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On the synonymy of Dymantis Stål, 1861 and Eomyrochea Linnavuori, 1982 and resulting nomenclatural changes (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)


Abstract and Figures

The Afrotropical genus-group taxa Dymantis Stal, 1861 and Eomyrochea Linnavuori, 1982 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Myrocheini) are confirmed as objective synonyms, both sharing the same type species: Dymantis subvittata Stal, 1861. As a result, Dymantis (= Eomyrochea, syn. confirm.) is downgraded to a subgenus of Myrochea Amyot and Serville, 1843 and a new genus, Neodymantis gen. nov., is established for Dymantis sensu Linnavuori (1982) (type species Halys plana Fabricius, 1803). The following new combinations are proposed: Myrochea (Dymantis) subvittata (Stal, 1861), comb. nov., Neodymantis aias (Linnavuori, 1982), comb. nov., Neodymantis grisea (Jensen-Haarup, 1931), comb. nov., Neodymantis plana (Fabricius, 1803), comb. nov., and Neodymantis relata (Distant, 1898), comb. nov. The known distribution of the species involved is reviewed and the following new records are provided: Neodymantis aias from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, N. plana from Ghana and Togo.
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Accepted by M. Malipatil: 2 Nov. 2015; published: 16 Dec. 2015
ISSN 1175-5326 (print edition)
(online edition)
Copyright © 2015 Magnolia Press
Zootaxa 4058 (2): 278
On the synonymy of Dymantis Stål, 1861 and Eomyrochea Linnavuori, 1982 and
resulting nomenclatural changes (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
Department of Entomology, National Museum, Cirkusová 1740, CZ-193 00 Praha 9 – Horní Počernice, Czech Republic.
Department of Entomology, North Dakota State University, NDSU Dept. 7650, P. O. Box 6050, Fargo, North Dakota 58108-6050,
USA. E-mail:
The Afrotropical genus-group taxa Dymantis Stål, 1861 and Eomyrochea Linnavuori, 1982 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pen-
tatomidae: Pentatominae: Myrocheini) are confirmed as objective synonyms, both sharing the same type species: Dyman-
tis subvittata Stål, 1861. As a result, Dymantis (= Eomyrochea, syn. confirm.) is downgraded to a subgenus of Myrochea
Amyot and Serville, 1843 and a new genus, Neodymantis gen. nov., is established for Dymantis sensu Linnavuori (1982)
(type species Halys plana Fabricius, 1803). The following new combinations are proposed: Myrochea (Dymantis) subvit-
tata (Stål, 1861), comb. nov., Neodymantis aias (Linnavuori, 1982), comb. nov., Neodymantis grisea (Jensen-Haarup,
1931), comb. nov., Neodymantis plana (Fabricius, 1803), comb. nov., and Neodymantis relata (Distant, 1898), comb.
nov. The known distribution of the species involved is reviewed and the following new records are provided: Neodymantis
aias from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, N. plana from Ghana and Togo.
Key words: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatominae, Myrocheini, objective synonymy, new genus, new
combination, Afrotropical Region
The Afrotropical genus Dymantis was described by Stål (1861: 199, 200) originally including three species (Halys
planus Fabricius, 1803, Paramecocoris binotatus Stål, 1855, and Dymantis subvittata Stål, 1861), but none of these
was cited as type species. Kirkaldy (1909: 182) subsequently designated D. subvittata as the type genus. Later
Hesse (1925: 18) listed Halys planus as the type species of Dymantis without any comments; however, this
subsequent type species designation is invalid (see ICZN 1999: Articles 69.1, 70.2).
Linnavuori (1982: 70) established Eomyrochea, a new subgenus of Myrochea Amyot & Serville, 1843, with
Dymantis subvittata as its type species, considering it a bridge in the gap between Myrochea s. str. and Dymantis.
Linnavuori (1982) further confirmed placement of Dymantis in Myrocheini, provided a generic key and a
comprehensive diagnosis of the genus, as well as a key and redescriptions of the four included species, one of them
described as new. For unknown reasons, Linnavuori (1982) did not list any type species for Dymantis.
The fact that both Eomyrochea and Dymantis share the same type species was noted for the first time by
Ahmad & Zahid (2004: 142) in the abstract and introduction of their paper. However, instead of proposing the
synonymy of both taxa, they provided only these confused and erroneous statements: ‘Myrochea appears to be a
monotypic genus and the type genus of the tribe Myrocheini Stål including the genera Dorpius [Distant, 1900] and
Stysicoris [Ahmad & Kamaluddin, 1985] but Dymantis with its type species D. subvittatus is clearly excluded from
this tribe and Eomyrochea is synonymised with Myrochea as a superfluous and unnecessary subgeneric name.’ and
‘Linnavuori (op. cit. [= 1982]) who transferred … Dymantis subvittatus Stål, type species of Dymantis and type
species of Linnavuori’s new subgenus Eomyrochea (thus inadvertently synonyrnising [sic!] the entire genus
Dymantis Stål with Myrochea, which he did not do because he also transferred Dymantis (excluding subvittatus)
into his Myrocheini.’
Zootaxa 4058 (2) © 2015 Magnolia Press
To clarify the nomenclatural situation we confirm here the following objective synonymy pointed out by
Ahmad & Zaidi (2004), Dymantis Stål, 1861 = Eomyrochea Linnavuori, 1982, syn. confirm., resulting in the
following changes. i) Dymantis is relegated and treated as valid subgenus of Myrochea Amyot and Serville, 1843.
ii) A new genus, Neodymantis gen. nov., is established for Dymantis sensu Linnavuori (1982) non Stål (1861). iii)
Five new combinations are proposed. The nomenclatural changes are summarized below.
Collection acronyms
AMNH American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA;
BMNH Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom;
DARC David A. Rider collection, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA;
NHRS Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden;
NMPC National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic;
TMSA Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, Pretoria, South Africa;
ZMUC Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark;
ZMUK Zoological Museum, University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
Myrochea Amyot and Serville, 1843
Myrochea Amyot and Serville, 1843: xxv (as Myrochée), 135 (original description). Type species: Myrochea vittata Amyot &
Serville, 1843 (= Pentatoma aculeata Westwood, 1837), by monotypy.
Subgenus Dymantis Stål, 1861, stat. nov.
Dymantis Stål, 1861: 199 (key to genera), 200 (species included), stat. nov. Type species: Dymantis subvittata Stål, 1861,
subsequent designation by Kirkaldy (1909: 182).
Dymantis (partim): Stål (1865): 79 (key to genera), 110–111 (redescription, species included); Stål (1876): 51–52 (key to
genera, catalogue); Lethierry & Severin (1893): 109 (catalogue, distribution); Distant (1898): 298 (comparison with
Pretorius Distant, 1898); Kirkaldy (1909): 182 (catalogue, type species designation); Hesse (1925): 18–19 (catalogue;
type species designation).
Eomyrochea Linnavuori, 1982: 70 (as subgenus of Myrochea Amyot and Serville, 1843), syn. confirm. Type species:
Dymantis subvittata Stål, 1861, by original designation. Junior objective synonym of Dymantis Stål, 1861.
Eomyrochea: Rider (2006): 323 (catalogue).
Note. Derjanschi & Péricart (2005: 117, 234–235) keyed the genus Dymantis in their monograph of West
Palaearctic Pentatomidae, placing the genus in Sciocorini. However, this is in error because this in fact concerns
the genus Phaeocoris Jakovlev, 1887, that has been synonymized with Dymantis by Kerzhner (1972) based on
similar habitus, but restored from the synonymy and transferred tentatively to Myrocheini by Gapon & Baena
Myrochea (Dymantis) subvittata (Stål, 1861), comb. nov.
Dymantis subvittata Stål, 1861: 199 (generic placement), 200 (original description, comparison with D. plana). Lectotype
(designated by Linnavuori 1982: 7, as holotype): ♂, South Africa: ‘Caffraria’ (NHRS).
Dymantis subvittata: Stål (1865): 111 (redescription, comparison with D. plana, distribution); Stål (1876): 52 (catalogue,
distribution); Lethierry & Severin (1893): 109 (catalogue, distribution); Distant (1898): 299 (comparison with D. relata);
Distant (1901): 25 (record); Kirkaldy (1909): 182 (catalogue, distribution); Schouteden (1909): 41 (record); Schumacher
(1913): 58 (record); Hesse (1925): 19 (catalogue, record); Göllner-Scheiding (2012): 99 (faunistic record).
Sciocoris subvittatus: Walker (1867): 176 (catalogue).
Myrochea (Eomyrochea) subvittata: Linnavuori (1982): 67–70 (redescription, key to species, figures, inadvertent lectotype
Myrochea subvittata: Robertson (2009): 301 (catalogue, distribution).
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FIGURES 1–4. Neodymantis sp. (♂, Namibia, Windhoek—Seeis, coll. NMPC). 1—habitus (body length 11.8 mm). 2–4
pygophore (2—ventral view, 3—posterior view, 4—lateral view). Scale bars = 1 mm.
Distribution. Namibia (Schumacher 1913, Hesse 1925, both without exact locality), Republic of the Congo
(Distant 1901, Schouteden 1909, Göllner-Scheiding 2012), South Africa (Stål 1861, 1865; Linnavuori 1982),
Zimbabwe (Kirkaldy 1909, as Mashonaland, no exact locality record).
Neodymantis gen. nov.
(Figures 1–4)
Dymantis (misidentification, partim): Stål (1861): 199 (key to genera), 200 (species included); Stål (1865): 79 (key to genera),
110–111 (redescription, species included); Stål (1876): 51–52 (key to genera, catalogue); Lethierry & Severin (1893): 109
Zootaxa 4058 (2) © 2015 Magnolia Press
(catalogue, distribution); Hesse (1925): 18–19 (catalogue); Distant (1898): 298 (comparison with Pretorius Distant, 1898);
Kirkaldy (1909): 182 (catalogue, type species designation); Hesse (1925): 18–19 (catalogue; type species designation).
Dymantis (misidentification): Villiers (1952a): 66–67 (diagnosis, figure); Gillon (1972a): 269, 271, 273, 277, 278, 281, 290,
298, 318–320 (redescription, key to adults, key to larvae, egg, larva, figures); Linnavuori (1982): 66–70 (redescription,
key to genera and species, phylogenetic relationships, taxonomy, figures); Gapon & Ribes (2005): 62–66 (morphology,
taxonomy, figures); Robertson (2009): 275–276 (catalogue, distribution).
Type species. Halys planus Fabricius, 1803, here designated.
Diagnosis. The genus was keyed and comprehensive diagnosis was provided by Linnavuori (1982: 67–68) as
follows: ‘Body robust. Head parabolic; gena extending slightly beyond tylus, not recurved mesad apically, apex of
tylus therefore not concealed. 2nd rostral joint much longer than 3rd and 4th joints together, 3rd joint tumid. Lateral
margins of pronotum slightly curved or nearly straight, humeral angles rounded. Under surface of femora with
small setigerous tubercles. Scent gland orifices (Fig. 86f) very small, evaporatoria large, opaque, ± punctate. Male
genitalia: Pygofer robust; ventral surface usually with ± distinct setose medio-apical tubercle. Hypophysis of style
digitate, basal plate large and provided with numerous long hairs. Theca very large, globose. Spermathecal bulb
(Fig. 84d) simple.’
Etymology. The new name is composed of the prefix Neo- (= new) and Dymantis; the gender is feminine.
Neodymantis aias (Linnavuori, 1982), comb. nov.
Dymantis aias Linnavuori, 1982: 67–69 (original description, key to species, figures, records). Holotype: ♂, Ivory Coast: Foro-
Foro (coll. R. Linnavuori, Finland → AMNH).
Dymantis aias: Robertson (2009): 276 (catalogue, distribution).
Material examined. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO: ♂, “B. Congo: 10 mi. W of Mitwaba
1570 m. I-16-58, E.S. Ross & R.E. Leech collectors”, D.A. Rider det. 1991 (compared with holotype) (DARC); ♀,
“Belg. Congo, 20 mi. E. of Kibombo VIII-13-1957, E.S. Ross & R.E. Leech collectors”, D.A. Rider det. (DARC).
Distribution. Democratic Republic of the Congo (new record), Ivory Coast (Linnavuori 1982), Nigeria
(Linnavuori 1982).
Neodymantis grisea (Jensen-Haarup, 1931), comb. nov.
Dymantis grisea Jensen-Haarup, 1931: 329 (original description, comparison to D. plana). Syntypes: ♂♀, Guinea, coll. Krieger
(ZMUC). Note. Jensen-Haarup (1931) based the description on at least two specimens (♂♀) but he also wrote: ‘Antennæ
strongly mutilated in type specimen’. We do not consider that statement as holotype designation.
Dymantis grisea: Schouteden (1963): 398 (record); Schouteden (1964): 93 (record); Gillon (1972a): 269, 271, 273, 278, 281,
290, 298, 319–320 (redescription, key to adults, key to larvae, morphology, egg, larva I–V, figures); Gillon (1972b): 380,
387, 390, 392, 395–397, 399, 401, 404–409, Figs 5, 10B (ecology, figures); Gillon (1974a): 218, 233, 235, 246–249, 252–
255, 257–260, 263, 266, 267, 269–280, 282–283, 290–291, 293, 296–299, Fig. 7 (ecology); Gillon (1974b): 48–50, 53–56
(ecology); Pollet (1974): 337, 338, 353 (ecology); Gillon (1978): 92, 95, 98–100, 102–103, 105–109, 113, 117–118, 120–
123, 143–144, 149, 152–157, 162–163, 166–168, 172–173, 183–185 (ecology); Linnavuori (1982): 66, 68–69
(redescription, key to genera, figures, records); Nuamah (1982): 11–12 (karyotype, record); Kerzhner et al. (2004): 20
(karyotype); Gapon & Ribes (2005): 62–66 (morphology of male and female genitalia, taxonomy, figures); Rebagliati et
al. (2005): 202 (karyotype); Robertson (2009): 276 (catalogue, distribution).
Distribution. Angola (Linnavuori 1982), Burkina Faso (Linnavuori 1982), Ghana (Linnavuori 1982, Nuamah
1982), Guinea (Jensen-Haarup 1931), Ivory Coast (Schouteden 1963, 1964; Gillon 1972a,b, 1974a,b; Linnavuori
1982), Nigeria (Linnavuori 1982).
Neodymantis plana (Fabricius), comb. nov.
Halys plana Fabricius, 1803: 183 (original description). Syntypes: Guinea (Mus. Lund) (ZMUC (4 specimens), and ZMUK
[currently deposited in ZMUC] (1 specimen)—see Zimsen 1961: 319).
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Halys plana: Thunberg (1823): 5 (list); Herrich-Schaeffer (1840): 75, Plate CLXIX: Fig. 519 (redescription, figure); Zimsen
(1961): 319 (catalogue of types).
Paramecoris planus: Stål (1856): 55–56 (comparison with P. binotatus).
Dymantis plana: Stål (1861): 199–200 (generic placement, comparison with D. subvittata); Sl (1865): 110–111
(redescription, synonymy, distribution); Stål (1868): 21 (catalogue, type depository); Stål (1876): 51–52 (catalogue,
distribution); Lethierry & Severin (1893): 109 (catalogue, distribution); Kirkaldy (1909): 182 (catalogue, distribution);
Distant (1901): 25 (records); Schouteden (1909): 41 (records); Schouteden (1912a): 72 (record); Jeannel (1913): 35 (list);
Schouteden (1913a): 194 (record); Schouteden (1913b): 328 (record); Bergroth (1914): 448–449 (comparison with D.
confusa, distribution); Lehmann (1922): 13 (record); Hesse (1925): 18–19 (catalogue, records); Mancini (1939): 197
(record); Villiers (1950): 326 (record); Leston (1952): 902 (record); Villiers (1952a): 67 (diagnosis, figure, distribution);
Villiers (1952b): 303 (records); Villiers (1952c): 1207 (record); Villiers (1954): 916 (record); Villiers (1967): 1790 (record,
distribution); Gillon (1972a): 277, 281, 290, 298, 318–320 (redescription, key to adults, key to larvae, egg, larva I–V,
figures); Gillon (1972b): 380, 386, 404, 405 (ecology); Gillon (1974a): 218, 241, 246, 248, 253–254, 258–259, 266, 269,
283, 290–291, 296 (ecology); Pollet (1974): 337, 338, 353 (ecology); Gillon (1978): 116–118, 156–157 (ecology); Medler
(1980): 125 (checklist); Linnavuori (1982): 67–69 (redescription, key to species, figures, records); Robertson (2009): 275–
276 (catalogue, distribution); Göllner-Scheiding (2012): 99 (record); Agboton et al. (2014): 10 (host plant, record).
Dymantis plana var. b: Stål (1861): 111 (variation).
Sciocoris planus: Dallas (1851): 136 (catalogue, distribution); Dohrn (1859): 10 (catalogue); Walker (1867): 174 (catalogue,
distribution); Casale (1981): 49 (collection catalogue, record).
Paramecoris binotatus Stål, 1855: 181–182 (original description). Syntype(s): Sierra Leone (NHRS). Synonymized by Stål
(1865: 111).
Paramecoris binotatus: Stål (1856): 55–56 (redescription, comparison with P. plana, distribution); Dohrn (1859): 11
Dymantis binotata: Stål (1861): 199–200 (generic placement, distribution); Stål (1865): 111 (synonymy).
Dymantis plana var. binotata: Lethierry & Severin (1893): 109 (catalogue); Kirkaldy (1909): 182 (catalogue).
Material examined. GHANA: ♂, “Legon, A.D., Ghana, 14.I.69” (DARC), ♂, same except “27.IIII. [sic] 72”
(DARC); ♀, Aburi, Ghana, 25-10-80, Allotea, J” (DARC). TOGO: ♂, “Bismarckburg, 11.-16.IX.92, L. Conradt
S.”, Dymantis plana F. Karsch det.” (DARC), ♀, same except “7.-12.IX.92 (DARC).
Distribution. Angola (Hesse 1925, locality Namacunde), Benin (Bergroth 1914, without exact record; Villiers
1952c; Agboton et al. 2014), Democratic Republic of the Congo (Distant 1901; Schouteden 1909, 1912a, 1913a;
Lehmann 1922), Ethiopia (Mancini 1939), Ghana (new record); Guinea (Fabricius 1803; Thunberg 1823; Villiers
1952b, 1954), Guinea-Bissau (Schouteden 1913b), Ivory Coast (Gillon 1972a,b, 1974a; Linnavuori 1982),
Namibia (Hesse 1925, locality Ovamboland–Mafa), Niger (Villiers 1950), Nigeria (Meddler 1980), Republic of the
Congo (Villiers 1967, Göllner-Scheiding 2012), Sierra Leone (Dallas 1851, Walker 1867, both as Sciocoris planus;
Stål, 1855, 1856, no exact record, as Paramecocoris binotatus), South Africa (Walker 1867, without exact record;
Casale 1981), South Sudan (Bergroth 1914, locality Sobat [river] on the White Nile), Togo (new record).
Herrich-Schaeffer’s (1840) record from Brasil is apparently a mistake. The record of Dymantis plana from
Tanzania (Gerstaecker 1873) apparently represents a misidentification, most probably of D. relata.
Nonnaizab (1995) listed Dymantis plana from China (Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Qinghai), as well as from
Mongolia and ‘the former Soviet Union’. The provided redescription, habitus and paramere drawing appears to us
to be identical with Phaeocoris ellipticus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840) as illustrated by Ahmad et al. (1996, as
Lodosia gonocoxa) and Gapon & Baena (2005), who figured the paramere from nearly the same aspect. The
illustrations from both of the above papers fit well with the drawings by Nonnaizab (1990). Later, Nonnaizab et al.
(1988) and Nonnaizab (1999) listed Dymantis elliptica (Herrich-Schaeffer) from Inner Mongolia, which is a
species recently reinstated in the genus Phaeocoris (see Gapon & Baena 2005), which leaves no doubt about the
record of D. plana by Nonnaizab (1995) is a misidentification of that species.
Neodymantis relata (Distant, 1898), comb. nov.
Dymantis plana (misidentification): Gerstaecker (1873): 397 (catalogue, record: Tanzania). Note. The specimen examined by
Gerstaecker had body length 11.5 mm and differed from West African representatives of D. plana only by somewhat paler
Dymantis relata Distant, 1898: 298–299 (original description, compared to D. subvittata). Syntypes: 3 specimens (number
specified by Distant 1914: 331), South Africa: Transvaal, Lydenburg District (coll. Pretoria Mus. [= TMSA] and coll.
Distant, BMNH).
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Dymantis relata: Bergroth (1908): 157 (catalogue); Kirkaldy (1909): 182 (catalogue, distribution); Schouteden (1910): 95
(record); Schouteden (1912b): 106 (record); Jeannel (1913): 35 (record, ecology); Schouteden (1913a): 194 (record);
Distant (1914): 331 (synonymy, records, distribution); Villiers (1967): 1790 (record, distribution); Linnavuori (1982): 68–
70 (redescription, key to species, figures, record); Robertson (2009): 276 (catalogue, distribution).
Dymantis velata (incorrect subsequent spelling): Leston (1952): 902 (record).
Dymantis confusa Bergroth, 1914: 448–450 (original description, comparison with D. plana). Syntypes: 2 ♂♂, Malawi:
‘between Fort Mangoche and Chikala Boma’, about 4000 ft [= 1219 m a.s.l.] (BMNH). Synonymized by Distant (1914:
Dymantis confusa: Distant (1914): 331 (synonymy); Linnavuori (1982): 68 (listed as valid species unknown to the author,
diagnostic characters repeated).
Distribution. Democratic Republic of the Congo (Schouteden 1913a), Malawi (Bergroth 1914, as D. confusa;
Distant 1914), Republic of the Congo (Villiers 1967), South Africa (Distant 1898, 1914; Schouteden 1912b; Leston
1952, as ‘British Caffraria’), Tanzania (Schouteden 1910, Jeannel 1913, Linnavuori 1982), Zimbabwe (Distant
1914, Leston 1952).
Neodymantis sp.
Sciocoris planus (misidentification): Herrich-Schaeffer (1844): 86, 88, Plate CCXLIII: Fig. 755 (generic placement,
redescription, figure, record).
Distribution. South Africa (Herrich-Schaeffer 1844).
Comment. The drawing of Sciocoris planus by Herrich-Schaeffer (1844: Plate CCXLIII: Fig. 755) differs
markedly from that given for Halys plana by Herrich-Schaeffer (1840: Plate CLXIX: Fig. 519) and undoubtedly
represent different species.
The tribal placement for Dymantis has been somewhat confused in the past. At one time or another, Dymantis has
been associated with the Aeliini, Caystrini, Myrocheini, or Sciocorini. It is definitely not a member of the Aeliini
(different overall shape and lacks the expanded propleura characteristic of that group) or the Sciocorini (again
distinctly different appearance lacking the expanded pronotal margins and less depressed body form). In general
appearance, the members of the Caystrini and the Myrocheini are very similar. Most of the recent works on these
two tribes have been on the Indo-Pakistani (Ahmad and Afzal 1979, Ahmad and Kamaluddin 1987, Ahmad and
Zahid 2004) and the African genera (Linnavuori 1982). In general, three characteristics have been used to separate
the two tribes, although none of these characteristics seem to be fully reliable all the time. The three characteristics
are the structure of the mesosternum (sulcate without a medial carina in the Myrocheini, carinate in the Caystrini),
the structure of the metathoracic scent gland peritreme (obsolete to very short in the Myrocheini, longer in the
Caystrini), and the armature of the fore femora (provided with several small teeth or spines in the Myrocheini,
unarmed in the Caystrini). In species of Dymantis and Neodymantis, the mesosternum is shallowly but distinctly
sulcate (no sign of medial carina), the peritreme is short and auriculate (spout-shaped), and the anterior femora are
armed subapically with several black teeth. Until a more thorough phylogenetic study is completed, it is best to
retain these genus-group taxa in the Myrocheini.
Despite the present solution of the nomenclatural problems involved, the taxonomic knowledge of
Neodymantis is far from satisfactory. Some of the specimens examined differ substantially in the shape of
pygophore from the drawings given by Linnavuori (1982) (see Figs 2–4), suggesting the existence of at least six
Neodymantis species (at present only four are recognized). This means that revision of this genus is badly needed.
However, this can also be said for nearly all of the non-monotypic Pentatomidae genera of the Afrotropical Region
except for a few that have been recently revised (see Davidová-Vilímová 1993, 1999; Grazia & Schwertner 2008;
Kment & Jindra 2009; Ferrari et al. 2010); we must leave this task for the future.
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This work was financially supported by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (DKRVO 2015/14, National
Museum, 00023272). We thank Dávid Rédei (Nankai University, Tianjin, China) for translation of Nonnaizab’s
(1995) text from Chinese and critical reading of the manuscript.
Ahmad, I. & Afzal, M. (1979) Resurrection of the tribe Caystrini Stål (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Pentatominae) with
description of two new genera from Oriental Region. Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae, 133, 1–14.
Ahmad, I. & Kamaluddin, S. (1987) A new genus and two new species of Myrocheini Stål (Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) from
Pakistan with a note on their relationships. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 19, 283–290.
Ahmad, I., Schaefer, C.W. & Önder, F. (1996) The first species of Myrocheini (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae) from
the Palaearctic region. European Journal of Entomology, 93, 255–262.
Ahmad, I. & Zahid, M. (2004) A revision of Ethiopian genus Myrochea Amyot and Serville (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae:
Pentatominae: Myrocheini) with a note on its taxonomic position and phylogenetic relationships. Proceedings of the
Pakistan Congress of Zoology, 24, 141–154.
Bergroth, E. (1908) Enumeratio Pentatomidarum post Catalogum bruxellensem descriptarum. Mémoires de la Société
Entomologique de Belgique, 15, 131–200.
Bergroth, E. (1914) Descriptions of some Ethiopian Heteroptera with synonymical notes. Revue Zoologique Africaine, 3 (3),
Dallas, W.S. (1851) List of the specimens of hemipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part 1. Trustees of the
British Museum, London, pp. 1–368, pls. 1–11.
Davidová-Vilímová, J. (1993) Revision of the genus Kundelungua (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Podopinae). European Journal
of Entomology, 90, 159–175.
Davidová-Vilímová, J. (1999) Review of the genus Tornosia Bolívar (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Podopinae), with the
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... Ahmad & Afzal 1979Zahid 2006;Salini 2015;Kment & Garbelotto 2016;Rider et al. 2018): i) mesosternum sulcate in Myrocheini, but carinate in Caystrini; ii) external scent efferent system with peritreme obsolete to very short in the Myrocheini (at least in Oriental taxa), longer and well developed in the Caystrini; iii) and profemora provided with several small teeth or spines in Myrocheini, unarmed in the Caystrini. These characters are used to separate the two tribes although none of them is fully reliable, which concerns some Afrotropical and Australian genera assigned currently to Myrocheini (see Linnavuori 1982, Kment 2015, Kment & Rider 2015, Kment & Garbelotto 2016. Also some of the Oriental genera currently assigned in Caystrini seems to have mesosternum sulcate instead of carinate (i.e. ...
The genus Surenus Distant, 1901 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Halyini) is revisited and found to be a junior subjective synonym of the genus Agathocles Stål, 1876 (currently Pentatominae: Rolstoniellini). The genus Agathocles and its type species, Agathocles limbatus Stål, 1876, are redescribed.
... Ahmad & Afzal 1979Zahid 2006;Salini 2015;Kment & Garbelotto 2016;Rider et al. 2018): i) mesosternum sulcate in Myrocheini, but carinate in Caystrini; ii) external scent efferent system with peritreme obsolete to very short in the Myrocheini (at least in Oriental taxa), longer and well developed in the Caystrini; iii) and profemora provided with several small teeth or spines in Myrocheini, unarmed in the Caystrini. These characters are used to separate the two tribes although none of them is fully reliable, which concerns some Afrotropical and Australian genera assigned currently to Myrocheini (see Linnavuori 1982, Kment 2015, Kment & Rider 2015, Kment & Garbelotto 2016. Also some of the Oriental genera currently assigned in Caystrini seems to have mesosternum sulcate instead of carinate (i.e. ...
The genus Surenus Distant, 1901 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Halyini) is revisited and found to be a junior subjective synonym of the genus Agathocles Stål, 1876 (currently Pentatominae: Rolstoniellini). The genus Agathocles and its type species, Agathocles limbatus Stål, 1876, are redescribed. Lectotype of Surenus normalis Distant, 1901 (= Agathocles normalis (Distant, 1901) comb. nov.) is designated and the unknown male of the species is described. Agathocles yunnanensis Zhang & Lin, 1984, syn. nov., is considered junior subjective synonym of A. limbatus. Two new species are described: Agathocles flavipes sp. nov. from India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu) and A. joceliae sp. nov. from Malaysia (Kelantan, Perak). The new species differ from their congeners mainly by the morphology of mandibular plates, length of antennomeres I, IIa and IIb, body length, and structure of male genitalia. Agathocles dubius Distant, 1921 is transferred to the genus Caystrus Stål, 1861 (Pentatominae: Caystrini) based on examination of its holotype with the resulting new combination: Caystrus dubius (Distant, 1921), comb. nov. One new combination is proposed, Paramecocoris ruficornis (Fieber, 1851), comb. nov. (from preoccupied Paramecus Fieber, 1851), and its type locality is clarified as Tenasserim (south Myanmar). Gender agreement and authorship of the name Riazocoris niger Ahmad & Afzal, 1977 in Ahmad et al. (1977: 161) are corrected and status of its name bearing type is clarified as lectotype. The following new distribution records are given: A. limbatus from Cambodia, China (Guangxi, Tibet), Laos and Thailand, A. normalis, Caystrus obscurus (Distant, 1901a) and Critheus lineatifrons Stål, 1869 from Laos, Amasenus corticalis Stål, 1863 from Cambodia, Indonesia (E Kalimantan), Laos, Myanmar and Thailand, and Rolstoniellus boutanicus (Dallas, 1849) from Vietnam. Based on characters of external morphology and genitalia, the genus Agathocles is compared with representatives of the genera Halys Fabricius, 1803 (Halyini), Caystrus (Caystrini), Laprius Stål, 1861 (Myrocheini), and Exithemus Distant, 1902 (currently in Rolstoniellini). As a result, the genus Agathocles is here transferred to the tribe Caystrini. The genus Kyrtalus Van Duzee, 1929 is tentatively placed in Myrocheini based on the presence of sulcate mesosternum and femora provided with teeth.
... Profemora usually incrassate and spinulose (but unarmed in Humria). Widely distributed in Australian, Afrotropical, Oriental, Australian and southernmost areas of Palaearctic Region (Cachan, 1952;Gross, 1975;Linnavuori, 1982;Ahmad and Afzal, 1989;Derjanschi and Péricart, 2006;Kment, 2015;Kment and Rider, 2015). ...
Discimita linnavuorii, new genus and species (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae), is described from the Central African Republic. The genus is superficially similar to representatives of the Neotropical subfamily Discocephalinae, but the labium, which arises anteriad of the imaginary line traversing head at anterior limit of the eyes, exludes such a possibility. The new genus exhibits an unusual mixture of morphological characters that are present in Sciocorini, Triplatygini and Myrocheini, and it is tentatively placed in the tribe Myrocheini.
A list of 96 available genus-group taxa, 1459 available species-group taxa and 5 unavailable infrasubspecific taxa of Heteroptera described by Rauno E. Linnavuori is compiled. One new substitute name, Phytocoris (Eriamiris) rostriformis nom. nov., is proposed to replace the junior homonym Phytocoris rostratus Linnavuori, 2000b (Miridae). Taylorilygus nairobiensis nigricollis Linnavuori, 1974a is recognized as an available name and senior objective synonym of Taylorilygus nairobiensis atricollis Linnavuori, 1975f, syn. nov. (Miridae). Lectotype of Taylorilygus nairobiensis nigricollis is designated. Two new combinations are proposed: Chinavia amosi (Linnavuori, 1982) comb. nov. and Chinavia aequalis (Linnavuori, 1972) comb. nov. (both transferred from the genus Acrosternum Fieber, 1860) (Pentatomidae). Status of Sciocoris (Neosciocoris) othmanus Linnavuori, 1972 as synonym of Sciocoris (Neosciocoris) conspurcatus Klug, 1845 is confirmed. Placement of Orthotylus problematicus Linnavuori, 1953b (Miridae) in the nominotypical subgenus Orthotylus Fieber, 1858 is confirmed based on examination of male genitalia. Tuponia (Tuponia) luniensis Linnavuori, 1974c (Miridae) is placed in the nominotypical subgenus Tuponia Reuter, 1875. Paralaemocoris (Laemocoris) linnavuorii Kerzhner, 1970 (=Paralaemocoris (Laemocoris) ahngeri Reuter, 1901, misidentification) is formally designated as type species of the subgenus Laemocorella Linnavuori, 1964 (Miridae), and Afraethus bistortus Linnavuori, 1993 (=Aethus pallipennis Dallas, 1851, misidentification) is formally designated as type species of the genus Afraethus Linnavuori, 1977 (Cydnidae), both by action of the First Reviser according to Articles 70.3 and 70.3.2 of ICZN (1999). Metacanthus linnavuorii Péricart, 1976 (Berytidae) is found to be an unavailable name. The type status (syntype / holotype / lectotype) and/or the first publication of the name as available is clarified for the following taxa: Cryptostemma (Harpago) castaneovitreus Linnavuori, 1951b (Dipsocoridae), Hebrus (Hebrus) ilaira Cobben and Linnavuori, 1981 in Linnavuori (1981) (Hebridae), Aloea Linnavuori, 1975f, Bowdenella gloriosa Linnavuori, 1974e, Bowdenella hirtula Linnavuori, 1974e, Collaria nigra Linnavuori, 1974f, Horvathiella umbrina Linnavuori, 1974e, Oreolygus Linnavuori, 1975f, Orthotylus junipericolus frigidus Linnavuori, 1974e, Orthotylus junipericolus junipericolus Linnavuori, 1974e, Orthotylus maesae Linnavuori, 1974e, Orthotylus rubidus Linnavuori, 1974e, Orthotylus viridipennis Linnavuori, 1974e, Paurolygus ciliaris Linnavuori, 1974e, Pilophorus erraticus Linnavuori, 1962e, Pleurochilophorus rubrinervis Linnavuori, 1974f, Psallus senjoensis Linnavuori, 1961f, Yambio Linnavuori, 1975f, Yambio chaetacme Linnavuori, 1974e, Yambio clavicornis Linnavuori, 1974e (all Miridae), Holotrichius nitidicollis Linnavuori, 1964a (Reduviidae), Myla abyssinia Linnavuori, 1971e, Myla graciloides Linnavuori, 1971e (Coreidae), Geocoris paradoxus Linnavuori, 1954a, Geocoris paradoxus var. punctiger Linnavuori, 1954a (Geocoridae), Acrosternum aequale Linnavuori, 1972f, Acrosternum apicale Linnavuori, 1972f, Durmia circe Linnavuori, 1972 in Gillon (1972) (Pentatomidae), and Rhyparochromus rugulosus Linnavuori, 1954a (Rhyparochromidae). The exact dates of publication are corrected for the following taxa: Micracanthia imitator Linnavuori, 1952 (Saldidae), Sphinctothorax striatulus Linnavuori, 1973 (Miridae), Horvathiolus rhea Linnavuori and Al-Safadi, 1994, Pylorgus alkithoe Linnavuori and Al-Safadi, 1994 (both Lygaeidae), Engistus exsanguis punctulatus Linnavuori, 1954a, Geocoris paradoxus Linnavuori, 1954a, Geocoris paradoxus var. punctiger Linnavuori, 1954a (all Geocoridae), Dinomachus aksiokhe Linnavuori and Al-Safadi, 1994, Trinithignus manto Linnavuori and Al-Safadi, 1994 (both Heterogastridae), Elasmolomus mahfid Linnavuori and Al-Safadi, 1994, Emblethis angustus var. dubius Linnavuori, 1954a, Emblethis brachypterus Linnavuori, 1954a, Gonianotus angusticollis Linnavuori, 1954a, Rhyparochromus chiragra cyprius Linnavuori, 1954a, and Rhyparochromus rugulosus Linnavuori, 1954a (all Rhyparochromidae). Mandatory changes are made to correct the gender agreement of 50 species-group names in the genus Campylomma Reuter, 1878 and 34 species group-names in the genus Miyomma Puton, 1872 (both Miridae), as well as of Campyloneuropsis falcigera (Linnavuori, 1975), Darfuromma vulneratum Linnavuori, 1975, Hallodapus katanganus (Linnavuori, 1973), Leptopterna dentifera Linnavuori, 1970, Nesidiocoris montivagus (Linnavuori, 1975), Paloniella nigra (Linnavuori, 1975) (Miridae), Psilolomia amphrysius (Linnavuori, 1970) (Coreidae), Durmia sallierdupini devia Linnavuori, 1982, Kayesia setigera Linnavuori, 1982 (Pentatomidae) and Pseudopachybrachius capicola (Stål, 1874) (Rhyparochromidae). Type depositories for many species described by R. Linnavuori himself or by other authors based on his collection are provided and corrected.
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Two new genera and species, Jitka elegans gen. & sp. nov. (Myrocheini) and Nene undulatum gen. & sp. nov. (Triplatygini) (both Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae), are described and illustrated, including structures of the male and female genitalia of both taxa and the 4th instar larva of J. elegans. The tribal placement of both new genera is discussed. The Pentatomidae fauna of Madagascar currently comprises four subfamilies, 87 genera and subgenera and 176 species (Asopinae 9 genera and subgenera/11 species, Pentatominae 74/158, Phyllocephalinae 1/1, and Podopinae 3/6), of which 40 genera (46 %) and 176 species (85 %) are endemic.
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In this paper, the genus Nezara Amyot & Serville is reviewed and a hypothesis of relationships among its species is proposed. Also, diagnoses for the genus and the 12 included species are provided. A key to separate the species is also provided. Of the seven other species assigned to Nezara in the literature, four of them are considered incertae sedis, two are transferred to different genera, and one is considered a junior synonym. The cladistic analysis include 15 taxa and 34 characters. The cladogram was rooted with Carpocoris purpureipennis (DeGeer); outgroup comparison also include species of the sister-groups Aethemenes chloris (Dallas), and Pseudoacrosternum cachani Day. The results showed Nezara as a monophyletic taxon. Biogeographical scenarios of the evolution of Nezara were discussed.
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A list of pentatomoid karyotypes published after the monograph by Ueshima (1979) or overlooked by him is given. It includes 131 species.
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Phaeocoris is resurrected from synonymy with Dymantis. Lodosia is synonymized with Phaeocoris, and L. gonocoxa, with Ph. ellipticus. The structure of the male and female genitalia of Phaeocoris shows that this genus does not belong to Sciocorini, but also its placement in Myrocheini is problematic.
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The podopine taxon Tornosia brevispina Schouteden, originally described as a variety of Tornosia insularis Bolivar, is accepted as a valid species. Two species classified in the genus Tornosia Bolivar, are redescribed and a differential diagnosis is provided. Placement of the genus in the subfamily Podopinae is confirmed.
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The Afrotropical genus Tripanda Berg, 1899 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Cappaeini), is diagnosed and revised based on the study of primary types. The endemic Madagascar genus Tenerva Cachan, 1952, syn. et stat nov., is recognized as a junior synonym of Tripanda, but retained as a valid subgenus due to the distinct differences in the structure of the female genitalia. Veterna decorata Jensen-Haarup, 1937, is redescribed and transferred to Tripanda (subgenus Tenerva). We currently recognize seven species within the genus: Tripanda (Tenerva) collaris (Cachan, 1952) comb. nov. (Madagascar); T. (Tenerva) decorata (Jensen-Haarup, 1937) comb, nov. (Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe; Yemen); T. (Tripanda) dispar Schouteden, 1964 (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo); T. (Tripanda) horacekorum sp. nov. (Central African Republic, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Senegal); T. (Tripanda) jurickorum sp. nov. (Guinea); T. (Tripanda) longiceps (Villiers, 1967) (Central African Republic, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Congo); and T. (Tripanda) signitenens (Distant, 1898) (Angola, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia). Lectotypes for Tenerva collaris, Veterna decorata, Tripanda dispar, and T. signitenens are designated. All species of the genus are keyed, important diagnostic characters are illustrated, and known information about their bionomics and ecology is summarized.
The Afrotropical genus Tripanda Berg, 1899 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae: Pentatominae: Cappaeini), is diagnosed and revised based on the study of primary types. The endemic Madagascar genus Tenerva Cachan, 1952, syn. et stat nov., is recognized as a junior synonym of Tripanda, but retained as a valid subgenus due to the distinct differences in the structure of the female genitalia. Veterna decorata Jensen-Haarup, 1937, is redescribed and transferred to Tripanda (subgenus Tenerva). We currently recognize seven species within the genus: Tripanda (Tenerva) collaris (Cachan, 1952) comb. nov. (Madagascar); T. (Tenerva) decorata (Jensen-Haarup, 1937) comb. nov. (Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe; Yemen); T. (Tripanda) dispar Schouteden, 1964 (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo); T. (Tripanda) horacekorum sp. nov. (Central African Republic, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo, Senegal); T. (Tripanda) jurickorum sp. nov. (Guinea); T. (Tripanda) longiceps (Villiers, 1967) (Central African Republic, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Republic of the Congo); and T. (Tripanda) signitenens (Distant, 1898) (Angola, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia). Lectotypes for Tenerva collaris, Veterna decorata, Tripanda dispar, and T. signitenens are designated. All species of the genus are keyed, important diagnostic characters are illustrated, and known information about their bionomics and ecology is summarized.
Lodosia Ahmad & Önder, gen, n., and Lodosia gonocaxa Ahmed & Önder, sp. n. are described. The single female specimen was collected some 900 km east of Ankara, Turkey, and is the westernmost representative of the pentatomine tribe Myrocheini; it is distinguished in particular by the raised tips of both pairs of the gonocoxae. Our cladistic hypothesis is that Laprius Stȧl is the sister group of Lodosia, and that Dollingiana Ahmad & Kamaluddin is the sister group of Lodosia + Laprius. The three genera all have remarkably wide interocular distances; and Lodosia and Laprius each has an unusually wide anteocular distance. Autapomorphies of the three genera are discussed.