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Amanita Workshop - NJMA 2011

  • Herbarium Amanitarum Rooseveltensis (RET)
  • Colossal Biosciences
Cook College
Rutgers University
NJMA 2011
March 5, 2011
Rodham E. Tulloss and Cristina Rodríguez-Caycedo
Copyright 2011 by Rodham E. Tulloss, P. O. Box 57, Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0057.
Cover images left to right (in 3 rows): Amanita cinereopannosa, A. daucipes, A. morrisii, A. pseudovolvata, A. borealiso-
rora, A. cinereopannosa, A. sinicoflava, A. amerimuscaria (yellow variant) [=A. muscaria var. guessowii], A. magnive-
laris (photo: Yves Lamoureux), A. whetstoneae, A. jacksonii. All photographs not otherwise credited are by R. E. Tulloss.
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 3
About Amanitaceae
The family Amanitaceae R. Heim ex Pouzar is typified by the genus Amanita Pers. and presently comprises two genera:
Amanita and Limacella Earle. In most of the world, the species in these two genera are gilled mushrooms with central
stipes. It is very likely that the genus Amanita will be found to contain 900 to 1,000 taxa (over 745 are presently listed on
the new website). So far as is known, the genus Limacella is much smaller, apparently an evolu-
tionary relict group, with about 60 - 100 species to be expected (51 are now listed on,with some
synonymy among the names expected).
The small number of taxa not having an agaricoid habit (that is, not having the form of a gilled mushroom with a central
stem) occur in arid, often sandy areas where rain is seasonal and not well retained in the ecosystem—(a) countries sur-
rounding the Mediterranean (one species) and (b) southwestern Australia (about a half-dozen species). These exceptions
were formerly treated in two genera— Amarrendia Bougher & T. Lebel and Torrendia Bres.—that are now considered
synonyms of Amanita.
Recent (including some unpublished) molecular studies concur with the morphological view that Limacella is a distinct
and older (more basal) genus than Amanita, and the two share a common ancestor.
Agaricoid forms
All agaricoid taxa in the Amanitaceae have two, defining, microscopic characters in common:
• a cross-section of a gill will reveal that the gill’s tissue (lamella trama) has an interior structure that is some variation of a con-
stant theme—if you imagine a line running down the center of the cross-section from the connection of the gill to the cap to the
gill’s free edge, (1) the two halves of the gill divided by that line are approximate mirror images of each other and (2) the tissues
on both sides of the center line are composed of cells that individually and in groups are clearly curving away from the center
line. This anatomical structure is called a bilateral, divergent lamella trama.
• a thin, vertical slice of the stem tissue will always reveal vertically aligned inflated cells that are shaped like clubs or baseball
bats, these may be in short chains in some taxa, but are more commonly solitary and arising from the end of a simple hypha.
This sort of inflated cell has been given a technical name “acrophysalide.” Stem tissue with such a structure is called longitudi-
nally acrophysalidic. It is unknown outside of the family Amanitaceae. It is persistent—even after an amanita has been chopped
and thoroughly cooked and been in a poisoning victims stomach, the fact that the tissue is longitudinally acrophysalidic can be
determined with a microscope.
Sequestrate forms
What about the taxa formerly placed in the genera Amarrendia and Torrendia?
Both of these genera included sequestrate species—species that had lost the ability to auto-eject spores from their
basidia—they sequester their spores. These species retain basidia; and some of the cellular structure of gills is also pre-
served; but true gills no longer exist. The term that is used for the tissue in which spores develop in common puffballs and
truffle-like basidiomycetes—“gleba”—is used for the spore bearing tissue in the truffle-like amanitas formerly in Amar-
rendia. The term “lamella trama” is not applicable.
On the other hand, the former members of the genus Torrendia all have a stem. The stem was little affected by the evolu-
tionary changes that produced the secotioid (“puffball on a stick”) form of the species of Torrendia. One of the conse-
quences is that the stem of an Amanita formerly placed in Torrendia is longitudinally acrophysalidic.
The taxa formerly placed in Torrendia comprise the epigeous (above ground) sequestrate forms in Amanita, and the taxa
formerly placed in Amarrendia comprise the hypogeous (underground), truffle-like species of Amanita. A number of
hypogeous amanitas have retained an internal element called a columella which is the remnant of a stem much altered by
evolution, but still including the typical longitudinally acrophysalidic tissue.
Hence a formal definition of the family Amanitaceae can be reduced to this: The Amanitaceae include all and only those
species of the Agaricales that have a stipe or columella that comprises longitudinally acrophysalidic tissue.
To find an alphabetical listing of all species of the Amanitaceae that are listed on, go to
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Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 5
About Limacella
Species of the genus Limacella Earle are strongly differentiated from the genus Amanita by their mode of basidiome
(fruiting body) development (ontogeny). Whereas the species of Amanita share the unique form of ontogeny that is called
schizohymenial” (see “About Amanita”), basidiome development in Limacella is generally like that of all other terres-
trial (ground-growing) Agaricales in exhibiting the following stages:
• growth of a minute, vertically oriented, rudimentary stipe (stem)
• initiation of pileus (cap) growth at the top of the rudimentary stipe [In cross-section, the rudimentary pileus expands at first by
extending it edge outward, then downward, and then into a self-enclosing spiral.]
• initiation of lamella (gill) growth on the underside of the developing cap (the inside of the cap-edge spiral).
In other words, for the species that have been investigated, the lamellae of a Limacella grow into empty space from the
undersurface of the developing pileus. As a result, unlike the species of Amanita, limacellas have a fertile edge on their
lamellae—basidia appear on the faces and on the edge of a Limacella lamella. A fertile gill edge of a specimen demon-
strably belonging to the Amanitaceae, is demonstration that the organism in question produced this gill on a fruiting body
that did not arise through schizohymenial ontogeny—the gill edge did not have to be separated mechanically from a par-
tial veil or a stipe of an Amanita. Hence, when the gill edge of a member of the Amanitaceae is fertile, that specimen is a
Limacella, not an Amanita.
In Limacella, the analog of the universal veil of Amanita is a glutinous (slimy) matrix supported by tightly packed, verti-
cally oriented hyphae (sometimes with distinctive tip cells) that arise not from a pileipellis (cuticle or cap skin), but from
a dense layer in the uppermost part of the pileus context (cap flesh). Indeed, as in most taxa of Amanita [sect. Lepidella]
subsect. Vittadiniae there is no pileipellis present in Limacella. In the literature, a reference to a pileipellis in Limacella is
a reference to the vertical hyphae and associated slime that are the analog of the universal veil in Amanita. At least for the
present, we will call this structure the volva or universal veil or universal veil analog in our descriptions of species of
What do we know about the volva in Limacella? Apparently, it develops in at least two stages.
In the first stage, very narrow hyphae grow vertically from the outer surface (eventually, the upper surface) of the devel-
oping pileus. These hyphae soon begin to gelatinize and collapse creating a slimy covering for the immature cap. A sec-
ond set of hyphae (of larger diameter than the first group) then develop from the tissue just below the bases of the first set
of vertically aligned hyphae. The second set of hyphae is also vertically aligned and very tightly packed and carry the pre-
viously created slime upward on their closely packed tips. The tip (terminal) cells of these hyphae take on shapes that fall
approximately into three groups that (given present knowledge) are considered as a possible foundation for the hypotheti-
cal division of the genus Limacella into three groups which are called “sections” on the site (until we
learn a reason to change this rank).
With regard to the “slimy partial veil” seen in some species of Limacella, this structure is actually a remnant of the devel-
opment of the universal veil. Since the young cap has its edges curled under (putting part of the pileus surface in close
proximity to the surface of the developing stipe), some hyphae from the pileus surface may form wispy (spiderweb-like or
cortina-like) connections between the cap and the stipe. These hyphae gelatinize and/or are covered with gluten slipping
down from the higher parts of the immature pileus; and then they create a slimy “partial-veil-like” structure (that will
include some hyphae). When the cap unfurls and breaks the tenuous connection with the stipe, small tufts of broken
hyphae covered with slime may be left encircling a narrow region on the upper stipe. The resulting ring of material looks
like a partial veil in Amanita and may be protective of the maturing lamellae for a short time, but its origin and develop-
ment differ from the origin and development of the partial veil in the schizohymenial genus Amanita.
A membranous partial veil (i.e., ring, skirt, or annulus) is present in some species of Limacella. ...more to be developed...
The state of understanding of Limacella is behind that of the genus Amanita. The user of the site that
looks at the technical tabs of taxa in Limacella will see that there is very little uniformity in the collection of data by past
authors and revisers of taxa. The last attempt at revision of Limacella for North America was published in 1945—sixty-
five years before this sentence was drafted. As a consequence, revisions of all type collections and many more recent,
well-documented collections will have to be made to gain a worldwide grasp of the diversity, taxonomy, and systematics
of this genus.
Part of the reason for the lack of understanding is lack of subject matter experts using modern methologies. Lack of
expertise may be due, at least in part, to the very small number of collections that exist to support research. The amanita-
6 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 site lists about 50 taxa or probable taxa in Lepidella, and there are a few pairs of "taxa or probable taxa" that
probably consist of material of a single taxon.
There is a very significant role to be played by disciplined collectors who collect carefully, annotate thoroughly, and pho-
tograph well. So few collections of Limacella are reported each year (e.g., in journals or newsletters or on mushroomob- or in blogs of mushrooming groups, that it is a shame not to have more of them documented more thoroughly
and dried well for deposit in working herbaria that are accessible to specialists. The way to make progress certainly must
involve soliciting quality collections from as broad an audience as possible.
The type species of Limacella is Agaricus delicatus Fr. : Fr. (1821).
To begin exploring the taxa of Limacella, we suggest using the alphabetic directory to be found at
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 7
About Amanita
As discussed in the previous section, the definition of the genus Amanita has been slightly complicated from a morpho-
logical point of view by the inclusion of at least seven species in the genus that are not agaricoid (do not have the form of
a typical gilled mushroom with a central stem and have lost the ability to mechanically discharge spores). Having accom-
modated these species in a morphological definition of the Amanitaceae, our task of defining the genus Amanita is made
The genus Amanita includes all and only those members of the Amanitaceae that produce a fruiting body (basidiome) sat-
isfying exactly one of the following conditions:
• It is hypogeous (it has lost the ability to mechanically discharge its spores and grows under ground).
• It is secotioid (it has lost the ability to mechanically discharge its spores and grows above ground).
• It is agaricoid and exhibits the mode of basidiome development (ontogeny) that is called schizohymenial.
In most of the world this reduces the practical matter of identification of agaricoid specimens of Amanita to the tasks of
finding in that specimen the same evidence that has been very clearly required since the publication of the thesis of Dr.
Cornelis Bas in 1969. The specimen that is a member of the Amanitaceae is an Amanita if and only if you can demon-
strate that the specimen
• has longitudinally acrophysalidic stipe tissue
• is not a species of Limacella.
If an unopened button of the species is available, and you find that all the developing elements (cap, stem, gills, volva) of
a mature mushroom are visible as distinct, shadowy regions in a cross-section of the button and that these developing ele-
ments are interconnected by tissue so that there is no open space within the button, then you have demonstrated that the
probable ontogeny of the button is schizohymenial—literally that the faces of adjacent gills must be split apart from each
other as the development of the mushroom continues.
If an agaric exhibits schizohymenial development it can only be an Amanita—this ontogeny is restricted entirely to the
genus Amanita. Hence, you don’t have a Limacella.
If the collector of your specimen found no buttons are found them but did not retain them for your edification, then you
should consider the following section (“About Limacella”) in which distinctive morphological features of Limacella are
described; and you must show that the material you have in hand lacks those distinctive characters.
Here is a simple method of separating dried specimens of Limacella and Amanita with microscopic examination of the
gill edge. Check whether the edge of a gill is fertile (has spore-bearing basidia growing from it) or sterile (doesn’t have
basidia growing from it).
In the Amanitaceae, the fertile condition occurs only in Limacella. The sterile condition is found only in Amanita.
The sterile condition can be recognized as follows: In Amanita, the gill edge is comprised of a “cable-like” grouping of
hyphae running the length of the gill edge and giving rise to balloon-like cells of various shapes (singly or in short chains)
which separate, collapse, gelatinize, and/or break, facilitating the the separation of the gill edge from the stem or from the
partial veil (ring, annulus, skirt) as the elements of the expanding Amanita basidiome are separating.
The reader may think, "Surely, I recognize an Amanita when I see one." In response it must be said that, in many cases
(especially with regard to taxa similar to locally familiar taxa), the reader probably does know his/her amanitas by sight.
On the other hand, it still happens that mycological taxonomists name species in the genus Amanita that are not amanitas.
Wouldn't you like to avoid that happening to you?
The type species of Amanita is A. muscaria (L.: Fr.) Lam. [ Agaricus muscarius L. (1753)].
To start exploring Amanita with an alphabetized directory of the taxa listed on the site, go to
Amanita is divided into two subgenera depending on the reaction of spores to an iodine solution (e.g., Melzer's Reagent).
A darkening reaction of a spore's wall in this solution is called an amyloid reaction and lack of such a reaction classifies a
spore as inamyloid.
Species having spores producing the amyloid reaction are classified in Amanita subgen. Lepidella. The type species of
this subgenus is A. vittadinii (Moretti) Vitt. The directory for this subgenus on the site is found at
8 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
The species with inamyloid spores are placed in Amanita subgen. Amanita. The type species for subgenus Amanita is the
same species that is the type for genus as a whole—A. muscaria. For an alphabetized directory of the taxa of subgenus
Amanita, go to
The subgenera are further divided into sections. There are seven sections currently recognized in Amanita. In this work-
shop/seminar, sectional names follow the usage of Corner and Bas (1962) and Bas (1969) as emended in Yang (1997). A
description of the sections of the genus can be found here:
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Sections of Amanita
Because so many of the species of Amanita are not formally described (perhaps as many as half of world taxa in the
genus), RET has urged persons just beginning to learn Amanita to start with an understanding of the sectional level of the
genus and to learn select, "iconic" taxa in their home area that can represent the sections present in that area.
In this workshop, sectional names will follow the usage of Corner and Bas (1962) and Bas (1969) as emended in Yang
In Amanita subgenus Amanita (spores inamyloid):
Amanita sect. Amanita
In this section, the basidiome (fruiting body) develops eccentrically upward (off-center, toward the top) in the primordium
(the button stage of development). As a result, whether or not there is a saccate (sack-like) volva (and this occurs in very
few species), there is very likely to be a bulb at the stipe base—at least in young specimens. The known toxins of this sec-
tions are related to muscimol and ibotenic acid. These chemicals cause the "Pantherine Syndrome" in humans and some
other mammals. The type species of this section is A. muscaria.
Amanita sect. Caesareae
In this section, the basidiome develops approximately centrally in the primordium. The stipe is totally elongating (does
not have a bulb a the base). All species have a partial veil (annulus or ring); all species have a saccate volva; and all spe-
cies bear clamps at the bases of their basidia. Most of the Amanita species that have a hypogeous (truffle-like) or secoti-
oid ("puffball-on-a-stick") habit, are placed in section Caesareae. While no statement can be made covering all the taxa
of this section (many of which are not formally described), a number of the species are eaten and, in some areas of the
world, are market commodities. The type species of this section is A. caesarea.
Amanita sect. Vaginatae
In this section, development of the basidiome and elongation of the stipe are as in section Caesareae (above). However,
none of the species of section Vaginatae have a partial veil on the stipe. The universal veil (volva) is usually saccate, but
it may have a very weak internal structure that may cause it to break up in a variety of ways in differents species. Clamps
are usually not reported at the bases of basidia in this section. While no statement can be made covering all the taxa of
this section (many of which are not formally described), a number of the species are eaten and, in some areas of the world,
are market commodities. The type species of this section is A. vaginata, which unfortunately is interpreted in different
ways by different authors.
In Amanita subgenus Lepidella (spores amyloid):
Amanita sect. Lepidella
In this section, the margin of the pileus is appendiculate (decorated with more or less floccose or powdery, hanging mate-
rial) at least at first; and the base of the stipe is not encased in a saccate volva (although the there may be a membranous,
thin limb (flap) of universal veil attached at the top of the stipe’s bulb in a few species. This is the only section of Amanita
known to include a few species (about 40) that sometimes or always live without a mycorrhizal partner (symbiotic rela-
tionship with a plant). All toxic species known from this section contain an amino-acid toxin (allenic norleucine) that has
significant destructive impact on both the liver and kidneys of humans. The type species of this section is A. vittadinii.
It was a brilliant monograph on this section (by Dr. Cornelis Bas, 1969) that played a major transformative role in the
study of Amanita.
Amanita sect. Amidella
Species of this rather small section have pilei with an appendiculate margin as described for the taxa of section Lepidella;
however, the appendiculate material is more scanty in section Amidella and disappears much more quickly as the basidi-
ome of a member of section Amidella matures. In many of the group of section Amidella taxa most similar to A. volvata,
10 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
the stipe is totally elongating and its base is enclosed in a very thick, multilayer, saccate universal veil. The shape of the
volva can range from nearly globose to test-tube-like to very large and baggy. Basidiomes of this same group of taxa often
stain pinkish on bruising (at least when very young and fresh) and take on a brownish red (brick red) color with time.
Only one of the known species in sect. Amidella (A. peckiana) has a partial veil (annulus or ring) and this is found only in
the early stages of expansion of the basidiome. Three taxa of section Amidella are reported to lack all brownish staining
reactions; two of these are considered edible (A. ovoidea and A. neoovoidea); and one is dangerously toxic (A. proxima)—
causing symptoms similar to those produced by the species of section Lepidella that contain allenic norleucine. The type
of this section is A. volvata.
Amanita sect. Phalloideae
In this rather small section, the species have a pileus margin that is not appendiculate even in very young specimens. All
species of this section also have a stipe that always has a bulbous base and always has a persistent partial veil (annulus or
ring). The universal veil is always membranous; and is present on the stipe's bulb as either a limbate (flap-like) or saccate
volva. Section Phalloideae infamously includes the taxa that are the most common causes of death by mushroom poison-
ing in the world. The primary causes of the deaths are the chemicals known as amatoxins. The oldest (basal) taxa of this
section lack amatoxins and are edible, market commodities in eastern and southern Asia. The type species of this section
is A. phalloides.
Amanita sect. Validae
In this section, the pileus margin is never appendiculate; and the stipe always bears a persistent partial veil. The stipe is
always bulbous at its base—although the breadth of the bulb may diminish with age. The universal veil is always friable
(fragile, breakable, crumbly) in whole or in part. The known toxin(s) of the section are hemolytic—they cause the
destruction of red blood cells, which results in gastrointestinal distress. These toxins are destroyed by heat during cook-
ing. As a result, several of the rubescent taxa (for example) of section Validae in Europe, Africa, and the Americas are
market commodities and are eaten after cooking by indigenous peoples in the areas where they are found. The type spe-
cies of this section is A. excelsa.
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 11
Morphological study of Amanita (Fungi: Agaricales)—notes on methodology
A<> P. O. Box 57, Roosevelt, New Jersey 08555-0057, U.S.A
B<> Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Kunming 650204, China
This paper is dedicated to Dr. Cornelis Bas, Leiden,
to whom we wish to express our profound gratitude for his work, his mentoring, his wisdom,
his subtle criticism, his generosity, his humor, his encouragement, and his discipline.
Abstract—The similar methodologies of the authors are presented in detail. An appeal is made for broader use of such methods in order to
advance taxonomy and systematics of Amanita. Detailed forms to support uniform specimen annotation are provided.
Key words—basic components of tissues, biometrics, macromorphology, micromorphology, spores
Amanita is a fascinating genus consisting of many edible, as well as poisonous, even lethal, mushrooms. Species of this
genus are valuable and important to human beings due to their mycorrhizal relationship with vascular plants and conse-
quent important role in ecosystems (Yang 2000a) and their commercial value as foodstuffs in many cultures (e.g., Buyck
1994; Montoya Esquivel 1997; Tulloss and Bhandary 1992).
Despite the many contributions to the knowledge of Amanita (e.g.: Coker 1917; Gilbert 1940-41; Corner and Bas 1962;
Bas 1969; Fraiture 1993; Jenkins 1977; Miller 1992a & 1992b; Neville and Poumarat 1996 & 2004; Pegler and Shah-
Smith 1997 [as well as Pegler’s regional floristic studies]; Reid 1980; Tulloss et al. 1992; Tulloss 1994b; Tulloss et al.
2001; Wood 1997; Yang 1997), many species of the genus are still not well known, even in Europe after about 300 years
of mycological research (Bas 2000). The taxonomy is in an unsettled state for most sections of the genus.
One reason for this unsatisfactory state of affairs is that only infrequently are herbarium collections accompanied by any
detailed field annotation or illustrations of fresh material. Another reason is that many collections were not well-dried or
are not well-preserved resulting in destruction of microscopic characters that now seem critical to the taxonomy of the
genus. Still another reason is that many of these valuable characters persist in being ignored by taxonomists. It was not
until the sixties of the Twentieth Century that a beginning was made with systematic and detailed analysis of many micro-
scopic structures (Bas 1969; Bas 2000). Unfortunately, after more than thirty years, few workers have sufficiently
adopted the methods that Bas put forth; and the study of Amanita is still held back by descriptions of new species that are
written in the style of earlier times—omitting characters that would permit a reader to make relevant comparisons with
other taxa. It is like creating islands in a lake—islands that are difficult to access—when accessible peninsulas could have
been created instead.
When compounded by the great diversity of the genus, these difficulties
make for a further problem: The taxonomy of the genus is only in good
order in the one section monographed by Bas—Amanita sect. Lepidella
Corner & Bas. How then, is a scholar (without decades of study) to
determine if a collection represents a known taxon or a novel one? To
what taxa must a collection be compared to confirm novelty—what are
its probable phenetic close relations? The sometimes haphazard selec-
tion of taxa compared to proposed novelties in recent literature (e.g., not
even restricted to a single section of the genus) serves to underline this
Fig.1. Basket used in Tlaxcala, Mexico, showing card-
board carton dividers separating Amanita specimens
and other useful and beautiful objects. Photo: R. E.
Considering all these points, it seemed important to us to publish some
notes on study methods in an “international” language. We hope this
will result in better communication among Amanita researchers, better
understanding of the genus, and increased value of future studies of
Amanita throughout the world. Some of our observations are specific to
Amanita, but others may be generally applicable in the Agaricales.
1. Research Associate (hons.), New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York, USA.
12 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
Document road map
This paper covers the entire process of dealing with collections of Amanita from gathering in the field to annotation
when fresh and review of microscopic characters. Some readers may find the level of detail excessive in the first section,
but the state of many collections in herbaria suggest to us that inclusion of this information will be of value.
The text is divided into three major sections entitled: “In the field,” “In the laboratory—macroscopic characters,” and
“In the laboratory—microscopic characters.” Below this level, sections are marked by numbered headings and, as
needed, are further organized in subordinate outline form.
In the field
1. Basket design
For carrying Amanita collections in the field, use a very deep basket that is cross-laced with strings so that many rectangu-
lar “compartments” are outlined by the strings. The first author got this idea from Dr. David T. Jenkins, University of Ala-
bama, Birmingham. Amanita specimens are wrapped in (e.g.) wax paper and arranged with stipes vertical (as they were in
the soil) supported by the web of strings (strings in two layers are needed—say, one-third of the way up from the basket
bottom and two-thirds of the way up). By storing the specimens in this way, the stipes don't coil up due to geotropism in
the stipe apical region—as they would have a tendency to do in many species of Amanita were the specimens laid on their
sides. One can arrive home with a photogenic specimen...and one that is easier to measure than it might have been other-
When expecting to collect with a borrowed basket, bring a set of slotted cardboard strips or cardboard dividers from a
carton of bottles or cans. The dividers can be expanded and inserted in the borrowed basket. They can be folded to fit
baskets of various dimensions. It seems that dividers from cartons of U.S. tomato ketchup bottles are very well-propor-
tioned as far as Amanita collecting goes. If such dividers are lacking, a pocket knife is useful to cut up cardboard to make
similar dividers on the spot (Fig. 1).
2. Collecting
Remove the basidiome from the soil carefully. Having the whole mushroom is often valuable in determining a collection.
A bulb or lack of a bulb and the form and nature of any universal veil remains on the stipe base may be lost or badly dam-
aged due to careless collecting. Some species of Amanita section Lepidella are deceptively deeply rooting. Some of the
species of other sections can have half or more of the stipe below the surface of the ground. It is best to assume deep
insertion in the substrate and excavate each specimen carefully. For digging one can use a large-bladed knife or a narrow
garden trowel. An metal tent peg can be used to good advantage for the same purpose.
3. Field Annotation
“Field notes” is a poor term for what is intended to be entered on our note forms; some of these notes are best made after
returning from the field (see the following section). Copies of forms mentioned in this paper appear as appendices.
In the field, it is valuable to note collector's names, collection number, locality, date, quantity and distribution of basidi-
omes, soil type, and habitat. It is important to take the time to note habitat information carefully. Trees in the area of col-
lection (not just the closest tree) are important to know about. Scrub trees in undergrowth are also noteworthy (e.g.,
Quercus seedlings in a forest of Pinus). The absence of trees is also very important to note. There are some amanitas
(notably in subsection Vittadiniae Bas) that apparently are not symbiotic with woody plants.
If a color book can be carried into the field, colors of just-collected material are worth noting in terms of a color code.
Otherwise, a best estimate of color should be made in common terms. Careful annotation of color using a color book can
be done on return from the field, but beware of colors that change between collection and the laboratory. The first author
has experience with two cases in which color change was associated by slight change in spore size and shape when speci-
mens aged in the field or after collecting (e.g., Tulloss and Borgen 1996).
4. Photography
If a camera with macro or other close-up lens has been taken into the field, one should make color slides of the whole
basidiome as well as of unique features such as the universal veil material on the pileus, anastomosing lamellae, and uni-
versal veil material on the lower stipe and bulb (if one exists). Attempt to fully utilize the macrolens—getting close to
characters to be illustrated so that they fill the frame. Depth of field is increased by slowing the lens speed (if that is what
can be controlled on the camera) or by stopping down the lens as much as is feasible. To avoid shadows that hide key fea-
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 13
tures, use reflectors (made from aluminum foil wrapped around sheets of cardboard) to light the side of the specimen
away from the sun. Groom natural settings so that twigs, grass, etc. don't block the camera's view of the mushroom. Use
of a tripod and a delay feature (if such are available) are useful to reduce any vibration of the camera during an exposure.
After getting a spore print, a photo of the basidiome in longitudinal section is often helpful.
In the laboratory—macroscopic characters
In general, this section follows the note-taking form of Appendix A1. On the other hand, we do not feel it necessary to
discuss every word or entry space on the form.
1. The need for macroscopic annotation—comments on determining material from microscopic anatomy alone
It is often necessary to review at least spores, pileipellis, lamella trama, universal veil, and partial veil in order to have a
hope of coming up with a definitive determination of dried material when macroscopic data is lacking. Microscopic char-
acters are plentiful and very valuable in Amanita, and future keys should be available that are based on anatomy of these
tissues and the presence or absence of clamps in them. Today, to be able to do efficient work in determining taxa, notes on
macroscopic characters are necessary. The difference between an hour vs. a day spent on a single specimen is significant.
The process is bound to become more difficult as the next several hundred taxa of Amanita are described. Good notes on
fresh material and good photographs will become more (not less) important.
2. Dimensions
In order to make a meaningful ratio of the length of pileus striations to the diameter of the pileus, the pileus diameter must
be measured along the pileus surface—as though the pileus were expanded to a fully planar condition. Such a measure-
ment can be done by draping a piece of string or thread or a strip of paper over the pileus, holding the points on the string
(for example) that are precisely at the opposing pileus margins, and then measuring the straightened (but unstretched)
string. (Dra. E. Pérez-Silva, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, suggested this method to the first author.)
Pileus thickness, breadth of lamellae, and dimensions of the stipe are all best measured after making a longitudinal section
of the basidiome. Therefore, we suggest holding off on making these measurements until a spore print has been obtained
(unless a spore deposit is not to be obtained—see “triage,” below).
In the literature, bulb length is sometimes included in stipe length and sometimes not included—even within a single
work. Valuable information can be lost in this way and confusion is created in the literature. The length of the stipe above
the bulb (if one is present) and the length of the bulb should be treated as two separate dimensions. The overall length of
the mushroom is then computable from the thickness of the pileus, the length of the stipe, and the length of the bulb.
There is no true bulb in species of section Vaginatae (Fr.) Quél., and the appearance of a bulb in species of section
Amidella (E.-J. Gilbert) Konrad & Maubl. is usually only the result of a very thick volval sac.
3. Important ratios
Two ratios that are important are the ratio of the length of the striations on the pileus margin to the radius of the pileus and
the width of the central cylinder of the stipe to the overall width of the stipe. These should be recorded at least for the
largest and smallest basidiomes in a collection; and, if one of the ratios is especially high or low in another basidiome of
the same collection, data for that basidiome should be recorded as well.
4. Colors.
Colors can be expressed in your own terms, but it will be much easier to communicate about them if terms defined by a
standard color book are used—such as the ones published by Methuen (Kornerup & Wanscher 1978) and Munsell. The
set of soil colors published by Munsell (1975) is a good supplement (largely browns and grays) to the wide color range in
Methuen (Bas, pers. corresp.). Since Ridgway (1912) colors can be translated into the Munsell code (Hamly 1949), even
though Ridgway's publication is a rather rare book these days, the color names can be made meaningful to readers who
lack it. If one has a copy of Ridgway, one shouldn't hesitate to use it. On the other hand, one must be aware that Ridg-
way’s handmade color chips vary from copy to copy (Hamly 1949); and Hamly’s work has a small number of apparent
typographical errors.
The color of the universal veil and lamellae may change as a basidiome ages. This is particularly notable in the taxa of
section Vaginatae having a friable universal veil. The tendency in these taxa is for the universal veil to become grayer,
browner, or even black with age. The lamellae tend to become significantly grayer also. The color of the universal veil in
an old basidiome of this group is usually correlated to that in a young one. For example, the pale orangish white volva of
one undescribed New Jersey Pine Barrens species (the first author’s Amanita sp. 49) retains a faint orangish tint as it
14 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
becomes gray; and the brilliant yellow-orange volva of an undescribed species collected in Maine (the first author’s Ama-
nita sp. N29) becomes red-brown. One should check colors of the universal veil, annulus (if present), and lamellae in both
young and mature basidiomes. Colors of lamellae should be recorded both in mass (viewed edge-on) and in side view
(after longitudinal sectioning of the basidiome).
Bruising or staining reactions on the surfaces or in the context of an amanita can be important for determination. How-
ever, a species that does not normally change color when cut [e.g., A. subsolitaria (Murrill) Murrill] will turn brilliant yel-
low occasionally—apparently due to some invasive agent. Because of this observation, an investigation of spore size and
shape and anatomy should be undertaken in cases in which yellow staining occurs—before settling on a determination. In
A. subsolitaria, no well-formed mature spores have been found on some yellow staining basidiomes; moreover, the lamel-
lae may become noticeably thickened and are often covered with budding yeast cells.
Basiodiocarp aging or exposure to direct sunlight can cause significant changes in pileus coloration [e.g., A. flavoconia
var. inquinata Tulloss, Halling & Ovrebo (=A. flavoconia var. sinapicolor Tulloss, Halling & Ovrebo), A. mortenii Knud-
sen & Borgen, A. muscaria subsp. flavivolvata Singer, etc.]; therefore, when a large fruiting illustrates such a phenome-
non, it is an important opportunity for collections and their annotations to reflect the details thoroughly.
In some taxa, intense pigment development does not occur until after a basidiocarp is well-expanded (e.g., A. spreta
(Peck) Sacc., which may be nearly white although having reached a robust stage of expansion, although eventually
becoming virgate with fine “appressed fibrils” of a shade of gray or brown).
When the color to the human eye is the result of the presence of multiple pigments, these may not all develop in some
individual basidiocarps or may not all develop at the same rate or may develop only in segments or patches of the pileipel-
lis. Careful observation of unusually colored pilei over a few days can be valuable in avoiding undesirable generation of
useless infraspecific taxa. Common examples of uneven or partially failed pigment development are A. muscaria (L.:Fr.)
Lam. and A. muscaria subsp. flavivolvata Singer.
5. Decoration of the stipe surface
Very often, the stipe surface of an Amanita will be longitudinally striatulate (at least in age). This is a reflection of the lon-
gitudinally acrophysalidic character of the stipe context probably made manifest by the drying and collapse of surface tis-
sues. Other forms of decoration are numerous.
Near the stipe apex on a number of species, the surface is pubescent, farinose, or pulverulent. In some taxa of section
Vaginatae (e.g., A. arctica Bas, Knudsen & Borgen in Knudsen & Borgen), a thin, subfelted layer may be appressed to the
upper stipe; the anatomy of such layers often suggests a poorly formed partial veil. In many members of section Vagina-
tae with exannulate stipes, the surface of the lower two-thirds of the stipe may be fibrillose; the fibrils may be concolorous
with the (pallid) ground color or may range from subtle orangish white to orange or various shades of brown or gray or
black. Often a species with deeply pigmented stipe fibrils will also have marginate lamellae because of the proximity of
the edges of the lamellae to the stipe surface in the early development of the basidiome.
Fig.2. Amanita jacksonii as col-
lected in north-central New York
state. Note the unusual situation of
the felted extension of the limbus
internus of the universal veil being
drawn up the stipe on the edge of
the annulus on the larger basidi-
Photo: R. E. Tulloss
Species with a friable or felted limbus internus of the universal veil often deposit such
material on the stipe surface (below the annulus if there is one). This is the origin of the
orange patches on the stipe of A. caesarea (Scop.:Fr.) Pers. and of A. hemibapha (Berk.
& Broome) Sacc. and the latter’s Western Hemisphere relatives (e.g., A. jacksonii
Pomerleau, Fig. 2). Similarly, the limbus internus appears to be the origin of the ragged
and collapsing false (second or lower) annulus on the stipe of the taxon called “A.
caesarea” by authors of the southwestern U.S.A.
In a variety of taxa, the stipe surface may be decorated by warts or patches of the uni-
versal veil or by large or small recurved scales where the context splits (apparently due
to an adhesive(?) effect of adnate patches of universal veil that prevent areas of stipe
surface from expanding even though the underlying tissue expands). Dramatic exam-
ples of species having a bulb with recurved scales include Amanita cokeri (E.-J. Gilbert
& Kühner) E.-J. Gilbert, A. concentrica Oda et al., and A. eijii Zhu L. Yang.
In very rainy whether, the stipe may become quite watersoaked as one would expect;
and such specimens may not be worth collecting; however, we know of at least one spe-
cies in which the normal condition of the stipe is to suggest a tallow candle—A. calyptr-
atoides Peck. This may have something to do with a particularly moist outerlayer of the
stipe which is sometimes noticeable as a darker layer in exsiccata. The small annulus of
this species seems to melt into the stipe when it collapses. The annulus eventually dis-
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 15
6. Odor and taste.
When it comes to odor and taste, one is on one's own. We try to be as explicit as possible and use terms for odors and
tastes that are likely to be terms for experiences common to many people. Since people are unlikely to taste amanitas in
sections of the genus in which there are numerous poisonous taxa, taste is not as important a character to record as is odor.
We usually taste specimens clearly assignable to section Vaginatae, but never swallow the material tasted.
7. Spore deposit.
We obtain a spore print if at all possible (but see under “triage,” below) for every taxon studied. We set up for spore prints
in the field if possible—by placing a white card under the cap of a specimen before wrapping it and inserting it into the
basket. This seems to be especially important in regions where collection takes place at a significantly higher altitude
than the location of the laboratory where collections will be studied (Rossman et al. 1998). If field set-up is impractical,
We set up for spore prints immediately upon returning from the field. In many cases a satisfactory spore print is obtained
by taking an index card the breadth of which exceeds the pileus diameter, cutting out a slot for the stipe to be slipped into,
and then hanging the stipe in a tall glass or cup. In this way the plant is exposed as little as possible to drying of internal
tissues. The whole construction can have wax paper wrapped around its top so that evaporation from the pileus surface is
reduced. Experimentation may lead to better techniques especially for very small and very large specimens.
8. Macrochemical spot tests.
8.1. Phenoloxidase spot tests. Phenoloxidase tests (spot tests for laccase and tyrosinase) are often valuable and likely to
become more so—at least for some taxa. The first author has employed the test on well over 100 different taxa. The tes-
ter selects at least one fresh basidiome (it is best, if time allows, to test specimens at different stages of maturity) and slices
it longitudinally. Using a razor or a very sharp knife, a “silhouette” of the mushroom about 2 or 3 mm thick (if possible
given the size of the stipe) is sliced off the exposed inner surface of one of the two half-mushrooms. This silhouette is
divided in half down the center, and each half-silhouette is placed on a non-reactive surface like a white dinner plate, a
plastic picnic plate, a pane of glass, or a porcelain-coated laboratory tray. The two pieces could be on the same surface,
but they must be far enough apart so that the liquids that are going to be placed on them don't run together and mix. For
all types of macrochemical tests, the first author dries the parts of the mushroom that aren’t used for the test. On the her-
barium label for such material is indicated that the collection is a voucher for a spot test. The collection can be checked
later in case a mistake in its determination is suspected.
Fig.3. Positive (lavender) reaction for laccase in the
radicating bulb of A. subsolitaria. The yellow tint in
the stipe context is the color of unreacting syrin-
galdazine. Photo: R. E. Tulloss
Procedures for paracresol spot tests were originated by Marr (1979) and
Marr et al. (1986). On one half-silhouette, drip syringaldazine solution
until the whole half-silhouette is wetted. Mark down the time. Treat the
other half-silhouette in the same way, but with paracresol solution. Note
the time that this is done. For 15 to 20 minutes note down the color
changes (if any) as they occur on both half-silhouettes. It is suggested
that you use the note form presented in Appendix A3 of (Tulloss 1998a)
??add to this paper??. It originated with Marr et al. (1986) and was modi-
fied for use with amanitas by M. en C. Adriana Montoya Esquivel (Uni-
versidad de Tlaxcala, Mexico). For each change in color, note the time
and location of the change on the half-silhouette. Alternatively, make a
note on the colored (reacting) regions of each half-silhouette every min-
ute. This is easier than it sounds—especially if one uses simple abbrevi-
ations. On the chemical test form, for a half-silhouette of a mushroom
in which you observe a positive reaction, shade in the area of the appro-
priate half-silhouette drawing corresponding to the visible reaction occurring on your specimen. Mark the time that you
stopped observing for each test when you stop. This is sufficient. The other side of the form need not be filled out at this
time—except for indication of the collection date and collection number so that the record of results can be correlated
with the collection and your other notes.
A positive test for laccase (syringaldazine) is in the range of pinkish lavender (Fig. 3) to purple. The ethanol solvent in
the syringaldazine solution can sometimes accelerate an oxidation reaction that occurs naturally (e.g., the pinkening reac-
tion in some species of Amanita section Amidella). This phenomenon can be confirmed by using ethanol alone as a con-
trol. In cases in which a particularly strong oxidation reaction obliterates the sometimes pale purplish reaction due to
laccase, the purple color can sometimes be seen in excess reagent adjacent to the material being tested.
16 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
A positive test for tyrosinase is in the range of orange-red to orange-brown to rather dark brown. In a number of mush-
rooms, if the tyrosinase test set-up is left standing for some time (an hour or more), the dark pigment, melanin, will start to
form; and areas where reaction has occurred may become nearly black. This terminal part of the reaction does not need to
be recorded. Recipes for the reagents and a more extended discussion of applying them and recording test data can be
found in (Marr 1979) and (Marr et al. 1986).
8.2. Sulfuric acid spot tests. In the literature, only a supposed purple reaction on the lamellae of A. phalloides is com-
monly mentioned as a result of spot testing with sulfuric acid. In the mid-90s, the late Dr. L. J. Tanghe, G. Lincoff, and
the first author experimented with concentrated H2SO4 on the lamellae and other parts of a variety of species. A pink or
pinkish lavender reaction is very common (unpub. results) on lamellae and elsewhere and is not even restricted to Amanita
section Phalloideae (Fr.) Quél. For a draft data recording form for H2SO4 spot tests, see Appendix A4 of (Tulloss 1998a)
??add to this paper??. It is suggested that tests only be performed with concentrated acid.
8.3. Testing with iron salts. Almost nothing is known about reactions with iron salts in Amanita. Experiments are
needed. In the present state of knowledge, we believe it would be inappropriate to define a taxon based on a reaction to
iron salts.
8.4. Testing with KOH. While the yellow reaction on the pilei of A. bisporigera Atk. and A. virosa Lamarck is well-
known, a survey of reactions to KOH has not been made. Experimentation is needed. In particular, yellow reactions on
“normally” non-reacting species (A. magnivelaris Peck and A. verna (Bull.:Fr.) Lamarck) is a topic on which further
research undoubtedly will be done. The hue and the intensity of the color reaction should be assessed in all cases. Collec-
tions in the southwestern U.S. and Mexico of what appears to be normal strongly reactive A. bisporigera often produce
faint reactions or none at all. The absence of a color reaction in A. verna may have entered the literature when A. phalloi-
des var. alba was tested and reported as A. verna. In recent years, efforts by correspondents of the first author to obtain
non-reactive A. verna in France have not been fruitful (F. Massart, pers. corresp.)—all material collected has produced a
bright yellow reaction to KOH. Color photographs are important for recording unusual color reactions or for varying
shades of yellow on taxa usually considered not reactive.
8.5. Testing with ammonium hydroxide. Almost nothing is known about reactions in Amanita. Experiments are needed.
In the present state of knowledge, we believe it would be inappropriate to define a taxon based on a reaction to NH4OH.
8.6. Melzer's reagent. If one wants to test macroscopically for amyloidity of spores (we never do this, but some do), it
can't be done effectively on spore prints on paper. Paper will produce a dark amyloid reaction all by itself. One must
scoop up a bit of material from the spore print and place it on a glass or ceramic surface in order to carry out the test. A
simpler procedure is to place a glass slide under the pileus while the spore print is being made and let some of the spore
print be made directly on it. A drop of Melzer's reagent on a patch of white spores will produce a very distinct reaction
(distinct to the naked eye) if the spores are strongly amyloid. Unfortunately, there are a few amanitas with weakly amy-
loid spores. In these cases, microscopic examination of spores in Melzer's reagent is required (see below).
Melzer’s reagent has also been used to test for amyloidity in the plasma of hyphae in various parts of basidiomes of
Amanita species (Kotilová-Kubièková 1982); however, insufficient information is available to make this a useful taxo-
nomic tool at present. Neville and Poumarat (2004) have carried out experiments on a number of European taxa, and this
work may encourage similar experiments elsewhere.
9. Triage.
If time is limited, don't eliminate all of the steps related to collection and photography if the most important steps can be
managed at all. The steps we sacrifice are the following (in the order in which they would be abandoned): 1) tests for
amyloid reaction of spores (can always be done with dried specimen), 2) phenoloxidase tests (a few tests per taxon will
suffice for current studies), 3) photography in the field, 4) spore print (as long as spore color is demonstrated a few
times...spores can be measured from lamellae of dried material), 5) recording odor and taste, 6) photography in the lab
(when a collection belongs to a commonly collected taxon). Taking of detailed notes should always begin with the most
unfamiliar, taxonomically problematic, rare, or fragile taxa.
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 17
If the number of collections is so large that more drastic measures must be
taken. The more common species (especially collections of these that do not
include exceptionally large or exceptionally small basidiomes) can be photo-
graphed and dried, keeping notes only on locality, date, collector, etc. However,
one should give thought to whether such collections will have value for current
or future research. A reasons to keep such material, for example, is mainte-
nance of vouchers for new localities. Collections of common species with
specimens of unusual size can be photographed and should have notes taken on
the dimensions of the basidiomes. Collections of common material in poor
condition that are not needed to provide vouchers for mapping projects (for
example) should be discarded.
Fig.4. Schema for drying mushrooms over
kerosene heater. Drawing: Z. L. Yang.
10. Preserving specimens.
10.1. Drying specimens. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of drying
specimens properly and as soon as possible after macroscopic annotation (Yang
2000b). Numerous collections of Agaricales deposited in the herbaria of the
world can’t be used for serious taxonomic, systematic and molecular phyloge-
netic studies because they were poorly dried and/or poorly preserved. We have
both found that many type specimens of Amanita were poorly dried, and thus
rehydrate very poorly. Consequently, their anatomical and taxonomic characters no longer can be traced (Tulloss 1994b;
Yang and Doi 1999). If dried specimens become moldy or damaged by insects due to poor preservation, their scientific
value will be reduced dramatically. In particular, some hyphomycetes seem to have a preference for attacking spores and
the exposed ends of basidia and basidioles on hymenial surfaces, with obvious negative effects.
We prefer to dry material rapidly because this best preserves delicate structures such as the lamella trama. When tem-
perature regulation is possible, a forced air dryer should be set to operate at 55° - 60° C (130° - 140° F). If electricity is
accessible, a forced air vegetable dryer with stacking trays can be used. If slower drying is necessary due to available
equipment, the specimens should be cut in an orderly manner (e.g., longitudinally sectioned in quarters or eighths) and
placed in a well-ventilated place with heat low enough so that the mushrooms don't cook. If commercial drying equip-
ment is not available, one can build a plywood cabinet with removable trays over four 200 watt light bulbs. The trays are
simply frames onto which are stapled fiberglass screening. The light bulbs can be wired to be turned on and off individu-
ally. If the cabinet is placed in a dry spot (e.g., in a moderately air conditioned building), a satisfactory result can be
obtained. A commercial dryer without forced air is also an option, for example, the SIGG Dörrex dryer which is used by
both of us. Less expensive dryers with plastic (rather than metal) frames are available for drying fruits and vegetables;
they also work well for mushrooms—although the trays are sometimes very shallow.
In some remote regions, electricity is not available; and a good alternative is a kerosene burning dryer (Fig. 4). The sec-
ond author has built a cabinet with removable trays. Under the trays, a kerosene stove may be placed. The fire can be reg-
ulated manually. Satisfactory results have been obtained during collecting trips in China.
10.2. Preservation in liquid. When working in humid climates without available desiccants and tightly closed collection
boxes and especially when such work is at a considerable distance from laboratory and herbarium facilities, preservation
in liquid may be the only alternative. If this is not done, the most important and most fragile parts of Amanita anatomy are
not likely to survive until it is possible to thoroughly examine the specimen. It is not necessary to preserve whole speci-
mens in liquid; but a wedge-shaped part of the pileus with attached lamellae, a piece of partial veil, and a piece of univer-
sal veil (especially from species with limbate or saccate partial veils) can be preserved in small, separate containers—
while the remainder of a collection is dried. This worked very well for the first author and his co-authors as reported in
(Tulloss et al. 2001).
In the laboratory—microscopic characters
1. Core literature.
Before discussing study of Amanita anatomy, it is important to acknowledge the fundamental importance of the anatomi-
cal approach of Bas (1969). Bas’ work should be reviewed thoroughly by any student of the genus along with (Corner
18 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
and Bas 1962). Among recent works that are useful are those of Tulloss et al. (1992), Tulloss (1993, 1994, 1998a), and
Yang (1997).
2. Terminology.
Terminology used by Tulloss and his co-authors and Yang and his co-authors in describing anatomy in Amanita some-
times differs. We both regard our choices of terminology and of anatomical characters in descriptions as in a process of
on-going development. The following table provides a comparison of terminology we use. Because of the greater detail
of Tulloss’ terminology, the latter is applied in this paper.
3. Rehydration and sectioning.
Usually, we use dried specimens for microscopic studies. Specimens in some herbaria may be sectioned for study by light
microscopy using a stereo dissecting microscope without special preparations. However, specimens from other collec-
tions may be very dry and fragile. It is difficult to section such specimens without first moistening them. A method of
moistening with least mechanical impact on the tissues is depicted in Fig. 5. The specimen is placed in a small culture
Table 1. Comparison of terminology used by Tulloss and Yang
Terms used by Tulloss (and his co-authors) Terms used by Yang (and his co-authors)
Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae Filamentous hyphae
Acrophysalides Inflated terminal cells
L = the average spore length computed for
one specimen examined
n. p. (not provided)
L’ = the average spore length computed for
all spores measured
n. p.
W = the average spore width computed for
one specimen examined
n. p.
W’ = the average spore width computed for
all spores measured
n. p.
Q = the ratio of length/with of one spore Q = the ratio of length/with of one spore
Q = the average value of Q computed for
all spores of one specimen examined
n. p.
Q’ = the average value of Q computed for
all spores measured
Q = average of Q for all spores measured
± sample standard deviation
Suprapellis (of pileipellis) Upper layer (of pileipellis)
Subpellis (of pileipellis) Lower layer (of pileipellis)
wcs, wst-near, wst-far, wex-near, wex-far of
n. p.
Central stratum of lamella Mediostratum of lamella
Subhymenial base of lamella Lateral stratum of lamella
Subhymenium Subhymenium
Subhymenial tree Lateral stratum and subhymenium
Universal veil Volva (or volval remnants)
Partial veil Annulus
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 19
disc that is floated on water in a larger dish. The pair are then covered to achieve high humidity. Adequate moistening
occurs in one to three minutes. The specimen can then be sectioned normally.
Sections of lamellae often coil in 5% KOH. It is recommended to use water as a mounting medium at first. When the
cover slip is in place, 10% NH4OH or 5% KOH can be added at one edge of the cover slip while water is taken up by
absorptive paper at the opposite edge. The concentration of the reagent can be gradually increased in this manner and the
coiling effect avoided.
The first author has described other freehand methods for sectioning, but these are to be rejected when a stereo dissect-
ing microscope is available.
Note regarding thickness of cell walls: Measurements of cell wall thickness should be made at 1000 or greater magni-
fication. Optical artifacts may falsely suggest that walls are thickened when viewed at lower magnification.
4. Details of microscopic anatomy.
The remainder of this section is presented in list or outline form with added commentary. Data on elements common to
many tissues are catalogued first (under heading 1). Examples of such elements are filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae;
vascular hyphae; and acrophysalides. Spore data are treated next (under heading 2). Then (under heading 3) elements to
be examined are organized on a tissue by tissue basis with discussion of characters specific to each tissue, such as the
thickness of gelatinized suprapellis and ungelatinized subpellis of the pileipellis. Suggestions for locating basidial clamps
(if any are present in a specimen) are provided under heading 4. A discussion of crassospores and crassobadisidia is
found under heading 5. A brief discussion of parasitized (and possibly parasitized) specimens of Amanita is given under
heading 6.
1. Characters of elements common in many tissues.
1.1. Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae [See (Tulloss et al. 1992).]
1.1.1. Range of width
1.1.2. Range of wall thickness
1.1.3. Frequency of branching
1.1.4. Frequency of septa
1.1.5. Wall color and/or color of intracellular pigment (colorless or yellowish or sordid yellowish or brown or other)
1.1.6. Plenitude and size/complexity of fascicles of hyphae
1.1.7. Dominant orientation (e.g., in many taxa, but not in all, subradial in the pileipellis when observed at mid-radius)
1.1.8. Relative frequency—as opposed to frequency of acrophysalides or other inflated cells
1.1.9. Form (e.g., coiling, branched (with indication of frequency of branches), constricted at septa)
1.1.10. External or internal decoration—if any.
1.2. Vascular hyphae (Tulloss 1994).
Caution: Care must be taken to distinguish vascular hyphae from filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae with colored walls or subrefractive
walls. Vascular hyphae have few or no septa; often are sinuous; often have an irregular outline; and, when broken or cut, often exude an
approximately concolorous substance that is apparently insoluble or poorly soluble in water and aqueous solutions of KOH and NH4OH.
1.2.1. Range of width
1.2.2. Frequency of branching
Fig.5. Schema of technique for rehydration of fragile herbarium speci-
mens—viewed from above and from side. Drawing: Z. L. Yang
20 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
1.2.3. Color (especially if not yellow or yellowish)
1.2.4. Presence in fascicles otherwise comprising filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae
1.2.5. Frequency
1.2.6. Peculiarities of form (e.g., coiling, branched, tangled in knots, etc.)
1.3. Acrophysalides and other inflated cells.
1.3.1. Terminology: The term “acrophysalide” was originated by Bas (1975). It applies to terminal, inflated cells that are present
both in the primordium and, in a “second generation” in the developing basidiome. Bas applied this term to the terminal, in-
flated cells of the pileus and stipe contexts and, arguably, to similar cells in other tissues, especially since Bas proposes that
his term is synonymous with “protocyst” as used by Malençon (1955) in the latter’s discussion of Torrendia. It should be
noted that intercalary cells that are at least partially inflated may also be found in these tissues—sometimes in chains.
Since the lamella trama in Amanita has its own unusual and separate ontogeny (e.g., Reijnders 1963; Reijnders and Stalpers
1992; Yang and Oberwinkler 1999), the first author has not used the term “acrophysalide” for inflated cells in that tissue. The
reader is strongly encouraged to read the full text of (Bas 1975).
Because the definition of the stipe tissue in Amanita as “Amanita tissue” is logically circular, Dr. Bas and Tulloss agreed to
use the phrase “longitudinally acrophysalidic” to describe this tissue. Numerous illustrations of this tissue can be found in
figures of Bas (1969, 1975, etc.) and Yang (1997).
1.3.2. Data to be collected. Range of size (at least largest seen and top of range in which most observed cells lie) Color Range of wall thickness Relative frequency as opposed to that of filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae in same tissue Range of shapes (noting if wall thickness or size is relatively common for a given shape) Indication if any similar cells are intercalary Occurrence of such intercalary cells singly or in chains—giving the range of lengths of chains in number of cells per
chain observed Description of internal or external decoration (External decoration is very rare in inflated cells of Amanita. A truly
warted exterior is known only from inflated cells of the universal veil of one New Zealand species of Amanita section Am-
anita (Tulloss, unpub. data)—A. nehuta G. S. Ridl., apparently phenetically related to A. friabilis (Karst.) Bas and A. fari-
nosa Schw.
2. Spores (Tulloss 1994; Tulloss et al. 1992).
2.1. Notation. When presenting a range of measurements of the form (a-) b - c (-d), the numbers have the following meanings:
a = the smallest value encountered
b = the greatest measured value such that at least 95% of all spores measured yielded a number greater than or equal to b
c = the least measured value such that at least 95% of all spores measured yielded a number less than or equal to c (i.e.,
the value of c is the 95th percentile of spore length)
d = the largest value measured.
When presenting spore data for a taxon, we follow Bas (1969) in placing three values in the format “[m/n/p]” prior to the data.
These numbers have the following meanings: m is the number of spores measured; n is the number of specimens from which
spores were measured; p is the number of collections from which those specimens came.
2.2. Procedure.
2.2.1. Measure 20 spores per specimen (if that many can be found). We do not use data from specimens for which less than 7
spores could be found.
2.2.2. At least, in cases in which Q is under about 1.7, spores should be measured in lateral view only (apiculus in view and in
focus together with both ends of the spore being in focus)—otherwise the value of Q will vary too much due to variation in
spore profile when viewed from different angles and will be of less value taxonomically. Because of lack of a method such
as this, subglobose spores are often reported as globose; ellipsoid spores, as broadly ellipsoid; etc.—spores are reported with
Q value too low. The more nearly globose the spore or the more a spore is asymmetrical, the more patience is required in
following this procedure; however, we have observed that the effort pays off in taxonomic usefulness of the resulting data.
2.2.3. Do NOT include the apiculus in any measurement.
2.2.4. Compute individual length/width ratio (Q) for each spore
2.2.5. Compute average length (L), average width (W), and average Q (Q) for each specimen
2.2.6. Compute overall averages of length, width, and Q (L', W', and Q' respectively) for each taxon. The second author prefers
to report standard deviation for an average rather than a range. The first author presents data differently as indicated in Table
1. Sample standard deviation is designed to convey information that omits singular (outlying) data points. It is a question of
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choosing between a briefer statistical presentation and presentation of more details of the raw data for “engineering” or “ap-
plication” purposes (see next item).
2.2.7. If ranges are to be reported, report them for length, width, Q, L, W, and Q. A taxonomist with extended experience with
a taxon may have measured spores from dozens of basidiomes in many stages of development and in varying conditions of
preservation—dependent upon the stage of development when dried, the condition when dried, the speed of drying, the quality
of preservation in a herbarium, etc. All these variables can alter spore sizes and shapes. The averages computed by such a
worker may be spread out over a considerable range. In the first author’s view, the information about variation developed in
such a case is arguably most easily used by, and, hence, most useful to, later workers when the range of the raw data is avail-
2.2.8. If ranges are to be reported, report ranges by indicating lowest and highest values observed (extremes) and the range in
which approximately 90% of values fall using the notation “(a-) b - c (-d)” described above.
2.2.9. To aid in evaluating whether a given specimen may have spores of unusually small or large size or a skewed distribution
of spore sizes, record the spore data according to spore length in columns labeled by length ranges in μm (7.5 - 8.5, 9-10, 10.5-
11.5, etc.). By measuring at least 20 spores per specimen, the columns taken together will either suggest a normal distribution
(bell) curve or will demonstrate multiple peaks, skewing or long tails on the distribution. Appropriate cautionary comments
can then be made in a description based on specimens with skewed spore size distribution. Skewed spore size can be caused
by a specimen having been senescent when dried, having partially dried in situ prior to collecting, having partially dried be-
tween collection and placement in a dryer, having been in initial stages of sporulation when dried, etc. For example, see the
discussion of spores of the type and other collections of A. lactea Malenç., Romagn. & Reid by Tulloss and Gminder (2000).
2.2.10. Indicate the following: Wall opacity (hyaline or opaque) Color [The term “hyaline” means “transparent, like glass.” For greatest accuracy, it should not be taken to mean
“colorless” as well.] Wall thickness or decoration (See V. for discussion of crassospores.) Presence or absence of adaxial flattening Irregularity of form (swollen at one end, constricted, “Y”-shaped, shaped like a planarian, etc.) Presence of “giant spores” Reaction to Melzer's reagent and/or Cotton Blue [In cases of weak amyloid reactions, compare spores on an hyme-
nial surface with the background color of the basidia and basidioles. Also, the spores may be compared to air bubbles in the
mount.] Position and shape/size of apiculus [Typical shapes are cylindric and truncate-conic. To describe the shape accu-
rately, it is necessary to examine the apiculi of spores in lateral view. The apiculus is almost always sublateral. If it appears
to be otherwise positioned, the spore being observed may not be being observed in lateral view.] Form of contents [e.g., monoguttulate, multiguttulate, granular, monoguttulate with additional small granules, etc.]
3. Tissue by tissue analysis.
3.1. Pileipellis.
3.1.1. Presence [In a number of taxa of section Lepidella [notably, in most taxa of subsection Vittadiniae, in A. rhoadsii (Murrill)
Murrill var. rhoadsii, and in A. magniverrucata Thiers & Ammirati] a well-defined pileipellis is not present. When a pileipellis
of an Amanita has been described as comprising upstanding rows of cells, it has been our experience in all cases to date that
the universal veil is being described in a species that lacks a well-developed pileipellis.] If present: thickness If not present: relationship of pileus context to universal veil, characteristics of transitional region
3.1.2. Gelatinized to partially gelatinized suprapellis (thickness, color) Is the gelatinous material caused by breakdown of hyphal cell walls? Is the gelatinous material a matrix in which whole hyphae interweave loosely?
3.1.3. Predominantly ungelatinized subpellis (thickness, color)
3.1.4. Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.)
3.1.5. Presence (if any) and character of inflated or partially inflated intercalary or terminal segments of hyphae
3.1.6. Vascular hyphae (See 1.2.)
3.1.7. Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.2. Pileus context.
3.2.1. Special attention: In some taxa, there is a definite concentration of vascular hyphae near the stipe apex within the pileus
context or in the apex of the stipe. The pileus context should be sampled both near to and distant from the stipe apex. Similarly,
the context of the stipe apex should be checked.
3.2.2. Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.)
3.2.3. Acrophysalides (See 1.3.)
22 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
3.2.4. Vascular hyphae (See 1.2.)
3.2.5. Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.3. Lamella trama [see (Tulloss 1993; 1994; 1998a)].
3.3.1. Drawing: The lamella trama provides so many valuable characters for Amanita taxonomy, it should be described at length;
and, if rehydration permits, the trama should be drawn in sufficient detail to convey all elements and their organization. If
rehydration permits, the area of tissue illustrated should extend from the central stratum to the basidia
3.3.2. Terminology: The following terminology was defined in order to name certain characters of the lamella trama that current
research indicates are of taxonomic value:
wcs = the width of the central stratum of a lamella, measured ca. midway from pileus context to lamella edge at
about mid-radius of the pileus
wst-near = the distance from an outer margin of the central stratum to the nearest base of a basidium/-ole, measured ca.
midway from pileus context to lamella edge at about mid radius of the pileus.
wst-far = the distance from an outer margin of the central stratum to the farthest base of a basidium/-ole on the same
side of the central stratum, measured ca. midway from pileus context to lamella edge at about mid radius of the pileus.
Fig.6. Cross-sections of lamella of Amanita excelsa: (a) from between pileus context and
lamella mid-width, (b) from between lamella mid-width and lamella edge. (Drawing: Z. L.
wex-near = the distance from the outermost point on a terminal, inflated cell of the subhymenial base to the nearest base
of a basidium/-ole, measured ca. midway from pileus context to lamella edge at about mid radius of the pileus.
Restricted in use to cases in which terminal, inflated cells are rather frequent in the lamella trama.
wex-far = the distance from the outermost point on a terminal, inflated cell of the subhymenial base to the most distant
base of a basidium/-ole, measured ca. midway from pileus context to lamella edge at about mid radius of the pileus.
Restricted in use to cases in which terminal, inflated cells are rather frequent in the lamella trama.
The term “subhymenial tree” is used for that portion of the lamellae comprising the diverging elements between the central stra-
tum and the hymenium. The term “subhymenial base” denotes the portion of the subhymenial tree exclusive of the subhyme-
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3.4. Details.
3.4.1. Cautions. It is important to examine the lamella trama at about the midpoint of the width of the sectioned lamella. Because
the cross-section of a lamella tapers from its attachment to the pileus to its free edge (Fig. 6), inconsistency in selection of the
area to section will lead to highly variable results that cannot be usefully compared with lamella cross-sections from other spec-
Divergent, terminal inflated cells are uncommon in the lamella trama of some taxa of Amanita despite the literature to the
contrary. Many times cells that appear terminal were in fact intercalary before being displaced or separated by sectioning.
Careful examination of the apex of such a cell will frequently reveal an opening made in sectioning or the remains of a cell
that was attached at that point. Care must be taken to distinguish between cells and gaps between cells, which can sometimes
be taken for cell outlines.
3.4.2. Describe the form taken by the bilateral tissues, range of angles of divergence of basal elements of subhymenial tree.
3.4.3. Describe the central stratum including The value of wcs [Always provide this value if at least some rehydration is possible. State the quality of rehydration
achieved—it is valuable information albeit qualitative.] The filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.) Any intercalary inflated cells (See 1.3.) Any vascular hyphae (See 1.2.) Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.4.4. Describe the subhymenial base including Its organization/structure Its filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.) Its inflated cells (indicating whether they are terminal or intercalary) (See 1.3.) Its vascular hyphae (See 1.2.) Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.5. Subhymenium [see (Tulloss 1993; 1994; 1998a)].
3.5.1. Give the thickness of the subhymenium in μm or, if it is pseudoparenchymatous, by giving the number of layers of cells
in the subhymenium.
3.5.2. If divergent, terminal, inflated cells are present in subhymenial base and if rehydration permits, measure wex-near and
wex-far. Always state the quality of rehydration achieved. It is valuable information albeit qualitative.
3.5.3. In all cases, do the following: If rehydration permits, measure wst-near and wst-far. Always state the quality of rehydration achieved. It is valuable
information albeit qualitative. Describe the types and forms of cells from which basidia arise. Give a general characterization of form (cellular or pseudoparenchymatous, coralloid, ramose, etc.). Sometimes, it
seems better to write a description of the drawing (see above) rather than limit a description to selection of one or more of
the terms introduced by Bas (1969). Indicate the presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.6. Basidia.
3.6.1. Indicate the range of size observed.
3.6.2. Give the relative proportion of 4-sterigmate, 2-sterigmate, etc. basidia.
3.6.3. Provide the maximum observed size of sterigmata (width at base and length).
3.6.4. Provide wall thickness.
3.6.5. Report the presence of crassobasidia (See 5.)
3.6.6. Include the basidia in the drawing of the subhymenial tree and hymenium (e.g., in Fig.6)
3.6.7. Indicate the presence/absence of clamps (See 4.)
3.6.8. Describe any oddities of structure/form [e.g., branched (rare)].
3.7. Universal veil.
3.7.1. Cautions and observations: Layering of the universal veil is common. This may range from the case in which there are a
few more filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae in the base of a wart than in the apex to the development of as many as five
distinct layers [e.g., in A. volvata (Peck) Lloyd]. Each layer should be described separately. Since the frequency of inflated
cells with respect to the frequency of hyphae often differs between universal veil material left on the pileus and such material
left on the stipe base, tissue from both regions should be investigated. It should be more widely appreciated that there are
groups of species in which gelatinization of the pileipellis doesn’t occur or occurs only after the expansion of the pileus (e.g.,
24 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
in A. farinosa Schw., A. basiana Tulloss & M. Traverso (2001), A. friabilis, A. nehuta, etc.). In these taxa, the universal veil
is, even for a time at maturity, connected to the pileipellis by ungelatinized hyphae.
3.7.2. Drawings: Draw tissue from pileus or stipe base. If the volval tissue on the pileus has a distinct orientation of its elements,
this may be more valuable to convey in a drawing than disordered tissue from the stipe base. Variation in color of inflated
cells may be different at the stipe base from that on the pileus; in such a case, illustrations of both tissues may be of value. If
tissues of layers vary, draw at least those layers that are not essentially composed of filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae or
such hyphae and vascular hyphae. Illustration of the interface between the universal veil and the pileipellis or (if there is no
pileipellis or only a very limited one) the pileus context can be very valuable.
3.7.3. On the pileus Identify layers and treat each separately.
3.7.4. Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.)
3.7.5. Inflated cells (See 1.3.)
3.7.6. Vascular hyphae (See 1.2.)
3.7.7. Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.7.8. On the stipe base Identify layers and treat each separately.
3.7.9. Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.)
3.7.10. Inflated cells (See 1.3.)
3.7.11. Vascular hyphae (See 1.2.)
3.7.12. Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.8. Stipe context.
3.8.1. Cautions: A sample of this tissue should be taken in such a way that it does not represent only the stipipellis or only the
material from the stipe's central cylinder. Remember to check for a concentration of vascular hyphae at the stipe apex.
3.8.2. Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.)
3.8.3. Inflated cells (See 1.3.)
3.8.4. Vascular hyphae (See 1.2.)
3.8.5. Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
3.9. Partial veil.
3.9.1. Cautions: Quickly collapsing inflated cells that serve to separate the partial veil from the edges of the lamellae are often
found on the upper surface of the partial veil. In young material, such cells may be in good condition. These should not be
mistaken for inflated cells that are intrinsic to the partial veil. We only refer to the latter inflated cells in descriptions of partial
veil tissue. The others may be described as deciduous cells from the interface between the edges of lamellae and the partial
veil. While a subradial orientation of elements is common in the partial veil, we also check for a cross-weave of other elements
or a possible layering.
3.9.2. Drawing: A drawing should be made of the tissue of the partial veil.
3.9.3. Filamentous, undifferentiated hyphae (See 1.1.)
3.9.4. Inflated cells (See 1.3.)
3.9.5. Vascular hyphae (See 1.2.)
3.9.6. Presence/absence of clamps. (See 4.)
4. Finding basidial clamps.
4.1. Comments: Bas (1969) made considerable use of basidial clamps as a taxonomic character in Amanita. In discussions with
us, Dr. Bas discussed the possibility that too great an emphasis may have been placed on clamps; however, we do not see any
reasons to discourage the use of their presence/absence in Amanita taxonomy. Furthermore, because of the difficulty of using
macroscopic characters to place species of Amanita section Lepidella to subsection or stirps, we would not propose alteration of
the taxonomic approach of Bas’ monograph. Our observations support Bas’ statement that if clamps are found anywhere in an
Amanita basidiome, they will be found at the bases of some basidia.
4.2. Cautions: It is important to understand that clamps may be small, difficult to observe, disappear as a basidiome matures, be-
come converted to “proliferated clamps,” etc. Portions of lamellae that are least mature are the most likely places to find basidial
clamps. Be demanding of yourself in recognizing clamps. Damage during sectioning or bits of displaced cells can masquerade
as clamps.
4.3. Details
4.3.1. Stain a bit of lamella with Congo Red or other cell wall stain.
4.3.2. Obtain a good section.
4.3.3. Check for clamps near the lamella’s lower edge.
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4.3.4. Check for clamps in the part of the lamella nearest the pileus margin.
4.3.5. Check for distinctly “V”-shaped bases of basidia in more mature regions of lamellae (indications of what Bas (1969) called
“proliferated clamps”).
5. Crassospores and crassobasidia.
5.1. Comments: Our observations of crassospores and crassobasidia are based on taxa from subgenus Amanita (A. morenoi Raithel-
huber and A. pseudospreta Raithelhuber) both collected in the same, very limited region of Argentina (Tulloss and Halling 1997).
A similar phenomenon has been reported (as rare) in several European taxa (Kotilová-Kubièková and Pouzar 1988). The first
author has seen the same phenomenon in a few North American taxa, but very rarely.
5.2. Details
5.2.1. Crassobasidia and crassospores have abnormally thickened walls.
5.2.2. Walls of basidia thicken as they approach maturity and sterigmata appear.
5.2.3. By the time apophyses appear, the thickened wall becomes distinctly decorated. The thin outermost wall layer separates from the inner layer(s) and retains its undecorated form. The remaining layer or layers bulge inward here and there forming roughly evenly distributed hemispherical depres-
5.2.4. As spores form, they develop similarly decorated walls.
5.2.5. Crassospores are apparently not liberated with normal spores and remain attached to crassobasidia. They can become
detached in the process of preparing material for microscopic study.
5.2.6. The cause is as yet unknown. What may be spherical viral particles were note in transmission electron micrographs of
crassospores (Tulloss and Halling 1997).
6. Parasitized Amanita specimens.
6.1. Hypomyces hyalinus (Schw.:Fr.) Tul. parasitization.
6.1.1. Our direct experience with taxa involved includes at least the following, all in Amanita
section Validae (Fr.) Quél.: Amanita rubescens sensu eastern North American authors Amanita flavoconia Atk. var. flavoconia The first author’s Amanita sp. 10, a probably undescribed taxon known from decid-
uous woods in New Jersey and apparently phenetically related to A. flavoconia The first author’s Amanita sp. 39, a presumably undescribed taxon known from Pine
Barrens in New Jersey
6.1.2. Some research questions. What is the range of H. hyalinus on Amanita? Is the apparent limitation to species of section Validae a real one?
6.2. Mycogone rosea Link parasitization.
This species is reported on A. caesarea and is sometimes said to be an anamorph of a species
of Hypomyces, but is not reported as such by Rogerson & Samuels (1994). It is not familiar to
us. We would welcome information concerning its biology.
6.3. Yellow-staining specimens of A. subsolitaria.
6.3.1. They are often found among normal specimens.
6.3.2. Characteristically, they rapidly stain yellow when cut. (See Fig.7.)
6.3.3. Sometimes they exude orange fluid when cut.
6.3.4. Their lamellae are often malformed or covered with yeast cells.
6.3.5. Their spores are almost always distorted and abnormally small.
6.3.6. Some research questions. What is/are the causative agent(s)? What is the mechanism by which such agent(s) cause(s) the staining reaction? Is there a relation to the yellow-staining mechanism in taxa currently accepted as unparasitized? In North America,
these taxa include A. cinereoconia var. croceescens Bas, A. crassifolia Bas nom. prov., and A. rhoadsii var. flavotingens Bas
[placed with A. subsolitaria in stirps Rhoadsii by Bas (1969)]?
6.4. Specimens of A. polypyramis (B. & C.) Sacc. and other species with an odor suggesting cheese.
6.4.1. The odor of cheese was established as related to parasitization by a hyphomycete by Morales-Torres et al. (1999).
6.4.2. Amanita alexandri Guzmán is a synonym of A. polypyramis. The holotype of A. alexandri is a specimen of A. polypyramis
that is infested by a hyphomycete. Similar infestation was also found in other Mexican exsiccata of Amanita section Lepidella
that had had an odor of cheese when fresh.
Fig.7. Parasitized specimen of
A. subsolitaria showing yellow-
staining reaction in context.
Photo: R. E. Tulloss
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6.4.3. Some research questions. What is/are the causative agent(s)? What is the mechanism by which the agent alters the odor of the basidiome?
6.5. The case of A. aminoaliphatica Filippi nom. inval.
6.5.1. The material is reported to have the odor “of aliphatic amines”—a cheese-like odor (J. White, pers. corresp.)
6.5.2. Micromorphologically the material is very similar to A. proxima Dum.
6.5.3. Stipe context in some basidiomes of putative type material has been largely replaced by hyphae morphologically similar
to those that parasitize A. polypyramis (Tulloss 1998). (See 6.4.)
6.5.4. Can “A. aminoaliphatica” be a result of parasitization of A. proxima Dum.?
6.5.5. Some research questions. If “aminoaliphatica” is a case of parasitization, what is/are the causative agent(s)? What is the mechanism by which such agent(s) alter(s) the odor of the basidiome? Is there a relation to the agent(s) and mechanism(s) in the case of the cheese-odor specimens of A. polypyramis? (See
It is important to acknowledge at the outset the great debt that is owed to the work of Dr. Cornelis Bas, particularly to his thesis (Bas
1969) on Amanita section Lepidella. Reading this document was an enlightening experience for us. It gave us the best foundation for
the study of Amanita for which one could have hoped and a clear model of excellence in taxonomic scholarship.
This paper contains much information we have learned by the study of documents and collections given or loaned to us by correspon-
dents and managers of herbaria around the world, and we express our deep sense of gratitude to all these friends.
The original version of this paper was prepared by the first author as part of a syllabus to support a seminar on Amanita hosted by the
Mycological Laboratory of the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala. He is very grateful for the support of this institution; Dr. Arturo
Estrada Torres, then head of the Laboratory; M. en C. Adriana Montoya Esquivel; Biol. Alejandro Kong Luz; and their colleagues.
They supported the development and delivery of the seminar in every way necessary. Subsequently, the syllabus was revised with the
support of the Boston Mycological Club, the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and the Mexican Mycological Society. Dra.
Evangelina Pérez-Silva was instrumental in arranging the support in Mexico. The fourth edition was extensively reworked and recast
with new software tools and was made available both as a printed book and as hypertext viewable with Adobe Acrobat tools. This
would not have been possible without motivation from, and the support of, the North American Mycological Association and the Myco-
logical Society of San Francisco. The preparation and revision of this paper would not have been completed if not for the help of Mary
Tulloss, to whom the first author is, as always, especially grateful.
The first author’s opportunity to collect in Costa Rica was made possible by Dr. Roy E. Halling and the Institute of Systematic Bot-
any of the New York Botanical Garden. The present work was partially supported by the Funds for Young and Middle-aged Talents in
Science and Technology, Yunnan Province, China (2000YP09) for the second author.
Literature cited
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28 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
Appendix A1: Collecting notes for species of Amanita
Developed by R. E. Tulloss, P.O. Box 57, Roosevelt, NJ 08555-0057.
Suggestions and improvements are solicited.
Suggested mode of use: Copy pages 1 and 2 (reduced) on one side of a sheet of letter paper and pages 3 and 4 on the reverse side of the same sheet.
Date of Collection:
Name of Collector(s):
Collector's Collection No.:(if assigned)
Field Diagnosis:
Locale of Collection:Park/Town/Borough/etc.
County State/Province Country
Type of Soil:
Species of Trees and other vegetation around collecting site:
Other comments on site ecology, collecting conditions, etc.:
PILEUS: Diam.: Thickness. Color(s):
Shape (describe changes during expansion if possible, include inflexed or decurved margin, umbo, etc.):
Striate? Y N Length of Striation [Give a range of values when dealing with multiple basidiocarps. It is convenient to provide the information
as a fraction (without computing the result) such as 14/43, where 43 is the radius of the pileus with 14 mm long striation.]:
Appendiculate? Y N
Form of appendiculate material:
Odor? (Give it a name if possible.) Taste? (Give it a name if possible.)
Surface staining or bruising reactions?
Context color: Context staining:
Describe how the context thins from stipe to margin. (For example, ``slowly at first, then rapidly to a membrane for the last 1 cm nearest
General comments about pileus other than Universal Veil.
Universal Veil on Pileus: Color. Form. Texture.
Adnate or Easily removed?
Staining or bruising reaction?
LAMELLAE: Color in mass: Color side view:
Free/Adnate/Narrowly adnate/Other?
Decurrent line on stipe?
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 29
Staining or bruising reaction?
Form of Lamellulae (truncate, subtruncate, rounded truncate, subattenuate, attenuate, attenuate in steps, other, evenly distrib., unevenly
distrib., 1-length, 2-length, div. lengths, plentiful, uncommon).
Other comments on lamellae (forking, anastomosing, distant, subdistant, close, subcrowded, crowded, relation of thickest portion to stipe,
STIPE: Length (bottom of pileus context to top of bulb):
Width at midstipe:
Length of bulb: Width of bulb (at broadest point):
Shape of bulb (globose, subglobose, ovoid, fusiform, napiform, rooting, turbinate, carrot-shaped, other; or note if stipe simply clavate).
(Note there is no bulb in Section Vaginatae. Don't confuse presence of volval sac with the presence of a bulb.) A small drawing is some-
times helpful in conveying bulb shape.
Staining or bruising:
Narrowing upward, narrowing downward, cylindrical, other?
Flaring at apex?
Decoration on outer surface:
Presence, position, color, form, staining of annulus:
Color of context: Staining or bruising of context:
Hollow/Stuffed/Solid? Diam. central cyl.:
Form of stuffing material:
Color in worm or insect tunnels in context:
Universal veil material on stipe base:
a. Sac: Distance from stipe base to highest point of limb:
Thickness at midpoint between top and attachment:
Texture. Color. Layered?
When longitudinal section is made, is a little, inner limb present? If so, make a drawing showing how and where the inner limb is attached
to the outer limb and where the latter is attached to the stem.
30 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
b. Not evident.
c. In warts. (Describe size*, color, placement, etc. Do they seem to cause the presence of recurved scales on the top of the bulb?)
d. In a collar as in Amanita pantherina. (Describe size*, color, placement, etc.)
e. In broken collars as in A. muscaria. (Describe etc.)
f. In a loose limb against stipe. (Describe etc.) Give distance from base to topmost point of limb.
g. In loose patches easily left in the soil. (Describe etc.)
h. Other.
SPORE PRINT: Color: Other comments:
Were color slides taken? Y N What identifying marks are on these slides?
Were digital photos taken? Y N What file numbers were generated for the images?
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 31
Appendix A3: Record Form for Phenoloxidase Spot Testing
32 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011 / 33
Appendix A4: Record Form for Sulfuric Acid Spot Testing
34 / Amanita Workshop, 6th ed. - R. E. Tulloss and C. Rodríguez Caycedo, 5 March 2011
The front cover of this book was designed by Mary Macher (M C Macher LLC)
The layout was designed by the author with the assistance of Mary Macher.
The text is set in Times Ext Roman, Ludivicos, Arial, and Symbol fonts.
Page layouts were created with Adobe FrameMaker vers. 9.0p237.
Illustrations were prepared with Adobe Photoshop vers. 6.0.
Final copy was prepared for the printer with Adobe Acrobat Pro vers. 9.3.4.
Full-text available
Specimens of Amanita sect. Caesareae , collected in Xieng Khouang and Vientiane provinces in Laos from highland forests dominated by members of Fagaceae and Pinaceae , are studied based on morphological characters and analyses of ITS sequences. Two species, namely A. fulvocaesarea and A. chepangianoides are reported as new, both found in association with Fagaceae , whereas A. pseudoprinceps and A. subhemibapha , recently described from China and A. rubromarginata from Japan, are confirmed from Laos and found in forests with Fagaceae and Pinaceae . The phylogenetic analyses to recognize the Amanita species showed that the golden-brown to greyish orange A. fulvocaesarea and the dominantly white A. chepangianoides cluster with A. aporema, A. chepangiana, A. egregia , A. princeps and A. pseudoprinceps. A dichotomous key to identified and likely occurring Amanita species in Laos within sect. Caesareae is also provided.
Full-text available
Amanita chepangiana is described as new from central Nepal. Its use as food by indigenous peoples is related.
Basidiocarps of 359 collections, obtained in New York and Nova Scotia and representing 222 species of 22 families of Basidiomycetes, were assayed for lacease by the syringaldazine spot test method, and for tyrosinase by the L-tyrosine and p-cresol spot test methods. A total of 2619 tests was performed for estimating reaction variability associated with ontological and collection-site differences. In 242 ontological test series, results were significantly constant between the immature and mature specimens of the same collection. In a sample of 77 species, test results were significantly constant for multiple collections of the same species, despite differences in 60% of the sample with respect to the year of collection or the site of collection (New York or Nova Scotia). Variability associated with sporocarp maturation and collection replication was insignificant and it did not diminish the taxonomic potential of lacease and tyrosinase spot tests. Four phenoloxidase profiles are defined and it is shown how they may aid in classifying taxa. The occurrence of laccase and tyrosinase has considerable taxonomic value.
Descriptions are given of 46 taxa. and a key is provided to facilitate identification. Whenever possible line drawings of microcharacters for the species have been reproduced. Coloured illustrations of certain taxa based on original water-colours by the author and his son. and also on colour transparencies. are included. Three new combinations are proposed: Amanita effusa (KaJchbr.) Reid. A. grisella var. hueala-velala (Reid) Reid and A. punclala (Clel. & Cheel) Reid.
Basidiome development of Amanita muscaria was examined with light microscopy and illustrated in line-drawings. The youngest primordium of a fruitbody of A. muscaria examined measures ca. 2 x 2 mm. At this stage, the primordial universal veil and the primordial bulb are already outlined. At the top of the bulb primordium, the hyphae are in an actively growing state and differentiate into stipe primordium and pileus primordium. With further development of the primordial pileus, the primordium of the hymenophore appears, then the gills develop. At first, thin vertical plates appear radially in regular distances in the hymenophore primordium. These plates consist of yellow to brownish, more or less irregularly arranged, degenerating hyphae. These hyphae are separated from vital hyphal segments by septa and disappear during the further development. Thereby the primordial gills are separated from each other. The vital terminal hyphal segments branch subterminally and regularly, thus forming the young hymenium. The gill differentiation proceeds radially away from the stipe or towards the stipe or in both directions. Hyphae at the gill edge are interwoven with those of the stipe volva during the early fruitbody development, so that they appear to be connected to each other. The primordial universal veil surrounding the upper part of the fruitbody primordium ruptures and disappears early during the development. Thus there are no remains of the primordial universal veil on the mature pileus. The white, yellowish warts on the pileus are derived from the pileal volva. The annulus originates from the stipe volva, which corresponds to the so-called lipsanenchyma between the stipe and the hymenophor. Schematic illustrations of basidiome development in A. muscaria and A. phalloides are provided.