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An updated checklist of the ants of India with their specific distributions in Indian states (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)

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Abstract and Figures

As one of the 17 megadiverse countries of the world and with four biodiversity hotspots represented in its borders, India is home to an impressive diversity of life forms. However, much work remains to document and catalogue the species of India and their geographic distributions, especially for diverse invertebrate groups. In the present study, a comprehensive and critical list of Indian ant species is provided with up-to- date state-wise distribution. A total of 828 valid species and subspecies names belonging to 100 genera are listed from India. Potential erroneous data, misidentifications and dubious distributional records that may exist in the literature are also identified. Te present exhaustive listing of Indian ants will provide a holistic view about diversity and distribution and will also help to identify major undersampled areas where future sampling and taxonomic efforts should be directed.
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State wise distribution of Indian ants 1
An updated checklist of the ants of India with
their specific distributions in Indian states
(Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
Himender Bharti1, Benoit Guénard2, Meenakshi Bharti1, Evan P. Economo3
1 Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India 2 School of
Biological Sciences, Kadoorie Biological Sciences Building, e University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road,
Hong Kong SAR, China 3 Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Onna, Okina-
wa, Japan 904-0495
Corresponding author: Himender Bharti (
Academic editor: B. Fisher|Received 6 October 2015|Accepted 18 November 2015|Published 11 January 2016
Citation: Bharti H, Guénard B, Bharti M, Economo EP (2016) An updated checklist of the ants of India with their
specic distributions in Indian states (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551: 1–83. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.551.6767
As one of the 17 megadiverse countries of the world and with four biodiversity hotspots represented in its
borders, India is home to an impressive diversity of life forms. However, much work remains to document
and catalogue the species of India and their geographic distributions, especially for diverse invertebrate
groups. In the present study, a comprehensive and critical list of Indian ant species is provided with up-to-
date state-wise distribution. A total of 828 valid species and subspecies names belonging to 100 genera are
listed from India. Potential erroneous data, misidentications and dubious distributional records that may
exist in the literature are also identied. e present exhaustive listing of Indian ants will provide a holistic
view about diversity and distribution and will also help to identify major undersampled areas where future
sampling and taxonomic eorts should be directed.
Checklist, Indian Ants, Formicidae
ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
doi: 10.3897/zookeys.551.6767
Copyright Himender Bharti et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC
BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Launched to accelerate biodiversity research
A peer-reviewed open-access journal
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
e Indian subcontinent is well known for its high biodiversity, varied environments
and habitats, and interesting geological history. However, much work remains to doc-
ument and catalogue the species of India and their geographic distributions, especially
for diverse invertebrate groups. e country, with a total land area of over 3.2 million
km2, is positioned on the Indian Plate (the northern portion of Indo-Australian plate)
which separated from Gondwanaland during the late Cretaceous, then collided with
Eurasia in the Cenozoic (Briggs 2003, Lomolino et al. 2010), although the precise age
of this event is still debated (Aitchison et al. 2007). e collision led to the formation
of Tibetan Plateau and the Himalaya. e Indian Plate has acted as a vessel carrying
fauna and ora from Africa and Madagascar to Eurasia (Briggs 2003). is varied
geological history has led to the emergence of a wide diversity of ora and fauna in In-
dia, which comprises Malayan, Afrotropical, Mediterranean, central Asian and eastern
Palearctic elements.
Most of the country’s land can be assigned to one of two ecozones, the Pal-
aearctic and Indo-Malayan, and 13 terrestrial ecoregions (Olson et al. 2001). e
Himalayan system, part of the Palaearctic ecozone, stretches over 3000 kilometers
in length, from Myanmar to east of Afghanistan (between longitudes 70E to 100E
and latitudes 25N to 40N) and from 80 kilometers to 300 kilometers in width
(Bharti 2008). e Himalayas, which form the northern boundary of the country,
span across ten states (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim,
Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh and a little
part of Assam and West Bengal). e mountain system extends from east of Brah-
maputra to the bend of Indus in the west, but the Himalayan system stretches fur-
ther from Myanmar to Afghanistan. Kunlun represents the northern extreme of the
Himalayan range, followed by the Tibetan plateau. e mountain system meets with
high ranges of Central Asia (Hindu Kush, Trans Karakoram, Tian Shan, Kunlun,
Trans Alai) forming the Pamir Knot, and Tibet lies to the north-east. e Western
Ghats are part of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka global hotspot, running roughly in a
North-south direction for about 1500 kilometres parallel to the coast bordering the
Arabian Sea.
Approximately 21% of the country’s landmass is covered by forests (tree cano-
py density >10%), of which 12% comprises moderately or very dense forests (tree
canopy density >40%) (CBD 2014). ese include tropical rainforests of the Anda-
man Islands, the Western Ghats, and Northeast India; coniferous forests of Himalaya;
deciduous Sal (Shorea robusta) forest of Eastern India; the dry deciduous Teak (vari-
ous species of Tectona) forest of Central and Southern India; and the Babul (Acacia)
dominated thorn forest of the Central Deccan and Western Gangetic plain (Tritsch
2001). According to the latest estimates (CBD 2014), the country accounts for 7–8%
of the total plant and animal species globally recorded, including over 45,000 spe-
cies of plants and 92,873 species of animals. is included 423 mammalian species
State wise distribution of Indian ants 3
(7.81% of Indian total), 1,233 avian species (13.66%), 526 reptilian species (5.7%),
342 amphibian species (5.05%), 3,022 sh species (9.41%) and 63,423 of insects
species (6.22%). Out of these, about 4,045 species of owering plant (angiosperms),
47 species of mammals, 53 species of birds, 156 species of reptiles and 168 species of
amphibians are endemic to India (CBD 2014). Most of the endemic taxa listed above
are localised in one of the four biodiversity hotspots recognised in India; Himalaya,
Indo-Burma, the Western Ghats - Sri Lanka and Sundaland (Nicobar Islands) (Myers
et al. 2000 and CBD 2014).
Current data about the diversity and distribution of Indian ants is provided in
this work. Ants constitute an important fraction of the animal biomass in terrestrial
ecosystems and respond to stress on a much ner scale compared to vertebrates (Höll-
dobler and Wilson 1990; Andersen 1997). ey are widely used to assess landscape
disturbance and species diversity (Paknia and Pfeier 2011). ey perform major eco-
logical functions (predators, scavengers, soil turners, nutrient cyclers, pollinators) and
are also responsible for dispersal of numerous plant species (Lach et al. 2010, Del Toro
et al. 2012, Guénard 2013). Furthermore, ants mark their presence at almost all levels
of terrestrial food webs (Pfeier et al. 2013). In this context, knowledge about their
diversity and distribution may add to our understanding of their ecological functions,
biogeographic patterns and global anities.
Jerdon (1851, 1854) catalogued the ants of Southern India. Later, Forel (1900a,b,
1901) extended the list by adding 267 new species from the region. Comprehensive
documentation of Indian ants was carried by Bingham (1903), who included all the
previous works. Later, further contributions were made by various myrmecologists
including Forel, Donisthorpe, Emery, Santschi, Mukerjee, Brown, Bolton in terms of
descriptions of new taxa (Appendix 1). However, the rst ever checklist which cited
Indian ants was published by Chapman and Capco (1951; Appendix 1) in their revi-
sion of Asian ants. Later eorts to combine knowledge on Indian ants were performed
by Guénard and collaborators (Guénard et al. 2010; 2012) in the context of global
generic richness and distribution in Asia. In recent years, Bharti and co-workers signi-
cantly increased our understanding of ant diversity with both new species descriptions
and new distributional records (Appendix 1). is led Bharti (2011) to compile the
rst modern species checklist inclusive of all earlier records for 652 valid species and
subspecies from India and include all the ant records from Himalaya irrespective of
its political division. Despite all these eorts, our knowledge about the diversity and
distribution of Indian ants remains incomplete and fragmentary, especially on ner
geographic scales.
In the present study we provide a comprehensive and critical list of Indian ants
with current known state-wise distribution. Our aim is to consolidate previous data,
to identify potential erroneous data, misidentications, dubious distributional records,
and more generally to provide a holistic view about the diversity and distribution of
Indian ants. is list should also help identify major undersampled areas where future
sampling and taxonomic eorts should be directed.
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Species lists were compiled for 28 Indian states and two union territories (Andaman and
Nicobar Islands and Delhi). Data from Union territories of Chandigarh were merged
with Punjab, Dadra and Nagar Haveli with Maharashtra, Daman and Diu with Goa,
Lakshadweep with Kerala, and data for the state of Telangana were merged with Andhra
Pradesh. ese lists have been generated based on the literature review of published
material, physical examination of material lying in Natural History Museum, London;
Indian depositories; personal collection of the rst author and websites (cited in the
reference section). Additionally, the outcome of recent surveys in approximately the last
15 years in the various regions of India have also signicantly enriched the data and have
added to the much needed distributional data of various species. Morphospecies have
not been included in the list and species name validity, authority and spelling conform
to Boltons (2015) Synopsis of the Formicidae and Catalogue of Ants of the World.
Misidentications and dubious/erroneous records
e continuing accumulation of distributional records and knowledge on species habi-
tats facilitates the identication of previously cited erroneous distributions. is is
especially facilitated by the compilation of large global databases and visualization tools
like and GABI/ Some of the material cited in the earlier litera-
ture have been found to bear either erroneous data in terms of locality, or erroneously
presented from a region (e.g. potential occurrence), as in the latter case the concerned
depositories couldnt verify the existence of such a material in their possession. Addi-
tionally, some of the specimens recorded in the old literature do not have specic local-
ity labels, instead bear labels such as “Northwest Provinces”, “Western India”, “Hima-
laya”, “Panchmarhi Hills”, “India” to mention a few. Furthermore, as commented by
Ward (2007), ant taxonomy is a dicult discipline and species denitions change with
taxonomic revisions and with more input of material, so some of the records of Indian
ants were found to be misidentications. To minimize further confusion and future
“taxonomic noise,” we mark these records as dubious and provide brief explanation
about their dubious status.
Results and discussion
From India, distributional data for 828 species and subspecies is listed, representing
100 genera grouped in 10 subfamilies. In terms of species richness, the subfamily Myr-
micinae is the most speciose (354 species, 42.7%), followed by Formicinae (241 spe-
cies, 29.1%) Ponerinae (111 species, 13.4%), Dorylinae (55 species, 6.6%) and Doli-
choderinae (30 species, 3.6%), while the rest of the smaller subfamilies together con-
stitute 4.2% (Pseudomyrmecinae 11 species, Amblyoponinae 10 species, Proceratiinae
State wise distribution of Indian ants 5
6 species, Ectatomminae 5 species and Leptanillinae 4 species). e trend for generic
richness is almost the same except for the subfamily Ponerinae which represents a larger
percentage of generic richness than Formicinae (Myrmicinae 37.4%, Ponerinae 20.2%
and Formicinae 18.2%).
Species diversity within genera
e most speciose ant genus is Camponotus with 83 named species (one tenth of the
total known Indian species), followed by Polyrhachis (71 species, 8.5%), Pheidole (58
species, 7.0%). Other diverse genera include Tetramorium and Crematogaster (42 and
41 species, each 5.0%), Leptogenys (34 species, 4.1%), Myrmica (33 species, 4.0%), Ae-
nictus (32 species, 3.8%), Strumigenys and Carebara (24 species each, 2.9%) respective-
ly (Table 1). Above and beyond these ten genera which have wide distribution within
India (except Myrmica, which is restricted to Himalayan region), a large majority of
genera (66) can be at this point perceived as species-poor in India (5 or less species)
including 30 monospecic genera in India (Table 1), and inclusive of two monotypic
exotic genera Anoplolepis and Paratrechina.
Within India, several genera including Myrmica, Formica, Lasius, Stenamma, Per-
issomyrmex and a majority of the species of Aphaenogaster and Temnothorax are re-
stricted to the Palearctic region of Himalaya (Table 2, Bharti 2008), while the genera
Calyptomyrmex, Emeryopone, Indomyrma, Lordomyrma, Myrmoteras, Tyrannomyrmex
and Yavnella represent tropical elements restricted to Western Ghats, and Metapone to
Nicobar Islands. Other tropical genera (Anillomyrma, Buniapone, Centromyrmex, Dilo-
bocondyla, Discothyrea, Gauromyrmex, Gesomyrmex, Indomyrma, Kartidris, Liomyrmex,
Mayriella, Myopopone, Odontoponera, Oecophylla, Paraparatrechina, Paratopula, Plat-
ythyrea, Probolomyrmex, Rhopalomastix, Tyrannomyrmex, Vollenhovia and Vombisidris)
are represented by one or few species (Table 2).
Despite including nearly a third of the global ant generic richness (100/323), no
genera are known to be endemic to India.
Regional diversity, endemism and exotic species
Two biogeographically signicant regions of India, Himalaya and Western Ghats har-
bour a large number of ant species. 656 species from 88 genera were recorded from
Himalaya, and 455 species from 75 genera were recorded from the Western Ghats.
From a total 828 species, 256 species (31%) we considered endemic to India and
approximately 71% of these endemics are exclusively concentrated in two of the above
listed biodiversity hotspots. Although we feel that some of the Indian states are under-
represented in the existing data due to inadequacy of surveys, based on the currently
available data the state of West Bengal has the highest number of species (382) repre-
senting 65 genera followed by state of Sikkim with 276 species representing 69 genera.
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Table 1. Number of named species of ants per genus in India.
Genus name # Species & subspecies in genus Genus name # Species & subspecies in genus
Camponotus 83 Cryptopone 3
Polyrhachis 71 Discothyrea 3
Pheidole 58 Harpegnathos 3
Tetramorium 42 Odontomachus 3
Crematogaster 41 Paratopula 3
Leptogenys 34 Philidris 3
Myrmica 33 Platythyrea 3
Aenictus 32 Prenolepis 3
Carebara 24 Stenamma 3
Strumigenys 24 Vollenhovia 3
Monomorium 20 Acropyga 2
Aphaenogaster 15 Dilobocondyla 2
Cerapachys 15 Echinopla 2
Lepisiota 15 Leptanilla 2
Lasius 14 Lordomyrma 2
Cardiocondyla 13 Mayriella 2
Diacamma 12 Mesoponera 2
Formica 12 Parvaponera 2
Temnothorax 12 Pristomyrmex 2
Anochetus 11 Probolomyrmex 2
Tetraponera 10 Pseudoneoponera 2
Dolichoderus 10 Recurvidris 2
Hypoponera 9Solenopsis 2
Nylanderia 9Sphinctomyrmex 2
Technomyrmex 9Vombisidris 2
Plagiolepis 8Anillomyrma 1
Lophomyrmex 7Anoplolepis 1
Tapinoma 7Bannapone 1
Trichomyrmex 7Buniapone 1
Bothroponera 6Calyptomyrmex 1
Brachyponera 6Centromyrmex 1
Dorylus 6Emeryopone 1
Ectomomyrmex 6Gauromyrmex 1
Meranoplus 6Gesomyrmex 1
Pseudolasius 6Indomyrma 1
Stigmatomma 6Iridomyrmex 1
Cataulacus 5Kartidris 1
Gnamptogenys 5Liometopum 1
Myrmoteras 5Liomyrmex 1
Cataglyphis 4Metapone 1
Chronoxenus 4Myopias 1
Messor 4Myopopone 1
Myrmecina 4Mystrium 1
Myrmicaria 4Ochetellus 1
Ponera 4Odontoponera 1
State wise distribution of Indian ants 7
Genus name # Species & subspecies in genus Genus name # Species & subspecies in genus
Oecophylla 1Paratrechina 1
Paraparatrechina 1Perissomyrmex 1
Prionopelta 1Rhopalomastix 1
Proceratium 1Tyrannomyrmex 1
Protanilla 1Yavnella 1
Table 2. Known species and subspecies diversity per genus within the dierent Indian states considered.
Andaman &
Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Acropyga 1 1 1
Aenictus 4 15 11 1 1 1 4 1
Anillomyrma 1
Anochetus 1 3 2 1 1 3 1
Anoplolepis 1 1 1 1 1
Aphaenogaster 4 7 1 1
Bothroponera 1 3 3 1 3 1
Brachyponera 1 2 3 2
Buniapone 1
Camponotus 16 2 28 26 4 1 6 7 5 6
Cardiocondyla 1 3 3 1 2 1 1
Carebara 2 6 4 1
Cataglyphis 1 1 1 1 2
Cataulacus 4 3 3 1 2 2
Centromyrmex 1
Cerapachys 3 2 2 1
Chronoxenus 1 2 3 1
Crematogaster 5 17 9 1 2 3 4 11
Cryptopone 1
Diacamma 3 5 5 1 2
Discothyrea 1
Dolichoderus 1 4 5 1
Dorylus 4 3 1 2 2 3
Echinopla 1 1
Ectomomyrmex 3 3
Gauromyrmex 1
Gesomyrmex 1
Gnamptogenys 1 3 3
Harpegnathos 1 2 1
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Andaman &
Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Hypoponera 7 4 1 1
Iridomyrmex 1 1
Lasius 3 1
Lepisiota 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 4
Leptogenys 2 9 13 1 1 2 4
Liometopum 1 1
Liomyrmex 1
Lophomyrmex 6 2 1
Mayriella 2
Meranoplus 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Messor 2
Metapone 1
Monomorium 4177 2222
Myopopone 1 1 1
Myrmecina 1 1
Myrmica 8 1
Myrmicaria 2 2 1 1
Nylanderia 3121
Ochetellus 1
Odontomachus 2 3 3
Odontoponera 1 1 1 1 1
Oecophylla 11111 1111
Paraparatrechina 1
Paratopula 1
Paratrechina 1 1 1 1 1 1
Parvaponera 1 1
Pheidole 6 1 14 15 2 7 3 4 4
Philidris 3 1 1
Plagiolepis 2 1 1
Platythyrea 2 1 1 1
Polyrhachis 18 17 21 1 1 2 3 1
Ponera 1
Prenolepis 1 1 1
State wise distribution of Indian ants 9
Andaman &
Nicobar Islands
Andhra Pradesh
Pristomyrmex 1
Proceratium 1
Pseudolasius 1
Pseudoneoponera 1 2 2 1
Recurvidris 1 1
Solenopsis 1 1 1 1 1 1
Stigmatomma 1
Strumigenys 10 8 3 2
Tapinoma 2 1 1 1 2 1 2
Technomyrmex 1 3 3 1 1 3
Temnothorax 1
Tetramorium 4 10 9 3 1 2 7 4 4
Tetraponera 51551 2423
Trichomyrmex 1 4 3 1 2 3 6 5
Vollenhovia 2
# Species 112 10 255 217 29 4 36 66 60 67
# Genera 40 8 61 58 23 4 19 32 27 27
Table 2. Continued.
Jammu &
Acropyga 1 2 1 1 1 1
Aenictus 12 5 11 10 2 12 5 6 2
Anochetus 34173 3222
Anoplolepis 1 1 1 1 1 1
Aphaenogaster 10 8 1 2 2 4
Bothroponera 21133132 2
Brachyponera 32 2212222
Buniapone 1
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Jammu &
Calyptomyrmex 1
Camponotus 18 15 4 18 26 1 19 7 13 2
Cardiocondyla 5 2 5 3 5 2 1 2
Carebara 8 5 7 8 2 1 3 2
Cataglyphis 1 2 2 1 2
Cataulacus 3 1 2 3 2 1 2 1
Centromyrmex 1 1
Cerapachys 4 2 3 11 1 1 3 1
Chronoxenus 2 3 3 1 3 1 1
Crematogaster 13 10 1 18 11 2 13 9 11 4
Cryptopone 1 1 1
Diacamma 1 8 7 3 2 2 2
Dilobocondyla 1 1
Discothyrea 1 2
Dolichoderus 12 41 261
Dorylus 22121 2212
Echinopla 1
Ectomomyrmex 1 3 4 3
Emeryopone 1
Formica 10 12 1
Gauromyrmex 1
Gnamptogenys 12 232
Harpegnathos 1 1 2 2 2 1 1
Hypoponera 3 4 7 4 3 1 2
Indomyrma 1 1
Iridomyrmex 1 1 1
Kartidris 1
Lasius 7 8 1
Lepisiota 12816426251
Leptanilla 1 1
Leptogenys 5 3 1 13 17 1 7 3 9 2
Liometopum 1
Lophomyrmex 4 3 1 1 1 4 1
Lordomyrma 2
Mayriella 1 1 1
Meranoplus 11125 2232
Mesoponera 1 1 1
Messor 23 111
Monomorium 6 6 10 6 1 7 6 5 2
Myopias 1
State wise distribution of Indian ants 11
Jammu &
Myrmecina 1 3 1 1
Myrmica 15 20 3 3
Myrmicaria 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Myrmoteras 1 5
Nylanderia 6 4 2 3 2 1
Ochetellus 1 1 1
Odontomachus 1 2 1 1 1 3
Odontoponera 1 1 1 1 1
Oecophylla 1111111111
Paraparatrechina 1 1
Paratopula 1 1
Paratrechina 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Parvaponera 1 1
Pheidole 15 16 2 15 13 25 3 16 2
Plagiolepis 2 3 4 1 2 1
Platythyrea 2 1 2 1 1
Polyrhachis 10 5 25 23 9 4 19 2
Ponera 2
Prenolepis 1 1 1
Prionopelta 1 1
Probolomyrmex 1
Proceratium 1 1
Protanilla 1
Pseudolasius 3 2 1
Pseudoneoponera 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Recurvidris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rhopalomastix 1
Solenopsis 11122 1111
Sphinctomyrmex 1
Stenamma 3 1
Stigmatomma 1 2 2
Strumigenys 5 1 6 14 4 2 4 3
Tapinoma 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 1
Technomyrmex 3 1 5 4 2 3 1
Temnothorax 10 7 1 1 2 1
Tetramorium 12 5 2 15 22 1 9 4 12 2
Tetraponera 3314615241
Trichomyrmex 5416516 11
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Jammu &
Tyrannomyrmex 1
Vollenhovia 1
Vombisidris 2 1
Yavnella 1
# Species 259 206 21 257 268 26 181 87 178 55
# Genera 63 55 16 61 63 18 46 39 54 33
Table 2. Continued.
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Acropyga 1 1 1 1 1
Aenictus 2 3 1 11 5 1 4 4 16
Anochetus 121336 225
Anoplolepis 111 111 1
Aphaenogaster 7 1 1 6 7
Bothroponera 121 362116
Brachyponera 213 312134
Buniapone 1 1
Camponotus 4 11 9 9 27 17 4 3 15 47
Cardiocondyla 3 1 4 2 1 1 2 5
Carebara 4 4 1 5 2 1 4 10
Cataglyphis 2 2 1 2 2 1 1
Cataulacus 2 1 2 3 2 2
Centromyrmex 1 1
Cerapachys 2121321145
Chronoxenus 1 1 2 4 1 1 4
Crematogaster 6 5 8 2 20 14 2 3 8 28
Cryptopone 1 1
Diacamma 1 2 6 5 2 6
Dilobocondyla 1 1
Discothyrea 1
Dolichoderus 1 9 1 1 4
Dorylus 222233 225
State wise distribution of Indian ants 13
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Ectomomyrmex 3 2 1 1 4
Formica 1 3
Gauromyrmex 1
Gnamptogenys 2 1 3
Harpegnathos 1 2 1 2 1 2
Hypoponera 2 1 2 5 2 2 7
Iridomyrmex 1 1 1 1
Kartidris 1 1
Lasius 5 3 5
Lepisiota 2 7 2 4 2 1 9 11
Leptanilla 1
Leptogenys 1 4 1 1 13 8 4 2 4 21
Liomyrmex 1
Lophomyrmex 1 4 1 1 3 4
Mayriella 1 1 1
Meranoplus 1111242114
Mesoponera 1
Messor 2 2 1
Monomorium 26367924411
Myopopone 1
Myrmecina 1 1 1 1
Myrmica 8 3 8
Myrmicaria 1 2 2 1 3
Myrmoteras 2
Mystrium 1 1
Nylanderia 1 1 1 3 3 4 6
Ochetellus 1
Odontomachus 1 2 2
Odontoponera 1 1 1 1 1 1
Oecophylla 1111111111
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Tamil Nadu
West Bengal
Paraparatrechina 1 1
Paratopula 1 1 1
Paratrechina 1111111111
Parvaponera 1 1 1 1
Perissomyrmex 1
Pheidole 3 6 6 2 17 16 3 5 8 27
Philidris 1 1
Plagiolepis 1 1 4 1 5
Platythyrea 1 1 1 1 2
Polyrhachis 1 4 3 1 12 13 5 1 6 31
Ponera 2 1
Prenolepis 1 2
Pristomyrmex 1
Probolomyrmex 2
Proceratium 1 1 1 1
Pseudolasius 3 1
Pseudoneoponera 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2
Recurvidris 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rhopalomastix 1 1
Solenopsis 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sphinctomyrmex 1 1 1 1
Stigmatomma 2 2 3
Strumigenys 2 11 4 1 2 3 9
Tapinoma 1221111213
Technomyrmex 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 3
Temnothorax 1 2
Tetramorium 2 2 7 3 14 10 1 1 6 16
Tetraponera 3341461236
Trichomyrmex 1 5 6 3 5 2 4 5
# Species 56 79 98 52 276 184 43 53 149 382
# Genera 33 37 39 24 69 51 25 31 54 65
State wise distribution of Indian ants 15
e endemism of Indian ants (31%) is much higher than for birds (4.3%), shes
(8%), angiosperms (10%) or mammals (11%), lower than amphibians (49%) and
most similar to reptiles (29%) (CBD 2014). With nearly one of three ant species
known to be endemic to India, more conservation eorts should be directed to this
group to evaluate the distribution and ecology of these species and evaluate the poten-
tial threat that some of these species might already experience.
Undersampling and future directions
With 828 species recorded, India represents one of the richest countries in the Indo-
Malayan region. India remains less diverse than China with over 950 species recorded
(Guénard and Dunn 2012; Liu et al. 2015), but similar to the island of Borneo (Pfeier
et al. 2011, and more diverse than the Philippines (General and
Alpert 2012, However, considering the high number of species
recently described from India by Bharti & co-workers (Appendix 1) and the lack of
knowledge for a large part of India (Figure 2), there is little doubt the number of ant
species reported from India should keep increasing in the forseeable future.
We present, for the rst time, patterns of species richness for the dierent Indian
states, and thereby provide a more detailed biogeographic picture of ant richness. Above
all, these results reveal large areas lacking surveys and/or taxonomic resolution on the
local myrmecofauna (Figure 2A, B). Our results indicate that no less than seventeen of
1) Jammu & Kashmir
2) Himachal Pradesh
3) Punjab
4) Uttarakhand
5) Haryana
6) Rajasthan
7) Uttar Pradesh
8) Bihar
9) Sikkim
10) West Bengal
11) Assam
12) Meghalaya
13) Arunachal Pradesh
14) Nagaland
15) Manipur
16) Mizoram
17) Tripura
18) Delhi
19) Jharkhand
20) Orissa
21) Chhattisgarh
22) Madhya Pradesh
23) Gujarat
24) Maharashtra
25) Goa
26) Karnataka
27) Andhra Pradesh
28) Kerala
29) Tamil Nadu
30) Andaman & Nicobar
Figure 1. List and geographic position of Indian states considered in this study
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
the thirty administrative regions studied (57%) have fewer than 100 species recorded. In
comparison, this roughly corresponds to the species richness observed in countries located
in cooler-temperate regions like Poland (Czechowski et al. 2012) or North Korea (Rad-
chenko 2005). Considering the geographic position of Indian states and their climatic
ranges (Attri and Tyagi 2010), with most of these regions located in humid subtropical,
wet and dry tropical or semi-arid climates, the faunal richness for these regions should be
much higher than our current data indicate. For example, the small, Himalayan state of
Sikkim (278 species) has higher recorded richness than the tropical moist region of Kerala
(259 species). Similarly, regions of the northeastern part of India bordering Myanmar
have highly diverse tropical moist forest ecosystems, but only have sparse records for ants.
ese gaps in our current knowledge underscores the need for vigorous sampling
and identication programs to target specic regions of India. Moreover, due to this
incomplete knowledge, the true richness of the Indian ant fauna cannot be assessed
with high condence at this time. However, in light of the undersampling of most
regions of the country, we expect the true richness to be greater than 1000 species.
Non-native species
Among the species present in India, 24 species are considered here as non-native (see Ta-
ble 3), although the exact origin of a few other species is still uncertain and thus could be
included (or removed) if more targeted future studies are conducted. Among the exotic
species, several are known for their invasive ecological characteristics: Anoplolepis gracili-
pes (Smith), Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille), and Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius). e
ecological impacts of these species in India have not been studied to date. Furthermore,
this list could, and likely will, expand in the future with new arrivals. In particular, sev-
eral damaging species including Solenopsis invicta Buren and Wasmannia auropunctata
Figure 2. Generic (A) and species (B) richness based on nominal species for the dierent states of India.
State wise distribution of Indian ants 17
Table 3. List of exotic ants in India
Anoplolepis gracilipes
Nylanderia vividula
Paratrechina longicornis
Plagiolepis alluaudi
Cardiocondyla emeryi
Cardiocondyla mauritanica
Monomorium carbonarium
Monomorium monomorium
Monomorium pharaonis
Monomorium subopacum
Pheidole megacephala
Solenopsis geminata
Strumigenys emmae
Strumigenys membranifera
Strumigenys rogeri
Tetramorium bicarinatum
Tetramorium caldarium
Tetramorium pacicum
Tetramorium simillimum
Tetramorium tonganum
Trichomyrmex destructor
Brachyponera sennaarensis
Hypoponera ragusai
Leptogenys falcigera
(Roger) are already widespread in tropical and subtropical parts of Asia and with no
doubt could nd suitable habitats within the diversity of Indian ecosystems if given the
opportunity. Both prevention and control measures would be highly adviseable to pro-
tect Indian ecosystems and economic interests from the arrival of invasive species.
As some of the states/regions are clearly undersampled, future explorations will reveal
more species diversity of ants from India. Similarly, upcoming taxonomic revisions will
redene species boundaries, species distributions and anities with adjoining biogeo-
graphic regions. Consequently, the data presented here marks a waypoint in the eort
towards elucidating the regional diversity and distribution of Indian ants. In light of
the ecological importance of ants in most terrestrial ecosystems, the relatively poor
available knowledge of ants in most Indian states, and the high level of endemism of
Indian ants, we encourage urgent, large-scale, and sustained eorts to monitor, charac-
terize, and conserve the Indian myrmecofauna.
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Species list
List of species of India with their known distribution in India states sorted by subfamily. Number in parenthe-
ses cite the source for each record and are presented in the Appendix 1. (I): Introduced species, (E) Endemic
species to India.
Taxonomy State records
Bannapone pertinax (Baroni Urbani,
1978) (E)
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Myopopone castanea (Smith,1860) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (105, 160, 189, 206, 254, 355),
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (382), Sikkim (7, 105, 114, 160,
Mystrium camillae Emery, 1889 Tamil Nadu (7, 402), Uttarakhand (1)
Prionopelta kraepelini Forel, 1905 Himachal Pradesh (37), Jammu & Kashmir (37)
Stigmatomma awa (Xu & Chu, 2012) Arunachal Pradesh (1)
Stigmatomma bellii (Forel, 1900) Karnataka (7, 19, 20, 105, 114, 160, 179, 261, 352), Kerala (1), Tamil
Nadu (7), West Bengal (352)
Stigmatomma boltoni (Bharti &
Wachkoo, 2011) (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 36)
Stigmatomma minutum Forel, 1913 Kerala (1), Tamil Nadu (7)
Stigmatomma rothneyi (Forel, 1900) Karnataka (261), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Stigmatomma xui Bharti & Rilta, 2015 Sikkim (413)
Chronoxenus dalyi (Forel, 1895) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Jammu & Kashmir (348), Karnataka (178, 315), Maharashtra (178,
315), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 12, 178, 315, 352, 391), West Bengal
Chronoxenus myops (Forel, 1895) Assam (12, 315), Delhi (1), Himachal Pradesh (178, 315), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7, 178), Maharashtra (178, 315), Meghalaya
(1), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Chronoxenus walshi (Forel, 1895) Kerala (1), Orissa (7, 12, 178, 315), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Chronoxenus wroughtonii (Forel, 1895) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (7, 178, 315),
Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (7, 12, 178, 287, 315), Maharashtra
(178, 315), Manipur (1), Nagaland (1), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Dolichoderus anis Emery, 1889 Assam (248, 249, 355), Karnataka (362), Manipur (131, 244),
Meghalaya (248, 249, 355), Sikkim (131, 355), West Bengal (1)
Dolichoderus anis glabripes Forel, 1895 Assam (12, 131, 315), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1)
Dolichoderus feae Emery, 1889 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Manipur (131, 244), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1)
Dolichoderus moggridgei Forel, 1886 Assam (114, 131, 161, 172, 178, 315, 355), Sikkim (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 19
Dolichoderus moggridgei bicolor Santschi,
1920 (E)
Sikkim (1)
Dolichoderus moggridgei lugubris
Santschi, 1920 (E)
Sikkim (1)
Dolichoderus sundari Mathew & Tiwari,
2000 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1)
Dolichoderus taprobanae (Smith, 1858) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (178, 262),
Kerala (178), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1),
Tripura (250), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Dolichoderus taprobanae gracilipes
Karnataka (178), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Dolichoderus thoracicus (Smith, 1860) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (340), Jammu & Kashmir
(80), Karnataka (178, 262, 340), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Iridomyrmex anceps (Roger, 1863) Assam (178, 207, 249, 315), Bihar (7, 122, 207, 214), Jharkhand (7,
122, 207, 214), Maharashtra (115), Meghalaya (1), Orissa (415), Sikkim
(1), Tamil Nadu (7, 122, 207), West Bengal (7, 122, 207, 300, 356)
Liometopum lindgreeni Forel,1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Meghalaya (1)
Ochetellus glaber (Mayr, 1862) Haryana (23), Himachal Pradesh (23), Karnataka (178), Maharashtra
(178), Uttarakhand (1)
Philidris laevigata (Emery, 1895) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Philidris myrmecodiae (Emery, 1887) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254)
Philidris myrmecodiae andamanensis
(Forel, 1903) (E)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (12, 161, 189, 254, 315)
Tapinoma andamanense Forel, 1903 (E) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (114, 161, 189, 254, 315)
Tapinoma annandalei (Wheeler, 1928) Orissa (114, 315, 389)
Tapinoma himalaica Bharti, Kumar &
Duboviko, 2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (77), Punjab (77)
Tapinoma indicum Forel, 1895 Goa (410), Karnataka (7, 122, 287), Kerala (7, 225), Maharashtra (115,
178, 214, 315, 383, 391), Manipur (244), Meghalaya (1), Uttar Pradesh
(214), West Bengal (204)
Tapinoma luae (Kurian, 1955) India (no state record, 32)
Tapinoma melanocephalum
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 257), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Delhi (1), Goa (7, 410, 411, 412), Gujarat (178, 335, 337,
338, 340, 342, 344), Haryana (335, 337, 340), Himachal Pradesh
(342), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80), Karnataka (7, 124, 125, 178, 205,
206, 214, 260, 262, 287, 306, 315, 335, 337, 340, 342, 352, 362),
Kerala (225), Maharashtra (129, 178, 229, 257, 335, 337, 340, 342),
Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (257,
335, 337, 340, 342), Punjab (29, 79, 342), Rajasthan (331, 333, 334,
335, 337, 338, 340, 342, 343, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (178,
205, 206, 286, 289, 293, 335, 337, 340, 342, 352), Tripura (1), Uttar
Pradesh (2, 3, 326), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Tapinoma wroughtonii Forel, 1904 Haryana (408), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 114, 161, 162, 192, 315),
Karnataka (352), West Bengal (352)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Technomyrmex albipes (Smith, 1861) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(1), Gujarat (178), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (214), Jammu
& Kashmir (80), Karnataka (97, 178, 202, 203, 262, 264, 265, 287,
288, 291, 306, 362), Kerala (178, 225), Maharashtra (129, 178, 229),
Manipur (244), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (415), Punjab (1),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (97, 178), Uttar Pradesh (97), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Technomyrmex bicolor Emery, 1893 Karnataka (124), Kerala (225), Manipur (357)
Technomyrmex brunneus Forel, 1895 Delhi (1), Haryana (408), Karnataka (124, 262), Maharashtra (97, 178,
315), Sikkim (1)
Technomyrmex elatior Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Kerala (225),
Manipur (357), West Bengal (255)
Technomyrmex horni Forel, 1912 Haryana (97), Kerala (1)
Technomyrmex indicus Bolton, 2007 (E) Karnataka (7, 97)
Technomyrmex pratensis (Smith, 1860) Sikkim (1)
Technomyrmex rector Bolton, 2007 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 97),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Technomyrmex vitiensis Mann, 1921 Himachal Pradesh (97), Karnataka (97, 127), Tamil Nadu (127)
Aenictus aitkenii Forel, 1901 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7, 19, 20, 114, 184, 261, 306, 318, 383),
Kerala (184, 318), Maharashtra (184, 318), Manipur (1), Sikkim (1),
West Bengal (1)
Aenictus ambiguus Shuckard, 1840 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (184, 355, 399), Himachal
Pradesh (190, 192), Kerala (225), Maharashtra (184, 355, 399),
Manipur (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Uttar Pradesh (355, 399), West
Bengal (1)
Aenictus aratus Forel, 1900 Himachal Pradesh (352, 399), Karnataka (287, 352, 362, 399), Kerala
(352, 399), Maharashtra (352, 399), Tamil Nadu (352, 399), West
Bengal (352)
Aenictus arya Forel, 1901 (E) Karnataka (7, 114, 158, 184, 261, 352), West Bengal (352)
Aenictus binghami Forel, 1900 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Meghalaya (1), Tripura (1)
Aenictus brevicornis (Mayr, 1879) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (335, 340, 342), Haryana
(333, 335, 340), Himachal Pradesh (342), Karnataka (184, 249, 261,
287, 333, 335, 340, 342, 352, 356, 399), Kerala (184, 249, 261,
333, 335, 340, 342, 352, 356, 399), Maharashtra (335, 342, 356),
Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Punjab (214, 342), Rajasthan (7, 333, 334,
335, 340, 342), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (335, 340, 342), Uttar Pradesh
(335, 340, 342, 352, 356, 399), West Bengal (1)
Aenictus certus Westwood, 1842 India (no further state, 32)
Aenictus ceylonicus (Mayr, 1866) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Chhattisgarh (184), Himachal
Pradesh (399), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (184, 221, 261, 352,
362, 399), Madhya Pradesh (184), Maharashtra (7, 12, 114, 158, 184,
216, 229, 318, 352, 399), Manipur (1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1),
Uttar Pradesh (399), West Bengal (1)
Aenictus clavatus Forel, 1901 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (7, 184, 352, 355), Himachal
Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (352, 355), Maharashtra
(12, 184, 352, 355), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Aenictus clavatus kanariensis Forel,
Karnataka (7, 114, 158, 184, 352), West Bengal (352)
Aenictus clavitibia Forel, 1901 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 21
Aenictus dentatus Forel, 1911 Maharashtra (399)
Aenictus doryloides Wilson, 1964 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (216, 399), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Aenictus fergusoni Forel, 1901 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 352, 355), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Goa (7), Gujarat (158, 184, 261, 352, 355, 399), Karnataka
(7, 12, 114, 158, 184, 261, 287, 399), Kerala (7, 12, 114, 158, 184,
261, 352, 355, 391, 399), Maharashtra (355), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland
(1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 213, 352, 399), West Bengal (1)
Aenictus gleadowii Forel, 1901 (E) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (191), Karnataka (7, 114, 158, 184,
352), West Bengal (352)
Aenictus hodgsoni Forel, 1901 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189)
Aenictus indicus Bharti, Wachkoo &
Kumar, 2012 (E)
Tamil Nadu (7, 35)
Aenictus laeviceps (Smith, 1857) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Kerala (1), Meghalaya (249)
Aenictus latiscapus Forel, 1901 Maharashtra (7, 114, 158, 184)
Aenictus longi Forel, 1901 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Meghalaya (1)
Aenictus pachycerus (Smith, 1858) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Himachal Pradesh (28,
184, 192, 261, 352, 399), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (114,
184, 261, 287, 352), Kerala (184, 261, 352, 399), Maharashtra (352,
399), Manipur (1), Punjab (29, 79), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 184,
213, 261, 352), Uttar Pradesh (7, 261, 352), Uttarakhand (1), West
Bengal (1)
Aenictus peguensis Emery, 1895 Himachal Pradesh (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Aenictus piercei Wheeler & Chapman,
Himachal Pradesh (399)
Aenictus porizonoides Walker, 1860 Kerala (1)
Aenictus pubescens Smith, 1859 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Manipur (1), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Aenictus punensis Forel, 1901 Karnataka (287), Maharashtra (7, 114, 158, 184, 399)
Aenictus sagei Forel, 1901 Himachal Pradesh (7, 184, 192, 218, 399), Punjab (114, 158)
Aenictus shillongensis Mathew & Tiwari,
2000 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1)
Aenictus shuckardi Forel, 1901 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Aenictus westwoodi Forel, 1901 Kerala (225)
Aenictus wilsoni Bharti, Wachkoo &
Kumar, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 35)
Aenictus wroughtonii Forel, 1890 Kerala (184, 352, 399), Madhya Pradesh (352), Maharashtra (7, 12,
173, 184, 218, 352, 399), West Bengal (352)
Cerapachys aitkenii Forel, 1900 Goa (410), Haryana (21), Karnataka (7, 160, 180, 248, 249, 261, 319,
362), Kerala (60), Meghalaya (1), Punjab (21), West Bengal (319)
Cerapachys alii Bharti & Akbar, 2013 (E) Kerala (60)
Cerapachys anokha Bharti & Akbar,
2013 (E)
Kerala (60)
Cerapachys besucheti Brown, 1975 (E) Kerala (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 60, 108)
Cerapachys biroi Forel, 1907 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (411), Himachal Pradesh
(1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Kerala (1), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1),
Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Tripura (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Cerapachys browni Bharti & Wachkoo,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (42), Uttarakhand (1)
Cerapachys costatus Bharti & Wachkoo,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (42), Uttarakhand (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Cerapachys indicus Brown, 1975 (E) Kerala (7, 60, 108)
Cerapachys longitarsus (Mayr, 1879) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (139, 180, 192),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (180, 261, 335, 356, 362), Kerala
(139, 180, 261, 335, 343, 352), Maharashtra (139, 139, 180, 261,
335, 343, 352, 356), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (139, 180),
Punjab (79), Rajasthan (334, 335, 343), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (139,
180, 249, 352, 356), Uttar Pradesh (352, 356), Uttarakhand (1), West
Bengal (1)
Cerapachys nayana Bharti & Akbar, 2013
Karnataka (60), Kerala (60)
Cerapachys parva (Forel, 1900) West Bengal (7)
Cerapachys schoedli Bharti & Akbar,
2013 (E)
Kerala (60)
Cerapachys seema Bharti & Akbar,
Kerala (60)
Cerapachys sulcinodis Emery, 1889 Arunachal Pradesh (206), Meghalaya (206, 228, 248, 249, 335, 355),
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Cerapachys wighti Bharti & Akbar, 2013
Kerala (60)
Dorylus fulvus (Westwood, 1839) West Bengal (7)
Dorylus fulvus juvenculus Shuckard, 1840 West Bengal (170)
Dorylus labiatus Shuckard, 1840 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Gujarat (206, 237, 335,
337, 338, 340, 342, 344, 351, 355, 357), Haryana (206, 335, 337, 340,
342, 351, 355, 357), Himachal Pradesh (21, 184, 192, 206, 335, 337,
342, 355), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (184, 261, 335, 337,
340, 342, 362), Maharashtra (184, 206, 335, 337, 342, 355), Manipur
(1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (206, 335, 337, 342, 355, 357),
Punjab (21, 29, 79, 335, 337, 340, 342), Rajasthan (116, 331, 334,
335, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu
(286), Uttar Pradesh (206, 335, 337, 342, 355, 357), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Dorylus laevigatus (Smith, 1857) Arunachal Pradesh (206), Haryana (408)
Dorylus orientalis Westwood, 1835 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (298, 360), Delhi (1), Gujarat
(335, 340, 342), Haryana (335, 340, 342, 351), Himachal Pradesh
(184, 192, 298, 342), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Jharkhand (360),
Karnataka (7, 184, 260, 261, 287, 298, 335, 340, 342), Kerala (225,
335, 340, 342, 352, 355), Maharashtra (184, 298, 335, 340, 342, 351,
352, 355, 399), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland
(1), Orissa (184, 298, 335, 340, 342, 351, 352, 355, 399), Punjab (79,
335, 340, 342), Rajasthan (116, 334, 335, 338, 339, 340, 342, 343,
344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 167, 168, 184, 298, 335, 340, 342,
351, 399), Uttar Pradesh (298, 335, 340, 342, 355), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Dorylus orientalis obscuriceps
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (12, 114,
302, 303), West Bengal (1)
Sphinctomyrmex furcatus (Emery, 1893) Kerala (7, 108), Tamil Nadu (7, 108)
Sphinctomyrmex taylori Forel, 1990 Orissa (108, 180), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Gnamptogenys bicolor (Emery, 1889) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Kerala (1), Manipur (1), Meghalaya
(180, 239, 248, 249), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 23
Gnamptogenys binghamii (Forel, 1990) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Kerala (7, 239), Manipur (1),
Meghalaya (239), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (239), West
Bengal (1)
Gnamptogenys coxalis (Roger, 1860) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Karnataka (261)
Gnamptogenys meghalaya Lattke,
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1)
Gnamptogenys menadensis (Mayr, 1887) Assam (356), West Bengal (356)
Acropyga acutiventris Roger, 1862 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (177, 189, 238, 254, 262), Arunachal
Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (23), Karnataka (262, 306,
362), Maharashtra (177), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (122), Mizoram (1),
Nagaland (1), Orissa (238), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Acropyga rubescens Forel, 1894 Karnataka (7, 238)
Anoplolepis gracilipes (Smith, 1857) (I) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 189, 254, 257, 262, 355, 378),
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (7, 410, 411, 412), Gujarat (1),
Karnataka (7, 125, 214, 262, 264, 264, 265, 288, 327), Kerala (140,
225, 294, 329, 349, 352, 355, 357), Maharashtra (214, 229), Manipur
(1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (415), Punjab
(255), Sikkim (355), Tamil Nadu (122, 219, 286), Tripura (247, 250),
West Bengal (1)
Camponotus aethiops cachmiriensis Emery,
1925 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 190, 192)
Camponotus albosparsus Bingham, 1903 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (190, 192),
Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus angusticollis (Jerdon, 1851) Assam (23, 249, 287, 331, 335, 340, 343, 351, 352, 356), Delhi (1),
Goa (410, 411, 412), Gujarat (335, 338, 340, 344), Karnataka (7, 174,
262, 265, 287, 288, 327, 335, 340), Kerala (8, 225, 255, 301, 305, 335,
340, 352, 369), Maharashtra (174, 335, 340), Meghalaya (1), Orissa
(335), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335, 338, 339, 340, 343, 344), Tamil Nadu
(140, 219, 335, 340, 352), West Bengal (335, 351, 352, 356)
Camponotus angusticollis sanguinolentus
Forel, 1895
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus arrogans (Smith, 1858) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Manipur (355, 357), Sikkim (1), West Bengal
Camponotus ashokai Karmaly &
Narenderan, 2006 (E)
Kerala (226)
Camponotus auratus Karavaiev, 1935 Andhra Pradesh (114)
Camponotus badius (Smith, 1857) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), West Bengal (132)
Camponotus barbatus Roger, 1863 Kerala (305, 352), Orissa (415), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus barbatus taylori Forel, 1892 Kerala (140, 335, 337, 352, 355), Maharashtra (115, 174, 331, 335,
337, 352, 355), Orissa (174, 331, 335, 337, 352, 355), Rajasthan (331,
334, 335, 337, 338, 344), Sikkim (331, 335, 337, 352, 355), Tamil
Nadu (174, 187, 335, 337, 352), West Bengal (214, 300, 335, 337,
352, 356)
Camponotus binghamii Forel, 1894 Kerala (305)
Camponotus buddhae Forel, 1892 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (23, 174, 192, 243, 367),
Jammu & Kashmir (7), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus camelinus (Smith, 1857) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), Tripura (247, 250),
West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Camponotus carin Emery, 1889 Assam (187), Kerala (305), Maharashtra (174, 335, 337), Rajasthan
(334, 335, 337)
Camponotus cinerascens (Fabricius, 1787) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Manipur (1), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Camponotus compressus (Fabricius, 1787) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 254, 337, 340, 342, 355, 357),
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (360), Delhi (1), Goa (410,
411, 412), Gujarat (227, 237, 335, 337, 338, 340, 342, 344), Haryana
(258, 335, 337, 340, 351), Himachal Pradesh (174, 342), Jammu &
Kashmir (67, 80), Jharkhand (360), Karnataka (7, 19, 20, 125, 256,
260, 262, 265, 287, 288, 306, 335, 337, 340, 342, 362), Kerala (8, 140,
225, 305, 369), Maharashtra (18, 154, 156, 174, 194, 229, 299, 335,
337, 340, 342), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland
(1), Orissa (205, 335, 337, 340, 342, 355, 357), Punjab (29, 79, 299,
335, 337, 340, 342), Rajasthan (116, 331, 333, 334, 335, 337, 338,
339, 340, 342, 343, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (112, 140, 205, 206,
219, 255, 256, 286, 289, 293, 299, 335, 337, 340, 342, 352, 355, 357,
383), Tripura (1), Uttar Pradesh (2, 3, 299, 326), Uttarakhand (1), West
Bengal (1)
Camponotus confucii Forel, 1894 Arunachal Pradesh (206), Karnataka (177, 206, 262, 352), Kerala (1),
Tamil Nadu (1), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus cotesii Forel, 1893 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (175), Meghalaya
(1), Uttarakhand (1)
Camponotus crassisquamis Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Jharkhand (360), Punjab
Camponotus dolendus Forel, 1892 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (342, 355), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Maharashtra (214), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (205, 342, 352, 355), West
Bengal (1)
Camponotus exiguoguttatus Forel, 1886 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1)
Camponotus festinus (Smith, 1857) Delhi (1), Haryana (351)
Camponotus fulvopilosus (De Geer, 1778) Meghalaya (1)
Camponotus gretae Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus himalayanus Forel, 1893 Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Camponotus holosericeus Emery, 1889 Assam (222), Meghalaya (1)
Camponotus horseshoetus Datta & Ray
Chaudhury, 1985 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Nagaland (1)
Camponotus indeexus (Walker, 1859) Maharashtra (330)
Camponotus invidus Forel, 1892 (E) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 206, 254, 337, 341, 355),
Arunachal Pradesh (206), Delhi (1), Haryana (335, 337, 341, 342, 351),
Karnataka (265, 288), Kerala (117), Orissa (23, 114, 117, 174, 206,
335, 337, 341, 342, 351, 355, 356), Rajasthan (334, 335, 337, 342),
Sikkim (206, 335, 337, 341, 342, 355), West Bengal (206, 335, 337,
341, 342, 351, 355, 356)
Camponotus irritans (Smith, 1857) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (206), Goa
(411, 412), Gujarat (335, 338, 340, 344), Karnataka (262, 265, 287,
288, 335, 340), Kerala (301), Maharashtra (7), Orissa (415), Rajasthan
(331, 334, 335, 338, 339, 340, 344), West Bengal (170, 206, 335, 356)
Camponotus irritans carensis Emery, 1920 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7)
Camponotus irritans pallidus
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189), Karnataka (260)
Camponotus kattensis Bingham, 1903 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (192), Sikkim (1),
West Bengal (1)
Camponotus keralensis Karmaly &
Narendran, 2006 (E)
Kerala (226)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 25
Camponotus lamarckii Forel, 1892 Himachal Pradesh (23), Karnataka (175), Sikkim (355), Uttarakhand
Camponotus leonardi Emery, 1889 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254)
Camponotus longi Forel, 1902 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Meghalaya (187, 188)
Camponotus luteus (Smith, 1858) (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus mendax Forel, 1895 Karnataka (163, 178, 194, 352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus misturus fornaronis
Kerala (8, 225, 369)
Camponotus mitis (Smith, 1858) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 355), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Bihar (214), Himachal Pradesh (255), Jammu & Kashmir
(1), Jharkhand (214), Karnataka (214, 256, 256), Maharashtra (174,
335), Orissa (335), Punjab (1), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335, 338, 344),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (256, 256, 335, 352, 355), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Camponotus nicobarensis Mayr, 1865 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7, 117, 174, 189, 206, 254), Arunachal
Pradesh (1), Assam (1), West Bengal (132, 193, 255)
Camponotus nirvanae Forel, 1893 (E) Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (175, 352),
Maharashtra (175), Tamil Nadu (352), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Camponotus oblongus (Smith, 1858) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 254, 355, 357), Assam (117, 355,
356, 357), Karnataka (125), Kerala (117), Manipur (355, 357), Sikkim
(117, 355, 356, 357), West Bengal (355, 356, 357)
Camponotus oblongus binominatus
Forel,1916 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (194), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus opaciventris Mayr, 1879 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Himachal Pradesh (174),
Jammu & Kashmir (1), Maharashtra (174), Orissa (174), Punjab (1),
Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus parabarbatus Bharti &
Wachkoo, 2014 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (45), Uttarakhand (45)
Camponotus parius Emery, 1889 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Goa (410, 411, 412), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7, 262, 265, 287, 288, 327, 362), Kerala (8,
140, 225, 305, 352, 369), Maharashtra (115), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland
(1), Orissa (415), Punjab (79, 214), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (293),
Uttar Pradesh (2, 3, 326), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus phragmaticola Donisthorpe,
1943 (E)
Kerala (7, 114, 352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus puniceps Donisthorpe,
Kerala (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 114, 140, 352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus radiates Forel, 1892 (E) Goa (410, 411, 412), Karnataka (7, 174, 352, 357), Kerala (8, 225,
301, 369), Maharashtra (174), Manipur (357), Tripura (1), West Bengal
Camponotus reticulatus latitans Forel,
India (no further state, 32)
Camponotus rothneyi Forel, 1893 Orissa (175, 356), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus rufemur Emery, 1900 Assam (7, 114)
Camponotus rufoglaucus (Jerdon, 1851) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Goa (1), Haryana (249,
262, 351, 352), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (260, 262, 265,
288, 306, 352), Kerala (249, 255, 262, 305, 352), Maharashtra (129),
Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu
(140, 219, 352), Tripura (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus rufoglaucus tenuis Forel,
1907 (E)
Tamil Nadu (194)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Camponotus selene (Emery, 1889) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (187, 188), Meghalaya (1), West Bengal
Camponotus selene obtusatus
Assam (7)
Camponotus sericeus (Fabricius, 1798) Andhra Pradesh (128), Bihar (128, 214), Chhattisgarh (128), Goa (410,
411, 412), Gujarat (237, 335, 338, 340, 342, 344), Haryana (128, 333,
335, 340, 342, 357), Himachal Pradesh (342), Jammu & Kashmir (80),
Jharkhand (128, 214), Karnataka (7, 125, 128, 174, 256, 260, 262, 265,
287, 288, 306, 333, 335, 340, 342, 352, 357, 362), Kerala (8, 225, 294,
349, 369), Madhya Pradesh (128), Maharashtra (174, 229, 335, 340,
342), Manipur (335, 342, 357), Meghalaya (249, 335, 340, 342, 357),
Orissa (174, 335, 340, 342, 357), Punjab (79, 335, 340, 342), Rajasthan
(333, 334, 335, 340, 342), Tamil Nadu (112, 119, 128, 140, 219, 256,
286, 289, 293, 335, 340, 342, 352, 357), West Bengal (174, 204, 255,
335, 340, 342, 352, 356, 357)
Camponotus sericeus peguensis
Assam (114, 355), Sikkim (355)
Camponotus siemsseni Forel, 1901 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus singularis (Smith, 1858) Sikkim (355), West Bengal (174, 255)
Camponotus sklarus Bolton, 1995 Kerala (7, 114, 352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus socrates Forel, 1904 Jammu & Kashmir (192)
Camponotus strictus (Jerdon, 1851) Kerala (175, 249, 352), Meghalaya (1), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus sylvaticus basalis
Smith,1878 (E)
Gujarat (340), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (163, 187,
188, 192, 340, 357), Manipur (357), Punjab (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Camponotus sylvaticus paradichrous
Emery, 1925
Jammu & Kashmir (243)
Camponotus thraso Forel, 1893 Karnataka (214), Kerala (114, 352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus timidus (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Kerala (352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus varians Roger, 1863 India (no further state, 32)
Camponotus variegatus (Smith, 1858) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Kerala (352), Maharashtra (214),
Rajasthan (334, 335, 337), Tamil Nadu (140, 289, 335, 352, 352), West
Bengal (352)
Camponotus variegatus bacchus (Smith,
Maharashtra (174), Tamil Nadu (256)
Camponotus variegatus dulcis
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189), Maharashtra (174)
Camponotus variegatus fuscithorax
DallaTorre, 1893
Maharashtra (174), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus variegatus infuscus
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Karnataka (287), Uttar Pradesh
(3, 326)
Camponotus variegatus somnicus
Kerala (352), Tamil Nadu (114, 187, 188, 352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus varius Donisthorpe,
Tamil Nadu (7, 352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus velox (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Karnataka (352), Kerala (352), West Bengal (352)
Camponotus vitreus (Smith, 1860) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254)
Camponotus vitreus angustulus
Assam (356), West Bengal (114, 175, 356)
Camponotus wasmanni Emery, 1893 Assam (7, 23, 178, 355), Maharashtra (115), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1),
Uttarakhand (416), West Bengal (1)
Camponotus wasmanni mutilarius
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (1, 178), Jammu & Kashmir
(1), Punjab (23), Sikkim (156), Uttarakhand (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 27
Camponotus wroughtonii Forel, 1893 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Cataglyphis cugiai Menozzi, 1939 Jammu & Kashmir (4, 80, 243)
Cataglyphis indica Pisarski, 1962 (E) Maharashtra (4, 271)
Cataglyphis longipedem (Eichwald, 1841) Bihar (255), Haryana (351), Madhya Pradesh (177), Meghalaya (249),
Punjab (249, 255, 351, 352, 356), Rajasthan (7, 177), Tamil Nadu
(352), Uttar Pradesh (177, 255)
Cataglyphis setipes (Forel, 1894) Arunachal Pradesh (206), Delhi (1), Gujarat (338, 340, 344), Haryana
(340), Himachal Pradesh (370), Jammu & Kashmir (370), Madhya
Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (206, 355), Punjab (1,79, 116, 206, 214, 331,
339, 340, 355), Rajasthan (4, 116, 331, 334, 338, 339, 340, 344, 386),
Sikkim (206, 355), Tamil Nadu (206, 355), Uttarakhand (370), Uttar
Pradesh (116), West Bengal (206, 340, 355)
Echinopla cherapunjiensis Bharti &
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1)
Echinopla lineata senilis Mayr, 1862 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (163, 189, 254, 406)
Formica candida Smith, 1878 Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 313), Uttarakhand (1)
Formica clara Forel, 1886 Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 311)
Formica cunicularia Latreille, 1798 Himachal Pradesh (243), Jammu & Kashmir (80, 190, 243),
Uttarakhand (1)
Formica fusca Linnaeus, 1758 Himachal Pradesh (177, 341), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80, 341),
Madhya Pradesh (177, 341, 355), Sikkim (192, 341, 355), Uttarakhand
Formica gagates Latreille, 1798 Himachal Pradesh (177, 192, 243), Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Formica gagatoides Ruzsky, 1904 Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Formica kashmirica Starcke, 1935 (E) Jammu & Kashmir (312)
Formica picea Nylander, 1846 Himachal Pradesh (243), Jammu & Kashmir (243)
Formica polyctena Foerster, 1850 Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (1)
Formica rubarbis Fabricius, 1793 Himachal Pradesh (177, 177, 192, 192, 243, 341, 355), Jammu &
Kashmir (190)
Formica sanguinea Latreille, 1798 Himachal Pradesh (23, 177, 192, 243, 341, 381), Jammu & Kashmir
(67, 80)
Formica truncorum Fabricius, 1804 Himachal Pradesh (177, 192, 243, 381), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80)
Gesomyrmex spatulatus Cole, 1949 (E) Assam (1)
Lasius alienoavus Bingham, 1903 Himachal Pradesh (51), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 51, 80, 121),
Uttarakhand (1)
Lasius alienus (Foerster, 1850) Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80, 121, 190, 394),
Uttarakhand (1)
Lasius bicornis (Foerster, 1850) Jammu & Kashmir (7, 121, 133, 394)
Lasius breviscapus Seifert, 1992 (E) Himachal Pradesh (309)
Lasius brunneus (Latreille, 1798) Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Lasius crinitus (Smith, 1858) Jammu & Kashmir (177, 192), Sikkim (121), West Bengal (7, 121,
132, 394)
Lasius draco Collingwood, 1982 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Lasius elevates Bharti & Gul, 2013 (E) Himachal Pradesh (7, 50)
Lasius himalayanus Bingham, 1903 Himachal Pradesh (23, 309), Jammu & Kashmir (309), Uttarakhand (1)
Lasius lawarai Seifert, 1992 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Lasius magnus Seifert, 1992 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (309), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Lasius mikir Collingwood, 1982 (E) Assam (121), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Lasius niger (Linnaeus, 1758) Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80, 121)
Lasius wittmeri Seifert, 1992 Jammu & Kashmir (309)
Lepisiota annandalei (Mukerjee, 1930)
Himachal Pradesh (255), Punjab (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Lepisiota bipartita (Smith, 1861) Andhra Pradesh (340), Gujarat (340), Haryana (340), Himachal
Pradesh (177), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (340), Maharashtra
(340), Meghalaya (340), Punjab (340), Rajasthan (177, 339, 340),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (170, 177, 300, 340)
Lepisiota capensis (Mayr, 1862) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Goa (410, 411, 412),
Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (177), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80),
Jharkhand (214), Karnataka (287), Madhya Pradesh (177), Maharashtra
(177, 249), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Lepisiota capensis lunaris (Emery, 1893) Himachal Pradesh (214), Jammu & Kashmir (190)
Lepisiota capensis simplex (Forel, 1892) Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (1),
Meghalaya (1), Orissa (177, 249, 356), Punjab (1), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (356)
Lepisiota fergusoni (Forel, 1895) Karnataka (287), Kerala (114, 178, 352), West Bengal (352)
Lepisiota frauenfeldi (Mayr, 1855) Andhra Pradesh (335, 342, 352, 357), Delhi (1), Gujarat (338, 344),
Haryana (335), Himachal Pradesh (255, 342), Karnataka (262, 335,
342, 362), Maharashtra (229, 335, 342), Manipur (357), Meghalaya
(249, 335, 342), Punjab (335, 342), Rajasthan (116, 331, 334, 335,
338, 342, 344), West Bengal (116, 170, 171, 177, 249, 255, 300, 335,
342, 352, 356, 357)
Lepisiota frauenfeldi integra (Forel, 1894) Himachal Pradesh (177, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Madhya
Pradesh (177), Meghalaya (1), Punjab (79), Uttarakhand (1)
Lepisiota modesta (Forel, 1894) Himachal Pradesh (25, 177), Punjab (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Lepisiota opaca (Forel, 1892) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Goa (177,
262, 287, 352, 410, 411, 412), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7,
177, 178, 262, 265, 287, 288, 306, 352), Kerala (225), Maharashtra
(229), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Lepisiota opaca pulchella (Forel, 1892) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Maharashtra (177), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Lepisiota rothneyi (Forel, 1894) Karnataka (177), Kerala (329), Orissa (177), Tamil Nadu (7),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (114, 177, 300, 356, 391)
Lepisiota rothneyi watsonii (Forel, 1894) West Bengal (384)
Lepisiota rothneyi wroughtonii
Himachal Pradesh (1), Kerala (352), Tamil Nadu (114, 187, 188, 352,
391), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (352)
Lepisiota sericea (Forel, 1892) Himachal Pradesh (177), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Maharashtra (177),
Uttar Pradesh (177), Uttarakhand (1)
Myrmoteras agostii Bharti & Akbar, 2014
Kerala (63)
Myrmoteras brachygnathum Moett,
1985 (E)
Kerala (63), Tamil Nadu (7, 253)
Myrmoteras indicum Moett, 1985 (E) Karnataka (287), Kerala (253, 287), Tamil Nadu (7, 253, 287)
Myrmoteras moetti Bharti & Akbar,
2014 (E)
Kerala (63)
Myrmoteras scabrum Moett, 1985 (E) Kerala (253)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 29
Nylanderia assimilis (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Kerala (352), West Bengal (352)
Nylanderia birmana (Forel, 1902) Himachal Pradesh (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Nylanderia bourbonica (Forel, 1886) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Manipur (357), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (206,
352, 357), West Bengal (1)
Nylanderia himalayana Wachkoo &
Bharti, 2015 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1)
Nylanderia indica (Forel, 1894) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 189, 254), Andhra Pradesh (187,
188), Arunachal Pradesh (206), Himachal Pradesh (214, 341), Jammu
& Kashmir (7), Karnataka (177, 262), Maharashtra (177, 206, 341,
391), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (187, 188), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Nylanderia smythiesii (Forel, 1894) (E) Himachal Pradesh (177, 192, 371), Jammu & Kashmir (371), Punjab
(1), Uttarakhand (1)
Nylanderia taylori (Forel, 1894) Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Kerala (1),
Maharashtra (187, 188), Orissa (114, 177, 335, 356, 391), Rajasthan
(334, 335), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Nylanderia vividula (Nylander, 1846) (I) West Bengal (171)
Nylanderia yerburyi (Forel, 1894) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Himachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka
(362), Kerala (352), Tamil Nadu (177, 352), West Bengal (300, 352)
Oecophylla smaragdina (Fabricius, 1775) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 172, 189, 206, 254, 257, 340, 342,
355, 357), Andhra Pradesh (9), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar
(122, 214, 257), Delhi (1), Goa (7, 410, 411, 412), Gujarat (237, 335,
340, 342), Haryana (335, 340), Himachal Pradesh (177, 257, 335, 340,
342), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Jharkhand (122, 214, 257), Karnataka
(7, 19, 20, 124, 125, 206, 256, 260, 262, 264, 264, 265, 287, 288,
291, 306, 327, 335, 340, 342, 352, 355, 357, 362), Kerala (206, 225,
294, 305, 329, 335, 340, 342, 352, 355, 357), Madhya Pradesh (269),
Maharashtra (115, 129, 177, 214, 229, 335, 340, 342), Manipur (1),
Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (248), Nagaland (1), Orissa (206, 257, 335,
340, 342, 355), Punjab (52, 79, 342), Rajasthan (332, 334, 335, 340,
342), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (122, 140, 206, 219, 256, 286, 289, 293,
335, 340, 342, 352, 355, 357), Tripura (1), Uttar Pradesh (122, 292,
335, 340, 342), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Paraparatrechina aseta (Forel, 1902) Gujarat (338, 340, 344), Himachal Pradesh (46), Jammu & Kashmir
(80), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille, 1802)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254, 257, 357), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Goa (410), Gujarat (237), Himachal Pradesh
(177, 342), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (125, 205, 260, 262,
264, 264, 265, 287, 288, 306, 327, 357, 362), Kerala (294, 305),
Maharashtra (115, 129, 177, 214, 229, 257, 335, 342), Manipur (1),
Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (205, 257, 335, 342,
357), Punjab (29, 79, 214), Rajasthan (334, 335, 342), Sikkim (1),
Tamil Nadu (122, 205, 219, 289, 335, 342, 352, 357), Tripura (1), Uttar
Pradesh (122, 214, 257, 335, 342), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Plagiolepis alluaudi Emery, 1894 (I) India (240, 380)
Plagiolepis balestrierii Menozzi, 1939 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Jammu & Kashmir (243), Sikkim
(1), West Bengal (1)
Plagiolepis dichroa Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (362),
Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Plagiolepis exigua Forel, 1894 Karnataka (177, 287, 362), Maharashtra (7, 177, 314, 386, 391)
Plagiolepis jerdonii Forel, 1894 Gujarat (335, 340), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80),
Karnataka (125, 205, 262, 332, 333, 335, 340, 362), Kerala (114, 205,
262, 290, 332, 333, 335, 340, 352), Maharashtra (177, 205, 332, 333,
335, 340, 352, 391), Punjab (1), Rajasthan (332, 333, 334, 335, 340),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (205, 335, 352)
Plagiolepis moelleri Bingham, 1903 (E) Sikkim (1)
Plagiolepis pontii Menozzi, 1939 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Plagiolepis rogeri Forel, 1894 Karnataka (177, 352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis abdominalis Smith, 1858 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (297), Meghalaya (1)
Polyrhachis aculeate Mayr, 1879 Karnataka (176, 352), Kerala (176, 232, 297, 297, 352), West Bengal
Polyrhachis aedipus Forel, 1893 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7)
Polyrhachis alatisquamis Forel, 1893 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (232)
Polyrhachis armata (Le Guillou, 1842) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 254, 297, 297), Arunachal Pradesh
(206, 319), Assam (1), Meghalaya (1), West Bengal (255, 319)
Polyrhachis armata defensa Smith, 1857 Assam (172, 176)
Polyrhachis bicolor Smith, 1858 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (231, 254, 257, 297), Arunachal Pradesh
(206), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis bicolor aurinasis Forel, 1901 West Bengal (183)
Polyrhachis bihamata (Drury, 1773) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 212, 254), Assam (297), Karnataka
Polyrhachis binghamii Forel, 1893 Kerala (7, 140, 352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis calypso Forel, 1911 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (85)
Polyrhachis convexa Roger, 1863 Arunachal Pradesh (206, 358), Kerala (225), Meghalaya (249)
Polyrhachis corporaali Santschi, 1928 Karnataka (352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis dives Smith, 1857 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(172, 231, 297, 382), Karnataka (262), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (196,
206, 352, 355), Tamil Nadu (206, 352, 355), Tripura (1), West Bengal
(132, 204)
Polyrhachis dives belli Forel, 1912 Karnataka (198, 352), Meghalaya (228), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis exercita (Walker, 1859) Goa (411, 412), Gujarat (340), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7,
176, 202, 256, 262, 287, 297, 327), Kerala (176, 262, 301, 305, 340,
352, 356), Maharashtra (176), Orissa (176), Tamil Nadu (7, 140, 213,
256, 262, 297, 297, 352), Tripura (1), West Bengal (176, 262, 340, 352,
Polyrhachis exercita lucidiventris Forel,
1907 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka (194), Kerala (1), Orissa (194)
Polyrhachis exercita obtusisquama Forel,
1902 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka (352), Maharashtra (187, 188), West
Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis exercita rastrata Emery, 1889 Assam (255)
Polyrhachis furcata Smith, 1858 Assam (114, 172, 176, 248, 249), Meghalaya (248, 249), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis gracilior Forel, 1893 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (202, 262), Kerala (7, 84,
114, 176, 262, 297, 352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis halidayi Emery, 1889 Arunachal Pradesh (382)
Polyrhachis hauxwelli Bingham, 1903 Karnataka (265, 327)
Polyrhachis hector Smith, 1857 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Meghalaya (248)
Polyrhachis hemiopticoides Mukerjee,
Karnataka (256), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (232, 256), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis hippomanes Smith, 1861 Arunachal Pradesh (358)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 31
Polyrhachis hippomanes ceylonensis
Arunachal Pradesh (206, 358), Meghalaya (1), Tripura (247, 250)
Polyrhachis horni Emery, 1901 Bihar (262), Karnataka (262)
Polyrhachis illaudata Walker, 1859 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 206, 254, 355), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Goa (411, 412), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (117, 176, 206, 248, 249, 250, 255, 262, 288,
319, 352, 355), Kerala (7, 84, 114, 117, 140, 176, 206, 225, 248, 249,
250, 255, 262, 297, 319, 329, 352, 355), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (140, 206, 219, 262, 352, 355), Tripura (247,
250), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis illaudata intermedia
Assam (114, 172, 176, 249, 297), Meghalaya (249)
Polyrhachis illaudata pauperata
West Bengal (194)
Polyrhachis indicans (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Kerala (352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis lacteipennis Smith, 1858 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Gujarat (237, 335, 337,
338, 340, 344), Haryana (335, 337, 340), Himachal Pradesh (176),
Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80, 84), Karnataka (256, 265, 287, 288),
Maharashtra (176, 194, 229), Manipur (1), Punjab (79, 214), Rajasthan
(7, 335, 337, 340, 343), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (256, 335, 337, 340,
352, 357), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis lacteipennis obsoleta Forel,
1893 (E)
Maharashtra (176)
Polyrhachis laevissima Smith, 1858 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 189, 254, 257), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Maharashtra (117, 257), Meghalaya (1), Orissa (117,
176, 248, 249, 257), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis laevissima dichroa Forel, 1893 Assam (114, 172, 176)
Polyrhachis menelas Forel, 1904 Himachal Pradesh (190, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Punjab (1),
Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Polyrhachis moeschi Forel, 1912 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (297)
Polyrhachis mutata Smith, 1858 Meghalaya (1)
Polyrhachis narendrani Karmaly, 2004
Kerala (223)
Polyrhachis numeria Smith, 1861 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7)
Polyrhachis pagana Santschi, 1928 Karnataka (304), Tamil Nadu (289)
Polyrhachis proxima Roger, 1863 Assam (199), Kerala (305), Meghalaya (1)
Polyrhachis pubescens Mayr, 1879 Kerala (305)
Polyrhachis punctillata Roger, 1863 Gujarat (340), Karnataka (249, 256, 287, 340, 352, 357, 362), Kerala
(225, 297, 352), Manipur (357), Meghalaya (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 256,
352, 357), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis punctillata fergusoni Forel,
1902 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Kerala (114, 187, 188, 352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis punctillata smythiesii
Himachal Pradesh (178, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Kerala (297),
Uttarakhand (1)
Polyrhachis punjabi Bharti, 2003 (E) Himachal Pradesh (27), Punjab (27)
Polyrhachis rastellata (Latreille, 1802) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, introduced but no evidence for
establishment), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (176,
248, 249, 256, 265, 288, 306, 319, 352, 362), Kerala (305, 319),
Maharashtra (115, 153, 248, 249), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1),
Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (415), Tamil Nadu (219, 256), West
Bengal (319, 352)
Polyrhachis rupicapra Roger, 1863 Karnataka (256, 287), Tamil Nadu (256)
Polyrhachis saevissima Smith, 1860 Assam (172), West Bengal (300)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Polyrhachis saevissima argentea
Karnataka (176), West Bengal (300)
Polyrhachis scissa (Roger, 1862) Karnataka (7), Kerala (7, 140, 141, 297, 352), Tamil Nadu (140, 141,
297, 352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis sculpturata Smith, 1860 Assam (176)
Polyrhachis spinigera Mayr, 1879 Assam (172), West Bengal (130, 299, 300)
Polyrhachis striata Mayr, 1862 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1)
Polyrhachis striatorugosa Mayr, 1862 Arunachal Pradesh (382)
Polyrhachis subpilosa Emery, 1895 Manipur (7)
Polyrhachis sylvicola (Jerdon, 1851) Kerala (352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis textor brunneogaster
Donisthorpe, 1937
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7, 137, 297)
Polyrhachis thompsoni Bingham, 1903 Himachal Pradesh (297), Sikkim (355), Tripura (250)
Polyrhachis thrinax Roger, 1863 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(104, 297), Karnataka (176, 262, 319, 352, 356), Kerala (7, 104, 140,
140, 176, 262, 294, 297, 319, 352), Maharashtra (104, 297), Sikkim
(1), Tamil Nadu (319), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis thrinax lancearia Forel, 1893 Karnataka (176, 297), Kerala (176, 297)
Polyrhachis tibialis Smith, 1858 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(382), Karnataka (7, 124, 206, 248, 249, 262, 265, 288, 319, 352,
356), Kerala (140, 206, 262, 297, 319, 352, 352), Meghalaya (1),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (219), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis tibialis caligata Emery, 1895 Assam (297), Maharashtra (129), Uttarakhand (1)
Polyrhachis tibialis parsis Emery, 1900 Karnataka (7), Kerala (140, 352), West Bengal (352)
Polyrhachis tubericeps Forel, 1893 Himachal Pradesh (319), Kerala (319), Sikkim (1), Uttar Pradesh (176,
319), West Bengal (1)
Polyrhachis tyrannical Smith, 1858 Tamil Nadu (297)
Polyrhachis vicina Roger, 1863 Arunachal Pradesh (358), Meghalaya (249)
Polyrhachis wallacei Emery, 1887 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7, 297)
Polyrhachis wroughtonii Forel, 1894 Karnataka (7, 177, 178, 233, 352), Kerala (233, 297), Maharashtra
(233, 297), West Bengal (352)
Prenolepis sheri Bharti & Wachkoo,
2012 (E)
Uttarakhand (1, 7, 40)
Prenolepis melanogaster Emery, 1893 Manipur (357)
Prenolepis naoroji Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (7,
23, 40), Jammu & Kashmir (40, 80), Punjab (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Pseudolasius binghami Emery, 1911 Sikkim (159)
Pseudolasius diversus Wachkoo & Bharti,
2014 (E)
Uttarakhand (1, 372)
Pseudolasius emeryi Forel, 1911 Sikkim (7)
Pseudolasius familiaris (Smith, 1860) Arunachal Pradesh (206), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir
(80), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (192, 249, 355)
Pseudolasius machhediensis Bharti, Gul &
Sharma, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (73), Jammu & Kashmir (73)
Pseudolasius polymorphicus Wachkoo &
Bharti, 2014 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (372)
Leptanilla escheri (Kutter, 1948) (E) Kerala (12, 13), Tamil Nadu (7, 12, 13, 54)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 33
Leptanilla lamellate Bharti & Kumar,
2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 54)
Protanilla wardi Bharti & Akbar,
Kerala (1)
Yavnella indica Kugler, 1987 (E) Kerala (7, 236)
Anillomyrma decamera (Emery, 1901) Bihar (92, 149)
Aphaenogaster annandalei Mukerjee,
1930 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (255)
Aphaenogaster beccarii Emery, 1887 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 257), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Goa
(410, 411, 412), Karnataka (7, 19, 20, 188, 262, 265, 287, 288, 306,
319, 352, 362), Maharashtra (152, 188, 214, 262, 287, 319, 352),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (219), Tripura (1), West Bengal (1)
Aphaenogaster beesoni Donisthorpe, 1933 Himachal Pradesh (7, 76, 134), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Aphaenogaster cavernicola Donisthorpe,
1938 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 138)
Aphaenogaster cristata (Forel, 1902) (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (7, 186, 188, 192, 355),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Aphaenogaster feae Emery, 1889 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(188), Goa (411, 412), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Aphaenogaster feae nicobarensis (Forel,
1903) (E)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254)
Aphaenogaster longiceps (Smith, 1858) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Aphaenogaster rothneyi (Forel, 1902) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (186, 188), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Madhya Pradesh (186, 188, 352, 355), Meghalaya (1),
Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Aphaenogaster sagei (Forel, 1902) Himachal Pradesh (21, 186, 188, 190, 192, 243, 341), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Meghalaya (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Aphaenogaster sagei pachei (Forel, 1906) Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Uttarakhand (1)
Aphaenogaster schurri (Forel, 1902) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Madhya Pradesh (186,
188), Maharashtra (115), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Aphaenogaster singaporensis (Smith, 1858) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254)
Aphaenogaster smythiesii (Forel, 1902) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (186, 188, 214), Jammu
& Kashmir (67, 80, 190), Meghalaya (206, 249, 355), Sikkim (1),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Aphaenogaster smythiesii prudens
Himachal Pradesh (186), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Uttarakhand (1)
Calyptomyrmex wittmeri Baroni Urbani,
Kerala (417)
Cardiocondyla breviscapa Seifert, 2003
Tamil Nadu (7, 310)
Cardiocondyla carbonaria Forel, 1907 (E) Karnataka (327), Maharashtra (114, 194, 310)
Cardiocondyla emeryi Forel, 1881 (I) Maharashtra (188), Tamil Nadu (188)
Cardiocondyla goa Seifert, 2003 (E) Goa (310), Karnataka (310), Kerala (310)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi Terayama, 1999 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (310), Nagaland
(1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Cardiocondyla mauritanica Forel, 1890 (I) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Haryana (310), Himachal Pradesh
(310), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim
(1), Tripura (1), West Bengal (1)
Cardiocondyla minutior Forel, 1899 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 377), Himachal Pradesh (310),
Jammu & Kashmir (1), Maharashtra (194), Uttarakhand (1)
Cardiocondyla obscurior Wheeler, 1929 Himachal Pradesh (310)
Cardiocondyla opaca Seifert, 2003 (E) Goa (310), Karnataka (310)
Cardiocondyla parvinoda Forel, 1902 (E) Kerala (225), Maharashtra (186, 188), Punjab (21), West Bengal (7)
Cardiocondyla shagrinata Seifert, 2003
Karnataka (310)
Cardiocondyla tiwarii Ghosh, Sheela &
Kundu, 2005 (E)
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Cardiocondyla wroughtonii (Forel, 1890) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (90), Gujarat (188), Himachal
Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (262, 265, 287, 288,
362), Kerala (225), Maharashtra (7, 90, 173, 188, 235, 262, 310, 345),
Manipur (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Uttar Pradesh
(310), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Carebara aborensis (Wheeler, 1913) (E) Assam (382)
Carebara anis (Jerdon, 1851) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254, 357), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka
(188, 206, 262, 265, 287, 288, 335, 362), Kerala (188, 225, 249, 262,
287, 305, 335, 343, 352, 357), Maharashtra (188, 206, 249, 262, 287,
335, 343, 352, 357), Manipur (335, 357), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram
(1), Rajasthan (334, 335, 343), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (188, 287, 335,
352, 357), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Carebara asina (Forel, 1902) Himachal Pradesh (7), Karnataka (287), Orissa (186, 188), Punjab
(214), Uttar Pradesh (214), West Bengal (287, 356)
Carebara bengalensis (Forel, 1902) Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Carebara carinata Bharti & Kumar,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 59)
Carebara dentata Bharti & Kumar,
Himachal Pradesh (7, 59), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 59), Punjab (59),
Uttarakhand (1)
Carebara diversa (Jerdon, 1851) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (411, 412), Himachal Pradesh
(1), Karnataka (188, 205, 206, 262, 264, 264, 265, 287, 288, 327, 352,
355, 356), Kerala (188, 205, 206, 262, 287, 305, 319, 329, 352, 355,
383, 386), Maharashtra (115, 129, 188, 205, 206, 262, 287, 319, 352,
355, 356), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (255), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Carebara hornata Bharti & Kumar, 2013
Himachal Pradesh (7, 59)
Carebara lamellifrons (Forel, 1902) (E) Karnataka (186, 188, 352), West Bengal (352)
Carebara leei (Forel, 1902) (E) Karnataka (186, 188, 262, 352), West Bengal (352)
Carebara lignata Westwood, 1840 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (262), Meghalaya (1),
West Bengal (205)
Carebara mukkaliensis Bharti & Akbar,
2014 (E)
Kerala (65)
Carebara nana (Roger, 1863) Arunachal Pradesh (206, 358), Kerala (234)
Carebara nayana (Sheela & Narendran,
1997) (E)
Karnataka (1), Kerala (322), Orissa (415)
Carebara obtusidenta (Xu, 2003) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Kerala (65), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 35
Carebara propomegata Bharti & Kumar,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (59), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 59), Punjab (59)
Carebara raja Forel, 1902 Orissa (1)
Carebara rectangulata Bharti & Kumar,
2013 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 59)
Carebara rectidorsa (Xu, 2003) Meghalaya (228)
Carebara rothneyi (Forel, 1902) (E) Punjab (21), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Carebara similis (Mayr, 1862) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254)
Carebara spinata Bharti & Kumar, 2013
Himachal Pradesh (7, 59), Jammu & Kashmir (59), Uttarakhand (1)
Carebara terayamai Bharti & Akbar,
2014 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (65), Kerala (65)
Carebara wroughtonii (Forel, 1902) Kerala (225), Orissa (7, 186, 188, 356), West Bengal (356)
Cataulacus granulatus (Latreille, 1802) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (83, 117, 189, 254), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (83, 188, 192), Tamil Nadu (167)
Cataulacus latus Forel, 1891 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (83), Goa (411), Himachal
Pradesh (83), Karnataka (83, 188, 262, 287), Kerala (83, 140, 352),
Maharashtra (83, 188), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa
(83, 188, 262, 287, 352, 356), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (219, 262),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Cataulacus muticus Emery, 1889 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254)
Cataulacus simoni Emery, 1893 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (83, 114, 189, 254), Haryana (408),
Kerala (1), Meghalaya (1)
Cataulacus taprobanae Smith, 1853 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Goa (83, 411, 412), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7, 83, 188, 256, 262, 264, 265, 287, 288,
362), Kerala (83, 188, 248), Maharashtra (83, 229, 248), Meghalaya (1),
Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (83, 219, 256), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster abdominalis Motschoulsky,
India (no state record, 32, 210)
Crematogaster aberrans Forel, 1892 Arunachal Pradesh (206), Assam (1), Gujarat (237), Haryana (408),
Karnataka (206, 210, 352), Kerala (82, 114, 186, 188, 209, 210, 352),
Maharashtra (7, 81, 82, 114, 115, 186, 188, 199, 206, 209, 210, 255,
352), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (255, 300, 352)
Crematogaster aitkenii Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (382), Karnataka (186, 188, 210, 352), West Bengal
Crematogaster anthracina Smith, 1857 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh
(1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (287), Manipur (1), Meghalaya
(1), Mizoram (1), Punjab (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (1), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster betapicalis Bolton, 1995
Punjab (210)
Crematogaster binghamii Forel, 1904 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (7, 81), Jammu & Kashmir
(1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster biroi Mayr, 1897 Arunachal Pradesh (206), Himachal Pradesh (192, 210), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (206, 210, 249, 352, 355), Meghalaya (1),
Orissa (415), Punjab (214), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Crematogaster biroi smythiesii Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (114, 186, 188, 210), Jammu
& Kashmir (1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Crematogaster brunnea Smith, 1857 Tamil Nadu (352)
Crematogaster brunnea contemta
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (335, 340, 342), Haryana
(335, 340, 342, 351), Himachal Pradesh (335, 340, 342), Karnataka
(256), Maharashtra (115), Nagaland (1), Punjab (29, 335, 340, 342),
Rajasthan (116, 334, 335, 338, 339, 340, 342, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (256), Uttar Pradesh (335, 340, 342), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster brunnea nicevillei Emery,
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster brunnea nilgirica Emery,
1922 (E)
Tamil Nadu (114, 188, 210, 352), West Bengal (352)
Crematogaster brunnea rabula Forel,
Karnataka (256), Maharashtra (7, 186, 188, 210, 214), Tamil Nadu
(256), West Bengal (300)
Crematogaster brunnea ruginota Santschi,
Madhya Pradesh (186, 188, 210, 391), West Bengal (186, 188)
Crematogaster buddhae Forel, 1902 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (355, 357), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Delhi
(1), Kerala (305), Manipur (355, 357), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster dalyi Forel, 1902 (E) Haryana (408), Karnataka (262, 287), Tamil Nadu (82, 114, 186, 188,
209, 210, 352), West Bengal (352)
Crematogaster diusa (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Kerala (210, 352), Maharashtra (115)
Crematogaster dohrni Mayr, 1879 Haryana (408), Karnataka (202, 262, 287), Kerala (1), Manipur (250),
Tamil Nadu (210, 219, 352), Tripura (247, 250)
Crematogaster dohrni artifex Mayr, 1879 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka
(124, 260), Meghalaya (249)
Crematogaster ebenina Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (7, 82, 186, 188, 209,
210, 262, 352, 355, 356), Kerala (225), Maharashtra (7, 82, 115, 186,
188, 209, 210, 262, 352, 355), Manipur (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1),
West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster ava Forel, 1886 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (355), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(1), Himachal Pradesh (7, 81), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka
(188), Kerala (188, 210, 249, 352, 355), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1),
Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (188, 210, 249, 352, 355, 356),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (210, 352, 355), Tripura (1), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster himalayana Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (7, 186, 188, 192, 210), Manipur (357)
Crematogaster hogsoni Forel, 1902 Haryana (351), Karnataka (262, 287), Meghalaya (1)
Crematogaster inata Smith, 1857 Manipur (357)
Crematogaster kirbii (Sykes, 1835) (E) Maharashtra (210)
Crematogaster perelegans Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (7), Karnataka (256), Maharashtra (186, 188, 210),
Punjab (210), Tamil Nadu (256)
Crematogaster politula Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (7), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (206, 355), West Bengal (255)
Crematogaster pradipi Tiwari, 1999 (E) Tamil Nadu (210, 352)
Crematogaster ransonneti Mayr, 1868 Haryana (408), Karnataka (210, 287, 352, 355, 362), Maharashtra
(229), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (204, 210, 352)
Crematogaster rogenhoferi Mayr, 1879 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254, 355, 357), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Goa (410, 411, 412), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80),
Karnataka (256, 262, 287), Kerala (210, 248, 249, 352, 355, 357),
Maharashtra (115, 194, 210, 248, 249, 352, 355, 357), Manipur (244,
355, 357), Meghalaya (248, 249, 355, 357), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu
(210, 256, 352, 355, 357), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 37
Crematogaster rothneyi Mayr, 1879 Bihar (214), Goa (410, 411, 412), Gujarat (205, 210, 335, 337,
342, 352, 355, 356), Haryana (335, 337, 342), Himachal Pradesh
(188, 192, 335, 337, 342), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Jharkhand (214),
Karnataka (256, 265, 288, 362), Kerala (188), Maharashtra (115, 129,
188, 205, 210, 214, 229, 248, 249, 287, 335, 337, 342, 352, 355,
356), Meghalaya (1), Orissa (335, 337, 342), Punjab (335, 337, 342),
Rajasthan (334, 335, 337, 342), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (140, 188,
205, 210, 219, 256, 335, 337, 342, 352, 355), Uttar Pradesh (335, 337,
342), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster rothneyi civa Forel, 1902 Maharashtra (186, 188, 194, 210), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster rufa (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Kerala (210, 352), West Bengal (352)
Crematogaster sagei Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Haryana (355), Himachal Pradesh (7, 81, 186,
188, 192, 210), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster sagei laevinota Forel, 1902
Himachal Pradesh (186, 188, 210), Madhya Pradesh (186, 188, 210)
Crematogaster sikkimensis Forel, 1904 (E) Sikkim (1, 209), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster subnuda Mayr, 1879 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Goa (410, 411, 412),
Gujarat (340, 342), Haryana (31, 340, 342), Himachal Pradesh (7, 31,
81, 340, 342), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80), Karnataka (124, 125, 262,
287, 340, 342), Maharashtra (31, 229, 340, 342), Meghalaya (228),
Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (188), Punjab (31, 79, 214, 340,
342), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (140, 188, 219, 289, 340, 342, 352),
Uttar Pradesh (214, 340, 342), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Crematogaster travancorensis Forel, 1902 Kerala (114, 186, 188, 210, 249, 352), Manipur (244), Meghalaya (1),
West Bengal (352)
Crematogaster urvijae Bharti, 2003 (E) Punjab (7, 26, 210)
Crematogaster walshi Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (206), Assam (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1),
Nagaland (1), Orissa (206, 249, 335, 337, 342, 355), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Crematogaster wroughtonii Forel, 1902 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 257), Haryana (408), Karnataka
(19, 20, 202, 256, 262, 265, 287, 288), Kerala (305), Maharashtra (186,
188, 210, 262, 352), Tamil Nadu (210, 219, 256, 352), West Bengal
(210, 352, 356)
Dilobocondyla bangalorica Varghese,
2006 (E)
Karnataka (363)
Dilobocondyla gasteroreticulatus Bharti &
Kumar, 2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 58), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Gauromyrmex acanthinus
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (7), Sikkim (1)
Indomyrma dasypyx Brown, 1986 (E) Karnataka (110), Kerala (7, 110)
Kartidris nyos Bolton, 1991 Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Liomyrmex gestroi (Emery, 1887) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 296, 353), West Bengal (352)
Lophomyrmex ambiguus Rigato, 1994 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (295, 321), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Meghalaya (321), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West
Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Lophomyrmex bedoti Emery, 1893 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (188, 214), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Lophomyrmex birmanus Emery, 1893 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (321, 355)
Lophomyrmex changlangensis Sheela &
Ghosh, 2008 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1)
Lophomyrmex kali Rigato, 1994 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), West Bengal (204, 321)
Lophomyrmex quadrispinosus
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh
(192), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7, 188, 248, 249, 260, 262,
265, 287, 288, 306, 352, 355, 356, 362), Kerala (248, 249, 262, 287,
349, 352, 355), Maharashtra (188), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Orissa
(188, 248, 249, 262, 287, 295, 352, 355, 356), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu
(295, 352, 355), Uttar Pradesh (248, 249, 352, 355, 356), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Lophomyrmex terraceensis Bharti &
Kumar, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 55, 55)
Lordomyrma lakshmi Taylor, 2012 (E) Kerala (346)
Lordomyrma taylori Bharti & Ali, 2013
Kerala (7, 66)
Mayriella transfuga Baroni Urbani, 1977 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (122, 317), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Mayriella warchalowskii Borowiec, 2007 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (102)
Meranoplus bellii Forel, 1902 Karnataka (7, 186, 188, 262, 307, 352), Kerala (7, 114, 140, 307, 352),
Maharashtra (307), Tamil Nadu (352), West Bengal (352)
Meranoplus bicolor (Guerin-Meneville,
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (7, 214, 307, 357), Delhi (1),
Goa (307, 357, 411), Gujarat (335, 340, 342, 357), Haryana (307, 335,
340, 342, 351, 357), Himachal Pradesh (307, 342, 357), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Jharkhand (214, 307), Karnataka (7, 125, 262, 264, 265,
287, 288, 306, 307, 335, 340, 342, 357, 362), Kerala (188, 307, 335,
342, 349, 357), Maharashtra (194, 229, 307, 335, 342, 357), Manipur
(1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (307, 335, 342,
357), Punjab (29, 79, 214, 307, 335, 340, 342, 357), Rajasthan (116,
307, 333, 334, 335, 338, 340, 342, 344, 357), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu
(7, 213, 219, 289, 307, 335, 340, 342, 352, 357, 391), Tripura (1), Uttar
Pradesh (214, 307, 335, 342, 357), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Meranoplus laeviventris Emery, 1889 Meghalaya (1)
Meranoplus levis Donisthorpe, 1942 Kerala (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 114, 140, 307, 352), West Bengal (352)
Meranoplus periyarensis Bharti & Akbar,
2014 (E)
Kerala (62)
Meranoplus rothneyi Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Kerala (7, 186, 188, 206, 249, 307,
352), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (194), Tripura (307), West Bengal (1)
Messor himalayanus (Forel, 1902) Himachal Pradesh (7, 116, 186, 188, 192, 331, 332, 335, 336, 339,
342, 366), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80, 186, 188, 190, 192), Kerala
(275), Punjab (332, 335, 342), Rajasthan (116, 331, 332, 334, 335,
336, 338, 339, 342, 344)
Messor instabilis (Smith, 1858) Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (188), Jammu & Kashmir (80, 386),
Madhya Pradesh (188), Maharashtra (188), Punjab (79), Rajasthan
(188), Uttar Pradesh (188)
Messor minor (Andre, 1883) Haryana (114, 152, 152)
Messor semirufus (Andre, 1883) Jammu & Kashmir (172)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 39
Metapone nicobarensis Tiwari &
Jonathan, 1986 (E)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 354)
Monomorium atomum Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (411, 412), Karnataka (262,
335, 362), Maharashtra (186, 188, 262, 331, 335), Orissa (186, 188),
Punjab (335), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335, 338, 344), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Monomorium atomum integrium Forel,
1902 (E)
Maharashtra (186, 188, 194)
Monomorium biroi Forel, 1907 (E) Tamil Nadu (194)
Monomorium carbonarium (Smith,
1858) (I)
Kerala (188)
Monomorium dichroum Forel, 1902 Karnataka (186, 188, 265, 287, 288), Maharashtra (7, 186, 188), Tamil
Nadu (186, 188, 352), Uttar Pradesh (200), West Bengal (352)
Monomorium eractor Bolton, 1987 (E) Maharashtra (92)
Monomorium oricola (Jerdon, 1851) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (92, 254, 357), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka
(92, 124, 125, 262, 265, 287, 288), Kerala (205, 352, 357, 383, 386),
Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (205,
357), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (205, 289, 352, 357), Tripura (1), West
Bengal (1)
Monomorium indicum Forel, 1902 Andhra Pradesh (335, 336, 337, 340, 342, 352), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Gujarat (335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 342, 344),
Haryana (335, 336, 337, 340), Himachal Pradesh (342), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (262, 265, 287, 288, 306, 335, 336, 337, 340,
342), Maharashtra (7, 194, 195, 287, 331, 335, 336, 337, 340, 342,
352), Manipur (1), Orissa (415), Punjab (29, 79, 214, 287, 331, 335,
336, 337, 340, 342, 352), Rajasthan (116, 331, 332, 334, 335, 335,
336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (194, 331,
335, 336, 337, 340, 342, 352), Uttar Pradesh (214), West Bengal (1)
Monomorium indicus (Smith, 1873) (E) West Bengal (299)
Monomorium kempi Mukerjee, 1930 (E) Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Monomorium latinode Mayr, 1872 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (92, 188, 265, 287, 288),
Kerala (294), Maharashtra (188, 214), Manipur (1), Orissa (188, 205,
335, 357), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335, 338, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (92, 194, 205, 289, 335, 352, 357), Uttar Pradesh (3, 326),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Monomorium longi Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Meghalaya (1), Rajasthan (332, 334,
335), Tripura (247, 250, 335)
Monomorium luisae Forel, 1904 Jammu & Kashmir (166)
Monomorium monomorium Bolton,
1987 (I) (see also the dubious records
Himachal Pradesh (342), Karnataka (205, 262, 287, 342), Kerala (249,
352), Manipur (244), Meghalaya (249), Tamil Nadu (262), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (205, 342, 352)
Monomorium orientale Mayr, 1879 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (125, 188,
287), Manipur (1), Orissa (188), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West
Bengal (1)
Monomorium pharaonis (Linnaeus,
1758) (I)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Delhi (1), Goa (410, 411, 412), Gujarat (335, 336, 340, 342), Haryana
(114, 335, 336, 340, 342), Himachal Pradesh (335, 336, 340, 342),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (125, 205, 262, 265, 287, 288,
306, 336, 340, 352), Kerala (92), Maharashtra (129, 229), Manipur (1),
Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (415), Punjab (79,
335, 336, 340, 342), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335, 336, 338, 342, 344),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (286), Uttar Pradesh (335, 336, 340, 342),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Monomorium rugifrons (Smith, 1858) India (no further state, 32)
Monomorium sagei Forel, 1902 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 257), Himachal Pradesh (186, 188,
192, 257, 272, 332, 342), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (335,
342), Rajasthan (332, 334, 335, 342)
Monomorium schurri Forel, 1902 Kerala (249, 352), Madhya Pradesh (188), Meghalaya (1), Tamil Nadu
(7, 352), West Bengal (352)
Monomorium subopacum (Smith, 1858)
Karnataka (287, 362), Tamil Nadu (352)
Myrmecina pilicornis Smith, 1858 (E) Maharashtra (114)
Myrmecina striata Emery, 1889 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Kerala (305), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim
(1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmecina urbanii Tiwari, 1994 (E) Karnataka (362), Kerala (350, 352), Orissa (415), Tamil Nadu (1)
Myrmecina vidyae Tiwari, 1994 (E) Kerala (350, 352)
Myrmica adrijae Bharti, 2012 (E) Himachal Pradesh (7, 34)
Myrmica aimonissabaudiae Menozzi,
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (280), Jammu & Kashmir (7,
80, 280), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmica cachmiriensis Forel, 1904 Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 190, 190, 192, 280,
283, 375)
Myrmica curvispinosa Bharti & Sharma,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (71, 71)
Myrmica elmesi Bharti & Sharma, 2011
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 68, 80)
Myrmica ereptrix Bolton, 1988 (E) Jammu & Kashmir (7, 93, 280, 282, 283)
Myrmica foreliana Radchenko & Elmes,
2001 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Madhya Pradesh (186, 188, 280, 280, 283,
Myrmica fortior Forel, 1904 (E) Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 190, 192, 280, 281, 283, 375)
Myrmica hecate Weber, 1947 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (280, 281), Jammu &
Kashmir (280, 280), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmica indica Weber, 1950 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmica inezae Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (280, 281, 283), Madhya Pradesh (186, 188, 283,
Myrmica kothiensis Bharti & Sharma,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (71)
Myrmica kozlovi Ruzsky, 1915 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmica longisculpta Bharti & Sharma,
2011 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (69, 80)
Myrmica margaritae Emery, 1889 Meghalaya (1)
Myrmica nefaria Bharti, 2012 (E) Himachal Pradesh (7, 33, 33)
Myrmica nitida Radchenko & Elmes,
1999 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 279, 280, 283)
Myrmica ordinaria Radchenko & Elmes,
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 279, 280, 283)
Myrmica pachei Forel, 1906 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmica petita Radchenko & Elmes,
1999 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (279, 280, 283)
Myrmica radchenkoi Bharti & Sharma,
2011 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (70, 80)
Myrmica religiosa Bharti & Gul, 2013 (E) Uttarakhand (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 41
Myrmica rhytida Radchenko & Elmes,
1999 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 279, 280, 283)
Myrmica ritae Emery, 1889 Sikkim (355)
Myrmica rugosa Mayr, 1865 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (67,
80, 280), Madhya Pradesh (188), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West
Bengal (1)
Myrmica rupestris Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (7, 186, 188, 280, 283, 375),
Jammu & Kashmir (80, 190, 280), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmica smythiesii Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (186, 190, 280, 281, 283, 375), Jammu & Kashmir
(67, 80), Uttarakhand (1)
Myrmica urbanii Radchenko & Elmes,
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1)
Myrmica varisculpta Radchenko &
Elmes, 2009 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 283, 284)
Myrmica wardi Radchenko & Elmes,
Himachal Pradesh (279, 280, 283), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80, 279,
280, 283)
Myrmica weberi Elmes & Radchenko,
Bihar (151, 283), West Bengal (151, 283)
Myrmica williamsi Radchenko & Elmes,
1999 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 279, 280, 283)
Myrmica wittmeri Radchenko & Elmes,
Himachal Pradesh (279, 280, 283), Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Myrmicaria brunnea Saunders, 1842 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Goa (410, 411, 412),
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Jharkhand (214),
Karnataka (260, 262, 264, 265, 287, 288, 291, 306, 362), Kerala
(8, 140, 225, 301, 352, 369), Maharashtra (115, 188), Manipur (1),
Meghalaya (1), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 140, 213, 219,
256, 289, 352), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Myrmicaria brunnea subcarinata (Smith,
West Bengal (170)
Myrmicaria carinata (Smith, 1857) Karnataka (7)
Myrmicaria fodica (Jerdon, 1851) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7), West
Bengal (1)
Paratopula andamanensis (Forel, 1903)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (94, 114, 189, 254)
Paratopula ceylonica (Emery, 1901) Karnataka (1), Orissa (94, 186, 188, 320), Uttar Pradesh (320), West
Bengal (94, 114, 186, 188, 300, 320, 356)
Paratopula intermedia Sheela &
Narendran, 1998 (E)
Kerala (320, 323)
Perissomyrmex monticola Baroni Urbani
& De Andrade, 1993
West Bengal (1)
Pheidole allani Bingham, 1903 Meghalaya (249)
Pheidole asperata Emery, 1895 Gujarat (1), Karnataka (1), Kerala (1), Maharashtra (1), Tamil Nadu (1)
Pheidole bandata Bharti, 2004 (E) Himachal Pradesh (30)
Pheidole binghamii Forel, 1902 Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Pheidole capellinii Emery, 1887 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Meghalaya (1)
Pheidole constanciae Forel, 1902 Kerala (273), Meghalaya (1), Tamil Nadu (185, 186, 213, 249, 259,
273, 352), West Bengal (352)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Pheidole constanciae nigra Forel, 1902 (E) Tamil Nadu (185, 186)
Pheidole coonoorensis Forel, 1902 (E) Tamil Nadu (145, 185, 186)
Pheidole diusa (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole duneraensis Bharti, 2001 (E) Himachal Pradesh (22)
Pheidole feae Emery, 1895 Meghalaya (249)
Pheidole fergusoni Forel, 1902 Kerala (114, 185, 186, 352), Tamil Nadu (213, 259), West Bengal (352)
Pheidole fervens Smith, 1858 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (145, 145, 185,
186, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole ghatica Forel, 1902 (E) Kerala (273), Maharashtra (7, 185, 186, 213, 259)
Pheidole grayi Forel, 1902 (E) Goa (410), Maharashtra (185, 186, 213, 259), Sikkim (1)
Pheidole horni Emery, 1901 Manipur (357)
Pheidole hospita Bingham, 1903 (E) Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole indica Mayr, 1879 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Bihar (214), Delhi (1), Himachal Pradesh (7, 48, 145,
185, 186, 190, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (67, 80, 185, 186, 192, 273,
355), Jharkhand (214), Karnataka (185, 186), Kerala (185, 186, 273),
Maharashtra (115, 145, 185, 186, 214), Meghalaya (249), Mizoram (1),
Nagaland (1), Orissa (145, 185, 186), Punjab (79, 214), Sikkim (1),
Tamil Nadu (219), Tripura (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole jucunda Forel, 1885 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Maharashtra
(185, 186), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole jucunda fossulata Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Maharashtra (7, 186),
Sikkim (192, 355), Uttarakhand (1)
Pheidole lamellinoda Forel, 1902 Delhi (1), Maharashtra (115, 185, 186), Meghalaya (1)
Pheidole lanuginosa Wilson, 1984 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1)
Pheidole latinoda Roger, 1863 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Delhi (1), Himachal
Pradesh (7), Jharkhand (214), Maharashtra (185, 186, 214), Manipur
(1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Punjab (29, 214), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (219, 289), Tripura (1), Uttar Pradesh (214), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole latinoda angustior Forel, 1902 Delhi (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Maharashtra (185, 186, 194, 213,
259), Punjab (79)
Pheidole latinoda major Forel, 1885 (E) Jammu & Kashmir (80), Punjab (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
(114, 170, 185, 186)
Pheidole malabarica (Jerdon, 1851) (E) West Bengal (352)
Pheidole malinsii Forel, 1902 Haryana (408), Meghalaya (249, 355), Sikkim (249, 352, 355), Tamil
Nadu (352, 355), West Bengal (7)
Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius, 1793) (I) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254)
Pheidole minor (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Kerala (352), West Bengal (352)
Pheidole multidens Forel, 1902 Karnataka (287), Maharashtra (7, 185, 186), Uttar Pradesh (319), West
Bengal (319)
Pheidole mus Forel, 1902 Karnataka (185, 186, 249, 352, 356), Maharashtra (214), Meghalaya
(1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole naoroji Forel, 1902 (E) Maharashtra (185, 186)
Pheidole noda Smith, 1874 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Goa (1), Himachal Pradesh (185, 186, 192), Karnataka
(185, 186), Kerala (185, 186), Maharashtra (185, 186, 194), Manipur
(1), Orissa (185, 186), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (256), Tripura (1), West
Bengal (1)
Pheidole parasitica Wilson, 1984 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Kerala (400)
Pheidole parva Mayr, 1865 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (147, 148), Jammu &
Kashmir (1), Karnataka (185, 186, 265, 288), Kerala (148, 185,
186), Maharashtra (185, 186), Meghalaya (1), Uttar Pradesh (147),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (300)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 43
Pheidole phipsoni Forel, 1902 Karnataka (7, 185, 186, 352), Maharashtra (194), Tamil Nadu (194, 352)
Pheidole pronotalis Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1)
Pheidole providens (Sykes, 1835) Maharashtra (330), West Bengal (352)
Pheidole roberti Forel, 1902 Gujarat (338, 340, 344), Karnataka (185, 186, 205, 249, 340, 352, 355,
356), Kerala (1), Maharashtra (340), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (1), West Bengal (204, 205, 266, 340, 352, 355, 356)
Pheidole rogersi Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (185, 186, 192), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Pheidole rogersi taylori Forel, 1902 Orissa (185, 186), West Bengal (114)
Pheidole sagei Forel, 1902 Himachal Pradesh (7, 185, 186, 192, 249), Jammu & Kashmir (80),
Meghalaya (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Pheidole sharpi Forel, 1902 Goa (411, 412), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80),
Karnataka (185, 186, 265, 287), Kerala (274), Maharashtra (185, 186),
Tamil Nadu (185, 186, 352), Uttarakhand (1)
Pheidole sharpi hoogwer Forel, 1902 Karnataka (352), Maharashtra (114, 115, 185, 186, 352), West Bengal
Pheidole singaporensis Ozdikmen, 2010 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 254), Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Pheidole smythiesii Forel, 1902 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh
(147), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (249, 355, 355),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (7, 147, 300, 355)
Pheidole spathifera Forel, 1902 Andhra Pradesh (352), Assam (262, 319, 351, 352, 356), Delhi (1),
Haryana (351), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (262, 265, 287,
288, 306, 319, 362), Kerala (185, 186, 225, 319, 352), Tamil Nadu
(167, 168, 185, 186, 213, 259, 293, 319, 352), West Bengal (300, 319,
351, 352, 356)
Pheidole spathifera aspatha Forel, 1902
Assam (114, 185, 186), Delhi (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Kerala (185, 186), Punjab (79)
Pheidole spathifera yerburyi Forel, 1902 Tamil Nadu (194)
Pheidole sulcaticeps Roger, 1863 Gujarat (335, 338, 340, 344), Maharashtra (185, 186), Orissa (185,
186), Rajasthan (116, 334, 335, 338, 339, 344), Tamil Nadu (1), West
Bengal (114, 335, 339, 340, 356)
Pheidole sulcaticeps punensis Forel, 1902
Maharashtra (185, 186)
Pheidole sykesii Forel, 1902 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (287), Maharashtra (185,
186, 213, 259), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole templaria Forel, 1902 Assam (185, 186)
Pheidole terraceensis Bharti, 2001 (E) Himachal Pradesh (22)
Pheidole vulgaris Eguchi, 2006 Uttar Pradesh (146, 147, 148)
Pheidole watsoni Forel, 1902 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (206), Haryana
(408), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (265, 287, 288), Maharashtra
(229), Meghalaya (249), Orissa (185, 186), West Bengal (186, 249, 287,
300, 356)
Pheidole woodmasoni Forel, 1885 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1), Himachal Pradesh (185,
186, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (185, 262, 265, 287,
288, 306, 362), Maharashtra (185, 186), Meghalaya (1), Orissa (185,
186), Punjab (214), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (185, 186), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Pheidole wroughtonii Forel, 1902 (E) Gujarat (335, 338, 340, 344), Karnataka (185, 186, 262, 335, 339,
340), Maharashtra (185, 186), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335, 338, 339,
344), Uttar Pradesh (7)
Pristomyrmex brevispinosus Emery, 1887 Assam (382)
Pristomyrmex sulcatus Emery, 1895 Sikkim (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Recurvidris pickburni Bolton, 1992 Uttar Pradesh (122)
Recurvidris recurvispinosa (Forel, 1890) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (96, 205, 324,
342), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (205, 262, 265, 287, 288,
342, 362), Kerala (96, 205, 324, 342), Maharashtra (96, 114, 173, 188,
248, 249, 262, 388, 391), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Orissa (415),
Punjab (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (96, 205, 324, 342), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Rhopalomastix rothneyi Forel, 1900 Karnataka (122), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Solenopsis geminata (Fabricius, 1804) (I) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (114, 117, 189, 254, 340, 355, 357),
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214, 360), Goa (7, 410, 411,
412), Gujarat (335, 340), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir
(80), Jharkhand (214, 360), Karnataka (7, 125, 205, 214, 260, 262,
265, 288, 306, 335, 340, 352, 355, 357, 362), Kerala (205, 225, 335,
340, 352, 355, 357), Maharashtra (214, 229), Manipur (205, 355, 357),
Meghalaya (205, 355, 357), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (205,
335, 355, 357), Punjab (21, 335, 340), Rajasthan (334, 335, 340, 343),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (112, 205, 219, 286, 293, 335, 340, 352, 355,
357), Tripura (1), West Bengal (1)
Solenopsis nitens Bingham, 1903 Karnataka (125), Kerala (305)
Stenamma jhitingriense Bharti, Gul &
Sharma, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 74)
Stenamma kashmirense Baroni Urbani,
Himachal Pradesh (103), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 11, 143, 242)
Stenamma wilsoni Bharti, Gul &
Sharma, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 74)
Strumigenys aduncomala De Andrade,
2007 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (16)
Strumigenys assamensis Baroni Urbani &
De Andrade, 1994 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (7, 15)
Strumigenys emmae (Emery, 1890) (I) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (1), Karnataka (361, 362),
Kerala (1), Maharashtra (1), Manipur (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Strumigenys exilirhina Bolton, 2000 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Tripura (1),
Uttar Pradesh (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Strumigenys xata Bolton, 2000 (E) Karnataka (1), Kerala (99), Maharashtra (1), Tamil Nadu (7)
Strumigenys goderoyi Mayr, 1866 Karnataka (262), Kerala (1), Maharashtra (186, 188), Meghalaya (1),
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (352)
Strumigenys habropilosa Bolton, 2000 (E) Kerala (1), Tamil Nadu (7)
Strumigenys hemisobek (Bolton, 2000) Kerala (61), Sikkim (1)
Strumigenys hostilis Bolton, 2000 (E) Goa (7, 99), Karnataka (7, 99)
Strumigenys hypoturba Bolton, 2000 (E) Kerala (99), Tamil Nadu (7)
Strumigenys lyroessa (Roger, 1862) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (7, 99), Gujarat (1), Karnataka
(7, 99), Kerala (99), Maharashtra (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (1), West Bengal (1)
Strumigenys membranifera Emery,
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu &
Kashmir (1), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Strumigenys mitis (Brown, 2000) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Kerala (61), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1),
West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 45
Strumigenys mukkaliensis Bharti &
Akbar, 2013 (E)
Kerala (61)
Strumigenys mutica (Brown, 1949) Kerala (61)
Strumigenys nannosobek (Bolton, 2000) Kerala (61), Sikkim (1)
Strumigenys nanzanensis Lin & Wu,
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Strumigenys nepalensis Baroni Urbani &
De Andrade, 1994
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (122), Manipur
(1), Meghalaya (15), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West
Bengal (1)
Strumigenys peraucta Bolton, 2000 (E) Goa (7, 99), Karnataka (7, 99)
Strumigenys podarge (Bolton, 2000) Himachal Pradesh (122)
Strumigenys rogeri Emery, 1890 (I) Kerala (61)
Strumigenys smythiesii Forel, 1902 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Kerala (225)
Strumigenys thanikkudyensis Bharti &
Akbar, 2013 (E)
Kerala (61)
Strumigenys virgila Bolton, 2000 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (7, 99), Sikkim
(1), Uttar Pradesh (1), West Bengal (1)
Temnothorax desioi (Menozzi, 1939) Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Uttarakhand (1)
Temnothorax desioi melanicus (Menozzi,
1939) (E)
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 80)
Temnothorax fultonii (Forel, 1902) Himachal Pradesh (186, 188, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (80)
Temnothorax himachalensis Bharti, Gul
& Schulz, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 72), Jammu & Kashmir (72)
Temnothorax inermis (Forel, 1902) (E) Himachal Pradesh (186, 188, 192)
Temnothorax kashmirensis Bharti, Gul &
Schulz, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 72), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 72)
Temnothorax microreticulatus Bharti, Gul
& schulz, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 72)
Temnothorax nordmeyeri (Schulz, 1997)
Goa (308), Karnataka (308)
Temnothorax rothneyi (Forel, 1902) (E) Himachal Pradesh (186, 188), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Kerala (225),
Madhya Pradesh (186, 188, 355), Meghalaya (228), Sikkim (114, 192,
355), Uttarakhand (1)
Temnothorax rothneyi simlensis (Forel,
1904) (E)
Himachal Pradesh (190, 192)
Temnothorax schurri (Forel, 1902) (E) Himachal Pradesh (1), Madhya Pradesh (186, 188)
Temnothorax wroughtonii (Forel, 1904)
Jammu & Kashmir (190, 192)
Tetramorium barryi Mathew, 1981 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1)
Tetramorium beesoni (Mukerjee, 1934)
Karnataka (256), Tamil Nadu (256)
Tetramorium belgaense Forel, 1902 (E) Goa (7), Karnataka (7, 87, 88, 186, 188, 352), West Bengal (352)
Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander,
1846) (I)
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (87, 248, 249, 254, 355), Arunachal
Pradesh (248, 249), Assam (87, 248, 249, 355), Himachal Pradesh (1),
Karnataka (87, 248, 249, 262, 265), Maharashtra (229), Meghalaya
(248, 249, 355), Sikkim (355), Uttarakhand (1)
Tetramorium browni Bolton, 1980 Arunachal Pradesh (1)
Tetramorium caldarium (Roger, 1857) (I) Punjab (56), Rajasthan (89)
Tetramorium christiei Forel, 1902 Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Tetramorium coonoorense Forel, 1902 (E) Himachal Pradesh (1), Kerala (352), Tamil Nadu (7, 86, 186, 188, 352),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (352)
Tetramorium cordatum Sheela &
Narendran, 1998 (E)
Kerala (325)
Tetramorium decamerum (Forel, 1902)
Karnataka (86, 114, 186, 188, 256, 262, 352), Tamil Nadu (256), West
Bengal (352)
Tetramorium elisabethae Forel, 1904 (E) Jammu & Kashmir (7, 87, 190, 192)
Tetramorium fergusoni Forel, 1902 (E) Kerala (7, 87, 186, 188, 352), West Bengal (352)
Tetramorium indicum Forel, 1913 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (87, 254), Kerala (87), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Tetramorium inglebyi Forel, 1902 Goa (1), Gujarat (1), Karnataka (287), Kerala (7, 87, 186, 188, 287,
352), Maharashtra (1), Tamil Nadu (1), West Bengal (352)
Tetramorium keralense Sheela &
Narendran, 1998 (E)
Kerala (325)
Tetramorium kheperra (Bolton, 1976) Assam (86)
Tetramorium lanuginosum Mayr, 1870 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Delhi (1), Goa (7), Gujarat (206, 355), Haryana (1), Himachal Pradesh
(1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7, 214), Kerala (86, 249),
Maharashtra (86, 249), Meghalaya (1), Orissa (86, 188, 208, 249, 356),
Punjab (214), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Tetramorium malabarense Sheela &
Narendran, 1998 (E)
Kerala (325)
Tetramorium mayri (Forel, 1912) Maharashtra (7, 88, 91, 106, 114, 400)
Tetramorium meghalayense Bharti, 2011
Meghalaya (1)
Tetramorium mixtum Forel, 1902 Goa (7), Karnataka (7, 262, 287, 362), Kerala (87, 249, 352),
Meghalaya (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 87, 114, 186, 188, 249, 352), West
Bengal (352)
Tetramorium myops Bolton, 1977 (E) Chhattisgarh (7, 87), Kerala (1), Madhya Pradesh (7, 87, 87)
Tetramorium nursei Bingham, 1903 Haryana (408), Kerala (305)
Tetramorium obesum Andre, 1887 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka
(125, 188, 256, 352, 356), Kerala (86, 188), Maharashtra (115, 352,
356), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (188, 256), West Bengal (1)
Tetramorium pacicum Mayr, 1870 (I) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254, 355), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Karnataka (327), Kerala (1), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1),
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Tetramorium petiolatum Sheela &
Narendran, 1998 (E)
Kerala (325)
Tetramorium pilosum Emery, 1893 Haryana (408)
Tetramorium rossi (Bolton, 1976) (E) Kerala (7, 86)
Tetramorium rugigaster Bolton, 1977 (E) Karnataka (287), Kerala (7, 87, 287)
Tetramorium salvatum Forel, 1902 Gujarat (335, 340, 342), Himachal Pradesh (342), Rajasthan (334, 335,
338, 339, 340, 342, 344)
Tetramorium scabrum Mayr, 1879 Sikkim (192)
Tetramorium sentosum Sheela &
Narendran, 1998 (E)
Kerala (325)
Tetramorium shivalikense Bharti &
Kumar, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (56), Punjab (56), Uttarakhand (1)
Tetramorium simillimum (Smith, 1851)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Goa (7), Himachal
Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Jharkhand (214), Karnataka (7),
Maharashtra (188), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Punjab (87, 214, 249),
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 47
Tetramorium smithi Mayr, 1879 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Goa (7), Haryana
(21), Himachal Pradesh (21), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Jharkhand
(214), Karnataka (7, 87, 125, 188, 262, 362), Kerala (87, 225, 249),
Maharashtra (87, 229, 249), Meghalaya (1), Punjab (21), Sikkim (1),
West Bengal (1)
Tetramorium tonganum Mayr, 1870 (I) Himachal Pradesh (56), Uttarakhand (1)
Tetramorium tortuosum Roger, 1863 Karnataka (19, 20, 87, 114, 186, 188, 262, 352), Kerala (87),
Meghalaya (249), Sikkim (355), Tamil Nadu (87), West Bengal (352)
Tetramorium triangulatum Bharti &
Kumar, 2012 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (56), Punjab (56), Uttarakhand (1)
Tetramorium urbanii Bolton, 1977 Meghalaya (56, 228), Sikkim (1)
Tetramorium walshi (Forel, 1890) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Delhi (1), Himachal
Pradesh (262, 319, 333, 335, 342, 343), Jammu & Kashmir (80),
Jharkhand (214), Karnataka (125, 188, 262, 265, 287, 288, 319,
333, 335, 342, 343, 362), Kerala (7, 188, 249, 319, 335, 342, 352),
Maharashtra (173, 188), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1),
Orissa (249, 319, 335, 342), Punjab (79, 214), Rajasthan (333, 334,
335, 342, 343), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (114, 186, 188, 219, 249, 256,
289, 319, 335, 342, 352), Uttar Pradesh (214, 319), West Bengal (1)
Tetramorium wroughtonii (Forel, 1902) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (410), Gujarat (340), Himachal
Pradesh (21, 21), Karnataka (1,7, 86, 91, 107, 186, 188, 248, 249, 340,
345, 352, 355, 362, 391), Kerala (1, 225), Maharashtra (340), Manipur
(1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu
(219), Tripura (355), West Bengal (1)
Tetramorium yerburyi Forel, 1902 Kerala (305), Tamil Nadu (352)
Trichomyrmex aberrans (Forel, 1902) Arunachal Pradesh (206), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu
& Kashmir (80), Madhya Pradesh (186, 188, 206), Meghalaya (249),
Uttarakhand (1)
Trichomyrmex criniceps (Mayr, 1879) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (335, 340), Haryana (335,
340), Karnataka (7, 186, 188, 262, 277, 285, 287, 335, 340, 352, 362),
Maharashtra (115, 186, 188, 277, 285, 352), Punjab (79), Rajasthan
(331, 334, 335, 338, 340, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (277), West
Bengal (1)
Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerdon, 1851) (I) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (92, 189, 254), Delhi (1), Goa (410,
411, 412), Gujarat (335, 340, 342), Haryana (122, 335, 340, 342),
Himachal Pradesh (190, 335, 340, 342), Jammu & Kashmir (80),
Karnataka (262, 265, 287, 288, 335, 340, 342, 362), Kerala (92, 335),
Maharashtra (194, 194), Punjab (79, 335, 340, 342), Rajasthan (334,
335, 338, 339, 340, 340, 342, 344), Tamil Nadu (122, 256, 289, 335,
340), Uttar Pradesh (335, 340, 342), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (92,
205, 335, 342, 352)
Trichomyrmex glaber (Andre, 1883) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (335, 338, 340, 344),
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (186, 188,
214, 277, 287, 352, 362), Kerala (7), Maharashtra (114, 186, 188, 277,
352), Mizoram (1), Punjab (79, 335, 340), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335,
338, 339, 340, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (140, 277, 335, 340,
352), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Trichomyrmex mayri (Forel, 1902) Gujarat (337), Karnataka (7), Kerala (337, 352), Maharashtra (7, 194),
Rajasthan (331, 334, 337, 338, 339, 344), Tamil Nadu (92, 337, 352)
Trichomyrmex scabriceps (Mayr, 1879) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Delhi (1), Goa (1, 214),
Gujarat (335, 336, 340), Haryana (335), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu
& Kashmir (80), Karnataka (186, 188, 260, 262, 265, 277, 287, 288,
306, 335, 336, 340, 352), Kerala (285, 319, 335, 336, 339, 340, 352),
Maharashtra (188), Orissa (335), Punjab (214, 319, 335, 336, 339, 340,
352), Rajasthan (334, 335, 336, 338, 339, 340, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (140, 289, 335, 336, 340, 352), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Trichomyrmex wroughtoni Forel, 1902 Goa (1), Gujarat (335, 340, 342), Haryana (335, 342), Himachal
Pradesh (335, 342), Karnataka (7, 186, 188, 197, 262, 331, 335, 342,
352), Kerala (225), Maharashtra (186, 188, 194, 195, 331, 335, 340,
342, 352), Punjab (335, 342), Rajasthan (331, 334, 335, 338, 340, 342,
344), Uttar Pradesh (335, 342), West Bengal (352)
Tyrannomyrmex dux Borowiec, 2007 (E) Kerala (7, 101)
Vollenhovia gastropunctata Bharti &
Kumar, 2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (57)
Vollenhovia oblonga laevithorax Emery,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (189, 254)
Vollenhovia penetrans (Smith, 1857) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7)
Vombisidris humboldticola Zacharias &
Rajan, 2004 (E)
Karnataka (202, 404), Kerala (404)
Vombisidris occidua Bolton, 1991 (E) Karnataka (7, 95, 122)
Anochetus cryptus Bharti & Wachkoo,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (44), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 44)
Anochetus graeei Mayr, 1870 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(1), Goa (7), Gujarat (335, 337, 338, 340, 344), Haryana (7, 122,
261, 316), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka
(7, 179, 260, 261, 287, 335, 337, 340, 352, 362), Kerala (179, 352),
Maharashtra (179, 335, 337, 340, 340, 352), Manipur (1), Meghalaya
(1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (179, 335, 337, 340), Rajasthan
(331, 334, 335, 337, 338, 340, 344), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7,
111, 179, 213, 261, 316, 335, 337, 340, 352), Uttar Pradesh (214),
Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Anochetus kanariensis Forel, 1900 (E) Karnataka (7, 160, 179, 261, 352), Kerala (261), Tamil Nadu (160, 179,
261, 352), West Bengal (352)
Anochetus madaraszi Mayr, 1897 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka
(111, 179), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1), Orissa (111, 179), Sikkim (1),
Uttar Pradesh (7, 122), West Bengal (1)
Anochetus myops Emery, 1893 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim
(1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Anochetus obscurior Brown, 1978 Karnataka (362), Tamil Nadu (7)
Anochetus pupulatus Brown, 1978 (E) Gujarat (1), Karnataka (1), Kerala (7, 111), Maharashtra (1), Tamil
Nadu (111)
Anochetus rufus (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Tamil Nadu (7, 111, 114, 140, 352), West Bengal (352)
Anochetus sedilloti Emery, 1884 Gujarat (111, 179, 338, 340, 344), Karnataka (179), Maharashtra (7, 179,
340), Punjab (1), Rajasthan (340), Tamil Nadu (111, 179, 340, 352)
Anochetus validus Bharti & Wachkoo,
2013 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 44)
Anochetus yerburyi Forel, 1900 Bihar (7, 122, 214), Goa (7, 122, 214), Karnataka (335, 337, 362),
Rajasthan (334, 335, 337)
Bothroponera henryi Donisthorpe, 1942
Goa (411, 412), Karnataka (288), Tamil Nadu (7, 114, 140, 352), West
Bengal (352)
Bothroponera rubiginosa (Emery, 1889) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (214), Jharkhand (214),
Maharashtra (160, 352), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (256, 352), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 49
Bothroponera sulcata (Mayr, 1867) Andhra Pradesh (352), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (410,
411, 412), Haryana (180), Himachal Pradesh (180, 192), Jammu
& Kashmir (80), Karnataka (261, 265, 287), Kerala (261), Madhya
Pradesh (261), Maharashtra (180, 194, 261), Manipur (1), Orissa (180),
Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 180, 256, 289, 352), Tripura (1), West
Bengal (1)
Bothroponera sulcata fossulata (Forel,
1900) (E)
Tamil Nadu (7, 114, 160, 180, 352), West Bengal (114, 352)
Bothroponera sulcata sulcatotesserinoda
(Forel, 1900) (E)
Kerala (160, 180), Tamil Nadu (7, 114, 160, 180, 201), West Bengal
Bothroponera tesseronoda (Emery, 1877) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Goa (1), Himachal Pradesh (180,
192), Karnataka (180, 215, 261, 265, 287, 288, 327), Kerala (180,
261, 352), Maharashtra (180, 194), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa
(180), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (140, 180, 194, 219, 352),
Tripura (1), Uttar Pradesh (2, 3, 287, 326, 352, 356), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Brachyponera jerdonii (Forel, 1900) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (7), Jammu &
Kashmir (1), Kerala (114, 180, 352), Maharashtra (180), Manipur (1),
Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), Tripura (1), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1)
Brachyponera luteipes (Mayr, 1862) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (160, 189, 217, 254, 345, 356, 383,
393), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Haryana (180), Himachal
Pradesh (180, 190, 192), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (180,
261, 265, 288, 306), Kerala (180, 206, 352), Madhya Pradesh (180),
Maharashtra (180), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1),
Nagaland (1), Orissa (415), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (180,
219), Tripura (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Brachyponera luteipes continentalis
(Karavaiev, 1925) (E)
Karnataka (220, 221, 352), West Bengal (352)
Brachyponera nigrita (Emery, 1895) Assam (382), Haryana (408), Meghalaya (249, 355), Punjab (79),
Sikkim (160, 249, 355), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (7, 132, 180,
Brachyponera obscurans (Walker, 1859) Himachal Pradesh (214), Punjab (214), Uttar Pradesh (214)
Brachyponera sennaarensis (Mayr, 1862)
Maharashtra (379)
Buniapone amblyops (Emery, 1887) Assam (1), Meghalaya (248, 249, 355), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1)
Centromyrmex feae (Emery, 1889) Assam (382), Karnataka (261, 263), Kerala (1), Orissa (415), West
Bengal (214, 356)
Cryptopone nicobarensis Forel, 1905 (E) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (160, 191, 392)
Cryptopone subterranea Bharti &
Wachkoo, 2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (41), Jammu & Kashmir (7, 41)
Cryptopone testacea Emery, 1893 Kerala (140, 352), Tamil Nadu (140), West Bengal (352)
Diacamma assamense Emery, 1897 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (1), Sikkim (206, 355),
Tamil Nadu (1), Tripura (247, 250)
Diacamma ceylonense Emery, 1897 Goa (411), Karnataka (10, 362, 365), Kerala (160, 352), Maharashtra
(229), Tamil Nadu (352)
Diacamma cyaneiventre Andre, 1887 Karnataka (6, 261, 287), Kerala (261, 287, 352), Tamil Nadu (5, 157,
180), West Bengal (352)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Diacamma indicum Santschi, 1920 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (7, 114, 160, 189), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Karnataka (7, 368), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1), Sikkim
(1), West Bengal (1)
Diacamma rugosum (Le Guillou, 1842) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 254, 257, 352, 355), Arunachal
Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (117), Goa (410, 411, 412), Karnataka
(19, 20, 117, 180, 214, 248, 249, 260, 261, 265, 288, 306, 319, 327,
352, 355), Kerala (180, 261, 349, 352), Maharashtra (117, 205, 229,
248, 249, 257, 261, 319, 352, 355, 356), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1),
Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (117, 205, 248, 249, 257, 261, 352,
355, 356), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (256, 289, 352, 355), Tripura (1),
West Bengal (1)
Diacamma rugosum doveri Mukherjee,
1934 (E)
Karnataka (256)
Diacamma rugosum jerdoni Forel, 1903 Kerala (114, 140, 352), West Bengal (352)
Diacamma rugosum rothneyi Forel, 1900 Kerala (7, 160, 180)
Diacamma rugosum sculptum (Jerdon,
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (206, 355), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Karnataka (180, 206, 352, 355, 356), Kerala (180, 206, 225,
352, 355), Maharashtra (180, 206, 355, 356), Orissa (180), Sikkim (1),
Tamil Nadu (206, 352, 355), West Bengal (1)
Diacamma rugosum sikkimense Forel,
Sikkim (1)
Diacamma rugosum viridipurpureum
Emery, 1893
India (no further state, 32)
Diacamma scalpratum (Smith, 1858) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (160, 180, 248, 249, 261, 355, 356),
Jammu & Kashmir (114), Karnataka (261), Kerala (225, 261),
Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Ectomomyrmex annamitus (Andre, 1892) Karnataka (287), Kerala (352), Tamil Nadu (1), West Bengal (352)
Ectomomyrmex annamitus arcuatus Forel,
1900 (E)
Kerala (7, 160, 180), West Bengal (114)
Ectomomyrmex astutus (Smith, 1858) Arunachal Pradesh (206, 382), Assam (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (206,
Ectomomyrmex javanus Mayr, 1867 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Meghalaya (228, 249), Sikkim (132,
206, 355), West Bengal (132, 206, 249, 355, 356, 359)
Ectomomyrmex leeuwenhoeki
Arunachal Pradesh (206), Assam (7, 114, 160, 172, 206, 247, 248, 249,
250, 287, 352, 355), Karnataka (287), Kerala (160, 206, 247, 249, 250,
352, 355), Meghalaya (206, 248, 249, 355), Sikkim (206, 355), Tripura
(247, 250), West Bengal (114, 248, 249, 352)
Ectomomyrmex striolatus Donisthorpe,
Himachal Pradesh (7, 135), Uttarakhand (1)
Emeryopone narendrani Varghese, 2006
Karnataka (364)
Harpegnathos saltator Jerdon, 1851 Assam (114, 199, 261, 352), Goa (411, 412), Karnataka (7, 19, 20,
100, 136, 179, 241, 256, 260, 261, 264, 265, 270, 287, 288, 352, 362),
Kerala (114, 136, 160, 179, 261, 305, 329, 352), Maharashtra (1),
Punjab (21), Tamil Nadu (256), West Bengal (352)
Harpegnathos saltator cruentatus (Smith,
Karnataka (136, 179), Kerala (136, 179), Maharashtra (136, 179)
Harpegnathos venator (Smith, 1858) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (136, 179, 192),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1),
Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 114, 136, 154, 160, 179, 319,
352, 355, 391), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 51
Hypoponera aitkenii (Forel, 1900) (E) Goa (1), Gujarat (1), Karnataka (7, 78), Kerala (78), Maharashtra (1),
Tamil Nadu (78), West Bengal (114, 160, 180)
Hypoponera assmuthi (Forel, 1905) (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Jammu & Kashmir (78), Karnataka
(78), Maharashtra (7, 114, 160, 191), Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Hypoponera connis (Roger, 1860) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (78), Jammu &
Kashmir (78, 80), Karnataka (352, 356), Kerala (187, 188), Mizoram
(1), Nagaland (1), Punjab (1), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Hypoponera kashmirensis Bharti, Akbar,
Wachkoo & Singh, 2015 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (78)
Hypoponera ragusai (Emery, 1894) (I) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (78, 180, 192),
Jammu & Kashmir (78), Karnataka (78), Kerala (78), Maharashtra
(7, 98, 180, 386, 395), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1), Orissa (180, 395),
Punjab (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Hypoponera schmidti Bharti, Akbar,
Wachkoo & Singh, 2015 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka (78)
Hypoponera shattucki Bharti, Akbar,
Wachkoo & Singh, 2015 (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Kerala (78)
Hypoponera truncata (Smith, 1860) Arunachal Pradesh (206, 359), Karnataka (359), Sikkim (206, 355),
Tamil Nadu (206, 352, 355), West Bengal (206, 352, 355, 356, 359)
Hypoponera wroughtonii (Forel, 1900)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (78), Karnataka
(7), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys assamensis Forel, 1900 Assam (1), Meghalaya (1)
Leptogenys binghamii Forel, 1900 Assam (1), Karnataka (249), Meghalaya (1)
Leptogenys birmana Forel, 1900 Assam (1), Karnataka (1), Kerala (1), Meghalaya (1), Tamil Nadu (7,
213, 352), Tripura (1), West Bengal (249, 352, 356)
Leptogenys carinata Donisthorpe, 1943
Kerala (7, 114, 352), West Bengal (352)
Leptogenys chinensis (Mayr, 1870) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (237), Jammu & Kashmir
(1), Karnataka (7, 180, 261, 265, 287, 306, 362), Kerala (180),
Maharashtra (180, 229), Manipur (1), Orissa (180), Tamil Nadu (180,
286), Tripura (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (170, 180, 299, 300,
Leptogenys dalyi Forel, 1900 Karnataka (180, 261, 352), Kerala (180, 261, 352), Tamil Nadu (7, 114,
180, 261, 352), West Bengal (352)
Leptogenys dentilobis Forel, 1900 (E) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Gujarat (1), Karnataka (7, 180, 261,
287, 352), Kerala (7, 160, 180, 261, 287, 305, 352), Maharashtra (115,
180, 261, 287, 352), Manipur (1), Mizoram (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (180, 261, 287, 352), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys diminuta (Smith, 1857) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (117, 254), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (1), Goa (410), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (261, 265,
288, 306, 352), Kerala (305), Maharashtra (115, 180), Meghalaya (1),
Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (180), Sikkim (1, 355), Tamil Nadu
(180, 352, 396), West Bengal (1, 355, 356)
Leptogenys diminuta deceptrix Forel, 1901 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Maharashtra (7), Sikkim (1), West
Bengal (1)
Leptogenys diminuta diminutolaeviceps
Forel, 1900
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Maharashtra (180), Orissa (180),
Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys diminuta laeviceps
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (180, 192, 214),
Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (260), Maharashtra (180), Punjab
(79), Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Leptogenys diminuta palliseri Forel, 1900 Karnataka (7, 114, 160, 352), West Bengal (352)
Leptogenys diminuta striatula Emery,
West Bengal (356)
Leptogenys diminuta woodmasoni (Forel,
1886) (E)
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys emiliae Forel, 1902 (E) Gujarat (7, 114, 160, 187, 188)
Leptogenys falcigera Roger, 1861 (I) Kerala (305)
Leptogenys hysterica Forel, 1900 Himachal Pradesh (1), Karnataka (180), Uttar Pradesh (214),
Uttarakhand (1)
Leptogenys iridipennis (Smith, 1858) (E) Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys jeanettei Mathew & Tiwari,
2000 (E)
Meghalaya (1)
Leptogenys kitteli (Mayr, 1870) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (114, 160, 180, 199, 247, 248, 249, 250,
319, 355, 356), Himachal Pradesh (355, 356), Karnataka (287), Kerala
(319), Manipur (250), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), Tripura (247, 250),
Uttar Pradesh (355, 356), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys kitteli minor Forel, 1900 Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys lattkei Bharti & Wachkoo,
2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 43)
Leptogenys longiscapa Donisthorpe, 1943
Kerala (7, 114, 352), West Bengal (352)
Leptogenys lucidula Emery, 1895 Sikkim (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys moelleri (Bingham, 1903) (E) Sikkim (1)
Leptogenys mutabilis (Smith, 1861) Assam (172)
Leptogenys peuqueti (Andre, 1887) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Karnataka (1), Kerala (1, 180,
305), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1, 7)
Leptogenys processionalis (Jerdon, 1851) Bihar (214), Chhattisgarh (180), Goa (410, 411, 412), Gujarat (335,
338, 340, 344), Jharkhand (214), Karnataka (7, 180, 260, 261, 264,
265, 287, 288, 306, 333, 335, 340, 362), Kerala (114, 140, 180,
225, 249, 261, 305, 333, 335, 340, 352), Madhya Pradesh (180),
Maharashtra (180, 229), Meghalaya (249, 335, 340), Orissa (180, 335),
Rajasthan (333, 334, 335, 340), Tamil Nadu (114, 219, 249, 256, 261,
333, 335, 340, 352), Tripura (1), West Bengal (180, 300, 335, 352, 356)
Leptogenys punctiventris (Mayr, 1879) Kerala (1), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Leptogenys roberti Forel, 1900 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1)
Leptogenys roberti coonoorensis Forel,
1900 (E)
Kerala (352), Tamil Nadu (7, 180, 352, 356), West Bengal (352, 356)
Leptogenys stenocheilos (Jerdon, 1851) (E) Kerala (352), Tamil Nadu (114, 352)
Leptogenys transitionis Bharti &
Wachkoo, 2013 (E)
Himachal Pradesh (7, 43)
Leptogenys yerburyi Forel, 1900 Karnataka (180), Kerala (180)
Mesoponera manni (Viehmeyer, 1924) Maharashtra (180)
Mesoponera melanaria (Emery, 1893) Karnataka (180, 261, 352, 362), Kerala (7, 140, 352), West Bengal
Myopias shivalikensis Bharti & Wachkoo,
2012 (E)
Jammu & Kashmir (7, 38)
Odontomachus monticola Emery, 1892 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (206, 355), Arunachal Pradesh (1),
Assam (7, 109, 114, 160, 179, 199, 206, 249, 355, 356, 391, 403),
Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Meghalaya (1), Sikkim
(1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 53
Odontomachus rixosus Smith, 1857 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Meghalaya
Odontomachus simillimus Smith, 1858 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Karnataka (261), Kerala (109, 111, 261), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1),
Nagaland (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (1)
Odontoponera denticulata (Smith, 1858) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (1), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Delhi (1), Haryana (408), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir
(1), Karnataka (1), Kerala (1), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1), Punjab (1),
Sikkim (1,172), Uttar Pradesh (1), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Parvaponera darwinii (Forel, 1893) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Karnataka (352), Kerala (7, 114,
352), Punjab (1), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (352), West Bengal (1)
Parvaponera darwinii indica (Emery,
India (no state record, 32)
Platythyrea nicobarensis Forel, 1905 Andaman and Nicobar Islands (108, 142, 160, 191)
Platythyrea parallela (Smith, 1859) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1),
Goa (411), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (1), Karnataka (7,
19, 20, 108, 114, 142, 160, 180, 205, 261, 265, 288, 352, 356, 362),
Kerala (7, 108, 114, 142, 160, 180, 261, 352, 385), Sikkim (1), Tamil
Nadu (205, 261, 352), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Platythyrea sagei Forel, 1900 Himachal Pradesh (7, 108, 180, 192), Karnataka (108, 142, 160, 180,
261, 265, 288, 352), Maharashtra (229), Punjab (142, 160, 261), West
Bengal (352)
Ponera indica Bharti & Wachkoo, 2012
Himachal Pradesh (7, 39), Sikkim (414)
Ponera paedericera Zhou, 2001 Arunachal Pradesh (1)
Ponera sikkimensis Bharti & Rilta, 2015
Sikkim (414)
Ponera taylori Bharti & Wachkoo, 2012
Himachal Pradesh (7, 39), Uttarakhand (1)
Pseudoneoponera bispinosa Smith, 1858 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Himachal Pradesh (180, 192),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Punjab (79), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Pseudoneoponera rupes (Jerdon, 1851) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (206, 254, 257, 355), Arunachal Pradesh
(1), Assam (1), Goa (411), Himachal Pradesh (180, 192), Jammu &
Kashmir (80), Karnataka (180, 205, 206, 250, 261, 264, 265, 287,
288, 352, 355, 356, 359), Kerala (205, 206, 250, 261, 352, 355, 356,
359), Maharashtra (180), Manipur (1), Meghalaya (1), Mizoram (1),
Nagaland (1), Orissa (180, 205, 206, 355), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1),
Tamil Nadu (219), Tripura (247, 250), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal
Discothyrea periyarensis Bharti, Akbar &
Singh, 2015 (E)
Kerala (409)
Discothyrea sringerensis Zacharias &
Rajan, 2004 (E)
Karnataka (405), Kerala (1)
Discothyrea stumperi Baroni Urbani,
Assam (1), Sikkim (1)
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Probolomyrmex bidens Brown, 1975 (E) Tamil Nadu (7, 108, 150)
Probolomyrmex procne Brown, 1975 (E) Karnataka (7), Tamil Nadu (7, 108, 150)
Proceratium williamsi Mathew & Tiwari,
Arunachal Pradesh (1), Himachal Pradesh (47), Meghalaya (1),
Meghalaya (47, 249), Sikkim (1), Uttar Pradesh (1), Uttarakhand (1),
West Bengal (1,47)
Tetraponera aitkenii (Forel, 1902) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Goa (373), Karnataka (114, 124,
189, 248, 249, 262, 265, 288, 306, 306, 352, 362, 373), Kerala (294,
373), Maharashtra (129), Meghalaya (1), Tamil Nadu (286, 352, 373)
Tetraponera allaborans (Walker, 1859) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (254), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam
(1), Goa (373, 410, 411), Gujarat (188, 338, 340, 344, 373), Haryana
(340), Himachal Pradesh (1), Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7,
124, 188, 256, 262, 287, 327, 340, 362, 373, 374), Kerala (188, 373),
Maharashtra (129, 188, 373), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (188,
373), Punjab (79), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (205, 256, 286, 340, 352,
373), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
Tetraponera attenuate Smith, 1877 Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Sikkim (1), West Bengal (7, 373)
Tetraponera binghami (Forel, 1902) Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Maharashtra (12, 186, 188), Tamil
Nadu (7, 373), West Bengal (356, 373)
Tetraponera modesta (Smith, 1860) Manipur (1)
Tetraponera nigra (Jerdon, 1851) Andhra Pradesh (373), Arunachal Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Delhi (1),
Goa (411, 412), Haryana (21), Himachal Pradesh (21, 188, 192, 373),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Karnataka (7, 124, 125, 188, 256, 262, 265,
287, 288, 352, 355, 362, 373), Kerala (7, 114, 186, 188, 188, 262,
287, 352, 355, 356, 373, 374), Madhya Pradesh (373), Maharashtra (7,
114, 115, 188, 262, 352, 355, 356, 373), Meghalaya (1), Nagaland (1),
Orissa (373), Punjab (21, 21), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (140, 188, 256,
262, 286, 289, 352, 355, 373), Uttar Pradesh (319, 373), Uttarakhand
(1), West Bengal (1)
Tetraponera nitida (Smith, 1860) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (114, 189, 254, 373), Kerala (12, 186,
188, 352, 373), Punjab (21), Tamil Nadu (186), West Bengal (352)
Tetraponera periyarensis Bharti & Akbar,
2014 (E)
Kerala (64)
Tetraponera pilosa (Smith, 1858) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (114, 189, 254, 373)
Tetraponera rufonigra (Jerdon, 1851) Andaman and Nicobar Islands (114, 189, 254, 373, 385), Arunachal
Pradesh (1), Assam (1), Bihar (360), Delhi (1), Goa (373, 410, 411,
412), Gujarat (7, 237, 335, 337, 340, 342, 373), Haryana (21, 335,
337, 340, 342, 373), Himachal Pradesh (21, 335, 337, 340, 342, 373),
Jammu & Kashmir (80), Jharkhand (360), Karnataka (7, 205, 206, 256,
262, 265, 287, 288, 306, 335, 337, 340, 342, 352, 357, 362, 373, 374),
Kerala (7, 140, 205, 206, 305, 335, 337, 340, 342, 352, 357, 373),
Maharashtra (229, 373), Manipur (335, 337, 342, 357), Meghalaya
(1), Mizoram (1), Nagaland (1), Orissa (335, 337, 342, 373), Punjab
(21, 79, 335, 337, 340, 342), Rajasthan (7, 116, 331, 333, 334, 335,
337, 338, 342, 344, 373), Sikkim (1), Tamil Nadu (7, 140, 205, 219,
256, 286, 289, 335, 337, 340, 342, 352, 357, 373), Tripura (1), Uttar
Pradesh (335, 337, 340, 342, 373), Uttarakhand (1), West Bengal (1)
State wise distribution of Indian ants 55
Dubious records
Several records have been historically reported either from India or from specic states
that we have excluded from the list above. Here we briey present them and explain
why those records have been excluded.
Taxonomy State(s) recorded Explanation
Myopopone castanea (Smith, 1860) Haryana, Punjab Erroneous locality
Tapinoma indicum Forel, 1895 Haryana, Punjab Misidentication (Tapinoma
Aenictus clavatus Forel, 1901 Haryana Erroneous locality
Cerapachys keralensis Karmaly, 2012 Kerala Considered species species
inquirenda (60)
Cerapachys sulcinodis Emery, 1889 Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan Misidentication (Cerapachys
longitarsus) and erroneous locality
Camponotus angusticollis (Jerdon, 1851) Haryana Erroneous locality
Camponotus arrogans (Smith, 1858) Punjab Erroneous locality
Camponotus dolendus Forel, 1892 Himachal Pradesh Erroneous locality
Camponotus invidus Forel, 1892 Himachal Pradesh Erroneous locality
Camponotus mitis (Smith, 1858) Haryana Erroneous locality
Camponotus oblongus (Smith, 1858) Himachal Pradesh Erroneous locality
Camponotus sericeus (Fabricius, 1798) Uttar Pradesh Misidentication (Camponotus
Camponotus siemsseni Forel, 1901 Uttar Pradesh Exact locality not known
Camponotus wasmanni Emery, 1893 Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh Misidentication (Camponotus
wasmanni mutilaris)
Formica clara Forel, 1886 Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Erroneous locality
Formica fusca Linnaeus, 1758 Uttar Pradesh Erroneous locality
Formica gagates Latreille, 1798 Haryana Erroneous locality
Formica gravelyi Mukerjee, 1930 West Bengal Erroneous locality
Formica rubarbis Fabricius, 1793 Sikkim Misidentication (Formica fusca)
Lasius niger (Linnaeus, 1758) Punjab Erroneous locality
Polyrhachis exercita rastrata Emery,
1889 Goa Misidentication (Polyrhachis
Polyrhachis jerdonii Forel, 1894 Punjab Erroneous locality
Polyrhachis rupicapra Roger, 1863 Punjab Erroneous locality
Aphaenogaster beccarii Emery, 1887 Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Erroneous locality
Aphaenogaster feae Emery, 1889 Goa Misidentication (Aphaenogaster
Aphaenogaster rothneyi (Forel, 1902) Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar
Pradesh Erroneous locality
Aphaenogaster sagei (Forel, 1902) Haryana, Punjab Erroneous locality
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
Taxonomy State(s) recorded Explanation
Cardiocondyla nuda (Mayr, 1866)
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland,
Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal
(potentially C. kagutsuchi or C.
mauritanica, see Seifert 2003)
Crematogaster buddhae Forel, 1902 Haryana Erroneous locality
Crematogaster walshi Forel, 1902 Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh Erroneous locality
Meranoplus rothneyi Forel, 1902 Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Erroneous locality
Messor himalayanus (Forel, 1902) Haryana, Uttar Pradesh Misidentication (Messor instabilis)
Monomorium dichroum Forel, 1902 Punjab Erroneous locality
Monomorium longi Forel, 1902 Haryana, Punjab Erroneous locality
Monomorium monomorium
e status of this species is
uncertain and needs extensive
taxonomic work. Here we
tentatively considered the species
valid in the species list of India,
but future work might change
its status.
Monomorium orientale Mayr, 1879 Punjab Erroneous locality
Myrmica pachei Forel, 1906 Jammu & Kashmir Erroneous locality
Pheidole lamellinoda Forel, 1902 Haryana Erroneous locality
Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972 Misidentication
Temnothorax rothneyi Forel, 1902 Punjab, Uttar Pradesh Erroneous locality
Tetramorium caespitum
(Linnaeus,1758) Himachal Pradesh Erroneous locality
Tetramorium christiei Forel, 1902 Haryana Erroneous locality
Harpegnathos venator (Smith, 1858) Uttar Pradesh Erroneous locality
Leptogenys dalyi Forel, 1900 Punjab Erroneous locality
Leptogenys dentilobis Forel, 1900 Punjab Erroneous locality
Odontomachus haematodus
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Goa,
Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,
Manipur, Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal
Misidentication (potentially O.
Ponera anis Heer, 1849 Kerala incertae sedis in Ponera
Tetraponera carbonaria (Smith,1863) West Bengal Erroneous locality
We would like to thank Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and
Technology, Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate change, Govt. of India,
New Delhi for assigning research grants to Dr Himender Bharti for the last 16 years,
which helped to generate this data. EPE was supported by subsidy funding to OIST.
e authors would like to warmly thank all the participants who graciously provided
records and publication to the Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics (GABI) Project.
State wise distribution of Indian ants 57
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State wise distribution of Indian ants 59
Appendix 1.
List of references used for the Indian ant records
1. Bharti Collection (PUAC-Punjabi University Patiala Ant Collection)
2. Agarwal VM, Rastogi N (2009) Food resource and temporal partitioning amongst a guild
of predatory agroecosystem-inhabiting ant species. Current Zoology 55(5): 366–375.
3. Agarwal VM, Rastogi N (2010) Ants as dominant insect visitors of the extraoral nec-
taries of sponge gourd plant, Lua cylindrica (L.) (Cucurbitaceae). Asian Myrmecology
3: 45–54.
4. Agosti D (1990) Review and reclassication of Cataglyphis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae).
Journal of Natural History 24: 1457–1505. doi: 10.1080/00222939000770851
5. André E (1887) Description de quelques fourmis nouvelles ou imparfaitement connues.
Unitalised it Revue d’Entomologie (Caen) 6: 280–298.
6. André JB, Peeters C, Doums C (2001) Serial polygyny and colony genetic structure in
the monogynous queenless ant Diacamma cyaneiventre. Behavioral Ecology and Socio-
biology 50: 72–80.
7. ANTWEB (2015) AntWeb. [accessed 7 February 2014, 27
September 2014]
8. Anu A, S TK (2007) Biodiversity analysis of forest litter ant assemblages in the Way-
anad region of Western Ghats using taxonomic and conventional diversity measures.
Journal of Insect Science 7(6): 1–13.
9. Azuma N, Ogata K, Kikuchi T, Higashi S (2006) Phylogeography of Asian weaver ants,
Oecophylla smaragdina. Ecological Research 21: 126–136. doi: 10.1007/s11284-005-
10. Baratte S, Cobb M, Deutsch J, Peeters C (2005) “Morphological variations in the pre-
imaginal development of the ponerine ant Diacamma ceylonense.” Acta Zoologica 86(1):
25–31. doi: 10.1111/j.0001-7272.2005.00181.x
11. Baroni Urbani C (1977) Ergebnisse der Bhutan-Expedition 1972 des Naturhistorischen
Museums in Basel. Hymenoptera: Fam. Formicidae Genus Stenamma, con una nuova
specie del Kashmir. Entomologica Basiliensia 2: 415–422.
12. Baroni Urbani C (1977) Katalog der Typen von Formicidae (Hymenoptera) der
Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums Basel (2. Teil). Mitteilungen der Ento-
mologischen Gesellschaft Basel 27: 61–102.
13. Baroni Urbani C (1977) Materiali per una revisione della sottofamiglia Leptanillinae Emery
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomologica Basiliensia 2: 427–488.
14. Baroni Urbani C (1978) Contributo alla conoscenza del genere Amblyopone Erichson
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel 51:
15. Baroni Urbani C, De Andrade ML (1994) First description of fossil Dacetini ants with
a critical analysis of the current classication of the tribe (Amber Collection Stuttgart:
Hymenoptera, Formicidae. VI: Dacetini). Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde Serie B
(Geologie und Paläontologie) 198: 1–65.
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
16. Baroni Urbani C, De Andrade ML (2007) e ant tribe Dacetini: limits and constitu-
ent genera, with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Annali del
Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria” 99: 1–191.
17. Baroni Urbani C, de Andrade ML (2003) e ant genus Proceratium in the extant
and fossil record (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali,
Monograe 36: 1–480.
18. Barsagade DD, Tembhare DB, Kadu SG (2013) Microscopic structure of antennal sen-
silla in the carpenter ant Camponotus compressus (Fabricius) (Formicidae: Hymenoptera).
Asian Myrmecology 5: 113–120.
19. Basu P (1994) Ecology of ground foraging ants in a tropical evergreen forest in Western
Ghats, India. PhD esis, School of ecology and environmental sciences, Pondichery
University, India, 155 pp.
20. Basu P (1997) Seasonal and spatial patterns in ground foraging ants in a rain forest in
the Western Ghats, India. Biotropica 29(4): 489–500. doi: 10.1111/j.1744-7429.1997.
21. Bharti H (2001) Check list of ants from north-west India I. Uttar Pradesh. Journal of
Zoology 21(2): 163–167.
22. Bharti H (2001) Two new species of Pheidole Westwood (Myrmicinae: Formicidae: Hy-
menoptera) from India. Journal of Entomological Research (New Delhi) 25: 243–247.
23. Bharti H (2002) Check list of ants from North west India II. e Journal of the Bombay
Natural History Society 99(2): 341–343.
24. Bharti H (2002) List of Formicids (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) at Forest Research In-
stitute (FRI), Dehradun (India). Journal of Entomological Research 26(4): 337–342.
25. Bharti H (2002) Redescription of Lepisiota modesta Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae:
Formicinae). Annals of Forestry 10: 356–358.
26. Bharti H (2003) A new species of Crematogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae)
from India. Entomon 28: 85–88.
27. Bharti H (2003) Polyrhachis punjabi sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae)
from India. Folia Heyrovskyana 11: 1–3.
28. Bharti H (2003) Queen of the army ant Aenictus pachycereus (Hymenoptera, Formicidae,
Aenictinae). Sociobiology 42: 715–718.
29. Bharti H (2003) Ants and forensic entomology. ANeT Newsletter 6: 18–20.
30. Bharti H (2004) A new species of Pheidole Westwood, 1839 (Myrmicinae: Formicidae:
Hymenoptera) from India. Russian Entomological Journal 12: 305–306.
31. Bharti H (2008) Redescription of Crematogaster subnuda Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formici-
dae: Myrmicinae). Journal of Entomological Research 32(1): 83–88.
32. Bharti H (2011) List of Indian ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Halteres 3: 79–87.
33. Bharti H (2012) Myrmica nefaria sp.n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) - a new social parasite
from Himalaya. Myrmecological News 16: 149–156.
34. Bharti H (2012) Two new species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera: Formici-
dae: Myrmicinae) from the Himalaya. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 155: 9–14. doi:
State wise distribution of Indian ants 61
35. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA, Kumar R (2012) Two remarkable new species of Aenictus (Hy-
menoptera: Formicidae) from India. Journal of Asia-Pacic Entomology doi: 10.1016/j.
36. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2011) Amblyopone boltoni, a new ant species (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) from India. Sociobiology 58: 585–591.
37. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2012) First record of Prionopelta kraepelini (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) from India, with description of male caste. Sociobiology 59: 815–821.
38. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2012) First record of the genus Myopias (Hymenoptera, For-
micidae) from India, with description of new species. Vestnik Zoologii 46 (1): 33–35.
doi: 10.2478/v10058-012-0006-0
39. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2012) First veried record of genus Ponera (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) from India, with description of two new species. Acta Zoologica Academ-
iae Scientiarum Hungaricae 58 (3): 217–224.
40. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2012) Prenolepis sheri, an intriguing new ant species, with a
re-description of Prenolepis naoroji (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Journal of
the Entomological Research Society14(1): 119–126.
41. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2013) Cryptopone subterranea sp. nov., a rare new cryptobiotic
ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Asian Myrmecology 5: 1–4.
42. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2013) Cerapachys browni and Cerapachys costatus, two new rare
ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Biologia 68(6): 1189–1192. doi:
43. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2013) Two new species of the ant genus Leptogenys (Hyme-
noptera: Formicidae) from India, with description of a plesiomorphic ergatogyne. Asian
Myrmecology 5: 11–19.
44. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2013) Two new species of trap jaw ant Anochetus (Hyme-
noptera: Formicidae), with a key to known species from India. Journal of Asia-Pacic
Entomology 16: 137–142. doi: 10.1016/j.aspen.2012.12.008
45. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2014) A new carpenter ant, Camponotus parabarbatus (Hymenop-
tera: Formicidae) from India. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e996. doi: 10.3897/bdj.2.e996
46. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2014) New combination for a little known Indian ant, Para-
paratrechina aseta (Forel, 1902) comb. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of the
Entomological Research Society 16(3): 95–99.
47. Bharti H, Wachkoo AA (2014) New synonymy of Proceratium williamsi Tiwari
(Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 388: 69–72. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.388.6972
48. Bharti H, Gill A (2011) SEM studies on immature stages of Pheidole indica Mayr, 1879
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Halteres 3: 38–44.
49. Bharti H, Gul I (2012) Echinopla cherapunjiensis sp n. (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from
India. Vestnik Zoologii 46(4): 52–54. doi: 10.2478/v10058-012-0031-z
50. Bharti H, Gul I (2013) Lasius elevatus, a new ant species of the subgenus Cautolasius
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from the Indian Himalayas. Asian Myrmecology 5: 53–58.
51. Bharti H, Gul I (2014) First description of the male caste of the Himalayan endemic ant
Lasius alienoavus Bingham, 1903 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with re-description of the
female and queen castes. Biodiversity Data Journal 2: e1136 doi: 10.3897/BDJ.2.e1136
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
52. Bharti H, Kaur I (2011) SEM studies on immature stages of weaver ant Oecophylla smara-
gdina (Fabricius, 1775) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Halteres 3: 16–25.
53. Bharti H, Singh J (2014) First record of genus Pristomyrmex Mayr 1866 (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) from India. Halteres 5: 1–2.
54. Bharti H, Kumar R (2012) A new species of Leptanilla (Hymenoptera: Formicidae:
Leptanillinae) with a key to Oriental species. Annales Zoologici 62(4): 619–625. doi:
55. Bharti H, Kumar R (2012) Lophomyrmex terraceensis, a new ant species (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) in the bedoti group with a revised key. Journal of Asia-Pacic Entomology
15: 265–267. doi: 10.1016/j.aspen.2012.01.003
56. Bharti H, Kumar R (2012) Taxonomic studies on genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenop-
tera, Formicidae) with report of two new species and three new records including a tramp
species from India with a revised key. Zookeys 207: 11–35. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.207.3040
57. Bharti H, Kumar R (2013) A new species of Vollenhovia (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)
From India with key to known Indian species. Vestnik Zoologii 47(2): 67–69. doi:
58. Bharti H, Kumar R (2013) Five new species of Dilobocondyla (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
with a revised key to the known species. Asian Myrmecology 5: 29–44.
59. Bharti H, Kumar R (2013) Six new species of Carebara Westwood (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) with restructuring of world species groups and a key to Indian species.
Entomol J. Res. Soc. 15(1): 47–67.
60. Bharti H., Akbar, SA (2013) Taxonomic studies on the ant genus Cerapachys Smith
(Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from India. ZooKeys 336: 79–103. doi: 10.3897/zook-
61. Bharti H, Akbar, SA (2013) Taxonomic studies on the ant genus Strumigenys Smith,
1860 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) with report of two new species and ve new records
including a tramp species from India. Sociobiology 60: 387–396. doi: 10.13102/socio-
62. Bharti H, Akbar SA (2014) Meranoplus periyarensis, a remarkable new ant species (Hy-
menoptera: Formicidae) from India. Journal of Asia-Pacic Entomology 17: 811–815.
doi: 10.1016/j.aspen.2014.07.014
63. Bharti H, Akbar SA (2014) Taxonomic studies on the genus Myrmoteras Forel (Hyme-
noptera: Formicidae), with description of two new species from India. Journal of the
Entomological Research Society 16(2): 71–80.
64. Bharti H, Akbar SA (2014) Tetraponera periyarensis, a new pseudomyrmecine ant species
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Asian Myrmecology 6: 43–48.
65. Bharti H, Akbar SA (2014) New additions to ant genus Carebara Westwood (Hyme-
noptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from India. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum
Hungaricae 60(4): 313–324.
66. Bharti H, Ali S (2013) A new species of the ant genus Lordomyrma (Hymenoptera: For-
micidae: Myrmicinae) from India. Myrmecological News 18: 149–152.
67. Bharti H, Sharma YP (2009) Diversity and abundance of ants along an elevational gra-
dient in Jammu-Kasmir Himalaya -I. Halteres 1(1): 10–24.
State wise distribution of Indian ants 63
68. Bharti H, Sharma YP (2011) Myrmica elmesi (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) a new species
from Himalaya. ZooKeys 124: 51–58. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.124.1586
69. Bharti H, Sharma YP (2011) Myrmica longisculpta, a new species from Himalaya (Hy-
menoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 51:
70. Bharti H, Sharma YP (2011) Myrmica radchenkoi, a new species of ant (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) from Indian Himalaya. Sociobiology 58: 427–434.
71. Bharti H, Sharma YP (2013) ree new species of genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) from Himalaya. Journal of Asia-Pacic Entomology 16: 123–130. doi:
72. Bharti H, Gul I, Schulz A (2012) ree new species of genus Temnothorax (Hymenop-
tera: Formicidae) from Indian Himalayas with a revised key to the Indian species. Acta
Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 58(4): 325–336.
73. Bharti H, Gul I, Sharma, YP (2012) Pseudolasius machhediensis, a new ant species from
Indian Himalaya (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 59: 805–813.
74. Bharti H, Gul I, Sharma YP (2012) Two new species of Stenamma (Hymenoptera:
Formicidae) from Indian Himalaya with a revised key to the Palaearctic and Oriental
species. Sociobiology 59: 317–330.
75. Bharti H, Gul I, Sharma Y (2012) Two new species of Stenamma (Hymenoptera: Formi-
cidae) from Indian Himalaya with a revised key to the Palaearctic and Oriental species.
Sociobiology 59: 317–330.
76. Bharti H, Dhiman N, Bharti M, Wachkoo AA (2013) SEM studies on immature stages of
Aphaenogaster beesoni Donisthorpe, 1933 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Halteres 4: 68–78.
77. Bharti H, Kumar R, Duboviko DA (2013) A new species of the genus Tapinoma
Foerster, 1850 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from India. Caucasian Entomological Bull.
9(2): 303–304.
78. Bharti H, Akbar SA,Wachkoo AA, Singh J (2015) Taxonomic studies on ant genus Hypo-
ponera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Ponerinae) from India. Asian Myrmecology 7: 1–15.
79. Bharti H, Sharma YP, Kaur A (2009) Seasonal patterns of ants (Hymenoptera: Formi-
cidae) in Punjab Shivalik. Halteres 1(1): 36–47.
80. Bharti H, Sharma YP, Bharti M, Pfeier M (2013) Ant species richness, endemicity and
functional groups, along an elevational gradient in the Himalayas. Asian Myrmecology
5: 79–101.
81. Blaimer BB (2012) Acrobat ants go global - Origin, evolution and systematics of the
genus Crematogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolu-
tion 65: 421–436. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2012.06.028
82. Blaimer BB (2012) Untangling complex morphological variation: taxonomic revision
of the subgenus Crematogaster (Oxygyne) in Madagascar, with insight into the evolution
and biogeography of this enigmatic ant clade (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Systematic
Entomology 37: 240–260. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3113.2011.00609.x
83. Bolton B (1974) A revision of the Palaeotropical arboreal ant genus Cataulacus F Smith
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History). Ento-
mology 30: 1–105.
Himender Bharti et al. / ZooKeys 551: 1–83 (2016)
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... There are more than 9,000 described species of ants in world it is in nearly 300 genera, forming the entire family Formicidae, within the order Hymenoptera (Bolton, 1994). Bharti et al., (2016) reported that 828 species of ants in 100 genera from the different states in India. ...
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Ants play key role in environment management due to their abundance, Diversity and functional importance. The present study examined the ant species diversity and relative abundance in coffee agro-ecosystem of Wayanad region of the Western Ghats (11 ⁰ .27’00”&11 ⁰ .58’52” and the East Longitude 75 ⁰ .47’50”&76 ⁰ .27’35”) under different intensity of canopies. Ants were recorded from August 2022 to September 2023 from all three sampling locations belonging to six coffee plantations ie; Site 1-Highly Shaded (HSC), Site 2-Moderately Shaded (MSC) and Site 3 -open (OC) coffee plantation. Ants were sampled by using pitfall traps, honey baits, litter sifting, soil core extraction, and transect sampling methods. During the study period, a total of 5311 individual ants were collected representing 51 species in 26 genera, and six subfamilies. The distribution of ants in different subfamily showed a dominance of Formicinae with seventeen morpho-species (32%) followed by Myrmicinae (28%). Shannon-Weiner (H ¹ ) diversity index value of site 1 has 3.435 while site 2 has an H ¹ value of 3.477and site 3 has 3.197. Site 2 has a slightly higher H ¹ value than site 1 owing to its high species richness of 48 ant species and site 3 has lowest H ¹ value with 38 ant species. Site 3 has higher Simpson’s (D) diversity index value than site 2 and site 1. High species dominance in habitat would automatically mean that there would be low evenness.
... The Indomalayan biogeographic region has 14 known species, while P. aseta (Forel, 1902) is the only known species in the Indian subcontinent until now (Bharti and Wachkoo 2014). This species has been reported in several states of India, including Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim, Nagaland, and West Bengal (Bharti et al. 2016;Janicki et al. 2016;Guénard et al. 2017). In this study, we describe and illustrate P. neela sp. ...
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A new ant species, Paraparatrechina neelasp. nov., with a captivating metallic-blue color is described based on the worker caste from the East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh, northeastern India. This discovery signifies the first new species of Paraparatrechina in 121 years, since the description of the sole previously known species, P. aseta (Forel, 1902), in the Indian subcontinent.
... ). Bingham's classic work on the fauna of BritishIndia, Formicidae (1903) is still the one only complete work for identifying species of Indian ants.Bharti et al. (2016) listed 828 species under 100 genera of ants from India. Since then 10 genera and 36 species have been added to Indian fauna by different researchers. Crematogaster aberrans Forel, 1892 15. Crematogaster dalyi Forel, 1902 16. Crematogaster rothneyi Mayr, 1879 17. Crematogaster subnuda Mayr, 1879 18. Myrmicaria brunnea Saunders, 1842 19. ...
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Ants are one of the most dominant invertebrates on earth with large biomass and high diversity, playing multiple roles in the ecosystem as predators, scavangers, soil aerators, pollinators, seed dispersers and also interacting with plants and other organisms. Ants are classified under the family Formicidae in the order Hymenoptera At present, the total number of Ants (Formicidae) of the world, stands at 17,139 valid species and subspecies from 516 genera and 22 subfamilies ( accessed on 11.04.2023) with 864 species from 110 genera and 10 subfamilies known to exist in India ( accessed on 11.04.2023). The studies on Indian Ants started with Jerdon's catalogue (1851, 1854) followed by Forel (1900a, 1900b, 1901, 1913). Bingham's classic work on the fauna of British India, Formicidae (1903) is still the one only complete work for identifying species of Indian ants. Bharti et al. (2016) listed 828 species under 100 genera of ants from India. Since then 10 genera and 36 species have been added to Indian fauna by different researchers.
... One definition of sarcasm is the expression of negative emotion through the use of primarily or exclusively positive language [1]. It is an expression representative of conflict between the apparent and the applied. ...
Conference Paper
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Sarcasm, a sort of sentiment characterized by a disparity between the apparent and intended meanings of the text, is a key component of sentiment analysis, opinion extraction, and social media analytics. However, sarcasm detection in Bangla has not received sufficient research attention yet. Moreover, there hasn’t been a significant amount of study done comparing traditional and contextual word embeddings for the Bengali language. This study aims to address this gap by comparing traditional embedding by using the Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Unit - BiGRU model and contextual embedding by using Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers - BERT for sarcasm detection in Bangla. The collection of the dataset of Bangla text was from social media platforms, containing labelled instances - whether it provides sarcasm or non-sarcasm. Pre-trained word embeddings i.e. GloVe and FastText are used as traditional embedding for this study. By using metrics like precision, recall and F1-score, the performances for both models have been obtained. When the two traditional word embedding approaches are compared, GloVe embedding with Bi-GRU has outperformed FastText embedding with a macro-averaged F1 score of 0.9395. On the other hand, contextual word embedding using BERT has outperformed both the traditional approaches having a better macro-averaged F1 score of 0.9572 and greater class-wise performance as compared with traditional embedding for both non-sarcastic (96%) and sarcastic (96%) text detection. In our findings, contextual word embedding i.e. BERT has performed better as compared with the two traditional word embeddings for this specific Bangla sarcasm detection binary classification task.
... It is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, except for a few species in the temperate regions (Schmidt and Shattuck, 2014). In India, this genus is represented by 12 species with great diversity in the Western Ghats (Bharti et al., 2016;Marathe and Priyadarsanan, 2016), and Indian species falls under five Anochetus species groups (Fernandes et al., 2021). Anochetus ants are closely related with genus Odontomachus Latreille, 1804, but it can be separated based on the structure of the nuchal carina which is a broad, uninterrupted arch-like at the posterodorsal extremity of the head in the Anochetus while converging in a V at the midline in the Odontomachus (Bolton, 1994). ...
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Three species of the genus Anochetus Mayr, 1861 (Formicidae: Ponerinae) viz., A. graeffei Mayr, 1870, A. madaraszi Mayr, 1897, and A. sedilloti Emery, 1884 have been reported from Madhya Pradesh in Central India and redescribed based on the worker caste. The species A. graeffei and A. sedilloti were found to be nested in the soil while A. madaraszi formed a nest at the base of a tree. This report has updated the biogeographic distribution of the Anochetus species in India.
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Leptogenys is the most diverse genus of the ant subfamily Ponerinae and is widely distributed across the world’s tropical and subtropical regions. More than 40 species are known from the Oriental realm displaying a wide range of ecologies, although their life history traits remain poorly understood, and new species are frequently discovered. Here, a faunal review of the genus from Hong Kong SAR, southern China is provided. A total of nine species are recorded, with one new species, Leptogenys grohli Hamer, Lee & Guénard, sp. nov. described. Ecological and biogeographic information, including new information on reproductive modes for two species are provided with the ergatoids of L. binghamii Forel, 1900 and L. rufidaZhou et al., 2012 described. Additional records for five of these species within the neighbouring province of Guangdong are also provided. Finally, an illustrated key to species known from Hong Kong is presented, as well as notes on each species’ distribution, ecology, and behaviour. An updated provincial distributional checklist of the Leptogenys species of Mainland China and Taiwan is also supplied.
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A seasonal diversity was conducted in the forest of Bagepalli range of Chikkaballapur forest of Karnataka, India from August 2022 to August 2023. 21 species of ants were observed in this range belonging to 15 genera by following three methods such as pitfall traps, handpicking and bush beating. The abundant subfamily was Formicinae with 5 genera and under Myrmicinae, two genera were observed under the subfamily Ponerinae and one genus each from Subfamilies Pseudomyrmicinae and Dolichoderinae. The most abundant species were found to be Camponotus compressus followed by Oecophylla smaragdina. From the collection of ants few invasive species were also observed such as Anoplolepis gracilipes and Plagiolepis sp.. Two mathematical indices were followed and those were Shannon-Weaver Index and Simpson Index to study the diversity and compare the species richness from the three seasons – summer, monsoon and winter, and a statistical data was formed, the abundance in species were also observed to study which species were dominant and during which season. The maximum diversity was observed during the monsoon season followed by the summer and the least diversity was during the winter. The ants usually prefer a moist environment. The study assumes that the ant diversity can predict the environment.
Spiders usually show Batesian mimicry with different model ant species. There are no specific study of ant mimicking spiders and their association with model ants from North-Eastern part of India. In this study, from the campus of Gauhati University, Assam, we recorded total eleven ant-mimicking spiders of which two are new records from India and seven are new records from North-East India. We noticed the model-mimic association of Myrmarachne melanocephala with Tetraponera rufonigra, Myrmarachne cornuta with Tetraponera allaborans, Myrmaplata plataleoides with Camponotus compressus, Myrmarachne acromegalis with Polyrhachis laevissima, Myrmaplata aureonigra with P. laevissima and Polyrhachis dives, Cambalida flavipes with Camponotus compressus and Apochinomma elongatum with Tetraponera nigra. Four unidentified Mymarachne sp. were found mimicking the ant species namely Camponotus parius, Technomyrmex albipes, Polyrhachis tibialis and Dolichoderus moggridgei. The work will open a new window for future studies to explore the ant’s and spider’s diversity and their co-evolutionary interactions for avoiding predator, deceive other individuals etc.
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Ants belonging to the superfamily Vespoidea, and being eusocial in nature are gaining importance for their multiple services to the ecosystem. Currently, the total number of Ants (Formicidae) of the world, stands at 17,139 valid species and subspecies from 516 genera and 22 subfamilies ( accessed on 11.04.2023) with 864 species from 110 genera and 10 subfamilies known to exist in India ( accessed on 11.04.2023). As far as the studies on Indian Ants is concerned, initial works to follow is that of Jerdon’ s catalogue (1851, 1854) and the works of Forel (1900a, 1900b, 1901, 1913). The study of ant by Bingham in 1903 is still one of the most significant and complete work for identifying species of ants.Bharti et al 2016 published the relevant checklist on Indian Ants.
The genus Pristomyrmex Mayr, 1866 is recorded for the first time from India. The species Pristomyrmex sulcatus Emery, 1895 has been collected from NorthEast Himalaya.
The Australian members of the ant genus Aenictus are revised. Eight species were found to occur in Australia with three described as new (acerbus sp. n.., aratus Forel, diclops sp. n., hilli Clark, nesiotis Wheeler and Chapman, philiporum Wilson, prolixus sp. n. and turneri Forel). A. hilli is known only from males and its relationship to the remaining workerbased species is uncertain. Of the seven worker-based species, five are restricted to Australia, one is shared with Papua New Guinea and one is shared with Papua New Guinea and the Philippines. Aenictus aratus nesiotis Wheeler and Chapman is removed from synonymy with A. aratus and raised to full species, A. pachycerus impressus Karavaiev is newly synonymised with A. aratus and A. turneri is removed from synonymy with A. ceylonicus (Mayr). Additionally, the following changes are proposed for non-Australian species: A. aitkenii Forel is removed from synonymy with A. aratus, A. aratus asiatica Forel is removed from synonymy with A. aratus and synonymised with A. aitkenii, A. levior Karavaiev is removed from synonymy with A. aratus and raised to full species, A. orientalis (Karavaiev) is removed from synonymy with A. ceylonicus, A. papuanus Donisthorpe is removed from synonymy with A. ceylonicus and, together with A. similis Donisthorpe, is newly synonymised with A. orientalis. A lectotype is designated for A. impressus and a neotype for A. exiguus.