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Lake Naivasha: Experience and lessons learned



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1. Introduction
Lake Naivasha (Figure 1) is a shallow basin lake, situated 80
km northwest of Nairobi in the Kenyan Rift Valley. The recent
developments around the lake constitute an interesting case
for natural resource management that is discussed in this
The lake contains freshwater supporting a rich ecosystem,
with hundreds of bird species, papyrus fringes fi lled with
hippos, riparian grass lands where waterbuck, giraffe, zebra
and various antelopes graze, dense patches of riparian acacia
forest with buffaloes, bushbuck and other creatures, beautiful
swampy areas where waterfowl breed and feed and, at the
same time, magnifi cent views of the nearby volcanoes. Local
shermen depend on the lake for fi sh and crayfi sh. Although
the lake is situated in a semi-arid zone, after the rainy seasons,
the fragile soils of the surrounding hills and the valley bottom
produce grass where the pastoral Maasai bring their herds for
dry-weather grazing, thereby depending on the lake and its
various watering points.
Situated west of the main lake is Lake Sonachi, a small paradise
on its own. Sonachi (or Crater Lake as it also is known) is in
the caldera of a small volcano, with its own microclimate. A
dense forest covers the steep walls of the crater. High biomass
production has been recorded in this highly alkaline lake,
which often hosts fl ocks of fl amingos.
Lake Naivasha has no surface outlet, with the natural water
level changes over the last 100 years being more than 12
meters. The water level can change several meters within
just a few months, causing a shift of the shoreline of several
kilometers. These dynamics add an extra dimension to the
riparian ecosystem, as well as complicating the water resource
management issues.
In the colonial days, large cattle ranches occupied the bottom
of the Rift Valley. There was a large sisal plantation located
south of Lake Naivasha. The lake water was used only to
irrigate small acreages of fodder crops, provide water for
cattle, and grow vegetables. Large areas of papyrus were
cleared and converted into agricultural land. When the
water levels were receding between the 1930s and 1950s,
the Colonial Government was reluctant to approve water
abstraction permits.
In 1929, the Naivasha landowners organized themselves into
the Lake Naivasha Riparian Owners Association (LNROA).
The land below the arbitrary chosen lake level of 6,210 ft asl
(1,892.8 m asl) was put into the custody of the landowners in
1933, under the LNROA, although no permanent structures
were allowed to be built on this land. This proved to be a
wise move, since it has protected the riparian/shore line from
degradation. In the late 1950s, when the lake water levels
started to rise, after a couple of decades of falling levels, the
Administration began designing complex diversion schemes:
Water was to be transferred to Lake Elmenteita (also commonly
spelled Elementeita) to the north, and to Kedong valley to
the south. Fortunately, these plans never came to fruition.
Around 1990, the LNROA became more proactive and, in 1998,
Lake Naivasha
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief
Robert Becht*, International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede, the Netherlands,
Eric O. Odada, Department of Geology, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
Sarah Higgins, Lake Naivasha Riparian Association, Naivasha, Kenya
* Corresponding author
Figure 1. The Lake Naivasha Basin.
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278 Lake Naivasha
changed its name to the Lake Naivasha Riparian Association
(LNRA) and opened itself to a wider membership by instituting
associate membership. In 1999, the LNRA’s 70th anniversary,
the organization received the prestigious Ramsar Wetland
Conservation Award in the NGO category for its conservation
work on the lake.
The fi rst large abstraction of the lake occurred when a
pipeline from the Naivasha basin to Gilgil and Nakuru Town
became operational in 1992. During the 1970s, there was little
irrigation, mainly fodder crops. In the early 1980s, however,
one vegetable grower decided to switch crops, successfully,
to the production of cut fl owers. This decision has profoundly
changed the rules of the game.
The permeable and fertile soils, low rainfall, reliable supply
of good quality water, good climatic conditions, availability
of cheap labor, and easy access to Nairobi Airport, are the
ingredients of a booming fl ower-dominated horticultural
industry around the shores of the lake. Since the fi rst fl ower
farms started in the early 1980s, there has been a fairly
constant increase in the area under fl owers. In the late-1990s,
the fl ower farms started to mushroom; this process is still
continuing, causing considerable concern regarding whether
or not the lake can sustain this increase.
The horticultural developments caused a shift in the
landownership and population around the lake. Before the
horticultural developments, the population was comprised
mainly of people born along the lake shores, or who
were attracted by its peace and beauty. Since the 1980s,
entrepreneurs have moved in, bought or rented land, and
started growing commercial fl owers for export. Those who
had lived all or most of their lives in Naivasha, however,
realized that the paradise might be lost if the lake was
not properly managed. The LNRA became the vehicle that
started the lake management process in the late-1980s. The
energy, diplomacy and stamina of two LNRA members, the
Chairman and Honorary Secretary, have been instrumental
in starting and continuing this process. During this period, a
rather dormant stakeholder organization with a long colonial
history was transformed into an active organization interested
in sustainable development of the lake. The LNRA started
sensitizing their members and others on environmental issues,
compiled and summarized research that had been carried out
over the years into one document (Goldson 1993), encouraged
researchers to investigate the lake, started to develop a
management plan and sectoral codes of conduct, and started
to network and lobby in order to achieve their goals, with the
old riparian agreement becoming a powerful instrument for
protecting the government-owned riparian zone.
The large commercial growers felt that the direction the LNRA
had taken was not consistent with their commercial interests.
As a result, a small group of large fl ower farms established the
Lake Naivasha Growers Group (LNGG). Confl icts between LNRA
and LNGG arose and were subsequently reconciled, which
is all part of the consensus-building process and movement
toward a more institutionalized form of management, with the
result being that both groups are now working together for the
benefi t of the lake and the economy.
The fi rst important achievement in this process was the
designation of Lake Naivasha as a Ramsar site in 1995. As
a result, the Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS), custodian of
Kenyan Ramsar sites, became an important and infl uential
partner with the LNRA. In 1996, the stakeholders agreed on
the Management Plan, with the Government of Kenya offi cially
approving it. This was the start of the implementation phase
of the Plan. The Lake Naivasha Management Implementation
Committee (LNMIC) was then formed, being the body to
execute the plan, drawing its members from various relevant
government and non-government stakeholder organizations.
The LNMIC has no executive powers, and no budget allocated
to it. It has to work through, and with, offi cial government
institutions with some limited support of wetlands-oriented
projects and NGOs. At the same time, the number of problems
to be addressed is manifold, with many important parameters
still unknown.
The population has increased tremendously around the lake,
resulting in a proliferation of unplanned settlements, which
lack basic amenities such as water, sanitation and waste
disposal programs. The lack of water in these settlements
forces residents to go to the lakeshore for domestic water,
laundry and livestock watering. As a result, the area is being
denuded of trees for fi rewood and over-grazed by livestock,
thereby promoting erosion. There is a major issue of bush
meat and human/wildlife confl ict, and wildlife is being snared
on a large scale for meat and skins.
The rapid developments resulted in many speculations on
the complex relationships between resources and resource
users, and subsequent disputes. Conservationists argued
that commercial farms are ruthlessly emptying the lake,
whereas commercial growers counter that the lake levels were
much lower in the 1950s, before agricultural activities began.
Although the lake is intimately linked to a very productive
aquifer, the inter-relationships are complex. Farmers pumping
groundwater claim that they do not exploit the lake. Many
unsubstantiated claims are made about the volume of water
abstractions, the effects of deforestation, the river sediments
accumulating in the lake, the effects of agrochemicals used
by the horticultural farms and smallholders in the upper
catchment, the unplanned urban and slum development, the
effects of cattle watering at the lakeshore, the relationships
between agrochemicals, overfi shing, introduced species and
biodiversity, the effects of untreated sewage discharged into
the lake, the effects of the geothermal plant just south of the
lake, and many more issues.
In 1996, the LNRA asked the Ministry of Water Development
to study the lake’s water balance and the water-related
environmental impacts. This study was carried out in
close collaboration with ITC-International Institute of Geo-
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 279
Information Science and Earth Observation, in the Netherlands,
with the collaborative studies continuing to the present. The
Ministry has stationed a hydrologist in Naivasha to monitor the
water resources. Leicester University/Earthwatch have studied
the aquatic ecology of the lake since 1985. The lake also has
been the focus of research by many Kenyan scientists from
local and overseas universities, the Kenya Marine and Fisheries
Research Institute (KEMFRI), KWS and Kenya Agricultural
Research Institute (KARI).
The problems of disseminating the results of scientifi c work
among laymen, and integrating scientifi c knowledge in the
management process, are well known, not being unique to
Kenya. Nevertheless, the research on the water, environment,
socio-economy and ecology has helped resolve a number of
resource disputes and confl icts, allowing the LNMIC to make
rational decisions.
The main issue however, regarding how a multimillion-dollar,
booming horticultural economy can exist within a Ramsar
site, became more quantifi able. Over a long period, Kenyans
ruthlessly and unsustainably exploited their natural resources,
long-term planning was virtually absent, and law enforcement
was poor. Somewhere around the year 2000, however, the tide
changed, with an enabling environment for natural resources
management beginning to emerge.
The Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act
(1999) and the Water Act (2002) provided for the National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) and the Water
Management Authority (WMA). The fi rst Authority is now
operational, whereas the latter is still in the process of being
established, and the concept of Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) is being incorporated. The LNRA took a
more holistic approach, realizing that the RAMSAR site could
not be protected without addressing the problems in the
entire lake basin. It involved more and more stakeholders and
sectoral Codes of Conduct operationalized in the Management
Plan. The LNGG, who originally were mainly concerned about
access to water and land for horticultural production, also
began to appreciate that natural resources are fi nite, and
that their over-exploitation would damage the entire fl ower
industry. Furthermore, in their main European export market,
environmentally-friendly production is an asset. The LNGG
adjusted its earlier position and became a more active partner
in lake management, working together with LNRA on resource
issues, including land tenure, abstraction rates, agrochemical
control, and water availability. The LNGG employed a
horticultural expert, who actively promotes water conservation
and environmentally-friendly production techniques, and
the importance of water abstraction monitoring, among its
members. Many (large) farms have now voluntarily installed
water meters.
Several commercial growers realized that innovative techniques
and better irrigation management could reduce water usage.
They have started such activities as applying computerized
irrigation systems with soil moisture sensors, moving away
from overhead sprinklers to more effi cient drip irrigation
systems, using coco-peat to improve soil characteristics,
using geothermal energy to increase CO2 and climate control
of greenhouses, storing roof runoff, and constructing artifi cial
wetlands to treat wastewater.
The LNRA started to compile an inventory of its resources,
in close cooperation with offi cials of various Ministries. A
politically important achievement was a temporary ban on
shing, which was enforced with the cooperation of the
commercial fi shermen—a previously unheard of activity.
At present, the Ministry of Water Development and
Management is re-assessing abstraction permits, and water
pricing is being seriously discussed. Both LNRA and LNGG
have concluded that no new abstraction licenses should be
issued at present.
The Chairman of the LNRA wrote: “I believe that we were
also fortunate to have the ideal conditions of climate, soils
and water for fl ower-growing. For all its potential to destroy
the lake, the industry is contributing greatly to sustainable
utilization of such a valuable resource. In absence of
the industry, I believe more abuse and more fragmented
development would have occurred and would have been more
diffi cult to contain” (Enniskillen 2002).
The management of Lake Naivasha is complex, and many
issues remain to be addressed and resolved. However, if the
management process begun some 10 years ago maintains
its present direction, Lake Naivasha may become a famous
example of Integrated Water Resources Management, one
illustrating that a profi table economy and a Ramsar site can
2. Background
2.1 Biophysical features
2.1.1 General Setting
Lake Naivasha (0.45° S, 36.26° E), altitude 1,890 m asl, lies on
the fl oor of Africa’s Eastern Rift Valley, covering approximately
140 km2. It is the second-largest freshwater lake in Kenya, and
one of a series of 23 major in the East Rift Valley—8 in central
Ethiopia, 8 in Kenya, and 7 in Tanzania—spanning latitudes
from approximately 7° N to 5° S. The overall climate of the
Eastern Rift Valley is semi-arid.
2.1.2 Geology, Soils, Groundwater
Only a few properties with direct relevance to managing Lake
Naivasha are discussed in this section.
The volcanic formations in the Rift Valley generally have a high
sodium (Na) content. The soils around the lake are developed
on volcanic ashes, mainly composed of fi ne pumice grains, and
pumice layers are abundant. The interaction between volcanic
deposits and water in the lakes causes the genesis of zeolite
280 Lake Naivasha
Due to their high pumice content, the soils around the lake are
very permeable, with a very low water-holding capacity. As a
result, irrigation water seeps quickly to depths below the plant
rooting zone. Very frequent (some farmers claim 10 times daily)
irrigation activity is necessary, with all excess irrigation water
seeping down to the groundwater. The soil properties are also
important in regard to defi ning the path agrochemicals are
likely to follow; because of the high permeability and gentle
slopes, surface runoff rarely occurs and most agrochemicals
are transported toward the groundwater.
Groundwater plays an important role in the hydrology of
the Lake Naivasha system. The leakage from the lake is
part of the groundwater system, and exact identifi cation
of this mechanism could provide for a better exploitation
of groundwater resources. Although groundwater is the
recipient of most agrochemicals used around the lake, the
water fl ow is generally away from the lake. Thus, the chance
that agrochemicals will end up in the lake is low. The aquifers
around the lake have very high yields, and all irrigation north
of the lake is based on groundwater.
Because of the alkaline nature of the volcanic rocks, the soils
and groundwater have a high sodium content. This causes a
problem for growing high-quality crops, since the soil structure
is unsuitable. In general, groundwater in the area south of Lake
Naivasha is not very suitable for irrigation. Mixing groundwater
with surface water could prove a viable option. The abundance
of pumice is going to play an important role in the hydroponic
irrigation systems, since pumice is a perfect sub-stratum for
hydroponic culture.
The presence of zeolites also is recognized, but not well-
researched. Zeolites play an increasing important role in
organic farming and modern land management. They have
very high soil water retention capacities, and extremely high
Cation Exchange Capacities (CEC). They are able to capture
ammonia (NH4), an important fertilizer. Thus, more research on
the potential of zeolites in the fl oricultural industry around the
lake is highly recommended.
2.1.3 Climate
The drainage basin lies within the range of the Intertropical
Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Mount Kenya and the Nyandarua
Range capture moisture from the monsoon winds, casting
a signifi cant rain shadow over the Lake Naivasha basin. The
rainfall distribution has a bi-modal character, with long rains
during April-June and short rains during October-November
(Figure 2).
The long-term spatial rain distribution varies from about 600
mm at Naivasha Town to some 1,700 mm on the slopes of the
Nyandarua Mountains. The Kinangop Plateau experiences
an annual rainfall between 1,000-1,300 mm. The open water
evaporation of Lake Naivasha is approximately 1,720 mm/
2.1.4 Hydrology and the Water Balance
The lake is fed by two perennial rivers, the Malewa and the
Gilgil Rivers, discharging 80% and 20%, respectively, of the
total infl ow. The Karati River drains the area east of the lake,
being ephemeral and fl owing approximately 2 months per
year. The area south of Lake Naivasha does not produce much
runoff reaching the lake. The drainage from the Mau Hills and
Eburu to the west infi ltrates before it reaches the lake.
Both the Malewa and the Gilgil Rivers yield water of excellent
quality. The Electric Conductivity (EC), a proxy for Total
Dissolved Solids (TDS), may change very rapidly in a few
hours, although the mean EC for both rivers is around 100
µS/cm. Like all natural water in the area, the sodium content
is relatively high.
The lake fi lls a shallow water basin with gentle slopes. Thus,
both the area and the water evaporation increase with rising
lake levels. The lake exhibits a dynamic behavior. Its water
level follows the long cycles of wetter and dryer periods with
the amplitude of about 12 m over the last 100 years.
The lake’s water level fl uctuations have attracted the interest
of both scientists and water managers. In 1948, Mr. Tetley (an
Hydraulic Engineer in Nairobi) wrote: “The lake reached its
next highest peak in 1917 and since that year (1917) to April
1946 the level had a drop of about 37 feet; its area shrank from
say 86 square miles to less than 33 square miles and it lost
about fi fteen sixteenth of the volume of water all in 29 years.”
Verschuren et al. (2000) studied the lake levels over the past
1000 years, identifying 4 periods when the lake almost went
dry, as well as periods with higher water levels than present.
Lake Naivasha actually consists of three lakes. The Crescent
Lake, the deepest part of the lake (18 m depth) can be
connected to the main lake, depending on lake levels. Oloiden
is a smaller lake at the south end of the Lake Naivasha and,
depending on lake levels, can be distinct from the main lake.
Figure 2. Average Monthly Rainfall Distribution for Lake
Naivasha Region.
Average Monthly Rainfall
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 281
The main lake is shallow (max. 8 m). Additionally, Crater Lake
or Sonachi is located near the southwestern part of Lake
Naivasha, but it is independent from the main lake.
Although the lake has no surface outlet, it still has good water
quality, with an EC value of approximately 300 µS/cm. It has
been recognized for a long time that only underground outfl ow
could explain the freshness of the lake water. The groundwater
levels, and the isotopic composition of groundwater, indicate
that this fl ow is both to the north and the south. A small part
of the groundwater evaporates, and will escape in the form of
fumaroles in the geothermal areas. The remainder fl ows into
Lake Magadi and Lake Elmenteita, taking thousands of years
for the water to arrive at these lakes.
The lake itself can be considered a groundwater outcrop of
a very good shallow aquifer that drains into a deeper aquifer
system, which carries the water towards the terminal lakes
(Magadi and Elmenteita). The groundwater system around the
lake is complex, with important management implications that
will be discussed later. The water generally fl ows away from
the lake, with the exception of the western direction, where an
infl ow from the Ndabi Plains enters.
The water balance of the lake has been calculated with a water
balance model (Mmbuie 1999). The water balance is calculated
for the period 1934-1983 (Table 1), therefore representing the
period before large-scale water abstractions began.
2.1.5 Biosphere
Little natural vegetation is left in the catchment. The
headwaters of the Malewa River, the lake’s main water source,
are situated in the Aberdare National Park and adjoining
gazetted forest. The vegetation consists of humid Afro-
mountain forest and bamboo. Fog frequently occurs, and may
play a role in the water balance. Although the Kinankop and
Bolosat Plateau were large grassland plains in the past, an
estimated 30% is now covered with maize or vegetables, and
many fast growing tree species. The upland areas are largely
covered by tree-savannah landscape and dryland forest, and
remnants of this forest can still be seen on the escarpment. In
the past, the bottom of the Rift Valley was an open savannah
Lake Naivasha supports unique habitats, particularly
the fringing papyrus swamp and associated freshwater
biodiversity. As previously noted, the ecosystem comprises
three chemically distinct water bodies, the main freshwater
lake, a more alkaline and sometimes-connected lake
(Oloidien), and a crater lake (Sonachi).
The littoral zone is inhabited by macrophytes that provide
suitable habitats for fi sh feeding and breeding, and mulch for
invertebrates. Although the species composition has changed
over time, the dominant fl oating species are Cyperus papyrus,
Eichhornia crassipes (exotic), Pistia stratiotes, Salvinia
molesta (exotic), Wolffi a arrhiza and Nymphaea (water lilies).
Submerged plants include Potamogeton schweinfurthii,
P. pectinatus, P. octandrus, Najas pectinata, N. caerulea,
Ultricularia refl exa, and U. gibba. Although the areas of
submerged macrophytes vary considerably, the littoral zone
comprises about one third of the lake. This habitat exerts great
infl uence on the lake’s biology and chemistry, and the plants
also are responsible for the richness of the bird population.
Water lilies almost disappeared in the 1980s, thought to be
caused by the introduced crayfi sh and accidentally-introduced
Coypus. The papyrus is considered the most important plant
of Lake Naivasha, occurring in the shallow water of the lake
edge, and on land where the sub-surface soil was saturated. It
almost completely surrounds the lake, forms fl oating islands
in the lake and can be found up to 5 km up the Malewa River.
It acts as an effi cient silt and nutrient fi lter, and is capable of
recycling excess nutrients. It also forms an important habitat
for fi sh (where submerged or fl oating) and wildlife (e.g., birds,
hippos, buffalo) which use it as safe refuge and feeding area.
The quantity of papyrus in the lake has varied tremendously as
a consequence of fl uctuating water levels, fi res and, in some
cases, human encroachment.
One hundred and forty-three (143) phytoplankton taxa have
been recorded in the lake, including the species Microcystis,
Lyngbya, Oscillatoria and Melosira. The photosynthetic rate
is about 5 mg O2/m3/d in the open lake (50 mg Chl-a/m3).
Most productivity occurs in the top 3 m of the lake. The more
alkaline Oloidien and Sonachi lakes are more productive, with
Spirulina signifi cantly present. The main zooplankton genera
are Cladocera, Copepoda and Rotifera. The zooplankton
biomass is positively correlated with the chlorophyll-a (algal)
concentrations, since zooplankton feed on the phytoplankton.
Twenty-eight taxa of invertebrates have been recorded,
associated with macrophyte beds.
The small-toothed carp (Aplocheilichthys antinorii) and
Barbus amphigramma were the only fi sh species in the lake
before 1925 (the paucity of species probably due to historical
episodes of lake desiccation). The A. antinorii species had
disappeared by 1962, likely a direct result of the introduction
of the largemouth bass. The present fi sh population
comprises introduced species, including largemouth bass
(Micropterus salmoides), introduced from the United States
in 1927, 1951 and 1956, Tilapia zillii (1956 from Lake Victoria:
the introduction also contained Oreochromis leucostictus,
now the most numerous fi sh, ahead of bass), and other
tilapiine species not encountered today. Three cyprinodonts,
Gambusia, Poecilia and Lebistes, were introduced to control
mosquitoes. The exotic rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss)
occasionally strays into the lake from the Malewa River, while
Barbus amphigramma migrates between the lake and the river.
Table 1. Lake Naivasha Water Balance, 1934-1983
(106 m3/month).
Rain Surface
water infl ow Evaporation Groundwater
outfl ow
95 220 260 55
282 Lake Naivasha
The Louisiana red swamp crayfi sh (Procambarus clarkii) was
introduced in 1970, as a food source for the bass.
The main food source for fi sh fry is zooplankton (60%) and
chironomid larvae, followed by algae and detritus. Larger bass
feed on crayfi sh, fi sh fry and frogs. Juvenile fi sh exert predation
pressure on the zooplankton in the littoral zone, whereas the
zooplankton remain relatively untouched in the open waters.
The fi sh are a source of food for numerous piscivorous birds
(e.g., fi sh eagles, ospreys, cormorants, kingfi shers, herons,
pelicans), and also comprise an important fi shery that is a
source of income and animal protein for the human population
around the lake and in nearby towns.
The Naivasha Thorn, or Yellow Fever Tree (Acacia xanthophloea)
is the dominant terrestrial tree species, forming the woodland
around the lake. It is an important habitat for birds and other
wildlife, and the undergrowth provides an important buffer
against erosion and helps prevent the transport of silt and
nutrients to the lake. Many animals are found on the shores
of the lake, in the acacia woodlands and the neighboring
national parks and sanctuaries, including hippopotamus (a
population of over 600), waterbuck, buffalo, giraffe, eland,
zebra, Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelles, bushbuck, duikers,
mongooses, otters, various snakes and rodents, and the
occasional leopard. The Malewa River delta comprises Acacia
woodland, before giving way to papyrus swamp.
Lake Naivasha regularly supports congregations of more than
20,000 water birds, with a mean of 22,000 (1991-1997). The
riparian, papyrus and littoral macrophyte zones provide safe
haven, foraging and breeding ground for many resident and
migrant bird species, and other wildlife such as the hippo,
waterbuck and buffalo. The woodland within the ecosystem
provides habitat for the globally-threatened grey-crested
helmet-shrike (vulnerable). Another globally-threatened
bird found in this location is the Basra Reed Warbler (near-
threatened), a winter visitor and passage migrant whose
exact status is unknown. There also are regionally-threatened
species, both as regular visitors and residents (e.g. great
crested grebe (critical), Maccoa duck (endangered), African
darter, great egret, saddle-billed stork, white-backed duck,
Baillon’s crake and African skimmer (all vulnerable)). The
riparian/papyrus habitat supports certain endemic species,
such as papyrus gonolek and white-winged swamp-warbler.
The large mammals, especially the hippos, may play an
important role in phosphorus recycling around the lake.
2.2 Political and Socio-economic Feature on
Development and Conservation
The Lake Naivasha basin covers two districts, Nyandarua
and Nakuru. Activities of many Government Ministries are
decentralized to the district level, thereby complicating an
integrated catchment approach. Development plans are
written for districts (District Development Plans), but these
districts cross-cut basin boundaries.
The lake has had Ramsar Convention status since 1995, with
most land within the Ramsar site being privately owned. The
land below the riparian boundary is government land, given in
custody to the riparian landowners. No permanent structures
are allowed.
The Lake Naivasha drainage basin largely occupies traditional
pastures of the pastoral Maasai. However, the basin became
part of the so-called white highlands after colonialization,
areas where only European settlers were allowed to own land.
The higher parts were mainly used for wheat and cattle, the
bottom of the Rift Valley for cattle, and around Lake Naivasha
sisal, Lucerne and vegetables were grown. After independence,
mainly members of the Kikuyu tribe occupied the parts suitable
for rain-fed agriculture. Because the land tenure in the bottom
of the Rift Valley remained largely unchanged, much of the land
around the lake is still owned by Kenyans of European origin.
The fi shermen community is mainly Luo.
There has been irrigated Lucerne north of the lake, used as
fodder for dairy cows since the 1940s. The area between
Lake Naivasha and Lake Nakuru (80 km to the northwest) is
mainly used as cattle and game rangeland. Open rangelands
are south of the lake, where the Maasai graze their livestock
during the dry seasons. Closer to the lake edge are many
irrigated fl oriculture ventures. The areas to the west and east
of the lake, which receive higher rainfall, are occupied mainly
by smallholders growing maize, vegetables and pyrethrum.
There also are some larger grain farms.
As a result of introduced fi sh species, a fi shing industry
has sprung up, with black bass, tilapia and crayfi sh being
commercially exploited. Recently, as a result of excessive
shing pressure, the fi sh stock became so depleted that a
year-long ban had to be imposed to redress the situation
and an annual closed season is now in force during the fi sh
breeding season.
Lake Naivasha is a tourist destination, although not a major
one. There are two small national parks (Hells Gate and
Longonot) in the vicinity of the lake and nearby Aberdare
National Park. The area’s beauty, the extent of the bird and
wildlife, its proximity to Nairobi, and the many hotels, home-
stays and campsites at all budgetary levels, attract many
visitors, both local and overseas. About 40,000 tourists visited
the lake and its surroundings in 1998.
The KenGen Ol Karia geothermal power plant, situated 7 km
south of the lake, became operational in 1982, producing 45 KW
of power. An independent power producer started production
in an adjacent area in 2002, producing 12 KW of power, and a
second KenGen generation station was commissioned in 2004,
producing 575 KW of power.
The fi rst fl ower farm started in the early-1980s and, over a
period of twenty years, the fl ori- and horticultural area has
increased from close to zero to some 4,000 ha. Growers
now produce at least 25 varieties of fl owers (roses, spray
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 283
carnations, gypsophila, alstroemeria, eustoma, etc.) and
vegetables (peas, baby corn, beans) for the export market,
all of which are irrigated with lake, river or groundwater. The
economic return per cubic meter of water applied on a crop
varies tremendously, with the values in Table 2 based on an
analysis carried out in 2000 by ITC.
The industry employs some 25,000 people directly, with a
similar number also indirectly dependent, both as dependants
and service providers. Based on the 1999 census, the Central
Bureau of Statistics reported the population of the Naivasha
urban core as 32,000 and the whole of Naivasha Municipality as
115,000 persons. According to a demographic internet source
(, the
population of the urban core had increased from 6,900 in 1969
to 11,500 in 1977 and 35,000 in 1989.
The changes in land use patterns, especially north of the lake,
are rather dynamic, and a differentiation between vegetables
and fodder production is not always possible.
A number of observed trends include the following: movement
of the fl ower industry from outdoors to indoor; fodder
production replaced by vegetable production; irrigated land
being abandoned; and the total area under irrigation being
rather stable over the past 10 years. Table 3 and Figure 3 show
area and location of the different types of irrigated farms as
well as abandoned land.
The booming horticultural industry’s infl uence on the local
economy has never been studied in detail. What is certain,
however, is that the fl oricultural business has attracted many
people. Social tensions exist in relation to wages, social
security, trade union membership, sexual harassment and
health issues related to exposure to agrochemicals. Trade
organizations and trade unions play a prominent role in such
issues and naturally try to organize farm workers, whereas
farm owners/managers naturally prefer an obedient and quit
workforce. Most, if not all, farms pay more than the legal
minimum wage. The larger farms also provide housing, free
medical services, schools for children of farm workers and
social and sport facilities. Overall, the explosive development
around the lake is nevertheless associated with many confl icts
and disputes.
Table 2. Economic Return per Cubic Meter of Water Use.
Crop US$/m3
Flowers (indoors) 1.58
Flowers (outdoors) 1.25
Grass 0.04
Fodder 0.18
Macadamia nuts 4.86
Vegetables 0.72
Table 3. Irrigated Farms.
Crop Area (ha)
Abandoned 814
Flowers (indoors) 1,191
Flowers (outdoors) 704
Grass and fodder 128
Macadamia nuts 63
Vegetables 937
Vegetables and fodder 943
Total Irrigated Area 3,966
284 Lake Naivasha
Figure 3. Irrigated Crops around Lake Naivasha.
Flower (indoors)
Flower (outdoors)
Grass and fodder
Macadamia nuts
Vegetables and fodder
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 285
3. Biophysical Environment
3.1 Water Balance
In the late 1990s, ITC was engaged to develop a simple,
spreadsheet-based water balance model of the lake and
its basin. The model used data from a variety of sources—
government and private sector—for a period from 1932 to the
present day. If a groundwater outfl ow of 4.6 million m3 per
month was allowed for, then the model was able to reproduce
the observed lake level from 1932 to 1982 with remarkable
accuracy (Figure 4). Over this period, 95 percent of all observed
monthly lake levels differed from the modeled levels by 0.52 m
or less. This accuracy makes the growing discrepancy between
the observed and the modeled lake levels after 1982 all the
more striking. By 1997, the observed level was 3-4 m below
that predicted by the model.
The onset of this decline in water level coincided with the
commencement of horticulture in the area in 1982, and there
was a close match between the annual water defi cit by 1997
(60 x 106 m3) and the estimated water use based on the area
of horticulture and the crops grown. If the 1940s climatic
conditions recur, then the lake surface area will be reduced to
30 km2, compared to the present 120 km2.
In addition to the spreadsheet model, a groundwater-modeling
program (ModFlow) of the U.S. Geological Survey was also
used. Although the predictions from ModFlow were not better
than for the spreadsheet model, it allowed for studying the
effects of groundwater abstractions on the lake levels. It also
can be linked to groundwater quality models, in order to study
the transport of pollutants around the lake.
Overall, groundwater plays a more important role than
realized by the stakeholders and management, because it:
controls the irrigation effi ciency; contains as much water as
the lake; transports pollutants; affects the lake levels; feeds
the geothermal system; and causes the lake to be fresh.
How much of the groundwater outfl ow fl ows towards the
north (Elmenteita) and how much southwards, has been long
debated. A water balance study covering the southern Rift
Valley, from Lake Magadi to Lake Nakuru, indicated that some
15 million m3 ows toward the north.
The water outfl ow from Lake Naivasha toward the south causes
over-irrigation to be a net loss with pollutants moving away
from the lake. In the north, where groundwater recirculates due
to groundwater exploitation, the excess irrigation will recharge
the aquifer, and also bring pollutants to the groundwater.
Overall, the large groundwater reservoir causes inertia of the
system, necessitating long planning horizons.
3.2 Water Quality, Aquatic Ecology, Sediment Load
Several authors have previously reported on the lake’s water
quality. The oldest (though not complete) analysis dates back
to the 1920s. The natural water quality is infl uenced mainly
by solute inputs and lake level variations. The Total Dissolved
Solids (TDS) increase in times of receding lake levels, and
decrease after fl oods. Irrigation from the lake decrease the
TDS concentration, whereas irrigation from the rivers increases
TDS concentrations. No disturbing trends, however, have been
detected so far.
Total phosphorus (T-P) is one of the elements controlling the
lake’s tropic status, and the following data (Table 4) have been
collected from Abiya (1996) and Kitaka (2000).
Figure 4. Long-term Water Level Change in Lake Naivasha.
       
Table 4. Total Phosphorus Concentrations in Lake
Date T-P (ppm) Source
01 Jun 1984 89 Abiya
01 Jun 1988 73 Abiya
01 Jun 1990 10 Kitaka
01 Jul 1997 110 Kitaka
01 Sep 1997 150 Kitaka
01 Nov 1997 70 Kitaka
01 Mar 1998 50 Kitaka
01 Jun 1998 40 Kitaka
286 Lake Naivasha
The high values of 1997 are explained by that year’s high
runoff. Although Kitaka (2000) took a series of samples over
several months in 1990 (with a mean T-P concentration of 10
µg/L), the source of Abiya’s data is unknown. Time series data
on nitrate (NO3) and ammonia (NH4) are not available.
A data set collected by ITC in 2001 shows a considerable
temporal and spatial variation in the soluble phosphorus (PO4)
and nitrogen data. The two surveys, both with over 100 points
well spread over the whole lake, were done only one week
apart (Table 5).
The concentrations of chlorophyll-a increased from around 30
µg/L in 1982, to 110 µg/L in 1988, reaching 178 µg/L in 1995
(Unpublished LNRA Internal Report). McLean (2001) used 8
chlorophyll-a values obtained from Hubble in 1998 (cited in
McLean 2001), with values ranging between 0.01-0.08 µg/L.
The large difference likely can be attributed to the reporting
units (i.e., factor of 1,000 between µg/L and mg/l). Harper et al.
(1990) reported an increase from 20 µg/L in 1982, to 130 µg/L
in 1987. The N/P ratio is 2.1 (McLean 2001), suggesting that
nitrogen is the algal biomass limiting nutrient.
The large horticultural farms, and the many smallholders
in the upper catchment, clearly have an effect on the lake’s
water quality. Nevertheless, the trophic status of the lake
is still acceptable. Kitaka et al. (2002) classifi ed the lake as
eutrophic (1998-99), becoming hypertropic after the El Niño
oods (1997-98), and stated that the lake’s tropic status can
be explained solely on the basis of the Malewa River nutrient
input. A mathematical model, simulating agrochemical runoff,
also showed that the major nutrient input originates in the
upper Malewa River (Berrihun 2004).
Water transparency (Secchi depth) varies with site, ranging
between 5-150 cm. It is lowest in the north swamp area,
where suspended sediment is brought in by the rivers. Low
transparency also can be caused by algal growth, and algal
blooms have been observed, albeit infrequently.
Very few analyses are available on the pesticide levels in
the lake. Gitahi et al. (2002) reported that organochlorines
could be detected in black bass and crayfi sh, although no
organophosphates were detected in the same samples. The
total load to the lake has been calculated on the basis of farm
Everard and Harper (2003) have shown that the reduction in
the lake’s papyrus fringe has been dramatic (Figure 5). Also,
the fi sh catch has varied substantially over the last 40 years,
with relevant data compiled by Hickley et al. (2002) and LNRA,
as shown in Figure 6.
An issue of major concern is whether or not an “ecological
switch point” exists. This phenomenon is meant to denote
where an ecosystem (irreversibly) switches from one stable
state to another. Aquatic ecologists speculate that this point
for Lake Naivasha was passed a long time ago, when alien
species where introduced in the lake. The introduction of
the Louisiana crayfi sh especially has changed the original
submerged macrophyte-dominated ecosystem into a rather
poor macrophyte ecosystem. Smart et al. (2002) concluded
that P. clarkii (crayfi sh) could well have caused the observed
elimination of native plant species in Lake Naivasha. The
cyclical nature of populations of submerged plant species
and of P. clarkii in inverse proportion to each other suggest
the hypothesis that P. clarkii is a “keystone” species in the
lake ecosystem. Under the present lake stresses, however, the
occurrence of the next switch point is unlikely.
Table 5. Temporal and Spatial Variations in the Soluble-P
(PO4) and Nitrogen Data.
First Survey Second Survey
PO4 0.31 0.54
NO3 0.74 1.00
NH4 1.81 0.73
Figure 5. Lake Area under Papyrus.
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Area (km2)
Yea r
Figure 6. Total Fish Catch.
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
Total fish catch (tons)
Yea r
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 287
A new threat may emerge from the accidental introduction of
common carp to the lake in 2001. Britton (2002) concluded
that further work is necessary on the fi sh population, to
monitor whether or not C. carpio successfully reproduces
and becomes established in the lake. If this does happen,
monitoring of the fauna and fl ora of the entire lake will need
to be continued, since the species can be very destructive in
its foraging activities among the lake benthos. Because of
its native impacts on water turbidity and macrophyte growth,
C. carpio is considered a pest species in many countries,
including Australia and South Africa, and there are eradication
programs designed to completely remove it from aquatic
Many stakeholders consider siltation of the lake to be a large
threat. The existing three sources of sediment to the lake
include: the Malewa and Gilgil River catchments (the upper
catchment); dust deposition from the atmosphere); and direct
transport through ephemeral streams surrounding the lake,
and from the riparian zone into the lake. The land use changes
have certainly increased the sediment load from the upper
catchment. Nevertheless, assessments by ITC in 1998 indicate
no serious erosion hazards exist.
Rupasingha (2002) processed the 1927, 1957 and 2001
bathymetric data and sediment samples from the Malewa and
Gilgil Rivers. Based on accurate bathymetric surveys, a total
input of 7 billion kg, equivalent to a layer with an average
thickness of 0.21 m (0.5 cm/year), has been calculated.
Analysis of the sediment data for the Malewa River explains
35% of the input. Thus, the remainder is from the Gilgil, from
the shore and small channels, and from the atmosphere.
Verschuren et al. (2000), who studied sediment cores of the
lake for paleoclimatic research, calculated a sedimentation
rate of 1 cm/year over the last 40 years. Adams et al. (2002)
concluded that the papyrus fringe is an effective sediment trap
for riparian sheet erosion.
A three-week experiment by ITC on atmospheric deposition,
using a series of water-fi lled plastic basins distributed around
the lake, suggested the atmospheric input may be considerable
(up to 20%). The primary nutrient associated with sediment
transport is phosphorus, with Kitaka (2000) concluding that
the main phosphorus input is from the upper catchment.
4. Management Environment
4.1 Lake Management Program and Processes
To understand the management environment of Lake Naivasha,
it is necessary to discuss the many formal stakeholder and
informal stakeholder groups, and their mandates, objectives
and interrelationships, as well as the many more obvious and
less visible confl icts, disputes and disagreements.
4.1.1 Stakeholders
Lake Naivasha Riparian Association (LNRA). The Lake Naivasha
Riparian Owners Association (LNROA) was founded in 1929 by
the riparian owners, with several descendants of the founding
members still living around the lake. The LNROA signed the
Foreshore Rights of Riparian Owners with Government in 1932,
giving the owners the right to use the exposed land below
the boundary, always provided that the ordinary occupation
in these premises shall be deemed to mean only the right
of access to water, the right of grazing, and the right of
cultivation. This boundary still plays a very important role even
over 70 years later. Persons buying or owning land around
the lake automatically became Association members. The
Association was not particularly active until 1986, when a new
and dynamic Chairman was elected. The members then started
to realize that the newly booming fl oricultural developments
had the ability to jeopardize the future of Lake Naivasha.
The LNRA started a process of lobbying, awareness building,
networking and data collection to counter the degradation of
the lake by the ongoing activities. A report was commissioned
in 1993 by the LNRA, summarizing the knowledge on the
lake (Goldson 1993). In those days the “Foreshore Rights”
was the only legal document protecting the immediate lake
surroundings. In 1993, the LNRA started the process of
drawing up a Management Plan for the lake, which would
have the support of all sectors, and which was based on
voluntarily-adopted sectoral codes of practice under an
overall management strategy. The Management Plan was
adopted by the membership in 1996, subsequently by the
District Development Committee in Nakuru, and thereafter
by the Government as the offi cial Management Plan for Lake
As a result of initiatives by the LNRA, the Kenya Government
(GoK) nominated Lake Naivasha as its second Ramsar site
in 1995, although it only comprised the area within the road
around the lake. The GoK reaffi rmed the LNRA’s Management
Plan as being the Government’s offi cial Management Plan
for its Ramsar site. The Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) is
the custodian, on behalf of the Government, of wetlands
in general, and Ramsar sites in particular. Accordingly, this
process received its full backing and support. The Management
Plan is to be implemented by the Lake Naivasha Management
Implementation Committee (LNMIC) (see below), under Terms
of Reference established and agreed with KWS. The Committee
consists of local and national organizations, including one
international group (IUCN). The LNRA, having initiated the
management process and playing a central role throughout,
remains a key member. The LNMIC membership is intended
to be representative of stakeholders’ interests, consistent with
administrative and decision-making effi ciency, while at the
same time being a fi rmly locally-based initiative.
The LNROA changed its name in 1998 to LNRA (deleting
the word “Owners”), becoming more open to stakeholders
other than the original landowners by allowing associate
membership. It is still, however, primarily an association
of individuals or companies which hold land title or legal
responsibilities in the area. The LNRA celebrated its 70th
anniversary in 1999, and received the prestigious Ramsar
288 Lake Naivasha
Wetland Conservation Award, presented at the 7th Ramsar
Conference of Parties in Costa Rica. The LNRA presently has
some 140 individual and corporate members. If employees,
other workers, and dependants are included, the LNRA can
be considered to represent at least some of the interests of
perhaps 100,000 people. Because the membership fee is
kept low (to allow more persons to become members), the
organization is continuously short of funds. It receives some
support from conservation-oriented NGOs, and employs one
full-time person with an background in aquatic ecology, as
well as having one Peace Corps volunteer. Small projects are
executed if the funding allows.
Lake Naivasha Growers Group (LNGG). The LNGG was founded
10 years ago by a small group of large commercial fl ower
growers, thereby possessing considerable infl uence and
unoffi cial power. The membership fee is based on the number of
employees, and with about 25,000 persons employed by LNGG
members, generates a steady income fl ow. The LNGG began
as a response to the LNRA’s conservation ambitions, but has
since changed its stance. The large farms are now concerned
that they will be negatively affected over the long term by over-
exploitation of the lake’s resources. They also realize that their
European customers want “clean” or “eco-products” coming
from a protected environment. Labor and social conditions,
including working environment, health and safety factors, and
gender equity, also are increasingly of concern to European
customers. The Kenya Flower Council (KFC) has responded
to this concern with establishment of a Code of Practice. The
LNGG employs its Code of Conduct for its members, and also
is included as part of the lake’s Management Plan. A part-time
horticultural consultant has been employed to advise farms
on social and legal issues, conservation measures, better
pest control, and irrigation management. The group carries
out audits among its members, to ensure they comply with
the Code of Conduct and the Lake Naivasha Management
Plan. Several larger farms have looked at ways to improve
their impacts on the environment, including using integrated
pest management to reduce pesticide use and constructed
wetlands to treat their wastewater.
Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). As an owner of riparian land,
KWS has been a long-time LNRA member. It also is the offi cial
custodian of all Kenyan Ramsar sites, as well as manager of the
area’s National Parks.
Lake Naivasha Fishermen’s Co-operative Society. This society
represents the small-scale commercial fi shermen on the lake,
working in conjunction with the Fisheries Department (also see
shery discussion in Section 4.2).
The Government of Kenya and Local Administration. The
Government, via several ministries and local authorities,
has a legal and constitutional stake, as well as legitimate
interest, in Lake Naivasha. The Fisheries Department is
responsible for managing the fi sh stock, with the Ministry
of Water Development & Management responsible for water
management issues. Local Authorities at the District and
Divisional level include the Naivasha Municipal Council, Nakuru
District Development Committee and District Environmental
Power Generating Companies. KenGen is a parastatal power
company with operations just south of the Lake. OR Power
is a new private power provider. Lake water also is used to
recharge the geothermal fi eld.
IUCN (World Conservation Union). The IUCN is a member of
LNMIC, but has no further activities in the area.
Lake Naivasha Management Implementation Committee
(LNMIC). The Lake Naivasha Management Implementation
Committee (LNMIC) has the mandate to implement lake
management efforts for KWS, but presently has no offi cial
status nor legal power, although the process of gazettement
under the Environmental Management & Coordination
Act (EMCA) is well advanced. The membership comprises
nominated representatives of various organizations and LNMIC
subcommittees. The LNMIC has no formal budget.
Although the LNMIC has no direct jurisdiction, it can infl uence
policy decisions and measures to a certain extent through its
members. The full members include:
Lake Naivasha Riparian Association (LNRA);
Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS);
World Conservation Union (IUCN);
Ministry of Water Development and Management
Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and
Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development,
Fisheries Department;
District Commissioner, Nakuru;
Naivasha Municipal Council;
Kenya Power Generating Company (KenGen);
Ministry of Lands and Settlement;
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; and,
Lake Naivasha Fishermen’s Co-operative Society.
Co-opted members of LNMIC include:
Water Bailiff; and,
The Chairmen of the sub-committees for Tourism, Eburru
Forest, Livestock, Biodiversity Monitoring, and Water.
In addition to the above-noted stakeholders represented in the
LNMIC, other members include:
The large farms—Most large farms are members of both
LNRA and LNGG. As seen above, the interests of the two
organizations are not always compatible. Moreover,
some 5 large companies around the lake employ
thousands of people, exporting products worth millions
of dollars; as such, they can be seen to constitute a
stakeholder group on their own. As previously noted,
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 289
several large farms also provide recreational, sports,
medical and educational facilities (schools, hospitals) to
their workers and families. The large farms also play an
important role in facilitating the introduction of water-
and environmentally-friendly technologies;
The labor force employed by the large farms (and trade
unions which represent some of them)—With about
25,000 employees, this is the largest stakeholder in
terms of numbers of people. However, it proportionally
has the least effective infl uence. No trade union,
for example, is present in the LNMIC. The working
conditions (salaries, exposure to pesticides, working
conditions, etc.), however, are regularly discussed in the
Kenyan press;
Indigenous Biodiversity and Environmental
Conservation—A rather vague group, mainly concerned
with access to the lake;
Upper catchment population—This group is highly
signifi cant, given that it is indirectly responsible
for maintaining the infl ow into the rivers, lake, and
aquifers. The soil, woodland, and land management
activities undertaken by the upper catchment dwellers
will eventually affect the system hydrology. They utilise
water for domestic water supply, livestock and farming,
with sediments and agrochemicals from the upper basin
ending up in the lake. This stakeholder group also is not
represented in the LNMIC, except by GoK ministries and
Local Authorities;
Wood loggers—Legal and illegal logging activities affect
the drainage basin’s hydrological regime, increasing
erosion. Even though many activities are illegal, many
people nevertheless depend on forest products for their
The (Maasai) pastoralists—Living south and west of
the lake, the Maasai use the lake as a water point,
especially during drought periods. This group also is
not directly represented, and feels it does not benefi t
much from the area’s developments. It also feels that its
health and environment are affected by gases escaping
from the geothermal power plants;
Knowledge Institutes—Several universities and
institutions (e.g., Egerton University, Moi University,
Nairobi University, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research
Institute, Leicester University/Earthwatch, and ITC)
regularly carry out research in the lake basin;
Social & Environmental Certifi cation Organizations—An
example is MPS;
Kenya Flower Council (KFC)— Advising their members on
farm management, labor standards, and environmental
policies, the Kenya Flower Council (KFC) has established
a “silver standard”, covering workers’ pay, conditions,
and health, safety (to reach ILO conventions) and
some environmental conditions, whereby their “gold
standard” demands higher levels of environmental
performance. The Fresh Produce Exporters Association
of Kenya (FPEAK), focusing on vegetables and fl owers,
utilises weaker guidelines;
International customers for fl owers and vegetables
(especially in Europe)— Increasingly purchasing not just
eco-products (e.g., organically-grown vegetables), these
customers also are concerned with “Fair Trade” issues,
such as wage rates, working conditions (especially
for women), child labor, health and safety for workers
regarding pesticides, housing and social standards, etc;
Media inside and outside of Kenya—This group
especially includes environmental journalists;
Agro-companies—Mainly companies concerned with
such agriciultural needs as seeds, agro-chemicals, etc;
Tourist Industry—Although not a major stakeholder
in the area, there are two small National Parks in the
vicinity of the lake and the Aberdare National Park on
the eastern watershed, and a number of hotels, home-
stays and campsites; and,
• Internationally infl uential environmental and civil
society organizations—These include the World Wildlife
Fund (WWF) and the above-noted World Conservation
Union (IUCN).
An important consideration, not always openly aired, is the
cultural and ethnic differences between stakeholders. A
large proportion of the commercial farms is operated and
owned by Europeans. The white people can be further divided
into descendants of originally-colonial landowners, and
more recent entrepreneurs attracted by the area’s business
opportunities. The large dairy enterprises and meat farms,
for example, are run by old UK-Kenya aristocracy and Italians.
By the end of the 19th century (the start of British colonial
times), the pastoral Maasai populated the area. However, the
major proportion of the population in the area is Kikuyu. The
shermen are Luo people migrated from Lake Victoria.
4.1.2 Confl icts
A summary of the most important confl icts is presented below,
with a differentiation between technical confl icts (facts based)
and institutional/social confl icts (confl icts of interest and
relational issues).
Technical confl icts. These confl icts are related mainly to
disputes over the interrelations between natural resources,
the allocation of these resources, and the humans exploiting
them. Many factual disagreements in the past have been
resolved by research fi ndings, and the issues below can be
seen as priorities for further research and analyses.
Factual disagreements include the following:
Disputes about the effects of water abstractions on lake
levels, and how much water can be safely abstracted;
The size of the irrigated area, and the total water
abstraction occurring thereof;
Lake pollution by agro-chemicals (claimed by some
environmental groups);
Disagreements on the contribution of pollutants from
the upper catchment versus the large farms;
290 Lake Naivasha
Extent of upper catchment water abstractions (thought
to be considerable by some lake water users);
Reduced lake levels caused by abstractions that
decrease the catch, agro-chemicals reducing the catch,
and fi sh (fry) being pumped out of the lake during water
abstraction (claimed by fi shermen);
Lack of defi nition of sustainable water exploitation by
the involved parties;
Growers using groundwater claiming they are not over-
exploiting the lake’s water resources;
Uncertainties regarding who has legal abstraction
permits and who does not (it is speculated that many
users abstract more than allowed by their permits);
The riparian land delimited by the riparian boundary
is government property, under the custody of riparian
landowners. No permanent structures are allowed
inside the boundary, although there is some dispute as
to what constitutes permanent structures. The boundary
is defi ned by the 6,210 ft asl (1,892.8 m asl) lake level
contour, although some doubt exactly where this
boundary is located;
Disputes over the relationship between the lake levels
and their dynamics;
Disputes over the ecological functioning of the lake and
its surroundings; and,
The effects of geothermal plants on the environment
(including lake levels, water quality and effect of emitted
gases on the environment and people).
Institutional and social confl icts. These confl icts are of a legal,
administrative, fi nancial, social, or institutional order such as
relational issues including:
Water users blame the Forest Department and (illegal)
wood loggers for mismanaging the forest reserves,
thereby diminishing water yields and increasing erosion,
and causing accelerated fi lling of the lake;
Existing game and cattle corridors have been closed by
agricultural land, and access to the lake generally has
been closed;
The labor force claims it is exploited and underpaid;
Whether or not the LNRA Management Plan really
considers the interests of all stakeholders, or is it more
the product of a group of environmentally-sensitized
white people (Wazungus)?
• Confl icts between the media and stakeholders, with the
news on Lake Naivasha being more often negative than
positive; and,
Some farms do not respect the offi cial riparian zone.
Confl ict of interest. There also are confl icts between different
socio-economic groups pursuing different goals, including:
A major confl ict exists between environmental groups
who want to protect the lake and its catchment from
over-exploitation, and commercial growers intending to
maximize their output;
Nakuru Town wants more water for its urban water
supply, which could critically damage the lake;
The tourist industry desires a natural landscape setting;
The Maasai tribesmen claim historical traditional rights
to the area, including access to the lake to water their
The large cattle farms claim that they have used the
local natural resources in an environmentally-friendly
manner, producing meat and milk for millions of
Kenyans, instead of destroying the environment like it is
claimed the fl ower growers have done;
• Fishermen consider the large-scale horticultural
industry, using agro-chemicals, as a threat to their
Whether or not the ordinary Kenyan or the Kenyan state
generally benefi ts from this economic boom, or is it only
a happy privileged few in the area; and,
If water is priced, would the government or local
stakeholders, or both benefi t from the revenues?
4.1.3 Programs and Processes
There has never been a government project or program directly
addressing the management of the lake. The LNRA and the
GoK have received small grants from various organizations for
this purpose, but the investments in the lake management are
limited at the present time.
The responsible government organizations lack funds, means,
and sometimes the interest, to seriously address the lake’s
problems. Until very recently, in fact, water and environmental
law was basically a copy of that established during colonial
days, and was unable to cope with modern land and water
management issues.
Although a water abstraction permit has always been required,
many users are either abstracting without a permit, or above
limits set by the permit. Two new laws have recently been
passed by Parliament, however, include the Environmental
Management and Co-ordination Act (1999) and the Water Act
(2002). The National Environmental Management Authority
(NEMA) and the Water Management Authority (WMA) have the
mandate to implement and enforce the new laws.
It was the combination of the many above-noted problems,
and lack of Government intervention (thereby creating a
management vacuum), combined with the visionary and strong
leadership of LNRA, that allowed it to emerge as a strong
stakeholder organization addressing the lake’s many pressing
issues. This 15-year process saw the evolution, from a small
group of LNRA members concerned with the future of the lake,
through a process of drafting the long-term vision, lobbying,
networking, solving disagreements among stakeholders,
consensus-building, awareness-raising, and reconciliation, to
the present form of lake management.
The milestones in this process included:
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 291
A report on the scientifi c knowledge and outline of “the
way ahead” (1993);
• Preparation and offi cial adoption of the Management
Plan (1995) and, consequently, installation of the
Reconciliation between the LNRA and LNGG (around
Co-hosting a scientifi c conference on shallow tropical
lakes (1999);
Declaration of the Lake Naivasha as a Ramsar site
(1995); and,
Temporary ban on fi shing, indicating that policies can be
enforced (2002).
The cornerstones of the lake’s present management are
the Management Plan and the implementing and executing
organization, the LNMIC.
Lake Naivasha Management Plan. The Management Plan was
written by a Steering Committee consisting of LNRA members,
and representatives of the Government and NGOs. It is a
dynamic document, already updated twice (carried out by the
LNMIC) since its inception, as knowledge of the lake increases
and the circumstances and laws change.
The primary objective of the Management Plan is to manage
existing human activities in the lake ecosystem through
voluntarily-adopted, sustainable, wise-use principles to
ensure the conservation of this freshwater resource and its
associated biodiversity. Secondary objectives include:
Promoting and encouraging the major contribution
made to the national economy by the lake;
Maintaining, conserving and, where necessary, restoring
the lake’s natural beauty and biodiversity;
Achieving consensus via an understanding of, and
support for, the Management Plan through voluntarily-
adopted codes of practice and dialogue;
Facilitating public access, tourism and research
activities, while also respecting private ownership of the
surrounding land; and,
Immediately adopting practices on which there is
consensus, based on current knowledge; and adopting
other practices as the Plan is updated in the light of new
information from the monitoring program.
The Sectoral Codes of Conduct (CoCs) incorporated in the
Management Plan include LNGG, Power Producers (KenGen),
Lake Naivasha Tourist Group, Fisheries Industry, Livestock and
Dairy Industry, Wildlife, and Naivasha Municipal Council.
The Present Management Process. The LNMIC, responsible for
implementing the Management Plan, meets every six weeks on
average, and agreed action points are delegated to individual
members. The direct contact for day-to-day business, visitors,
enquiries, etc, is the active Honorary Secretary, while the
Chairman handles higher-level contacts.
Because the LNMIC has no executive power, it can only exert
its decisions through its members. The LNMIC can put pressure
on the members representing the Government to enforce laws,
or to take action, but the fi nal authority remains with the
various government institutions. It can also motivate members
to adopt certain practices, although measurable targets are
not yet part of the process.
The offi cers of the key Government Departments (e.g.,
Fisheries, Forest, Water) are supported to execute their duties.
Subcommittees address the problems in special sectors, such
as Biodiversity, Water, and Horticulture (LNGG). Technical
information is provided by the subcommittees, Ministries,
LNGG, researchers or individual specialists. The LNRA, with
the support of LNGG, facilitates the LNMIC with a Geographic
Information System (GIS) with provision of a detailed
photographic coverage of the Ramsar site, riparian boundary,
and cadastral map linked to a database containing details of
the landowners.
The LNGG sub-commissioned a Hydrological Status Report,
which provides a fairly-complete overview of water related
issues, data availability, and advice on water resource
management issues and policies (Rural Focus 2002). A user-
friendly version of the Water Balance Model of the lake was
developed by ITC and is now in local ownership. A regular
newsletter also provides news, etc., to interested parties.
4.2 Reduction of Lake Stresses
The reduction of lake stresses is taken very seriously, being one
of the key duties of the LNMIC. Much credit goes to LNGG and
to some of the large farms. LNGG members consider that it is
very important that the profi t level of the well-managed farms
is suffi cient to make social and environmental investments.
Farms also are implementing or experimenting with new
technologies and management practices, including:
Hydroponics—closed circulation systems, using the
locally available pumice as substratum;
Use of coco-peat and compost to improve soil
Biological pest control and biodegradable pesticides;
• Artifi cial wetlands for natural wastewater treatment;
Storage of roof runoff from greenhouses;
Sophisticated irrigation systems, with soil tension
meters and the latest irrigation technology;
Use of geothermal steam to heat greenhouses during
the night, to enhance plant growth using CO2 and H2S,
and for sterilizing crops and the growth medium without
the need for fumigation;
Monitoring water abstractions;
A shift from open-fi eld crops to shaded growth or
greenhouses, thus reducing water evaporation losses;
High temperature incineration of dangerous wastes;
• Plastic recycling;
292 Lake Naivasha
Multiple use of crops, including baby corn for export and
the stems/leaves as fodder;
Reducing the area under cultivation, while intensifying
output per area; and,
Providing hospitals, schools, housing, social clubs for
the employees.
These large, innovative pioneer farms play an important
role in illustrating the possibilities and advantages of these
innovations to other farms. Technical innovation may serve
an economic and environmental purpose. The extra capital
investments needed for hydroponics are regained within a very
short period via higher productivity, no fumigation and lower
agrochemical inputs.
The LNMIC/LNRA and LNGG have also been engaged in the
following stress-reducing activities:
Preservation of the riparian (shoreline) strips;
Promoting use of safe, degradable pesticides;
Controlling water uptakes;
Minimizing fertilizer use;
Preventing the introduction of alien species;
Proper urban planning and development;
Promoting sustainable tourism;
Monitoring of resource status and development
• Forest conservation, erosion control, watershed
management; and,
Environmental Impact Assessment and environmental
To r educe the sediment and agrochemical load to Lake
Naivasha, the LNRA has been sensitizing the inhabitants of
the upper catchment on good farming practices, although this
activity have been very low-key, due to inadequate funding.
Salvinia has existed in the lake since 1962; it became a major
ecological problem by the early-1970s, covering a large
portion of the lake. After chemical control failed, a biological
control agent (Cyrtobagus salviniae, a host-specifi c insect),
was introduced to the lake and, by the early-1990s, had
effectively reduced the Salvinia cover to insignifi cant levels.
Although water hyacinth was noted on the lake in 1988, the
lake conditions are not conducive to its rapid spread. Two
host-specifi c biological control agents (Neochetina bruchii, N.
eichhornia) have been effective in containing the weed.
The Naivasha Municipal Council is in the process (with German
and Japanese assistance) of reducing the nutrient load to the
lake by upgrading the sewage network and plant.
KenGen is injecting condensed steam back into the geothermal
reservoir. These authors reject the (persistent) idea that the
geothermal exploitation has any effect on the lake levels.
The Ministry of Water Development & Management (a) has
carried out a detailed water abstraction point survey; (b) has
stationed an hydrologist and a Water Bailiff in Naivasha to
monitor resources and demand; (c) is training a water police
force to prosecute illegal water abstractors; (d) is actively
supporting hydrologic and environmental research; and (e)
has upgraded the monitoring network.
The issues related to overfi shing, and the consequent
regulation, has received much attention in the national press
and on the Internet. This issue provides an example that can
be assessed in more detail to show how management of Lake
Naivasha works in practice. As shown in Figure 6, the fi sh catch
has been very low over the last couple of years. There is much
speculation over the high variation and overall decline of the
commercial catch. Many issues have been mentioned in the
resulting disputes, including variations in lake levels, declining
levels of riparian vegetation (papyrus and other macrophytes
and fl oating vegetation), pollution (pesticides and fertilizers),
sediments changing the water transparency, fi sh fry being
pumped out by water intakes, an incomplete foodweb,
overfi shing and the use of excessively-small gill-nets, and no
recovery time during spawning. Theoretically, the fi sh catch
from the lake could be much higher, with various studies on
the theoretical fi sh yield suggesting mean yields between 300-
1,200 tons/year (Hickley et al. 2002).
The two main fi sh-related confl icts involve:
Fishermen versus the fl ower farms—The fi sh catch is
believed to be declining because irrigation lowers the
lake levels, and the farms pump out the fry and pollute
the lake; and,
The environmentalist/LNRA versus the fi shermen—Fish
stocks are declining due to overfi shing, poaching,
undersized gill-nets, and no recovery periods, as well as
no control/management of the quantity of fi sh caught.
The main stakeholders in the fi sh sector are the legal (and
illegal) fi sherman, the Lake Naivasha Fishermen’s Co-operative
Society, Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI,
with a research station in Naivasha), the Fisheries Department,
and LNRA.
The LNRA has considered the declining fi sh catch as a sign of
environmental degradation, teaming up with KMFRI and the
Fisheries Department to reverse the trend. Since the catch
has become very low, the fi shermen had little to lose, and
the licensed fi shermen would certainly benefi t from better
management and law-enforcement.
These conditions were ripe for implementation of a fi shing
ban and during the year before an actual ban was imposed,
the Fisheries Department held regular meetings with the
legal fi shermen, Kenya Marine & Fisheries Research Institute
(KMFRI), LNRA, fi shmongers, a representative of the illegal
shers, and the local authorities, and all aspects of the
shing activities in the lake were discussed. The fi shermen
were concerned that they were not catching suffi cient fi sh to
survive, and wanted the offi cial net size to be reduced (even
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 293
though they admitted they were already using reduced net
sizes and still not catching suffi cient fi sh). KMFRI carried out
research which confi rmed the lake was being overfi shed, and
that if something was not done to address this issue, the
shing industry would collapse. The original rules laid down
for commercial fi shing on the lake were based on research,
and concluded that only 30 boats should be permitted to fi sh
the lake, and that the net size should be 4 inches and greater.
The number of boats, however, had increased to 130 over the
years, and, as noted above, the net size used had (illegally)
been reduced to 2 inches or less (some illegal fi shermen were
even using shade netting).
After lengthy discussions, the fi shermen concluded that their
only chance of sustaining their livelihood on the lake was to
cease fi shing for some time, and so agreed the lake should be
closed to fi shing initially for six months. However, when it was
clear that the fi sh stock had not recovered suffi ciently during
this initial period, another six months was added to the ban.
The fi shermen accompanied and assisted the researchers,
thereby seeing for themselves how the fi sh stock was
recovering during the ban period.
Because the Fisheries Department does not have suffi cient
facilities to effectively patrol the whole lake, some of the
shermen offered to help police the lake during the ban
period. There was also an initiative amongst the local
landowners, whereby they funded and facilitated a group of 15
shermen (called the Task Force) to help police the lake. This
was reasonably effective in that, although the illegal fi shers
were still quite active during this period, their activities were
considerably reduced.
The LNRA established a “liason offi ce” to fi nd jobs for
shermen on the fl ower farms. The LNRA also provided a sum
of money to pay for the education of fi shermen’s children so
that they would not suffer during the ban period. Not all of the
shers took advantage of these initiatives, however, with many
moving back to Lake Victoria from whence they had originally
come. Just before the ban was lifted, the LNRA funded and
organized a workshop with the fi shermen to ensure they were
fully aware of the rules.
When the ban was lifted it was decided, again in a public
meeting, that the number of fi shing boats on the lake had to
be reduced, agreeing to a total of 43 boats. Although it was
a diffi cult task deciding who should have a license, it was
ultimately determined on the basis of how a fi sherman had
behaved in the past; if he had stuck to the rules, he got a
license. The fi shers also were warned that if they were caught
outing the rules, they would be permanently banned from
shing the lake. Several fi shermen subsequently were caught
using small net sizes and were banned; their place has been
taken by other fi shermen on the “waiting” list.
The practice of illegal fi shing, using “seining” with very small
mesh nets, has not ceased, and is still damaging fi sh breeding
activities, particularly since it takes place in the shallows,
which constitute the fi sh breeding areas. This has affected
the recovery of the fi sh stock and so, again after consultation
with the fi shermen, it was decided there should be an annual
closed season of four months, to give the fi sh a chance to
breed undisturbed. While the idea is good, it will not have
the desired effect if the illegal fi shing cannot be stopped.
Although the fi shermen have again been involved in trying
to stop these illegal activities, the illegal fi shers have now
armed themselves, with a few nasty incidents occurring. The
shermen have lobbied politicians and the media very well,
however, and many articles have addressed confl icts in which
the poor fi shermen were the victims of the powerful fl ower
This is again an example whereby the availability of capital
helped resolve the confl ict: the LNRA has assisted the Fisheries
Department to execute its duty (i.e., enforce the law), KMFRI
has been supported to monitor the stock, and fi shermen have
been given alternative employment and school-fee grants. The
long-term fi sh yield of the lake will certainly increase, which is
benefi cial for the fi sh-sector as a whole.
4.3 Environmental Status
Overall, Lake Naivasha is still in a relatively healthy state, and
the water quality parameters are in acceptable condition. The
spatial and temporal dynamics of the water quality parameters,
and the unknown details of historic data, however, make the
detection of trends diffi cult.
The main stresses on the lake are summarized as:
• Water abstraction;
Agrochemical and sewage pollution;
Destruction of riparian habitat (papyrus);
• Over–fi shing; and,
• Erosion/siltation.
In regard to water abstractions, and pollution of the lake, there
is an ongoing discussion of the relative contribution of the
oricultural industry versus the other water users in the basin
(see Section 3.1).
The recent introduction of sophisticated irrigation systems and
better irrigation management has defi nitely led to a reduced
water use. This is partly offset, however, by an increase of the
area under irrigation for fl owers and horticulture. The basin-
wide water abstractions have caused a reduction of the mean
lake level by approximately 2.5 m.
Due to the physical conditions surrounding Lake Naivasha,
the risk of agrochemicals ending up in the lake is limited. The
change to environmentally-friendlier pest control, and better
irrigation management, has defi nitely had a positive effect on
the lake’s water quality. However, the agrochemical contribution
of the hinterlands to the lake is higher than the contribution
of the farms around the lake. To reduce the sediment and
pollution loads from the upper catchment, much work is
294 Lake Naivasha
necessary in educating farmers in watershed conservation
techniques and IPM (integrated pest management), although
very little work has been carried out so far.
The improper use of riparian land is being reduced.
Transgressors of the riparian boundary have been summoned
to stop their activities. In one part of the lake, papyrus burning
remains a problem. Overfi shing has recently become a major
concern. However, a fi shing ban has already been issued twice
in the last 2 years and, therefore, the fi sh stock is likely to
The siltation of the lake is resulting from 3 sources, including
sediment infl ow through the main rivers, fl ash fl oods in the
semi-arid area around the lake, and atmospheric deposition.
In some areas south of the lake, wind erosion also is a serious
problem, due to overgrazing and improper land management,
with part of the wind-blown material being deposited in
the lake. Thus far, however, there is no evidence the lake is
seriously threatened by siltation.
4.4 Enabling Environment
4.4.1 The LNMIC and LNRA
The lake management institution (LNMIC) is operational, the
result of a 10-year process of lobbying, networking, awareness
and consensus building, as well as much energy of a few
individuals working hard without the assistance of an “fi nanced
project”. The institution is likely to be sustainable, given that it
is strongly linked to an organization (LNRA) founded more than
70 years ago. However, the fi nancial situation of both the LNRA
and LNMIC is poor, given that no structural support exists, and
the membership fees of the 140 members are not suffi cient
to carry out the organization’s ambitions. The LNMIC is only
weakly supported by a team of professionals who advise on
developments and environmental threats by collecting and
analyzing data. As a result, management of the lake is rather
ad-hoc and not based on in-depth analysis of the system.
The main stakeholders seem to be fi rmly embedded in both
the LNRA and LNMIC. Among the average Kenyan (Wananchi),
however, the organization still has still the image of a “white”,
elite club of conservationists and big businesses. The
inclusion of the main non-represented stakeholders (e.g.,
Maasai pastoralists, upper-catchment population, workers
and employees of the farms) would be necessary to introduce
these stakeholder needs and concerns, thereby changing this
image. The WWF will most likely soon begin a project in the
upper-catchment and, through the project, ensure that portion
of the population may get a voice in the process. The project
will focus on both Lakes Naivasha and Nakuru. The following
Naivasha-related activities are foreseen in the draft proposal:
• Water-awareness campaign;
Halting illegal logging in the Aberdare Range and Mau
Economic development and improved land-use on the
Mau Escarpment and Aberdare Range;
Rehabilitation and extension of the Nakuru and
Naivasha water supply systems (this module could be
split to cover Nakuru and Naivasha separately);
Rehabilitation and enlargement of the sewerage system
at Nakuru Municipality, Naivasha Town and their
Improving the solid waste disposal system in the Nakuru
Municipality, Naivasha Town and their environs;
Collection, treatment and disposal of industrial and
agricultural chemicals, effl uents and solid waste in
Nakuru and Naivasha; and,
Controlling and improving sand mining along tributaries
of Lakes Nakuru and Naivasha.
Better relations with the press also could help change
perceptions. It is noteworthy that stories always address
the same issues in a negative way; namely, the fl oricultural
industry emptying and poisoning the lake, causing low fi sh
stocks and underpaying their labor force. Another negative
image of LNMIC is that the meetings are not public and the
records are confi dential. The LNRA Newsletter only vaguely
covers the real management problems faced by the committee,
usually addressing less-important issues (e.g., a new bird
species has been seen; the arrival of a new staff member in
one of the Institutes). A positive activity would be to more
effectively communicate the management process, their goals,
success stories and failures to the general public.
4.4.2 The Management Plan
The main weakness of the Management Plan, and also the
new Water Act, is that they do not quantify sustainability, nor
defi ne sustainable abstractions. The Management Plan does
stress the importance of an accurate water balance, and the
water balance model is suffi ciently accurate for management
purposes. However, it cannot provide an accurate answer
to determining the sustainable abstraction of the lake.
There is no doubt that every abstraction from the basin will
result in a lowering of the mean water level in the lake. How
much drawdown is socially, economically and ecologically
acceptable, however, is an economic and political, rather than
hydrological, question.
4.4.3 Policy Context and Monitoring
The new Government of Kenya, in offi ce since the beginning
of 2003, appears to be taking water issues seriously. The new
laws on water and environment provide a good framework for
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The two
new institutions, the National Environmental Management
Authority (NEMA) and the soon-to-be Water Management
Authorities (WMAs) should have close links to the LNMIC,
something that is not yet the case. For many years, the
LNMIC has asked to be gazetted as a member of the Water
Apportionment Board, but so far without success.
Once the WMA is in place, it is likely that water users in the
Lake Naivasha will pay for their abstractions. These funds
could lift the lake’s management efforts to a higher level.
Because of cooperation between the government, LNRA/LNGG
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 295
and research institutes, the lake is reasonably well monitored;
and the monitoring situation is certainly much better than in
other parts of Kenya. The monitoring system, however, is not
systematic and structural, and improvements are necessary.
The technical aspects of water resource management are
a costly affair. Collection of water data currently is carried
out by MoWD&M, universities and research institutes. The
formal Government policy regarding data is that the user pays.
Notwithstanding that data collection is expensive, selling it at
too high a price will result in the data not being used at all.
The offi cial price of the hydro-meteorological data set is about
$50,000, resulting in the data not being optimally used.
4.4.4 Research and Data for the Lake Basin
The quantity of data and research on Lake Naivasha and its
drainage basin is rather overwhelming. Lake levels have been
regularly monitored since 1909, and a few older observations
also exist. The rainfall for Naivasha Town is available since the
beginning of the 20th century. The area is well covered with
rainfall stations (35 of the total 65 stations are operational).
Other climatic variables (pan evaporation, radiation, wind
speed, temperature, etc.) also are available.
The discharge records of the Malewa River (main infl ow) begin
at 1932. Several upper basin discharge stations also monitor
ows. Hundreds of rain, surface, lake and groundwater samples
have been taken and analyzed for chemical, biochemical,
suspended sediments and isotopic composition. The oldest
lake water analyses date back to 1923. The bathymetry of
the lake was measured in 1923, 1958, 1983, 1991, 1997 and
2001. An aerial survey was carried out for the fi rst time in
1948, and several times thereafter. A series of satellite images,
beginning in 1976, illustrates the land cover changes and land
use developments in the drainage basin. The geology has been
mapped out in detail for the geothermal projects, and some
80 deep wells (›1,000 m) have been drilled in the geothermal
areas. Many wells around the lake have been drilled, providing
information on the shallow hydrogeological conditions and
groundwater quality. Detailed inventories exist on water
abstraction points and water consumption, and researchers
have collected data on vegetation cover, biodiversity, aquatic
ecology and fi sh stocks.
Early research was carried out primarily by the colonial
administration. From the 1960s on, however, the lake has
attracted a steady stream of researchers, producing hundreds
of articles, Master and PhD theses, reports and posters.
MoWD&M, KWS, KMFRI, KenGen, LNRA, and Kenyan and
foreign universities are actively involved in research on the
lake, and there is generally a good spirit of cooperation and
data sharing among these organizations. Research is being
sponsored mainly by Earthwatch, Shell, Kenyan Ministries and
Institutes, and local farms.
The total research investment over the last 10 years must
be on the order of $400,000, with part of this budget being
used for monitoring that should have been carried out by the
responsible Government institutions. The research has been
disseminated using various media, and theses are distributed
among main stakeholders, via articles in scientifi c and popular
magazines, and lectures at workshops and in local stakeholder
communities. The research community has resolved a number
of key confl icts and misconceptions, the most notable being
the water balance, the effects of irrigation on lake water
levels, the quantities of water being used by whom, the main
polluters, and the environmental status (health) of the lake.
The effective use of research in the management of Lake
Naivasha, however, is hampered by two factors. As previously
noted, the professional staff supporting the LNMIC in the
management process is missing. Further, most of the LNMIC
members do not have the time and background to fully
appreciate the relevant scientifi c work or to use the results in
management decisions.
Universities often have different agendas than lake managers.
For a university, the research topic must be scientifi cally
interesting, whereas the relevance of this criterion for lake
management is a secondary concern. In order to maintain
needed fi nancial support, trade-offs often must be made,
and applied research seems to be more relevant for lake
management than fundamental research. Nevertheless,
research carried out by universities turns out to be very cost-
effective, compared to projects in which research is carried out
within the project itself.
One of the applied research questions of tremendous
signifi cance that has not yet been solved is the lake’s discharge
mechanisms. If the seepage takes place in a concentrated
outfl ow zone, this water may be exploited. It may be concluded
that LNRA’s policy of stimulating research around the lake
has had important impact on resolving lake problems. Some
aspects of the systems behavior are obviously to complex to
easily translate in laymen’s terms. However, many other results
have assisted in resolving factual disagreements, the best
example being the effects of irrigation on lake water levels.
Whereas this constituted an emotional discussion in 1997, it is
no longer an issue. The effects are now known and accepted by
all stakeholders (see Section 3.1).
5. Lessons Learned and Recommended
One does not necessarily need a project to introduce the need
for effective lake management. A few committed individuals
may initiate the process and keep it going. Moreover, a
management vacuum amongst the different offi cially-
responsible authorities has created the opportunities for local
(management) initiatives in the case of Lake Naivasha.
The presence of a healthy economy in a regional context seems
to have infl uenced the protection of the lake in a positive way.
The fi nancial capital needed to introduce environmentally-
friendly water conservation measures is available. Due to the
large capital investments in horticulture, which are tied to the
296 Lake Naivasha
Kenyan economy, the private commercial sector has developed
a strong interest in sustainability. Technically-innovative
production techniques and systems are both economically and
environmentally interesting.
The two main lake stresses of water abstraction and
agrochemical pollutant loads are associated with two different
stakeholder groups. The irrigation water abstractions are
attributed almost exclusively to the fl oricultural industry,
whereas the nutrient load (and likely also the pesticide load)
to the lake is attributed to the upper catchment population
practicing rain-fed agriculture. The Ramsar status/designation
also has helped enhance awareness on the need to conserve
natural resources.
In many other project-supported lake management programs,
large sums of money have been spent on data collection and
analysis. This activity can be carried out more cost-effectively
if lake managers team up with Ministries and knowledge
institutes. However, the dissemination of scientifi c information,
and the use of such information in lake management, remains
Although research can help solve many technical issues
concerned with data interpretation, as well as some of the
institutional confl icts, the underlying confl icts of interest
may still remain. Thus, community participation is a vital
element, particularly for a lake like Naivasha, where most
impacts emanate directly from competition over the use of
resources, and human settlements. In general, there is need to
entrench the policy on community involvement into resource
Consensus building is essential in such community-driven
conservation programs, in order that all stakeholders can
move in the same direction. At the same time, consensus
building takes a long time, and often can signifi cantly slow the
management processes needed to deal with urgent problems.
However, even if the need for community participation and
consensus building is acknowledged, enforcement of the new
national laws incorporating modern environmental and water
management concepts is an absolute requirement.
Funding remains a major challenge for community groups
interested in wetland/lake basin conservation. The fact
that there are many wealthy enterprises around the lake
that dependent on the sustainability of its resources may
negatively affect the willingness of donor agencies to fi nance
lake management projects.
Having an accepted and ratifi ed Management Plan, and
an Implementation Committee, is not suffi cient to carry
out complex lake management. For example, the LNMIC is
composed of relatively senior representatives of various
stakeholders spending only limited time on their Committee
duties. The organizational layer below the Committee also
is absent. There is no operational team of professionals in
the fi elds of water resources management, natural resources
management, regional planning, and aquatic ecology
working full time to collect and analyze data to support the
management process, set priorities and measure results—this
is an important omission.
Structural and strategic discussions on what is sustainability,
how the water should be allocated between different farms
and sectors, how to optimize economic output and at the same
time conserve the environment, how upstream-downstream
relations could involve the upper catchment population, or
what do if a series of serious drought years occurs, are issues
too complex and too political to be addressed by the LNMIC at
Some specifi c research-related lessons include:
A willingness to cooperate, trust, and share data and
resources is more important than signing MoUs and
Pooling resources is cost-effective; and,
Dissemination and communication of research results
to the stakeholders and decision-makers is diffi cult,
therefore ensuring that old myths concerning the lake
system are persistent.
Recommended initiatives. In spite of the offi cial nature of
the Management Plan, it is still necessary to institutionalize
the Plan and its Implementation Committee under the
Environmental Management and Co-ordination Act (1999). This
will enable the Implementation Committee decisions to carry
more weight for improved management effectiveness and, if
the principle of voluntarily-adopted practices fails, it will allow
them to enforce their decisions through the established legal
mechanisms. Thus, it is essential that the LNMIC becomes a
full member of the Water Apportionment Board.
One of the priority activities should be the introduction
of water charges, with the revenues being used for basin
management, rather than as extra income for the government.
The pricing mechanism should focus on lake management,
including minimizing environmental damage, while also
maximizing social and economic outputs and an equitable
distribution of resources. Issuance of new abstraction permits
should also consider the large differences in the economic
returns of different irrigated crops. Tradable water rights
may be considered as a future option. Introduction of water
pricing, however, also encompasses a danger. Control over the
revenues obtained from pricing may introduce power struggles
between the many organizations claiming a stake in the lake
management, thereby paralyzing the progress in integrated
lake management towards its sustainability goals.
Ideally, the whole process of data collection, updating
databases, analysis and interpretation, and the use of
simulation models and GIS, should be transferred from
research institutes to local ownership. A Lake Naivasha
Management Centre, where offi cials of different government
institutions and scientists work together and share equipment,
Experience and Lessons Learned Brief 297
data and knowledge to the benefi t of the LNMIC and the Rift
Valley WMA, could be a new goal. The revenues of the water
charges could be used to establish and maintain such a
center, the establishment of which would mean a considerable
capacity building and education investment. This lake basin,
with its interesting confl icts and good data, constitutes an
ideal training case for lake and IWRM management. Research
on the lake and its drainage basin should become more
embedded in the curricula of local universities, and research
by local and foreign institutes should become an integral and
nanced part of lake management efforts.
Over the last 30 years the Government, and Kenyan and foreign
researchers have collected a tremendous quantity of data, a
large part being available at the LNRA’s Documentation Centre.
However, given the variety of topics and the large quantity
of material, it is impossible to overview or appreciate its full
content. The LNMIC could be assisted in this task if a Scientifi c
Committee was attached to LNMIC to advise on relevant policy
matters. This committee could be composed of researchers
seriously studying the lake, as well as a few experts in lake and
wetlands management and/or IWRM.
The lake mangers should start the process of land planning. A
land zoning with designated land uses (agriculture, rangeland,
settlement, conservation) could be agreed upon and enforced,
via the issuing of water permits.
6. Summary
A unique set of conditions is found around Lake Naivasha,
• A highly-profi table and booming horti- and fl oricultural
industry that depend on a protected lake/wetlands;
A well-established and strong stakeholder organization,
an accepted Management Plan and an Implementation
An abundance of scientifi c research on various aspects
of the ecosystem and the socio-economy;
A generally environmentally-conscious stakeholder
community and enterprises that do not want to put
their future at stake by overexploiting the lake and its
A positive change in attitude by the government
regarding management of natural resources;
The large farms not being opposed to water charges, as
long the process is transparent and at least part of the
revenues are re-invested in the lake basin;
Cooperation between LNRA/LNMIC, LNGG, Government
institutions and research institutes;
The lake as a Ramsar site; and,
Management of the lake and its basin receiving much
national and international interest.
All the necessary conditions are in place for Lake Naivasha to
become one of the fi rst basins in Africa with a lake managed
for its sustainable use, in accordance with World Lake Vision
(World Lake Vision Committee 2003) and IWRM principles. The
present actors in the management process deserve support
in attempting to hurdle the last institutional, technical and
nancial barriers to achieving this goal.
7. Acknowledgements
This report draws heavily on documents prepared by the
Lake Naivasha Riparian Association (LNRA), and there has
been close co-operation between the authors and LNRA in
designing and writing this document. However, the statements
and opinions expressed here are the main authors’ own, and
not necessarily those of the LNRA, University of Nairobi, nor
the ITC. Robert Becht did the majority of the writing is the
lead author; Eric Odada was contractually responsible for the
preparation of the brief.
The authors are indebted to many Kenyan partner institutions
that supported the “Lake Naivasha Hydrological and
Environmental Studies” of ITC over the past 7 years. Special
thanks for fi nancial support goes to the Ministry of Water
Development and Management, Shell and the following
farms: Kijabe, Sher, Panda, Delamere, Oserian and Beautiline.
The efforts of over 60 ITC MSc students contributing to the
understanding of Lake Naivasha also are highly appreciated.
We also acknowledge the many valuable comments provided
by Mike McCall of ITC.
8. References
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Berrihun, A.T. 2004. “Modelling water quality using soil
and water assessment tool (SWAT)” Master’s Thesis. ITC:
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Britton, R. 2002. “Investigations into the fi sh population of
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sort/fi shnaivasha.html).
Enniskillen. 2002. “The Lake Naivasha Management Plan:
Consensus building to conserve an international gem.”
Hydrobiologia 488 (Developments in Hydrobiology 168): ix-xii.
Everard, M. and D.M. Harper. 2002. “Towards the sustainability
of the Lake Naivasha Ramsar site and its catchment.”
Hydrobiologia 488 (Developments in Hydrobiology 168): 191-
Gitahi, S.M., D.M. Harper, S.M. Muchiri, M.P. Tole and R. N.
Ng’ang’a. 2002. “Organochlorine and organophosphorus
298 Lake Naivasha
pesticide concentrations in water, sediment, and selected
organisms in Lake Naivasha (Kenya).” Hydrobiologia 488
(Developments in Hydrobiology 168): 123-128.
Goldson, J. 1993. A Three Phase Environmental Impact Study
of Recent Developments around Lake Naivasha. Lake Naivasha
Riparian Owners Association: Naivasha.
Harper, D.M., K.M. Mavuti and S.M. Muchiri. 1990. “Ecology
and management of Lake Naivasha, Kenya, in relation to
climatic change, alien species’ introductions, and agricultural
development.” Environmental Conservation 17: 328-335.
Hickley, P., R.G. Bailey, D.M. Harper, R. Kundu, S.M. Muchiri, R.
North and A. Taylor. .2002. “The status and future of the Lake
Naivasha fi shery, Kenya.” Hydrobiologia 488 (Developments in
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Kitaka, N. 2000. Phosphorus Supply to a Shallow Tropical Lake
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University of Leicester.
Kitaka, N., D.M. Harper and K.M. Mavuti. 2002. “Phosphorus
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trophic state of the lake.” Hydrobiologia 488 (Developments in
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McLean, P. 2001. Spatial analysis of water quality and
eutrophication controls in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Master’s
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Mmbui, S.G. 1999. Study of long term water balance of
Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Master’s Thesis. ITC: Enschede, the
Rupasingha, R.A.P. 2002. Use of GIS and RS assessing lake
sedimentation processes. Master’s Thesis. ITC: Enschede, the
Rural Focus. 2002. Hydrological Status Report. Lake Naivasha
Grower’s Group: Naivasha, Kenya.
Smart, A.C., D.M. Harper, A.C. Gouder de Beauregard, S.
Schmitz, S. Coley, F. Malaisse. 2003. “Feeding of the exotic
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and drought in equatorial East Africa during the past 1,100
years.” Nature 403: 410-414.
World Lake Vision Committee. 2003. The World Lake Vision.
ILEC: Kusatsu, Japan.
The fi ndings, interpretations and conclusions expressed
in this report are the views of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the views of The World Bank and its
Board of Directors, or the countries they represent, nor do
they necessarily represent the view of the organizations,
agencies or governments to which any of the authors are
associated. Also, the colors, boundaries, denominations, and
classifi cations in this report do not imply, on the part of The
World Bank and its Board of Directors, or the countries they
represent, and the organizations, agencies or governments to
which any of the authors are associated, any judgment on the
legal or other status of any territory, or any endorsement or
acceptance of any boundary.
... The effects of the lake level rise are therefore, at least the ones directly aimed towards society, comparatively low. 310 Lake Naivasha (Becht et al., 2005;Maina et al., 2018) to the south has an orographic catchment area of 2355 km² and receives around 13 % more rainfall compared to Elementaita (1030 mm/a). The mean lake area is 128.8 km² and, after Baringo, it is the second largest lake in the study. ...
... For Lake Naivasha, impacts on the lake level increases can be said to be relatively lower. The long-315 term economic history and tradition around the lake (Becht et al., 2005;Ricciardi, 1981) also including a longer history of scientific research of the area, has also led to a stronger awareness of potential hazard from flooding, since the current fluctuations are not unprecedented (Richardson, 1966;Verschuren, 2001). Larger parts of the riparian zones surrounding Lake Naivasha are generally dominated by tourism infrastructure and more pronounced industrial 320 agriculture and flower farms targeted mainly for export to other parts of the World. ...
... Apart from inflow and direct evaporation and rainfall, the lake levels clearly depend on the degree of underground seepage for Baringo, Solai and Naivasha, since they are the only fresh-water lakes and therefore must have an underground outflow, hindering the accumulation of salt leading to 960 alkalinity. For Bogoria, Nakuru and Elementaita, since they are alkaline and, if existent, underground seepage is of lower relevance (Becht et al., 2006(Becht et al., , 2005Onywere et al., 2013;Verschuren, 2001b;Verschuren et al., 2000;Yihdego and Becht, 2013). The faults, especially for Lakes Baringo, Solai and Naivasha, are not necessarily reduced and our analysis shows that changes in permeability are not necessary to explain increases in lake levels. ...
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Study RegionThe Great Rift Valley lakes of Kenya have recently experienced significant increases in their water levels, negatively impacting the local communities. This has provoked renewed concerns about the causations, with various geological, anthropogenic and hydro-climatic influences hypothesized as potential causes of the water level rises. Study FocusThis study analyses and documents water level fluctuations in Lakes Baringo, Bogoria, Nakuru, Solai, Elementaita and Naivasha. Hydrometeorological analyses are undertaken to understand potential causes and lake volume data is used to derive the “Integrated Catchment Response” (ICR), a magnitude which allows to relate changes in water balance components to signals observed in the lake volume changes.New Hydrological Insights for the RegionCompared to 1984-2009, the recent increases in lake areas range from 21% for Lake Naivasha to an extraordinary 123% for Lake Solai. Mean annual rainfall for 2010-2020 increased by up to 30%. Actual evapotranspiration also increased, but to lesser extent compared to rainfall. The results illustrate that changes in catchment properties due to anthropogenic influences or changes in underground permeability are not necessary to explain the lake level rises. Based on the ICR only surprisingly minor changes in the water balance are necessary to explain the lake level rises, since an increase of only 0.4 - 2% of mean annual effective rainfall leads to the observed phenomena.
... Lake Naivasha is unique in being freshwater body without surface outlet since its freshness is maintained by underground seepage. By the year 2014, the southern end of the lake was reported to have a maximum depth of approximately 6 m (Odada et al., 2005). Lake Naivasha ecosystem is made up of three distinct components; Main Lake, Lake Oloidien and Lake Sonachi. ...
... Mean monthly air temperatures vary from 16 -19 0 C. Highest rate of evaporation are witnessed between the month of December and February because of low humidity, low rainfall patterns, and high temperatures (Gaudet & Melack, 1981). The lake is mainly fed by two perennial rivers-Malewa and Gilgil-with a total inflow of 80 % and 20 % respectively (Odada et al., 2005). ...
... There has been a temporal and spatial variation in the soluble phosphorus and nitrogen in the lake. Water transparency also varies in the lake ranging between 5-150 cm which was attributed to sediment load, and algal bloom (Lewis, 1978;Odada et al., 2005). ...
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Lake Naivasha is a shallow freshwater lake that supports a wide but uneven biodiversity of plants and animals but no native fish as most of the fish species in the lake were introduced. The lake’s ecosystem has been undergoing major changes due to anthropogenic and natural factors that influence its limnology. This study aimed to determine the diversity, distribution, and biomass of the phytoplankton community in this lake. For a period of 6 months from February 2019 to July 2019 covering dry and wet season, water samples from the lake were analyzed to determine the spatio-temporal trends of phytoplankton and associated environmental variables which included nutrients concentrations, temperature, conductivity, DO, pH and transparency. Monthly samplings were done and samples analyses using the standard procedures. Samples were collected in triplicates for the determination of nitrate nitrogen, soluble reactive phosphorous, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, ammonium nitrogen, silicates, and chlorophyll a. Water temperature, conductivity, DO, and pH were measured in situ using multimeter probe YSI model. The results showed the mean temperature of 22.73 ± 1.6 °C, DO 8.51 ± 0.87 mg/L, conductivity 233.85 ± 26.94 μS/cm, pH 8.13 ± 0.3. TN were 471 ± 170.61 µg/L, PO4-P 5.88 ± 2.12 µg/L, TP 97.97 ± 49.06 µg/L, NO3-N 6.70 ± 3.55 µg/L, NH4-N 18.93 ± 10.91 µg/L and SiO2 3.18 ± 2.99 mg/l and Chlorophyll a 21.51 ± 4.25 mg/m³. Total phosphorous, total nitrogen, silicates, temperature, pH, dissolve oxygen, conductivity, TDS and secchi depth showed significant seasonal differences. A total of one hundred and twenty four (124) species of phytoplankton belonging to six (6) taxonomic families were identified. Chlorophyceae was represented by 43 species consisting of 34.68 % by species composition, Bacillariophyceae was represented by 38 species consisting of 30.65 % by species composition. Cyanophyceae was represented by 24 species leading to 19.35 % species composition. Zygnematophyceae, Euglenophyceae, and Dinophyceae recorded the least species composition. Chlorophyceae recorded the highest total phytoplankton biovolume of 623.41 mm3/L, followed by Bacillariophyceae with 533.16 mm3/L and Cyanophyceae with 114.55 mm3/L. Dinophyceae recorded the least phytoplankton biovolume of 82.36 mm3/L. The total number of algal species was highest at Hippo point sampling site with 72 species, followed closely by 68 species in Crescent Island, then Oserian Bay sampling site with 66 species. Mouth of R. Malewa recorded 59 species, Sher Bay had 58 species, this was followed by Mid Lake station with 56 species, and Sewage Discharge Point had 55 species. Shannon-Wiener diversity (H’) index ranged from 2.0455 at the Mouth of R. Malewa to 2.7077 at Oserian Bay and was highest in July. Lake Naivasha showed a high phytoplankton diversity with significant physico-chemical parameters relationship. There is need for long-term and continuous ecological and hydrological monitoring especially on nutrients seasonal dynamics for proper understanding of seasonal effects of nutrients to algal biomass and diversity, which could be used as an indicator of eutrophication level in the lake.
... The effects of the lake level rise are therefore, at least the ones directly aimed towards society, comparatively low. Lake Naivasha (Becht et al., 2005;Maina et al., 2018) to the south has an orographic catchment area of 2355 km 2 and receives around 13 % more rainfall compared to Elementaita (1030 mm/a). The mean lake area is 128.8 km 2 and, after Baringo, it is the second largest lake in the study. ...
... For Lake Naivasha, impacts on the lake level increases can be said to be relatively lower. The long-term economic history and tradition around the lake (Becht et al., 2005;Ricciardi, 1981) also including a longer history of scientific research of the area, has also led to a stronger awareness of potential hazard from flooding, since the current fluctuations are not unprecedented (Richardson, 1966;Verschuren, 2001). Larger parts of the riparian zones surrounding Lake Naivasha are generally dominated by tourism infrastructure and more pronounced industrial agriculture and flower farms targeted mainly for export to other parts of the World. ...
... Apart from inflow and direct evaporation and rainfall, the lake levels clearly depend on the degree of underground seepage for Baringo, Solai and Naivasha, since they are the only fresh-water lakes and therefore must have an underground outflow, hindering the accumulation of salt leading to alkalinity. For Bogoria, Nakuru and Elementaita, since they are alkaline and, if existent, underground seepage is of lower relevance (Becht et al., 2006(Becht et al., , 2005Onywere et al., 2013;Verschuren, 2001;Verschuren et al., 2000;Yihdego and Becht, 2013). The faults, especially for Lakes Baringo, Solai and Naivasha, are not necessarily reduced and our analysis shows that changes in permeability are not necessary to explain increases in lake levels. ...
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Study Region The Great Rift Valley lakes of Kenya have recently experienced significant increases in their water levels, negatively impacting the local communities. This has provoked renewed concerns about the causations, with various geological, anthropogenic and hydro-climatic influences hypothesized as potential causes of the water level rises. Study Focus This study analyses and documents water level fluctuations in Lakes Baringo, Bogoria, Nakuru, Solai, Elementaita and Naivasha. Hydrometeorological analyses are undertaken to understand potential causes and lake volume data is used to derive the “Integrated Catchment Response” (ICR), a magnitude which allows to relate changes in water balance components to signals observed in the lake volume changes. New Hydrological Insights for the Region Compared to 1984−2009, the recent increases in lake areas range from 21 % for Lake Naivasha to an extraordinary 123 % for Lake Solai. Mean annual rainfall for 2010−2020 increased by up to 30 %. Actual evapotranspiration also increased, but to lesser extent compared to rainfall. The results illustrate that changes in catchment properties due to anthropogenic influences or changes in underground permeability are not necessary to explain the lake level rises. Based on the ICR only surprisingly minor changes in the water balance are necessary to explain the lake level rises, since an increase of only 0.4–2 % of mean annual effective rainfall leads to the observed phenomena.
... The long rains occurring between March to May and the short rains occur between October to December. This is shown in Figure 3 where average monthly rainfall distribution has a similarity with research for (Mwai, 2011) and (Becht et al., 2005) studying rainfall at Lake Naivasha area. (2015), due to climate change, there is seasonal variation in rainfall, and mysterious groundwater inlet being discovered. ...
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There has been a critical problem of the devastating natural hazard (hydrological drought) which greatly affects a significant proportion of the large population particularly those living in arid and semi-arid areas. The flow regime of the Malewa River is reducing due to the river fluctuation, increasing scarcity of water during dry periods. The purpose of this research was to assess spatial and temporal hydrological drought using Surface Water Supply Index (SWSI) at Malewa River catchment. The data were based on hydro-meteorological data which included rainfall, level of water at Lake Naivasha, and streamflow of Malewa River for the years 1980-2018. They were obtained from Water Resources Authority (WRA) in Naivasha and Kenya Meteorological Department (KMD) in Nairobi, Kenya. The field data were first normalized to have all input attributes temporary variables with their distribution having zero means and a standard deviation of 1. Later the normalized data were calculated using basin-calibrated algorithm of SWSI to determine the hydrological condition. In SWSI, the highest percentage of classification for the stations were near the average of -0.9 to 1.0, with 34% for the Malewa area and 30% for the Turasha area. In spatial distribution analyses, hydrological drought severity was highest along the southern part of the catchment and lowest along with Eastern and North-Eastern areas. Therefore, hydrological drought severity was experienced in the catchment in terms of temporal and spatial analyses and increased along the flow path of the river. Hydrological drought assessment shows a technical manner for a comprehensive understanding of drought offering proper mitigation strategies and plan to control this natural disaster.
... The increased pressure and water pollution in the lake is the major problem that causes scarcity of fresh water. Therefore, this necessitates monitoring and managing water quality standards in lakes and reservoirs because pollution can lead to a proliferation of aquatic plants, degradation of water quality, and fish kills [5,1]. Water is essential for the survival of all life forms, and the availability of good quality water is an indispensable feature for preventing diseases and improving the quality of human life [6]. ...
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Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake whose water quality is of great concern because of human and natural influences that affect its water chemistry and limnological characteristics. The main objective of this paper was to determine the temporal variation of physical and chemical characteristics of water in Lake Naivasha. Physico-chemical parameters were studied monthly and collected in triplicates from seven pre-defined stations from February 2019 to July 2019. Samples were collected in triplicates to determine nitrate nitrogen, SRP, TN, TP, ammonium nitrogen, and silicates. Water temperature, conductivity, DO, secchi, and pH were measured in situ using a multimeter probe. The findings of the study showed that the mean temporal variations in TN were 471 µg/L ± 170.61 SD, TP 97.97 µg/L ± 49.06 SD, NO3-N 6.70 µg/L ± 3.55 SD, NH4-N 18.93 µg/L ± 10.91 SD and SiO2 3.18 mg/L ± 2.99 SD. The temporal in situ readings showed a mean temperature of 22.73 °C ± 1.6 SD, DO 8.51 mg/L ± 0.87 SD, and pH 8.13 ± 0.3 SD. Single-factor ANOVA test revealed that temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, pH, TP, TN, and silicates were significantly different between the sampled months (p <.05). The results depict that anthropogenic activities, seasonal shifts, and variation play a key role in determing the lake's water quality and limnological characteristics. There is a need for monitoring the limnological characteristics of Lake Naivasha basin to understand the water quality dynamics of the ecosystem and to come up with relevant management strategies.
... Wetlands play a crucial role of filtering water naturally through sequestering dissolved nutrients like nitrates and phosphates and further hold suspended solids like silt and particulate organic matter [5] . According to Becht, Odada and Higgins [15] , anthropogenic activities like municipal wastes, agricultural practices and vegetation clearance mainly affect water quality. Taylor, Otiang and Oswe [14] further found out that improper disposal of animal and human waste and lack of good agricultural management practices along the riparian zones and directly into wetlands negatively affected the quality of water. ...
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Spatio-temporal variation in physico-chemical properties of Kapkatet Wetland was studied. Globally, anthropogenic activities have compromised the integrity of wetlands as far as their sustainability is concerned. Kapkatet wetland is of great importance to the local community and the natural environment. However, it is under threat from anthropogenic activities and climate change effects which has altered its structure and functionality. The study was conducted to investigate the impact of anthropogenic activities on selected water quality parameters and nutrients concentration. Physico-chemical parameters were measured in situ using a multimeter parameter probe (model no YS1 15B) at three sampling stations for a period of six months February to July 2019. Nutrient samples were collected in triplicates and analyzed using standard method described in APHA, 1998. Data was analyzed using ANOVA at p = 0.05 to investigate whether there were significant differences among sites and months. Tukey's pairwise comparison was done for any significant difference detected. The spatial results showed the mean DO to be 4.84 ± 0.97 mg/L, pH 5.7 ± 0.61, Temperature 21.26 ± 1.51 °C, NO3-N 41.6 ± 51.69 μg/L, SRP 364.98 ± 237.87 μg/L and NH4-N 33.47 ± 31.76 μg/L. Temporal results showed the mean DO to be 4.84 ± 1.07 mg/L, pH 5.7 ± 0.96, temperature 21.26 ± 1.03 °C, NO3-N 41.61 ± 38.19 μg/L, SRP 33.47 ± 10.43 μg/L and NH4-N 16.43 ± 6.75 μg/L. These findings confirm that the various anthropogenic activities within the wetland have negative impacts on the Kapkatet wetland water quality. In order to improve water quality in this wetland, proper management of wetland should be done as far as farming activities along the riparian zones, human encroachment and demarcation of the wetland is concerned.
... This economic development led to a rapid human population growth from 147,000 to 1,000,000 in two decades within Naivasha municipality alone, which directly translates to an increase in water demand. The groundwater resources of the rift floor are exploited for domestic and agricultural uses (Becht et al., 2005;Harper & Mavuti, 2004;Otiang'a-Owiti & Oswe, 2007). Over 300 boreholes have been drilled in the area, with the rift floor having the highest well density. ...
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Groundwater dynamics in continental rift zone settings remain poorly understood because of the spatial heterogeneity in flow, storage, and recharge dynamics. The Central Kenya Rift is an excellent example where, though groundwater is important for domestic, irrigation, and geothermal energy exploitation, its hydrogeological properties remain largely unknown. Existing conceptual groundwater models assume flow from the high‐elevation, humid rift flanks to the low‐elevation, semiarid rift floor, but the role of the faults that fracture the aquifers is commonly unaccounted for. We applied geochemical, isotopic (δ¹⁸O, δD, ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶Sr, ³H‐³He), multivariate statistical methods, and knowledge of geological structures to determine recharge sources, flow, and residence times to revise the conceptual flow model. Results show that groundwater is primarily recharged by meteoric waters, river input, and Lake recharge. The faults impart a control on the groundwater flow within four sub‐compartments. Major differences in flow patterns exist between the eastern and western rift flanks: surface and groundwater transfer from the eastern flanks to the rift floor occurs via relay ramp structures, and flow on the west side takes place laterally from the high escarpment. Although ³H‐³He dating shows that the age of groundwater ranges from a few to >>50 years, most of the groundwater in the rift‐floor area is free of ³H and was recharged before the 1960s. Hence, we propose that these areas receive episodic recharge and represent the most sensitive groundwater resources in the rift. To inform sustainable groundwater development, a robust monitoring network is required to capture the heterogeneous groundwater dynamics.
... Accordingly, there are various management interventions contemplated and enforced to restore the integrity of Lake Naivasha ecosystem since 1996. The interventions the stakeholders' endorsed management plan with a primary objective of managing the current human activities in order to facilitate the conservation and sustainable use of the lake's freshwater resources (Becht et al., 2005). One of the secondary objectives envisioned in the plan is to promote and encourage growth of the lake's contribution to the local and national economy. ...
Assessing fisheries resource composition and exploitation trends is vital for the sustainable management of fish stocks. Accordingly, the present study analysed datasets of fish catches and market values from 1991 to 2019, and from 2004 to 2019, respectively, to determine shifts and trends in fish species composition, fishing effort, fish yield and revenue. The annual percentage weight composition and relative biomass of different fish species in the lake were calculated over the study period. Fishery time series data comprised fishing effort, fish yield, catch per unit effort (CPUE), revenue and revenue per unit effort (RPUE). Moving average (MA) trends at 5‐year intervals were plotted and the Mann–Kendall (MK) method applied to detect trends at the 95% confidence limit. The results identified shifts in fish species composition during various periods, with Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus comprising 94% of the total weight of fish landed in 2019, with an overall mean relative biomass of 4221.4 ± 2229.7 kg/km2. The mean total fish catch (1683.5 ± 420 ton/year), CPUE (10.6 ± 2.0 ton/boat/year) and modal effort (176 boats) were highest from 2014 to 2019 period. The fishery revenue increased in 2019 (US$ 4,096,490) with a RPUE of US$ 22,263.5/boat/year. The fishing effort, fish yields, CPUE, revenue and RPUE trends increased significantly (p < .01), likely being related to the shifts in species composition. Lake Naivasha is a learning model for improving fisheries management and yields through stock enhancement interventions. Nevertheless, the increasing level of fishing effort warrants a precautionary approach to ensure sustainability of the fishery resource.
... Similarly, Malewa River flow fluctuation has also been noted to be a result of land degradation and climate change [5]. Lake Naivasha, the third Trends for Malewa River Catchment, Naivasha, Kenya largest lake in Kenya, is fed by main two rivers, Malewa and Gilgil Rivers, where Malewa River is the major discharge to the lake with about 90% [6][7][8]. However, the catchment area is highly affected by lack of water (less than 1000m3/day/capita) [9], developing hydrological drought causing high rise in poverty level, hunger, insecurity crises, water scarcity and degradation of socio-economic projects. ...
Based on a study of globalized export horticulture at Lake Naivasha, Kenya, this paper explores urban development at the intersections of foreign capital investments and translocal labour mobility. We argue that patterns of translocality largely track the specific requirements and temporalities of the cut flower and vegetable industries, lending an ephemeral and provisional character to the town of Naivasha and the urban sprawl encompassing it. Drawing on empirical research in Naivasha and literature on urbanization in contexts of export agriculture, we contribute to scholarly debates on the transiency of urban spaces in the Global South by focusing on “secondary towns”, or those small- and medium-sized towns that rapidly emerge around foreign investment sites. Our findings suggest that urban transiency, understood as a provisional form of urbanism, is especially pronounced in such secondary towns compared to more consolidated urban areas.
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Water, sediment, red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and black bass (Micropterus salmoides) from Lake Naivasha were analyzed for selected organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues. The mean p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE residue levels recorded in black bass (28.3 ( 30.0), 34.2 (54.0) and 16.1 (16.1) g kg–1, respectively) and crayfish (4.6 (5.1), 3.2 (2.8), and 1.4 (1.1) g kg–1, respectively), were higher than previously recorded. This indicated recent usage of technical DDT in the lake's catchment. Levels of p,p'-DDT, higher than those of p,p'-DDE further emphasized this. Mean lindane, dieldrin, -endosulfan and aldrin concentrations in black bass were 100.5, 34.6, 21.6 and 16.7 g kg–1, respectively. The same residues were detected at lower concentrations in crayfish at 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 and 1.9 g kg–1, respectively. The higher fat content (3.7 2.7% SD) in black bass (compared to 0.6 0.3% in crayfish) accounted for the significantly higher residue concentrations in black bass. Organophosphate pesticides were the most commonly used pesticides in the lake's catchment, but none was detected in any of the samples. The results indicate that there is need for further work to identify sources and fate of pesticide contaminants, as well as to improve monitoring of pesticide use throughout the catchment.
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The floating water fern Salvinia molesta has occurred in Lake Naivasha since the early 1960s and during this period has obstructed fishing activities and navigation. In recent years the extent of Salvinia has declined markedly. Since 1988, a second floating weed, Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), has colonised the lake. Salvinia formed large mats around the edges, bays and lagoons and had very few plant or invertebrate species associated with it. Mats of E. crassipes, however, support a greater abundance and variety of animal and plant species, which shows a relationship with mat size. This seems to have facilitated plant succession but without a zonation typical of the classic hydroseral sequence for the lake.
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Lake Naivasha is a freshwater lake situated in the eastern rift valley of Kenya. Only five species of fish are present, all of which have been introduced. They are Oreochromis leucostictus, Tilapia zillii, Micropterus salmoides (largemouth bass), Barbus amphigramma and Poecilia reticulata (guppy). The first three of these form the basis of an important gill net fishery and bass are also taken by rod and line for sport. Barbus are occasionally caught by dip net. Actual and potential yields for the Lake Naivasha fishery are discussed and the fishery is shown to be under-performing. The feeding regimes of the commercially exploited fish were examined in the context of available food supply, in particular the benthic fauna. Small bass depend heavily on Micronecta and large bass mostly take crayfish. Detritus predominates in the diet of Oreochromis leucostictus and Tilapia zillii but the former also eats algae and the latter, Micronecta and macrophyte. Various food resources, especially the benthos, appear to be under-utilized and so it is possible that further species could be introduced to enhance the commercial fishery.
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Sustainable development remains a pressing priority for the Lake Naivasha Ramsar site, as a matter both of long-term protection of the lake ecosystem and of the economic and social progress that depends upon it. This must be addressed at catchment-scale to protect the `ecosystem services' that constitute the region's primary resources. Sustainability principles highlight energy, fertilisers, pesticides and other aspects of chemical use, plastics, erosion and sedimentation, wildlife, water and socio-economic issues as central to sustainable development strategy, influenced by both intensive and subsistence farms across the catchment. Market forces and long-term self-interest provide compelling arguments for sustainable development, the delivery of which will depend upon education and the spreading of good practice, perhaps backed up by stewardship schemes. Alternatively, the adverse consequences of continued unsustainable practice are highly significant for the region.
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The main river supplying Lake Naivasha, Kenya, the Malewa, drains a catchment given over to largely subsistence cultivation and animal husbandry. The lake itself is the focus for an intensive horticultural industry based upon irrigation from the lake. The Malewa, however, is relatively independent of the impact of industry, and so its contribution to eutrophication of the lake was evaluated. Two periods of study, a very wet-dry and a `normal' wet-dry season showed that the river contribution of phosphorus led to a total phosphorus loading of 1.4 g m–2 lake surface ann–1 in the very wet period compared to 0.2 in the `normal'. Chlorophyll `a' in the open water of the lake was significantly related to soluble reactive phosphorus. The lake is now eutrophic by normal limnological criteria.
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The Louisiana red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, has had a major impact on aquatic ecosystems in Europe and America where it has been introduced for human consumption. In Lake Naivasha, where it was introduced in 1970, it is suspected of causing the complete disappearance of native floating-leaved and submerged plants by 1982 and again by 1996; recovery of submerged plants occurred in between, concurrent with a decline in P. clarkii. Examination of the feeding of P. clarkii by microscopic analysis of gut contents collected from the lake confirmed information from both its native and exotic ranges; that it is an omnivore with green plants and insects the predominant items recognised. Feeding experiments confirmed this omnivory, with a preference from herbivory over carnivory. They further showed the importance of native plants as opposed to exotic water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes. It is concluded that P. clarkii could well have accounted for the observed elimination of native plant species in Lake Naivasha; the cyclical nature of populations of submerged plant species and of P. clarkii in inverse proportion to each other lead us to hypothesise that P. clarkii is a `keystone' species in the lake ecosystem.
Lake Naivasha is an important freshwater resource for Kenya's foreign-currency-earning agriculture and tourism, and for water-supply. It has always experienced extensive water-level fluctuations as a consequence of irregular rainfall patterns that are affected by continental-scale climatic events, and its communities — particularly of aquatic plants — were adapted to these changes.
The current trend of utilization of the resources of Lake Naivasha poses serious threats to the fragile lake ecosystem and its biodiversity. The paper considers the dynamics of the changing lake ecosystem, imminent threats to, and the community-based approach towards the sustainable utilization of the lake. The sustainable use of the lake will not be fully realized without a sound management plan. There is a need to enact consolidated environmental legislation in Kenya, which will enable the strengthening of environmental conservation and the protection for sustainable utilization of natural resources.
Modelling water quality using soil and water assessment tool (SWAT)
  • A T Berrihun
Berrihun, A.T. 2004. "Modelling water quality using soil and water assessment tool (SWAT)" Master's Thesis. ITC: Enschede, the Netherlands.