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Analyse des correspondances et variations des contenus de représentations sociales

... L'analyse permet l'émergence de deux dimensions structurant le positionnement des catégories évoquées et des variables inter-sujets. Une modalité d'une variable est retenue dans les résultats projetés par l'analyse si son inertie sur une des deux dimensions est supérieure à l'inertie moyenne de l'ensemble des modalités des variables soumises à l'analyse sur cette dimension 14 (voir 14 En partant du postulat que l'ensemble des modalités des variables contribuent à 100% de l'inertie sur une dimension donnée, le seuil de retenu des modalités est calculé comme suit : 100% / nombre de modalités de variables soumises à l'analyse (voir Deschamps, 2003). Deschamps, 2003). ...
... Une modalité d'une variable est retenue dans les résultats projetés par l'analyse si son inertie sur une des deux dimensions est supérieure à l'inertie moyenne de l'ensemble des modalités des variables soumises à l'analyse sur cette dimension 14 (voir 14 En partant du postulat que l'ensemble des modalités des variables contribuent à 100% de l'inertie sur une dimension donnée, le seuil de retenu des modalités est calculé comme suit : 100% / nombre de modalités de variables soumises à l'analyse (voir Deschamps, 2003). Deschamps, 2003). Les catégories évoquées pour un inducteur donné ont été incluses dans l'analyse comme variables actives tandis que les variables inter-sujets ainsi que l'ordre de présentation des deux inducteurs ont été inclus dans l'analyse comme variables passives (Doise, Clémence, & Lorenzi-Cioldi, 1992;voir aussi Doise, 2002;Sarrica & Contarello, 2004). ...
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On the road, men and young drivers are more often involved in serious and fatal crashes than women and older drivers worldwide. Among the various factors considered, traffic offences constitute an explanatory variable for these gender and age differences, on which it would be possible to act. The literature suggests that risky and offending driving behaviours could be motivated by the search for a sense of belonging and social status, but also by the affirmation of values relating to competence, power, independence and masculinity, which support positive self-esteem, especially among men and young people. Indeed, these different values would be symbolically linked to risky and offending behaviours on the road, and theses links would be shaped by culture but also by socialisation, which can operate differently depending on the social affiliations of the individual. To our knowledge, few studies have proposed to directly test the mediating role of these different values in explaining gender and age differences that characterize risky and offending driving behaviours. Moreover, while several studies show that risky and offending behaviours among men and young drivers are regulated by social norms, to our knowledge no study has yet investigated the existence of such norms from the perspective of the sociocognitive approach to social norms, which makes it possible to consider the social value that individuals attribute to behaviour. In this sense, our work proposes (a) to explore the role of adherence to certain values (notably the dimensions of individualism-collectivism, Schwartz' personal values, masculinity-femininity) in the occurrence of risky and offending behaviours among drivers; (b) to test the mediating and/or moderating role of these values in gender and age differences in these behaviours; (c) to confirm the normativity of these behaviours among men (vs. women) and young (vs. older) drivers by identifying the dimensions of social value that underlie it; (d) explore and consider the multidimensionality of risky and offending driving behaviours as well as the possible context-dependent aspect of some of the previous relationships (considering the salience of the gender group, for example). A total of 6 studies were carried out. The main results indicate that (a) adherence to values oriented toward the pursuit of high social status is particularly associated with risky and offending driving behaviours; (b) these values partially mediate gender and age differences observed in risky and offending driving behaviours; (c) risky and offending behaviours related to speed are more socially valued among men (vs. women) and young (vs. older) drivers; (d) among men (vs. women), this last observation could be explained by the attribution of low social desirability to compliant and cautionary behaviours, while it could be explained by the attribution of a higher social status to risky and offending behaviours among young (vs. older) drivers; (e) several tools - such as those used to measure individualism-collectivism - have psychometric properties and share relationships with other constructs that call into question the validity of their theoretical models. The theoretical implications of these results are mainly discussed in terms of (a) the empirical relationships between the different models and constructs used; (b) their interest in understanding risky and offending behaviours more broadly. Applied perspectives for behavior change in the field of road safety are also discussed.
... Nous avons conservé toutes les catégories sémantiques prises en compte lors de l'analyse prototypique (voir chapitre 4, Tableau 4-3, p. 125). Pour décider si un terme était impliqué dans la constitution d'un facteur donné, nous nous sommes appuyés sur les critères recommandés par Deschamps (2003), comme expliqué précédemment dans ce document (voir chapitre 1, §1.6.3, p.36). Nous nous sommes également appuyés sur les recherches utilisant l'analyse factorielle des correspondances (e.g., Deschamps, 2003 ;Doise et al., 1992 ;Mouret et al., 2013 ;Piermattéo et al., 2014). ...
... Pour décider si un terme était impliqué dans la constitution d'un facteur donné, nous nous sommes appuyés sur les critères recommandés par Deschamps (2003), comme expliqué précédemment dans ce document (voir chapitre 1, §1.6.3, p.36). Nous nous sommes également appuyés sur les recherches utilisant l'analyse factorielle des correspondances (e.g., Deschamps, 2003 ;Doise et al., 1992 ;Mouret et al., 2013 ;Piermattéo et al., 2014). ...
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La résistance aux antibiotiques est reconnue comme l'une des plus grandes menaces sanitaires du XXIe siècle par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. En France, au début des années 2000, des actions de santé publique ont été menées pour enrayer le phénomène, aboutissant à la création du premier plan intersectoriel de lutte contre l'antibiorésistance et à la première campagne nationale de communication. Cependant, le grand public ne semble pas réaliser l'ampleur de la menace. Dans cette thèse, nous mobilisons la théorie des représentations sociales pour atteindre deux objectifs spécifiques : (1) comprendre par quels mécanismes psychosociaux s'opère la construction d’un risque sanitaire, et (2) communiquer sur le risque et orienter le changement des pratiques de santé. Les résultats observés démontrent la pertinence d'une approche basée sur la théorie des représentations sociales dans le domaine de la santé. Tout d’abord, cette théorie constitue un outil « diagnostic » qui permet de mettre en évidence la manière dont un risque sanitaire est assimilé par le grand public. D'autre part, elle peut être considérée comme un outil « incitatif » dans la mesure où elle permet de cibler des pistes d’intervention en fonction des caractéristiques des groupes sociaux et des situations dans lesquelles ils s’inscrivent. Nous concluons cette thèse en évoquant d'autres possibilités de recherche et d'application dans le domaine de la santé.
... This descriptive analysis was conducted to study how the words given by young people are associated with the parents' socio-professional categories and the participants' interest in science (Mouret et al., 2013;Nadarajah et al., 2022). In accordance with the work of Piermattéo et al. (2014) and the recommendations of Deschamps (2003), evocations whose frequency was greater than or equal to 6 were selected (n = 42 categories, 89.50% of the corpus without hapax). The relationship of these evocations with two variables was studied: (1) Interest in science was divided into two categories ("weak" and "strong"), which were defined with a distribution by the median 5; and (2) parents' socio-professional categories were separated into 3 categories in accordance with the SPC groupings used for economic analyses by the French Office for National Statistics: SPC +, SPC −, and Inactive. ...
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Junior high school students are tomorrow’s key protagonists in the ecological transition. They need enlightened education to face the uncertainty and challenges of climate change. The development of climate change education programs requires a clear understanding of how young people perceive the issue. This study deals with social representations. Its aim was to understand how social background and interest in science are linked to the way young people perceive the concept of the ecological transition. Four hundred twenty-nine junior high school students took part in this study. Data were collected and subjected to prototypical analysis and factorial correspondence analysis. Three main findings emerged from the analysis: (1) the participants had significant knowledge of the ecological transition, (2) their awareness of the social aspects of climate change was limited, and (3) their representations of the ecological transition were linked to their interest in science and their parents’ social background. To conclude, these results underline the importance of educating all social classes about effective solutions for the ecological transition. Our findings also highlight the need to consider existing representations and prior knowledge when designing educational programs on climate change issues.
... Correspondence analysis is a technique long applied in social representations research (Deschamps, 2003). Correspondence analysis was conducted using Dtm-Vic software on the reduced corpus. ...
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This study aimed to investigate the commonsense knowledge about the Internet and its relationship with social groupings from the perspective of social representations theory. We surveyed 1013 participants (students, teachers, and guardians) from three schools, using the ranked association technique, the General Internet Attitudes Scale, and the Web-Use Skill Measure Index. We conducted a correspondence analysis on the data. Results showed that the representation of the Internet is associated with different social groupings, being organized along a media-message axis and a personal-social axis. While students, participants with lower education levels and participants with positive attitudes toward the Internet have a personal media usage representation, teachers and participants with higher
... By focusing on the frequency of elements, the correspondence factor analysis (CFA) can be used to simultaneously study the variables and the content of the representation (Deschamps, 2003). By identifying factor axes, this type of analysis sheds light on the organization of the elements of SR. ...
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This study, conducted in France, sought to describe the organization of the content of the social representations that high school students in transition construct of work and their own future, taking into account two variables: their type of secondary school and the anticipated length of their post-secondary education. For this purpose, 669 adolescents enrolled at three types of secondary schools (middle school, general high school, and vocational high school) were given two free-association tasks (with the inducers "work" and "your future"). Prototypical analyses for each of the variables considered were carried out on the corpus of words collected. The results highlight the place occupied by money and post-secondary education in the set of representations and the advantage of taking into account the subjective variable "anticipated length of post-secondary education" to better understand the role that contemporary uncertainties play. Thus, students who do not plan to pursue higher studies seem more worried about their future than others. On the theoretical level, the article notably highlights the benefit of integrating certain concepts developed in social psychology along with studies developed in the field of career guidance. In terms of practice, finally, it argues for a better integration of anticipations in the support aimed at helping students plan their transitions.
... This descriptive analysis allows to project on a bidimensional axis the semantic content collected through the evocation tasks according to different numerical variables (e.g., participant's attitude score). Thus, in accordance with the recommendations of Deschamps (Deschamps, 2005), the evocations whose frequency was greater than or equal to 4 for He and 8 for Carbon dioxide were selected. The relationship of these evocations was studied with several variables: place of residence (ERP municipalities, Nevers), attitudes towards He and CO 2 , knowledge towards He and CO 2 , environmental attitude and socio-professional categories (SCP+; SCP-; Inactives). ...
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Projects with a high socio-environmental impact involving the subsoil are often the subject of strong controversy between stakeholders, sometimes affecting their implementation. Thus, increasing attention is being paid to understanding the public perception of the risks associated with these projects. The objective of this research was to understand how social and psychological anchors influence the way stakeholders perceive the risks associated with a helium (He) and carbon dioxide (CO2) valorization project in central France. A survey was conducted among 306 people living in two geographical areas, one affected by the project and the other not affected. Verbal association tasks were used to investigate perceptions of He and CO2 and the data were then subjected to two correspondence analyses. Results The results show that He’s perceptions are not yet totally structured by psychosocial anchors but are nevertheless structured by the territory variable. For CO2, the participants’ discourse is organized around the notion of risk and refers to the impact of CO2 emissions on the environment. Moreover, perceptions are influenced by psycho-social anchors, which clearly structure the perception of CO2. On the other hand, for this object that is well known to the general public, the territory no longer seems to play a role in structuring perceptions. Conclusion This research highlights the importance of studying the psychosocial anchors involved in the appropriation of objects related to projects, in order to develop and adapt suitable communications according to the characteristics of the stakeholders and the territory in which they are evolving.
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To support trainers in implementing emerging educational technologies into their practices, training centers nominate one or several change agents. The aim of this study is to identify their individual human factors in this organizational change process. Twenty-one experts in organizational change, training, and educational technology participated in this study that combined semi-structured interviews with two job analysis questionnaires. The data were first treated separately with descriptive statistics and directed content analysis. They were then analyzed jointly with a factorial correspondence analysis completed with a hierarchical ascending classification. Results highlight the core activity of a project manager and eight additional activities with their own individual human factors. They provide to the change agents’ team benefits, such as management, strategy, communication, training, analysis, facilitation, and technological, pedagogical, and financial expertise. Those findings suggest a protean activity of the change agent, hardly manageable by a single person, which practitioners should anticipate when managing change. This research also proposes an original method to obtain a deeper understanding of an unexplored concept like change agents.
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Groups have cognitive existence through the prototype of the group (Haslam et al., 1995; Past group prototypes then refer to the most representative characteristics that define the group in these previous states. We suppose, as collective events might have different versions associated with different valences (Zaromb et al., 2014;, this might also be the case for prototypes also held in the collective memory (Halbwachs, 1950; After highlighting different facets of the past (Study 1) or not (Study 2), we used the “free association method” (Lo Monaco et al., 2017;; Vergès, [1992], L’évocation de l’argent. Bulletin de Psychologie, 45(4–7), 203–209). Yet, this research explored the content of past prototypes associated with different elements of French collective memory: the French during the Second World War (Study 1, N = 301), and French people in 18th century (Study 2, N = 354). Results suggest the existence for each of these periods of a “two-sided” prototype, i.e., a positive vs. negative-valence prototype. The implications of the existence of these “two-sided” prototypes, the implication of collective continuity perceived for each of them and avenues for future research will be discussed.
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Este libro condensa una serie de textos teóricos y empíricos producto de una línea de investigación en el área de la Psicología Social, Cultural y Política iniciada en el año 2004, y formalizada en el año 2008 a través de proyectos de investigación financiados por la Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (ANPCyT),del ingreso de varios de los miembros del equipo local a la Carrera del Investigador Científico y de la obtención de becas doctorales y posdoctorales del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Es también el resultado del intercambio constante con docentes e investigadores de instituciones extranjeras, así como de la participación conjunta durante más de diez años en proyectos de investigación transculturales que se refleja en los cincuenta y dos autores de catorce países que colaboran en esta obra. El propósito, y desafío, fue compilar un conjunto de trabajos que reflejara algunas de las problemáticas actuales que interpelan a la reflexión e investigación en Psicología Social, Cultural y Política. Se pretendía ofrecer a estudiantes avanzados, docentes e investigadores del área textos que abordaran de forma reflexiva y provocadora procesos teóricos sustanciales, así como estudios aplicados que proveyeran diversidad de contextos, problemáticas, marcos y técnicas de sustento empírico. El sustrato común a los textos es la necesidad de superar las visiones individualistas de los análisis psicosociales, y de orientarlos al estudio de la construcción de significados colectivos que regulan las relaciones sociales. Por ello el apartado de procesos teóricos se inicia con la propuesta de Staerklé y Doise de una psicología social del orden social, de una psicología societal como marco que permite captar la intervención de complejos mecanismos societales de regulación social en las cogniciones, evaluaciones y decisiones individuales. Como bien indican los autores, la investigación en psicología social tiene muchos componentes políticos y no es una tarea fácil establecer límites claros entre estas dos tradiciones de investigación, por lo que se sugiere que la contribución de la psicología social a la psicología política debe encontrarse en un abordaje general denominado psicología societal cuyo objetivo principal es la investigación de la intervención de las formas sociales de conocimiento compartido tales como las ideologías, las normas y las representaciones sociales en el funcionamiento cognitivo individual.
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