
Coherent teacher education programmes: taking a student perspective

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This study draws upon survey data of 486 student teachers from five different programmes based in five different countries (one programme in each country), and programmes that have varied in their efforts to become more coherent. We explore students’ perceptions of the coherence within their teacher education programmes and across the five programmes to investigate whether teachers in these programmes actually experience their teacher education programmes to be coherent. Descriptive analyses and analysis of variance were used for this purpose. Students in a programme which has explicitly made efforts to connect theory and practice over a period of 15 years do report more coherence. Students from a programme that has been constantly working on improvements but not a major redesign conceptualized around coherence, report experiencing less coherence. Based on students’ reports across all programmes, we conclude that the relationship between courses and field placements is in need of tighter links. Investing in collaboration across settings, i.e. field placement settings and university, remains a challenge for all teacher education programmes, even those engaged in substantial change efforts. Investigating how teacher educators might create closer links to school sites is a promising means of developing our understanding of teacher education programme coherence.

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... In the United States, Grossman et al.'s (2009) study of 15 teacher preparation programs highlighted the importance of connections between university coursework and field experiences. However, research including PSTs' own perceptions of coherence is limited (Canrinus et al., 2017), especially within mathematics education. Greater insights into their experiences could point to missed opportunities within and inform re-designs of teacher education programs. ...
... Therefore, the what of coherence might include a shared instructional vision or shared ideas and practices across settings. The where of coherence might include the settings of the university courses and field experiences, and the opportunities to make connections across such settings (Canrinus et al., 2017(Canrinus et al., , 2019. Conceptual coherence, then, foregrounds how ideas and practices are connected (relations between "whats"), while structural coherence attends to how such ideas/practices are organized across settings (relations between "what" and "where"). ...
... Most research on program coherence has examined teacher education in general (e.g., Canrinus et al., 2017Canrinus et al., , 2019Lamb & Jacobs, 2009). The little research that focuses specifically on mathematics teacher education, however, attends only to the settings of methods courses and field experiences (e.g., Bahr et al., 2014;Jao, 2017) or general aspects of coherence without consideration of the particularities of mathematics education (e.g., extent to which there are "clear links between courses;" Tatto et al., 2012). ...
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Teacher educators globally have argued that developing coherent programs can combat the fragmentation that often characterizes teacher education and better support teacher learning. Yet, there is little research on coherence in mathematics teacher education, especially from the perspectives of preservice teachers. To that end, in this article, we report how 13 secondary mathematics preservice teachers (PSTs) from one teacher education program perceived their program as coherent, specifically attending to the ideas and practices PSTs engaged with and the settings in which they engaged with those ideas/practices. Based on participatory diagramming interviews and network analysis, we found that PSTs experienced two main sources of incoherence. First, although PSTs had opportunities to learn about equity from multiple settings, they did not perceive that equity and other aspects of mathematics instruction together were coherently organized. Second, PSTs reported learning about two opposing instructional approaches—direct instruction and inquiry-based instruction. PSTs reported that opportunities to learn about inquiry-based instruction were primarily isolated to courses taught by the mathematics education program and were contradicted by learning and experiencing direct instruction in their special education courses, mathematics courses, and field and student teaching experiences. Findings highlight a need to attend to issues of equity, as well as connections among university coursework and between coursework and field. Based on our findings, we conclude with implications for how teacher education programs might respond to and engage with incoherence to support PST learning.
... No obstante, es evidente que esta no es una tarea sencilla pues requiere de una fórmula teoría-práctica educativa que aún está en debate (Keller-Schneider, Zhong, & Yeung, 2020) y una capacidad a desarrollar durante toda la vida. A pesar de los esfuerzos docentes e institucionales, para muchos/as estudiantes a Maestro/a -y algunos profesionales en activo -no existe una lógica coherente entre las prácticas de aula y las asignaturas universitarias (Canrinus, Bergem, Klette, & Hammerness, 2017). En concreto, durante el Prácticum, el alumnado requiere de una coordinación estrecha y unos criterios conjuntos, del tutor de prácticas y el tutor académico, cara poder establecer una lógica que le lleve a entender la relación teoría-práctica y evidenciar las competencias necesarias para la labor docente desarrollando una práctica reflexiva y crítica de lo que está experimentando en el centro educativo. ...
... En concreto, durante el Prácticum, el alumnado requiere de una coordinación estrecha y unos criterios conjuntos, del tutor de prácticas y el tutor académico, cara poder establecer una lógica que le lleve a entender la relación teoría-práctica y evidenciar las competencias necesarias para la labor docente desarrollando una práctica reflexiva y crítica de lo que está experimentando en el centro educativo. A través de un rol activo en la docencia del aula, el futuro profesor/a puede aplicar los aprendizajes de la universidad en un contexto real, bajo la supervisión y ayuda del tutor de prácticas y en colaboración con otros profesionales con los que puede compartir, debatir e intercambiar experiencias de enseñanza-aprendizaje, permitiéndole integrar sus conocimientos, aplicarlos a la realidad y validarlos (Egido & López, 2016) en un simulacro de análisis-reflexión de su propia acción que le acerque a los requerimientos 'reales' de los docentes en activo y la escuela actual (Canrinus et al., 2017). ...
... Para los futuros docentes, la calidad educativa, y más concretamente la calidad de los programas de formación docente, pasa por hacer que las instituciones universitarias se esfuercen en acercar o hacer más coherente la relación entre las enseñanzas universitarias y la realidad de los centros educativos (la relación teoría-práctica) porque tratar de construir y comprender la teoría educativa, sin los conocimientos previos suficientes o sin comprender esta relación, supone un esfuerzo muy exigente en el Prácticum y, a largo plazo, una dificultad para crear conexiones sólidas entre ellas (Canrinus et al., 2017) que dificulta la comprensión de la labor docente y su aprendizaje. Lo mismo ocurre con las competencias profesionales, para Gairín (2011) estas destrezas solo serán adquiridas si el profesorado universitario se aleja de la concepción tradicional de la enseñanza y es capaz de promover prácticas de aula diversas, con distintas estrategias y recursos didácticos, que sean acompañados por el análisis, seguimiento y evaluación individualizados de los Prácticum. ...
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La capacitación inicial del docente requiere observar y reflexionar sobre la realidad educativa, fundamentando la teoría en la práctica de aula, y desarrollar competencias que posibiliten el desempeño profesional. En este estudio las percepciones de los futuros docentes, del Máster de Educación Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional, sobre la calidad de la formación recibida en durante su formación. Los resultados evidencian dificultades en su relación con el alumnado de los centros de prácticas y falta de recursos para elaborar programaciones didácticas. Como propuestas de mejora solicitan una formación basada en enfoques constructivistas que acerquen teoría y práctica y aumenten la calidad educativa.
... Studiar gjort på koherens i laerarutdanning spenner over eit spekter av perspektiv når det gjeld tematikk og informantutval. Når det gjeld utval av informantar tek nokre studiar eit studentperspektiv (Canrinus et al., 2017;Canrinus et al., 2019;Fitchett et al., 2018), andre eit programleiingsperspektiv (Hammerness, 2013;Hermansen, 2020), og nokre nyttar ein kombinasjon av desse (Cavanna et al., 2021;Hammerness, 2006). Når det kjem til kva tematikk som vert undersøkt, finn vi døme på forsking på samanhengen mellom det studentane laerer ved utdanningsinstitusjonen og dei erfaringane dei gjer seg i praksis (t.d. ...
... Anderson-Levitt et al., 2017;Grossman et al., 2008), og forsking på korleis nyutdanna laerarar opplever samanhengen mellom laerarutdanninga og jobben som laerar (Alles et al., 2019). Det er få studiar som fokuserer spesifikt på norsk lektorutdanning, men studiane til Canrinus et al. (2017) og Hermansen (2020) har eit slikt perspektiv, samt dei mindre studiane til Vestøl (2014) og Vestøl et al. (2018). ...
... I mykje av forskinga om koherens vert eit sett med felles tankar om laering og undervising, det som vert kalla ein felles visjon, trekt fram som viktig for å skape omgrepskoherens (sjå t.d. Canrinus et al., 2017;Feiman-Nemser, 1990;Grossman et al., 2008;Hammerness, 2006Hammerness, , 2013Steinnes & Haug, 2019;Tatto, 1996). Ein felles visjon vert forstått som ei felles forståing dei tilsette jobbar ut frå, der ein kan tydeleggjere måla for utdanninga og korleis (felles tankar om laering og undervising) ein kan kome seg dit. ...
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I ei tid der lektorutdanningane har stort fråfall, og der delar av dette fråfallet kan knytast til den praktiske organiseringa og mangel på samanheng mellom disiplinfag og profesjonsfag, er det behov for systematisk forsking på kva den praktiske organiseringa har å seie for samanhengen mellom disiplinfag og profesjonsfag. Denne studien undersøker korleis det vert arbeidd med koherens frå eit programleiingsperspektiv, og kva programleiinga opplever som moglege hindre i dette arbeidet. Studien tek eit programdesignperspektiv, og leiing for lektorutdanninga i nordisk ved tre norske utdanningsinstitusjonar (NTNU, UiB og UiO) har vorte intervjua gjennom semistrukturerte djupneintervju. Det er nytta teoridrive innhaldsanalyse av intervjumaterialet, som vidare vert diskutert i lys av koherensforsking, særleg koherensforsking gjort på lærarutdanning. Artikkelen viser at sjølv om utdanningsinstitusjonane har ulik organisering av sine utdanningar, eksisterer dei same utfordringane når det gjeld samanhengen og samarbeid mellom fagdidaktikk og disiplinfag. Det er manglar når det gjeld samarbeidsplattformer internt, samt mangel på ein felles tanke om kva lektorutdanninga skal vere. Artikkelen gjev eit bidrag til diskusjonen om koherens på programdesignnivå, og er eit bidrag til det vidare arbeidet med koherens i lektorutdanninga.
... Previous work has already shown how curriculum organization influences teacher education outcomes (Canrinus et al., 2017;Hammerness & Klette, 2015). Assessment practices, pedagogical methods, well-aligned courses, and training schools are fundamental aspects of teacher education that impact early-career teachers' practice (Bronkhorst et al., 2011;Klette et al., 2017). ...
... Assessment practices, pedagogical methods, well-aligned courses, and training schools are fundamental aspects of teacher education that impact early-career teachers' practice (Bronkhorst et al., 2011;Klette et al., 2017). In addition, curriculum coherence supports the transfer of concepts from one context to another, links experiences within and across classrooms and field experiences, and promotes a shared understanding of teaching and teachers' dispositions for professional development (Canrinus et al., 2017;Newmann et al., 2001). Bransford et al. (2005) argue that a coherent curriculum supports students in connecting knowledge and skills based on traditional pedagogical practices, while also providing opportunities for students to develop their agency to investigate innovative conceptualizations and practices of teaching. ...
... All measures are validated, reliable according to their (sub)scales' alpha values, and previously used in Finnish contexts (Canrinus et al., 2017;Soini et al., 2015;Vähäsantanen et al., 2019). Although the TEC scale has a different Likert-scale compared to all other measures, this study adopted a mean item analysis that compatibilized their joint analysis. ...
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Understanding how student teacher professional agency (STPA) develops during teacher education is crucial for educators and curriculum developers interested in strengthening it. To explore this process comprehensively, environmental factors (i.e., curriculum coherence between theory and practice and the learning environment) and individual factors (i.e., professional identity) were considered. This study utilized quantitative cross-sectional data of 362 students who were in different stages of their teacher education in a Finnish university. Structural equation modeling (SEM) and network analysis were applied over the data to better understand the interactive processes of the factors being investigated. The results indicated that different aspects of curriculum coherence, learning environment and professional identity dynamically influence STPA during teacher education by changing their relationship with it over time.
... It has been established, therefore, that within discourses of professionalism and professionalisation, student teachers enter into a negotiated space, where they must navigate between their professionalism, that is, how they carry out their professional role, and the professionalisation agenda of governments seeking to monitor the quality of their work. In this respect it rejects a purely instrumentalist approach to professional identity, based on a teacher's job description, role, responsibilities and self-efficacy (Canrinus et al, 2017) and instead considers a broader perspective in which teacher education plays a key part. ...
... In general, research on the practicum adopts the perspective of the actors involved: teacher educators, mentors in the school and the student teachers themselves. Studies from the teacher educator's perspective focus on structural or organisational aspects, such as programme coherence (see for example, Canrinus et al, 2017;Korthagen, 2001;Allen, 2011) or models of practicum and partnerships between university and school (see for example, . In a review of literature on the practicum, Lawson et al (2015) analysed 114 studies on the topic and identified nine recurring themes, that can also be divided according to the three actors listed above. ...
... The suggestion in the above citation that schools do not value critical reflection on theories of teaching and learning links to the findings of this study that mentors do not see it as their role to promote the connection of theory and practice with the student teachers they are supporting (see Chapter 7). The perception of the teacher education curriculum as a collection of independent, unrelated units of study led Canrinus et al (2017) to carry out a large-scale comparative study across five countries (including the Nordic countries and the United States), of students' opinions on the coherence of their respective programmes, both between modules and between university and school placement. Although student teachers reported 'reasonable' coherence between courses, there was a less positive response with regard to the connection between the university and school as locations of teacher education. ...
Student teachers today must be equipped with a wide repertoire of skills to meet the challenges of increasingly complex, diverse and inclusive classrooms. At a time when many countries in Europe are facing teacher shortages, it is vital that student teachers develop a strong teacher professional identity. This study examines how student teachers in Germany, France and England construct this identity and provides fresh insights into the powerful influence that the social and cultural context has on teacher education and conceptions of the teacher’s role. As such, the study addresses a gap in empirical comparative research looking in depth at student teachers’ experiences in these countries. Professional identity formation is understood as a fluid and dynamic process, developed through events, experiences and interactions and firmly rooted in the historical and sociocultural context. Compelling narratives produced from interviews with student teachers in each of these countries are analysed comparatively to identify key themes. A new, original analytical model is applied that charts student teachers’ professional journeys in three distinct but interconnected stages that begin at school and incorporate theoretical and practical elements of teacher education. The research found that all the participants recognised the didactical and pedagogical skills needed for today’s classroom and all prioritised the practicum over academic elements of their programmes. Both structural and perceptual barriers resulted in a disconnection of theory and practice experienced by all participants. Divergences were found in the motives for becoming a teacher and in the intentional use of pre teacher education experiences as a testing ground for career choice. The recourse to rubrics of competences to assess teaching was common to all participants, however, whilst this constrained the practice of English student teachers, it was perceived very differently in Germany and France. This perception led to significant differences in the level of professional autonomy student teachers expected to have in their future role and how this was reflected in teachers’ status in society.
... As the study of quality TEPs gains momentum, there is a gap in the literature examining this construct in non-Western countries. Furthermore, of particular importance is the extent to which pre-service teachers perceive their TEP is based on a clear vision of quality teaching, is coherent by linking theory with practice, and provides opportunities to enact teaching (Cabaroglu 2014;Canrinus et al. 2017a;Goh and Yusuf 2017;Klette and Hammerness 2016). Few comparative studies have focused upon these features of programme design which can provide insight into pre-service teachers' learning and future practices. ...
... In understanding the quality of TEPs, it is important to clarify that the student experience of a programme should also be considered (Canrinus et al. 2017a). Student perspectives should be studied, as they may differ from the programme's intent (Canrinus, Klette, and Hammerness 2017b). ...
... Although programme coherence in quality TEPs should consist of opportunities for pre-service teachers to make connections between different ideas (Canrinus et al. 2017a), establishing coherence across courses has historically proven to be an area of difficulty (Canrinus, Klette, and Hammerness 2017b;Korthagen 2010). Supporting this belief, in an international study of teacher candidates, the lowest survey responses were related to the extent to which the faculty knew what was happening in other courses or in field experiences (Canrinus, Klette, and Hammerness 2017b). ...
The present quantitative study explored pre-service teachers’ perspectives regarding the quality of their Teacher Education Programme (TEP) in Lebanon, Qatar, and China. The sample consisted of 326 pre-service school teachers who completed a survey designed to examine their perception of the following indicators of TEP quality: (1) a shared vision of good teaching, (2) coherence, or alignment among TEP courses, and (3) opportunities for pre-service teachers to enact their own teaching practice. An exploratory factor analysis indicated the underlying factors were instead theory and vicarious experiences, reflections on authentic experiences, and programme coherence. Overall, pre-service teachers in all countries rated their TEP highest on programme coherence, while reflections on authentic experiences received the lowest ratings. Pre-service teachers in Lebanon and Qatar rated their TEPs significantly higher than did participants in China (p < .01), which could be attributed to differences in TEP structure. Practical implications and recommendations were discussed.
... Ademais, é no estágio supervisionado que o aluno poderá colocar à prova a teoria vista em matérias da faculdade que tratam sobre o ensino, validando a coerência das teorias de ensino e aprendizagem (CANRINUS et al., 2015). Para Pogge e Yager (1987), o Ensino de Ciências deve preparar os cidadãos para tratar com responsabilidade as questões sociais relativas à Ciência; portanto, é possível que o estagiário verifique, por exemplo, as concepções dos alunos antes e depois das aulas. ...
... Durante o estágio, foi possível não somente investigar as possibilidades de aplicação do referencial teórico da Educação CTSA; mais do que isso, foi possível permitir aos estagiários terem contato com a perspectiva do educador, bem como terem acesso às necessidades do ensino básico, que nem sempre chegam à universidade (KRASILCHIK, 2019). De acordo com Canrinus et al. (2015), uma boa formação de professores necessita de coerência conceitual e estrutural, de forma que tenha uma relação sólida com a prática docente. Para os autores, a falta de coerência entre teoria e prática nos currículos desses cursos está diretamente relacionada com a má performance dos professores em sala de aula, o que pode impactar negativamente no ensino e na aprendizagem dos alunos. ...
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Um importante elemento de coerência na formação de professores é a compatibilidade entre aquilo que se aprende na universidade e o que pode ser observado durante os estágios supervisionados, o que nem sempre acontece devido à divergência de teorias adotadas nos cursos de graduação e nas práticas pedagógicas nas escolas. Neste artigo são exploradas as experiências no Estágio Supervisionado com temática da Educação CTSA (Ciências, Tecnologia, Sociedade e Ambiente) e suas interseções com a Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica (PHC). O estágio foi realizado nos 7os e 8os anos do Ensino Fundamental, acompanhando um professor monitor que segue a pedagogia materialista. Durante as observações, foram feitas anotações baseadas em evidências para a análise. O estagiário também realizou uma regência. Foram realizadas uma análise dos resultados do estágio e uma análise da articulação da aula do professor com os eixos da ênfase CTSA. Apesar das diferenças entre a Educação CTSA e a PHC, o professor monitor consegue inserir conteúdos CTSA em suas aulas através de suas explicações e demais atividades. Sobre a regência, foi concluído que permaneceram algumas distorções conceituais, que poderiam ser superadas caso o estagiário fosse responsável por uma sequência de aulas, podendo dar continuidade com o ensino e a aprendizagem.
... Previous studies have compared teacher education between some or all of the Nordic countries (e.g., Afdal & Nerland, 2014;Canrinus et al., 2017Canrinus et al., , 2019Elstad et al., 2021a;Hammerness & Klette, 2015;Hammerness et al., 2016;Klette et al., 2017). However, to the best of our knowledge, quantitative analysis of the quality aspects that comprise our focus have not been performed for all Nordic countries. ...
... The indicator 'In the practice periods, I discuss practical experiences with the supervisors/practice teachers in light of what we have learned', for example, has an average value for all Nordic countries slightly above the neutral midpoint (four) but is highest in Sweden and Iceland. Although it is not easy to compare this study and Canrinus et al. (2017), both identify similar differences between Norwegian and Finnish teacher education. ...
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This chapter compares the quality of aspects of teacher education in the Nordic countries. Scandinavian countries employ nationwide surveys in higher education that provide essential information for education authorities of each country; these measurements are used in public sector debates concerning teacher education, and in individual teacher education environments. The results from these measurements can be used for benchmarking. This chapter compares the quality of various aspects of teacher across Nordic countries via a survey of student teachers. We collected data from all Nordic countries using similar surveys that were translated into the various Nordic languages by native speakers. All student teachers who participated in the study were in the final phase of their teacher education programme. Student teachers’ evaluations of educational theory, subject didactics, practice training, time-on-task, as well as several motivation categories were examined. The analyses show several similarities. However, the biggest difference between average scale values is found between the Danish and Finnish data sets. There is a standard deviation in difference in favour of Denmark between the relevance of educational theory teaching experienced in Denmark and Finland. Further, the time on task in Danish teacher education is far higher than in the other Nordic countries.
... Así pues, la búsqueda de la coherencia, entendida no como un producto o una meta, sino como un proceso continuo y cíclico que requiere constantemente de ajustes y reajustes (Fullan y Quinn, 2016;Hammerness, 2006;Nixon, 1991) debería ser un aliciente en la mejora de la calidad de la educación en general y de la formación de maestros en particular. En el ámbito de la formación de maestros hay una preocupación a nivel internacional por conseguir programas coherentes en los estudios de magisterio que estén conectados con la realidad de los centros educativos y con las necesidades de la sociedad del siglo XXI (Canrinus et al., 2015;Grossman et al., 2008;Hammerness, 2013;Russell et al., 2001). Todos los estudios coinciden en señalar que la coherencia en la integración de la teoría y la práctica se convierte en un requisito previo para enseñanza de alta calidad en el aula. ...
... Posteriormente, se hizo una búsqueda y análisis de información en fuentes bibliográficas de prestigio y se escogieron las dimensiones y los indicadores que definían cada dimensión (Canrinus et al., 2015;Fullan y Kirtman, 2019;Grossman et al., 2008;Hammerness, 2013;Pritchett, 2015;Russell et al., 2001). ...
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la validez de contenido de un instrumento formato rúbrica para ser cumplimentado por docentes para medir los indicadores de funcionamiento fundamentales en los centros educativos siguiendo el enfoque de escuelas coherentes. Durante el proceso de diseño y validación de contenido del instrumento, se ha constatado la complejidad de un concepto que abarca múltiples dimensiones, no solo del centro educativo, sino de toda la configuración de la comunidad escolar. Esto ha supuesto que se hayan puesto de relevancia las relaciones entre los diversos elementos que configuran una escuela y, de este modo, se han determinado, también, las conexiones existentes entre los aspectos académicos, socioeconómicos y personales que interactúan entre sí. Los resultados de la evaluación del instrumento creado muestran que deben reducirse algunas de las cuestiones planteadas bien por no resultar relevantes o bien por falta de claridad de las mismas. El instrumento puede ser útil para que, aquellos centros con interés por medir diversos estándares que puedan redundar en su mejora y determinar su grado de coherencia, puedan aplicarla y obtener resultados que contribuyan a determinar sus futuras líneas estratégicas.
... We will discuss interview data to show how our intervention responds to teacher students' questions about the relevance of discipline-specific content knowledge for their teaching career and the perceived disconnection of that knowledge from future teaching practice (Canrinus, Bergem, Klette, & Hammerness, 2017). We argue that the intervention helps to meet the need for greater curricular coherence in language teacher education by crossing disciplinary boundaries and that it also enables the students to perceive linguistic knowledge as linked to and relevant for pedagogical reasoning and teaching practice. ...
... Coherence has been defined and operationalized in several ways. On a general level, Canrinus et al. (2017) define program coherence as a process that is established through coherence between university courses -with courses, for example, reflecting similar views about teaching and learning -as well as through coherence between university courses and field experiences -with, for example, students being able to try out, during their fieldwork, strategies they learned about at university. (Canrinus et al., 2017, p. 315) Additionally, they include student teachers' opportunities to make connections across ideas and to build their own understanding as features of program coherence. ...
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This chapter reports on a teaching intervention at the interface of linguistics, language education, and teaching practice that aims to reduce the structural and conceptual fragmentation of university teacher education programs. We have developed this teaching intervention to address the need for the reduction of knowledge fragmentation to achieve greater curricular coherence between the disciplines involved in university teacher education by crossing disciplinary boundaries, thus enabling students to perceive subject content knowledge as linked to and relevant for pedagogical reasoning and teaching practice. We first discuss how this intervention responds to pre-service teachers' questions about the relevance of discipline-specific subject content knowledge for their teaching career and the perceived disconnection of that knowledge from teaching practice. We then illustrate three ways in which the teaching intervention helps teacher students to perceive linguistic content knowledge as linked to and relevant for pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical reasoning, and teaching practice. Finally, it will be argued that the specific needs and issues that the teaching intervention addresses are to a large extent relevant for other pluricentric languages that are taught as school subjects in secondary education.
... Als Oberbegriff für eine Vielzahl von Konzepten und Maßnahmen kann Kohärenz sich auf die verschiedenen Phasen, Professionswissensbereiche, Curricula und Inhalte, Akteur*innen oder bildungspolitische Aspekte der Lehrkräftebildung und des Professionalisierungsprozesses beziehen (z. B. Canrinus et al., 2015;Hellmann, 2019;Hermansen, 2019;Lindvall & Ryve, 2019;Muller, 2009). Kohärenz kann, ungeachtet der Fokussierung im vorliegenden Beitrag auf hochschulische Lehrkräftebildung, zudem prinzipiell auf den gesamten Professionalisierungsprozess von Lehrkräften (so auf die berufliche Tätigkeit sowie professionelle Fort-und Weiterbildung) ausgeweitet werden (Hellmann, 2019). ...
... Wichtig erscheint in diesem Kontext die Ausbildung einer gemeinsamen Sprache aller Beteiligten mit Bezug auf die umgesetzten Maßnahmen und implementierten Inhalte (Tatto, 1996) sowie eine klare, inhaltlich begründete, gemeinsame Zielsetzung, bevor die entsprechenden curricularen Verzahnungsmaßnahmen umgesetzt werden . Die Schaffung verzahnter Lerngelegenheiten garantiert nicht, dass die intendierten Zusammenhänge von Studierenden auch wahrgenommen werden (Buchmann & Floden, 1992;Canrinus et al., 2015). Weiterhin kann erst die tatsächliche Auseinandersetzung mit den beschriebenen Lerngelegenheiten bestimmte Wirkungen im Professionalisierungsprozess der Studierenden erzielen (Kunter et al., 2011). ...
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Der vorliegende Überblicksbeitrag ist das Ergebnis einer standortübergreifenden Kooperation von Wissenschaftler*innen aus verschiedenen Projekten der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung. Das gemeinsame Ziel besteht in einer vertieften theoretisch-begrifflichen Fundierung der Prozesse von Kohärenzbildung, der Systematisierung einer Diskussion um die aktuelle Konzeption und Praxis von Lehrkräftebildung sowie der Einordnung erster empirischer Forschungsergebnisse in diese Systematisierung. Im Beitrag werden die Konzepte Kohärenz, Verzahnung und Vernetzung erstmalig ausdifferenziert und ein Angebots-Nutzungs-Modell hochschulischer Kohärenzbildung vorgestellt. Dieses ermöglicht den beteiligten und anderen Hochschulstandorten auf gemeinsamer theoretischer Basis die Beforschung und Evaluation von Bedingungen und Prozessen verzahnter Lehr-Lern-Umgebungen und ihrer Wirkungen zum Beispiel auf die Vernetzung von Professionswissen. Schlagwörter: Angebots-Nutzungs-Modell – Kohärenz – Lehrkräftebildung – Vernetzung – Verzahnung Link:
... Pre-service teachers (PSTs) often value school-based practice more than academic studies partly because theory can seem 'remote' in comparison to the immediacy of practicum learning (Allen 2009, 653). In addition, informing practice with theory is a complex undertaking (Guilfoyle, McCormack, and Erduran 2020) made more difficult if faculty-school incoherence leaves PSTs either unable to practise strategies discussed in university (Canrinus et al. 2017) or feeling reluctant to do so because teachers' practices 'contradict' faculty approaches (Mark, Lohwasser, and Tasker 2021, 406). The sense of a theorypractice gap can also be exacerbated by practice shock where students' ideals and beliefs about teaching are challenged by classroom realities (Ela and Lena Østern 2021;Voss and Kunter 2020). ...
... As Zeichner (2010) notes, even with partnership arrangements 'the disconnect between what students are taught in campus courses and their opportunities for learning to enact these practices in their school placements is often very great' (483). The importance of the overall design of the programme cannot be underestimated: a balanced approach is needed which ensures conceptual and structural coherence across integrated faculty and practicum elements (Canrinus et al. 2017). ...
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Background Student teachers can find it difficult to inform their classroom practice with knowledge gained from education theory and research. Working with Design and Technology teacher education students, the authors have developed a model to support integration of knowledge-based thinking in lesson design for classroom practice. Purpose This study explores the use of the Adaptive Subject Pedagogy Model to scaffold knowledge integration across the elements of an undergraduate technology education programme. Sample Twenty-four Design and Technology students from three year-groups took part in the study. Design and methods The study used focus groups to explore student perceptions of using the model, and analysis of student assignments to explore evidence of knowledge integration. Focus group transcripts were analysed inductively using thematic network analysis. Assignments were analysed using a deductive coding framework. Results Students who understood the model as supporting planning for teaching in a broad sense were more likely to find the model helpful than those who saw the model as a lesson planning tool. Students valued the research element of the model for informing practice. Assignments gave mixed evidence of knowledge integration: some assignments showed convincing evidence of this, while others evidenced more partial integration. Conclusion The study indicates that the model can support evidential integration, but that this is a challenging area for student teachers. This may be due to the different forms of knowledge students encounter across the academic and practicum elements of the programme, and/or to programme design if the practicum is not integrated effectively with other programme elements.
... Deswegen sollte den Studierenden in der ersten Ausbildungsphase eine theoretisch fundierte und systematisch verknüpfte Wissensbasis vermittelt werden, die im Idealfall praxisrelevant ist und ihnen so die spätere berufliche Tätigkeit erleichtert (Cochran et al. 1993;Kunter et al. 2011;Terhart et al. 2011). Damit erhält die Gestaltung einer vertikal kohärenten Lehre -sprich die Vermittlung von Wissenselementen, die über verschiedene Phasen der Lehrerbiografie relevant bleibeneine hohe Relevanz (Canrinus et al. 2017;Hammerness und Klette 2015;Muller 2009;Hellmann 2019). Denn dadurch kann Diskontinuität im Professionalisierungsprozess und dem häufig genannten Theorie-Praxis-Dilemma mit der einhergehenden Entstehung von trägem Wissen (Bromme und Tillema 1995;Bromme 1981) vorgebeugt werden (Hammerness und Klette 2015;Hellmann 2019;McQuillan et al. 2012;Muller 2009;Smeby und Heggen 2014;Terhart et al. 2011). ...
... Die Erkenntnisse dieser Studie dienen insgesamt der Gestaltung einer kohärenten Lehre und der Identifikation von Wissenselementen, mit denen nicht nur aus empirischer und theoretischer Perspektive die Schwierigkeit von Experimentiermaterialien eingeschätzt werden kann, sondern die auch über verschiedenen Phasen der Lehrerbiografie relevant bleiben (Oser 1997;Canrinus et al. 2017;Hammerness und Klette 2015). So könnte einer Diskontinuität im Professionalisierungsprozess und dem häufig genannten Theorie-Praxis-Dilemma mit der einhergehenden Entstehung von trägem Wissen (Bromme und Tillema 1995;Renkl 1996) vorgebeugt werden (Hammerness und Klette 2015;McQuillan et al. 2012;Smeby und Heggen 2014;Terhart 2007). ...
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Zusammenfassung Studierenden sollte bereits im Studium eine theoretisch fundierte und systematisch verknüpfte Wissensbasis vermittelt werden, die ihnen die spätere berufliche Tätigkeit erleichtert. Hierzu erscheint eine begründete Auswahl an Wissenselementen notwendig, die über mehrere Phasen der Lehrerbildung relevant bleiben und die zu professionellem Handeln führen. Am Beispiel der Bewertungssituation von „Schülerschwierigkeiten beim Experimentieren“ werden aus theoretischer und empirischer Sicht Merkmale abgeleitet, die die Schwierigkeit von Experimentiermaterial beeinflussen und die Studierenden bereits im Studium als Wissenselemente für spätere Bewertungssituationen vermittelt werden könnten. Im Rahmen einer Befragung mit N= 101 Lehrpersonen wurde untersucht, inwieweit diese Merkmale auch von Lehrpersonen für Bewertungen in der Praxis herangezogen wurden. Es konnten sowohl Merkmale identifiziert werden, die von Lehrpersonen über verschiedene Experimente und Materialien hinweg als schwierigkeitserzeugend genannt wurden, als auch solche, die nur bei spezifischen Experimentiermaterialien relevant scheinen. In der Lehre könnte somit zwischen generellen und spezifischen Merkmalen zur Einschätzung der Schwierigkeit von Experimentiermaterialien unterschieden werden. Zusätzlich zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass Lehrpersonen materialspezifische Merkmale nicht losgelöst von Lernvoraussetzungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler betrachten. Dementsprechend sollte den Studierenden auch vermittelt werden, dass eine Betrachtung der Schwierigkeit des Experimentiermaterials losgelöst von Schülervoraussetzungen und aufgabenspezifischen Schwierigkeiten nicht zielführend erscheint.
... Tatto (1996, p. 176) defined coherence as "shared understandings among faculty and in the manner in which opportunities to learn have been arranged (organizationally, logistically) to achieve a common goal." Nevertheless, some literature has shown that coherence helps shape B.Ed students' beliefs and practice (see Canrinus et al., 2017;Rogers, 2011). The latter reported that the lack of coherence manifests itself in B.Ed students who are uncertain about the type of teachers they are expected to be. ...
... While the literature suggested that some opportunities-to-learn are associated with improved B.Ed students' outcomes (e.g. Canrinus et al., 2017;Tillotson & Young, 2013), given findings of the present study, we suggest that affording B.Ed students more opportunity-to-learn may not always translate into improved knowledge and desirable beliefs. The possible explanation may be that, individually, the opportunity-to-learn is associated with improved B.Ed students' outcomes but the improvements may be diminished by the average effect of all the opportunity-to-learn surveyed in this study. ...
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Since large-scale studies show country and institutional differences in the preparation of B.Ed students, there is growing interest in the determination of the opportunities-to-learn afforded to them and the effects thereof in South African universities and elsewhere. There are, however, few studies that provide a contextually nuanced view of the effects of teacher education programmes on B.Ed students. This study therefore compares opportunities-to-learn afforded to physical science B.Ed students and their levels of competence that include knowledge and beliefs at four South African universities. Quantitative analysis reveals that some universities afforded these students more opportunities-to-learn in agreement with the nature of these universities. Furthermore, some opportunities-to-learn afforded to B.Ed students are provisionally related to measures of beliefs but they are not related to knowledge measures. Our findings suggest that while the B.Ed students seem to be afforded sufficient opportunities-to-learn at some universities, this does not readily translate into higher levels of competence.
... Pre-service teachers' classroom teaching can be affected by factors originating within or adjacent to teacher education programs [47][48][49]. For example, teacher education programs may use curricula closely tied to teaching practice opportunities; this combination can be helpful in allowing pre-service teachers to put in practice what was taught in the classroom. ...
... Such endeavors will only be useful if the pre-service teachers consider the education program as coherent. Canrinus et al. [48] defined education program coherence as a clear vision for pre-service teachers to provide good teaching through interactive idea sharing opportunities in their teacher education classes. Teacher educators' supervising practicums should ensure they are instilling into pre-service teachers not just "a set of behaviors but a way of being" ( [47], p. 228). ...
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The global importance of English and therefore the teaching of the English language has made the English language curriculum an integral part of all levels of teacher education, including early childhood education. The purpose of this study was to first explore the beliefs about the teaching of English to very young learners held by pre-service pre-primary teachers in Macau and then to see whether these beliefs were reflected in their microteaching. Qualitative content analysis performed on the written reflections and transcriptions of the microteaching videos of 75 pre-service pre-primary teachers found that their beliefs about classroom practices, lesson planning, and English as a foreign language (EFL) learners and learning were the most predominant beliefs exhibited in their reflections and were evidenced in their microteaching. Less predominant, but still salient, were their beliefs about the goals of language learning, assessment, teaching, pedagogical knowledge, and content. No observable practices were found regarding the pre-service teachers’ beliefs about the role of teaching, learning to teach, microteaching, the self, the subject, hearsay, self-assessment, and schooling. The current study found that with only limited exposure to EFL teaching methodology from a single course, the pre-service pre-primary teachers were able to implement some of their beliefs about several important aspects of teaching English to very young learners.
... One line of research addresses affordances and constraints of establishing university-school partnerships. Partnerships can serve as a mechanism for enhancing cohesion between coursework and fieldwork, bridging theories and pedagogy taught in courses with the enactment of teaching in fieldwork (e.g., AACTE, 2010;Canrinus, Bergem, Klette, & Hammerness, 2017). In addition, partnerships often arise from intentional selections of fieldwork sites rather than relying on sites that volunteer to host candidates. ...
... Fifth, our research confirms that numerous challenges exist in developing explicit, bidirectional connections between coursework and fieldwork, including a lack of time and resources, diverging histories and goals across contexts, and the wide range of placements candidates experience. Despite these challenges, consensus in educational research indicates that fieldwork and coursework should be connected (e.g., Ahmed, 2019;Canrinus et al., 2017;Myers et al., 2019). Similar to Ahmed (2019) and Myers et al. (2019), we found that explicit connections between literacy coursework and fieldwork occurred most when candidates and the educator traveled to the field together to implement course learning with students. ...
Given the scarcity of research on how teacher educators prepare teacher candidates to successfully bridge coursework and fieldwork, we conducted a case study of six literacy teacher educators to investigate how they described learning experiences designed to help teacher candidates navigate varied coursework and fieldwork. Teacher educators described intentionally creating learning experiences that connected coursework and fieldwork, but often lacked an explicit articulation of these connections to candidates. Few educators described learning experiences that engaged and supported candidates to critically examine encountered curricular contexts and then enact responsive literacy instruction using curricular materials from fieldwork.
... In another report from the CATE project (Canrinus, et al. 2017) researchers explored candidates' perceptions of coherence in teacher education programs. Candidates in programs that made explicit design efforts to connect theory and practice reported more coherence, while candidates in programs that made more modest efforts towards coherence reported that they experienced more fragmentation. ...
... Candidates in programs that made explicit design efforts to connect theory and practice reported more coherence, while candidates in programs that made more modest efforts towards coherence reported that they experienced more fragmentation. In these studies, survey responses from candidates conveyed that there is still a need for tighter links between coursework and field placements (Canrinus, et al. 2017), that programs vary in terms of how many opportunities they offer to enact practice in campus courses, and that practices closely linked to pupils' understanding are enacted the least (Canrinus, Klette and Hammerness 2019). ...
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In this edited volume, around 25 academics from Sweden and the US write about how universities can, should and do act in response to threats and opportunities induced by ongoing societal and technological transformations and challenges. The individual contributions differ in character. Some are predominantly idea-driven and conceptual, while others deal with concrete processes of change within individual universities.
... Die Bezüge zwischen den Domänen sind wichtig für den Aufbau vernetzter Wissensstrukturen im Prozess der Entwicklung professioneller Handlungskompetenzen . Wenn Studierende eine Kohärenz zwischen fachwissenschaftlichen, fachdidaktischen und bildungswissenschaftlichen sowie zwischen Erfahrungen aus der Praxis und wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen wahrnehmen, können sie im Sinne einer aktiven Nutzung von Lerngelegenheiten Verknüpfungen zwischen den Inhalten herstellen (Canrinus, Bergem, Klette & Hammerness, 2017 (Cramer, 2014). Darüber hinaus, so zeigen verschiedene empirische Arbeiten zum Praxissemester in Jena, gibt es kaum einen Austausch zwischen den Mentor:innen an den Praktikumsschulen und den Dozierenden der Universität, womit eine wichtige Grundlage für die Herstellung von Kohärenz zwischen schulischer und universitärer Ausbildung in der Praxisbetreuung der Studierenden fehlt (Gröschner & Hascher, 2019). ...
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Es ist eine bildungspolitische Forderung und inklusionsbefördernde Notwendigkeit, angehende Lehrkräfte auf die Herausforderungen vorzubereiten, die mit der Umsetzung schulischer Inklusion verbunden sind. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der im Forschungsprojekt DiLe anvisierte Ansatz vorgestellt, die inklusionsbezogenen Studieninhalte von Lehramtsstudierenden durch einen systematischen Austausch zwischen Universität und Praktikumsschulen kohärenter mit der Schulpraxis zu verknüpfen. Nach dem Design-Based-Research-Ansatz wird eine digitale Lernumgebung entwickelt, die sich an Studierende im Praxissemester und ihre Mentor:innen an den Praktikumsschulen richtet. Ziel ist es, Lehramtsstudierenden kohärente Lerngelegenheiten zu den Schwerpunkten schulische Inklusion und Umgang mit Heterogenität anzubieten sowie die Mentor:innen für eine gemeinsame Praxisreflexion im Sinne Professioneller Lerngemeinschaften zu qualifizieren. Der Entwicklungs- und Forschungsprozess setzt sich aus zwei Zyklen zusammen. Im ersten Zyklus stehen die Entwicklung und digitale Umsetzung der Lerninhalte im Mittelpunkt, in zweiten geht es um die Entwicklung eines digitalen Formats zur Förderung von Kooperation zwischen Praxissemesterstudierenden und Mentor:innen. Neben den theoretischen Überlegungen werden die aus Lehrkräfteinterviews gewonnen und ausgewerteten Daten zu Usability, Gestaltung, Nützlichkeit und Relevanz der Inhalte vorgestellt. Abstract It is an educational policy requirement and inclusion-promoting necessity to prepare student teachers for the challenges associated with implementing inclusion in schools. This article presents the approach envisaged in the DiLe research project to link the inclusion-related study content of student teachers more coherently with school practice through a systematic exchange between university and placement schools. Based on the design-based research approach, a digital learning environment is being developed that is aimed at students in the practical semester and their mentors at the internship schools. The aim is to offer student teachers coherent learning opportunities focusing on school inclusion and dealing with heterogeneity and to qualify the mentors for joint reflection on practice in the sense of professional learning communities. The development and research process consists of two cycles. The first cycle focuses on the development and digital implementation of the learning content, while the second focuses on the development of a digital format to promote cooperation between internship semester students and mentors. In addition to the theoretical considerations, the data obtained and evaluated from teacher interviews on usability, design, usefulness and relevance of the content will be presented.
... En viktig del i denna förmåga handlar om att lärarstudenter ska kunna väva samman de teoretiska kunskaper som presenteras inom de högskoleförlagda kurserna på campus med erfarenheter de gör på sin verksamhetsförlagda utbildning (VFU) i skolan. För att lärarstudenter ska kunna göra kopplingar mellan campuskurser och VFU-erfarenheter är det avgörande att de erbjuds en koherent lärarutbildning [2]. Detta innebär att innehållet i campuskurser behöver vara planerat så att lärarstudenterna ges möjlighet att förstå kopplingen till den praktik de möter på sin VFU. ...
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Lärarutbildningen ska ge lärarstudenter möjlighet att utveckla ämnesdidaktisk kunskap om bland annat ämnesinnehållet, kursplaner och bedömning, vilket de sedan ska kunna omvandla till praktiska handlingar i klassrummet. För att lyckas behöver lärarstudenter även utveckla sin förmåga att reflektera didaktiskt och kunna använda sin reflektion för att utveckla sin undervisning. Inom lärarutbildningen vid Högskolan i Halmstad har vi använt de tre didaktiska reflektionsverktygen Content representation (CoRe), Storyline, och Lesson Observation Tool (LOT) för att utveckla lärarstudenternas förmåga att planera, genomföra och reflektera kring undervisning i naturvetenskap med koppling till sin VFU. I denna artikel vill vi dela med oss av våra erfarenheter av denna arbetsmodell. Syftet är att ge en beskrivning av hur lärarstudenter och verksamma lärare kan ta stöd av de tre vetenskapligt baserade reflektionsverktygen för att planera, genomföra och utvärdera undervisning i naturvetenskap.
... One of the aims of initial teacher education is to offer coherent programs that align courses and internships and allow future professionals to establish links between the theories they learn and the experiences they have in the field (Canrinus et al. 2017). In this sense, the internship helps to develop professional know-how (Cuenca and Gilbert 2019). ...
Planning is an essential task in the work of a teacher. Very little research has been carried out on the way that student teachers understand this preparatory phase, nor on the way that profes- sional competence for planning is developed. Our research aims to understand what student teachers do about planning at the point when their professors expect them to be able to put their knowledge into practice. Using a new system to record the traces of student teachers’ planning activity based on photos taken by the 12 participants, this qualitative doctoral research highlights four dis- tinct planning profiles.
... Student teachers are relatively neutral when it comes to agreeing with statements regarding coherence between campus courses and the school where they had their practice (see Table 4.3). Compared to other programs internationally, this is average (Canrinus, Bergem, Klette, & Hammerness, 2017). ...
... Two of the prevailing issues studied are the quality of teacher education, with a more recent strand focusing on the coherence of the academic and nonacademic parts of teacher education (e.g. Canrinus et al., 2017;Grossman et al., 2008;Youngs et al., 2022), and the non-academic parts in themselves (e.g. More, 2003;Ulvik et al, 2021). ...
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Field practice placement is a crucial part of teacher education, as it affords a real-life context, where teacher and teacher-related skills can be enacted and trained. The present study examined the associations between student teacher opportunities to learn through observation, own practice and the receiving of feedback of said practice, while in field practice placements through a teacher education programme. Chain graph models were used to analyse data from 560 Danish student teachers who had just completed field practice at one of three levels. Results showed that opportunities to learn through observation of fellow students and other teachers was negatively associated with level of field practice, and thus was reported less and less the further along students were in the programme, while opportunities to learn through own practice was positively associated with level of field practice. Opportunities to learn through receiving feedback on own practice was associated with level of field practice only via opportunities to learn through own practice. Results did not reveal gender or age-wise inequity in the opportunities to learn afforded in the field practice. Teacher education programmes could benefit from placing additional focus on opportunities to learn through observation in the later field practice placements.
... (b) Both teachers and teacher students frequently struggle to see the relationship between research-based educational theories and professional practice (e.g. Canrinus et al., 2017), where this may lead teachers to ignore research. Teachers find communicated research overly theoretical, and as Bartels 2003, suggests, "teachers may ignore research findings because they are typically presented in the form of a 'researcher discourse' which fails to resonate with the 'teacher discourse' of practitioners" (Joram et al., 2020, p. 2). ...
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The paper offers a novel philosophical perspective on how research literacy should be conceptualised in the educational domain. Standard accounts of teacher research literacy consider it merely a subset of the skills of an educational researcher. Therefore, the accounts largely ignore the need to anchor or embed the mode of engagement with research in the particular demands of the professional role. By contrast, we argue that a virtue-based account of the epistemic agency involved in receiving testimony can help deliver a normatively attractive and empirically plausible account that is tailored to the role. We support the account with an original in-depth analysis of actual teacher engagement with research.
... Universities transmit to student teachers' knowledge that has been scientifically verified and is considered unproblematic; however, this knowledge is often found to be inapplicable and highly problematic when it is applied in the context of classroom teaching. The lack of consistency and coherence between teacher education programs and actual teaching has created a huge gap between theory and practice when teachers enter the real classroom setting (Canrinus et al., 2017), which may also become one of the main challenges for beginning teachers. If teacher education aims to produce critically engaged teachers, then beginning teachers should be trained to be reflexive and context-sensitive on educational theory rather than unthinkingly follow theory to help bridge the gap between teaching theory and practice (Jang, 2023). ...
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This study sought to determine the usefulness of teacher education programs by surveying beginning teachers with up to five years of experience about their perception of the applicability of teacher education programs to actual classroom teaching. A questionnaire survey with a stratified random sampling of 1,909 senior high schools/vocational schools, junior high schools, and primary schools in Taiwan yielded 1,314 valid responses. The results showed that teacher education courses that relate to teaching techniques are more effective for actual teaching, but beginning teachers still need more opportunities for teaching practice to improve their teaching skills.
... However, national and international studies have indicated a need for more coherence between education on campus and teaching practice (Canrinus et al., 2015;Hiim, 2017;Schaug & Herudsløkken, 2019;Zeichner, 2010). Thus, Norwegian teacher education has focused on enhancing coherence between the two learning arenas (Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, 2017). ...
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This article explores how collaborative self-study, initiated by experienced challenges and insecurity in new roles, contributes to the professional development of teacher educators. We document how four vocational teacher educators created a free space for selfdevelopment in a self-study process of dialogue and collective reflective inquiry. This study was initiated during the 2019/2020 academic year as we facilitated a school-based mentor course for vocational high school teachers. We analyze personal reflective journals written during and after mentoring sessions, group meetings, and throughout the process. Drawing on the self-study tradition within educational research, we examine the dilemmas, challenges, and opportunities this experience presented for our roles as teacher educators. The results indicate that investing time in group meetings established an atmosphere of mutual trust and developed the self-study group as a free space. Furthermore, we show the value of collaborative self-study as a tool for individual and collective self-understanding and professional development for teacher educators. Our experiences indicate that a self-study group must be self-selected to achieve an open and trusting process. Furthermore, the study shows that creating free space in academia is possible but highlights a need for academia to recognize free space and self-study as integral parts of the work culture.
... The SIR offered a model in which there was close collaboration and coherence across the teacher education programme, bringing together the learning which takes place across campus-based experiences and practicum, a challenge for all teacher education programmes (Canrinus et al., 2017). To continue to do so, however, requires long-term investment to build and sustain capacity in the system at all levels including classroom teachers, middle and senior leaders and within local authorities. ...
Internationally, education systems make considerable investments in ICT resources and infrastructure to support digital learning in schools. Since 1997, Northern Ireland has undertaken an ambitious, regional partnership initiative, providing ICTs to support schools in both pedagogy and school management. Over the first decade of this rollout, an estimated £500 million was spent in a country with a school population of around 330,000. In partnership, Initial Teacher Education (ITE) providers across Northern Ireland are impacted as they prepare pre-service teachers for teaching in relatively ICT-rich schools and recommendations have been made that the online education skills of teachers should be developed. Whilst this sounds promising for digital skills’ preparedness in the teaching workforce, the strategy was not systematically enacted. COVID-19 precipitated a move to emergency home schooling across Northern Ireland, as elsewhere, and this highlighted systemic weaknesses, including in partnerships between schools and ITE and their capability to support online learning fully. This chapter will examine the partnership between ITE in universities and the schools they work alongside highlighting some challenges to that partnership, particularly exposed during the pandemic. This particularly highlighted the need for a reset to a vision of digital readiness within education.
... Chung, 2009), comparative studies have revealed similar shortcomings. For example, a comparative study of coherence within educational programmes has revealed weaknesses in Finnish teacher education (Canrinus et al., 2017). The emphasis on research has meant lower priority has been given to teaching on campus because teacher educators as researchers compete in the same field as colleagues in other disciplines. ...
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In this chapter, tension patterns and development opportunities within Finnish teacher education are examined. We have chosen to focus the analysis on the recruitment of student teachers, the relationship between theory and practice and mentorship for newly qualified teachers. Tension patterns and development opportunities appear in all three phases, linking the content and form of teacher education. The analysis examines the overarching idea behind a recently introduced recruitment reform that was developed to let interviews play a larger role in the process. This was developed to address a situation in which an applicant applies to several universities or programmes, but is interviewed only once. The relationship between theory and practice in teacher education remains problematic, despite the practice schools’ favourable organizational conditions. New teachers still face challenges when entering the profession; mentoring programmes have been introduced to reduce these tensions. Like some other provinces in the Nordic countries, the self-governing Åland Islands have their own school system, which has both Finnish and Swedish traits, as well as similar kinds of tensions. Despite the presented tensions, research-based teacher education continues to be an appropriate foundation for the continuing development of Finnish teacher education.
... A képzésiprogram-koherencia olyan folyamat, amelyben a program minden elemét, legyen az elméleti vagy gyakorlati, a "jó tanításról" vallott világos elképzelések alapján alakítják ki, a hallgatóknak pedig lehetőségük van, hogy kapcsolatokat létesítsenek a különböző megközelítések, ötletek között, s ezáltal saját értelmezéseket alakítsanak ki mint a programkoherencia sajátos jellemzőit(Canrinus et al., 2017). ...
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A tanárok szakmai fejlődése és tanulásuk értelmezése sok szálon kapcsolódik az elszámoltathatósághoz. Ugyanakkor a szakmai tanulás komplex, dinamikus rendszerként történő értelmezése rámutat arra, hogy a tanárok tanulása olyan dinamikus folyamat, amely egyedi, sokféle szempont alapján formálódik, az egész életpályára kiterjed, és ezért csak lineáris és uniformizált értelmezése nem ad elég támpontot annak megértéséhez. A tanárok folyamatos szakmai fejlődése és tanulása identitásváltozásként is felfogható, így olyan (tanári) tanulást támogató rendszerekre van szükség, amelyek feltárják ebben a tanulási mezőben a koherencia hiányának a problémáit, és azokat összefüggésbe képesek hozni a tanári hatékonysággal és a tanulói eredményességgel. A tanulmány e gondolat kifejtése mellett a Models of Teacher Learning (MoTeL) kutatásra építve felhasználja a téma hazai kutatási eredményeit.
... Artikkelens datagrunnlag er surveydata innsamlet fra tidligere studenter fra begge studieprogrammene, som nå jobber som yrkesfaglaerere i videregående skole. Vi har valgt dette perspektivet fordi studenters oppfatninger om egen laererutdanning kan avvike fra oppfatningene til laererutdannere eller andre aktører i utdanningen, og således er viktige å inkludere i forskning på studieprogrammer (Canrinus et al., 2017). Forskning på yrkesfaglaererutdanning er lite utbredt i Norge og i Norden (Henning Loeb & Gustavsson, 2018;Hiim, 2020) og det er få undersøkelser som inkluderer perspektiver fra tidligere studenter. ...
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En ny treårig yrkesfaglærerutdanning ble etablert i Norge i 2000 med mål om å styrke kvalifiseringen av yrkesfaglærere. Denne surveystudien undersøker hvilke oppfatninger tidligere studenter fra både den treårige yrkesfaglærerutdanningen (YFL) og ettårige praktisk-pedagogisk utdanning for yrkesfaglærere (PPU-y) har om hvordan lærerutdanningen har forberedt dem for læreryrket i den videregående skole. Vi analyserer forskjeller mellom lærergruppene og undersøker hva yrkesfaglærere mener bør vektlegges i utdanningene framover. Studien er basert på data innhentet våren 2020 fra yrkesfaglærere i videregående skole (n = 532) utdannet ved OsloMet og NTNU i perioden 2014–2019. Resultatene indikerer at yrkesfaglærerne oppfatter å være godt forberedt på undervisningsrollen, til å reflektere over egen yrkespraksis og til å skape et godt læringsmiljø. De oppfatter å være mindre godt forberedt til å yrkesrette undervisningen i samarbeid med fellesfaglærere, til å støtte ungdom i vanskelige livssituasjoner og til å samarbeide med lokalt arbeidsliv. Yrkesfaglærere fra YFL har høyere gjennomsnittsverdier enn yrkesfaglærere fra PPU-y på alle spørsmål om hvor godt de oppfatter seg forberedt til læreryrket. Videre mener disse respondentene at lærerutdanningen kan bli mer virkelighetsnær og relevant for skolekonteksten. De etterlyser en større didaktisk verktøykasse og mer innhold knyttet til å håndtere elevutfordringer og mangfold. Resultatene bidrar med ny kunnskap om lærerutdanningen for yrkesfag og bidrar til debatten om lærerutdanningenes relevans og videreutvikling.
... Some scholarship has suggested that intentional efforts can overcome fragmentation and influence participating instructors and supervisors in ways that enhance coherence (Canrinus et al., 2017;Hammerness, 2006). In the case presented in this article, five of 16 instructors seemed minimally impacted by redesign, suggesting an insight complimenting such scholarship: Fragmentation can continue to limit coherence, even in cases where teacher education programs promote a collective and inclusive process of reimagining the ends and means of teacher education. ...
Scholars have called for promoting coherence in teacher education programs. Such coherence is often depicted as a state to be achieved. This article reconceptualizes coherence as a dynamic process affected by the simultaneous organizational realities of unity, conflict, and fragmentation; it also aims to clarify factors that can facilitate or challenge the work of enhancing teacher education program coherence. Drawing on a case study of program-wide redesign, we show that promoting coherence requires more than just maximizing unity (instructors’ agreement on means and ends). It also requires addressing conflict and recognizing fragmentation in ways that support what we term “pathway flexibility.” By highlighting the interplay of unity, conflict, and fragmentation, we offer a set of conceptual tools to understand and support the development of program coherence in teacher education.
... Det er nokså godt dokumentert at laererstudentene ofte opplever et gap mellom teori og praksis (Canrinus et al., 2017), og at det er i praksis de opplever størst laeringsutbytte (Smith & Lev-Ari, 2005) og tilknytning til profesjonen (Christophersen et al., 2016). Den teoretiske opplaeringen blir likevel løftet frem som noe studentene kan verdsette, men at de ofte har vansker med å oppdage teoriens relevans for laereryrket (Ulvik et al., 2018). ...
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Det er et skille mellom teori og praksis i lærerutdanningen – mellom det som skjer i undervisningen på studiet, og det som skjer i klasserommet i skolen. Dette var en av hovedutfordringene da lærerutdanningen ble reformert til en femårig masterutdanning i 2017, men vi vet lite om hvordan lærerstudenter erfarer den nye grunnskolelærerutdanningen (GLU). For å belyse denne mangelen i forskningsfeltet har vi i denne studien analysert studenter i den nye lærerutdanningens beskrivelser av GLU med den hensikt å løfte frem studentperspektivet på studieprogrammet. Datagrunnlaget for studien består av skriftlige svar fra 95 lærerstudenter ved to GLU-institusjoner på et åpent spørsmål om GLU, administrert via et spørreskjema. Dataene ble gjenstand for en tematisk analyse for å løfte frem studentenes perspektiv. Resultatene viser at lærerstudentene er motivert for å bli lærere, men samtidig kritiske til studiet de går på. Lærerstudentene gir klart uttrykk for hvordan studieprogrammet bør utvikles og forbedres for å imøtekomme deres forventninger til utdannelsen og læreryrket. Det studentene mener er hovedproblemene med GLU, er en opplevelse av manglende profesjonsrelevans i undervisningen på studiet, lærerutdannernes kompetanse og spenningen mellom individ og system. Vi drøfter resultatene i lys av tidligere forskning og kjente utfordringer i lærerutdanningen.
... Cooperation in the professional learning community enables students to overcome barriers to disciplinary expertise and expand their learning. Teacher training programs have been shown to influence the development of the trainees' professional identity, an example being the STEP program of Stanford University (Canrinus et al., 2017). ...
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The Dovrat Committee (2004) in Israel, pointed up the need for radical change in teacher training programs and recommended introducing school reform programs, such as the New Horizons and the Courage to Change reforms, implemented in the Israeli education system over recent years. The article reviews future teachers’ needs that necessitate changes in the education provided by teacher training colleges. It describes research examining teachers’ professional identity development and desirable characteristics for the future teacher. Participants were 23 student-teachers studying in an M.Teach degree course. The research investigated their attitudes and perceptions concerning the image of the future teacher.
... Although all participating institutes have invested in professional development on research and research-supervision (Geerdink et al., 2016), researchrelated teaching is rarely based on teachers' own research, which could be stimulating for students (Aspfors & Eklund, 2017;Munthe & Rogne, 2015;Toom et al., 2010). Moreover, teacher educators identified few primary school teachers with research knowledge, which may be causing a lack of coherence in programs (Canrinus et al., 2017). ...
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This study aims to gain insight into the perceived purpose and value of preservice teacher inquiry in Dutch primary teacher education by teacher educators and preservice teachers at the undergraduate level; it also assesses the implementation of teaching and learning activities, and learning outcomes associated with teacher inquiry. In the Netherlands, inquiry competence in primary teacher education develops over a 4-year period, resulting in students’ completion of capstone projects using practitioner inquiry. The authors combine a survey with focus groups of teacher educators and preservice teachers from eight institutes. They find differences between preservice teachers’ perceptions of the implementation of inquiry competence and teacher educators’ visions and perceptions of such implementation. All participants, students and educators, believe inquiry to be valuable and perceive learning outcomes of inquiry to be enriching, yet about half of the preservice teachers do not to expect to undertake inquiry in their future teaching jobs.
Scholars and policymakers have consistently argued for the importance of coherence in teacher education (TE). Despite this attention to coherence, challenges of fragmentation and disconnect remain, and little research exists on how study program leaders (SPLs) in TE work to achieve coherence. This article explores how SPLs in two selected TE institutions in Norway perceive coherence and what strategies they use to create coherent TE programs. The two case studies use an ethnographic approach and report on repeated qualitative interviews with seven SPLs, supported by short-term observations over a period of one academic year. The analysis contributes to the small but emergent literature on how SPLs conceptualize coherence and identifies six strategies that SPLs use to navigate persistent barriers within a diverse and autonomous faculty in their ongoing efforts to strengthen coherence in TE programs. Implications for study program leadership in TE are discussed.
This study was an attempt to compare the distinctive features in current Early Childhood Teacher Education (ECTE) curricula conducted at two universities, one in China, and one in the US. Document reviews, interviews, and questionnaires shed light on the two different approaches to curriculum design. Two program directors and 25 participants, viewed as “cultural outsiders,” were recruited. Results showed that the US model could be viewed as “deep” learning while the Chinese model was seen as “broad” learning. The US ECTE curriculum focused on a robust connection between general education and professional courses, strong standards, content-centered professional courses, multiple cultures, and more credit for field experience. The ECTE curriculum at the Chinese university provided a wide variety of general education and professional courses, arts-related professional courses, national cultures, and more modalities for field experience. This study also examined the impact of culture and society on the ECTE curriculum design.
Within the Scottish education system, initial teacher education (ITE) is based within universities, who work closely in partnership with schools and teachers across Scotland to offer the practicum element of the first stage of teacher education. Beginning teachers will typically undertake a Professional Graduate or Postgraduate Diploma in Education comprising 18 weeks of on-campus study and 18 weeks of practicum. Other distinguishing features of teacher education in Scotland include the ambition for a Masters-level teaching profession, and the Teacher Induction Scheme which guarantees a year of work post qualification to allow beginning teachers to reach the General Teaching Council for Scotland’s Standard for Full Registration. In the last decade, there has been a diversification of approaches to the partnership aspect of university initial teacher education (ITE) in Scotland from this standard 36-week model. Emerging through the ‘Teaching Scotland’s Future’ report in 2011, concerns over shortages in particular geographical locations, including teacher supply beyond the densely populated ‘central belt’ region of Scotland, and subjects led to Scottish Government support for more diverse approaches within university ITE. In this chapter we explore in depth an innovative school-university partnership model, integrating the first two stages of the beginning teacher’s career in Scotland, discussing the benefits and tensions for teacher educators in university and those in school contexts. The approach taken by one university teacher education provider, the University of Dundee, and its local authority partners, responded to local supply challenges by innovating an ‘alternative route’ into teaching. In Scotland, there are 32 local authorities; these are local government bodies with responsibility for providing services including education. In the school-university partnership described within this chapter, the University of Dundee worked with four of the 32 local authorities, each of which had responsibility for between six and 18 secondary schools.
Thorough supervision during field placement is vital to support teacher candidates' reflective capacity and professional development. Moreover, a coherent teacher education also requires shared beliefs and visions among teacher candidates, mentor teachers and higher education teachers of what constitutes good teaching and learning across contexts. Hence, the present study explores how a project with video-based supervision aided by a theoretical framework for analysis of teaching interactions may facilitate such shared beliefs and improve the quality of field-based training for teacher candidates in Norway. Qualitative individual interviews with teacher candidates (n = 7) identify some key dimensions of reported learning outcomes of such supervision from the teacher candidates’ perspectives. Most prominent among these are raised self-awareness, enhanced professional confidence, improved knowledge about key components in lesson planning, and the ability to better analyse and understand complex teaching interactions. However, more research is needed to explore subject-specific differences in the use and relevance of the theoretical framework as a basis for video-based supervision.
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The School of Education at Trent University rests beside the Otonabee River, surrounded by green lawns, trees and wildlife, “located on the treaty and traditional territory of the Mississauga (Michi Saagiig) Anishnaabeg” (Trent University Michi Saagig Protocol Guide book, 2019, p. 4). The land plays an important role in shaping the learning within our program, where Indigenous knowledge and environmental activism are core themes across the Bachelor of Education. Founded in 2003, the School of Education has designed a professional, scholarly community upon this land, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary approaches to literacy, leadership, and social justice curricula. Given the mandate to expand into a two year program in 2014, we took the opportunity to enrich existing courses, to develop courses that meet contemporary local and global challenges (as well as to imagine those of the future), and to offer students more options for their path of study.
The gap between theory and practice during initial teacher training has been an enduring topic of research due to its impact on teacher-readiness. Given the COVID-19 pandemic campus closures threatening to widen the gap, this research was a timely intervention aimed at connecting pre-service teachers to their professional network. Specifically, the project brought together pre-service drama teachers and in-service drama teachers (identified as positive mentors and practitioners) in two 90 minute online forums, to explore pedagogical perspectives and understandings. Semi-structured focus-group and individual interviews were held with 21 pre-service drama teachers. Data revealed that the lived experience shared by drama teachers assisted pre-service teachers translate theory into practice supporting the learning of their pedagogical craft, both instructionally and behaviourally. Furthermore, this collaboration appeared to enhance motivation, build connection to the drama education community and inspire pre-service students during a personally and professionally challenging time in their initial teacher training.
Um Unterricht fundiert vorzubereiten und durchzuführen, müssen Lehrkräfte fachwis-senschaftliches (FW), fachdidaktisches (FD) und bildungswissenschaftliches (BW) Wissen mit-einander verbinden und aufeinander beziehen. Dieses Verbinden von Inhalten aus den drei Wis-sensdomänen nennt sich Kohärenz und der Prozess zum Aufbau von kohärentem Wissen nennt sich Kohärenzbildung. Kohärentes Wissen aufzubauen, fällt jedoch vielen Lehramtsstudierenden schwer, da die Inhalte der belegten Veranstaltungen an den Hochschulen häufig separiert gelehrt werden. Die separierte Darbietung erschwert es den Lehramtsstudierenden, Bezüge zwischen den unterschiedlichen Wissensbereichen zu erkennen, wodurch die Gefahr besteht, dass träges Wis-sen entsteht, auf das beim unterrichtlichen Handeln kaum zurückgegriffen werden kann. Das Schreiben von Lernprotokollen kann Studierende dabei unterstützen, durch die An-wendung von Lernstrategien die im Lehramtsstudium relevanten Wissensbereiche selbstreguliert zu vernetzen (Kohärenzbildung) und so die Anwendbarkeit des erworbenen Professionswissens zu verbessern. In kohärenzbildenden Lernstrategien verbinden die Studierenden Inhalte aus den drei Wissensdomänen und setzen diese in Beziehung, bzw. überlegen sich Anwendungssituatio-nen, in denen mehrere Wissensdomänen gleichzeitig verwendet werden. Zur Anwendung kohä-renzbildender Lernstrategien im Lernprotokoll benötigen Lehramtsstudierende jedoch instruktio-nale Unterstützung wie z.B. kohärenzbildende Prompts oder Lösungsbeispiele. Kohärenzbildende Prompts sind Hinweise, welche die Studierenden direkt zum Verbinden von Inhalten aus den verschiedenen Wissensdomänen auffordern. Lösungsbeispiele hingegen modellieren die der ko-härenzbildenden Lernstrategien, so dass Studierende diese Lernstrategien zuerst nachvollziehen können, bevor sie die Lernstrategien selbst anwenden. In insgesamt drei Studien (Studie 1-3) wurde untersucht, welche instruktionalen Möglich-keiten zur Unterstützung der Kohärenzbildung besonders effektiv sind. In den experimentellen Studien lasen die Teilnehmenden zunächst an jedem Erhebungstermin je einen Text aus jeder Wissensdomäne (FW, FD, BW), setzten sich dann in einem Lernprotokoll mit den Inhalten aus-einander und bearbeiteten im Anschluss unterrichtsbezogene Anwendungsaufgaben. Eine vierte Studie (Studie 4) geht auf die Entwicklung von Kohärenz während des Berufslebens von Lehr-kräften ein. Dafür evaluierten berufstätige Lehrkräften Anwendungsaufgaben. In Studie 1 (Pilotierung, Kapitel 3) wurde zunächst experimentell-qualitativ untersucht, inwiefern beispielhafte Lernprotokolle die Kohärenzbildung besser unterstützen als Prompts oder das freie Schreiben ohne instruktionale Unterstützung. Qualitativ zeigte sich, dass die Teilneh-menden (N = 7), die eine Kombination aus einem Lernprotokollbeispiel und kohärenzbildenden Prompts erhielten, mehr kohärenzbildende Lernstrategien im eigenen Lernprotoll verwendeten, als Teilnehmende, die nicht durch diese Kombination unterstützt wurden. Darauf aufbauend wurde in Studie 2 (Kapitel 4) eine experimentelle Studie mit Lehramts-studierenden des Fachs Geographie durchgeführt (N = 74). Die Studie erfolgte in einem experi-mentellen Drei-Gruppen-Design mit zwei Erhebungsterminen und untersuchte, wie sich die an-fängliche Bearbeitung eines Beispiellernprotokolls auf die Kohärenzbildung und die Anwendung des Wissens auswirkte. Diese Beispiellernprotokoll-Gruppe wurde mit einer Gruppe, die nur kohärenzbildende Prompts für das Schreiben der Lernprotokolle erhielt und mit einer Gruppe ohne instruktionale Unterstützung für das Schreiben der Lernprotokolle, verglichen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass das Bearbeiten eines Beispielprotokolls im Vergleich zu Prompts dazu führte, dass die Studierenden mehr sowie qualitativ hochwertigere kohärenzbildende Lernstrategien verwendeten. Beide instruktionalen Maßnahmen waren der Kontrollgruppe ohne instruktionale Unterstützung überlegen. Hinsichtlich des durch das Schreiben erworbene Professionswissen zeigte sich, dass eine vermehrte Verwendung kohärenzbildender Lernstrategien in den beiden Experimentalgrup-pen zwar nicht zu höherem Wissen führte, wohl aber dessen Nutzung in unterrichtsnahen An-wendungsaufgaben verbesserte. Die Ergebnisse implizieren, dass Lernprotokolle, bei geeigneter instruktionaler Unterstützung, die Nutzung kohärenzbildender Strategien fördern und so auch die Anwendungsqualität des erworbenen Professionswissens verbessern können. Studie 3 (Kapitel 5) untersuchte, wie sich eine wiederholende Gelegenheit zum Üben und Anwenden der Kohärenz auf die Bildung und Anwendung des Wissens auswirkte. Deshalb wur-de eine experimentelle Studie mit einem Zwei-Gruppen-Design durchgeführt, an der 63 angehen-de Geographielehrkräfte an drei aufeinanderfolgenden experimentellen Online-Sitzungen teilnah-men. Dabei wurden zwei Gruppen verglichen. Eine Gruppe bearbeitete im ersten Erhebungster-min ein Beispiellernprotokoll, bevor die Teilnehmenden im zweiten und dritten Termin jeweils ein eigenes Lernprotokoll verfassten. Die zweite Gruppe verfasste an allen drei Terminen jeweils ein Lernprotokoll mit der Hilfe von kohärenzbildenden Prompts. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Teilnehmende, die eine Kombination aus Prompts und einem Lerntagebuchbeispiel, das die auf-geforderten kohärenzschaffenden Strategien modellierte, erhielten, vermehrt kohärenzschaffende Lernstrategien realisierten, als Teilnehmende, die eine Unterstützung nur durch Prompts erhiel-ten. Es fanden sich jedoch keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Anwendung des aus den Tex-ten erworbenen Wissens. Nichtsdestotrotz vermittelte die Anzahl der Kohärenz-Strategien die Wissensanwendung in Sitzung 3. Offensichtlich ist Tagebuchschreiben ein vielversprechender Weg, um den selbstgesteuerten Aufbau von anwendbarem Wissen für die Lehre zu erleichtern, wenn es didaktisch unterstützt wird und die Studierenden reichlich Gelegenheit erhalten, die Wis-sensintegration zu üben. Studie 4 (Kapitel 6) hingegen geht der Frage nach, ob sich Kohärenz bei Lehrkräften wäh-rend des Berufslebens automatisch entwickelt. Dafür wurde eine Befragung mit aktiven Geogra-phielehrkräften (N = 199) durchgeführt, welche unterrichtsbezogene Anwendungsaufgaben be-werteten. Es zeigte sich, dass sich, entgegen der Annahme, die Kohärenz der Wissensdomänen im Laufe des Berufslebens eher zurückentwickelt, anstatt zuzunehmen. Dieser Befund verdeut-licht, dass angehende Lehrkräfte bei der Entwicklung von Kohärenz bereits im Studium unter-stützt werden sollten, da nicht von einer automatischen Entwicklung ausgegangen werden kann. Insgesamt kann aus den vier durchgeführten Studien geschlossen werden, dass sich Ko-härenz nicht automatisch während der Berufstätigkeit von Lehrkräften entwickelt. Deshalb sollten (angehende) Lehrkräfte bei der Entwicklung von kohärentem Wissen und dessen Anwendung unterstützt werden. Eine erfolgsversprechende Möglichkeit angehenden Lehrkräften bereits im Studium zu kohärentem Wissen und dessen Anwendung zu verhelfen ist das Schreiben von Lernprotokollen. Hierbei kann die Anwendung von kohärenzbildenden Lernstrategien zum kohä-renten Wissen verhelfen. Allerdings sollte das Schreiben von Lernprotokollen zum einen durch Lösungsbeispiele und Prompts instruktional unterstützt werden, und zum anderen sollten die angehenden Lehrkräfte wiederholt die Möglichkeit zum Einüben erhalten. So können sich nicht nur die kohärenzbildenden Lernstrategien etablieren, sondern auch die gemeinsame Anwendung der drei Wissensdomänen auf unterrichtliche Situationen festigen. Keywords: Wissensintegration, Kohärenz, Lehrkräfteprofessionalisierung, selbstregulier-tes Lernen, Lernen mit Lösungsbeispielen und Prompts
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Purpose The study aims to explore the experiences of new school-based mentors in Norway of an online teacher professional development (OTPD) programme in mentoring. The focus was on how the OTPD programme worked out as a boundary artefact to strengthen the coherence between a university and partner schools. Design/methodology/approach Constant comparative analysis was used to examine 21 school-based mentors' experiences and how the programme worked out as an artefact to strengthen the coherence between the teacher and education arenas. The findings were interpreted considering the literature and OTPD and boundary-crossing theories. Findings The findings revealed that the OTPD programme served as a boundary artefact. By participating, the new school-based mentors felt part of a community, identifying as teacher educators. Thus, the programme mediated their understanding of their new role as a teacher educator. Two main tensions were found: first, resistance towards online collaboration with school-based mentors across schools and participants that preferred to work locally with their own colleagues and, second, different technologies at the schools and the university disrupting the participants' experiences. Overall, this study emphasised the value of a facilitator from the university supporting the participants' development in the OTPD programme. Originality/value This study provides an understanding of teachers' OTPD when at the boundary of becoming school-based mentors and may contribute to enhancing universities' quality of teacher education. This study also highlights the importance of stronger connections between school-based mentors and their university campuses.
The status and quality of vocational education and training (VET) represent a challenge in many countries, including Norway. The political goal in Norway in recent decades has been to ensure that vocational programmes at upper secondary level achieve equal status with academic programmes. Considerable efforts have been made to enhance the quality of vocational programmes to achieve this. A further goal has been to equate the scope and status of VET teacher education with teacher education in other fields, the rationale being that quality in VET teacher education is closely linked to quality in VET. This chapter presents an analysis of challenges in school-based Norwegian VET related to reforms implemented in recent decades. The analysis is particularly directed at issues of vocational relevance and coherence between educational content and the qualification needs of the vocations. The aim is to identify obstacles to relevance and coherence and to discuss the attempts that were made to enhance both status and quality. The results indicate that one key principle for improving the status and quality of VET is equal opportunities for vocational and academic students in terms of scope and level. Another key principle is a holistic organisation of VET where learning and work experience, knowledge, skills, theory and practice are integrated.KeywordsVET modelVocational relevanceCollaboration VET schools – CompaniesVET curriculaHolistic vocational competence
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A tanárok és tanárszakos hallgatók tanulásának komplex, humánökológiai szempontú értelmezése az egyén és környezetének (mezo- és makroszint egyaránt) kapcsolatát dinamikus rendszerként írja le. E dinamizmus feltárása elképzelhetetlen az egyes rendszerelemek belső struktúrájának megértése nélkül. Míg a hallgatók tanulásának személyes és makroszintű jellemzői könnyen azonosíthatók, és így jól belátható rendszert alkotnak, addig kihívást jelentő kérdés, hogy miként definiálható az a mezoszintű tanulási tér, amelyben – az egyén (hallgató) szakmai tanulását szociokonstruktivista nézőpontból vizsgálva és a képzéshez kötődő, illetve azon túli tanulásra is fókuszálva – az informális tanulási folyamatok is értelmezhetővé válnak. Tanulmányunkban a képzési programot mint tágan értelmezett adaptív rendszert azonosítottuk elemzési egységként, ami valójában megfelel egy dinamikus, folyamat alapú kurrikulum értelmezésnek, magában foglalva annak szándékolt és a hallgatók által észlelt jellegét is.
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In diesem Beitrag wird die Konzeption, Durchführung und Evaluation eines Seminars beschrieben, in welchem Sachunterrichtsstudierende unterschiedlichen Ebenen von Kohärenz begegnen. Im nahe der Universität gelegenen Gelpetal können sie die Vielperspektivität dieses Lebensraumes direkt erleben (Ebene 1: Vernetzung der Perspektiven des Sachunterrichts). Sie erarbeiten zuvor, was bei einer Exkursion beachtet werden sollte – auch im Hinblick auf inklusive Lerngruppen. In der Rolle einer Lehrperson selbst geplante, handlungsorientierte Forschungsaufträge werden aus der Sicht von Lernenden erprobt und reflektiert (Ebene 2: Vernetzung der Professionswissensbereiche; Ebene 3: Vernetzung zwischen Ausbildung und beruflichen Anforderungen). Begleitet wird das Seminar von zwei Dozierenden aus unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen, die in mehreren Sitzungen im Team lehren (Ebene 4: kollegiale Vernetzung). Die Ergebnisse der Mixed-Methods-Begleitforschung im Prä-Post-Design belegen die Wirksamkeit des Konzeptes. Die Teilnehmer*innen weisen nach dem Seminar signifikant höhere Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen bezüglich vielperspektivischen Unterrichtens und der Durchführung von Exkursionen im inklusiven Sachunterricht auf. Zudem wird ein hohes situationales Interesse an den Seminarinhalten generiert. Als Weiterempfehlungsgrund wird besonders oft das Erleben von Kohärenz in verschiedensten Formen genannt.
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In the United States, policy discussions of teacher education in relationship to teacher quality have tended to focus more closely around debates about the nature of teacher preparation and the need for quality teachers to possess advanced degrees or certification. The field is in need of an array of indicators-a set of powerful, well-researched indicators that can be applied to large public universities as well as small regional private colleges, from university-based programs to "alternative" programs and to more "hybrid" programs. These indicators need to be relevant for teacher certification across a variety of age-ranges and developmental stages. In this chapter, we build on a growing conversation about practice in teacher education and efforts on the part of researchers to identify key features of powerful teacher education. We propose that quality teacher education is designed around a clear and shared vision of good teaching; it is coherent in that it links theory with practice and offers opportunities to learn that are aligned with the vision of good teaching; and it offers opportunities to enact teaching. While these features are supported for the most part by growing consensus in the literature (National Research Council, 2010; NCATE, 2010), there is also an emerging empirical base that provides support for the value of these features as well.
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Scaling up instructional improvement remains a central challenge for school systems. While existing research suggests that teachers’ social networks play a crucial role, we know little about what dimensions of teachers’ social networks matter for sustainability. Drawing from a longitudinal study of the scale-up of mathematics reform, we use qualitative social network analysis and qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to investigate the relationship between teachers’ social networks and sustainability. Teachers’ social networks in the first 2 years of the initiative influenced their ability to sustain reform-related instructional approaches after supports for reform were withdrawn. Social networks with combinations of strong ties, high-depth interaction, and high expertise enabled teachers to adjust instruction to new conditions while maintaining the core pedagogical approach. This research contributes to our understanding of the dynamics of sustainability and to social network theory and research.
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Synergies itself, the “final synthesis” of the REAFISO project, runs 670 pages. The country reports accumulate another 1,500 pages or so. The ten background papers average about 50 pages each. Press some more tree pulp to accommodate the requisite press releases, talking points, or the multitude of each country’s own background papers, and, all told, REAFISO’s work took a few years, substantial commitments of resources from 26 countries, and stimulated the printing of several thousand pages. This hefty mass represents an enormous expenditure of time, money, and effort to, essentially, get it all wrong. With the REAFISO project, the OECD has taken sides, but appears to have done so in a cowardly manner. REAFISO staff have not described evidence and sources on multiple sides of topics, weighed them in the balance, and then justified their preference. Rather, on each controversial topic they broach, they present only one side of the story. On some topics, huge research literatures several hundred studies large are completely ignored.
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This article addresses the quality of initial teacher training and the level of fit between such training and the demands of professional practice. The results of a comparative quantitative study of 890 new qualified primary teachers are presented who were recent graduates of 23 Chilean colleges and 232 of their employers. The article discusses the difficulties experienced by teachers in the beginning of their professional life. The differences are distinguished between the selectivity of admission to teacher education and teacher initiation contexts.
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When conducting international research projects, scholars face a myriad of challenges that reach beyond those encountered in domestic research. In this paper, we explore the specific issues related to international survey research, focusing on the different stages of the research process that include defining the study population and gaining data access, survey development, data collection, data analysis, and finally publication of the results. For each stage, we review the pertinent literature, provide illustrations based on examples from our own research projects, and offer possible solutions to address the inherent challenges by formulating suggestions for improving the quality of international survey research.
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Inquiry-into-practice represents a valuable disposition for teachers; reflecting on one’s teaching to derive insights for subsequent practice can enhance professional efficacy and promote student achievement. To support this disposition among teacher candidates (TCs), Lynch School of Education faculty at Boston College created a capstone course, Inquiry Seminar, where TCs complete a formal inquiry project. Conducted while student-teaching, the project requires candidates to research their teaching practice, identify areas of concern, and modify their teaching accordingly. To assess the teacher education system’s coherence, we explored how Inquiry Seminar did, and did not, align with program objectives. We drew on varied data sources, including interviews, course observations, archival data, and inquiry project papers. We found that when Inquiry Seminar experiences complemented TCs’ field experience, program objectives were more often realized. Two factors proved critical to our research: integrating the often-neglected voice of TCs and clinical staff, and examining a foundational feature of the teacher education program, Inquiry Seminar.
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This article discusses the interactions in the classroom and the use of time of teachers from the second cycle of Basic Education who have participated in the Professional Performance Evaluation System conducted by the Ministry of Education in Chile. The video recordings reveal that the classes are highly structured and a clear pattern of interaction and use of time in class can be observed. The teachers' talking time occupies 51% of the lesson and the content of their discourse is focused on task instructions or procedures and presentation of the subject matter. The students' verbal interventions take very little time and their actions are clearly framed and guided by the teachers.
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Triadic sequences (initiation-response-follow up) are a frequent type of interaction in classrooms in many different countries. This study describes, using a spoken discourse codification system, these sequences in 89 Chilean public middle-school level mathematics lessons, chosen at random from 684 classes that were filmed for a national evaluation. Triadic sequences were related to teachers' performance scores and lesson activities. The study identified a relatively shared interactional pattern, whose main features were: closed ended questions, low frequency of student participation and low use of metacognitive teacher follow-ups. In addition, when teaching mathematic skills, teachers generated more questions involving application of content, in comparison to other type of questions. Teachers that received a higher performance assessment produced a higher number of open-ended questions as well as a higher number of questions about students' personal experiences. The results of this study suggest that increasing the repertoire of teacher discourse is a potential area for teachers' training.
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We present the concept of instructional program coherence and explain why school improvement frameworks that incorporate instructional program coherence are more likely to advance student achievement than multiple, unrelated efforts. We present evidence that Chicago elementary schools with stronger instructional program coherence make higher gains in student achievement. We also share observations on how, in specific schools, principals and external partners directed key school resources toward the development of instructional program coherence. In closing, we discuss factors within the educational system that discourage instructional program coherence and suggest ways that school leaders, school improvement partners, and policymakers can support greater instructional program coherence.
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This article examines a variety of work currently going on across the country in newly created hybrid spaces to more closely connect campus courses and field experiences in university-based preservice teacher education. It is argued that the old paradigm of university-based teacher education where academic knowledge is viewed as the authoritative source of knowledge about teaching needs to change to one where there is a nonhierarchical interplay between academic, practitioner, and community expertise. It is argued that this new epistemology for teacher education will create expanded learning opportunities for prospective teachers that will better prepare them to be successful in enacting complex teaching practices.
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Triadic sequences (initiation-response-follow up) are a frequent type of interaction in classrooms in many different countries. This study describes, using a spoken discourse codification system, these sequences in 89 Chilean public middle-school level mathematics lessons, chosen at random from 684 classes that were filmed for a national evaluation. Triadic sequences were related to teachers' performance scores and lesson activities. The study identified a relatively shared interactional pattern, whose main features were: closed ended questions, low frequency of student participation and low use of metacognitive teacher follow-ups. In addition, when teaching mathematic skills, teachers generated more questions involving application of content, in comparison to other type of questions. Teachers that received a higher performance assessment produced a higher number of open-ended questions as well as a highernumber of questions about students' personal experiences. The results of this study suggest that increasing the repertoire of teacher discourse is a potential area for teachers' training.
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This paper focuses on different ways of conceiving and carrying out teacher preparation. It examines some of the ideas that Americans have had about how teachers should be prepared and offers some frameworks for looking at distinctive approaches and alternatives. The paper also discusses the state of the art concerning programs of initial teacher preparation and indicates where conceptual, empirical and practical work is needed. The organization of this paper reflects a basic distinction in the professional literature and public debate. In discussing needed changes in teacher preparation, people tend to emphasize either structural or conceptual issues. Many of the current reforms, for example, call for adding a fifth year, increasing the amount of field experiences, limiting the number of credit hours in education, creating alternative routes to teaching by providing on -the-job training for liberal arts graduates. Tied to policy mandates and questions of supply and demand, these structural alternatives reflect political and economic considerations more than clear thinking about what teachers need to know or how they can be helped to learn that. At the same time, one can hardly pick up a professional journal or attend a professional meeting these days without encountering the terms "reflective teaching and teacher education." Fifteen years ago, the same would have been true of the terms "competency-based" or "performance-based" teacher education. These conceptual alternatives reflect different views of teaching and learning to teach and suggest different orientations to the preparation of teachers. Distinguishing between structural alternatives and conceptual orienta tions provides a way to highlight some of the major efforts that have dotted the teacher education landscape. At the same time, the need for such a strategy underscores the immature state of a field in which different forms of teacher preparation are only loosely tied to explicit traditions of thought, and conceptual
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Objective: To present athletic training educators with guidelines for developing coherent athletic training education programs. Background: Coherent athletic training education programs are marked by a clear relationship between program goals and learning activities. These learning activities follow a logical progression that facilitates knowledge and skill development and enhances professional preparation. Coherent programs also work to socialize athletic training students in purposeful and positive ways. We have identified fourteen indicators of coherence in teacher education programs that are applicable to athletic training education. Both teacher certification and athletic training programs are similar in that they serve as professional preparation for their respective fields and have practical application (i.e., clinical education or student teaching practicum) components. Description: Coherence begins with a clearly defined mission statement. The academic faculty and clinical staff/instructors strive to achieve the mission and goals of the athletic training education program. Next, the coursework must follow a logical progression to allow students to make connections between subject matter. Clinical learning experiences should compliment academic learning experiences. In addition, clinical education experiences should follow students' skill levels and needs. Finally, the students themselves are encouraged to interact with their fellow students and form learning communities. Clinical Advantages: Coherent education programs have the most potential to produce athletic trainers who are competent and well socialized into professional practice. We believe graduates of such programs are properly prepared to be certified athletic trainers.
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“Policy coherence” is an often cited but seldom achieved education policy goal. We argue that addressing this policy-practice gap requires a reconceptualization of coherence not as the objective alignment of external requirements but as a dynamic process. This article elaborates this re-conceptualization using theories of institutional and organizational change and empirical illustrations from literature on school reform and education policy implementation. We define coherence as a process, which involves schools and school district central offices working together to craft or continually negotiate the fit between external demands and schools’ own goals and strategies. Crafting coherence includes: schools setting school-wide goals and strategies that have particular features; schools using those goals and strategies to decide whether to bridge themselves to or buffer themselves from external demands; and school district central offices supporting these school-level processes. This definition suggests new directions for policy research and practice.
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The author challenges the role of knowledge in teaching by pointing out the variety of issues and con- cerns teachers must simultaneously address. Teachers use two strategies to manage their multidi- mensional space: They develop integrated habits and rules of thumb for handling situations as they arise, and they plan their lessons by envisioning them unfolding as a drama might. It is entirely un- clear where or how knowledge enhances teachers' visions, but it is very clear that visions depend on a strong sense of purpose, direction, and momentum. Most teacher educators try to foster visions in their students, but their interest in vision creates two problems. First, it places them in conflict with their university brethren who expect to see them promulgating knowledge. Second, the particular vi- sion they embrace is too narrowly progressive; it ignores many concerns that teachers try to juggle in their practice and many societal ideals for education as well.
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This paper presents empirical evidence regarding the capacity of teacher education programs to influence the values and beliefs of those who enroll in them and offers insight into the conditions that may be conducive to such effects. Our study shows that although teacher education faculty and enrollees across the programs studied subscribe to ideals of social justice and fairness in regard to teaching diverse learners, it is less clear how they translate these ideals into their views concerning curriculum design and implementation, assessment of student progress, and classroom and school organization. Our findings indicate that lay culture norms among enrollees are strongly ingrained and that most teacher education, as it is currently structured, is a weak intervention to alter particular views regarding the teaching and management of diverse learners.
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The influence of, and the interplay between biographical and contextual factors in new teachers' professional learning and development during their first years of teaching are examined. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire. Findings suggest the powerful influence of prior experiences as students, the low impact of Initial Teacher Education on new teachers' socialisation and the strong effect of workplace conditions in shaping beginning teachers' practices and attitudes towards teaching. It is argued that more importance needs to be given to the structural and organisational factors of the workplace if a 'learning culture' is to be fostered in schools. Implications for Teacher Education and Induction are discussed.
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New York City represents a microcosm of the changes that are shaking the very foundations of teacher education in this country. In their efforts to find teachers for hard-to-staff schools by creating multiple pathways into teaching, districts from New York City to Los Angeles are in the midst of what amounts to a national experiment in how best to recruit, prepare, and retain teachers. This article provides an overview of a research project that examines features of these different pathways into teaching in New York City schools and the impact of these features on where teachers teach, how long they remain in the classroom, and student achievement in reading and math as measured by value-added analyses. The article provides both a conceptual framework for the study and a discussion of some of the methodological challenges involved in such research, including problems of selection bias, difficulties in documenting programmatic features, and challenges of estimating teacher effects on student achievement.
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Traditional teacher education programs, frequently criticized for ineffectiveness, are changing at several Canadian universities. A range of literature on reform in teacher education suggests that coherence among program elements and collaborative environments are key features of successful reforms. Using a framework of critical analysis, we examined shortcomings of traditional programs and considered some characteristics of alternative approaches, including authorizing prospective teachers' voices and experiences, school-university collaboration, and scaffolded induction into the profession. Without direct attention to coherence in program design and delivery and collaboration among stakeholders, reform efforts seem unlikely to succeed. L'étude analyse les lacunes des programmes traditionnels de formation à l'enseignement et se penche sur certaines caractéristiques des nouvelles approches, dont la prise en compte des opinions et expériences des enseignants en formation, la collaboration entre l'université et l'école et l'encadrement des nouveaux enseignants durant leur période de probation. La cohérence entre la conception et la prestation des programmes et la collaboration entre les intéressés sont essentiels pour le succès des efforts de réforme.
Multidisciplinary research on dynamics, problems, and potential of distributed work. Technological advances and changes in the global economy are increasing the geographic distribution of work in industries as diverse as banking, wine production, and clothing design. Many workers communicate regularly with distant coworkers; some monitor and manipulate tools and objects at a distance. Work teams are spread across different cities or countries. Joint ventures and multiorganizational projects entail work in many locations. Two famous examples—the Hudson Bay Company's seventeenth-century fur trading empire and the electronic community that created the original Linux computer operating system—suggest that distributed work arrangements can be flexible, innovative, and highly successful. At the same time, distributed work complicates workers' professional and personal lives. Distributed work alters how people communicate and how they organize themselves and their work, and it changes the nature of employee-employer relationships. This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to the study of distributed work groups and organizations, the challenges inherent in distributed work, and ways to make distributed work more effective. Specific topics include division of labor, incentives, managing group members, facilitating interaction among distant workers, and monitoring performance. The final chapters focus on distributed work in one domain, collaborative scientific research. The contributors include psychologists, cognitive scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, historians, economists, and computer scientists.
Given the nearly ubiquitous use of the term "capacity" in education policy discourse, this policy brief offers a common framework for analyzing capacity that educators, policymakers, and researchers alike can apply and understand with consistency. Drawing data from a larger three-year CPRE study of school responses to accountability in Pennsylvania, the authors' goal is not to provide an easy, new, one-sentence definition, but rather to create a shared language that can be applied to research and improvement efforts in schools. To accomplish this, the authors break capacity down into component parts, explaining how each one builds off the next and contributes to theoverall concept.
This article addresses the quality of initial teacher training and the level of fit between such training and the demands of professional practice. The results of a comparative quantitative study of 890 new qualified primary teachers are presented who were recent graduates of 23 Chilean colleges and 232 of their employers. The article discusses the difficulties experienced by teachers in the beginning of their professional life. The differences are distinguished between the selectivity of admission to teacher education and teacher initiation contexts.
Curriculum materials that support learners in building and linking ideas are essential in developing integrated understanding. We refer to such materials as coherent. There are several types of curricular coherence – content standard, learning goal, intra-unit, and interunit coherence. Learning progressions, which are descriptions of successively more sophisticated ways of thinking about how learners develop understanding of key disciplinary concepts and practices within and across multiple grades, can help designers build coherent curriculum. Learning progressions can align standards, curriculum, and assessments across grades and grade bands. This chapter describes the different types of coherence and discusses the role that learning progressions play in the design and development of coherent curriculum materials, and why coherent materials are critical in supporting students in building integrated understanding.
Education at a Glance 2013: Highlights summarises the OECD’s flagship compendium of education statistics, Education at a Glance. It provides easily accessible data on key topics in education today, including: • Education levels and student numbers: How far have adults studied, and how does early childhood education affect student performance later on? • Higher education and work: How many young people graduate from tertiary education, and how easily do they enter the world of work? • Economic and social benefits of education: How does education affect people’s job prospects, and what is its impact on incomes? • Paying for education: What share of public spending goes on education, and what is the role of private spending? • The school environment: How many hours do teachers work, and how does class size vary? Each indicator is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains the significance of the indicator, discusses the main findings, examines key trends and provides readers with a roadmap for finding out more in the OECD education databases and in other OECD education publications. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel™ format.
The integration of science and technology education has been a topic of worldwide debate. However, the focus of the debate has been too much on the degree of integration of subjects at the expense of such important but related issues as the nature of the constituting disciplines, educational levels (state, school, classroom), and the objects of integration. Integration should be seen from the perspective of curricular coherence. Coherent science and technology education (CSTE) should pay attention both to uninterrupted learning on the part of students and to the nature of the constituting disciplines. This paper describes a study exploring CSTE practice in nine junior-secondary schools in the Netherlands. It recommends a framework to promote CSTE by stakeholders at the state, school, and classroom levels.
There is growing interest in the professional development of teacher educators as the demands, expectations, and requirements of teacher education increasingly come under scrutiny. The manner in which teacher educators learn to traverse their world of work in the development of their knowledge, skills, and ability is important. This article outlines some of the crucial shaping factors in that development, including the transition associated with becoming a teacher educator, the nature of teacher education itself, and the importance of researching teacher education practices. Through a careful analysis of these features, a framework for better understanding what it might mean to professionally develop as a teacher educator is proposed. The framework is designed to draw serious attention to the major aspects of teaching and learning about teaching that are central to shaping scholarship in teacher education and offer insights into the ways in which teacher educators' professional development might be better understood and interpreted.
Teacher education at the university has to relate both to the school and to academia. Since these two worlds have values that to some extent diverge, teacher education is placed in a field of tension between the requirement to adapt to academic standards, norms, and values and the requirement to maintain a close professional relationship with the practice of teaching in schools. This article gives an account of a Norwegian experience of this field of tension. The purpose of this article is to discuss, interrogate, and identify problems inherent in the tensions between academia and the proximity to the field and the need for robust knowledge production through research and the ‘tips for teachers’ approach. Teacher education has shown adaption to the structures of the university but also developments that point in another direction; this divided culture requires a sharper focus on the complexity of the inherent issues involved.
There are fierce debates over the best way to prepare teachers. Some argue that easing entry into teaching is necessary to attract strong candidates, whereas others argue that investing in high quality teacher preparation is the most promising approach. Most agree, however, that we lack a strong research basis for understanding how to prepare teachers. This article is one of the first to estimate the effects of features of teachers' preparation on teachers' value added to student test score performance. Our results indicate variation across preparation programs in the average effectiveness of the teachers they are supplying to New York City schools. In particular, preparation directly linked to practice appears to benefit teachers in their 1st year. (Contains 6 notes, 5 tables, and 1 figure.)
Workplace learning in early entry (EE) teacher education programs has been proposed as an alternative to traditional programs and as bridging the theory-practice gap in teacher education. However, there is little empirical evidence for the underlying assumption that one can become a highly qualified teacher by merely being a teacher. This article discusses to what extent students of teaching in EE programs experience their work environment as a stimulating learning environment. The results of semi-structured interviews and an online survey suggest that schools tend to hinder rather than serve the purpose of workplace learning. Obstructions and supporting conditions are discussed.
Historically, one of the central concerns that has plagued the field of teacher education is the observation that fragmentation characterizes the experience of learning to teach. Too often, university-based teacher education programs consist of a set of disconnected individual courses; separate clinical work from coursework; and lack a vision of teaching and learning. Therefore, some teacher educators have argued that creating structurally and conceptually coherent programs will result in more powerful learning for prospective teachers. Yet, although empirical work on such programs is growing, there is little research on the nature of coherence and on how it might develop. To that end, this article documents one teacher education program's efforts to become more coherent, focusing on the ways in which the program tries to become more coherent and on the challenges of coherence. The article concludes with implications for teacher education program design and evaluation, with a focus on the power, complexity, and problems of coherence.
Perceived problems of beginning teachers in their first years of teaching are reviewed. Studies from different countries are included. Issues such as the reality shock and changes in behaviours and attitudes are considered also. The eight problems perceived most often are classroom discipline, motivating students, dealing with individual differences, assessing students’ work, relationships with parents, organization of class work, insufficient and/or inadequate teaching materials and supplies, and dealing with problems of individual students. There is a great correspondence between the problems of elementary and secondary beginning teachers. Issues such as person-specific and situation-specific differences, views of the principals, problems of experienced teachers, and job satisfaction of beginning teachers are discussed also. Three frameworks of teacher development are presented which provide conceptualizations of individual differences among beginning teachers. Finally, forms of planned support for beginning teachers are noted. Research using an interactionistic model for the explanation of behaviour is needed.
It can be difficult for students to relate theoretical knowledge and practical skills when making the transition from the classroom to professional practice. The concept of coherence has been suggested as an appropriate way to address how the relationships involved (i.e. between theoretical knowledge and practical skills and between classroom teaching and professional practice) affect the development of professional knowledge and skills. Three types of coherence are addressed in this paper: (1) biographical coherence: pre-enrolment experience; (2) programme coherence: the extent to which the theoretical and practical parts of the curriculum are integrated in teaching and placement, respectively and (3) transitional coherence: the relationship between learning outcomes in education and the first few years as newly qualified professionals. Four professional groups are examined: primary school teachers, preschool teachers, nurses and social workers. Data are drawn from a longitudinal survey in which students answered a questionnaire at the end of their studies and at three years after graduation. Results indicate that all three types of coherence have a significant impact on students’ and newly qualified professionals’ outcomes in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Moreover, programme coherence is an important factor not only in classroom teaching but also in placement.
Purpose – Reformers, policymakers, and researchers have given considerable attention to organizational capacity in schools, especially in those schools that perpetuate or exacerbate achievement gaps among diverse student groups and reproduce social inequalities. There is an emerging consensus about key dimensions of school capacity and how they can help promote both equity and excellence in student learning. However, it is still not very clear how capacity building itself can be enhanced. This paper aims to address these issues. Design/methodology/approach – This paper addresses this critical disjuncture in the school reform literature through two main purposes: summarizing the key dimensions of school organizational capacity, and synthesizing the recent conceptual and empirical work on the important mechanisms of policies and programs to influence and support a school's organizational development. The authors' recent research and practice related to one such intervention, leadership coaching for school improvement, are critically discussed. The paper explores a hybrid approach to building capacity in schools where elements of both the bureaucracy and the learning community are present. Findings – Different schools clearly need different kinds of support for teacher development and building their capacity. Policies need to be flexible enough to fit particular school contexts, and to allow for organizations to change in ways that support teacher development for improved practices that impact student learning. The work in the middle involves some sort of fluid hybrid of administrative control (instructional improvement must be the focus) and active, broad participation (in a learning community that advances the changes in instructional practices). Originality/value – This paper addresses the lack of clear knowledge on how capacity building itself can be enhanced, by summarizing the key dimensions of school organizational capacity, and synthesizing the recent conceptual and empirical work on the important mechanisms of policies and programs to influence and support a school's organizational development. The paper provides an overview of the dimensions of school organizational capacity, discusses barriers to building capacity in schools, and argues for hybrid models that combine elements of both learning communities and bureaucracies.
This article develops a conceptual framework for studying how three comprehensive school reform (CSR) programs organized schools for instructional change and how the distinctive strategies they pursued affected implementation outcomes. The conceptual model views the Accelerated Schools Project as using a system of cultural control to produce instructional change, the America's Choice program as using a model of professional control, and the Success for All program as using a model of procedural control. Predictable differences in patterns of organizing for instructional improvement emerged across schools working with these three programs, and these patterns were found to be systematically related to patterns of program implementation. In particular, the two CSR programs that were organized to produce instructional standardization produced higher levels of instructional change in the schools where they worked. The results of the study suggest organizational strategies program developers can use to obtain implementation fidelity in instructional change initiatives.
Understanding the impact of “instructional regimes” on student learning is central to advancing educational policy. Research on instructional regimes has parallels with clinical trials in medicine yet poses unique challenges because of the social nature of instruction: A child’s potential outcome under a given regime depends on peers and teachers, requiring the need for multilevel methods of causal inference. The author considers studies of the impact of intended versus experienced instructional regimes. Both are important; however, intended regimes are well measured and accessible to randomized trials, whereas experienced instruction is measured with error and not amenable to randomization. Multiyear sequences of experienced instruction are of central interest but pose special methodological challenges. A 2-year study of intensive mathematics instruction illustrates these ideas.
Drawing on the perspectives of 11 education lecturers, this paper examines what it is like to work in the Education Department of one small denominational College of Higher Education (CHE) in England. From what these lecturers say, it seems that the college teaching staff are located as either academics or as non-academics (educationalists); a binary which has been constructed over time. This positions teacher education lecturers who work in the CHE in structural contexts where it would be extremely difficult for many of them to perform any of the accepted traditional roles of academia. Although the focus in this paper is with lecturers who teach on a 4-year undergraduate primary teacher training programme, it could be argued that similar dilemmas of status differentials impact on all those who teach teachers. Thus, the paper argues that, to a large degree, educationalists are excluded (and perhaps work to exclude themselves) from participation in the academy and inhabit another world which perhaps more accurately mirrors the school room rather than the lecture hall. Teaching in higher education, in England as elsewhere, is therefore not of a piece; it is highly differentiated and internally divided.
I investigated the instructional pattern for the teaching of language at the elementary school level in Chile. The data were obtained from analyzing videos filmed for a teaching assessment system implemented by the Chilean Government. The system identified four levels of teacher competence. I treated these levels of competence as an independent factor. The dependents variables of interest were frequency of teacher questions and follow-ups in four categories, social organization of the lesson and time on task. Most of teachers studied are clearly aligned with an adult-run model of education. Evidence for adherence to this pedagogical approach can be found in (a) teacher questioning and teacher reactions to students' contributions, and (b) the place accorded to the teacher in the social organization of the lesson. The teaching pattern uncovered has its roots in the intuitive pedagogies endorsed by Chilean teachers, which in turn rest on Chilean cultural models of pedagogy.
Summary This chapter analyzes why computers and telecommunications haven't created computer- mediated work environments for collaboration that are as successful as physically-shared one. Our goals are first, to identify the mechanisms by which proximity makes collaboration easier, concentrating on the way it facilitates interpersonal interaction and awareness; and second, to evaluate how current computer-mediated communication technologies provide or fail to provide the key benefits of proximity. We use a decompositional framework which examines how visibility, co-presence, mobility, cotemporality and other affordances of media affect the important collaborative tasks of initiating conversation, establishing common ground, and maintaining awareness of potentially relevant changes in the collaborative environment.
Early in its period of office the new United Kingdom coalition government produced an Education White Paper containing potentially devastating news for higher education training institutions in England and Wales. Drawing on research papers and policy documents, this article takes an historic approach to map the changing face of teacher training over the past 30 years. A variety of approaches to the training of teachers are examined in terms of the partnership arrangements each model espouses and the training approaches that each locality arrangement represents. A small-scale research project maps early responses from higher education institutions as they consider the implications of new policies. Finally, a future scenario where higher education institutions struggle for survival as meaningful providers of teacher education is postulated.
In this article, the authors focus on the concept of coherence, a relatively underexplored concept in teacher education. They investigate the relationship between students' perceptions of coherence and a number of structural features of teacher education programs to help develop a stronger definition of one important dimension of coherence—the relationship between fieldwork and coursework. The authors examine the relationship between specific program features and students' perceptions of the degree to which program vision, principles, and practices are aligned with those in the field and also explore the degree to which students have opportunities to practice what they are learning in the program and to enact program goals and visions of good teaching and learning in the classroom. In a field that is calling for larger-scale studies, this research attempts to identify promising features that are also amenable to large-scale studies of the impact of teacher education.
This report is part of a series of special topic reports developed by the Chicago Annenberg Research Project to document key issues and problems affecting the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and the improvement of Chicago public schools in general. The report introduces the concept of instructional program coherence and explains why schools whose improvement efforts show strong coherence are more likely to advance. It presents research showing that students in Chicago elementary schools with stronger program coherence have higher gains in academic achievement. It also shares observations on how, in specific schools, principals, external partners, and other agencies direct, or fail to direct, key school resources toward more coherent instruction. It ends by discussing factors within the educational system that discourage instructional program coherence, suggesting ways that school leaders, school improvement partners, and policymakers can bring about instructional coherence that will reward their school improvement efforts. Five chapters present: (1) "The Problem: Too Many Unrelated, Unsustained 'Improvement' Programs"; (2) "What Is Instructional Program Coherence?" (3) "Is Instructional Program Coherence Related to Student Achievement: Survey Results"; (4) "Organizing Instructional Program Coherence in Schools: Field Study Results"; and (6) "Interpretive Summary." Overall, research shows that schools ranking high on instructional program coherence have stronger principal leadership, while lower ranking schools allow teachers more individual autonomy and the discretion to select their own curriculum materials and strategies for instruction and assessment. An appendix presents the statistical analysis. (Contains 43 references.) (SM)