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Sincere Thanks

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports
Sincere Thanks
Andreas Böning
Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Rep 2015;4:1.
With this print issue of the Thoracic and Cardiovascular
Surgeon Reports (TCSR), it is time to say Thank youto
different groups of people having accompanied the TCSR so
Thank youto the authors who consigned their articles to
the TCSR, although many of them had to be disappointed by a
rejectdecision for their article. Partly the articles were unsuit-
ed for our surgical journal, partly the articles had no news to
report to the scientic community, and partly the articles were
ered as being English. The 2015 acceptance rate of scienticcase
reports was 42%, although it would have been 100% in a non-
peer-reviewed journal with a nancial instead of a scientic
interest. The 2016 publication fee for an article in TCSR is 998
with a discount for members of the German Society for Thoracic
and Cardiovascular Surgery (499 ).
Thank youto the editorial staff of our publisher for
always being a help to the editor. We are pleased to announce
that TCSR will, from mid/late November 2015, be searchable
in the Web of Science (WOS) database. This is a great
achievement, which means not only that is our journal now
going to be searchable on WOS but also that it has passed the
rst hurdle to being awarded an Impact Factor.
Thank youto our reviewers for fast, insightful, unpaid
reviews. The top reviewerfor this journal made 10 assess-
ments during this year!
ISSN 2194-7635.
© 2015 Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Stuttgart · New York
Editorial 1
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