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Species limits in antbirds (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae): An evaluation of Frederickena unduligera (Undulated Antshrike) based on vocalizations


Abstract and Figures

The Undulated Antshrike, Frederickena unduligera, a resident of lowland humid forests of western Amazonia, is somewhat poorly known as a result of its low population density and retiring habits. In recent years, vocalizations of F. unduligera have been recorded sufficiently to permit geographic analysis. Vocalizations supply valuable measures of species limits for antbirds, whose vocalizations are thought not to be learned. Based on vocalizations, we found that populations of the Undulated Antshrike are more appropriately considered as two biological species. Three populations considered subspecies of F. unduligera await further evaluation pending the acquisition of additional vocal recordings, specimens, and tissue for genetic analysis.
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Accepted by T. Chesser: 7 Nov. 2009; published: 7 Dec. 2009 61
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
ISSN 1175-5334 (online edition)
Copyright © 2009 · Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 2305: 6168 (2009)
Species limits in antbirds (Aves: Passeriformes: Thamnophilidae): an evaluation
of Frederickena unduligera (Undulated Antshrike) based on vocalizations
1Department of Vertebrate Zoology
Birds, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560,
USA. E-mail:
2Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science, 119 Foster Hall, Baton Rouge, LA 70803, USA.
3Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA. E-mail:
4Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Caixa Postal 399, Belém, Pará, Brazil. E-mail:
The Undulated Antshrike, Frederickena unduligera, a resident of lowland humid forests of western Amazonia, is
somewhat poorly known as a result of its low population density and retiring habits. In recent years, vocalizations of F.
unduligera have been recorded sufficiently to permit geographic analysis. Vocalizations supply valuable measures of
species limits for antbirds, whose vocalizations are thought not to be learned. Based on vocalizations, we found that
populations of the Undulated Antshrike are more appropriately considered as two biological species. Three populations
considered subspecies of F. unduligera await further evaluation pending the acquisition of additional vocal recordings,
specimens, and tissue for genetic analysis.
Key words: speciation, Neotropics, Frederickena, systematics, vocalizations, Thamnophilidae
The Undulated Antshrike, Frederickena unduligera (Pelzeln 1869), was considered a monotypic species until
Zimmer (1944) compared plumages of a small series of specimens. Zimmer described three new subspecies,
primarily on the basis of female plumage characters, an arrangement which has been followed ever since (e.g.,
Peters 1951). Frederickena unduligera is a low density species throughout its range, restricted to large tracts
of terra firme forest where it favors isolated patches of dense forest undergrowth, especially light-gap tangles
around tree falls and stream edges (Zimmer and Isler 2003) and thick, impenetrable palm (often
Lepidocaryum tenue and occasionally Leopoldinia pulchra) undergrowth in sandy and poorly drained forest
spaces (pers. obs. and M. Cohn-Haft, pers. comm.). Specimens of F. unduligera are rare in collections, the
birds vocalize relatively less frequently than do most other antshrikes, and consequently its geographic range
is poorly known. F. u. unduligera is known only from the right bank of the upper and middle Rio Negro in
Amazonas, Brazil; F. u. fulva has been thought to be restricted to south-central Colombia near the base of the
Andes, eastern Ecuador, and northeastern Peru north of the Rio Amazonas and Rio Marañón (but see below);
F. u . d iversa is said to occur from the south bank of the Rio Amazonas in Peru south to southeastern Peru,
extreme southwestern Brazil, and northwestern Bolivia; and F. u. pallida occupies the Purus-Madeira
interfluvium in Amazonas, Brazil (Fig. 1).
Vocalizations of the Thamnophilidae appear not to be learned, to be an important isolating mechanism in
the family, and consequently, to provide a “yardstick” (sensu Mayr and Ashlock 1991) for estimating
ISLER ET AL.62 · Zootaxa 2305 © 2009 Magnolia Press
reproductive isolation and species status under the Biological Species Concept (BSC) (Isler et al. 1998,
Johnson et al. 1999, Baptista and Kroodsma 2001, Helbig et al. 2002, Isler et al. 2005, Remsen 2005).
Recently obtained recordings of vocalizations provide a more rigorous basis than was heretofore available for
reassessing species limits in the complex. That analysis is the objective of this paper.
Recordings of vocalizations were compiled from the Macaulay Library (ML, Cornell Laboratory of
Ornithology, Ithaca) and from unarchived contributions in the inventory maintained by the Islers (see
Appendix). A total of 85 recordings was examined. We reviewed every recording to identify the number and
sex of individuals vocalizing and to label every vocalization as either loudsong (following Willis 1967) or
call. Calls were not classified further because of the paucity of recordings and of information regarding the
context in which they were given.
RAVEN, version 1.2 (Bioacoustics Research Program, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) was used to
make a spectrogram of every vocalization type delivered by each individual of either sex on every recording.
All clearly delineated spectrograms were examined visually for character states (e.g., differences in note
shape) that might distinguish one population from the others. Spectrograms shown in figures were selected to
express centrality in measurements (e.g., the mean number of notes in loudsongs) and typicality in note shape
and were made by exporting RAVEN files into CANVAS, version 9.0.4 (ACD systems, Victoria, British
In visual examination, it became clear that some loudsong vocal characters included in other studies (e.g.,
change in pace of notes) did not differ diagnostically across populations, and vocal characters of loudsongs
employed in this study were limited to: (1) number of notes, (2) overall duration, (3) overall pace (notes/s), (4)
note shape, (5) duration of middle note, (6) duration of interval following middle note, (7) highest frequency
of second, middle, and penultimate notes, (8) lowest frequency of second, middle, and penultimate notes, (9)
bandwidth (frequency range) of the second, middle, and penultimate notes, and (10) change in highest
frequency. These characters appeared independent from one another in that variation in one character could
occur without resulting in a different outcome for another character. Given the possibility, however, that some
characters might be linked by common ancestry, we required pairs of measurements expressing diagnostic
character states to have correlation coefficients < 0.80, an arbitrary level but one that, in our experience, falls
well below that of obviously correlated vocal measures.
Measurements were made of all loudsong recordings of individuals of pallida and unduligera but were
restricted to geographically representative samples of individuals of fulva and diversa. Sample sizes reflect
number of individuals, not number of vocalizations measured. Quantitative measures were obtained from
spectrograms projected on a 43 cm screen using default settings of Raven 1.2 (Charif et al. 2004), except that
the display was set to smooth, overlap was adjusted from 50% to 93.7% depending on recording quality, and
contrast was adjusted according to recording intensity with care taken to retain all elements of the
vocalization. Cursor measurements were typically at scales of 0.12 sec/cm and 1.5 kHz/cm. All available calls
were examined visually to identify differences in note shape. Diagnostic differences had to be discrete, non-
overlapping character states that have the potential for unambiguous signal recognition (Isler et al. 1998,
1999). Ranges of samples of continuous variables could not overlap, and the likelihood that ranges would not
overlap with larger sample sizes was estimated by requiring the means ( ) and standard deviations (SD) of the
population with the smaller set of measurements (a) and the population with the larger set of measurements
(b) to meet the test:
a + taSDa btbSDb
where ti = the t-score at the 97.5 percentile of the t distribution for n – 1 degrees of freedom.
A similar test could not be used for ratios, which are not distributed normally. Therefore, a non-parametric
bootstrap simulation was used to examine statistical significance. We compared the difference between the
Zootaxa 2305 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 63
means (DBM) for the two taxa being analyzed and two groups of generated data of the same sample sizes. The
method generated 10,000 sample population pairs, with replacement, and compared the DBM of the two
compared species to the distribution of DBMs of the simulated populations. The result was distributed
normally, and significance assigned according to the rules of this distribution.
FIGURE 1. Geographic ranges. Locations documented by specimens, vocal recordings, or published sight records are
assigned to geographic sectors (Isler 1997) and are identified by open circles. Circles in sectors in which loudsong
recordings were available are filled in solidly. Except where they follow rivers, dotted lines that separate taxa are
symbolic because actual geographic limits are unknown. Circles numbered 1 through 4 are type localities. 1 =
Frederickena u. unduligera. 2 = F. fulva. 3 = F. u. diversa. 4 = F. u. pallida. Circles numbered 5 identify sites south of the
Río Marañón in which loudsongs having the characteristics of F. fulva were recorded (see text). Circles numbered 6
denote sites where populations remain to be identified by vocal recordings (see text). Nomenclature follows
recommendations of this paper.
We assessed taxonomic status based on vocal distinctions. We recommend species status for populations
that differed sufficiently in their vocalizations to meet guidelines developed in studies of sympatric species
ISLER ET AL.64 · Zootaxa 2305 © 2009 Magnolia Press
(Isler et al. 1998). In general, vocal differences are considered to be of a scale reflective of species status
under the BSC if the analysis revealed three or more diagnostic characters. For brevity, we use current
subspecies names to refer to the four named populations. As an adjunct to the vocal analysis, we examined
specimens at the Louisiana State University Museum of Natural Science and the Carnegie Museum of Natural
History and compared plumage and mensural characteristics to subspecies descriptions by Zimmer (1944) of
specimens in the American Museum of Natural History.
Vocalizations were categorized as either loudsongs or calls. Loudsongs (following Willis 1967) were
consistently patterned multiple-note vocalizations that were often repeated at regular intervals. Calls were
single notes, continuous tracings on spectrograms.
Loudsongs of all populations (Fig. 2) consisted of clear, evenly spaced whistles that initially grew louder
but otherwise were relatively constant in intensity. The shape of the notes differed, however, between fulva
and the remaining populations. Notes of fulva were upslurred whereas notes of the other populations were
rounded into an inverted U, a difference that was readily audible to the human ear. In addition, the pace (notes/
s) of fulva loudsongs was significantly slower ( = 2.89, SD = 0.30, range = 2.46–3.49, n = 11) than that of the
other three populations combined ( = 4.27, SD = 0.46, range = 3.49–4.93, n = 16). Finally, as measured by
dividing the highest frequency of the penultimate note by the highest frequency of the middle note, notes of
the second half of loudsongs of fulva maintained near constant frequency ( = 0.99, SD = 0.02, range = 0.97–
1.03, n = 11) whereas those of other populations rose in frequency ( = 1.09, SD = 0.03, range = 1.03–1.14, n
= 16). As apparent in Figure 1, terminal notes of diversa loudsongs typically displayed a wider bandwidth
than those of pallida and unduligera, but differences did not meet our standards for diagnosability.
An adequate inventory of recordings of calls was available only for fulva. Three types of fulva calls were
identified (Fig. 3). Whistles (N = 5) began with a sharp upscale element and were relative long in duration
(0.65–1.3 s) while dropping sharply in frequency (peaks ~3500–4000 Hz dropping to 1500–2000 Hz, once to
2500). A second type of call was part descending whistle, part snarl (N = 6). The whistle segment included an
abrupt upscale element at the start and a sharp frequency drop like the straight whistle but then dropped even
more sharply to become a snarl that was usually relatively flat in pitch. The third type of call (N = 4) began
with the abrupt upscale element but immediately became a snarl that typically dropped and then flattened in
Few recordings of calls were available for the other populations (Fig. 3). Although these calls showed a
similarity to those of fulva in consisting of descending whistles and snarls, differences among them suggested
that, with larger samples, calls of diversa, pallida, and unduligera might be distinct from fulva and possibly
from one another.
Recorded calls were available for only one individual of nominate unduligera. This snarl lacked the
introductory element found in calls of fulva; one example appeared to be two parted.
Three apparently different calls were recorded from four individuals of pallida. The frequency shift in the
pallida whistle (N = 2) was flatter than those of fulva (peaks descending ~3700 to 3000 HZ) and the initial
upscale element was longer and more clearly audible than that of fulva. Whistles from another location lacked
any initial upscale element, were short (0.45 s), flat, and at a lower frequency (2600 to 2300 Hz). Finally, a
perfectly flat (3200 Hz), short (0.3 s) whistle dropped into a short snarl.
We had recordings of calls of only two individuals of diversa. They differed from one another and from
calls recorded for fulva. The first was a slightly descending (~3700 to 3200 Hz) whistle dropping to snarl. The
whistle showed some suggestion of an initial upscale element, and the snarl portion sometimes started at a
lower frequency (2000 Hz), appearing as a disconnected element. The second was a snarl lacking an
introductory element. The initial portion of this snarl had a wide band width but the emphasis was at ~2500–
2000 Hz; the frequency dropped sharply and became flat, similar to the snarl recorded for the nominate form.
Zootaxa 2305 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 65
FIGURE 2. Loudsongs of Frederickena unduligera and F. fulva. (A) F. u. unduligera São Gabriel da Cachoeira,
Amazonas, Brazil (R. Parrini ISL-MISC.007:49). (B) F. u. pallida Tupana Lodge, Amazonas, Brazil (A. Whittaker ISL-
AW.020:33). (C) F. u. diversa Reserva Natural Palmari, Amazonas, Brazil (B. Whitney ISL-BMW.209:38). (D) F. f ulva
Yuturi Lodge, Napo, Ecuador (N. Krabbe ISL-NK.006:06).
As noted in the Introduction, relatively few specimens of Frederickena unduligera are available in
collections. Examination of female specimens (on which subspecies definitions were primarily based) at two
museums containing a substantial portion of the specimens available in the United States did not provide
additional insights. In general, as described by Zimmer (1944), specimens of fulva were most reddish-brown
(fulvous) and heavily barred and those of pallida palest and least barred, but an unusual amount of plumage
variation was found among individuals in female plumage, even among those collected at the same location.
Data were unavailable to indicate whether this variation was age related, and it is possible that some
specimens sexed as female might have been subadult males. Of particular interest were two female specimens
in the Carnegie Museum from Manacapuru and Tonantins which lie in a region of uncertain affinity (see Fig.
1). Neither specimen clearly had the plumage characteristics of fulva or unduligera, and the more fulvous-
backed and heavily barred specimen came from the eastern locality, Manacapuru, contrary to what one might
expect if there were clinality in plumage coloration towards fulva.
On the basis of the vocal analysis described above, in combination with morphological distinctions described
by Zimmer (1944), we recommend that the Frederickena unduligera complex be considered as two biological
species, as follows:
ISLER ET AL.66 · Zootaxa 2305 © 2009 Magnolia Press
Frederickena unduligera (Pelzeln) Undulated Antshrike
Frederickena fulva Zimmer Fulvous Antshrike
Differences in pattern and quality of loudsongs of F. fulva and F. unduligera were first noted by Parker et
al. (1991) who urged further investigation. Diagnostic loudsong distinctions in note shape, overall pace of
notes, and change in frequency provide three independent vocal characters, consistent with the extent of vocal
differentiation documented for closely related sympatric species of thamnophilid antbirds (Isler et al. 1998).
The more fulvous plumage coloration and more extensive barring of females of F. fulva as compared with
females of F. unduligera were described by Zimmer (1944). The English name of Fulvous Antshrike for F.
fulva refers to the female plumage, which is appropriate in this species group and in a family in which
differences among species are often more pronounced in females than in males (Hellmayr 1929).
FIGURE 3. Calls of Frederickena unduligera and F. f ulva. (A) F. u. unduligera snarl. Parque Nacional de Jaú,
Amazonas, Brazil (S. Borges ISL-AW.020:29). (B–D) F. u. pallida. (B) whistle. Tupana Lodge, Amazonas, Brazil (A.
Whittaker ISL-AW.020:28). (C) short whistle. Igarapé Santa Maria, Amazonas, Brazil (B. Whitney ISL-BMW.184:55).
(D) whistle-snarl. Tupana Lodge, Amazonas, Brazil (A. Whittaker ISL-AW.020:21). (E–H) F. u. diversa. (E) whistle.
Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor, Acre, Brazil (B. Whitney ISL-BMW. 126:07). (F) whistle-snarl. same recording.
(G) snarl. same recording. (H) rattle. same location (B. Whitney ISL-BMW. 126:04). (I–K) F. ful va . (I) whistle. Kapawi
Lodge, Pastaza, Peru (B. Whitney ISL-BMW.157:08). (J) whistle-snarl. same recording. (K) snarl. same location (B.
Whitney ISL-BMW.153:08).
Zootaxa 2305 © 2009 Magnolia Press · 67
Loudsongs recorded in northern Peru at 15 km NE of Jirillo, San Martín (06o03’S, 76o44’W), and 84 km
WNW of Contamana on the Río Cushabatay, Loreto (07o09’S, 75o44’W), displayed vocal characteristics
typical of F. fulva. These extend the range of F. fulva south of the Río Marañón and west of the Río Ucayali
(Fig. 1). North of the Amazon River, the eastern limits of the geographic range of F. fulva and the western
limits of F. u. unduligera are unclear. Specimens have been collected along the north bank of the Amazon
(Solimões) at Tonantins (Carnegie Museum), Codajás (Swedish Museum of Natural History), and
Manacapuru (Carnegie Museum) (west to east in Fig. 1), but no vocal recordings from the region are
Confirmation of the validity and clarification of the geographic limits of named subspecies (diversa and
pallida) of F. unduligera was not possible with available materials. Their reconsideration requires additional
specimens, ideally including tissue, and vocal recordings from throughout the range of F. unduligera to
investigate possibilities of clinality and introgression. As noted above, the limited available specimen
information presents a confusing picture, and the same holds for vocal data. For example, a single recording
of an adult male from just south of Humaitá, Amazonas, Brazil, might have been expected to align well with
those of pallida from lower in the Madeira/Purús interfluvium, but it appears to be closer to recordings of
diversa. Further vocal recording should place an emphasis on obtaining recordings of calls. The existing,
limited sample of recordings suggests the possibility that calls differ diagnostically among populations. In one
sympatric pair of Hypocnemis antbirds, calls were shown to differ whereas loudsongs were indistinguishable
(Isler et al. 2007).
Frederickena fulva and F. unduligera are low-density species that appear to be indicators of high-quality
lowland forest (Zimmer and Isler 2003). This attribute, combined with the results of our analysis, indicates
that independently evolving populations are geographically restricted and suggests that their continued
conservation depends on the maintenance of multiple large protected areas in western Amazonia.
The analysis was made possible by the contributions of the recordists listed in the Appendix. We are grateful
to M. Cohn-Haft for providing field observations. We appreciate the continuing support of the Macaulay
Library, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology (G. Budney). J. V. Remsen, Jr., an anonymous reviewer, and editor
R. T. Chesser made helpful suggestions for improving the manuscript.
Baptista, L.F., & Kroodsma, D.E. (2001) Avian bioacoustics. In del Hoyo, J., Elliot A. & Sargatal, J. (Eds.), Handbook of
the Birds of the World, vol. 6: Mousebirds to Hornbills. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, pp. 11–52.
Helbig, A.J., Knox, A.G., Parkin, D.T., Sangster, G. & Collinson M. (2002) Guidelines for assigning species rank. Ibis,
144, 518–525.
Hellmayr, C.E. (1929) On heterogynism in Formicarian birds. Journal für Ornithologie Festschrift für Ernst Hartert
1929, 41–70.
Isler, M.L., Isler, P.R. & Brumfield, R.T. (2005) Clinal variation in vocalizations of an antbird (Thamnophilidae) and
implications for defining species limits. Auk, 122, 433–444.
Isler, M.L., Isler, P.R. & Whitney, B.M. (1998) Use of vocalizations to establish species limits in antbirds (Passeriformes;
Thamnophilidae). Auk, 115, 577–590.
Isler, M.L., Isler, P.R. & Whitney, B.M. (2007) Species limits in antbirds (Thamnophilidae): the Warbling Antbird
(Hypocnemis cantator) complex. Auk, 124, 11–28.
Johnson, N.K., Remsen Jr., J.V. & Cicero, C. (1999) Resolution of the debate over species concepts in ornithology: a new
comprehensive biological species concept. In Adams, N.J. & Slotow, R. H. (Eds.) Proceedings 22nd International
Ornithological Congress, Durban. BirdLife South Africa, Johannesburg, pp. 1470–1482.
Mayr, E., & Ashlock, P.D. (1991) Principles of systematic zoology. McGraw-Hill, New York.
ISLER ET AL.68 · Zootaxa 2305 © 2009 Magnolia Press
Parker, T.A. III, Castillo V., A., Gell-Mann, M. & Rocha O., O. (1991) Records of new and unusual birds from northern
Bolivia. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club, 111, 120–138.
Pelzeln, A. von. (1869) Zur Ornithologie Brasiliens, Resultate von Johann Natterers Reisen in den Jahren 1817 bis
1835. Abth. 2. Wien, A. Pichler's Witwe & Sohn.
Peters, J.L. (1951) Check-list of birds of the world, vol. 7. Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Remsen, J.V. Jr. (2005) Pattern, process, and rigor meet classification. Auk, 122, 403–413.
Willis, E.O. (1967) The behavior of Bicolored Antbirds. University of California Publications in Zoology, 79, 1–132.
Zimmer, J.T. (1944) Studies of Peruvian birds. XLIX. Notes on Frederickena and Octhoeca. American Museum
Novitates, 1263, 1–5.
Zimmer, K.J. & Isler, M.L. (2003) Family Thamnophilidae (Typical Antbirds). In del Hoyo J., Elliot, A. & Christie, D.
A. (Eds.) Handbook of the Birds of the World, vol. 8. Broadbills to Tapaculos. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, pp. 448–
Appendix. Recordings examined
The following list identifies recordings used in the study by taxon, country, state or department, recording location, and
recordist. Nomenclature follows recommendations of this paper. Allocation of recordings to subspecies of F.
unduligera follow current assumptions of geographic limits (e.g., Zimmer and Isler 2003). Numbers following the
recordist name identify the number of cuts per recordist per location. Acronyms for recording archives: ML
=Macaulay Library, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, Ithaca; ISL = recordings not yet archived in an institutional
collection but that have been copied into the inventory maintained by MLI and PRI. Many of these unarchived
recordings either are in the process of being archived or will eventually be archived by the recordists.
Frederickena u. unduligera: (2 recordings; 2 localities). Brazil: Amazonas: Parque Nacional de Jaú (Borges 1 ISL), right
bank Rio Negro opposite São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Parrini 1 ISL).
Frederickena unduligera pallida: (15 recordings; 3 localities). Brazil: Amazonas: 40 km S Humaitá (Whitney 2 ISL),
Igarapé Santa Maria (Whitney 2 ISL), Tupana Lodge (Whittaker 9 ISL, Zimmer 2 ISL).
Frederickena unduligera diversa: (14 recordings; 8 localities). Brazil: Acre: Boca de Tejo on left bank R. Juruá
(Whittaker 1 ISL), Parque Nacional da Serra do Divisor (Whitney 5 ISL), Amazonas: Barro Vermelha on left bank
R. Juruá (Whittaker 1 ISL), Reserva Natural Palmarí (Whitney 1 ISL). Bolivia; La Paz: Alto Madidi (Parker 1 ISL).
Peru: Cusco: Camisea (Christian 1 ISL), Madre de Dios: Explorer’s Inn (Parker 3 ISL), Pantiacolla Lodge (Lambert
1 ISL).
Frederickena fulva: (54 recordings, 17 localities). Ecuador: Morona-Santiago: Santiago (Robbins 3 ML), Napo: Coca (J.
Rowlett 1 ISL), Lagoa Añangu (Krabbe 2 ISL), La Selva Lodge (Behrstock 1 ISL, Krabbe 2 ISL, Michael 1 ISL, G.
Rosenberg 1 ISL, R. Rowlett 1 ISL), Maxus Road (Krabbe 3 ISL, Zimmer 1 ISL), Sacha Lodge (Arvin 1 ISL),
Tiputini Biodiversity Station (Arvin 1 ISL, Zimmer 7 ISL), Volcán Sumaco (Whitney 2 ISL), Yuturi Lodge (Krabbe
1 ISL), Pastaza: Kapawi Lodge (Whitney 2 ISL), Sucumbios: Cuyabeno (J. Rowlett 1 ISL, Whitney 2 ISL). Peru:
Loreto: El Dorado (Whitney 2 ISL), El Tigre (Alvarez 3 ISL), Intuto (Alvarez 2 ISL), Quebrada Sucusari (Parker 2
ML, J. Rowlett 1 ISL, Whitney 8 ISL), Rio Cushabatay, 84 km WNW Contamana (Lane 1 ISL), San Martín: Jirillo
(Valqui 1 ISL).
... Originally described as a subspecies of Undulated Antshrike Frederickena unduligera by Zimmer (1944), Fulvous Antshrike F. fulva was recently elevated to species rank, based largely on vocalisations ( Isler et al. 2009, Remsen et al. 2011). Thus, in all but the most modern treatments, the taxon discussed here was referred to as Undulated Antshrike (e.g., Hilty & Brown 1986, Ridgely & Greenfield 2001, Zimmer & Isler 2003). ...
... unduliger) recorded by GFS at Otorongo on the east side of the Ucayali River. This record extends the distribution of F. fulva 290 km south-southeast from the Rio Cushabatay, Loreto Region (Isler et al. 2009). Black Bushbird (Neoctantes niger).—This ...
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The Ucayali River is a major tributary of the Amazon, but it narrows considerably toward its headwater at the base of the Andes. This region, the upper Ucayali Valley, is of biological interest for the large number of closely related birds elsewhere separated from each other by major rivers that come into close proximity and potential contact. Between 2006–2011, we conducted the first modern ornithological inventory of the upper Ucayali River and sampled localities in all major avian habitats on either side of the river. We document the continued importance of the Ucayali River as a biogeographic barrier, even at the headwater, but also find that some mixing occurs, both in the form of taxa crossing to the “wrong” bank and in the potential intergradation of distinct forms. We describe the biogeography of birds in the region, characterize the avifaunas of major habitats, and discuss in detail species of particular biogeographical interest.
... After compiling the data, the highest and lowest recorded valuables for each variable for each vocalisation for each taxon were double-checked to verify upper and lower limits. Various vocal variables studied by Isler et al. (1999 Isler et al. ( , 2006 Isler et al. ( , 2007 Isler et al. ( , 2009) were considered for further analysis during a preliminary review of sonograms. Data for the following variables were collated and analysed for both male and female songs: (i) number of notes in song; (ii) total song duration; (iii) song speed (calculated by dividing i by ii); (iv) max. ...
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Morphology, biometrics and vocals indicate that the population of Immaculate Antbird Myrmeciza immaculata in Colombia’s Central Andes is differentiated from other populations. A new subspecies described here differs from nominate immaculata in the underparts coloration of females, reduced feathering on the forehead in adult males and a generally slower song with different note shape. Subspecies rank is assigned because differences between the new taxon and allopatric populations do not attain those between sympatric or parapatric Myrmeciza. Available data also support splitting Immaculate Antbird into two species, under any modern version of the Biological Species Concept. Western Immaculate (or Zeledon’s) Antbird M. zeledoni inhabits foothills and mountains from Costa Rica southwards, and includes M. z. macrorhyncha of southern Panama to Ecuador. (Andean) Immaculate Antbird M. immaculata occurs in the Central, East, Perijá and Mérida Andes of Colombia and Venezuela (and includes the new subspecies). Vocal differences exceed those between parapatric Goeldi’s Antbird M. goeldii and White-shouldered Antbird M. melanoceps and those between sympatric thamnophilids in other genera. Subspecies macrorhyncha and the new subspecies can be considered phylogenetic species within zeledoni and immaculata respectively. M. i. affinis of the Mérida Andes is weakly differentiated from M. i. immaculata. None of the features used to diagnose brunnea (of the Perijá Mountains) is supported. The name ellisiana is a junior synonym of nominate immaculata. The name zeledoni Ridgway, 1909, is selected to have priority over berlepschi Ridgway, 1909 (for which macrorhyncha is a replacement name) pursuant to an explicit First Reviser action, to stabilise the name of a split M. zeledoni.
A survey of recent taxonomic studies of birds that included acoustic trait analyses reveals that most studies have not archived the sound recordings that support their conclusions, despite the current availability of online, publicly available collections of bird sounds. In addition, bird sound recordings have often been cited without unique accession numbers that permit unambiguous sample identification and in considerably less detail than other types of samples, such as museum specimens or genetic samples. Both this lack of data openness and the way acoustic samples have been cited undermine the methodological rigor that otherwise characterizes many of these studies, and much invaluable biological data are likely to be lost over time if bird sound recordings are not archived in long-term collections. I suggest that these problems can be easily addressed by embracing the open data movement and adopting some best practices that are widely used in other fields. Just as study skins and DNA sequences are required to be deposited in publicly available collections such as natural history museums and the GenBank, respectively, sound recordings used in taxonomic studies with acoustic trait analyses should be archived in publicly available collections as a condition for publication of associated results. Authors of taxonomic studies involving sounds should archive their sound recordings and provide unique accession numbers for sound recordings examined, and journals and reviewers should ensure that authors have done so. By embracing the open data movement, research studying avian acoustic signals is expected to become more transparent, reproducible, and useful.
Aim Distribution maps for Amazonian birds are often limited to species‐level taxonomy even though many subspecies represent biological species. We provide digital maps depicting subspecies‐level distributions of Neotropical birds in the Amazonas River basin and adjoining areas. Location Amazon region, which includes the entire Amazon basin, the east slope of the tropical Andes, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, south Venezuela (Bolivar and Amazonas departments), parts of the Brazilian Cerrado and the Araguaia‐Tocantins basin. Taxon Birds (Class Aves). Methods To build the distribution maps, we compiled a point‐locality database of 620,000 records, 90% of which represent specimens vouchered in research collections. After manually cleaning and optimising the quality of the point localities, we generated extent‐of‐occurrence polygons at the subspecies level using a concave hull function. We corrected each polygon based on the literature and expert knowledge. We used this data set to define zoogeographical regions based on multidimensional scaling and clustering analyses, and then compared subspecies‐defined regions to zoogeographic regions inferred from species‐level data. Results We inferred range polygons for 3990 subspecies, representing 2043 species from 65 families. The average distribution size was 955,739 km ² , with half of the taxa having range sizes smaller than 230,484 km ² (median value) and nearly one‐quarter of all subspecies having ranges smaller than 50,000 km ² . We identified 10 zoogeographical regions from the subspecies data set in comparison with four areas based on a species‐level analysis of the same data. The 10 zoogeographical regions are largely congruent with previously identified areas of endemism. Main Conclusions The new maps of Amazonian bird subspecies distributions allow biodiversity studies (e.g. macroecology, evolution, and conservation) to be conducted at the subspecies level, and facilitate biogeographic, ecological, evolutionary and conservation research on birds in the most biologically diverse region in the world.
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Since 2005, the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee (CBRO) has published updated checklists of Brazilian birds almost every year. Herein, we present a completely new and annotated version of our checklist. For the first time, we list all bird subspecies known from Brazil that are currently accepted by at least one key ornithological reference work. The inclusion of the subspecies should be seen as a synthesis, and not as a taxonomic endorsement. As such, we include in the new checklist 1919 avian species, 910 of which are treated as polytypic in reference works (2042 subspecies), totaling 3051 taxa at the species and subspecies level. We anticipate that several of the subspecies included in our list may be subject to future taxonomic upgrades to species status, while others will probably be shown to be invalid in the light of future taxonomic studies. The results highlight Brazil as a megadiverse country and reinforce the need for proper enforcement of political tools, laws and international commitments assumed by the country to preserve its biodiversity.
Undulated Antshrike (Frederickena unduliger) inhabit dense lowland humid forest understory and, as with other species of antbirds, many aspects of their behavior and ecology are poorly known, especially their breeding biology. We provide the first detailed information about their breeding biology based on three nests monitored in the buffer zone of the Manu National Park, Madre de Dios, Peru, from August to December in 2012 and 2013. Nests (N = 3) were large cups woven to the crossing of two horizontal branches. Eggs were white with purplish hairlines and spots, and all three clutches consisted of two eggs. Both males and females incubated eggs and fed nestlings, but only females incubated eggs at night. Provisioning rates and time spent brooding nestlings did not differ between the sexes. Most aspects of the nesting behavior of Undulated Antshrike in our study were similar to those reported for other species of antbirds, including placement and composition of nests, clutch size, and provisioning rate. However, incubating behavior and the duration of the nestling period of antbirds appear to be influenced by body mass, with larger species such as Undulated Antshrike having greater nest attentiveness and longer nestling periods than smaller species. Additional studies of other species of antbirds are needed to better understand factors that might contribute to similarities and differences in the nesting behavior of thamnophilids.
We presented here an updated checklist of birds species found in Jaú National Park and three adjacent protected areas compiled during 15 years of fieldwork. We recorded 501 bird species from 68 bird families. At least 50 species were added to the previously published checklist. Detailed information on rare or relevant species from a biogeographical perspective is provided. This includes the second field record of Seiurus noveboracensis from Brazil. Future ornithological investigation needs to focus on populational studies of birds specialized in habitats with restricted distribution in JNP (e.g., fluvial islands and white sand campinas). Revision of the taxonomic status of bird taxa, whose geographical distributions apparently are restricted to the lower course of the Rio Negro, is also needed.
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11 Vocal variation and species limits in the genus Sirystes (Tyrannidae) Variación en vocalizaciones y límites de especies en el género Sirystes (Tyrannidae) Abstract Sirystes was for a long time treated as a monotypic genus with several subspecies, one of which was recently proposed for species rank. Vocal differentiation in the genus was studied using quantitative methods and the determination of primary, secondary and other kinds of vocalizations for different populations. The widely recognized split of Western Sirystes S. albogriseus of the Chocó (Panama, Colombia and Ecuador) from the more widespread Eastern Sirystes S. sibilator is strongly supported by differences in vocal repertoire and quantitative vocal differentiation. Eastern Sirystes is itself a superspecies comprised of three allopatric species which are vocally differentiated (quantitatively and in repertoire) to such an extent that species rank would be afforded under a modern biological species concept for: (i) White-rumped Sirystes S. albocinereus of Western Amazonia (in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and western Amazonas and Acre states, Brazil); (ii) Todd's Sirystes S. subcanescens of North Amazonia (in northern Amazonas, northern Pará and Amapá states in Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana); and (iii) Sibilant Sirystes S. sibilator (including subspecies atimastus) of the Atlantic and Cerrado regions (in southern Pará state South through most of the rest of Brazil to northern Argentina and eastern Paraguay). Considerable variation in the kind of primary and secondary vocalizations are evident between these four proposed species, with primary vocalizations of particular taxa appearing as rare or secondary vocalizations or not being given at all by others. The four proposed species also show considerable morphological differences in the context of Tyrannidae. Vocal and morphological differences for the four proposed species exceed requirements for proposed "species scoring" tests. "Eastern Sirystes" is not as widespread as was previously thought. Because Sirystes populations are primary forest dependent, the threat status of species recognized here should be re-evaluated. S. albogriseus in particular may be threatened or near-threatened.
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The magnitude of differentiation in vocal signals examined in a phylogenetic context has helped uncover cryptic diversity in subsocine passerines such as the antbirds (Thamnophilidae). On the basis of variation in 14 acoustic traits of loudsongs and a phylogenetic hypothesis inferred from a mitochondrial gene tree, we investigated species limits in a group of trans-Andean Myrmeciza antbirds with a convoluted taxonomic history (M. l. laemosticta, M. l. palliata, M. nigricauda, and M. berlepschi). Diagnostic differences in three vocal traits suggest that the two subspecies of the Dull-mantled Antbird (M. l. laemosticta and M. l. palliata) should be treated as distinct species. We present evidence that only two diagnosable vocal characters may be sufficient for two populations to be considered distinct species in this group. The vocal results are consistent with the molecular phylogenetic analysis, which revealed a long independent history of isolation of M. l. laemosticta from M. l. palliata, roughly congruent with the divergence observed between species currently recognized in this assemblage. We propose elevating the Magdalena Antbird (M. palliata) to species rank and thus that four species be recognized in the M. laemosticta complex.
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In avian taxa in which vocalizations are considered innate, such as suboscine passerines, vocal characters are increasingly being used to help determine whether populations have achieved species status. In comparing vocal characteristics of distant populations, however, one must be concerned with the possibility of character gradation through intermediate populations. The first quantitative study of a species in a suboscine family to test for clinal vocal variation, our vocal study found clinal variation in the pace (number of notes per second) of male loudsongs, and revealed that the geographic pattern of the clines was consistent with genetic variation found in the companion molecular study (Brumfield 2005). The result underscores the necessity of searching for intermediacy when analyzing vocalizations of geographically distant populations. Furthermore, given that male loudsong pace was the only vocal character that varied across the intergrading populations, the result also provides support to the guideline that one should expect thamnophilid species to differ in at least three vocal characters (Isler et al. 1998) and indicates that this degree of vocal character differences can be a valuable “yard stick” in determining which thamnophilid populations have achieved biological species status.
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Proponents of the phylogenetic species concept (PSC) have attacked the biologic species concept (BSC), long a standard in Ornithology, on the basis of three principal criticisms: subjective treatment of allopatric populations, improper interpretation of hybridisation, and the recognition of non-historical groups. Each criticism has been overstated and can be countered. First, levels of genetic and vocal divergence in sympatric congeners can be used objectively to determine taxonomic rank of allopatric populations. With respect to hybridisation, many undisputed biologic species of birds long retain the capacity for at least limited interbreeding with other species, even non-sister taxa. Essential, not total, reproductive isolation has been the operational criterion for species status under the BSC. Third, biologic species can reflect historical relationships; incorrect hypotheses of such relationships based on morphologic criteria easily can be replaced by molecular-based estimates. Essential genetic independence resulting from reproductive isolation, the heart of the BSC, is responsible for the evolution of avian biodiversity. The PSC, in contrast, suffcrs from lethal flaws: the diagnosis of species by phenetic criteria at an unspecified operational level, disregard for the crucial role of isolating mechanisms in the maintenance of genetic discontinuities, and the loss of information on different levels of population interaction that would accompany the elimination of subspecies. Although the overarching validity of the traditional BSC in ornithology is here reaffirmed, an overly-strict interpretation of the BSC by some modem workers suggests that a broadened, more inclusive definition could obviate further debate. To that end we propose a Comprehensive Biologic Species Concept (CBSC) for birds.
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We introduce an empirically derived methodology for the definition, measurement, and application of vocal characters in assessing species limits in the numerically important Neotropical family Thamnophilidae. On the basis of available evidence, we assume that vocalizations are innate and that all vocal characters have a role in maintenance of species integrity in thamnophilids. Vocalizations of eight syntopic pairs, the members of which resemble one another in both plumage and voice, were analyzed to identify diagnosable vocal characters. To be diagnosable, characters had to distinguish members of a pair unambiguously. Three of the eight pairs were diagnosable by three vocal characters, four pairs by four characters, and one pair by seven characters. Vocalizations differed most consistently by characters reflecting loudsong note structure, loudsong pace, and note structure of calls. In establishing species limits for allopatric antbird populations, we suggest that three vocal characters, the minimum number distinguishing the syntopic pairs, be used as a point of reference. Keeping this point of reference in mind, we recommend that multiple diagnosable vocal characters be present when vocalizations are a major factor in determining species limits in thamnophilid antbirds. To the extent that populations differ strongly in other characters (e.g. morphological, molecular, other behavioral), fewer vocal characters may suffice. The identification of multiple vocal characters as a point of reference, as opposed to individual characters (e.g. note shape) or vocalization types (e.g. the loudsong), allows for greater latitude in the diagnosis. A focus on the number of characters is appropriate given the possibility that the role and importance of vocalization types in species' repertoires may differ across groups of taxa. The methodology and results may also have application in the study of other avian groups in which vocalizations are innate, especially the suboscines.
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Thesis (Ph. D in Zoology)--University of California, Berkeley, June 1964. Bibliography: l. 233-241.
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Teniendo en cuenta las múltiples diferencias en vocalizaciones que distinguen a seis poblaciones de Hypocnemis cantator que actualmente son consideradas como subespecies, es más adecuado reconocerlas como especies diferentes. Estas diferencias en vocalizaciones son iguales o mayores que las documentadas entre pares de especies sintópicas en la familia Thamnophilidae (Isler et al. 1998). También se provee evidencia de que dos formas actualmente consideradas subespecies son sintópicas, y que otras dos son parapátricas, sin barreras físicas evidentes. Vocalmente, el par de taxones sintópicos se diferenciaron dramáticamente, pero únicamente en sus llamadas comunes. El hallazgo de que las llamadas comunes están tan diferenciadas como los cantos en este grupo de especies sugiere que las llamadas pueden ser tan importantes como los cantos en el aislamiento reproductivo. Por lo tanto, estudios de campo futuros deberían enfocarse en aclarar la función de los distintos tipos de vocalizaciones de los Thamnophilidae, y en elucidar el papel que éstos juegan en la especiación. Esta es la primera contribución de un análisis con múltiples facetas de las vocalizaciones y la estructura genética de los Thamnophilidae en la Amazonía. En estudios futuros, los resultados de los análisis de vocalizaciones serán comparados con los de un estudio genético paralelo, para luego integrar los dos análisis y sugerir una filogenia. El presente estudio, junto con análisis preliminares de variación genética (e.g., Bates et al. 1999) indican claramente que el complejo de H. cantator ha tenido una historia evolutiva prolongada que produjo una mayor diversidad de especies que la que ha sido reconocida hasta ahora.
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Variación Clinal en las Vocalizaciones de un Hormiguero (Thamnophilidae) e Implicaciones para Definir los Límites entre Especies En las aves en que las vocalizaciones se consideran innatas, como en los Passeriformes suboscinos, los caracteres vocales han sido empleados cada vez más frecuentemente para ayudar a determinar si distintas poblaciones han alcanzado el estatus de especies diferentes. Sin embargo, al comparar las caracterísiticas vocales de poblaciones distantes, es importante prestar atención a la posibilidad de que exista variación gradual en los caracteres a través de poblaciones intermedias. Este estudio es el primer trabajo cuantitativo que pone a prueba la posibilidad de que exista variación clinal en vocalizaciones en una familia de suboscinos. Nuestro análisis de vocalizaciones indicó que existe variación clinal en la cadencia (número de notas por segundo) de los cantos fuertes de los machos, y que el patrón geográfico de las clinas concuerda con la variación genética documentada en un estudio molecular conjunto (Brumfield 2005). Los resultados recalcan la necesidad de buscar rasgos intermedios al analizar las vocalizaciones de poblaciones geográficamente distantes. Más aún, considerando que la cadencia de los cantos fuertes de los machos fue el único caracter que varió a través de las poblaciones, el resultado también apoya el lineamiento de que debería esperarse que las especies de Thamnophilidae difieran en por lo menos tres caracteres vocales (Isler et al. 1998), e indica que este grado de diferenciación en vocalizaciones puede ser una “vara medidora” valiosa para determinar cuáles poblaciones de Thamnophilidae han alcanzado el estatus de especies biológicas.
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Developments in several fields of study (including bio-acoustics and the analysis of DNA) together with reappraisals of the nature of species have impacted significantly on avian taxonomy. The BOU's Taxonomic Subcommittee has developed guidelines for the application of species limits to sympatric, parapatric, allopatric and hybridizing taxa. These are published here to assist researchers understand the rationale behind the committee's taxonomic recommendations relating to the British List.