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The Necessity of Developing a Digital Evidence Ontology

  • Statheros d.o.o.


The aim of this paper is to highlight the problems encountered by investigators in the pursuit of forensic investigations of digital devices, primarily because of misunderstanding or false understanding of certain important concepts. An ontology of digital evidence was proposed as one of possible method suitable as a solution of this problem.
The Necessity of Developing a Digital Evidence Ontology
IT Section of Police administration
Ministry of Interior
77000 Bia, B 
“STATHEROS”, d.o.o.
Županjska 35
21216 Kaštel Stari, Split, Croatia
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to highlight the
problems encountered by investigators in the pursuit
of forensic investigations of digital devices, primarily
because of misunderstanding or false understanding
of certain important concepts. An ontology of digital
evidence was proposed as one of possible method
suitable as a solution of this problem.
Keywords. digital evidence, chain of custody,
ontology, DEMF, DCoCDE-on
1 Introduction
There are so many definitions of digital
forensic and digital evidence. One of many definitions
is „digital forensic can be defined as the application of
science and engineering to the legal problem of digital
evidence“.[1] On the question “What is Digital
Forensics?” Pollitt highlighted in [2] that digital
forensics is not an elephant, it is a process and not just
one process, but a group of tasks and processes in
investigation. Digital evidence is defined as any data
stored or transmitted using a computer that support of
refute a theory of how an offense occurred or that
address critical elements of the offense such as intent
or alibi.[3] The definition proposed by the Standard
Working Group on Digital Evidence (SWGDE) is
any information of probative value that is either
stored or transmitted in a digital form. [4] Another
definition proposed by the International Organization
of Computer Evidence - IOCE is „...information
stored or transmitted in binary form that may be relied
upon in court“. [5], [6]
In all phases of forensic investigation, digital
evidence is susceptible to external influences and
coming into contact with many factors. Legal
admissibility of digital evidence is the ability of that
evidence to be accepted as evidence in a court of law.
The evidential weight of digital evidence can only be
safeguarded if it can be proven that the records are
accurate i.e. by whom they were created and when
and that no alteration has occurred. In order for the
evidence to be accepted by the court as valid, chain of
custody for digital evidence must be kept, or it must
be known who exactly, when and where came into
contact with evidence in each stage of the
investigation. [7]
For the paper purposes "chain of custody"
and "chain of evidence" would be considered like
synonyms. The phrase “chain of custody” or “chain of
evidence” refers to the accurate auditing control of
original evidence material that could potentially be
used for legal purposes. [8] Some authors use a term
„chain of evidence instead of chain of custody. The
purpose of testimony concerning chain of custody is
to prove that evidence has not been altered or changed
through all phases, and must include documentation
on how evidence is gathered, how was transported,
analyzed and presented. Knowing the current location
of original evidence, is not enough for court, there
must be accurate logs tracking evidence material at all
time. Access to the evidence must be controlled and
audited. To prove the chain of custody, we must
know all the details on how the evidence was handled
every step of the way. The old formula used by
police, journalists and researchers - Who,
What, When, Where, Why, and How - "Five Ws"
(and one H) can be applied to help in digital forensic
investigation. [9] [10][11]
The authors in previous studies [11] attempted to
make ontological approach to help better understand
and clearly define the concept in a chain of digital
evidence field. The aim was to set up a taxonomy
diagram of a chain of digital evidence in all phases of
forensic investigation. The reasons for this are many,
methods of crimes are changing from the year to year,
daily appears new data carriers which may contain
digital evidence, all of them is harder and harder to
find. Preserving the chain of evidence has become
almost impossible without explicit knowledge of the
problem domain. The authors have attempted to allow
"reuse" of knowledge from the domain of digital
forensics and digital chain of evidence, but it made
the first step towards creating an open framework for
the secure management with digital evidence.
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2 Basic concept of ontology
According to Gruber [12] ontology is explicit
specification of a conceptualization process. The term
is borrowed from philosophy, where ontology is a
systematic accounting of existence. In recent years the
development of ontology’s-explicit formal
specifications of the terms in the domain and relations
among them (Gruber 1993) has been moving from the
realm of Artificial-Intelligence laboratories to the
desktops of domain experts.[13]
Ontology defines a common vocabulary for
researchers who need to share information in a
domain. It includes machine-interpretable definitions
of basic concepts in the domain and relations among
The Artificial-Intelligence literature contains many
definitions of ontology. For the purposes of this guide
ontology is used like a formal explicit description of
concepts in a domain of discourse - classes
(sometimes called concepts), properties of each
concept describing various features and attributes of
the concept (slots, roles or properties), and restrictions
on slots (facets, role restrictions). An ontology
together with a set of individual instances of classes
build a knowledge base.[13]
On the question Why would someone want to
develop an ontology? [13] gave some of the reasons:
• To share common understanding of the
structure of information among people or
software agents
• To enable reuse of domain knowledge
• To make domain assumptions explicit
• To separate domain knowledge from the
operational knowledge
• To analyze domain knowledge
Sharing common understanding of the structure of
information among people or software agents is one
of the more common goals in developing
3 Ontology in digital forensic
There is a lack of scientific paper about using domain
ontology in digital forensic field. Reasons for this is a
multidisciplinary field of digital forensics, because
knowledge of the technical aspects are not enough, it
is necessary to know the law - legal aspects and
implications of the process of presenting digital
evidence in court. Some authors in scientific papers
tried to present the groundwork for the "ontology of
cyber forensics, digital forensics" and "ontology of
small-scale devices”. The aim was to define the basic
concepts and create a new approach to the study of
the scientific field.
Heum Park et al. in his paper Cyber forensic
ontology for cyber criminal investigation [15] develop
Cyber Forensic Ontology for the cyber investigation
in cyber space. Cyber crime is classified into two
classes - cyber terror and general cyber crime. Those
two classes are connected with each other.
Investigation of cyber terror requires high technology,
system environment and experts. General cyber crime
is connected with general crime by evidence (digital
evidence). Authors defined the concepts and relations
among crime types, evidence collection, criminals and
crime case and law. The limitation of this ontological
model is that it is less based on digital evidence and
other phases that are important in the process of
digital investigation and it is related to dealing with
digital evidence. The only stage in the process of
dealing with digital evidence, which authors mention
is "collection", while they ignored all other phases
(identification, searching, transporting, storing,
examination, analysis and presentation).
David Christopher Harrill and Richard P. Mislan
[16] presented small scale digital device forensics
ontology in 2007, in order to develop an ontological
to provide law enforcement with the appropriate
knowledge regarding the devices found in the SSDD
(Small Scale Digital Devices) domain. The paper
categorized SSDDs according to certain criteria and
gave detailed description of each of them. The
purpose of this paper was to provide a guiding
framework in which to place small scale digital
devices. According to authors this ontology can be
used as a method to further develop a set of standard
and procedures at which to approach SSDD.
Ashley Brinson et al. [17] in 2007 developed the
cyber forensic ontology for the purpose of finding the
correct layer for specialization, certification and
education within the cyber forensic domain. Topic of
cyber forensic consisted of two subtopics: technology
and profession. Technology subtopic is broken down
into hardware and software. Profession side is broken
down into law, academia, military and private sector.
Hardware section of his model is broken up five
different parts: large scale digital devices, small scale
digital devices, computers, storage devices and
obscure devices. The software section of his model
contains three categories: analysis tools, operating
system and file system. The law section focuses on
law enforcement and courts and legal aspects of cyber
forensic. Profession academia is broken down in
research and education, while a military categories
focuses on what cyber forensic duties military
personnel perform. Military section can be defensive
and offensive. Private sector was broken down into
consulting and industry. This ontological model can
be utilized for the purpose of curriculum
DIALOG: A framework for modeling, analysis
and reuse of digital forensic knowledge by Kahvedzic
and Kechadi [18] provides a general, application
independent vocabulary that can be used to describe
an investigation at different level of detail. His
framework is defined to encapsulate all concepts of
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the digital forensic field and the relationship between
them. Presented model encapsulates the knowledge
associated with digital investigation cases. Paper and
presented ontology are based on modeling the
Windows registry and registry structure and authors
limit the scope of this paper to the encoding of
forensics knowledge associated with the Windows
Carver et all. [19] [20] in his early work
discussed the need for the application of ontology’s to
support digital forensics, but no specific ontology was
recommended. It is stressed the lack of open
ontology’s in digital forensics and the needed to
create a knowledge base of formal and uniform
Morton Swimmer in his work Towards An
Ontology of Malware Classes [21] present a formal
ontology of Malware that intends to facilitate precise
communication of Malware type. The ontology
consist of two parts. The ontology is expressed in
OWL and published so that it can be used.
According to the [22] it is not possible to build
an ontology that would be sufficiently "large" to
include all concepts that occur and which are of
interest to people who conduct forensic investigations.
4 Proposed methodology
With conceptualization process we must determine
the objects and sets of objects and relations that rule
between them.
The main attributes that determine whether the digital
evidence to be accepted by the court are:
- Time (time stamp)
- Place (gps location)
- Summary of digital evidence (hash value)
- Biometric characteristics of investigators
- Procedures (rules to be complied with)
- Reason (for digital investigation)
These attributes also represents the hypothetical
variables - qualitative and quantitative characteristics
of digital evidence. Hypothetical constructs are
concluded or suspected concepts.
As a digital evidence to be accepted by the court it
must be:
- Acceptability
- Relevancy
- Authenticity
- Integrity (non-repudiation)
- Confidentiality
- Availability
- Accountability [23] [24]
Besides the listed attributes that determine the
acceptability of digital evidence essential are also:
- Repeatability
- Reconnaissance
- Availability
There are a lot of question about this! One of the
question that arises here is: "What is the appropriate
metrics and how to measure these attributes?" In the
previous studies and research and in the practice, the
integrity of digital evidence was proved with hash
value" and a summary of its calculation and
comparison. Confidentiality and Availability of
evidence was proved with the chain of evidence
(chain of custody) which was usually in paper form or
some type of electronic forms. Other attributes are
more or less will be given to the judge to accept them
or not (Acceptability, Relevancy, etc.)!
The main idea is to develop ontology of digital
evidence and an automated system which can decide
whether the evidence will be acceptable or not.
The system would be, on the basis of ontology’s and
set of rules (OCL) automatically decide on the
admissibility of digital evidence.
After defining a set of variables and construct the
steps that need to be made are:
Determining and defining the scope and
domain ontology’s
Methodological elements analysis
Enumeration of essential terms, the
definition of concepts from the domain of
digital forensics
The semantic description of the identified
variables necessary to create ontology’s
Define class, setting a hierarchy among
classes, defining classes and properties set
limits on these properties
The definition and development of
ontology’s in some of the available tools
The development and concretization of the
system based on open-ontology ("To-Be")
Figure 1 present a first version taxonomy diagram of
chain of evidence concept.
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Proposed Chain of Digital evidence (CoDe) can
be presented like a function of secure management
that consists of few factors:
Fingerprint of digital evidence
Biometrics characteristics
Time stamp
GPS locations of person who handles
Write order or incident response - reason
(Why) and
Standards, set of procedures and best
CoDe = f { fngrprnt _of _file,
Those factors are essential for acceptance of digital
evidence by the court. Today many of these factors
are ignored and the impact they make are unknowns
for persons who perform a digital investigation.
Therefore, many questions cannot be answered, and
digital investigations fall into the water. The cases fall
on court or even do not prosecute.
Such a developed system must provide an answer to
key question:
What is the digital evidence
Where are the digital evidence
Who manage (make contact) with digital
Why (reason) to do it
When digital evidence is handled
How is handled with digital evidence
5 Conclusion
In this research authors deals with digital evidence
and necessity for creating an ontology of digital
evidence. It is important because today chain of
custody of digital evidence is essential and most
vulnerable part of digital investigation process.
Proposed methodology is developing a ontology of
digital evidence. With this ontology we can share
common understanding of the structure of this domain
(digital forensic) among forensic investigators and
other personal that has to do with digital evidence,
among software agents and between forensic
investigator and software. It can also enable reuse of
knowledge in digital investigation process. This
ontology will be a basics for creating a automated
open-system for managing with digital evidence.
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... Cosi c and Cosi c [22]; [8][9][10]). As a discipline, those in DF recognise the need to share knowledge and the benefits that it can offer, which include uses such as training aids for practitioners [11,12] and for investigation quality assurance measures. ...
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Despite potential numerous benefits, the field-wide sharing of knowledge in digital forensics is arguably still yet to be attained. Achieving this has attracted much practitioner and academic debate, yet solutions to two fundamental hurdles have yet to arguably be addressed; ‘how do we share knowledge’, and ‘what do we share’. Currently there a few viable protocols in place which tackle either of these issues forming a barrier to field-wide sharing. The focus of this work is to address the latter issue and guide practitioners on what content must be shared for any data to be of value to fellow professionals. This paper proposes the Capsule of Digital Evidence (CODE), a framework designed to set out the required elements for the sharing of reliable digital forensic knowledge. The CODE structure and its requisite contents are examined along with its applicability for supporting field-wide knowledge sharing in digital forensics.
... Continuing the nascent stages of ontologies in DF, Cosic and Cosic (2012) develop an ontology as a taxonomy of digital evidence in order to prevent misunderstandings of important concepts in digital evidence. The evidence collection process was coded as an ontology by Park, Cho, and Kwon (2009) where authors went beyond the basic taxonomy of parent and child classes and began constructing more meaningful relationships among the concepts in the ontology. ...
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Chain of custody of digital evidence in digital forensic field are today essential part of digital investigation process. In order the evidence to be accepted by the court as valid, chain of custody for digital evidence must be kept, or it must be known who exactly, when, where, why and how came into contact with evidence in each stage of the digital investigations process. This paper deals with digital evidence and chain of custody of digital evidence. Authors define taxonomy and use an ontological approach to manage chain of custody of digital evidence. The aim of this paper was to develop ontology to provide a new approach to study and better understand chain of custody of digital evidence. Additionally, developed ontology can be used as a method to further develop a set of standard and procedures for secure management with digital evidence.
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Small Scale Digital Device Forensics (SSDDF) is a relatively new and rapidly changing field of study which is in dire need of direction. Specifically, the devices and their corresponding forensic processes and procedures are vague and in a perpetual state of uncertainty. The purpose of this paper was to develop an ontological to provide law enforcement with the appropriate knowledge regarding the devices found in the SSDD domain. Additionally, this ontology can be used as a method to further develop a set of standards and procedures at which to approach SSDD. Index Terms—computer and forensics, cyber and forensics, mobile and devices, PDA and forensics, forensics and small scale digital devices.
Conference Paper
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We developed Cyber Forensics Ontology for the criminal investigation in cyber space. Cyber crime is classified into cyber terror and general cyber crime, and those two classes are connected with each other. The investigation of cyber terror requires high technology, system environment and experts, and general cyber crime is connected with general crime by evidence from digital data and cyber space. Accordingly, it is difficult to determine relational crime types and collect evidence. Therefore, we considered the classifications of cyber crime, the collection of evidence in cyber space and the application of laws to cyber crime. In order to efficiently investigate cyber crime, it is necessary to integrate those concepts for each cyber crime-case. Thus, we constructed a cyber forensics domain ontology for criminal investigation in cyber space, according to the categories of cyber crime, laws, evidence and information of criminals. This ontology can be used in the process of investigating of cyber crime-cases, and for data mining of cyber crime; classification, clustering, association and detection of crime types, crime cases, evidences and criminals.
Conference Paper
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Chain of custody plays an important role in digital forensic investigation. Contact with different variables occurs through a life cycle of digital evidence. To prove chain of custody, investigators must know all details on how the evidence was handled every step of the way. ”Five WS (and one H) “must be applied. Life cycle of digital evidence is very complex, and at each stage there is more impact that can violate a chain of custody. This paper presents a life cycle of digital evidence and problems with implementation of chain of custody in digital investigation. The authors also warn of certain shortcomings in terms of answering specific questions, and give some recommendation for further research. New framework based on Five WS will be presented.
Many workers in medical informatics are seeking to reuse knowledge in new applications and to share encoded knowledge across software environments. Knowledge reuse involves many dimensions, including the reapplication of lexicons, ontologies, inference syntax, tasks, and problem-solving methods. Principal obstacles to all current work in knowledge sharing involve the difficulties of achieving consensus regarding what knowledge representations mean, of enumerating the context features and background knowledge required to ascribe meaning to a particular knowledge representation, and of describing knowledge independent of specific interpreters or inference engines. Progress in the area of knowledge sharing will necessitate more practical experience with attempts to interchange knowledge as well as better tools for viewing and editing knowledge representations at appropriate levels of abstraction. The PROTÉGÉ-II project is one attempt to provide a knowledge-base authoring environment in which developers can experiment with the reuse of knowledge-level problemsolving methods, task models, and domain ontologies.
Today's Golden Age of computer forensics is quickly coming to an end. Without a clear strategy for enabling research efforts that build upon one another, forensic research will fall behind the market, tools will become increasingly obsolete, and law enforcement, military and other users of computer forensics products will be unable to rely on the results of forensic analysis. This article summarizes current forensic research directions and argues that to move forward the community needs to adopt standardized, modular approaches for data representation and forensic processing. © 2010 Digital Forensic Research Workshop. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conference Paper
Numerous challenges currently face digital forensic analysis. Although a variety of techniques and tools exist to assist with the analysis of digital evidence, they inadequately address key problems. We consider the applicability and usefulness of weaving ontologies to address some of these problems. We introduce an ontological approach leading to future development of an automated digital forensic analysis tool.