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Abstract and Figures

There is a current drive to increase rooftop deployment of PV. Suitable roofs need to be located, especially as regards shading. A shadow cast on one small section of a solar panel can disproportionately undermine output of the entire system. Nevertheless, few shading figures are available to researchers and developers. This paper reviews and categorizes a number of methods of determining shade losses on photovoltaic systems. Two existing methods are tested on case study areas: shadow simulation from buildings and ambient occlusion. The first is conceptually simple and was found to be useful where data is limited. The second is slightly more demanding in terms of data input and mathematical models. It produces attractive shadow maps but is intended for speed and represents an approximation to ray-tracing. Accordingly, a new model was developed which is fast, flexible and accurately models solar radiation.
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Diane Palmer *, Ian Cole, Brian Goss, Thomas Betts and Ralph Gottschalg
Centre of Renewable Energy Systems and Technology (CREST), Loughborough University, LE11 3TU, UK,
* Corresponding Author. Tel. +44 (0) 1509 635 604
Topic 5, Subtopic: 5.1 Operation of PV Systems and Plants.
ABSTRACT: There is a current drive to increase rooftop deployment of PV. Suitable roofs need to be located, especially as
regards shading. A shadow cast on one small section of a solar panel can disproportionately undermine output of the entire
system. Nevertheless, few shading figures are available to researchers and developers. This paper reviews and categorizes a
number of methods of determining shade losses on photovoltaic systems. Two existing methods are tested on case study
areas: shadow simulation from buildings and ambient occlusion. The first is conceptually simple and was found to be useful
where data is limited. The second is slightly more demanding in terms of data input and mathematical models. It produces
attractive shadow maps but is intended for speed and represents an approximation to ray-tracing. Accordingly, a new model
was developed which is fast, flexible and accurately models solar radiation.
Keywords: Modelling, Photovoltaic, Ray Tracing, Solar Radiation, Shading
Many countries are currently focusing on roof-top
PV installations. There is a global trend towards
distributed energy production where electricity is
generated at point of use, on the roofs of houses, public
and commercial buildings. Some roofs are more suitable
than others in terms of size, azimuth, tilt and shade
received. Decentralised energy requires load
management from electricity grid operators so it is
essential to identify those roofs which are most suitable
for PV, including susceptibility to shading, for potential
future deployment.
Photovoltaic system performance is very sensitive to
shading. The output of a single cell is reduced in relation
to the amount of shade falling upon it. However, due to
the fact that cells in a module are connected in series and
that the number of bypass diodes per module is generally
low, shading just one cell causes a disproportionately
large decrease in the current in the bypassed block
(Kirchoff’s laws). With particular types of shading
pattern, a small amount of shade covering only a few
cells may reduce the power output of the module to near
Despite the impact of shading on photovoltaic output,
there is little detailed data available regarding shading
profiles. Commercial data suppliers sometimes retail
roof maps as simple binary shaded/not shaded outline
polygons, based on manual inspection of aerial
photographs. Other possibilities include expensive on-
site measurement or customised surveys of just one or
two buildings. The latter often produces results by
simple projection of building and tree shadows onto the
ground. Online tools such as Solar Census Surveyor [1]
and Sun Area [2] take LiDAR data as input, but include
shade in a PV suitability value determined via patented
For accurate PV installation decisions the minimum
data requirement is percentage shading of roof. Shade
polygons on roofs with area and location are even more
useful because they allow the most suitable roof panes to
be identified.
The total shade falling on a roof may be categorised
as arising from one or more of three causes: (1) Distant
topographical features such as hills, cliffs etc; (2) Near
features e.g. neighbouring taller buildings, trees, pylons
etc; and (3) Self-shading from chimneys, dormers, cross-
gables, aerials, vents. This research aims to identify a
method which delivers the whole shade from all three
Several methods have been applied to study shading
losses in PV systems. These may be grouped according
to the input data they require as follows: shadow
simulation from buildings, LiDAR methods and image
Buildings methods need data in the form of building
polygons linked to a height attribute. Height information
is often obtained by sophisticated analysis of LiDAR
data but may also originate from building plans or
manual estimations. Sketchup (bought by Trimble in
2012) and ArcGIS Sun Shadow Volume are two
examples of this simple method. Both base shadow
calculations on latitude and longitude of the site of
interest; and time and date. The sun is treated as a point
source. In other words only beam effects are reproduced.
Building shadow simulation models produce the location
of shading only (shadow polygons). The effect of shade
on incident irradiance must be computed separately.
Dereli et al (2013) [3] applied Sketchup to a case study
area, investigating shading from trees on PV in the US
LiDAR methods may be subdivided into: hillshade-
type, horizon angle computation and sky-dome models.
Elementary hillshade models are found in various
software, for instance, Hillshade in ArcGIS or Shaded
Relief in GRASS. They are more generally utilised to
enhance the visualisation of terrain. In the context of
photovoltaics, it is the hillshade of the individual roof
which is generated, that is, self-shading from aspect and
cross-gables. Again, as with the building simulation
models, only shadows are produced and not their
influence on irradiation. Kassner et al [4] applied the
hillshade algorithm to 13 buildings on a university
campus. Interestingly, there is no record in the literature
of the algorithm being applied twice, once to calculate
the shade on the roof from surrounding hills and once to
estimate self-shading from the building itself.
Horizon angle computation is employed by a number
of solar analysis tools but its implementation as r.sun /
r.horizon / r.sunmask in GRASS software is one of the
best known. The minimum input requirements for this
function are location and date/time to compute the sun
position and a gridded elevation map, usually LiDAR.
The model calculates beam irradiation for clear-sky
conditions from extraterrestrial irradiance. Accuracy
may be improved by including a local atmospheric
turbidity factor (Linke). The incoming insolation may
also be divided into its direct and diffuse fractions by
incorporating a coefficient derived from ground-station
measurements. Shadowing effects may be pre-calculated
as follows. For a given solar incidence angle, the
calculation starts on e.g. a roof pane and moves along the
path of the incoming sunray. Each height point is
checked to ascertain whether it intersects or is higher
than the sunray, in which case it will cast shade. In
contrast to the previously described building shadow
simulation and hillshade techniques, r.sun directly
calculates global horizontal irradiation, taking into
account the consequences of shading. These GRASS
algorithms are computationally intensive but have been
successfully applied in both urban [5] and mountainous
landscapes [6].
Sky-dome models are found in ray-tracing routines in
games and graphics software and in architectural
applications whose purpose is to include daylight in
building design, as well as photovoltaic applications. A
typical sky-dome model comprises a hemispherical
dome, divided into segments, positioned over the PV
array. Diffuse irradiation originating from various parts
of the sky (segments of the dome) may then be modelled.
Image methods apply a completely different
approach to the functionality just described. They
capture actual shadows as recorded by aerial
photography rather than modelling the theoretical
location of shadows from sun position. For instance,
Bergamasco and Asinari (2011) drew up conditions to
define clusters of dark pixels as shadow in images of the
whole city of Turin [7]. Image methods will not be
considered by this paper. They require powerful
computing facilities and automatic detection of shadows
visible to the human eye is challenging. Furthermore,
“what-if scenarios” of proposed buildings cannot be
This paper will compare and contrast two shadow
modelling methods: building height and sky-dome. A
new method, “”, (developed at CREST)
which improves on previous sky-dome based techniques
will then be presented.
Case studies of two specific (1km x 1km) areas will
be used: Loughborough University West Campus and
Prestwich Village, Manchester. The University Campus
was selected primarily for ease of validation. The area is
landscaped to a slight rise and it encompasses a mix of
building types from large lecture theatres and sports halls
to small residential homes. There are also wooded areas.
Prestwich was selected as the second area because of the
range of LiDAR data available there. The gently
undulating topography is characterized by the central
Roman road and there are many large domestic
residences surrounded by generous gardens with mature
3.1 ArcGIS Sun Shadow Volume for Buildings
This facility models shadows as polyhedrons
thrown by each building. Sun position is calculated
from time of day and year. The building heights data
used was Landmap Features Earth Observation
Collection [8] which derives heights from LiDAR or
aerial imagery. Initial results appear promising (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: Shadow volume cast each hour 10am 3pm
22 December 2015 by cube-shaped Henry Ford College,
However, each building is treated as a simple cuboid
i.e. shading from sloping roofs is not accounted for.
Shade from trees and hills is not considered, although
these could be modelled separately and the results
combined. More difficult to resolve is the fact that this
model creates shadows with a set length which is not
terminated by any other feature. That is, the shadows
may pass through and under other buildings, through
hills and into the ground. Hence shade is over-estimated
or falsely identified. The tool is also computationally
demanding. Therefore, although the Sun Shadow
Volume is useful in terms of its simplicity and easily
obtained input data, more sophisticated tools were
3.2 SAGA-GIS Analytical Hillshading sky-dome
This tool modifies the work of Tarini et al [9]. It
utilizes the ambient occlusion global lighting technique.
Height data (of terrain, buildings, trees etc) is obtained
from LiDAR. For each LiDAR point (see later) on a
given roof, rays are projected in every compass direction
for a positive z value i.e. upwards. Rays which travel
unrestricted to the “sky” provide irradiance. Those
which strike another object are given an irradiance value
of zero (shadow). The light-blocking effect of objects is
exponentially weighted according to the distance of the
object. Light is treated as uniform. It is allocated the
same value from all directions. The effect is that of
cover by a cloudy sky. Ambient occlusion is an
approximation to ray-tracing. It was originally
developed to visualize graphics at high frame rates and
uses as few computational resources as possible.
The height of the roof points is obtained from
LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) data. This is
produced from a sensor mounted on an aircraft. The
sensor pulses a laser downwards and times its return.
The number of returns per square metre defines the
resolution of the data. In the UK, LiDAR data is now
available from the Environment Agency as Open Data
(free of charge and restriction) [10]. 2m, 1m, 50cm and
25cm resolution datasets are supplied. However, the
datasets were flown in different years and 25cm data
covers less than 4% of England and Wales.
The results produced by the SAGA-GIS Analytical
Hillshading module using 1m LiDAR appear generally
realistic when checked against local observations,
although spurious features can be discerned due to the
approximation of the method (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
Detailed percentage shade-on-roof maps may be
generated (Fig. 4). Additionally, SAGA software is fast
because it is programmed to maximise use of all
available computer cores. Shade maps were produced
for the 1 sqkm case study areas in under 1 second.
Figure 2: Shade (grey) on roofs of Pilkington Library
(square building) and Village Restaurant, at foot of hill,
West Campus, Loughborough University, noon 22
December 2015
Figure 3: Shade (grey) on roofs of northwest-facing
Burleigh Court Hotel, Loughborough, noon 22 December
Figure 4: Percentage shading on roofs in Prestwich
Village, Manchester, noon 22 December 2015.
The SAGA-GIS Analytical Hillshading module
yields lifelike results but there are openings for
improvement. It calculates the portion of the sky-dome
over each LiDAR point which is not blocked by another
feature (building, tree, hill etc). Nonetheless, light is
considered to be uniform, recreating conditions only.
3.3 Improved Sky-dome method for LiDAR:
This new model develops on the skydome
modelling technique described by Goss et al [11] and the
ray tracing methodology of Cole & Gottschalg, as used
in [12]. The model can accept any form of gridded xyz
data and any set of meteorological data with separable
beam and diffuse irradiance components at a user defined
temporal resolution. The default data inputs, and those
used here, are LiDAR data and hourly global horizontal
irradiation, produced by interpolation of UK Met. Office
data [13]. The model calculates total global in-plane
irradiation (beam and diffuse) based on actual sky
conditions from measured values.
Previous sky-dome techniques have adopted one of
two alternative approaches:
1. Divide the hemisphere into almost equal area
segments with varying spacing.
2. Divide the hemisphere into patches equally
spaced in elevation and azimuth with different
The model offers a variable input sky-
dome. User defined sky-domes and resolutions can be
used, the model corrects for sky-patch weightings by
means of solid angle calculation and correction. The sky
dome used here is the Tregenza dome, as explained in
The model first iterates over each timestamp in the
meteorological dataset, computing the relative sun
position and distributing the solar irradiation over the
sky-dome accordingly. The net irradiation sky dome for
the user defined measurement campaign is then held in
RAM and the sky-patch locations and intensities used in
the ray tracing algorithm, resulting in an extremely fast
and efficient model.
In the ray tracing algorithm, iterates
over each sky-patch in the hemisphere and calculates the
longest subjective path of intersections through the 3D
environment. This path is then objectified and used as a
reference path for the other traces through the 3D
environment. This method optimizes the trace procedure
as there is only one explicit ray path calculation per sky-
patch. The calculation is performed such that, for an
individual sky-patch to pixel interaction, the cosine
corrected irradiation from the pixel 3D surface normal to
the sky-patch vector is either: shaded, half-shaded or
unshaded. The same routine is performed for each sky-
patch in the sky-dome and the irradiation falling on each
pixel in the 3D environment is summed. handles both beam and diffuse
irradiance whilst overcoming problems arising from
division of the sky-dome. Preliminary results appear
very satisfactory (Fig. 5). These were verified locally by
comparing with pyranometer readings from CREST
meteorological station. Pyranometers are mounted
horizontally and south-facing at both 35° and 45°
inclination angles. Initial model results checked against
these pyranometer readings were found to be within 5%
of net annual energy values. Wide area validation is
currently underway.
Figure 5: Total Global Horizontal Irradiation for 2014
(kWh) on roofs Prestwich Village, Manchester
An experiment was carried out to investigate whether
high resolution LiDAR is necessary for shade modelling,
or if acceptable results may be produced with medium
resolution data. For reasons of brevity, the SAGA-GIS
Analytical Hillshading tool was employed, but further
investigations will be carried out using in
the future.
Binary gridded shade maps were created for 10am 22
December 2015 for Prestwich Village using 25cm, 50cm
and 1m LiDAR and the results compared. This time was
selected because this gives some of the longest shadows
in the year. Mathematical comparison of the resultant
maps delivered the following outcomes:
50cm has 5.7% more grid cells (pixels) shaded
but also 2.7% less than 1m (total difference
Unfortunately, the available LiDAR data were
flown on different dates. The 25cm and 50cm LiDAR
were flown on 27 January 2010 and the 1m LiDAR on 1
February 2013. Consequently, it would be invalid to
directly compare this data with respect to resolution due
to the significant environmental changes likely to occur
over 3 year period. For this reason, the 25 cm and 50cm
LiDAR datasets were averaged to 1m resolution to
manufacture data for the same year. Differences between
the original 1m data and 1m data aggregated from 50 cm
Original 1m has 3.4% more pixels shaded but
also 2.2% less than generated 1m (total
difference 5.6%)
The differences between the original 1m data and 1m
data aggregated from 25 cm are virtually identical to the
1m/aggregated 50cm results, differing by just 3 pixels, as
would be expected since these datasets were flown in the
same year. Measured 50cm and original 1m data differ
by 8.4%, whilst original 1m data and 1m data
manufactured by aggregation differ by 5.6%. Therefore
about two-thirds of the variation in shadows generated
between 50cm and 1m data is not due to resolution but to
the three years’ time interval which would give
opportunity for tree growth and building construction. In
fact, only 2.8% of the difference may be explained by the
finer resolution.
Further comparisons reveal:
25cm has 5% more and 1.4% less grid cells
shaded than 50cm (total difference 6.4%).
25cm has 8.3% more and 1.4% less pixels
shaded than 1m (total difference 9.7%).
So it may be seen that moving from 50cm to 1m
resolution produced a 2.8% difference in pixels shaded
(0.001% per sqcm). Contrasting 25cm and 50cm data
results in 6.4% variation (0.01% per sqcm). This is a
much greater relative change.
25cm LiDAR produces more shading than 50cm
using the SAGA tool but it is thought that much of this is
due to rogue shadowing effects generated by the ambient
occlusion technique. The extra shadows may be false.
They often appear as tiny shade polygons which could be
caused by trees casting dabbled shade or could be a
source of error, related to inherent approximations in the
method. However, for this method, it seems that 25cm
data is no more likely to capture small potential shade
producing features such as chimneys than 50cm data.
Tables I, II and III detail similarities and
differences between the shading methods reviewed and
appraised in this paper. Numbers 1, 4 and 6 underwent
extensive trials. The others were tested or reviewed.
Table I: Shading methods: Comparison of Inputs
Input Data
Table II: Shading methods: Details of Included Models
and Options
hills and
of input
data &
Table III: Shading methods: Comparison of Outputs and
Computer Requirements
er Speed
Each of the models has advantages and disadvantages.
Some of the models create shadow polygons only. Of
these, shadow simulation from buildings (e.g. ArcGIS
Sun Shadow Volume) is a simple technique which
neglects several sources of shade and is very slow to
compute. On the other hand, it is easy to understand and
the necessary input data is straightforward to obtain and /
or prepare. Hillshade techniques also overlook some
shade-producing features. Likewise, these techniques are
conceptually simple but have the advantage of greater
speed. LiDAR data which, in general, must be purchased
or commissioned is a pre-requisite. Image methods too
need an aircraft to capture data. Image recognition
includes all sources of shade but despite the functionality
being relatively clear, are computationally intensive and
difficult to implement successfully. Ambient occlusion
is a little more demanding upon the user in terms of the
mathematical models which form its basis. Here again,
LiDAR is a pre-requisite. Ambient occlusion is fast and
produces visually attractive results but is inclined to
generate spurious shadows. All of the techniques
mentioned so far may be implemented via a graphical
user interface.
Turning to methods which generate global horizontal
irradiation figures (r.sun and, they need
LiDAR data or other gridded height data, as well as
further inputs (e.g. Met. Office data, atmospheric
coefficients) which may not be easy to obtain. R.sun
runs from the command-line. It may be run with limited
data by accepting included default values but accuracy is
increased by over-riding with measured values. GUI
development for is planned for the future.
These models which output irradiation data provide the
most natural results but understanding how they work
can be challenging for the layman.
With the present focus on increasing the penetration
of rooftop PV, there is a need for installers and energy
companies to identify the most suitable buildings. The
amount of shade falling on a roof greatly influences its
appropriateness for PV installation. This paper has
examined a number of shade-estimation techniques and
presented the new model.
The findings demonstrate that choice of shading
model depends on:
The user - programming skill, technical
knowledge and amount of time available to
dedicate to the task.
Type of data available.
Computer resources.
Outputs required.
The new sky-dome model from CREST,, is flexible as regards data inputs, choice
of sky-dome model, time-step and outputs. It may take
either building heights data or LiDAR, This flexibility as
regards elevation data allows what-if analysis. For
instance, the impact on a national electricity grid may be
estimated if a new housing estate with roof-top PV is
constructed. relies on ground-based
meteorological data. Accurate ray tracing is employed
with minimal approximations those governed by the
resolution and accuracy of the input data. It is fast
because it is optimized to differentiate between simple
and complex terrain. Currently, UK Met. Office data is
only obtainable with an hourly timestamp. However, the
model accepts user defined datasets at any time
resolution. Should there be an opportunity for automated
extraction of meteorological data at high temporal
resolution, the model will be updated accordingly. offers the user a choice of sky-dome
model. It provides a sophisticated treatment of diffuse
radiation shadow losses as well as manufacturing beam-
derived shadows. Lastly, there is the possibility of
alternative outputs, either global in-plane irradiation
maps or shadow polygons.
Future work will continue validation of the new
model. Further investigation will be pursued to
determine the optimal LiDAR resolution for use with
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... The US is slightly better provided for with a report which assesses the rooftop solar PV potential of 23% of buildings nationwide [12]. In this paper, previous works [13][14][15] are revisited and expanded upon. That is, automated extraction of building roof plane features over extensive areas, shading techniques, and the influence of module orientation on yield are studied. ...
... The previous sections discovered a need for images captured at successive times during the day. This was achieved by applying the hill shading with ambient occlusion module from SAGA software [14,[57][58][59] to 1 m LiDAR data for the residential area in Nottingham. Hill shading models beam radiation from a single direction. ...
... These two sets of information will supply the range of possible solar installation scenarios. Future developments of the new method provided here will also include incorporation of meteorological data and performance models to deliver energy yield prediction, as commenced in [14,66]. It then becomes possible to investigate times and quantities of potential output and feed-in behaviour to the transmission system. ...
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... The research did not consider PV on the housing roof. Palmer et al. identified the most suitable buildings based on roof shading but did not take into account the roof shape [9]. ...
Conference Paper
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The demand for PV on roof installations in the household sector is increasing. In this paper, an investigation on optimizing the energy performance of PV on housing roofs is conducted. Three housing roof designs found in Gorontalo city are selected as the mounting planes for PV on roofs. The designs represent stacked gable roofs, complex gable roofs, and complex hip roofs. The purpose of the research is to find which roof shape is better for PV mounting in terms of sun radiation gain and access, mountable spaces, and orientation flexibility. This research employs Rhinoceros 3D to model the three roofs. The models are designed to face 12 directions, from 0° to 330°. Radiation analysis using Ladybug is utilized to study the roof’s performance in obtaining solar radiation in all 12 directions. It was found that the complex hip roof has more evenly distributed solar radiation on the roof planes, is flexible for PV mounting in any orientation, but has few mountable spaces. The stacked gable roof has two out of four suitable planes to gain solar radiation, but they are spacious. The complex gable roof has only one out of five suitable planes since they are narrow and prone to self-shading. Overall, a stacked gable roof provides a better option for PV installation compared to the other roof shapes.
... Shading losses ( ) Losses due to the block of irradiance due to near obstacles (e.g., buildings, trees, etc.), or hills and mountains in the surroundings of the PV systems [128], [129] Soiling losses ( ) Decrease of the power output due to the dust accumulated on PV modules' top surface [130], [131]. ...
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This doctoral dissertation discusses the performance and ageing of PV modules and PV systems operating in different climates worldwide. The primary focus is developing new techniques for assessing the gain and loss factors of PV technologies. Several novel data-driven techniques, such as the Typical Daily Profiles (TDP) method, the Köppen-Geiger-Photovoltaic (KGPV) climate classification scheme, and the Climate Change Yield Assessment (CCYA), are introduced and explained with interesting case studies. The basis of the gain and loss factors of energy production based on typical PV technologies are discussed. Here, diverse and large amounts of data from research facilities, PV power plants, climate models, and satellite-based information are retrieved, combined, cleaned, and processed, bringing valuable insights to the PV industry. The research categorizes data resources into geographical information systems (GIS) and single-time-series, taking advantage of both ways separately and combined. In the frame of this thesis, the selection of relevant PV related data sources and methodologies has allowed the presentation of eye-catching global maps to identify the best places for energy production and the identification of risky locations in terms of degradation, soiling and snow shading. Finally, key performance indicators, such as performance ratio and degradation rates, are analyzed, modelled, and evaluated on a temporal and spatial scale, being able to assess climatic impacts on historical data and under different climate change scenarios.
... The proposed method has the potential to be applied to industrial and commercial zones in other European countries where CORINE zoning, which is carried out by 39 countries (Copernicus, 2019), and OpenStreetMaps data are available offering the potential for pan-European preliminary estimates of decarbonisation technology deployment. To allow for more detailed analysis of the decarbonisation potential of roof areas in Ireland, Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data may be utilised to estimate slope of roof area of buildings (Awrangjeb et al., 2013;Palmer et al., 2015). ...
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The overarching aim of this research is to assess the decarbonisation potential of sustainable technologies on Irish Higher Education Institution (HEI) campuses and to conceptualise the sector’s role in accelerating national sustainability transitions. The following elements describe the body of this research: (1) Baseline of material and energy flows at Irish HEIs to estimate greenhouse gas emissions for the sector based on international best practice. (2) Identify the decarbonisation potential for the Irish HEI sector based on a novel method that utilises Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools, official HEI campus maps and assumptions from the academic and technological literature. (3) Quantitative projections to estimate decarbonisation pathways for the Irish HEI sector up to 2030. (4) Development and application of a novel integrated approach titled ‘Higher Education Advancing Development for Sustainability’ (HEADS) which utilises the perspectives of quantitative systems analysis, socio-technical analysis, and living lab learning to inform HEIs of their potential roles within national sustainability transitions. (5) A sustainability indicator set was developed to aid monitoring of sector performance in national sustainability transitions based on a review of bottom-up indicators from sustainability assessments at HEIs internationally and top-down indicators compiled from national agencies and bodies. (6)Exploration of possible wider application of methods adopted for the HEI sector for estimating potentials for decarbonisation in relation to industry and commerce sector. The results of this research suggest that there is significant potential for the Irish HEI sector to decarbonise its on-campus operations with the potential to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions by up to 36% by 2030. In addition, the role of HEIs as niche actors in facilitating national sustainability transitions was conceptualised and evaluated with HEI campuses identified as ideal test beds to experiment and deploy sustainability solutions at a scale that offers lessons to wider societal transitions. Application of methods adopted for the HEI sector to the industrial and commerce sector identified the potential to reduce carbon emissions by over 556 ktCO2 per annum using 2016 emission factors.
... Different methods are also used to produce these maps and they vary in the details of the input parameter, the shadowing technique and, consequently in the output map. Two of the most widely used tools are the Solar Analyst module in ArcGIS and the r.sun module of Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS) GIS [9]- [14]. In Solar Analyst module, it uses the shadowing technique of Hillshading which is generally utilized for visualization of terrain. ...
... Most of these studies perform calculation at coarser spatial (e.g., building) and temporal (e.g., annual) resolution. Some other studies also performed shadow analyses on the PV installations due to trees, terrain or buildings, with or without direct applications to PV potential analyses (Palmer et al. 2015;Cole et al. 2016;Alam et al. 2012;Jaillot et al. 2017). Some web-based tools, such as Cythelia, 1 InSunWeTrust, 2 Mapdwell 3 and Pro-jectSunroof 4 can calculate solar radiation and to some degree PV potential on the roofs only. ...
Photovoltaic (PV) production from the sun significantly contributes to the sustainable generation of energy from renewable resources. With the availability of detailed 3D city models across many cities in the world, accurate calculation of PV energy production can be performed. The goal of this paper is to introduce and describe PLANTING, a numerical model to estimate the solar irradiance and PV potential at the resolution of individual building surfaces and hourly time steps, using 3D city models. It considers the shading of neighboring buildings and terrains to perform techno-economic PV potential assessment with indicators such as installed power, produced electrical energy, levelized cost of electricity on the horizontal, vertical and tilted surfaces of buildings in a city or district. It is developed within an open-source architecture using mostly non-proprietary data formats, software and tools. The model has been tested on many cities in Europe and as a case study, the results obtained on the city of Lyon in France are explained in this paper. PLANTING is flexible enough to allow the users to choose PV installation settings, based on which solar irradiance and energy production calculations are performed. The results can also be aggregated at coarser spatial (building, district) and temporal (daily, monthly, annual) resolutions or visualized in 3D maps. Therefore, it can be used as a planning tool for decision makers or utility companies to optimally design the energy supply infrastructure in a district or city.
... tracing model developed at CREST, as compared with alternatives in ref. [85] and building on work of refs. [86][87][88]. ...
At the heart of a photovoltaic (PV) system model is the modelling of the actual PV module, which is a group of PV cells in a weatherproof laminate. This chapter describes the physical and empirical approaches which are commonly used and why different applications favour certain models. The main input parameters for these models are described with a brief discussion of the commonly used datasets. The operating environment for PV is discussed alongside analysis of the primary variables and physical factors affecting net yield and generation time, with an overview of modelling techniques for these effects. An overview is given of advanced considerations such as mismatch and shading. Shading models of varying complexity are discussed, noting the assumptions and simplifications used in many commercial software packages in order to reduce computational time. Finally, a discussion of the modelling uncertainties finds that the greatest source of uncertainty lies with the accuracy of input data, such as the reference environmental conditions and predicted degradation rate. The chapter concludes that, for the most part, it is not the choice of model that makes the greatest contribution to modelling uncertainty but the input data. Therefore input data quality should be the focus for further reductions in modelling uncertainty and the associated project financial risks.
This paper describes a framework for estimating the effectiveness of photovoltaic and rainwater harvesting technology deployment on industrial and commercial zoned buildings to facilitate reducing national GHG emissions. Decarbonisation technologies pathways were investigated which may aid in meeting national decarbonisation targets, and their potential role at local administrative area scale evaluated. A finding arising from application of this method was that a small number of larger industrial and commercial buildings, representing only 4% of the sectors buildings, were found to account for 38% of its decarbonisation potential. Future carbon emission scenarios identified that electricity demand may be expected to increase for the industrial and commercial sector up to 2030, and that the technological potential for current photovoltaics systems have the potential to reduce GHG emissions by 4% more than currently planned Irish grid-scale decarbonisation trajectories. The method may be adopted at European scale, using local data on climate and building attributes, and is applicable at national, regional and local scales. The paper concludes with a review of technologies which may aid further decarbonisation studies, which include improved data availability for 3D building generation, and enabling technologies such as machine learning algorithms applied to satellite imagery.
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Developments in Photovoltaic (PV) design software have progressed to modelling the string or even the module as the smallest system unit but current methods lack computational efficiency to fully consider cell mismatch effects due to partial shading. This paper presents a more efficient shading loss algorithm which generates an irradiance map of the array for each time step for individual cells or cell portions. Irradiance losses are calculated from both near and far obstructions which might cause shading of both beam and diffuse irradiance in a three-dimensional reference field. The irradiance map output from this model could be used to calculate the performance of each solar cell individually as part of an overarching energy yield model. A validation demonstrates the calculation of shading losses due to a chimney with less than one percent error when compared with measured values.
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The use of distributed solar photovoltaic (PV) systems is growing more common as solar energy conversion efficiencies increase while costs decrease. Thus, PV system installations are increasing in non-optimal locations such as those potentially shaded with trees. Tree-related shading can cause a significant power loss and an increasing collection of laws have been enacted and are under development to protect the right of PV owners to solar access. This paper provides a new method to predict the shading losses for a given tree species, orientation to a PV array, and geographic location using existing free tools in order to assist in the prevention of conflicts by creating an environment where PV systems and trees can coexist while maximizing PV performance. This methodology is applied to a case study in the Midwest US. Tree growth characteristics including height, crown width, and growth rate were investigated. Minimum planting distances were quantified based on tree species and orientation of planting with respect to the PV system and conclusions were drawn from the results. This novel open low-cost method to predict and prevent tree shading from negatively impacting the performance of roof-mounted PV systems assists in planning of technical design.
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A scanning pattern for sky photometry is described, in which the hemisphere is divided into 151 zones in bands parallel with the horizon.
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The ongoing rush of the UE member states to the 2020 overall targets on the national renewable energy share (see Directive 2009/28/EC), is propelling the large exploitation of the solar resource for the electricity production. However, the incentives to the large employment of PV solar modules and the relative perspective profits, are often cause of massive ground-mounted installations. These kind of installations are obviously the preferred solution by the investors for their high economic yields, but their social impact should be also considered. Over the Piedmont Region for instance, the large proliferation of PV farms is jeopardizing wide agricultural terrains and turistic areas, therefore the policy of the actual administration is to encourage the use of integrated systems in place of massive installations. For these reasons, an effort to demonstrate that the distributed residential generation can play a primary role in the market is mandatory. In our previous work "Scalable methodology for the photovoltaic solar energy potential assessment based on available roof surface area: application to Piedmont Region (Italy)", we already proposed a basic methodology for the evaluation of the roof-top PV system potential. However, despite the total roof surface has been computed on a given cartographical dataset, the real roof surface available for PV installations has been evaluated through the assumption of representative roofing typologies and empirical coefficients found via visual inspection of satellite images. In order to overcome this arbitrariness and refine our methodology, in the present paper we present a brand new algorithm to compute the available roof surface, based on the systematical analysis and processing of aerial georeferenced images (ortho-images). The algorithm, fully developed in MATLAB®, accounts for shadow, roof surface available (bright and not), roof features (i.e. chimneys or walls) and azimuthal angle of the eventual installation. Here we apply the algorithm to the whole city of Turin, and process more than 60,000 buildings. The results achieved are finally compared with our previous work and the updated PV potential assessment is consequently discussed
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This paper focuses on a field test that locates roof areas with a high solar potential and predicts the solar "harvest" per m 2 . The test analyzes 2.5D LIDAR data provided by official surveying and mapping sources. The primary LIDAR data is prepared by masking the roofs' contours and afterwards filtering the point cloud by a threshold value. The remaining LIDAR data, which represents the buildings' roofs, is analyzed according to the slope, the azimuthal exposition and shaded roof areas. The quality assessment of the derived roof areas is carried out by means of a 3D dataset which is semiautomatically acquired from panchromatic stereophotogrammetric aerial photographs.
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Recently several algorithms have been developed to calculate the solar photovoltaic (PV) potential on the basis of 2.5D raster data that can capture urban morphology. This study provides a new algorithm that (i) incorporates both terrain and near surface shadowing effects on the beam component; (ii) scales down the diffuse components of global irradiation; and (iii) utilizes free and open source GRASS and the module r.sun in modeling irradiation. This algorithm is semi-automatic and easy to upgrade or correct (no hand drawn areas), open source, detailed and provides rules of thumb for PV system design at the municipal level. The workflow is pilot tested on LiDAR data for 100 buildings in downtown Kingston, Ontario. Shading behavior was considered and suitable roof sections for solar PV installations selected using a multi-criteria objective. At sub-meter resolution and small time steps the effect of occlusion from near object was determined. Annual daily horizontal irradiation values were refined at 0.55m resolution and were shown to be lower than those obtained at 90 m by 30%. The robustness of r.sun as capable of working with different levels of surface complexity has been confirmed. Finally, the trade off of each computation option (spatial resolution, time step and shading effect) has been quantified at the meso scale, to assist planners in developing the appropriate computation protocols for their regions.
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The paper presents a set of combined techniques to enhance the real-time visualization of simple or complex molecules (up to order of 106 atoms) space fill mode. The proposed approach includes an innovative technique for efficient computation and storage of ambient occlusion terms, a small set of GPU accelerated procedural impostors for space-fill and ball-and-stick rendering, and novel edge-cueing techniques. As a result, the user's understanding of the three-dimensional structure under inspection is strongly increased (even for still images), while the rendering still occurs in real time.
Point source, pillbox and circumsolar ratio-dependent extended light source Sun models are used as solar source inputs into an analytical optical ray trace model for the calculation of plane restricted illumination profiles generated by three example lenses. The example lenses are: a low iron soda-lime glass plano-convex lens, a poly (methyl) methacrylate (PMMA) 3-facet Fresnel lens and a PMMA 20-facet Fresnel lens. Significant differences in illumination profiles are found with solar source description variation. Most notably, it is found that chromatic aberrations and spectrally variant effects specific to the multi-junction solar cell architecture are only identified using the extended light source Sun model. The spectral dependency of material optical properties are analysed in the context of the multi-junction cell architecture by means of spectrally weighted averages corresponding to the active range of the sub-cells.
Landmap Features Earth Observation Collection
  • Landmap
Landmap (2014): Landmap Features Earth Observation Collection. NERC Earth Observation Data Centre, accessed: 2/9/2015. 2a12d84dfa2216c31e5
MIDAS Land Surface Stations data (1853-current)
  • Uk Meteorological Office
UK Meteorological Office. MIDAS Land Surface Stations data (1853-current), [Internet].