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Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion



The explosion at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant highlighted serious social concerns about risk communications; the public found it difficult to take preventive actions based on scientific information of radioactive fallout. We investigated public perception of the risks from low dose radiation and the role of information providers through the Internet survey focusing on parents in four Japanese regional groups. Mothers felt more anxious than fathers in Fukushima but not in further groups, and that the furthest group felt the most ambiguous anxiety. Their anxiety derived from distrust of the government and uncertainty about scientific information, rather than the lack of knowledge although risk communication emphasized learning the scientific mechanism. The mediators should provide more information for individual decision-making of day-to-day risk management in regions with different levels of radiological contamination; key issues include improving parents' perceived control to their lives and easing their tension of responsibility to children's health.
SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies Journal of Science Communication
ISSN 1824 - 2049
RECEIVED: January 23, 2013
PUBLISHED: June 24, 2013
JCOM 12(2), June 2013 Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0
Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in
communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation
after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
Saho Tateno and Hiromi M. Yokoyama
ABSTRACT: The explosion at the Fukushima Nuclear Plant highlighted serious
social concerns about risk communications; the public found it difficult to take
preventive actions based on scientific information of radioactive fallout. We
investigated public perception of the risks from low dose radiation and the role of
information providers through the Internet survey focusing on parents in four
Japanese regional groups. Mothers felt more anxious than fathers in Fukushima
but not in further groups, and that the furthest group felt the most ambiguous
anxiety. Their anxiety derived from distrust of the government and uncertainty
about scientific information, rather than the lack of knowledge although risk
communication emphasized learning the scientific mechanism. The mediators
should provide more information for individual decision-making of day-to-day
risk management in regions with different levels of radiological contamination;
key issues include improving parents’ perceived control to their lives and easing
their tension of responsibility to children’s health.
Fukushima as the third case of nuclear disaster
Fukushima nuclear disaster was a practice scenario for risk communications. The
explosion at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant triggered by the tsunami of the Great
East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, had an enormous impact on Japanese
society. It raised many issues regarding suitable procedures for managing the risk of
radioactive fallout and disseminating scientific information.
Since the early 2000s and before the nuclear crisis, the government had frequently
used the phrase “pursuing the safe and secure society.” In April 2004, the report
summarizing the findings of a “meeting on how to construct the safe and relievable
society with science policy” was published, which led the Ministry of Education,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT) to establish “the Office of
Science and Technology for a Safe and Secure Society, Policy Division, Science and
Policy Bureau” in 2005.1 Although the program represented an effort to improve the
government’s communications initiative regarding risk management and safety issues
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 2
associated with science and technology, challenges in smooth interactions between the
public, experts, and mediators were evident for the crisis that followed the Fukushima
nuclear disaster. Consequently, efforts to protect the public from radioactive hazards
were not effective as desired.
There have been a lot of controversies regarding communication after the disaster
especially about the way of providing risk information. One of them was the
government’s (i.e., MEXT’s) delayed timing for the release of information from
SPEEDI (System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information).2
More residents living near the plant in the Fukushima prefecture could have been
alerted to evacuate much earlier with the system, however, the government announced,
“The radioactive fallout does not have any immediate health effects,” making the
public doubt the government’s reassurances.3,4
Another example of controversy and information confusion concerned the actions of
academic societies; the Meteorological Society of Japan made its members refrain from
personally publishing prediction data about radioactive fallout spread from the plant.5
Even with full media coverage of the disaster and subsequent publications of books
about radiation for risk communication, the public did not trust the government,
experts, or the media, and therefore, there was considerable anxiety about low dose
radiation from the environment and food intake.6
The health effects of low dose radiation have been uncertain, according to several
international organizations. For example, the International Commission on
Radiological Protection (ICRP) published a report recommending that humans control
annual individual exposure to radiation to 1 millisievert per year. Local governmental
agencies, such as Fukushima’s prefectural office, have worked to remove radioactive
fallout from the land and improve risk communications by organizing forums.7 In April
2012, the government set up a system for monitoring food markets and allowing public
access to the resulting data,8 but the anxiety remains.
In a survey conducted in March 2011 by a think tank (“nri”), 80% of respondents
selected NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) as the most credible information
source, and 29% of respondents believed that the government lost credibility after the
disaster.9 It appears, therefore, that the extent of public trust toward information
providers such as journalism, the government and experts changed after the disaster
because of attitudes about releasing information. In this article, by reviewing the
relevant literature in the past and looking at our data from the case of Fukushima
nuclear accident, we would like to develop the further discussion of risk
communication associated with low dose radiation after a nuclear accident, especially
focusing on how to deal with public anxiety and distrust of information providers.
Risk perception research after nuclear accidents
Once a nuclear accident occurs, the society confronts the risks of radiation and it has to
consider risk management according to the studies conducted after Three Mile Island
accident in 1979 and Chernobyl accident in 1986. Earle and Cvetkovich discussed, as
lessons from Chernobyl, that radioactive hazards can be managed in three general
3 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
ways: “(a) through improved engineering and technology; (b) through regulation; (c)
through communication” (p173).10 For better communication, the third one, public
perception of radiation has been studied every time after the nuclear accidents.
Studies of the perception of risk from radiation by Weart and Slovic described that
public people tend to have special sensitivity to the radiation exposure: they see more
risks of radiation technology than most of technical experts see.11,12 Slovic also added
that, overall, public perception of radiation technology differs in accordance with how
the technology is used, for instance, as medical treatment, as power generation or as
weapon.12 The studies of public perception after the nuclear accidents have developed
after the cases of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.
Perception research after Three Mile Island focused on an expectation of control in
the lives after the accident. Langer thinks that maintaining an expectation of control is
essential to develop each one’s sense of wellbeing as people affected by a disaster feel
lack of control in their lives after the incident.13 The individual levels of perceived
control related to the decision-making on whether each one moved out of the local
affected area near the damaged nuclear plant or not, as the result by Prince-Embury and
Rooney showed, and a tendency of such migration could be predictable primarily by
demographic variables like age and years of resident near the plant rather than
individual attitude to the accident.14,15 They also described that the lack of perceived
control led the public to move out and to distrust of experts who explained the risks of
radiation even though the levels of worry between who moved and who stayed were
In addition to the perceived control, another issue of deficiency after Three Mile
Accident was that the lack of the information of the risks about the accident increased
the level of public anxiety. Research by Prince-Embury and Rooney presented that the
local people who moved after the accident and were not parents of children under the
age of 18 showed more psychological symptoms such as depression, increased worry,
loss of faith in experts and less perceived control about their lives than those who had
not moved; the report concluded that the results derived from the lack of the
information.15 Baum, Gatchel, and Schaeffer discussed that the lack of information
about the exact amount of radiation released during Three Mile Island accident,
maximal levels of radiation allowable for human safety, and the possibility of another
accident made the residents think living in more uncertainty without control and feel
more stress.16
In the perception research by Eiser et al. after Chernobyl accident, farmers and
parents in the closest region to the plant felt the strongest psychological reaction, and
the research pointed out that it was due to the issues of food contamination; farmers
prepare it for their consumers and parents prepare it for their children.17 In conclusion,
one’s responsibility or fear to the lack of responsibility for the lives of others was a key
issue of risk perception then. After the Chernobyl accident, Hoijer noted that men and
women focus on and absorb different aspects of available information about radiation.18
There would be difference in risk perception between fathers and mothers.
Compared to Three Mile Island accident, more information related to the accident
was provided to the public in the case of Chernobyl. However, the way of providing the
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 4
information of radiological risks became a more critical issue. To demonstrate the
situation, an article referred to the Chernobyl disaster as an information disaster, and it
described the public’s efforts in West Germany to seek the most credible information
sources. It was concluded that “expertise” and “trustworthiness” were indispensable
elements when judging the credibility of these sources. “During the weeks and months
following the accident many people were unsure about what health consequences to
expect for their children and themselves, and about what precautions to take. A lack of
clarity and contradictions in the information published let critics speak of an
information disaster.”19 The kind of the information was very important as Renn
presented; when threatened by a hazard, the public has little need for technical detail;
what is needed is the information of how to cope, not information about the hazard but
information about hazard management.20
The third case of a nuclear disaster in the world was Fukushima nuclear plant
explosion. Japan has been through some cases of risk communication associated with
radiation including the case in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hippel touched on a topic of
psychological consequences in terms of Fukushima accident in his article by comparing
to the case of Chernobyl reported by Chernobyl Forum: in Chernobyl, the exposed
population had twice level of anxiety and 34 times more with poor subjective health
situation than controls.21,22 He expected that a similar tendency would be shown in the
case of Fukushima. The public perception research in the case of Fukushima should be
necessary to investigate the exact psychological situation of the exposed residents near
the plant.
Risk communication and public perception
According to Lemyre, main issues of mass decontamination events like a nuclear
accident are categorized into: 1) perception, 2) somatization, 3) media role and
communication, 4) information sharing, 5) behavioral guidance and 6) organizational
issues.23 These elements make the social dynamics to a nuclear accident, and there are
many researches on the correlation among them. Now, we discuss more about risk
communication itself.
Leiss presented how the practice of risk communication has been developed: The
term risk communication first appeared in the literature in 1984.24 The basic idea in the
1980s and early 1990s was that understanding public risk perception would enable
researchers to develop risk communication models and experiments, and to design
more effective risk communication, which could be used by practitioners in their
everyday work. Boholm described numerous types of activities in environmental risk
communication: stimulating interest in environmental health issues, increasing public
knowledge, influencing attitudes and behaviors of people, acting in situations of
emergency or crises, aiding in decision making, and assisting in conflict resolution.25
Every risk situation requires different communication, and Renn points out the
importance of adjusting risk communication to the specific needs of the people so that
they can make a decision of their risk situation in accordance with how much they are
prepared and what extent of measures of safety they have.20
5 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
Risk communication and trust
Trettin and Musham categorized three parties during the process of risk communication
as follows: individuals, groups, or organizations.26 Social standpoints of people such the
public, the media and the experts as well as the government communicate one another.
Mogan et al insisted that one of the keys to risk communication is supplying the public
with the “information they need to make informed, independent judgments about risks
to health, safety and the environment” (p4).27 There are also several key determinants
in risk perception of the public in risk communication which were discussed in
previous literatures such as trust, affect and emotions as Sjoberg and Visshchers.28,29 In
social psychology field, it is indicated that the less trusted an organization is, the
stronger the anxiety level of citizens regarding hazardous situations involving the
organization.30 Research by Holt and another survey by Dohrenwend, Dohrenwend,
Kasl, & Wowheit, documented a higher level of distrust of authorities after Three Mile
Island accident, and how the audience perceived the information in risk communication
after the nuclear accident strongly related to the faith in experts.31,32
There have been a number of articles on how to build public trust to information
providers on the matter of science and technology. An article introduced the case of
Cumbrian sheep farmers in the United Kingdom who responded to scientific advice
concerning radioactive fallout because of Chernobyl, and it suggested that experts’
attitudes toward society should become more reflexive, as much as the public people
are, questioning the “deficit model”: a one-way enlightening or educating
communication style to explaining technical knowledge.33 A two-way communication
would build more trust between experts and the public; otherwise, the information
catastrophe would be attributed to ideological disorganization within the social clusters
of information providers as shown in another article described the effects of Chernobyl
in Norway as the endangerment of culture and health together.34
A recent article argued that for the development of public trust, policy makers and
experts should respect each other; additionally, mediation should play a more
prominent role with participation by NGOs, news services, and online portals
throughout the world.35 Another suggestion was the construction of a system to support
better communication between experts and members of society to facilitate evidence-
based policy making.35
Risk communication and the media
Again, the media play the important role in risk communication after a nuclear
accident, and there some researches focused on it. For example, Lemyre et al insisted
that, “Public perceptions are influenced not only be the degree of exposure to a hazard,
but also by the content and delivery of risk messages” (p20).23 Mazur and Lee also
discussed that it is not the content that influences people’s opinions, but the sheer
amount of coverage. Other researches suggested that, in Durfee’s work, a tone of
reporting influence the public perception of risk (a tone of changing society is more
influential than that of status quo or balanced news), and, in Wahlberg’s work, the
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 6
media has influenced on public perception of risk, especially general risk perception
rather than personal risk perception.37,38
Studies of reporting three nuclear disasters
How the media deal with the emotions of the audiences is another key issue for
communicating risks of low dose radiation. Regarding news features of the Chernobyl
accident, research showed that some journalists and TV news anchors in the United
States relied on headlines that induced fear. The article pointed out that U.S. news
reports of Chernobyl compared it to the Three Mile Island accident, thus fostering a
climate of fearfulness. Another nuclear power plant accident that occurred in the past
was introduced to the audience, but it differed in scale and could make public
Friedman compared and contrasted the way of reporting the risk of radiation after
three nuclear accidents: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima.40 One of the
similarities of reporting three accidents was that journalists reported on-going incidents
in real time even though it sometimes led to lack of accuracy. Because of the nature of
a nuclear accident, how to deal with technical jargons was one of the challenges at
press conferences and interviews. Most of the journalists were not so knowledgeable
about radiation. The author points out that the variety of terminologies for the
measurement of radiation was an element to make the risk communication between
journalists and the public more complex. Another difficult part in communication was
as to describing “potential health effects” (p57).40
In Friedman’s comparison of the media coverage of nuclear crisis cases, the case of
Three Mile Island was that a lot of the media used X-ray radiation to explain row-dose
radiation and the amount of the information was limited as discussed earlier in the
present paper. In Chernobyl, the description of the extent of the scattering radiation was
not numerical, and it covered just the levels of radiation. In Fukushima, long and
detailed feature articles were published with info-graphics and multimedia outlets.
Interaction of reporters and readers were very active in the case of Fukushima on the
The most notable difference among three accidents was that the case of Fukushima
was the first nuclear accident after the age of the Internet, which changed how the
information was provided via the Internet along with the traditional media such as TV
and newspapers saying as follows:
“The Internet, websites, and social media are major reasons for the deluge of
Fukushima information, and they have changed the definition of mass media in
many ways” (p56).40
“Scientists offered extensive online tutorials about nuclear plants and radiation,
and science journals such as Nature and Science posted articles on their news
pages” (p56).40
Many individuals and groups published online their updates and interpretations
of news from traditional news or other web outlets such as websites, blogs and
7 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
messages on SNS. Twitter discussions under many hash-tags such as
#Fukushima or #nuclear. Other online tools including Wikipedia and Google
search changed the way of receiving information although the author pointed
out that lack of accuracy is problematic regarding the online information.
In this way, the case of Fukushima was illustrated as an improved media coverage
compared to the past cases of Three Mile Island and Chernobyl media analysis point of
view. The author generally described the tendency positively, however, more research
should be necessary on how the audience perceived the information of radiation and
how they selected the information during Fukushima disaster would be necessary.
Risk communication and emotion
A recent article suggested that the public and scientific community should discuss risk
in the social context for the purpose not only of raising public familiarity with scientific
knowledge or public engagement of activities related to science but also for considering
how to live in a risky society with the support of such knowledge.41 The article also
demonstrated the importance of developing public trust for providers of scientific
information by addressing the emotional concerns of citizens, as opposed to making
rational appeals.
In another research field, classical rhetoric, it has argued that Aristotle’s three
elements of persuasion ethos (trust), logos (logical appeal), and pathos (emotional
appeal) should be employed in good balance, in the society even related to science and
technology (e.g., science policy).42 Too much logical approach without ethos and
pathos could lead rushing to a conclusion because of the scientific community’s
prejudice against emotion during the policy-making process. It also explained that the
denial of emotions could lead to logical leap, emotional manipulation, or lack of social
morals. Thus, emotional aspect of communication is of importance in various
discussions, not only in perception research or psychology research.
Moreover, in empirical studies of social science, the sub-rationality of collective
actors in modern societies has been studied. As an emotional aspect, anger, is one of
the keys to motivate individuals to participate in collective action for the change of the
society especially in the situation of relative deprivation.43,44,45
Parents’ perception study after the Fukushima accident
In the case of the Fukushima nuclear explosion, parents with small children were
thought to be part of a social cluster that suffered the most from the disaster. According
to the report from the Fukushima prefecture, more than 16o,ooo people who were
forced to evacuate their homes in Fukushima remain displaced, and lots of parents and
children are included.46
In this case of crisis, the public had strongly requested scientific information about
low dose radiation before such information was released. They would have appreciated
more immediate and detailed scientific information about the risks of low dose
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 8
radiation so that they could consider prompt evacuation and food/water safety better.
This was a different situation to other science communication topics to imply a “deficit
model,” or illustration of a scientific case study, offering scientific knowledge for
enlightenment, education, and improved public engagement with the scientific
community or science policy.
Many parents after the Fukushima nuclear disaster have felt uncomfortable with
their families’ living situations since the nuclear disaster.47 A key emotional element
would be worry or anxiety in comparison with the case of collective actors’ anger. We
would like to see the relationship among the parents’ anxiety, trust, and information for
risk communication. The parents’ psychological situation from the aspect of emotion
(especially levels of anxiety) and distrust of information providers would necessary to
be researched further so that this social issue has some resolutions; improved risk
communications would undoubtedly help.
To improve risk communications regarding low dose radiation, we developed the
research questions below:
What are the actual details regarding Japanese parents’ anxiety levels and the
underlying causes? How do differences in gender and distance from the
exploded plant affect anxiety?
How have the information sources in Japan influenced public perception of low
dose radiation since the explosion and what are the key elements to building
public trust and reducing public anxiety?
1. Consideration of research methodology
Perception survey was selected as our methodology by following other past studies
from psychometric paradigm approach.
In the field of science communication, Gurabardhi described the development of
methodologies to analyze risk communication with five main approaches such as
psychometric paradigm, cultural risk theory, the mental models approach, the attitude-
behavior models, and the stress-coping paradigm.48 These approaches are based on the
risk assessment of the public’s subjective features rather than objective risk
measurement. Other review work done by Kallens et al. demonstrated empirical
researches of perception and communication by searching reports on empirical research
analysis on flood risks.49
The mainstream of risk perception research is psychometric paradigm introduced by
Fischhoff et al. and Slovic.50,51 That aims to quantify each person’s risk perception by
conducting a survey with questionnaires. As most of the reviewed perception studies
9 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
after nuclear accidents selected psychometric paradigm (Prince-Embury and Roony in
Three Mile Island and Eiser in Chernobyl), we followed them by selecting
psychometric paradigm for our research.14,15,17
2. Survey
Online survey was selected as it enabled us to reach the broader range of parents in
Japan who have access to the Internet with bigger number of samples.
A survey on the Internet was selected as the research method while the perception
survey conducted after nuclear accidents in the past were by mails or interviews.14,15,17
There have been discussions about the suitability of an Internet survey for academic
research in the social sciences or science communication studies. An article pointed out
that an Internet survey could have only limited functions as empirical research.
However, a case study about genetically modified food was conducted with a survey
distributed via the Internet and by post; Findings were not a largely different for
contents of responses on computer-based questionnaires and paper questionnaires.
Although there were differences demographically according to gender and distribution
of generations, the contents of the answers between computer-based and paper-based
did not change. But responses to computer-based questionnaires tended to be more
extreme such as “strongly agree” or “strongly disagree.”52
Although limited social clusters use the Internet and its use for survey purposes is
unorthodox for sampling and answering questions, benefits of an Internet survey
include its potential to reach a wider and larger sample and preserve the anonymity of
respondents. Consequently, it was anticipated that more answers were honest.
After considering the merits and demerits of the Internet survey, we set our focus on
parents in Japan with access to the Internet; survey questions were designed to assess
the public’s risk perceptions about low dose radiation and related information. Limiting
the group to those with the Internet access solved the issues of the Internet survey.
3. Samples
Four regional groups of parents in Japan were selected for the online survey to
investigate the differences of perception according to gender and distance/level of
contamination in the environment.
The past similar researches focused on several groups for their studies: Prince-
Embury and Rooney interviewed two groups by face-to-face: residents who moved and
those who remained after four years of TMI accident.14,15 Eiser et al conducted
perception research in regards to four social clusters of three regional groups in Sweden
according to the distance from the Chernobyl accident by a mail survey.17 We also
designed the survey to investigate the difference in gender and distance from the
Japan has major district names from Northern regions to Southern regions as
follows: Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kanto, Kansai, Chubu, Shikoku, Chugoku and Kyushu,
etc. Among them, sample groups were selected by picking up three districts (Tohoku
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 10
region, Kanto region, and Kansai region) along with Fukushima prefecture for the
survey regarding differences in public perception of low dose radiation based on
distances from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant. Specific descriptions of the
regions follow:
Fukushima prefecture, in which the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant is located
Tohoku region (within 300 km of the nuclear plant) next to the north side of the
Fukushima prefecture; area damaged by Great East Japan Earthquake (Usually
Japanese people call Tohoku including Fukushima prefecture, but this study
Fukushima prefecture is excluded in Tohoku group and we made it as another
Kanto region (within 300 km of the nuclear plant) to the south of the Fukushima
prefecture; includes the Tokyo metropolitan area
Kansai region (outside the 300 km radius of the nuclear plant) including the
area of Kyoto City
Figure 1. Four regional groups for online survey: Fukushima, Tohoku, Kanto and Kansai. A black dot in the center
of the map is the place of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant.
Figure 1 shows the areas of each group. The levels of contamination from radiation
in regards to the air and soil were different in the four regions. Some areas in
Fukushima prefecture had the most severe contamination, the areas in Tohoku region
and Kansai tended to show less severe contamination, and the furthest areas in Kanto
tended to show much less contamination. We intended to look at co-relation between
the perception, gender and distance/level of contamination after the Fukushima
11 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
In our survey, the data was gathered by NTT Resonant, Inc., a research and marketing
company. The survey was conducted March 1215, 2012, about one year after the Great
East Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011) followed by the Fukushima nuclear disaster. In
total, the company collected responses from 1,793 parents living in Japan.
The timing of the survey, one year after the accident, was selected as the following
reasons: 1) If it was earlier, the respondents would not have been ready for the survey
because of the time and physical constraints such as evacuation and recovery of their
lives from the disaster. 2) If conducted later, the tendencies of their perception affected
by the accident would have disappeared.
We chose NTT Resonant, Inc., for its website called “goo” (,
an online platform for news and searching functions (similar to Yahoo! and Google).
The company conducted a survey for users with free goo accounts. Anyone with access
to the Internet can create free accounts. By soliciting survey respondents from account
holders, the methodology was similar to random sampling.
4. Questionnaire
Four questions to select and two open-ended questions were asked in questionnaire. It
aimed to take merit and demerit both of questions to select and open-ended questions.
Discussions have taken place regarding the ideal way to ask questions to obtain
realistic perceptions regarding scientific issue. An article introduced the “open-ended
question,” in which respondents were asked to reply to survey questions in the survey
by writing text in their own words. The merits of the open-ended question are the
variety of response data and realistic descriptions illustrating current societal issues.53
In the questionnaire, six questions investigated the parents’ perceptions regarding
low dose radiation: extent of anxiety, reasons for anxiety, trusted people, trustworthy
media, interesting news topics about low dose radiation, and requests to information
providers. Participants could respond with a single answer, multi answers, or free text
in response to an open-ended question. The rates of anxiety in our questionnaire were
close to the ones by Prince-Embury and Rooney after TMI; 1=not at all worried,
4=very worried.14,15
5. Analysis
Selected answers were analyzed as quantitative data and text answers were analyzed as
qualitative data. With the combination of these two kinds of data, we looked at overall
tendencies of the survey.
The parents’ answers collected by NTT Resonant, Inc. were analyzed; text answers
in the last part of the questionnaire were examined by the procedure of text analysis,
consulting literature of discourse analysis.54 In some researches, data was analyzed
statistically with software designed for psychological and sociological analysis, such as
SPSS.55 In this survey, we chose certain answers to analyze statistically; we conducted
text analysis of the written answers for two open-ended questions. Text analysis
included reading each written text and categorizing similar answers into a top 10 list.
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 12
The total number of respondents was 1,793. All responses were valid for statistical
analysis. Age distribution of respondents included 62.4% in their 30s, 25% in their 40s,
12.2% in their 20s, 1.3% in their 50s, and 0.1% in their 60s. Regarding gender, 40%
(718 people) of parents surveyed were fathers and 60% (1075 people) were mothers.
Regarding respondents’ children, more than a half of the respondents had small
children under seven years old.
The distribution of the respondents by region was as follows: 4.1% (74 people) in
the Fukushima prefecture, 28.1% (55 people) in the Tohoku region, 47.6% (853
people) in the Kanto region, and 24.3% (435 people) in the Kansai region. Regarding
occupations of the respondents, 41.4% were housewives or househusbands; 14.2%
were engineers or professionals with expertise and 10.7% were administrators.
Levels of anxiety based on location and gender
A total of 73.3% of the Japanese parents surveyed experienced anxiety after the
Fukushima explosion. By region, 52.7% of parents in the Fukushima prefecture
experienced “strong anxiety” that was higher than in other regions. There were no
differences between the Tohoku and Kanto regions as shown figure 2. Further out in
the Kansai region, the data shows a low percentage of responses for “strong anxiety.”
The comparison between fathers and mothers in the Fukushima prefecture revealed the
notable differences, indicating that 64.6% of mothers and 30.8% of fathers experienced
“strong anxiety.” Overall, parents in Fukushima 74.9% of fathers and 72.8% of mothers
experienced some level of anxiety after the nuclear disaster. In the three other regions,
there was no such difference in the selections of “strong anxiety” or “anxiety” by
fathers and mothers (figure 3).
Figure 2. Comparison of anxiety levels according to region.
13 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
Figure 3. Comparison of anxiety levels by gender.
Reasons for feelings of anxiety according to locations
Based on the offering of multiple answers for each question, the predominant reason
for feelings of anxiety was distrust of the government’s position (table 1). The second
reason was uncertainty about scientific data disseminated in the past about low dose
radiation and its invisible risks, such as hot spots (a small spot with high dose
radioactive materials) and food that had not been monitored carefully for radiation.
“Lack of scientific knowledge regarding low dose radiation” was selected less
frequently than expected. According to region, more respondents in the Fukushima
prefecture expressed “uncertainty of low dose radiation,” while respondents who lived
further away from the nuclear plant tended to experience “ambiguous anxiety” as
shown in table 1.
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 14
of low dose
Lack of
low dose
Distrust of
the outlook
and actions
by the
Hotspots and
intake of
Table 1. Residential differences and reasons of anxiety regarding low dose radiation.
Whose advice to trust
Also by offering the multiple answers, the people whom the respondents trusted the
most after the Fukushima nuclear disaster explosion were academic scholars (40.2%,
720 responses). The second most trusted people were family members and relatives
(32.9%, 590), followed by medical doctors (28.6%, 512). Once scholars spoke out
frequently in the media, they became less trusted (28.6%, 512) by the respondents.
Other people identified in the questionnaire were journalists (21.4%, 383), friends
(13.7%, 245), teachers at school (11.1%, 199), and others (15.2%, 272).
Trustworthy media after the explosion
In terms of trust for the media after the Fukushima nuclear plant explosion, traditional
news media rewarded with public trust included Japan Broadcasting Company (a
national broadcast company), print newspapers, and other commercial TV broadcasting
15 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
companies (figure 4). The respondents selected academia as the next most trusted
source for information; they cited websites of academic institutes and scholarly
publications, although the general public accesses them less frequently. Parents as
respondents did not trust social networking services as much as we would have
Figure 3. Trusted media.
Food and health effects were the parents’ most interested news topics
Text answers regarding the most interesting news topics about low dose radiation and
childcare were categorized. The news topics that Japanese parents (128 people) found
the most interesting were something related to food safety; examples included
information about the new food monitoring system that began one month after the
survey, contamination of fish and milk, and consequences of unintentional intake of
contaminated food. The next topic of interest for 113 respondents was the possible
health effects on children over a long-term period; since this topic concerned caring for
the next generation, parents expressed vague anxiety. The third topic of interest for 104
respondents was news related to evacuation. Some families with small children left the
Fukushima prefecture because of radiation’s possible health effects on their children;
after evacuating, many families found it difficult to settle down again. Fourth, 102
respondents expressed concern about the current status of their children’s health (e.g.,
thyroid gland and radioactive cesium in urine). Fifth, parents wanted exact data about
safety of playgrounds and cleaning activities for the removal of radioactive materials.
Although there were many reports in the Japanese media about the Chernobyl accident
to explain what was happening in the Fukushima accident, only 39 respondents wrote
that they were interested in the information related to Chernobyl. A total of 524 survey
participants selected “No response” and “I don’t know” for the question related to new
topics of interest.
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 16
Request to information providers
In the text answers citing requests to information providers, the topic most frequently
referred to concerned needed improvement in the quality of information about low dose
radiation (table 2). Respondents complained of unclear or incorrect statements,
presentations that stirred up negative emotions, delays in release of information, lack of
objectivity, and unimportant information.
Another topic frequently cited in text answers was a request for greater specificity in
disseminated information. Regarding the risks of low dose radiation and preventive
measures for children, the respondents wanted concrete recommendations about
protective measures rather than mere explanations of the scientific mechanism of
radiation. For example, they requested more information on food safety and radiation
data of local residences, indicating their interest in the daily influence of potential
radiation exposure.
Requests to information providers
Improvement in the quality of information
More specific information about the risks of radiation
Concrete recommendations for protection from radiation effects
Guidance regarding how to access the first scientific source
More information about food safety
Data of radioactive materials in local residences
Improvement in dissemination of important information from the
More direct information from the first scientific source
More information about other risks associated with daily life
More data and information from abroad
More TV programs on low dose radiation
More positive information
No answers
Table 2. Requests to information providers.
In summary,
1. In the Fukushima region, mothers (64.4%) expressed much stronger anxiety
than fathers (30.8%) whereas other regional groups did not show such tendency.
2. Many respondents did not attribute their anxiety to a lack of knowledge about
low dose radiation; instead, they attributed it to their distrust of the government
and the uncertain effects of low dose radiation.
3. The most trusted people after the explosion were scientists, followed by family
members and relatives. Regarding information sources, Japan Broadcasting
Company and print newspapers had high credibility.
4. The strongest requests to information providers were to improve the quality of
information, avoid stirring up negative emotions, and disclose full information.
17 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
How to deal with mothers’ strong anxiety in Fukushima
We investigated Japanese parents’ perceptions about the risks of low dose radiation
after the Fukushima nuclear accident. Looking at the first result summarized above
regarding the extent of anxiety, more than 70% of respondents expressed “feeling
anxiety” (“strong anxiety” or “anxiety”), which is an unusual rate. The perception
research done after the Chernobyl accident described that farmers and parents had
expressed strong psychological reactions to the nuclear accident.17 In our perception
study, although we did not investigate other social clusters’ perceptions for comparison
or as control, the results confirmed the strong anxiety levels of parents in the case of
Fukushima. In this survey, residential distance from the nuclear plant and gender were
effective variables to clarify the tendencies of parents’ anxiety after the Fukushima
nuclear accident.
The most notable result was that mothers in the Fukushima prefecture expressed
much stronger anxiety than fathers. A past report after the Chernobyl accident indicated
that men and women tended to perceive risks of radiation differently.18 Such tendency
would grow among parents living near a nuclear accident as our data showed. Fathers
and mothers felt similar levels of anxiety in other regional groups.
The Fukushima accident happened after 25 years of the Chernobyl accident. In the
age of the Internet, scientific information providers have varieties of contents and tools
to tell the audience as Friedman pointed out, which made the information more
available and accessible.40 However, the fact did not directly lead the audience to
receive satisfactory information, which still made the parents after the Fukushima
accident felt strong anxiety.
Discussions of public perception and risk communication research after Three Mile
Island and Chernobyl as follows could be some clues to improve the situation of
parents in Fukushima, too:
1) Information should be supporting parents, especially mothers, in order to have
higher levels of perceived control in regards to their lives after the accident.13-15
2) Information should be easing parents' (especially mothers') too much feeling of
responsibility to the risk management of their children after the accident such as
by the risk of food contamination.17
Our data of text answers to the survey also showed that the risks related to food were
of great concern to the parents. The goal and motivation of providing information after
a nuclear accident should be set with consideration of above discussions. For example,
news coverage in regards to parents’ anxiety of low dose radiation tended to include the
interviews only of mothers with small children, and it could lead misunderstanding that
only mothers take responsibility in the issue; the interviews of fathers and other local
community members talking about risk management for children’s health would
improve the perception of the audience including the mothers.
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 18
Regional differences of the most critical information after the accident
Moreover, even in the same country, there were remarkable differences in parents’
anxiety levels toward low dose radiation based on distance from the Fukushima nuclear
plant. The selected reasons of their anxiety also varied; the parents living in a region
close to the explosion also tended to think more realistically about the government’s
response and scientific facts regarding the explosion than those in further regions who
experienced ambiguous anxiety.
The results indicate the difference of the most critical topic of the information after
the nuclear accident in regions; for example, in Fukushima prefecture, the most
important one would have been at first how to decide evacuating or not whereas in
much further place like Kanto, how to cope with the stress of ambiguous anxiety would
matter. Appropriate actions and dissemination of necessary scientific information
should vary, therefore, in accordance with proximity of a residence to the plant. This
conclusion is consistent to the research by Drottz and Sjoberg, the successful element
of risk communication is to influence the risk attitudes of the targeted audience by
providing critical information because each group has different motivation to gain the
Other recent researches conducted in Japan have pointed out that, by analyzing news
articles and communications among social networking services, mass media after 3.11
followed by Fukushima nuclear disaster had tended to report a lot of news to the
majority of the audiences living in Tokyo metropolitan areas rather than to the
individuals in the regions heavily damaged by the earthquake, tsunami or the
Fukushima nuclear explosion although, for the latter people, information would have
been even more indispensable to recover from the catastrophic event.57,58 The regional
differences of the most critical information should be more considered in risk
communication after a nuclear accident.
Information to support personal decision-making after the accident
The second result summarized above shows that communicating scientific information
about low dose radiation does not necessarily mean the explanation for the purpose of
fulfillment of scientific learning. The parents responded that their feelings of anxiety
toward radiation were caused by “discontent about the government’s leadership and
release of information,” as well as “scientific uncertainties about low dose radiation”
and “the ambiguous effects of low dose radiation to the environment.” Contrary to our
estimations, only a limited number of respondents selected “lack of scientific
knowledge” as a reason for feeling anxious.
Generally, the purposes of communication after the nuclear accident still tended to
be interpreted as delivering complex scientific contents in a way that the public can
understand in Japan, which would have been categorized as “deficit model.” Rather, the
parents who responded wanted specific recommendations based on discussions
between experts, governmental agencies, and mediators for the individual decision-
making process regarding topics related to their daily lives. For example, day-to-day
19 Public anxiety, trust, and the role of mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion
risk management topics such as food, water, local environment and evacuation should
be included in the priority list to cover. As previously discussed, such information of
topics should be ideally provided in accordance with the regional differences of
As Renn discussed, the important topics of the audience after a nuclear accident are
how to cope with and how to manage the risk and hazard, rather than the technical
explanation of nuclear explosion itself.20 Our results of parents’ perception after the
Fukushima case confirmed the point again, and it implied the challenge of practices for
the mediators to demonstrate how to cope with and manage the risk and hazard after a
nuclear accident so that the audience are supported to make a individual decision-
making with satisfaction.
Risk communication after a nuclear disaster in the age of the Internet
Such kinds of engagement by mediators would be successful in combination of the
traditional media and other media on the Internet. According to the third result noted
above, respondents selected traditional media including NHK (i.e., Japan Broadcasting
Corporation) and print newspapers as more trustworthy than social networks such as
Twitter and Facebook for communicating and sharing information during and after
such crises as 3.11 and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant explosion.
There were some helpful information accessible to the Internet, but evaluation of
trustworthiness and scientific soundness in regards to the information was more
difficult than usual after the accident since more rumor and false information frightened
the audience. In terms of the fourth result summarized above regarding Japanese
parents’ requests to scientific information providers (i.e, media, public relations firms,
publishers, and communicators), there were numerous recommendations for improved
communication about the effects of low dose radiation. Improving the quality of
scientific communications in society was the top priority based on reports that some
articles in the media had stirred up negative emotions or sent inappropriate and
incorrect information.
Our results of the survey only showed the tendency of parents, not other social
clusters, and another research should focus on discussing further how the Japanese
traditional media should have worked after the Fukushima accident. Here, it should be
stressed that both of the media could work complementary for making use of the higher
credibility of traditional media and the promptness of participatory other media on the
Internet. As Lemyre et al said: “Social media applications present new methods of
delivering messages to the public. By using these new conduits for information
dissemination, it becomes possible to reach a larger number of people in a timely
manner with preventive and mitigating recommendations. Supplying pro-social images
of successful and innovative coping strategies and reminding the media of constructive
advice can support them in playing their role of assistance to the public”(p20).23
We perceived the need for mediators to engage in communication at a more personal
level. For example, 14 survey respondents in their text answers requested “a single
trustworthy web site for parents” with scientific information related to parenting. Six
S. Tateno, H.M. Yokoyama 20
respondents stated that schools should play greater roles in distributing information
about low dose radiation as part of “science education.”
Additionally, websites of academic institutes and academic publications were
selected as rather trustworthy, but they were not so accessible to the public. In other
words, lack of publicity kept them off the top of search engine lists or access was
limited for paid journal articles. After the explosion, both sources could have been
important in risk communications.
In conclusion, the audience’s individual decision-making process would be
supported by the information of different day-to-day risk management topics such as
food, water, environment and evacuation in accordance with the targeted audience.
Improving the perception of local residents near the nuclear accident by raising the
levels of perceived control and easing the tension of too much responsibility to others’
lives would be keys to discuss further. Slovic stressed, after Chernobyl, a strong
necessity to be better prepared for risk communication of a nuclear accident.12 After
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and then Fukushima, we restate this statement of urgent
Notes and references
1 Report of meeting on how to construct the safe and relievable society with science policy (in Japanese),, accessed on December 26, 2012.
2 What is SPEEDI (in Japanese),, accessed on December 26,
3 Press Conference on March 19, 2011, by the Chief Cabinet Secretary on The levels of radiation in spinach and
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4 Symposium archive of Japanese Association of Science and Technology Journalists on Reporting Fukushima
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Dr. Hiromi M. Yokoyama is an Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo, School
of Science. She received her Ph.D. for her research on particle physics at the Tokyo
University of Science, Tokyo, Japan. Her current research interest is science
communication and science policy. Email:
Saho Tateno is a Research Fellow at the University of Tokyo, School of Science. She
received her M.A. in Written Communication at Eastern Michigan University,
Ypsilanti, Michigan, the U.S.A., and M.S. in Life Science at Tohoku University,
Sendai, Japan. Along with her research on science media and writing, she is also
working as a freelance writer specialized in science and technology.
HOW TO CITE: S. Tateno and H.M. Yokoyama, Public anxiety, trust, and the role of
mediators in communicating risk of exposure to low dose radiation after
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant explosion,
JCOM 12(02) (2013) A03.
... This study also examined the information credibility of the various sources. Information credibility is defined as the extent to which one perceives the information to be believable (e.g., Tateno and Yokoyama, 2013). Evaluation of the credibility of information from each source would be expected to increase over time as more information becomes available, compared to the period immediately after the accident when no reliable information was available (e.g., Tateno and Yokoyama, 2013). ...
... Information credibility is defined as the extent to which one perceives the information to be believable (e.g., Tateno and Yokoyama, 2013). Evaluation of the credibility of information from each source would be expected to increase over time as more information becomes available, compared to the period immediately after the accident when no reliable information was available (e.g., Tateno and Yokoyama, 2013). We developed the following hypotheses. ...
... Second, Japanese citizens distrusted their government, which held frequent press conferences to reassure Japanese citizens by saying, "there are no immediate effects on health.". Although the low level of trust in government information after one year had been noted in Tateno and Yokoyama (2013), a long-term gradual recovery to the midpoint level was newly found here (H4b, Figure 2). Therefore, citizens actively sought to gather information from different sources, such as the mass media, citizen websites, and word of mouth, among others, especially during the first year after the accident. ...
After the Fukushima nuclear accident, we examined changes in risk perception regarding the radiation contamination of food and information-seeking behavior among residents of three regions progressively more distant from the disaster area, the Tokyo Metropolitan area to the Kansai area. We conducted a ten-wave panel survey and obtained data from 1,752 citizens six months to nine years after the accident. The results indicate that anxiety related to radioactive contamination, active information-seeking behavior, and avoidance of foods from affected areas decreased with time. Active information-seeking behavior and radiation-related knowledge were higher in the disaster-affected prefectures than in other areas. Conversely, avoidance of foods from affected areas was lower in affected prefectures than in the Kansai area. The credibility of government information increased from a considerably low level but did not reach the midpoint level. Multiple regression analysis, cross-lagged analysis, and structural equation modeling indicated that avoidance of foods from affected areas was promoted by anxiety related to radioactive contamination (experiential thinking/System 1) and inhibited by critical thinking attitudes (analytical thinking/System 2). Finally, we discussed the significance of risk literacy, which integrates risk-related knowledge, scientific literacy, media literacy, and critical thinking.
... Apart from the substantial contents, public concerns can also be affected by other factors. One is the degree of ambiguity and certainty of the risk narratives (Tateno & Yokoyama, 2013). The others can include actions of the government and scientists when delivering the narratives (such as their attitude towards the public), which can send symbolic messages to the people (McComas et al., 2010). ...
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COVID-19 is the greatest challenge the world has faced since World War II. By investigating two case countries—China and India, this study explains the variance based on the theory of the ‘social construction of risk’ concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. Does an individual country’s culture, style of governance, construction of risk, and communication affect the management of COVID-19? Findings reveal that the variations of risk construction and communication of narratives play a pivotal role in building the public perception of crisis. Cultural homogeneity and collectivism, the constitutional setting for policymaking risk narratives and communication, are crucial determinants of effective crisis management, and many states lacking these factors suffer profound difficulties. Regarding these, China is more successful than India in creating the social construction of the risk of COVID-19 crisis narratives. The policy implication of this study helps the government find a better approach to persuade its citizens to comply with the public health policy in case of an emergency.
... 5,6 Radiation anxiety was stronger within Fukushima Prefecture than outside, and mothers were more anxious than fathers in the prefecture. 7 Fukushima Medical University launched the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS) in fiscal year (FY) 2011, which was commissioned by the Fukushima Prefectural Government. 8,9 The FHMS consists of the Basic Survey, which assesses the exposure doses of residents who were living in Fukushima Prefecture at the time of the disaster, and four detailed surveys: Thyroid Ultrasound Examinations for residents under 18 years old; a Comprehensive Health Checkup; a Mental Health and Lifestyle survey for residents in the evacuation zone; and the Pregnancy and Birth Survey for women who gave birth in Fukushima. ...
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With the aim of monitoring the mental and physical health of mothers and children following the Fukushima nuclear accident and providing them with necessary care, we have been conducting an annual survey of expectant and nursing mothers since 2011. The Pregnancy and Birth Survey is a mail-in survey of about 15,000 individuals, with a response rate of approximately 50.0% each year. In addition, because respondents to a survey conducted in the immediate aftermath of the disaster showed a particularly high rate of depression, follow-up surveys have been conducted at 4 years after childbirth. Reviewing the results of surveys from FY 2011 through FY 2018, we found that the prevalence of depressive symptoms among mothers was highest in the survey after childbirth and decreased over time. Data of follow-up surveys showed that the prevalence of depression was lower than immediately after childbirth and then decreased over time. The proportion of mothers with radiation anxiety was higher among respondents in the FY 2011 follow-up than in the FY 2014 follow-up, indicating the prolonged impact of the nuclear accident, especially among those who gave birth immediately after the disaster. Characteristics of mothers who received telephone parenting counseling included first delivery, caesarean section, living in evacuation zones, not being able to receive medical examinations as scheduled, and having radiation anxiety. Continuous care should be provided to mothers who gave birth immediately after the nuclear accident, including routine perinatal care and parenting support, provision of information on radiation, and long-term monitoring of their wellbeing.
... This phenomenon was also observed in the cases of low-dose exposure to radiation from the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in 2011. For example, parents with children living in the Tohoku region, mothers were more anxious (Tateno and Yokoyama, 2013). Despite continuing failures in PCR testing and the Olympic Games or improvements to the medical system or recruitment, women may respond better to experts' appeals for routine preventive action because of their strong sense of responsibility and insecurity. ...
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Support in government and trust in COVID-19 experts are important for pandemic preparedness. Based on the salient value similarity (SVS) model, which holds that “salient values” are important for trust in risk management, we measured ruling and opposition party supporters' support and trust in the government and COVID-19 experts. Comparing the results from 2020 to 2022, supporters of the ruling party maintained their support for the government, while supporters of the opposition party changed from disapproval to support. Trust in experts was higher among ruling party supporters and lower among opposition party supporters. Trust in university researchers did not differ between the ruling and opposition parties. This reveals that it is possible for a government to gain support from opposition party supporters and that achieving trust in experts who advise the government is more difficult than fostering trust in ordinary scientists.
... In different ways, the studies have focused on the importance of stakeholder perceptions. A study by Tateno and Yokohama that focused on the Fukushima residents showed that mistrust of responsible government institutions mediates worry over radiation [43]. Another study found that a sense of injustice and being treated unfairly-thus lower trust in responsible government agencies-motivates citizens not to follow the recommendations to return [38]. ...
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Studies of the aftermath of nuclear power plant accidents show that affected citizens assess higher risks and adopt more risk-avoidant behaviors than authorities expect. This results in differences between the planned recovery and actual outcomes. Based on this knowledge, this study examined the factors that affect citizens’ preference to continue living in a decontaminated area. Testing the key aspects of the protective action decision model (PADM), this study analyzed Swedish survey data (N = 2291) regarding such an accident scenario. Several aspects of the PADM, from the layperson’s view of threats and protective actions, to stakeholders and situational factors, were strongly supported. The most influential variables affecting settlement choices are perceptions of radiation risk, perceptions of decontamination effectiveness, government information, living with certain restrictions, and attachment to an area because of one’s work. A novel contribution of this study is that it ranked the significance of such effects on behavioral intentions in an emergency scenario. Regarding the policy recommendations, this study concluded that a recovery program must facilitate most aspects of people’s lives and provide trustworthy information on decontamination efficiency. As some people will avoid potential health risks and leave a decontaminated area, planning to implement one solution for everyone would likely not be optimal.
... Trust in the government has been linked to emotional and mental health in other risk contexts, as well. Research after the Fukushima power plant disaster found that distrust in the government was linked to symptoms of depression and anxiety (Tateno and Yokoyama 2013;Fukasawa et al., 2020;Guo et al., 2020). ...
... In 2011, an earthquake resulting in a tsunami caused a meltdown in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Although the meltdown event did not result in any immediate deaths, the communication regarding the accident was contaminated (Kinsella, 2012;Endres et al., 2016), and public trust deteriorated with the reactor core (Kim et al., 2013;Tateno and Yokoyama, 2013;Besley and Oh, 2014;Endres et al., 2016). ...
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Nuclear energy experts consider commercial power from fission to be a strong contender to help mitigate the increasing effects of climate change, in part due to its low-to-no carbon emissions. Nevertheless, nuclear energy's history, including meltdowns such as Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, and dumping in sacred Indigenous land such as Yucca Mountain, raises important concerns in public deliberation over nuclear power. These communicative dynamics are crucial to study because they inform larger conversations in communication scholarship about the role of experts in scientific controversies and the complicated nature of public trust in and engagement with science. Thus, this study explores the perspectives of experts and how they make sense of their own communicative practices through a topical analysis of semi-structured interviews with 12 nuclear scientists and engineers in the United States and Canada. Our analysis revealed four major topoi: (1) risk and safety, (2) government and policy, and (3) public education and engagement, and (4) cost, along which nuclear experts make sense of science-public boundaries and their role as scientists and scientist citizens. This paper extends our understanding and how scientists view themselves as communicative actors and the barriers and opportunities for how we can foster productive technical-public relationships around climate change solutions.
This chapter, “Theorizing the Synergy between NGOs, Human Rights, and Corporate Social Responsibility,” proposes a synergistic approach for sustainable development. It explores the interplay between NGOs, human rights, and corporate social responsibility (CSR), emphasizing their unique roles in promoting ethical, social, and environmental standards. The chapter analyzes how their integration can enhance sustainable development goals, highlighting the role of NGOs in advocating human rights within corporate strategies and aligning CSR with human rights agendas for sustainable business practices. It introduces a conceptual framework for collaborative advancement in sustainable development, bridging the gap between human rights and corporate responsibility. The chapter concludes with future research prospects and the impact of this synergy on policy and corporate governance, underscoring its necessity for a sustainable global society.
Covering both natural and man-made scenarios including war and terrorism, the Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry is a vital international reference for medical professionals, community leaders and disaster responders a decade after its initial publication. Spanning a decade of advances in disaster psychiatry, this new and updated second edition brings together the views of current international experts to offer a cutting-edge comprehensive review of the psychological, biological and social responses to disaster, in order to help prepare, react and aid effective recovery. Topics range from the epidemiology of disaster response, disaster ecology, the neurobiology of disaster exposure, to socio-cultural issues, early intervention and consultation-liaison care for injured victims. The role of non-governmental organizations, workplace policies and the implications for public health planning at both an individual and community level are also addressed.
The Fukushima nuclear disaster posed food safety risks on an unprecedented scale in Japan. In its immediate aftermath, information on the scale and the extent of the contamination of the food chain was scarce. Facing an anxious public, the government was tasked with defining and ensuring food safety amidst uncertainty. Via three case studies spanning from 2011 to 2020, this article draws on risk communication theory to analyze the Japanese government’s response to food safety risks after Fukushima and its development over time. It finds that initial responses did not take the food-related risks facing consumers seriously. Instead, the response was aimed at mitigating the economic risks faced by producers. This increased both public confusion and uncertainty, and consumer avoidance. Over time, the government’s response has improved, and elements of the policy have shifted towards more inclusive and interactive practices. Still, the article finds that ten years after Fukushima, the governmental risk communication is primarily aimed at correcting and dismissing consumer concerns while expressing certain fatigue with ongoing consumer avoidance. The article shows how the goal of risk communication changes from reassuring to correcting, and finally to closure. While the risk communication’s main message remains consistent and simple – local produce is safe, eat local produce -, its target audience also differs. The article demonstrates that on top of ongoing shortcomings in terms of participation, the actual content of the government’s risk communication also fails to assist in informed decision-making. Instead, the government makes the decision for the citizen.
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Communication scholars have argued that print media ineffectively communicate efficacy information about zoonotic infectious diseases. In this study, the authors analyze U.S. newspaper coverage of West Nile virus and avian influenza, focusing on (a) personal efficacy information and (b) actions societal actors (e.g., government officials) can/should take to address disease risks (“societal efficacy”). Their findings indicate an emphasis on societal efficacy (64% of West Nile virus sample; 81% avian influenza) versus personal efficacy (51% and 55%) and disease symptoms (32% and 10%). The authors speculate that scholars potentially underestimate the magnitude and types of efficacy information within mass media coverage and discuss implications for risk communication.
People today must make decisions about many health, safety, and environmental risks. Nuclear power, HIV/AIDS, radon, vaccines, climate change, and emerging infectious diseases are just some issues that may face them in the news media, ballot box, or doctor's office. In order to make sound choices they need to get good information. Because their time is limited, that information has to be carefully selected and clearly presented. This book provides a systematic approach for risk communicators and technical experts, hoping to serve the public by providing information about risks. The procedure uses approaches from risk and decision analysis to identify the most relevant information; it uses approaches from psychology and communication theory to ensure that it is understood. This book is written in nontechnical terms, designed to make the approach feasible for anyone willing to try it. It is illustrated with successful communications, on a variety of topics.
Around the world there are widespread efforts to ensure that policy decisions are based upon a sound evidence base, and in particular to facilitate closer integration between the research and policy communities. This commentary provides an overview of the current situation in different parts of the world relating to the opportunities that exist for policy makers to assimilate scientific findings, as well as the existing barriers perceived by both the policy and research communities. Mutual trust and respect between the relevant parties emerge as crucial factors in successful collaboration. Skilled mediators are also considered essential to ensuring effective communication; this may be via third parties such as NGOs, or news services and online portals to convey, 'translate' and place in a policy context the scientific findings. Mechanisms for improving researchers' communication skills as well as increasing their awareness of the need to communicate proactively with the policy community are also considered in order to inform future practice in this area.
This report is interested in the transitions that `Chernobyl' underwent in Norway. It `arrived' as a ghastly accident: important cultural routines were disturbed, apprehension ran high, and the country waited for scientists to `repair' the accident. By the following year, `Chernobyl' was but a memory for most of the population. The scourge of radiation, however, still covered much of the countryside of central Norway. Reindeer pastures were heavily polluted, and among Saami (Lapp) groups there arose a cognitive sense of disruption to a way of life. Ambivalent relations—at times cooperative, more often adversarial—developed among the Saami in respect to the outside experts who strove to bring the radiation problem under control. The report (with anthropological fieldwork) strives to show how much of the problem of `Chernobyl', in this later phase, had to do with the different nature of the claims of two kinds of knowledge: the outside scientists' and the Saami pastoralists'.
Perceptions of risk from radiation have been studied systematically for about 20 years. This paper summarises the key findings and conclusions from this research with regard to the nature of risk perceptions, the impacts of these perceptions, and the need for communication about radiological hazards. Perhaps the most important generalisation from research in this area is that there is no uniform or consistent perception of radiation risks. Public perception and acceptance is determined by the context in which the radiation is used and the very different reactions to different uses provide insight into the nature of perception and the determinants of acceptable risk.
Operating from a guard-dog perspective of the media, this study investigates whether “social change” or “status quo”news frames affected individuals’ risk perceptions, using an experimental design. Participants who read a news story that used the social change frame reported the highest level of risk awareness ( F = 34.88, p = .00), indicating that the way the media frame a story about environmental issues has the potential to influence the audience’s perception of risk.
Involving the public in policy setting, or public engagement, is becoming increasingly popular in many democratic societies. Among the various ways of enacting engagement, the use of the Internet to either collect opinions or conduct public debate is seen as holding out great promise. However, the benefits of using the Internet over other communication media are uncertain because empirical research is limited. This article describes a comparison of data collected through two different media in the context of a “real-life” event, the 2003 U.K. “GM Nation?” public debate. The results suggest that demographically, the samples answering the questionnaires in the different formats differed significantly. However, there were no consistent differences between the approaches on a number of response effects.
In West Germany the `information disaster' after Chernobyl offered an opportunity to study the credibility of different information sources. A representative survey conducted in May 1987 of the West German population showed that on average the Federal Government—although heavily criticized because of its information policy and risk management—was rated most credible while the nuclear industry was judged least credible. On the whole, mean credibility ratings differed surprisingly little between sources; ratings of competence and public interest orientation varied more. These variables, interpreted as the classical credibility factors `expertise' and `trustworthiness', were important predictors of credibility. But beliefs and expectations recipients posess about individual sources also appear to influence credibility.
This study attempted to uncover whether enough background information about nuclear power and the nuclear industries in the USA, USSR and Eastern and Western Europe had been included during the first two weeks of US coverage of the Chernobyl accident so that Americans would not be misled in their understanding of and attitudes toward nuclear power in general. It also sought to determine if reporters took advantage of the Chernobyl accident to attack nuclear technology or the nuclear industry in general. Coverage was analysed in five US newspapers and on the evening newscasts of the three major US television networks. Despite heavy coverage of the accident, no more than 25% of the coverage was devoted to information on safety records, history of accidents and current status of nuclear industries. Not enough information was provided to help the public's level of understanding of nuclear power or to put the Chernobyl accident in context. However, articles and newscasts generally balanced use of pro- and anti-nuclear statements, and did not include excessive amounts of fear-inducing and negative information.
The release of radioactivity into the atmosphere from the Fukushima Daiichi accident has been estimated by Japan’s government as about one-tenth of that from the Chernobyl accident. The area in Japan contaminated with cesium-137—at the same levels that caused evacuation around Chernobyl—is also about one-tenth as large. The estimated number of resulting cancer deaths in the Fukushima area from contamination due to more than 1 curie per square kilometer is likely to scale correspondingly—on the order of 1,000. On March 16, 2011, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission advised Americans in the region to evacuate out to 50 miles (NRC 2011a). If the Japanese government had made the same recommendation to its citizens, it would have resulted in the early evacuation of about two million people instead of 130,000. Because contaminated milk was interdicted in Japan, the number of (mostly non-fatal) thyroid cancer cases will probably be less than 1 percent of similar cases in Chernobyl. Unless properly dealt with, however, fear of ionizing radiation could have long-term psychological effects on a large portion of the population in the contaminated areas.