
Phytobenthos of the Black Sea

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... Comment: The association Ulvetum intestinalis Feldmann 1937 was first described in the northwestern Me di terra nean on the French coast of the Commune des Alberts (côte des Albères) (Feldmann 1937(Feldmann , 1938. In Europe, such com munities are found in the Mediterranean, Adriatic, White, Baltic, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, where they occur in the salinity range from 0.5 to 35 ‰ (Feldmann 1937, 1938, Morozova-Vodyanitskaya 1959, Coppejans 1972, Vino gra do va 1974, Kalugina-Gutnik 1975, Lovric 1978, Gromov 1998). In the Black Sea, the association of Ulva intestinalis was described in terms of the dominant approach (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975). ...
... In Europe, such com munities are found in the Mediterranean, Adriatic, White, Baltic, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, where they occur in the salinity range from 0.5 to 35 ‰ (Feldmann 1937, 1938, Morozova-Vodyanitskaya 1959, Coppejans 1972, Vino gra do va 1974, Kalugina-Gutnik 1975, Lovric 1978, Gromov 1998). In the Black Sea, the association of Ulva intestinalis was described in terms of the dominant approach (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975). It was pointed out that monodominant polysaprobic phytocenoses of this association are confined to heavily polluted bays with low salinity at depths of 0-0.2 m. ...
... Single species phytocenoses of the association are identical to those described by us. Phy to cenoses described by A.A. Kalugina-Gutnik (1975) with more diverse floristic composition, from our point of view, should be considered as ecotone. ...
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Shallow-water communities of opportunistic green marine macroalgae in eutro-phicated areas are currently gaining an advantage over communities dominated by other groups of macrophytes. Therefore, their classification, study of composition and observation of structural changes are of particular importance. One class (Ul-vae intestinalis-Ulvetea linzae), one order (Ulvae intestinalis-Ulvetalia linzae), three alliances (Ulvae intestinalis-Ulvion linzae, Ulvae intesti-nalis-Ceramion virgati, Ulvae rigidae-Gelidion spinosi) and three new associations of macroalgal communities of meso-and polysaprobic sublittoral vegetation within the shelf of the Black, Azov and Baltic Seas are described for the first time, using the Braun-Blanquet approach. Principal components analysis revealed two main factors influencing the floristic composition of the investigated communities: salinity and nutrient enrichment with associated turbidity. The proposed classification of opportunistic communities of green algae should be used in assessing the dynamics of the state of vegetation during eutrophication of the aquatic environment.
... But even against this general background, the South Coast of Crimea (SCC), located in the extreme south of the peninsula between the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains and the Black Sea, stands out for its high landscape, biological diversity and large number of objects of cultural and historical heritage (Yena, 1983). The adjacent coastal water area is allocated to a separate hydrobotanical region of the Black Sea, which also has one of the highest levels of phytodiversity in the region (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Minicheva et al., 2014). At the same time, it is along the SCC that the recreational and tourist infrastructure is concentrated, land and water transport communications intersect, the density of permanent and seasonal population is the greatest, and wastewater is discharged into coastal marine water areas. ...
... Hydrobiological surveys of coastal marine areas were carried out in 2019-2020 during dives using light diving equipment in the depth range of 0-8 m (up to 12 m visually) along profiles, perpendicular to the coastline, according to the generally accepted methodology (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). In the marine water area near the Cape Martian, where the state of benthic vegetation is regularly monitored, hydrobiological samples collected on 28.08.2019 are part of the full annual monitoring cycle of 2019-2020. ...
... If necessary, nomenclature combinations are additionally given according to the key that was the basis for macroalgae identification (Zinova, 1967). Ecological and floristic characteristics of algae are given according to Kalugina-Gutnik (1975), including saprobiological and halobility characteristics based on unpublished data by Kalugina-Gutnik and Eremenko with some clarifications for seagrasses according to Sadogurskiy and Belich (2003). Projected cover (PC) was determined by eye, mean biomass (BM)  for each species separately (  ±S  , raw weight); layers in the communities were distinguished by aspect species, taking into account BM; vegetation height (VH) was characterized by the average length of thalli (or stems) of the dominant species of the upper layer. ...
Based on the materials of a 2019-2020 study, a comparative hydrobotanical characterisation of two nearby coastal water areas of the Black Sea (Southern Coast of Crimea - SCC) is presented. Both water areas are similar in terms of their complex of natural and climatic conditions; but contrast in terms of the anthropogenic transformation level and eutrophication. In total, 81 species of macrophytes were identified in the study area. In the natural water area, located within the boundaries of the "Cape Martyan" Nature Reserve, 61 species were registered ( Chlorophyta - 14 (22.6%), Ochrophyta - 12 (19.7%), Rhodophyta - 34 (55.8%), Tracheophyta - 1 (1.6%). To the east of it, the marine water area adjasent to the Gurzuf village is located. This has been transformed and is subject to local, but constant and intense eutrophication from a shallow emergency sewer. In total 63 species were registered here ( Chlorophyta - 15 (23.8%), Ochrophyta - 16 (25.4%), Rhodophyta - 32 (50.8%). The ratio of macrophytes ecological and floristic groups by number of species (NS) does not reveal fundamental differences between the two water areas; the tendency of change in the total biomass (BM) of communities with increasing depth along the profiles is similar, and the values at the same depths are comparable (up to 0.8 kg · m<sup>-2</sup> in the pseudolittoral zone and up to 6.2-7.0 kg · m<sup>-2</sup> in the sublittoral). Significant differences are found in the BM ratio of macrophytes ecological and floristic groups, which ultimately determines the structural features of the vegetation cover of each water area (although their general nature, due to the type of substrate, is similar). Near the Cape Martyan, both in terms of NS and BM, stenobiont (oligosaprobic marine) Phaeophyceae species dominate: in the pseudolittoral - seasonal summer ones; in the sublittoral - perennial ones (belt of Cystoseira s.l.), which is typical for the SCC in summer. In the water area off the Gurzuf village, the algal communities of the pseudolittoral and the shallowest sublittoral zones are formed by eurybiont (polysaprobic brakish-water) Chlorophyta . Such features of the composition and structure are an adaptive response of phytocenoses to intense eutrophication. With a decrease in the trophic content of waters, they could quickly return to a relative norm. However, the situation is complicated by the progressive invasion of the new transformer species Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, which suppresses and displaces native species near the SCC. This changes the appearance, structure, and production indicators of the vegetation cover of the sublittoral zone, and in Gurzuf even leads to local degradation (at depths of ≥ 5 m) of the most productive and species-rich Cystoseira s.l. communities, which are of key importance for maintaining the ecological balance in the coastal marine waters of the region. Presumably, eutrophication is one of the factors that stimulate the spread of B. hamifera , which in the conditions of the significantly isolated Azov-Black Sea basin can lead to a regional ecological disaster. In this case, a decrease in the trophicity of coastal waters can slow down the process of invasion and the resulting transformation of the macrophytobenthos.
... Не дивлячись на важливе значення цих водоростей для морських екосистем у басейні Середземного моря та велику кількість екологічних, біогеографічних та флористичних досліджень, таксономічна класифікація в межах роду Cystoseira s. l. багато років викликала більше запитань, ніж відповідей (Gómez- Garreta et al., 2001;Cormaci et al., 2012). Традиційно вона базувалася на морфологічних ознаках -будові талому, кількості основних стовбурів, формі рецептакулів та повітряних пухирів, наявності придатків («листків», шипиків, тощо) та особливостях статевого розмноження (Zinova, 1967;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Gómez Garreta et al., 2001;Cormaci et al., 2012). На основі цих ознак, згідно з ресурсом AlgaeBase, було описано близько 300 таксонів цистозір -видів, підвидів, варієтетів та форм (Guiry, Guiry, 2023). ...
... Результати цих досліджень також стали частиною загального проекту з ревізії роду Cystoseira s. l. в Атлантично-Середземноморському регіоні з застосуванням філогеографічних, молекулярно-філогенетичних методів та методів розмежування видів (Neiva et al., 2022). Зокрема, виявлено невраховане раніше криптичне різноманіття, а описані нові таксони вдалося виявити лише з застосуванням молекулярно-генетичних даних, адже через широкий діапазон екологічної та морфологічної пластичності використання морфологічних критеріїв для розмежування видів цистозір є проблемним (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Falace, Bressan, 2006). Але хоч молекулярно-філогенетичні методи наразі є невід'ємною частиною у дослідженнях систематики бурих водоростей, саме морфологічні характеристики досі лишаються ключовими для багатьох дослідників при визначенні таксономічної приналежності зразків. ...
... Відібрані зразки визначали на основі морфологічних ознак з використанням літературних джерел: Gómez- Garreta et al., 2001;Cormaci et al., 2012, з уточненнями для чорноморських таксонів згідно: Zinova, 1967;Zinova, Kalugina, 1974;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Berov et al., 2015. Сучасна номенклатура таксонів Cystoseira s. l. подана відповідно до: Molinari, Guiry, 2020;Sadogurska et al., 2021;Sadogurska, 2021. ...
The article presents the results of morphological and anatomical analysis of the Cystoseira sensu lato taxa in the flora of Ukraine, taking into account modern views on the nomenclature of the genus. Earlier, based on the morphological and molecular phylogenetic analysis, it was shown that along the Ukrainian shores the polyphyletic genus Cystoseira s. l. is represented by three taxa (Ericaria crinita f. bosphorica (Sauvageau) S.S.Sadogurska, J.Neiva et A.Israel., Gongolaria barbata (Stackhouse) Kuntze f. barbata and Gongolaria barbata f. repens (A.D.Zinova & Kalugina) S.S.Sadogurska). As the result of the present study, for these taxa, a set of morphological features of vegetative and generative organs was analysed (general thallus appearance, structure of the apex and branches, presence/absence of appendages, aerocysts, shape and size of receptacles, presence/absence of iridescence, conceptacles, shape and structure of gametangia), as well as an analysis of the anatomical structure of the thallus (cortex and meristoderm cells on a cross section) was carried out. The analysis showed that these taxa have a wide range of morphological variability, which makes their identification difficult. At the same time, some characteristics are diagnostic and allow reliably distinguish and identify the studied taxa of the genus Cystoseira s. l. Based on the analysis, we provided a description of the main morphological and anatomical c haracteristics of the taxa and proposed identification keys for taxa of the genus Cystoseira s. l. of the flora of Ukraine. The results of the study of morphological features and the range of macroalgae morphological variability are important for further taxonomic studies, as well as clarification of keys for their identification.
... The perennial sciaphilous alga Phyllophora crispa (Hudson) P.S. Dixon (Phyllophoraceae, Rhodophyta) belongs to the main community-forming species of the Black Sea (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Milchakova et al., 2011). The most abundant accumulations (fields) of its unattached form were confined to silty and sandy bottom at depths of 10-60 m, and the attached Phyllophora occupied a narrow strip of rocks and boulders at depths of 10-28 m (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). ...
... The perennial sciaphilous alga Phyllophora crispa (Hudson) P.S. Dixon (Phyllophoraceae, Rhodophyta) belongs to the main community-forming species of the Black Sea (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Milchakova et al., 2011). The most abundant accumulations (fields) of its unattached form were confined to silty and sandy bottom at depths of 10-60 m, and the attached Phyllophora occupied a narrow strip of rocks and boulders at depths of 10-28 m (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). Over the last half century, the largest aggregation of the unattached form of Phyllophora (Zernov's Phyllophora Field) has almost completely disappeared in the northwestern part of the Black Sea, and the production parameters of the coastal communities dominated by the attached form of this species have reduced significantly (Milchakova, 2003;Simakova & Maximova, 2009;Milchakova et al., 2011Milchakova et al., , 2013Berov et al., 2018). ...
... Phyllophora crispa off the southwestern coast of Crimea (in the Sevastopol Region) exists mainly as an attached form (Fig. 1) and it is protected within the marine portions of six Protected Areas (hereinafter -MPAs) established between 1972 and 2017 (PARF, 2022). Because P. crispa is a thick leathery slowgrowing shade-adapted species (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975), and may be considered as a late-successional one (Orlando-Bonaca et al., 2008; but see Orfanidis et al., 2011), having flourished in pristine environments before human induced disturbances and decrease in water transparency (Zaitsev & Mamaev, 1997;Milchakova et al., 2013), its response to protection, which reduces human impacts, is expected to be positive. Nevertheless, despite a long existence of these MPAs, a degeneration of macrophyte assemblages, including those of P. crispa, has been found in some of them (Milchakova, 2003;Milchakova et al., 2011Milchakova et al., , 2019. ...
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The perennial sciaphilous alga Phyllophora crispa (Phyllophoraceae, Rhodophyta) belongs to the main community-forming species of the Black Sea but due to the catastrophic degradation of its populations, it has been listed as an endangered species in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. Phyllophora crispa off the southwestern coast of Crimea is preserved within six Protected Areas (PAs) established between 1972 and 2017, which include the narrow 300-m-wide strips of coastal waters ranging from 0.0597 km2 to 0.208 km2 in area. Despite a long existence, the degeneration of P. crispa assemblages has been shown in some of them that may indicate inefficient measures aimed at conserving bottom communities in Marine PAs (MPAs) and the need to optimise the regional PA network. Therefore, this study addresses assessing the effectiveness of the preservation of P. crispa in MPAs along the southwestern coast of Crimea, and it aims at two main objectives: to compare the status of P. crispa populations in the study area at present and before the MPA establishment, and to assess their current state in the marine protected and unprotected areas. In 2015–2020, the density, biomass, weight and length of P. crispa thalli were determined in five MPAs ranged in age 33–48 years of protection and in 16 unprotected water areas, at depths from 0.5 m to 20 m. A comparison of the obtained and published data for the 5 m to 20 m depth range showed that from 1964–1967 until 2015–2020, the P. crispa biomass in the study area decreased on average 2.7-fold, the density 1.5-fold and the thallus weight 2.0-fold. Evaluating the decline of the populations of P. crispa along the depth range of 5–15 m showed that it was most pronounced at a 15-m depth, being statistically significant in biomass and thallus weight. At the same time, an analysis of variance showed no effect of protection on the between-year change in P. crispa population parameters. In addition, in 2015–2020, there was no statistically significant difference in the average biomass and density of this species inside and outside the MPAs. The average weight and length of thalli did not differ due to protection either, except for a depth of 10 m where values of these parameters were, respectively, 3.3 times and 1.4 times higher inside than outside MPAs. One explanation for the non-significant MPA effect on the state of populations of P. crispa could be a lack of statistical power in our study. Another one was the small area and low width of MPAs, which makes the seaweed communities vulnerable to negative impacts near the MPA borders. To improve the effectiveness of the conservation of P. crispa in the southwestern Crimea, it was recommended to increase the MPA coverage, create buffer zones around MPAs and take measures resulting in environmental improvement throughout the region.
... Lists of macroalgal species with an indication of their phytogeographic characteristics (Cormaci et al. 1982;Kalugina-Gutnik 1975;Zinova 1962) were used for phytogeographical analysis of the communities. These sources still represent the most complete lists of macroalgal species from European seas according to their phytogeographic characteristics. ...
... Communities dominated by F. vesiculosus have a more diverse composition than communities of the supralittoral Cormaci et al. (1982), supplemented by data from Zinova (1962) and Kalugina-Gutnik (1975): C -Cosmopolitan, SC -Sub-cosmopolitan, AP -Atlanto-Pacific, IP -Indo-Pacific, CB -Circumboreal, IA -Indo-Atlantic, Abt -Boreo-tropical Atlantic, CT -Circumtropical, Ab -Boreo-Atlantic, Aba -Boreo-Arctic Atlantic, Pb -Boreo-Pacific. ...
... Ulvetum intestinalis Feldman 1937. This syntaxon is frequently recorded all over the world and found on Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts (Gallardo and Perez-Cirera 1985), the Black Sea (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975), the Caspian Sea (Gromov 2010) and mineralized freshwater bodies (Hynes 1972). Ulva intestinalis is one of the few Ulvales that can be relatively reliably identified based on morphology (Blomster et al. 1998;Steinhagen et al. 2019a). ...
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Supralittoral and shallow water seaweed communities are particularly exposed to impacts such as climate change and disturbance by humans. Therefore, their classification, the study of composition, and the monitoring of their structural changes are particularly important. A phytosociological survey of the supralittoral and upper sublittoral vegetation of the South West Baltic Sea revealed eight phytobenthos communities with two variants comprising 35 taxa of macrophytes (18 taxa of Chlorophyta, 13 taxa of Rhodophyta and four taxa of Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta). Five of the eight communities were dominated by Ulvales (Ulva intestinalis, Kornmannia leptoderma, and three Blidingia species), the other three by Fucus vesiculosus. Most Fucus vesiculosus-dominated communities contained U. intestinalis and U. linza as subdominants. Only one of the communities had until now been described as an association ( Ulvetum intestinalis Feldman 1937). The syntaxonomic composition of the investigated vegetation includes both phytocenoses with the domination of green algae ( Ulvetum intestinalis Feldman 1937 and communities of Blidingia marginata, unidentified Blidingia spp. and Kornmannia leptoderma), as well as a number of communities dominated by Fucus vesiculosus. Mainly boreal Atlantic species and cosmopolitans make up the bulk of the species in these associations.
... Sensitivity of species was determined based on literature data (Berov, 2013;Berov et al., 2012;K. Dencheva, 2008;Diez et al., 2012;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Marin et al., 2013;Minicheva, 1998;Minicheva et al., 2003;Orfanidis et al., 2003;Pinedo et al., 2007) and authors' own observation and experience. Main criteria in differentiating the species into sensitivity groups was species morphology, biology and growth rates, as well as experimental and observational evidence of their sensitivity to eutrophication, based on experimental results on their distribution along the eutrophication gradient. ...
... The non-calcareous crusts such as Ralfsia can be classified within this group also. In the specific ecological conditions of the Black Sea Cystoseira barbata has higher tolerance towards eutrophication impacts in the Black sea than C. bosphorica, hence it was placed in this category (see Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Berov et al., 2012;Berov, 2013) . The perennial angiosperms Zannichelia palustris and Zostera noltii are alsoclassified within this group. ...
... Macroalgal communities should be dominated by brown algae from the genus Cystoseira. No anthropogenic pressures are registered in the Cape Maslen Nos area since 1996, and before 1980 (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Petrova-Karadjova, 1975;Dimitrova-Konaklieva, 2000;Vasilev et al., 2005;Bologa and Sava, 2006;Dencheva, 2008b;Berov et al., 2010Berov et al., , 2012Berov et al., ,2013) (pristine conditions). ...
... Бурі водорості роду Cystoseira s. l. є ключовими ценозоутворюючими видами в басейні Середземного моря, до якого також належать Чорне та Азовське моря (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Fabbrizzi et al., 2020;. Цей рід формує основу морських донних екосистем. ...
... Проби відбирали за загальноприйнятою гідроботанічною методикою під час самостійних занурень з використанням легководолазного спорядження (Kalugina, 1969). Відібрані зразки цистозір визначали за морфологічниими ознаками, як вказано в роботах А.Д Зінової та О.А.Калугіної-Гутник (Zinova, 1967;Zinova, Kalugina, 1974;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). ...
... Зразки з Чорного моря, які були морфологічно ідентифіковані як прикріплена Gongolaria barbata (= Cystoseira barbata), відповідали діагнозу виду та описам, наданим у різних ідентифікаційних ключах (Zinova, 1967;Zinova, Kalugina, 1974;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Gomez Garreta et al., 2000;Cormaci et al., 2012). ...
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Brown algae of the genus Cystoseira s. l. are key species in the Mediterranean basin, including the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. In addition to the typical attached forms of Cystoseira sensu lato (Ericaria crinita f. bosphorica (Sauvageau) S.S.Sadogurska, J.Neiva et A.Israel, and Gongolaria barbata (Stackhouse) Kuntze), an unattached form was previously described for the Black Sea. The taxonomic status of this taxon remained uncertain. According to the results of a comparative morphological analysis, it is shown that the Black Sea unattached samples belong to the species Gongolaria barbata. But unattached thalli, collected in the Dzharylhach Bay in the seagrass meadows of Zostera marina L., have morphological differences. Thalli are 30–50 cm long, light brown or yellow-brown; the holdfast is absent, the main axis is reduced or, if present, very short and thin (2–4 mm). Lateral branches are thin (2–3 mm), smooth; their length is 15–30 cm. The ultimate branches are filamentous, sometimes with oval-shaped aerocysts, single or arranged in chains. Receptacles are rarely present, spindle-shaped, 8–12 mm in length, without spines, but with a sterile mucron at the end. Therefore, a new nomenclature combination is proposed: Gongolaria barbata f. repens (A.D. Zinova & Kalugina) S.S. Sadogurska comb. nov. It is shown that the nomenclature combination Cystoseira concatenata f. repens A.D.Zinova & Kalugina is invalid. In addition, it is shown that the unattached Gongolaria barbata f. repens is not synonymous with the species Cystoseira aurantia Kützing sensu Orellana et al. (2019), which authors previously rearranged to the genus Cystoseira s.s. Analysis of phylogenetic trees from the works by different authors showed that unattached samples from the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean do not belong to the Gongolaria barbata clade and may be unattached forms of other species.
... In the Mediterranean Sea, and in the narrowly connected Black Sea, the most diverse and productive marine ecosystems are represented by marine forests formed by brown algae (Ochrophyta) of the family Sargassaceae (Fabbrizzi et al. 2020, Assis et al. 2020. One of the most important "ecosystem engineers" of these marine forests are species of the genus Cystoseira C. Agardh (Ballesteros 1990a, b, Cormaci et al. 2012, Kalugina-Gutnik 1975, Taşkin et al. 2012, Gómez-Garreta et al. 2001, Piazzi et al. 2018, Sadogurska 2019. They are an important link in coastal food webs and the basis of unique habitats, which provide shelter and nursery areas for a considerable number of species (Cheminée et al. 2013, Thiriet et al. 2016, Chiarore et al. 2019, Faucci & Boero 2000, Fraschetti et al. 2002, Mačić & Svirčev 2014, Mancuso et al. 2016. ...
... Receptacles were long and terminating with a mucron, aerocysts were usually in chains. Black Sea samples of C. barbata clearly corresponded to the descriptions provided in Zinova (1967), Zinova & Kalugina (1974), Kalugina-Gutnik (1975), Gomez Garreta et al. (2000), Cormaci et al. (2012), and Berov et al. (2015) (Table 2). . Main characteristics of the studied taxa based on personal observations of the authors and on compiled data from Gómez- Garreta et al. (2001), Cormaci et al. (2012), Zinova (1967), Kalugina-Gutnik (1975), Berov et al. (2015), and Orellana et al. (2019). ...
... Black Sea samples of C. barbata clearly corresponded to the descriptions provided in Zinova (1967), Zinova & Kalugina (1974), Kalugina-Gutnik (1975), Gomez Garreta et al. (2000), Cormaci et al. (2012), and Berov et al. (2015) (Table 2). . Main characteristics of the studied taxa based on personal observations of the authors and on compiled data from Gómez- Garreta et al. (2001), Cormaci et al. (2012), Zinova (1967), Kalugina-Gutnik (1975), Berov et al. (2015), and Orellana et al. (2019). Unique characteristics of taxa are shown in bold, common characteristics are highlighted in grey background. ...
Brown algae of the genus Cystoseira sensu lato form the most diverse and productive marine ecosystems throughout the Mediterranean Sea and have equal roles also in the Black Sea where they have been decreasing in the recent years. The taxonomy of Cystoseira s.l. taxa from the Black Sea is still not well understood, and questions arise when related taxa have to be delimited. In addition to morphological descriptions, this study provides for the first time molecular data of the Black Sea Cystoseira s.l. distinct morphologies as an additional tool to clarify their identities and phylogenetic affinities. The analysis of two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome oxidase subunit 1—COI, and 23S-tRNAVal intergenic spacer—mt-spacer) showed that Cystoseira s.l. specimens from the Black Sea belong to two recently resurrected genera, namely Gongolaria and Ericaria. Molecular data confirm the morphological identification of G. barbata, which is characterized by high morphological plasticity in the Black Sea. The morphological data presented in this study support the transition of G. barbata to the genus Gongolaria, which was previously proposed based solely on genetic data. For the Black Sea endemic taxon C. bosphorica, sequence divergence suggests conspecificity with Mediterranean Sea species E. crinita and E. barbatula. However, considering original morphological characteristics of the taxon, its geographical isolation, and endemism, the new combination Ericaria crinita f. bosphorica comb. nov. is proposed.
... A comprehensive survey of macroscopic bottom vegetation (MBV) in the marine area of the SPNA Cape Martyan was carried out in July 2018. Hydrobotanical stage is performed according to the generally accepted technique (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). According to this technique samples for studying the quantitative macrophyte parameters and structural features of the MBV were taken using light diving equipment along the 250 m long stationary monitoring profile perpendicular to the shore line (with the starting point 44 The hydroacoustic stage for identifying of the boundaries and area occupied by the MBV was performed using a small motorized vessel equipped with a mobile complex based on the SeaCharter 480 DF portable echo-sounder with a GPS receiver and a Skimmer ® sonar antenna operated at a frequency of 200 kHz with a nominal radiation pattern width of 12 • . ...
... The calculation of macrophyte inventory was carried out by multiplying of the average specific biomass value found for the studied locality by the area occupied by the algae community. The calculation of the total primary production was obtained by multiplying of the inventory by the specific production value, which, in turn, is the annual ingrowth of the biomass per area unit and amounts 2.2 (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). ...
... At the same time, the average value of biomass for the entire studied water area was 4613.5 g m −2 . Distribution features and the average values of MBV biomass correspond well to the results obtained earlier for the SPNA Cape Martyan and for most of other coastal water areas of the Crimean Peninsula (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Milchakova, 2003;Belich et al., 2018). During the entire studied period up to 90%-95% of the total community biomass was represented by Carpodesmia crinita. ...
The aim of the study was the assessment of Cystoseira phytocenosis role as a biological barrier in cleaning of seawater in the SPNA Cape Martyan marine area against its pollution with heavy metals (HM: V, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Hg, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sb, Pb) and organochlorine compounds (OCC: DDT, DDE, DDD, ΣDDT, PCB 28, PCB 52, PCB 101, PCB 138, PCB 153, PCB 180). It was deduced that the significant role of Cystoseira phytocenosis in extraction of HM (from 9 to 99%) and of OCC (from 55 to 96%) from the aquatic environment is determined by its high specific biomass (up to 4.6 kg⋅m⁻²) and accumulating ability against pollutants with concentration factors of n×(10²÷10⁵) for HM and n×(10²÷10³) for OCC. Resulting from the Cystoseira production processes, extraction of pollutants from biotope by the algae amounted to 0.1÷967.6 kg⋅y⁻¹ for HM and 0.044÷8.360 g⋅y⁻¹. It was shown that the most optimal way of recreational zones quality management regarding marine environment pollution factor is the maintenance of the coastal Cystoseira phytocenoses and taking of measures increasing their dispersion and production indices.
... Its formation was connected with high productivity of charophytes that were dominant before the 1970s (Gromov, 1982;Kalugina-Gutnik et al., 1988;Berezenko & Povoroznyuk, 2012). The first studies of charophytes and bottom vegetation in the Sudzhuk Lagoon were carried out at the beginning of the 20 th century by V.M. and K.V. , and the research of benthic communities and water quality began in the mid-20 th century (Frindlyand et al., 1957;Milovidova, 1961;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). ...
... The macrophytes samples were taken by the authors in the summer season from 1978 to 2015, using the same permanent grid of stations ( Fig. 1) which were used by Kalugina-Gutnik et al. (1988). Sampling of macrophytes was carried out using 25 × 25 cm frame in quadruplicate, placed randomly at each station (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). All samples were packed, labeled and stored in refrigerator bags during the field's research. ...
... Macroalgae were identified using specific scientific guides (Zinova, 1967), in accordance with nomenclatural changes (Guiry & Guiry, 2018). The communities were indicated according to the classification of bottom vegetation for the Black Sea (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). ...
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The Sudzhuk Lagoon, including Sudzhuk Spit and the adjacent territory, is a unique natural complex of the northeastern part of the Black Sea, that has been studied throughout the last century. In accordance with the environmental importance of lagoon ecosystems, the «Sudzhuk Lagoon» Natural Monument of regional significance was created in 1983, which was included within the network of Protected Areas of the Krasnodarsky Krai. The goal of the present research was to characterise the long-term changes in lagoon's bottom vegetation from 1921 to 2015, and to reveal the features of species composition and the communities changes. During the investigation period, the number of macrophyte species increased from 16 to 27. Five new species typical for eutrophic water have been found, and more than ten species disappeared. Despite the Sudzhuk Lagoon being included within the protected areas, almost a complete disappearance of the Lamprothamnium papulosum + Chara vulgaris community and a dominance of the Ruppia cirrhosa – Lophosiphonia obscura – Cladophora albida community have been observed. By 2015, the biomass of the opportunistic green alga Ulva intestinalis near the channel, which connect the lagoon with the sea, increased by an order of magnitude compared to 1985. At the present time, intensive transformation has occurred in communities of aquatic vegetation, and the dominance of Phragmites australis and Stuckenia pectinata were found. Almost all research areas of the Sudzhuk Lagoon were in a poor ecological status according to the Ecological Index (EI), except for a few locations in the central and southeastern parts with a moderate ecological status. The lack of a management plan to protect the Sudzhuk Lagoon and intensification of unregulated recreation, along with other natural and anthropogenic factors, can lead to the loss of this unique natural complex. Effective measures aiming at preserving the ecosystem of the Sudzhuk Lagoon with its biological and landscape diversity were proposed.
... Macrophytes growing in shallow littoral areas of the sea play an important role in primary-production formation (Thomaz and Cunha, 2010) and in sustaining the stable structure of the marine ecosystem (Warfe and Barmuta, 2004). Large macrophytes can produce a vegetative canopy (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975) and be habitat-formers (Thomaz and Cunha, 2010;Stiers et al., 2011;Prazukin, 2015). They can also have an eff ect on the diversity, abundance, and functioning of micro and macrofauna (Lucena-Moya and Duggan, 2011;Schultz and Dibble, 2012;Habib and Yousuf, 2015) and micro and macroalgae in the phytocenosis (Stiers et al., 2011;Prazukin, 2015). ...
... et Wood.) Ag., 1821 (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). These large multicellular algae are considered ecosystem architects, but little is known about the intricate vertical profi le of their canopy. ...
... According to the classifi cation of Black Sea benthic vegetation (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975), the studied phytocenosis is referred to as the Cystoseira crinite , Cystoseira barbata , Cladostephus verticillatus , Corallina mediterranea association. Cystoseira crinita and Cystoseira barbata are morphologically similar to a large extent (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Khailov and Parchevskiy, 1983;Kovardakov et al., 1985;Khailov et al., 1992). ...
In the coastal ecosystems of the Black Sea, macrophytobenthos and, in particular, the association of Cystoseira crinite, C. barbata, Cladostephus verticillatus, and Corallina mediterranea, with its thick vegetative canopy (VC), is the key contributor to primary production (PP). Though the vertical structure of the canopy, formed by the algal association, is of principal importance to the PP level, this subject has been long-neglected by researchers. The goal of our work was to compare vertical structures of the vegetative canopy of Cystoseira brown algae under diverse hydrodynamical conditions of the Crimean Peninsula coast. Samples were collected using the 50 cm×50 cm counting frame at eight stations positioned in shallow (55–60 cm deep) sites of Sevastopol Bay (Crimean Peninsula). Dry weight biomass of the VC was determined for all algae assemblage and for each algal species individually, per horizontal surface unit, at each height (Z). The study shows that: 1) the VC is characterized by unimodal vertical distribution of biomass, with maximum estimate in the lower part, where the biomass increases to 85% of the total biomass; 2) a series of single-peaked curves reliably describes the unimodal distribution of the biomass; thalli of different age groups are found along the canopy profile; and 3) algae found in epiphytic synusia prefer inhabiting the upper part of the VC. The role of environmental factors (seawater turbulence and solar radiation) is discussed in reference to the formation of the vertical structure, made up of the associations of the brown algae Cystoseira.
... Sensitivity of species was determined based on literature data (Berov, 2013;Berov et al., 2012;K. Dencheva, 2008;Diez et al., 2012;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Marin et al., 2013;Minicheva, 1998;Minicheva et al., 2003;Orfanidis et al., 2003;Pinedo et al., 2007) and authors' own observation and experience. Main criteria in differentiating the species into sensitivity groups was species morphology, biology and growth rates, as well as experimental and observational evidence of their sensitivity to eutrophication, based on experimental results on their distribution along the eutrophication gradient. ...
... The non-calcareous crusts such as Ralfsia can be classified within this group also. In the specific ecological conditions of the Black Sea Cystoseira barbata has higher tolerance towards eutrophication impacts in the Black sea than C. bosphorica, hence it was placed in this category (see Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Berov et al., 2012;Berov, 2013) . The perennial angiosperms Zannichelia palustris and Zostera noltii are alsoclassified within this group. ...
... Macroalgal communities should be dominated by brown algae from the genus Cystoseira. No anthropogenic pressures are registered in the Cape Maslen Nos area since 1996, and before 1980 (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Petrova-Karadjova, 1975;Dimitrova-Konaklieva, 2000;Vasilev et al., 2005;Bologa and Sava, 2006;Dencheva, 2008b;Berov et al., 2010Berov et al., , 2012Berov et al., ,2013) (pristine conditions). ...
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... Іллі між Головним пасмом Кримських гір і акваторією Чорного моря (Yena, 1983). Ця прибережна акваторія також утворює окремий однойменний гідроботанічний район, що характеризується одним з найвищих рівнів природного фіторізноманіття в межах басейну (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Minicheva et al., 2014;Sadogurskiy et al., 2019). Але й за ступенем антропогенної трансформації берегової зони ПБК є серед лідерів (The current…, 2015). ...
... Гідроботанічне обстеження прибережно-морської акваторії проводили влітку 2019 р. у рамках вивчення повного річного циклу макрофітобіоти. Кількісні проби відбирали під час самостійних занурень з використанням легководолазного спорядження вздовж моніторингового профілю на глибині 0 (± 0,25); 0,5; 1,0; 3,0; 5,0 і 8,0 м (до 12,0 м візуально) за загальноприйнятою методикою (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). В псевдоліторалі на кожній станції відбирали по 10 проб рамкою площею 0,01 м 2 , в субліторалі -по п'ять рамкою площею 0,04 м 2 (загалом досліджено 40 проб). ...
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As a result of the monitoring studies based on the materials from 2019, six new species of macroalgae were identified for the marine area of the Nature Reserve «Cape Martyan», located on the Southern Coast of Crimea (SCC): Bolbocoleon piliferum Pringsh., Giraudia sphacelarioides Derbès et Solier, Myrionema balticum (Reinke) Foslie, Lithophyllum cystoseirae (Hauck) Heydr., Bonnemaisonia hamifera Har., Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) F.Schmitz (the latter two species were recorded for the hydrobotanical region «Southern Coast of Crimea» for the first time). As a result, the list of marine macrophytes within the boundaries of the Nature Reserve now includes 160 species and intraspecific taxa at the species rank, which consist about 36% of the total number of macrophytes identified in the Black Sea. Thus, the protected water area near the Cape Martyan continues to function as one of the key refugia for natural phytodiversity in the region. At the same time, B. hamifera is an invasive transforming species that has recently invaded the SCC region. This is a threat to the ecosystem of the Nature Reserve, and in the nearest future the invasion may cover the entire Northern Black Sea region. Thus, on the one hand, the results of the study expand the understanding of the level of natural phytodiversity of the reserve, the hydrobotanical region and the region as a whole, but on the other hand – they indicate the problem of developing biological invasion, which, under the conditions of the isolated Azov-Black Sea basin, can have catastrophic consequences.
... The coastline of the Black Sea, close to the present, was formed in the middle of the Holocene era or later (Hiscott et al. 2007). Thus, the overwhelming number of species of the modern Black Sea flora penetrated into the Black Sea from the Medi ter ra nean through the Sea of Marmara and the system of straits only over the past 3-9 thousand years, and they con tinue to penetrate (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975, Afanasyev & Korpakova 2008, Afanasyev & Ruban 2013. However, due to the significantly lower salinity and temperature of the Black Sea, only about 30 % of Mediterranean algal species can thrive here -in the Mediterranean there are 1124 mac ro phyte algae species (Coll et al. 2010), while in the Black Sea there are only about 330 (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975). ...
... Thus, the overwhelming number of species of the modern Black Sea flora penetrated into the Black Sea from the Medi ter ra nean through the Sea of Marmara and the system of straits only over the past 3-9 thousand years, and they con tinue to penetrate (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975, Afanasyev & Korpakova 2008, Afanasyev & Ruban 2013. However, due to the significantly lower salinity and temperature of the Black Sea, only about 30 % of Mediterranean algal species can thrive here -in the Mediterranean there are 1124 mac ro phyte algae species (Coll et al. 2010), while in the Black Sea there are only about 330 (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975). Among appro ximately 50 species of Cystoseira sensu lato dominate the Mediterranean shelf and adjacent areas of the Atlantic, only five species are found in the Black Sea and only two species have been recorded in its northeastern part (Afanasyev et al. 2017). ...
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We compared the species richness of the plant communities of different habitats on different sites of the biomass gradient. The analysis was based on data on 1089 above-ground biomass samples taken from the sites 0.25 m2 of terrestrial herbaceous communities of the Western Caucasus and Ciscaucasia (30–2800 m a.s.l.) and 317 samples taken from the same sites of the macrophytobenthos of the Black and Azov Seas (0.5–10 m depth). Results showed that a certain amount of biomass, sampled in communities of different types, includes, on average, a significantly different number of species. Thus, among terrestrial plant communities, highmountain communities of the Western Caucasus are characterized by the highest species richness in most ranges of the biomass gradient; communities of herb layer of shaded forests – on the contrary, the lowest richness. The macrophytobenthos of the Black Sea is characterized by lower species richness than most of the terrestrial communities, but higher species richness than the benthic communities of the Azov Sea. We showed that significant difference in the small-scale species richness of these communities can be plausibly explained by the peculiarities of their history.
... Схема расположения станций представлена на рис. 1. Общее количество собранных проб равно 124. При камеральной обработке материала определяли видовой состав макроводорослей с учетом последних номенклатурных изменений и на основе полученных данных -экологический [7,10,21]. Для описания видовой и экологической структуры фитоперифитона применяли коэффициенты флористического сходства Жаккара K j (%) и встречаемости видов R (%), а также индекс доминирования D t экологических групп (соотношение числа станций или районов, в которых экологическая группа доминирует по тому или иному признаку, к их общему числу) [2,14,22]. Исходя из значений R, виды распределяли по группам постоянства (постоянная, добавочная, случайная) и ценотической активности (неактивные, мало-, средне-, высоко-и особоактивные виды) [16,18]. ...
... Участие полисапробных видов особенно проявляется на северо-западном и западном участках. Сопоставление с данными, приведенными в работе А. А. Калугиной-Гутник [10], показывает, что каждый третий вид этой сапробности, встречающийся в составе черноморского макрофитобентоса, присутствует и среди фитообрастателей ГТС. Несмотря на видовое доминирование олигосапробионтов, высокая встречаемость и общий вклад групп-индикаторов высокой и средней степени загрязнения среды хорошо сочетаются с уровнем индекса Чейни, рассчитанного для всего массива данных. ...
... A feature of R. venosa fouling from comparatively deep-sea habitats is a smaller number or a total absence of algae, particularly green, due to the reduction of light. So, at a depth of over 20 m, only the red algae Phyllophora crispa and Coccotylus truncatus which can grow up to 60 m depth in the Black Sea (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Milchakova, 2011) were sporadically found. ...
... Anyway the expansion of attached algae and their epiphyton on sand and other kinds of loose substrates are strongly associated with the presence of R. venosa shells. It is known that the highest number of macroalgae species and their maximum development were recognized on the subtidal zone where the level of insolation is high enough, and the wave energy no longer exerts inhibitory effects on the development of thalli (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). As a consequence the maximum species diversity of algae (63) and their density of cover (up to 100%) were found precisely in region 3 at the depths of 4-10 m on sandy R. venosa shells which is the only solid substrate favorable for algae development here. ...
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Algal fouling of a gastropod predatory species Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) was investigated. R. venosa shells act as substrate for a great number of different fouling organisms, among which macroalgae are the most important. We studied the fouling communities on two ecomorphs (sandy and rocky) of R. venosa from the northern part of the Black Sea from 2008 to 2017. The fouling algae taxa were listed and the frequency of their occurrence on two ecomorphs of R. venosa was determined. 65 algae species were found, namely Chlorophyta – 20, Ochrophyta – 16 and Rhodophyta – 29 species. Typical alga species of sandy and rocky R. venosa ecomorphs and their assemblages’ composition was featured. It was found that the expansion of algae species distribution on the soft substrate is associated with R. venosa. During the period of R. venosa populations’ development this invasive species has become an important element of the Black Sea ecosystem which contributes to saving biological diversity of the benthic community due to formation and spreading of its consortium complexes.
... Photogrammetry methods were later used extensively in various scuba studies of tropical coral reefs (Whorff and Griffing, 1992;Carleton and Done, 1995) and temperate seas littoral communities (Ballesteros, 1992;Kolser et al., 1996;Norris, 1997;Van Rein et al., 2011;Norderhaug et al., 2015). Underwater photography as a tool for documenting species in their natural environment has been used in surveys of the benthos of the Black Sea since the 1960s (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Marinov, 1990;Todorova et al., 2009). Recently, digital photogrammetry and video filming were tested as methods for mapping phytobenthic communities in the NW Black Sea (Minicheva et al., 2014). ...
... The photo surveys of upper-infralittoral macroalgal communities in the study area were usually carried out by a team of two divers. At each sampling location, a 10 m transect line was positioned on a flat rocky substrate at depths between 2 m and 3 m, which is the optimal depth range for growth and development of Cystoseira-dominated communities in the Black Sea (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). The camera system was placed on top of the transect line, with the wide axis of the frame aligned perpendicularly to the transect. ...
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An improved digital photogrammetry scuba survey method, using high resolution camera (14.7 mp, 60/90 cm, 0.63 m 2 image size, 2321.5 pixels per cm 2) was developed and tested in studies of the structure and distribution of infralittoral mac-roalgal communities in the SW Black Sea. Results obtained from cover estimation based on the point intercept method were compared and validated against contour outline estimation , determining the optimal number of sampling points necessary for reliable and repeatable results (100 points per image, 158 points per m 2). Comparison of results on mac-roalgal community structure obtained from photo sampling and transect destructive sampling showed very similar results, confirming the photo method as a reliable approach. The application of high resolution digital cameras and semi-automated software packages for cover estimation of ben-thic species (CoralPointCount Extension) made this method significantly more effective and less time-consuming – both underwater and during the sample processing – than classical transect destructive sampling methods. The developed method was applied in experimental studies of changes in structure of macroalgal communities in an eutrophication gradient, as well as in the mapping of Zostera seagrass and Cystoseira macroalgal communities.
... The adaptive response of the studied biochemical markers in G. spinosum to the toxic effects of both nitrates and detergents was less pronounced in winter, than in summer and autumn, which can probably be explained by the greater resistance of the species during this season, as well as a slowdown in metabolism during this period (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). ...
... The coastal phytocenoses of the Mediterranean and Black Seas are dominated by brown algae of the genus Cystoseira (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975), and these are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbances (Khailov et al., 1984;Kovardakov et al., 1985;Parchevsky et al., 1985;Khristoforova, 1989). Cystoseira spp. ...
Rare earth metals are widely used in various technologies, and their environmental impact needs to be assessed. Brown algae are recognized bioindicators of xenobiotic pollution in coastal marine areas, so we studied the rare earth element contents in short-lived branchlets of the two most abundant species of Cystoseira (C. barbata and C. crinita) on Black Sea coasts. The abundance of rare earth elements including scandium (Sc), yttrium (Y), lanthanum (La) and 14 lanthanides in the algae, seawater and sediments were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The average contents of the prevalent elements in the algae decreased in the following order: Sc ≥ La > Europium (Eu) > Y > Neodymium (Nd) > Cerium (Ce). The factors affecting rare earth element content were age > locality > species of the alga. Most of the rare earth metals reached their maximum levels in branchlets > 5 month old, presumably associated with biosorption processes, whereas others (Eu, Terbium (Tb), Lutetium (Lu)) were most concentrated in 2–5 month old branchlets. In contrast to existing reports on the possible use of brown seaweeds for monitoring rare earth elements in coastal waters, the suitability of Cystoseira spp. branchlets, which have a 7 month life cycle, for short-term rare earth contamination monitoring was not confirmed in this study. Highlights • Cystoseira spp. branchlets accumulate many rare earth elements with age. • The dominant elements in Cystoseira spp. are Sc ≥ La> Eu > Y > Nd > Ce. • The most significant factors affecting rare earth element content are age > locality > species.
... Such conditions are detrimental for the formation of macroalgae communities, so their propagation here is very limited. The main dominant species in these coenoses are flowering plants Zostera noltei and Z. marina [7]. As these species comprise the major share of the biomass of macrophytobenthos, it may be assumed that they have a significant influence on its species composition and coenotic diversity. ...
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The influence of marine higher plants Zostera marina and Z. noltei on the composition, species richness and coenotic diversity of the phytobenthos of sandy and silty soils of the Taman Bay in the Azov Sea at the depths from 0.5 to 3 m has been investigated. It is shown that 1) macrophytobenthic communities with a high degree of Z. noltei and Z. marina dominance (DD), both at very small and relatively large sites, are characterized by lower species richness than the communities with low DD; 2) that being said, for the majority of co-occurring species it is possible to grow in coenoses with any DD; 3) accordingly, about the same number of species can grow at the small community sites with low DD and at the larger sites with high DD; 4) DD has little to no influence on the species diversification of coenoses. However, both the growth of Zostera marina and Z. noltei and the decrease in their participation can lead to considerable drop in occurrence of some macroalgae species or to disappearance of those species from a community.
... Рис. 5. Співвідношення показників біомаси та екологічної активності (S/Wх) угруповань макрофітів на станціях моніторингу біля узбережжя Грузії Аналіз сезонної динаміки біомаси на станціях моніторингу підтверджує загальновідомі закономірності сезонної динаміки чорноморського макрофітобентосу (Eremenko, 1967;Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). Сезонна зміна потоку речовини та енергії (фотосинтетично активна радіація, температура, паводковий стік), який забезпечує первинно продукційний процес у морських екосистемах, у т.ч. ...
Paper presents first data on seasonal and inter-annual features of macrophytobenthos of the Black Sea coast of Georgia. The study was conducted at four monitoring stations (Sarpi, Cape Zeleny, port Batumi, Tsikhisdziri) in different seasons of 2016–2019. A total of 27 species of macrophytes from the divisions Rhodophyta (13),Chlorophyta (9) and Ochrophyta (5) were identified. Their ecological activity was estimated based on the values of the specific surface of populations. The role of sensitive (S/Wp = 5–25 m2 ∙ m2 ∙ kg-1) and tolerant (S/Wp ≥ 25 m2 ∙ 2 ∙ kg-1) species in relation the quality of the marine environment in the structure benthic communities of macrophytobenthos was analyzed. Of the identified macrophytes, 8 species are classified as sensitive and 19 as tolerant. The largest number of sensitive species was found at Cape Zeleny and Tsihisdziri stations, which indicates a satisfactory ecological condition of these sites. At the Batumi port station, only tolerant species were recorded, which is evidence of a significant anthropogenic load in this area. Representatives of Rhodophyta demonstrated the greatest variability of ecological activity (325%). This allows them inhabit areas with different intensity of the primary production process. A regular relationship between the seasonal dynamics and the absolute values of macrophyte biomass was demonstrated. Communities in satisfactory ecological conditions, with a predominance of sensitive species and high biomass, demonstrate clear seasonal dynamics. The values of macrophyte biomass increase threefold in the spring and summer. Analysis of the year-on-year dynamics of macrophytobenthos along the coast of Georgia showed that 2016 was the most favorable year for macrophytobenthos communities.
... x N ИФО  (1) где N -численность, экз.•кг -1 , B -биомасса макрозообентоса, г•кг -1 . Доминирование вида по ИФО свидетельствует об образовании одноимённого сообщества. ...
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The article provides summarized data of species composition, abundance, biomass, occurrence and trophic structure of invertebrate macrozoobenthos associated with red-book algae Сystoseira crinitа Duby, 1830 in the coastal waters of the Crimea (Cape Tarkhankut, Kruglaia Bay, Simeiz, "Cape Martyan" Reserve, Dvuyakornaya Bay) and the Caucasus (in the area of "Utrish Nature Reserve") in August-September 2012–2017 at the depth of 1, 3 and 5 m. A total of 46 samples were taken (42 quantitative and 4 qualitative). In the area of Utrish, such studies were carried out for the first time. In the algae communities of the Black Sea coast of Crimea and the Caucasus 56 species belonging to the types Annelida, Platyhelminthes, Mollusca and Arthropoda were identified. Ten species are common to all areas. The abundance and biomass near the Caucasus coast were 1432 ind. kg-1 and 9,52 g∙kg-1, near the coast of Crimea these values varied from2506 to 6085 ind. kg-1 and from 23,9 to 43 g∙kg-1 respectively. Mollusks and crustaceans dominated in values of abundance, mollusks dominated in values of biomass. The highest quantitative indicators were recorded in the waters of Simeiz, the lowest – in the area of the "Utrish" Nature Reserve. Molluscs, in particular, Mytilaster lineatus Gmelin, 1791, make a significant contribution to the formation of macrozoobenthos abundance in the Simeiz area, while in the water area of Utrish the peaks of abundance have been defined due to crustaceans Ericthonius difformis M.-Edwards, 1830 and Ampithoe ramondi Audouin, 1826. Gastropods Rissoa splendida Eichwald, 1830, Bittium reticulatum (da Costa, 1778) and bivalve M. lineatus make the greatest contribution to the biomass of macrozoobenthos both in the waters of Simeiz and in the Utrish Reserve area. The high abundance and biomass of these molluscs allow them to form a macrozoobenthos nucleus in the studied water areas. Comparison of species composition of macrozoobenthos by the Chekanovsky-Sörensen community index showed high fauna similarity in all areas (the МакаровМ. В., КопийВ. Г., БондаренкоЛ. В., ВитерТ. В., ПодзороваД. В. 114 coefficient ranged from 0,4 to 0,76), as they are bound by the same biotope. The fauna of the Kruglaya Bay and Cape Tarkhankut are the most similar to each other. The areas in Dvuyakornaya Bay and Cape Martyan are the least similar to each other. The results of the cluster analysis confirm that the most similar areas in terms of presence/absence of species are Kruglaya Bay and Cape Tarkhankut, and also Dvuyakornaya Bay and Utrish area. The functional abundance index determined the communities of gastropod molluscs R. splendida (in the Tarkhankut, Simeiz and Utrish areas), B. reticulatum (in Kruglaya Bay) and bivalve M. lineatus (in Cape Martian and Dvuyakornaya Bay). It has been shown that the R. splendidа communities are more attracted to open coasts. In the R. splendida community from 16 to 25 species have been recorded in different areas, in the M. lineatus community in the water areas of the Cape Martian and Dvuyakornaya Bay (only quantitative samples were taken into calculation) 16 and 17 species were identified, in the B. reticulatum community – 25. In the majority of communities the guiding species were predominated. Their proportion was between from 32 to 56 % of the total number of species. Characteristic species dominate only near Utrish. Their share is 36 %. The number of rare species in communities varies from 3 to 9. The dominance-diversity curves indicate a more stable state of the epiphyton community in the water areas adjacent to the Utrish Reserve and Kruglaya Bay. Shannon index values also indicate high biodiversity in the studied water areas. The maximum Shannon Index value in terms of abundance was recorded in the B. reticulatum community (2,66) in Kruglaia Bay and a high value in terms of biomass (2,34) was marked in the R. splendida community in the Simeiz area. Five trophic groups have been identified. Phyto- and polyphages dominate by the number of species. Phyto- and sestonophages dominate in values of abundance, phytophages – in values of biomass.
... grow, but eventually lose the ability to form reproductive cells. Unattached ulva is often found in the Kerch Strait, Sevastopol Bay and in the estuaries of the Odessa coast [1]. The rapid growth of thallus, a large number of produced cells, and high specific production make the ulva an attractive marine aquaculture target species. ...
The paper presents the results of research devoted to the nutritional value of macrophytes − green algae Ulvarigida C. Ag., Cladophora spp., red algae Callithamnion corymbosum (Smith) Lyngb. These typical representatives of the aquatic biocenoses of the coastal waters of the two seas, Cladophora spp., episodically dominate in the periphyton of the Sea of Azov. An analysis of the chemical composition made it possible to establish the predominance of the carbohydrate component (59.2 − 64.9 % absolute dry matter), the presence of pectin substances in significant quantities (% a.d.m.), namely in U. rigida − 12.1, Cladophora sp. − 7.5, C. corymbosum – 6.0. The amino acid composition of algae proteins was studied; limiting essential amino acids were established. In the mineral composition of macrophytes, the presence of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium was determined; a high iodine content was noted in U. rigida (4.3 – 4.6 %). All three types of algae belong to low-calorie raw materials (less than 90 kcal/100 g) and with a certain technological processing can be recommended in diets to reduce weight.
... ежемесячно вручную, методом пробных площадок (25 ×25 см) на глубине до 0,5 м [11]. При обработке материала определяли видовой состав макроводорослей с учетом последних номенклатурных изменений и на основе полученных данныхэкологический [5,12,17]. Для характеристики видовой и экологической структуры применяли коэффициенты встречаемости видов (R, %) и флористического сходства по Жаккару (K j , %), а также «пропорции флоры» [3,13,14]. Исходя из значений R, виды распределяли по группам постоянства. ...
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Macroflora of the Black sea coastal zone and its sustainability under the action of external abiotic factors remains poorly studied. Macroalgae growth, development, morphology, dissemination, etc. are mainly conditioned by constant water moving in waves. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of this factor. In order to get an insight into this problem, we performed all-year studies of the structural and functional organization of Cystoseira phytocenosis in regions with different wind-wave conditions (open coast near Chersonesus cape vs. landlocked Martynova Bay near Sevastopol) using the discount areas method adopted in hydrobotany. As for the open coast (Chersonesus cape), phytocenosis species diversity for Rhodophyta and Ochrophyta, the number of species with regard to subdominant taxons and permanence groups as well as the mean monthly phytomass for Rhodophyta are higher. Phytocenosis of the bay features high structural and functional diversity of Chlorophyta and dominance of species indicating medium and high desalination and organic pollution of the marine environment. Cenogenous species Cystoseira barbata plays a dominant role in the water area of the cape and a role of the absolute dominant in the bay forming the major fraction of phytomass. The determined general tendency for phytocenosis diversity of the cape water area not only reflects the biocycle of macrophytes but indicates that intense wind waves can affect its community structure. Drastic summer decrease of the index of species diversity in the bay can be related to solar irradiation excess and seawater mass overheating in August. Most proportions of flora, quantitative relations in various permanence groups and dominant species appeared to be independent of these conditions. A qualitative coincidence was determined for basic ecological groups and leading taxons. For the open coast, action of intense wind waves manifests itself in extra tendencies of macroflora diversity. A number of stable features providing integrity of the phytocenosis structure in labile conditions of coastal shallow water were revealed.
... Samples were collected in the middle-end of June 2013 and 2014 which is the period with maximum of Z. noltei growth and biomass in the Black Sea (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). Station 3 (Gradina) was sampled again in 2016 for index performance testing. ...
A wide range of seagrass biometrics as well as environmental variables are currently used for classification of the ecological status of coastal water bodies in accordance with the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The use of extensive sets of indicators provides a satisfactory assessment of environmental quality statuses, but also requires substantial amounts of additional laboratory efforts and costs. In this study, typical population-level and individual biometrics of the dwarf eelgrass Zostera noltei (Hornem.) (shoot density, total biomass, above- and belowground biomass, above- to belowground biomass ratio, leaf length and leaf area) were tested and used in the adaptation and validation of a simplified, easy to apply and cost-effective pollution index (ZnoPI) for evaluation of the ecological and environmental quality status of Black Sea coastal waters in accordance with the WFD and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) criteria. Based on the metrics tested, reference conditions were established and ecological quality ratios (EQR) of the studied areas were calculated. The index validation was based on biological sampling and environmental monitoring of Z. noltei meadows in a variety of ecological conditions along the Southern Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. The environmental condition of the study sites was evaluated with an Integrated Pollution Status (I.P.S.), which combined water column variables (nutrients, chlorophyll-a, suspended particulate matter, transparency) as well as total organic matter content and concentrations of heavy metals in sediments in a single metric. Significant correlation between ZnoPI EQR values and I.P.S. was found (r = 0.917 p < 0.0001), which validated the index for Bulgarian Black Sea coastal waters, and possibly other areas with similar environmental conditions.
... To compare the synchronism of deviations of climatic factors and the indices of the structural and functional organization of algal communities from the regional norm, we Classical indices (species composition, abundance, biomass, and productivity) were used to evaluate planktonic and benthic algal communities (Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975;Macrophytobenthos, 1980;Methods..., 1980;Microphytobenthos, 1980). We also calculated morphofunctional indices for unicellular and multicellular algae (Minicheva et al., 2003;Kalashnik, 2013). ...
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The paper gives an overview of methodological problems (i.e., methods and indicators) in assessing the reactions of algae communities to climatic factors. We discuss the resistance of algal communities to the fluctuations and anomalous impact of climatic factors (solar energy flow, water temperature, precipitation, and river runoff) with reference to various life forms of Black Sea algae. To assess the reaction of algal communities impacted by climatic factors, a number of methodological approaches are proposed. It is necessary to carry out a comparison of the variability of both climatic factors and plant communities at appropriate levels of organization in natural systems (local, regional, and global). The changeability of climatic factors and algal communities must be measured using unified methods and indicators (variability, anomalies, etc.), and within the same time intervals (monthly, seasonally, and annually). Authors propose to use the ratio of oscillation coefficients (VR, %) for the structural-functional parameters of algal communities, and climatic factor indices: (VR)algae communities/(VR)climatic actors, as a measure of “stability” in different life forms of algae. For a sound conclusion about the significant impact of climatic factors on plant communities, we proposed to use the criterion of a significant (more than 30%) deviation of structural-functional parameters of algae communities from several years on a regional level. Analysis of the original results of both long-term observations (1997–2016) and the model period (2008–2009) made it possible to assess the stability of macrophytobenthos, phytoplankton, and microepiphyton to fluctuations in climatic factors, as well as their anomalous manifestations. High-natural stability of algal communities of the northwestern part of the Black Sea (NWBS) ecosystems to variability of climatic factors, as well as the synchronism of anomalous reactions of algae with anomalous climatic conditions is noted. It includes intra- and inter-annual synchronicity of the oscillation coefficient (VR, %) of climatic factors (water temperature, solar energy flow) and morphofunctional parameters of algae (phytobenthos, phytoplankton, and epiphyton). Cases of violation to such synchronism may indicate the effect of a group of third factors not related to climatic conditions, for example, changes in nutrient concentrations, biotope disturbance, etc. For the period of 1978–2016, synchronicity of the dynamics between climatic anomalies and structural- functional parameters of algal communities of the NWBS was recorded. Annual anomalies of climatic factors, exceeding 20% of the regional norm, cause evident restructuring of algal communities. Particularly strong anomalous reactions of plant communities (35–60% from the regional norm) were recorded in 2002–2003 under the long-term anomaly of water temperature and in 2010 under combination of high anomalies of two factors: the Danube runoff (45%) and water temperature (22%).
... The taxonomic identification of species composition, determining the quantitative characteristics was completed in laboratory conditions. At Pasha Dere station (shallow region), the samples were collected along the horizontal and vertical transect using scuba equipment and analysis was carried out by the squares method ( Kalugina-Gutnik, 1975). The mussel fields Byala was investigated through bottom trawling in 2005 and 2013. ...
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The aim of this paper is to establish the biodiversity status of the macrozoobenthos in some protected marine areas (NATURA 2000) along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The observation stations in the period 2010-2012 were within the frames of the following habitats: 1160 - Large shallow inlets and bays; 1110 - Sandbanks, slightly covered by seawater and Sublittoral mussel banks on sediment. In general, the data shows steady state compared to the 1980s, except for the area near Kamchia River, characterized by low biodiversity due to water pollution from the river inflow (with contaminants from agricultural and industrial sources in the upper river stream) and less salinity leading to marine mussel species reduction. In the border area, near the Emona zone, the black mussel catches varied between 160-600 kg in 2005, while only single specimens were detected in 2013. In the same field, the yield of Rapana venosa was within the limits of 5-40 kg in 2005 and between 80-160 kg in 2013. The established variability showed a dynamic balance between Mytilus galloprovicialis and Rapana venosa that pose a challenge for future stock of the black mussel and point the need of regular monitoring.
... We used the data of A.A. Kalugina-Gutnik (1975) and our early data (Maximova, Moruchkova, 2005) for reference. To estimate the abundance of epifauna we used the results of P.V. Rybnikov (1993). ...
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Black Sea ecosystem has been transforming during no less than 30 years. One of the injured parts of the ecosystem is the Phyllophora community, which we investigated it in the vicinity of the Novorossisk. We collected samples from each type of microrelief (the top, the hollow and the reverse) on each level of the depth (3-25 m). Comparison of present-day data with previous showed that the biomass of Phyllopora decreased 2, 20, 200 times since 1970s for upper, middle and lower zones respectively. Calculated losses of Phyllophora epifauna exceeded 49 %, 95 % and 99% for upper, middle and lower zones respectively. Downward trend in Phyllophora biomass has not ceased since 2000. No remarkable recovering of Phyllophora communities was observed. Such heavy decreases could not pass unnoticed for whole ecosystem of the Sea. Recovering of attached Phyllophora didn't begin yet. And we cannot predict its speed. It may take years before previous state will be reached.
... The Zernov Phyllophora Field (ZPF) is situated on the continental shelf in the north-western part of the Black Sea. It is characterized by a unique assemblage of unattached algae dominated by members of the keystone genus Phyllophora (Kalugina-Gutnik 1975;Morozova-Vodyanitskaya 1948;Shchapova 1953). The region was named in honour of the famous Russian scientist S. A. Zernov, who discovered this remarkable ecosystem covering almost half of the area to the west of the Crimean Peninsula in 1908 (Zernov 1909). ...
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We studied assemblages of soft-walled, single-chambered foraminifera (monothalamids) at eight stations in the area of Zernov's Phyllophora Field (ZPF) on the NW continental shelf of the Black Sea. This work is based on samples collected during Cruise 70 of the RV Professor Vodyanitsky and provides the first analysis of the taxonomic composition of monothalamids from this region. These delicate, poorly known foraminifera were found at all stations in the studied area. They were represented by nine forms that are identified to species or genus level as well as 14 undescribed species, nine of which are found in the Black Sea for the first time. Four species, Psammophaga sp., Vellaria pellucida, Goodayia rostellata and Krymia fusiformis, were most abundant, with Psammophaga sp. being the dominant species overall. Previous studies have suggested a link between members of this genus and eutrophication. There are a number of taxonomic parallels between these ZPF assemblages and those from the Adriatic Sea, e.g. the occurrence of the genera Goodayia, Psammophaga and Vellaria, although it is possible that some other taxa are endemic to the Black Sea.
Using a landscape approach, the paper presents for the first time the results of a comparative analysis of spatiotemporal changes in the macrophytobenthos, performed at Cape Kosa Severnaya for the period from 1964 to 2020 with landscape maps compiled by the authors. In addition, it describes the distribution of the bottom natural complexes (BNC) with key Black Sea phytocoenoses (Ericaria crinita, Gongolaria barbata и Phyllophora crispa). It was found that during this period a dramatic increase in the biomass of the phytocoenosiswas recorded in the BNC block-boulder bench with dominance of E. crinita, while the proportion of its edificator remained high. The maximum contribution of epiphytic sinusia to biomass of algocoenosis over the entire study period was recorded in 2006. For the BNC upper shoreface slope consisting of coarse-grained deposits with dominance of E. crinita и G. barbata, an increase in phytocoenosis biomass was recorded only at the upper boundary during the study period. For the BNC of gently dipping accumulation plain consisting gravel-psammitic sediments with inclusion of shell fragments and dominance ofPhyllophora crispa, a catastrophic decline in the productivity of the phytocenosis and its edificator is typical. The total biomass of macrophytes decreased by more than an order of magnitude during the study period. It was found that over a span of 50 years, the plant components of bottom natural complexes at Cape Kosa Severnaya underwent significant restructuring and degradation due to natural factors and anthropogenic activity in the coastal zone. The high degree of preservation of indigenous phytocenoses, the presence of red book species (P. crispa and Stilophora tenella) allow us to recommend the site at the Cape Kosa Severnaya as a promising reserve.
As a result of the materials found in the 2019 monitoring studies, six new species of macroalgae were identified for the marine area of the Nature Reserve "Cape Martyan." They were located on the Southern Coast of Crimea (SCC): Bolbocoleon piliferum Pringsh., Giraudia sphace-larioides Derbès et Solier, Myrionema balticum (Reinke) Foslie, Lithophyllum cystoseirae (Hauck) Heydr., Bonnemaisonia hamifera Har., and Choreonema thuretii (Bornet) F. Schmitz (the latter two species were recorded for the hydrobotanical region "Southern Coast of Crimea" for the first time). Correspondingly, the list of marine macrophytes within the boundaries of the Nature Reserve now includes 160 species and intraspecific taxa at the species rank, which consist of ~ 36% of the total number of macrophytes identified in the Black Sea. Thus, the protected water area near the Cape Martyan continues to function as one of the key refugia for natural phytodiversity in the region. At the same time, B. hamifera is an invasive transforming species that has recently invaded the SCC region. This is a threat to the ecosystem of the Nature Reserve, and in the near future the invasion may cover the entire Northern Black Sea region. The results of this study expand the level of understanding of natural phytodiversity of the reserve, the hydrobotanical region and the region as a whole yet simultaneously indicating a developing problem of biological invasion, which, under the current conditions of the isolated Azov-Black Sea basin, can have catastrophic consequences.
The article reflects research, where for the first time mapping of benthic vegetation biotopes of the protected area “Coastal aquatic complex near the Dzhangul landslide coast” is carried out using GIS-technologies. The research is carried out on the basis of the expedition materials analysis collected in the coastal zone in the summer period of 2013. As a result of the work a bathymetrical map, maps of bottom sediments and habitats of the key macrophytobenthos species (Ericaria crinita, Gongolaria barbata, Nereia filiformis, Phyllophora crispa) and biotopes are compiled. Benthic vegetation biotopes classification is based on cartographic materials. Five biotopes are identified, described and analysed for their spatial distribution in the natural protected area. It is shown that biotopes with “Сystoseira” and Рhyllophora phytocenoses occupy the largest area in the coastal zone. These biotopes have a high conservation status at the regional, federal and international levels. In the deep-water zone of the protected area the biotopes with Nereia filiformis and Phyllophora crispa (drifting form), unique and rare for the Crimean coastal area have been identified. This area is found to be a peculiar reserve of both attached and drifting forms of Phyllophora crispa for the western coastal area of Crimea. Biotope classification and its conservation status are given according to international legislative documents (EUNIS, Annex 1 code, European Red List of Habitat). The development of a classification, mapping and inventory of habitats, and the preparation of a biotopes list in need of conservation, are urgent scientific tasks. The results can be used for monitoring protected benthic vegetation habitats and controlling their condition.
This chapter is an introduction to the book “The Aegean Sea Environment: The Natural System,” which is the first book of the two-volume issue with the second volume entitled “The Aegean Sea Environment: Anthropogenic Presence and Impact.” In the present volume, we aim to approach the Aegean Sea marine ecosystem as a “water-way” connecting the Black Sea with the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, as a natural system. We discuss specific features and geodynamic evolution of the Black Sea–Mediterranean Sea system. We briefly describe geomorphological characteristics, land–sea and air–sea interaction, water masses, hydrology, chemistry, suspended matter and fluxes, sediments at the bottom, as well as biological dynamic and evolution, and life separately for the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea, and Aegean Sea systems. The structure of the book is presented at the end of the chapter.
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Algae is a phototrophic organism and is the primary and main food source of organic matter. They can originate organic matter from inorganic substances such as, dry plants. In the process of photosynthesis, they release O2 and absorb CO2 and make it possible for the entire marine animal population. Macrophytobenthos plays a crutial role in the coastal ecosystem of the Caspian Sea. Macrophytes and seaweed provide a sustainable flow of organic matter to heterotrophic organisms and create a plant biotope for invertebrates and phytophilic fish. The dynamics of aquatic vegetation mainly determines changes in benthic communities, their distribution and resources. The level of the Caspian Sea and its salinity determine the distribution of aquatic plants, phytobenthos and of course fluctuations and changes in the level of the Caspian Sea play an important role in the dynamics of aquatic vegetation. Key words: Caspian Sea, macrophytes, flora, ecosystem, macrophytobentos
There are six marine protected areas (MPAs) in the coastal zone of the southwestern Crimea created for the conservation of bottom communities including those of the red alga Phyllophora crispa (the Black Sea Red Data Book, the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, the European Red List of Habitats). The aim of this paper was to evaluate the condition of Ph. crispa within the four MPAs and in nine other areas, in order to make a case for the measures to be taken to improve the effectiveness of its protection. It is shown that the Phyllophora biomass in the studied aquatic areas declined five-fold from 1967 to 2015–2017, with its population density being on average 2.7 times lower in the MPAs than in the other areas. Due to the low effectiveness of the conservation efforts, it is being recommended to raise the status of the MPA from natural monuments to natural preserves, to extend their areas and create buffer zones. The suggested optimization measures will lead to increasing the protected area size in the coastal zone of the southwestern Crimea by 7.6 times.
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The information on distribution of the Cystoseira s. l. species in the Sea of Azov (SA) is presented based on the results of our own research and literature data. It is shown that the first record was made 100 years ago at Cape Khroni and at the Kazantyp Peninsula (Crimean coast). Currently, 22 reports from 18 sites have been registered along the Southern coast of the SA (17 along the Crimean coast and one at the Taman Peninsula). Treptacantha barbata (Stackh.) Orellana et Sansón (= Cystoseira barbata (Stackh.) C.Agardh) is the most widespread of the two species (17 sites). It forms dense communities with a biomass of 1.5–3.5 kg/m2. Carpodesmia crinita (Duby) Orellana et Sansón (= Cystoseira crinita Duby) was found in a small number only at two locations. It was found that the modern boundaries of the Azov fragment of the Cystoseira s. l. distribution range coincide with the boundaries of the Pre-Strait area of the SA, where salinity significantly higher, than in other areas. The distribution range has a linear configuration: it covers the Crimean coast from Cape Krasny Kut in the west to Cape Khroni in the east; is interrupted by the open water area of the Kerch Strait, and continues further on the Taman coast from Cape Achilleion to Cape Pekly. Outside the specified area, Cystoseira s. l. do not occur even if hard substrates are present. This shows, that salinity is limiting factor for the distribution of T. barbata and C. crinita in SA. In the past the system of marginal seas of the Mediterranean basin (to which SA also belongs) went through a series of transgressive and regressive phases. As a result, the boundaries, ecological conditions, and composition of biota have been changed several times in the entire basin and in its individual parts. The assumption was made that in the past Cystoseira s. l. species several times settled in the modern boundaries of the SA. The last invasion into the Pre-Strait area of SA (and inhabiting it up to the present time) should have happened in the Late Holocene 3.4–3.1 thousand years ago. Further alternation of regressions and transgressions, certainly, was accompanied by fluctuations of the distribution range boundaries, which either receded from the SA to the Kerch Strait, or again came back to its southern shores. At present, they can also fluctuate to a limited extent, following the salinity fluctuations. It is mostly relevant to the Crimean coast, where hard substrates are widespread. Considering the continuing salinization of the SA due to the climatically caused decrease in river runoff, the spread of Cystoseira s. l. species is possible on the Akmonay coast up to the top of the Arabat Bay. All this does not allow us to classify them as alien species in SA. However, in SA under modern conditions, the sustainable vegetation of the Cystoseira s. l. species with the formation of dense communities at a considerable distance from the Pre-Strait area is impossible. This must be taken into account when artificial reefs are installed and conservation strategies are developed.
Recently, in order to assess the quality of water, hydrobiological indicators, in particular various biological characteristics of macroalgae, are widely used along with hydrochemical parameters. Brown alga Fucus vesiculosus due to its ecological plasticity and tolerance to a complex of natural and anthropogenic factors can serve as a model object when studying adaptive reactions of phytocenoses to adverse environmental conditions. The material for the work is the collections of algae during 1999, 2009 and 2019 years within the southern and middle tribes of the Kola Bay. The variability of the age structure of the Fucus vesiculosus on the littoral bay under anthropogenic press in different years has been considered in this work; moreover the environmental assessment of water quality has been also undertaken. Reference data have shown that the waters of the bay contained a wide range of pollutants, due to this an elevated concentrations of oil hydrocarbons and a number of metals have been observed for a long period. A study of the age structure of F. vesiculosus has shown that a long age series have been observed in the littoral cenopopulations of this species, plants of various age groups are presented, while the communities is based on young plants aged from 1 to 3 years. It has been found that the number of individuals of older age groups naturally decreases with increasing age. During the observing period, an increase in algae biomass and a subsequent decrease in its growth have been observed. The presented materials testify the stability of the brown alga F. vesiculosus under conditions of intensive industrial exploitation of the waters of the Kola Bay.
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Nowadays, the development of the greenhouse effect is caused not only by industrial facilities emissions into the atmosphere. The contribution of natural and anthropogenic sources of greenhouse gas emissions is becoming increasingly significant. For example, the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the decomposition of organic substances in the zones of degradation of permafrost increases every year. The contribution of the total emission of numerous dispersed sources of atmospheric pollution is also very significant. Traditional methods of control and limitation of greenhouse gas emissions in this case are irrevocable. The solution of the problem is possible only on the basis of the creation of controlled natural and technical systems. The task for the systems is to organize the flow of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere and carbon fixing in the stable components of the environment. The main area of this activity is the stimulation of bioproduction processes. This task is difficult to accomplish in the field of agricultural production. The main objective of the development of this industry is to meet the growing shortage of food products. Against the background of the threat of mass starvation in a number of regions of the world, the problem of the greenhouse effect loses its relevance.
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The article presents the results of the research of marine macrophytobenthos in the Dzharylgachsky National Nature Park in the Glubokaya Spit area (Dzharylgach Island). The study found that the bottom vegetation is represented by the poly-dominant community Cystoseira barbata - Codium vermilara + Laurencia coronopus (with a projective cover (PC) of 70-90%) and the monodominant Codium vermilara community (with PC 80-100%). This is the first record of the Cystoseira and Codium communities in the marine area adjacent to the centralpart of Dzharylgach Island. They inhabit anthropogenic solid substrates in the depth of 0.5-2.5 m with a total area of about 100 m2. In total, 30 species of macroalgae were identified (which is the one third of all macroalgae species registered for Dzharylgach Bay): Rhodophyta - 16 species (53%), Chlorophyta – 8 (27%), Ochrophyta (Phaeophyceae) - 6 (20%). While all of them are registered in the Cystoseira community, only 10 species are noted in the Codium community. Algoflora of the investigated area has an oligosaprobic character (oligosaprobes - 63%); by relation to salinity marine species dominate (63%). The rare fraction includes eight species (7 species – included in the Red Book of Ukraine, and 1 – in the Black Sea Red Data Book); 11 species were recorded for the first time for algal flora of Dzharylgach Bay. The biotope, which is formed by those macrophyte communities, is included in the EU Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) and the Bern Convention. In the area where mobile sandy soils dominate, the formation of a quasi-natural vegetation is noted locally on anthropogenic hard substrate. Therefore, for the protection and reproduction of such communities, besides increasing the area of the reserved water area, it is necessary to consider the feasibility of creating areas with artificial reefs along the coast of Dzharylgachsky NPP.
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Data about 8 taxa of phytobenthos, firstly recorded for «Mys Martyan» Nature Reserve, are presented: in the supralittoral zone – Planktolyngbya contorta (first record for Crimean Coast and North Black Sea coastal area); in the pseudolittoral and sublittoral zone – Polysiphonia breviarticulata; in the sublittoral zone – Spongomorpha aeruginosa (first record for the hydrobotanical area «Southern Coast of Crimea»), Myriactula rivulariae, Myrionema seriatum, Polysiphonia arenaria, P. subulata, Titanoderma pustulatum (first record for the hydrobotanical area «Southern Coast of Crimea»). Thus, currently 144 species of macrophytes and 67 species of cyanobacteria are listed here. The research was conducted on a stationary monitoring site of «Mys Martyan» Nature Reserve during the spring-summer period of 2017. The obtained results expand the idea of natural phytodiversity of the protected object, the hydrobotanical area and the whole region.
Radioecology is a modern science dealing with the behavior of radionuclides in the environment. The studies of marine ecosystems, biodiversity and biota interactions, including reliable evaluation of radionuclide and heavy metal impact on soils, sediments and algae is a major task in studying the risk of environmental pollution and effects on humans. The data of the marine ecosystem studies for sediment, algae, fish, moluscs from the Romanian, Bulgarian Ukrainian and Turkish Black Sea coasts are presented and compared. Radionuclide and heavy metal content was measured for three algae filum along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast in the period 1996–2004. The status of the marine ecosystems was evaluated by cluster analysisfor all data form sediments and algae along the Bulgarian coast.
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The shoreline zone is an area where the sea and land contact and plays a very important role in integrating a sea and its watershed in a whole system. Among the main environmental problems of the coastal zones, two critical ones are - coastal erosion and a biodiversity loss. Problems are most pronounced in semi-enclosed seas as the Black sea. Using results of the long-term studies in different parts of the Black Sea shoreline this paper attempts to make some steps to deepen our understanding of interactions between biodiversity loss and shoreline erosion. An analysis of the results from several case studies was done. Some mechanisms of interrelations between coastal erosion and biodiversity changes are also discussed. The increased concentration of mineral particles, especially hydrophilic ones, as a result of coastal erosion, is a threat not only to benthic organisms, but also to planktonic microalgae and copepods. This negative impact sharply decreases total productivity of coastal waters. De-vegetation of the beaches and cliffs increases movement of sand and soil particles from beaches and cliffs due to high acceleration of wind and water erosion. This also leads to an increased turbidity of marine waters and an associated decrease in their productivity. Other results suggest there is a decrease in mollusk shell production leading to acceleration of a beach degradation which may also increase cliff abrasion. Coastal de-vegetation, marine community degradation and coastline erosion interrelate through a network of chains of cause-and-effect that forms the positive feed-forward and feed-back loops. This creates a self-acceleration mechanism of a development of coastal erosion and biodiversity loss.
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