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Verbal Working Memory and Sentence Comprehension


Abstract and Figures

This target article discusses the verbal working memory system used in sentence comprehension. We review the idea of working memory as a short duration system in which small amounts of information are simultaneously stored and manipulated in the service of a task and that syntactic processing in sentence comprehension requires such a storage and computational system. We inquire whether the working memory system used in syntactic processing is the same as that used in verbally mediated tasks involving conscious, controlled processing. Various forms of evidence are considered: the relationship between individual differences in working memory and individual differences in the efficiency of syntactic processing; the effect of concurrent verbal memory load on syntactic processing; and syntactic processing in patients with poor short term memory, poor working memory, or aphasia. The experimental results suggest that the verbal working memory system specialized for assigning the syntactic structure of a sentence and for using that structure in determining sentence meaning is distinct from the working memory system that underlies the use of sentence meaning to accomplish further functions. We present a theory of the components of the verbal working memory system and suggestions as to its neural basis.
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Verbal Working Memory in Sentence Comprehension
Evelina Fedorenko (
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 77 Mass Ave, NE20-437d
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Edward Gibson (
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 77 Mass Ave, NE20-459
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
Douglas Rohde (
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 77 Mass Ave, NE20-437
Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
This paper investigates the nature of verbal working memory
(WM) in sentence comprehension and provides evidence for
overlapping pools of verbal WM resources between on-line
sentence comprehension and other verbally-mediated tasks.
We report the results of two dual-task experiments. In
Experiment 1, participants simultaneously performed a self-
paced reading task and a self-paced arithmetic addition task in
a 2x2 design crossing syntactic complexity (low, high) and
arithmetic complexity (low, high). In addition to two main
effects, the most interesting result was a significant
interaction between syntactic and arithmetic complexity
during the critical region of the linguistic materials:
participants processed the complex/complex condition more
slowly than would be expected if the two tasks relied on
independent resource pools. To address a potential confound
of shared attentional resources, Experiment 2 was conducted,
where participants simultaneously performed a self-paced
reading task and a self-paced spatial-rotation task in a similar
2x2 design crossing syntactic complexity with the complexity
of the spatial task. As in Experiment 1, there were two main
effects of complexity in the critical region. However, in
contrast to Experiment 1, these effects were strictly additive,
with no trace of interaction. The results of the two
experiments therefore support a WM framework where on-
line linguistic processing and on-line arithmetic processing
rely on overlapping pools of verbal WM resources.
A major question in psycholinguistic research concerns the
nature of the working memory (WM) resources used in
language processing. Empirical research has suggested that
different pools of WM resources are used for processing
visuo-spatial information and verbal information (e.g.,
Baddeley & Hitch, 1974; Baddeley, 1986; Vallar &
Shallice, 1990; Hanley et al., 1991; Jonides et al., 1993;
Shah & Miyake, 1996). Some researchers (Caplan &
Waters, 1999; cf. Just & Carpenter, 1992) have
hypothesized that the verbal WM pool can be further
divided into two sub-pools: (1) verbal WM for natural
language comprehension and production; and (2) verbal
WM for non-linguistic verbally-mediated cognitive tasks.
This paper attempts to empirically evaluate this hypothesis.
One way to address this question is via dual-task
paradigms in which participants perform two tasks
simultaneously: (1) on-line sentence processing, and (2) a
non-linguistic verbally-mediated task. The underlying
assumption is that we should observe a super-additive
interaction when the complexity of both tasks is high only if
the two tasks rely on overlapping pools of resources.
Previous dual-task experiments found either no
interaction or only a suggestion of one (e.g. King & Just,
1991; Just & Carpenter, 1992; Caplan & Waters, 1999;
Gordon et al., 2002). In all of the previous experiments,
however, the secondary task involved storage of words or
digits across the sentence-processing task. Although storage
in a very general sense of keeping track of previously
encountered information – plays an important role in on-line
sentence comprehension (e.g., Chomsky & Miller, 1963;
Kimball, 1973; Gibson, 1991; 1998; Lewis, 1996), it may be
qualitatively different from the kind of storage involved in
the secondary tasks in the earlier experiments.
According to one recent resource-based theory of on-line
syntactic processing, the dependency locality theory (DLT;
Gibson, 1998, 2000), there are two working memory
components to sentence comprehension: storage and
integration. The storage component involves keeping track
of partially processed syntactic dependencies that are still
awaiting their second element in order for the sentence to be
grammatical, whereas the integration component involves
connecting a newly input word into the structure that has
been built so far. Critically, the storage component of on-
line sentence comprehension is unlike the storage involved
in keeping track of a list of unconnected items.
Consequently, it is possible that the lack of on-line
interactions between syntactic complexity and memory load
in earlier studies could be a result of the distinct nature of
the storage processes involved. Moreover, there have been
no previous attempts to explore the potential interaction
between integration processes in sentence comprehension
and secondary verbally-mediated tasks, which involve
similar but non-linguistic on-line integration processes. In
the current paper, we propose a novel paradigm to address
this issue.
Experiment 1
This experiment had a dual-task design, in which
participants read sentences phrase-by-phrase, and at the
same time were required to perform simple additions. The
on-line addition task is similar to on-line sentence
comprehension in that an incoming element a number
must be integrated into (i.e., added to) the representation
constructed thus far: the working sum. Both tasks had two
levels of complexity, resulting in a 2x2 design. Critically,
there was no difference in linguistic complexity between the
easy and hard arithmetic conditions: the complexity of the
arithmetic task was manipulated in terms of the difficulty of
the arithmetic operations (by making the addends larger),
while keeping the linguistic form of the two conditions
identical (number + number + number, etc.). Therefore, if
we observe a super-additive interaction between the two
tasks when the complexity of both tasks is high, then we
may infer that the verbal WM resources that are involved in
performing the arithmetic task overlap with those that are
involved in syntactic integration processes. In contrast, if
language processing relies on an independent verbal WM
resource pool, there should be no such interaction.
Participants Forty participants from MIT and the
surrounding community were paid for their participation.
All were native speakers of English and were naive as to the
purposes of the study.
Design and materials The experiment had a 2x2 design,
crossing syntactic complexity (subject-extracted relative
clauses (RCs), object-extracted RCs) with arithmetic
complexity (simple additions (low initial addend,
consequent addends between 1 and 3) vs. complex additions
(higher initial addend, consequent addends between 4 and
The language materials consisted of 32 sets of sentences,
having four different versions as in (1):
(1) a. Subject-extracted, version 1:
The janitor | who frustrated the plumber | lost the key |
on the street.
b. Subject-extracted, version 2:
The plumber | who frustrated the janitor | lost the key |
on the street.
c. Object-extracted, version 1:
The janitor | who the plumber frustrated | lost the key |
on the street.
d. Object-extracted, version 2:
The plumber | who the janitor frustrated | lost the key |
on the street.
As described above, there were only two levels of
syntactic complexity subject- and object-extractions – but
there were four versions of each sentence in order to control
for potential plausibility differences between the subject-
and object-extracted versions of each sentence. As a result,
no independent plausibility control is needed in this design.
Each participant saw only one version of each sentence,
following a Latin-Square design.
The numbers for the addition task were randomly
generated online for each participant with the following
constraints: (1) the value of the initial addend in the easy-
math condition varied from 1 to 10, whereas the value of the
initial addend in the hard-math condition varied from 11 to
20, and (2) the addends varied from 1 to 3 in the easy-math
condition and from 4 to 6 in the hard-math condition.
In addition to the target sentences, 40 filler sentences with
various syntactic structures other than relative clauses were
included. The length and syntactic complexity of the filler
sentences was similar to that of the target sentences. The
stimuli were pseudo-randomized separately for each
participant, with at least one filler separating the target
Procedure The task was self-paced phrase-by-phrase
reading with a moving-window display (Just, Carpenter &
Woolley, 1982). The experiment was run using the Linger
2.85 software by Doug Rohde. Each experimental sentence
had four regions (as shown in (1a)-(1d)): (1) a noun phrase,
(2) an RC (subject-/object-extracted), (3) a main verb with a
direct object (an inanimate noun phrase) and (4) an adjunct
prepositional phrase. The addends for the addition task
were presented simultaneously with the sentence fragments,
above and aligned with the second character of each
fragment. The first sentence region had a number above it
(e.g. “12”) and all the consequent regions had a plus sign
followed by a number (e.g. “+4”), as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Sample frame-by-frame presentation of an item.
Each trial began with a series of dashes marking the length
and position of the words in the sentence. Participants
pressed the spacebar to reveal each region of the sentence.
As each new region appeared, the preceding region
disappeared along with the number above it. The amount of
time the participant spent reading each region and
performing the accompanying arithmetic task, was recorded
as the time between key-presses.
To make sure the participants performed the arithmetic
task, a window appeared at the center of the screen at the
end of each sentence and the participants were asked to type
in the sum of their calculations. If the answer was correct,
the word “CORRECT” flashed briefly on the screen, if the
answer differed by up to 2 from the correct sum, the word
“CLOSE” flashed briefly, and if the answer was off by more
than 2, the word “INCORRECT” flashed briefly on the
screen. To assure that the participants read the sentences for
meaning, two true-or-false statements were presented
Time 1: 12
The janitor --- ---------- --- ------- ---- --- --- -- --- ------.
Time 2: +4
--- ------- who frustrated the plumber ---- --- --- -- --- ------.
Time 3: +5
--- ------- --- ---------- --- ------- lost the key -- --- ------.
Time 4: +4
--- ------- --- ---------- --- ------- ---- --- --- on the street.
sequentially after the sum question, asking about the
propositional content of the sentence they just read.
Participants pressed one of two keys to respond “true” or
“false” to the statements. After a correct answer, the word
“CORRECT” flashed briefly on the screen, and after an
incorrect answer, the word “INCORRECT” flashed briefly.
Participants were instructed not to concentrate on one task
(reading or additions) more than the other. They were asked
to read sentences silently at a natural pace and to be sure
that they understood what they read. They were also told to
answer the math and sentence questions as quickly and
accurately as they could, and to take wrong answers as an
indication to be more careful.
Before the experiment started, a short list of practice
items and questions was presented in order to familiarize the
participants with the task. Participants took approximately
35 minutes to complete the experiment.
Arithmetic accuracy Participants answered the arithmetic
sum correctly 88.7% of the time. A two-factor ANOVA
crossing arithmetic complexity (easy, hard) and syntactic
complexity (easy, hard) on these question-answering data
revealed a main effect of arithmetic complexity
(F1(1,39)=9.45; MSe=0.120; p < .005; F2(1,31)=7.21;
MSe=0.087; p < .02), but no other significant effects.
Comprehension question performance There were two
comprehension questions following each experimental trial.
Participants answered the first question correctly 80.2% of
the time, and the second question 78.1% of the time. The
percentages of correct answers by condition were very
similar for the two questions, so we collapsed the results in
our analyses. A two-factor ANOVA crossing arithmetic
complexity (easy, hard) and syntactic complexity (easy,
hard) on the responses to the two comprehension questions
revealed a main effect of syntactic complexity
(F1(1,39)=9.8; MS=0.1; p < .005; F2(1,31)=4.04;
MS=0.074; p=.05) and a main effect of arithmetic
complexity in the participants analysis (F1(1,39)=4.31;
MS=0.047; p <.05; F2(1,31)=2.9; MS=0.042; p =.10), but
no significant interaction (Fs < 1).
Reaction times Because participants had to answer three
questions (one math, two language) for each sentence, the
odds of getting all three correct were not very high overall
(55.6%). As a result, we analyzed all trials, regardless of
how the comprehension questions were answered. The data
patterns were very similar in analyses of smaller amounts of
data, in which we analyzed (1) trials in which one or both of
the language comprehension questions were answered
correctly, or (2) trials in which the math question was
answered correctly. To adjust for differences in word length
as well as overall differences in participants’ reading rates, a
regression equation predicting reading times from word
length was derived for each participant, using all filler and
target items (Ferreira & Clifton, 1986; see Trueswell,
Tanenhaus & Garnsey, 1994, for discussion). At each word
position, the reaction time predicted by the participant’s
regression equation was subtracted from the actual
measured reaction time to obtain a residual reaction time.
The statistical analyses gave the same numerical patterns for
analyses of raw reaction times. Reaction time data points
that were less than 100 msec in the raw data (indicating
erroneous key presses) or more than 2.5 standard deviations
away from the mean residual RT for a position within a
condition were excluded from the analysis, affecting 3.3%
of the data. Figure 2 presents the mean residual RTs per
region across the four conditions of the experiment.
The janitor who frustrated the
plumber/ who the
plumber frustrated
lost the key on the street.
Subject / Easy Math
Object / Easy Math
Subject / Hard Math
Object / Hard Math
Figure 2: Reaction times per region in the four conditions
of Experiment 1. The critical region is circled.
We present the analysis of the critical region (Region 2)
first, followed by the analyses of the other regions. The
critical region included the RC (“who frustrated the
plumber” / “who the plumber frustrated”). A 2x2 ANOVA
(easy-math / hard-math, subject-extracted RC / object-
extracted RC) in this region revealed two significant main
effects and a significant interaction. First, the hard-math
conditions were read significantly slower than the easy-math
conditions (F1(1,39)=47.26; MSe=7641827; p < .001;
F2(1,31)=42.58; MSe=5880083; p < .001). Second, the
syntactically more complex object-extracted RC conditions
were read significantly slower than the subject-extracted
conditions (F1(1,39)=38.74; MSe=5283587; p < .001;
F2(1,31)=33.4; MSe=4072481; p < .001). Third, and most
interestingly, there was a significant interaction, such that in
the hard math conditions, the difference between subject-
and object-extracted RCs was larger than in the easy math
conditions (F1(1,39)=4.74; MSe=623599; p < .05;
F2(1,31)=7.15; MSe=526415; p < .02). This interaction is
predicted by the hypothesis whereby sentence processing
and arithmetic processing rely on overlapping pools of
resources, but not by the hypothesis that the pools of
resources are independent.
In Region 1, consisting of the main clause subject (e.g.,
“The janitor”) together with the initial addend, a 2x2
ANOVA revealed a main effect of arithmetic complexity
(marginal in the items analysis), but no other significant
effects. The hard-math conditions were read slower than the
easy-math conditions (F1(1,39)=5.08; MSe=245326; p <
.05; F2(1,31)=3.62; MSe=149836; p = .067). In Region 3,
the top-level verb and its object (“lost the key”), a 2x2
ANOVA revealed a main effect of arithmetic complexity
(F1(1,39)=30.21; MSe=5726294; p < .001; F2(1,31)=33.32;
MSe=3978352; p < .001), but no other effects. Finally, in
Region 4, the sentence-final prepositional phrase (“on the
street”), there was again an effect of arithmetic complexity
(F1(1,39)=72.58; MSe=13066602; p < .001; F2(1,31)=
105.06; MSe=10545386; p < .001), but no other effects.
The results of Experiment 1 are consistent with a WM
framework where online sentence comprehension and
arithmetic processing rely on overlapping resource pools.
Most importantly, there was an interaction between
syntactic complexity and arithmetic complexity in the
critical region of the linguistic materials, where syntactic
complexity was manipulated between subject-extracted RCs
(low complexity) and object-extracted RCs (high
complexity). There was no evidence of any interaction of
this kind in any of the other three regions. Critically,
linguistic complexity was not varied in the arithmetic task,
so the observed interaction is not due to an overlap in the
linguistic processes that are involved in the two tasks.
It should be noted, however, that there is an alternative
explanation for the observed pattern of results in terms of
attentional resources required for the simultaneous
performance of the two tasks. In dual-task paradigms,
resources are needed in order to direct attention to one task
or another. It is possible that in the difficult conditions,
more attention switches are required, or the switches
between tasks are more costly. The observed interaction
could therefore be a result of additional task-switching costs
in the high syntactic complexity / high arithmetic
complexity condition. Experiment 2 was designed to
address this issue.
Experiment 2
This experiment used a similar dual-task paradigm as the
first experiment. In contrast to Experiment 1, however, the
secondary task was a spatial-rotation task matched for
difficulty with the addition task used in Experiment 1. In
this task, participants were instructed to visually imagine
adding different-size sectors of a circle and to keep track of
the angle subtended by the combined segments. The most
natural way to solve this task is to mentally rotate each
incoming sector until it abuts the estimated sum of the
previous sectors. The on-line spatial-rotation task is similar
to the addition task in that an incoming element – a sector
must be integrated into, or added to, the representation
constructed thus far. Critically though, the spatial-rotation
task does not rely on verbal WM resources, and should not
therefore interact with the sentence-processing task if the
cause for the observed interaction in Experiment 1 is an
overlap in the use of verbal WM resources. However, if the
attentional costs are responsible for the interaction, we
should observe a similar interaction, regardless of the nature
of the secondary task.
Participants Twenty-four participants from MIT and the
surrounding community were paid for their participation.
All were native speakers of English and were naive as to the
purposes of the study. None of the participants took part in
Experiment 1.
Design and materials The experiment had a 2x2 design,
crossing syntactic complexity (subject-/ object-extracted
RCs) with the complexity of the spatial-rotation task (simple
rotations with small-angle sectors/ complex rotations with
larger-angle sectors). The language materials were exactly
the same as those used in Experiment 1.
The sectors for the spatial-rotation task were randomly
generated online for each participant in the following way:
the size of the sectors for the easy condition varied from 5 to
90 degrees, whereas the size of the sectors for the hard
condition varied from 30 to 180 degrees. As a result, it was
more likely in the hard condition for the sum of sectors to be
more than 360 degrees, thus “wrapping around” the circle.
Pilot testing of the pie task by itself suggested that the task
is easier to perform with smaller sectors.
As in Experiment 1, 40 filler sentences with various
syntactic structures other than relative clauses were
included, and the stimuli were pseudo-randomized
separately for each participant, with at least one filler
separating the target sentences.
Procedure The procedure was identical to that of
Experiment 1, except for substituting the spatial-rotation
task for the arithmetic task. Above each sentence fragment,
participants saw a small circle. They were instructed to
think of it as a plate for a pie. On each “plate”, there was a
“pie-slice” shown in blue. The size of the “pie-slices”
varied (as described in Materials and Design above), but
they all started at the 12:00 position, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Sample figure of the spatial-rotation task.
Participants were instructed to visually imagine adding
each new “pie-slice” to the previous one(s) by mentally
“putting” them next to each other. To assure that the
participants performed the task, at the end of each trial a
large blank circle appeared at the center of the screen with a
vertically-pointing radius. Participants were instructed to
drag this radius (by using the mouse) to the end-point where
all the “pie-slices” they just saw would come to when
placed next to each other. If the answer was within 10
degrees of the correct answer, the words “Very Close!”
flashed briefly on the screen; if the answer was within 35
degrees, the words “Pretty Good” flashed briefly; if the
answer was within 90 degrees, the words “In The Ballpark”
flashed briefly; finally, if the answer was not within 90
degrees, the words “Not Very Good” flashed briefly on the
screen. The participants were warned that sometimes the
“pie-slices”, when added together, would form more than a
complete pie. In such cases, they were told to assume that
the slices “wrapped around” and to ignore the complete
portion of the pie.
As in Experiment 1, this task was followed by two
comprehension questions about the content of the sentences.
Spatial-rotation task accuracy On average, participants’
estimates were 30.3 degrees off of the correct answer. A
two-factor ANOVA crossing spatial-rotation task
complexity (easy, hard) and syntactic complexity (easy,
hard) revealed a main effect of complexity of the spatial-
rotation task (F1(1,23)=18.36; MSe=2676; p < .0005;
F2(1,31)=22.28; MSe=3568; p < .0005), but no other
significant effects. It is worth noting that this pattern of
results for the spatial-rotation task accuracy is parallel to
that of the results for the arithmetic task accuracy in
Experiment 1.
Comprehension question performance There were two
comprehension questions following each experimental trial.
The percentages of correct answers by condition were very
similar for the two questions, so we collapsed the results in
our analyses. Across conditions, participants answered the
questions correctly 83% of the time. A 2x2 ANOVA
crossing spatial-rotation task complexity (easy, hard) and
syntactic complexity (easy, hard) on the responses to the
comprehension questions revealed no significant effects or
interactions (Fs<1). This pattern of results differs slightly
from that in Experiment 1 in that there was no effect of
syntactic complexity in Experiment 2. Note, however, that
overall, subjects performed better on comprehension
questions in Experiment 2 (83% across conditions),
compared with Experiment 1 (79% across conditions). This
accuracy difference across the experiments may have
resulted from greater interference of the secondary task in
Experiment 1 with subjects’ memory of the propositional
content of the sentences, due to its verbal nature. The lack
of syntactic complexity effect in Experiment 2 could then be
explained by a possible ceiling effect in the comprehension
performance: without a verbally interfering task, people
perform well on both the subject- and object-extracted
relative clause sentence types.
Reaction times As in Experiment 1, we analyzed all trials,
regardless of how the comprehension questions were
answered. Also, as in Experiment 1, reaction time data
points that were more than 2.5 standard deviations away
from the mean residual RT for a position within a condition
or less than 100 msec in the raw data were excluded from
the analyses, affecting 3.7% of the data. Figure 4 presents
the mean reaction times per region across the four
conditions in the experiment.
The janitor who frustrated the
plumber/ who the
plumber frustrated
lost the key on the street.
Figure 4: Reaction times per region in the four conditions
of Experiment 2. The critical region is circled.
We first present the analysis of the critical region, Region
2, which included the RC (“who frustrated the plumber” /
“who the plumber frustrated”). A 2x2 ANOVA conducted
on this region revealed two significant main effects. First,
the hard-spatial-task conditions were read significantly
slower than the easy-spatial-task conditions
(F1(1,23)=22.98; MSe=5451605; p < .001; F2(1,31)=40.08;
MSe=6428277; p < .001). Second, the syntactically more
complex object-extracted RC conditions were read
significantly slower than the subject-extracted RC
conditions (F1(1,23)=15.59; MSe=3791349; p < .001;
F2(1,31)=22.94; MSe=4675397; p < .001). Critically, there
was no trace of an interaction between syntactic complexity
and the complexity of the spatial task (Fs<1). Moreover, the
effect of syntactic complexity in the hard-spatial-task
conditions was numerically smaller than that in the easy-
spatial-task conditions. This result rules out the attentional
explanation of the interaction that was observed in
Experiment 1.
In Region 1, consisting of the main clause subject (e.g.,
“The janitor”) together with the initial “pie-slice”, a 2x2
ANOVA revealed no significant effects. In Region 3, the
top-level verb and its object (“lost the key”), a 2x2 ANOVA
revealed a main effect of spatial task complexity
(F1(1,23)=39.36; MSe=9601145; p < .001; F2(1,31)=62.5;
MSe=12710598; p < .001), but no other effects. Finally, in
Region 4, the sentence-final prepositional phrase (“on the
street”), there was again an effect of spatial task complexity
(F1(1,23)=16.1; MSe=2925378; p < .001; F2(1,31)=45.2;
MSe=4061993; p < .001), but no other effects.
The attentional account of the interaction between syntactic
and arithmetic complexity that was observed in Experiment
1 predicted a similar interaction between syntactic and
spatial-rotation complexity in Experiment 2. No such
interaction was observed. In fact, the numerical trend was
in the reverse direction. The lack of such an interaction
therefore argues against the attentional account of the
interaction observed in Experiment 1.
In general, the lack of an interaction between the
complexity of two tasks could arise for at least two different
reasons: (1) independent resource pools required for each
task; or (2) ceiling or floor effects on one or both of the
tasks, such that resources are either abundant or insufficient.
Hence, in order to argue that the results of Experiment 2 are
due to independent resource pools for the two tasks, we
need to be confident that the secondary task is neither too
complex nor too simple. It is unlikely that the spatial-
rotation task is too simple, because we observed a highly
significant complexity effect for this task. Neither is it
likely that the spatial-rotation task is too complex for the
following reasons. First, the performance on the spatial-
rotation task was extremely good, averaging only 30.3
degrees off from the target position. Second, the range of
the reaction times across conditions for the two experiments
was almost identical, suggesting that the arithmetic and
spatial-rotation tasks were comparable in difficulty.
In summary, using a dual-task paradigm, we have
demonstrated an on-line interaction between syntactic
complexity and arithmetic complexity in Experiment 1
suggesting that these two cognitive functions rely on
overlapping pools of verbal WM resources. Furthermore, in
Experiment 2, we have ruled out an attentional account of
the observed interaction by showing that a spatial task,
which does not rely on verbal WM resources, does not
interact with on-line sentence comprehension. These results
therefore support a WM framework in which sentence
processing and arithmetic processing overlap in the use of
verbal WM resources. The results are not consistent with
the hypothesis whereby sentence processing relies on an
independent pool of verbal WM resources (Caplan &
Waters, 1999).
An open question that we have not yet addressed is the
exact nature of the overlap in verbal working memory
resources for sentence and arithmetic processing. One
possibility is that both syntactic and arithmetic processes
involve a subservant mechanism for integrating verbal
symbolic information units. In this mechanism, the
difficulty of integrating linguistic elements depends on the
distance between elements to be connected. Relatedly, the
difficulty of adding numbers depends on the distance
between the initial addend and the resulting sum in the
computation on the number line. We leave it to future work
to distinguish this hypothesis from other possibilities.
DLT Rohde was supported by NIH NRSA 1-F32-
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... As the processing of grammatical inflection involves the temporary storage of the first word of the agreement configuration until the second word is encountered, one may predict that working memory capacity affects the processing of gender inflection in L2. As mentioned in the introduction, an ongoing debate in L2 literature concerns the question of whether working memory constrains morphosyntactic processing in L2. Caplan & Waters (1999) argued that working memory constrains linguistic performances if the meaning of a sentence is used to execute these performances. More precisely, the accuracy of interpreting sentences decreases if working memory capacity decreases as well. ...
... Havik et al. 2009, Sagarra & Herschensohn 2010, Dracos & Henry 2021 in which working memory was demonstrated to affect L2 morphosyntactic processing, our findings are in line with studies (e.g. Caplan & Waters 1999, Foote 2011, Baek 2012) in which working memory was shown to not affect structural processing in L2. As described in section 3, these studies showed that the L2 learners' working memory capacity only affects sentence processing when meaning is necessary to interpret these sentences such as animacy processing. ...
A longstanding debate in L2 research focuses on how syntactic complexity needs to be operationalized to account for L2 performances. Whereas many studies investigated this issue in L2 production, very few studies focused on L2 sentence processing. The present study aimed at investigating the effect of syntactic complexity on gender agreement processing in L2 French, while controlling for the learners’ working memory capacity. We tested 37 Dutch learners of French by means of a self-paced reading technique. The results showed decreased sensitivity to gender agreement in embedded structures, but increased sensitivity to gender agreement in non-embedded structures. We concluded that the number of clauses in gender agreement constructions accounts for the effect of syntactic complexity on gender agreement processing in L2 French and that this measure is negatively correlated to sensitivity to gender agreement. We furthermore concluded that (non-verbal) working memory does not affect L2 gender agreement processing.
... On the other hand, there is an opposing view of the integration between structure and WM load during online sentence comprehension at the psycholinguistic and/or neurolinguistic levels (e.g., Caplan & Waters, 1999;Traxler & Tooley, 2007;Fiebach et al., 2005;Fedorenko et al., 2006;Makuuchi et al., 2009). Previous work has suggested a nonsyntactic WM load that is not integrated with sentence comprehension. ...
... In their first experiment, they found an interaction between arithmetic and syntactic complexities as an overlapping factor on WM, while a separate WM system was proposed for a separate memory load between sentence comprehension and verbal information. To the extent that their results for interactive WM storage resources are inconsistent with previous findings suggesting a segregated WM load for verbal information during sentence processing (e.g., Caplan & Waters, 1999). A well-known study for segregated WM approach by Makuuchi et al. (2009) investigated spatial processing using fMRI. ...
... The relation between Working Memory (WM) and language and the way that WM limitations affect language has been widely addressed in the literature (e.g., Just & Carpenter, 1992;King & Just, 1991;Hartsuiker & Barkhuysen, 2006, among others). In some pathological populations, including people with agrammatic Broca's aphasia, the language pathology is accompanied by WM deficits (Caplan & Waters, 1999;Sung et al., 2009;Laures-Gore et al., 2011;Murray, 2012;Caplan et al., 2013). ...
This paper presents the results of an elicitation task run with Italian-speaking people with agrammatic aphasia (PWAgr). Linguistic theories of aphasia have analysed the production of PWAgr as stemming either from a deterioration of grammatical knowledge or a limitation of extra-linguistic capacities which affect language. Among the former, the Tree Pruning Hypothesis (Friedmann and Grodzinsky, 1997) relates the height of the projections involved in the production of a structure with the chances of it being produced: the stronger the impairment in the speaker, the less likely they are to produce a structure involving higher nodes. Alternatively, syntactic knowledge may be preserved but its use is compromised by Working Memory (WM) limitations (e.g., Miyake et al., 1994; Jakubowicz, 2005). The two approaches make different predictions with respect to question production in Italian: according to the TPH, the production rates of yes/no-questions and who-questions should be comparable in moderate and mild aphasia. Why-questions involve a higher node and should thus not be available. Under a WM-limitation approach, the production rates of why-questions and yes/no-questions should be comparable and higher than those of who-questions. To determine which, if any, of the two approaches makes the correct predictions, three adult Italian speakers diagnosed with Broca’s aphasia and one with anomia performed an elicitation task targeting these three types of structures. Overall, yes/no-questions were the most frequent structures to be produced. The lack of who-questions, as opposed to the production of yes/no-questions, can be accounted for only if derivational complexity is taken into account, but the scarcity of why-questions suggests that the height of the nodes involved may play a role as well.
... 1-6 Working memory (WM), the capacity to store and manipulate information over time, is a central aspect of higher-level cognition 7,8 and a strong candidate as part of the explanation for these complexity effects. 4,[9][10][11] Thus, the separability between syntax and WM remains an enduring question in psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and aphasia research, with implications for the nature of linguistic processing and representations, as well as clinical interventions for sentenceprocessing deficits. 1,2,4,6,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] In healthy subjects, verbal WM is associated with a distributed network of superior temporal, inferior parietal, and inferior frontal cortices, 19-24 which overlaps with networks activated for sentence processing in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies. ...
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Syntactic processing and verbal working memory are both essential components to sentence comprehension. Nonetheless, the separability of these systems in the brain remains unclear. To address this issue, we performed causal-inference analyses based on lesion and connectome network mapping using MRI and behavioral testing in 103 individuals with chronic post-stroke aphasia. We employed a rhyme judgment task with heavy working memory load without articulatory confounds, controlling for the overall ability to match auditory words to pictures and to perform a metalinguistic rhyme judgment, isolating the effect of working memory load. We assessed noncanonical sentence comprehension, isolating syntactic processing by incorporating residual rhyme judgment performance as a covariate for working memory load. Voxel-based lesion analyses and structural connectome-based lesion symptom mapping controlling for total lesion volume were performed, with permutation testing to correct for multiple comparisons (4,000 permutations). We observed that effects of working memory load localized to dorsal stream damage: posterior temporal-parietal lesions and frontal-parietal white matter disconnections. These effects were differentiated from syntactic comprehension deficits, which were primarily associated with ventral stream damage: lesions to temporal lobe and temporal-parietal white matter disconnections, particularly when incorporating the residual measure of working memory load as a covariate. Our results support the conclusion that working memory and syntactic processing are associated with distinct brain networks, largely loading onto dorsal and ventral streams, respectively.
... The reading span task differs from the operation OPEN MIND: Discoveries in Cognitive Science span task in that participants read sentences instead of verifying equations. We did not use a reading span task due to concerns that it might measure language-internal working memory capacity or even reading comprehension ability (Baddeley et al., 1985;Caplan & Waters, 1999). Thus, our failure to find an effect may be due to our decision to use the operation span task as a more language-independent measure of working memory. ...
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In English, double center-embedded sentences yield a so-called “missing VP illusion”: When they are ungrammatical due to a missing verb, they are judged as equally or even more acceptable than their grammatical counterparts. The illusion is often attributed to working memory limitations. Additionally, it has been suggested that statistical differences across languages—e.g., the lower frequency of consecutive verb clusters in verb-initial languages—play a role, since languages with verb-final embedded clauses are less susceptible to the illusion than English. In two speeded acceptability experiments, we demonstrate that the illusion arises in Spanish, a verb-initial language. We also find that the strength of the illusion is modulated by the number of consecutive verbs, consistent with the involvement of language statistics. By contrast, we do not find that participants’ working memory modulates the illusion, failing to support a role of memory limitations. Our results support the generalization that cross-linguistic variation in the missing VP illusion is associated with language statistics and verb position and they demonstrate that this is the case even in languages in which word order is not a reliable processing cue.
... Considering the converging evidence of a close relation between working memory and sentence processing in aphasia (e.g., Caplan & Waters, 1999;Ivanova et al., 2015;Sung et al., 2009), future research should take into account different measures of cognitive functioning and their contribution to the occurrence of Minimality effects. In Portuguese-speaking non-brain-damaged adults, the subject-object asymmetry was modulated by reading span as a measure of working memory capacity. ...
It is a well-attested finding in head-initial languages that individuals with aphasia (IWA) have greater difficulties in comprehending object-extracted relative clauses (ORCs) as compared to subject-extracted relative clauses (SRCs). Adopting the linguistically based approach of Relativized Minimality (RM; Rizzi, 1990, 2004), the subject-object asymmetry is attributed to the occurrence of a Minimality effect in ORCs due to reduced processing capacities in IWA (Garraffa & Grillo, 2008; Grillo, 2008, 2009). For ORCs, it is claimed that the embedded subject intervenes in the syntactic dependency between the moved object and its trace, resulting in greater processing demands. In contrast, no such intervener is present in SRCs. Based on the theoretical framework of RM and findings from language acquisition (Belletti et al., 2012; Friedmann et al., 2009), it is assumed that Minimality effects are alleviated when the moved object and the intervening subject differ in terms of relevant syntactic features. For German, the language under investigation, the RM approach predicts that number (i.e., singular vs. plural) and the lexical restriction [+NP] feature (i.e., lexically restricted determiner phrases vs. lexically unrestricted pronouns) are considered relevant in the computation of Minimality. Greater degrees of featural distinctiveness are predicted to result in more facilitated processing of ORCs, because IWA can more easily distinguish between the moved object and the intervener. This cumulative dissertation aims to provide empirical evidence on the validity of the RM approach in accounting for comprehension patterns during relative clause (RC) processing in German-speaking IWA. For that purpose, I conducted two studies including visual-world eye-tracking experiments embedded within an auditory referent-identification task to study the offline and online processing of German RCs. More specifically, target sentences were created to evaluate (a) whether IWA demonstrate a subject-object asymmetry, (b) whether dissimilarity in the number and/or the [+NP] features facilitates ORC processing, and (c) whether sentence processing in IWA benefits from greater degrees of featural distinctiveness. Furthermore, by comparing RCs disambiguated through case marking (at the relative pronoun or the following noun phrase) and number marking (inflection of the sentence-final verb), it was possible to consider the role of the relative position of the disambiguation point. The RM approach predicts that dissimilarity in case should not affect the occurrence of Minimality effects. However, the case cue to sentence interpretation appears earlier within RCs than the number cue, which may result in lower processing costs in case-disambiguated RCs compared to number-disambiguated RCs. In study I, target sentences varied with respect to word order (SRC vs. ORC) and dissimilarity in the [+NP] feature (lexically restricted determiner phrase vs. pronouns as embedded element). Moreover, by comparing the impact of these manipulations in case- and number-disambiguated RCs, the effect of dissimilarity in the number feature was explored. IWA demonstrated a subject-object asymmetry, indicating the occurrence of a Minimality effect in ORCs. However, dissimilarity neither in the number feature nor in the [+NP] feature alone facilitated ORC processing. Instead, only ORCs involving distinct specifications of both the number and the [+NP] features were well comprehended by IWA. In study II, only temporarily ambiguous ORCs disambiguated through case or number marking were investigated, while controlling for varying points of disambiguation. There was a slight processing advantage of case marking as cue to sentence interpretation as compared to number marking. Taken together, these findings suggest that the RM approach can only partially capture empirical data from German IWA. In processing complex syntactic structures, IWA are susceptible to the occurrence of the intervening subject in ORCs. The new findings reported in the thesis show that structural dissimilarity can modulate sentence comprehension in aphasia. Interestingly, IWA can override Minimality effects in ORCs and derive correct sentence meaning if the featural specifications of the constituents are maximally different, because they can more easily distinguish the moved object and the intervening subject given their reduced processing capacities. This dissertation presents new scientific knowledge that highlights how the syntactic theory of RM helps to uncover selective effects of morpho-syntactic features on sentence comprehension in aphasia, emphasizing the close link between assumptions from theoretical syntax and empirical research.
This study investigated the predictive power of working memory and task type for syntactic complexity in EFL adult learners’ academic writing. One hundred forty-eight Chinese adult students were recruited as participants. Their working memory was assessed with an operation span task, a set of digit span tasks, and a symmetry span task. The syntactic complexity of their written products from two different TOEFL iBT writing tasks, an integrated writing task and an independent writing task, was measured using a natural language processing tool. Results showed a significant positive association between operation span and coordination in the students’ written products. In addition, a significant difference was found between the integrated task and the independent task with respect to phrasal complexity, with the integrated task eliciting more complex nominals per clause than the independent task. No significant effects were identified for other components of working memory or other measures of syntactic complexity.
The most authoritative resource for students and researchers, The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language has been thoroughly updated and extended. Enhancements include new chapters on the acquisition of words, processing deficits in children with specific language impairments, and language in children with Williams syndrome, new authors for the bilingualism and autism chapters, a refocused discourse chapter on written narratives, and a new section on reading and reading disorders, cementing the handbook's position as the best study of the subject available. In a wide-ranging survey, language development is traced from prelinguistic infancy to adolescence in typical and atypical contexts; the material is intuitively grouped into six thematic sections, enabling readers to easily find specific in-depth information. With topics as varied as statistical learning, bilingualism, and the neurobiology of reading disorders, this multidisciplinary Handbook is an essential reference for students and researchers in linguistics, psychology, cognitive science, speech pathology, education and anthropology.
Working memory (WM) capacity has been shown to influence how readers resolve syntactic ambiguities. Building on the work of Swets et al. (2007, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136[1], 64–81), the goal of the present study was to assess the effects of working memory and language proficiency on first language (L1) relative clause attachment decisions across three different language samples: English monolinguals, L1–L2 Spanish–English heritage bilinguals, and L1–L2 Mandarin–English bilinguals. Binomial logistic regression analyses demonstrated that low WM span is associated with a preference to attach ambiguous relative clauses higher in the syntactic structure, as reported by Swets et al. (2007), and contrary to a recency strategy. We also observed that proficiency in L1 and L2 have little effect, suggesting that relative clause attachment preferences primarily reflect the properties of the language and the working memory capacity of the comprehender.
Disagreements persist regarding the neural basis of syntactic processing, which has been linked both to inferior frontal and posterior temporal regions of the brain. One focal point of the debate concerns the role of inferior frontal areas in receptive syntactic ability, which is mostly assessed using sentence comprehension involving complex syntactic structures, a task that is potentially confounded with working memory. Syntactic acceptability judgments may provide a better measure of receptive syntax by reducing the need to use high working memory load and complex sentences and by enabling assessment of various types of syntactic violations. We therefore tested the perception of grammatical violations by people with poststroke aphasia (n = 25), along with matched controls (n = 16), using English sentences involving errors in word order, agreement, or subcategorization. Lesion data were also collected. Control participants performed near ceiling in accuracy with higher discriminability of agreement and subcategorization violations than word order; aphasia participants were less able to discriminate violations, but, on average, paralleled control participants discriminability of types of violations. Lesion-symptom mapping showed a correlation between discriminability and posterior temporal regions, but not inferior frontal regions. We argue that these results diverge from models holding that frontal areas are amodal core regions in syntactic structure building and favor models that posit a core hierarchical system in posterior temporal regions.
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In a critique of a 1969 paper by L. G. Humphreys and H. P. Dachler, T. J. Fischbach and H. J. Walberg (see record 1971-23066-001) advised research workers who use individual-differences variables in orthogonal analysis of variance designs to obtain equal Ns in each cell and not to worry about population Ns. This is thoroughly misleading advice and is based upon an inadequate model of components of variance in individual-differences measures. On the basis of present computer simulation analyses of the problem, it is concluded that the analysis of variance is an awkward, inefficient statistical model in these cases and that correlational analysis has many advantages for such problems. Some of the literature involving the pseudo-orthogonal design advocated by Fischbach and Walberg can be salvaged, when properly interpreted, but other research involving this method should be discarded and a fresh start should be made with adequate design and methods of analysis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
We show that analyzing voltage fluctuations known as "event-related brain potentials," or ERPs, recorded from the human scalp can be an effective way of tracking integrative processes in language on-line. This is essential if we are to choose among alternative psychological accounts of language comprehension. We briefly review the data implicating the N400 as an index of semantic integration and describe its use in psycholinguistic research. We then introduce a cognitive neuroscience approach to normal sentence processing, which capitalizes on the ERP's fine temporal resolution as well as its potential linkage to both psychological constructs and activated brain areas. We conclude by describing several reliable ERP effects with different temporal courses, spatial extents, and hypothesized relations to comprehension skill during the reading of simple transitive sentences; these include (1) occipital potentials related to fairly low-level, early visual processing, (2) very slow frontal positive shifts related to high-level integration during construction of a mental model, and (3) various frontotemporal potentials associated with thematic role assignment, clause endings, and manipulating items that are in working memories. In it comes out it goes and in between nobody knows how flashes of vision and snippets of sound get bound to meaning. From percepts to concepts seemingly effortless integration of highly segregated streams of sensory information --with experiences past out of the neural closet and in use at last. --M. K.
Ereigniskorrelierte Hirnpotentiale wurden in einer Gruppe deutscher (n = 12) und einer englisch-sprachiger (n = 12) Probanden registriert, während diese in ihrer jeweiligen Muttersprache Sätze lasen, die Relativsätze enthielten. Diese Sätze waren so manipuliert, daß das Subjekt des Hauptsatzes gleichzeitig auch als Subjekt des Nebensatzes fungierte, in der anderen Hälfte jedoch das Objekt des Nebensatzes darstellte. Die ereigniskorrelierten Potentiale wurden in 32-Kanaltechnik registriert und auf der Ebene der Einzelwörter sowie auf der Satzebene analysiert. Für die englische Gruppe wurden auf der Wortebene Unterschiede ab dem zweiten Wort des Relativsatzes gefunden und insoweit die Befunde von King und Kutas [7] repliziert. Bei Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen der deutschen Gruppe, für die sich keine konsistenten Unterschiede zeigten, liegt jedoch nahe, daß die Differenzen in der englischen Gruppe auf die in dieser Sprache notwendige Veränderung der Wortfolge und somit den Vergleich unterschiedlicher Worklassen an den einzelnen Positionen im Satz zurückzuführen sind. Auf der Satzebene wurde in beiden Sprachen für die Objekt-Relativsätze eine ausgedehnte Negativität gefunden, die mit der vermehrten Belastung des Arbeitsgedächtnis für diese Sätze erklärt wird. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit satzbasierende ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale in die Analyse von Sprachprozessen miteinzu-beziehen.
We present the case of an aphasic patient who shows a selective impairment in interpreting syntactic structures on a test of sentence comprehension involving object manipulation. KG makes errors in assigning the antecedents of phonologically empty NPs called traces (Chomsky, 1982 a,b) in sentences like John seems to Bill to be shaving. He is significantly better at choosing the correct antecedent of another type of empty NP, namely subject- and object- controlled PRO (John persuaded Bill to shave, John promised Bill to shave). He has no trouble choosing the correct antecedents of overt pronouns and reflexives and shows no difficulty with syntactic structures that do not contain an empty category. His difficulty with trace is apparent in sentences which have a certain degree of complexity. He also misassigns the antecedent of subject-controlled PRO under one condition: when an overt reflexive or pronoun has PRO as its antecedent (John promised Bill to shave himself). The pattern of impairment suggests that KG cannot utilise one part of a parser/interpreter specifically devoted to the identification and co-indexation of empty categories when other processing demands are high, due to a specific impairment to this component, a capacity limitation, or both. The data support a theory of syntactic structure and parsing which incorporates different types of empty categories.