
Distributed Authorization with Distributed Grammars

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While groups are generally helpful for the definition of authorization policies, their use in distributed systems is not straightforward. This paper describes a design for authorization in distributed systems that treats groups as formal languages. The design supports forms of delegation and negative clauses in authorization policies. It also considers the wish for privacy and efficiency in group-membership checks, and the possibility that group definitions may not all be available and may contain cycles.

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... The syntax and semantics of access control policies in Vanadium has been defined rigorously in [8]. We give a brief overview of the design in this subsection. ...
... For instance, group servers under different administrative domains may be unwilling to reveal their complete membership lists to each other, and may offer only an interface for membership lookups. We refer the reader to [8] for a complete treatment of how these issues are tackled, and explain only the key ideas below. ...
... While constructing ρ ⇓ and ρ ⇑ in the aforesaid manner is infeasible in practice as it requires knowledge of all the group definitions, the key observation here is that checking group membership can be reduced to checking membership in an induced formal language. In [8], this observation and techniques from topdown parsing are used to develop a distributed algorithm for checking whether a blessing name belongs to a group. ...
In this tutorial, we present an authorization model for distributed systems that operate with limited internet connectivity. Reliable internet access remains a luxury for a majority of the world's population. Even for those who can afford it, a dependence on internet connectivity may lead to sub-optimal user experiences. With a focus on decentralized deployment, we present an authorization model that is suitable for scenarios where devices right next to each other (such as a sensor or a friend's phone) should be able to communicate securely in a peer-to-peer manner. The model has been deployed as part of an open-source distributed application framework called Vanadium. As part of this tutorial, we survey some of the key ideas and techniques used in distributed authorization, and explain how they are combined in the design of our model.
Automatic service discovery is essential to realizing the full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). While discovery protocols like Multicast DNS, Apple AirDrop, and Bluetooth Low Energy have gained widespread adoption across both IoT and mobile devices, most of these protocols do not offer any form of privacy control for the service, and often leak sensitive information such as service type, device hostname, device owner's identity, and more in the clear. To address the need for privacy in both the IoT and the mobile landscape, we develop two protocols for private service discovery and private mutual authentication. Our protocols provide private and authentic service advertisements, zero round-trip (0-RTT) mutual authentication, and are provably secure in the Canetti-Krawczyk key-exchange model. In contrast to alternatives, our protocols are lightweight and require minimal modification to existing key-exchange protocols. We integrate our protocols into an existing open-source distributed applications framework, and provide benchmarks on multiple hardware platforms: Intel Edisons, Raspberry Pis, smartphones, laptops, and desktops. Finally, we discuss some privacy limitations of the Apple AirDrop protocol (a peer-to-peer file sharing mechanism) and show how to improve the privacy of Apple AirDrop using our private mutual authentication protocol.
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These lecture notes introduce the notion of secure multiparty computation. We in- troduce the universal composition framework for phrasing and proving security about protocols, and survey some known general results that describe when secure multi- party computation is possible. We then look at some general techniques for building secure multiparty protocols, including protocols for commitment and verifiable secret sharing, and we show how these techniques together imply general secure multiparty computation. Our goal with these notes is to convey an understanding of some basic ideas and concepts from this field, rather than to give a fully formal account of all proofs and details. We hope the notes will be accessible to most graduate students in computer science and mathematics with an interest in cryptography.
Conference Paper
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We describe a new design for authorization in operating systems in which applications are first-class entities. In this design, principals reflect application identities. Access control lists are patterns that recognize principals. We present a security model that embodies this design in an experimental operating system, and we describe the implementation of our design and its performance in the context of this operating system.
Conference Paper
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We describe a theory of authentication and a system that implements it. Our theory is based on the notion of principal and a ‘speaks for’ relation between principals. A simple principal either has a name or is a communication channel; a compound principal can express an adopted role or delegated authority. The theory shows how to reason about a principal’s authority by deducing the other principals that it can speak for; authenticating a channel is one important application. We use the theory to explain many existing and proposed security mechanisms. In particular, we describe the system we have built. It passes principals efficiently as arguments or results of remote procedure calls, and it handles public and shared key encryption, name lookup in a large name space, groups of principals, program loading, delegation, access control, and revocation.
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We address the problem of message authentication using the -calculus, which has been given an operational semantics in [2] that provides each sequential process of a system with its own local space of names. We exploit here that semantics and its localized names to guarantee by construction that a message has been generated by a given entity. Therefore, our proposal can be seen as a reference for the analysis of "real" protocols. As an example, we study the way authentication is ensured by encrypting messages in the spi-calculus [1]. 1. Introduction Authentication is one of the main issues in security. It can have different purposes depending on the specific application considered. For example, entity authentication is related to the verification of an entity's claimed identity [8], while message authentication should make it possible for the receiver of a message to ascertain its origin [20]. In recent years there have been some formalizations of these different aspects of authenti...
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We describe a theory of authentication and a system that implements it. Our theory is based on the notion of principal and a ‘speaks for’ relation between principals. A simple principal either has a name or is a communication channel; a compound principal can express an adopted role or delegated authority. The theory shows how to reason about a principal’s authority by deducing the other principals that it can speak for; authenticating a channel is one important application. We use the theory to explain many existing and proposed security mechanisms. In particular, we describe the system we have built. It passes principals efficiently as arguments or results of remote procedure calls, and it handles public and shared key encryption, name lookup in a large name space, groups of principals, program loading, delegation, access control, and revocation. This paper appeared in ACM Trans. Computer Systems 10, 4 (Nov. 1992), pp 265-310. A preliminary version appeared in the Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.
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After thirty years of work on computer security, why are almost all the systems in service today extremely vulnerable to attack? The main reason is that security is expensive to set up and a nuisance to run, so people judge from experience how little of it they can get away with. Since there's been little damage, people decide that they don't need much security. In addition, setting it up is so complicated that it's hardly ever done right. While we await a catastrophe, simpler setup is the most important step toward better security. In a distributed system with no central management like the Internet, security requires a clear story about who is trusted for each step in establishing it, and why. The basic tool for telling this story is the "speaks for" relation between principals that describes how authority is delegated, that is, who trusts whom. The idea is simple, and it explains what's going on in any system I know. The many different ways of encoding this relation often make it hard to see the underlying order. 1
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We propose a new distributed security infrastructure, called SDSI (pronounced "Sudsy"). SDSI combines a simple public-key infrastructure design with a means of defining groups and issuing group-membership certificates. SDSI's groups provides simple, clear terminology for defining access-control lists and security policies. SDSI's design emphasizes linked local name spaces rather than a hierarchical global name space.
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The Digital Distributed System Security Architecture is a comprehensive specification for security in a distributed system that employs state-of-the-art concepts to address the needs of both commercial and government environments. The architecture covers user and system authentication, mandatory and discretionary security, secure initialization and loading, and delegation in a general-purpose computing environment of heterogeneous systems where there are no central authorities, no global trust, and no central controls. The architecture prescribes a framework for all applications and operating systems currently available or to be developed. Because the distributed system is an open OSI environment, where functional interoperability only requires compliance with selected protocols needed by a given application, the architecture must be designed to securely support systems that do not implement or use any of the security services, while providing extensive additional security capabilities...
Conference Paper
We address the problem of message authentication using the π-calculus, which has been given an operational semantics that provides each sequential process of a system with its own local space of names. We exploit here that semantics and its localized names to guarantee by construction that a message has been generated by a given entity. Therefore, our proposal can be seen as a reference for the analysis of “real” protocols. As an example, we study the way authentication is ensured by encrypting messages in the spi-calculus
Multiparty computation, an introduction
  • R Cramer
  • I Damgård