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Chapter 2. Offshore wind energy development in the Belgian
part of the North Sea & anticipated impacts: an
R. Brabant*, S. Degraer & B. Rumes
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models
(MUMM), Marine Ecosystem Management Section, Gulledelle 100, 1200 Brussels
*Corresponding author:
Photo MUMM / RBINS Turbine transport and installation on the Thorntonbank
R. Brabant, S. Degraer & B. Rumes 10
2.1. Context
The European Directive 2001/77/EC on the promotion of electricity produced from renewable
energy sources in the internal electricity market, imposes upon each Member State a target figure of
the contribution of the production of electricity from renewable energy sources that should have been
achieved in 2010. For Belgium, this target figure was 6 % of the total energy consumption. In January
2008, the European Commission launched its new Climate Plan, and a new target for Belgium was set
at 13 % to achieve by 2020. Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) are
expected to make an important contribution to achieve that goal.
With the Royal Decree of 17 May 2004 a zone in the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) was
reserved for the production of electricity. It is located between two major shipping routes: the north
and south traffic separation schemes (TSS). In 2011, the zone was adjusted on its Northern and
Southern side because of the need for a safer shipping traffic in the vicinity of the wind farms. After
this adjustment the total surface of the area is 238 km² (Figure 1). The initial surface was 264 km².
Prior to installing a wind farm, a developer must obtain (1) a domain concession in the zone
reserved for wind energy development and (2) an environmental permit. Without an environmental
permit, a project developer is not allowed to build and exploit a wind farm, even if a domain
concession was granted.
When a project developer applies for an environmental permit an administrative procedure,
mandatory by law, starts. That procedure has several steps, including a public hearing during which
the public can express any objections. Later on during the permit procedure, the Management Unit of
the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM) of the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
renders advice on the possible environmental impact of the future project to the Minister responsible
for the marine environment. MUMM’s advice includes an environmental impact assessment, based on
an environmental impact study that is set up by the project developer. The Minister then grants or
denies the environmental permit in a duly motivated decree.
The environmental permit includes a number of terms and conditions intended to minimize or
mitigate the impact of the project on the marine ecosystem. Furthermore, as required by law, the
permit imposes a monitoring programme to assess the effects of the project on the marine
environment. The environmental monitoring is a legal obligation and is a competency of the federal
government. The monitoring has two goals:
to enable the authorities to mitigate or even halt the activities in case of extreme damage to
the marine ecosystem;
to understand and evaluate the impact of offshore wind farms on the different aspects of
the marine environment and consequently support the future policy regarding offshore
wind farms.
The monitoring is lead by MUMM, but MUMM collaborates with several other institutes that
each have a specific expertise of the marine environment. The costs of the monitoring program are
paid by the permit holders.
At present, four companies were granted a domain concession and an environmental permit to
build and exploit an offshore wind farm: C-Power in 2004, Belwind in 2008, Northwind (formerly
Eldepasco) in 2009 and Norther in early 2012. C-Power had its permit revised in 2006 and 2008, and
the monitoring programme was adapted accordingly (Table 1).
C-Power and Belwind have already started their construction activities at the Thorntonbank and
Bligh Bank, respectively, while Northwind’s construction activities (72 turbines of 3MW) on the
Lodewijkbank (formerly Bank zonder Naam) are expected to start in April 2013. The Norther project
is located in the southernmost part of the wind energy zone and will presumably start its construction
in 2014. More detailed information on projects can be found via,
& Information on the Norther project can be found on the websites of and
Three other projects, Rentel, Seastar and Mermaid, were granted only a domain concession so far
(Figure 1). Rentel, obtained a concession in between C-Power and Northwind (Figure 1). On July 2nd
Chapter 2. Offshore wind farms and anticipated impacts 11
2012, they have submitted their application to obtain an environmental permit. The concession of
Seastar, in between Belwind and Northwind, was withdrawn in 2011, but, on June 1st 2012 the project
obtained a new concession. Finally, on June 25th 2012, the project Mermaid was granted a domain
concession in the northernmost part of the zone reserved for energy production. This is the seventh
and, for now, last concession foreseen for the construction of wind farms in the Belgian part of the
North Sea.
Figure 1. Zone reserved for the production of renewable energy by the Royal Decree of 17 May 2004
R. Brabant, S. Degraer & B. Rumes 12
Table 1.
Overview of the dates when the projects were granted a domain concession and an environmental permit.
Project Concession obtained Permit application Permit obtained
27/06/03 17/6/2003
Belwind 5/6/2007 19/6/2007 20/2/2008
Northwind 15/5/2006 12/12/2008 19/11/2009
Norther 5/10/2009 10/5/2011 18/1/2012
Rentel 4/6/2009 2/7/2012 procedure ongoing
Seastar 1/6/2012 No application yet
Mermaid 25/6/2012 No application yet
2.2. Ongoing wind farm projects
2.2.1. C-Power
The C-Power project is located on the Thorntonbank (Figure 1). This is a sandbank located 27
km of the Belgian coast. Water depth in the concession area varies between 18 and 24 m.
The C-Power concession is divided in two sub-areas (A and B). Across the two sub-areas 54
turbines will be installed. Phase I (30,5 MW), a pilot phase, consists of six turbines that were installed
on row D of sub-area A and the first 150 kV offshore cable (Figure 2). The six 5MW Repower
turbines are operating since the 10th of May 2009. Phase II and phase III will each consist of 24
turbines of 6.15 MW. The installed capacity of the entire wind farm will be 325 MW.
Figure 2. Layout of the C-Power project.
C-Power used gravity based foundations (GBF) for its phase I. These GBFs are hollow, concrete
structures that are filled with sand, upon installation on the seabed. More detailed information can be
obtained from Peire et al. (2009) and Brabant & Jacques (2010).
The foundation type for the phase II and III turbines is different from the pilot phase since jacket
foundations, instead of the GBFs, were installed. These foundations consist of a steel jacket with four
Chapter 2. Offshore wind farms and anticipated impacts 13
legs. The foundations were installed using the pre-piling concept: four pin-piles were driven into the
seabed and the legs of the foundation were grouted on the pre-piles. The piles vary in length
depending on the water depth at their location and are in the range of 21.0 to 49.5 m.
C-Power started on April 7th 2011 with the piling works. On August 21st 2011, all pin-piles for
the phase II and phase III turbines were in place. Before the pre-piling of the pin-piles started, bottom
surveys were conducted in 2010 and the seabed needed to be prepared. Details on this can be found in
Brabant et al. (2011). All jacket foundations were installed in 2011 and the first half of 2012 (Figure
3). The installation of the 6 MW Repower turbines is now ongoing, 24 of the turbines were already
installed by the end of June 2012. The offshore transformer station (OTS, figure 4) and the second
export cable are already installed. Both sub sea power cables come ashore near Ostend.
Figure 3. Phase III jacket installation (Photo C-Power).
Figure 4. The OTS was installed on March 17th 2012. On the background the six phase I turbines (photo C-
R. Brabant, S. Degraer & B. Rumes 14
2.2.2. Belwind
The Belwind project is situated on the Bligh Bank at about 40 km off the Belgian coast (Figure 1
& 5). The water depth in the concession area varies between 15 and 40 m. Once finalized, the park
will consist of 110 Vestas V90 turbines and an offshore high voltage station (OHVS), with a total
installed capacity of 330 MW. The construction of the park is divided in two phases.
Figure 5. Lay out of the Belwind project.
In 2010, Belwind completed the first phase of their wind farm: 55 Vestas V90-3MW turbines, an
OHVS, infield cables and an export cable. The 55 wind turbines are operational since January 13th,
2011 (Figure 6). Details on the construction of this first phase can be found in Brabant et al. (2011).
No construction works were done in 2011. The start of the construction of phase II is foreseen in
Figure 6. Phase I wind turbines on the Bligh Bank (Photo MUMM / RBINS).
Chapter 2. Offshore wind farms and anticipated impacts 15
2.3. Anticipated environmental impacts
With the construction and exploitation of the above described projects a new offshore activity
started in the BPNS. While offshore wind farms help achieving the goals set by 2001/77/EC on the
promotion of electricity produced from renewable energy and help in the struggle against climate
change, the construction and exploitation of offshore wind farms will also have certain impacts on the
marine environment. These can be neutral, positive and/or negative for the marine ecosystem.
The environmental impact assessments (MUMM, 2004, 2007, 2009 & 2011) anticipated a variety
of possible impacts. Some of those impacts are already being revealed during the first years of
environmental monitoring (Degraer et al., 2010 & 2011), e.g.:
- Increased erosion of the natural sandy sediments around wind turbine foundations because of
accelerating currents next to the foundations;
- Increased turbidity during the construction of the wind farms;
- Increased underwater noise pressure, generated during the construction and exploitation
phases and the associated impact on marine mammals and fish;
- Colonisation of the introduced hard substrata (i.e. foundations) by epifouling organisms and
its consequent stepping-stone effect on invasive species;
- Attraction of fish by the introduced hard substrata;
- Changes within the soft-substratum macro- and epibenthos and fish as a result of e.g. fisheries
displacement, altered sediment characteristics and organic enrichment of the sandy sediments
by (local) deposition of organic matter produces by the hard substrate epifauna;
- Altered spatio-temporal distribution, densities and migration routes of seabirds and marine
- Altered public perception of offshore wind farms.
With the monitoring programme, MUMM and its partners (1) assess the extent of the anticipated
impacts on the different aspects of the marine ecosystem and (2) aim at revealing the processes behind
the impacts. The first objective is basically tackled through the baseline monitoring, focusing on the a
posteriori, resultant impact quantification, while the second monitoring objective is covered by the
targeted or process monitoring, focusing on the cause-effect relationships of a priori selected impacts.
As such, the baseline monitoring deals with observing rather than understanding impacts and hence
leads to area-specific results, which might form a basis for halting activities. Targeted monitoring on
the other hand deals with the understanding of the processes behind the impacts of a selected set of
hypothesized cause-effect relationships highly relevant to the wind energy sector. This step is not only
a pre-requisite for effective regulatory application, but also permits (1) current and future impact
mitigation, (2) better prediction of future impacts, as well as (3) moving away from site-specific
observations to more generic knowledge. More details on this topic can be found in Degraer &
Brabant (2009) and Degraer et al. (2010).
In 2009, we reported on the lessons learnt and recommendations from the first two years of
environmental monitoring (Degraer & Brabant, 2009). The integrated Degraer et al. (2010) report
focused on the natural spatio-temporal variability and the evaluation of the early and localized
environmental impacts at the C-Power and Belwind sites. This report presents a selection of major
findings from the baseline and targeted monitoring activities from 2011, and aims at a continued
heading towards an understanding of environmental impacts of offshore wind farms.
2.4. References
Brabant, R., Degraer, S. & Rumes, B., (2011). Offshore wind energy development in the Belgian part
of the North Sea & anticipated impacts: an update. In: Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Rumes, B.,
(Eds.) (2011). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Selected findings from
the baseline and targeted monitoring. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management
Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models. Marine ecosystem management unit. pp. 9-16.
R. Brabant, S. Degraer & B. Rumes 16
Brabant, R. & Jacques, T.G., (2010). Offshore wind energy development in the Belgian part of the
North Sea and anticipated impacts. pp. 9-18. In: Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Rumes, B., (Eds.)
(2010). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Spatio-temporal variability and
early impact assessment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the
North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine ecosystem management unit. 184 pp. + annexes.
Degraer, S. & Brabant, R., (Eds.) (2009). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea:
State of the art after two years of environmental monitoring. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural
Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine ecosystem
management unit. 287 pp. + annexes.
Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Rumes, B., (Eds.) (2010). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the
North Sea: Spatio-temporal variability and early impact assessment. Royal Belgian Institute of
Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine ecosystem
management unit. 184 pp. + annexes.
Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Rumes, B., (Eds.) (2011). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the
North Sea: Selected findings from the baseline and targeted monitoring. Royal Belgian Institute
of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models. Marine
ecosystem management unit. 157 pp. + annex.
MUMM, (2004). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het project ingediend door de n.v. C-Power. Rapport
van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid
van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM). 155 pp.
MUMM, (2007). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het BELWIND offshore windmolenpark op de Bligh
Bank. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement
Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM). 183 pp.
MUMM, (2009). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het ELDEPASCO offshore windmolenpark op de
Bank zonder Naam. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen,
departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM). 168 pp.
MUMM, (2011). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHER offshore windmolenpark ten
zuidoosten van de Thorntonbank. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor
Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de
Noordzee (BMM). 189 pp.
Peire, K., Nonneman, H. & Bosschem, E., (2009). Gravity Based Foundations for the Thornton Bank
Offshore Wind farm. Terra et Aqua, 115, 19 – 29.
... Along with this increase in installed offshore capacity, there has also been an increase in capacity per turbine. Figure 3 shows the current offshore wind installations in the north sea and depicts a new 285 km² region made up of three zones that represent expected offshore wind expansions over the following years, with an additional capacity of 2 GW, hence, the total offshore wind capacity will reach 4.4 GW by 2028 [79] [80]. Despite the fact that Belgium did not meet its 13% renewable energy share in energy objective for 2020, data demonstrate that the country is on the correct path and that meeting its 2030 objectives will not be difficult. ...
... Geographical distribution of Belgium's installed onshore wind capacity[77]Reserved areas for Belgium's existing and planned offshore wind farms[80] ...
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The need to deal with variability in wind power output is one of the greatest challenges connected with adopting a considerable amount of wind power into power grids. Power system operators need to acquire more information on this variability, which can be utilized in the mitigation of high ramping events, especially when these events synchronize with a large error in the prediction, ensuring flexibility and reliability in the power system besides the economic considerations. The paper analyses short-term variability in output power using actual data obtained from aggregated wind farms from 2015 to 2020, where power ramping characteristics are described using a variety of measurements. The use of the standard deviation of short-term wind power variation as a reserve measure will be investigated in detail since there is no consensus about the ideal confidence level value as a multiplier of σ, which ranges from 3 to 6 times σ. The paper addresses how large this confidence level should be, as well as developing a data-driven approach for estimating this reserve with increasing wind shares and evaluating the proper distribution of short-term wind variation. The results illustrate that the stochastic variations in wind power can retain many of their characteristics from year to year, even when the share of wind capacity is raised.
... Figure 4 indicates a new region of 285 km² that comprises three zones, which depicts anticipated expansions in offshore wind over the next decade. These new zones would be suitable for an additional capacity of 2 GW, bringing the total installed capacity to 4.4 GW by 2028 [75] [76]. ...
... Current and the new areas reserved for offshore wind farms in Belgium[76] ...
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The growing penetration of wind generation comes with implicit challenges for power system operators, one of which is the effect that additional shares have on the sufficient magnitude of reserve capacity needed. The determination of adequate reserves would enhance the efficiency and flexibility of the power system. The probabilistic methodology suggested in this paper estimates the reserve requirements as a function of historical data and estimates the incremental increase in reserve requirements as the penetration level increases. Also, the paper estimates the optimal mix of spinning reserve and standing reserve to decrease the number of part-loaded power plants and accommodate more wind power, where a synchronized plant operates less efficiently when partially loaded to provide a reserve. The adopted methodology is applied to real data collected from aggregated wind farms in the period from 2015 to 2020.
... Samples were collected in the C-Power and Belwind wind farms, located in a special dedicated zone (see Brabant et al., 2011) of the BPNS. The C-Power wind farm (at present six concrete GBF with 5 MW turbines) is located on the Thornton Bank some 30 km offshore (Figure 1). ...
... In conclusion, we expect the intertidal (non-indigenous) fauna of the Belwind and the C-Power sites to become richer in species number over the course of the next few years and more similar. However, some differences in the composition of the intertidal fauna may remain since different foundation types were used large concrete GBF versus smaller steel monopiles (see also Brabant et al., 2011). ...
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There is a world-wide concern of the expansion of non-indigenous species because they alter local biodiversity and sometimes compete with native species, some of which of commercial interest. This is especially the case in shallow coastal waters, subject to a multitude of human activities, including the construction of artificial hard substrata. We took the opportunity of the construction of numerous windmills off the Belgian coast to study the colonisation of non-indigenous species on these new artificial structures. Therefore we monitored the fouling communities of the wind farms on a regular basis from the beginning of their installation. We demonstrated that the new artificial hard substrata of the windmills offer new opportunities for non-indigenous species (introduced and southern Northeast Atlantic range-expanding species) to enter the Southern North Sea. Or, if already present, to expand their population size and hence strengthen their strategic position in the Southern North Sea. This is particularly important for the obligate intertidal hard substrata species, for which other offshore habitat is rare to non-existing.
... Samples were collected in the C-Power and Belwind wind farms, located in a special dedicated zone (see Brabant et al., 2011) of the BPNS. The C-Power wind farm (at present six concrete GBF with 5 MW turbines) is located on the Thornton Bank some 30 km offshore (Figure 1). ...
... In conclusion, we expect the intertidal (non-indigenous) fauna of the Belwind and the C-Power sites to become richer in species number over the course of the next few years and more similar. However, some differences in the composition of the intertidal fauna may remain since different foundation types were used large concrete GBF versus smaller steel monopiles (see also Brabant et al., 2011). ...
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In recent years, offshore wind energy in the shelf seas of the southern North Sea is experiencing a strong growth. Foundations are introduced in mainly sandy sediments, and the resulting artificial reef effect is considered one of the main impacts on the marine environment. We investigated the macrobenthic fouling community that developed on the concrete foundations of the first wind turbines built in Belgian marine waters. We observed a clear vertical zonation, with a distinction between a Telmatogeton japonicus dominated splash zone, a high intertidal zone characterised by Semibalanus balanoides, followed by a mussel belt in the low intertidal–shallow subtidal. In the deep subtidal, the species turnover was initially very high, but the community was soon dominated by few species (Jassa herdmani, Actiniaria spp. and Tubularia spp.), and only seasonal dynamics within this species assemblage were observed after 1–1½ years. Ten non-indigenous species (NIS) were found. In the intertidal, eight out of the seventeen typical intertidal species observed were NIS, while only two out of a species pool of 80 species were NIS in the deep subtidal. NIS were found to use the foundations to expand their range and strengthen their strategic position in the area.
... At unvegetated seabeds such hydrodynamic alteration may change the sediment composition (i.e. grain size) given that currents are strong or wave action reaches down to the seabed. This may in turn change the conditions for benthic organisms locally, to the benefit for some species at the cost of others [22]. The turbine structures also attract fish (see Section 2.3) which can change the predation pressure on benthos at the surrounding seabed. ...
... At unvegetated seabeds such hydrodynamic alteration may change the sediment composition (i.e. grain size) given that currents are strong or wave action reaches down to the seabed. This may in turn change the conditions for benthic organisms locally, to the benefit for some species at the cost of others [22]. The turbine structures also attract fish (see Section 2.3) which can change the predation pressure on benthos at the surrounding seabed. ...
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The seas of northern Europe are strongly affected by human activities and there is a great need for improved marine conservation. The same region is also the current hotspot for offshore wind power development. Wind farms can have negative environmental impacts during construction, but during the operational phase many organisms are attracted to the foundations and thereby may also find refuge from fisheries. Given the recent implementation of marine spatial planning in Europe and elsewhere, this is a critical time to address potential compatibility and synergies between marine conservation and wind power. This review concludes that offshore wind farms can be at least as effective as existing marine protected areas in terms of creating refuges for benthic habitats, benthos, fish and marine mammals. The degree of advantage for these organisms depends on the location of the wind farm and the level of imposed fishing restriction. Under certain conditions wind farms may even be more efficient means of conservation than ordinary marine protected areas. However, offshore wind farms can be negative for several species of seabirds, essentially as occupying preferred feeding or wintering grounds. In areas important to these seabirds wind farms may not comply with conservation. The results bring important messages to marine spatial planning as some but not all wind farms can be spatially combined with, and even synergistic to, marine conservation.
... The natural soft sediment consists of medium sands with a median grain size between 250 and 500 lm (De Maersschalck et al., 2006). The first six gravity-based wind turbines were constructed in 2008 (Brabant et al., 2012). Four years after construction, 84 epifaunal species were observed (De Mesel et al., 2013), and the fish species pouting (Trisopterus luscus) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were attracted (Reubens et al., 2013). ...
Human activities at sea are still increasing. As biodiversity is a central topic in the management of our seas, it is important to understand how diversity responds to different disturbances related with physical impacts. We investigated the effects of three impacts, i.e. sand extraction, dredge disposal and offshore wind energy exploitation, on the soft-bottom macrobenthic assemblages in the Belgian part of the North Sea. We found similar diversity-disturbance responses, mainly related to the fact that different impacts caused similar environmental changes. We observed a sediment refinement which triggered a shift towards a heterogenic, dynamic (transitional) soft-bottom macrobenthic assemblage, with several species typically associated with muddy sands. This led to a local unexpected biodiversity increase in the impacted area. On a wider regional scale, the ever increasing human impacts might lead to a homogenization of the sediment, resulting in a more uniform, yet less diverse benthic ecosystem.
... In the vicinity of the existing w ind farms, some changes w ere observed In vessel presence betw een 2010 -2011. An Increase In the num ber of registrations can be seen north of theThorntonbank Phase 3 (zone 1 on Figure 2, 97% Increase In encircled area), for which turbines w ere constructed from April 2011 onwards (Brabant et al, 2012b). A similar Increase was seen w e st of theThorntonbank Phase 2 (zone 2 on Figure 2, 55% Increase In encircled area), constructed In the same period. ...
... This could be of concern in the long-term as many OWFs are being constructed in the entire North Sea (ICES, 2012). In the Belgian part of the North Sea (BPNS) the first OWF was constructed in 2008 with six gravity based wind turbine foundations (GBF) (Brabant et al., 2012). A rapid colonisation of the hard substrate by epifaunal organisms was observed with the creation of an intertidal mussel-barnacle belt only two years after construction (Kerckhof et al., 2009). ...
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Offshore wind megaprojects in European waters have significant carbon abatement potential and increasing their number is a policy goal for several European maritime nations. But experience has shown that governance of large-scale, commercial offshore wind development is not straightforward. It is found that in five EU member states, policy innovation intended to enable investment in offshore wind projects is leading to a convergence upon a distinctive European model of offshore wind governance. The European Union appears to play numerous roles in this process and further research into how offshore wind policy innovation propagates in the EU is warranted. Policy relevance The governance of offshore wind megaproject development places specific demands on several areas of policy. This article firstly provides an account of recent developments in how offshore wind governance functions in some of the most important offshore wind-using nations. Secondly, the discussion of the EU's role in shaping offshore wind governance will inform future debates about the proper role of the EU in enabling investment in these megaprojects. Thirdly, the fact that policy appears to be converging raises questions about how policy is transmitted between EU member states, the answers to which could be valuable to policy makers looking at other areas of energy governance. Finally, the observed trend of increasing centralization of decision-making should be of interest to policy makers mindful of the role of scale and decentralization in debates about energy governance.
A new design approach and offshore marine operations have been developed for the construction of the foundations for the first phase of the Thornton Bank Offshore Wind Farm, located some 30 km off the Belgian Coast. In contrast to the monopile foundations commonly applied to offshore wind farms, a novel Gravity Base Foundation (GBF) concept has been selected as the result of an extensive risk assessment and technical evaluation. Innovative dredging technologies play a key role in the realisation of these foundations. Concrete caisson foundations for offshore wind turbines have traditionally been applied in near-shore wind farm projects, in relatively shallow and sheltered waters as they were believed to become uneconomical and technically too difficult with increasing water depths.
Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Selected findings from the baseline and targeted monitoring. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models. Marine ecosystem management unit
  • S Degraer
  • R Brabant
  • B Rumes
Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Rumes, B., (Eds.) (2011). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Selected findings from the baseline and targeted monitoring. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models. Marine ecosystem management unit. 157 pp. + annex.
Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Spatio-temporal variability and early impact assessment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine ecosystem management unit
  • S Degraer
  • R Brabant
  • B Rumes
Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Rumes, B., (Eds.) (2010). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Spatio-temporal variability and early impact assessment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine ecosystem management unit. 184 pp. + annexes.
Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM)
MUMM, (2007). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het BELWIND offshore windmolenpark op de Bligh Bank. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM). 183 pp.
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het project ingediend door de n.v. C-Power. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM)
MUMM, (2004). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het project ingediend door de n.v. C-Power. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM). 155 pp.
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHER offshore windmolenpark ten zuidoosten van de Thorntonbank. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM)
MUMM, (2011). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het NORTHER offshore windmolenpark ten zuidoosten van de Thorntonbank. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM). 189 pp.
Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Spatio-temporal variability and early impact assessment
  • R Brabant
  • T G Jacques
Brabant, R. & Jacques, T.G., (2010). Offshore wind energy development in the Belgian part of the North Sea and anticipated impacts. pp. 9-18. In: Degraer, S., Brabant, R. & Rumes, B., (Eds.) (2010). Offshore wind farms in the Belgian part of the North Sea: Spatio-temporal variability and early impact assessment. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models, Marine ecosystem management unit. 184 pp. + annexes.
Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het ELDEPASCO offshore windmolenpark op de Bank zonder Naam. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM)
MUMM, (2009). Milieueffectenbeoordeling van het ELDEPASCO offshore windmolenpark op de Bank zonder Naam. Rapport van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen, departement Beheerseenheid van het Mathematisch Model van de Noordzee (BMM). 168 pp.