extract his/her
centroid, which is required by the controller of the active
head to keep the target in the central part of the current
depth map. The decision about the fall can be undertaken
on the basis the depth map only or using both
accelerometric data and depth maps.
The accelerometric data are acquired by x-IMU device
and then transmitted wirelessly to the PandaBoard, which
executes a selected fall detection algorithm. The Kinect
Xbox sensor is connected to the board via USB. The
microcontroller of the active head is connected with the
PandaBoard through I2C bus.
B. Pan-Tilt Head
The homemade active head consist of a microcontroller
(MCU) and two servomechanisms to rotate the camera in
two axes, see Fig. 3. The microcontroller board is based
on the 8-bit ATmega328 chip with 16 MHz clock and
2 KB RAM. It is equipped with 6 analog inputs, 14
digital I/O pins, where six of them can be used to perform
pulse width modulation (PWM). The utilized MCU has a
number of facilities for communication with other
devices: UART TTL serial, I2C or SPI. To obtain smooth
camera rotations, two PID controllers (one for each
degree-of-freedom) are employed. After the actuator
outputs are calculated, the motor servos are controlled
using PWM.
Fig. 3. Depth sensor (Asus Xtion PRO) and our pan-tilt unit
C. PandaBoard
PandaBoard is a low cost, mobile software development
platform based on the Texas Instruments OMAP4430
system on a chip (SoC). It is driven by the dual-core
ARM Cortex-A9 OMAP4430, with each core running at
1 GHz, a 304 MHz PowerVR SGX540 integrated 3D
graphics accelerator, a programmable C64x DSP, and
1 GB of DDR2 SDRAM. Our experimental evaluation of
the processing performance shows that the Dhrystone 2
score is equal to 4214871 [lps], the Double-Precision
Whetstone is equal to 836 [MWIPS], whereas the number
of iterations/sec in CoreMark benchmark is equal to
2858. The board also contains wired 10/100 Ethernet
along with wireless Ethernet and Bluetooth connectivity.
The PandaBoard ES can support various Linux-based
operating systems such as Android and Linux Ubuntu.
A block diagram of the board is shown on Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Block diagram of the PandaBoard ES
The human fall detection system runs under Linux
operating system. The fall detection application executes
five main concurrent processes that communicate via
message queues, see Fig. 5. The message queues provide
asynchronous communication between processes. The
messages placed onto the queue are stored until the
receiver retrieves them. This means that the sender and
the recipient of the message do not need to interact with
the queue at the same time. The first process is
accountable for acquiring motion data from the wearable
device, the second one acquires depth maps from the
depth sensor, third process continuously updates the
reference depth map, fourth one is responsible for data
processing and feature extraction, whereas the fifth
process is accountable for data classification and
triggering the fall alarm. The dual-core processor of the
utilized PandaBoard allows parallel execution of
acquisition and processing processes.
Fig. 5. Data acquisition, processing and communication
between the main processes
The following features are extracted from the frontal
depth maps to recognize the lying pose:
H/W - a ratio of height to width of the person's
bounding box in the depth maps
- a proportion expressing the height of the
person's surrounding box in the current frame to the
physical height of the person, projected onto the
depth map
D - the distance of the person's centroid to the floor
- standard deviation from the centroid
for the abscissa and the applicate, respectively.
In addition to the above features the algorithm calculates
also the ratio
)(/)( TtHtH
, where
denotes the time
in which the impact took place, and
is equal to 600
ms. Owing to the use of the body-worn accelerometer to
sense the motion of the person undergoing monitoring,
time moment of the impact, i.e. time
, can be determined
precisely and with low computational cost. The discussed
features were utilized by a classifier responsible for fall
detection on the basis of the frontal depth maps.
The detection of the fall in the overhead depth maps is
done on the basis of the following features:
- a ratio of head-floor distance to the height
of the person
A - a ratio expressing the person’s area in the image
to the area at assumed distance to the camera
l/w - a ratio of major length to major width of a blob
representing the person on the depth image.
The ratio )(/)( TtHtH
, where
denotes the
distance between the head and the floor is calculated as
well to express the speed of the person movement in the
depth maps [11].
Figure 5. depicts the UML diagram of data processing
for the Kinect mounted at the ceiling. The diagram for the
system configured for processing the frontal depth maps
does not have the block responsible for camera control.
Fig 5. Data processing (UML diagram)
V. F
The UR Fall Detection (URFD) dataset consists of
depth map sequences acquired by Kinect sensors with the
corresponding motion data, which were acquired by a
body-worn accelerometer. The sensing unit was worn
near the spine on the lower back. The motion data
contains the acceleration over time in the x, y , and z axes
together with the precalculated
. They were
calculated in the following manner:
)()()()( tAtAtAtSV
stand for the acceleration in
reference to the local x, y, and z axes at time t,
respectively. The frontal depth maps with the
corresponding RGB images were acquired by a static
Kinect that was placed at the height of 1 m from the floor,
whereas the top view RGB-D maps were acquired by a
second Kinect, which has been mounted at a ceiling at the
height of 3 m. Figure 6. depicts sample RGB and depth
images from the discussed dataset. In the top row are
RGB and depth images acquired by the frontal Kinect,
whereas in the second row are RGB and depth images
acquired the overhead sensor. The plot depicts the
values vs. time, i.e. frame number.
6. Sample images from the UR Fall Detection dataset with
corresponding plot of the acceleration vs. time.
The dataset consists of thirty image sequences with
falls, thirty image sequences with typical ADLs like
crouching down, picking-up an object from the floor,
sitting down, and ten sequences with fall-like activities as
fast lying on the floor and lying on the bed/couch. Two
kinds of falls were performed by five persons: from
standing position and from sitting on the chair. All RGB
and depth images are synchronized with the motion data.
They were recorded at 30 Hz frame rate. The dataset is
available for download via the following link:
The fall detection system has been evaluated on the
URFD dataset. Table 1. shows the performance of the
system that has been achieved on frontal URFD data
sequences. As we can notice, slightly better results were
obtained by the k-NN classifier (with three neighbors)
in comparison to the linear SVM. The SVM classifier
has been trained on a PC using LIBSVM software [12].
Table 1. Performance of fall detection on frontal URFD data
sequences [%].
Accuracy 95.71 94.28
Precision 90.90 88.24
Sensitivity 100.00 100.00
Specificity 92.50 90.00
Table 2. presents the performance of fall detection on
overhead data sequences from the UR Fall Detection
dataset. The discussed results were obtained by a linear
SVM. As we can notice, the results are better in
comparison to results obtained on the frontal sequences.
Table 2. Performance of fall detection on overhead URFD data
sequences [%].
Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Specificity
SVM 99.45 98.21 100.0 99.22
Table 3. presents times needed for update of the depth
reference images and person extraction using region
growing. The discussed processing times were obtained
on PandaBoard ES and a personal computer equipped with
Intel i7-3610QM 2.3 GHz 8 GB RAM. Having on regard
that the depth reference image is updated every 15th frame
acquired by the depth sensor, the whole depth map to be
updated can be divided into blocks and each of them can
be accommodated in time shorter than 15~ms. The subtraction
of the current depth image from the depth reference image
can be realized in about 7~ms. The region growing time
is average time that was obtained on the sequence available
The board was powered by Linaro 12.11 operating system,
whereas the code C++ code was compiled using GCC~4.6.3.
Table 3. Processing times [ms].
PandaBoard ES Intel i7
Depth reference
image update 182.86 24.61
growing 16.70 3.80
Ten volunteers with age over 26 years attended in an
evaluation of the developed algorithm and the embedded
system for fall detection in real-time. Intentional falls
were performed in an office by six persons towards a
carpet with thickness of about 2 cm. Each individual
performed three types of falls, namely forward, backward
and lateral at least three times. Each individual performed
also ADLs like walking, sitting, crouching down, leaning
down/picking up objects from the floor as well as lying
on the floor. The acceleration threshold has been set to
2.6~g to filter the fall events from the ADls. All
intentional falls have been detected appropriately.
Most of the image-based systems require time for installation,
camera calibration and they are not cheap since a considerable
computational power is needed to execute in real-time the
time consuming algorithms. Moreover, the false alarm of
systems known from the literature is unacceptable for
practical applications. In this work we have presented a
low-cost embedded system for fall detection. The system
has been evaluated on publicly available dataset. The
presented system permits reliable and unobtrusive fall
detection as well as preserves privacy of the user. We
reduced the number of the false alarms through combining
the features extracted from motion data and depth maps.
This work was supported by University of Rzeszow as well
as by NCN under a research grant 2014/15/B/ST6/02808.
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... GainRatio(X(j )) where j = 1, 2, ..m, is calculated for each of these n partitions and eventually the partition with the maximum gain is selected [17]. The computation of GainRatio(X) is shown in (27) by taking the ratio of Gain(X) and SplitI nf o(X). In order to build a tree, information gain, Gain(X) is the core of any decision tree algorithm. ...
... For the proposed approach (PA), we conducted different experiments on four datasets including Multiple Cameras Fall (MCF) dataset [3], UR Fall Detection (URFD) dataset [27], Kinect Activity Recognition dataset (KARD) [18], and Northwestern UCLA Action dataset (NUCLA) [68]. All the experiments are conducted using 10-fold cross validation. ...
... The URFD dataset [27] consists of short video sequences of 30 falls and 40 activities of daily living sequences. Fall sequences were recorded using two Microsoft Kinect cameras. ...
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Automatic human posture recognition in surveillance videos has real world applications in monitoring old-homes, restoration centers, hospitals, disability, and child-care centers. It also has applications in other areas such as security and surveillance, sports, and abnormal activity recognition. Human posture recognition is a challenging problem due to occlusion, background clutter, illumination variations, camouflage, and noise in the captured video signal. In the current study, which is an extension of our previous work (Ali et al. Sensors, 18(6):1918, 2018), we propose a novel combination of a number of spatio-temporal features computed over human blobs in a temporal window. These features include aspect ratios, shape descriptors, geometric centroids, ellipse axes ratio, silhouette angles, and silhouette speed. In addition to these features, we also exploit the radon transform to get better shape based analysis. In order to obtain improved posture classification accuracy, we used J48 classifier under a boosting framework by employing the AdaBoost algorithm.The proposed algorithm is compared with eighteen existing state-of-the-art approaches on four publicly available datasets including MCF, UR Fall detection, KARD, and NUCLA. Our results demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed algorithm compared to these existing methods.
... Half of them come from Multiple Cameras Fall [72] dataset, a database that includes several falls in different environments taken from eight different perspectives. The other half can be found in UR fall [73] dataset and, in this case, all of them are taken from a single perspective. ...
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Fall detection systems use a number of different technologies to achieve their goals. This way, they contribute to better life conditions for the elderly community. The artificial vision is one of these technologies and, within this field, it has gained momentum over the course of the last few years as a consequence of the incorporation of different artificial neural networks (ANN's). These ANN's share a common characteristic, they are used to extract descriptors from images and video clips that, properly processed, will determine whether a fall has taken place. These descriptors, which capture kinematic features associated with the fall, are inferred from datasets recorded by young volunteers or actors who simulate falls. Systems based on this concept offer excellent performances in tests which use that kind of datasets. However, given the well‐documented differences between these falls and the real ones, concerns about system performances when processing falls of elderly people are raised. This work implements an alternative approach to the classical use of kinematic descriptors. To do it, for the first time to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the authors propose the introduction of human dynamic stability descriptors used in other fields to determine whether a fall has taken place. These descriptors approach the human body in terms of balance and stability; this way, differences between real and simulated falls become irrelevant, as all falls are a direct result of fails in the continuous effort of the body to keep balance, regardless of other considerations. The descriptors are determined by using the information provided by a neural network able to estimate the body centre of mass and the feet projections onto the ground plane, as well as the feet contact status. The theory behind this new approach and its validity is studied in this article with very promising results, as it is able to match or over exceed the performances of previous systems using kinematic descriptors employing available data and, given the independence of this approach from the conditions of the fall, it has the potential to have a better behaviour than classic systems when facing falls of elderly people.
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Background and Objective Falls pose a significant risk to public health, especially for the elderly population, and could potentially result in severe injuries or even death. A reliable fall detection system is urgently needed to recognise and promptly alert to falls effectively. A vision-based fall detection system has the advantage of being non-invasive and affordable compared with another popular approach using wearable sensors. Nevertheless, the present challenge lies in the algorithm's limited on-device operating speed due to extremely high computational demands, and the high computational demands are usually essential to improve the performance for the complex scene. Therefore, it is crucial to address the above challenge in computational power and complex scenes. Methods This article presents the implementation of a real-time fall detection algorithm with low computational costs using a single webcam. The suggested method optimises precision and efficiency by synthesising the strengths of background subtraction and the human pose estimation model BlazePose. The biomechanical features, derived from body key points identified by BlazePose, are utilised in a random forest model for classifying fall events. Results The proposed algorithm achieves 89.99% accuracy and 29.7 FPS with a laptop CPU on the UR Fall Detection dataset and the Le2i Fall Detection dataset. The algorithm shows great generalisation and robustness in different scenarios. Conclusion Due to the low computational power of the system, the findings also suggest the potential for implementing the system in small-scale medical monitoring equipment, which maximises its practical value in digital health.
With the increase in the number of elderly people living alone, the use of computer vision technology for real-time fall detection is of great importance. In this paper, we review fall detection based on computer vision from four perspectives: background significance, current research status, relevant influencing factors, and future research outlook. We summarized our approach by classifying the three types of input image data in fall detection systems: RGB (Red, Green, Blue), Depth, and IR (Infrared Radiation), outlining research in both target tracking and bone detection for basic image processing tasks, as well as methods for processing video data. We analyzed the possible effects of multiple factors on fall detection regarding camera selection, the individual object recognized, and the recognition environment, and collected the solutions. Based on the current problems and trends in vision-based fall detection, we present an outlook on future research and propose four new ideas including functional extensions using the easy fusion feature of Mask R-CNN (Mask Region with Convolutional Neural Network), the use of YOLO (You Only Look Once) family to improve the speed of target detection, using variants of LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) such as GRU (Gate Recurrent Unit) to achieve more efficient detection, and using Transformer methods that have been migrated from natural language processing to computer vision for detection.KeywordsComputer VisionDeep LearningFall DetectionNeural NetworkVideo Surveillance System
Conference Paper
One of the most concerning safety hazards for elderly people is abnormal falls in public places. Vision-based fall detection using ambient cameras is a popular non-intrusive solution. Recent research uses Slow Feature Analysis (SFA), which can learn the slow invariant varying shape features obtained from input signals and is efficient. Another recent famous approach in motion detection is deep learning. However, the fall event in actual cases is diverse, resulting in complications in the detection task. Additionally, it is difficult to acquire fall-related data; hence, simulation is done on fall events to generate a training dataset, resulting in smaller data. Considering these complications, we have presented a novel method by combining SFA, deep learning models, namely Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), and rule-base. CNN is used to extract the object region, thereby reducing the region of interest (RoI). Two shape features, such as aspect ratio and area of RoI are considered as input to the LSTM for retrieving the temporal information which is further used for rule generation, thereby increasing the detection accuracy. The efficacy of the proposed method for various features, such as aspect ratio, area, and aspect r a tio+area is demonstrated over the UR Fall data with an accuracy of 95.2%, 93.8%, and 96.36%, respectively.
Human posture recognition has recently attracted a significant attention from the computer vision community. However, as in any pattern recognition problem, the features extracted from human posture images must be relevant; otherwise, the overall performance of the recognition system may be affected. Among the large number of existing features, the orthogonal moments have been successfully used in many image analysis and pattern recognition applications. However, to the best of our knowledge, their performances in human posture recognition have not been yet examined. Thus, the objective in this paper is to evaluate and compare the performances of various types of orthogonal moments, namely, Zernike, pseudo-Zernike, orthogonal Fourier–Mellin, Gegenbauer, exact Legendre, Chebyshev, Krawtchouk and Hahn moments for human postures recognition problem. The performance evaluations of these moments, as well as a comparison between them, are performed on three public datasets, namely Zhao & Chen dataset, URFD dataset and SDUFall dataset. The obtained results showed that, using moments up to order 8 on Zhao & Chen dataset, and up to order 6 on URFD and SDUFall datasets, Krawtchouk moments and Hahn moments outperform all the other moments, reaching an accuracy of about 98.5% to 99%. The robustness of the different orthogonal moments against noise and segmentation errors was also evaluated. The obtained results showed again the outperformance of Krawtchouk and Hahn moments compared to the other moments, with a performance drop of less than 1.46% in the presence of high noise level, and less than 6.2% in the presence of severe segmentation errors.
Impairment and a substantial decline in the mobility, independence, and quality of life of an elderly person. In this regard, the current work suggests a novel IoT-based system that makes the use of low-power wireless sensing the networks, big data, cloud computing and smart devices to detect falls of older persons in interior situations. A Three-dimensional axis accelerometer integrated into a wearable sixLowPAN device is utilised for this purpose and is in charge of gathering data collected from older people's movements in real-time. The Signals of the sensor are processed and analysed using a machine learning model on a sophisticated IoT gateway to give high efficiency in fall detection. We make use of low-cost wearable sensing devices from Apache Flink and MbientLab an open source broadcast engine, a short-term with a long memory network architecture, and categorization of fall. We examine the ideal Nyquist rate, sensor positioning, and multiple channeling information change using the training set, which was developed using the published dataset “MobiAct.” With a 95.87% accuracy rate, our edge computing system can detect falls using real-time data stream analytics.
Fall is a serious public health issue, especially for the elderly. There are many studies on fall detection, with the goal of ever-increasing the accuracy, flexibility, and feasibility of implementation in real life. In the last 5 years, the release of many highly-accurate, real-time, open-source pose estimation models offers a unique opportunity to develop effective and easy-to-deploy fall detection systems. In this study, we build two threshold-based fall detection algorithms respectively using the OpenPose and MoveNet pose estimation model. We evaluate the algorithms on two public datasets, namely UR Fall Detection and Charfi2012 dataset. The algorithm using OpenPose achieves an accuracy rate of 68.04% and the one using MoveNet 70.79%. We discuss the benefits of using pose estimation models in detecting falls, as well as the limitations of threshold-based algorithms, and suggest future research directions.KeywordsFall detectionPose estimationOpenPoseMoveNetThreshold
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Previous work demonstrated that Kinect sensor can be very useful for fall detection. In this work we present a novel approach to fall detection that allows us to achieve reliable fall detection in larger areas through person detection and tracking in dense depth map sequences acquired by an active pan-tilt 3D camera. We demonstrate that both high sensitivity and specificity can be obtained using dense depth images acquired by a ceiling mounted Kinect and executing the proposed algorithms for lying pose detection and motion analysis. The person is extracted using depth region growing and person detection.
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Since falls are a major public health problem in an ageing society, there is considerable demand for low-cost fall detection systems. One of the main reasons for non-acceptance of the currently available solutions by seniors is that the fall detectors using only inertial sensors generate too much false alarms. This means that some daily activities are erroneously signaled as fall, which in turn leads to frustration of the users. In this paper we present how to design and implement a low-cost system for reliable fall detection with very low false alarm ratio. The detection of the fall is done on the basis of accelerometric data and depth maps. A tri-axial accelerometer is used to indicate the potential fall as well as to indicate whether the person is in motion. If the measured acceleration is higher than an assumed threshold value, the algorithm extracts the person, calculates the features and then executes the SVM-based classifier to authenticate the fall alarm. It is a 365/7/24 embedded system permitting unobtrusive fall detection as well as preserving privacy of the user.
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In this paper we present a review of the most current avenues of research into Kinect-based elderly care and stroke rehabilitation systems to provide an overview of the state of the art, limitations, and issues of concern as well as suggestions for future work in this direction. The central purpose of this review was to collect all relevant study information into one place in order to support and guide current research as well as inform researchers planning to embark on similar studies or applications. The paper is structured into three main sections, each one presenting a review of the literature for a specific topic. Elderly Care section is comprised of two subsections: Fall Detection and Fall Risk Reduction. Stroke Rehabilitation section contains studies grouped under Evaluation of Kinect's Spatial Accuracy, and Kinect-based Rehabilitation Methods. The third section, Serious and Exercise Games, contains studies that are indirectly related to the first two sections and present a complete system for elderly care or stroke rehabilitation in a Kinect-based game format. Each of the three main sections conclude with a discussion of limitations of Kinect in its respective applications. The paper concludes with overall remarks regarding use of Kinect in elderly care and stroke rehabilitation applications and suggestions for future work. A concise summary with significant findings and subject demographics (when applicable) of each study included in the review is also provided in table format.
Conference Paper
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In this paper we demonstrate how to accomplish reliable fall detection on a low-cost embedded platform. The detection is achieved by a fuzzy inference system using Kinect and a wearable motion-sensing device that consists of accelerometer and gyroscope. The foreground objects are detected using depth images obtained by Kinect, which is able to extract such images in a room that is dark to our eyes. The system has been implemented on the PandaBoard ES and runs in real-time. It permits unobtrusive fall detection as well as preserves privacy of the user. The experimental results indicate high effectiveness of fall detection.
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Since falls are a major public health problem among older people, the number of systems aimed at detecting them has increased dramatically over recent years. This work presents an extensive literature review of fall detection systems, including comparisons among various kinds of studies. It aims to serve as a reference for both clinicians and biomedical engineers planning or conducting field investigations. Challenges, issues and trends in fall detection have been identified after the reviewing work. The number of studies using context-aware techniques is still increasing but there is a new trend towards the integration of fall detection into smartphones as well as the use of machine learning methods in the detection algorithm. We have also identified challenges regarding performance under real-life conditions, usability, and user acceptance as well as issues related to power consumption, real-time operations, sensing limitations, privacy and record of real-life falls.
LIBSVM is a library for Support Vector Machines (SVMs). We have been actively developing this package since the year 2000. The goal is to help users to easily apply SVM to their applications. LIBSVM has gained wide popularity in machine learning and many other areas. In this article, we present all implementation details of LIBSVM. Issues such as solving SVM optimization problems theoretical convergence multiclass classification probability estimates and parameter selection are discussed in detail.
Objective. —To identify the predictors and prognosis associated with inability to get up after falling.Design. —Cohort study with a mean 21-month follow-up.Setting. —General community.Subjects. —1103 New Haven, Conn, residents aged 72 years and older who were able to follow simple commands and walk unassisted.Main Outcome Measures. —Self-reported inability to get up without help after falls not resulting in serious injury; activity restriction and hospitalization after a fall; death; and placement in a nursing home.Results. —Inability to get up without help was reported after 220 of 596 noninjurious falls. Of 313 noninjured fallers, 148 (47%) reported inability get up after at least one fall. Compared with nonfallers, the risk factors independently associated with inability to get up included the following: an age of at least 80 years (adjusted relative risk [RR], 1.6; 95% confidence interval [Cl], 1.2 to 2.1); depression (RR, 1.5; Cl, 1.1 to 2.0); and poor balance and gait (RR, 2.0; Cl, 1.5 to 2.7). Previous stroke (RR, 1.6; Cl, 1.0 to 2.4) and sedative use (RR, 1.5; Cl, 0.9 to 2.2) did not achieve significance. Among fallers, older age and poor balance and gait were associated marginally with inability to get up. Compared with fallers who were able to get up, fallers who were unable to get up were more likely to suffer lasting decline in activities of daily living (35% vs 26%). Fallers who were unable to get up were more likely to die, to be hospitalized, and to suffer a decline in activities of daily living for at least 3 days, and were less likely to be placed in a nursing home than were fallers who were able to get up, but these trends were not statistically significant.Conclusions. —The risk factors for inability to get up were similar to those for falling, although certain factors imparted a particular risk of inability to get up without help. The frequency of inability to get up and the short- and long-term morbidity associated with this inability suggest the need for preventive and treatment efforts.(JAMA. 1993;269:65-70)
A method for detecting falls in the homes of older adults using the Microsoft Kinect and a two-stage fall detection system is presented. The first stage of the detection system characterizes a person's vertical state in individual depth image frames, and then segments on ground events from the vertical state time series obtained by tracking the person over time. The second stage uses an ensemble of decision trees to compute a confidence that a fall preceded an on ground event. Evaluation was conducted in the actual homes of older adults, using a combined nine years of continuous data collected in 13 apartments. The data set includes 454 falls, 445 falls performed by trained stunt actors and 9 naturally occurring resident falls. The extensive data collection allows for characterization of system performance under real-world conditions to a degree that has not been shown in other studies. Cross validation results are included for standing, sitting, and lying down positions, near (within 4 m) vs. far fall locations, and occluded vs. not occluded fallers. The method is compared against five state-of-the-art fall detection algorithms and significantly better results are achieved.
LIBSVM is a library for support vector machines (SVM). Its goal is to help users to easily use SVM as a tool. In this document, we present all its imple-mentation details. For the use of LIBSVM, the README file included in the package and the LIBSVM FAQ provide the information.