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The Distribution of Periodical Cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada ) Brood II in 2013: Disjunct Emergences Suggest Complex Brood Origins


Abstract and Figures

The periodical cicadas ( Magicicada spp.) of eastern North America are subdivided into “broods” or locally synchronized populations that share a common emergence schedule. Twelve extant broods have 17-year life cycles and three have 13-year cycles. Most broods contain three morphologically distinct species. In the late 19th century, Charles Marlatt (1898) published a groundbreaking series of maps and emergence schedules accompanied by a sequential numbering scheme designating the 17-year brood that emerged in 1893 “Brood I” (with other potential 17-year broods numbered up to XVII), and the 13-year brood that emerged in 1894 as “Brood XIX” (with potential broods up to XXX). Later editions of Marlatt's work (1907, 1923) added more distributional records. Marlatt's …
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American Entomologist • Volume 61, Number 4 245
The periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) of east-
ern North America are subdivided into “broods
or locally synchronized populations that share a
common emergence schedule. Twelve extant broods have
17-year life cycles and three have 13-year cycles. Most
broods contain three morphologically distinct species. In
the late 19th century, Charles Marlatt (1898) published a
groundbreaking series of maps and emergence schedules
accompanied by a sequential numbering scheme des-
ignating the 17-year brood that emerged in 1893 “Brood
I” (with other potential 17-year broods numbered up to
XVII), and the 13-year brood that emerged in 1894 as
“Brood XIX” (with potential broods up to XXX). Later
editions of Marlatt’s work (1907, 1923) added more dis-
tributional records. Marlatt’s maps have long been the
basis for hypotheses concerning brood and species for-
mation (Lloyd and Dybas 1966; Lloyd and White 1976;
Simon and Lloyd 1982). Recent research has focused
on improving the resolution of brood maps beyond the
county-level scale of earlier work (Simon 1988; Cooley
et al. 2004; Cooley et al. 2009; Cooley et al. 2011; Cooley
et al. 2013a; Cooley 2015).
Broods form when periodical cicadas emerge o-sched-
ule in numbers sucient to survive predators and estab-
lish new, self-sustaining populations. Broods are dynamic;
the cluster of Long Island broods was rst documented
by museum specimens in the early 1900s, but in recent
years, emergences of all but Brood XIV appear to be
extinct or decreasing each generation to levels that can-
not support ongoing periodical cicada populations (C.
Simon, unpublished observations; Simon and Lloyd 1982;
Cooley et al. 2011). Likewise, Brood VII has undergone
a rapid range contraction (Cooley et al. 2004). e evo-
lutionary origins of individual broods can be complex;
while some broods appear to have formed in a single
event (a monophyletic origin; Simon 1983), other broods
appear to contain independently derived sub-populations
(Simon and Lloyd 1982; Sota et al. 2013; Cooley 2015).
Furthermore, in most cases, the morphologically distinct
periodical cicada species (up to four) within each brood
have independent evolutionary histories (Sota et al. 2013).
Clues about the processes underlying brood and species
formation and their relation to climate may be encoded in
brood distributions and boundaries (Cooley et al. 2013a).
A new generation of Magicicada brood maps has been
constructed using GIS technology, automated data col-
lections by experts, and Internet-based crowdsourcing
(Cooley et al. 2004; Cooley et al. 2009; Cooley et al. 2011;
Cooley et al. 2013a; Cooley et al. 2013b; Cooley 2015).
Although these maps support the general brood distri-
butions proposed by Marlatt (1923) and Simon’s (1988)
revisions, they include some surprises. For example,
Brood I contains a large, previously unreported disjunct
population in southwestern Virginia and northeastern
Tennessee, separated by a gap of over 200 km from the
main body of the brood in the Shenandoah Valley (Cooley
2015). is disjunct was rst revealed by reports submit-
ted by the general public.
Brood II is one of the geographically larger broods
of periodical cicadas. It adjoins or is thought to be in
e Distribution of Periodical Cicada
(Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada)
Brood II in 2013:
Disjunct Emergences
Suggest Complex
Brood Origins
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246 American Entomologist • Winter 2015
proximity to a large number of other
broods (17-year I, IV, VI, IX, X, XIV, the
13-year XIX, and the extinct 17-year XI).
Therefore, a detailed map could pro-
vide additional insights into the nature
of brood origins and boundaries. In all
earlier maps, Brood II is depicted as east
of the Appalachian Mountains from north-
eastern Georgia to the Hudson Valley
and the Connecticut River Basin (Simon
1988). Our map, based on both directly
obtained and crowdsourced records, is
the most detailed to date, and it reveals
a second case of unexpected, previously
unmapped brood disjunction.
In 2013, we mapped emergences of Brood
II using methods similar to those used for
mapping other Magicicada broods (Cool-
ey et al. 2004; Cooley et al. 2009; Cooley
et al. 2011; Cooley et al. 2013a; Cooley et
al. 2013b; Cooley 2015). We collected 8,644
datapoints with handheld GPS units or
automobiles with GPS dataloggers between
21 May and 1 July 2013. In order to maxi-
mize coverage in the most e cient manner,
each member of our team concentrated
on speci c geographic regions of Brood
II. When possible, information about the
density of periodical cicadas was recorded
using four categories: (0) no cicadas pres-
ent; 1) scattered or single individuals pres-
ent; 2) light choruses (no gaps in the cho-
rus sound); and 3) dense choruses (Cooley
et al. 2013a). All data were processed using
ArcGIS 9.3 software (ESRI 2009).
As before, the website www.magici- collected unveri ed (“crowd-
sourced”) periodical cicada sightings
submitted by the general public from
April-June 2013.  e distribution of Brood
II contains several major metropolitan
areas along the eastern seaboard. Crowd-
sourcing was especially useful for map-
ping these areas, which include Staten
Island, northern and central regions of
New Jersey, and the outskirts of both
Washington, DC, and Richmond, VA.
Before, during, and after the emergence,
periodical cicadas were publicized in
print media (e.g., e New York Times,
e Wall Street Journal, Washington Post,
National Geographic, e Atlantic, Sci-
ence News), by radio and television (e.g.,
and on the Internet (e.g., Cicadamania,
Wikinews). In addition, several local and
regional “citizen science” initiatives were
launched, including a project organized
by WNYC’s Radiolab that mapped soil
temperatures to predict emergence times.
e extensive media exposure of the 2013
emergence made it an ideal year to col-
lect crowdsourced records.
Each datapoint collected in 2013 was
assigned a “con dence” score (Cooley
2015). We  rst discarded all crowdsourced
records that fell outside the United States,
all records taken after 1 July 2013 (when
the last verified record was taken by
one of the authors), and all records in
which the additional comments included
descriptions of cicadas that were clearly
Fig. 1. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles) and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray cir-
cles) superimposed on Simon’s (Simon 1988) map of the same brood (black circles).`
Fig. 2. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles)
and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray
circles) superimposed on 2013 crowdsourced
records (green diamonds). Hue and size of green
diamonds re ects con dence, calculated as
described in text. Small, light green diamonds
fall into bottom quartile of con dence values;
large, dark green diamonds fall into the upper
three quartiles.
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American Entomologist • Volume 61, Number 4 247
non-periodical or noted that no cicadas
were present. After editing, the dataset
contained 3,308 crowdsourced records.
We then produced a map that contained
all veri ed positive and negative records
of Brood II from all years in the periodi-
cal cicada database (http://hydrodictyon. All ver-
ified negative records were assigned a
“con dence” of 0, and all veri ed posi-
tive records a “con dence” of 1. For each
crowdsourced datapoint, a “standard-
ized proximity score” and a “standard-
ized neighborhood point density” were
used to calculate a “weight” or con dence
score (Cooley 2015).  e weighting of each
crowdsourced record fell between 0 and
1 and re ected its proximity to veri ed
positive records and its degree of clus-
tering with other crowdsourced records.
Crowdsourced records that were clustered
or near veri ed records received higher
scores, while isolated records far from
veri ed records received lower scores.
e emergence of Brood II in 2013 large-
ly conformed to the region presented
by Simon (1988), although the brood
appears best represented as a series of
disjunct clusters of populations (Fig. 1).
Our map reveals a patchy distribution
of populations stretching from Geor-
gia to New York and Connecticut and
expands the known distribution of Brood
II to include a large, disjunct region on
the eastern edge of the Great Plains in
central Oklahoma. Because data were
collected primarily from vehicles, our ver-
i ed records tend to appear as strings of
records that follow established roads, even
though the actual distribution includes
areas away from roads. Crowdsourced
records for Brood II were found through-
out the eastern U.S. (Fig. 2), although
they were most concentrated in areas in
which we collected verified records of
periodical cicadas.
e southernmost disjunct emergence
of Brood II was in White County, GA, in
a region where isolated populations of
Broods VI (2000), X (2004), and XIV (2008)
have been recorded, as well as the main
body of Brood XIX (Fig. 3). Brood II was
widely present in the Piedmont regions of
the central seaboard states, with popula-
tions that were sometimes sparse, wide-
ly scattered, or separated by large gaps;
exceptions included dense populations of
M. cassini more or less continuously found
between Charlottesville and Fredericks-
burg, VA, where there were also dense pop-
ulations of M. septendecim (Fig. 4). Near
Lynchburg VA, the edge of Brood II may
overlap the edge of Brood I by up to 5 km;
there was a similar overlap near Moneta,
VA. Brood II overlapped earlier records of
Fig. 3. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles) and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray
circles), with crowdsourced records (green diamonds, as in Fig. 2) in northeastern Georgia rela-
tive to veri ed records of Broods X (orange triangles) and XIV (red triangles) and crowdsourced
records (green diamonds; hue re ects con dence as above). County names (large text) and place
names (small italic text) are included.
Fig. 4. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles)
and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray
circles), with crowdsourced records (green dia-
monds, as in Fig. 2) in seaboard states relative
to veri ed records of 17-year Broods I (blue
triangles), IX (brown triangles), X (orange trian-
gles) and XIV (red triangles), and 13-year Brood
XIX (inverted gray triangles). Other broods have
been omitted for clarity.
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248 American Entomologist • Winter 2015
Brood X by up to 15 km near Manassas,
VA (Fig. 4); in each of these cases, the two
broods involved occupied the same trees
(Cooley et al. 2009; Cooley 2015).
In central New Jersey and to the north
of Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, Brood II
was in contact with mapped locations of
Broods X and XIV, although we did not
document any overlaps (Fig. 5). In PA, the
southern border of Brood II roughly fol-
lowed the Kittatinny Ridge (known locally
as Blue Mountain) and extended from
the Delaware Water Gap to a few miles
short of the Susquehanna River. Extremely
dense populations were observed along
the length of the Kittatinny Ridge and in
regions immediately to the north. Popu-
lations in the Pocono Mountain region of
northeastern Pennsylvania were sparse.
All of the observed Pennsylvania popu-
lations were M. septendecim.
North of New York City, Brood II fol-
lowed the Hudson River to just south of
Albany, NY (Fig. 6). Emergences in this
portion of the brood were often sparse
or separated by large gaps, although we
found that some locations in the Hud-
son Valley (such as Bard College) had
remarkably high emergence densities, an
observation backed up by the results of
Karban’s (2014) multigenerational survey.
Notably, all three 17-year species were
found in the Hudson Valley; M. septen-
decula has been absent from the north-
ern portions of other broods we have
surveyed [e.g., III (Cooley et al. 2013a);
VII (Cooley et al. 2004); X (Cooley et
al. 2009); and XIV (Cooley et al. 2011)].
Brood II followed the Connecticut River
Basin from East Haven to Farmington, CT
(Fig. 7); some emergences in Connecti-
cut were extremely sparse or scattered,
though isolated high-density pockets also
occurred in Southington, Meriden, Berlin,
and North Branford, CT. No populations
were found that connected this Connecti-
cut portion of Brood II to any other. All
but one population found in Connecticut
consisted exclusively of M. septendecim;
one isolated pocket of M. septendecula
was found in North Branford, CT (Maier
2015). No populations of M. cassini were
found in the state (see also Maier 1982).
The most surprising finding was an
additional disjunct emergence of Brood
II in Oklahoma (Fig. 8). While Brood II
was emerging in the East, an unusually
large number of crowdsourced records
were submitted to the website from areas
in the vicinity of Moore and Oklahoma
City, OK. We confirmed these reports
and mapped the emergence to the extent
possible. Only M. cassini was found in the
2013 Oklahoma emergence.
Although the majority of the crowd-
sourced records fall in or close to areas
where we collected verified records of
Brood II emergences, a signi cant num-
ber of crowdsourced records fall outside
the known distribution of Brood II, espe-
cially in urban areas.  is general pattern
Fig. 5. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles) and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray
circles), with crowdsourced records (green diamonds, as in Fig. 2) in the Susquehanna Valley
relative to veri ed records of 17-year Broods X (orange triangles) and XIV (red triangles). Coun-
ties are denoted in small text. Other broods have been omitted for clarity.
Fig. 6. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles)
and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray
circles), with crowdsourced records (green dia-
monds, as in Fig. 2) in the Hudson Valley relative
to veri ed records of 17-year Broods X (orange
triangles) and XIV (red triangles). Counties are
denoted in small text. Other broods have been
omitted for clarity.
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American Entomologist • Volume 61, Number 4 249
has emerged in previous brood mapping
e orts (Cooley et al. 2009; Cooley et al.
2011; Cooley 2015). In aggregate, crowd-
sourced records capture the general out-
lines of broods, but individual records are
unreliable, especially if they are isolated
outliers.  us, crowdsourced records, at
least in the way that we have collected
them, must be interpreted with extreme
caution and should not be used as the sole
basis for claims about brood distributions.
One unanticipated  nding of this study
was that Brood II slightly overlaps Broods
I and X. Although same-cycle brood over-
lap has not been well documented, some
examples are known [e.g., Broods X/XIV
Fig. 8. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles) and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray circles), with crowdsourced records (green diamonds, as in
Fig. 2) in Oklahoma. Counties are denoted in large text; cities in small text.
Fig. 7. 2013 records of Brood II (green circles)
and veri ed absences of Brood II (small gray
circles), with crowdsourced records (green dia-
monds, as in Fig. 2) in the Connecticut River
Basin. Counties are denoted in large text; cit-
ies in small text.
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250 American Entomologist • Winter 2015
(Lloyd and White 1976, Kritsky et al. 2005,
Cooley et al. 2009, Cooley et al. 2011);
Broods I/XIV on Long Island (Simon et
al. 1981; Simon and Lloyd 1982)], and still
other areas of overlap are suspected [e.g.,
records of Brood I are found in Douthat
State Park, VA, a known collecting local-
ity for Brood V (Cooley 2015)]. Patterns
in the temporal and spatial overlaps of
same-cycle broods, in which apparent-
ly broad overlaps exist between broods
separated by four years, have led to the
“four-year coexistence hypothesis,” in
which competitive interference prevents
broods with less than four years’ tempo-
ral separation from overlapping spatially
(Alexander and Moore 1962; Lloyd and
Dybas 1966; Simon 1979; Simon and Lloyd
1982; Simon 1988). However, the over-
lap between Broods I and II in central
Virginia runs counter to this hypothesis.
is anomaly could be an example of a
“straggling” or o-cycle emergence, in
which cicadas that emerged in 2012 and
2013 both belonged to a single brood,
either Brood I or Brood II. Attribution of
these records to straggling would be most
plausible if, in cases where overlapping
broods are separated by one year, the
small overlapping edges were found to
contain sparse populations of the later-
(or earlier-) emerging brood, and sur-
vivorship of sparse populations is low.
Unfortunately, we do not have quantita-
tive measurements of population densities
in the overlaps between Broods I and II.
Older maps of Brood II (Marlatt 1923;
Simon 1988) do not convey the degree
to which the brood consists of several
well-separated fragments, nor do older
maps indicate that some areas that appear
to contain Brood II include only sparse,
low-density populations. Broods with dis-
junctions are either fragmented relicts of
previously more widespread distributions,
or they are the products of independent
origins and incidental synchronization
(Simon and Lloyd 1982). Local extinc-
tions could explain the separation between
Connecticut River Basin populations and
Hudson River Valley populations or the
patchy nature of Brood II populations in
Virginia. However, other discontinuities in
Brood II are not explainable as products of
local Magicicada extinctions. For instance,
between New York City and Washington,
DC, Broods II and X interdigitate, leaving
both of their distributions discontinuous.
Extinction seems unlikely because the area
appears to be more or less continuously
inhabited by periodical cicadas belonging
to several different broods. As another
example, in northeastern Georgia, Brood
II populations are associated with a cluster
of 17-year brood fragments (II, VI, X, XIV)
all disjunct from the main bodies of their
respective broods and separated from each
other by gaps of four years. Like the brood
cluster on Long Island (Simon and Lloyd
1982), these broods could have been inde-
pendently derived from each other by a
series of four-year accelerations (Lloyd and
Dybas 1966) that occurred independently
of the events leading to the formation of
the main bodies of each of the broods.
e Oklahoma segment of Brood II is
surprising because its location, on the far
western edge of the Magicicada distribu-
tion, is so distant from the main body of
the brood, strongly suggesting an inde-
pendent origin. Marlatt’s maps (1923)
show only isolated county records for
Brood II west of the Appalachians and
no records west of the Mississippi River.
Furthermore, Marlatt gives no indica-
tion that any periodical cicada brood
of either life cycle is present in central
Oklahoma. Much of Marlatt’s original
data came from eld agents of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) and
employees of the U.S. Postal Service (Riley
1885; Marlatt 1898, 1907, 1923). In addi-
tion, before its 1907 statehood and during
the main period of USDA record-gather-
ing on periodical cicadas, central eastern
Oklahoma consisted of Native American
lands not under direct control of the fed-
eral government and with little, if any,
USDA infrastructure. Presumably few,
if any, pre-statehood reports of period-
ical cicada emergences were submitted
to the USDA, which could explain the
absence of Oklahoma Brood II records
from Marlatt’s maps. Records of Brood
II were collected shortly after statehood;
the Oklahoma State University collection
contains Magicicada specimens collected
in 1928 and 1979 from Paine and Lincoln
Counties, OK, and the existence of Brood
II in Oklahoma was mentioned in a bro-
chure published by the Oklahoma Coop-
erative Extension Service (Arnold et al.
2008). Due to accidents of timing, these
records were never included in published
maps of periodical cicada broods, and
these records were not noticed by later
studies updating or improving Marlatt’s
maps, including those of Alexander and
Moore (1962), Dybas and Lloyd (1974)
and Simon (1988).
It is possible that additional disjunct
populations remain to be discovered in
Oklahoma, because there is still a large
region where no Magicicada records have
been mapped extending east from the
2013 Brood II segment in central Okla-
homa to the nearest 13-year populations
of Brood XIX near the Arkansas border
(Simon 1988). North and south of this
region, the 13- and 17-year broods (XIX
and IV) make nearly continuous geograph-
ic contact, with no known gaps, and there
is no obvious habitat dierence in the gap
region to suggest absence of Magicicada.
In 2012, a similar region “empty” of period-
ical cicadas in the historical maps turned
out to contain undocumented Brood I
populations in central Appalachia, as
revealed by crowdsourcing (Cooley 2015).
An increasing body of genetic evidence
suggests complex origins for many period-
ical cicada broods (Simon and Lloyd 1982;
Martin and Simon 1988; Martin and Simon
1990; Simon et al. 2000; Cooley et al. 2001;
Sota et al. 2013), a nding corroborated by
the discovery of independently derived
brood clusters on Long Island (Simon and
Lloyd 1982), widely separated disjuncts in
Brood I (Cooley 2015) and Brood II (this
study), and the existence of disjunct brood
clusters in northeastern Georgia (Cooley,
Marshall, and Simon, unpublished data).
Taken together, these ndings demonstrate
that brood formation in periodical cicadas
could be more common than previously
thought, and that many patterns of biodi-
versity within Magicicada remain cryptic.
Uncovering more cryptic diversity is the
key to understanding the historical pro-
cesses that have created both the broods
and the Magicicada species.
e National Geographic Society’s Com-
mittee of Research and Exploration
Older maps of Brood II
(Marlatt 1923; Simon 1988)
do not convey the degree
to which the brood consists
of several well-separated
fragments, nor do older
maps indicate that some
areas that appear to contain
Brood II include only sparse,
low-density populations.
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American Entomologist • Volume 61, Number 4 251
provided funding that supported the proj-
ect “Making Modern Maps of Magicica-
da Emergences.” James E. Cooley assist-
ed with the design and construction of
the second-generation GPS dataloggers
used in this study. Invaluable assistance
was provided by John Knox, Don Simon,
Laura Simon, and trained volunteer sur-
veyors assembled by the Connecticut
Department of Energy and Environmental
Protection (DEEP). is work was par-
tially supported by the National Science
Foundation under Grant Nos. NSF DEB
0720664 and DEB 0955849 to Chris Simon.
Any opinions, ndings, and conclusions
or recommendations expressed in this
material are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reect the views of the
NSF. Chris Maier was supported in part by
the Connecticut DEEP. Full records, many
with species information, are available
on the Cicada Central database (http://
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development time for periodical cicadas.
Ecology : -.
Kritsky, G., J. Webb, M. Folsom, and M.
Pfeister. 2005. Observations on periodical
cicadas (Brood X) in Indiana and Ohio in
 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada
spp.). Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. : -.
Lloyd, M. and H. S. Dybas. 1966. e peri-
odical cicada problem. II. Evolution. Evo-
lution : -.
Lloyd, M. and J. A. White. 1976. Sympatry
of periodical cicada broods and the hy-
pothetical four-year acceleration. Evolu-
tion : -.
Maier, C. 19 82. Abundance and distribution of
the seventeen-year periodical cicada, Ma-
gicicada septendecim (Linnaeus)(Hemip-
tera: Cicadidae- Brood II), in Connecticut.
Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. : -.
Maier, C. 2015. Habitat and estimated densi-
ty of Magicicada septendecula (Hemiptera:
Cicadidae), a -year periodical cicada
newly discovered in Connecticut, United
States of America. Canadian Entomologist
: In Press.
Marlatt, C. 1898. e periodical cicada. Unit-
ed States Department of Agriculture, Bu-
reau of Entomology Bulletin : -.
Marlatt, C. 1907. e periodical cicada. Unit-
ed States Department of Agriculture, Bu-
reau of Entomology Bulletin : -.
Marlatt, C. 1923. e periodical cicada. Unit-
ed States Department of Agriculture, Bu-
reau of Entomology Bulletin : -.
Martin, A. and C. Simon. 1988. Anomalous
distribution of nuclear and mitochondrial
DNA markers in periodical cicadas. Na-
ture : -.
Martin, A. and C. Simon. 1990. Diering
levels of among-population divergence
in the mitochondrial DNA of periodical
cicadas related to historical biogeogra-
phy. Evolution : -.
Riley, C. V. 1885. e periodical cicada. An
account of Cicada septendecim and its tre-
decim race, with a chronology of all broods
known. Bulletin of the USDA Division of
Entomology : -.
Simon, C. 1979. Debut of the seven-
teen-year-old cicada. Nat. Hist. : -.
Simon, C. 1983. Morphological dierenti-
ation in wing venation among broods of
- and -year periodical cicadas. Evo-
lution : -.
Simon, C. 1988. Evolution of - and -year
periodical cicadas. Bull. Entomol. Soc.
Amer. : -.
Simon, C., R. Karban, and M. Lloyd. 1981.
Patchiness, density, and aggregative behav-
ior in sympatric allochronic populations
of -year cicadas. Ecology : -.
Simon, C., and M. Lloyd. 1982. Disjunct syn-
chronic population of -year periodical
cicadas: relicts or evidence of polyphyly?
Journal of the New York Entomological
Society : -.
Simon, C., J. Tang, S. Dalwadi, G. Staley, J.
Deniega, and T. R. Unnasch. 2000. Genet-
ic evidence for assortative mating between
-year cicadas and sympatric “-year
cicadas with -year life cycles” provides
support for allochronic speciation. Evo-
lution : -.
Sota, T., S. Yamamoto, J. R. Cooley, K. B. R.
Hill, C. Simon, and J. Yoshimura. 2013.
Dierent histories of divergence into -
and -year life cycles among three pe-
riodical cicada lineages. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America : -.
John R. Cooley, Chris Simon, and David Mar-
shall are members of the Department of Ecol-
ogy and Evolutionary Biology, e University
of Connecticut, Storrs CT USA -.
Chris T. Maier is a research scientist in the
Department of Entomology, e Connecti-
cut Agricultural Experiment Station, New
Haven CT USA -. Jin Yoshimura
is a faculty member in the Department of
Systems Engineering, Shizuoka University,
Hamamatsu, Japan. Stephen M. Chiswell is
a research scientist at the National Institute
of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited,
PO Box  , Wellington, New Zealand.
Marten Edwards is a faculty member in the
Department of Biology, Muhlenberg College,
Allentown PA USA . Chuck Holliday is
Professor Emeritus in the Department of
Biology, Lafayette College, Easton PA USA
 . Richard Grantham is the Director of
the Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Lab,
Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma
State University Stillwater, OK USA .
John Zyla runs the mid-Atlantic cicadas
webpage ( Gerry Bunker runs
the Massachusetts Cicadas website (http:// Rober t L. Sanders and
Michael Neckermann are cicada enthusiasts
who have tracked down many cicadas over
the years. e Mapping Project webpage is
DOI: 10.1093/ae/tmv070
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... Brood VI consists of at least two and possibly three disconnected parts. Among all periodical cicada broods, some disjuncts appear to be relicts of once-larger distributions (Facon et al. 2006, Kritsky et al. 2017, whereas other disjuncts are best explained as having independent origins, formed by temporal shifts from a neighboring brood on a different schedule (Simon and Lloyd 1982;Cooley 2015;Cooley et al. 2015Cooley et al. , 2018. The northeast GA populations of Brood VI are part of a complex of small, isolated populations of other 17-yr broods (II, X, and XIV; Cooley et al. , 2011Cooley et al. , 2015 reminiscent of those on Long Island (Simon and Lloyd 1982). ...
... Among all periodical cicada broods, some disjuncts appear to be relicts of once-larger distributions (Facon et al. 2006, Kritsky et al. 2017, whereas other disjuncts are best explained as having independent origins, formed by temporal shifts from a neighboring brood on a different schedule (Simon and Lloyd 1982;Cooley 2015;Cooley et al. 2015Cooley et al. , 2018. The northeast GA populations of Brood VI are part of a complex of small, isolated populations of other 17-yr broods (II, X, and XIV; Cooley et al. , 2011Cooley et al. , 2015 reminiscent of those on Long Island (Simon and Lloyd 1982). It remains unknown whether the isolated GA populations of Brood VI are relicts of a once-larger distribution, whether they were formed contemporaneously with the main body of Brood VI but are disjunct because the events leading to their formation were spatially heterogeneous in nature, or whether, like the Long Island broods, these southern disjuncts formed independently, but synchronic with the main body of a brood with which they share no recent common history. ...
Historically, most North American periodical cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp. Davis 1925) distribution records have been mapped at county-level resolution. In recent decades, Magicicada brood distributions and especially edges have been mapped at a higher resolution, aided by the use of GIS technology after 2000. Brood VI of the 17-yr cicadas emerged in 2000 and 2017 and is the first for which detailed mapping has been completed in consecutive generations. Overlaying the records from the two generations suggests that in some places, Brood VI expanded its range slightly between 2000 and 2017, although the measured changes are close to the lower limit of detectability given the methods used. Even so, no simple alternative to range expansion easily accounts for these observations. We also bolster Alexander and Moore’s assertion that M. cassini does not occur in Brood VI.
... Most existing brood maps consist largely of county-level records based on nineteenth-century USDA records ( Fig. 1; Marlatt 1923). Even though revisions have corrected some errors and distortions in these maps (Simon 1988;Kritsky 1992;Irwin and Coelho 2000;Cooley et al. 2011;Cooley et al. 2013a;Cooley 2015;Cooley et al. 2015), older maps lack the fine detail needed to address many biogeographic questions (Stannard 1975;Simon 1988;Marshall 2001) and they miss some disjunct populations (Simon and Lloyd 1982 Cooley et al. 2015). ...
... Most existing brood maps consist largely of county-level records based on nineteenth-century USDA records ( Fig. 1; Marlatt 1923). Even though revisions have corrected some errors and distortions in these maps (Simon 1988;Kritsky 1992;Irwin and Coelho 2000;Cooley et al. 2011;Cooley et al. 2013a;Cooley 2015;Cooley et al. 2015), older maps lack the fine detail needed to address many biogeographic questions (Stannard 1975;Simon 1988;Marshall 2001) and they miss some disjunct populations (Simon and Lloyd 1982 Cooley et al. 2015). ...
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Periodical cicadas (Hemiptera: Magicicada) have coevolved with obligate bacteriome-inhabiting microbial symbionts, yet little is known about gut microbial symbiont composition or differences in composition among allochronic Magicicada broods (year classes) which emerge parapatrically or allopatrically in the eastern United States. Here, 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing was performed to determine gut bacterial community profiles of three periodical broods, including II (Connecticut and Virginia, 2013), VI (North Carolina, 2017), and X (Maryland, 2021, and an early emerging nymph collected in Ohio, 2017). Results showed similarities among all nymphal gut microbiomes and between morphologically distinct 17-year Magicicada, namely Magicicada septendecim (Broods II and VI) and 17-year Magicicada cassini (Brood X) providing evidence of a core microbiome, distinct from the microbiome of burrow soil inhabited by the nymphs. Generally, phyla Bacteroidetes [Bacteroidota] (> 50% relative abundance), Actinobacteria [Actinomycetota], or Proteobacteria [Pseudomonadota] represented the core. Acidobacteria and genera Cupriavidus, Mesorhizobium, and Delftia were prevalent in nymphs but less frequent in adults. The primary obligate endosymbiont, Sulcia (Bacteroidetes), was dominant amongst core genera detected. Chryseobacterium were common in Broods VI and X. Chitinophaga, Arthrobacter, and Renibacterium were common in Brood X, and Pedobacter were common to nymphs of Broods II and VI. Further taxonomic assignment of unclassified Alphaproteobacteria sequencing reads allowed for detection of multiple copies of the Hodgkinia 16S rRNA gene, distinguishable as separate operational taxonomic units present simultaneously. As major emergences of the broods examined here occur at 17-year intervals, this study will provide a valuable comparative baseline in this era of a changing climate.
Apart from model organisms, 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada) are among the most studied insects in evolution and ecology. They are attractive subjects because they predictably emerge in large numbers; have a complex biogeography shaped by both spatial and temporal isolation; and include three largely sympatric, parallel species groups that are, in a sense, evolutionary replicates. Magicicada are also relatively easy to capture and manipulate, and their spectacular, synchronized mass emergences facilitate outreach and citizen science opportunities. Since the last major review, studies of Magicicada have revealed insights into reproductive character displacement and the nature of species boundaries, provided additional examples of allochronic speciation, found evidence for repeated and parallel (but noncontemporaneous) evolution of 13- and 17-year life cycles, quantified the amount and direction of gene flow through time, revealed phylogeographic patterning resulting from paleoclimate change, studied the timing of juvenile development, and created hypotheses for the evolution of life-cycle control and the future effects of climate change on Magicicada life cycles. New ecological studies have supported and questioned the role of prime numbers in Magicicada ecology and evolution, found bidirectional shifts in population size over generations, quantified the contribution of Magicicada to nutrient flow in forest ecosystems, and examined behavioral and biochemical interactions between Magicicada and their fungal parasites and bacterial endosymbionts. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Entomology, Volume 67 is January 2022. Please see for revised estimates.
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The periodical cicadas of North America ( Magicicada spp.) are well-known for their long life cycles of 13 and 17 years and their mass synchronized emergences. Although periodical cicada life cycles are relatively strict, the biogeographic patterns of periodical cicada broods, or year-classes, indicate that they must undergo some degree of life cycle switching. We present a new map of periodical cicada Brood V, which emerged in 2016, and demonstrate that it consists of at least four distinct parts that span an area in the United States stretching from Ohio to Long Island. We discuss mtDNA haplotype variation in this brood in relation to other periodical cicada broods, noting that different parts of this brood appear to have different origins. We use this information to refine a hypothesis for the formation of periodical cicada broods by 1- and 4-year life cycle jumps.
Between September of 2013 and September of 2016 an intermittent survey of the cicada diversity and distribution in Oklahoma was conducted. The results of this survey are presented here as a current updated annotated checklist. Seven species in four genera are newly recorded as resident in Oklahoma: Diceroprocta texana (Davis, 1916), Megatibicen figuratus (Walker, 1858), Neotibicen davisi harnedi (Davis, 1918), Neotibicen linnei (Smith & Grossbeck, 1907), Neotibicen robinsonianus (Davis, 1922), Okanagana viridis Davis, 1918, and Pacarina shoemakeri Sanborn and Heath, 2012. This brings the total number of species inhabiting the state to 41. Discussed are seven additional species possibly occurring in the state and Oklahoma's cicada diversity.
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The spectacular periodical cicada ( Magicicada spp.) emergences of Eastern North America have long attracted attention (Kritsky 2004). While any given location sees an emergence just once every 13 or 17 years, different regions emerge on different schedules, so that periodical cicadas are divided into “broods,” or locally synchronized emergences on a common schedule. The broods appear to be mostly parapatric (non-overlapping) and they vary in size from regional to extremely localized (Marlatt 1923, Simon 1988); however, the biological significance of the broods is poorly understood. Much of our understanding of periodical cicada broods comes from a series of groundbreaking maps created in the late nineteenth century by Charles Marlatt (1923), who summarized knowledge of periodical cicada brood ranges and emergence schedules, updating the earlier work of C. V. Riley (1885). Marlatt's maps are still in use today, though time has revealed some of their weaknesses (Cooley et al. 2013a), including their tendency to overestimate some brood ranges (Marshall 2001). Periodical cicada Brood I is interesting precisely because earlier maps appear to overestimate or misplace its range. One colloquial name for this brood (the “Blue Ridge Brood”) appears inaccurate, as Marlatt's maps place Brood I in the Shenandoah Valley, or even on Allegheny Mountain and its foothills, rather than in the Blue Ridge Mountains (Fig. 1). Marlatt's map of Brood I also includes extensions into North Carolina, records east of the mountains along the seaboard, and records westward into the Ohio Valley and beyond. Possibly, these records may reflect confusion due to off-schedule emergences (“stragglers”) …
As any scientist knows, a theory must not be judged by its plausibility or lack of it, but by how well it can anticipate new discoveries. The most important things for us to summarize, therefore, are the new things to look for. We need to know a great deal more about the developmental periods of non-periodical cicadas. On purely demographic grounds, a long pre-reproductive period should be a severe disadvantage; other things being equal, it should be strongly selected against. In view of the data in Table 2, one must postulate some counter-advantages for the long developmental periods characteristic of cicadas. As one hypothesis, we suggest in Table 3 a counter-advantage connected with loud song, large size, and obligately slow feeding. This idea could be exploded by finding a large cicada with a short life cycle, provided its feeding habits are typical of cicadas in general. The current work of Anderson and Shorey with Diceroprocta apache on asparagus roots (see earlier footnote) may provide exactly the disproof that is needed. With the advent of nearly-perfect periodicity, the rules are considerably changed. Given that there already is a long life cycle, the above-ground predators become satiated, and the below-ground ones deprived of food, by every periodical emergence (Lloyd and Dybas, 1966). The prey can now evolve predator-foolhardy behavior, especially as old behavior patterns may be incompatible with the demands of reproduction at enormously elevated population densities. The most severe selective penalties are now levied against those individuals that fail to emerge along with the majority; either a lengthening or shortening of the life cycle would be selected against under these circumstances. As between two competing cicada populations with equally perfect periodicities, however, the shorter life cycle should still have an advantage. Thus, we anticipate that 13-year broods should now be displacing 17-year ones wherever their ranges are contiguous, as, for example, XIX and XXIII supplanting IV in the Ozarks (cf. Figs. 7A-B and 6G). This idea can obviously be tested by detailed mapping of future emergences and historical records. In the course of evolution towards periodicity, phenotypic variability in the developmental period would acquire a maladaptive significance that it could never have had before. The fact that immature periodical cicada nymphs are as variable in size as they are (Fig. 1) must mean that these species have some special physiological mechanism (i.e., something other than a very uniform growth rate) which insures that the nymphs will emerge together after 13 or 17 years-some mechanism like "counting" diapauses, for example. The elucidation of this physiological mechanism is a worthwhile research objective in its own right. The ecological theory predicts that no such mechanism will be found in any non-periodical cicada, because it would have no selective advantage without the periodicity. We need, therefore, to know something about the variability, as well as the mean duration, of developmental periods in non-periodical cicadas. Looking back to an evolutionary stage before the physiological timing mechanism and the periodicity were perfected, we can imagine that strong selection would have been necessary in order to prevent the incipient periodicity from disappearing of its own accord. How strong would depend, of course, on how great was the variability in the developmental period (Fig. 2). We can also imagine population interactions taking place between "protoperiodical" cicadas and their predators that one would not expect to see taking place now. If cicadas were to appear above ground for several consecutive years (with a hiatus in between), then populations of parasitoids with life cycles of one year (living on alternative hosts during the hiatus) would build up, as shown in Fig. 3. This idea predicts that the alternative hosts of parasitoids that attack periodical cicada eggs or adults should suffer much greater mortality rates from parasitoid attack in the year after a periodical cicada emergence than in the year prior to one. Unfortunately, this would be a difficult thing to measure, since the alternative hosts will generally be comparatively rare. Another testable prediction is that wherever two periodical broods one year out of phase have adjacent ranges (see I-II, III-IV, V-VI, VIII-IX, IX-X, XXII-XXIII, Figs. 6 and 7), the leading brood should gradually be supplanting the lagging brood. Moreover, this should be occurring even where the population densities are so low that underground competition for feeding sites is not likely to be important, i.e., at densities of fewer than five mature nymphs per square yard. If this is, in fact, a tenable idea, then it creates difficulties with the theory, because the interaction with year-to-year parasitoids would produce a strong selective pressure favoring ever-shorter developmental periods in protoperiodical cicadas (see Fig. 3). We could accommodate this by assuming that the protoperiodical ancestor had a life cycle even longer than 17 years but, if that were true, one would expect to find life cycles of this length in present-day non-periodical cicadas. None have turned up so far, and the pattern of developmental periods relative to body size (Table 2) suggests that none are likely to be found. As an alternative explanation, we are led to postulate something which can never be verified directly: a parasitoid with a life cycle of many years duration, nearly synchronized with the protoperiodical cicadas and exerting a counter-selection pressure favoring a longer life cycle. Since there is no trace of such a parasitoid now, we have to assume that it became extinct. We cannot assume that this hypothetical parasitoid was one that attacked the cicada nymphs, because we would then have no explanation for the apparent absence of this kind of life cycle in parasitoids of present-day non-periodical cicadas. We are left with a hypothetical parasitoid attacking eggs or adults, which implies a long period of dormancy underground. The only documented case of this that we know about is the report of Tillyard (1926) concerning two- or three-year dormancy in larvae of the Australian cicadahunting wasp, Exeirus lateritius. However, the startling data of Barnes (Fig. 4) suggest that long dormancy underground is possible, even for small insects. The testable prediction the theory makes, then, is that prolonged underground dormancy of this kind will prove to be a great deal more common and widespread among insect parasitoids than is generally realized. An alternative hypothesis to account for the evolution of exceedingly slow developmental rates in protoperiodical cicadas assumes very high population densities, severe competition for food, and a spectacular ability on the part of certain genotypes to withstand prolonged periods of starvation. There is no apparent reason why periodical nymphs should not still retain this ability, so this idea is testable also. In addition to the very long life cycles themselves, any comprehensive theory must be able to account for both the 13-year and 17-year life cycles (both perfectly periodical), for the various broods within each life cycle (Figs. 6 and 7), and for the three sibling species (or species pairs, see Table 1)-species that coexist sympatrically within each brood, within either life cycle. In Fig. 6E, we adopt the suggestion of Alexander and Moore (1962) that adjacent broods one year out of step arose by summation of diapauses, resulting perhaps from unseasonable cold in a particular year, and we add to this the further hypothesis that accelerations of four years can also take place. This leads us to postulate that the 17-year cicadas differ from the 13-year ones by the possession of a supernumcrary sixth instar. There is at present no convincing direct evidence for this sixth instar in 17-year cicadas, but the assumption that it exists, and can be omitted from the life cycle in response to some environmental shock, enables us to postulate a mechanism for deriving a fully-periodical 13-year life cycle directly from a fully-periodical 17-year one, without losing the periodicity in the process. Fortunately, the question of a supernumerary sixth instar is directly testable. Present efforts are being directed towards that end. As one would expect, the habitat preferences of the three species differ. Dybas and Lloyd (1962) described these differences for Magicicada septendecim and M. cassini. A future paper will treat all three species, with both 13-year (Brood XXIII) and 17-year (Broods II, III, IV) life cycles. We find the same habitat differences among the three species, whatever the life cycle, whatever the brood. The ecological tie that has kept these three species in perfect synchrony with one another, through all this evolution of different broods and life cycles is, by hypothesis, the same mechanism that was originally responsible for selecting in favor of periodicity-the possibility of satiating predators and, given that predators are satiated, the selective penalties against (predator-fool-hardy) individuals that do not emerge in synchrony with the group. A few such individuals still occur, sometimes even several years out of synchrony. These "stragglers" are probably seldom reported in the literature, presumably because their significance is not generally appreciated.
Densities of two allochronic, geographically overlapping populations of periodical cicadas were censused in the eggnest stage in order to test the hypothesis that larger populations can be supported when the root-feeding nymphs are of different ages. In a frequently burned chest-high stand of scrub oak Quercus ilicifolia on Long Island, Magicicada septendecim emerged in 1974 (Brood XIV) , then again in 1978 (Brood I) from under the same individual plants over an area of about 1.2 x 3.5 km. Adjacent to this, in the same vegetation, periodical cicadas emerged in 1974 but not in 1978. Cicadas exhibited patchiness on a small scale (metres) which was not reflected in patchiness on a larger scale (tens of metres). Microspatial distributions were patchy in both Brood I and Brood XIV, yet dense patches of one brood were usually not correlated with dense patches of the other. The primary cause of the patchy oviposition pattern is either mutual attraction among ovipositing females or lack of dispersal from the chorusing and mating centers. The most patchy distributions were invariably those with lowest density, but several plots with low density were not very patchy. Mutual attraction among females is apparently weakened at high densities.-from Authors
The geographical relationships and relative sizes of 17-year periodical cicada broods, along with the fact that 13-year cicadas exist, suggest that 17-year cicadas sometimes undergo a 4-year acceleration and emerge after 13 years (Lloyd and Dybas, 1966). The early growth of 17-year nymphs is strikingly inhibited by 4 years, relative to that of 13-year cicadas (White and Lloyd, 1975). This suggests that 17-year nymphs have some specific inhibitory mechanism, which can perhaps be broken in response to some stimulus, possibly extreme crowding of the nymphs when first becoming established underground. If only part of a local population responds in this way, then two 17-year broods are preduced, coexisting in the same woods, one brood permanently advanced over the other by 4 years. It was formerly supposed (Lloyd and Dybas, 1966) that one or the other of these broods-possibly even both-would be too sparse to satiate predators and hence become extinct. There is no reason to doubt that such extinctions do occur, but apparently they do not always occur. Broods XIV and X coexist in the same local woodlands over a considerable area in northern Kentucky. In the emergence year of the lagging brood (1974), just after oviposition was completed, we estimated the relative numbers in each brood by collecting and measuring 4-year-old and current eggnests along an undisturbed forest edge. In 5 collection sites, the proportion of Brood X (the leading brood) varied from .020 to .337. It may be that coexistence of more than one brood in the same woods is much commoner than formerly supposed. It should be looked for in parts of Eastern United States where Marlatt's (1907) maps show Broods XIV, X, VI, and II coexisting in the same counties. Local coexistence may represent an intermediate stage in the gradual conversion of one brood to another. If so, then 4-year accelerations of part of a population is a phenomenon of regular occurrence in 17-year cicadas. It can be argued that the same process of 4-year accelerations has led to the evolution of 13-year periodical cicadas by genetic assimilation (Lloyd and Dybas, 1966). The two major broods, XXIII and XIX, are 4 years apart. Bryce and Aspinwall (1975) found several cases of coexistence in the same woods in Missouri, by listening for adults and digging up nymphs. On theoretical grounds, we would not expect any conversion of one of these broods to the other; the spatial pattern should be a mosaic with overlaps rather than widespread coexistence. This is precisely what Bryce and Aspinwall (1975) found. Cicadas of Broods XIV and X use a variety of plants for oviposition. Within a study site, the pattern of utilization by XIV vs. X is significantly different, but between sites these differences are not consistent. Two possible interpretations come to mind: (1) There may be patchy microspatial distributions of ovipositing females, stemming from historical accidents, differing in different emergence years, and superimposed on the same patchy distribution of the vegetation. (2) A cicada may prefer to oviposit in the plant species that it fed upon as a nymph, so that 'traditional' differences build up between partially (and temporarily) isolated cicada populations.
Three species of 17-yr periodical cicadas--Magicicada septendecim (Linnaeus), M. cassini (Fisher), and M. septendecula Alexander and Moore--have ranges that are coextensive except around the edges. All the cicadas occurring together are the same age and emerge in the same 17th yr (hence they are @'periodical@'), yet populations in different parts of the range (called @'broods@') are out of phase with one another. Within the same brood, the three species are always perfectly synchronized, but they are separated microspatially by having different habitats within the same woodland. Magicicada septendecula prefers ovipositing in hickories and walnuts, and emerges in higher proportions under those trees than under comparable oaks. Both M. septendecim and M. septendecula occur together in upland woods, but septendecim exhibits much less host specificity than septendecula. The latter species is much rarer than septendecim; it can usually be heard chorusing in local patches within a woods occupied by septendecim. Magicicada cassini is a species of floodplain woods, and characteristically can be seen to replace septendecim and septendecula as one moves down a wooded slope leading to a stream. Over much of the eastern United States, however, the original forest has been extensively disturbed. Periodical cicadas survive and reproduce surprisingly well in cutover, scrubby second growth. Tree species characteristic of floodplains, like American elm, are often a component of upland second growth, and, especially in such situations, cassini, septendecim, and septendecula become intermixed though they remain reproductively isolated. The present lack of microspatial separation in many situations, then, is an artifact of human disturbance. Even so, on the edges of the range where only one species occurs, it does not invade the habitat of the other, even though its @'competitor@' is absent. These assertions are based on 4 yrs of summer field studies, from 1962-65 on Broods II, III, IV, and V primarily in Virginia, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Ohio, and later, more cursory observations in 1968-70 on Broods VIII, IX, and X in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Indiana, as well as on previous studies by ourselves and others reported in the literature.