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Lower Jurassic tanyderids (Diptera: Tanyderidae) from Germany


Abstract and Figures

The holotype of Metaxybittacus (?) decipiens BODE, 1953 from the Lower Toarcian of Hondelage (Lower Saxony) is revised and transferred from Mecoptera: Neorthophlebiidae to the genus Praemacrochile KALUGINA, 1985 (Diptera: Tanyderidae). Additonal wing material of Praemacrochile decipiens ( BODE 1953) is described from Schandelah (Lower Saxony) and Dobbertin (Mecklenburg). Praemacrochile dobbertinensis spec. nov. from the Lower Toarcian of Dobbertin (Mecklenburg) and Nannotanyderus grimmenensis spec. nov. from the Lower Toarcian of Grimmen (Western Pomerania) are described.
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       
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*  
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   
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I :
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  
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 
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   
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 
... Podemacrochile Krzeminski et Kania, 2013(Krzeminski et al. 2013) (from Baltic amber); Nannotanyderus (from Lower Jurassic of Germany Ansorge & Krzemiński 2002)); Praemacrochile Kalugina, 1988 (six species from Europe and Asia (Kalugina & Kovalev 1985;Kalugina 1988Kalugina , 1992Krzemiński & Ren 2001, Zhang 2004Lukashevch & Krzemiński 2009)); Dacochile Poinar et Brown, 2004 (one species from Cretaceous Burmese amber) and Protanyderus Handlirsch, 1909 (which consist of seven extinct species from Jurassic (Kalugina 1988;Lukashevch & Krzemiński 2009)). Genus Protanyderus is represented nowadays by eleven extant species from Asia and North America (Alexander 1932;Rose 1963;Exner & Craig 1976;Krzemiński & Judd 1997). ...
... However, the abundant Cretaceous inclusions will bring new species both from above mentioned families as well as new taxa of yet unknown taxonomical status (Soszyńska et al. unpublished data) enriching our knowledge about its past diversity and evolution. Tanyderidae is a very diverse, plesiomorphic group of the order Diptera, whose members are known already from the Lower Jurassic (Ansorge 1994, Ansorge andKrzemiński 2002;Skibińska et al. 2014). This is a group of significant importance to our understanding the evolution and phylogeny of the Diptera, due to the fact that its representatives (both fossil and recent) are characterized by a greatest number of plesiomorphic features among the entire Diptera order (Alexander 1932, Exner and Craig 1976, Krzemiński 1992Krzemiński and Krzemińska 2003). ...
... Data about Mecoptera and Diptera from the Early Jurassic of Germany were published by Geinitz (1883Geinitz ( , 1884Geinitz ( , 1887, Bode (1905Bode ( , 1953, Handlirsch (1906Handlirsch ( -1908Handlirsch ( , 1920Handlirsch ( , 1939, Willmann (1978Willmann ( , 1984aWillmann ( , b, 1989, Krzemiński & Kovalev (1988), Krzemiński & Zessin (1990), Ansorge & Krzemiń ski (1994, 2002, Evenhuis (1994), , 2000, 2005, Ansorge (1996Ansorge ( , 2007 and Lukashevich et al. (1998). The best studied localities are Dobbertin and Grimmen (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany) (Handlirsch 1906(Handlirsch -1908(Handlirsch , 1920(Handlirsch , 1939Ansorge 1996Ansorge , 1999Ansorge , 2003. ...
Twelve specimens of early Toarcian Mecoptera and Diptera from the vicinity of Wolfsburg were investigated for the present study. The material was found during house building activities in the 1980s at the locality Große Kley in Mörse, an urban district of the city of Wolfsburg, Lower Saxony, Germany. The specimens were found in calcareous nodules of the Harpoceras falciferum Zone that occur within the Liassic black shales (Posidonia shale). Six specimens of Mecoptera, five belonging to the family Orthophlebiidae and one belonging to the Bittacidae, and six representatives of the following Diptera families were identified: Ptychopteridae, Limoniidae, Anisopodidae and the superfamily Mycetophiloidea. The fossil fauna of Wolfsburg is similar to that of other early Toarcian sites in Germany, described by Handlirsch (1906, 1939), Bode (1905, 1953) and Ansorge (1996) from Braunschweig, Dobbertin and Grimmen. Two new species are described, Mesorhyphusulrichi sp. nov. (Anisopodidae) and Archipleciomima germanica sp. nov. (Mycetophiloidea).
... The extinct genus Praemacrochile Kalugina differs from Dacochile in having Sc end opposite the middle of R 4 + 5 , R2 short, almost V3 of Sc and V3 of R 2 + 3 and having R 4 + 5 as long as or slightly longer than R 2 . Dacochile shares some characters with Nannotanyderus Ansorge 1994, namely the small size and reduced anal lobe, but the latter genus is characterized by a short Rs vein, only half as long as R 2 + 3 , a large cell bm and a rounded anal lobe (Ansorge 1994, Ansorge andKrzeminski 2002). ...
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A new genus and species of primitive crane flies, Dacochile microsoma Poinar and Brown (Tanyderidae) is described from Cretaceous Burmese amber. It differs from extant and extinct members of the family by the following combination of characters: small size (wing length, 2.8 mm), reduced anal lobe, hyaline wing membrane, crossvein cua-a 1 forming cell cua, very short vein R 2+3, very long terminal maxillary palps, and mandibles. The well-developed mandibles indicate that the species obtained food by piercing and sucking. A list of fossil tanyderids is presented.
... Podemacrochile Krzeminski et Kania, 2013(Krzeminski et al. 2013) (from Baltic amber); Nannotanyderus (from Lower Jurassic of Germany Ansorge & Krzemiński 2002)); Praemacrochile Kalugina, 1988 (six species from Europe and Asia (Kalugina & Kovalev 1985;Kalugina 1988Kalugina , 1992Krzemiński & Ren 2001, Zhang 2004Lukashevch & Krzemiński 2009)); Dacochile Poinar et Brown, 2004 (one species from Cretaceous Burmese amber) and Protanyderus Handlirsch, 1909 (which consist of seven extinct species from Jurassic (Kalugina 1988;Lukashevch & Krzemiński 2009)). Genus Protanyderus is represented nowadays by eleven extant species from Asia and North America (Alexander 1932;Rose 1963;Exner & Craig 1976;Krzemiński & Judd 1997). ...
This chapter describes about Sibelliberotha rihanensis gen. et sp. n., a new berothid Neuroptera, from Rihan (South Lebanon), a new Lower Cretaceous amber outcrop. This new fossil taxon possesses several plesiomorphic features that place it very basally within the available phylogeny of modern Berothidae, but close to the modern clade: Nyrminae and Cyrenoberothinae. The chapter discusses the systematic palaeontology, phylogenetic position and phylogenetic relationships of the new berothid Neuroptera. The authors compare Sibelliberotha to the other fossil berothid genera and analyses the states of the characters for Sibelliberotha. If Sibelliberotha rihanensis gen. et sp. n. is in a basal position in the Berothidae nec Rhachiberotinae, it seems nevertheless to be related to recent genera, supporting a great antiquity of these insects. Its inclusion in the existing cladistic analysis based on recent taxa improved its resolution. Keywords:Berothidae; Lebanon; Neuroptera; Sibelliberotha rihanensis; systematic palaeontology
... Podemacrochile Krzeminski et Kania, 2013(Krzeminski et al. 2013) (from Baltic amber); Nannotanyderus (from Lower Jurassic of Germany Ansorge & Krzemiński 2002)); Praemacrochile Kalugina, 1988 (six species from Europe and Asia (Kalugina & Kovalev 1985;Kalugina 1988Kalugina , 1992Krzemiński & Ren 2001, Zhang 2004Lukashevch & Krzemiński 2009)); Dacochile Poinar et Brown, 2004 (one species from Cretaceous Burmese amber) and Protanyderus Handlirsch, 1909 (which consist of seven extinct species from Jurassic (Kalugina 1988;Lukashevch & Krzemiński 2009)). Genus Protanyderus is represented nowadays by eleven extant species from Asia and North America (Alexander 1932;Rose 1963;Exner & Craig 1976;Krzemiński & Judd 1997). ...
Wiesław Krzemiński was born on 26 October 1948, in Oświęcim, south of Poland. In his youth he was an addicted book reader and developed his love for nature. After few years of playing in a big beat band he eventually focused on biology. Currently, he is a full time Professor and works in the Institute of Systematics and Evolution Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków (ISEA PAS) and the Pedagogical University in Kraków.
Diptera can be easily distinguished from other insects, because dipterans have only two wings and the hind wings have been evolved into “halteres”. Brachycera is a monophyletic group. This suborder includes four Infraorders: Xylophagomorpha, Stratiomyomorpha, Tabanomorpha and Muscomorpha. Antefungivoridae is an extinct family belonging to Bibionomorpha, Sciaroidea. Blephariceridae, commonly called “net‐winged midges”, constitute a very peculiar and isolated group of Nematocera. Bibionids, belonging to Bibionomorpha, have the most extensive fossil records of any dipteran family. Bibionidae are medium‐sized flies with body lengths from 4.0 to 10.0 mm. The Limoniidae are one of the largest families of Tipuloidea, with approximately 11,000 described species worldwide. Mycetophilidae is a small family with extant and fossil taxa having body lengths from 2.2 to 13 mm. Mycetophilidae occur on all continental areas except Antarctica (from northern Greenland to Tierra del Fuego) and on most oceanic islands.
The structure of the male terminalia and their rotation are reviewed in both extinct and extant genera of Tanyderidae based on new observations and literature. The structure of gonostyli and parameres and the size of cerci show greater variation among extinct taxa than among the extant ones. A bifid aedeagus occurs in representatives of both tanyderid subfamilies, the modern nannotanyderine Peringueyomyina (and probably in Eocene Coramus) and the extinct tanyderines Macrochile and Similinannotanyderus. A trifid aedeagus, common in modern tanyderines, and a rare simple undivided aedeagus both appear to have evolved from it. The Triassic family Nadipteridae, supposedly ancestral to Tanyderidae, already displays rotation of male terminalia, suggesting that the latter is extremely ancient in Diptera and was probably inherited by Tanyderidae. Tanyderid genera vary in the presence of the rotation, number of involved segments and angle of rotation. Apparently it has been secondarily lost multiple times in the family. An astonishing similarity between the male hypopygia of extinct and extant Nannotanyderinae and that of the psychodid subfamily Horaiellinae is additionally discussed.
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An examination of character states in a second Burmese amber specimen of Dacochile microsoma Poinar & Brown from the type locality confirms the original placement of this species in the family Tanyderidae and not the Bruchomyiinae, as proposed by Woodley (2005). Of special interest are a row of heavily sclerotized processes shaped like rose thorns and positioned on the inside of the hind tibiae and first two tarsal segments. These processes, which point upward towards the body, suggest that at least the females of Dacochile supported themselves from vegetation by their hind legs, similar to the behavior of some present-day tanyderids.
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Wings of the oldest known tanyderid flyNannotanyderus krzeminskii gen. et sp. nov. and the oldest known psychodidsTanypsycha connexa gen. et sp. nov. andLiassopsychodina pommerana gen. et sp. nov. are described from the Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) of NE-Germany. A review of tanyderids and psychodids in the fossil record is given. The very similar venational pattern of the wings ofNannotanyderus krzeminskii andTanypsycha connexa andLiassopsychodina pommerana supports the close relationship between Tanyderidae and Psychodidae. Die älteste bisher bekannte Tanyderide,Nannotanyderus krzeminskii gen. et sp. nov., und die ältesten Psychodiden,Tanypsycha connexa gen. et sp. nov. undLiassopsychodina pommerana gen. et sp. nov., werden auf der Basis von Flügeln aus dem Unteren Jura (Toarc) von NE-Deutschland beschrieben. Es wird ein Überblick über die fossilen Tanyderiden und Psychodiden gegeben. Das sehr ähnliche Flügelgeäder vonNannotanyderus krzeminskii sowieTanypsycha connexa unaLiassopsychodina pommerana untermauert die enge Verwandtschaft von Tanyderidae und Psychodidae.
Crane-fl ies of the Baltic Amber (Diptera)
ALEXANDER, C. P. (1931): Crane-fl ies of the Baltic Amber (Diptera). -Bernsteinforschungen 2: 1-135; Königsberg.
Zur Phylogenie und Flügelmorphologie der Ptychopteriden (Dipteren). -Annalen des k. k
HANDLIRSCH, A. (1909): Zur Phylogenie und Flügelmorphologie der Ptychopteriden (Dipteren). -Annalen des k. k. Hofmuseums Wien 23: 263-272; Wien.
Dvukrylie nasekomye Yury Sibirii. -198 pp.; Moscow
  • N S Kalugina
  • V G Kovalev
KALUGINA, N. S. & KOVALEV, V G. (1985): Dvukrylie nasekomye Yury Sibirii. -198 pp.; Moscow [in Russian].
Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera
  • W Judd
KRZEMINSKI, W. & JUDD, D. (1997): Family Tanyderidae. -PAPP, L. & DARV AS, B. (Eds): Contributions to a Manual of Palaearctic Diptera, Volume 2 (Nematocera, Lower Brachycera), 281-289; Budapest.
Praemacrochile chinensis sp. n. from the Middle Jurassic of China (Diptera: Tanyderidae)
  • W Ren
  • Dong
KRZEMINSKI, W. & REN DONG (200 1): Praemacrochile chinensis sp. n. from the Middle Jurassic of China (Diptera: Tanyderidae). -Polish Journal ofEntomology 70: 133-135; Gdynia.