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The First Find of a Lower Jaw of a Mammoth Fetus (Proboscidea, Mammuthus) in the Upper Pleistocene of the Tomsk Region, Russia



A relatively complete fragmentary lower jaw of a late fetus of Mammuthus was first found in Western Siberia in the Late Pleistocene Krasnyi Yar locality (Tomsk Region, Russia). The extent to which the jaw was developed and morphological features, such as a well-developed compact bone layer in the symphysial region, the structure of the alveoli for the first and second tooth generations (dp2 and dp3), and the jaw measurements, show that the fetus is at about 14-16 months of prenatal development. A number of morphological features, i.e., the absence of symphysial suture, mental foramina, and nutrient canals and a large size of the dp2 alveoļi, distinguish this specimen from fetuses of M. primigenius, Elephas maximus, and Loxodonta africana. The measurements of the dp2 alveolus of the specimen from the Krasnyi Yar locality fall into the range of the dp 2 variation in M. trogontherii. Certain morphological features of this fetus give evidence for aberrative deviations in prenatal development. Other features indicate that certain skeletal characters typical of the late ontogenetic stages of early proboscideans were shifted to the earlier stages in late elephants of the mammoth-like group.
The culmination of more than a decade of fieldwork and related study, this unique book uses analyses of perimortem taphonomy in Ice Age Siberia to propose a new hypothesis for the peopling of the New World. The authors present evidence based on examinations of more than 9000 pieces of human and carnivore bone from 30 late Pleistocene archaeological and palaeontological sites, including cave and open locations, which span more than 2000 miles from the Ob River in the West to the Sea of Japan in the East. The observed bone damage signatures suggest that the conventional prehistory of Siberia needs revision and, in particular, that cave hyenas had a significant influence on the lives of Ice Age Siberians. The findings are supported by more than 250 photographs, which illustrate the bone damage described and provide a valuable insight into the context and landscape of the fieldwork for those unfamiliar with Siberia. © Christy G. Turner II, Nicolai D. Ovodov and Olga V. Pavlova 2013.
The geological structure and faunal content of one of the principal localities for Quaternary mammal remains in Western Siberia, Krasniy Yar (Tomsk region, Russia) are considered. This locality contains 3 layers of bone remains: lower (Middle Neopleistocene), middle (the end of Late Neopleistocene) and upper (end of Neopleistocene-beginning of Holocene). The richest horizon in number of species and the quantity of remains is the middle horizon, which contains the mammoth fauna. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
О нахождении костей бизона в п. Красный Яр (Томская область) // Пробл. геол. Сибири
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Фауна четвертичных млекопитающих из местонахождения Красный Яр (Томская обл
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Шпанский А.В. Фауна четвертичных млекопитающих из местонахождения Красный Яр (Томская обл.) //
ТЬе апа1оту о? те Ьеас! ог" гЪеш8 Агпсап е!е-рЬапт, Е1ерЬа8 аМсапиз (Еохос!опт
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Ва^ §теVа У.5. АгсЫсНвкосюп §готоу1 СагиП е1 А1ехе
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Еуо1ийоп апй глхопоту от
  • А Ьшег
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