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Guide catheter selection for transradial Pci

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The transradial approach (TRA) has gone through
significant changes and improvements since it
was first described by Dr. Campeau in the late
1980s. TRA has also been proven to be a very
suitable method for performing coronary catheterization
and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) as it pro-
vides a decrease in access site bleeding1,2 and mortality.3,4
Nonetheless, it is still underutilized in the cardiac interven-
tional community because of some perceived drawbacks
that make it unappealing to femorally trained operators.
The major drawback is centered around the learning
curve for many interventionists. The higher incidence of ana-
tomical variations seen in the upper limbs and the innomi-
nate-arch junction could render coronary angiography and
PCI difficult and trickier to perform. Furthermore, the use of
smaller-sized equipment (ie, sheaths, catheters) makes TRA
unattractive because of a false perception that certain tech-
niques are not feasible. However, these apparent drawbacks
can easily be overcome by a trained TRA operator. It is the
purpose of this article to review and discuss guiding catheter
sizes and shapes to be used for transradial PCI.
Radial artery diameter is of a smaller caliber than the
femoral artery (normal diameter of the radial artery lumen
is 2.4 mm [range, 1.8–3 mm]), making tool selection and
manipulation for TRA entirely different compared to the
femoral approach. PCI cases have been previously described
using guides as small as 4 F5 and as big as 8 F.6 However,
the majority of TRA interventions performed today can
be successfully accomplished with 5- or 6-F guiding cath-
eters,7 as all of our current stents can be delivered through
these guides for the treatment of simple or even the most
complex lesions (ie, bifurcation or chronic total occlusion).
Furthermore, bulky equipment, such as rotational atherec-
tomy or intravascular ultrasound, can be performed safely
and adequately with these guides. Nonetheless, certain dis-
advantages can present with smaller-sized guides (Table 1)
but usually do not hinder the ability to successfully perform
coronary interventions.
For optimal stent delivery, good guide support (also
known as backup support) is necessary. Good guide sup-
port revolves around the ability of the guide catheter to
remain in position and to provide appropriate stability for
the advancement of interventional equipment. Two types
of backup support exist: passive and active backup. Passive
backup usually relies on the property of the shaft and tip
to maintain position at the ostium. Support is provided by
either the aortic root or valve or by the catheter shape.8
These catheters usually require minimal manipulation and
rarely deep-seats the coronary ostium. On the other hand,
active backup catheters use the aortic root to accomplish a
desired shape and to provide support, which requires a fair
amount of active manipulation by the operator to obtain
Choosing the proper guide catheter size and shape can help ease
the transition to radial adoption.
Guide Catheter
Selection for
Transradial PCI
cover story
a stable position coaxially. With the transradial approach,
active support of the guiding catheter plays a more impor-
tant role than with the standard femoral approach.
Both active and passive backup support can be achieved
with 6-F catheters. With 5-F guiding catheters, active sup-
port is required in a number of cases. Catheters 7 F will
provide better passive support at the expense of minimal
active support and the inability of deep coronary engage-
ment. Conversely, 5-F catheters provide good active sup-
port and are able to be deep-seat into the coronary artery,
therefore providing guide “extension” and accordingly pro-
vide better support and coaxial alignment during coronary
interventions. Furthermore, long Brite Tip catheters (Cordis
Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ), are primarily those with
longer and softer tips, can also be employed and provide
greater safety during deep-seating maneuvers.
A “mother-child” hybrid system has also been proposed
as a way to enhance the backup support of 6-F catheters
and at the same time permit the use of smaller guide cath-
eters to perform deep intubation maneuvers. Takahashi
et al9 first described the five-in-six system in which a 5-F,
120-cm-long guide catheter was inserted into a 6-F, 100-cm-
long guide catheter. Subsequently, a four-in-six system was
attempted10; this technique revealed superior trackability
because of the 4-F child catheter and higher backup sup-
port, which ultimately resulted in a higher stenting success
rate (> 90%) for lesions in which conventional techniques
had been unsuccessful. Another option is the use of the
GuideLiner device (Vascular Solutions, Inc., Minneapolis,
MN), which also provides additional support with 6-F guid-
ing catheters and is particularly helpful in complex PCIs,
such as heavily calcified vessels and distal lesions, tortuous
vessels, or chronic total occlusions.11-13
Accessing the Ascending Aorta
In most cases, accessing the ascending aorta via the
right or left radial artery is easily done and does not pose
any major challenges. In certain cases, this important step
could be hampered and is usually a result of an anatomic
difficulty. From the left radial approach, the regular 0.035-
inch J-wire could preferentially enter the descending aorta;
however, this nuisance could be easily corrected with a deep
inspiration, with or without a counterclockwise catheter
rotation, to re-orient the wire. On the other hand, the right
radial approach might provide more difficulty because of
the higher incidence of right subclavian artery tortuosity
and innominate arch junction distortion. Once again, a
deep inspiration could partially help in the unfolding of the
tortuosity. Other options include the use of a hydrophilic
Table 1. Devices anD Techniques available for TransraDial Pci
Catheter Size Devices Technique
5 F • Balloon5mm
• Stent4.5mm
• Intravenousultrasound(EagleEyecatheter,VolcanoCorporation,SanDiego,
• Cuttingballoon2.5mm
• Rotablator1.25mm(BostonScientificCorporation,Natick,MA)
6 F • Allballoonsizes
• Allstentsizes
• Intravenousultrasound(EagleEyeandRevolutioncatheters,Volcano
• Opticalcoherencetomography
• Cuttingballoon>2.5mm
• Rotablator1.5mm
• Thrombectomydevices
• Saphenousveingraftprotectiondevices
• Mother-child
• GuideLiner
7 FbRotablator>1.75mm Kissingstents
aNote, the “slender technique” is an approach used in Japan to minimize the diameter of guide catheters, guidewires, and puncture
bAn alternative to 7–8 F outside the United States is to use Asahi sheathless 6.5- or 7.5-F devices (Asahi Intecc USA, Inc., Santa Ana,
cover story
guidewire (HydroSteer, St. Jude Medical, Inc., St. Paul, MN),
as it may slip itself more easily into the ascending aorta.
Guide catheter kinking while maneuvering into the
coronary ostia may also occur. Deep inspiration or leav-
ing the J-wire within the catheter to enhance torqueability
is usually sufficient to correct this matter. This maneuver,
albeit simple, is probably the single most critical one in TRA
because it may help in both cannulating the coronary ostia
and improving guide catheter
Guide Selection for Different
Clinical Situations
Guide selection is important
because the operator must
select a guide that provides
good backup support, coaxiality,
and stability once the ostium
of the artery is intubated. It
should be emphasized that most
curves designed for the femoral
approach are perfectly suited for
transradial PCI. In fact, an inter-
national survey among radialists
revealed that for the left coro-
nary system, extra backup (EBU,
Medtronic, Inc., Minneapolis,
MN; or XB, Cordis Corporation)
guiding catheters were the most
popular, and the JR 4 remained
the standard shape for the right
coronary artery. Furthermore,
for left-sided vein grafts, radial
operators prefer Amplatz-type
guiding catheters and JR 4 or
multipurpose guiding catheters
for the right-sided vein grafts. It
remains controversial whether
left TRA better suits these cath-
eters compared to the right
radial approach. Overall, radial
operators use the right radial
approach in 90% of cases, except
for post-CABG involving the
left internal mammary artery
(LIMA) (Figure 1).14 In these
cases, cannulation of the LIMA
is much easier from the left side,
although it remains possible to
cannulate the LIMA from the
right radial approach.15
Left coronary system. PCI
of the left coronary system is usually accomplished with
extra-backup catheters (XB or EBU); however, catheter
size is usually 0.5 F smaller than what would be used in
femoral procedures (3 or 3.5 F vs 3.5 or 4 F, respectively).
Engagement into the left main artery is also different from
the femoral approach as the guide is usually cannulated
from below the ostium with a counterclockwise movement
compared to the more direct and superior cannulation if
Figure 1. A breakdown of the different PCI guiding catheters used with TRA. Right coro-
nary artery (A). Left coronary artery (B).
cover story
the femoral route is selected. These catheters provide all of
the active support backup from the contralateral aortic wall
and offer appropriate deep-seating capability. The Amplatz
left catheters (AL 1 or 2 F) provide great passive backup
support and is usually the catheter of choice for complex
coronary interventions (ie, calcified lesions, chronic total
occlusion). Finally, the Judkins left catheters do not usually
provide good backup support in TRA and therefore are less
frequently utilized; however, they can be useful in the set-
ting of ostial left main stenosis where guide support is not a
major concern.
Right coronary system. For noncomplex or ostial lesions,
a Judkins right 4-F catheter is adequate for PCI. Nonetheless,
this guide catheter is usually inadequate in the presence of a
dilated aortic root because we loose the contralateral aortic
wall active support or in the setting of a complex procedure.
Furthermore, when the right coronary artery (RCA) arises
from an anterior or posterior position, coaxial position is
limited, and PCI is usually cumbersome. An Amplatz right (1
or 2) or Amplatz left (0.75 or 1) would be a better selection
and would provide better support. However, a judicious
ostial approach is always recommended with these cath-
eters to avoid traumatic dissections. It should be noted that
the respiration of the patient might induce larger back and
forth displacements of the guid-
ing catheter seated at the ostium
of the RCA, and thus, caution
should be exercised during PCI,
especially with Amplatz guiding
A range of radially dedicated
guide catheters has been pro-
duced (Barbeau, Kimney, Fadajet),
and they are effective for RCA
PCI. The Barbeau is a modified
multipurpose catheter with an
additional 135º curve at the tip to
assist in cannulation. Cannulation
of the RCA is usually performed
with a clockwise “corkscrew”
maneuver while coming from
above the ostium. In certain
instances, an inferior approach
is appropriate and is done by
pushing down on the catheter,
forcing the tip to bend up toward
the RCA. The Barbeau also has
excellent malleability and permits
guide “Amplatzing” (ie, when
you modify the form of a cath-
eter into one that resembles an
Amplatz catheter) and very deep
coronary intubation (Figure 2).
The Kimney catheter has a 45º primary curve with a sec-
ondary curve of 90º that allows it to support itself on the
contralateral aortic wall. It is common to cannulate the left
coronary artery from below with this catheter while com-
ing from a horizontal or superior position to cannulate the
right. Both of these catheters provide good backup support
and enable coronary intubation during PCI, especially in
very tortuous arteries (ie, shepherd’s hook RCA). It should
be noted that these shapes designed by radial pioneers
remain less frequently used than traditionally shaped
guiding catheters. An exception to this statement is the
left and right Ikari curve, specifically designed by Terumo
Interventional Systems, Inc. (Somerset, NJ) for transradial
PCI. Compared to Judkins-type guiding catheters, the Ikari
curves provide more support.8 Unfortunately, they have not
yet been compared to EBU- or XB-type curves.
LIMA grafts. LIMAs are best approached via left TRA
with a modified or nonmodified mammary catheter.
Conversely, cannulation of the right internal mammary
arteries is usually attempted via the right TRA and is usually
harder to achieve because the ostium takeoff is at 90º to
the catheter plane. Reshaping of the mammary catheter tip
in the subclavian or innominate artery, by bending and col-
Figure 2. Different guide catheter use in TRA. A 5-F Barbeau catheter with deep-seating
of the vein graft to the RCA (A, B). Simultaneous bilateral ostia intubation during a chron-
ic total occlusion procedure with the 6-F AL 1 from the left TRA into the RCA and a 6-F XB
3.5 from the right TRA into the left main artery (C). Use of the 6-F AL 2 catheter for a left
vein graft PCI (D).
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lapsing the tip on itself, might provide some aid. The other
possibility is to use a percutaneous guidewire (ie, balanced
middle-weight [BMW], Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA) to
cannulate the right internal mammary artery and, thereaf-
ter, track the catheter over it.
The majority of PCIs can be performed using 6-F guid-
ing catheters, and 5-F guiding catheters remain particu-
larly attractive because catheter-radial artery mismatch
increases the risks of postcatheterization radial artery
occlusion. Although some dedicated radial shapes have
been developed, most radial operators use standard-
shaped guide catheters. Apart from operator preferences,
further studies will be required to determine whether
universal radial catheters may offer some benefits com-
pared to standard shapes in terms of duration of proce-
dures, radiation exposure, and contrast volume. n
Jimmy MacHaalany, MD, is with the Quebec Heart and
Lung Institute in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. He stated
that he has no financial interests related to this article.
Eltigani Abdelaal, MD, is with the Quebec Heart and
Lung Institute in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. He stated
that he has no financial interests related to this article.
Olivier F. Bertrand, MD, PhD, is with the Quebec Heart
and Lung Institute in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. He
stated that he has no financial interests related to this
article. Dr. Bertrand may be reached at (418) 656-8711;
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... If the ostium is higher than normal, an Amplatz left (AL)3, Voda left, or Champ catheter is preferred. 6,7 Right coronary artery A Judkins right (JR) is the first choice catheter for most RCA interventions but has no contact with the opposite wall of the aorta. This limits the support provided in complicated cases and in such situations catheters are generally switched over to an AR or AL. 7 In some patients, a shepherd's crook in the proximal course of the RCA poses problems when engaging the guide because of the upwards pointing RCA ostium. ...
... The smaller inner 5 F tube penetrates deeply and provides greater backup support with less risk of complications such as dissections. 6 Takahashi et al first described the five-in-six mother-child system in which a 5 F, 120 cm long smaller sized catheter was inserted into a 6 F, 100 cm long guide catheter. 14 It was later realized that a four-in-six system was better than a five-in-six system because it provided superior track-ability and stent delivery 15 In vitro experimental models have demonstrated that the 5 F mother-child system can generate strong backup support exceeding that of an 8 F guiding catheter whereas backup support generated by a 4 F catheter does not exceed that of a 7 F catheter. ...
... 19 As a result of the above Other dedicated radial catheters include the Barbeau and Kimney catheters. 6 The Barbeau is basically a modified multipurpose catheter with an additional 135° curve at the tip to assist cannulation. The Barbeau has a softer terminal portion, and with manipulation allows the guide to take the shape of an Amplatz catheter and enables deeper coronary intubation. ...
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Ponangi Udaya Prashant CARE Hospitals, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad, India Abstract: Appropriate guide catheter selection is a paramount requirement for successful angioplasty of complex coronary artery lesions. When choosing an appropriate guide catheter, the diameter and shape of the guide are the most important factors to be considered, and depend on the anatomy of the coronary artery and backup support required to cross the obstructive lesion. In turn, backup support of the guide catheter depends on the size and terminal shape of the guide rather than the route of intervention chosen and can be expressed mathematically. Many radial route-specific guide catheters have been developed by introducing extratertiary curves and angles to previous existing femoral guides. Backup support can be enhanced by various maneuvers and innovations like the “mother-child” technique. Computer-aided aortogram analysis can help in choosing the right catheter for anomalous coronary arteries. Newer catheter designs like increased lumen diameter ratios, total occlusion crossing support catheters, sheathless guides, and balloon-tipped guides are helping to overcome the shortcomings of antecedent guide catheters. Keywords: guide catheters, backup support, radial angioplasty, anomalous coronary arteries, Ikari catheter
A careful choice of route of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is needed especially in CTO intervention. An operator must consider lesion characteristics, the severity of calcification, and the presence of interventional collateral vessels.
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In this report, we describe two cases of transradial intervention of chronic total occlusions assisted by the GuideLiner catheter when the guide catheter support was suboptimal. This novel coaxial system can provide additional support for more complex lesions and, in our cases, allowed the procedure to be completed via the transradial approach rather than having to change to transfemoral access.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess whether transradial access for ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome undergoing early invasive treatment is associated with better outcome compared with conventional transfemoral access. Background: In patients with acute coronary syndrome, bleeding is a significant predictor of worse outcome. Access site complications represent a significant source of bleeding for those patients undergoing revascularization, especially when femoral access is used. Methods: The RIFLE-STEACS (Radial Versus Femoral Randomized Investigation in ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome) was a multicenter, randomized, parallel-group study. Between January 2009 and July 2011, 1,001 acute ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome patients undergoing primary/rescue percutaneous coronary intervention were randomized to the radial (500) or femoral (501) approach at 4 high-volume centers. The primary endpoint was the 30-day rate of net adverse clinical events (NACEs), defined as a composite of cardiac death, stroke, myocardial infarction, target lesion revascularization, and bleeding). Individual components of NACEs and length of hospital stay were secondary endpoints. Results: The primary endpoint of 30-day NACEs occurred in 68 patients (13.6%) in the radial arm and 105 patients (21.0%) in the femoral arm (p = 0.003). In particular, compared with femoral, radial access was associated with significantly lower rates of cardiac mortality (5.2% vs. 9.2%, p = 0.020), bleeding (7.8% vs. 12.2%, p = 0.026), and shorter hospital stay (5 days first to third quartile range, 4 to 7 days] vs. 6 [range, 5 to 8 days]; p = 0.03). Conclusions: Radial access in patients with ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome is associated with significant clinical benefits, in terms of both lower morbidity and cardiac mortality. Thus, it should become the recommended approach in these patients, provided adequate operator and center expertise is present. (Radial Versus Femoral Investigation in ST Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome [RIFLE-STEACS]; NCT01420614).
Angiography and intervention of a LIMA (left internal mammary artery) graft cannot be performed easily while working through right transradial approach (TRA), because of complexity in anatomical relations of right and left subclavian arteries with arch of aorta. We demonstrate two simple and innovative techniques for the same using right TRA.
We report a case of GuideLiner catheter use during transradial intervention for selective coronary angiography of the distal left anterior descending artery (LAD), beyond the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) anastomosis. The lesion within the LAD was located distal to the anastomosis of a very tortuous LIMA, otherwise unable to be visualized due to competitive flow from the LIMA. Stenting by way of the LIMA could not be performed due to this severe tortuosity as well. Alternatively, performance of the intervention without GuideLiner assistance would have required dual access, with injections both through the LIMA graft and the native LAD for angiography and intervention. Use of the GuideLiner served the purpose of selective LAD angiography to visualize the lesion, as well as delivery of the stent through a proximally calcified LAD. Using this single transradial route allowed the intervention to be completed, while reducing complications due to multiple access sites.
The radial approach in primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) has been recently assessed in both randomized and observational studies. However, observational studies have several biases that favor the radial approach. We conducted a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials to compare the clinical outcomes of radial and femoral approach in primary PCI for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. The outcomes of interest included death, major bleeding, vascular complications/hematoma, and procedure time. The data were pooled using random-effects models. Ten randomized controlled trials involving 3,347 patients met our inclusion criteria. The radial approach was associated with improved survival (odds ratio 0.53, 95% confidence interval 0.33-0.84) and reduced vascular complications/hematoma (odds ratio 0.35, 95% confidence interval 0.24-0.53). A nonsignificant trend was found toward reduced major bleeding with the radial approach (odds ratio 0.63, 95% confidence interval 0.35-1.12). The procedural time with the radial approach was longer by < 2 minutes (mean difference 1.76 minutes, 95% confidence interval 0.59-2.92). In conclusion, in patients undergoing primary PCI, the radial approach is associated with lower short-term mortality. When feasible, the radial approach should be the favored route in primary PCI.
Small trials have suggested that radial access for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) reduces vascular complications and bleeding compared with femoral access. We aimed to assess whether radial access was superior to femoral access in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) who were undergoing coronary angiography with possible intervention. The RadIal Vs femorAL access for coronary intervention (RIVAL) trial was a randomised, parallel group, multicentre trial. Patients with ACS were randomly assigned (1:1) by a 24 h computerised central automated voice response system to radial or femoral artery access. The primary outcome was a composite of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or non-coronary artery bypass graft (non-CABG)-related major bleeding at 30 days. Key secondary outcomes were death, myocardial infarction, or stroke; and non-CABG-related major bleeding at 30 days. A masked central committee adjudicated the primary outcome, components of the primary outcome, and stent thrombosis. All other outcomes were as reported by the investigators. Patients and investigators were not masked to treatment allocation. Analyses were by intention to treat. This trial is registered with, NCT01014273. Between June 6, 2006, and Nov 3, 2010, 7021 patients were enrolled from 158 hospitals in 32 countries. 3507 patients were randomly assigned to radial access and 3514 to femoral access. The primary outcome occurred in 128 (3·7%) of 3507 patients in the radial access group compared with 139 (4·0%) of 3514 in the femoral access group (hazard ratio [HR] 0·92, 95% CI 0·72-1·17; p=0·50). Of the six prespecified subgroups, there was a significant interaction for the primary outcome with benefit for radial access in highest tertile volume radial centres (HR 0·49, 95% CI 0·28-0·87; p=0·015) and in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (0·60, 0·38-0·94; p=0·026). The rate of death, myocardial infarction, or stroke at 30 days was 112 (3·2%) of 3507 patients in the radial group compared with 114 (3·2%) of 3514 in the femoral group (HR 0·98, 95% CI 0·76-1·28; p=0·90). The rate of non-CABG-related major bleeding at 30 days was 24 (0·7%) of 3507 patients in the radial group compared with 33 (0·9%) of 3514 patients in the femoral group (HR 0·73, 95% CI 0·43-1·23; p=0·23). At 30 days, 42 of 3507 patients in the radial group had large haematoma compared with 106 of 3514 in the femoral group (HR 0·40, 95% CI 0·28-0·57; p<0·0001). Pseudoaneurysm needing closure occurred in seven of 3507 patients in the radial group compared with 23 of 3514 in the femoral group (HR 0·30, 95% CI 0·13-0·71; p=0·006). Radial and femoral approaches are both safe and effective for PCI. However, the lower rate of local vascular complications may be a reason to use the radial approach. Sanofi-Aventis, Population Health Research Institute, and Canadian Network for Trials Internationally (CANNeCTIN), an initiative of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
We recently developed a 4F child catheter that can be inserted into 6F or larger conventional guiding catheters. The use of 4F mother-child technique may improve the delivery of coronary stents to complex lesions. Accordingly, we sought to determine the potential of using a 4F mother-child technique to treat complex coronary lesions. The support power and the trackability of the mother-child technique of 4-in-6 were evaluated using a coronary artery tree model. In addition, the results of 51 lesions treated by using a 4F child catheter were retrospectively analyzed. The in vitro experiment demonstrated that backup support of the 4-in-6 system was increased when the child catheter was advanced into the coronary tree ≥5 cm (P≤0.01); further, the 4F child catheter was associated with superior trackability as compared with a 5F child catheter (15.0 cm [15.0 to 15.0] versus 13.0 cm [12.8 to 13.0], P<0.005). A total of 51 lesions, in which conventional techniques had been unsuccessful, were treated using the 4F mother-child technique. Lesion success was achieved in 48 (94%) lesions. Stent deployment was attempted in 44 (86%) and was successful in 40 of 44 (91%). There were 2 instances of stent dislodgment. With the superior trackability of the 4F child catheter and with increased backup support of the mother-child system, the 4F mother-child system provided >90% success rate for lesions in which conventional techniques had failed. The 4F mother-child system may become a viable alternative to conventional techniques in treating complex coronary lesions.