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Killer shrimps in Britain: Hype or horror? The facts about our latest invasive animal

408 British Wildlife August 2011
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror?
August 2011 British Wildlife 409
On 3rd September 2010, a fisherman at
Grafham Water, Cambridgeshire, found
a strange-looking shrimp on his waders.
The Environment Agency (EA) team at Bramp-
ton, with help from Dirk Platvoet, a Dutch expert,
soon confirmed its worst fears: the Killer Shrimp
Dikerogammarus villosus had arrived in Britain
(MacNeil et al. 2010). In November 2010, two
further populations were found: one in Cardiff
Bay, and another in Eglwys Nunydd reservoir,
Port Talbot, Wales.
Within weeks the story had hit the local and
national press, with many alarmist headlines.
While the environmental agencies involved
deliberated as to whether, as level-headed public
bodies, they should really be calling it the ‘Killer
Shrimp’, there was little choice. ‘Killer Shrimp’ is
the only widely used common name for Dikerog-
ammarus villosus and the media soon latched on
to it. But does our most recent invasive animal live
up to its name?
Here we present the facts about this species,
based on what we know so far; the story of its
spread, its ecology and the likely threat to conser-
vation interests. We also will consider what, if
anything, can be done about it now it is in Britain.
Genevieve Madgwick and David C Aldridge
Killer Shrimps in
Britain: hype or horror?
The facts about
our latest invasive animal
Killer Shrimps range in size from
1.6mm to 30mm. Environment Agency
408 British Wildlife August 2011
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror?
August 2011 British Wildlife 409
How to spot it
The Killer Shrimp is a crustacean (order Amphip-
oda, family Gammaridae). Gammarids are the most
common amphipods in European fresh waters, and
in Britain we have half a dozen freshwater species.
Typical of amphipods, the female Killer Shrimp
carries its eggs in a brood pouch until the young
hatch. Individuals range in size from a minimum of
1.6mm at hatching (Devin et al. 2004) to a maxi-
mum size of over 30mm, significantly larger than
our native freshwater shrimp species, whose maxi-
mum size is 20mm. As well as size, the key identifi-
cation feature of the Killer Shrimp is the presence of
two cone-shaped protrusions on the tail. It is often
striped, although this varies. It likes to hide between
stones and in the crevices under rocks.
How much of a ‘killer’ is it?
Experience on the Continent and from scien-
tific studies in the field, in the laboratory and in
controlled mesocosm experiments all stack up
to paint a rather gruesome portrait of a serious
invader (Dick & Platvoet 2000; Dick et al. 2002;
Boets et al. 2010; MacNeil et al. 2011). Like most
freshwater shrimps, it is an omnivore, but, unlike
others, it also has prominent predatory traits, such
as powerful mouthparts, well-developed antennae
to help catch prey and a fast ambush technique.
The Killer Shrimp can establish large populations
very quickly in invaded areas, helped by its high
fecundity and early sexual maturity compared
with other freshwater shrimps (Devin et al. 2004;
Pöckl 2007).
How to identify Dikerogammerus villosus.
Detail from identification factsheet produced by
GB Non-native Species Secretariat with assistance from the
Freshwater Biological Association and Environment Agency.
Available as a download from
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror?
410 British Wildlife August 2011
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror?
August 2011 British Wildlife 411
This non-specific feeder consumes prey items
up to 40mm in size, preying on almost anything,
including other invertebrates such as water fleas,
waterboatmen, Water Hoglice Asellus aquaticus,
snails, mayflies, damselflies, leeches and crayfish
larvae (Dick et al. 2002; Boets et al. 2010). In
European lakes that have been invaded by Killer
Shrimps, this species has outcompeted or preyed
on once abundant native freshwater shrimps (e.g.
Gammarus pulex, G. roeseli and Echinogamma-
rus stammeri) to the extent of their exclusion in
suitable habitats (Dick & Platvoet 2000; Casellato
et al. 2006; Kinzler et al. 2009). In fact, inverte-
brate diversity is generally poor in habitats where
the Killer Shrimp has become well established (van
Riel et al. 2006a; Boets et al. 2010).
Killer Shrimps do not confine themselves to
smaller invertebrates and have been observed to
consume fish eggs and fry. It may be no coinci-
dence that the disappearance of native Bullhead
Cottus gobio populations in Lake Gouwzee, in
The Netherlands, occurred with the arrival of this
shrimp (Platvoet et al. 2009).
Studies also suggest that there may be wider
ecosystem impacts, such as a reduction in leaf
shredding in the invertebrate community, an
important route for the introduction of finer
organic particles into the aquatic food chain
(MacNeil et al. 2011). In Lake Constance, the
exclusion of the native freshwater shrimp Gamma-
rus roeseli resulted in an observed shift in fish
diets from the native to the invader (Eckmann et
al. 2008). It is not yet known what the full conse-
quences of this might be, but any simplification of
the food chain caused by a decrease in invertebrate
diversity is likely to result in a less resilient system.
This in turn may increase vulnerability to future
invasive species, referred to as ‘invasional melt-
down’ by Simberloff & von Holle (1999).
Some of the ecosystem-level effects of a high
Killer Shrimp biomass may already be evident in
Britain, although research is still required to quan-
tify these. In Grafham Water, it is striking that
the distribution of Brown Trout Salmo trutta and
Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss seems to
have shifted to dominate marginal habitats. Fish-
ermen reported trout guts full of the shrimp, and
angling tactics had to change, as rocky margins
and the dam wall yielded the best catches, and flies
that resembled Killer Shrimps became bestsellers.
In some locations at Grafham, once abundant
populations of native (Gammarus spp.) and inva-
sive (Chelicorophium curvispinum) crustaceans
are now conspicuous by their
absence (Aldridge pers. obs.).
All these possible impacts are
alarming for the conservation
of our freshwater habitats and
species. We risk extirpation of
familiar common species such
as Gammarus pulex, as well
as potentially increasing the
pressure on already threatened
Biodiversity Action Plan species
such as White-clawed Crayfish
Austropotamobius pallipes,
Spined Loach Cobitis taenia
and Vendace Coregonus albula.
In reality, we would expect
Killer Shrimp, to become domi-
nant only in optimal micro-
The Zebra Mussel and Killer Shrimp have similar patterning, suggesting
these invaders co-evolved. Dirk Platvoet, Amsterdam University
Grafham Water reservoir is an SSSI for breeding
and overwintering bird species, as well as a popular
fishing and sailing venue. Gen Madgwick
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror?
410 British Wildlife August 2011
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror?
August 2011 British Wildlife 411
habitats. In particular, they seem to thrive only
where there is a stony, rocky, gravelly or artificial
substrate (Devin et al. 2003). One substrate espe-
cially favoured is the shells and ‘beards’ (byssus)
of another invader, the Zebra Mussel Dreissena
polymorpha. These species are likely to have
co-evolved in their native range, as is evident when
the two are viewed together, as the stripes often
found on Killer Shrimp offer camouflage against a
Zebra Mussel background.
Previous and future spread
The Killer Shrimp originates from the Ponto-
Caspian basin in eastern Europe. It began expand-
ing up the Danube in the late 1980s, facilitated by
increased connectivity of waterways and intensi-
fication of boat traffic. Following the opening of
the Main-Danube canal in 1992, it quickly spread
throughout western Europe via the Rhine and
connected waterways, invading rivers and lakes in
France, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium.
In the late 1990s, the risks of invasion across the
sea to the UK and USA were highlighted, as the
species has a high salinity tolerance and is able to
survive incomplete water exchange of ship saline
ballast (Bruijs et al. 2001; Ricciardi & Rasmussen
1998; Dick & Platvoet 2000).
Downstream dispersal is likely to be achieved
through drift (van Riel et al. 2006b) and in
the Rhine has occurred at a rate of 124km/
year (Leuven et al. 2009). Upstream dispersal
(30-40km/year; Josens et al. 2005) is likely to be
facilitated by shipping. The idea that the role of
human-mediated transport is important for its
dispersal is reinforced by the shrimp’s arrival since
2000 in Lake Constance (bordering Austria, Swit-
zerland and Germany), Lake Geneva (Switzer-
land) and Lake Garda (Italy), despite its not being
found in their immediate adjoining rivers. This
finding led the environmental bodies to conclude
that the Killer Shrimp was also being transported
overland, probably via pleasure craft and other
recreational water-users (H Löffler pers. comm.,
Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Natur-
schutz Baden-Württemberg).
The current broad geographical distribution
and high but localised abundance of the Killer
Shrimp in Britain suggests that it has potential
to occupy a wide area. Habitat favoured by the
species is found throughout Britain in the form of
embanked slow-flowing rivers, canals, reservoirs
and lakes with stony shores, artificial embank-
ments and populations of Zebra Mussels. Some
environmental parameters may restrict the species;
it has yet to be found in small, fast-flowing rivers
or waters with a low alkalinity (Bij de Vaate et al.
2002; Boets et al. 2010).
All three sites in Britain found to hold the
species in 2010 appear not to have been invaded
via tributaries (which are free from shrimps), but
all host recreational uses including sailing, water-
sports and fishing. It is therefore reasonable to
assume that other sites with suitable habitat and
water-based recreational activities could be at risk
of invasion, including more than 50 waterbodies
in England designated as Sites of Special Scientific
Interest (SSSIs). These areas are protected for the
conservation importance of their aquatic habitats
and species.
What next?
Since the initial discovery of the shrimp, Defra, the
Welsh Assembly Government, the Environment
Agency, Natural England, the Countryside Coun-
cil for Wales and experts within other organisa-
tions, institutions and NGOs have been working
hard together to review options and reduce the
risk of the Killer Shrimp spreading further. The
voluntary collaboration of recreational water-
users, as well as of organisations such as water
companies and managers of waterbodies, has been
key to the success of containment.
What can we do to stop the spread of
aquatic invasive species?
By following three simple steps when leaving the water,
we can help to stop the spread of aquatic invasive
Check your equipment and clothing
for live organisms, particularly in
areas that are damp or hard to
Clean and wash all equipment,
footwear and clothing thoroughly.
If you do come across any
organisms, leave them at the
waterbody where you found them.
Dry all equipment and clothing –
some species can live for many
days in moist conditions.
Make sure that you do not transfer
water elsewhere.
For more information visit
Killer Shrimps in Britain: hype or horror?
412 British Wildlife August 2011
There is no known practicable means of success-
fully eradicating the shrimp (although options are
being evaluated), so the current emphasis has been
on containment, monitoring of sites likely to be
at risk of invasion, and raising awareness. Defra
and partners have launched the ‘Check, Clean,
Dry’ campaign (see box), aimed at water-users and
designed to encourage simple biosecurity practices
to reduce the risk of inadvertently spreading not
only Killer Shrimp, but a whole host of aquatic
invasive species. It is particularly important to
encourage this practice at waterbodies within
Any investment put into developing control
agents, attempting eradication or controlling
spread will be worthwhile only if routes into the
country are also investigated and controlled. What
is more, a whole army of other aquatic invasive
species has colonised the River Rhine, and these
are just waiting for their passage across the chan-
nel (Leuven et al. 2009).
At the time of writing, the Environment Agency
has sampled over 3,000 locations, and so far had
not found new sites invaded by the Killer Shrimp,
but that does not mean that it is not out there
somewhere. You can help the monitoring effort by
looking out for the species yourself, but be sure
to check, clean and dry your waders afterwards!
More information and identification guides can be
found at:
We are grateful for the efforts of all those involved
in the rapid response, from the environmental
agencies and NGOs to the site owners and water
users at the front line of our defence against spread.
Thanks also to Ross Holdgate, Lucy Wrapson
and Alastair Burn, and to various members of the
rapid response group for providing comments on
a draft of this article.
Bij de Vaate, A, Jazdzewski, K, Ketelaars, H A M, Gollasch, S, & Van der
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Casellato, S, La Piana, G, Latella, L, & Ruffo, S 2006 Dikerogammarus
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Devin, S, Piscart, C, Beisel, J N, & Moreteau, J C 2003 Ecological traits
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scale. Arch. Hydrobiol. 158: 43-56
Devin, S, Piscart, C, Beisel, J N, & Moreteau, J C 2004 Life History Traits
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Dick, J T A, & Platvoet, D 2000 Invading predatory crustacean Dikero-
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Dick, J T A, Platvoet, D, & Kelly, D W 2002 Predatory impact of the
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Eckmann, R, Mörtl, M, Baumgärtner, D, Berron, C, Fischer, P, Schleuter,
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Josens, G, de Vaate, A B, Usseglio-Polatera, P, Cammaerts, R, Cherot,
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Kinzler, W, Kley, A, Mayer, G, Waloszek, D, & Maier, G 2009 Mutual
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Leuven, R S E W, van der Velde, G, Baijens, I, Snijders, J, van der Zwart,
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MacNeil, C, Platvoet, D, Dick, J T, Fielding, N, Constable, A, Hall, N,
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Pöckl, M 2007 Strategies of a successful new invader in European
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Ricciardi, A, & Rasmussen, J B 1998 Predicting the identity and impact
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Dr Genevieve Madgwick is a Freshwater
Ecologist at Natural England and until recently
provided specialist advice to the Killer Shrimp
Rapid Response. Dr David Aldridge heads the
Aquatic Ecology Group in Cambridge University’s
Department of Zoology. He sits on the Killer
Shrimp Scientific and Technical Advisory Group
(STAG) and conducted Defra’s Rapid Risk
Assessment for the species.
... The killer shrimp displays substantial trophic plasticity in invaded habitats (Casellato et al. 2007;Platvoet et al. 2009), but information on its response to predators is limited. Gammarids are an important prey for many fishes (Mazzi and Bakker 2003;Perrot-Minnot et al. 2007) and there are reports that native brown trout and perch can feed on killer shrimp in Britain (Aldridge 2015;Madgwick and Aldridge 2011). However, knowledge on the predators of killer shrimp is mostly anecdotal and there is little information on anti-predatory behaviour of this species in newly colonized areas, which is an important aspect to consider for predicting its future spread and impact. ...
... Water temperature was maintained at 15-16.5 °C with a weekly replacement of 20% volume. Killer shrimp were first detected in Upper Mother Ditch in 2011, one year after they were detected in a nearby reservoir (Madgwick and Aldridge 2011). Using the scent of an allopatric predator population that did not prey on killer shrimp ensured that killer shrimp would not respond to diet-induced alarm cues, only to the scent of the predator (Roberts and Garcia de Leaniz 2011). ...
Full-text available
The killer shrimp (Dikerogammarus villosus) is one of the most recent and damaging aquatic invasive species in many parts of Europe, but information on how the species responds to predation pressures in recently invaded areas is very limited. We employed an open test arena to examine anti-predatory behaviour in killer shrimp exposed to either blank water or water conditioned with kairomones from the three-spined stickleback to simulate a predator threat. Killer shrimp spent much more time hiding in the presence of stickleback kairomones than when they were exposed to blank water. However, no significant difference was found in aggregation behaviour, and killer shrimp were strongly attracted to the scent of conspecifics regardless of predator threat. Given the strong selective pressures that fish predators can exert on native and invasive gammarids, our findings highlight the need to consider prey-predator interactions to better predict the dispersal and likely impact of killer shrimp into invaded ecosystems.
... While previous studies have investigated predatory interactions between D. villosus and resident species, the vast majority of these tend to take place in high water quality regimes and tend to focus on the invader's predatory impacts on those 'iconic' taxa indicative of high water quality regimes and high conservation value (Madgwick & Aldridge, 2011;MacNeil et al., 2012. Investigations into the impacts of this invader on taxa indicative of poor water quality and in physicochemical regimes which may not be optimum for the invader have been neglected. ...
... The focus of the majority of scientific research and public debate on D. villosus has concerned the 'killer' aspect of the invader and there still remains debate about just how serious the impact of D. villosus will be for resident freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity and assemblage structure, both in Central Europe (Boets et al., 2010;Koester & Gergs, 2014;Hellman et al., 2015;Jourdan et al., 2016) and in Britain (Madgwick & Aldridge, 2011). This study joins many others, indicating D. villosus can be a major predator of native and invasive malacostraca (Dick & Platvoet, 2000;Dick et al., 2002;MacNeil & Platvoet, 2005;Kinzler et al., 2009;MacNeil et al., 2011), although the relative importance of this predation as a key factor in the displacement of resident amphipods can be highly variable (Koester & Gergs, 2014;Hellman et al., 2015). ...
Full-text available
The Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus has invaded Central European and British freshwaters and its arrival is associated with biodiversity decline, as D. villosus is predatory towards many macroinvertebrate taxa, including resident amphipods such as Crangonyx pseudogracilis and isopods such as Asellus aquaticus. I investigated how differential physiological tolerance, habitat use and predation may drive coexistence or exclusion among D. villosus and resident ‘supertramp’ prey such as C. pseudogracilis. Experiments revealed that D. villosus could not survive 12 h in the extremely poor water qualities that C. pseudogracilis and A. aquaticus commonly live. Experiments manipulating oxygen levels, revealed low survivorship of C. pseudogracilis and A. aquaticus in the presence of D. villosus at higher oxygen levels but this survivorship increased significantly as oxygen levels fell. Predation of C. pseudogracilis by a resident amphipod Gammarus pulex followed a similar pattern but was much less severe and A. aquaticus appeared resistant to G. pulex predation. Mesocosm experiments showed that C. pseudogracilis survivorship in the presence of D. villosus increased when dense vegetation was present compared to bare substrate. Survivorship of A. aquaticus was uniformly poor in all habitats. Taxa with high environmental tolerance and adaptability may be resistant to this invader’s worst impacts.
... In September 2010, D. villosus was recorded outside mainland Europe for the first time, in a reservoir called Grafham Water in the UK (MacNeil et al. 2010), and has since established in other parts of England and Wales (MacNeil et al. 2012). Its introduction has already led to community-level changes at invaded sites, including the displacement of the native amphipod Gammarus pulex (Linnaeus, 1758) (Madgwick and Aldridge 2011;Truhlar et al. 2014). Previous research into how this invasion may affect ecosystem functioning in freshwaters has indicated that D. villosus has a lower leaf shredding efficiency than other amphipod species, including the native G. pulex (MacNeil et al. 2011;Jourdan et al. 2016). ...
... Previous research has shown that when both G. pulex and D. villosus are present in microcosm and mesocosm experiments, G. pulex suffer severe intraguild predation from D. villosus with no reciprocal predation observed (Dick et al. 2002;MacNeil et al. 2011). Field studies have also shown that populations of native G. pulex decline after D. villosus invasion (Madgwick and Aldridge 2011). Therefore, in invaded ecosystems, direct competition resulting from overlapping thermal niches would likely result in the displacement of G. pulex by D. villosus. ...
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Global biodiversity is threatened by multiple anthropogenic stressors but little is known about the combined effects of environmental warming and invasive species on ecosystem functioning. We quantified thermal preferences and then compared leaf-litter processing rates at eight different temperatures (5.0–22.5 °C) by the invasive freshwater crustacean Dikerogammarus villosus and the Great Britain native Gammarus pulex at a range of body sizes. D. villosus preferred warmer temperatures but there was considerable overlap in the range of temperatures that the two species occupied during preference trials. When matched for size, G. pulex had a greater leaf shredding efficiency than D. villosus, suggesting that invasion and subsequent displacement of the native amphipod will result in reduced ecosystem functioning. However, D. villosus is an inherently larger species and interspecific variation in shredding was reduced when animals of a representative size range were compared. D. villosus shredding rates increased at a faster rate than G. pulex with increasing temperature suggesting that climate change may offset some of the reduction in function. D. villosus, but not G. pulex, showed evidence of an ability to select those temperatures at which its shredding rate was maximised, and the activation energy for shredding in D. villosus was more similar to predictions from metabolic theory. While per capita and mass-corrected shredding rates were lower in the invasive D. villosus than the native G. pulex, our study provides novel insights in to how the interactive effects of metabolic function, body size, behavioural thermoregulation, and density produce antagonistic effects between anthropogenic stressors. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00442-016-3796-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
... Progressive-Change BACIPS is not only informative in the context of invasive dreissenid populations, but also allows investigation of other major perturbations which can be attributed to a time point. These perturbations could include installation of new treatment processes, pollution events, water drawdowns, fish introductions for angling, and establishment of other high impact INNS such as killer shrimps ( Madgwick and Aldridge, 2011 ). Understanding which aspects of the reservoir environment are being impacted, and the magnitude of the effects, will provide useful guidance for developing effective and desirable management strategies. ...
Invasive quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) are an emerging threat to the functioning and management of freshwater ecosystems. Quagga mussels were first recorded in the UK in 2014 and have subsequently established at high densities in a number of major reservoirs. Through implementing a Progressive-Change BACIPS (Before-After-Control-Impact Paired Series) analysis, we found that the following trends were observed following quagga mussel establishment: reduced diatom and cyanobacteria abundances; increased soluble reactive phosphorus and reactive silica concentrations; and reduced abundances of Aphanizomenon sp., a potentially toxic cyanobacterium. We also found reservoirs with established quagga mussel populations experienced slightly increased overall chlorophyll a concentration but no changes in turbidity or Microcystis sp. abundance, which are often considered common indicators of dreissenid invasion. Our results show that Progressive-Change BACIPS analysis is a powerful tool which can be used to interrogate industry standard long-term datasets of water quality metrics in order to identify and quantify the impacts of invasive species when the approximate timeframe of species arrival is known. We also demonstrate that quagga mussels may have had significant effects on reservoir ecosystems which, primarily through their impacts on phytoplankton communities, may have implications for reservoir management.
... The high predatory pressure of the killer and demon shrimps can reduce the diversity of native amphipods (Dick and Platvoet, 2000), and affect the quality and distribution of fisheries (Casellato et al., 2007). For instance, observations suggest that trout and perch are feeding increasingly on the killer shrimp, which could drive changes in the population and distribution of fish and catchability for anglers (Madgwick and Aldridge, 2011). Invasive shrimps may also serve as an intermediate host for parasites such as Echinorhyneys truttae and Pomphorynclus laevis that cause disease in salmonids and reduce fishery value (Rewicz et al., 2014). ...
The expansion of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) is a growing concern to the UK water industry because of their diverse impacts on water quality, infrastructure and eradication costs. New regulations reinforcing the industry's responsibilities beyond operational costs, coupled with continued range expansion and establishment of new IAS will increase damages. To tackle IAS effectively, the water industry requires reliable information about which species pose the greatest risk to operations and which areas are most vulnerable to invasion. Here we assess potential biosecurity threats for the 24 water companies in the UK using well-established modelling research techniques such as risk assessment and distribution modelling. Using a consensus approach with environmental managers and water companies, we identified 11 IAS of concern for the UK water industry, including five plants, three crustaceans, two molluscs and one fish. These invaders pose important hazards in terms of water quality, flood protection, human health, integrity of infrastructures, recreational and aesthetic values, amongst others. We used distribution models to predict their potential expansion under current and future 2050 climate scenarios within each of the 24 water companies in the UK. Water companies in the South East of England (Cambridge Water, Anglian Water, Affinity Water and Thames Water) are under the highest risk of invasional meltdown from multiple IAS, both now and under future scenarios. The quagga mussel poses the most serious risk of immediate spread and may exacerbate the impacts of the widespread zebra mussel for the water industry. The information generated in this study can support the prioritization of species and regions at risk, so that funds for prevention and eradication of invasions are well allocated. Ultimately, this study demonstrates that scientific risk assessments, usually restricted to the academic and public sectors, can be extremely useful to guide decision-making by the private sector.
... In Grafham Water, England, invasive killer shrimp eliminated native Gammarus spp. and invasive Chelicorophium curvispinum, and became the dominant food in diets of brown trout Salmo trutta and rainbow trout (Madgwick and Aldridge 2011). However, there are few reports of changes in fish populations owing to killer shrimp invasion. ...
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Assessing the potential for aquatic invasive species (AIS) to impact ecosystem function and services is an important component of ecological risk assessment. This study focuses on quantifying changes in biomass of food web groups in response to changes in AIS biomass as a function of variable AIS prey vulnerabilities (i.e. food availability) and AIS vulnerabilities to predators (i.e. predation pressure). We modified an existing Lake Erie food web model to assess the potential food web impacts of three benthic AIS (Eurasian ruffe Gymnocephalus cernua, killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus, and golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei) that may invade Lake Erie in the near future. Simulated biomass of golden mussels was most affected by bottom-up control, while killer shrimp and ruffe were affected by both top-down and bottom-up controls. AIS food web impacts showed both monotonic and non-monotonic responses to AIS biomass. Impacts from ruffe were highest when their biomass was high, while killer shrimp and golden mussels had maximal impacts at intermediate biomass levels on some food web groups. Our results suggest that golden mussels, which can feed at a lower trophic level and have fewer predators than ruffe or killer shrimp, may reach much higher equilibrium biomass under some scenarios and affect a broader range of food web groups. While all three species may induce negative effects if introduced to Lake Erie, golden mussels may pose the highest risk of impact for Lake Erie’s food web.
... Thus not only inland regions are endangered but also islands including Great Britain where this species was recorded for first time at the River Great Ouse catchment in eastern England in 2010 (MacNeil et al. 2010). Since methods of its effective eradication are not available (Madgwick and Aldridge 2011), the continuous spread in regions like North American Great Lakes is expected (Ricciardi andRasmussen 1998, Rewicz et al. 2014). ...
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Killer shrimp (Dikerogammarus villosus) is omnivorous amphipod native to the Ponto Caspian region. When human-mediately or spontaneously invaded new area, it can rapidly reproduce and spread, prey on wide spectrum of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish, and affect the entire ecosystems. Killer shrimp spreads in Europe and no effective eradication methods are available. Since the temperature is limited factor for survival of this species, we processed climate matching to evaluate its establishment probability on the world. Based on this analysis the world's most at risk regions were highlighted. It follows that killer shrimp is most risky especially in temperate zone within Europe, North America and Asia including Japanese Archipelago.
... However, several cases showed some degree of failure, highlighting the importance of large-scale intervention. For example, in the UK, the public education initiative 'check, clean and dry' (Madgwick and Aldridge, 2011) proved to have a very low efficacy (Anderson et al., 2014). In Lake Wisconsin (USA), better results were obtained by intensive public education, but were not enough to limit the invasion risk (Havel, 2011). ...
... It is possible that the high density and biomass of D. villosus could somewhat offset its negative effects as a predator. It has been suggested that this invasive amphipod will provide a plentiful food resource for fish that traverse the predatory gauntlet (Luecke et al. 1990) to reach adulthood, perhaps boosting survival and fecundity (Kelleher et al. 1998;Madgwick and Aldridge 2011;Brandner et al. 2013;Czarnecka et al. 2014). However, the higher density of D. villosus could just compensate for its lower quality and profitability as prey (Arbaciauskas et al. 2010;Błońska et al. 2015) and so provide little additional benefit to fish populations. ...
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Invasive predators can have dramatic impacts on invaded communities. Extreme declines in macroinvertebrate populations often follow killer shrimp (Dikerogammarus villosus) invasions. There are concerns over similar impacts on fish through predation of eggs and larvae, but these remain poorly quantified. We compare the predatory impact of invasive and native amphipods (D. villosus and Gammarus pulex) on fish eggs and larvae (ghost carp Cyprinus carpio and brown trout Salmo trutta) in the laboratory. We use size-matched amphipods, as well as larger D. villosus reflecting natural sizes. We quantify functional responses, and electivity amongst eggs or larvae and alternative food items (invertebrate, plant and decaying leaf). D. villosus, especially large individuals, were more likely than G. pulex to kill trout larvae. However, the magnitude of predation was low (seldom more than one larva killed over 48 h). Trout eggs were very rarely killed. In contrast, carp eggs and larvae were readily killed and consumed by all amphipod groups. Large D. villosus had maximum feeding rates 1.6–2.0 times higher than the smaller amphipods, whose functional responses did not differ. In electivity experiments with carp eggs, large D. villosus consumed the most eggs and the most food in total. However, in experiments with larvae, consumption did not differ between amphipod groups. Overall, our data suggest D. villosus will have a greater predatory impact on fish populations than G. pulex, primarily due to its larger size. Higher invader abundance could amplify this difference. The additional predatory pressure could reduce recruitment into fish populations.
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Dikerogammarus villosus, an amphipod of Ponto-Caspian origin, has recently and rapidly spread along Baltic coastal lagoons and estuaries. By 2016 it had invaded Russian (Kaliningrad region), Lithuanian and Latvian waters, but was not recorded from Estonian waters. This species has a discontinuous distribution suggesting a "jump" was involved in its dispersal. A classification tree and GLM analyses confirm such an observed distribution pattern and suggest productivity of the environment, distance to the nearest lagoon/river mouth and distance to the nearest port/marina were the most influential explanatory variables of its distribution. Our data indicates this rapid east and northward expansion is very likely due to vessel transport, which would account for the "jump" dispersal. Other vectors facilitating further spread are almost certainly acting at a local scale such as overland transportation of vessels, movements of diving gear, drifting mats of algae, macrophytes and flotsam, as well as natural spread. We predict the "killer shrimp" will soon appear within the entire Gulf of Riga and the Gulf of Finland, and also expand up-rivers of the eastern Baltic Sea. Following the species expansion, alterations and changes to macroinvertebrate assemblages in invaded areas can be expected.
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The identification and risk assessment of potential biological invaders would provide valuable criteria for the allocation of resources toward the detection and control of invasion threats. Yet, freshwater biologists have made few attempts at predicting potential invaders, apparently because such efforts are perceived to be costly and futile. We describe some simple, low-cost empirical approaches that would facilitate prediction and demonstrate their use in identifying high-risk species from an important donor region: the Ponto-Caspian (Black, Caspian, and Azov seas) basin. This region is the source of several freshwater organisms already invading North America, including the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), quagga mussel (Dreissena bugensis), ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus), and round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). Based on a thorough literature review, we identify 17 additional Ponto-Caspian animals that have recent invasion histories and are likely to be transported overseas in ship ballast water; moreover, their broad salinity tolerance could allow them to survive an incomplete ballast-water exchange. These results suggest that, unless current vectors are more effectively controlled, the Great Lakes - St. Lawrence River system and other North American inland waterways will continue to receive and be impacted by invasive Eurasian species.
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To assess the increasing threats to aquatic ecosystems from invasive species, we need to elucidate the mechanisms of impacts of current and predicted future invaders. Dikerogammarus villosus, a Ponto-Caspian amphipod crustacean, is invading throughout Europe and predicted to invade the North American Great Lakes. European field studies show that populations of macroinvertebrates decline after D. villosus invasion. The mechanism of such impacts has not been addressed empirically; however, D. villosus is known to prey upon and replace other amphipods. Therefore, in this study, we used microcosm and mesocosm laboratory experiments, with both single and mixed prey species scenarios, to assess any predatory impact of D. villosus on a range of macroinvertebrate taxa, trophic groups, and body sizes. Dikerogammarus villosus predatory behaviour included shredding of prey and infliction of "bite" injuries on multiple victims. Dikerogammarus villosus killed significantly greater numbers of macroinvertebrates than did the native Gammarus duebeni, which is currently being replaced by D. villosus. This invader thus appears to impact on freshwater ecosystems through its exceptional predatory capabilities. We predict that future invasions by D. villosus will have serious direct and indirect effects on freshwaters, with its invasion facilitated in a larger "invasional meltdown" in regions like the North American Great Lakes.
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Range extensions of aquatic Ponto-Caspian macroinvertebrate species in Europe have mainly been facilitated by the interconnection of river basins through man-made canals and intentional introductions. Three inland migration corridors can be distinguished: (i) a northern corridor: Volga → Lake Beloye → Lake Onega → Lake Ladoga → Neva → Baltic Sea, (ii) a central corridor connecting the rivers Dnieper → Vistula → Oder → Elbe → Rhine, and (iii) a southern corridor connecting the Danube and Rhine rivers. Important trade harbours in Europe were connected via these corridors allowing further range extensions of macroinvertebrate species attached to a vessel's hull or in ballast water. The central corridor was the main migration route before 1992, after which the southern corridor became the most important migration route for the range expansions to the west because of the reopening of the Main-Danube Canal, connecting the Rhine and Danube basins. Especially the water level maintenance in the upper part of the canal, with water supply from the Danube basin, facilitated migration of mobile animals (e.g., crustaceans) from the Danube basin towards the Rhine basin; however, contribution of other transport mechanisms (e.g., shipping) is expected in the near future.
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The recent discovery in Lake Garda, and in other watercourses of northern Italy, of Dikerogammarus villosus, an amphipod crustacean from the Ponto‐Caspian region, is a worrying confirmation of how it is rapidly spreading in Europe. In Lake Garda, the species is present, with high population density, in the southern basin, where it is the only gammarid of the littoral benthos, and in the northern basin, with lower population density, where it still coexists with the native species Echinogammarus stammeri. Ovigerous females and juveniles are present most of the year in all the explored areas. Considering that the species has often replaced the native gammarids in invaded waters in most European regions, we want to raise the alarm for a possible progressive elimination of the native species E. stammeri by the invading one from the Garda littoral benthos.
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The Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus was found both in the margins and open water areas of Grafham Water, a large reservoir in Cambridgeshire, U.K., in September 2010. Both adults and juveniles were present in large numbers and were most frequent in the boulder/cobble areas dominating the margins of the reservoir. Precopula pairs were also evident, as were egg bearing females.
The Ponto-Caspian amphipod, Dikerogammarus villosus is a recent and successful invader of the River Rhine. It has dispersed over large distances in a short time. As it has an extensive invasion history in Europe, it is thought to have potential to reach and invade the Great Lakes in America. However, for this it must survive the stress of high salinity during ballast water exchange. Therefore, several aspects of the general ecophysiology of D. villosus were studied by means of laboratory experiments. Highest oxygen consumption occurred around 20°C. This result is supported by the pleopod beat frequency measurements, showing a maximum around 20°C. Our results indicate that D. villosus has a wide temperature tolerance. Salinity tolerance experiments demonstrated that salinities of 25‰ and higher are lethal to D. villosus. However, D. villosus survived at salinities up to 10‰ and adapted to salinities of up to 20‰ within 10 days. Ballast water exchange will thus only act as an appropriate biocide against D. villosus, when salinities reach at least 25‰. These results indicate that D. villosus is an euryhaline, eurythermic species, similar to most immigrants inhabiting the River Rhine. By these capacities for adaptation D. villosus may be able to survive (incomplete) ballast water exchange and subsequently be dispersed over large distances by means of ballast water and to develop large populations in temperate areas on a global scale.
Invasive species may threaten the fundamental role played by native macroinvertebrate shredders in determining energy flow and the trophic dynamics of freshwater ecosystems. Functionally, amphipods have long been regarded as mainly shredders, but they are increasingly recognized as major predators of other macroinvertebrate taxa. Furthermore, intraguild predation (IGP) between native and invasive amphipods underlies many species displacements. We used laboratory mesocosms to investigate what might happen to shredders and leaf-litter processing in water bodies invaded by the highly predatory Ponto-Caspian amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus, which is spreading rapidly throughout Europe and may soon invade the North American Great Lakes. The leaf-shredding efficiency of D. villosus was significantly lower than that of 3 Gammarus species (2 native and 1 invasive) that D. villosus has either already displaced or may be currently displacing in The Netherlands. In addition, D. villosus was a major predator of all of these native and invasive amphipod shredders and of a common isopod shredder Asellus aquaticus. Leaf processing in Gammarus and Asellus mesocosms declined rapidly in the presence of D. villosus and ceased altogether within 4 d because by then, all potential shredders had been killed and consumed. Furthermore, the shredding efficiency of surviving amphipods and isopods declined significantly within 2 d of the release of D. villosus, a result indicating that predator-avoidance behavior may override leaf processing. We discuss the implications of these direct and indirect effects of D. villosus invasions and species displacements on community structure and litter processing in aquatic ecosystems.
Macroinvertebrate communities on the stones in the Rhine are dominated by the Ponto-Caspian amphipods Chelicorophium curvispinum (since 1987) and Dikerogammarus villosus (since 1995), which have invaded the Rhine through canals connecting the large rivers of Europe. Colonization of bare stones suspended in the water of the Rhine main channel was studied. At the same time the macroinvertebrates drifting in the water layer were sampled. Macroinvertebrate populations on the newly colonized stones were followed for two months (June - August 2002). Bare stones were colonized from the water layer, with D. villosus and C. curvispinum most numerous from the start. Species richness was highest after one month. D. villosus and C. curvispinum continued to dominate the macroinvertebrate community on the stones throughout the experiment, representing 70-95 % of the total number of macroinvertebrates. In the first period week of colonization, especially juveniles of both amphipod species settled on the bare stones. After one week, the number of adults of D. villosus increased. After one month, ovigerous females of D. villosus became abundant on the newly colonized substrate. The numbers of adult C. curvispinum increased after one month and ovigerous females were present after two months. Newly settled populations resembled the amphipod populations present in the water layer, but started to deviate as colonization time increased, indicating that development of populations on stones became increasingly autonomous and less dependent on new colonization by amphipods from the water layer. Ovigerous females of both amphipods were much more abundant on the stones than in the water layer. Juvenile C. curvispinum were smaller on the stones than in the water layer, indicating that the stone substrate is important for reproduction of at least C. curvispinum. Most juveniles of this species first grow to a certain body length on the stones before they start drifting off and swimming in the water layer. C. curvispinum and D. villosus densities were positively correlated in the early stages of colonization, but showed an inverse relationship after longer colonisation time. As both dominant amphipods colonize new stone substrate from the water layer where they drift or swim, they may not depend on extra vectors, such as shipping, for dispersal through the connecting canals and within the river.
1. Fecundity of a Dikerogammarus villosus population at Spitz was studied in the Austrian Danube during the 3-year period 2002–2004. Ovigerous females were absent in October and November, and extremely scarce in December when the reproductive season started again slowly. From January to September pre-copulatory pairs and egg-carrying females were present. The reproductive cycle lasted for 9–10 months. 2. Various pigmentation phenotypes of D. villosus have been described in the literature. However, no significant differences were found between the reproductive variables studied here and several colour morphs. Mating was size-assortative; mean body length of males was about 1.3 times greater than that of their potential mates, and the wet weight was approximately twice as heavy. 3. The relationship between the number of embryos per clutch and the wet weight of females was described by a 3-parameter power equation. The population mean was 43 eggs with a range of five to 194 eggs. Eighty-two specimens from 1359 D. villosus females had more than 100 eggs: the smallest of these females was 12 mm long (30 mg) wet weight, and the largest, which was 18 mm long (91 mg), had 194 eggs in embryonic development stage 4. 4. Numbers of embryos in developmental stages 2 (early egg stage) and 7 (newly hatched neonates) differed significantly with body wet weight of ovigerous females (P < 0.05). For an average female in the range 10–12 mm (20–30 mg) the number of juveniles in the brood pouch was 74% of the number of stage 2 eggs. This value can be interpreted as the survival rate of eggs. 5. The overall mean egg volume (EV, ±95% CL) of stage 2 eggs of D. villosus was 0.05 ± 0.001 mm3, and EV increased significantly at each stage of development. At stage 6, egg volume had increased by a factor of 2.6, and averaged 0.13 ± 0.001 mm3. In comparison, G. fossarum and G. roeseli had significantly larger eggs in all developmental stages. 6. Mean egg size of D. villosus (0.063 mm3) was maximal in January. For D. villosus (and G. roeseli) the minimum mean egg size occurred in September. In contrast to G. fossarum and G. roeseli, a second peak in egg size was not observed for D. villosus, and egg size fell more or less successively from January to September. 7. A simple index of fecundity was calculated from the number of stage 2 eggs divided by the female's wet weight. The highest values were observed in April and May, when females from the overwintering generation grew to their maximum body size. Thus the release of a large number of neonates corresponds with the availability of plentiful food and rising water temperatures for juvenile growth in the spring. The lowest value occurred in December. In June the small females of a summer generation appeared, with a naturally low fecundity. 8. The relationship between brood development time and water temperature was studied in the laboratory at a series of constant temperatures. At 16 °C, mean brood development time was 14 days for D. villosus, compared with about 3 weeks for the indigenous species. At 10 °C, mean brood development time was 24 days in D. villosus, compared with 40 days in G. fossarum and 44 days in G. roeseli. At 4 °C it was 1.8 and 3.5 times longer in G. fossarum and G. roeseli. 9. The number of offspring produced by a single clutch from a large female D. villosus is considerably higher than the total numbers produced by the indigenous freshwater gammarids, such as G. fossarum, G. roeseli and G. pulex, during their life-spans of 1.5–2 years in seven to nine successive broods. Only one or two large ovigerous D. villosus would probably be enough to start a new population. A potentially high reproductive capacity, comparatively small eggs, optimal timing to release the maximum number of neonates per female in April/May, and a long reproductive cycle, together with rapid development of eggs, rapid growth to sexual maturation, short life span, tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions, and exceptional predatory capabilities, all give the invasive Ponto-Caspian gammarid an opportunity to become globally distributed in freshwater ecosystems of the temperate climate zone.
Feeding in Dikerogammarus villosus (Sowinsky, 1894) males was observed in the field and recorded on video in the laboratory. The following feeding modes were recognized: detritus feeding, grazing, particle feeding, coprophagy, predation on benthic and free swimming invertebrates, predation on fish eggs and larvae, as well as feeding on byssus threads of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771). The feeding methods are described and illustrated with screenshots of video recordings. The very flexible feeding modes of D. villosus, which make diet switches possible, form a trait that must be an important factor in the invasion success of this Ponto-Caspian gammaridean species, and may thus explain for a great deal its high ecosystem impact.